Chapter F Newsletter - May, 2015 - GWRRA
Chapter F Newsletter - May, 2015 - GWRRA
Gold Wing Road Riders Association Southeast Region “A” - South Carolina District Chapter “F” - Easley, SC “F” Troop Newsletter - May, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge Volume 4 Issue 5 - Issue Date: May 31, 2015 Visit us on our website at Follow our adventures on Facebook: Chapter “F” Team Chapter Directors Chapter of the Year Coordinator Newsletter Editors Barbara & Jerry Taylor 404-790-5197 Assistant Chapter Directors Couple of the Year Scrapbook Buzz & Bev Laplante 802-999-9092 Chapter Educators Brian & Mandy Gillespie 864-704-0107 Membership Enhancement Butch & Pat MacGregor 864-469-0349 Sunshine Lady Pat MacGregor 864-469-0349 Treasurer / Chapter Goodie Store Chapter Couple of the Year Coordinators Dave & Ruth Meyer 864-979-7937 Motorist Awareness Renee Dent 864-640-1013 Special Events Coordinator Rod & Susan Ashley 864-420-0028 Webmaster Mickey Koziorynsky Historian Rusty & Pat Fuller 864-972-0185 Memorial Day ride to Blueridge Parkway We meet every 4th Saturday at: If you have a Mutt’s Barbecue suggestion, comment 1020 Powdersville Road or question or would Easley, SC 29642 like to submit an article 864-442-1400 please sent it to: Eat at 6:00 PM & Meet at 7:00 PM. Index of Contents: 2 : Chapter Director’s Page 3 : Assistant Chapter Director/ ! Couple of the Year Page 4 : Chapter Educator’s Page 5 : Membership Enhancement ! Coordinator’s Page 6 : International News 7 : Region News 8 : District News 9 - 12 : Chapter Events 13 - 14 : Adventures of Goody 15 : Adventures of Goofy 16 - 17 : Sponsors/Classified 18 : Mascot Corner 19 : Birthdays/Anniversaries 20 : Upcoming Events 21 : Upcoming Chapter Events 22 : Calendar Chapter Director’s Page Hi Everyone, We hope you have been able to get out to ride and enjoy some of this lovely weather before it gets too hot. Barbara is so happy to be able to ride again. The wind therapy is great for the soul. Chapter “F” had a waterfall ride and picnic on May 16th with NCG2 from Waynesville, NC. There will be more rides planned with other chapters in the future. On Memorial Day we went to the Asheville Botanical Gardens and to Craggy Gardens on the Blueridge Parkway. The ride was awesome and the weather was great! We saw many beautiful sights as we rode along. We had a great time with our GWRRA family which is why most of us joined this organization. The goal is to get out and see things on our beautiful bikes and enjoy the company of our friends. Chapter “F” is making plans for a ride to Franklin, NC to visit the Scottish Museum and the Gem Museum this summer. NC-G2 would like to go too. We plan to visit Grandfather Mountain on June 6th and on June 13th we will have a Lake Party at Rusty and Pat’s home. Rusty will take us for a ride in his pontoon boat again this year. There are a variety of events planned in the coming months and if you think of someplace you would like to go please send me an email or tell me or any of the team. We are happy to report Mike Epperson is doing well after her lumpectomy and will start radiation treatments on June 9th. Keep her in your prayers that she will do well with the treatments. GWRRA University Classes will resume on June 14th. Don’t forget the SC Rally/vention in Anderson is just around the corner. Please get your registrations in if you have not done so. Many fun things and great demos are planned. The crash scene response will be acted out with real EMS, fire trucks, ambulance, helicopter, etc. It will look like a real life response scene. There will also be a no-zone big truck demo. We added a new component to our chapter mileage program where everyone is included and will get chapter funny money for miles ridden on their bike or trike. The top three high mileage will get money as before in addition to funny money but everyone will get funny money if they ride at least 50 miles per month. Remember, the more you ride the more you get! Thanks, Barbara, Jerry and Sasha Taylor Chapter Directors SC “F” Troop Page 2 of 22 Assistant Chapter Director’s Page Couple of the Year’s Page Hi everyone, This has been a month for riding and we have finally gotten some riding in. On May 2, we took a ride to Westminster where they had "Mayberry comes to Westminster". We walked around looking at their crafts and then rode on to Dillard, GA. In Dillard we spent several hours wandering in and out of the many antique shops. It was a beautiful day and ride. On May 8, 9 and 10, we spent the weekend in Indian Trail and Pembroke, NC. The 9th was our grandson Zachary's graduation from Pembroke College so we drove from Indian Trail to Pembroke and then back to our daughter's home for a party afterward. It was a great time with family and we are very proud grandparents. We returned Sunday and went out to dinner that evening to celebrate Buzz' birthday as Zack graduated on his grandfather's birthday. It was definitely a very busy weekend! On May 15th, we had our monthly dinner ride at the Hibachi Grill in Greer where we had 20 attendees. Of course there were lots of laughs and fun was had by all. On May 16th, eight of us started our ride in Easley and traveled to Harmony Corner where we met Dan and Mona (CD's of Waynesville, NC chapter). We then rode to Cold Mountain Overlook where we met the rest of the group from Waynesville. We broke into two groups for safety and continued on with Dan and Mona where we drove North to the Blue Ridge Parkway, to Hwy. 215-S, Hwy. 64 and Hwy. 281-S and arrived at Whitewater Falls. There we met up with two more of our members and the Waynesville group to enjoy a picnic lunch and to get pictures of the falls. Thanks to Dan and Mona for a wonderful ride. On May 23, it was our Chapter “F” monthly meeting at Mutt's Barbecue. We had 28 members and 4 visitors. Terry and Teresa Morgan visited and we always have a LOT of fun with hugs, kisses and laughter. The food was great and the company was awesome! On May 25, ten of us met at Walmart in Easley. We rode to the Asheville Botanical Gardens where we had a picnic, took pictures and checked out the Visitors Center. We then got back on the bikes and rode to Craggy Gardens on the Blue Ridge Parkway. After buying a few articles at the Visitors Center we drove a short distance so some of us could climb .7 miles to the top of the Craggy Pinnacle. It was a rugged hike but Buzz and I both made it to the top where you actually felt like you were standing on top of the world looking down. It was definitely worth the aches and pains as it was absolutely stunning.... Come and join us when you can for lots of great rides, laughter and fun. Until next month, ride safe, stay healthy and be happy. Buzz and Bev Laplante Assistant Chapter Directors / Couple of the Year Page 3 of 22 Chapter Educator’s Page Where is the year going? It’s the end of May already. I hope you are doing well and riding every chance you get. Last year we talked about tires and how they worked. Wing World has a great two part article that goes into great detail on this subject. It is in the March and June issues, take a look if you are interested. Let me start with a question, what is important when you are riding your motorcycle? Safety, hydration, riding defensively all are important, but there is one thing that can impact your total riding experience, comfort. When my friends kid me about riding a trike, I tell them I don’t have anything to prove anymore and that it’s all about comfort. Being uncomfortable can be caused by many things. One of the more important ones is your butt. Yes, today we will talk about butts and comfort. Motorcycle seats are like anything else on your bike, they are made for an average person. There are not many average people. An average is the midpoint of a range, half are above and half are below the average. Our group goes from stick people to the more robust like me. If you are not on the average line, you don’t fit like you should. If you are skinny your bones stick out and get sore pressing on the seat. If you are larger your backside hangs off of the seat causing pain and fatigue after riding for a while. Also, without ventilation you sweat and get a case of the monkey butt. Hard to pay attention and enjoy your ride while squirming around in your seat. Thankfully there are companies out there willing to take your money for the opportunity to sell you a solution to your problem. There are seat pads made out of animal furs and bead cushions like your dad used to have in the car that let air circulate and keep you dry. Air cell and gel pad cushions that promises to relieve pressure points and not press on your coccyx, that’s your tail bone, or any other parts that happen to hang down. These have channels running through the cushion that allows air to circulate also. Using these breathable pads and cushions also allows you to expel any gas without having to lean to one side and everyone knowing what you are doing. Yes, they see you leaning. You can also have your seat redone to meet your personal body structure. The companies that do these require you to answer some questions and send some pictures of you on the bike and standing next to it. The seats are redone and made taller, shorter, wider, narrower, further back and dug out; whatever you need to be comfortable while riding. Of course you can spend a lot of money to do this. I suggest going on the online forums and visiting any motorcycle events that have vendors at them. Do your research before buying. Remember, a comfortable butt is a happy butt. If you are comfortable you will enjoy the ride more and be able to concentrate on being safe. That’s the whole reason you ride isn’t it, to enjoy the ride? Be safe, don’t be sorry. Brian and Mandy Gillespie Page 4 of 22 Ride Educators Chapter “F” Troop Membership Enhancement Coordinator’s Page I was talking to a member, who’s renewal was up, about renewing. The member asked if GWRRA sends a bill at renewal time. I said I was not sure and would get an answer. So here it is. About two months prior to your renewal GWRRA sends an email to you. If GWRRA does not hear from you within two weeks, they send you a letter the old fashion way (USPS). After that, if you have not renewed, your name appears on the ARL report that is emailed to me. The ARL shows members who have not renewed and new/potential members that need to be contacted. I then use the ARL to make contact with everyone and ascertain if they are going to renew and if not is there a problem within GWRRA that is effecting their renewal decision that I can address. I also contact the new/ potential members to explain GWRRA to them and answer any questions they have. As a reminder to all, GWRRA has a Free Trial Membership Program that has the following benefits: It includes a free one month trial. The trial includes one issue of Wing World magazine and several informative brochures about our benefits, the Association and how we can serve you! Access to our Online Message Boards and Member Benefits is not included in the trial. The webpage can be reached at: Now that we are in full riding season, let’s be sure to carry extra “handle bar” tags to hang on bikes we may see at restaurants, shopping centers, rest areas or any other areas we may be traveling to during our rides. We have extra handle bar tags should you need them. Butch and Pat MacGregor Membership Enhancement Coordinators Chapter “F” Troop Page 5 of 22 Directors International News For “Insight” Newsletter go to: Then Recent News, Then Insight Newsletter Bob & Nan Shrader Why Chapter Visitation Works for Everyone Deputy Directors, A, N 352-668-3164 When the GWRRA Chapter system was designed and established way back in 1977, it was envisioned that the Chapters would mutually support each other by attending each other’s gatherings and social events. The concept was sound and promoted a healthier Chapter Life when Members rode to other chapters events and participated in them. Like one hand washing the other, Chapters that supported each other socially and financially were healthier and more robust, attracting new Members and providing a solid foundation for existing members. This also served to keep the Chapters generally uniform in working within the GWRRA guidelines and not functioning as autonomous clubs. Over the years it seems that we’ve drifted away from that original concept, with chapter visitation becoming less important and less practiced. Many Chapters that are otherwise fairly successful don’t visit other Chapters on any regular basis. Once the habit of not attending other Chapters events becomes ingrained among the Members, it can prove difficult to get them interested and motivated again. I am not suggesting that the majority of Chapter rides should be to other Chapter events, but when holding your monthly Team meetings, that you consider scheduling at least one visitation with a Chapter in your District. It could be Chapter gathering or other social event like a poker run. If your team and Members seem to support the concept, then consider scheduling more than one visitation a month. Once the habit of visiting other Chapters becomes a part of your regular routine, I think you and your Members will find it rewarding. It’s FUN! One thing is for sure, the day will come when your Chapter will want (or need) to host a fundraising event and make it successful, you’ll need other Chapters to attend and support it. The best way to ensure that happens is to have a well established track record of supporting your neighbors. Good neighbors make good friends. If you have not participated in a Chapter visitation in a long time, please give it some thought. I think you’ll enjoy interacting with your fellow GWRRA Members in other Chapters and maybe get some ideas that would work with your Chapter. Thanks for listening ... Bob and Nan Page 6 of 22 “A” R GA andReservation Leeds,although AL. InnotConyers, GA,touches literally thousands ofRegion we will go through any secupublic drivers. rity check-points. Don’t forget to signup for the GuidedThere are a lot of events happening in the Region ere treated toyouacheck super evening meal, Tour when in at registration. There isn’t a W during May and I hope to see many of you out on the limited number, but the information is for planning a road at one of these events or at a District Rally in the hip which wasOnevery group or groups. more thingenjoyable. that might whet your Innear future. Sue and I will be loading up headed for the appetite is the “live” check-point Poker Run. Yep, there Region News Tennessee District RallyVention the week of April 20, r-Ridersuse towere able to tour either be a live check-point Poker Run at every Districtthefor some riding in the mountains and a good ole TennesRally but faded away a few years ago. Well, the Alasee floor-stomping good-time! Ligh For Region A life Newsletter go to: bama Staff has brought it or back the to and I’m sure it tor-sports Museum NASCAR Jim & Sue Jackson will be a great success like it use to be. and rel Region “A” Directors RAnews.shtml adega Super Stock-Car Track. By the way, the ’40 To Phoenix” Tour-Ride At trackedthe tween p through each District in Region ‘A’ this year again with Region “A” Rider Education iders were invited to take a 3-round stops in Conyers, GA and Leeds, AL. In Conyers, GA, thethereearth and theWhere Tour-Riders treated to a super evening meal, Where is Thunder, there isa thu there Thunder, there is LIGHTNING . . . between nd from Iwereissaw socialwhat and fellowship which they was very really enjoyable. InenLIGHTNING . . . ally strike the highest obje Leeds, AL the Tour-Riders were able to tour either the Lightning results fromsocial the buildup and release of electrical energy between Lightning results from the buildup n the fellowship and was held Barber Vintage Motor-sports Museum or the NASCAR and releaseand ofLightning electrical energyon be- a la positive and negative the earth andantennas, a thunderstorm. anegative boat Museum at the Talladega Supercharges Stock-Carbetween Track. At the tween positive and charges ale Cafe Fried Green Tomatoes Barber Museum, Riders were invited toobject take a 3-round willof usually strike the highest in area. This includes trees, antennas, a between the and a thunderstorm.on Lightning will usuorearth someone a motorcyc spin on the track and from what I saw they really en- or someone boat on a lake, a person standing in a field a motorcycle. ally strike the on highest object in area. So This includes trees, that run. the fellowship and social was held A good joyed time forTheneveryone. antennas, and a boat on a yourself? lake, a person standing in a field what should you do to protect yourself? protect at the iconic Irondale Cafe of Fried Green Tomatoes fame that evening. A good time for everyone. or someone on a motorcycle. So what should you do to protect yourself? vehicle. If you can hear thunder you If you are outside, inside Anita a buildingFosor a hip Coordinators Roygetand Region Leadership Coordinators Roy and Anita FosIf you are outside, getlightning insideare a building or a vehicle. get If arereports already at risk.“A”Practice safety rule. If you and Ifseeyou outside, in night that Region has seventhe new“30/30” instructors egion “A” has seven new instructors you can hear thunder, you are already at risk. Practice the before thunder, in cannot Georgia. count Wow, to that30 was a largehearing class. Two OCP go indoors. Stay indoors an “30/30” safety rule. can If you see lightning and cannot count you hear thunder, you a Classes were held in Mississippi and OCP certificates additional 30 minutes after hearing theOCP last clap thunder. you cannot findStay indoors an to 30ofbefore hearingIfthunder, go indoors. that was a large class. Two areshelter, on the way the attendees for on line or classroom 30 minutes hearing the lastrule. clap dotoNOT stand under a tree or remainadditional in an open placeafter when lightning is of thunder. “30/30” safety Ifor you that did not receive them previously. Congratulations to If you cannot find shelter, do NOT stand under a tree in Mississippi certificates all near. involved. The and more oneOCP knows the more fun one can remain in an placebefore when lightning is near. toopen30 hearing thunde have. Avoid open water, as well as tractors, bicycles, golf he attendees for on line or classroom Avoid open water as well as tractors, bicycles, golf carts and MOTORCYCLES. Please be aware we have FOUR brand new TRC Inadditional 30 minutes after carts and MOTORCYCLES. These will not provide proThese will not“A” provide protection and may actually attract lightning. Iflightning. you are If you are outstructors in Region Chuck Reed, Region ‘A’ Rider tection and may actually attract them previously. Congratulations toside, and feel Educator, spent five days in Florida this past outside and feel the hair stand onweek end with this indicates lightning about tothis strike. Iftheyou cannot find lightning shelter, hair is stand on end, indicates theDrop Director of Rider Courses on a TRC Instructor is about to strike. Drop to your knees and roll forward to to yourthe knees and rollfun forward to the balls of your feet. Place your hands on ore oneCourse. knows more one can The following Members Rick Northrop, FL DE, inyouranhandsopen the balls ofremain your feet. Place on your place knees and wh your knees and tuck DO NOT LAY FLAT ON THE GROUND. Scott Kelly, FL ADE, Mike your Coral,head SC DEdown. and David tuck your head down. DO NOT LAY FLAT ON THE Buckalew, SC-A CE, have successfully completed the GROUND. Enjoy your Course! summer riding and enjoy country of ours. But, while you TRC Instructor Also in this class, was this Josiebeautiful Enjoy your summer riding and enjoy this beautiful Nelson, 1/2 of the team. of Chuck reports it Iwas a been are doing so,TN beDE aware lightning. have onofaours. ride But, withwhile friends that were country you are doing so, be aware of long (basically 7AM to 7 PM, crammed over 48 hours lightning. I storms have been on bring a ride different with friends that were struck by lightning. It is NOT a pretty sight. Summer can into a "40 hour week"), hard, hot, tiring course, but well struck lightning. Itmaking is NOT a pretty sight. Summer types of problems. Heavy rain five canindividuflood roads andbyhighways worth the effort. Congratulations to these storms can bring different types of problems. Heavy rain problems withmaking the handling als.hydroplaning a major concern. High winds can can cause flood roads and highways, hydroplaning a major concern. High winds can cause problems with the hanof your motorcycle. And always be aware that thunder brings lightning and Let’s not forget that in most states in our Region dling of your motorcycle. And always be aware that thunMay is Motorcycle Awareness Month or a specific Day lightning is always dangerous. der, brings lightning and lightning is always dangerous. is designated. This is a very good time to share your Motorist Awareness information withwatchful the public.for In AlaAnd as always, And as always, always be the unwatchful . . . . always be watchful for the unwatchbama, the District sets-up Greeting Stations at every ful . . . . Rest Station coming into Alabama. Free water is handed Chuck & Anne Reed Chuck & Anne Reed out and of course Motorist Awareness flyers and inforRegion “A” Senior Rider Educator Region “A” Senior Rider Educators mation is shared with the public. This MAD effort we have FOUR brand new TRC In“A” Chuck Reed, Region ‘A’ Rider e days in Florida this past week with ider Courses on a TRC Instructor ing Members Rick Northrop, FL DE, DE, Mike Coral, SC DE and David E, have successfully completed the 2 urse! Also in this class, was Josie TN DE team. Chuck reports it was a M to 7 PM, crammed over 48 hours Avoid open water, as w carts and MOTORCYCLE tection and may actually at side, and feel the hair stand is about to strike. Drop to the balls of your feet. Plac tuck your head down. DO GROUND. Enjoy your summer ri 7 of 22 country of Page ours. But, while lightning. I have been on Distr Mik 304 Sil District News Ph mcg For SC District Newsletter go to: Then District Newsletter tab. District Rider Educator May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Mike and Mary Coral to all drivers to be aware of motorcycles May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Billboards304 Silver Branch Road West will soon be displaying a Columbia SC It is recommended that a motorcyclist reminder message to all drivers to be aware of motorcycles. “Motorcycles are Ph: 803-957-8575 to safely and skillfully operate a motorc everywhere!” that. As motorcyclists we have to be m It is recommended that a motorcyclist attend a motorcycle rider-training course tooccur. Moto torcycle/vehicle collisions learn how to safely and skillfully operate a motorcycle and continued refresher times. Don’t ride in a vehicles “No Zone courses periodically after that. As motorcyclists, we other type vehicle drivers may. For exa have to be more careful and May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Billboards will soon be displaying a reminde aware at intersections where most motorcycle/vehicle collisions occur. greater emphasis on defensive driving. to all drivers to be aware of motorcycles. “Motorcycles are everywhere” Motorcyclists must remain visible to other motorists at all times. Don’t ride in a vehicles “No Zone” (blind spot). Anticipate what mayAs Motorcyclists we also must be more happen more than other It is recommended that a motorcyclist attend a motorcycle rider-train-ing course to to safely and skillfully operate a motorcycle and continued refresher courses period type vehicle drivers may. For example, anticipate that drivers may not see you surfaces, or when encountering obstac that. As motorcyclists we have to be more careful and aware at intersections where and place greater emphasis on defensive driving. on helmets, eye protection, and proper torcycle/vehicle collisions occur. Motorcyclists must remain visible to other moto ers. These important items will help t As Motorcyclists, wetimes. Don’t ride in a vehicles “No Zone” (blind spot). Anticipate what may happen also must be more cautious when riding in inclement volved in a crash. other type vehicle drivers may. For example, anticipate that drivers may not see you weather, on slipperygreater emphasis on defensive driving. surfaces, or when encountering obstacles on the roadway. We must place greater emphasis on helmets, eye protection and proper riding A motorcycle requires more skill and c As Motorcyclists we also must be more cautious when riding in inclement weather, gear to increase protection and visibility to others. These important items will while under the influence of any amoun surfaces, or when encountering obstacles on the roadway. We must place greate help to reduce the severity of injury should we become involved in a crash. er’s ability to operate the motorcycle sa on helmets, eye protection, and proper riding gear to increase protection and visib ers. These important items will help to reduce the of injury A motorcycle requires more skill and coordination to operate than a severity car. Riding a should we b volved in a crash. motorcycle while under the influence of any amount Always ride your own ride, maintain a of drugs or alcohol can significantly decreases a rider’s ability to operate theif.” Be prepared to act to reduce the ris motorcycle safely. A motorcycle requires more skill and coordination to operate than a car. Riding a while under the influence of any amount of drugs or alcohol can significantly decre Always ride your own ride, maintain a safe distance and anticipate what might er’s ability to operate the motorcycle safely. happen “what if.” Be prepared to act to reduce the risk of an accident. Mike Coral Always ride your own ride, maintain a safe distance and anticipate what might ha SC District Educator Mike Coral District Rider Educatorif.” Be prepared to act to reduce the risk of an accident. GWRRA Region A SC District Educator Mike and Mary Coral GWRRA Region A Mike Coral 304 Silver Branch Road West Columbia SC SC District Educator Ph: 803-957-8575 GWRRA Region A Month. Billboards will soon be displaying a reminder message Page 8 of 22 Chapter Events Chapter “F” Troop started the month on May 2 with a trip to Columbia, SC. Gordon & Beverly Miner met Barbara & Sasha Taylor for a ride to Columbia for the Safety Fair hosted by Carolina Honda. Barbara & Sasha were on four wheels because Lou was working on her trike and installing some bling. Carolina Honda had free inspections of bikes, 25% off any Kuryakyn products and other sales. Co-rider Beverly & Gordon Miner and and Crash Scene Barbara & Sasha Taylor Response classes were Another biker enjoying Gordon’s cool also offered. A trailer shaped like a mustang car. motorcycle officer was there to demonstrated some exercises on how to maneuver and stop safely. Carolina Honda provided lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs. The weather was perfect, clear and not too hot. We had three participants in our CPR/ FirstAid/AED class on May 9. Since two of them were Dave & Ruth, the class was held at their home. Dave & Ruth Meyer and Jerry Taylor completed the course. We had fun while learning and practicing. During the course Dave stated that we were not Ruth using trainer AED. getting “real life” training since the dummies were all male dummies. Dave and Ruth practicing FirstAid How do you properly preform CPR on a woman when techniques. you are always taught on a male dummy? So we made a slight modification to the dummy with the help of Ruth’s bra. Barbara loves teaching the course and everyone needs the information in Dave giving breaths. (A slight it. You never know modification was made to the dummies when you will need to to make it more realistic if the person help someone you love. Ruth, Dave, Barbara, Jerry & Sasha. receiving CPR is a woman.) Motorcycle officer demonstrated how to safely maneuver and stop quickly. Page 9 of 22 May 15, we had a dinner ride to the Hibachi Grill in Taylors, SC. There were 20 attending making it a good turn out for the dinner ride. Participants were Buzz & Bev Laplante, Roger & Linda Runyon, Butch & Pat MacGregor, Tommy & Darlene Campbell, Kenneth Buzz and Pat having fun! Smith, Rod & Susan Ashley, Eugene & Renee Dent with Goofy, Mary Patterson, Dave & Ruth Meyer, Miles Hooper, Brian & Mandy Gillespie and Jerry Taylor. Goody came but stayed in the car. The food was good with many Ruth, Brian & Mandy, choices to choose from. Tommy & Darlene and Dave. We had a great ride on Saturday, May 16. Chapter “F” members met at the Walmart in Easley at 9:00 AM. Meeting there were Buzz & Bev Laplante, Kenneth Smith, Tommy & Darlene Campbell, Gordon & Beverly Miner, Sadie Anthony, Dave & Ruth Meyer and Barbara Taylor. Buzz Laplante led the ride and Dave Meyer was our tail gunner. They both did a great job. A truck slowed us down on highway 178 causing many to shift down to second gear for a good distance. At Rosman, NC, Chapter “F” met up with Dan and Mona Wallen, Chapter Directors for the Waynesville, NC Chapter NC-G2. At this point Dan led us to the Coal Left to right Dan & Mona trike, Buzz’s Mountain Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. trike, Kenneth’s bike, Mickey’s F6 and There we met up with Tommy’s trike. six bikes and Mike Epperson in her truck to proceed on to Whitewater Falls. We divided into two groups for the ride to Whitewater Falls. There Mickey & Connie Koziornsky met us. The day was beautiful with NC-G2 and SC-F Troop at picnic some clouds but no area at Whitewater falls. rain. We met new friends from NC-G2 and had a nice picnic lunch. Our GWRRA family is great.!! In the group picture Buzz Barb’s, Gordon’s and Connie’s Bikes at Whitewater Falls parking lot. and Bev Laplante are missing because they went to take pictures of the falls. There were about 14 members from Chapter NC-G2 present. It was really nice to join up with the members from the Waynesville chapter. Thanks Dan for doing a great job of leading us and being a good tour guide too! Page 10 of 22 On May 23 we had a good meeting with 28 members and four guests. Our guests from District and Chapter “A” were Terry & Teresa Morgan. Hoyt & Carline also dropped by for a visit. Barbara had some special presentations to present Bev talking to Hoyt and Carline. to the team officers. Last month when researching an international article for the newsletter, Barbara discovered that there are Officer Wings available from National for all officers. In the Presenting Butch and Pat with their past they were only available for the Chapter officer Wings for their vests. Directors, Assistant Chapter Directors and Rider Educator. Each officer was presented with the appropriate Officer Wings to wear proudly on their vests. Mickey Koziornsky was presented with the “Webmaster” rocker and Pat MacGregor was presented with the “Sunshine Lady” rocker. Teresa Morgan always has a great time when she comes to visit us and so does Buzz. This time Butch got in on the fun, too! We love to have fun and so does Teresa! Butch having fun with Teresa Morgan. Teresa getting Buzz, AGAIN! The chapter has added to the “Funny Money” program where everyone is rewarded with funny money for riding their bike. If you ride your bike 50 to 200 miles you get $1.00 in funny money. For each additional 200 miles you get another $1.00 with no limit to miles. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to April and May folks because Pat did not make April’s gathering. Sadi Anthony and Butch MacGregor knew where the dollar sign was on the website. Pat MacGregor was able to answer the newsletter question and donated the $5.00 back. Barbara received Goody for being Mike Epperson’s driver when she had surgery and spending the night with her. She was able to communicate with Mike E’s family and her GWRRA family on how things were going. Eugene received Goofy for getting his finger stuck in a wall he was tearing down. High mileage this month was Jerry Taylor for 5,190 miles, 2nd Mickey Koziornsky for 2300 miles and 3rd Connie Koziornsky for 1,177 miles. Dave knew his GWRRA number for $5.00 and Buzz won Chapter pride for $5.00. 50/25/25 was won by Leroy Johnson and Connie K. Leroy Johnson receiving jackpot money. Page 11 of 22 Asheville Botanical Gardens. On May 25th, Chapter “F” met at the Walmart in Easley. We had 3 trikes, 4 bikes and one 4 wheeler. Participants were Buzz & Bev Laplante, Tommy & Darlene Campbell, Jerry, Barbara & Sasha Taylor, Sadi Anthony, Mickey Koziornsky, Gordon & Beverly Miner, Kenneth Smith and Renee Dent. The weather was just perfect with sunny blue skies. Buzz led the ride and Jerry was the tail gunner, both did a great job. We headed up Highway 25 to Asheville, NC to the Planning the walk around the botanical Asheville Botanical gardens. Gardens. There we all had a picnic lunch and then strolled around the gardens. Several flowers were in bloom. Renee could not go to the Parkway with us so we had to say good bye to her. Next, we got on our bikes and headed up to Getting ready to leave the Botanical Craggy Gardens on the Gardens and head to Craggy Gardens. Blue Ridge Parkway. At Craggy Gardens we saw one rhododendron in bloom near the highway, we were hoping for more. The views from the visitor center are spectacular. Through a tunnel a short distance from the visitor Overlook on Blueridge Parkway. center and on the left is a trail 7/10th of a mile long. It goes to a high ridge that seems like you are in the sky. Most of the group were able to climb up there. Barbara and Darlene really wanted to hike the trail but the trail was not only steep but very uneven and they did not feel safe doing all of the trail. They made it up about 1/4 of the way but had to turn back. Those that View from trail above Craggy Gardens. hiked the trail said it was worth the climb and the views were absolutely awesome. Sadi hiked up there with Sasha in the pouch on her chest, making her hike even tougher. When she got back down she laid on the ground and took a short nap. It was a really great day with our GWRRA family. Our next ride will be to Grandfather Mountain on June 6th. Join us whenever you can. Bev and Sadie with Sasha at the overlook at top of trail. Page 12 of 22 “Goody” The Adventures of Goody As told to Brian and Mandy Gillespie Hey everybody, I got to stay another month with the pretty lady and the man with a white beard. They were still taking care of the old man. He does less every day. The pretty lady doesn’t like to leave him even when it is her turn to go rest. One of the sitters Goody texted the pretty lady one evening and said the old man must be having a good dream. He was asleep and laughing and smiling. That made the pretty lady happy. The old man had a seizure while the pretty lady’s sister was with him. It scared her and she called the pretty lady. She went over to the old man’s house too. He had another seizure. The man with the white beard got there after that. The old man could not take his medication so they decided he needed to go to a hospice house. The old man had said earlier that he didn’t want to go there but the pretty lady and her sister had done everything they could for him, there was no choice. An ambulance took him there and everybody followed. The hospice house is a nice place, a lot like a hospital. The old man had trouble sleeping and tried to get up. The pretty lady talked to him and held him trying to calm him so he could rest. He opened his eyes and looked at the pretty lady. He relaxed and had another seizure. The pretty lady says this is when he left; he went into a coma and never came out of it. He breathed really hard for another day and just quit. I guess he was worn out. I like to think that the pretty lady was the last thing the old man saw before he closed his eyes. Everyone cried. The next few days were a blur. At the visitation and also at the funeral I got to see some of my motorcycle friends. I met church friends and family members too. During the funeral service the power went off right in the middle of a song. Everyone said the old man was laughing because he had worked for Duke Power and they had cut off the power to fix a broken phone pole during the service. We rode in big cars with lots of seats. After the grave side service we went back to the old man’s house and ate and talked. The pretty lady and her sister have spent a lot of time working in the house since then. The next week everyone went back to work. The pretty lady got a call from one of their neighbors saying that both of the four legged animals that lived with them had gotten out of the back yard. She called the man with the white beard and he went home to see what was happening. The little four legged animal that the Page 13 of 22 man with the white beard called evil was crawling back under the fence into the yard. The big animal which is blind was nowhere to be found. The man with the white beard asked the little animal where he left the other one. The little animal must be stupid because he would not answer and just looked at the man. The man told the animal he was stupid and some other things that I am not supposed to say. The man with the white beard and the pretty lady looked for the blind animal for the next two days but could not find him. After three days the blind dog was back in the fence. We went out to see him and find out how he got back inside. I thought he flew back, his ears are big enough. The neighbors behind us came up to the fence and told us they had found the animal and returned him. We also found out that the pretty lady went to school with the woman and the man with the white beard’s aunt had babysat the man. New old friends, it is a small world. Next was the pretty lady and the man with the white beard’s anniversary. They have been married for 14 years. Usually they are on vacation for their anniversary but they had to take care of the old man instead. Don’t worry; they are planning some time away soon. We went to Olive Garden to eat and had a good time. When we got home they wouldn’t let me in the room with them. I don’t understand. The last two months with the pretty lady and the man with the white beard have been long and tiring, they have been sad and happy. Both of the barking animals are back in the fence. The quiet one that lives on the front porch is still there but it won’t let me ride it anymore. The pretty lady thinks of calling the old man almost every night as she has for years. This brings tears to her eyes. I hope in time she will not hurt as much. At the bottom of the funeral service program it told how long the old man had lived. He was over 90 years old. I figured it out, he lived 33,237 days. That is 47,862,243 minutes. How many minutes have you used, how many do you have left? Make sure that you use the minutes that you have wisely. Don’t waste any of your minutes, we don’t know which one will be our last. Until next month, be good. GOODY Page 14 of 22 For SC District Newsletter go to Then District Newsletter tab. Assistant District Director Joe and Brenda Wood “Goofy” The Adventures of Goofy (803) 684-9649G as told to Renee Dent So First of all, since this is our first oppor prosperous New Year! In this new ye Hello Everyone, has appointed Brenda and me as Ass Goofy Well this month has been interesting around the consider this a huge honor. I hope w Dent household. I thought I was going to a Brenda and I have been involved in G graduation in Greenwood Renee forgot to to attend so beingbut asked if we wanted F Rfollowed I E N D th S pick me up, that wasjoined the first time I was leftand at GWRRA to go, home. They went somewhere else next no clue what wethe were attending. day and they forgot me again. That was the We managed to be “JAM”, just anothe second time I was left at home. Region ‘A’ Director I did finally be newsletter editors. We did this for get out of the house and go to the dinner ride. Directors. WeJim & Sue Jackson did this several years t I sat next to Eugene. same y Renee was over South Carolina then we holding Miles again. District TEAM The cir I seem to be second about A fiddle! I rode in the truck next to Mary Patterson. She continu held me so I would be secure. District Director our bes Phil and Judy Stone • 803-425-7833 I watched Eugene tear down a wall that looked like it andWell go Assistant Dist Directors the m would be fun but they would not let me help. Craig & Karen Miller suppor of th 843-345-7890 “Wing If I come back here next time I hope they remember to J.W. & Yolanda Worley WheD 864-353-0177 forw G W R R A take me somewhere! Joe an District Trainer SOUTH OUTH S REGION “A” THE “A” TEAM As w GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIA Teresa Morgan 864-933-2028 D 20 Southeast Region “A” Membership Enhancement to s grand Rich & Jean Kitko anym 843-240-3392 Web Site: District Rider Educator grand Mike and Mary Coral 803-957-8575 some hope e F R I E“A” N D S Directors F O R F U N, S A F E T Y A N D K N IOW L Emany D G Eof you Region District Treasurer there Margaret Caughman 803-808-2388 RallyVentions held intrike the Hello Region ‘A’ Members. Don’t Couple of the Year Coordinators was fortunate enoughare r this Mary Coral 803-957-8575 ask me how December 2014 arrived so District Director Region ‘A’ Director Ventions presented in th appr Couple of the Year soon. I don’t have a clue.........doGlenn and Donna Bumgarner you? Jim & Sue Jackson Phil & Judy Stone that RallyVention dates are po Seems like yesterday Sue and I2319 was Tickle Hill Road, Camden, SC 29020 SC District Ambassadors your District Websitetrike so South Carolina Faye Hood & Steve Smith loading the trailer to carry all the Region Ph: 803-425-7833 (H) 803-427-1695 (C) Whil out and play with us. The District TEAM SC Goody Shoppe ‘A’ RallyVention supplies to the give Ventions and ya don’t ha Judy Stone 803-427-1879 Excu tember Rally. Recently the oldWebmaster & Newsletter Editor turkey in my “memory-bank” an Jim and Sue Chris District Director J.W. Worley 864-353-0177 flew through here in late November and I hope each of you nation. Phil and Judy Stone • 803-425-7833 Jackson District MAD Coordinator &your JudyFamily Stone and Friends. attend a convention grand that y Well, here we are in December already. This is had a super Thanksgiving Phil with That motorcycle, Assistant Dist Directors never been to before, or share the story the Directors month, among other things, for the arrival Rich Kitko often Region A SC Craig & Karen Miller Ray & Sandi Garris can only mean Speaking of RallyVen one thing and of the big man in the red suit, with white trim. you know who will be dropping fun with a friend or somewhat you jus 843-345-7890 Directors J.W. & Yolanda Worley tell them the story of GWRRA. Eve When we were younger, we always looked Directors-GWRRA by your Southeast Region ‘A’Than Ra home in late December. Yep, ole Santa Clause will be 864-353-0177 are a life member, the fact is them that y forward to his arrival with wild anticipation. District Trainer 29-31, 2015. We will be As we grew older, all of the excitement seemed riding Teresa Morgan 864-933-2028 in on his sleigh with plenty of reindeer power and the more fun when you get more involved 22 ch advantage of your many opportunities f to shift to our children and then to our Page 15 of 22 Membership Enhancement Convention Center close lead-one Rich & Jean Kitko blinking his “red-nose” at ya. Holy Christmas that We don’t usually use any information a some grandchildren. We really didn’t believe in him to Rally all of you from another printed sou but myself please and don’t thetell comour had a change from 843-240-3392 comm guy hasDistrict Rider Educator been around all my anymore, life! Sue, CONTENTS felt this needs to be repeated. In semin grandchildren – or yours. But this year, not because Win pleteMike and Mary Coral 803-957-8575 Southeast Region ‘A’ Staff wish of We you our most in late rider October training courses, r something has each changed. have heard that Phil and Judy (DD) . . . . . . . . . 1 we teach Till Next time Goofy December 2014OUTH OUTH S S District Treasurer CAROLINA AROLINA D DISTRICT ISTRICT N NEWS EWS C Sponsors Tell them you saw their ad in the Chapter “F” Newsletter. Home of the Cargo Keepers for the GL1800 (all years) Representing: Cargo Keepers GL1800 GL1500 Dunlop, Bridgestone, Michelin, Avon, Metzeler Prices good until 6/1/15 Dunlop E3 Bridgestone Avon Metzeler Front $163.75 $135.08 $175.44 $158.14 Rear $221.52 $174.86 $215.78 $208.58 Front $160.19 $133.51 $156.60 $179.61 Rear $202.66 $178.65 $198.85 $219.11 Call (864-940-8404) or e-mail ( web tire prices not valid Michelin (trike) $137.90 $137.90 ! ! Renea S. Roland ! " " "" ! " " "" Agency President Renea S. Rowland Insurance Agency, Inc. Nationwide Insurance and Financial Services 713 Anderson Street " On Your Side " Belton, SC 29627 Telephone: 864-338-1600 Fax: 864-338-1662 Securities offered through Renea S. Rowland as a Registered Representative of Nationwide Securities, Inc., P.O. Box 3430, Dublin, OH 43016, 866-323-2303. Member NASD. DBA Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc. in AR, FL, IL, WV. DBA Nationwide Advisory Services in MA, NY, OK. Advertise your business in this monthly newsletter. Our reasonable annual rates are: Business Card: $25.00 Your ad will also appear One-Quarter Page: $50.00 on our website: One-Half Page: $75.00 Full Page: $100.00 Page 16 of 22 Sponsors Tell them you saw their ad in the Chapter “F” Newsletter. I lost 84 pounds* and turned my life around! I am healthy and free to do whatever I want to do! I have helped dozens of people lose weight, and I want to help you next! Are you suffering from: High Blood Pressure? High Cholesterol? Type II Diabetes? Let me be your free Health Coach and help you on your journey to Optimal Health. * Results vary, lose 2-5 pounds per week the first two weeks and 1-2 pounds a week thereafter. Nancy Ramsey (770) 356-3492 COPE Certified Health Coach Classified Ads Tell them you saw their ad in the Chapter “F” Newsletter. Renee Dent - 864-630-3610 I do flower arrangements for all occasions in real or silk. I have also done arrangements for weddings and church pieces. Call for details and sizes. 2 Wilsons Leather Riding Jackets with Thinsulate liners. Have 2 inside pockets, one for cellphone. Has 2 outside pockets. Size: Men’s Small. Could fit someone who can wear a Medium. $250.00 Each. Contact Roger Runyon at 864-877-5429. Page 17 of 22 Mascot Corner Hi Everyone, This has been a good month for riding. I’m so glad to be back on the trike with mom. Monday, May 25 was a special day. I rode in my pouch for the first time with someone besides my mom or Sasha dad. Sadi Anthony rode with mom on the trike so I was in my pouch on Sadi’s chest. I liked Sadi, she petted me a lot. I could tell right away she liked dogs so I was relaxed with her. We had a lunch I am ready to ride with ride planned to Asheville Botanical Sadie. Gardens. It is a beautiful place and everyone enjoyed a picnic lunch and walking around the paths to view the gardens. There were and I are on the picnic table at some flowers blooming at the Botanical Gardens but we Goody Asheville Botanical Gardens. would have liked to have had more blooms. Upon leaving the gardens we headed to Craggy Gardens on the Blueridge Parkway. Craggy Gardens has a nice visitor center where we stopped. Mom was hoping for lots of blooms. We saw one rhododendron blooming close to the road. The views are beautiful from the visitor center because it is on a ridge. There is a tunnel just past the visitor center. After going thru it there is a parking area for a trail that is .7 of a mile which climbs to some stunning views. Sadi stated she was afraid of heights and did not want to go up. Mom convinced her to go up and was very surprised when Sadi decided to leave me in the pouch on her chest and hike the trail. Mom was Looking at the view above Craggy planning to go up too but the trail Gardens. was so uneven with big rocks and Sadie and I are resting on tree roots that she did not feel safe going up it. Mom made it hike. about a quarter of the way up and could not make the rest. We are so proud that Sadi decided to overcome some of her fears and make the hike. The views from the top were stunning. Dad made the hike and took some beautiful pictures. Sadi and I were really tired after we hiked down and Sadi had to take a nap for a little while. Mickey K. laid down too. It was a glorious day with great weather, not to hot, to spend time with our GWRRA family. I am looking forward to a trip to Grandfather mountain on June 6th. Till next month Sasha Taylor live mascot Page 18 of 22 Birthdays and An Birthday’s Birthdays andJune Anniversaries Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays and Anniversaries Yes, this is ac June Birthday’s April Birthday Connie’s birt Birthdays and Anniversaries June Birthday’s April In the Mar Birthdays andJune Anniversaries Birthday’s Yes, this is actually Newsletter w Yes, this is actually Connie’s birthday. Connie’s birth JuneJune Birthday’s AprilApril Birthday Birthday’s Birthday In the March Connie’s mistake. I Newsletter we put In the March actually Mick Yes, this actually Yes,isthis is actually we put Connie’s birthday Newsletter in birthday that w Connie’s birthday. Connie’s birthday. Connie’s birthday in April 23. S by mistake. It was In theInMarch the March actually Mickey’sby mistake. It was Mickey for Newsletter we put Newsletter we put actually Mickey’s birthday that was on mistake Connie’s birthday in Connie’s birthday in that was on April 23.Connie Sorrybirthday Koziorynsky by mistake. It wasIt was by mistake. April Mickey for theJune 26 23. Sorry actually Mickey’s actually Mickey’s Mickey for the mistake. birthday that was birthday thaton was on mistake. Mickey Koziorynsky Connie Koziorynsky April 23. June Annive AprilSorry 23. SorryConnie Koziorynsky Mickey April 23 JuneConnie 26 Koziorynsky Mickey for thefor the Mickey A June 26 June 26 mistake. mistake. Connie Koziorynsky Connie Koziorynsky June 26 June 26 June Anniversaries June Anniversaries Mickey Koziorynsky Mickey Koziorynsky April 23 April 23 June Anniversaries JuneJune Anniversaries Anniversaries Eugene and Renee Dent June 15 Eugene and Renee Dent Rod and Susan Ashley Birth GWRRA Eugene and Renee Dent Rod and Susan Ashley June 15 Eugene and Renee Dent June 29 Rod and Sus June 15 June 29 June 15 June 2 Mickey Koziorynsky Gordon Mine GWRRA Birthdays June 1,1988 June 1, 1997 Eugene and Renee Dent Dent GWRRA Rod and Ashley Eugene and Renee RodSusan and Susan Ashley Birthdays GWRRA Birthdays June 15 June 29 June 15 June 29 Mickey Koziorynsky Gordon Miner Beverly Miner Connie Koziorynsky Robert Ramse Mickey Koziorynsky Gordon Miner B June 1,1988 June 1, 1997 June 1, 1997 June 1, 2000 June 3, 2013 GWRRA Birthdays GWRRA Birthdays June 1,1988 June 1, 1997 J key Koziorynsky Mickey Koziorynsky June 1,1988 June 1,1988 nnie Koziorynsky Connie Koziorynsky June 1, 2000 June 1, 2000 Dave Dave MeyerMeyer June 6, 2002 June 6, 2002 Meyer Connie Koziorynsky Robert Dave Ramsey NancyRick Ramsey McCollum Gordon MinerMiner Beverly MinerMiner Gordon Beverly June 6, 2002 June 1, 2000 Connie Koziorynsky June 3, 2013 3, 2013 Robert RamseyJune June Na 21, 2010 June 1, 1997 1997 June 1, 1997 June 1, 2000June 1, June 1, 1997 June 3, 2013 J Dave Meyer Judy McCollum Rick McCollum Robert Ramsey Nancy Ramsey Robert Ramsey Ramsey June 6, 2002 June 21, 2010 Ju Dave Meyer JuneNancy 21, 2010 Rick McCollum June 3, 2013 2013 June 3, 2013 June 6, 2002June 3, June 3, 2013June 21, 2010 J Rick McCollum Rick McCollum June 21, 2010 June 21, 2010 Judy Judy McCollum McCollum Page 19 of 22 Page 30 of June 21, 2010 June 21, 2010 Upcoming Events 2015 June 18 - 20, 2015 Georgia District Convention - “ Duck Dynasty” - Dillard, GA - Click on “2015 Georgia Rally” July 9 - 11, 2015 North Carolina District Convention - “Red, White & You” - Cherokee, NC - Click on “Wings over the Smokies” July 16 - 18, 2015 South Carolina District Convention - “Pirates of the Carolinas” - Anderson, SC - Click on 2015 District Convention September 3 - 6, 2015 Wing Ding 37 - “Rocket City Road Trip” - Huntsville, AL October 3, 2015 SC District Picnic October 15 - 17, 2015 Mississippi District Convention - “Sock Hop” - Gulfport, MS October 29 - 31, 2015 Region “A” Convention - “ Fall Harvest Festival” - Eufaula, AL - Click on “Welcome!” Then “Region ‘A’ Convention” Page 20 of 22 Upcoming Chapter Events June 6, 2014 - Grandfather Mountain Day ride. June 13, 2015 - Lake Party at Rusty and Pat Fuller's home. Covered dish. June 14, 2015 - GWRRA University Training -Team meeting to follow. August 8, 2015 - Lunch ride to Scottish museum in Franklin and also visit the Franklin Gem and Mineral Museum . August 15, 2015 - Progressive Dinner ride. 2 stops: main course and dessert. October 17, 2015 - Halloween Party. November 14, 2015 - Auction party using Funny Money at Piedmont Community Center - 5:00 PM till 9:00PM. Bring a covered dish. December 12, 2015 - Christmas Party and gathering at Elks Lodge. These are the dates so far so you can make plans to attend whenever you can. It is possible that we might add something or find it necessary to adjust a date. Please watch your emails. and updates in the newsletter. This list does not include the rally/ventions we will attend or the regularly scheduled events. Page 21 of 22 Chapter Gatherings Calendar Go to Click on Chapter Information. Then “Click here for a printable list of Gatherings” at bottom of page for times and locations. GWRRA - SC Chapter “F” Calendar - June, 2015 Sunday 31 Monday 1 Tuesday 2 K Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 6 8 9 10 11 I 12 A Dinner Ride 14 Flag Day University Training Team Meeting 21 15 16 17 Eugene and Renee Dent’s Anniversary 22 18 M 23 24 25 Newsletter Article Deadline 29 19 13 E- P Lake Party Rusty and Pat’s Home 20 O-Q-S Georgia District Georgia District Georgia District Convention Convention Convention Father’s Day 28 G-H-J Grandfather Mountain Ride Chapter visit SC-K 7 Saturday 30 1 2 26 27 Connie Koziornsky’s Birthday 3 F Plaque Attack Chapter Meeting 4 G-H-J Rod and Susan Ashley’s Anniversary Events Happening This Month (E-mails to follow to confirm chapter events.) June 2, 2015 - Chapter Visit to Chapter “K”- The Junction Restaurant, 150 Simuel Road Spartanburg, SC - Eat at 6:00 PM and Meet at 7:00 PM. - We will meet there at the restaurant. - Note: This is a new location for their meeting location. June 6, 2015 - Day ride to Grandfather Mountain. Bring a picnic lunch. More details to follow in email. June 12, 2015 - Dinner Ride - Rod and Susan will email details. June 13, 2015 - Lake Party at Rusty and Pat Fuller’s home located at 640 N. Port Bass Drive, Fairplay, SC, 29643. Bring a covered dish. Hamburgers and Hot dogs provided by Chapter. Party starts at 12 noon. June 14, 2015 - GWRRA University Training at Elks Lodge, 7700 Pelham Road, Greenville, SC. 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM. We will begin the leadership skills series. “Leadership” and “Delegation” will be presented. June 14, 2015 - Team meeting immediately following classes at Elks Lodge at approximately 4:30 PM. June 18 - 20, 2015 - Georgia District Convention - Dillard, GA -”Duck Dynasty” June 25, 2015 - Newsletter article Deadline. June 27, 2015 - Plaque Attack details to be announced on District website. June 27, 2015 - Chapter “F” Gathering at Mutt’s Barbecue, 1020 Powdersville Road, Easley, SC. - Eat at 6:00 PM and Meet at 7:00 PM. Page 22 of 22