April 2015 Newsletter - Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
April 2015 Newsletter - Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
CHAMBERSBURG MEMORIAL YMCA 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM www.chbgy.org 717-263-8508 THE Y VALUES YOUR OPINION April 13th April 26th April 30th May 18th New Session Begins Healthy Kids Day Early Bird Registration Ends Alexander Gym Floor Project FACILITY IMPROVEMENT To maintain the integrity of the Alexander Gymnasium the Y will be sanding and refinishing the gym floor along with patching any troubled areas. This project will begin on May 18, 2015 and take approximately three weeks to complete. The Edwards and Fisher Gymnasiums will be available. The YMCA apologizes for the inconvenience and thanks you for your patience during this time. MAGICALLY NUTRITIOUS On March 17th YMCA Board Members, volunteers and staff prepared and served about 800 healthy green smoothies in celebration of member appreciation and St. Patrick’s Day. Smoothies were served from 7:00 AM - 8:30 PM and were enjoyed by many members and program participants. Some people who enjoyed the smoothies were apprehensive at first; however, after some gentle encouragement they sampled the healthy libation and realized they were delicious as well as magically nutritious. One staff member even converted from drinking about two liters of soda a day to drinking smoothies everyday. The YMCA would like to thank BJ’s Wholesale, Amvets Post 224 and YMCA Board Members for their generosity in supporting this event. The ingredients for the smoothies were donated by BJ’s Wholesale and the YMCA Board Members and the ice used to make the smoothies was donated by Amvets Post 224. Without their generosity this member appreciation event would not have been possible. In the hope of better serving our community, the Chambersburg YMCA Program Services Committee is conducting a series of surveys about the Y and the programs we currently offer. We invite you to help us learn and grow by completing this short survey about the Fitness Center. We will use your anonymous responses to provide feedback and suggestions to the YMCA. Thank you for your time and honesty as, together, we will work for Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility at the Chambersburg YMCA. Please click here to take the survey. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Employment Application Before and Afterschool Fun Club Counselor The Y is hiring part-time staff for its Before & After School program. The staff supervises youth, as well as helps with homework, organizes gym games and plans activities for children in grades K-5th. Applicants preferably have experience with children, but those working on degrees in education are encouraged to apply! The hours are Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Applicants can work all shifts or whichever shifts correspond with their schedules. Lifeguards The Y is seeking qualified lifeguards to work early bird, late morning and early afternoon shifts. Lifeguards should have current certifications plus CPR for the professional rescuer certifications. If interested in this position, please contact Angi Johnson at 717-263-8508 ext. 127 or email ajohnson@chbgy.org. BRING ON THE SUMMER FUN! YMCA SUMMER DAY CAMPS Summer Fun Clubs and Teen Treks June 8th-August 18, 2015 Ple as reg e click add istrat here io fo itio nal n form r the info rma and tion . Are you ready for summer? Sign up today for the YMCA day camps to receive the early bird rate (ending April 30). BIDDY CAMPS June 8th-August 13, 2015 Looking for a way to keep your child active this summer? Would you like them to meet new friends, make fun crafts, learn new games, and much more? Click here for more information on the Biddy Camps Weekly Themes • Secret Mission Going Green • Soccer Camp • Stars & Stripes • Summer Splash • Dynamic Dance • Simple Science • All Sports • Adventure Days • Everyday Heroes • FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COLLABORATIONS WITH OUR COMMUNITY NOURISHING OUR TOGETHERHOOD COMMUNITY’S YOUTH The Chambersburg YMCA is continuing its collaboration with The Presbyterian Church of Falling Spring and the Power Pack Program. Food items will be collected and distributed to children in our community. Collection boxes are located at the YMCA and The William K. Nitterhouse YMCA Family Program Center. A new list of requested food items will be included with these boxes. If you are interested in donating some items to benefit the youth of our community please take a list from one of the boxes. Togetherhood is an initiative that the YMCA is starting in order to make a difference in the community by volunteering in projects and organizations throughout the Chambersburg area We would like to invite you to join us. Upcoming volunteer opportunities • April 26...Healthy Kids Day at the Y • April 28...Volunteering at the ReStore Please contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or email cmisner@chbgy.org if your interested in making a difference in our community. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DINNER On March 23, 2015, members of the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA gathered to reflect on 2014 and honor outstanding community volunteers during its annual meeting, which focused on “Many Hands, One Cause”. The event offered a chance to recognize the hard work of those involved with the organization. Bradley Stiles, YMCA Board President presented serval distinguished service and lifetime achievement awards on behalf of the Y’s Board of Directors. Dr. Robert N. Richards, Sr. received the Eldon L. Nuernberger Lifetime Service Award for his distinctive long-term leadership with community organizations in Franklin County. The award emulates a lifestyle of unselfish dedication and commitment to a community organization. Dr. Richards joined the Chambersburg community in 1953 when there were no orthopedic surgeons in Franklin, Fulton, Adams and Cumberland counties. He shared his skills and experience at numerous hospitals in south central Pennsylvania as a solo practitioner and opened a free Shriners Crippled Children’s Clinic in his Chambersburg office. He also served the athletic departments of the Chambersburg Area School District and Shippensburg University as a team doctor. The Chambersburg YMCA has been honored to have Dr. Richards serve through the years as a volunteer, coach, board member and Trustee. The recipient of the Dwight M. Edwards Youth Builder Award was Richard K. Hoskinson for his significant administrative contribution towards the advancement of the YMCA’s mission in Chambersburg. Hoskinson has served our community graciously for over three decades, to include his service to the Y on the Board of Directors and the Trustees. Tanya K. Nitterhouse rightfully received the Honorable George C. and Ruth S. Eppinger Youth Development Award for her devotion to the betterment of opportunities for youth in our community. Serving on the Y Board since 1999, Nitterhouse has enhanced the philanthropic capabilities of the association by her exceptional meritorious service. The Marguerite Newkirk Lifetime Leadership Award was awarded to Jane H. Wingerd for her distinctive long-term volunteer leadership in Franklin County. Recognized for her display of unselfish passion for the mission and vision of the YMCA, Wilson College and so many other organizations she has served; her personal time, enthusiasm and advocacy benefit the community. For over thirty years of faithful service on the Y’s Board of Directors and Trustees, Jane continues to inspire others. Carla Christian, Chambersburg YMCA Executive Director, shared that the Y’s largest milestone in decades occurred in 2014 with the retirement of her predecessor, David W. Matthews, Jr. after 42 years of service to the Y and our community. Christian’s executive report highlighted multiple stories of impact of members relating to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Christian noted the Y was able to sponsor 898 youth members in 2014 as well as 150 families, 49 adults and 52 special needs individuals, totaling over $185,500 in sponsored funds. She emphasized the importance of community and that so many hands; so many individuals make it possible for all the YMCA is able offer. On behalf of the Y Board of Directors, Tanya Nitterhouse presented a special recognition, Champion of Heathy Living to Shippensburg’s Volvo Construction Equipment. Volvo Vice Presidents of Human Resources, Andy Williford and Chuck Wood accepted the award. Volvo’s partnership with the YMCA has been a catalyst in promoting healthy living in the community by providing innovative wellness programs and financial support to promote healthier lifestyles to employees and their families. Volunteer recognition awards such as the Red Triangle Award was presented to Austin Suders (16) for outstanding service and performance as a youth member. Cathy Goodhart received a Service to Youth Award for her passionate ongoing support to the Y’s Sam’s Program. Staff service recognitions included Jackie Dawson, Linda Ehrhart, Jennifer Johnson, Anita McIlveen and Cheryl Sollenberger for five years of service; Angi Johnson and Greg Leevy for ten years and Jeff Martin has been employed with the Y for 25 years. Jacqueline Wolfe, chairperson of the YMCA Community Outreach Committee recognized the Y’s Youth Achiever college scholarship recipients Selena Gonzales-West and Victoria Yoder. Wolfe shared that Daniel Flores, last year’s scholarship recipient, will receive an Achiever’s scholarship for his second year of college. Scholarships are made available to Y Achievers through the Wolfe Foundation. FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SPRING IS HERE! NOW’S THE TIME TO SOW THE SEEDS SLIDING INTO HOME WITH CONFIDENCE AND TEAMWORK Youth Tee-Ball Ages 4-6 Begins April 11 on Saturdays until May 30 at the YMCA Program Center Click here for the registration form Contact Daniel Shoap at dshoap@chbgy.org or 717-263-8508 ext. 110 for additional information PLAY, LEARN AND GROW TOGETHER THAT LAST A LIFETIME! Kinder Gym is back! A new session beginning Fall Registration for YMCA Preschool Programs is Now Open! April 16th will be available for children ages 4-6 where they can practice body and object manipulation skills while playing games and having fun. Contact the Chambersburg YMCA for more information on ARK Child Development Center and the Preschool Discovery Center. ARK mcook@chbgy.org Preschool Discovery rhile@chbgy.org Click here for registration form. For more information contact Daniel Shoap at dshoap@chbgy.org or call 717-263-8508 ext. 110 SPORT CAMPS AND CLINICS GET A KICK GET A KICK OUT OUT OFOF IT IT Chambersburg YMCA Chambersburg YMCA Co-Ed Kickball League Co-Ed Kickball League Beginning Thursday, May 7th Beginning Thursday May 7th Registration fee $20.00 per player due with roster by April 24 Players must be age 18 and older (each team must have 3 females on it) 8 to 10 players play the field, up to 12 players may kick. For more information please Contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or at cmisner@chbgy.org To view the flyer, registration form and rules, please click here. Girls Basketball Camp June 22-25 Grades 4-7 9:00am-12:00pm Grades 8-11 1:00pm-4:00pm For more information on the Girls Basketball Camp, please click here. Volleyball Camp June 15-18 9:00am-12:00pm Volleyball Clinic Sunday June, 7,14, & 21 2:00pm-4:00pm For more information on the Co-Ed Volleyball Camp and Clinics, please click here.
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