SLA 2015 Conference Guide - Special Libraries Association
SLA 2015 Conference Guide - Special Libraries Association
O PRO F3 SLA 2015 Conference Guide SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO June 14 – 16 | Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Boston, Massachusetts Welcome! WELCOME TO THE SLA 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & INFO-EXPO TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Conference Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 SLA Learning Initiative Partnership (L.I.P.) Conference Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Day-By-Day Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 INFO-EXPO Information: A new program from SLA designed to inform, empower and enhance the professional careers of special librarians and information professionals. Visit for more information and to download the report, “Research Workflows: Technology’s Impact and the Role of Libraries.” INFO-EXPO Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 INFO-EXPO Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Exhibitor Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 3 PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION TWITTER Conference attendees are wearing color-coded badges. The colors identify the attendees as follows: Do you use Twitter? Follow @SLAConf and @SLA2015Tips for conference updates from SLA staff and members, and join the conversation on Twitter by adding #SLA2015 to your tweets. Blue: Continuing Education Only and One-Day Registration Purple: Full Conference Attendees, VIP and SLA Staff General Information Green: Press, Guests, Contractors SESSION HASHTAGS Orange: Exhibitors Be sure to use the session hashtags we’ve assigned to 10 high-profile sessions in conjunction with the #SLA2015 hashtag. These 10 hashtags can be found in the daily schedule listing in this pocket guide and in the online planner. Pink: INFO-EXPO Only REGISTRATION HOURS Saturday, June 13 Sunday, June 14 Monday, June 15 Tuesday, June 16 TICKET EXCHANGE BOARD 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please note that the Registration Center will not be open on Wednesday, June 17. All tour-related purchases must be completed by Tuesday, June 16. LUGGAGE STORAGE HOURS Tuesday, June 16 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Convention Center, North Lobby PRICE: $3.00 per item INFO-EXPO HOURS Sunday, June 14 Monday, June 15 Tuesday, June 16 Do you need an extra ticket to a soldout event? Do you have a ticket you want to sell? Visit the ticket exchange board near the Registration Center to post your ticket announcement or find out what’s available. Note: This is an attendee-to-attendee service. ROOM CHANGES AND UPDATES Room changes and daily updates will be on the room signs outside the original meeting rooms. LOST AND FOUND Visit the Registration Center for information about lost and found items. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABILITIES SLA accommodates attendees with special needs. If you or someone you know requires reasonable assistance to participate more fully in the conference, please visit the Registration Center. 11:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please see page 50 for detailed information about INFO-EXPO activities. 4 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 5 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. SLA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING All conference attendees are invited to celebrate the start of the SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFOEXPO. Join us in the INFO-EXPO to network with fellow attendees and conference exhibitors. Make your voice heard! SLA’s Annual Business Meeting will be more informal and interactive than in past years, with brief presentations on association finances and key initiatives preceding a questionand-answer session that will allow attendees to query board members about topics of their choosing. SPONSORED BY: Dow Jones Conference Highlights 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. INFO-EXPO OPENING RECEPTION TUESDAY, JUNE 16 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CLOSING GENERAL SESSION SUNDAY, JUNE 14 9:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. OPENING GENERAL SESSION Join us as we honor our 2015 award recipients and superb conference partners before our featured speaker, Leigh Gallagher, delivers the keynote presentation. Leigh Gallagher is an assistant managing editor at Fortune magazine, where she edits feature stories on a variety of subjects, oversees Fortune franchises (including the magazine’s “40 Under 40” rankings), and writes “The Urbanist,” a column on She is also a co-chair of the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, speaks regularly at Fortune and other business and economics conferences, and is a seasoned business news commentator. She appears regularly on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, CBS News’ Face the Nation, CNBC’s Squawk Box, CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper, public radio’s Marketplace, and a wide variety of other programs. Keynote Speaker: Leigh Gallagher Closing session speaker Kim Dority will talk about career improvisation skills by drawing on insights presented at the conference, recent research findings on personal resilience and adaptability, and our ability to anticipate change in this practical, action-oriented session. Learn how to be alert for company and/or industry changes, ways to reinvent your professional self to respond to changes in the career market, actions you can take to prepare yourself for emerging opportunities, and how to identify — or create — opportunities that best align with your career goals and passions. For the most up-todate conference schedule, visit or download the app. SPONSORED BY: ProQuest Search “SLA 2015” in the app store! 6 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 7 The Edinburgh Journals Collection Conference Activities MASTER CLASS SESSIONS QUICK TAKES SESSIONS Giving your library complete access to 39 rigorously edited and peer-reviewed journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences Master Class Sessions will cover advanced topics and are geared toward a more seasoned crowd. Topics are relevant for management- and executive-level professionals. LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater Take a few minutes to attend one or more of these short but intense sessions. You’ll be surprised what you can learn in just 15 minutes! CRESCENDO SESSIONS HOT TOPIC SESSIONS Taking a cue from the musical term, which means to “increase in loudness or intensity,” Crescendo Sessions will start with the basics of particular topics and conclude with advanced material. This is a sure-fire way to gain a deep understanding of several topics very quickly. What’s HOT in the information industry? These sponsored, thought-provoking sessions are open to all attendees. SPONSORED BY: Dow Jones, New York Times, Lucidea, Bureau Van Dijk (BVD), Pressreader CAREER CONNECTION SEMINARS Learn about roles and strategies from experienced and accomplished information professionals. SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 9 FRIDAY, JUNE 12 SATURDAY, JUNE 13 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Fundamentals of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services (KMKS101) Best Practices for Copyright Compliance (CCM600) 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. SLA Registration Center Copyright Literacy in Your Organization (CCM700) LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 104A PRICE: $495.00 Member/ $595.00 Non- LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 103 PRICE: $395.00 Member/ $495.00 Non- Member/ $495.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Deborah Hunt, Mechanics’ Institute Library; Guy St. Clair, SMR International PRESENTED BY: SLA Member/ $395.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Lesley Ellen Harris, PRESENTED BY: SLA 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. ERMD Business Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Burroughs PRESENTED BY: Environment & Resource LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 104C PRICE: $395.00 Member/ $495.00 Non- Member/ $395.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Lesley Ellen Harris, PRESENTED BY: SLA Management Division 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 105 PRICE: $495.00 Member/ $595.00 Non- Chemical Information Sources, Requests, and Reference Member/ $495.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Deborah Hunt, Mechanics’ Institute Library; Guy St. Clair, SMR International PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 104A PRICE: $199.00 Member/ $299.00 Non- Visit Wiley at booth #708 Member/ $99.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Judith Currano, University of Pennsylvania Libraries; Dawn French, Cristal USA PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Communicating Value through Strategic Alignment LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 102B PRICE: $299.00 Member/ $399.00 Non- LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 103 PRICE: $199.00 Member/ $299.00 Non- Member/ $99.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Melanie Browne, Maple Leaf Foods PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division Learn about the latest Wiley has to offer in science solutions Demo our new ReadCube Connect PDF Enter to win a free Fitbit Teach Beyond Your Reach: A Train-the-Trainer Workshop LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 104B PRICE: $199.00 Member/ $299.00 Non- Member/ $99.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Robin Neidorf, FreePint Limited PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Introduction to Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies Member/ $199.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Heather Hedden, Cengage Learning PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE The Knowledge Audit: Evaluating Intellectual Capital Use (KMKS102) So You Have a Taxonomy…Now What? Advanced Taxonomy Topics LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 152 PRICE: $299.00 Member/ $399.00 Non- Member/ $199.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Marjorie Hlava, Access Innovations, Inc.; Bob Kasenchak, Access Innovations, Inc. PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division w 10 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 11 SATURDAY, JUNE 13 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (continued) 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Teaching Research Data Management with the New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum Morning Boston Duck Tour B&F Board Meeting News Division Board Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Summer LOCATION: Westin, Burroughs PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: News Division Extreme Structure Searching: Organics, Organometallics, Polymers, and Markush 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 104B PRICE: $199.00 Member/ $299.00 Non- Government Information Division Board Meeting Member/ $99.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Denise Callihan, PPG Industries, Inc.; Judith Currano, University of Pennsylvania Libraries PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division LOCATION: Westin, Adams PRESENTED BY: Government Information LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 102A PRICE: $299.00 Member/ $399.00 Non- Member/ $199.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Andrew Creamer, Brown University; Donna Kafel, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Elaine Martin, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Regina Raboin, University of Massachusetts Medical School PRESENTED BY: Academic Division Using the Internet as an Investigative Research Tool LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 156B PRICE: $299.00 Member/ $399.00 Non- Member/ $199.00 Student Member MODERATING: Katie Cuyler, Bennett Jones SPEAKING: Julie Clegg, Toddington International, Inc. PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division Street entrance PRICE: $25.00 Member/ $40.00 Non-Member/ $25.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: New England Chapter SPONSORED BY: EBSCO Information Services 10:00 A.M. - END SLA Board of Directors Open Session Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 151AB PRESENTED BY: SLA 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Solo Librarian Division Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 158 PRESENTED BY: Solo Librarians Division Going Beyond Basics: Strategic and Tactical Competitive Intelligence for Decision Support LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 103 PRICE: $199.00 Member/ $299.00 Non- Member/ $99.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Zena Applebaum, Bennett Jones LLP; Michel Bernaiche, Aurora WDC PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. GTRIC LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254A PRICE: $50.00 Member/ $50.00 Non-Member/ $25.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Transportation Division 10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. Transportation Division Business Meeting and Luncheon LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252B PRICE: $35.00 Member/ $35.00 Non-Member/ $25.00 Student Member MODERATING: Karen Perrin, Illinois Department of Transportation PRESENTED BY: Transportation Division; Arabian Gulf Chapter 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. SLA 2016 Conference Planners Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 153AB 2:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. ERMD Board Meeting Solo Librarians Division Board Meeting 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: Westin, Executive Boardroom PRESENTED BY: Solo Librarians Division IT Division Board Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Adams PRESENTED BY: Information Technology Division LOCATION: Westin, Bulfinch PRESENTED BY: Environment & Resource Division 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Taxonomy Division Board Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Alcott PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division 5:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. DCHE Board Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Executive Boardroom PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division Engineering Division Board Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Douglas PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Evening Tour: Boston by Foot— Heart of the Freedom Trail LOCATION: Convention Center, North Lobby, New England Chapter Table PRICE: $12.00 Member/ $15.00 Non-Member/ $12.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: New England Chapter Management Division 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. MAHD Mystery No-Host Dinner LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: Museums, Arts & Humanities Division 12 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 13 SATURDAY, JUNE 13 ® Delivered via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Board of Directors Meeting/Dinner DCHE Newcomers’ Dinner / Members’ No-Host Dinner LOCATION: Westin, Faneuil PRESENTED BY: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications PAM No-Host Dinner and Newcomers’ Dinner Engineering Division No-Host Dinner LOCATION: Chau Chow City Restaurant, 83 Essex Street PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division LOCATION: 75 on Liberty Wharf, 220 Northern Avenue PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division SOLO Division No-Host Dine Around Boston LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: Solo Librarians Division Q Q Q Q IEEE Journals Archive Perpetual access to more than a century of scientific research from over 200 IEEE archival journal titles IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library More than 700 eBook titles from the Wiley-IEEE Press LOCATION: 75 on Liberty Wharf, 220 Northern Avenue PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division SPONSORED BY: ACSESS - Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Societies 6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Bolster your institution’s archival holdings with perpetual access to IEEE journals and eBooks. FAN No-Host Dinner “IEEE is the umbrella that allows us all to stay current with technology trends.” Dr. Mathukumalli Vidyasagar Head, Bioengineering Dept. University of Texas, Dallas Dine Around with DPHT LOCATION: Westin, meet in the main lobby PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Government Information Division No-Host Dinner LOCATION: The Barking Crab, 88 Sleeper Street PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division Taxonomy Division No-Host Dinner LOCATION: Salvatore’s Restaurant, 225 Northern Ave PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Perpetual Access Options from IEEE 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. (continued) Social Media: News Division Networking Event MIT Press eBooks Library— Computing & Engineering Collection Nearly 600 eBook titles from the MIT Press 6:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBooks Library* Access nearly 700 peer-reviewed titles focusing on engineering & computer science LOCATION: Aura Restaurant, Seaport Hotel PRESENTED BY: SLA Fellows LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: News Division Fellows Dinner 9:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. Trivia Night *Only available in select markets LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom I PRESENTED BY: Academic Division SPONSORED BY: Annual Reviews To learn more about perpetual access options from IEEE or to request a free trial, visit Visit our Booth #601 and see a demo! SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 15 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 THIS IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION This is captivating, impactful Science | 7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. DEDU Business Meeting with ERIC Update SLA Registration Center LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: Karen Croneis, University of 9:30 A.M. - 11:15 A.M. Opening General Session and Awards Presentation LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom SPEAKING: Leigh Gallagher, Fortune PRESENTED BY: SLA INFO-EXPO Grand Opening PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257B SPEAKING: Blane Dessy, Library of Congress; Michael Gruenberg, Gruenberg Consulting MODERATING: Sheryl Rosenthal, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Retired PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division SPONSORED BY: Basch Subscriptions, Inc.; 11:30 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. ProQuest INFO-EXPO Hours Green Building Standards 11:45 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Vendor Relations Networking Lunch LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252A SPEAKING: Meg Baker, Digital Science; Kinga Computer artwork of HIV particles (purple) binding to a dendritic cell (blue), whose dendrites (extensions) are interacting with a lymphocyte cell (lower right). Government Information Division Business Meeting / Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Negotiating With Vendors (But Never Asked) Hosszu, Faculty of 1000; Rabia Khan, Sciencescape MODERATING: Donna Gibson, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center PRESENTED BY: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Maryland Chapter; Natural History Caucus SPONSORED BY: Wolters Kluwer LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A MODERATING: Katharine Arzeta, CH2M HILL; Abbey Gerken, ASRC Primus PRESENTED BY: Environment & Resource Management Division; Engineering Division - Architecture, Building Engineering, Construction & Design Section DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE 11:20 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Alabama; Erin Pollard, U.S. Department of Education PRESENTED BY: Education Division An Introduction to Developing a Better Web-based User Experience LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Sarah Barrett, Factor MODERATING: Jacob Ratliff, National Fire Protection Association PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division; Government Information Division To learn more about our products, speak with our representatives at the AAAS/Science stand #628. OPEN ACCESS SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 17 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 CRESCENDO SESSION MASTER CLASS SESSION Islamic Finance and Banking: An Introduction for Researchers Revolutionary Learning Organizations: Core Values, Best Practices, New Horizons LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Aslihan Bulut, Harvard Law School; Amjad Quadri, Guidance Residential LLC MODERATING: Toby Pearlstein PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division; Arabian Gulf Chapter; Legal Division; Insurance & Employee Benefits Division SPONSORED BY: Linex Systems LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom SPEAKING: Stacey Greenwell, University of DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Productivity of the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Trends in the Economics of New Drug Discovery and Development LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Joseph DiMasi, Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Ready, Fire, Aim: The Essential Steps Before a Knowledge Management Initiative LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: Sara Nisco, IHG; Christine Olson, Chris Olson & Associates; Ilene Strongin-Garry, IHG MODERATING: Sara Tompson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory PRESENTED BY: Knowledge Management Division 18 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE Mary Koslowski, Medtronic; Hana Vegher, Abbott Vascular PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: Enid Boasberg, Concord Seed QUICK TAKE SESSION 12:00 P.M. - 12:15 P.M. Legal Resources and Research Using Twitter Lending Library; Heather McCann, Hampshire College; Caren Rosales, Boston Public Library; Angela Veizaga, Boston Public Library MODERATING: Abbey Gerken, ASRC Primus; Eric Tans, Michigan State University PRESENTED BY: Environment & Resource Management Division QUICK TAKE SESSION Understanding the New Sustainability Accounting Standards LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Rita Ormsby, Baruch College, City University of New York; Ryan Phillips, Baruch College, City University of New York PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division 12:30 P.M. - 12:45 P.M. QUICK TAKE SESSION What to Do When They Say “Give Me Everything You Have on…” and Not Freak Out Because They Want It in an Hour LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Zena Applebaum, Bennett Jones LLP; Lynn Strand, Outside Knowledge PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division Division Cultivating Seed Libraries LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Tracy Z. Maleeff, Duane Morris LLP PRESENTED BY: Legal Division SPONSORED BY: Wolters Kluwer 1:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. Asian Chapter Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257A SPEAKING: Brinerdine Alejandrino, Association of Special Libraries of the Philippines; Parveen Babbar, Jawahar Lal University; Yahsin Hsu, Bain & Company SE Asia Inc.; Kay Sook Park, Korea Special Library Association; Kishor Chandra Satpathy, National Institute of Technology PRESENTED BY: Asia Chapter Astronomy Roundtable LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 251 SPEAKING: Alberto Accomazzi, NASA DCHE Business Meeting and Vendor Roundtable LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Ian Bruno, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center; Steven Dueball, Elsevier; Steve Hansen, ACS Publications; Stacy Konkiel, Altmetric; Fiona Macdonald, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; Matt Straiges, Royal Society of Chemistry; Alexandra Williams, Thieme Publishers; Roland Bruno, Royal Society of Chemistry MODERATING: Ye Li, University of Michigan PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Naomi House,; Margaret Smith, New York University MODERATING: Dee Magnoni, Los Alamos National Laboratory PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Sarah Young, Cornell University PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Sandra Crumlish, St. Jude Medical; 1:30 P.M. - 1:45 P.M. SLA CAREER CONNECTION SEMINAR LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205C SPEAKING: Kim Dority, Dority & Associates; QUICK TAKE SESSION Navigating the Waters of Federal Public Access Policies: The Library’s Role in Keeping Funding Afloat Clinical Evaluation Reports in Medical Devices and the Critical Role of the Information Professional Kentucky; Leslie Reynolds, University of Colorado Boulder MODERATING: Catherine Lavallée-Welch, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse PRESENTED BY: Academic Division SESSION HASHTAG: # revolearning 11:45 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. (continued) It’s Not Easy Being Green: A Real World LIS Discussion for Students and New Professionals 1:00 P.M. - 1:15 P.M. SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications; Thieme Publishers; Royal Society of Chemistry; Elsevier Astrophysics Data System; Kelle Cruz, AstroBetter; Jane Holmquist, Princeton University MODERATING: Christopher Erdmann, HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Elaina Vitale, Niels Bohr Library & Archives PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SPONSORED BY: SPIE Digital Library SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 19 ANNUAL REVIEWS CONNECT W ITH OUR E XPERTS SUNDAY, JUNE 14 1:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. (continued) SPARK A CONNECTION Scientific progress crosses borders and boundaries. Annual Reviews journals promote the sharing of relevant ideas and research through intelligently synthesized literature review articles. Our invited authors cut out the noise and save scholars valuable research time. NEW IN 2015 • Annual Review of Linguistics | JANUARY SEPTEMBER Complimentary online access is available to the first volume for the first year. NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE • Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior • Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application • Annual Review of Virology Purchase Volume 2 in 2015 to secure permanent data rights to both Volumes 1 and 2. SECURE ACCESS FOR YOUR PATRONS TODAY Visit or email LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Lois Kelly, Foghound; Carmen Medina, Deloitte Consulting LLP MODERATING: Elizabeth Sullivan PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division; Leadership & Management Division SPONSORED BY: LexisNexis Fellows Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252B MODERATING: Mary Talley, TalleyPartners PRESENTED BY: SLA Fellows LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Chad Groenhout, Allis Information Management Inc.; Emily Rushing, Haynes Boone LLP; Arjan Singh, University of California Irvine; Fred Wergeles, Fred Wergeles & Associates PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division; Legal Division SESSION HASHTAG: #CIfunctions A Perfect Balance: Legal Research for the Non-law Librarian LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206B SPEAKING: Abigail Ross, Keller and HOT TOPIC SESSION Heckman LLP PRESENTED BY: Legal Division A Conversation with NY Times’ R&D Lab: How Semantic Listening can Build a Future From the Past Put YOU into Your Brand: LMD Marketing Section Workshop LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C PRESENTED BY: New York Times MASTER CLASS SESSION Mastering the Art of User Experience LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom SPEAKING: Debra Kolah, Rice University; Wenbo Wang, Oracle PRESENTED BY: Information Technology Division; User Experience Caucus SPONSORED BY: ProQuest LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254A SPEAKING: Lyndsay Rees-Jones, Real-Time-Release MODERATING: Jean Crampon, University of Southern California, Retired; Margaret Smith, New York University PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division – Marketing Section; First Five Years Advisory Council DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE • Annual Review of Vision Science | Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Challenges, Opportunities, and Trends CRESCENDO SESSION New Roles for Librarians and Info Pros: Developing a CI Function from Beginner to Expert Saving the News: Collaborative Approaches to Digital Preservation LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 PRESENTED BY: News Division Visit us in booth #817 at SLA 2015 to enter our Apple iPad Mini™ raffle. ANNUAL REVIEWS | Connect With Our Experts T: 650.493.4400/800.523.8635 (US/CAN) SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 21 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 1:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. (continued) 3:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. What Is E-Science? A Science and Engineering 201 Session Baseball Caucus Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Mary Frances Lembo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; James Manasco, University of Louisville MODERATING: Sheila Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Transportation Division; Petroleum & Energy Resources Division SPONSORED BY: McGraw-Hill Education 2:00 P.M. - 2:15 P.M. QUICK TAKE SESSION Researching Private Companies: Tips and Techniques for Solving One of Your Biggest Information Challenges! LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Zena Applebaum, Bennett Jones LLP; Philip Britton, ULTA Beauty PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division SPONSORED BY: PrivCo LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B PRESENTED BY: Baseball Caucus SPONSORED BY: Reprints Desk Genetic Mutations: How Do They Arise, and What Do They Do? Interdisciplinary Perspectives LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Hopi Hoekstra, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Harvard University; James Mallet, Harvard University MODERATING: Dorothy Barr, Harvard University PRESENTED BY: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Medical Section; Natural History Caucus SPONSORED BY: New England Journal of Leading from the Middle: Strategies, Advice and Perspective from Senior Leaders LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205C SPEAKING: Lisa DeAngelis, Center for Collaborative Leadership, University of Massachusetts; Victoria North, Kirkland & Ellis; Leslie Reynolds, University of Colorado Boulder MODERATING: Susan Fingerman, American Public University PRESENTED BY: Academic Division; Leadership & Management Division SESSION HASHTAG: #leadingmiddle LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 207 SPEAKING: Susan Makar, U.S. National Institute NASA Spinoffs: To Space and Back LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: Daniel Lockney, NASA; Daniel LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Joy Banks, library and archives Theobald, Vecna; Darryl Sargent, Draper Laboratory MODERATING: Mary Whittaker, Boeing Company PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division Aerospace Section EXHIBITOR THEATER PRESENTATION Bloomberg Law’s Analytics Line Graphs, and Pie Charts, and Bars, Oh My! LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater PRESENTED BY: Bloomberg BNA MASTER CLASS SESSION LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom SPEAKING: Geraldine Clement-Stoneham, Medical Research Council U.K.; Alex Ilg, Morgan Stanley; Craig Wingrove, Boston Consulting Group MODERATING: Dennie Heye, Shell International PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division; Business & Finance Division Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA); IEEE Xplore Digital Library CRESCENDO SESSION The Next Great Invention: How to Help Your Organization Make It a Reality LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206B SPEAKING: Denise Callihan, PPG Industries, Inc.; Matthew McBride, Science IP; Karen Vagts, Tufts University MODERATING: Amanda Schoen, SherwinWilliams Company PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division SPONSORED BY: CAS 22 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SPONSORED BY: Gale, Cengage Learning; LexisNexis LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 151AB PRESENTED BY: Military Libraries Division SPONSORED BY: IEEE Xplore Digital Library Get the Picture: Use Your Taxonomy to Classify Images It’s a Risky Business: Proactive Information Risk Management for Information Professionals Savoie, City of Boston MODERATING: Angela Kent, The Texas State Library and Archives Commission PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division; Military Libraries Division; Taxonomy Division; Science-Technology Division SLA Contributed Papers: Sunday Session SPONSORED BY: American Institute of 3:15 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Lori Emadi, RAND Corporation; Curt Military Libraries Division Business Meeting Medicine consultant; Ann Pool MODERATING: Barbara Holder, FPInnovations PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division; Museums, Arts & Humanities Division Open Data: Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality of Standards & Technology – NIST; Lian Ruan, Illinois Fire Service Institute; Bethan Ruddock, Mimas; Mark-Shane Scale, University of Western Ontario MODERATING: Giovanna Badia, Schulich Library of Science & Engineering, McGill University PRESENTED BY: SLA Social Enterprise: MITRE’s Knowledge-Driven Enterprise LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: Donna Cuomo, MITRE Corporation; Marcie Zaharee, MITRE Corporation MODERATING: Ethel Salonen, MITRE Corporation PRESENTED BY: Knowledge Management Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JUNE 14 HOT TOPIC SESSION Understanding the World of Private Company Information: Addressing the Challenges of Creating a Truly Global Dataset LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C PRESENTED BY: Bureau van Dijk (BVD) SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 23 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Be Revolutionary! Joint Poster Session DST Awards Reception and Presentations LOCATION: INFO-EXPO SPEAKING: Jon Bentley, OpenAthens; Maria LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom II MODERATING: Janet Hughes, Pennsylvania Brahme, Pepperdine University; Scott Carlson, Rice University; Tallie Casucci, University of Utah; Liya Deng, University of South Carolina; Tina Franks, Ohio State University; Lizette Gabriel, Pepperdine University; Charlene Kirkpatrick, University of Tennessee; Maya Kucij, McGill University; Jennifer Lee, University of Calgary; Virginia Mattingly, University of Louisville; Alireza Peyvand Robati, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch; Ivonne Ramirez, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Megan Siu, Musée Héritage Museum; Leah Strudwick, Bayer, Inc.; Stan Trembach, University of South Carolina; Cheryl Yanek, Catalyst PRESENTED BY: Museums, Arts & Humanities Division; Academic Division; Social Science Division; Education Division State University; Sheila Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division INFO-EXPO Opening Reception LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA 5:15 P.M. - 6:15 P.M. SLA Fellows and First Timers Meet LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, rear of the hall SPEAKING: David Cappoli, UCLA PRESENTED BY: SLA Fellows Canadian Reception LOCATION: Barlow’s Restaurant, 241 A Street PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $10.00 Non-Member/ $10.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Toronto Chapter; Eastern Canada Chapter; Western Canada Chapter SPONSORED BY: Emerald Group Publishing; The MediaPreserve SPONSORED BY: Elsevier 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. B&F Open House and Awards Reception DPHT Networking Social Ballroom A LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom I PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division SPONSORED BY: LexisNexis PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division News Division Awards LOCATION: Westin, Commonwealth LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: News Division 8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Joint Divisions Open House LOCATION: Westin, Commonwealth Ballroom B PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division; Leadership & Management Division; Transportation Division; Solo Librarians Division; Museums, Arts & Humanities Division SPONSORED BY: Elsevier; The MediaPreserve; Springer 9:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. Karaoke Party LOCATION: Westin, Grand Ballroom A PRESENTED BY: Academic Division; Information Technology Division SPONSORED BY: Springer 7:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Legal Division Vendor Appreciation Reception 7:30 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. LOCATION: Westin, Commonwealth Ballroom C PRESENTED BY: Legal Division Western States Chapter Reception 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Asian Chapter Open House Reception: Taste of Asia LOCATION: Westin, Burroughs SPEAKING: Shirley Ingles-Cruz, Commission on Appointments, Congress of the Philippines; Praveen Jain, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG); Julia Leggett, Library of Congress PRESENTED BY: Asia Chapter; International Information Exchange Caucus; Washington, D.C. Chapter LOCATION: Harpoon Visitor Center & Beer Hall, 306 Northern Avenue PRESENTED BY: Arizona Chapter; Oregon Chapter; Southern California Chapter; Silicon Valley Chapter; Sierra Nevada Chapter; San Francisco Bay Chapter; San Diego Chapter; Rocky Mountain Chapter; Pacific Northwest Chapter DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JUNE 14 SPONSORED BY: American Physical Society; Zubal Books; Taylor & Francis; SPIE Digital Library; IOP Publishing; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Geographic Research, Inc.; EBSCO Information Services SPONSORED BY: JBJS (The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery) 24 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 25 MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 15 16 Preserve Your Most Valuable Resource – Time in nsttantl tlyy a acccess ha h ard-t ard -ttoo find CHEMISTRY IN PATENTS track down chemical information in patents in HALF THE TIME quic qu ickl klyy id kl id identify patents in LANGUAGES YOU KNOW 8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. SLA Registration Center Academic Division Executive Board Meeting 7:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. DCHE Breakfast and Academic/ Corporate Roundtable on Laboratory Safety Information and Practices LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 251 PRICE: $15.00 Member/ $15.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Evan Bolton, National Library of Medicine (NLM)/PubChem; Steven Dueball, Elsevier; Stephanie Publicker, National Library of Medicine (NLM) MODERATING: Ye Li, University of Michigan PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division; Chemical Information Division, American Chemical Society SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications; Royal Society of Chemistry; Elsevier FAN Business Meeting and Vendor Partner Meet and Greet LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 155 PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division SPONSORED BY: ACSESS - Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Societies PHTD Monday Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254A PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $10.00 Non-Member/ $5.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division LOCATION: Westin, Faneuil PRESENTED BY: Academic Division Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Annual Breakfast and Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 153C Price: $25.00 Member/ $25.00 Non-Member/ $25.00 Student Member MODERATING: Nalini Mahajan, Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital PRESENTED BY: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Bloomberg BNA Legal Division Breakfast & Business Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Grand Ballroom A PRESENTED BY: Legal Division SPONSORED BY: Bloomberg BNA College and University Business Libraries (CUBL) Section Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257B SPEAKING: Susan Klopper, Emory University; Laura Leavitt, Michigan State University MODERATING: Linda Lowry, Brock University PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division College and University Business Libraries DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Digging through patent literature can be tedious. Searching for the vital chemistry disclosed in patents keeps you from the work that matters most – interpreting how the information impacts your research. That’s why CAS developed PatentPak™, a set of essential capabilities and content that enhances the SciFinder® experience you already rely on to locate relevant research in your field. 7:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. SPONSORED BY: Financial Times Corporate Information Centers Section Meeting and Breakfast/ Panel Discussion: Measuring Effectiveness and Proving Value LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 255 PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $15.00 Non-Member/ $10.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Jamie Emery, Fidelity Investments; Toby Pearlstein; Liz Peoples, LexisNexis Business Insight Solutions MODERATING: John Aubrey, Analysis Group PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division Corporate Information Centers Section SPONSORED BY: Thomson Reuters SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 27 MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 15 16 8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Satisfy Your Need to Know MIT Press JOURNALS NEW! American Journal of Health Economics, Frank Sloan, Editor in Chief The American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE) provides a forum for the in-depth analysis of institutional health care systems and individual health behaviors. The journal is published by the MIT Press for the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon). ARTS & HUMANITIES African Arts ● ARTMargins ● Computer Music Journal ● Dædalus ● Design Issues ● Grey Room ● Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal ● The New England Quarterly ● October ● PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art ● TDR/The Drama Review ● INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS & POLITICAL SCIENCE Global Environmental Politics International Security ● Journal of Cold War Studies ● The Journal of Interdisciplinary History ● Perspectives on Science ● ● SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Artificial Life ● Computational Linguistics ● Evolutionary Computation ● Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience ● Linguistic Inquiry ECONOMICS ● American Journal of Health Economics ● Neural Computation ● Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual ● Asian Development Review Environments ● Asian Economic Papers ● Education Finance and Policy Visit us in booth 1113 ● The Review of Economics and Statistics PAM Division Annual Business Meeting and Breakfast Financial Services Section Meeting and Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 152 SPEAKING: Jeffrey Bond, Texas LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 158 PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $15.00 Non-Member/ Christian University PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SPONSORED BY: American Physical Society $10.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Jack Cahill, Babson College; Bob Chow, Fidelity Investments; Scott Kern, Oppenheimer & Co. MODERATING: Emily Cox, BMO Capital Markets PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division Financial Services Section Sponsored By: Thomson Reuters How Do Clients REALLY Think?: LMD Consulting Section Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252A PRICE: $20.00 Member/ $40.00 Non-Member/ $20.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Eunice Hogeveen, Innerviews, Inc. MODERATING: Juanita Richardson, Dysart & Jones Associates PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division – Consulting Section IEBD Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Insurance Library Association of Boston, 156 State Street #2 PRESENTED BY: Insurance & Employee Benefits Division ● Military Libraries Division Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254B PRESENTED BY: Military Libraries Division SPONSORED BY: ProQuest OCLC Update Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 151AB PRESENTED BY: OCLC Professional Development Advisory Council Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Executive Boardroom PRESENTED BY: SLA 9:00 A.M. - 9:15 A.M. QUICK TAKE SESSION Maximize Your Brain Power with Mind Maps: 7 Steps to Making Your First Mind Map LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Lyndsay Rees-Jones, Real-Time-Release PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. INFO-EXPO Hours DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE read the first issue for free. (continued) 9:30 A.M. - 9:45 A.M. QUICK TAKE SESSION Stretching the Boundaries: Reference for Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics Relativity Speaking LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Lance Utley, National Radio Astronomy Observatory PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 29 MONDAY,JUNE JUNE16 15 TUESDAY, 10:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M. Designing Aggregation and Knowledge Sharing Systems QUICK TAKE SESSION LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Zena Applebaum, Bennett Jones Get SMART - The Future Is Here: Smart Grid, Smart Homes, Smart Cars and More LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Rona Newmark, EMC Corporation MODERATING: Marlene Vogelsang, Pacific LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Wendi Pohs, InfoClear Consulting PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division LLP; Arik Johnson, AuroraWDC; Jesper Martell, Comintelli; Joseph Tragert, EBSCO PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division; Information Technology Division; Taxonomy Division 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. SPONSORED BY: Aurora WDC, EBSCO Information Services, Comintelli Advertising and Marketing Section Meeting SESSION HASHTAG: #knowledgesharing Online Content Advisory Council Meeting CRESCENDO SESSION LOCATION: Westin, Alcott PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257A SPEAKING: Hilary Clark, Oliver Wyman; William Cook, ADP; Carrie Netzer Wajda, Y&R Advertising; Dorotea Szkolar, GroupM MODERATING: Susan Hoover, Young & Rubicam Group PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division Advertising and Marketing Section Enhancing Intranet Search LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Jordan Cassel, Earley and Associates; Lisa Kamm, Google MODERATING: Gary Kahn, Earley & Associates PRESENTED BY: Information Technology Division; Taxonomy Division SPONSORED BY: Geographic Research, Inc. SPONSORED BY: IEEE Xplore Digital Library HOT TOPIC SESSION Building the Resilient Library The Experts Are In! One-Off Career Advice LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C PRESENTED BY: Lucidea LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom III MODERATING: Rebecca Vargha, University of Cultural Diversity and Working in a Global Information Environment: Keys to Success for the Information Professional LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Gimena Campos Cervera, U.S. Embassy, Rome, Italy; Monica Ertel, Bain & Company; Kym Holden, Australia Department of Social Services; Naeema Jabur, Sultan Qabous University MODERATING: Donna Scheeder PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division; Arabian Gulf Chapter; Europe Chapter; Diversity Leadership Development Program Committee; Australia and New Zealand Chapter; Asia Chapter SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE North Carolina at Chapel Hill PRESENTED BY: SLA Fellows Exploring Safety Information Literacy: Towards a Safer Research Environment LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: Grace Baysinger, Stanford University; Robin Izzo, Princeton University; Martin Walker, State University of New York at Potsdam MODERATING: Donna Wrublewski, California Institute of Technology PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division; Chemical Information Division, American Chemical Society Sponsored By: Royal Society of Chemistry Energy Center PRESENTED BY: Petroleum & Energy Resources Division Physics Roundtable LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 256 SPEAKING: Alex Csiszar, Harvard University; Teasel Muir-Harmony, American Institute of Physics MODERATING: Chris Doty, Emory University; Debra Kolah, Rice University PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SPONSORED BY: OSA - The Optical Society SLA Contributed Papers: Monday Session LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 207 SPEAKING: Joe Buzzanga, IEEE; John Coll, National Library of Scotland; Angela Kent, The Texas State Library and Archives Commission; Katharine Schopflin MODERATING: Leah Swift PRESENTED BY: SLA Taking the Library to the World: Innovative Outreach and Services beyond Borders LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: Innocent Awasom, Texas Tech University; Wendy Davis, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Valrie Minson, University of Florida; Sarah Young, Cornell University PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division; Education Division; ScienceTechnology Division; International Information Exchange Caucus; Insurance & Employee Benefits Division SPONSORED BY: ACSESS - Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Societies MASTER CLASS SESSION Revolutions in Grant Writing: Finding Funding for Collections in the 21st Century LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Patricia Hewitt, New Mexico History Museum; Amy Lucko, Council on Library and Information Resources; Christa Williford, Council on Library and Information Resources; Nina Zannieri, Paul Revere Memorial Association MODERATING: Joy Banks, library and archives consultant PRESENTED BY: Museums, Arts & Humanities Division; Academic Division; Solo Librarians Division; Social Science Division; Education Division; Archival and Preservation Caucus 10:30 A.M. - 10:45 A.M. QUICK TAKE SESSION Driving Innovation in Mobile Learning and Libraries DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Taxonomy Tool Update 30 MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 15 16 LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Tallie Casucci, University of Utah PRESENTED BY: Academic Division SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 31 TUESDAY, JUNE 16 MONDAY, 15 11:00 A.M. - 11: 15 A.M. Graphic Novels: Familiar Challenges and a Revolutionary Opportunity QUICK TAKE SESSION LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 207 SPEAKING: Monique Clar, Université de Let Freedom Ring! The Highlights of Heading Out as an Independent Info Pro LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater SPEAKING: Jennifer Burke, IntelliCraft Research, LLC MODERATING: Rebecca Vargha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PRESENTED BY: Knowledge Management Division The faculty, staff, and students 12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. of Library and Information MASTER CLASS SESSION Science congratulate Analytical Tools That Deliver Value: War Gaming (Not the Revolutionary Kind) Dr. James Matarazzo, Dean Emeritus, on his induction into the SLA Hall of Fame in 2015. LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Zena Applebaum, Bennett Jones LLP; Derek Johnson, Aurora WDC PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division; Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division SPONSORED BY: Springer Engineering Division Business Meeting and Luncheon LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252A PRICE: $25.00 Member/ $35.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Sara Davis, Jacobs Engineering Group PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division SPONSORED BY: ASME; SAE International; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Elsevier; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEBD Business Meeting and Luncheon LOCATION: Del Frisco’s, 250 Northern Avenue PRICE: $5.00 Member/ $5.00 Non-Member/ $5.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Insurance & Employee Benefits Division If You Pin It, Bake It, Caffeinate It, or Craft It, They Will Come: Solo Success Stories LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206B SPEAKING: Hildy Dworkin, New York City Department of Social Services; Gabriele Hysong, Rolls-Royce Corporation; Maura McGrath, McREL PRESENTED BY: Solo Librarians Division CRESCENDO SESSION Open Digital Repositories on a Shoestring DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE of Simmons College School Montréal; Mara Thacker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Greg Urquhart, Alexander Street Press; Rebecca Vargha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill MODERATING: Karen Croneis, University of Alabama PRESENTED BY: Education Division LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Stewart Dick, Sheridan College; P. Scott Lapinski, Harvard Medical School; Kevin Powell, Brown University MODERATING: Nina Brakel-Schutt, Widen PRESENTED BY: Information Technology Division Responding Quickly When Disasters Affect Your Library LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 251 PRESENTED BY: SLA SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 33 MONDAY, JUNE 15 (continued) Revolutionize Your Data – Tools for Visualization LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: Elizabeth Arnold, Celgene LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 153AB SPEAKING: Stacy Bruss, National Institute of Corporation; Mark Burfoot, Novartis MODERATING: William Cook, ADP PRESENTED BY: Knowledge Management Division; Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Standards and Technology - NIST; Amanda Malanowski, National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST; Margaret Smith, New York University MODERATING: Beth Thomsett-Scott, University of North Texas PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Government Information Division; Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics Division; Information Technology Division SPONSORED BY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); IEEE Xplore Digital Library SESSION HASHTAG: #viztools SPONSORED BY: ProQuest Working Together Is Success: A Vendor Relationship Revolution LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Jamie Marie Keller-Aschenbach, Florida Coastal School of Law; Kris Martin, HBR Consulting PRESENTED BY: Legal Division Rising Stars and SLA Fellows Roundtable 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254A PRESENTED BY: SLA B&F Annual Business Meeting and Lunch Scientists’ Data & Information Practices: Critical Roles for Information Professionals to Promote Data Management & Open Sharing LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Patricia Cruse, DataONE; Christopher Erdmann, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics MODERATING: Juliane Schneider, University of California, San Diego PRESENTED BY: Academic Division; Academic Division - Scholarly Communication Section; Transportation Division; PhysicsAstronomy-Mathematics Division SPONSORED BY: World Scientific Publishing 34 Shared Knowledge in Firms That Care and Cure SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 151AB PRICE: $20.00 Member/ $25.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Sam Stovall, S&P Capital IQ MODERATING: Ann Cullen, Emory University PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division DPER Annual Business and Membership Meeting LOCATION: Salvatore’s Restaurant, 225 Northern Avenue PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $20.00 Non-Member/ $5.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Dennie Heye, Shell International MODERATING: David Brackus, Jefferies LLC PRESENTED BY: Petroleum & Energy Resources Division Enriching Research Management Systems with Point-of-Need Information Delivery: Case Studies with Laboratory Safety Information LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Evan Bolton, National Library of Medicine (NLM)/PubChem; Damien Hammond, Dupont Protection Technologies; Leah McEwen, Cornell University; Ralph Stuart, Keene State College; Jeffrey Whitford, Sigma-Aldrich MODERATING: Leah McEwen, Cornell University PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division; Chemical Information Division, American Chemical Society SPONSORED BY: Elsevier EXHIBITOR THEATER PRESENTATION 7 Things Librarians Forget When Choosing an ILS LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A PRESENTED BY: EOS International 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. EXHIBITOR THEATER PRESENTATION Finding Meaning in The Mass— Using Analytics and Visualization To Find Actionable Insights LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater PRESENTED BY: LexisNexis 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. INFO-EXPO Networking Reception LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA SPONSORED BY: ProQuest 2:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. EXHIBITOR THEATER PRESENTATION What Can EOS.Web Do for Your Library? LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater PRESENTED BY: EOS International 3:15 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. EXHIBITOR THEATER PRESENTATION Bloomberg Law’s Analytics Line Graphs, and Pie Charts, and Bars, Oh My! LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Exhibitor Theater PRESENTED BY: Bloomberg BNA 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Academic Division Roundtable, New Member Welcome & Awards Reception LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252B MODERATING: Jacqueline Keleher, Southern University at New Orleans PRESENTED BY: Academic Division SPONSORED BY: IEEE Xplore Digital Library Competencies Task Force Update and Discussion DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE 12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. MONDAY, JUNE 15 LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 153C SPEAKING: David Shumaker PRESENTED BY: SLA Determining Fees and ROI for Association Information Services LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A PRESENTED BY: Association Information Services Caucus SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 35 MONDAY, JUNE 15 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. (continued) Digital Libraries and Metadata: The Next Frontier LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Kathleen McElhinney, University of South Dakota; Elizabeth Yakel, University of Michigan PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division Get Out of Your Chair and Revolutionize Your Training Program! Farber Schreck; Christine DeLuca, Bennett Jones LLP; John Digilio, Reed Smith LLP PRESENTED BY: Legal Division SPONSORED BY: Wolters Kluwer GLBTIC Annual Business Meeting and Program LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254B SPEAKING: Karen Krahulik, New York University PRESENTED BY: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & SLA PartnerTalks Transgender Issues Caucus Insights from the Leaders of Our Industry HOT TOPIC SESSION SLA PartnerTalks are live and recorded Webinars from SLA’s strategic partners, designed to help information professionals become indispensable in their organizations. Visit today to register for an upcoming Webinar or view the library of recorded programs. LOCATION: Westin, Executive Boardroom PRESENTED BY: SLA Learning and Libations: The Annual DBIO Medical Section Reception and Business Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Burroughs MODERATING: Elaine Dean, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital PRESENTED BY: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Natural History Caucus; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division - Medical Section SPONSORED BY: Springer Midyear Leadership Tune-Up LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballrooms I & II PRESENTED BY: SLA Trends in the Information and Data Quality Landscape: The Content Vendor Perspective LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A MODERATING: Barbara Hirsh, NERA Economic Consulting PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division Crime, Corruption and Cannabis: Good news for Info Pro’s LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C PRESENTED BY: Dow Jones MASTER CLASS SESSION Global Talent Management: A Key to Producing Superior Results LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Michel Bernaiche, Aurora WDC; Scott Leeb, Iknow LLC PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division; Leadership & Management Division SPONSORED BY: Springer SESSION HASHTAG: #globaltalent 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. All Sciences Poster Session DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Stephanie Ball, Brownstein Hyatt Information Outlook Advisory Council Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Commonwealth Ballrooms ABC MODERATING: Beth Thomsett-Scott, University of North Texas PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics Division; Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division; Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division; Engineering Division; Chemistry Division SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications; Taylor & Francis; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; CAS; ACSESS - Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Societies SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 37 MONDAY, JUNE 15 5:30 P.M. - 6:15 P.M. 7:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. SLA Chapter Cabinet Meeting CID Open House/Reception LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballrooms I & II PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: Chart House Boston, 60 Long Wharf PRICE: $35.00 Member/ $40.00 Non-Member/ SLA Division Cabinet Meeting $30.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom III PRESENTED BY: SLA 8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE SLA First Five Years Happy Hour LOCATION: M.J. O’Connor’s, 425 Summer Street PRESENTED BY: First Five Years Advisory Council 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. EOS Client Reception LOCATION: Westin, Webster PRESENTED BY: EOS International 6:15 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. SLA Joint Cabinet Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballrooms I & II PRESENTED BY: SLA 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. East Coast Chapter Reception LOCATION: Westin, Grand Ballrooms C-E PRESENTED BY: Washington, D.C. Chapter; Maryland Chapter; New York Chapter; New Jersey Chapter; New England Chapter SPONSORED BY: Bloomberg BNA; ProQuest; Leadership Directories 38 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE International Reception LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom III SPEAKING: Greta Ober-Beauchesne, Joint World Bank - IMF Library PRESENTED BY: Social Science Division; Arabian Gulf Chapter; Washington, D.C. Chapter; International Information Exchange Caucus; Europe Chapter SLA thanks these organizations who make the 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO possible. PLATINUM PARTNER SPONSORED BY: Bureau Van Dijk (BVD) PAM Open House LOCATION: Westin, Burroughs PRESENTED BY: Physics-Astronomy- Mathematics Division SPONSORED BY: AIP Publishing GOLD PARTNERS 8:30 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. Taxonomy Division Open House LOCATION: Westin, Lewis PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division 9:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. IT Dance Party LOCATION: Westin, Grand Ballrooms AB MODERATING: Dorothea Salo PRESENTED BY: Information Technology Division; Academic Division; Kentucky Chapter; Competitive Intelligence Division SILVER SPONSORS TUESDAY, JUNE 16 7:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Revolutionize Library Management: Best Practices SLA Registration Center LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Betty Edwards, Draper Laboratory; 7:00 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Luggage Storage Hours LOCATION: Convention Center, North Lobby PRICE: $3.00 per item PRESENTED BY: SLA 7:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. PAM Vendor Update and Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 151AB MODERATING: Mangala Krishnamurthy, University of Alabama; Margaret Lam, George Mason University PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SPONSORED BY: SIAM - Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics PHTD Tuesday Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254A PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $10.00 Non-Member/ $5.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Joyce Fedeczko, LAC Group; Susan Henczel, INFASE Solutions; Nalini Mahajan, Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital; Valerie Ryder; Deborah Schwarz, LAC Group; Sara Tompson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Vicki Valleroy, Boeing Company MODERATING: Sheila Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Petroleum & Energy Resources Division SPONSORED BY: World Scientific Publishing Standards Development and Update LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B MODERATING: Jeremy Cusker, Cornell University PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division; Petroleum & Energy Resources Division; Transportation Division SPONSORED BY: ASTM International 8.00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Careers in Prospect Research: The Basics LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C SPEAKING: Maureen Festa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michael Gruenberg, Gruenberg Consulting, LLC; Margaret King, InfoRich Group; Heather Hedden, Cengage Learning PRESENTED BY: Competitive Intelligence Division Committee on Cataloging Meeting and Discussion LOCATION: Westin, Stone PRESENTED BY: SLA 40 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE Deconstructing Storage: Creating Safe Spaces for Your Physical Collections LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206B SPEAKING: Wagdy Anis, Anis Building Enclosure Consulting; Janette Blackburn, Shepley Bulfinch; Tony Stankus, University of Arkansas; Taylor Surface, OCLC MODERATING: Joy Banks, library and archives consultant PRESENTED BY: Museums, Arts & Humanities Division SPONSORED BY: OCLC Online Computer Library Center Effective Management of Your External Content Suppliers Raises Value for the Enterprise… and You!: LMD Content Buying Section Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257B PRICE: $10.00 Member/ $25.00 Non-Member/ $10.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Bill C. Noorlander, BST America; Catherine Porta, PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Martha Rabin, Visa Knowledge Services MODERATING: Craig Wingrove, Boston Consulting Group PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division - Content Buying Section Public Relations Advisory Council Meeting and Open Discussion LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 153C PRESENTED BY: SLA Putting Research Knowledge at the Heart of Development LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 255 PRICE: $20.00 Member/ $25.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Shirley Decker-Lucke, Elsevier PRESENTED BY: International Information Exchange Caucus; Asia Chapter; Government Information Division Retirement: Collecting Data on It, Working Toward It, Surviving It LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 207 SPEAKING: Laura Adamski, TIAA-CREF | Financial Services; Christina Matz-Costa, Boston College; Thomas Mitri, Fidelity Investments MODERATING: Ismael Rivera-Sierra, St. John’s University-Manhattan; Sharon Smith, AIG American International Group PRESENTED BY: Insurance & Employee Benefits Division; Business & Finance Division; Petroleum & Energy Resources Division; Legal Division; Encore - Retired Members Caucus SPONSORED BY: EBSCO Information Services Military Libraries Division Networking Breakfast LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254B PRESENTED BY: Military Libraries Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE TUESDAY, JUNE 16 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. INFO-EXPO Hours MASTER CLASS SESSION The Power of Framing: Creating the Language of Leadership LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division; Leadership & Management Division SESSION HASHTAG: #leadlanguage 9:45 A.M. - 10:45 A.M. Advocacy Task Force: Knowledge Café LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 152 SPEAKING: Chris Vestal, LexisNexis PRESENTED BY: SLA SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 41 TUESDAY, JUNE 16 9:45 A.M. - 10:45 A.M. (continued) Archives and Preservation Caucus Annual Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Celia Caust-Ellenbogen, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Jack McCarthy, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; John Shea PRESENTED BY: Archival and Preservation Caucus LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: Kreig Kitts, Crowell & Moring LLP; Samuel Howard Wiggins, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP PRESENTED BY: Legal Division Autocategorization and Human Tagging: How Do They Work Together? LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Charles Knapp, Bloomberg BNA; Larry Lempert, Bloomberg BNA MODERATING: Wendi Pohs, InfoClear Consulting PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division Copyright in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Information Professionals LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Laura Gasaway, University of North Carolina; Peter Hirtle, Cornell University MODERATING: Karyn Temple Claggett, Library of Congress PRESENTED BY: Government Information Division MASTER CLASS SESSION Demystifying the Information Audit: From Knowledge Management (KM) to Enterprise Information Management (EIM) LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Susan Henczel, INFASE Solutions; Graham Robertson, Bracken Associates MODERATING: Sheila Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; Petroleum & Energy Resources Division Encore Caucus Business Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Otis PRESENTED BY: Encore – Retired Members Caucus Encouraging Openness at Your Institution: Trends in Open Education and Open Access LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205C SPEAKING: Marilynn Billings, University of Massachusetts MODERATING: Pamela Enrici, University of Minnesota, Duluth PRESENTED BY: Academic Division; PhysicsAstronomy-Mathematics Division Habits Not Hype: Startup Thinking 101 LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Matthew-Jim D’Elia, University of Guelph MODERATING: Karen Reczek, National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division Hot Topics in Architecture & Building Design: ABCD Section Round Table LOCATION: Westin, Webster SPEAKING: Katharine Arzeta, CH2M HILL PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division - Architecture, Building Engineering, Construction & Design Section SPONSORED BY: ICE Publishing 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Be Bold, Be Brief and Be Gone: Secrets on How to Successfully Navigate the C-Suite LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Scott Leeb, Iknow LLC MODERATING: Penny Leach, EBRD PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division; Competitive Intelligence Division To Collect and Preserve: The State of State-Level CBA Collections in the U.S. CI Resources: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: James DelRosso, Cornell University; LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204A SPEAKING: Carolyne Anderson, Cadwalader, Aliqae Geraci, Cornell University PRESENTED BY: Social Science Division Wickersham & Taft LLP; Jaye Lapachet, JL Consulting; John Yanchak, Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe PRESENTED BY: Legal Division; Competitive Intelligence Division 10:15 A.M. - 11:15 A.M. Transforming Libraries: The First Knowledge‐Sharing Tool Designed for Special Libraries LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206B SPEAKING: Guy St. Clair, SMR International PRESENTED BY: Soutron Global 10:45 A.M. - 11:45 A.M. HOT TOPIC SESSION Making Technology Work for You: How to Become an Awesome, Useful Library in 2015 and Beyond LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253C PRESENTED BY: Pressreader Food Safety and Data Curation: Discovery and Making Connections LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B SPEAKING: Richard Hollingsworth, IFIS Publishing PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division; Insurance & Employee Benefits Division SPONSORED BY: Annual Reviews From Ideas to Reality: Implementing New Information Literacy Standards and Frameworks DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Around the World of Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) TUESDAY, JUNE 16 LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205C SPEAKING: Lesley Farmer, California State University Long Beach PRESENTED BY: Education Division SPONSORED BY: LexisNexis; SAGE Publications SESSION HASHTAG: #digitalcopyright 42 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 43 TUESDAY, JUNE 16 Ovid 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. (continued) 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. How to Select the Best Databases for Your Community: Proven Methods for Comparison B&F Poster Session LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 206A SPEAKING: Giovanna Badia, McGill University PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division; Chemistry Carolina LOCATION: INFO-EXPO MODERATING: Emily Doyle, University of South PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division SPONSORED BY: Leadership Directories Division SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; CAS SESSION HASHTAG: #comparedatabases INFO-EXPO Networking Lunch LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA My Best Idea Yet 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Breaking the News Natural History Caucus Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 254B PRESENTED BY: Natural History Caucus MASTER CLASS SESSION New Content from Ovid Fuel Innovation and Get Products to Market Faster Q Access critical information that you can’t afford to miss when submitting to the FDA and EMA with leading databases—Ovid MEDLINE®, Embase® and BIOSIS® Previews Q Content covering drug adherence, toxicology, drug pipeline—plus coverage of current issues in regulatory affairs, quality assurance, clinical trials, biotechnology, and more Q Grey literature from Northern Light database— over 1.6 million abstracts and posters from 2,200+ medical and life sciences conferences and meetings Q Additional offerings from American Psychological Association, Derwent, FX Conferences, IMS Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and more Q Q Q Full text content in key therapeutic areas including Diabetes, Hepatitis C, Oncology, Immunology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology and more Leading titles such as Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Spine, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Journal of Trauma, American Journal of Sports Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine and many more Cost-effective clinical pharmacology and pharmaceutical science collections that support drug discovery and development Please join Wolters Kluwer for … The Future of Ovid: Supporting new medical research paradigms and informed decision making when you have to be right Ovid from Wolters Kluwer Health: Learning, Research & Practice Sunday, June 14th 12:45pm –1:00pm The Role of Information Professionals in Supporting Business Development –The Potential of Information Partnerships LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Eileen Abels, Simmons College; John Aubrey, Analysis Group; Dr. PierreYves Cremieux, Analysis Group; Victoria Hopcroft, Analysis Group MODERATING: Ann Cullen, Emory University PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division; Competitive Intelligence Division LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 204B PRESENTED BY: News Division Data Management Development and Implementation LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205A SPEAKING: Leighton Christensen, Iowa Department of Transportation; Geraldine Clement-Stoneham, Medical Research Council U.K.; Laura Palumbo, Rutgers University; Kimberly Silk, Canadian Research Knowledge Network MODERATING: Laura Wilt, Oregon Department of Transportation PRESENTED BY: Transportation Division; Academic Division; Data Caucus SESSION HASHTAG: #datamgt SPONSORED BY: LexisNexis DEDU Board and Advisory Committee Open Meeting UX Caucus Business Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Paine MODERATING: Karen Croneis, University of LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252A SPEAKING: Kate Lawrence, EBSCO PRESENTED BY: User Experience Caucus SPONSORED BY: EBSCO Information Services What Does it Mean To Be a Leader? LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: BJ Armstrong, U.S. Navy PRESENTED BY: Military Libraries Division DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 255 PRESENTED BY: News Division Alabama PRESENTED BY: Education Division FAN Board Meeting LOCATION: Westin, Stone PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division SPONSORED BY: Springer SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 45 TUESDAY, JUNE 16 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. (continued) “I Discuss That Topic in My Book (or Article)”: Proving Expertise the “Published Author Way” LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 203 SPEAKING: John Bryans, Information Today; IFLA in Cape Town, South Africa LOCATION: Westin, Otis PRESENTED BY: SLA Mathematics Roundtable LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 252A MODERATING: Sheila Bryant, Michigan State University; Travis Warwick, University of Wisconsin - Madison PRESENTED BY: Physics-AstronomyMathematics Division SPONSORED BY: American Mathematical Society Nanotechnology: What’s the Big Deal LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205B SPEAKING: Brian Wardle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division SPONSORED BY: IEEE Xplore Digital Library; Taylor & Francis 46 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE MASTER CLASS SESSION Transforming International Science and Technology Librarianship 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Military Libraries Division Open House Data Center; Stacy Bruss, National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST; Sara Gonzalez, University of Florida; Kevin Messner, Miami University; Hannah Norton, University of Florida; Shawn O’Grady, University of Michigan MODERATING: Kevin Messner, Miami University PRESENTED BY: Chemistry Division - Material Research & Manufacturing Section; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division; ScienceTechnology Division; Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division; Information Technology Division; Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division; Engineering Division LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 205C SPEAKING: Jay Bhatt, Drexel University; Gimena Campos Cervera, U.S. Embassy, Rome, Italy; Susmita Chakraborty, University of Calcutta, India; Andrew Clark, UCB Pharma; ; Praveen Jain, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG); Geeta Paliwal, Delhi University; Rindra Ramli, KAUST Library MODERATING: Sheila Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University PRESENTED BY: Science-Technology Division; Asia Chapter; International Information Exchange Caucus; Biomedical & Life Sciences Division LOCATION: Westin, Harbor Ballroom I Presented By: Military Libraries Division SPONSORED BY: ACS Publications; IFIS Publishing Up the Ante on Change!: LMD Afternoon Tea with Deb Wallace CRESCENDO SESSIONS LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 257B PRICE: $20.00 Member/ $40.00 Non-Member/ Science of 3D Printing LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom East SPEAKING: Ian Bruno, Cambridge Crystallographic SharePoint, Metadata and Taxonomy LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 253AB SPEAKING: Michael Doane, Term Management, LLC; Jacob Ratliff, National Fire Protection Association; Ralph Tamlyn, Celgene MODERATING: Janice Keeler, NERA Economic Consulting PRESENTED BY: Taxonomy Division; Engineering Division SLA Contributed Papers: Tuesday Session LOCATION: Convention Center, Room 207 SPEAKING: Liya Deng, University of South Carolina; Cindy Elliott, University of Arizona Libraries; Catherine Fahey, Salem State University; Tara Fitzpatrick, Salem State University; Leslie Hicks, Nike; Marcela Isuster, Salem State University; Tracy Z. Maleeff, Duane Morris LLP; Jennifer Martin, University of Arizona; Stan Trembach, University of South Carolina MODERATING: Deanna Martin, MITRE PRESENTED BY: SLA SPONSORED BY: WT Cox Information Services 6:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Asian Chapter No-Host Networking Dinner LOCATION: Blue Dragon Restaurant, 324 A Street SPEAKING: Shirley Ingles-Cruz, Commission on Appointments, Congress of the Philippines; Praveen Jain, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) PRESENTED BY: Asia Chapter $10.00 Student Member SPEAKING: Deb Wallace, Harvard Business School MODERATING: Karen Reczek, National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST PRESENTED BY: Leadership & Management Division 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE Connie Crosby, Crosby Group Consulting; Ulla de Stricker, de Stricker Associates; Cindy Shamel, Shamel Information Services MODERATING: Deborah Keller, U.S. Department of Homeland Security PRESENTED BY: Knowledge Management Division TUESDAY, JUNE 16 Closing General Session LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom West SPEAKING: Kim Dority, Dority & Associates PRESENTED BY: SLA SPONSORED BY: ProQuest 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. SLA Annual Business Meeting LOCATION: Convention Center, Ballroom West PRESENTED BY: SLA SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 47 DAY-BY-DAY SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 7:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. FM Global Facility Tour PAM Tour LOCATION: Meet at the D Street entrance of the LOCATION: TBD PRESENTED BY: Physics-Astronomy- Westin PRICE: $30.00 Member/ $40.00 Non-Member/ $20.00 Student Member MODERATING: Penny Sympson, Wiss Janney Elstner Associates PRESENTED BY: Engineering Division; ScienceTechnology Division 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Harvard Gutman Education Library Tour America’s Test Kitchen and Julia Child Tour LOCATION: Monroe C. Gutmann Education Library, Harvard University PRESENTED BY: Education Division LOCATION: Meet at the front entrance of the Westin PRICE: $25.00 Member/ $30.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Division SPONSORED BY: ACSESS - Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Societies 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Boston Business Libraries Tour SPONSORED BY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SLA 2016 We hope you enjoyed SLA 2015 in Boston and we look forward to seeing you next June in Philadelphia for SLA 2016! LOCATION: Meet at the D Street entrance of the Westin PRICE: $25.00 Member/ $30.00 Non-Member/ $20.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Business & Finance Division; Competitive Intelligence Division SLA 2016 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO June 12 – 14 | Philadelphia, PA USA 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. DMAH Museum Tour LOCATION: Meet at the D Street entrance of the Westin PRICE: $30.00 Member/ $30.00 Non-Member/ $15.00 Student Member PRESENTED BY: Museums, Arts & Humanities Division; New England Chapter 48 Mathematics Division SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE INFO-EXPO SPECIAL EVENTS INFO-EXPO Information THE INFO-EXPO IS SLA’S EXHIBIT HALL—where you will experience the latest technologies, tools, and services from the top companies in the information industry and forge new relationships that can make you the source on the information industry in your organization. The INFO-EXPO is located in the Convention Center. Refer to the Exhibitor Listing section included in this program for details on company locations. INFO-EXPO HOURS Sunday, June14 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 TUESDAY, JUNE 10 11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. INFO-EXPO GRAND OPENING INFO-EXPO NETWORKING LUNCH LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Main Entrance PRESENTED BY: SLA Ticketed Event LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY INFO-EXPO OPENING RECEPTION 1:45 p.m. LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA LOCATION: INFO-EXPO, Giveaway Pavilion PRESENTED BY: SLA GRAND PRIZE ANNOUNCEMENT MONDAY, JUNE 15 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. INFO-EXPO NETWORKING RECEPTION LOCATION: INFO-EXPO PRESENTED BY: SLA SPONSORED BY: ProQuest 11:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Opening Reception: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 15 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Networking Reception: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 16 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Networking Lunch: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 50 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 51 SLA 2015 EXHIBITOR LISTING EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH # AAAS/Science 628 & 17 ACI Information Group 1300 Acquire Media 1001 ACS Publications 1220 ACSESS- Alliance of Crop, Soil, & Environmental Science Societies 827 AIP Publishing 1126 Alacra Inc 733 Alexander Street 1205 Allis Information Management (AIM) 926 Altarama Information Systems 1308 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION 728 American Geosciences Institute 529 AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 1301 American Physical Society 1216 American Psychological Association 1306 American Society for Nutrition 16 American Society of Civil Engineers 716 American Society of Hematology 614 Annual Reviews 817 ASME 1213 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 630 ASTM International 1208 Audit Analytics 502 Aurora WDC Basch Subscriptions, Inc. 52 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 737 19 & 20 Bentham Science Publishers 634 Berrett-Koehler Publishers 814 Bevara Technologies 526 BioOne 1132 BizInt Solutions, Inc 912 Bloomberg BNA 901 BMI Research 831 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 53 EXHIBITOR NAME EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH # Boopsie, Inc. 1135 Financial Times 713 Brill 928 Geographic Research, Inc. 916 Bureau Van Dijk (BVD) 623 GeoScienceWorld 529 Business Expert Press / Momentum Press 930 Global Financial Data 1210 CABI 1032 Haver Analytics 1215 Cambridge University Press 616 IBISWorld, Inc 920 Canback & Company 931 IEEE Xplore Digital Library 601 CAS 1221 IFIS Publishing 1131 CID 1037 IHS 921 China Data Center 517 Infomineo 1226 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 714 InfoNgen 1030 Comintelli 937 Information Today, Inc. 610 Complete Book & Media Supply LLC 533 Inmagic 803 Copyright Clearance Center 509 Institutional Investor Journals 1214 Crowley Company 1326 IOP PUBLISHING 1201 cSubs (Corporate Subscriptions Simplified) 632 JBJS (The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery) 515 CuadraSTAR 803 Karger Publishers 520 CyberTools for Libraries 504 Kwarim Ltd 1301 Darts-ip 1312 Leadership Directories 617 De Gruyter, Inc. 825 LexisNexis 907 Digital Transitions Division of Cultural Heritage 1031 Linex Systems 815 Dow Jones 915 LM Wolper Information Delivery 1100 E-IMAGE DATA CORP 1227 LookUp Precision 803 EBSCO Information Services 501 Lucidea 803 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 816 EcoAméricas 5 1015 Maven House Press Emerald Group Publishing 727 McGraw-Hill Education 709 EMIS 631 Mergent, Inc. 807 Endocrine Society 924 MINISIS, Inc. 500 EOS International 1009 MIT Press Journals 1113 ELSEVIER 54 BOOTH # 6 Euromonitor 611 Morgan & Claypool Publishers Exchange Data International Ltd 1310 National Library of Medicine 1217 fDi Intelligence 730 Nature Publishing Group 1115 FEDLINK 1129 New England Journal of Medicine 808 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 18 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 55 EXHIBITOR NAME EXHIBITOR NAME NewsBank, Inc. 1109 Servicestar Document Management, LLC nextScan, Inc 528 SIAM - Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics Northeast Document Conservation Center 1 BOOTH # 4 608 Simmons College School of Library and Information Science 15 Northern Light Single Point LLC 521 SimplyMap 916 Northern Micrographics 1027 Soutron Global 821 OCLC Online Computer Library Center 715 SPIE Digital Library 609 now publishers 14 Springer 701 OECD 914 Stop Falling Productions ONELOG 1209 SWFI 1228 OpenAthens 732 Sydney 803 OSA - The Optical Society 813 Syracuse University School of Information Studies 829 Oxford University Press 832 Taylor & Francis Group 1021 Patent & Trademark Resource Centers Program 736 TDNET, INC. 929 PDR 936 The Boston Globe 1302 PennWell - Oil & Gas Journal 830 The Deal 1028 Portfolio Media, Inc. (Law360) 514 The IET 511 Primal Pictures Ltd 1133 The JAMA Network 502 Priority Solutions Limited 1036 The MediaPreserve 522 PrivCo 613 The New York Times 711 ProQuest 700 The New York Times Corporate Digital Subscriptions 810 PTFS 1303 Thieme Publishers 1316 1128, 1130 Thomson Reuters 1101 531 Publishers Communication Group 56 BOOTH # 2 633 Quertle, LLC 836 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Library Network ReferenceUSA 1127 University of Tennessee, School of Information Sciences Reprints Desk, Inc. 620 Wiley 708 Research and Markets 933 William S. Hein & Co., Inc. 828 Rittenhouse Book Distributors 615 Wisconsin TechSearch Rockefeller University Press 621 Wolters Kluwer 721 Royal Soceity of Chemistry 513 Wolters Kluwer 721 S&P Capital IQ 1305 World Scientific Publishing 1111 SAE International 1212 WT Cox Information Services 1029 SAGE Publications 506 Zubal Books 826 731 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 7 3 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 57 NOTES: 58 SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE NOTES: SLA 2015 CONFERENCE GUIDE 59 Be Revolutionary! Special Libraries Association 331 South Patrick Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3501 USA
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