brochure - St John of God Health Care


brochure - St John of God Health Care
Cancer & Cardiac Care
St John of God Foundation
PO Box 8032
Subiaco East
WA 6008
Freecall: 1800 281 288
T 08 9382 4292
St John of God Berwick Hospital
St John of God Berwick Hospital
Care Closer
to Home
The St John of God Health Care symbol represents both our heritage
and our vision for the future. The cross is the symbol of Christianity,
reminding us of the suffering of Jesus and our call to follow in his
footsteps in our daily lives. The pomegranate symbolises the generous
self-giving required to reach out to people in need, and is open to
allow the seeds to scatter, as the five seeds represent our values.
The symbol of the hospital since the 1950’s has been a phoenix arising
from the flames of its own funeral pyre, which it did every 500 years.
The designer of this was Mr John Charley, after whom we named the
Nurses Home, which later became the Hostel. Just prior to this the
Hospital had nearly disintegrated so the concept of “rising again” or
“survival” was quite appropriate. The motto was then “I shall survive”.
of Contents
Board & Campaign Leadership
Care Closer to Home
Heart & Cancer
People & Cancer
People & Heart Disease
The History
Features of Cancer Services
at St John of God Berwick Hospital
Features of Cardiac Services
at St John of God Berwick Hospital
The New Hospital In Kangan Drive
How You Can Help
Who will benefit from the vision
of St John of God Health Care?
Board & Campaign
Mrs Kay Rankin
Mr Ian Thomas OAM
Mr Tom Schreurs
Chief Executive Officer
Mrs Lisa Norman
Mr Tony Howarth AO [WA]
Deputy Chairman
Mr Mark Bahen [WA]
Mr Peter Prendiville [WA]
Dr Tony Baker [WA]
Sr Linda Ferrington [NSW]
Assoc. Prof. Rosanna Capolingua [WA]
Dr Julie Caldecott [VIC]
Hon Robert Knowles [VIC]
Mr Justin Carroll [WA]
Dr Michael Stanford CitWA [WA]
Campaign President
Mr Colin Madden
Campaign Planning Committee
Mr Neil Lucas PSM
Campaign Treasurer
Mrs Jennifer Waters
Director of Mission
Mrs Ruth Sharkie
Community Relations Coordinator
Ms Gillian Coyle
Finance Manager
Mrs Jennifer Waters
Director of Nursing
Mrs Lisa Evans
Quality and Risk Manager
Mrs Eveline Soon
Care Closer to Home
St John of God Berwick
Hospital in its present form
was originally known as the
Berwick and District Bush
Nursing Hospital and later
as the Berwick Hospital Inc.
It has been providing the
community of Berwick and
surrounding suburbs with
high quality care within easy
reach of that community for
over 75 years.
The populations of Casey and Cardinia have
expanded rapidly in recent years and it is
estimated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
to reach in excess of 500,000 residents by
2021. Surrounding areas such as Baw Baw and
Gippsland are also showing significant growth
and our facility will also provide healthcare
services for these communities.
Compelled to respond to the growing demand
for healthcare services, the management of
St John of God Berwick Hospital considered
the options for redevelopment to ensure that
the Hospital grows services and capability. This
then would ensure the community can continue
to be treated locally in a facility that offers
contemporary healthcare facilities with the
same distinctive care the community has come
to expect from the hospital.
In order to keep pace with and meet the
expectations of this community now and well
into future, St John of God Berwick Hospital
must provide new services particularly in the
area of Cancer and Cardiac services but must
also greatly increase its capacity to serve many
more patients in the region.
A feasibility study of how new and existing
services can be accommodated at the
existing Hospital in Gibb Street resulted in
a plan that will enable significant growth
but highlighted the site’s limitations that
will restrict the full potential of the services
that can be delivered. A new approach was
considered to allow St John of God Health
Care to deliver a comprehensive healthcare
service that lays down our commitment to
the region. Ideally, private hospitals provide
an enhanced community benefit when they
are co-located with public hospitals as the
community benefits from the collaboration
and partnership opportunities. Armed
with this knowledge, hospital management
considered a new opportunity to build a
brand new hospital on land opposite Monash
Health - Casey Public Hospital.
This location is also close to Monash
University and adjacent to Chisholm Institute
which provides a perfect opportunity for a
health and education precinct. The result is
a tremendous improvement for the whole
Cardinia/Casey region.
There are two elements to St John of God
Berwick Hospital’s redevelopment plan,
1. Establish a stand-alone specialist centre
to deliver Comprehensive Cancer services
that will see St John of God Berwick Hospital
partner with other providers to deliver.
Within this centre St John of God Health Care
will provide a purpose built Day Oncology
Centre and a Pathology laboratory. The
site will also include Radiotherapy, Medical
Imaging, Compounding Pharmacy and a
range of medical specialist consulting. The
Day Oncology Centre commenced delivering
services in early 2015.
2. A $150 million investment will see the
construction of a new Hospital and the
redevelopment of the much loved Gibb
Street Campus. The new Hospital will include
210 beds built over two stages, six general
theatres, two endoscopy theatres, a cardiac/
vascular catheter laboratory, six birthing
suites and 417 basement car parks.
The site in 55 Kangan Drive is located
adjacent to the Specialist Centre and has the
capability to deliver over 300 beds. The site
is opposite Casey Public Hospital offering
the community a vibrant health precinct. The
Gibb Street site which was the site of the
original Bush Nursing Hospital will continue
to serve the community as it has for the past
75 years and will be redeveloped to deliver a
new range of services, including rehabilitation
services to maximise the recovery of people
who have experienced major surgery, serious
illness and injury.
Informed by our Clinical Service Plan, hospital
management will continue to develop plans
for this site to ensure we develop services in
response to community need and best practice.
Mental Health and Day Surgery services could
be examples of additional services we consider
for the Gibb Street campus.
These new developments, when co-located
with Monash Health’s Casey Hospital on the
other side of Kangan Drive, will create a
major new health precinct in Melbourne and
will ultimately deliver over 600 hospital beds.
The convenience of local high quality
comprehensive care will mean no longer
will people from Berwick, Cardinia/Casey
and Gippsland need to travel beyond their
community to receive a comprehensive range
of high standard healthcare. We understand
that when you are unwell being close to home
means your family and support networks are
nearby offering enormous comfort during the
challenges of treatment and surgery.
Heart & Cancer
hese projects will increase capacity,
technology and facilities exposing our
community to the very best healthcare
technology to ensure we offer the best means
of managing disease and illness. It will also
enable us to attract a broad range of new
medical specialists and significantly increase
our employment opportunities for a range
of highly qualified nursing, allied health and
support staff.
Thanks to significant advances in healthcare
treatment more than half of diagnosed cancers
can be successfully treated. No longer does a
cancer diagnosis mean a terminal diagnosis.
The key to survival is early diagnosis and easy
access to treatment. It is pivotal that we make
cancer services and treatment available if we
are going to arm our community with the best
chance of fighting cancer.
Heart attacks are highly treatable. It is critical
that appropriate medical care be accessed
quickly. Cardiac disease is often referred to
as the silent killer as people do not know
they have a problem until they have a heart
attack. Through improved access to leading
Cardiologists who can provide a range of
diagnostic and interventional procedures to
diagnose and treat cardiac diseases, we want
to deliver a range of services on the site of our
new hospital in Kangan Drive to increase our
ability to diagnose and treat cardiac disease.
The comprehensive cancer centre and cardiac
care unit will mean our community will have
access to new services that will enable us to
treat the leading causes of premature death in
our community.
By “Support-EnhanceExpand-Care Closer to
Home” we are aiming
to increase the life
expectancy and quality
of life experienced by
our community.
People & Cancer
Jenny Canty
Suzie Ryrie
George Nicholson
“For a number of years I was a volunteer
driver helping to get cancer patients from
their homes here to treatment in Moorabbin
or in the City itself.
“My mum lived with cancer for 16 years.
“I’ve fundraised for a chemotherapy
chair, never expecting that I’d be
using it myself.”
Hearing from these patients prompted me to
check my own condition.
As a result I am now a patient at the Cancer
Centre. It is enormously helpful to have
the new Cancer Centre here in Berwick and
having my care Closer to Home”
We all remember how taxing the travel
was for her.
Having to be driven for up to two hours
each way daily for radiotherapy was
so distressing, made especially awful
because Mum had a tumour on her spine
that made it so painful for her to sit in a
car for long.”
People & Heart Disease
Michael & Irene Ajani
Rhonda Anderson
“When you suffer a cardiac event of any
kind it is very important to get specialist
care very quickly. Depending on what kind
of an event you have had, time can make
all the difference between life and death.”
“St John of God Berwick as the first
port of call for cardiac care is so very
important for our community.”
The History
Almost a century has
passed since Berwick’s
first hospital, St Leonards
Private Hospital, opened
its doors circa 1918. As the
township grew, so too did
the need for improved
access to good healthcare
for its community.
In 1939, Dr Percy Langmore, his son
Dr Leonard Langmore and a dedicated
group of supporters, purchased the small
St Leonard’s Private Hospital for £1075 in
order to develop the Berwick and District
Bush Nursing Hospital. The existing building
required extensive refurbishment and
officially opened on 9th March 1940 with a
seven bed capacity.
A public appeal was launched in 1948 to raise
funds for a new redevelopment to purchase
more land for the hospital, enlarge the building
and extend the staff quarters. The new
Dr Percy Langmore Block was officially opened
on 3rd May 1953 at a cost of £18,000.
This accommodated four additional single
wards, a theatre, labour ward, and new
kitchen facilities. By 1954 the hospital was
treating 275 patients per year. This period
also coincided with the establishment of the
Hospital Ladies Auxiliary whose purpose was
to raise funds for the hospital, an organisation
that continues supporting the hospital 60
years on.
The next major development milestone in the
hospital’s lifetime took place with the opening
of the Lawson Poole Wing in the mid 1970’s
with another new addition offering 18 beds,
Operating Theatre block and new catering,
casualty and outpatient services expanding
the hospital to 23 bed capacity.
1987 saw the hospital become incorporated
and change its name to Berwick Hospital
Incorporated. Plans were quickly put in
place to establish a 30 bed Nursing Home
which opened in 1991. Today, this building
accommodates the hospital’s Doctor
Consulting Suites and is known as Stephenson
House, named after Dr Noel Stephenson,
who was the Hospital President from 1955
to 1992. The Hospital expanded to 38 bed
capacity with the completion of a new ward
block and operating theatres in 1992.
Dr Wes Jame succeeded as the Hospital
President after Dr Stephenson’s retirement
and remained in that role until 2003.
Dr Wes Jame remains an influential friend
and supporter of the hospital.
In 2003, the legacy of the hospital’s original
pioneers intertwined with St John of God
Health Care when the not-for-profit healthcare
group purchased Berwick Hospital Inc. The
hospital was renamed St John of God Berwick
Hospital and plans were made to modernise
and expand the hospital in keeping with
the spirit of the hospital’s rich history and
community values. Its purpose was to offer
improved healthcare services to Casey and
Cardinia’s diverse and growing population.
A new modern section was constructed and
officially opened in 2007 which saw the
hospital grow to 70 beds, 4 theatres and new
medical and surgical services. Today, the
hospital performs almost 12,000 procedures
and 1,000 births annually.
As the hospital enters into a new exciting
phase of future growth and development,
perhaps Dr Noel Stephenson’s toast at the
Jubilee celebrations of 1989 best describes
the spirit and legacy of all the people
involved in the hospital’s past, present
and future:
“To those who have made
the hospital great. To those
who will go on to make it
even greater.”
Features of Cancer Services
at St John of God Berwick Hospital
n 2013, St John of God Berwick Hospital
opened a 5 chair Day Oncology Unit
within the existing Gibb Street building.
This facility was intended to meet an urgent
and present need.
It is recognised that the growing population
of Casey/Cardinia will need greater capacity
to treat cancer sufferers and will require
the range of diagnostics and therapies to be
available much closer to home.
St John of God Berwick Hospital understands
the burden cancer treatment places on
patients and their support network.
That burden is exacerbated if the patient is
required to travel long distances especially
when the regime of treatment is spread
over several months. Most cancer patients
describe significant fatigue whilst undergoing
treatment and this is often attributed to the
disease process itself. We know that cancer
treatment offers an additional insult as the
treatment attacks cancer cells and sometimes
the normal cells are caught up in the crossfire.
There is no doubt patients benefit from a
reduced travel time to treatment centres
to assist their physical, psychological and
emotional well-being. Patients are very
conscious of the burden their treatment
places on their support network and reduced
travel means they are less likely to worry
about the time and money impact for their
loved ones. Evidence also suggests that being
closer to home means patients are more likely
to continue with treatment and therefore
more likely to increase their survival.
Our vision is to ensure that the 380,000
people living in our community have access to
the widest possible therapies at an Oncology
Care Centre close to home.
St John of God Berwick Hospital is establishing
a 20 chair chemotherapy unit, [commencing
initially with 11 chairs & 1 bed] within a
Specialist Centre located in Kangan Drive
opposite Casey Public Hospital. We have
included a Wellness Centre as well as 5
consulting suites for specialist oncologists
and haematologists.
Specialist providers of radiology, pharmacy,
pathology and radiotherapy are also located
in the Specialist Centre which means that
everything is within the one centre and close
by for our patients.
Given the urgency of the need, construction
of the Centre was moved forward as the 1st
Stage of a 3 stage plan. The Centre houses the
following services:
• Day Oncology
• Radiotherapy
• Pathology
• Compounding Pharmacy
• Medical Imaging
• Specialist Consulting
The second stage will provide enhanced surgical
facilities that will allow us to offer an enhanced
range of surgical diagnostic and treatment options
in our Operating and Endoscopy Suites. Higher
acuity Cancer treatment is not possible without
Intensive Care Services to provide the appropriate
level of care. The Hospital includes a 6 bed
Intensive Care Unit within a 16 bed Critical Care
Unit. We will also offer Palliative Care services to
support people during end of life care.
Features of Cardiac Services
at St John of God Berwick Hospital
ardiac services onsite have been limited
to consulting services and in more
recent time diagnostic investigations
such as Stress Testing and Echocardiography.
This means that we have the capability to
provide a very limited range of services
which is limited to only the diagnosis of
cardiac problems which then requires us to
refer patients to other facilities for treatment
or interventional procedures.
We would like to offer a more expansive
range of cardiac services onsite so that
patients can have an expanded range
of diagnostic tests such as Angiography
to determine the integrity of the blood
vessels supplying the heart muscle which is
performed in a Cardiac Catheter Laboratory.
This Laboratory is known as a Cath Lab
and would also enable us to perform
interventional cardiac procedures such as
Angioplasty which is a procedure that allows
a Cardiologist to clear blockages in blood
vessels using a variety of techniques with the
most commonly known being the insertion of
“stents”. This would enable us to treat patients
who have Heart Disease that causes Heart
Attacks and Angina. The Cath Lab would also
allow specialist Cardiologist to treat abnormal
heart rhythms for patients who require
Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators.
Another range of services that could be
offered in a Cath Lab is interventional
vascular procedures where people have
poor blood supply to their lower limbs as a
result of peripheral vascular disease due to
diabetes or smoking. This type of surgery
will improve blood supply to prevent the risk
of lower limb amputation.
Patients requiring hospital admission for
treatment of a Cardiac condition are currently
not able to be treated onsite as we do not
have a Cardiac Unit. This type of care requires
patients to be located in a specially designed
unit that allows all patients to have their
heart rate and rhythm monitored at all times
even if they are walking around the unit. This
type of monitoring is expensive but allows
patients to be treated immediately if their
heart experiences an abnormality which can
be life threatening.
Features of Cardiac Services
at St John of God Berwick Hospital
Our research indicates that 1,885 people
with private health insurance living in Casey
and Cardinia required admission to hospital
for cardiac conditions in the financial year
2012-2013. Our planning estimates by 2021
this figure will increase to 2,300 patients as
our population and the prevalence of cardiac
disease increases. Our service would also be
accessible to the people living east of Cardinia
in the Gippsland regions of Victoria and
towards the south in the Bass Coast as both
these regions have limited Cardiac Services
available to them.
Currently there are no Cardiac Units or Cath
Labs in Casey and Cardinia and our services
would be the first of its kind allowing
people in these municipalities to be treated
efficiently and most importantly close to
home. This is vital as we know every second
counts when someone is experiencing a
cardiac event.
We are also planning to develop a
Rehabilitation Unit at our Gibb St campus
which will allow people to recover after
a cardiac admission. This is a vital step in
the recovery of patients as they learn to
exercise and improve their exercise tolerance
after what is often a life changing event.
Cardiac Rehabilitation programs are proven
to enhance the life expectancy and quality
of life following a cardiac diagnosis. We will
be offering both an inpatient and outpatient
Cardiac Rehabilitation Program from our
Gibb St Campus.
When it comes to offering
Cardiac Services we
recognise this is an urgent
need for our community
and we believe this service
will enhance life for
patients with heart disease
and the families and loved
ones around them because
- The Heart Matters
We hope that our growing community
of 380,000 people will have access to a
greater range of cardiac services here at
St John of God Berwick Hospital with the
new development. Currently, Casey Public
Hospital (Monash Health) in Berwick, do
have an emergency department, however
they are required to transfer all cardiac cases
elsewhere as they do not have a catheter lab
or cardiac monitored beds.
Our vision is to have a 10 bed Cardiac
Services Unit, with a Cath Lab with the ability
to perform angiograms for both diagnostic
and active chest pain patients.
Currently, in association with our St John of
God Frankston Rehab Hospital, we provide a
Cardiac Rehab Program here in Berwick. With
our redevelopment of the Gibb Street site to
a rehabilitation hospital, we will be able to
expand these Cardiac Rehab Programs greatly,
to enable more patient’s access to this vital
post Cardiac Program.
The Centre houses the following services:
• Cardiac Catheter Laboratory
• 10 Private Cardiac suites
• 6 private ICU suites
The New Hospital
In Kangan Drive
In 2014 St John of God
Health Care (SJGHC) and
Generation Healthcare
REIT (GHC) entered
into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to
explore the feasibility of
building a new hospital in
Kangan Drive, Berwick, with
construction proposed to
commence in October 2015.
The new hospital will be located opposite
Monash Health’s Casey Hospital and will be
open to patients in mid-2017.
St John of God Berwick Hospital (SJGBH)
Chief Executive Officer Lisa Norman said the
hospital will be an important community asset.
“SJGBH has been providing the community in
Berwick with top quality care close to home
for more than 75 years. This development
will allow us to expand our current services
and take local health care to a new level,” she
said. It is anticipated that the new hospital
will include 210 beds built over two stages,
6 general theatres, 2 endoscopy theatres,
1 cardiac/vascular catheter laboratory, 6
birthing suites and 417 basement car parks.
St John of God Health Care is a not for profit
organisation that must generate capital
through internal means for development
projects. The Berwick Development plan will
see the development of a new hospital and the
re-development of the much loved Gibb Street
Campus for a total investment of $150 million.
The site allows for future growth and the
master plan will facilitate additional stages
taking the capacity to 306 beds. When colocated with Monash Health’s Casey Hospital,
the new development will be a major health
precinct in Melbourne.
How You Can Help
To convert this vision into reality will require
an enormous amount of commitment, time,
energy and, of course, money. Without
community assistance the development of
these vital and necessary new projects will
not be fully realised.
After detailed study and careful consideration,
St John of God Health Care has decided to
initiate a fundraising campaign:
To Raise A Minimum Of
$5 Million Over Four Years
This Campaign cannot succeed without your
financial support. Your contribution will be an
investment in the future health and wellbeing
of the people of Casey and Cardinia. This is a
unique opportunity to contribute in a tangible
way to help reduce the impact of cancer and
heart disease on the lives of thousands of
people in our region.
All donations to the Campaign are fully
tax-deductible and will be acknowledged
by St John of God Foundation.
A gift to this campaign is a
gift of hope to thousands.
Donations may be spread over four years
and contributions may be made in equal
amounts, or varied to obtain maximum
tax concessions for each donor.
Various gifting and donor recognition
opportunities are available to provide you
with a permanent record of your family’s
or company’s generosity.
“We trust that the community members
affiliated with our hospital over many years,
are as proud as we are to see the success of
their local hospital continue and our growth
strategies come to fruition.“ Lisa Norman, CEO
St John of God Berwick Hospital
You can also help in other important ways
by becoming an enthusiastic advocate for
this Campaign and by encouraging others to
participate in a project representing such a
tangible benefit to the whole community.
Expanding the hospital’s capacity to meet
the growing demands of our rapidly growing
community and the health care needs of
future generations. Enhanced services will also
increase our commitment to the education
of future Health Professionals and increased
employment opportunities for our community.
Dr Wes Jame
Mr Colin Madden
General Practitioner
Past President Berwick Hospital Inc
Campaign President
“In cases of cardiac chest pain there is a four
hour window of opportunity in which to reverse
cardiac damage or coronary obstruction.
Close proximity to services enables the best
opportunity for reversal or salvage from a life
threatening disease. It takes about an hour
to assemble a team and then a further thirty
minutes to assess the patient. This eats into the
four hour opportunity. Having local access to
cardiac care and interventional services improves
the outcomes for the local community.”
“Berwick is located in a rapidly growing area
of Melbourne that provides a gateway to
Eastern Victoria. This project will ensure people
in Berwick and beyond will have access to
specialised cancer and cardiac facilities that
will ensure their health and quality of life is
optimised. We have the vision, and the plan.
But we need your support. Your contribution is
vital. I urge you to do whatever you can to help
deliver this exciting and essential project, and
help us bring Care Closer to Home.”
Who will benefit
from the vision of St John
of God Health Care?
The community of
Victoria and in particular
the residents of the Casey,
Cardinia and Gippsland
regions are some of the
fastest growing regions
in Australia, will benefit
from this vision.
It has always been the intent of St John of
God Health Care to identify the current needs
of the communities it serves and meet those
needs. Fortunately it has also been possible
to anticipate future community health
requirements and plan how to have the range
and capacity of health services in place to
coincide with community needs.
The provision of local cardiac services
will facilitate improved timely cardiac
interventions resulting in better outcomes.
The vision to provide the people of Casey/
Cardinia and beyond with comprehensive
Cancer and Cardiac services accessible in
Berwick will reduce the burden placed on
thousands of patients and their families every
year. The necessity of travel to obtain cancer
treatment is not just an inconvenience; it is a
burden that adds to what is already a stressful
time for cancer sufferers and their families.
This very important project is about helping
people who you and we care about. Every
cancer patient is a grandparent or parent,
sister or brother, son or daughter. Each has a
network of family and friends who care and
whose lives are also touched by this disease.
St John of God Health Care’s commitment
to the future of Casey/Cardinia can only be
possible with your support. Your contribution
will have a significant impact on the health
and wellbeing of your community.
Mrs Kay Rankin
Mr Ian Thomas OAM
Mr Tom Schreurs
Care Closer
to Home
The St John of God Health Care symbol represents both our heritage
and our vision for the future. The cross is the symbol of Christianity,
reminding us of the suffering of Jesus and our call to follow in his
footsteps in our daily lives. The pomegranate symbolises the generous
self-giving required to reach out to people in need, and is open to
allow the seeds to scatter, as the five seeds represent our values.
The symbol of the hospital since the 1950’s has been a phoenix arising
from the flames of its own funeral pyre, which it did every 500 years.
The designer of this was Mr John Charley, after whom we named the
Nurses Home, which later became the Hostel. Just prior to this the
Hospital had nearly disintegrated so the concept of “rising again” or
“survival” was quite appropriate. The motto was then “I shall survive”.
Cancer & Cardiac Care
St John of God Foundation
PO Box 8032
Subiaco East
WA 6008
Freecall: 1800 281 288
T 08 9382 4292
St John of God Berwick Hospital
St John of God Berwick Hospital