January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist 695 Smithson Avenue Lawrence Park, Erie, Pennsylvania 16511 Phone: 814-899-3000 Fax: 814-899-5212 website: www.stmarkslp.org e-mail: stmarks@stmarkslp.org Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Friday: Office Closed Weekend Eucharistic Liturgy Schedule: Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning: 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Weekday Eucharistic Liturgy Schedule: 7:30 a.m. in Our Lady’s Chapel (Ward Center) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every Saturday beginning at 4:00 pm. By appointment (call rectory) Nursery: During 10:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgy in the nursery off of Hilbert Hall. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: During 10:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgy 4 year olds through 2nd graders. To contact us: Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Daniel Arnold, ext. 11 frdan@stmarkslp.org Senior Deacon: Frederick Weaver Deacon Assistant: James Moss Director of Parish Operations: Pat Marshall, ext. 12 Maintenance: Kathy Crotty, ext.15 Music Director: Maripat Grant, ext. 14 Religious Ed. Facilitator, K-5: Geri Hadlock, ext. 17 Religious Ed. Coordinator, 6-12: Pat Marshall, ext.12 Youth Minister: Geri Hadlock, ext. 17 St. Mark Prayerline: Carol (899-6207) jperrotto62@hotmail.com Bereavement Committee: Sandy Jordan (899-0984) Wedding Committee: Kathy Spiegel (866-7263) Eat Alone Dinner: Sandy Jordan (899-0984) Emmaus Ministries: Kathy Spiegel (866-7263) 1st Friday Cakes: Dolly Cagnoli (899-5390) 3rd Wednesday Meat: Mary Beveridge (899-0792) Finance Council: Gary Miller Knights of Columbus: Jim Smith (899-3581) Legion of Mary: Barbara Gainer (899-7296) Liturgy Committee: Evy Seyboldt (899-8460) Pastoral Council: Susan Grant (899-0083) PAL: Judy Brieger (899-8545) Baptisms: It is the custom at St. Mark to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with the parish community at any of the weekend liturgies. Parents are requested to attend a class prior to the baby’s baptism. Godparents are encouraged to attend. Please contact the office to make arrangements. Marriages: Diocesan Common Policy requests six months advance notification of the priest and attendance at Pre-Cana Instructions or Engagement Encounter. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Anytime. A person need not be dying, but simply sick from a serious illness or even weak due to old age. Those wishing to be anointed, please contact the rectory. Communion to the Sick: For visits and/or Communion calls to the sick, shut-ins and those confined to hospitals, please notify the rectory. Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday afternoon Parish Membership: Please fill out the form found inside this bulletin and we will mail you a registration form. All those who are out of high school should register individually. Parish membership is required to be a sponsor for Baptism. Mission Statement Open to the Holy Spirit, we, the parish family of St. Mark, are a sacramental community with the Eucharist at our center. We exist to love God and one another, to grow in our personal relationships in our Lord, and to share our enthusiasm for our faith with our community. We seek to support one another, reaching out to all, and are committed to spreading the Gospel and practicing our faith in our daily lives to achieve salvation in Christ. revised September 2015 JANUARY 3, 2016 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Readings for the week January 4 - 10 Mon. 1 John 3:22-4:6; Matthew 4:12-17,23-25 Tues. 1 John 4:7-10; Mark 6:34-44 Wed. 1 John 4:11-18; Mark 6:45-52 Thurs. 1 John 4:19-5:4; Luke 4:14-22a Fri. 1 John 5:2-13; Luke 5:12-16 Sat. 1 John 5:14-21; John 3:22-30 Sun. Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7; Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38; Luke 3:15-16,21-23 MASS INTENTIONS: (Daily Masses are in Our Lady’s Chapel - Ward Center) Mon. Jan. 4 Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, RELIGIOUS 7:30 a.m. from 11/20 Maureen Crotty (DA 11/20) - Tim & Kathy Crotty Tues. Jan. 5 Memorial of St. John Neumann, BISHOP 7:30 a.m. from 12-3 Fran Krahe - Family Wed. Jan. 6 Christmas Weekday 7:30 a.m. from 11/19 Vern Zaksheske - Marge Bleil Thurs. Jan. 7 Christmas Weekday 7:30 a.m. from 11/12 Special Intention Fri. Jan. 8 Christmas Weekday 7:30 a.m. from 11/9 Vern Zaksheske - Ed & Rita Kaliszewski Liturgies for the weekend of January 9/10 (Feast of the Baptism of the Lord) Time of Liturgy 5:00 p.m. January 9 Intention Altar Servers Adeline Thomas Lizzie Hohman DEATH ANNIVERSARY Family 8:00 a.m. George Wargo January 10 Kathy & Tim Crotty 10:30 a.m. January 10 Lector Cantor Eucharistic Ministers Joe Hohman Linda Etter Cheryl LaBoda Marrien Bradley Dave Seyboldt Tom Renshaw Leo Nicolussi St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus Max Nicolussi 2nd Grade Happy Birthday January 4: Charles DuShole, Bill Lutz, Daunice Scipione January 6: Mark DiVecchio, Rachel Hiles, Angela Veshecco January 7: Brendan Bernatowicz, Rica Meyer, Bridget Mullaney, Nick Srnka January 8: Margaret Goard, Ben Sulkowski January 10: Ruth Burick, Charles Roach, Connie Zinger Happy Anniversary January 8: Jeff & Kathleen Pierce January 9: Tony & Peggy Abbate Family Perspective: After meeting Jesus, the Magi returned home by “another way.” What in your family needs to be done “another way?” Do you need “another way to resolve differences, to communicate or show affection? This is a new year, time to change what isn’t working. Take a tip from some wise men, there’s always “another way.” Marriage Moments: The 3 Magi (kings or wise men) recognized power in the unlikely person of a baby. Indeed it is wisdom that helps us see the Godliness within the ordinary people in our lives. Our beloved may seem pretty ordinary today. Look for the Godliness within. MONTHLY STEWARDSHIP – December 2015 / Year-to-date December 2015 YTD 6 mo. Offertory collection $18,238.00 $109,777.00 Budget Needs $19,200.00 $124,800.00 (Deficit)/Surplus ($962.00) ($15,023.00) Last week: 427 envelopes issued 1067 parishioners 89 envelopes returned 237 attended Mass Thank you to all who give of their time, talent, and treasure to St. Mark’s. Ushers Offertory CLW Nursery C Jeff Badach John Butine Charles Lewis Need 1 Volunteer Gary & Mary Beth Smith Mark DiVecchio Mike Krahe Al Renshaw Need 1 Volunteer Joann Collins Loretta Nesselhauf Kathy Thornton Dorothy Pamula John Armstrong Jonathan Hall Mark Krahe C Bill Lutz Mike Sheridan Need 1 Volunteer Peggy Morrison Our Sanctuary Light burns this week In Loving Memory of Ashley Pam, Tim & Nathan THE WEEK AHEAD January 4 - 10 Altar Aide: Kathy Lewis Hospital Visitors: Hamot - Nancy Samick St. Vincent - Michael Goetz Monday January 4 Finance Council 7:00 pm - Rectory SCC 7:00 pm Scouts Tuesday January 5 Legion of Mary 8:15 am SCC 10:00 am & 7:30 pm Wednesday January 6 Religious Ed. Gr. 1-5 3:45 - 5:00 Building Committee 5:15 pm Choir Practice 6:30 pm Thursday January 7 1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting 6:00 Girl Scouts SCC 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm Rms 1 & 2 Friday January 8 EMMAUS Cakes Ultreya 7:00 pm Saturday January 9 Gr. 6-8 Yth Event 2nd Harvest 12:30-3:30 Sunday January 10 SCC after 8:00 Mass Religious Ed. Grades K-2 9:00 - 10:15 2nd Grade Inscription Soder Baptism Rental Rooms 1 & 2 Gr. 10 Home Session SAINT MARK CARING NOTES If you know someone who could benefit from this ministry please call the office at 899-3000 or e-mail their name and address to stmarks@stmarkslp.org. St. Mark’s Hats for the Homeless Winter will be here before you know it and once again there will be a need for winter gear. You can help! Florence Whipple Saint Mary’s East C2337 607 East 26th Street . Erie, PA 16504 Florence Modzelewski Saint Mary’s East C2304 607 East 26th Street Erie, PA 16504 Knit or Crochet hats or scarves Donate new or gently used hats, gloves and scarves Make a monetary donation to be used toward the purchase of gloves Greg Badach 2661 Dobbins Road Erie, PA 16511 Annie Bool 322 Washington Place Apt. #301 Erie, PA 16505 ??Questions?? Call Janet Smith @ 899-5495 or Pat Marshall @ 899-3000 Diane Conti 5416 East Lake Rd BP A8 Erie, PA 16511 Martha Patrick Twinbrook Rm. 928 B 3805 Field St Erie, PA 16511 Mary Ann Catherine Sarah Reed Senior Living Room #57B 227 West 22nd Street Erie, PA 16502 Ann DePlatchett Saint Mary’s East 3311 607 East 26th Street Erie, PA 16504 Eric Smith (son of Denny & Janet ) 1235 West Gore Rd Erie, PA 16509 Boxes for donations located at the doors of the Church All donations will be distributed through EMMAUS Ministries. Thought for the week… “In Jesus, God himself became Emmanuel, Godwith-us, the God who walks alongside us, who gets involved in our lives, in our homes, in the midst of our “pots and pans”, as Saint Teresa of Jesus liked to say.” ― Pope Francis Are you a person with a disability and looking for more in your Faith Life?: Are you someone with a disability or do you know someone with a disability who wants more out of their Faith Life? The Office of Disabilities and Deaf Ministry has a number of groups that will provide the faith-filled social interaction you’re looking for. Call Michael Adamus at 814824-1257 or email him at madamus@eriercd.org for more details. You can also learn more about our ministry on the diocesan website www.ErieRCD.org under Catholic Charities Disability Ministries. Key West fundraiser to be held at Kennedy Catholic: HERMITAGE—Kennedy Catholic High School is planning one of its major fundraisers of the year, Key West at KC, on Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. at the high school gymnasium, 2120 Shenango Valley Freeway, Hermitage. For $20 per person, enjoy a full Cuban-style buffet dinner, beer and margaritas (there’s also a BYOB option), entertainment, dancing, gift and silent auctions, and games of chance. The grand prize for the evening is a four-day, three-night trip to Key West for two adults. For raffle information, go to http://svcss.k12.pa.us/key-west-raffle/. For more details on the event or to purchase event tickets online, go to http://svcss.k12.pa.us/key-west/. Planning Your Wedding?: An Engagement Encounter weekend is scheduled for January 22nd through 24th at St. Mark Catholic Center in Erie. EE satisfies diocesan requirements for marriage in the Church. Catholic and interfaith couples are encouraged to attend. Partial scholarships are available for those who qualify. Contact the Family Life Office at 814-824-1261, or by email at familylife@erieRCD.org or visit our Web site at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice.asp for more information. Remember, “A wedding is one day, marriage is for a lifetime”. We all make resolutions to work on our physical health. Consider a New Year’s Resolution that works on your Spiritual Health. Join a Small Christian Community. SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES SUNDAYS AFTER 8 AM Eucharist MONDAYS AT 7 PM TUESDAYS AT 10 AM & 7:30 PM THURSDAYS AT 7 PM There are still opportunities to form new groups on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If interested please contact Kathy Spiegel at 866-7263 For information about a particular group contact: Sunday (after 8 am Mass) Sandy Jordan 899-0984 Monday (7 pm) - Joe Kohler 897-9502 Tuesday (10 am) - Ruth Imhoff 866-7263 (7:30 pm) - Greg & Ann Badach 899-5698 Thursday (7 pm) - Geri Hadlock 323-4188 ST. MARK CHURCH (Request for year end annual giving statement) Name: ______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Phone #: ______________________Date:____________ Signature: _____________________________________ Check one: Please mail I will pick up (statements will be on the counter in the Sacristy) ST MARK EVANGELIST MEMBERSHIP FORM 695 Smithson Ave., Erie, PA 16511 – phone: 899-3000 Family Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City/Zip: ___________________ CHECK ONE: New Registration_____ Change of Address_____ Moving out of Parish_____ Place in offertory basket, give to an usher or send to church office. From: Frances Perry Helen Rawa Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Thornton Want Envelopes_____ In loving memory of: My husband Anthony & deceased members of the Kudlak family Additional 2015 Christmas Flower Donations For Next Week Questions for the week: We live in between the coming of the Messiah and the final fulfillment of salvation. What are we to do in this between-time? How can we embrace the past, present, and future of God’s passionate love for us? Can we joyfully remember all that God has done for us? Can we bring Christ’s love to birth today? Can we live in hope? How can we both sing and bring joy to the world? What memories or feelings do these Scriptures evoke in you? How are you, how is our world, in need of God’s passionate, saving love? Give yourself the gift of time alone in prayer this Christmas.