The PPOA Winter 2007-08.indd - Hawthorne Management Company


The PPOA Winter 2007-08.indd - Hawthorne Management Company
The Peninsula News
P e n i n s u l a P r op e rt y O w n e r s A s s o c i at i on , i n c .
w w w. m y p p o a . o r g
Catawba Widening to Start at Jetton
By the time you receive this newsletter it is likely that the initial road work at the intersection of
Jetton Road and East Catawba Avenue will have begun. This work will initially create a left turn
lane from Jetton with the subsequent removal of all of the trees and shrubs on that island. The
Landscape Committee is working closely with the Town to ensure that the least possible damage
is done and that when completed the island will be landscaped to our standards. Our landscape
consultant will also be working with town officials to ensure that we retain as much of the residual
beauty of this entrance as possible. All costs related to the re-landscaping of the island will be
borne by the town government.
The monument areas on each side of Jetton Road will be little affected, however, the sidewalk will
be extended on both sides to complete the turn onto East Catawba. We anticipate that irrigation
lines will need to be relocated and/or reinstalled after the monument and median work is complete.
Dave Alexander is the Board’s liaison to the contractor performing the road work.
The diagram below show just what work is anticipated. If you have questions about the progress
of the work you may contact Dave directly, or Mr. Doug Barrick at 704 896-5212 or by email at Mr. Barrick is the Town’s project manager of the NCDOT project.
W i n t er
Board Members
Jim Duke
President ............. 704.895.7765
Hank Keppler
Vice President ...... 704.987.5183
Mary Deininger
Secretary ............. 704.892.2613
Mike Joseph
Treasurer ............. 704.896.8654
Joyce Fox ............ 704.894.9642
Bob Fletcher ........ 704.892.2380
Dave Alexander ... 704.896.2893
Pat Thiel .............. 704.896.0758
Jack Ziegler ......... 704.897.1590
Committee Chair
Joyce Fox............. 704.894.9642
Architectural Control and Social
Jim Duke ............. 704.895.7765
Bob Fletcher ........ 704.892.2380
Hank Keppler....... 704.987.5183
Government & Safety
Mike Joseph ........ 704.896.8654
The President’s Message...
his has been an incredible year for your Association as it has moved aggressively to improve and
enhance the look of our community. Roads have been paved, sidewalks repaired, and lighting
enhanced and repaired. By far the most visible of our efforts, the rehabilitation of our aging landscape,
however, has been placed on hold due to the drought.
The Landscape Committee has been working with a landscape consultant to developed plans for the
removal and replanting of five cul-de-sacs and the medians along Jetton road near the Peninsula Club
Drive entrance. Next on the planning horizon is a hard look at our monument areas. Often referred to by
realtors and board members as our “Wow Factor”, these monuments have already undergone cleaning,
repair, and the installation of new reliable lighting. This year we extended holiday lighting to both Meta
and Stableford monuments. It is the Board’s intention to add holiday lighting incrementally each year to
the most visible monument areas.
Clearly we survived the summer drought, but we did so with a renewed appreciation of the importance
of a cooperative weather environment. We will likely not know the full extent of the impact of water
restrictions and an inadequate irrigation system until spring. Our property manager and landscape
consultant have developed a preliminary estimate of the damage and as soon as weather permits, we will
act aggressively to restore our community. The details about the effects of the drought are in our lead
article in this newsletter.
Many of you have volunteered your time and energy to improve the community and the lives of those
immediately outside our community. Many of you are active in the charitable organizations that make this
giving community what it is. Many others have given generously of your time to committees and events
within your neighborhoods to help make The Peninsula “the” place to live at Lake Norman. Thank you, for
making 2007 such a rewarding and productive year for all of us!
Very soon we will be looking for candidates to serve on our Board of Directors. It is my hope that the best
in our community will be willing to step up and serve for the betterment of The Peninsula. I will repeat
what I have said in the past about volunteering -- what we are as a community is directly affected by
the quality of our residents and the time they are willing to serve.
If you would like to serve on our Board, please obtain a nominating form from any one of the Nominating
Committee -- Mike Joseph, or Hank Keppler or me.
Jim Duke
T h e
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Elections for Board
To Be Held at
March General Meeting
Your Association has been blessed with a
wealth of talent serving on its Board, and
each year affords us the opportunity for new
faces to run for a position on the Board.
Any property owner may submit his or her
name for inclusion on the ballot, and you are
encouraged to do so. Each year three spots or
one third of the Board positions are open to
residents desiring to serve the community.
Property owners desiring to serve can obtain
a pre-election form from a member of the
Nominating Committee or from Hawthorne
Management. Forms must be completed and
returned by February 1st in order to be included
on the ballot. Your Nominating Committee
members for this year’s election are Jim Duke,
Mike Joseph, and Hank Keppler.
Nearly two thirds of our
community has been surveyed and
a significant improvement in the condition
of our mail boxes has been observed. This winter and spring the
final third of the community will be inspected and with that the task
should be complete.
We are asking for your help in this program to improve the look of
our community. Please look over your mailbox. Common problems
are faded or broken flags, broken or missing doors, peeling or fading
addresses, and significant leaning or tilt that can be easily corrected.
We wish to thank those of you who have taken the initiative to repair
your mailbox without notification.
Generally, repairs are very inexpensive and can be accomplished by the
property owner or through an approved contractor. Hank Norwood, a
handyman regularly used by the Association, has been very responsive
to Peninsula homeowners. He also has an inventory of many mailbox
replacement parts. You can reach Hank at 704 541-2122
PPOA Standing Committees
Architectural Control(ACC) Joyce Fox – Chair
Hank Keppler
Pat Thiel
Mike Joseph – Chair
Jim Duke
Jack Ziegler
Bob Fletcher
Government & Safety
Hank Keppler – Chair
Mary Deininger
Bill Loughnane
Jim Duke - Chair
Hank Keppler
Mike Joseph
Jack Ziegler
Joyce Fox
Carolyn Duke
Area Captains (See last section)
Bob Fletcher - Chair
Dave Alexander
Mary Deininger
Pelham Edmunds
Sue Glass
Sheila Cothran
If you would like to serve on a PPOA Committee, please contact the appropriate committee chair.
T h e
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Drought Slows Landscape Revitalization
In the last newsletter we reported that the renovation
of some of our cul-de-sacs and medians would begin in
November. While much of the design work has been
completed, however, execution of the plan is on hold until
we are able to access sufficient water from Lake Norman to
ensure the viability of new plantings.
most visible along Jetton Road. Now, we only need a good
rain for the seeds to germinate. Should this occur, we would
have a green winter. Keep your fingers crossed. Property
owners are reminded that the winter rye over seeding is an
experiment and your comments and concerns will play heavily
in determining if the program is continued.
Currently, we are under severe restrictions regarding the
withdrawal of water from the lake. More importantly, lake
levels have receded to the point that all of our water intakes
are above water. In other words, even if Duke Power were
to lift restrictions, we could not physically withdraw water
for irrigation until lake levels are much higher. Currently, all
three of our pumping stations are shut down for the winter.
So what is ahead for us?
Your Board has earmarked sufficient funds to proceed with
the renovation work and will begin replacing damaged and
dead shrubbery once drought restrictions have been lifted.
Decisions regarding the future of our 2008 landscaping plans
are currently on hold until our January board meeting.
With the hope that some moisture would prevail, the
Landscaping Committee, acting under the advice of our
contractor, opted to over-seed with rye grass those areas
As a direct result of the drought and the possibility of
continued harsh dry weather in the future, we are facing the
possibility that our landscaping efforts, to include spring
flowers, may be severely curtailed. Under some drought
scenarios, even the importation of water could be restricted.
Hand watering, which is currently allowed, if eliminated may
dictate a reduction, if not a cancellation, of any spring flower
Our contractor has begun the removal of fall leaves and we
will begin installing pine straw throughout the community.
You should see the results of this work prior to receiving this
newsletter. In an effort to reduce the stress on our trees
and hollies, we will be limiting the pruning of much of our
landscaping until we have relief from the drought.
For Your Information
The budget for the Town of Cornelius exceeds $17 million.
The tax base for the Peninsula is $3.5 billion.
The tax base for shore properties in the Peninsula is $1.3 billion.
Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out is on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. LNO is a great way to meet your neighbors and hear
about activities in The Peninsula. Each month, a different neighbor graciously volunteers to host the event.
For more information and/or to be placed on the email notification list, please contact Carolyn Duke at 704-895-7765 or by
email at, or contact your Neighborhood Captain.
T h e
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Architectural Change Committee (ACC) Guidelines
Each week up to ten or more letters go residents outlining violations of restrictions and requesting them to
correct the matter expeditiously. Our Restrictions & Covenants provide the basic rules that we live by to
maintain the high standards of this beautiful community. We believe that violations usually occur because
residents are unaware of what are violations. Very few simply ignore the rules.
The most frequent violations are:
1. Displaying any unauthorized sign in ones yard.
2. Not cutting or trimming grass.
3. Parking cars overnight on the street.
4. Removing trees or bushes without ACC approval.
5. Parking trailers or campers in a driveway.
6. Using a property to dispose of trash or store property.
7. Making modifications to the exterior of a home without ACC approval.
8. Failing to keep a clean work area during construction or remodeling.
9. Failure to maintain a mail box.
For detailed information regarding the Associations rules, please refer to your copy of your ACC Guidelines that were
mailed to all property owners, or contact Hawthorne Management for a copy.
Joint Meeting of
Captains, Committees,
and Board
Set for February
At its February 6th meeting, the PPOA
Board of Directors will be hosting
our Neighborhood Captains and
committee volunteers. This joint
meeting is designed to solicit direct
communications from those closest to
our neighborhoods and recognize the
service to the community.
Trash Collection Policy
Waste Management is the contractor hired by the
Town of Cornelius to collect trash and recyclables.
Some confusion has occurred regarding the pick
up policy. Here it is in a nutshell:
• One rollout container may be used per
household [more at extra cost].
• Pick ups are on Mondays, after 6:45 am.
• Containers and trash may be placed on the street the evening prior to
pick up.
• Up to 3 (tied) kitchen size bags (25 gal) of additional trash will be
picked up and should be placed next to the rollout container.
• Containers must be able to be closed. Overfilled containers count as
3 extra bags.
• Boxes larger than 2” L x 3” W x 2” H will not be picked up.
• Questions and additional service by calling Waste Management at
800 927-8362.
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Community Activities
Caring Hearts Foundation
Caring Hearts Foundation is a nonprofit organization
composed of women of faith who desire to work on behalf of
local people in need and the organizations that help them.
If you would like to help, contact: Karen Tovar at 704 8925864 or by email at
January 11, 2008
Membership Luncheon at the Peninsula Club
Begins at 11:30 am. Open for new and current members.
Membership dues are $ 25.00. Cost of luncheon is $20.00.
Contact Carolyn Duke at 704 895-7765 or email to
April 14, 2008
Huntersville Oaks Nursing Facility - Valentine Treats
April 2008
Circle of Friends Luncheon
Peninsula Book Club
The club meets the 2nd Monday of each month, September
through June, at The Peninsula Yacht Club at 12 noon for lunch
and discussion. Newcomers are always welcome.
Future Meetings and Books
January 14, 2008 .......... Nowhere Else on Earth
by Josephine Humphreys
February 11, 2008.......... Colors of the Mountain by Da Chen
March 10, 2008 ........... TBD by Ann Tyler
April 14, 2008 ............. Friday Night Knitting Club
by Kate Jacobs
In you have questions,
contact Phyllis Wilson
at 704-987-8040 or by email
Stay involved by visiting our Website
The Peninsula Community Foundation Gala – A Resounding Success!
The Foundation’s Annual Gala held on November 3rd at the Michael Waltrip RaceWorld USA facility in Cornelius raised in
excess of $ 90,000 and broke all records for attendance and donations. The events theme was, “Racing for the Green”, and
featured a gourmet meal, entertainment, silent and live auctions, as well as raffles for great prizes.
The Foundation supports the Lake Norman Free Clinic in Huntersville, Habitat for Humanity, Lydia’s Loft, Loaves & Fishes, the
Ada Jenkins Mobile Dental Bus, Hospice of Lake Norman, Dove House, Make-A-Wish, the Mooresville Community Pregnancy
Center, First Tee, and Hope House. All money raised by the Foundation stays in the Lake Norman area.
Residents wishing to support the Foundation or who need information may contact Mr. Ed Patton at 704 892-4123 or by email at
Community Contacts Listing
Important Telephone Numbers
Cornelius Police/Fire/Ambulance .................... 704-892-1363
Emergency ............................................. 911
Lake Norman Boat Patrol................................ 704-896-2185
Duke Power (Street Lights) ............................. 704-594-6200
Waste Management ....................................... 800-927-8362
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Piedmont Gas .............................................. 800-356-2593
Hawthorne Management Company ................... 704-377-0114
Mailbox Repairs (Hank Norwood) .................... 704-541-2122
Mailbox Letters (Signs Here).......................... 704-483-6454
Lift Station Service (McCall Brothers) ............... 704-399-1506
Community Contacts Listing
The Peninsula Neighborhood Captains (as of 12/1/2007)
The list below represents the volunteers who make up our Neighborhood or Area Captains. They can help you with questions about
living in The Peninsula or with questions about our Association. If you have an idea, please let your Neighborhood Captain know.
Balmore Pines
Sandra Norwood ....................897-0808
Jean Burke .............................892-7509
East Shore
Lauren Polek ..........................655-9333
Flying Jib Road
Dan Kay ................................896-1894
Anne Genske .........................895-3585
Harbor Light Blvd
Kathy Day .............................987-1653
Diane Arledge ........................896-2546
Sandie Durboraw ....................987-1699
Heron Pointe
Jackie Hare ............................892-0088
Rita O’Malley ........................892-0264
Mainsail Pointe
Mary Buckley .........................895-8844
Jill Faulk ................................897-9139
Meta Road
Kim Green ............................896-3504
Peninsula Club Drive
Jill Glenn ..............................655-9809
Peninsula Cove
Della Stafford ........................892-1975
Peninsula Pointe
Diane Hamilton ......................896-2003
Peninsula Shores
Leslie Pitt .............................655-7430
Players Ridge
Carolyn Duke.........................895-7765
Sail Point
Sue Cherrington .....................987-0366
Cheri McCarney .....................897-9912
Diane Mason .........................896-1868
Town Harbour
Susan Miller ..........................892-4862
Liza Grainda ..........................892-5946
Yawl Road
Lindsey Long .........................655-0048
Laurie Helgeson .....................896-0709
We would like to offer a special welcome to Mary Buckley as a new Captain for Mainsail Pointe,
and Kim Green for Meta Road. Our sincere thanks go to Deb Dickerson, Nancy Reavis,
and Sheryl Chapman for their long services as Captains.
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
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Peninsul a Property
o w n e r s a s s o c i at i o n , i n c .
c/o Hawthorne Management Company
P.O. Box 11906
Charlotte, NC 28220-1906
(704) 377-0114
T h e
P e n i n s u l a
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