Feb 21 - Philadelphia - Church of St. Richard of Chichester


Feb 21 - Philadelphia - Church of St. Richard of Chichester
Reverend James Rodia, O. Praem.
Second Sunday of Lent
SUNDAY February 21st
Deceased members of the Marazzo family
requested by Rose & Joe
10:00 HOLY SPIRIT Ugo & Camilla DiLullo & family
Requested by cousins
11:30 David Facenda requested by wife, children, and
MONDAY February 22nd
Frances Coccia requested by Rose & Joe Marazzo
TUESDAY February 23rd
Mae Kelly requested by Kelly family
WEDNESDAY February 24th
Frances Coccia requested by Lena Verano
THURSDAY February 25th
Christine Bossing Bequest of Gerald J. Ziccardi
FRIDAY February 26th
Reymo Sammarone requested by niece, Mima
SATURDAY February 27th
1st Anniversary of Catherine McCormick
requested by Margaret
4:30pm Antonio, Josephine and Frank Varano
requested by Lena Verano
Our SANCTUARY CANDLE will be burning this week
In Loving Memory of David Facenda Love, wife, children
and grandchildren
Birthday of Charles Emmertz Sr requested by
Charles & Linda Emmertz and children
Votive Candles are available every week with intentions of
IMO in memory of your deceased loved ones, IHO in
honor of the living, FGH for good health, or IT in thanksgiving. For a donation of $10. the candles will be lit starting
at the Saturday 4:30pm mass and will be lit for the entire
week. Candle intentions may be obtained at the rectory
during regular business hours.
Dear Parishioners,
We live in a time when excellence and perfection
are much sought after when it comes to things of this world,
but can be ignored when it comes to our spiritual lives. For
example, it is a great American goal to have a perfect body.
But how many of those physically gorgeous people do you
see every day?
The pursuit of perfection is likewise true with regard to our intellectual faculties. Getting an excellent education is quite admirable. Academic achievement comes at
a high cost. But what of moral perfection - moral excellence? If our humanity is to be transfigured, and if Christ’s
transfiguration is an icon of that goal, then what do we need
to do?
We find a great deal of conflict in this area. What
sort of values are presented to our children? What images
are put in front of their eyes? We are surrounded by people
who seem to lack a moral compass.
Consider the main characters in today’s gospel account of the Transfiguration. Moses was engaged in a tremendous struggle to free his people from a pleasure principle. God brought them out of slavery in Egypt and gave
them freedom. But they didn’t want to carry the weight of
freedom with all its burdensome moral choices. So they
rebelled and wanted to return back to Egypt. They would
have to live in slavery, but at least they would be more
comfortable than they were out there in the desert. The freedom and life God wanted to give them was simply too
costly, they felt.
Self-sacrifice and discipline are the price we pay for
creativity, personal growth and transformation. The greatest
of our artists, poets, musicians and moral leaders give testimony to that fact. We increase our intellectual capacities
only through self-sacrifice - times of study and difficult exams. Should we expect otherwise when it comes to moral
and spiritual growth? Yet, we treat morality as if it should
come naturally. And if acting morally causes us great discomfort, embarrassment or even pain? Well, we sometimes
opt for a quick fix that doesn’t cost us anything when it
comes to time and commitment of our energy.
Second Sunday of Lent
February , 212016
The Transfiguration is meaningless if we do not
understand the context: Jesus was about to suffer and die in
order to release God’s transforming power unto humanity.
The whole of Christ’s life is meaningless unless it points to
the meaning of suffering. Of all the great founders of religions, only Jesus Christ enters into suffering, loss, pain and
even death in order to lead us through it into the resurrection and a higher and better life. Transcendence comes only
through death and resurrection. That’s the guts of Christianity, a religion that goes way beyond simply being “nice.”
As we move through Lent toward Easter, have
courage. Make the hard decisions. Move away from merely
being comfortable and embrace the cost of discipleship.
There will, of course, be many Herods and Pilates to judge
you and mock you. But, if you are in Christ, then you must
live his life and enter into the cost of growth, transformation
and transcendence. History shows us that this upward climb
is the only way to achieve nobility, beauty and Godlikeness. It all depends upon what we really want, and the
price we are willing to pay for it.
God Love Ya!
Fr. Reilly
Chapter Three: The Jesus Question
Life is full of questions.
Who is Jesus to us? In this chapter, Matthew Kelly
explores the question of who do we believe, as individuals,
Jesus is? Jesus asked this same question to his disciples.
After asking them who others thought he was and receiving
“John the Baptist, Elijah, a prophet..” he then asked them
“But who do you say that I am?” Peter responded “You
are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.”
Sometimes it is difficult for us to remember that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior. The secular
world contributes to the watering down of our faith by the
way Christmas and Easter are celebrated. Christmas has
become a feel good holiday instead of the celebration of the
birth of the King of Peace and Easter is about the easter
bunny, candy and nice clothes. We need to embrace the
fact that Jesus is the Messiah and, having been Baptized of
water and the Holy Spirit, live as authentic disciples of the
Son of the living God.
Points to Ponder: Right now you have an incredible opportunity to get to know Jesus better.
Sacrament of
Verses to live: “I came into the world to testify to the truth.
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
John 18:38
Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:00pm
Before Masses on Sundays and Tuesday
Evenings following Benediction (7:00-7:30PM)
During this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope
Francis asks that the Church and her members live out
the loving mercy that God has for all of us. Concentrate
this Lent on reflecting God’s mercy in your daily life.
Focus on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Penitential practices take many forms: apologizing to
an injured party, healing divisions within our families,
fasting during the Lenten season, or graciously accepting the menial tasks of life. The purpose of penance is
not to diminish life but to enrich it.
“In the spirit of the Jubilee of Mercy, all of us are
called to realize how indifference can manifest itself in
our lives and to work concretely to improve the world
around us, beginning with our families, neighbors and
places of employment.” (Pope Francis, Message for the 2016
Stations of The Cross
Fridays during Lent at 1:00pm
with the school children
Friday Evening during Lent at 7:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesdays 8:30 am-7:00 pm
with Benediction at 7pm
World Day of Peace)
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Sacrament Calendar
Feb. 27 First Holy Communion Family
Retreat 9-11:00 a.m. in School Hall
PREP Registration
Pre-Jordan Classes
In preparation for Baptism Pre-Jordan classes are
held the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the
Church. The parents of the child are required to attend the class; godparents are also welcome but not
required to attend.
Please call the rectory to make arrangements for the
Baptism and to attend the class. After you have attended the class and acquired certificates of eligibility for your godparents, you may then call the rectory
for an appointment to book the date of your choosing. The next scheduled class is :
March 14, 2016
April 18, 2016
Pre-Cana Classes
In preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, PreCana classes are required for all couples. You must
register in advance for this class. For registration and
more information visit
www.philamarriageprep.com .
For a list of Calendar of Events throughout the
Archdiocese, please visit::
Lent and you!
We are asked during the penitential
season of Lent to:
Please take advantage of what Saint Richard’s Parish offers. Our Lenten Schedule can be found in the
back of church and on our website. The “mite
cans” to sacrifice and save and give to those in need
can be found in church.
March 1—April 30, 2016
Registration for PREP for the 2016-17 year will
begin March 1. Saint Richard PREP is a one
week, full day, summer program for students in
grades 1 through 6. The program will be held
June 20-24 from 8:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
The summer program will be supplemented with
five Sunday Family Formation Sessions during
the school year along with spiritual and service
activities for the family. Participation in ALL aspects is necessary to be in the program also a
family must be registered with Saint Richard
Because we no longer offer a weekly program,
please inform anyone that you know with an
eligible child entering first to sixth grade next
September to register for the summer program
before April 30, 2016.
Registration forms for current PREP families will
be mailed home. New registration forms will be
available beginning March 1 online at
www/strichardchurch.org/prep, at the rectory
during business hours or by calling Maryellen
Carroll at 215-468-4777.
For more information, please email Maryellen at
dre@strichardchurch.org or call the number
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Attention all children: During the Liturgy of
the Word (First Reading through the General
Intercessions), we invite children ages 3-9 to
hear the Word of God and participate in an
interactive homily. We offer this ministry
during the 4:30 Vigil Mass. Please consider
coming to this Mass and allowing your child
to learn about this part of the Mass at his/her
of Philadelphia
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All are Welcome!
Roman Catholic High School
7th Grade Practice Test
Saturday, March 12th
9:00 AM – Noon.
This is an opportunity for 7th graders to prepare for the
Scholarship Entrance Test required in the Fall of 2016.
Registration forms are available at RomanCatholicHS.com. For additional information or questions
regarding Roman Catholic High School’s admissions
process call (215)-627-1270 ext. 146 or e-mail
SS. John Neumann and Maria Goretti High School
“Saints Got Talent 2016”.
March 10th, 2016,
doors open at 6pm. Show starts at 7pm till 9pm.
Tickets will be available for purchase prior to this event.
This fundraiser helps support our students’ activities and
athletic programs. All proceeds from this event directly
benefit the students of Neumann-Goretti High, affording
each the opportunity to become involved in extracurricular
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Calling all
World War II Veterans
Honor Flight Philadelphia is currently
looking for WWII veterans who would like
to travel with us to Washington, D.C. on
May 21, 2016 where you will have the opportunity to visit those memorials dedicated
to your
service and sacrifice to our great nation.
Although we can never repay you,
we can show you our appreciation.
2501 S. Camac St.
(215) 468-1200
Transportation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, memorabilia as well as a USO style show will be provided
at NO COST to the veterans.
For more information, please call:
JoDean at 610-627-1494
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