over 50 upcoming auctions
over 50 upcoming auctions
OVER 50 UPCOMING AUCTIONS Upcoming Auction Map........................2 Thinking of having an auction ...........19 Truckers, Bin Movers, etc. ...................6 Behind the Block ................................50 QUICK REFERENCE CLEARVIEW ACRES LTD. GUY & LORRAINE AND BLAIR & SARAH ST. AMANT APRIL 3 - EDAM, SK Internet/Proxy Bidding .........................5 Real Estate ..........................................43 1-800-529-9958 Phone 306-445-5000 Fax 306-445-5003 PAYMENT TERMS & REGISTRATION INFO: Payment terms are cash or cheque with proper identification. A letter of credit from your financial institution is preferred on major purchases. You need to register for a buyer’s number prior to purchasing merchandise. Photo identification is required to obtain a buyer’s number. All items are sold “As Is” and “Where Is.” Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. Note: For internet bidding terms please see the K-Live interBid page on our website. ALBERTA MAP # 1 ..............ClEARvIEw ACREs lTd. SASKATCHEWAN PAGE # MAP # 14 ..........37th AnnUAl sPRInG ConsIGnMEnT AUCTIon GUy & loRRAInE And BlAIR & sARAh sT. AMAnT Thursday April 3 - Edam, SK ..................................................8-9 2 ..............wEsT CEnTRAl ConsIGnMEnT Saturday April 5 - Eatonia, SK ............................................10-11 3 ..............TERRy & noRMA noRnBERG Monday April 7 - Nokomis, SK (Lockwood area) .....................13 4 ..............KB GEIs FARMs lTd. - KEvIn & BoBBI GEIs Tuesday April 8 - Qu’Appelle, SK .......................................14-15 5 ..............PETER & sUzAnnE dEJonG Wednesday April 9 - Vermilion, AB ..........................................17 6 ..............MIKE lonGwoRTh & BREnT GEnEsT Thursday April 10 - Harris, SK (Rosetown area) ................18-19 7 ..............BoB & lIsA hElGAson Friday April 11 - Elrose, SK......................................................20 8 ..............GER-loR holdInGs lTd. GERAld & loRRAInE lonGMIRE Saturday April 12 - Kindersley, SK...........................................21 9 ..............KEG FARMs lTd. - GRAnT & KEITh CARlson Monday April 14 - Outlook, SK ...........................................22-23 10 ..........l.J. MEIER FARM lTd. - JAMEs & lAwREnCE MEIER Tuesday April 15 - Luseland, SK ........................................24-25 11 ..........IAn & MARIlyn PARsons Wednesday April 16 - McLaughlin, AB ...............................26-27 12 ..........lARRy & ChARMAInE BIEvER Thursday April 17 - Provost, AB...............................................30 13 ..........howARd & InGRId sUIToR Saturday April 19 - Blackie, AB (High River Area) ...................31 PAGE # Monday April 21 - Kramer’s Big Big Barn ...........................32-33 Includes Dispersals for Maurice & Kevin Vany Little-Bird Farms - Ernie & Eleanor Voegeli 15 ..........KolEnosKy FARMs lTd. Andy KolEnosKy EsTATE & MIChEllE KolEnosKy Tuesday April 22 - Wilkie, SK ..................................................34 16 ..........dARRyl sTEwART 17 ..........nIsKA FARMs lTd. - BERnIE & JUdy nIsKA Wednesday April 23 - Moose Jaw, SK (Findlater area) ...........35 18 ..........wAynE & CARol KnoCK Thursday April 24 - Strongfield, SK (Outlook area)..................36 19 ..........JERRy & MAxInE sPEnCE Friday April 25 - Hanley, SK.....................................................37 20 ..........lonChER FARM lTd. - lonnIE & ChERyl wAlKER Saturday April 26 - Rosetown, SK ...........................................38 Saturday April 26 - Rosetown, SK ...........................................39 Held in conjunction with the Spence Auction 21 ..........lIllIAn PETERson & ThE EsTATE oF loRnE (Tony) PETERson Monday April 28 - Neilburg, SK................................................40 22 ..........PERKIns AG MARKETInG InC.- BRIAn & shARon PERKIns 23-50 .sUMMER AUCTIons .................................................................44-47 ?? ...........lAnd & REAl EsTATE...................................................................43 Tuesday April 29 - Vanscoy, SK ..........................................................41 2 Welcome to our Spring 2014 Auctions Thank you for taking the opportunity to preview our 2014 Spring Auction Catalogue. Whether you are Buying or Selling we look forward to serving you this upcoming season. Farm Auction Season is our favorite time of year and we are excited to start this year’s auction run. 2014 is a Significant Milestone year for Kramer Auctions Ltd. being our 65th year in the Auction Business (1949-2014). We are proud to be a 3rd Generation 100% family owned & operated Auction Company. From the days of our first farm auction for Buchko’s of Sandwith, Saskatchewan to today’s large volume auction events, for over 65 years our family business has been built on hard work, dedication, attention to detail and “Hands-On” personalized service that cannot be duplicated. Our team is looking forward to assisting you this spring. This year’s auctions feature an excellent offering of Quality Equipment and some exciting Real Estate opportunities. Every year we have the privilege of working with many great people. We invite you to participate in the many fantastic auctions we have scheduled. Take advantage of the opportunity to bid on Equipment and Real Estate where you set the price. At the same time go for a road trip and enjoy meeting some new people. We hope you find our Spring 2014 Auction Catalogue a valuable resource. Go further and visit our website to find numerous equipment photos, more information ie.) spec sheets, work orders etc. as well as a history of past auction prices. We are continuously improving our services to provide you with the information you need to be better prepared for auction day. Also, if you are unable to attend any of our auctions be sure to use our live internet bidding service. This year we are excited to introduce our new “iPad App” providing live internet bidding from the popular Apple iPad. We are also proud to offer competitive financing options available through Farm Credit Canada. Lastly, we are excited to offer new on-site auction trailers providing added convenience and comfort when attending on-site auction events. These are just a few of the new things we offer while continuing to live up to our reputation of providing “the best farm auction service available anywhere”. Your feedback is always appreciated and we work hard to adapt to your buying and selling needs. Remember when attending our auctions - No Buyer’s Premiums, No Loading Fees, etc. WE SIMPLY APPRECIATE YOU AS A CUSTOMER AND YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR AUCTIONS. We look forward to seeing you this spring and would like to thank you in advance for your participation at our auctions. Good Luck and Good Bidding. From the Kramer Family and our entire auction team we wish you all the best in the 2014 Farming Season. When attending our auctions, please travel safely! Neil Kramer Brendan Kramer Kim Kramer Michael Higgs STATEMENT OF PRINCIPAL Buyers bid with confidence at our auctions. They know at no time whatsoever will they be in the position to have to bid against the auctioneer. Kramer Auctions do not purchase auctions, we conduct them. we do not guarantee returns. we believe this process will interfere with the integrity of the auction system. An auctioneer should never be in the position where he is tempted to bid against his customers. Therefore, you as a bidder can rest assured that you will not be bidding on equipment pre-purchased or price guaranteed by the auction company, BUT only bidding on equipment that is owned by the sellers we represent. 3 KRAMER AUCTION TEAM Neil Kramer Auctioneer President & General Manager Monica Kramer Office Manager Kim Kramer Auctioneer Auction Representative Ag Auction Manager Brendan Kramer Auctioneer Auction Representative Trailer Sales Manager Michael Higgs Auctioneer Auction Representative Trailer Sales Scott Meiklejohn Auctioneer Bryan Somerville Auctioneer & Southern Regional Manager Cell 306-463-7835 Sam Somerville Auctioneer & Southern Regional Auction Representative Cell 306-463-7844 Ed Truelove Real Estate Broker Kenny Somerville Ringman & Southern Regional Auction Representative Rick McAuley Auctioneer & North East Regional Auction Representative Cell 306-276-8497 Eric Fazakas Auction Representative Regina, SK Jennilee Weber Ass’t Office Manager Internet Bidding Co-ordinator Jeanette LaLonde Office Assistant Audrey Stobbs Office Assistant Advertising & Mail-out Co-ordinator Sara Archdekin Office Assistant Internet Bidding Co-ordinator Frances Anderson Clerk/Cashier Carol Volk Office Assistant Brenda Somerville Clerk/Cashier Judy Koopman Clerk/Cashier Shelly Craig Clerk/Cashier Marilyn Hyland Clerk/Cashier Joyce Schumlich Clerk/Cashier Glenn Harbin Auctioneer/Ringman Jules Cote Clerk/Auction Setup Bruce Isaak Ringman/Auction Setup Dennis Hyland Ringman Ron Link Auction Setup Brian Erickson Auction Setup Garry Anderson Auction Setup Victor Woytowich Auction Setup John Gaetz Trailer Service /Yard Maintenance Jim Phelps Auction Setup Mark Sannerud Auction Setup Yard Maintenance Ron Schumlich Trailer Sales Alma Harris Yard Maintenance Chester Oulette Auction Setup Yard Maintenance Tony Harris Yard Maintenance 4 Thank You! We appreciate your business. N1 OP TIO IO N2 This service is available at all auctions. To set up your bid: Call our office at 1-800-529-9958 and have a bid form faxed to you or submit online at www.kramerauction.com IMPORTANT: Bids must be received by 11:00 pm the day prior to the auction. LIVE INTERNET BIDDING see complete details on the web • don’t wait until the last minute! PC and Mac Friendly. MUsT PRE-REGIsTER 24 hoURs In AdvAnCE. NE W OP T ABSENTEE BIDDING SERVICE • Mobile Friendly • Get all the auction information you need from your smart phone NOTE: Smart phones not available for Live Bidding 5 Blaine lake, saskatchewan we specialize in Air drill and heavy Equipment Towing. Equipment hauling & Pilot vehicle service. The Highest Standard of Service and all cargo is FULLY INSURED. BIN MOVING & EQUIPMENT TOWING see us @ www.12-40rednex.com Call (306) 220-7915 • Fax (306) 497-3390 Terry & Coralie Wingerter Livestock • Buffalo • Elk • Grain Hauling Box 862 Yorkton, SK Hauling Throughout Western Canada Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan and and British British Columbia Columbia 53' Ground Load & Tri-Axle Pots Machinery Trailer for Combines and Farm Machinery Box 569, Spiritwood, Saskatchewan Phone 306-883-2378 • Cell 306-883-7156 306.621.7660 Custom Grain Bin Moving RoBERT BRECKnER Box 537 Grandview, MB R0l 0y0 E-mail: bisocanada@yahoo.ca hUGh shEldon • Piloting service • Grain Bin Moving • Grain Bin/hopper hauling • Tow Air drills Phone: 204-546-2417 Fax: 204-546-2417 Cell: 204-648-7129 CEll: 306-961-9699 RR#2 Prince Albert, sK s6v 5P9 FUlly sElF-ConTAInEd MoBIlE UnIT Good Home Cooked Meals Served anywhere for all occasions: Auction Sales, Weddings, Anniversaries, Reunions, etc. Bin Moving Home 306-662-4507 Cell 306-661-8818 Grant Babitzke Maple Creek, SK “Give Us A Call ... We’ll Serve You All” Rosalind Guran Phone: 937-3941 • Fax: 937-2410 Box 9, Cando, SK S0K 0V0 6 LARGE INVENTORY OF STOCK TRAILERS GOOSENECK z Stongest, most durable in its class z 7', 7'6", 8', 8'6" widths GOOSENECK z Riveted construction z Rollup or sliding door z 15', 20', 25', 30' lengths BUMPER PULL z Std side enclosures z 30" glass filled epoxy coating z All enclosed wiring BUMPER PULL z Aluminum floor z 2289 lbs z 15' length GROUNDLOAD z Air ride z #1 pasture hauler z 48' & 53' lengths HORSE z All aluminum z Straight and angle loads z Barn or ramp door PHONE 1-800-529-9958 ON-LINE SHOWROOM 12TH ANNUAL Polled Hereford Bulls MONDAY, MARCH 24 • 1:00 PM Black Angus Bulls KRAMER’S BIG BID BARN • NORTH BATTLEFORD AUCTIONEER: Charolais Bulls FEATURING: SIMMENTAL, RED ANGUS, BLACK ANGUS, CHAROLAIS, POLLED HEREFORD & SALERS Simmental Bulls STOCK AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING SUNDAY EVENING & MONDAY MORNING FOR INFORMATION OR CATALOGUE CALL CURTIS 306-342-4208 ALSO FEATURING TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL REPLACEMENT HEIFERS Salers Bulls TO CONSIGN HEIFERS CALL KIM OR BRENDAN 306-445-5000 COME TO OUR SALE AND WIN A TRAILER! 7 Red Angus Bulls THURSDAY APRIL 3, 2014 • 10:00 AM CLEARVIEW ACRES LTD. - GUY & LORRAINE AND BLAIR & SARAH ST. AMANT • EDAM, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment followed by grain bins. SELLER CONTACT(S): GUY & LORRAINE ST. AMANT 306-397-2730 OR 306-441-5428 (C) BLAIR ST. AMANT 306-845-8032 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(S): KIM KRAMER 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Edam go 9.5 miles (15.2 km) east on grid, then 1.2 km north OR From Cochin go 10 miles (15.8 km) north then 7 miles (11.3 km) west and 1.8 km south OR From Meota go north west on Hwy #26 to the Jackfish road then go 9 miles (14.4 km) north through speed curves then another 1.2 km north. (Yard on east side of road) • GPS COORDINATES: 53.202432,-108.516090 • LAND LOCATION: NW1-49-18 W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 2011 Case Ih 535 QT QuadTrac tractor, 535 eng hp Cummins 15LT, full powershift trans (16F/2R), luxury cab, high capacity pump, 30" GoodYear tracks, clear view caps, JD Starfire ready, 828 hrs showing, S#ZAF122486; 2006 Case Ih sTx 480Q QuadTrac tractor, 480 eng/425 pto hp Cummins CM570, full powershift trans (16F/2R), 1000 pto (installed April 2013), 4 hyd plus return line, 30" Campolast tracks (rear tracks near new), Outback S2 lightbar w/E-Drive, 3500 hrs showing, S#Z6F100677; 1989 Case Ih 9150 4wd tractor, 280 eng/245 pto hp Cummins LT10, full powershift trans (12F/2R), 1000 pto, 4 hyd plus return line, 18.4-38 duals, 8184 hrs (979 hrs on new clock plus 7205 hrs on old clock), S#JCB0004121; 1981 International 1086 2wd tractor & Ezee-on 2100 FEl, 131 pto hp, turbo diesel, standard Hi-Lo trans., dual pto, 3 hyd, 6111 hrs showing, S#U53695 COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2009 John deere 9770 sTs sp combine & Jd 615P header, 360 hp,yield and moisture monitor, touchset controls, high capacity unload auger, GoodYear 520/85R42 frt duals, GoodYear 480/85R26 rr., JD Starfire ready, 989 thr/1362 eng hrs showing, S#H09770S730128 (combine); S#H00615P730130 NEW: feeder chain, elevator chain, accelerator elements, chopper knives (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2008 John deere 9770 sTs sp combine & Jd 615P header, 360 hp, yield and moisture monitor, touchset controls, high capacity unload auger, 800/65R32 front tires, 18.4R26 rr., JD Starfire ready, 933 thr/1223 eng hrs showing, S#H09770S727007 (combine) NEW: feeder chain, elevator chain, accelerator elements, chopper knives (Will sell as a complete unit. Duals shown in photo will sell separate following the combine.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; dual tire kit off of Jd 9770 inlcudes GoodYear 480/80R38 tires on rims with spacers (Will sell spearate following the combines.); 2009 John deere 635 hydra Float 35' draper header, poly tine p/u reel, pea auger, double knife drive, S#H00635D730803 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2008 John deere 930d 30' draper header, poly tine p/u reel, pea auger, JD adapter, 12 ply gauge wheels, built in road transport w/lights, S#H00930D725535 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; shelbourne Reynolds Cx 72 25' stripper header, (Machine #19654312) S#872267 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2010 stud King Id 42 header transport, tandem torque flex 6000lb axles, 18,000lb GVWR, 16" tires, extendable hitch, tail lights, front suspension, poly front fenders, S#3768 SWATHERS 2013 John deere w150 35' sp swather, 2013 John Deere 435D header, Cummins diesel (150 hp), 600-65R28 radial bar tires, 16.5L-16.1 tires and forked casters, hydraulic center link for W110 and W150, warning beacons, lighting/marking kit for cab forward road travel, windshield shades (includes front and back), booster spring kit external (includes 2), weight box (with weight) for transport less platform, wiring harness and hitch pin kit, dual knife drive, 6 bat split p/u reel w/plastic fingers, gauge wheels and integrated slow speed road transport system, steel end finger kit for reel, double swath attachment, JD Starfire ready, 98 hrs showing, S#1E0W150XTDD390423 (traction unit); S#1E0435DXEDD390169 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2006 hesston 9240 30' sp swather, Cummins diesel (110 hp), Agco 5200 30' header, double swath attachment, gauge wheels, UII p/u reel, Roto-shear, rear weights, rear hitch, 16.9-28 frt. tires, 12.5-15 rr., John Deere Starfire ready, 867 hrs showing, S#HR92333 (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 10' poly tapered swath roller 2" ball hitch SEEDING & TILLAGE 2011 seed-Master 70' seeding tool & sxx 300 air tank, Alliance liquid kit & Bandit 3400TC tow behind liquid cart, 16" spacing, compact transport - narrow fold, floatation package, 15.0/55-17 tires, TeeJet sectional control -auto shut off seed & fertilizer, Alliance fertilizer pump 180L/minute, liquid fertilizer kit, tire in tire packing system, 300 bushel on board tank w/Ultra-Pro metering system, load cells on seed tank, 800-65/R32 tires, Bandit 3400TC liquid cart w/ 2-1700 US gallon tanks, twin cone Bandit wagon, 3" plumbing, 21.5-16.1 frt tires, 28L-26 rr tires, Model BD3400TC/4WH, S#PWI00100209, Alliance Series 1126 Auto-Rate Injection system w/diaphragm pump, Model 1126-180UP Grade, S#06417 S#11665 (seeding tool) Note: Purchaser of this seeding unit will recieve a couple of days training/orientation from Blair St.Amant at the start of seeding. (Will sell as a complete unit.) See past crop photos on our website; 2011 degelman strawmaster 7000 70' heavy harrow bar, straight tine harrows, hydraulic tine adjustment, +/- 500 acres use, S#SM6355; degelman R570s rock picker, ground drive, 3 bat reel, S#4159; 2013 Graham G40 seed treating system, 8' auger, 3 hp elec. motor, 240L poly hopper mixer, (has only treated approx. 4000 bu wheat); 2003 Bourgault 5710 series II 54' air drill, single shoot, 3.5" steel packers, dual casters, equipped with Atom Jet CB15 liquid openers and Alpine kit + Pattison VR liquid kit, S# 37672AH-05 Consigned by Eastview Bison Ltd (Dan) 306-397-2258; 1995 Bourgault 3225 tow behind air tank, single fan, S#5503 Consigned by Eastview Bison Ltd (Dan) 306-397-2258 8 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. THURSDAY APRIL 3, 2014 • 10:00 AM • CLEARVIEW ACRES LTD. GRAIN CART & GRAIN AUGERS 2012 Balzer 1325 grain cart, pto dr., weigh scale, 1325 bu capacity, 24" unloading auger, tandem axle, 30.5-32 tires, rear steer axle, hydra brakes, roll tarp, auto luber/greaser (Model - 6L 24 2131FS 305 STB), S#6L242131FS3055TB Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2005 Bourgault smart Cart 750 grain cart, pto dr., roll tarp, 800/65R32 tires, S#38532GC-11 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 (Hydraulic adaptor kit will sell separate); hydraulic adaptor kit (for Bourgault 750 grain cart); Brandt 735 7"x35' grain auger, Honda 18 hp (not running), elec start, bin sweep plumbing; westfield MK100-61 10"x61' grain auger, swing away hopper, S#212615; wheatheart Bh41-8 8"x41' grain auger & mover, mover/lift/sweep, elec.clutch, Kohler Command Pro 25 hp (Will sell as a complete unit.); labtronics 919 grain moisture tester, scale, charts, S#99220 GRAIN STORAGE & DRYING EQUIPMENT ALL GRAIN BINS ARE APPROX. SIZES ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. Off-site Grain Bins Bins are located on the SW7-48-17 W3 RM of Meota. Directions from Meota go approx 4.4 km north east on Hwy#26 then take the Jackfish grid 4 miles north (yard located on the east side). Twister 5392 bu hopper bin, double skid, aeration, roof vents, full bin indicator, OPI cable, ladder, 19' diameter, S#HB08-1292; Twister 5392 bu hopper bin, double skid, aeration, roof vents, full bin indicator, OPI cable, ladder, 19' diameter, S#HB08-1375; Twister 5392 bu hopper bin, double skid, aeration, roof vents, full bin indicator, OPI cable, ladder, 19' diameter, S#HB08-1390; Flaman 7.5 hp aeration fan; Flaman 7.5 hp aeration fan; Flaman 7.5 hp aeration fan; dry-AIr 2000 grain drying system, on propane; dry-Air 200 fan coil rad; dry-Air 200 radiator; dry-Air 200 radiator; dry-Air 200 radiator; Qty of hose for dry-Air unit SPRAYING 2007 John deere 4720 100' high clearance sprayer, 380/90R46 tires, Raven UltraGlide height control, spray test, 5 nozzle body, JD orig. Greenstar display, (was operated with a JD 2600 display which will sell separate), set of 4 Tridekon Crop Saver dividers, 2455 total hrs showing/1294 spraying hrs showing, S#N04720X007789; set of sprayer tires Michelin 650/65R38 Multibib tires on rims (will sell $ per tire/rim x4. Must take all); Poly west Chem Manager; soterra Chem Traveller chemical pump NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT John deere star Fire 3000 reciever; John deere ITC reciever; John deere 2600 display, Swath Control & Auto-Steer activation; John deere 2630 display, Swath Control & Auto-Steer activation; John deere 200 Universal steering kit; John deere 200 Universal steering kit; 2 - Ag-Cam cameras & screens, 2 channels INDUSTRIAL 2006 Case 410 skid steer, 35 hp diesel, hand controls, 10-16.5 tires, 65" bucket, 397 hrs (71 hrs showing plus 326 hrs from previous clock), S#N5M414309; Miskin hydraulic pull scraper, 17 yard, 14.00-24 tires, S#20978 HEAVY TRUCKS 2009 Kenworth T800 tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins ISX-500 (500 hp), Eaton Fuller 18 spd autoshift trans., 46,000 lb rears, webasto pre-heater (with 7 day timer), low boy ramps, 11R24.5 tires on alum buds, 59,220 GVWR, 337,291 km/7726 hrs showing, S#1XKDD40X19R939004; 2000 Kenworth T800B tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins N14 (460 hp), Fuller 18 spd trans, air ride, alum buds w/11R24.5 tires, 919,271 km showing, S#1XKDD69X9YR959546; 1993 International Eagle 9400 tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins N14, Eaton Fuller Road Ranger 10 spd. trans, 217" WB, 11R22.4 tires, alum frt rims & steel on rr, 952,605 km showing, S#2HSFHC7R3PC064746; 1999 Peterbuilt tandem axle water tanker truck, Cummins N14, Eaton Fuller trans., Hutchinson TC306 Crude 16,000L aluminum tanker, Garnet Seelevel liquid level scale, 11R24.5 tires on alum buds, 1,201,783 km showing, S#1XP-FD69X-4-XD472284; 2001 GMC C7500 single axle deck/picker truck, CAT diesel, 5 spd, 11R22.5 tires, GrainMaster 18'x102" steel deck (14' deck+4' Picker area=18' total length), 1994 HIAB Type 160-4 picker, 6 ton, 50' reach, S#160745 S#1GDL7H1C01J513398; 1975 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350 V8, 4+2 trans., Westeel 15'x8' steel box, roll tarp, 9.00-20 tires, S#TCE615V605351 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2003 Ford F-450 xlT 4wd dually reg. cab service truck, 6.0L diesel, 6 spd. man., Pacific service body, built in 200 gal slip tank w/Fill-Rite 15 gpm pump, fuel hose reel, VMAC compressor w/air hose reel, 220/70R19.5 tires, 229,644 km showing, S#1FDXF47P63ED81945; 2009 Ford F350 crew cab short box 4wd off-Road pick-up truck, V8 Powerstroke, auto trans., a/c, tilt, cruise, p/w, pdl, heated cloth seats, lift kit, spray-in boxliner, back-up camera, box cover, 108,592 km showing, S#1FTWW31R39EA56604 TRAILERS 2012 wilson dwh-550 tridem aluminum grain trailer, air ride, dual hopper, Michel’s Select roll tarp, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum buds, S#1W14463A7D2261140; 2009 wilson dwh-550 tridem aluminum grain trailer, air ride, dual hopper, ShurLok Select roll tarp, 11R24.5 tires steel buds, S#1W1MCF4T09B253049; Michel’s hopper augers (set of 2); sprayer trailer (home built - converted container trailer) 43.5' length, 102" width working deck, 12' sprayer, 22" width ramp, 105 " width (wheelwheel), 11R22.5 tires, spring ride; Tandem axle dolly 5th wheel plate, 10.00-20 tires, hitch, brakes LAWN & GARDEN Kubota zG23 zero turn deck mower, Kohler motor, 277 hrs showing, S#17597 OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Miller Bobcat 250 welder/generator, Subaru Robin 22 hp, 125 hrs showing; Pattison VR high flow liquid fertilizer distribution system, 52 run; 2 - Power Tek DFD9000H 15 hp motors; Western 3300W gas generator; Ducar DFY2500H gas generator; Yokohuma 8500E generator (parts only); Water Master 7 hp flaoting water pump, hose; Honda GX200 water pump; Hurricane water pump; qty of water hose; 2 - 6.5 hp water pumps; 2 - HD tow ropes 8"x50' (120,000 lb), 8"x20' (120,000 lb); drill stem bunk feeder; qty of Twister bin bolts TANKS 2011 Magnum 9000l fuel tank, on skid, GPI pump, 9869L, S#038; 1000 gal fuel tank 12 volt pump, 13 gpm; Free Form 3700 Imp gal black poly tank (used for water); 2 - Free Form 1750 Imp gal black poly barrel tanks; 1200 gal black poly tank; 350 gal poly tank mushroom style 9 CONTINUED MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT SATURDAY APRIL 5, 2014 • 9:00 AM 9TH ANNUAL WEST CENTRAL CONSIGNMENT SALE • EATONIA, SK AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Bryan Somerville 306-967-2818 and Sam Somerville 306-967-2818 TIMELINE: 9 :00 am Shop tools and misc farm supply; 10:00 am Live internet bidding on major equipment. DIRECTIONS: Sale will be held near the Eatonia Hockey Arena. • GPS Coordinates: 51.221268, -109.394969 Plus GST & PST where applicable • LUNCH: Available CONSIGN NOW! Consignment Delivery Deadline April 1, 2014 4:00 pm We are currently accepting equipment & vehicles for this auction. To discuss selling your equipment call Bryan Somerville 306-967-2818 or 306-463-7835 (c) Sam Somerville 306-967-2818 or 306-463-7844 (c) EACH YEAR IT GETS BIGGER & BETTER • Area’s Largest Farmer to Farmer Auction • Full Consignor Disclosure (Consignor Name & Phone #s for all lots) • No Buyer Fees (on-site) • No Loading Handling Fees WE SIMPLY APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION AT OUR AUCTIONS EARLY CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDE: MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1989 Ford 876 designation 6 4wd tractor, 280 hp, 4 remote hyd, 4585 hrs showing, S#34593990 Consignor Rick Milton 306-962-7421; Case 1370 2wd tractor, 155 pto hp, 12f/3r partail powershift, 1000 pto, 18.4x38 duals, 4695 hrs showing, S#7A4122 Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-9627568 (Shedded); 1964 John deere 5010 2wd tractor w/leon 707 FEl, 121 pto hp, 4 hyd, 1000 pto Consignor Rosana Farms (Robin 306-463-8128) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2007 John deere 9760 sTs s/p combine, Bullet rotor, contour master, hi-torque variable speed feeder house, 800/65R-32 Firestonefr (recent), small wire concave, deluxe header controls, Greenstar ready, yield and moisture, hi-capacity unload, heavy duty final drives, fine cut wide spread chopper, Michel's hopper topper, one year on Greenlight, 1849 thr/2433 eng hrs showing, S#H09760S721876 Consignor Pinceman Holdings/Redneck Farms Ltd. (Lorne 306-463 9466) (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug 1, 2014; Case Ih 1680 s/p combine, 235 hp, Kirby spreader, 30.5-32 fr, Consignor Rick Milton 306-962-7421; 1983 John deere 7721 p/t combine & Jd 212 p/u header, dual range cylinder, Kirby spreader, S#H07721X562969 Consignor Becker Farms (Aaron 306-460-9488); honeyBee Grain Belt 25' straight cut header, lifters, p/u reel, fore/aft, Consignor Rick Milton 306-962-7421; Aws Air Reel 30' air reel, 10/20 Series Case IH headers, some MacDons, Fan mounts to Case IH combines, Consignor Craig Stasiuk 306-463-8711 SWATHERS 1988 Case 730 30' p/t swather, new canvas, new knife, S#1330120C003505 Consignor Jeff Graham 306-463-7579 (Original Owner) (Shedded) SEEDING & TILLAGE Flexicoil 820 35' air seeder & Morris 7180 seed tank, single shoot knife, harrows, tank w/hyd fan, monitors, S#C820B00-R061951/7189600442 Consigner Rick Milton 306-962-7421; Flexicoil system 95 80' harrow packer bar, 4 bar harrow & packers, S#S95A000-1020873 Consigner Becker Farms (Aaron 306-460-9488); Morris CP 625 28' deep tillage cultivator; 100' of 3 bar tine harrows w/Morris & Friggstad mounting arms Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; Edwards 60' rod weeder, S#8162806, Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; Rock-o-matic 546 pto drive rockpicker, bat reel, 540 pto GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2006 Unverferth 6500 650 buschel grain cart, 1000 pto, 24.5x32, Michel’s roll tarp, S#B20 140 103 Consigner Duthie Farms (Darren 306-460-8868); 2013 Rodono xtend 13" swing auger attachment, S#1314 Consignor Somerville farms Ltd 306-967-2818 (Original Owner); westfield 1061 10"x61' swing auger, S#82731 Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; westfield 1051 10"x51' swing auger, S#47900 Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; sakundiak hd8-1600 8"x52' s/p auger, Wheatheart mover, 31 hp Koehler, flighting new spring 2013, S#49328 Consigner Craig Stasiuk 306-463-8711; Brandt 850 8"x50' s/p grain auger, motor, Wheatheart mover, hyd winch, S#38507A Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; Farm King rotary grain cleaner Consigner Rick Milton 306-962-7421 SPRAYING Brandt QF1500 80' p/t sprayer, 800 gal., 1000 PTO pump, wind cones, chem mix tank, foam marker, 16.5/16.1 turf tires, 5/10 gal dual nozzles, fresh water rinse tank, S#47273 Consigner Ried Ewson 306-717-2404; Flexicoil system 65 100' p/t sprayer, 800 gallon tank, hyd pump, wind screens, 16.5L-16.1SL rubber, S#S65.C000-R066565; Chem handler III chem mix tank, 250 liter 2 inch venturi; Ag shield 60' p/t sprayer, 500 gal, shielded trailing boom, 9 hp Honda engine driven pump, 440 Raven rate controller w/radar Redball spray monitor, Consigner Pinceman Holdings (Lorne 306-463-9466) 10 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. SATURDAY APRIL 5, 2014 • 9:00 AM • WEST CENTRAL CONSIGNMENT SALE HAYING & LIVESTOCK Case Ih 8370 14' mower conditioner, steel rollers new bearings, 540 pto, Consigner Gerald Wagner 306-628-3989 (Original Owner); silo Press Inc. sileage bagger, pto drive, spout,150' cable, two 8' bags, S#82263 Coinsignor Rob Mundt 403-664-7150; 60 - Free standing Panels 24' long x 5.5' high Cons Krahn Panels Ltd John-780-632-8798 (Will sell so much a piece x 5. Must take in groups of 5.); 10 Freestanding windbreaks Cons Krahn Panels Ltd John-780-632-8798 HEAVY TRUCKS 2009 Kenworth T660 tandem axle highway tractor, 485 ISX Cummins, 18 speed, 4.10 diff. 46,000 lbs, emissions deleted, 3 way locker, Webasto, power mirrors & windows, sunroof, Hours & Kms to be updated still in service, S#1XKAD40X49J939452 Consignor Somerville Farms 306-967 2818 (Original Owner) (Full service records & current safety.) Sask Registered; 2008 Kenworth T660 tandem axle highway tractor, 485 ISX Cummins, 18 speed, 4.10 diff. 46,000 lbs, emissions deleted, 3 way locker Webasto, ppwer mirrors & windows, sunroof, Approx. 19,000 hours/900,000 kms, S#1XKDD40X88J936648 Consignor Somerville Farms 306-967 2818 (Original Owner) (Full service records & current safety.); 1990 International 4700 pressure washer truck w/18' van body, 466 diesel engine, 5+2 trans, mounted pressure washer w/water storage tank, S#1HTSCCFP6LH237526 Consignor Jarrod Kuhn 403-664-7087; 1969 GMC 930 single axle flatdeck truck, 307 V8, 4 spd standard, dual wheels, 7:00-18 rubber, 12' deck w/hoist, 40,134 miles showing, S#C9E3391106830 Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; 1979 GMC 7000 sierra Grande single axle truck comes w/1300 gal sewer tank, 366 gas engine, pto drive sewer pump, Haldex hydraulic pump and hydraulic activated dump gate, 9:00-20 rubber, 79,316 km showing, S#T17DB9V569009 Consignor Elmer Schultz LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2011 Ford F150 xTR 4wd crewcab shortbox truck, 5 Liter V8, automatic, cloth interior, p/w, a/c, 18" rims, spray in box-liner, bumper hitch, trailer wiring, 160,000 km showing, S#1FTFW1EF6BKE11969 Consignor Somerville Farms Ltd 306-967-2818 (Original Owner) Sask registered; 2001 GMC yukon 4wd 7 passenger sUv, 5.3 litre-V8, automatic trans, leather, loaded, elec. seat, sunroof, remote start, running boards, roof rack, 218,575 kms showing, S#1GKEK13T11J135127 Consignor Guidinger Farms 306-463-8447 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Sask registered; 1989 Jeep Commanche 2wd truck, 3.0 liter gas, automatic trans, 282,725 kms showing, S#1J7FT36L8KL513919 Consignor Becker Farms (Aaron 306-460-9488) Sask registered; 1998 Chevrolet venture frt wheel drive minivan, 293,970 kms showing, S#1GNDX03E4WD244991 Sask registered TRAILERS 2010 wilson hopperbottom aluminum tri-axle grain trailer, 3 hopper, manual roll tarp, Holland air ride, stainless steel rear pane, S#1W1MCF4T7AB254736 Consignor Rosana Farms (Robin 306-463-8128) (Second Owner) Will have current safety sale day; 2012 Michel’s 8" Michel's hopper augers to fit wilson trailer, hyd. flow control hoses and flex spouts, S#2012030 (WIL46T-EFT50308/EFT508/EFT50188); 2007 doepker Grain Bulker super B grain trailers, air ride, steel slopes, 22.5 rubber, Gunite premium balanced drums, aluminum rims, load lights, S#2DEGBSA3181024030/2DEGBSA2481024031 Consignor Somerville Farms 306-967-2818 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Full service records; 2007 doepker Grain Bulker super B grain trailers, Super B, air ride, steel slopes, 22.5 rubber, Gunite premium balanced drums, aluminum rims, load lights, S#2DEGBSA3881022081/2DEGBSA3881022082 Consignor Somerville Farms 306-967-2818 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Full service records; 1996 Manac sprayer trailer 53' step deck with sprayer cradle, side step ladders, container rails, aluminum tool box, S#2M5131610T1037476 Consignor Rosana Farms (Robin 306-463-8128) (Tanks and Equip. not included.); doepker 32' drop deck heavy machinery trailer, 7' neck, 22' deck w/3' beavertail w/flipover ramps, S#77362 Coinsignor Rob Mundt 403-664-7150; 30' home-built triple axle lift off stock trailer, torsion axles, electric over hydraulic brakes, LT235/85R16 rubber, Coinsignor Rob Mundt 403-664-7150; 1980 Univision tandem axle horse trailer, S#SK401342251 Consignor Connie Cridland 306-460-9284; 1952 Fruehauf tandem axle 3000 gal water tanker, chemical rack on rear, S#WE8882 Coinsignor Rob Mundt 403-664-7150; 18' tandem axle tilt deck car hauler, Cosignor Bill Minchin 306-968-2709; homebuilt enclosed garbage trailer, 8'x10' steel, 3500 lb axle, rear doors, 2" ball hitch, 15" wheels; homebuilt diesel fuel trailer, 400 gal., 3 hp pump, hose, nozzle Consignor Elmer Schultz LAWN & GARDEN 2006 new holland Mz18h zero turn lawn mower, 18 hp B&S, 48" deck, anti-scalp wheels, vacuum assist 2 bag grass catcher system, spare parts manuals, S#T06ZE0436/S#T06ZL0056 (never used) Consigner Dave Hewlitt 306-463-8131 or 962-3931; Ford 1720 MFwd tractor, 28 eng hp, 540 pto 1 remote, 2378 hours showing Becker Farms (Aaron 306-460-9488) See attachment under Lawn and Garden; Ford 5' 3 pth rough cut mower; Ford 105 5' 3 pth rototiller, recent tines ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2009 Pioneer 230FQ 23' bumper hitch holiday trailer, bedroom in front, full rear bath, c/w load leveler hitch, Consignor Chester Neilson 403-664-1738; 14' fiberglass v hull boat w/Evinrude outboard motor, OMC power tilt, c/w Holsclaw trailer, S#57435 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 2 - 2014 10' 30 drawer heavy duty work Benches with 40" Peg Board w/40" height peg board, stainless steel drawer panel and handles; 2 - 2014 10' 20 drawer heavy duty Metal work Benches; 2 - 2014 Roller Tool Cabinets with tools w/7 drawer tool cabinet, 198 units of tools; 2 - 10 ton digital Floor scale w/digital readout, 5'x5' platform (Box A&B); 2 - 2014 9 Gallon 6.5 hp Air Compressors; 4 - 2014 3" Gas water Pumps w/5.5 hp engine; 4 - 2014 2" Gas water Pump w/5.5 hp engine OTHER MISC. EQUIP. hotsy 871ss 2400 psi pressure washer, 2.7 gpm 248,000 btu, 242 hours showing, S#H0604-76109 Consigner Becker Farms (Aaron 306-460-9488); Fuel wagon w/12v Fillrite pump Consignor Scott Makeracher 306-962-7568; 1000 gallon galvanized water tank with skid; hd metal rear tractor truck bumper bolted clevis hitch; half moon aeration screens w/transitions Consignor Scott Makeracher 306962-7568 TENTS, BUILDINGS 2 - 2014 30' x85' x15' double door Peak storage Buildings w/commercial fabric, waterproof, fire resistant, 13' drive through doors and 6' entrance doors at two ends; 2 - 2014 20' x30'x12' Commercial storage Canopies w/Commercial fabric, roll up door; 2 - 2014 20'x40' Full Closed Party Tents w/800 sq ft, doors, windows, 4 side walls included; 2 - 2014 16'x22' Marquee Event Tents w/320 sq ft, one zipper door, 7 windows, heavy duty frames and fabrics; 2 - 2014 10'x20' Commercial Instant Pop up Tents; 2 - 2014 8.5'x10' Alum. Green houses (Box A & B) BUILDINGS & BUILDING MATERIALS 8'x10' two story Playhouse vinyl flooring, pine finish, monkey bars, swing, shingled Consignor - Backyard Enjoyment Jonathan 780-349-5504 AIRPLANE 1955 Piper super Cub Fresh ceconite 2 seater aircraft, extended baggage, metal headliner, tundra tires, Engine 560 hours/aircraft total 3680 hours, S#5020 Consigner Ron Barnett 403-676-2228 (Aircraft professionally maintained by Wetaskiwin Air Service.) 1992 complete engine overhaul @ 2000 hrs. 11 CONTINUED ThE FoRCE lInE oF GRAIn BIns & REPlACEMEnT hoPPERs The Force line of bins and replacement hoppers are another product in a line of unique concepts which JTl has introduced into the market over the last several years. The “Force” line has incorporated the skid and legs into what has become a very effective aeration system. The ease in which the fan can be mounted onto the bin is one of the features our bin presents, however it is the broader skid formation and aeration system that really make our bins stand out in the marketplace. The wider skid, which allows for a more stable base for the bin to stand on, also acts as the Plenum for the aeration system. The fan brings the air into the skid, pushes it up the legs and through the strategically placed distribution points across the cone-face and into the grain. There are no cumbersome tubes in the bin. The air moves up from the bottom of the bin rather than coming into the bin closer to the top of the cone like traditional systems. This allows for even air flow through the entire bin. By using the existing infrastructure we have been able to eliminate some of the costs associated with aeration today. JTl Industries is also excited to be able to offer a “Force” line of replacement hopper cones for your existing bins. Being able to offer a “Force” hopper will compliment our “legacy” line of replacement floors. 12 MONDAY APRIL 7, 2014 • 10:00 AM TERRY & NORMA NORNBERG NOKOMIS, SK (LOCKWOOD AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Misc shop equipment followed by antiques; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding & Major Equipment followed by grain bins SELLER CONTACT(s): Terry & Norma Nornberg 306-528-4523 AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Nokomis go 7.5 miles North on Hwy# 20, then 6 miles East OR From Lockwood go 1 mile South on Hwy# 20, then 6 miles East, South side of the road. • GPS COORDINATES: 51.619653, -104.854701 LAND LOCATION: NW-35-30-21 W2 RM of Mount Hope • LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 2009 Case Ih steiger 435 4wd tractor w/Iveco 12.9L - 430 eng hp, 12F/2R PS trans, 4 hyds + ret, 55 gpm, rr weight bar, Outback S3, 710/70R42 duals, JD 100 display, new eng/hyd/ oil & fuel filters, 2074 hours showing, S#Z9F113584 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1988 Case Ih 7130 MFwd tractor w/172 pto hp, 8.3L, 18F/4R PS trans, 18 suitcase weights, 3 hyds + ret, pto, 420/85R28 fr (new), 520/85R38 rr (duals) (insides-new), new eng/hyd/ oil & fuel filters, 6843 hours showing, S#JJA0004366 (Second Owner) (Shedded) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2006 Case Ih 2388 sp combine w/280 hp, 2015 p/u header & Strawmaster p/u, hyd wind guard, specialty rotor, Maurer hopper extension, Calmar auger spout, 30.5-32 fr, 14.9-24 rr, dual kit, wide wire concaves, narrow wire concaves, set of filler plates, new eng/hyd/ oil & fuel filters, 1371 eng/1035 thr hrs showing, S#HAJ295610 (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; set of duals for Case Ih 2388 combine (Will sell separately following the combine. Will be offered $/tire x 2.); 1987 Case Ih 1010 30' straight cut header & Jd 4 wheel transport w/UII p/u reel, fore/aft, S#000846 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1986 versatile Trans/Axial 2000 vII pt combine w/Melroe 388 p/u, 23.1-26 tires, S#276230; versatile Trans/Axial 2000 vII pt combine (for parts), no gear box; shop built flax buncher SWATHERS 2002 Prairie star 4940 s/p swather & Macdon 972 30' header w/Cummins diesel, split p/u reel, single knife drive, gauge wheels, new eng/hyd/ oil & fuel filters, 1348 eng/1013 table hrs showing, S#149583 (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; CCIl s/p swather w/V4 motor; Ih 210 s/p swather S#4020; Ih 210 s/p swather S#3214; Pioneer Machinery & Equip Inc s/p swather S#199; Ih 75 21' p/t swather w/Apollo double swath; harmon 8' tapered swath roller w/steel drum; 2 - Kear sheers SEEDING & TILLAGE 2002 John deere 1820 52' air drill & John deere 1900 430 bu 3 tank air tank w/double shoot, 10" spacing, Seed Star monitor & control, Atom Jet boots, single fan, black/green/yellow rollers, 2 extra rollers (yellow/green), 710/R38 rr, 21.5L-16.1SL fr, 3.5-4" packers, S#tank- 1900H695315 drill-695253 (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); degeman strawmaster 7000 70' harrowbar w/Valmar 3255, straight tine harrows, S#1517 (Original Owner); degleman 5000 41' cultivator w/3 bar harrows S#2306 M#5010S1 (Original Owner); 1986 Ih 4700 vibrashank 44' cultivator w/3 bar harrows (Original Owner); Morris 48' cultivator w/3 bar harrows, rr hitch, NH3 kit; Ih 496 30' tandem disc w/smooth blades, scrapers S#46990 (Original Owner); degleman R570s ground drive rockpicker w/3 bat reel, rock curtain S#7L38 (Original Owner); Inland 70' harrow bar w/bent tine harrows, Gandy applicator; 2 - Ih 300 diskall discers 18's w/coil packers (Will sell as a complete unit.); Ih 100 30' press drills; Morris M-11 seed Rite 33' hoe drill w/harrows (Original Owner); Morris B3-48 rodweeder; CCIl 3 ring circular harrows GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2010 sakundiak hd8-1600 grain auger w/Hawes lift & mover, poly spout, Vanguard 31 hp Commercial motor, elec clutch, reversible gear box, S#67784, S#48432 (gearbox) (Original Owner); sakundiak hd7-41 grain auger w/2010 Honda GX390 13 hp motor (Second Owner); sakundiak hd10-1600 mech auger (Original Owner); shop built 7" transfer auger w/Vanguard 6.5 hp gas motor (Shedded); zie-vac Ind. grain vac w/540 pto (Original Owner) (Shedded); 4 wheel hopper wagon; GT Tox-o-wik 510 500 bu grain dryer w/new bearings in 2010 S#10806 used in 2010; selection of older augers; Motomco 919 grain tester; Flaman dockage screens GRAIN BINS GRAIN BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT THE BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. 2 - Prairie steel 70 ton bins epoxy coated, on skids West Bin Row (Original Owner); Prairie steel 141239-24 76 ton bin epoxy coated, double skid West Bin Row (Original Owner); 2 - Goebel 4000 bu hopper bins on ESP hoppers, aeration tubes, double skids West Bin Row (Original Owner); Twister 2250 bu hopper bin w/Micada low profile hopper East Bin Row (Original Owner); Twister 2250 bu hopper bin no skid East Bin Row (Original Owner); westeel 1650 bu hopper bin no skid, aeration tube East Bin Row; Butler 1650 bu hopper bin no skid, aeration tube East Bin Row; Butler 1350 bu hopper bin no skid, aeration tube East Bin Row; 5 - sukup d9500 18" 3.5 hp 210v aeration fans (Original Owner); sukup d3751 18" 3.6 hp 115/210v aeration fan (Original Owner) SPRAYING 2011 Apache As1020 100' sp sprayer w/Cummins Tier 3 173 hp, ZF Power Shift, 6-speed w/lock-up torque converter trans, 120" WB, 1000 gal poly tank, Raven Viper navigation, new GPS receiver, Teejet 5+10 gal nozzles, tilting hood, 380/90R46 rr, 380/80R38, 267 hrs showing, S#9110077 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before June 15, 2014; 2 - Titan AG49M 520/85R46 floater tires on 10 bolt rims (Original Owner) (Will sell separately following the sprayer. Will be offered $/tire x 2.); Chem handler II w/all fittings, Soterra 850 digital meter (Original Owner); 2 - Computaire sprayers w/extra parts, nozzles, etc. HAYING & LIVESTOCK Massey Ferguson 128 square baler w/hyd tension, 1/4 turn chute, S#82602407 (Second Owner) (Shedded); new holland 1000 stackliner s/a bale hauler w/hyd tilt on bale lift; John deere E0033 s/a manure spreader S#026615D; Farmhand 6 wheel hay rake; Mcleods grain grinder HEAVY TRUCKS 1982 Ih s1955 tag axle grain truck w/466 diesel, Eaton Fuller 10 spd trans, new clutch (2 yrs ago), air brakes, CIM 19' box, twin cyl hoist, Michel’s Select roll tarp, 3 pc tailgate, 183,584 km showing, S#2HTDA1958CCA11785 (Shedded); 1985 Freightliner tandem axle highway tractor w/350 Cummins, 15 spd Fuller trans, interaxle diff lock, jake brake, spring ride susp, air ride driver seat, 11R24.5 fr, 11R22.5 rr, long wheel base, 500,907 km showing (original mileage), S#2FV9Y0Y91GV159575 (Shedded); 1984 Ih s2500 t/a grain truck w/671 Detroit, 13 spd Fuller Rd Ranger trans, Western Ind. 19' box, twin cyl hoist, Michel’s roll tarp, S#1HTZPWKR0EHA63891 needs brakes, cab needs work, tires are poor; 1934 Ih Model C 1 1/2 ton truck w/Green Diamond engine, S#CC301571L LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1993 Ford F350xl super duty 2wd 1 ton flatdeck truck w/7.3L diesel, 5 spd manual trans,15,000 GVWR, GN ball, rr hitch, elec. brake control, toolbox, headache rack, wood floor, dual tanks, undermount tool chest, beacon, removable sides (make into ramps for rear of deck), newer clutch, 380,944 km showing, S#2FDLF47M2PCB22465 (Shedded); 1980 Ford Custom F350 2wd 1 ton flatdeck truck w/460V8, 4spd manual, steel floor, 235/85R16 tires, S#F37ZCHD2862 TRAILERS 1996 Midland GT2000 36' tandem axle grain trailer w/Michel’s roll tarp, single crank openers, 11R24.5 tires, spring ride susp, S#2M9B2S5C6TR018723 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2007 PJ Fd252 25' gooseneck deckover flatdeck trailer w/2 - 10,000 lb tandem dual axles, oil bath hubs, dual jacks, tray between jacks, mid ship turn lamps, slide in ramps, S#4P5FD252071100159 (Second Owner) ANTIQUE TRACTORS McCormick deering F Regular antique tractor on steel, row crop S#T-11545; McCormick Farmall F14 antique tractor w/row crop S#FS137893; McCormick Farmall Cub antique tractor w/cab, sickle mower, offset seat S#75901; McCormick deering w30 antique tractor on steel S#TG84525; McCormick w-6 antique tractor w/standard, needs timing gear S#12872; McCormick wd-9 antique tractor w/diesel FOR PARTS; McCormick Farmall w30 antique tractor; 1955 Minneapolis UB special antique tractor w/diesel, many spare parts S#84804132 M#D283 seized; wallis 20-30 antique tractor on steel S#59521 FOR PARTS; oliver antique tractor on steel S#38804 FOR PARTS; The Buda Co antique tractor FOR PARTS LAWN & GARDEN Quick silver front mount ATv mower w/8.5 hp B&S motor; Bolens Power Pro walk behind rototiller OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 1000 gal propane tank w/250 psi, +/-80% full; 1750 gal black poly tank; portable painting unit on s/a trailer; 5th wheel hitch; Homelite water pump ANTIQUES Oliver 880 antique pedal tractor; GM 236 6 cyl motor; Continental motor; IH motor; Wisconsin motor; Renfrew Chateau cookstove; McClary Royal Charm cookstove; 1904 Home Comfort wrought iron range; 3 - washtubs (1 in good condition, 2 not complete); Minneapolis Moline umbrella; antique garden seeder; assotment of IH manuals; assortment of antique tools (hay knife, scythe, and more); 15 gallon crock (cracked); Westfalia separator; Other misc antiques (cream cans, pails, and more) IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 13 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TUESDAY APRIL 8, 2014 • 10:00 AM KB GEIS FARMS LTD.- KEVIN & BOBBI GEIS QU’APPELLE, SK (REGINA AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding & Major Equipment, followed by Grain Bins & fans SELLER CONTACT(s): Kevin & Bobbi Geis 306-699-2489 or 306-699-7708 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Qu’Appelle junction (Hwy 1 & 35) go 1 1/2 miles East on Hwy 1, turn South 1 mile, turn East 1/2 mile OR from Indian Head go 7 miles West on Hwy 1, turn South 1 mile, turn East 1/2 mile. • GPS COORDINATES: 50.513902, -103.826642 LAND LOCATION: SE-14-18-14 W2 • LUNCH: Qu’Appelle Lions Club • Plus GST & PST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1999 John deere 9200 4wd tractor, 310 eng hp, 24 spd Power Sync trans, Field Office, 4 hyd plus return line, GoodYear DT820 duals 620/70R42, inside rear wheel weights, rr weights (20x47 kg), Raven Smart Steer - auto steer, 2434 hours showing, S#RW9200H020848 (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1980 John deere 4440 2wd tractor, 130 pto hp, quad range trans (16F/6R), dual pto, 2 hyds, 18.4-38 duals, 11.00-16 frt tires, 6864 hours showing, S#031627R (Hydraulics changed to ISO) (Original Owner) (Shedded); leon 1020 10' 4 way hyd front mount dozer blade w/quick attach mounting brackets (Shedded) (Will sell separately following the JD 4440 tractor.); 1965 Massey super 90 2wd tractor & Malco FEl, 68.5 hp Perkins diesel, standard 8F/2R trans, 540 pto, 2 hyds, 18.4-30 rr itres, Malco FEL, 6570 hours showing, S#D888602 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2011 John deere 9670 sTs s/p combine Bullet Rotor, 305 hp, Contour Master, Touch Set, deluxe header controls, Greenstar ready, yield & moisture monitor, Command Center, HID lighting, fine cut chopper, high capacity unloading auger, poly spout, beacons, hopper ext, Goodyear 520/85R38 frt duals, Goodyear 480/70R30 rr tires, 514 thr/691 eng hours showing, S#H09670SHA0740607 (combine), S#H00615PEC0746468 (pickup) Combine has Precision Farm Parts elements, concaves and rear beater speed up kit. JD concaves, elements and filler plates (6) available for buyer. (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2012 John deere 615P p/u header, S#H00615PEC0746468 (Shedded) (Will sell separately following the JD 9670 combine.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2001 John deere 9650 sTs s/p combine & Jd 914 p/u hdr, 290 hp, Swathmaster p/u, Maurer hopper ext, Calmar auger spout, MAV chopper, 520/85R38 frt duals, 18.4R26 rr tires, 2457 thr/3273 eng hours showing, S#H09650S691886 Combine has Precision Farm Parts elements, concaves and rear beater speedup kit (3 years use). JD concaves and elements and filler plates (6) available for the buyer. (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2008 honey Bee sP36 36' header, 6 bat UII p/u reel, pea auger, fore/aft, Empire gauge wheels, JD 60/70 series adaptor w/single point hook-up, built in transport, S#36GB081418 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1998 honey Bee sP36 36' header, dual UII p/u reels, JD 50 series adaptor, built in transport, S#436981652 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; John deere 24' straight cut header w/8 bat reel & custom built tandem axle trailer (Consigned by Wayne Hamman); John deere 212 p/u header (for parts) SWATHERS 2005 Case Ih 1202 s/p swather & dx362 36' header, 4 cyl turbo diesel, dual UII p/u reels, single knife drive, single reel drive, built in transport, rear hitch, 18.4-26 frt tires, 14L-16.1 SL rear tires, Raven Envisio pro Smart Steer auto-steer (new update), 995 hours showing, S#HCA041105 (power unit); S#Y52B00184 (header); Header Model# DHX362 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2 - harmon 8' swath rollers w/tapered steel drums, extended hitches SEEDING & TILLAGE 2009 Morris Contour drill 47' seeding tool & 2009 Morris 370 Eight series xl tow behind air cart w/12" spacing, double shoot, Atom Jet openers, 5.5x16 semi-pneumatic packer wheels (inspected & repacked bearings in 2013), electric clutch switch, dual caster wheels, triple compartment tank (450 bu), single hyd fan, 10" load auger, 800/65R32 rr/7.00R24 fr tires (cart), cab camera & monitor S# C047090083 (drill), S# 370090139 (cart); M#8370 (cart) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); degelman strawmaster 7000 70' heavy harrow bar, Valmar 3255 granular applicator, cover for Valmar S#2755 (harrow); S#3255G132 (Valmar); Morris CP-425 29' cultivator; schulte conveyor type rockpicker, grd drive; Cockshutt discer; one way tiller; 3 bottom plow GRAIN HANDLING 2008 J&M Mfg. 875 grain cart, pto dr., 18" auger, hyd. chute, built-in scale w/new scale monitor, 2 inspection cameras (no monitor), 30.5-32 tires, S#3646 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; hyd dr. kit for J&M grain cart (Will sell separate following the grain cart.); 2008 Buhler Farm King y1070M 10"x70' mech dr grain auger w/reverser, low profile swing away hopper, never spill spout, work lights, has never been used for fertilizer, S#21506728 (Original Owner) (Shedded); sakundiak hd8-1600 8"x51' s/p auger, Kohler Command Pro 27 hp motor w/elec. st., Brandt track mover, S#48104; sakundiak 7"x37' auger, Power Fist 16 hp motor, electric start; Brandt 735 auger, 13 hp Honda motor w/elec. start; Johnson 7"x10' transfer auger, 6.5 hp Honda motor (Shedded); E-Kay hyd bin sweep w/hyd motor; E-Kay hyd power pack, Honda motor (Shedded); Morridge pto grain dryer, c/w extra parts GRAIN & FERTILIZER BINS, AERATION FANS BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. Bins may have grain in them at the time of the auction. Grain is not included with the purchase of the bin. Bins can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before June 15, 2014. Buyers will be notified when empty. 4 - 2012 Twister 1806 5500 bu hopper bins w/Vale Ind hoppers, 9 leg triple skid, aeration, OPI sensors, 40" lids, openers, Bin# 9, 10,11, 12; 5 - 2012 Twister 1806 5500 bu hopper bins w/Vale Ind hoppers, 9 leg triple skid, OPI sensors, 40" lids, openers, Bin# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 3 - 2008 Goebel 1805 4900 bu hopper bins w/triple skids, aeration, OPI sensors, openers, Bin# 6, 7, 8; 2 - Behlen 2200 bu hopper bins w/double skids, Rocket aeration, Bin# 26,27; 3 - westeel Rosco 1850 bu hopper bins w/Bridgeview low profile hoppers, double skids; Behlen 6500 bu grain bin 19'6" diameter w/steel floor, opener; Twister 4500 bu grain bin w/steel floor, opener; westeel Rosco 3300 bu bin on wood floor, skirted, skids, opener; Metal Industries 3300 bu bin on steel floor, opener; 2012 westeel 1612F hoppered fertilizer bin on double skid, poke hole, opener, epoxy lined, (+/- 2600 bu) Bin# 21; 2007 westeel 1612F hoppered fertilizer bin on double skid, poke hole, opener, epoxy lined, (+/- 2600 bu) Bin# 22; 2002 westeel 1612F hoppered fertilizer bin on double skid, opener, epoxy lined, (+/- 2600 bu) Bin# 23; westeel 1800 bu hoppered fertilizer bin on triple skid, 14' diameter, opener, epoxy lined, Bin# 24; westeel 1800 bu hoppered fertilizer bin on TwinAir hopper, triple skid, 14' diameter, opener, epoxy lined, Bin# 25; 2012 norwestco 10,000 gallon liquid fertilizer tank; 2 - 7.5 hp centrifugal aeration fans; 3 - 7 hp 24" aeration 14 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. TUESDAY APRIL 8, 2014 • 10:00 AM • KB GEIS FARMS LTD. fans; 3 hp 18" tapered aeration fan; 3 - 3 hp aeration fans; Bin anchors (approx 90) SPRAYING 2007 Rogator 874 100' s/p sprayer, CAT 250hp diesel, Viper Pro Autosteer w/exterior Lightbar guidance system, Autoboom, AccuBoom, 3 way nozzle bodies, 860 gallon stainless tank, 120 gallon rinse tank, 3" plumbing, adjustable axles, fenders, 320/90R50 tires, full work light package (8), foam marker, 3 sets of tips, plumbed for air lift, 2471 hours showing, S#AGCA0874TNS001019 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell complete with Navigation.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before June 15, 2014; 4 - Firestone 520/85R38 sprayer tires (tires new in 2011) & Rogator rims (Will be sold $/tire x 4. Must take all) (Will sell separately following the sprayer.); 4 - Tridekon crop dividers w/bolt on brackets, air lift, spare parts and brackets (Will be sold $/divider x 4. Must take all); 3 cases Round-Up weathermax w/Transorb 2; 4 cases Bumper 418 EC; 2 cases of headline; Assorted farm chemical HAYING & LIVESTOCK new holland 1033 p/t bale wagon Consigned by Roy & Charlie Geis (Original Owner); Bush hog 306hd trailer type 6' rotary mower S#110647; Telephone poles INDUSTRIAL Champion p/t conversion road maintainer, 14' blade, 12 way hyd controls, tandem rear axles, 14.0024 tires, (engine not seized); Rome plow - 8' w/28" blades, hyd engagment HEAVY TRUCKS 1978 Ford F600 single axle grain truck, 330 V8, 4+2 trans, Western Ind. 14' steel box, steel floor, Michel’s roll tarp, Nordic hoist, 10.00R22.5 frt tires, 9.00R20 rr tires, 86,908 km showing, S#F60DCCG3293 (Shedded); 1967 Mercury 500 single axle grain truck, 330 V8, 4+2 trans, Western 14' steel box, steel box ext., roll tarp, drill fill plumbing, 8.25-20 frt tires, 9.00-20 rr tires, S#F50CCA58967 (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Has never hauled fertilizer.) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2002 Chevrolet 2500hd ls ext cab long box 4x4 truck, 6.0L V8 gas, auto trans, extended cab(4dr), air, tilt, pw, pdl, tool box, slip tank, 245/75R16 tires, 349,054 km showing, S#1GCHK29U4E284012 TRAILERS 2000 Manac 48' aluminum/combo step deck sprayer trailer, air ride, tandem axle, aluminum wheels, aluminum deck, removable sprayer cradle, 1-1750 Imp gallon poly tank, 1-1250 gallon poly tank, Chem Handler III, Honda water pump, winch brackets, 255/70R22.5 tires (4 new), S#2M5121464Y1072465 model:13248801 (Will sell as a complete unit.) Will have recent SK safety; 2000 lode King lode handler 40' tandem axle grain trailer, air ride, roll tarp, Michelin 11R24.5 tires, 33,000 kg GVWR, side tool chest, S#2LDLH4025YV033132 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Will have recent SK safety ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2002 yamaha G16A golf cart, gas motor, canopy, windshield; hi-Jacker 5th wheel hitch, double pivot TANKS 2012 norwestco 10,000 gal liquid fertilizer tank w/3" plumbing x 2; 3000 gal steel tank (used for water) w/2" plumbing x 2; 2 - 1000 gal fuel tanks; 2 - fuel bousers w/auto shut-off nozzles, long hoses & filters; 100 gal l-shaped slip tank, 12 Volt pump; single axle trailer w/water tank OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2 - 450 kg bags of Avadex MA; Coates 1010 tire changer; Snap-On puller set; Craftsman 3750 watt/7.5 hp generator; Honda 4 hp pressure washer, 1600 psi, 75' hose; Honda water pump; 3 water pumps; Selection of farm supply common to the farm including 8 door shop cabinet, tow straps, tool boxes, Motomco 919 grain moisture tester w/scale and screens (laser temp), and many more items to follow. CONTINUED MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT BID SMARTER Be better prepared for Auction Day Visit • Auction Results • Multiple Photos • Detailed Equipment Information, Specs & Work Orders • Smart Phone Friendly 15 Kelley Bahrey & David Dutton specialize in Retirement, Investment & Estate Planning. Call their office to arrange a free initial consultation, and learn how you can benefit from their 40+ years of combined industry experience! 10020 14th Avenue north Battleford, sK s9A 2T2 Phone (306) 445-3338 Fax (306) 445-3810 Email: firstrate@fris.ca Scott Campbell Dodge Blaine Weber Sales Consultant Kelley Bahrey, RRC Certified Financial Planner Phone: (306) 445-6640 Toll Free: 1-888-804-0080 Fax: (306) 445-8828 Cell: (306) 441-2690 Email: blaine@scottcampbelldodge.com Website: www.scottcampbelldodge.com David Dutton, RRC Certified Financial Planner P.O. Box 1810 3042 - 99th Street Highway 4 North North Battleford, SK S9A 3W8 Don’t Don’t just just get get that that new new tractor tractor smell smell Get Get tthat hat n new ew ttractor ractor FCC FCC Equipment Equipment Financing Financing makes makes purchasing purchasing easy. easy. Ask A sk a Kramer Kramer Auction Auction representative representative for for details. details. fcc.ca/equipment fcc.ca/equipment 16 WEDNESDAY APRIL 9, 2014 • 10:00 AM PETER & SUZANNE DEJONG VERMILION, AB AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment SELLER CONTACT(s): Peter & Suzanne DeJong 780-853-2418 • 780-787-0111 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Vermilion go 24 km north on Hwy#41 to Rg Rd#532. Then go 2 Miles West & 1/2 Mile North. (Yard on east side) GPS COORDINATES: 53.574511, -110.915490 • LAND LOCATION: SW13-53-7 W4 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 2002 new holland TJ375 4wd tractor, 375 hp Cummins, 24 spd Synchroshift (24F/6R), 5 hyd, Goodyear 710/70R38 tires, wired for JD AutoSteer, 3195 hrs showing, S#RUS001419 Field Ready. Has been in to Webb's New Holland for fluid & filter changes. See work order. (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1986 Case 4694 4wd tractor, 261 eng/219 pto hp, powershift trans (12F/4R), 1000 pto, 4 hyd, BF Goodrich 800/65R32 tires, Case IH Trimble lightbar, 6279 hrs showing, S#8866568 (Will sell as a complete unit.) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2004 John deere 9760 sTs s/p combine & Jd 914P p/u header, hopper ext., fine cut chopper/spreader, fore/aft, 520/85R38 duals, 18.4-26 rr, (wired for JD AutoTrac & JD 2630 display. Components will sell separate), 1762 thr/2584 eng hrs showing, S#H09760S706562 Greenlight Inspection Dec/2013. See work order. (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; John deere 9760 pea concaves (Will sell separate.); 2000 John deere 936d 36' draper header, fore/aft, p/u reel, guage wheels, built in transport, S#D686558 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SWATHERS 2004 Premier 2952i 30' sp swather, turbo diesel, 2 spd, 2004 Mac Don 972 30' Harvest header, split p/u reel, DSA, single knife drive, gauge wheels, Roto-shears (both ends), 500/70R24frt tires, 16.5-16.1 rr, JD Universal Auto Trac (steering kit, orig. display, ITC reciever) 717hdr/989 eng hrs showing, S#156895 (power unit), S#156456 (header) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; dew-Fab welding ltd. side-load swather transport, tandem axle, 235/80R16 tires, lights; Elmer’s Mfg. hT30 header transport, 225/75D15 tires, S#032421 Was used for a Hesston 8250 sp swather SEEDING & TILLAGE 2010 John deere 1870 40' seeding tool (Conserva Pak), 12" sp, single shoot, Intelligent Agriculture wireless blockage monitors (new in 2012), rear hitch, S#A01870X735182 (+/- 7500 acres on shanks) (Original Owner) (Will sell separate.); 2005 new holland sC430 tow behind air cart, triple tank, variable rate, rear hitch, dual fan, 22.5-16.1 fr, 30.5-32 rr, 4 rollers (2 coarse, 1 fine, 1 ultra fine) S#PNL016048 (Original Owner) (Will sell separate following the air cart.); International 55 22' chisel plow cultivator, harrows; Flexi-coil seed treater attachment for air cart GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2010 Brent 782 grain cart, 1000 pto dr (have shaft for big & small 1000 pto sizes), digital scale, camera, roll tarp, Firestone 30.5-32 tires, S#B26680144 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2011 Renn RGB10 grain bagger & Renn 2422 conveyor, 540 pto drive, 15" tires, hyd telescopic conveyor, S#RGW11716 (bagger), S#RGW11808 (conveyor) (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 2011 Renn RFB1014 grain extractor, 540 pto drive, S#FB11923 (Original Owner); 2007 Brandt 5000Ex grain vac, 1000 pto drive, S#83787; westfield MK130-71 13"x71' auger, mech swing away hopper, 540 pto, S#88137; westfield w70-41 7"x41' auger, Kohler 14 hp electric start motor, (used for treating grain) S#10861; sakundiak hd10-1800 10"x58' auger, swing away hopper, 540 pto; Graham G3 seed treater (Will sell as a complete unit.); 3 - Keho 3 hp aeration fans; 3 - 5000 bu portable grain rings SPRAYING 1998 Melroe spra-Coupe 3640 sp sprayer, 60' booms, Perkins diesel, std trans, Trimble GPS, EZ-Steer autosteer, 300 gal poly tank, Richway Turbo Trac foam marker, aux light bar, frt tow bar, triple nozzles, home built crop dividers, 9.00-24 frt tires, 2 sets of rear tires 12.4-24 & 230/95R32, 2637 hrs showing S#207911496 (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Chem handler III NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT John deere Universal AutoTrac 200 auto steering kit; John deere 2630 display; John deere 3000 globe HAYING & LIVESTOCK wheatheart high & heavy hitter post pounder, hyd dr., trailer type; hesston 1014 hydro swing haybine (for parts); Agripac 9100 lastic bale/silage wrapper, Honda 9 hp, S#1764; Poly water trough; hesston 486 round baler, soft core; 2 - hd round bale feeders, single bale; 2 - round bale feeders, medium duty, single bale; 4 - silage processor bunks INDUSTRIAL 1964 Caterpillar d6C crawler dozer, 12' blade, 20" TRACKS, converted to elec start, plug in block heater, glad hands for cold starting, plumbed with pioneer hydraulic outlets, S#76A1893 HEAVY TRUCKS 1997 Mack Ch-613 tandem axle highway tractor, E7-454 diesel, 18 spd Maxi-Torque trans, air ride, wet kit, 11R24.5 fr & rr on alum buds S#1M1AA18Y6VW070849 owned for 3 years; 1977 International F-2574 tandem axle grain truck, Cummins (290 hp), 13 spd, spring ride, 228" WB, rear pintle hitch & air hook-up, plumbed for pup, 11R22.5 rr tires, 385/65R22.5 frt, 185,842 miles showing, S#CF257HHA11073 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2005 GMC sierra 2500 4wd crew cab short box pick-up truck, Duramax diesel, auto trans, loaded with leather, 270,000 km showing; dodge d200 4wd reg cab long box pick-up truck, (not running); GMC 1/2 ton, reg cab 4x4 (not running) TRAILERS 2009 doepker tridem grain trailer, Hendrickson H-Intraax air ride suspension, aluminum slopes, 3 hoppers, roll tarp, 82,700lb GVWR, 11R24.5 tires (G), S#2DEGBSZ35A1025790 Will be have AB safety prior to auction; shop built 20' gooseneck flatdeck trailer, 3 spring axles, 15" tires, 20'x8' deck, 5th wheel hitch, dual jacks, (trailer only - items on the deck in photos will sell separate); 3 - Michel’s unload augers for grain trailer, hyd drive, aluminum, (Will sell separate following the grain trailer) ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2005 Forest River Cardinal 30 5th wheel holiday trailer, triple slide-outs, front bedroom and bathroom, side kitchen, rear living area, Trailair hitch, 6" tires on aluminum wheels, S#4X4FCAF206G088039 (Second Owner); Bombardier antique snow machine S#8164B5 TANKS 1250 gal poly tank; 1800 gal poly water tank (truck box style); Rectangular slip tank OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Pacer water pump, B&S 8.25 hp; Honda 11 hp water 4" water pump; qty of suction & discharge hose; MTD 5 hp sp rototiller; approx 15 - 45 gallon steel barrels; qty of wooden snow fence; qty of asst size tires; bin roof vents; qty of air seeder hose; qty of smooth wire & elec fence supplies, wooden posts & poles, barbwire, bale spears; tire chains; HD tow rope; Koenders wind mill; pressure washer cold water, gas powered; pressure washer hot water, diesel fired; Selection of common tools & misc farm supply IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 17 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT THURSDAY APRIL 10, 2014 • 10:00 AM MIKE LONGWORTH & BRENT GENEST HARRIS, SK (ROSETOWN AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment SELLER CONTACT(s): Mike Longworth 306-656-4684 or 306-831-8004(c) Brent Genest 306-656-2032 or 306-831-7331 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Harris go 2 miles north and .75 mile east (Harris is located 36 km east of Rosetown along Hwy#7) OR along Hwy#4 between Rosetown and Biggar take the Valley Centre road and go east 18 miles (29 km) then 2 miles south (on pavement) and .75 mile east. (Yard on north side of grid) • GPS COORDINATES: 51.765189,-107.572020 • LAND LOCATION: SE 25-32-12 W3rd LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 1997 John deere 9300 4wd tractor, 360 eng hp, Synchro 12 spd, GoodYear DT820 710/70R38 duals, rr wheel wts, 4 hyd, 5346 hrs showing, S#RW9300S001299; John deere 8430 4wd tractor, 200 pto hp, Quad Range trans, 1000 pto, 3 hyd, 7898 hrs showing, S#8430H004975 50 series engine (at 4800 hrs) (Second Owner); degelman 12' dozer blade, front mount (off of JD 8430 tractor) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2012 John deere s670 s/p combine, 373 hp, Contour Master, Premium Cab, HID lighting package & header extremity lights, GreenStar 3 2630 display (mounted on armrest) AutoTrac Ready w/Harvest monitor, variable stream rotor configuration regular wear, 110kW HD tilt cylinder - high torque fixed, small wire concave, S-series cleaning shoe general purpose chaffer, 22.5' unloading auger, manual adjust tailboard, 3 spd trans w/elec shift, sectionalized concave cover plates, 900/60R32 frt tires, 600/65R28 rr, 285 thr/389 eng hrs showing, S#1HOS670SCC0746950 JD PowerGard Protection Plan expires August 15, 2017 or 1250 hrs. (Original Owner) (Shedded) (NOTE : JD 615P p/u header shown in photo will sell separate following the combines.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2012 John deere s670 s/p combine, 373 hp, Contour Master, Premium Cab, HID lighting package & header extremity lights, GreenStar 3 2630 display (mounted on armrest) AutoTrac Ready w/Harvest monitor, variable stream rotor configuration regular wear, 110kW HD tilt cylinder - high torque fixed, small wire concave, S-series cleaning shoe general purpose chaffer, 22.5' unloading auger, manual adjust tailboard, 3 spd trans w/elec shift, sectionalized concave cover plates, 900/60R32 frt tires, 600/65R28 rr, 644 thr/745 eng hrs showing, S#1H0S670SPC0746952 JD PowerGard Protection Plan expires August 15, 2017 or 1250 hrs. (Original Owner) (Shedded) (NOTE : JD 615P p/u header shown in photo will sell separate following the combines.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2012 John deere 615P p/u header, S#1H00615PHC0745643; 2012 John deere 615P p/u header, S#1H00615PHC0745644; 2011 Macdon Fd70 35' draper header w/JD adaptors, poly skids, split p/u reel, S#210862 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; Macdon header adaptor for a John Deere 9600 combine S#88040 SWATHERS 2006 Prairie star 4940 s/p swather (power unit - no header) Cummins diesel (non turbo), 21.5-16.1 frt. tires, 16.5-16.1 rr tires, rear hitch, 898 hdr/1108 eng hrs showing, S#171613 (Original Owner) (Headers will sell separate following the power units.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2006 Prairie star 4940 s/p swather (power unit - no header) Cummins diesel (non turbo), 21.5-16.1 frt. tires, 16.5-16.1 rr tires, rear hitch, 998 hdr/1211 eng hrs showing, S#171614 (Original Owner) (Headers will sell separate following the power units.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2006 Macdon 972 harvest header 25' header, MacDon p/u reel, single knife, DSA, poly skids, S#169098 (Original Owner) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2006 Macdon 972 harvest header 25' header, MacDon p/u reel, single knife, DSA, poly skids, S#173387 (Original Owner) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2006 Macdon 972 harvest header 30' header, split p/u reel, double knife, gauge wheels, DSA, poly skids, fore/aft, S#169472 (Second Owner) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1994 Macdon 960 30' draper header single knife, bat reel (recent), gauge wheels, new canvas, S#87847; Case 730 p/t swather bat reel S#C0003772; Bergen 6000 BsT swather transport, side load, 15" tires, S#261717; Inland 10' swath roller; Apollo 10' swath roller SEEDING & TILLAGE 2002 John deere 1820 52' air drill, 10" spacing, double shoot, Atom Jet openers, 4" steel packers, S#A01820X695216; 2002 John deere 1900 tow behind air cart 340 bu tank - 3 compartment (12/70/150), single fan, on the go rate control, 28L-26 tires, S#A01900H695185; Flexi-Coil system 95 50' harrow packer bar P30s, 5 bar harrows, new teeth S#F003888; Riteway 8000 55' heavy harrow & valmar 3255 applicator, 16.5-16.1 tires, S#97-80346 (Model 8055) (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); John deere 1600 41' cultivator, Degelman 3 bar harrows S#019889; 1976 Massey Ferguson 620 24' tandem disc, smooth rear & notched blades, S#1867508833 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2010 Gjesdal M2500 grain cleaner (self-contained unit on trailer) 220 Volt power, 3 sets of graders, extra screens for top deck, 3 - Westfield augers w/elec. motors, mounted on hi-boy tri-axle trailer, mobile home axles, 2 5/16" ball hitch, brakes, lights, steps, S#M2500-2502 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 2010 Pro Grain Bagger 1010 grain bagger, hyd. dr., w/conveyor (approx. 20 bags use), S#AA2010074 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Bought in 2010 but never used until 2011; 2011 Brandt 8510 GBU grain extractor, 540 pto dr., S#66-232 (Original Owner); Buhler Farm King 13"x70" grain auger, mech swing, reverser; sakundiak hd10-1600 10"x52' swing auger w/pto; 2010 wheatheart 10"x41' grain auger 35 hp Vanguard, mover, lift, elec. clutch, S#2063; 18 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. THURSDAY APRIL 10, 2014 • 10:00 AM • MIKE LONGWORTH & BRENT GENEST CONTINUED Brandt 735 7"x35' grain auger, no motor; 2008 Batco 1575sd sp grain conveyor w/35 hp Vanguard, mover, sensor, S#155759 (Original Owner); 2008 Batco 1515 transfer auger, Honda GX270 motor, S#50151 SPRAYING 2012 John deere 4730 s/p sprayer 100' booms, SS, 20" nozzle space, Deluxe cab - GreenStar AutoTrac plug & play, GS3 navigation w/2630 display, remote spray test, fence row end nozzles, 800 gal. stainless tank, 320/90R46 tires, row crop fenders, solution tank SS w/3" fill, hydraulic tread adjust, auto boom trac 5 sensor, field vision Xenon HID light kit, 710 eng hrs showing, S#1N04730XEB0018317 (Original Owner) (Shedded); set of 4 John deere sprayer tires and rims 20.8-38 Firestone Radial All Traction 23 degree on JD rims (**Will be sold $ bid per tire x 4. Must take all.**) INDUSTRIAL John deere 1508 15' rotary mower, wing type, 1000 pto, S#H01508F031198 HEAVY TRUCKS 2005 International 9900i tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins ISX (500 hp), Eaton Fuller 18 spd trans, air ride, 244" WB, 46,000 rears, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum buds, 779,000 km showing, S#2HSCHAPR15C032267 Will have fresh Sask. Safety; 1995 International 9200 tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins M11, Eaton Fuller 13 spd trans., air ride, 40,000 rears, 11R22.5 on steel frt buds and alum rr buds, 1,739,737 km showing, S#2HSFMAHR95C037476; 2000 Freightliner tandem axle grain truck, Cummins M11 ISM370, Eaton Fuller 10 spd trans, air ride, rear hitch, 20'x8.5'x64" Cancade steel box w/tapered bottom, hoist, Michel's Select roll tarp, 11R22.5 tires on steel rims, S#1FUYDMDBOYPB21636; 1975 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350 V8, 4+2 trans., 9.00-20 tires, 16' steel box, steel floor, Shur Lok roll tarp, 51,371 miles showing (original), S#TCE625V581608 (Original Owner) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2009 Ford F250 xlT 4x4 crewcab short box pickup truck, 5.4L V8, auto trans, bucket seats, a/c, tilt, cruise, pw, pdl, 265/70R17, 179,924 km showing, S#1FTSW21519EA19010; Trail-Tech 8' truck deck (Used 1 year. Was on a Ford F350 dually); 12' truck deck (like new-never used) TRAILERS 2008 Timpte h4002 40' aluminum grain trailer, tandem axle, dual hopper, air ride, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum buds, Shur-Lok roll tarp, S#1TOH100218B115862 Will have fresh Sask. Safety; 2002 wilson dwh-500 40' aluminum grain trailer, tandem axle, dual hopper, air ride, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum buds, Shur-Lok roll tarp, S#1W1MCFYA92A236125 Will have fresh Sask. Safety; 1988 Chieftain 53' hi-boy tri-axle flat deck trailer, S#209PF4821JC0034009 (Tanks sell separate.); 2009 16' car hauler flat deck trailer bumper pull, dovetail, slide-in ramps, 16" tires,2 5/16" ball hitch, brakes (home built); 2011 21.5' flat deck trailer, lights (no brakes), 12.5-15.1 tires (converted boom sprayer), torsion axles (home built) MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2 - 1200 gal plastic water tanks; miscellaneous shop tools; Westeel bin parts 12 roof panels, bottom ring 10 sheets (236-107), 4 lids, stiffeners; 2 - Westeel 135 gal slip tanks GPI pump; front end loader mount blade; roll tarp for 18' truck box, needs new tarp, mounting brackets complete Early Planning Ensures Results From initial handshake to final payment you can be assured that your auction will be handled with honesty and integrity. Kramer’s experienced professionals will get the job done right. Our business has been built on 64 years of experience in selling farm auctions just like yours. For Best Results – Book Early! Call Kramer’s today 1-800-529-9958. Now booking Summer and Fall 2014 & Spring 2015 auctions. Call early to be included in our next catalogue. 19 FRIDAY APRIL 11, 2014 • 10:00 AM BOB & LISA HELGASON ELROSE, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding on Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins. SELLER CONTACT(s): Bob & Lisa Helgason 306-378-4065 or 306-378-7865 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Elrose go 9 miles (14.5 km) north on hwy#4 to Gunnworth road then 1 mile west OR from Rosetown go 15 miles (24 km) south on hwy#4 to Gunnworth Road the 1 mile west. GPS COORDINATES: 51.329173, -108.022632 • LAND LOCATION: SE 27-27-15 W3rd LUNCH: Hidden Valley Farms Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT outback Baseline x RTK navigation outfit, single frequency, tripod, includes rover TRACTORS & ATTACHMENTS 1998 Caterpillar 85E track tractor, 375 eng hp, p/s trans (10f/2r), 36" tracks (1 recent), frt & rear weights, 4 hyd, 5,097 hrs showing, S#6JS00314; 1974 John deere 4230 2wd tractor w/Jd 148 FEl, 100 hp pto, quad trans, 540/1000 pto, 2 hyd,18.4x38 rr, 4 rib fr, S#4230H016903R Replaced engine 500 hr ago. (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1976 John deere 4630 2wd tractor, 150 hp pto, quad trans (16 fwd/6 rev), 1000 pto, 2hyd, 18.4-38rr, 4 rib fr (1 new), c/w duals, 10,032 hrs showing, S#4630H023785R (Original Owner); degelman 12' dozer, manual angle COMBINES & HEADERS 2005 John deere 9760 s/p combine w/Jd 914P p/u header, 340 hp, 35.5-32 fr, 28L-26rr, long auger, yield & moisture, chopper, Greenstar ready, touch set controls, 1329 thr/1930 eng hrs showing, S#H09760S711901 (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 1997 John deere CTs s/p combine w/Jd 914 p/u header, 260 hp, Maurer hopper extension, 30.5-32 fr, 14.9-24rr, chopper, spreader, 2421 thr/3515 eng hrs showing, S#H00CTSX671066 (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 1998 honey Bee sP 36 36' straight cut draper header, split p/u reel, pea auger, gauge wheels, JD adaptor; 1999 honey Bee 30' straight cut draper header SWATHERS & ACCESSORIES 2000 Premier 2940 s/p swather w/25' Macdon 972 harvest header, 21.516.1 fr; elec. fore/aft, DSA, p/u reel, 10' mounted poly swath roller, approx. 1,982 hrs showing, S#135676 (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014 SEEDING & TILLAGE 2002 John deere 1820 61' air drill w/Jd 1900 triple air tank, 10" spacing, 1 hyd fan, dbl shoot, Bourgault ¾ carbide openers, 3" steel packers, 430 bu triple tank (150/80/200), Bullet seed treater, 30.5-32rr, 21.5-16.1fr, Original Greenstar display and receiver, S#A01820X695105 (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); nodet 40' granular applicator; John deere 1610 41' cultivator; victory 38' blade; Morris B3-48 rodweeder; Morris B3-36 rodweeder; leon 56' rodweeder SPRAYING 1999 Apache 790 90' s/p high-clearance sprayer, Cummins diesel eng, 800 US gal poly tank, 5/10/15 GPM nozzles, 12.4x28 frt, 14.9R46 rr, Outback S2, Raven AutoRate w/sectional control, 2,260 hrs showing, S#A7909991866 (Shedded) (New hyd pump) See Navigation re: Outback, See Trailers: Sprayer trailer setup GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. 2010 Meridian 100 tonne smooth wall hopper, single skid, man hole, ladder, site window, crank, poke hole, WEST; 2010 Meridian 100 tonne smooth wall hopper, single skid, man hole, ladder, site window, crank, poke hole, EAST; westeel-Rosco 4700 bu hopper bin man hole, horizontal aerator, dbl skid, #7; westeel-Rosco 4700 bu hopper bin, man hole, horizontal aerator, triple skid, #8; westeel-Rosco 2800 bu grain bin on wood, air port; westeel-Rosco 2800 bu grain bin on wood, air port; westeel-Rosco 2200 bu hopper bin, skid (welded to in-cement piling), aeration, man hole, #6; westeel-Rosco 2200 bu hopper bin, (welded), #5; Buhler Farm King 1370 13"x70' swing auger, hyd mover, reverser, S#21901963; westfield MK130-61 13"x61' swing auger, hyd mover; wheatheart Bh 36-8 8"x36' grain auger, 20 hp Onan gas motor, mover & lift (homemade), S#804053; sakundiak hd81400 8"x45' grain auger, 25 hp Subaru, mover, lift, sweep; sakundiak hd8-45 8"x45' pto grain auger; KwikKleen 5-tube grain cleaner, 2 sets of screens; Krippen 54" grain cleaner, 15 hp electric, numerous screens, 54" air screen w/single indent; Grain Guard 7.5 hp aeration fan; sukup 4.5 hp aeration fan; Keho 5 hp aeration fan TRAILERS 2002 doepker 42' tridem 3-hopper grain trailer, Michel’s r/t, remote openers, 11R24.5 S#2DEGBSZ3021013547; Midland pup trailer, r/t, 11R22.5 rubber, 18' x 8'6" x 48" box; Boomspray sprayer trailer, 500 gal, Chem Handler III, chemical transfer pump (Will sell as a complete unit.); h&h 16' + 2' bumper pull car hauler, 2 - 3500 lb spring axles, 205/75R15 rubber, 2 5/16" ball coupler, LED tail-lights, slide under ramps, checkerplate beaver tail HEAVY TRUCKS 1994 International Eagle 9300 tandem axle highway tractor, 400 hp 3406 CAT eng, 15 spd, alum rims, 11R24.5, S#2HSPBMZRC083165 Engine rebuilt 50,000 mi ago; 1974 International Transtar 4300 tandem axle grain truck, 400 hp Cummins big cam 2 eng, 13 spd, 11R24.5, 18' steel box w/12" ext, roll tarp, pintle hitch, S#437470GA14002 See Trailers re: pup trailer; 1975 Ford F-600 single axle grain truck, 361V8, 5+2 trans, steel box, S#F61ECW41982 LIGHTS TRUCKS 2009 Chevrolet silverado 1500 4wd ext cab short box truck, 4.8L eng, auto trans, 80,000 km showing; 1990 Chevrolet Cheyenne 4wd regular cab truck, 350-V8, 4 spd trans, long box, frt winch, S#2GCFK24K8L1198394 (Slip tank not included.); Antique Truck (For Restoration) 1965 Chevrolet 2wd antique fleetside truck, 283 ci, 3 spd manual LAWN & GARDEN Kubota B4200 yard tractor, 12 hp diesel (not running), 3 pth; 3 pth yard sprayer, approx 20' 300 liter poly tank OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Chemical tote w/Flowserve transfer pump, 120 gal, meter; Fuel pump; 100 gal slip tank w/12v pump; Wade Iron 3300 gal steel water tank COLLECTIBLES Antique fuel bowser 20 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. SATURDAY APRIL 12, 2014 • 10:00 AM GER-LOR HOLDINGS LTD. - GERALD & LORRAINE LONGMIRE • KINDERSLEY, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding on Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins. SELLER CONTACT(s): Gerald & Lorraine Longmire 306-463-3051 (Home) 306-463-3221 (Farm Shop) 306-463-4003 (c) • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Bryan Somerville 306-967-2818 DIRECTIONS: From Kindersley go 7 miles east on Hwy #7, 4 miles north, 1 mile east, & 3/4 miles north(yard on east side of road). GPS COORDINATES: 51.545555, -108.955091 • LAND LOCATION: NW 6-30-21 W3rd LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 2008 John deere 9430 4wd tractor, 425 pto hp, Power Sync trans, 5 hyd + r/t line, 800/70R38 duals, Greenstar ready, 1772 hrs showing, S#RW9430P002935 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 2005 John deere 7320 MFwd tractor w/Jd 741 FEl, 105 pto hp, Powerquad trans, shuttle shift, 3 pth, 3 hyd, pto, light pkg, 16.9R28fr, 20.8R38rr, joystick control, self levelling, 2499 hrs showing, S#RW7320R032708 (Second Owner) (Shedded); Frontier pallet forks COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2006 John deere 9660 sTs s/p combine w/Jd 914 p/u header, 305 hp, chopper, long auger, hopper extensions, original Greenstar display, Greenstar ready, 18.4R26rr, 800/65R32 fr, 1302 thr / 1840 eng hrs showing, S#H09660S72105 Green light Oct 25, 2012 @1134 T/1595E for $17,083.00 work order (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 2008 Macdon Fd 70 Flex draper 35' straight cut header w/Jd adaptor, split p/u reel, poly skid shoes, S#180737 (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014 SWATHERS 2008 John deere 4895 s/p swather w/2008 honey Bee 30' header, 115 hp turbo diesel, dbl swath, dbl knife drive, gauge wheels, fore/aft, p/u reel, 23.1-26fr, 383 eng/259 header hrs showing, S#E04895X340093 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Will sell as a complete unit. Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; Buhler Farm King 7' steel tapered swath roller; 8' steel tapered swath roller; homebuilt hyd drive swath turner; Roto-shear attachment, hydraulic drive SEEDING & TILLAGE 2003 Bourgault 5710 series II 47' air drill w/2004 Bourgault 5440 tow behind tank, MRB (5000 acres use), 3" rubber capped packers, dbl shoot, dual hyd fans, 10" auger, 21.5-16.1 fr, 30.5-32 rear Rice tires, S#Cult-37713AH0-2 / Tank-38036AS-18 (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); John deere 220 tandem disc, smooth blades, S#024724; harmon hi-dump rockpicker; Morris B3-36 rodweeder; Cockshutt 246 cultivator; John deere E1650 59' heavy duty cultivator, S#000321; Bourgault 36' 2 bar tine harrows; nutri Placer 5300 dMI 42' liquid fertilizer coulter drill, 12" spacing, S#821883 Consigned by Ken Longmire 306-463-7527 GRAIN HANDLING Buhler Farm King 1370 13"x70' mechanical drive swing auger, reverser, hyd hopper mover, lights, S#219000810 (Second Owner); sakundiak hd8-1800 grain auger w/hawes mover, 35 hp Vanguard, lights, electric clutch, S#70241 (Original Owner); Brandt 852 8"x52' super charged grain auger w/wheatheart mover, 25 hp Kohler, electric clutch, hyd winch (Original Owner); Batco 1375 conveyor auger, 24 hp Linamar, hyd mover, S#13212 (Original Owner); Batco 1314 conveyor transfer auger, 6.5 hp Honda S#42553; sakundiak hd7-41 7"x41' grain auger, 24 hp Linamar, S#14806; sakundiak hd7-41 7"x41' grain auger, 16 hp Kohler, S#20687; sakundiak hd7-37 7"x37' grain auger, 16 hp B&S S#14328; sakundiak hd7-37 7"x37' grain auger, 16 hp B&S S#6302; 2004 walinga 5614 grain vac, S#MT561404099836 (Original Owner) GRAIN STORAGE ALL SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTON PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel Rosco 3850 bu grain bin, wood floor, 6 ring-19' dia, metal skirted floor; JTl 4900 bus. smooth wall hopper bin, ladder, site window, aeration. S#162409\\109 GA; Meridian 1617 70 tonne smooth wall hopper bin, epoxy coated, dbl skids, man hole, poke hole, full bin sensor, ladder, S#6120100424267; Meridian 1617 70 tonne smooth wall hopper bin, epoxy coated, dbl skids, man hole, poke hole, full bin sensor, ladder, S#6120100424265; Meridian 1617 70 tonne smooth wall hopper bin, epoxy coated, dbl skids, man hole, poke hole, full bin sensor, ladder, S#61-20100324180; Meridian 1617EwPvs 70 tonne smooth wall hopper bin, epoxy coated, dbl skids, man hole, poke hole, full bin sensor, ladder, 3 sight glasses, S#20081129224; weninger 1800 bus smooth wall hopper bin; westeel Rosco 4400 bus hopper bin, #7 Cranfield hopper, dbl skid, ladder, horizontal air, man hole (aeration fan not included); westeel Rosco 4400 bus hopper bin, #6 Cranfield hopper, dbl skid, ladder, horizontal air, man hole; 3 - 800 bus wood hopper seed bins w/metal covering; 400 bus wood hopper seed bin w/metal covering; 5 - 2500 bus plywood bins SPRAYING 1998 John deere 4700 s/p 90' field sprayer, 200 hp, 4710 eng upgrades, Norac boom control, SwathPro control, 750 gal poly tank, 23.1-26 rubber, JD 2600 display w/Starfire ITC globe, approx 2000 hrs (meter wiped clean during upgrade),1907 hrs showing on new monitor, S#N04700X002325; 4 - John deere sprayer Tires, 12.4-34; 4 - Tridekon stainless steel crop dividers; John deere 4700 parts: Rebuilt solution pump w/hyd motor, rebuilt boom fold ram & boom tilt ram NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT John deere 1800 display S#PCGU18B232864; John deere 1800 display S#PCGU18B206434; John deere starfire ITC globe S#PCGT01C320932; John deere starfire ITC globe S#PCGT01C550361 HEAVY TRUCKS 2005 Kenworth T800B tandem axle day cab highway tractor, 500 hp C15 Cat engine, 18 spd trans, 8 bag air ride suspension, 40,000 lb rears, 3.90 ratio, 4 way lockers,11R24.5 rubber on Aluminium buds. 1,234,464 kms S#977657 (Shedded); 1998 volvo tandem axle grain truck, 7.3L 300 hp Volvo engine, Allison 5 spd auto trans, alum rims, 315/80R22.5 rubber, Grainmaster 20'x8.5'x54" steel box, electric roll tarp, remote end gate, rear controls, 260,969 km showing. S#4VHJCMHE9WN862666, (Shedded); 1998 volvo vnl64T tandem axle highway tractor w/Integral sleeper, 12.1L 425 hp Volvo, 13 spd trans, 40,000 lb rear ends, air ride suspension, 11R22.5 rubber, aluminum frt bud rims, steel buds on rear. 521,152 kms showing S#4VG7DAGH9XN768133 (Shedded); 1981 International Transtar 4200 tandem axle flatdeck w/spraying outfit, 692 Detroit, 13 spd trans, 240" w/b, 20' flatdeck, 3000 gal blk poly tank, 5.5 hp Honda pump, Sotera chem pump w/meter, Chem Handler II, 585,891 km showing, S#1HTD21270BGB13183 2800 hrs since engine rebuild (Shedded); 1965 Chevrolet C50 single axle grain truck, 283, 4+2 trans, 14'X8'x36" steel box w/wood floor, 8.25-20 rubber, 54,260 miles. S#CE5371106040 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1963 Fargo 500 single axle grain truck, 4+2 trans, 10:00-20, aux fuel tank, 14'x 8'x36" wood box w/hoist. 37,948 miles showing, S#2582916299 (Original Owner) (Shedded) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1978 Chevrolet scottsdale 10 4wd regular cab longbox truck, 350-V8, auto trans, frt tow bar, needs U-joint in frt drive shaft, S#CKL1481113838; 1953 Chevrolet 1.5 ton truck, wood box w/hoist, 6 cyl, 4 spd (Shedded) TRAILERS 2005 lode King Prestige 36' tandem axle grain trailer, alum slopes, dual cranks, new roll tarp, air ride, Bridgestone 196 11R24.5 rubber, powder coat steel rims, 33,025 km (hub meter) S#2LDHG36216F043058 Never used in winter (Original Owner) (Shedded); 20'x8' tandem axle tilt deck gooseneck trailer, 5th wheel stem, sliding axles, 265/75R16 rubber, 6 bolt rims, S#73253; homebuilt tandem axle low profile bumper hitch trailer w/800 gallon plastic sprayer tank Consigned by Ken Longmire LAWN & GARDEN Farm King 7' 3 pth side shift blade, S#956047 Consigned by Les Longmire (Original Owner); land Pride RC1560 5' 3 pth rough cut mower, S#185335 Consigned by Les Longmire (Original Owner) (Shedded); Inland 6' finishing mower Consigned by Les Longmire (Original Owner) (Shedded); homebuilt 9' 3 pth hd cultivator; 2 & 3" aluminum Irrigation pipe w/sprinkler heads, 25 sections 2" & 5 sections of 3" w/couplers & Ys, each section approx 20' long, sells w/trailer & gas powered pump; Allis Chalmers B110 ride on garden tractor w/belly mount mower & roto-tiller (Original Owner) (Shedded); Peacock grasshopper bait blower, 5.5 hp Honda motor (Original Owner) (Shedded); 12 volt Quad sprayer OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Karcher HDS3.5/30 hot water pressure washer (3000 psi/2 gpm), Coates 10-10 tire changer, overhead shop crane, Lincoln SD-170T mig welder, RexCut metal band saw, plus more; Fueling station: approx 3000 gal upright fuel tank, 2-500 gal fuel tanks, 2 Gas bowsers & a stand-alone fuel pump & meter; 3 - Vertex Standard programmable VHF radios, 3 Motorola M1225 programmable VHF radios, 4 - Midland VHF radios; Skill Saws, Router, Router table, Rockwell Beaver wood planer, homebuilt wood tool box; Motomco 919 grain moisture tester w/scale & charts; Logging chains, hydraulic rams & hoses, yard lights, electrical panel boxes, storm door & frame, truck tires, pressure pump, Jack Alls, shovels, weed eaters, load binders, come a longs, pencil augers, 59' Honey Bee dead rod, PTO shafts, 5.5 hp Honda motor, small propane tanks; 1 Ton truck hoist w/hydraulic pump; 1 Big Daddy & 3 diamond rubber grain hoppers,20'X8' used Shur Lok roll tarp w/end caps & hardware, Agsco seed treater, Fillrite chemical pump, airseeder hose, Smith Roles gas driven bin sweep, bin lids for wood bins, flexible spouts; Metering valves for gas bowsers, Antique Blacksmith grindstone & forge; hydraulic jacks, grease guns, 2 - shop creepers, air grease gun, Strongarm 3 ton floor jack ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE TRACTORS & VEHICLES 2 - John deere d tractors for parts; 1957 Chevrolet 4 door hardtop car body, no motor or drivetrain; Ford Model T assortment of body parts; 1957 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, no drivetrain, good front clip IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 21 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT MONDAY APRIL 14, 2014 • 10:00 AM KEG FARMS LTD. - GRANT & KEITH CARLSON • OUTLOOK, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 11:00 am Live Internet Bidding & Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins. SELLER CONTACT(s): Keith Carlson 306-867-8571 or 306-867-7151 (c) or Grant Carlson 306-867-7473 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Outlook go 6 miles East to Broderick then 6.5 miles North & 1 mile East OR from JCT of Hwy#219 & Hwy#15 go 6 miles North to SK River Church Road and 4 miles West. • GPS COORDINATES: 51.590456, -106.896567 • LAND LOCATION: NE 22-30-7 W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable • NOTICE: INTERNET BIDDING STARTS AT 11:00 AM MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1997 John deere 9400 4wd tractor w/425 eng hp, 24 spd Power Sync, 4 hyds + ret, 710/70R38 duals, rr weights, JD receiver & Accutrak autosteer (not currently working), 4186 hours showing, S#H001835 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1994 John deere 8770 4wd tractor w/300 eng hp, 24spd PowrSync trans, radar, 4 hyds + ret line, 20.8x38 duals, 5786 hours showing, S#H001857 (Shedded); 1998 John deere 8300 MFwd tractor w/200 pto hp, 16spd PowerShift trans, 3 hyds +ret, 1000 pto, 3pth, 8 fr weights (+ more), rr inside weights, Goodyear 14.9R46 rr duals, 14.9R30 fr, Vansco speed sensor, 5094 hours showing, S#P021371 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1982 John deere 4440 2wd tractor w/130 pto hp, quad range trans, 3 hyds, 540/1000 pto, 3 pth, 4 rib fr, 20.8x38 rr (not shown in photos), 9175 hours showing, S#057753R (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2 320/90R46 tires & rims to fit JD 4440 (shown in tractor photos) (Will sell separately following the JD 4440 tractor.); 3 pth quick attach hitch (Will sell separately following the JD 4440 tractor.); 1977 John deere 2130 2wd tractor w/66 pto hp,Hi-Lo 8spd trans + Hi-Low, 2 hyds, 540/1000 pto, 3 pth, roll guard canopy, 10 fr weights, 7.50-16 fr,15.5-38 rr, S#2511671 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1949 John deere M antique tractor w/11.2/10-24 rr tires, 5.00-15SL fr tires, FULLY RESTORED, S#34523 (Shedded); 2 bottom plow (off of John Deere M) (Will sell separately following the JD M.); John deere R antique tractor (running Fall 2013) (Shedded); 1920 heider antique tractor on steel wheels (Shedded); 1949 Case dC4 antique tractor, S#5318383DC (Shedded); 8' dozer blade (manufactured locally in Broderick) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2001 John deere 9650 sTs s/p combine w/Jd 914 p/u header, hopper ext, ext auger, 30.5x32 fr, 18.4x26 rr, JD 100 display, 2350 eng/1713 thr hours showing, S#691830 (600-900 acres since Greenlight) (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1994 John deere 930 30' straight cut header w/p/u reel, 4 wheel transport, S#930P656707 (Will sell as a complete unit.) SWATHERS 2000 westward 9350 s/p swather w/25' Macdon harvest header,Turbo 2 spd, DSA, double knife drive, MacDon p/u reel, 16.5L-15.1SL rr, 21.5-16.1 fr, 1520 eng/1234 hdr hours showing, S#136175 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; Apollo 10' swath roller w/tapered steel drum; 6' swath roller w/steel drum; home-built rear load swather transport SEEDING & TILLAGE 1995 Conserva Pak CP3912 40' seeding tool w/12" spacing, carbide tips, double shoot, liquid kit, Haukass markers, S#95-2 (Original Owner); Flexicoil 2320 tow between air cart w/single fan, 23.1-26 tires, S#GH2320A-R065030 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Used with Conserva Pak. Will sell separately following the Conserva Pak.); degeman 7000 strawmaster 50' heavy harrow draw bar w/Valmar 2055 applicator, 5 bar straight tine harrows, hydraulic harrow pressure, hyd tilt on harrows, 16.5x16.1SL tires, S#4925 (Original Owner); degelman 7645 45' triplex land roller S#3008 (Original Owner); shop-Built 40' heavy duty land roller w/36" rollers, 3/8" thickness, 12.5L - 15SL, (center lift - fold behind drums) (well built) (Original Owner); Ih 596 32' hd double fold tandem disc w/smooth blades fr & rr, scrapers, 31x13.50x15 tires, rr hitch, S#04700004041521 (Original Owner); John deere 18' light duty tandem disc w/knotched fr, smooth rr; Richards Prairie welding 16' land planer, w/9.5-15 tires; John deere 610 42' cultivator w/Degelman 3 bar harrows, rr hitch, S#000895; Morris CP525 27' cultivator w/shovels; Flexicoil system 90 40' harrow packer bar w/P30 packers, 5 bar straight tine harrows; Riteway 32' harrow packer bar w/P20 packers, 4 bar straight tine harrows, S#83048; Flexicoil 30' end tow harrow packer bar; willmar tandem axle fertilizer spreader w/540 pto; Kirschman 14' press drill w/grass seed attachment, home built transport; leon 40' rodweder w/dead rod & 3 bar harrows; CCIl circular harrows; Misc coil packers GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE sakundiak hd8-1400 8"x45' grain auger w/Hawes Agro lift & mover, Kohler Command Pro 25 hp elec start motor, Wheatheart sweep, S#63872 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd10-2200sl 10"x70' mech auger w/low profile hopper, 540 pto, reverser, poly spout, S#63306 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd8-1000 8"x32' grain auger w/Powerfist 13hp motor, seed treater, S#49075 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd7-1400 7"x45' grain auger w/7.5 hp-3 phase 220V electric motor, switch box, had been seed treater, holes in tube S#51385 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd8-1000 8"x32' grain auger w/10 hp 3 phase 220V electric motor, switch box, S#53000 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd8-1200 8"x39' grain auger w/7.5 hp 3 phase 220V electric motor, switch box, S#55431 (Original Owner); Genesis Arrow Corp 496 grain cleaner w/100 screens for lentile/pulse/cereal crops, 4 decks; 2 - Batch seed treaters; law Marot rotary grain cleaner/aspirator w/assorted screens. BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT THE BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel 3300 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid, aeration tube (#57); westeel 3300 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid (#66); Chief westland 3300 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid (#42); Chief westland 3300 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid (#43); Bader 3200 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid (#37); Univision 2500 bu white hoppered grain bin, double skid (#44); Flaman 2500 bu white hoppered grain bin, double skid (#68); Flaman 2500 bu white hoppered grain bin, double skid (#69); Bader 2200 bu white hoppered grain bin, legs on steel pads (#64); Bader 2200 bu white hoppered grain bin, legs on steel pads (#65); westeel 2000 bu hoppered grain bin, no skid (#60); westeel 1800 bu hoppered grain bin, no skid (#61); Butler 1650 bu hoppered grain bin, double skid (#35); 1500 bu white hoppered grain bin, skid (#36); Prairie steel 1500 bu white hoppered grain bin, no skid (#62); Univision 1500 bu white hoppered grain bin, double skid (#70); Flaman 1500 bu white hoppered grain bin, double skid (#71) SPRAYING 2011 Case Ih Patriot 4420 s/p sprayer w/120' booms, Aim Command, Case IH Navigation, Raven, heated seat, 5 way nozzle bodies (2 liquid/3 Combojet -red/white/grey), 320/90R46, 1200 gal stainless tank, 254 hours showing, S#XYAT028028 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before June 15, 2014; 4 - 650/65/R38 floater tires (off Case Patriot 4420) (Will sell separately following the sprayer. They will be sold per tire/rim x 4.) ROW CROP EQUIPMENT John deere Maxi-merge 3 pth row crop planter w/Vacu Meter, 22" 24 rows +/- 44', extended hoppers, full row monitoring (seed count-acres/rows), John Blue pump & liquid, John Deere Computer Track 250, 24R22 tires; John deere 7100 3 pth 12 row 22" corn & bean planter, 1.5 bushel boxes, S#031263A; 2007 Pickett Equipment Twin Master p/t bean combine w/16' p/u, monitors, 1000 pto, 30.5x32 tires, (Made in Brazil) S#07-322 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2008 Pickett Equipment one step 122-2-B-E 3 pth bean cutter w/hyd drive, 12 row 22" spacing, 12R22 tires, S#08-21; John deere 10R22 corn header w/Elmer’s Mfg 2 wheel transport S#382726H (Will sell as a complete unit.); Kirchener 3 pth 12 row 22" rod under cutter w/rear mount, hyd drive S#12-22; Kirchener 3 pth 12 row 22" under cutter w/front mount; harriston 511s front mount 12 row 22" 22 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. MONDAY APRIL 14, 2014 • 10:00 AM • KEG FARMS LTD. CONTINUED under cutter S#51825; 3 pth front mount 6 row under cutter (blue); Elmer’s BwR22 3 pth 12 row windrower w/Sund p/u S#991587; Kirchener 3 pth 12 row 22" sprayer w/pto driven pump, poly tank; Kirchener 3 pth 12 row 22" cultivator; Alloway 3 pth 12 row 22" cultivator; Kirchener 3 pth 12 row 22" dammer/dyker cultivator NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT John deere star Fire ITC reciever w/RTK radio transmitter; John deere Gs2 1800 display; 2 - John deere Autotrac Universal 200 steering kits INDUSTRIAL 1999 John deere 544h wheel loader w/130 hp, 4 range Powershift trans, aux front hyd, Michelin 20.5R25 tires (+/-70%), A/C, heat, 2.3m/3yd bucket w/bolt-on cutting edge, 25,000 lb operating weight, 10,448 hours showing, S#DW544HX570863; 1987 John deere 544d wheel loader w/115 hp, 4 range Powershift trans, 20.5-25 tires (2 newer tires), Destec 2.5yd bucket, 22,600 lb operating weight, 12,557 hours showing, S#DW544DB512833; Caterpillar 60 hyd scraper (Lever Ent. hyd conversion) w/+/-10 yard capacity, Michelin 16.00R20 tires (tires updated since photos taken), S#1D-1010; Toyota 4000 lb forklift w/pneumatic tires, propane fueled; hyster 6000 6000 lb forklift w/pneumatic tires, propane fueled; Road Boss 3 pth 72" road grader; schulte xh1500 series 2 15' wing type rotary cutter w/540 pto, hyd fold wings, S#90844806; John deere 1508 15' wing type mower w/solid tires, (needs center gearbox and pto shaft); Compair hydrovane Ch160 portable air compressor w/gas motor, on s/a trailer frame,pintle hitch, S#19HV267409/Motor# RB3323019; BBC T5 generator w/Deutz 2 cyl 28.6hp motor, 110/220 single phase or three phase; Allis Chalmers M crawler tractor w/starter; 1978 CAT d6d Crawler w/CAT 3306 engine (140 hp), manual, 36" tracks, under carriage 75-80%, L.G.P., R.O.P., canopy, Hyster winch (manual), new line in winch, newer batteries, valves + injectors have been checked and set, S# 03X00706 Consigned by: Dan & Blanche Kratchmer 306-8678249 HEAVY TRUCKS 2003 Freightliner tandem axle highway tractor w/Detroit 60 series (12.7L- 500 hp @ 2100 rpm), Eaton Fuller 13 spd, day cab, Esy-Rider seat, 11R22.5 tires on steel buds, 58,000 GVWR (12K fr, 46K rr), 377,100 km/5678.5 hrs showing, S#1FUJA6CG83LL74607 (New Safety); 2005 Freightliner Columbia tandem axle grain truck w/Mercedes Benz diesel (435 hp @ 2000 rpm), Freightliner Smartshift w/ZF Merritor Freedomline automatic trans, eng brake, T Series wide ride seat, Michelin 270/85R22.5 fr on Aluminum buds, Michelin 275/80R22.5 rr on steel buds, CIM Ultracel 8.5x20x60" box (3 yrs ago), twin cyl hoist, rr controls, Michels Select roll tarp, 714,016 km showing, S#1FUJA6CUX5LN20863 (New Safety); 1970 Chevrolet C50 s/a grain truck w/350V8, 4+2 trans, 9:00-20 fr, 10:00-20 rr, 15' box & hoist, 60,676 mi showing, S#CE530P165536; 1975 Ford F600 custom cab s/a flatbed truck w/5+2 trans, 10:00-20 fr & rr, 95,810 mi showing, S#F61ECC75596 (Also sells with a 1500 gallon cone bottom tank, Handler III, 6.5hp water pump, Seinco EL12 chem transfer pump) (Will sell as a complete unit.) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2009 Ford F350 King Ranch crew cab short box 4x4 truck w/6.4 L diesel, automatic trans, Continental 275/70R18 tires, Air bag suspension, lighted running boards, MBRP exhaust tips, ss grille insert, Raider Phantom cap, pw/pl/pm, power King Ranch buckets & console, Sync by Microsoft, Sirius satellite radio/6 disc CD/mp3, programable garage door opener, power adjustable pedals, overhead console, sliding rear window, 100 gallon aux fuel tank w/elec. shut off, 113,670 km showing, S#1FTWW31R89EA07592 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 2008 Ford F150 xlT quad cab short box 4x4 truck w/V8, auto trans, 275/65R18 Michelin LTX M/S2 tires, tubular steps, box liner, pw/pl/pm, 142,839km showing, S#1FTRX14W48FB40388; Chevrolet 1430 s/a grain truck w/wood box (not running); 1946 willy’s Jeep (complete, should run); 1947 willy’s Jeep (complete, should run) TRAILERS 2001 Castleton 44' tridem grain trailer w/Michel’s roll tarp, 2 spd landing gear, 11R24.5 tires, single chute openers, S#2C9B3S3D51S133034 (New Safety) (Original Owner); 1998 Trailmobile 45' tandem axle highboy trailer w/winch brackets, 11R24.5 tires, GVWR 31,000kg, used for hauling bales, S#1PTF7ATH1W9007735 (New Safety); 40' sea-can & tridem transport trailer; Fruehauf s/a dolly 5th wheel converter; Trailtech 8.5'x24'+5' gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/3 - 7000 lb spring axles, gooseneck ball coupler, 1-10K jack, 24' deck & 5' beavertail w/flip over ramps, spare tire & rim, S#?; 2012 h&h xl series s/a 5'x8' v nose cargo trailer w/rear ramp door, 5'6" tall opening, 3M Bonded side walls, 2990lb EZ lube axle, 15" tires, 2" coupler, 4 prong plug, Line-X tongue and tail, plywood lined, plywood floor, 4 D-Rings, wall tie rings, spare tire & rim, S#533SC0816CC215136; 2010 PJ 7710 6'x8' s/a tilting utility trailer w/channel frame, angle top rail, 3500lb EZ lube axle, 205/75R15 tires, aluminum fenders, no ramps, swivel jack, S#4P5U7101XA2145201; 16' carhauler tandem axle trailer w/2" ball, 7.00-15 tires, ramps, rr stabilizer jacks; single axle fuel trailer w/300 gal fuel tank, 12V Fill-Rite HD 15 gpm pump, meter, hose, auto shut off nozzle, 12V solar charged power system, fire ext., etc.; daf 350 4 wheel wagon w/sides, wood floor, B351B3; John deere 4 wheel rubber tire wagon frame S#181933; s/a truck box utility trailer w/slip tank LAWN & GARDEN 1998 Toro Groundsmaster 325-d riding mower w/Kubota 3 cyl diesel, hydrostatic drive, power steering, front mount 72" mulching deck, rr weights, 2427 hours showing, S#30788-20649; Road Boss 3 pth 72" grader; Ford 3 pth 72" tandem disc w/15 3/4" blades; John deere 205 Gyramor 3 pth mower; Farm King 3 pth 82" rototiller w/540 pto, S#H82216995; John deere 3 pth dozer blade; 8' harrow bar; John deere tilt utility trailer; Rogers Fy100 farmyard sprayer w/no drift curtain; John deere p/t broadcast spreader; John deere lawn sweeper; Frontier 26" snowblower w/6F/2R, 7.5hp motor, electric start ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2009 Arctic Cat Prowler xTx 700 EFI side by side w/Hi-Lo, reverse, Warn winch, alum rims, fr & rr tow receivers, folding windshield, tilt steering, rr view mirror, 2233 km showing, S#4UF09MPV29T304490 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1999 Bombardier Traxter 4x4 ATv w/Rotax motor, Hi-Lo, reverse, independant fr suspension, newer tires, 6995 km showing, S#2BVAADAC0YV000115 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2010 ski doo 600 E-Tec Back Country Renegade snowmobile w/Rev XP Platform, 600 miles showing, S#2BPSBXACGAV000166 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2008 ski doo Gsx limited snowmobile w/Rotax 600 H0 SDi, Rev XP platform, 1.5" track, ext seat, rr bag, 1145 miles showing, S#2BPSDD8A38V000343 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1997 ski doo Touring E Rotax 380 snowmobile w/2 up seat, 2300 miles showing, S#123400009 (Original Owner) (Shedded) OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 30'X30' 1 1/2 story house on blocks. Built approx 1917 (Buyer is responsible for moving house off property); 2 - 5000 gal fuel tanks w/electric pumps & meters, 15 gpm pump; 3 - 1500 US gallon poly tanks; home built 2 wheel transport SHOP TOOLS & MISC. SHOP SUPPLY 2000 Hoffman Monty 1610 tire changer w/single phase motor, S#000140241; Panther Performa Kodiak hot water pressure washer w/extra tips; Esab PCM-875 plasma cutter; Miller Spectrum 375 plasma cutter; John Deere 295 amp welder; Mig Master 250 mig welder; Lincoln Weld Pak 100 mig welder, 115V; oxy acetylyne outfit w/cart & guages (no tanks); Large HD 4'x8' welding table w/steel top; HD hyd shop press; American 16 spd upright floor model drill press; Citation parts washer; Powerfist 300 kg hyd lift table; Delta 12" planer; Beaver 16" wood/metal band saw w/stand; SnapOn tools (variety); Vulcan Anvil; Parts/tool organizers; tool chests; many other shop tool & shop supply to numerous to list. 23 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TUESDAY APRIL 15, 2014 • 10:00 AM L.J. MEIER FARM LTD. - JAMES & LAWRENCE MEIER • LUSELAND, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc; 11:00 am Live Internet Bidding with Livestock Equipment followed by Major Equipment then grain bins. SELLER CONTACT(s): 306-372-4732 • 306-372-7693 (Lawrence) (c) 306-372-7687 (James) (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer & Neil Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: 4 miles West of Luseland on #771, then 1.5 miles North GPS COORDINATES: 52.102883, -109.503917 • LAND LOCATION: SE21-36-25 W3 #351 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable • NOTICE: INTERNET BIDDING STARTS AT 11:00 AM MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1996 new holland 9482 4wd tractor w/Cummins M11-A 310 hp, 12spd std, 4 hyds + ret, 20.8x38 radial duals, 3994 hours showing, S#D104265 (Original Owner); 1994 Ford 8970 MFwd tractor w/210 pto hp, 16f/8r powershift trans, diff lock, 1000 pto, 4 hyds + ret, 18.4x30 fr, 20.8x42 rr duals,16 fr suitcase weights, 5055 hours showing, S#D401082 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2002 John deere 7610 2wd tractor w/120 pto hp, Power Quad trans, 540/1000 pto, 2 hyds, 20.8x38 rr, 11:00-16 4 rib fr (like new), 3046 hours showing, S#075733 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2001 John deere 7410 MFwd tractor & Jd 740 FEl w/105 pto hp, Power Quad w/left hand power shuttle, 540/1000 pto, 3 hyds, 480x80R38 rr (new), 380x85R28 fr (new), front brushguard, joystick ctl, bucket & grapple fork, 3080 hours showing, S#053624 (tractor), S#022080 (FEL) (new tires not shown in photos) (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1976 International 686 2wd tractor w/66 pto hp, 2 hyds, 18.4x34 rr, EzeeOn FEL brackets, Charlynn tank (no hyd pump), hour meter not working, S#007683 (Original Owner) (Shedded); Farmall h antique tractor w/Kendon grain auger attached (See more under “Grain Augers” heading) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2009 Case Ih 7120 AFs s/p combine w/360 hp, 2016 16' p/u header, Swathmaster p/u & wind guard, new p/u teeth before 2013 harvest, 900/60R32 fr, 540/65R32 rr, folding hopper ext, poly spout, HID lighting, deluxe cab, 883 eng/708 thr hours showing, S#Y9G207266 (Has never combined peas or lentils) (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SWATHERS 2005 westward 9352i s/p swather & Macdon 972 36' header w/Turbo 2 spd, split p/u reel, Honey Bee knife, built in transport, 500/70R24 Ind fr tires, 1030 eng/739 hdr hours showing, S#162966 (power unit), S#168039 (header) (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2003 Macdon 922 16' hay header w/Honey Bee knife, S#152077 (Second Owner) (Will sell separately following the swather.); smith Roles swather transport; Farm King 10' swath roller w/tapered steel drum SEEDING & TILLAGE Morris Maxim 39' air drill & Morris 6240 tank w/floating hitch, 7 1/2" spacing, single shoot, steel packers, 23.1-26 rr, 21.5-16.1SL fr, S#3900003966 (air drill), S#6249402467 (air tank) (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Bourgault 9200 48' cultivator w/500 lb trips, newer shovels, rear hitch & hyd outlet, 3 bar harrows, S#824218, P# 1197-20 (Original Owner); Bourgault wTP 48-52 48' packer bar w/hyd lift, P30 packers, bolt on extended hitch, S#WP1307 (Will sell as a complete unit.); Flexicoil system 82 60' diamond harrowbar; Morris 48' rod weeder; Barber Metered Feed 28' granular applicator w/ground drive; Rock Master R56 hyd drive rock picker w/3 batt reel, 16.5-16.1 tires, 8560088; 1978 CIl 203 25' cultivator w/rr hitch & hyd outlet, S#16235; Minneapolis Moline T608 16' cultivator, S#1844; Cockshutt 246 12' cultivator w/JD cylinder GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 1990 Turbo oK super deluxe 990 grain vac w/1000 pto, Alligator nozzle, 6.70-15 tires; Bin Crane w/hyd winch; sakundiak hd10-2000 65'x10" grain auger w/low profile hopper, reverser, S#52800; 50'x8" grain auger & Farmall h tractor w/built hyd drive, new rr tires, S#172776 (Will sell as a complete unit.); smith Roles 41'x7" grain auger w/Kohler 16 hp motor, elec start; sakundiak hd7-37 37'x7" grain auger w/B&S motor, elec start, S#4384; Allied 30'x6" grain auger w/3 hp elec motor; versatile 21'x6" grain auger w/3 hp electric motor; Robin 27'x6" grain auger w/electric motor; scoop-A-second 27'x6" grain auger w/elec motor; scoop-A-second 6" auger for parts. GRAIN BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT THE BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. Pioneer 50 ton smooth wall hopper bin w/triple skid, no epoxy lining; 3 - weninger 40 ton hopper bins no skids, no epoxy lining, (some damage on center bin & east bin); 2 - westeel Rosco 4400 bu hopper bins on Weninger hoppers, no skids; 3 - westeel Rosco 2250 bu hopper bins on Westeel hoppers, no skids; 2 - westeel Rosco 4400 bu bins w/2 ft steel floors; hoppered poly bin +/- 100 bu; hoppered steel bin +/- 60 bu NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT outback gps, light bar & antenna HAYING & LIVESTOCK 2008 vermeer highline 605M round baler w/DCF wide pickup, Super M updates (large bearings & rollers), 21.5L-16.1SL, Accu-Bale Plus monitor, 3318 bales, S#1VRV1618581002701 (Original Owner) (Shedded); Cattlelac 330 single axle feed mixer wagon w/540 pto, Lebow 9TL digital scale, hyd discharge door, 445/65R22.5 tires (Original Owner) (Shedded); new holland FP240 Metal Alert III forage harvester w/1000 pto, S#993881 (Original Owner); Jiffy 1200 series conveyor wagon S#JTB 049-95 (Kuelkers Mfg.); John deere 785 tandem axle manure spreader w/1000 pto, hyd push off, single beater, poly lined floor, 16.5x16.1 tires, S#001356 (Original Owner); leon 425 silver-spreader tandem axle manure spreader w/1000 pto, hyd push off, double beater, composite sides, 425/65R22.5 tires, S#120402253 Approx. 6 years old. (Original Owner); Ih 1150 mix mill w/1000 pto, extra screens, S#002529; 40' tandem axle bale deck w/bale rack extensions, winch brackets, wood decking, 11R24.5 tires; Friggstad 30' tandem axle push off bale wagon w/steel deck; 1969 GMC 950 series bale truck w/350, 4 spd, wooden bale deck & hoist S#C9E5395012036; Buhler Alliance 9 wheel side delivey rake; Ih trailer type sickle mower S#008585; sven roller mill w/pto drive, hyd auger; Real Industries livestock squeeze w/auto catch headgate, steel floor, palpation cage, sliding rear door (1st lot). Hi-Qual alley panels w/back gate (2nd lot). Crowding tub (3rd lot). (Will sell in 3 individual lots.); hi-Qual livestock squeeze w/steel floor; hi-Qual palpation cage; Tuff livestock Equipment single axle portable loading chute w/steel floor; loading chute w/catwalk; Elias livestock scale; 20 - 32' freestanding drill stem windbreak panels w/wooden slabs; Transport for windbreak panels; 4 - steel calf shelters on skids w/drill stem frames & overhead windbreaks; Complete drill stem/sucker rod corral system w/ties, clamps (consists of 9 drill stem/sucker rod panels, 6 drill stem alley panels, 3 gates); Complete drill stem/sucker rod corral system w/ties, clamps (consists of 8 drill stem/sucker rod panels, 7 drill stem alley panels, 3 gates); 22 - 24' freestanding drill stem/sucker rod panels w/pins & hinges; 9 - 24' freestanding drill stem sucker rod panels w/pins & hinges; 4 - 21' freestanding drill stem sucker rod panels w/pins & hinges; 5 - 18' freestanding drill stem sucker rod panels w/pins & hinges; 2 - 24' freestanding drill stem sucker rod panels w/6' gates built in; 2 - 24' freestanding drill stem sucker rod panels w/12' gates on end; 24 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. TUESDAY APRIL 15, 2014 • 10:00 AM • L.J. MEIER FARM LTD. 4 - various sized drill stem/sucker rod panels; 10 - 30' steel bunk feeders w/steel bunks; 2 - two bale drill stem bale feeders; 2 - one bale drill stem bale feeders; 2 - hd cradle bale feeders; 2 - round bale feeders; 2 - cattle oilers & stands; 2 - blue approx. 400 gallon poly water troughs; Roper calf tipping table; shop built calf tipping table; single axle calf cart; Large quantity of used barbed wire rolled on spools, electric fence wire, electric fence posts (5'-6'); Electric fencers; hydraulic post hole auger fits on front-end loader 9" 6" 4"bits; nose cattle waterer; many good used 6' fence posts 3-4"; 8' ties; 10', 12', 16' panels; 12', 14', 16' gates; cattle oiler; wire stretcher; 2x6 - 16' boards; 1x6 - 8' boards INDUSTRIAL 1995 John deere 544G wheel loader w/2 1/2 yard bucket, 20.5x25 tires, 11,047 hours showing, S#DW544GB551310 (Second Owner) (Shedded); Eversman 650 hydraulic scraper S#4375 HEAVY TRUCKS 1993 Kenworth T600B highway tractor w/Detroit 60 Series, 15 spd trans (rebuilt 2 years ago), air ride, inter-axle diff lock, jake brake, sleeper, alum buds, 11R24.5 tires, GVWR 23,587KG, 1,224,351 km showing, S#2XKADR9X1PM931086; 1986 Chevrolet 70 series single axle grain truck w/350, 5+2 trans, 10:00-20 fr, 11R22.5 rr, Univision 16' steel box, hoist, Shurlck roll tarp, 49,016 km showing, S#1GBL7D1B2GV101932 (Original Owner); 1977 GMC 6000 series single axle silage truck w/350, 4+2 trans, wooden grain box, hoist, steel box extensions, 74,000 miles showing, S#TCE627V556934 (Original Owner) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1998 dodge Ram 1500 regular cab 4x4 truck w/318 V8, auto trans, regular box, tow bar, brush guard, 235/85R16 tires, 103,019 km showing, S#1B7HF16ZXWS699423 (Original Owner) TRAILERS 2005 doepker 36' tandem axle grain trailer w/air ride, aluminum slopes, dual crank openers, LED lighting, Michel’s Select roll tarp, 11R24.5 tires, S#2DEGBSZ2851017535 (Original Owner); 1985 wilson 45' tandem axle aluminum cattle liner w/11R24.5 tires, 5 compartments (nose, doghouse, top deck, belly, back end) S#1W15CS4N4G9510135; 2003 southland 16'x6'6"x6'9" stock trailer w/2 - 6000# axles, 235/85R16 tires, adjustable center/angle gate, full swing 1/2 slide rear door, spare tire & rim S#2S9PF335531012568 (Original Owner); linden 24'x8'6" gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/2 - 7000 lb axles,bale rack extensions OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Generac 6870-2 20KW pto generator (20000 watt); Pipe rack w/assorted drill stem & sucker rod; Table saw; wood buzz saw w/18"&30" blades; air compressor; variety of pulleys; plastic tees different sizes; many insulators; bin closers; 2-steel bin doors bin supplies; electric motor; tarps; heavy electric cord; many different size tires; slough pump; hoses; knives for air drill; many bundles of 3 tab shingles several bundles of lock type; 16" clipped wing shovels; 11" shovels; some longer ties; variety of sizes of sucker rods; Martin hitch; 2-I.H. pump engines; tires 10.00-20, HR-24.5, 17.5-25, 20.5-25, 18.4-30, 2.35/75-15; filters; rams and hoses; air seeder hose; water pump hose; electric air rater; auger for air seeder; gas pump; vise; loading ramps; plumbing pipe fittings; vet supplies; took box; bolts, bolt bins; nails; U-clamps; guards; hold down; water pump; hose; Jack all; cream seperator; 120V gas pump; logging chain; barrel pump; air filters; filters; pressure washer; Ackland Meg Welder; tool chest; extension cord; bird cannyon; 12V post hole auger; 2 big propane bottles; water pumps; hydraulic jack and much more shop supplies...; Air compressor with Honda motor mounted on trailer TANKS 500 gal fuel tank; 5000 gal steel tank CONTINUED MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT Norsask FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. NORTH BATTLEFORD SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA 306-445-8128 Your GM Truck Superstore Over 600 New & Used Vehicles in Stock SASKATCHEWAN: Watrous Mainline 1-800-667-0490 www.watrousmainline.com Rosetown Mainline 1-877-979-7999 • Kindersley Mainline 1-800-661-8228 MANITOBA: Virden Mainline 1-866-770-3811 • Birtle Mainline 1-204-842-3301 25 WEDNESDAY APRIL 16, 2014 • 10:00 AM IAN & MARILYN PARSONS MCLAUGHLIN, AB (LLOYDMINSTER AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools and misc. farm supply; 12:00 noon Live internet bidding on major equipment. SELLER CONTACT(s): Ian & Marilyn Parsons 780-745-2243 or 780-872-2909 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From McLaughlin go ½ mile west on Township Rd #464 OR from Lloydminster go 29.5 km south on hwy #17 to Township Rd #464 then 6 miles west OR from Wainwright go 31 km east on hwy #14 to hwy #897 then 17 km north and 6 miles east. GPS COORDINATES: 52.989036, -110.177677 • LAND LOCATION: SE 26-46-2 W4th • LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT REAL ESTATE FIRsT ClAss turn-key operation featuring a 2 story home located on a quarter section with a meticulously manicured yard site, heated worked shop, quonset, assorted outbuildings, and approx. 105,000 bu of grain storage. An excellent opportunity for the whole family to enjoy rural living without the hassle of obtaining multiple contractors, designing, and building your own yard-site. Also includes a highly assessed quarter of land with great access off an asphalt road. Consider what it would be worth to move into a property that is completely ready for you!!!!... And of the highest caliber design and construction. This property is a MUST SEE if you are in the market. This property will be sold online from April 16th-23rd. SEE REAL ESTATE WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. TRACTORS 1993 Case Ih 9270 4wd tractor, 335 eng hp Cummins, 12/3 std trans, 520/85R42 Michelin radials (new in 2012 - approx 350 hrs use), 4 hyd plus aux Atom Jet Pump and r/t line, c/w John Deere Starfire ITC, Universal steering kit, & Original Greenstar display 5500 hrs showing, S#JCB0031312 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Pump opened to 360 hp.); 1981 John deere 4840 2wd tractor, 181 pto hp, p/s trans, 3 hyd, 1000 pto, 4 rib-14L-16.1fr, 24.5-32rr (recent) c/w duals, c/w John Deere Starfire ITC, Universal steering kit, & Original Greenstar display, 10,534 hrs showing, S#4840P014597RW (Shedded); John deere 14' dozer blade w/degelman mount, hyd lift, (Will sell separate.); 1958 John deere 820 2wd antique tractor, 31 pto hp diesel w/starter pup, 18.4-34 rr, 3 rib fr, 1 hyd, pto, 8200 hrs showing, S#8205363 Recent maintenance @ Agland. (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Ian’s uncle purchased this tractor new.); 1977 Co-op Implements 810 2wd tractor, diesel, powershift trans w/hi/low, cab, dual pto, 2 hyd, 18.4-38 duals, 6355 hrs showing, S#16035 (Original Owner) (Shedded); Cockshutt 30 2wd antique tractor, 12.4-38rr, 6 volt electrical, pulley hooked to frt mount welder; Rockol 98 2wd antique tractor for restoration; John deere d 2wd antique tractor for restoration, steel wheels, S#137345 COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2004 Case Ih 2388 s/p combine w/2015 p/u header, 280 hp, Crary Big Top hopper ext, AFS yield monitor, hyd reverser, 30.5-32 fr, 14.9-24rr, 1607 thr/2249 eng hrs showing, approx S#JJC0275835 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug 1, 2014; 1997 Case Ih 2188 s/p combine w/CIh 1015 header, 260 hp, Super 8 p/u, axial flow, hopper extension, spreader, 14.9-24rr, 30.5-32 fr, Axceller kit(similar to AFX rotor), 2531 thr/3104 eng hrs showing, S#JJC0195501Purchased @ 150 hrs. (Second Owner) Will sell as a complete unit. (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 1996 Case Ih 1010 30' straight cut header, fore/aft, p/u reel, Trailtech s/a transport included (purchased new), S#JJC0202156 (Second Owner) Will sell as a complete unit. (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 2003 Case Ih 1010 30' straight cut header, fore/aft, bat reel, Trailtech s/a transport included (purchased new), S#JJC0307022 (Second Owner) Will sell as a complete unit. (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014 SWATHERS 1984 International 4000 24.5' s/p swather, 6 cyl gas, p/u reel, recent canvas, 16.5-16.1 fr, cab w/a/c, Kear shear plumbing, S#1310083C008009 (Original Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; Case Ih 8220 25' p/t swather, bat reel, recent canvas, S#CFH0065105 (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; Tapered poly swath roller; steel swath roller SEEDING & TILLAGE 2009 seed Master 50' air drill, on row pneumatic packers, 3/4" openers, 10" spacing, Bourgault air kit, S#9412 (Original Owner) (Will sell separate.) Approx 11,000 acres use; 2004 Bourgault 5440 TBh air tank, 2 hyd fans, 21.5-16.1 fr, 30.5-32 rr, triple tank, Bourgault 591 display, new chains S#38002AS-01 (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell separate.) 1 - new feed auger/1 - recent; Bourgault Commander 46-50 50' cultivator, 4 bar Morris harrows, S#2748; Co-op Implements 204 33' deep tillage cultivator, harrows; degelman RP6000 hyd rockpicker, rock curtain, 16.5-16.1 rubber, S#21997; John deere 100 10' cult, c/w extensions to 16'; Blanchard hydra lift 50' harrow/packer, P30s. 5 bar harrows GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE westfield MK 100-61 10"x61' swing auger, full bin sensor (Recent bearings/new flighting in the swing arm and bottom portion of the auger); Keho 3 hp aeration fan; Keho 5 hp aeration fan; Keho 5 hp aeration fan; 2 - Inline aeration heaters, electric; Motomco 919 grain moisture tester w/scale & charts SPRAYING Flexicoil 67 xl 90' high clearance p/t fold up sprayer, hyd pump, 1250 gal poly tank, Boom Tracker, Norac auto boom height control, chem mix tank, auto rate control, 14.9R46 rubber, S#113596 (Original Owner) (Shedded); Chem handler I chemical mix tank HEAVY TRUCKS 1977 International Transtar tandem axle grain truck, 350 Cummins diesel 13 spd Fuller Roadranger, 20' steel box, roll tarp, remote end gate opener, 11R24.5 rr (recent),16.5R22.5 fr, air brakes, rubber block rear suspension S#D2137GGA11483 (Second Owner) (Shedded); dodge 400 single axle grain truck 318-8 cyl, 4+2 trans, 14' wood box w/hoist, 9:00-20 rubber, S#2482933123 (Second Owner) (Shedded) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1986 GMC sierra 3500 dRw service truck, 350-V8, 4 spd std trans, service deck c/w gin poles, pto winch, 135 gal slip tank & pump, tool cabinets w/tools, 172,089 km showing, S#1GDJC34M8GJ513071; 1950 Chevrolet truck w/hoist; 1949 Mercury 4 door car, flathead 8 cyl, suicide doors TRAILERS Truck box trailer LAWN & GARDEN John deere 111 riding mower, 11 hp B&S, S#M00111S242213; yard drag w/3 diamond harrows OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Honda EG4000 generator, Honda 24 hp V-twin engine, 22 gal air compressor, 6 VHF radios, shop press, drill press, parts washer, paint sprayer, JD battery booster/charger, Craftsman radial arm saw, Lincoln mig welder (portable), water pump w/8 hp B&S engine, 10 bundles of 40 year shingles, muffler for a 903 Cummins (w/exhaust tube), 5 ton fertilizer hopper w/Western Ind drill fill, plus more...; Floating slough pump w/discharge hose, 6 hp Tecumseh; 500 gal propane tank, 250 psi; Hold On 4200 gal poly tank; 1000 gal fiberglass tank; Stationary engine 26 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. Online Property Auction stunning 2387 sq ft house with an attached dbl car garage. Beautiful oak finishing and high end construction. 1/4 section w/133 cultivated acres plus a stunning 19 acre yard site – SELLING COMPLETE McLaughlin, AB 40' x 60' heated shop with tons of storage, washroom, office, and lots of well thought-out extras. Timed Online Auction April 16th - 23rd, 2014 OPEN HOUSES – Mid March – Dates TBA FIRsT ClAss turn-key operation located in the County of vermilion River featuring a 2 storey home located on a quarter section with a meticulously manicured yard site, heated work shop, quonset, assorted outbuildings and approx. 105,000 bu of grain storage. An excellent opportunity for the whole family to enjoy rural living without the hassle of obtaining multiple contractors, designing and building your own yard-site. Also includes a highly assessed quarter of land with great access off an asphalt road. Consider what it would be worth to move into a property that is completely ready for you!!!... And of the highest caliber design and construction. This property is a MUsT sEE if you are in the market. see complete terms and conditions at www.kramerauction.com Final bid subject to seller’s approval Contact Ed Truelove (sK Broker) 306-441-0525 Mike higgs (sale Manager) 306-445-5000 • Rita Baxter (AB Broker) 780-875-5581 55' x 12' zipperlock storage shed Approx. 105,000 bu of grain storage Complete details online at www.kramerauction.com or call 1-800-529-9958 27 65 Years and Counting Kramer Auctions ltd. has been serving farmers since 1949. For 65 years we’ve built our auction business with honesty, integrity and personalized service. Just like farming, our family business has been built with years of experience passed on from generation to generation. When planning an auction, you will find it comforting to know that an experienced Kramer representative will lead you through the entire auction process. We continue to carry the reputation for providing top farm auction results. Best of all, we are a family owned & operated business that truly cares about making your auction a “Quality Auction Experience.” Quality auctions from start to finish 28 HEAD OFFICE NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK 1-800-529-9958 Neil Kramer Kim Kramer Brendan Kramer Michael Higgs SOUTH REGIONAL OFFICE Eatonia, SK (Kindersley Area) 1-306-967-2818 Bryan Somerville Sam Somerville Kenny Somerville NORTH EAST SASK Rick McAuley - White Fox, SK 306-276-8497 SOUTH EAST SASK/MANITOBA Eric Fazakas - Regina, SK 306-276-8497 • • • • • • • • Award Winning Auctioneers Well experienced & educated auction representatives Full auction set-up and equipment detailing Proven Marketing & Promotion First Class Internet Services Top of the line Modern Auction Equipment Real Estate Brokers Family Owned & Operated since 1949 It’s never too early to start planning your auction. Call us today to discuss your auction plans. 1-800-529-9958 29 Three Generations Strong No Auction Too Big or Too Small, Too Close or Too Far. THURSDAY APRIL 17, 2014 • 10:00 AM LARRY & CHARMAINE BIEVER PROVOST, AB AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop Tools & Misc. Farm Supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding on Major Equipment Followed by Grain Bins SELLER CONTACT(s): Larry Biever 780-753-6962 or 780-704-0207 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Provost go 10 km east on hwy #13 to the Rng Rd 14, then 14 km south to Township Rd 380, 2 miles west, and 1/4 mile south. • GPS COORDINATES: 52.227485, -110.148286 • LAND LOCATION: NE 36-37-2 W4th LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST where applicable TRACTORS 1993 Ford versatile 846 designation 6 4wd tractor, 230 eng hp, std trans, 18.4-38 duals, 3 hyd, 4682 hrs showing, S#930668; 1983 Case 2290 2wd tractor w/Allied 795 FEl, 129 pto hp, p/s trans, 2 hyd, PTO, 23.1-34 rubber, 4 rib fr, 6' bucket, self leveling 4244 hrs showing, S#9927413; 1979 Case 2390 2wd tractor, 161 pto hp, p/s trans, 2 hyd, PTO, 24.5-32rr, frt suitcase weights, 8035 hrs showing, S#8846858; leon 10' dozer blade; set of 18.4-38 duals; set of 18.4-34 duals COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1986 Massey Ferguson 860 s/p combine w/MF 9001 header & Melroe 388 p/u, 164 hp Perkins diesel, 24.5-32 fr, chopper, 2148 hrs showing, S#1746020057 SWATHERS 2007 Massey Ferguson hesston 9435 s/p swather w/2009 MF 36' 5200 header, 120 hp turbo diesel, 16.9-28 fr, dual Rotoshears, fore/aft, p/u reel, gauge wheels, 879 tractor/657 header hrs showing, S#9435H592232 (Second Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before Aug. 1, 2014; 1996 Premier 1900 30/ p/t swather, 2 seasons on canvas, S#108018; Macdon 30' pick up reel, (Will sell separate.); 1979 versatile 400 s/p 21' swather, 6 cyl gas, S#47030; John deere 21' p/t swather; 8' tapered steel swath roller SEEDING & TILLAGE 2011 Ezeeon 7550 33' air drill w/Ezeeon 3215 TBh cart, dbl shoot, 10" spacing, 550 lb trips, 5" steel packers, Atom Jet openers 6 run CD paired row, 23.1-26rr (cart), light kit, 2849 acres use, S#cult-52523/cart-53609 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); harmon 2410 34' packer bar, S#A1107; International 55 26' deep tillage cultivator, 3 bar harrows; 60' diamond harrows; John deere 1000 24' vibrashank, S#001012; 14' tandem disc; schulte fork type rockpicker; John deere 12' hoe drill, steel packers; CCIl discer GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2013 Brandt 5200Ex grain vac, 2.3 hrs showing, S#103486 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2011 westfield MK100-61 10"x61' swing auger, S#23066 (Original Owner); wheatheart Bh841 8"x41' grain auger, 27 hp Kohler, hyd mover, Ekay sweep, S#WH6352 (Original Owner); westfield 707 7"x36' grain auger, 12 hp Kohler, S#9028; sakundiak 7"x41' grain auger, 18 hp B&S, S#39595 BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, aeration port (fan sells separate), BIN A; westeel Rosco 1650 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN B; wheatland 1250 bu smooth wall bin, dbl skid, ladder, epoxy lined, BIN C; UFA 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN D; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, ladder, BIN E; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, ladder, BIN F; Metal Industries 1650 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN G; Metal Industries 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN H; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN I; Butler 1650 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN J; Butler 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN K; Metal Industries 3300 bu grain bin, wood floor, BIN L; 2 - portable bin rings, approx 30', c/w tarp; Flaman 3 hp aeration fan; labtronics 919 grain moisture tester, 3" cylinder, scale, charts HAYING & LIVESTOCK Gehl 135 mix mill, extra screens, power bale feed, 540 or 1000 pto, S#1503 (Shedded); 1983 vermeer 605h round baler, S#3161; new holland 116 16' haybine, S#535004 Consigned by Dwayne Peterson 780-753-0096; Case Ih 3650 round baler, S#0100014v001014 Consigned by Dwayne Peterson 780-753-0096; hesston 30 round bale mover, approx 15'; Farmhand stack mover; 5 wheel side delivery rake; Rubber tired wagon, aircraft tires, wood deck; hay rack, (tanks sell separate); steel stock racks; Ass’t gates and panels INDUSTRIAL land leveler HEAVY TRUCKS 1982 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350-V8, 4+2 trans, 9:00-20 rubber, 15' VMM box w/Michel’s roll tarp, 44,890 km showing, S#1GDG6D1A9CV560050; 1976 International 1700 single axle grain truck, 404-V8, 4+2 trans, 10:00-20 rubber, 16' wood box w/roll tarp, 66,007 miles showing, S#D0522FCA16608 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS Fargo 400 truck w/bale deck, not running LAWN & GARDEN woods R107 7' p/t rough cut mower, 540 pto OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Cedar shakes, Avadex, Rival, Twine (Sisal & poly), Fertilizer (11-51-0), fertilizer box; 1000 gal fibreglass tank; 1250 gal (imp) poly tank; fuel tanks; Cyclone Model 53B PTO driven grass seeder, 2 - 8'x16' tarps, 2 - 30'x40' tarps, 16'x22' tarp, pallet of MF860 parts, belts, shields, 4 - hydraulic rams, set bolt on bucket bale forks, 25 sheets corrugated galvanized tin 16'x3', Wisconsin auger engine, B&S auger engine, 3 - jackall jacks, bunch of assorted chain, chains with hooks, pail of assorted clevis, 8 - grease guns, 3 - gallon pails of assorted cultivator bolts, set of stock racks for 3 ton IH truck, 26 - rolls of sisal twine, 30 - rolls of poly twine, 15 - bundles asphalt shingles, 3 - poly auger hoppers, mechanical cement mixer on stand, 12'x5" drill fill auger - hydraulic drive, Chain pipe vise, hydraulic jack press, Forney welder, Gallon pail implement hitch pins, Box assorted screwdrivers, assorted sizes washers, gallon pail of assorted hydraulic ram spacers, 9 - pipe wrenches - assorted sizes, bundle of assorted files, 4 - gallon pails of assorted sizes of nuts, 27 - 16" Dart cultivator shovels - 50 degree, 28 - 12" Dart cultivator shovels - 50 degree, 20 - 7" Dart cultivator shovels - 43 degree, 30 - bags of 11-51-00 fertilizer, 1- roll of 1" air seeder hose, 1 - roll and some pieces of 2 1/2" air seeder hose, hydraulic lift for ½ ton, motor driven drag auger - 4" auger, box of 25 assorted oil filters, box of assorted metal pins, box of assorted swather sickle sections & rivets, box of assorted new bearings, 4 sets of booster cables, 4 - piece pry bar set, 3 - hacksaws, 8 - assorted claw hammers, 1 - 5 piece S wrench set (new), 3 - oil filter wrenches, 2 - fencing pliers, 1 - electric ½" impact wrench, 1 - new, never used, orbit motor, 4 - sets of wrenches, 3/8" to 1 1/16", in tool boxes, 2 - sets of ½" drive sockets - in tool boxes, 3 - sets of 3/8" drive sockets in tool boxes, set of ½" drive deep sockets, tap and die thread cutters in case, gallon pail of assorted punches and chisels, 3 - gallon pails of assorted hydraulic fittings, gallon pail of assorted hose clamps, 3 gallon pails of assorted pipe fittings, 24 - bags of bolts, sorted from 5/16" to ¾", O-ring kit, 2 - 20 litre pails Rotella T5, 0-40 engine oil, gallon pail of assorted cable clamps, 8 - bearing pullers - assorted sizes, pail of assorted threaded ready rod, 540/1000 pto adaptor, nail puller, 2 bundles - 3 to 4 inch fence posts, box assorted v-belts, bundles box end wrenches, bundle open end wrenches, 6 - crescent wrenchesvarious sizes, 11 - vise grips, 1 - box assorted automotive electrical wire, Wrenches - 5 - 3/8", 11 - 7/16", 10 - ½", 12 - 9/16", 6 - 5/8", 3 11/16", 5 - ¾", 2 - 13/16", 2 - 15/16", 2 - 1", 2 - 1 1/16"; 15 - pliers - various sizes ACREAGE EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL - ELMER PAULGAARD • PROVOST, AB SELLER CONTACT(s): Elmer Paulgaard 780-753-4098 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH LARRY & CHARMAINE BIEVER AUCTION. MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 2011 John deere 5065E MFwd tractor & Jd 553 FEl, 3 pth, 65 eng hp diesel, 9 speed standard trans, 540 pto, 2 hyd, 120 hrs showing, S#1PY5056ETAB003147; John deere pallet forks HAYING & LIVESTOCK wheatheart high & heavy hitter post pounder, trailer type, hyd dr.; wheatheart hydraulic post hole auger, 9" bit (Will sell as a complete unit.) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2000 Ford F150 xlT 4wd extended cab short box truck, 5.4L-V8, 6' box, 245/75R16 rubber, 341,000 km showing, S# 2FTPX18LYCA04305 TRAILERS Ford 8' truck box trailer, 2" ball hitch LAWN & GARDEN 2012 John deere z720A zero-turn commercial front mount deck mower, gas, 25 hp Kohler, no bagger, 137 hrs showing, S# TC720AE0116069; 2003 John deere 4110 MFwd tractor & Jd 410 FEl, 3 pth, 20 hp diesel, hydrostatic trans 540 pto, 369 hrs showing, S# H211896 (Tiller sells separate); John deere 550 50" tiller, S# LV0550A200450; 2000 John deere F525 front mount deck mower, 17 hp gas engine, 48" deck, 576 hrs showing; 1989 John deere Gx95 riding mower, rear bagger; Fimco 3 pth yard sprayer, 50 gal poly tank, 10' boom, spray wand; John deere 826 walk behind snow blower, JD engine gas engine, S# M00826X; John deere lx5 5' rotary mower, S# W00LX5X011080; 2008 wallenstein Bx42 3pth wood chipper, pto drive, S# A07231208; 2008 wallenstein wx520 wood splitter, Honda GX160, 2" ball hitch, S# A07620839 ATVs, RVs & BOATS Polaris Magnum 425 4x4 quad ATv, S# 95189900 OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2004 Generac 50KW Surge/25KW Continuous PTO Generator; Yamaha EF3000 VSE Inverter; Power Jet Pressure Washer 6.5 hp; Shop Tools; Carftman 13 drawer upright tool box, Carolina hydraulic press, Carolina engine lift, B&D cut off saw, 3/8 Skil cordless drill, Dowat 3/4 socket set, 1/2 Craftsman drill, Balder 3 hp bench grinder, Lewis bearing puller, Clark parts washer, Yamaha MZ175 3" transfer pump, Generec 5000 generator, Gallagher electric fencing equipment 30 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. SATURDAY APRIL 19, 2014 • 10:30 AM HOWARD & INGRID SUITOR BLACKIE, AB (HIGH RIVER AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:30 am Shop & Misc.; 12:00 noon Internet bidding on major equipment SELLER CONTACT(s): Jordie Suitor 403-371-7704 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Bryan Somerville 306-967-2818 DIRECTIONS: On south side of town of Blackie go west off of Hwy #799 two miles on 498 Ave east to 224 St east, then 3/4 mile north yard on west side of road or from High River go east on Hwy #23 to 224 St E & go north 1 3/4 miles. GPS COORDINATES: 50.612638, -113.675794 • LAND LOCATION: NE 16-19-27 W4 LUNCH: Available • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 1999 Case Ih 9370 4wd tractor, 360 hp 14L Cummins 6 cyl diesel, 24F/6R Hi Lo Synchro shift trans, 4 remotes, 20.8X42 Firestone 7000 radial duals, 2165 hrs showing, S#JEE0072740 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1991 Case 2096 2wd tractor w/794 Allied FEl w/grapple, 116 pto hp, 12F/3R partial PS, 3 remotes, dual PTO, 20.8x38 Goodyear singles, 8' bucket, 5329 hrs showing, S#17898741 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1981 International 684 2wd tractor w/FEl &66" bucket w/manure tines, 69 engine hp, 4 cyl diesel, 8f/4r Syncromesh trans, p/s, 3 pth, 540 pto, 2 remotes,18.4/15-30 rears, approximately 3500 hrs, S#B510002B007011 (Original Owner) (Shedded) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2009 Case Ih 8010 AFs Axial Flow s/p combine w/14' 2016 p/u header & 12.5' swathmaster belt p/u, 400 hp, 350 bu grain tank, 900/60R32 fr, 480/70R30 rr, 596 thr/794 eng hrs showing, S#HAJ202389 (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1st 2014; 2009 honey Bee 36' straight cut header, split reel, pu reel, fore & aft, CIH adapter, S#36GB091226 (Second Owner) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2 - Case Ih wide bar concaves, fits 88 series combines (1 new & 1 used) SWATHERS 2009 Case Ih wd1203 s/p swather w/Case Ih Model dh302 30' header, DSA, dual knife drive, fore & aft, Titan 18.4x26 frt rubber, 14L-16.1SL rear rubber. 738 hrs showing, S#YAG662982 Header S#YAZB01073 (Second Owner) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1st 2014; International 4000 24' s/p swather, 6 cyl gas engine, UII p/u reel, hydraulic driven Keer Shear on left divider board. S#13100830C007234 (Original Owner) (Shedded); Farm King 10' tapered metal drum swath roller Used for 1000 acres (Original Owner) SEEDING & TILLAGE 1999 Case Ih Concord 4710-4R 5 Plex 47' air drill & 1999 Case Ih 2300 tbh air cart, on row rubber pneumatic packers, 10" spacing, dual shoot, Phoenix rotary harrow attachment, 31X13.50-15 rubber (main frame), 11L-14SL rubber (wings) 165R15 rubber (pneumatic packing tires), air cart w/2 tanks, single hyd drive fan, 7" hyd drive loading auger, 18.4-26 Firestone rubber, offset axle stubs on rear axle. S#CKB0014796 (drill); S#0011435 (cart) Done approximately 18,000 acres. (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1999 Case 2300 TBh air cart, 2 tanks, single hyd drive fan, 7" hyd drive loading auger, 18.4-26 Firestone rubber, offset axle stubs on rear axle. S#0011435 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); International 5645 45' chisel plow w/Ezee-on 4 bar tine harrows, adjustable hitch. S#0003670 (Original Owner); degelman 7000 70' heavy harrow w/3255 valmar granular applicator, 5 bar harrows, S#1159 Valmar S#3255D035 (Original Owner); Blanchard TBh tricycle air cart, 3 cyl Isuzu diesel motor fan drive, 2 tanks, 21.5L-16.1 rr, 16.5L-16.1 fr (Original Owner); International 430 14' double disc, mud scrapers, 23" blades back & 21" blades front GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2005 Buhler Farm King 1370 13"x70" swing auger, hyd mover on swing, S#2190347 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd8-1200 8"x39' grain auger, 25 hp Kohler Command Pro motor, Wheatheart mover, hyd winch, AR-Man hyd reservoir, drag auger hook up, S#83710 (Original Owner); walinga 510 deluxe grain vac, S#MT510DLX89114305 (Second Owner) (Shedded); Farm King 10"x50' swing auger, hyd motor drive on swing, S#917003 (Original Owner); Farm King 731 7"x31' grain auger, 20 hp electric start Honda engine, S#9105370 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd6-29 6"x29' auger, treating auger (no motor), S#37691 SPRAYING 2004 Case Ih sPx 4260 90' s/p sprayer, 5 body nozzles, 1200 US gallon tank, Outback guidance system, Raven 460 monitor, Montgomery auto boom, foam marker, DT800 Good Year 320/90R46 tires, 1685 hrs showing, S#JRG0006020 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 4 - Case Ih 520/85R38 floatation sprayer tires w/rims (Will sell so much a piece 4x the bid.) HAYING & LIVESTOCK new holland 358 mix mill, digital scale, bale feeder, S#667588 (Original Owner) (Shedded); linden post pounder, hydraulic drive pto pump (Original Owner); ww cattle squeeze HEAVY TRUCKS 1996 Chevrolet Top Kick tandem grain truck, 250 hp 3116 Caterpillar diesel, 6 spd Allison auto trans, air brakes, spring ride, 40,000 lb rear ends, 12,000 lb front axle, AC, PL, 20'x8'6"x54" Midland steel box & post hoist, 3 piece end gate, Wiebe remote control hoist and endgate control, Inland roll tarp, 295/80R22.5 Michelin Radial front tires on aluminum bud rims, 11R22.5 Kumho drive tires on powder coat steel bud rims, saddle tanks, air ride bucket driver’s seat, 121944 kms, S#1GDT7H4J2TJ501878 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1981 Chevrolet C70 tandem axle grain truck, 427 V8, 5x4 trans, vacuum brakes, Bostrum driver’s seat, Midland 19'x8'6"x54" steel box & hoist, twin cylinder scissor hoist, 3 piece endgate, Inland roll tarp,10:00x20 rubber, Safetied, 101203 kms, S#C47DEAV151645 Reconditioned motor & clutch (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1979 Ford louisville 700 single axle grain truck, 429-4V gas engine, 5x2 trans, 10:00x20 rubber, Strongbox 16'x8'x48" steel box scissor hoist, Inland roll tarp. 127200 kms, S#N0CVEF0373 (Second Owner) (Shedded) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2010 Chevrolet silverado 2500 lTz 4wd crewcab short box truck, Duramax diesel, auto, full leather, heated front bucket seats, centre console, PW,PL, AC, spray in box liner, receiver hitch, extendable mirrors, chrome nerf bars, 40,647 kms, S#1GC4KYB67AF124129 (Original Owner) (Shedded) LAWN & GARDEN Imco 6' 3 pth rough cut mower (Original Owner); Ashland 10s 10' land leveller, hydraulic lift, S#15189 (Original Owner); Fimco 12' Estate sprayer, 12 volt pump, wand; McMillen 3 pth post hole digger, 9" auger & 14" auger; IhC 7' hd 3 pth cultivator (Original Owner) OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Campbell Hausfeld VT558801 60 gallon vertical 230 volt air compressor, twin cylinder, 125 PSI, S#111892L026295; Miller 225 V ThunderBolt powerline welder; Honda EX1000 1000 watt gas generator; ITC dual wheeled grinder, Chicago 5/8" chuck bench drill, 6" bench vice, assortment of bolts; Portable gas powered air compressor; Pressure washer; Honey Bee lifters; 1200 gallon water tank; 130 gallon slip tank w/12V transfer pump; 2 - tanks & steel stands, 1 - 1000 gallon & 1 - 500 gallon; New propane hot water heater; Set of 18.4X38 snap on duals; 5" hydraulic driven drill fill auger ANTIQUES Antique treadle sewing machine; Antique peddle grinding wheel for sharpening sickles; walk behind potato scuffler IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 31 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT MONDAY APRIL 21 • 9:00 AM 37TH ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 • Brendan Kramer 306-445-5000 • Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: 3 miles east of North Battleford on Hwy #16 GPS COORDINATES: 52.723691, -108.190950 • LUNCH: Kramer’s Kitchen at the Big Bid Barn • Plus GST & PST where applicable CONSIGN NOW! Consignment Delivery Deadline Tuesday April 15 4:00 pm We are currently accepting equipment & vehicles for this auction. To discuss selling your equipment call Kim Kramer, Brendan Kramer or Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 EACH YEAR IT GETS BIGGER & BETTER GREAT TIME TO SELL! The market is currently strong for good used equipment and trucks! Expose your equipment to thousands of potential buyers without the hassle or haggle of private sales. Let our marketing attract the bidders and the auction method establish your best price. • • • • Area’s Largest Farmer to Farmer Auction Full Consignor Disclosure (Consignor Name & Phone #s for all lots) No Buyer Fees (on-site) No Loading Handling Fees WE SIMPLY APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION AT OUR AUCTIONS ➠ IMPORTANT DEADLINES ➠ Advertising Flyer Deadline - Thursday March 27 Delivery Deadline - Tuesday April 15 - 4:00 pm Delivery Times - Monday to Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm (Yard closed on weekends and holidays) EARLY CONSIGNORS INCLUDE: MFWD TRACTORS 2003 Case Ih MxM130 MFwd tractor & Case Ih lx 162 FEl, 105 pto hp, 3 pth, 3 hydraulic controls, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4R38 rr, 14.9R28 frt, FEL w/bucket & grapple, 3470 hrs showing, S#ACM208237 Cons S2 Gerald Schmirler 306-445-1368 (Will sell as a complete unit.) SEEDING & TILLAGE Rock-o-Matic 546 rock picker Cons S1 Dave Anderson 306-356-4701 GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE westfield 41' grain auger, 14 hp Kohler engine Cons S1 Dave Anderson 306-356-4701 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2005 GMC Envoy xl 4 door sUv, Command start, new brakes, new windshield, new battery, 7 passenger, cloth interior, roof rack, running boards, 181,000 km showing, S#1GKET16S856159367 Cons S4 Justin Fawell 306-228-3087 OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2013 segway x 2 Adventure mobile adventure vehicle, c/w helmet, elbow, knee pads, fenders, saddle bags, 100 hrs showing, S#02136439; Cons S2 Allie Raycraft 306-446-2465 TENTS, BUILDINGS & BUILDING MATERIALS 2014 40'x60'x21' Gable Truss Peak Ceiling storage Building w/Industrial PVC covers, drive through doors & side entrance doors at two ends, waterproof, UV and Fire Resistant Cons S5; 2 - 2014 30'x85'x15' double door Peak Ceiling storage Buildings w/Commercial fabric, waterproof, fire resistant 13' drive through doors and 6' entrance doors at two ends Cons S5; 2 - 2014 30'x40'x15' double door Peak Ceiling storage Buildingsw/commercial fabric, waterproof, fire resistant, 13' drive through doors and 6' entrance doors at two ends Cons S5; 2 - 2014 20'x30'x12' Commercial storage Canopies w/commercial fabric, roll up door Cons S5; 4 - 2014 20'x40' Pagoda Commercial Party Tent sw/12 removable sidewalls with windows, one zipper door, waterproof, fire resistant Cons S5; 2 - 2014 8.5'x10' Alumn Green houses (Box A&B) Cons S5; 4 - 2014 10'x20' Commercial Instant Pop Up Tents Cons S5; 2 - 2014 18' Bi-Parting solid wrought Iron Gates Cons S5; 8'x10' two story Playhouse vinyl flooring, pine finish, monkey bars, swing, shingled Cons: Backyard Enjoyment Ltd - Johnathan. 780-349-5504 TIRES 4 - 2014 Kyotoma 23.5x25 E3/l3 24 Ply Tires Cons S5 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT - NEW 6 - 2014 30 drawer 10' heavy duty work Benches with hanging walls w/40" high hanging wall, stainless steel drawer panel, metal handles Cons S5; 22 drawer Portable Tool Cabinet w/6" casters Cons S5; 2014 Roller Tool Cabinet with Tools w/7 drawer tool cabinet,m 198 pieces of tools Cons S5; 3 - 2014 heavy duty Tire Charger Assemblies Cons S5; 2 - 2014 10 ton digital Floor scales w/digital readout, 5'x5' platform (Box A & B) Cons S5; 2 - 2014 9 Gallon 69.5 hp Air Compressors Cons S5; 4 - 2014 3" Gas water Pumps w/6.5 hp engines Cons S5 HAYING & LIVESTOCK 120 - Free standing Panels 24' long x 5.5' high Cons Krahn Panels Ltd John-780-632-8798 (Will sell so much a piece x 5. Must take in groups of 5.) INTERMODAL (SEA CAN) CONTAINERS 2014 Custombuilt 40' high Cube Container office w/lock box, forklift pockets, (2) wide windows with security bars, one entrance doors Cons S5; 2014 9' steel storage Container Cons S5; 2014 8' steel storage Container Cons S5; 2014 7' steel storage Container Cons S5 32 MONDAY APRIL 21 - 37TH ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT CONTINUED FARM EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL FOR MAURICE VANY CONTACT(s): Kevin Vany 306-441-3804 or Maurice Vany 306-441-6019 (c) TRACTORS 1985 steiger Panther CM-360 4wd tractor, 360 eng hp, 3406 Cat engine, std trans (20F/4R), 4 hyd plus return line, 24.5-32 duals (like new), Outback S1 light bar & antenna w/hyd for auto-steer (will need E-drive box), 7117 hrs showing, S#115-04257 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2004 John deere 9760 sTs sp combine & Jd 914 p/u header, Bullet rotor, Howard concaves, Redekop chopper/spreader, touch set, yield/moisture monitor, auto header height, hyd plumbing for Outback autosteer, Firestone 800/65R32 frt duals, 16.9-26 rr tires, 1496 thr/2300eng hrs showing, S#H09760S706009 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1997 John deere 9500 sp combine & Jd 914 p/u header, chopper, spreader, 30.5-32 Firestone frt tires, 14.9-24 rr tires, 943 thr/1483 eng hrs showing, S#H09500X672847 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 2003 Macdon 972 30' header, JD adaptor, p/u reel, S#154131 (header); S#154484 (adaptor) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1996 Macdon 960 25' header, JD adaptor, p/u reel, S#105495 (header); S#097928 (adaptor) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SWATHERS 2004 westward 9250 30' sp swather, Cummins diesel (non-turbo), 1995 MacDon 960 30' header, DSA, p/u reel, single knife drive, 710 hdr/ 933 eng hrs showing, S#159245 (power unit); S#96807 (header) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SEEDING & TILLAGE Pattison dB-70 70' dribble bar, foam marker, S#DB087002; John deere 230 24' tandem disc, smooth blades; Farm King 70' tine harrow bar, bent tine harrows; Morris seed-Rite 14' seed drill GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE westfield wR80-61 8"x61' auger, pto drive, hyd drive; Brandt 8"x45' sp auger, Wheatheart mover, lift, Kohler motor w/elec st INDUSTRIAL Caterpillar d8h crawler dozer, 26" pads, 16' blade, Hyster D89B winch (winch needs work), S#46A13760 (Will sell as a complete unit.) HEAVY TRUCKS 1994 Kenworth T600 tandem axle highway tractor, CAT 3176 engine, Fuller 13 spd trans, air ride, 11R24.5 tires on alum buds, S#2XKADE9X6SM935524; 1985 International s1900 single axle grain truck, 466 diesel, 5+2 trans, 15'x8.5' steel Strong box (S#15855856), roll tarp, 11R22.5 tires, 210,049 km showing, S#IHTLDTVP7FHA53870 TRAILERS 2001 load line 32' end dump grain trailer, silage endgate, spring ride suspension, Michel's roll tarp, 11R24.5 tires, S#2D9EU322411012620; Grain pup trailer (shop built), 14'x8' steel box, steel floor, hoist, Shur-Lok roll tarp, tandem dually axles, elec brakes, 7.50-16 tires, S#SK400733005 COMPLETE FARM DISPERSAL FOR LITTLEBIRD FARMS LTD. Ernie & Eleanor Voegeli CONTACT(s): Ernie & Eleanor Voegeli 306-389-2018 or 306-389-7771 (c) TRACTORS 2008 John deere 9230 4wd tractor, 325 eng hp, 24 spd, 20.8-42 duals, 4 hyd plus ret line, AutoTrac ready, 1400 hrs showing, S#RW9230H001635 Fresh engine oil & filter. (Second Owner); 1992 John deere 4560 2wd tractor, 155 pto hp, Quad rg trans., big 1000 pto, 3 hyd, 20.8-38 rr duals, 4 rib frt, Outback auto-steer w/E-Drive, S2 lightbar, 6006 hrs showing, S#RW4560H001396 Fresh engine oil & filter. New air filter. (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1982 John deere 4240 2wd tractor & Jd 148 FEl, 110 pto hp, Powershift trans., dual pto, 3 hyd remotes w/power on block for joystick, 4 hyd, 20.8-38 rr tires, 5680 hrs showing, S#4240P027242RW Fresh engine oil & filter. (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2007 John deere 9860 sTs sp combine & Jd 615P header, Bullet Rotor, chopper, power cast tail board, hopper ext. w/Michel's roll tarp, 20.8-38 duals, 600/60R28 rr., 1200 thr/1662 eng hrs showing, S#H09860S720973 Fresh engine oil & filter. New air filter. (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SWATHERS 2013 John deere w150 swather & Jd 435d header, 35' header w/split p/u reel, dbl knife drive, turbo diesel, Dual Direction, 71 hrs showing, S#1E0W150XTDD390664 Fresh engine oil & filter. (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SEEDING & TILLAGE Flexi-coil 5000 51' air drill & Flexi-coil 2340 tbt air cart, 9" spacing,Eagle Talon openers with carbides, 3" single shoot, 4" steel packers, single hyd. fan, three feed rolls, can be set-up for double shoot, S#103002; Flexi-coil system 95 60' harrow packer bar, P20 packers SPRAYING 2008 Brandt sB 4000 90' suspended boom sprayer, 5 sections of booms, 1600 US/1350 IMP gallon tank, 100 gallon rinse tank, Chem Handler, Raven 450 controller, Norac height control, Outback automate, wind cones, 480/80R46 tires (Original Owner) TRAILERS 1994 doepker 31' tandem axle grain trailer, (rear of B-train), dual hopper, 35,000 kg GVWR, 11R24.5 tires Re-painted March 2009. Axles re-done June 2010. See work orders. 33 REPLACEMENT PHOTOS **WATCH FOR ACTUAL PHOTOS IN THE SPRING** TUESDAY APRIL 22, 2014 • 10:00 AM KOLENOSKY FARMS LTD. - ANDY KOLENOSKY ESTATE & MICHELLE KOLENOSKY • WILKIE, SK SELLER CONTACT(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 • Jason (son) 604-374-5209 • Ryan (son) 306-290-4788 AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins. • Dave Kobelsky (neighbor) 306-843-7993 • AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PLEASE COORDINATE WITH THE CONTACTS NOTED ABOVE. THANK YOU DIRECTIONS: From Wilkie go 11 km southeast on Hwy#14 to the Leipzig grid #657. The go 5.5 miles (9 km) south to St.Joseph corner then go 2 miles West. (yard on south side) • GPS COORDINATES: 52.230796,-108.736213 • LAND LOCATION: NW36-37-20W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1994 Ford versatile 9280 4wd tractor, 250 eng hp, std trans (12F/4R), 4 hyd plus return line, Firestone 18.4-38 duals, plumbed for Outback GPS, 6325 hrs showing, S#D100535 (upgraded hyd & a/c) (Shedded); 1981 John deere 4440 2wd tractor, 130 pto hp, Quad Range trans, dual pto, 4 hyd, Groening 3 pth, 18.4-38 duals, 4 rib frt, plumbed for Outback GPS, 6786 hrs showing, S#4440H054554RW (Shedded); 1972 John deere 4320 2wd tractor & Jd 148 FEl, 115 pto hp, Synchro-range trans. (8F/2R), 2 hyd, cab, 18.4-34 rr tires, 4 rib frt., S#019488R (Will sell as a complete unit.); leon 9' dozer blade, frt mount (off of JD 4320); leon rock digger attachment; FEl mount root/rock grapple; 1966 John deere 4020 2wd tractor & Jd 148 FEl, 95 pto hp, Synchro-range trans. (8F/2R), pto, 2 hyd., 18.4-34 rr tires, 3 rib frt., S#R122973R (Will sell as a complete unit.); FEl mount pallet forks; 1951 John deere AR antique tractor restored, running condition S#279619 (Shedded) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1996 new holland TR98 s/p combine & nh 971 header, Super 8 p/u, chopper, spreader, plumbed for Outback GPS, 2252 thr/2981 eng hrs showing S#559877 (combine); S#587923 (header) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1996 honey Bee sP30 30' straight cut header w/UII p/u reel, vine lifters, top auger, NH adaptor, built in transport, S#43096754 (Shedded) (More photos available in spring.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1998 new holland 973 30' straight cut flex header w/p/u reel, vine lifters, homebuilt header transport, S#604618 More photos available in spring. (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014 SWATHERS 1996 Case Ih 8820 30' s/p swather diesel, UII p/u reel, DSA, Roto Shears, gauge wheels, 21.5-16.1 tires (new in 2012), 2171 hrs showing, S#CFH0105398 Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1992 Prairie star 4600 30' p/t swather w/batt reel, vine lifter S#82450; Buhler/Farm King 9.5' swath roller SEEDING & TILLAGE 1998 Bourgault 5710 40' air drill, MRBs (1 spring on coulters), 9.8" spacing, 3.5" steel packers, set-up for liquid, S#AH2543 (drill); S#36644M06 (MRBs) (Will sell separate from the air tank.); 2002 Bourgault 5350 tow behind air tank, 3 tanks, cameras in middle and back tank, dual fans, rr hitch, Cab Cam cameras, S#37116AS-12 (Will sell separate following the air drill.); Flexicoil 50' harrow packer bar w/P30 packers (green); Morris CP543 cultivator, 3 bar harrows; Crown reel type rock picker, 3 bat reel; Graham plow GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2009 Buhler/Farm King 1370 13"x70' grain auger, swing away hopper w/hyd dr wheels, reverser, 540 pto, S#21900359; sakundiak hd8-1600 8"x45' grain auger & mover, E-Kay mover, Kohler Command 25 hp motor, S#54111; sakundiak hd7-45 7"x45' auger, B&S 16 hp motor; sakundiak hd7-37 7"x37' auger, Kohler Magnum 18 hp motor; sakundiak hd10-2000 auger (for parts); REM 1026B grain vac, pto drive S#RM-00-1026B4646; nRC seed treating system; Motomco 919 grain moisture tester, with scale; Portable grain moisture tester. ALL SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTON PRIOR TO BIDDING. wheatland 1612 El ds smooth wall hopper bin, double skid, used for liquid fertilizer S#20080220604; smooth wall steel hopper bin used for granular fertilizer, older, bolted to concrete; westeel 1805 4750 bu hopper bin, triple skid, Rocket Aeration; Chief westland 3500 bu grain bin, on wood floor, aeration; westeel 6000 bu grain bin, on steel floor, aeration; Meridian M1615 smooth wall hopper bin, single skid, S#26402W; Twister 1300 bu hopper bin, Micada hopper, skid, (south bin left side); Twister 1300 bu hopper bin, Micada hopper, skid, (north bin - right side); 2 - darmani Mfg. 19' steel bin floors for westeel bin; 2 - portable grain bins, metal rings, 3 tarps; Edwards 7 hp aeration fan; Edwards 5 hp aeration fan SPRAYING 2000 Case Ih Patriot sPx4260 s/p sprayer w/1200 US gal stainless tank, auto-boom shut-off, Outback EDrive & S3 screen, Raven sprayer control, 380/90R46 tires, 1307 hrs showing (Meter changed - unit actually has approx 2100 hrs) S#JFG0003474 New pump recently installed. (never used) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Maximo Radial 85 520/85/R38 tires on rims for Case IH sprayer (Will be sold $ per tire x 4. Must take all); Chem handler I; wilger stainless steel sprayer tank on tandem axle cart with pump NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT outback E-drive vsI electric steer module (steering wheel) was used with Case IH 8820 swather, (Note: E-Drive box will sell separate following the steering wheel); outback E-drive box; outback sTs screen & antenna HAYING & LIVESTOCK Bale spear; Tranquilizer gun INDUSTRIAL Inland dd110 3 pth snow blower, 1000 pto, twin auger, hyd chute S#1157 HEAVY TRUCKS 2003 Freightliner Columbia tandem axle grain truck, Detroit 60 series diesel (470 hp@2100 rpm), Meritor 10 spd trans, Courtney Berg Unibody 19'x8.5'x60" steel box (approx 1 year old), Harsh hoist w/rr controls, 11R22.5 rr tires, steer buds, air ride, 18,785 hours showing/893,451 km showing S#1FUJA6CG33PL10614 safety expired July 2012 (Shedded); 1988 GMC 7000 sierra single axle grain truck, 366 V8, 5+2 trans, 16'x8.5'x47" steel box & hoist, roll tarp, rear hitch, 10.00-20 tires, 72,266 km showing, S#1GDL7D1B8JV533908; 1973 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350 V8, 5+2 trans, LUX 16'x8'x42" steel box & hoist, Shurlok roll tarp, 9.00-20tires, S#TCE62TV558061; 1983 GMC 7000 single axle grain truck, 366 V8, 5+2 trans, Univision 16'x8.5' steel box, roll tarp, wired for Camera, 11R22.5 rr tires, 10.00x20 frt., 117,245 km showing, S#1GDJ7D1BXDV523439 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 2000 GMC 1500 4wd ext cab short box pick-up truck; 1988 GMC 2wd ext cab long box pick-up truck (for parts - not running); 1996 Pontiac Grand Am 4 door car LAWN & GARDEN hardi 3 pth sprayer; BMB Ul-5-TsR 5' trailer mower,; Troy-Bilt walk behind rototiller; husqvarna push lawn mower 6.5 hp gas engine; hyd post hole auger, 6" & 12" bits; Poulin 42cc chain saw; Qty of garden tools & landscaping items ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2000 Mallard 24.5' 5th wheel holiday trailer, sleeps 6, small slide, a/c, 3-way fridge, S#2EF5M2325Y6579876; 1996 Polaris Indy 500 snowmobile w/liquid cooled, IFS Xtra 6320 km showing; honda Four Trax 250 4 wheeler older; ATv sprayer OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Snap-On combination puller set; Kohler Command Pro 7 water pump; Daytona HD 16 spd drill press floor model; Titan paint sprayer; arc welder; Warnock Hersey F75R solid fuel fire furnace; metal shelving; shop tables; innoculant tools; portable air tank TANKS Freeform 1700 gal heavy duty truck box tank for liquid fertilizer; 1600 imp gal black poly tank; wilger sprayer trailer, stainless steel tank, pump; versatile sprayer trailer, poly tank; slip tank w/elec pump ANTIQUES Selection of antique machinery and wagons; Buffet; china cabinet; dining room set; dresser; cash register; secretary desk; misc household 34 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. WEDNESDAY APRIL 23, 2014 • 10:00 AM DARRYL STEWART MOOSE JAW, SK (FINDLATER AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop Tools & Misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding & Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins and fans SELLER CONTACT(s): Darryl Stewart 306-631-7441 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Brendan Kramer & Neil Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Moose Jaw go 23 miles North on Hwy #2 to North side of Buffalo Pound Lake to Grid #739, then 3.75 miles East. From Chamberlain go 9 miles South to Grid #739, then 3.5 miles East. From Findlater go 5 miles South, then 3.5 miles West. GPS COORDINATES: 50.717066, -105.484908 • LAND LOCATION: NW24-20-26 W2 RM#190 of Dufferin LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 1990 John deere 8560 4wd tractor w/235 eng hp, power quad trans, 3 hyds+ret, radar, 18.4x38 duals, 7390 hours showing, S#H001231 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1979 John deere 4440 2wd tractor w/130 pto hp, quad range trans, 2 hyds, rr weights, new 18.4x38 rr duals, 4 rib 11.00-16 fr w/fluid, new seat, 8673 hours showing, S#024694 (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1977 John deere 2130 2wd tractor & Jd 146 FEl, w/66 pto hp, 2 hyds, 3 pth, 540 pto, 18.4-30 rr, 11L-15 fr, rr weights, FEL w/bucket & grapplefork, S# 222167 (tractor) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); hlA pallet fork 5500 lb attachment w/carriage to fit JD 146 FEL, S#08LA14634, M# HD55JD146 (Sells separate after John Deere 2130 tractor.); Grapple fork for Jd 2130 (Sells separate after John Deere 2130 tractor.); John deere 534 10' dozer blade w/hyd lift, manual angle (Original Owner) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1997 Massey Ferguson 8570 s/p combine w/220 hp, MF header, Swathmaster p/u, Mav chopper, 30.5-32 fr, 14.9-24 rr, auger ext, Calmar auger spout, new chopper blades 2011, 2845 hours showing, S#V1173 (Major service @ Brownlee - Fall 2011 after harvest.) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; 1994 Massey Ferguson 8570 s/p combine w/220 hp, MF header, Rake-up p/u, Mav chopper, 30.5-32 fr (new fall 2012), 14.9-24 rr, Calmar auger spout, new chopper blades 2012, 3232 hours showing, S#R11167 (Major service @ Brownlee - Fall 2011 before harvest.) (Shedded) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; s/a header transport SWATHERS 2008 Massey Ferguson 9220 s/p swather w/5200 series 30' header, DSA, UII p/u reel, swivel gauge wheels, rr weight pkg, 18.4R26 fr, 14L-16.1 SL rr, Outback E-drive by Hemispehere, Autosteer, elec steering module, CD player, 761 hours showing, S#HT08118 (Tractor has been shedded.) (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before August 1, 2014; vine lifters for 9220 swather (Will sell separately following swather.); 10' swath roller w/tapered poly drum; versatile 400 18' s/p swather w/batt reel, for parts, S#5003217 SEEDING & TILLAGE Morris Maxim 34' air drill & Morris 7300 Maxim air tank w/7042 granular tank, 10" sp, dbl shoot, AgTron Blockage monitor, steel packers, single fan, 21.5-16.1fr, 23.1-26 rr, S#3400001328 (drill), S#7300003232 (tank) Morris mudboots & points (new last year and have +/- 1800 acres use) (Will sell as a complete unit.); John deere 230 30' tandem disc w/smooth fr & rr, scrapers, S#24943 T# T0230; Ford 240 14' tandem disc w/knotched fr, smooth rr, scrapers, S#WN12153; degelman R570s ground drive rockpicker w/3 batt reel, rock curtain, S#18900 (Original Owner); Morris 8018 seed Rite seeder GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2012 sakundiak slMd10-72 10" x 72' swing auger w/540 pto, reverser, low profile hopper, poly spout, 16" tires, S#71718 (Original Owner); sakundiak hd8-1400 grain auger w/Hawes lift & mover, Kohler Command Pro 30 hp motor, poly spout, new bottom flighting fall 2012, new chain, gears, sprockets at top end, S#57201; sakundiak hd7-37 7"x37' auger w/13 hp motor, S#10567; sakundiak hd7-37 7"x37' auger w/Honda 13 hp elec start motor, S#25783; Brandt 4000 grain vac w/1000 pto, aux hoses, S#45209A (Shedded); lockhart Industries The Classic seed treater. BIN SIZES ARE APPORXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westor 3300 bu hopper bin w/Cranfield hopper, double skid, aeration port & tube, 15' diameter, 5 ring; westeel 2200 bu hopper bin w/Prairie Steel hopper, double skid; westeel Magnum F 74 tonne hoppered fertilizer bin w/double skid, epoxy lined, poke hole; westeel 2200 bu hopper bin w/Westeel hopper, double skid (South Side); westeel 1850 bu hopper bin w/Westeel hopper, double skid; westeel 54 ton hoppered fertilizer bin w/double skid, epoxy lined; wheatland 74 ton hoppered fertilzer bin w/large single skid, poke hole, manhole; westeel 2800 bu hopper bin w/Westeel hopper, triple skid, rocket aeration, 15' diameter, 4 ring; westor 3300 bu hopper bin w/Cranfield hopper, double skid, aeration port & tube, 15' diameter, 5 ring; westor 3300 bu hopper bin w/Cranfield hopper, double skid, aeration tube, 15' diameter, 5 ring (North Side); Grain Guard 3 hp aeration; 5 hp aeration fan (yellow); Caldwell 5 hp aeration fan SPRAYING 2003 spra-Coupe 4640 80' s/p high clearance sprayer w/400 gal poly tank, light bar, adj rr axles, Raven sprayer control, SKS foam marker, float tires, 9-24 fr, 16.9-24 rr, 1125 hours showing, S#JM8M156 (Major service at Markusson’s - Winter 2011) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) Can be purchased 25% down sale day with the balance interest free and payable on or before June 15, 2014; Chem handler II w/plumbing, 1 year old Honda GX120 5 hp pump, 2" plumbing; Ph6 plastic herbicide pump HAYING & LIVESTOCK Bush hog 206 trailer type rough cut mower w/540 pto, S#04351 (Original Owner); Massey Ferguson 56 roll-a-bar hay rake; John deere mower; Robin frt mount post pounder; Rahm Energy windmill & 50' pole; lewis cattle oiler w/new sock; hydraulic wire roller; hay sling (out of barn); 20 - power poles; Farmtronics solar fencer; 2 10' gates; headgate HEAVY TRUCKS 2004 Peterbilt 379 Canadian Class tandem axle grain truck w/CAT C15 450 hp 14.6 L engine, 12 spd automatic/man trans, Michelin XZ2 11R22.5 fr, Hercules H703 11R22.5 rr, alum bud wheels, alum fenders, large fuel tanks, LED lights, Pro Heat, air ride, jakes, cruise, beacons, Cab Cam monitor at rear, polished tanks, air cleaner, stacks, visor, etc, CD player, 2011 CIM Ultra II 8.5x20'x60" box w/twin cyl scissor hoist, remote hoist, remote endgate, rr controls, Michel’s Select roll tarp, 54,600 GVWR, 999,641 km showing, S#1XP-5DB9X-O-4D814782 (truck), 3CPXH089SEBV (engine) (Shedded); 1985 Chevrolet 70 s/a grain truck w/7.0 L 427 V8, 5+2 trans, new clutch, 10:00-20 fr & rr, steel box, twin cyl hoist, roll tarp, air brakes, rr pintle & air hookups, drill fill pumbing at rear, S#1GBM7DIE2CU129190 (Shedded); 1977 Ford 600 Custom Cab s/a grain truck w/361, 5+2 trans, 9:00-20 fr & rr, 16' Cancade box hoist, Univision seat, Shurlock roll tarp, 48,669 miles showing, S#N61EV045279 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1969 Ford 500 s/a grain truck w/330 V8, 4+2 trans, 8.25-20 fr & rr, 12' box, 2 cyl. hoist 72,675 miles showing, S#F50CCE13861 (Original Owner) (Shedded) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1985 Ford F250 2wd truck w/302 V8, 5 spd, tow bar, 16" tires, Westeel slip tank w/12V pump, 220,507 km showing, S#2FTFF25N3FC835841 TRAILERS 2007 Trailtech Prospector 16' tandem axle carhauler w/2 - 3500 lb spring axles, 15" tires, 2 5/16" ball, top wind jack, wood stake pocket, side boards, slide under ramps, S#2CUL1SG9772023164 LAWN & GARDEN John deere 140 lawn tractor w/Kohler motor, tiller, belly mount mower, snow plow, dozer blade, S#060280 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1996 Allied 85" 3 pth snowblower w/540 pto, hyd turn chute, S#8500497 (Original Owner); douglas 72" 3 pth finishing mower; King Kutter 72" 3 pth dozer blade; 3 pth 10' harrow bar; ATv estate sprayer; swisher 48" lawn sweeper; Craftsmen rototiller w/Honda motor OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Honda water pump S#1547336; Sanborn Commercial air compressor w/140 psi (needs work); 2 steel light poles; 47' dead rod; slip tank w/120 pump; HD tow ropes; 4 stainless fire extinguishers; bin tarps; HD tarps; Thompson Cyclone seeder; B&D radial arm saw; hyd puller set; Brehon simple sampler; acetylene hoses; kerosene heater; miscellaneous tools,bolts,hardware; some household furniture; 2 - barn cupolas; electric watering bowl TANKS Free Form 1750 gal poly tank; 1250 poly tank CONSIGNMENT FROM BICCUM FARM LTD. - ELDON BICCUM 306-638-3127 1974 Ford 3000 utility tractor w/38 pto hp, canopy, 13.6 x 28 rr, 5.50 x 16 fr, 3 pth, power steering, hour meter not working, S#C410673 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 35 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT THURSDAY APRIL 24, 2014 • 10:00 AM NISKA FARMS LTD. - BERNIE & JUDY NISKA STRONGFIELD, SK (OUTLOOK AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply, misc livestock equip & supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment. SELLER CONTACT(s): Bernie & Judy Niska 306-867-8445 or 306-867-3946 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From the junctions of Hwy#15 & #219 (between Outlook and Kenaston) take Hwy#219 south 20 km, then at the Strongfield grid intersection go 1 mile west and .5 mile north OR From Strongfield go 10 miles west and .5 miles north. GPS COORDINATES: 51.336144,-106.825975 • LAND LOCATION: NE30-27-06 W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 2003 Buhler versatile 2360 4wd tractor, Cummins 855 N14, 360 eng hp, QuadShift III (12F-4R) (Synchro mesh standard), 4 hyd plus return line, 20.8-42 duals, Outback S GPS & E-drive autosteer, 1691 hrs showing, S#300340 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 2003 Buhler versatile 2145 Genesis MFwd tractor, 3 pth, dual pto, 145 pto/195 eng hp, powershift trans, 4 hyd., diff. lock, 18.4-42 rr, 16.9-28 fr, Outback S autosteer w/E-Drive, 1868 hrs showing S#BV12145 (Original Owner) (Shedded); 1995 Ford 8670 MFwd tractor & Ezee-on 2130 FEl, 3 pth, dual pto, 145 pto/170 eng hp, powershift trans (16F/9R), 3 hyd., diff. lock, 20.8-38 rr, 16.9-28 frt (new), FEL w/bucket & grapple fork, joystick, 5758 hrs showing, S#D405247 (tractor); S#39325 (loader) (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1988 John deere 2555 MFwd tractor & Jd 245 FEl, 3 pth, 65 pto/77 eng hp, 540 pto, 2 hyd, 11.2-24 fr, 16.9-30 rr, FEL w/bucket, joystick, self-levelling, 8672 hrs showing S#U638916 (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 2003 new holland Cx840 s/p combine & 76C p/u header, RakeUp p/u, hyd. wind screen, Sunnybrook concave with replacement front bars, KPAB chopper & spreader, Michelin 540/65R30 rr, Goodyear 900/60R32 fr, (new Sunnybrook rub bars, chopper knives reversed) 1582 thr/1817 eng hours showing S#301328031 (Original Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.) SWATHERS 1999 Prairie star 4930 30' s/p swather, MacDon 972 30' header, Cummins diesel, Turbo 2 spd, DSA, dual p/u reel, single knife drive, rollers, gauge wheels, rear hitch, 21.5-16.1 frt. tires, 16.516.1 rr, 1750 hrs showing S#130613; Case Ih 8230 30' p/t swather, UII p/u reel S#CFH00668810; 8' poly swath roller tapered drum; Auto-Tran 25' pt swather; sabre Canola side cutter, hyd motor SEEDING & TILLAGE 2000 Bourgault 5710 series II 54' air drill & Bourgault 5300 tbh air tank, MRBs, granular kit, 9.8" sp, 3.5" steel packers, heavy trips, 3/4" carbide tipped knives, NH3 kit w/Dickey John rate controller, new front tires, recent valve (3-4 yrs ago), Bourgault 5300 tbh air tank, single hyd fan, rr hitch for NH3, 28L-26, rr, 21.5-16.1 fr S#36448AH-14 (drill), S#36549AS09 (tank) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Flexicoil system 82 80' harrow draw bar 5 bar bent tine harrows, spray attachment; International 490 32' tandem disc 20" smooth blades, scrapers, rear hitch, S#U010391; leon fork type rockpicker; International 710 6 bottom plow 3 pth, semi mount; nuttal B.A.M Enterprises inoculant applicator, 12 volt, for peas & lentils GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE Buhler Farm King 1070 10"x70' auger, swing auger, reverser, poly spout, S#21503813; sakundiak hd7-1400 7"x45' auger & mover, Kohler Command Pro 27hp, elec. st, elec. clutch, Wheatheart mover & lift, EK sweep, poly spout; sakundiak hd7-45 7"x45' auger, Onan 20 hp; sakundiak hd7-41 7"x41' auger, Onan 18 hp, S#5903 SPRAYING 2004 new holland sF115 suspended boom sprayer, hyd dr., 90' booms, 1500 US gal tank and 200 gal aux tank, Raven G1 auto boom, chem mix, chem rinse, Combo Jet nozzles, wind screens, 14.9-46 tires, S#PNL014228; soterra chemical transfer pump HAYING & LIVESTOCK 2003 new holland BR780 round baler, 1000 pto, hyd pick-up, bale kicker, moisture tester, twine wrap, S#26064; highline 7000 hd bale processor, 1000 pto, left hand discharge, wide axle option, S#BPHD001562; Flexicoil post pounder, trailer type, hyd dr.; hi-Qual handling system, squeeze, palpation cage, 2-S alleys, 1-straight alley, 2 way splitter, crowding tub (Will sell in individual pieces as noted. Starting with the squeeze and finishing with the crowding tub.); hi-Qual panels; shaver 3 pth post hole auger, 2 bits (8" & 12"); Cockshutt roll-a-bar hay rake; darf 5 wheel hay rake; Misc. livestock supply including 2-Lewis cattle oilers, head gate, watering trough; Barb wire roller, hyd motor HEAVY TRUCKS 1999 International Eagle 9200 tandem axle grain truck, CAT C12 diesel (410max 425 hp), 10 spd Eaton Fuller trans, cruise control, air ride, air pto, 11R24.5 on alum frt, steel rr, jake brake, 12,000 lb frt, 40,0000 lb rr., Cancade 19x8.5x64" steel box, Michels Select roll tarp, rr controls, rear hitch plumbed with air & elec hook-up, 430,093 miles showing, S#2HSFMAXR3XC070403 Will have SK Safety; 1975 Chevy C65 scottsdale single axle grain truck, 366 V8, 5+2 trans, CIM 16x8.5x54" steel box, Michels roll tarp, 10.00-20 fr, drill fill plumbing 60,495 miles showing, S#CCE675V155572 Current SK Safety. (Truck was a previous SGI "write-off" but has been repaired and safetied) TRAILERS Truck box utility trailer OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2 - 1500 US gallon poly tanks, green; Hold-On HD 1500 US gal poly tank; 500 gallon fuel tank, 2 comp’t; 200 gallon poly tank, turtle style; slip tank & pump, Tuthill 1200 elec pump; Rainbow 12-14' grader, hyd.; antique Pepsi cooler; fibreglass truck cap; Vulcan #15 anvil; 16.9-28 tractor tires used; 2250 watt generator 5 hp gas; 3000 watt generator gas powered IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Qty of Irrigation main line 7"x30'; Meyer ditch filler 3 pth disc; Kirchner v-ditcher, 3 pth; Grow smart irrigation fertilizer injection pump; Jari sickle mower 36 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. FRIDAY APRIL 25, 2014 • 10:00 AM WAYNE & CAROL KNOCK HANLEY, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools and misc farm supply; 12:00 noon Live internet bidding on major equipment. SELLER CONTACT(s): Wayne & Carol Knock 306-544-2755 or 306-544-7730 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From the intersection at Hanley go 1 mile south on hwy #11 take grid 764 5.5 miles west (just over bridge go south into yard). • GPS COORDINATES: 51.616447, -106.551269 • LAND LOCATION: NE 31-30-4 W3rd LUNCH: Local Ladies Group • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 1976 John deere 8430 4wd tractor, 187 pto hp (50 series), quad rng trans, 3 hyd, PTO, 18.4-34 duals(most recent), 9297 hrs showing, S#8430H001998R (New drop in 50 series engine @ 6000 hrs.); 1977 John deere 4430 2wd tractor, 126 pto hp, quad rng trans, 2 hyd, dual pto, 18.4-38 duals(recent inside), 10,565 hrs showing, S#4430H075111R; 1973 John deere 4230 2wd tractor, 100 pto hp, quad rng trans, 2 hyd, dual pto, 18.434(recent), rear wheel weights, 14,187 hrs showing, S#4230H006853R; John deere 9' dozer blade, S#38119GL; v-blade; 1976 John deere 8430 4wd tractor, 187 pto hp (50 series drop in - 2500 hrs on engine), quad rng trans, 3 hyd, PTO, 20.8-38 single radials, 9178 hrs showing, S#8430H003676R Consigned by Nick Patkau 306-5442613/306-241-4783 COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1995 new holland TR97 s/p combine w/nh 971 13' header, 255 hp, Swathmaster p/u, Reddekop chopper, 30.5-32fr, 14.9-24rr, 1770 thr/2425 eng hrs showing, S#557582; 1985 new holland 971 24' straight cut header, bat reel, S#506826 SWATHERS 1983 hesston 6450 21' s/p swather, gas, DSA, gauge wheels, p/u reels, 16.5-16.1fr, 2125 hrs showing, S#645T04089; westward 25' p/t swather, canvas incl., S#69521 (red); Massey Ferguson 25' p/t swather, canvas incl.; John deere 190 16' p/t swather, DSA, wood bat reels; 8' poly tapered swath roller on a homemade cart; swather transport SEEDING & TILLAGE Bourgault Fh536-42 40' air seeder, 8" spacing, 3 bar harrows, 330 lb trips, floating hitch, 60 shovels, S#287-7 (Cart sells separate.); Bourgault 2115 special 4 wheel cart, hyd auger, 12.5-15 rubber, S#5786 (Will sell following the air seeder.); Morris Rangler II 60' harrow/packer, 5 bar, S#P60006194; Co-op Implements 20' tandem disc, smooth blades, 2 new tires; Morris Magnum CP-731 35' deep tillage cultivator, 16" shovels, 3 bar harrows, air seeder manifolds, S#82-2495; Morris CP-525 27' deep tillage cultivator, 3 bar harrows, S#10172; valmar 240 40' p/t granular spreader, pto fan; Rock-o-matic pto drive rock picker; Knock-on openers, 800 acres use, approx 60; Morris rodweeder; 13' cultivator; 6 - Morris 3 bar harrows GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE walinga 510 deluxe grain vac; sakundiak 8"x37' pto grain auger; 8"x49' pto auger, (approx size); Brandt 7"x35' grain auger, 16 hp Kohler Magnum (approx size); smith Roles hyd bin sweep; Keho 3 hp aeration fan; Keho aeration propane heater; sukup 3-4 hp aeration fan; Ass’t aeration screens. BIN SIZES ARE APPROXIMATES ONLY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT BINS TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel hopper bin, dbl skid, 1963 bu hopper; westeel hopper bin, dbl skid, 1963 bu hopper, man hole; Goebel 2200 bu hopper bin, dbl skid, man hole; Goebel 2200 bu hopper bin, dbl skid, man hole; Butler 950 bu grain bin on steel floor; westeel 925 bu grain bin on cement; 950 bu grain bin on steel floor; 900 bu hopper bin SPRAYING Computor spray 60' tandem axle sprayer, pto pump, foam marker, 2200 liter poly tank; homebuilt p/t sprayer, poly tank HAYING & LIVESTOCK 1984 new holland 320 sq baler, hyd tensioner, S#603489; 1983 new holland 316 sq baler, hyd tensioner, S#670528; new holland stackliner 1034 sq bale mover, 104 bale capacity, self unloading; 1979 John deere 540 single axle manure spreader, S#0054016231W; new holland 144 swath inverter; new holland 351 mix mill; 3 wheel rake; livestock squeeze; Antique hay rake; new holland 1049 s/p bale picker, S#2149 Consigned by Nick Patkau 306-544-2613/306-241-4783; new holland 680 manure spreader, S#732053 Consigned by Nick Patkau 306-544-2613/306-241-4783; Ass’t livestock supply; hyd stock scale, 2 Lewis oilers, dehorner, 6 rolls of new barb wire, calf warmer box, ass’t fence posts & telephone poles, calf puller, HEAVY TRUCKS 1979 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350-V8, 4+2 trans, 8:25-20 rubber, 11'9" steel box, 57,000 km showing, S#T16DA9V625418 (Blue/Green); 1974 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 350-V8, 4+2 trans, 9:00-20 rubber, 15' steel box, roll tarp, 60,647 miles showing, S#TCE614V605267 (Green/Red); 1967 Chevrolet 60 single axle grain truck, 350-V8, 4+2 trans, 9:00-20 rubber, 15'6" steel box, 79,000 miles showing, S#CE6371124842 (Drk green/Red) LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1978 Ford F350 2wd dRw flatdeck truck, regular cab, V8, std trans, 235/85R16 rubber, gooseneck ball on deck, S#F37SCCA7828 TRAILERS 1980 Brewster 20' g/n trailer, wooden bale deck, c/w drop on stock racks, 2 drop leg jacks, 9.50-16LT rubber, GVWR 15,000 lb's, S#7820835 (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1971 ww 16' tandem axle stock trailer, 7:0015 rubber, recent floor, S#030061 LAWN & GARDEN douglas 4000-72 6' p/t rough cut mower, S#118872708; howard 6' p/t rotovator; single axle cart, no deck (Converted irrigation pump); Tandem axle cart w/galvanized tank (Converted sprayer); John deere 112 riding mower, S#107908M T0653; John deere 112 tractor w/mower/rototiller & snow-blade ATVs, RVs & BOATS 2 - honda 200 3 wheel ATvs for parts; John deere 400 vintage snowmobile, S#type4000C 021147M OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Simson-Maxwell diesel generator-Kubota D1005-E diesel, liquid cooled, skid-mount; p/t Duetz generator-3 phase, KVA 18; 2 bird scare cannons, bale spear; Fuel tanks; 2 - 1000 gal tanks (1 w/12v pump); 2 - 100 gal WR slip tanks (1 w/12v pump)/1 - 300 gal fuel tank on steel stand/water tank on skids; Poly water tanks - 800 gal & 1100 gal; 15' x 24' steel shed (no door); 16' x 32' fabric covered shed w/10'wide x 13' tall roll up door; 18.4x34 duals; Snap-On combination puller set, Millermatic 130 mig welder, Screen-o-matic, 60 Bourgault quick lock spoons, 35 splitter boots for Morris cult, 6 - 6' Morris tine harrows w/arms, 60 Bourgault 3/4" openers, 10' Melroe p/u w/hyd drive, Halross #919 grain moisture tester w/scale, Delmorst hay moisture tester, Fair grade scale for seeding rates, portable tachometer, bearing pullers, bead breaker, ass't hyd jacks, shop built hyd press, oil space heater, 12v - 2000 lb winch, 75' (1.5") fireman hose, 25' (2") poly hose, barrel pumps, 3 ton jack stands, sand blast kit, laser level, Butterfield tap n die, 2 ton chain hoist, 2 ton & 1/2 ton chain hoist, car ramps, band saw, 18.4x30 tractor tire chains, belt sander, Sioux grinder, beam scale, soil probe, circular saw, 1/2" drill, bolts w/cabinet, ass’t socket sets, water fire extinguisher, floating slough pump, grain hoppers, pole climbing spurs and belt, cement mixer, 3.5"x10.5' auger w/ele motor, pipe vise, end gate hyd drill fill, paint sprayer, 5 - 45 gal barrels, attic turbine, pipe threader, Inland hyd post hole auger w/9" & 12" bits, Ryobi miter saw, drill press, logging chains, hand tools, plus more... ANTIQUES wooden clothes washer, gas lamp, small store scale, Westfalia cream separator, plus more...; IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 1994 APS 8 tower 1300' pivot with Valley electrics and drops (new nozzle package), 350 cu" natural gas engine w/manual clutch (0 hrs on complete overhaul), frame mounted pump, Randolph right angle drive Sargent turbine pump shallow well set, 8" pig, 10" pig IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 37 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT SATURDAY APRIL 26, 2014 • 9:00 AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; antiques, horse tack; 11:00 am Live Internet Bidding starting with Spence’s horse drawn equipment, major equipment; followed by Walker major equipment; followed by grain bins. AM JERRY & MAXINE SPENCE ROSETOWN, SK SELLER CONTACT(s): Jerry Spence 306-882-3474 or 306-831-7872 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Rosetown go 5 miles West on Highway#7 and then turn north at Redpath road (shop on north side) GPS COORDINATES: 51.532941, -108.115146 • LAND LOCATION: SE1-30-16-W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable • NOTICE: INTERNET BIDDING STARTS AT 11:00 AM MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 2005 Case Ih sTx375 4wd tractor, 375 eng hp, Cummins QSX15, 4 hyd, Goodyear Ultra Torque Radial 520/85R42 duals, 1418 hours showing S#JEF0105953; 2005 Case Ih MxU135 MFwd tractor, 115 pto/135 eng hp, 24 spd partial powershift trans, 3 pth, dual pto, 4 hyd, Cultiva GPS, frt weights, Michelin Agribib 20.8-38 fr tires, 16.9R28 rr, 1940 hours showing S#ACP263864; John deere 2130 2wd tractor & FEl, 66 pto/75 eng hp, dual pto, 2 hyd, 18.4-30 rr, 3 rib fr, S#134489 (Will sell as a complete unit.); Ih McCormick w6 antique tractor S#WBK2376 COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1997 Case Ih 2188 s/p combine, Maurer hopper ext., spreader, 30.5-32 frt, 14.9-24 rr, Accutrak GPS (Tee Jet) 2564 thr/3025 eng hours showing, S#JJC01931870 (Case IH 2015 p/u header will sell separate.); 2005 Case Ih 2015 14' p/u header, Swathmaster p/u, S#CAB007087 (Will sell separate following the combine.); 1997 honey Bee sP30 straight cut header, UII p/u reel, Case IH adaptor, S#430971055 SEEDING & TILLAGE Bourgault 5710 series II 63' air drill, 12" sp, single shoot, steel packers, S#36572AH-01; Model 5710-20-60, Prod# 2488; 2010 Bourgault 6450 tow behind air cart, single hyd fan, 591 monitor, 30.5-32 rr tires, 540/65R24 fr, S#40197AS-15; Bourgault FA53640 40' airseeder cultivator & Bourgault 2155 II tbh air cart, 8" sp, single shoot, 3 bar harrows, air cart w/single hyd fan, hyd filler auger, S#3379 (Will sell as a complete unit.); Blanchard hydralift 50' harrow packer bar, P20 packers, 5 bar harrows GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE westfield TR100-61 10"x61' auger, swing away hopper, 540 pto; sakundiak hd7-1200 7"x38' auger, Kohler Command 18 hp motor, elec clutch S#47415; westeel 70 tonne (1700 bu) smooth wall hopper bin, epoxy lining, Twin Air high output drying system, skid, S#73617; westeel 2200 bu hopper bin, Westeel hopper, skid S#113530; 2 westeel Rosco 2750 bu bins, new wood floors (1 yr old); Emerson 3 hp aeration fan; halross 919 grain moisture tester, scale SPRAYING Flexicoil 65 xlT 120' p/t field sprayer, single axle cart, split tank (400 Imp gal tank (475 US gal), 800 gal tank), 18.4-26 tires, pto dr, chem wash, chem mix, wind screens S#S65XLTAR062162; soterra chem transfer pump NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Auto Farm steering kit HEAVY TRUCKS 1992 International 8100 tandem axle grain truck, 466 diesel, Eaton Fuller 10 spd trans, 256" WB, air ride, Cancade Monobody 20'x8'x58" box, Shur-Lok roll tarp, Cancade twin cyl hoist,11R22.5 frt & rr tires, 364,448 km showing, S#1HTHCPCR4PH461861; 1975 International Cargostar 1710B single axle cabover grain truck, 404 V8, 5+2 trans, 15'x8.5' steel box, steel floor, roll tarp, 10.00-20 frt & rr tires, 59,188 miles showing S#CA24188; 1976 Ford 600 Custom Cab single axle grain truck, 361 V8, 5+2 trans, 9.00-20 frt, 15x8.5 steel box, steel floor, roll tarp, 76,098 miles showing S#F25JCB01415; 1969 Ford 100 single axle grain truck, 360 V8, 4 spd trans, 16" tires, 56,320 miles showing, S#F35YCF62581 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1976 Ford F250 reg cab longbox truck, 460 V8, 16" tires, 104,837 miles showing S#F25JCB01415; 1969 Ford 250 reg cab longbox truck, 360 V8, 4 spd trans, hoist, S#F25YCE04704; 1940 International truck S#93448 been in the family since new TRAILERS shop built t/a gooseneck flatdeck trailer, 15" rubber, steel deck, brakes, lights LAWN & GARDEN Buhler Allied 3 pth 96" snowblower w/540 pto S#9609395; John deere 509 rough cut mower w/pto dr S#002644 HORSE DRAWN EQUIPMENT Canadian Carriage Co. ltd. high wheel carriage (reconditioned); Mclaughlin Undercut buggy (reconditioned); Covered wagon on democrat chassis; santa Claus sleigh; Granby sleigh; Antique buggy; Antique horse hand stick (for measuring horse height); Qty of tack and harness OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 2 - slip tanks w/elec pumps; acetylene welding outfit w/hoses, gauges, cart; Pro Series 2 3/4 ton floor jack; Coleman Powermate upright 27 gal air compressor w/5 hp; Karcher 1750G pressure washer w/5 hp B&S motor; 13 gal shop vac; over/under combo tool chest ANTIQUES/HOUSEHOLD Misc Antiques including: crocks, jugs, enamel pots, tobacco tins, bottles, leather strap, carnival glass, Blue Pyrex dishes, etc.; Misc Household including: oak china cabinet, snowmobile/ATV helmets, popcorn maker, etc. 38 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. SATURDAY APRIL 26, 2014 • 9:00 AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; antiques, horse tack; 11:00 am Live Internet Bidding starting with Spence’s horse drawn equipment, major equipment; followed by Walker major equipment; followed by grain bins. AM LONCHER FARM LTD. - LONNIE & CHERYL WALKER • ROSETOWN, SK SELLER CONTACT(s): Lonnie & Cheryl Walker 306-882-3431or 306-831-7612 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: (Auction Held at the Spence Auction location) From Rosetown go 5 miles West on Highway#7 and then turn north at Redpath road (shop on north side) • GPS COORDINATES: 51.532941, -108.115146 • LAND LOCATION: SE1-30-16-W3 LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable • NOTICE: INTERNET BIDDING STARTS AT 11:00 AM HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SPENCE AUCTION TRACTORS 1998 new holland 9682 4wd tractor, 360 hp Cummins N14, Quadra-Sync trans (12F/4R), 20.8R42 radial duals, 4600 hrs showing, S#D105934 (Shedded) COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1991 Case 1680 s/p combine & Ih 810 p/u header, 12' RakeUp p/u w/steel teeth, Cummins motor, Howard concaves, long sieve, internal chopper, auto height controls, Vittetoe chaff spreader, small auger, 24.5-32 frt tires, 4 rib rr, 3262 hrs showing, S#JJC0115168 (combine), S#1480111U050078 (header) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Case Ih 1020 25' flex header, p/u reel, comes with homebuilt transport S#JJC0087059 (new wobble box 200 acres ago, new guards 2012) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 2001 Macdon 972 30' draper header, pea auger, lifters, 1998 MacDon 871 adaptor for 80-88 series Case combines, transport, S#142-367 (header), S#122333 (new gear box in 2011) (Will sell as a complete unit.) SWATHERS new holland 1090 21' sp swather, steel tooth p/u reel, transport trailer (late 70s or early 80s) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Case 730 30' pto swather SEEDING & TILLAGE 1998 Bourgault 5710 42' air drill & Bourgault 3225 tbh air cart, single shot, 7.3" sp, knives, rubber capped packers, air cart w/3rd tank, chem seed treater, rear hitch, long auger for semi-trailer (fits under hopper), S#6384 (tank) (Will sell as a complete unit.); Blanchard 50' harrow packer bar w/5 bar harrows, P20 packers; nutall inoculant treater, for pulse crops (3 yrs old) GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2009 Buhler 8"x51' auger w/mover, 27 hp Kohler motor, EK mover, reverser gear box, 10" Sweep kit w/augers, S#21055749 (Original Owner); 2007 Buhler 10"x60' auger, mech swing away hopper, reverser (Original Owner); 2009 wheatheart 10" hydraulic transfer auger, hoses, with attachment for Bourgault air drill (for transferring from semitrailers) (Shedded); 2009 6' grain bin probe, digital thermometer, grain screens (2 sizes - 5vv and 6vv), purchased in 2011; labtronics grain moisture tester, digital scale, thermometer (always stored inside and used in house), S#25464; TecPel 513 laser thermometer SPRAYING 1998 walker 44 100' high clearance sprayer, 100' front boom, Cummins 200 hp, 1000 gal US tank, JD cab, 3 spd (push button shift) hydrostatic drive, 3 sets T-jet low drift nozzles (5, 10, 15 gal double nozzles), Raven auto spray controller, Foam marker system, 320R46 tires, 4361 hours showing, S#7750441K2009010P (New battery and Hyd drive pump Fall 2013) (Shedded); Bourgault Centurion III 100' p/t sprayer, 1000 US/800 IMP gal tank, hyd drive, hyd markers, tarp cover for poly tank; ATv yard sprayer folding wings (fits on back racks of ATV); Poly west 30 litre Chem handler honda Gx 120 pump, 2" hoses, 2 filter housings with filters, (bought in 2008) (Shedded) NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT John deere Gs2 display screen, AutoTrac activation (was used with the Walker 44 sprayer), bought new in Nov/09, S#PCGU26H188455 (Original Owner); John deere original brown box display, AutoTrac activation (was used with Case 1680 combine & NH 9682 tractor), S#PCGV02D202676 (Original Owner); John deere starfire ITC receiver, S#PCGT01C343937; John deere starfire ITC receiver, S#PCGT01C534824; John deere Universal AutoTrac steering wheel & wiring, S#PCUT00A107715; John deere Universal AutoTrac steering wheel & wiring, S#PCUT000B309323 HEAVY TRUCKS 1973 Chev 6000 series single axle grain truck, 350 V8, 4 spd w/elec shift, 14' steel box, 109,000 miles showing, S#TCE61TV567471 (Water tank will sell separate.) TRAILERS wylee 14' stock trailer, tandem axle, divider, S#WL147801; Gooseneck flat deck trailer (home built), tandem axle, 1000 gal galvanized steel water tank; Utility flat deck trailer (home built), drop down ramp (used for Chem Handler) OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Skid tank & elec pump, on trailer used for diesel; Generac generator, pto dr., 20 kw continuous/50 kw surge; 1200 gal poly water tank on trailer; 2200 US/1848 IMP gallon black poly water tank (new in 2009) IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 39 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT MONDAY APRIL 28, 2014 • 10:00 AM LILLIAN PETERSON & THE ESTATE OF LORNE (TONY) PETERSON • NEILBURG, SK AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop Tools & Misc. Farm Supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding on Major Equipment followed by grain bins. SELLER CONTACT(s): Lillian Peterson 306-893-2981 AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Neilburg go 19 km east on Hwy #40 to Hwy #21 then 11 km north to Lillydale Road, 3 miles west, and 3/4 mile south into yard OR from Maidstone go 19 km south on Hwy #21 to Lillydale Road, 3 miles west, & 3/4 mile south. GPS COORDINATES: 52.919170, -109.415726 • LAND LOCATION: SE 33-45-23 W3rd LUNCH: Local Ladies Group • Plus GST & PST where applicable MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT TRACTORS 1987 John deere 4650 2wd tractor, 165 pto hp, quad trans, 1000 pto, 3 hyd, 20.842 duals, 4 rib fr, 8 suitcase weights, 6220 hrs showing, S#RW4650H014377; 1977 John deere 4230 2wd tractor, 100 pto hp, quad trans, dual pto, 2 hyd, 18.4-38 duals, 4 rib fr, 10,075 hrs showing, S#4230H038891R (Second Owner) (Shedded); 1962 John deere 4010 2wd tractor w/Jd 148 FEl, 80 pto hp, 18.4-34rr, dual pto, 2 hyd, bucket w/mounted bale spears, 8008 hrs showing, S#30121; Ford 8n 2wd antique tractor, 3 pth, 11.2/10-28 rr, 5400 hrs showing; leon 10' dozer blade (red); Allied 9' dozer blade, (blue), Consigned by Glenn Goodfellow 306-8234560; 1973 John deere 4020 2wd tractor w/Jd 148 FEl, 95 pto hp, sychro mesh trans, open station, 18.4-34 rr, hyd on side panel, Consigned by Jason Goodfellow 780-872-8788 COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1982 John deere 7721 p/t combine w/Jd 212 p/u header, 23.1-26 rubber, chopper, S#513717; Massey Ferguson 22' straight cut header, p/u reel, lifters, transport, S#2381-01070 Consigned by Glenn Goodfellow 306-823-4560 SWATHERS International 210 s/p swather, 4 cyl gas, S#13100 C004635; versatile 20 p/t swather; Flexicoil swath roller SEEDING & TILLAGE Morris CP-725 29' cultivator, 3 bar harrows; Alteen 9' tandem disc, smooth blades; International 6200 28' (2x14) hoe drill, factory transport, Consigned by Dave Wright (Contact Doug Wright for details 306-893-2732); Flexicoil 50-60' harrow/packer bar; Flexicoil harrow bar, 5 bar tine harrows; degelman R570s grd drive rockpicker; Morris rod weeder; Bourgault 8800 32' air drill w/Ezeeon 125 tow between air cart, 8" spacing, HD trips, floating hitch, Bourgault finger knives, hyd fan, hyd loading auger, Consigned by Jason Goodfellow 780-872-8788; Inland 70' tine harrow bar Consigned by Roger Holland 306 893-7140; Flexicoil system 70 36' packer bar, P20 packers, Consigned by Roger Holland 306 893-7140 GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE ALL SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel Rosco 1650 bu grain bin on wood, older door, 5 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin on wood, older door, 5 ring - 19'; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 5 ring - 19', slight damage to 2nd ring; westeel Rosco 3300 bu grain bin on wood, older door, 5 ring - 19'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14'; westeel Rosco 2000 bu grain bin on wood, newer door, 6 ring - 14', on hillside; sakundiak hd7-41 7"x41' grain auger, 13 hp Honda, 41741; sakundiak hd7-45 7"x45' grain auger, hyd mover/lift/sweep plumbing; westfield TR100 10"x60' swing auger; Brandt 10"x60' swing auger, Consigned by Dave Wright (Contact Doug Wright for details 306-893-2732); versatile 7"x40' pto grain auger, Consigned by Roger Holland 306 893-7140; versatile 7"x43' grain auger, no motor, Consigned by Roger Holland 306 893-7140 SPRAYING versatile 65' tandem axle sprayer, 500 gal poly tank, pto pump; 300 gal stainless steel tank on cart HAYING & LIVESTOCK 1981 John deere 410 round baler, S#584979; 5 wheel rake; livestock squeeze; Massey Ferguson p/t crimper; new Idea 486 round baler, S#06309 Consigned by Glenn Goodfellow 306-823-4560; Massey Ferguson 81 8'/9' mower conditioner, S#162100311 Consigned by Glenn Goodfellow 306-823-4560; Macleods hi-Capacity roller mill, on transport; Ass’t livestock items HEAVY TRUCKS 1969 GMC 950 single axle grain truck, 9:00-20 rubber, steel box w/wood floor, Shurlok roll tarp, BLUE, S#C9E539P010889; 1980 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, V8, 4+2 trans, 9:00-20 rubber, 93,534 km showing, S#T16DAAV580685 TRAILERS 1979 wylee 14' tandem axle stock trailer, S#WL1479065 LAWN & GARDEN Buhler Farm King y650R finishing mower, rear discharge, S#27814211; John deere sx 95 riding mower, 12.5 hp, rear bagger, S#M0SX95X421358; John deere 509 rough cut mower; Ranch King 10 cu ft yard cart; Ferguson 3 pth 8' cultivator ATVs, RVs & BOATS honda Big Red 3 wheel ATv, frt/rr racks OTHER MISC. EQUIP. Floating slough pump, 2 water pumps (B&S motors), diamond harrows, ass’t hand tools, drill press, leg vise, pressure washer, acetylene outfit, wrenches, tool boxes, Comet air compressor, plus more...; Approx 12-30' lengths of drill stem (3") 40 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. TUESDAY APRIL 29, 2014 • 10:00 AM PERKINS AG MARKETING INC. - BRIAN & SHARON PERKINS • VANSCOY, SK (SASKATOON AREA) AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 10:00 am Shop tools & misc farm supply; followed by misc livestock supply; 12:00 noon Live Internet Bidding with Major Equipment followed by Grain Bins SELLER CONTACT(s): Brian Perkins 306-280-2956 (c) AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer 306-445-5000 DIRECTIONS: From Saskatoon go 8 km west on HWY#14 to Rg Rd 3071 (Saskatoon Livestock Sales) then 3 km south to Twnshp Rd 364 and 2 km west.(yard on north side.) • GPS COORDINATES: 52.114876, -106.914553 LAND LOCATION: SE27-36-7 W3 RM # 345 Vanscoy • LUNCH: Cando Country Catering • Plus GST & PST where applicable TRACTORS 2000 John deere 7810 MFwd tractor, 150 pto/175 eng hp, Power Quad trans, 3 pth, dual pto, 3 hyd, 16.9R28fr, 20.8R38 duals, 5413 hrs showing, S#RW7810H050380 (Shedded) (JD 740 FEL will sell separate following the tractor.); John deere 740 Front End loader, 8' bucket, 5 tine grapple fork, hydraulic quick detach bucket, electric valve with joy stick; 2.5 yard FEl bucket, quick detach, shop built for JD 740 FEL; 1972 International 1066 2wd tractor, Turbo diesel, dual pto, 18.4-38 rr. tires, 4 rib frt., (recent transmission, seal & pto work); FEl mount bale spear COMBINES & ACCESSORIES 1997 John deere 9600 sp combine & Jd 914 p/u header, Crary Cyclone spreader/chopper, 30.5-32 Goodyear fr, 14.9-24 rr, 1870 thr/2544 eng hrs showing, S#H09600X673225 Purchased with 1200 hrs (Second Owner) (Shedded) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1995 John deere 930 30' str. cut header & single axle header transport, p/u reel, S#H00930P662233 (Shedded) SEEDING & TILLAGE 2000 Morris Maxim II 29' air drill & Morris 7180 tbh cart, 9" sp, single shoot, 3.5" steel packers, single hyd. fan, extended air seeder hopper on fill auger to slide under semi-trailer, S#7280100602 (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1999 Rite-way Jumbo 8000B 55' heavy harrow bar, 5 bar harrows, S#00-80709 Model# 8055B; Morris Magnum II CP-731 31' cultivator, 3 bar harrows, NH3 kit; Melroe 14' press drill, double disc; 12' cultivator GRAIN HANDLING & STORAGE 2007 Brandt Grain deck 20' drive-over conveyor, w/hyd drive S#8356207 (Shedded); 1997 westfield MK100-61 10"x61' auger, swing away hopper, mech swing S#96775; wesfield MK100-61 10"x61' auger, swing away hopper, mech swing S#769236; wheatheart Bh51-8 8"x51' sp grain auger, mover/lift/sweep, Kohler Command Pro 25 hp motor, elec. clutch, S#205172 (Shedded); Brandt 6"x35' auger motor (Shedded); Advantage grain treater, on trailer (Shedded). GRAIN BINS ARE APPROXIMATE SIZES ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. westeel 50t smooth wall hopper bin, triple skid, ladder; westeel 50t smooth wall hopper bin, triple skid, ladder, BIN #9, damaged; weninger 50t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder; wheatland 35t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder, BIN #8; wheatland 35t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder, BIN #7; wheatland 35t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder, BIN #6; Bader 50t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder, BIN#5; Bader 50t smooth wall hopper bin, bolted to cement, ladder, BIN#4; hart Uni-Flow separator, Industrial grain cleaner (out of elevator system) HAYING & LIVESTOCK 2005 hagedorn 2412 t/a manure spreader w/hyd push off, dual beaters, 425/65R22.5 S#4219; Mohrlang Mfg manure spreader, mounted on t/a trailer w/chain drive, wood floor, dual beaters, hyd floor, pto beaters; Krupp Industrial roller mill 300-400 bu/hr, 25 hp-3 phase, c/w scalper mounted on top, solid rolls 48"x12" grooved @ 12 per inch, (Will sell as a complete unit.); Industrial hammer Mill, assorted screens; Big C livestock hydraulic cattle squeeze; high hog cattle squeeze; Maternity pen; 3 - 30' Metal Feed Bunks 3' wide, drill stem construction; Pollard 5 wheel hay rake; 2 - portable texas gates; Feed troughs, 10' concrete; selection of gates, feeders, feed bunks & misc. livestock equip INDUSTRIAL 2008 volvo l60F wheel loader, 153 hp, cab w/heater & a/c, boom suspension system (ride control), 3 yard grapple bucket, 20.5R25 tires, 4604 hrs showing, S#L60FV61535 (Original Owner) (Will sell as a complete unit.); 1995 Caterpillar 320l hyd. excavator, 128 hp, 36" Weldco dig bucket, 72" Weldco clean-up bucket, grapple, street pads, cab w/a/c & heater, 9971 hrs showing, S#9KK03518 (Will sell as a complete unit.); Pallet fork, quick attach fits the Volvo HEAVY TRUCKS 1995 Freightliner tandem axle highway tractor, Cummins MII, Eaton Fuller 10 spd trans, air ride, 22.5 tires, mileage not accurate S#2FUY3MCB3SA649872; 1979 International F1954 tandem axle gravel truck, 466 diesel, 5+4 trans, 16' box, S#AF195JCA18345; 1976 International Fleetstar 2050A tandem axle gravel truck, 466 diesel, air brakes, 15 spd trans, 16' steel gravel box, 11R22.5 frt, 11.00-20 rr S#D1325FGB19503 LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS 1999 Ford F150xl 2wd regular cab long box truck, 4.2 liter-6 cyl, auto, power steering, power brakes, air, cruise, tilt, am/fm S#2FTZF1727XCA11079; Chevrolet 2wd truck 1950’s for restoration; 1952 Chevrolet 4 door car for restoration TRAILERS 2011 Timpte 40' aluminum grain trailer, tandem axle, air ride, 11R24.5 rubber, 2 spd jacks, aluminum rims, roll tarp, S#1TDH40024BB126653; 1973 McCoy Renn tandem axle 42' flat deck bale trailer, spring suspension, 10:00-20 rubber, bale rack extensions, (42' plus extension) S#MR341; single axle fifth wheel dolly; 2008 Cherokee 16' bumper pull stock trailer, 2 - 5000 lb torsion axles, 225/75R15 rubber, 1 divider gate, rubber mats, S#5SMCS162081005054; 1978 wylee tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer S#WLGN78028; single axle utility trailer, rear ramp gate, mounted truck topper LAWN & GARDEN John deere 314 riding mower, S#M00314X222715 ATVs, RVs & BOATS 1992 dutchman 26Fl bumper pull holiday camper, front lounge, 2 - 3500 lb axles, 205/75R15 rubber, S#47CT20M28N1021164 OTHER MISC. EQUIP. 1000 gal water tank on a trailer; Ass’t antique machinery; steel swath roller; 3 - 1000 gal Poly Tanks; Qty of shop equipment, tools & misc. farm supply IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration. 41 MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS AT holM MEIKlEJohn lAw oFFICE #103 - 1501 - 100th Street, North Battleford, SK S9A 0W3 www.hmlawoffice.net Fax: 306-445-7302 General Practice Including: • • • • • • • • • • Farm law wills & Estates Real Estate & Mortgages Corporate Commercial Family law Employment law Civil litigation Collaborative law Adult Guardianship Clifford A. holm, Jd (of the Saskatchewan & Alberta Bars) Email: holmlaw@sasktel.net Patricia J. Meiklejohn, B.A., ll.B Jaylyn E. lawrence,B.sc. (hon), ll.B Email: patriciam@sasktel.net Email: jelawrence@sasktel.net 306-445-7300 The Leader in Variable Rate Technology Trevor Scherman North West SK 306-481-4620 Scott Phillips West Central SK 306-860-7977 Dallas Van Den Driessche North East AB 780-581-4834 www.farmersedge.ca 1-866-724-3343 GRAZING AND SILAGE CORN • 45S54 - Sclerotinia Resistant Canola • 45H31 Highest Yield & Standability Results From Our RR 2013 Local Yield Results • 46H75 Clearfield King “Cattlemen” Put Corn to work for You! higher stocking rates and weight gains drastically reduce winter feeding workload and costs let your cows spread manure where you need it! Reduce dependancy on hay production and usage Early varieties suited for north west saskatchewan with exceptional feed yields FA R M E R S S E R V I N G FA R M E R S 306-445-3347 • w w w . p i o n e e r. c o m 42 LAND AUCTION RM OF FRENCHMAN BUTTE TIMED ONLINE BIDDING Opens Apr 24 - 12:00 noon Closes Apr 29 - 12:00 noon Unique opportunity to bid on one quarter of land near Paradise hill in the RM of Frenchman Butte. This interesting parcel is fenced and features +/-100 cult acres currently seeded to grass with the balance of acres being rangeland with native bush. situated within 1 mile of the active Bolney oilfield. This unique piece of land is also in a popular hunting area with a coulee running through the property. dIRECTIons: From Paradise hill follow Main st E and then take grid up hill and go south approx 2 miles (3.27 km) then go 1 mile (1.64 km) East, 1 mile (1.64 km) south, 1 mile (1.64 km) East. **seasonal Access only** loCATIon: sw 19-52-23 w3 RM of Frenchman Butte GPs CooRdInATEs: 53.500744, -109.391431 AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Kim Kramer and Ed Truelove 306-445-5000 VIEWING INFO: Drive by viewing **Seasonal Access Only** GRAINLAND DISPERSAL AUCTION FOR HIGHGATE RANCHING - JOE & LOIS GABRUCH located Northwest of The Battlefords - RM of Battle River Spring 2014 Auction Coordinator(s): Kim Kramer & Ed Truelove 306-445-5000 Watch for details regarding Auction Date and Terms & Conditions FARMLAND AUCTION RM OF GREAT BEND SPRING 2014 Directions: From Borden, +/-11 miles north, +/-4.5 miles east From Hafford, +/-11 miles south, +/-10 miles east Watch our website for details regarding Auction Date and Terms & Conditions Auction Coordinator: Ed Truelove 306-445-5000 LAND LEASE AUCTION RON RANGE - RM of Mervin 5 year lease on 3 parcels Bidding conducted $/per cult acre Parcel 1 - NE 33-51-19 W3 & SE 33-51-19 W3 Parcel 2 - NE 32-51-19 W3 & NW 32-51-19 W3 Parcel 3 - PT N 20-51-19 W3 Watch for more information including Date, Terms & Conditions High bid subject to Seller’s Approval Auction Coordinator(s): Kim Kramer & Ed Truelove 306-445-5000 1-800-529-9958 43 IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a preliminary notice as of Jan 31. Auction dates are subject to change. Please check our website at www.kramerauction.com for most up-to-date information. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon June 2, 2014 10:00 am Richard & Dawn Callbeck Turtleford, SK 306-692-3926 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1980 Case 4490 4wd tractor; 1972 Case 2670 Traction King 4wd tractor; 1982 White 2-135 2wd tractor; Case IH 2394 2wd tractor; Cockshutt 1750 2wd diesel tractor; 1981 Massey Ferguson 860 s/p combine; 1982 John Deere 7721 p/t combine; 1980 Versatile 4400 21' s/p swather; Bourgault FH536-40 36' air seeder w/Bourgault 2155 4 wheel air tank; Minneapolis Moline 10' tandem disc; Inland 40' harrow packer bar; 1981 Morris Magnum CP-731 33' cultivator; a selection of other tillage equipment; Westfield TR80-51 8"x51' mech swing auger; Westfield W70-41 7"x41' auger; Westfield J207-36 7"x36' auger; Versatile 580 sprayer; Versatile 400 sprayer; Vicon 5 wheel rake; rubber tired wagon; John Deere antique manure spreader; 1976 Dodge 600 3 ton s/a grain truck; 1974 Ford F750 tag axle grain truck; 1974 GMC 2500 Sierra Grande 3/4 ton 2wd Camper Special truck; a selection of other light truck & cars; Vanguard truck camper; Future Steel 25'x33' galvanized building no doors (3 sides/1 end open); tanks; shop equipment and much more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Tue June 3, 2014 Shaun & Tammy Kuryluk Prince Albert, SK Substitute Photo 306-922-8609 306-961-8384 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 2010 Kuhn Knight ProPush 2054VB tandem axle vertical spread manure spreader; 2007 New Holland 1475 16' haybine; 2009 New Holland BR 7090 round baler; New Holland 1033 Stackliner; New Holland 273 sq baler; 1975 GMC 6500 s/a grain truck; 1978 John Deere 8630 4WD tractor w/pto; 1983 Case 2290 2WD tractor; 1983 John Deere 7720 turbo s/p combine; 1982 Massey Ferguson 850 s/p combine. Also on offer is a good selection of seeding & tillage equipment and a large variety of livestock related equipment. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed June 4, 2014 10:00 am Stewart & Connie Murphy Rosetown, SK 306-882-3491 HI-LITES INCLUDE:1991 Ford Versatile 846 Designation 6 4wd tractor (2900 hrs), 1988 Case IH 7110 2wd tractor (4600 hrs), 1986 Case IH 2394 2wd tractor (3986 hrs), International 1086 2wd tractor w/9' Allied dozer blade, 1997 Massey Ferguson 8780 s/p combine, 1987 Massey Ferguson 8560 s/p combine w/MF 9006 header, Massey Ferguson 9730 30' straight cut header w/s/a transport, 2002 Massey Ferguson 220 XL s/p swather w/MF 30' header (885 hrs), Bourgault FH536-42 40' air drill w/Bourgault 3195 TBH cart, Massey Ferguson 52 21' tandem disc, Flexicoil System 80 70' harrow bar, John Deere 1000 34' cultivator w/Valmar 160, Unverferth 275 grain cart, 2 - Hart Carter 245 seed cleaners, 3 - Hart Carter #3 Indent seed cleaners, Farm King screen cleaner, 3 2013 WR 3500 bu hopper bins plus a good selection more, 2007 Load Trail CH2070E2 20' tandem axle car hauler trailer, 2005 Honda CRF 230 F dirt bike, grain trucks, service trucks, lawn and garden items plus more... COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Thur June 5, 2014 10:00 am Ray & Lorraine Martin Wiseton, SK (Elrose area) 306-357-2056 or 306-831-9593 (c) HILITES INCLUDE: 2 - 1983 Massey Ferguson 4800 4wd tractors, 2003 Case IH JX 95 MFWD tractor w/LX132 FEL (1652 hrs), 1976 White 2270 2wd tractor, 1997 Case IH 2188 s/p combine w/CIH 1015 header, 1983 Case IH 1460 s/p combine w/CIH 1015 header, 1987 Case IH 1010 30' straight cut header w/transport, 1988 Case IH 1020 25' flex header w/transport, Versatile 2800 28' swather attachment for a Vers bi-directional, Bourgault FH 528-32 32' air seeder w/Bourgault 3225 cart, Vertec 50' harrow/packer bar, ass't hopper bins and augers, Big A s/p 60' field sprayer w/full navigation, 1996 Flexicoil 96' tandem axle p/t sprayer, Bush Hog 3615 15' wing type rough cut mower, 1993 GMC Topkick single axle flatdeck truck w/water tank, 1979 Ford F700 single axle grain truck, 1980 GMC single axle COE grain truck, 1953 GMC 9430 single axle school bus, 1980 Ford F350 Ranger service truck w/hyd dump box, 1985 Ford F250 service truck, 6.9 liter diesel, Snapper zero turn riding mower, ass’t 3 pt hitch plus more... 44 COMPLETE RANCH & HAYING EQUIP AUCTION Fri June 6, 2014 Sandy Arrow Ranch Ltd. Allen & Lillian Patkau Hanley, SK • 306-544-2778 or 306-544-7750 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1995 JD 7700 MFWD tractor & JD 740 Classic FEL; JD 4630 2wd tractor, JD 4020 2WD tractor & Ezee-On 100 FEL; 2013 NH H7460 15' disc bine; Degelman 14 wheel hay rake; Haybuster 2650 bale processor; Ray's GP 70 feed box on trailer; older trailer type post pounder; 2-Rancher's Choice mobile creep feeders; other livestock supply; IH 620 28' press drills; Morris CP-625 Magnum cultivator; grain augers; 2 hopper wagons; 1979 Ford F350 4wd service truck; 1995 Bergen 14' stock trailer; Demonceau's 25' GN flat deck trailer; 53' bale trailer w/converter; 13-20' feed troughs; JD LA140 riding mower; 2007 Can-Am Outlander 500XT high output four wheeler; 1994 Honda 300 Fourtrax; 1977 Arctic Cat Panther 4000 snow mobile; 1977 Artic Cat Cheetah 5000 snow mobile; Good qty of shop tools & misc farm supply. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon June 9, 2014 10:00 am Sweetwater Farms Ltd. Bill & Dola Newton Central Butte, SK 306-796-4412 or 306-796-7488 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1996 Case IH 2188 sp combine, CIH 1015 p/u header, 3144thr/3846 eng hrs showing; Case IH 1020 30' header; 1998 Case IH 8825 sp 30' swather; 1994 Case IH 16' hay header; 1984 CI 742 sp swather w/MF 26' header & CI 42' header; 2007 Case IH Magnum 215 MFWD tractor, 3 pth, 2037 hrs showing; 1990 Case IH 7120 2wd tractor & Ezee-On FEL, 6746 hrs showing; Ford 4500 backhoe loader;1999 Mack 613 highway tractor; 1999 Western Star tandem grain truck, Cat C12, Ultracel 22' box; 1997 Kenworth T800 tandem grain truck, Cummins N14, Fuller 13 spd, 18' CIM steel box; Ford 9000 tandem grain truck, Detroit 671, 20' CIM steel box; 1970 Freightliner cabover, 290 Cummins, 13 spd, 18' flat deck; 1976 Ford 350 1 ton grain truck, 390 V8, 12' box; 1994 GMC 1500 2wd ext cab truck; 1986 Chev 1 ton tow truck; 1972 IH 1110 1/2 ton, 45,000 orig miles, Lincoln DC welder mounted; 1989 Chev van, customized; 1997 Doepker lead grain trailer; Dumonceau 30' gooseneck flatdeck trailer; 1981 Keen cattle trailer; Morris 1400 Hay Hiker round bale wagon; 1999 Case IH RS561 rd baler; 1997 Case IH 8465 rd baler; NH 315 sq baler; IH 1585 manure spreader; IH 8380 16' haybine; NH 1033 bale wagon; NH 357 mix mill; selection of other misc livestock equipment; Bourgault 8800 36' air seeder & Bourgault 3185 air cart; Case IH 5800 air seeder; Morris 7130 air tank; MF 30' tandem disc; Sakundiak HD8-1600 auger, Kohler 36 hp, Hawes mover; Sakundiak HD8-1000 auger, Honda motor; Farm King 10” swing auger; Batco 1345 conveyor, hyd dr; 40' shingle conveyor, hyd dr, Antique Tractors - IH Farmall H; IH Farmall M; IH Farmall C; IH Farmall A; IH W6; Case LA; Case WD9; older row crop equip. - cultivator, seeder, undercutter; selection of shop tools & misc; farm supply; household items and more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Tue June 10, 2014 10:00 am Little Lake Farms Ltd. - Bruce & Martha Isaak Medstead, SK 306-342-4362 or 306-883-9490 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1985 JD 8650 4wd tractor, 7872 hrs; 1982 JD 8440 4wd tractor, 6483 hrs; JD 3140 2wd tractor, 6531 hrs; 1996 JD 9600 sp combine, 2030 thr/2790 eng hrs; JD 930 header; Bergen header transport; MF 220 26' sp swather, diesel, 1558 hrs; Flexicoil 5000 39' air drill & FC 2320 tbt air cart; Bandit liquid cart; hi-boy trailer (front of Super B) set-up with tanks for liquid fertilizer; Flexicoil 85 50' heavy harrow bar; Harley rock picker; Degelman LC-14 rock rake; good selection of other tillage equipment; Computor Spray 60' sprayer; JD 535 rd baler; NH 116 hay bine; good selection of other haying & livestock equipment; 1986 Mack tandem grain truck, diesel, CIM Ultracel 19' box; 1982 GMC 7000 tandem agrain truck, 427 V8 gas, 20' box; 1974 Ford 600 single axle grain truck; selection of grain augers; Harvey Gjesdal grain cleaner w/building & augers; 2003 GMC Envoy SUV; 1966 GMC 910 pickup truck; Antique McCormick 22" threshing machine; IH Farmall M antique tractor; Ford 8N antique tractor; Kubota ZG222 48" commercial front mount deck mower; Shop tools and misc equipment. HAYING EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL Tue June 10, 2014 • 12:00 noon Tracy Lockhart • Medstead, SK • 306-342-7575 HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH LITTLE LAKE FARMS LTD. AUCTION HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1980 Case 2290 2wd tractor, 129 pto hp, powershift trans, 6428 hrs showing; 1974 Case 1070 2wd tractor, 101 pto hp, 6168 hrs showing; 2001 New Holland 688 round baler; 1998 New Holland 1475 14' hay bine; 2009 Hesston 12 wheel hay rake IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a preliminary notice as of Jan 31. Auction dates are subject to change. Please check our website at www.kramerauction.com for most up-to-date information. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed June 11, 2014 11:00 am Murray Henderson Herschel, SK 306-377-2028 HI-LITES INCLUDE: John Deere 8630 4WD tractor; 1986 John Deere 4450 2WD tractor w/5079 hrs showing; 1975 John Deere 4230 2WD tractor w/6112 hrs showing; John Deere 9500 s/p Combine w/914 p/u, 3543 eng/2564 thr hrs; John Deere 224 24' straight cut flex header; Massey Ferguson 885 25' s/p Swather; 1986 International 730 p/t 30' Swather; Schulte 28' air seeder; Massey Ferguson 360 Discers; Flexicoil 50' harrow packer bar w/5 bar harrows P30 packers; Morris CP 525 29' Cultivator w/3 bar harrows; Morris 36' Rodweeder w/Beeline applicator; Westfield J208-41 8"x41' auger w/Ekay lift & mover; Sakundiak HD7-41 7"x41' auger w/Kawasaki motor; Metal Industries 30 ton hoppered fertilizer bin; Flexicoil Sys 62 95' sprayer w/tandem axle cart; 1976 International Loadstar 1700 s/a grain truck w/404 V8; 1978 International Loadstar 1800 s/a grain truck w/466; FarmKing 960 Snowblower hyd chute, twin auger; BMB 5' rotary mover; Onan 5000W 180 amp Welder/generator; plus more... COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Thur June 12, 2014 10:00 am Glen & Dorothy Cooper Kitscoty, AB 780-846-2651 780-872-0333 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1991 Case IH 9230 4wd tractor, 235 eng hp, 1999 Degelman 14' dozer blade, 1988 Case IH 1680 s/p combine w/CIH 1015 p/u header, 1990 Case IH 1010 25' straight cut header w/Bergen s/a transport, Westward 25' p/t swather, 2006 Ezee On 7450 32' air seeder, Flexicoil 1330 3 wheel TBH cart, Riteway 7100 62' heavy harrows, Kellobilt 210W 24' tandem breaking disc, 2003 Buhler Farm King 831 8"x31' grain auger, Grain bins, 1976 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 1986 International tandem axle grain truck (auto trans), plus more... COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Fri June 13, 2014 10:00 am George & Muriel Nachtegaele North Battleford, SK 306-386-2469 HI-LITES INCLUDE: Case IH JX80 MFWD tractor & LX730 FEL, 525 hrs; Allis Chalmers D15 antique tractor; NH 1500 combine; IH 4000 21.5' sp swather; HD 6 wheel root rake; Morris 8018 Seed Rite; grain augers; good selection of Westeel hoppered grain bins; Flexicoil 55 pt sprayer; NH 116 haybine; NH 688 rd baler; NH 570 square baler; NH 1049 Stack Cruiser; Highline 7000 bale processor; NH 675 manure spreader; Linden post pounder; Real Ind livestock handling system; other cattle equipment; 1985 GMC 7000 Sierra Classic grain truck, 366 V8, VMM 16' steel box, 59,000 km; 2001 Lift-Off 18' GN car hauler flatdeck trailer; Tri-Haul bale mover attachement (will fit Lift-Off flatdeck); John Deere Z445 zero turn deck mower and more COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon June 16, 2014 11:00 am Arthur & Joyce Nash Eyebrow, SK 306-759-2723 Substitute Photo Substitute Photo 306-759-7720 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1993 John Deere 8570 4wd tractor, 1991 Case IH 9260 4wd tractor, Massey Ferguson Super 90 2wd tractor w/Inland FEL, 1998 New Holland TR98 s/p combine, Westward 3000 36' p/t swather, Kellough Built 12' HD offset disc, John Deere 1650 51' deep tillage cultivator, Flexicoil 50' harrows w/Valmar, Ass’t bins and augers, Trailtech 5 bale transport, John Deere 332 skidsteer, 1987 Chevrolet C70 single axle grain truck, Doctor’s Buggy, plus more... COMPLETE FARM & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AUCTION Tue June 17, 2014 9:30 am Dillabaugh Brothers/Double AA Angus (Bill & Marlene Dillabaugh, Don & Carol Dillabaugh) Coleville SK Don & Carol 306-965-2501 or 306-463-9688 (c) Bill & Marlene 306-965-2554 or 306-463-8461 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: Case IH 9370 Quad Trac;Case 9170 4WD tractor;Versatile 856 Design 6 4wd tractor; Case 4694 4WD tractor, Ford Bi-directional tractor, Case 2390 2wd tractor, Case 2290 2wd tractor, Case 2290 2wd tractor, Case 1175 2wd tractor, John Deere 2130 2wd tractor, Fordson Major antique tractor w/FEL, Degelman 12-1 dozer, John Deere 9600 s/p combine, New Holland TR98 s/p combine, 2005 New Holland 94C 30' header,1998 Honey Bee 994 30' header,New Holland 1100 18' speed rower, 2 - Case 750 25' p/t swather, Flexi-coil 5000 53' air drill, Flexicoil 2320 grain cart, Bandwagon 1500 grain cart, Flexicoil 85 50' heavy harrowbar, IH 5600 chisel plow, Friggstad 50' HD cultivator,Degelman 7200 rock picker, REM 1026 Grain Vacuum, Farm King 1060 auger, Farm King 1050 auger, Brandt 850 auger, Westfield 841 auger, Gregson Maverick 120-90 Sprayer, New Holland 660 round baler, New Holland 851 round baler, New Holland 278 square baler, New Holland 890 p/t forage harvester, Bale King Vortex 2000 bale processor, 1984 Versatile 16' hay header, Farm Aid 430 mixer wagon, Large selection of misc. livestock supply, IH 510 wheel loader,2007 IH 9400i t/a grain truck,1980 Mack t/a grain truck, 1980 IH F2574 t/a grain truck, 1980 IH 1724 s/a grain truck, 1974 Ford 600 s/a grain truck,Chevrolet 3 ton s/a truck COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed June 18, 2014 10:00 am Leroy & Martha Wiens Dalmeny, SK 306-254-4255 HI-LITES INCLUDE: Versatile 555 4wd tractor; Belarus 6420 MFWD tractor & Leon 8000 FEL; 1978 Case 1370 2wd tractor; IH Farmall 1566 2wd tractor; 1982 John Deere 7721 p/t combine; 1980 John Deere 7721 p/t combine; 1996 Westward p/t 25' swather; Bourgault Commander 26-30 30' air seeder; Massey Ferguson 70' harrow bar; CCIL 33' cultivator w/Flexicoil airflow seeder; John Deere 1610 30' cultivator; Laurier 50' harrowbar; a selection of Grain Bins & Augers; 1980 Spra-Coupe 115 3 whl s/p sprayer w/50' booms; 2005 Anderson RB9000 bale wrapper; Highline Bale Pro 8100 bale processor; DewEze Super Slicer bale processor; Leon 425 Silver Spreader t/a manure spreader w/double beater; New Holland 1033 p/t bale wagon; New Holland 276 square baler; New Holland 357 mixmill; Snowco 800 auger box & feed hopper; Massey Ferguson 202 industrial gas tractor w/FEL; 1976 Chev C60 s/a grain truck; 1998 Titan 6'6"x16' t/a gooseneck trailer; plus more. MID-SUMMER CONSIGNMENT AUCTION THURSDAY JUNE 19, 2014 CONSIGN NOW! COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Fri June 20, 2014 10:00 am Bruce Hilker & Pam Germain Provost, AB 780-858-2362 or 780-842-9506 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE:1995 John Deere 8870 4wd tractor, 1978 Versatile 835 4wd tractor, 1992 John Deere 4255 2wd tractor, 1966 John Deere 1020 2wd tractor w/FEL, 1984 John Deere Turbo 8820 s/p combine w/JD 214 p/u header, John Deere 230 30' straight cut header w/Roblin Welding single axle transport, 1985 Massey Ferguson 850 s/p combine w/MF 9001 header, Massey Ferguson 9024 24' straight cut header w/Trailtech s/a transport, 2-Versatile 4400 s/p 20' swathers, 1997 John Deere 735 40' air seeder, John Deere 787 tow behind cart, John Deere 1610 37' cultivator, Bourgault FH36-42 40' air seeder w/Bourgault 2195 cart, Versatile 1900 23.5' tandem disc, Sakundiak HD10-1400 grain auger w/Ekay mover, 40 hp, 2007 Willmar Eagle 8500 s/p 90' high clearance field sprayer, New Holland 1475 haybine w/16' 2300 header, 1991 John Deere 535 round baler, 2004 Western Star tandem axle highway tractor, 1982 International S1700 single axle grain truck, 2004 Dodge 3500 SLT Laramie 4wd DRW service truck, 2009 Doepker 45' tridem grain trailer, 2008 Titan DB6295 14' tandem axle dump box trailer, plus more... 45 IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a preliminary notice as of Jan 31. Auction dates are subject to change. Please check our website at www.kramerauction.com for most up-to-date information. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon June 23, 2014 10:00 am Francis & Barb Carlson Vermilion, AB 780-853-5919 COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Thur June 26, 2014 10:00 am David & Ann Brown Kyle, SK 306-375-2676 306-741-2181 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: a great selection of John Deere items and more...; 2010 John Deere 5095M MFWD tractor w/JD 563 Self-Leveling FEL, 2000 John Deere 4700 MFWD tractor w/JD 460 FEL, 1981 John Deere 8440 4wd tractor, 1961 John Deere 4010 2wd antique tractor, 1959 John Deere 730 2wd antique tractor, 1960 John Deere 630 2wd antique tractor, 1938 John Deere AR 2wd antique tractor, unstyled, 1946 John Deere D 2wd antique tractor, 1951 John Deere AR 2wd antique tractor, 1951 John Deere R 2wd antique tractor, 1955 John Deere 70 2wd antique tractor, 1990 John Deere 9500 s/p combine w/JD 912 p/u header, 3500 eng/2568 thr hrs showing, 1998 John Deere 925 25' straight cut header w/Trailtech transport, 1951 John Deere 55 antique s/p combine, John Deere 2360 18' s/p swather, Morris CP-731 34' cultivator w/anhydrous tips, Morris CP-725 29' deep tillage cultivator, numerous grain bins, 2006 Double A 20' tandem axle flatdeck trailer, 2004 Royal Advantage 5x10 single axle cargo trailer, 2008 Forest River 6.5'x12' single axle utility trailer, 1980 GMC 7000 single axle grain truck, 1980 International 1810 COE single axle grain truck, 1968 Mercury Grand Marquis 2-door hardtop classic car, 390-4 barrel, Very large amount of 3 pt hitch yard maintenance items, 3 JD XUVs, plus more farm related and collectible items. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Tue June 24, 2014 11:00 am Alirick Farms Ltd. Rick Lorenz Lloydminster, SK 780-214-9197 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: Case IH 9270 4WD tractor w/335 Cummins; Degelman 14-1 16' h/a dozer blade; Massey Ferguson 8120 tractor w/FEL; John Deere 3130 2WD tractor w/148 FEL; 2012 Case IH 7088 s/p combine & 3016 15' header; Case 1010 25' straight cut header; Massey Ferguson 220 25' s/p swather; Case IH 40' drill w/Case IH 2300 4 wheel tow between cart; Degelman Strawmaster 7000 50' heavy harrow; Friggstad 42' cultivator; Case 161 tandem disc; Rockomatic HD58 hyd drive rockpicker; John Deere 1000 42' cultivator; Vertec VT6500 grain dryer; Westfield MK100-60 10"X60' auger; Brandt 845 8"X45' auger; Brandt 7"X40' auger; 2009 Miller Condor A40 MD1000 s/p sprayer; Case IH 8610 tub grinder; Eversman 650 hyd scraper; 1984 International S1900 tandem axle diesel grain truck w/Allison auto; 1980 International S1900 tandem axle grain truck w/gas, 5+2; 2000 GMC 2500 HD SL 3/4 ton 4WD reg cab truck; Chevrolet 1 ton truck w/flatdeck; Trail Master 26' GN Flatdeck trailer w/3 - 7000# axles; plus more! COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed June 25, 2014 10:00 am Brian & Glenda Konschuh Nokomis, SK 306-528-4408 306-528-7437 (c) HILITES INCLUDE: 2007 John Deere 7630 MFWD tractor w/JD 746 FEL (1988 hrs), 2005 Buhler Versatile 2360 4wd tractor (2463 hrs), 2008 John Deere 9770 STS s/p combine w/JD 615 p/u header, 2003 John Deere 936D 36' straight cut draper header, 2008 New Holland H8040 s/p swather w/2008 Honey Bee HB-30' header (606 hrs), 1998 Flexicoil 5000 39' air drill w/tbh FC 2320 cart, 2003 Ezee On 1350 16.5' HD tandem disc, Riteway Jumbo 8000 55' heavy harrows w/Valmar 3255, Flexicoil 70' heavy harrows, 2005 New Holland SF110 80' p/t field sprayer, Ass’t augers and a large selection of hopper bins, JD navigation items, New Holland 195 tandem axle manure spreader, 2003 Freightliner tandem axle grain truck (260 hp Mercedes Benz diesel), 1994 Chevrolet TopKick tandem axle grain truck (275 hp CAT diesel), 2001 Bergen 20'+5' tandem axle gooseneck flatdeck trailer, 2 ATVs, 2012 Meridian 1000 gal/4607 liter dbl wall fuel tank on skid, plus a great selection more... 46 HILITES INCLUDE: 1995 John Deere 8770 4wd tractor (3595 hrs), 1982 John Deere 8650 4wd tractor (5100 hrs), 1974 John Deere 4230 2wd tractor w/Allied 795 FEL, 2008 John Deere 4120 MFWD yard tractor w/JD 400CX FEL, 2003 John Deere 9650 STS s/p combine w/JD 915 p/u header, 2000 Honey Bee SP-30 30' straight cut draper header, 2007 Massey Ferguson 9430 s/p swather w/MF 5200-30' header (626 hrs), 1996 Flexicoil 820 40' air drill w/FC 1720 TBH cart, Degelman LR 7645 45' land roller, ass't bins and augers, 2001 Freightliner Argosy COE tandem axle highway tractor (475 hp Cat C15), 1989 Peterbilt tandem axle highway tractor, 400 hp Cat, 1974 GMC 6000 single axle grain truck, 1996 Doepker 42' tandem axle grain trailer, 1986 Midland 23' tandem axle gravel trailer, 1986 Super B rear flatdeck highboy, Bayliner Saratoga 26' cuddy boat w/tandem axle trailer, ass’t 3 pt hitch equip, plus more... COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Thurs July 17 Dwayne Horn Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2587 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1991 Case IH 9280 4wd, 5400 hrs; Ford TW-35 2wd tractor; Case 1370 2wd tractor; John Deere 3130 2wd tractor & JD 148 FEL; John Deere 4010 2wd tractor; MF 65 antique tractor; John Deere 9500 sp combine, JD 914 p/u, 2100 hrs; 1987 New Holland TR86 sp combine, Rake-up p/u, 2000 hrs; 2007 Westward 9250 25' sp swather, 800 hrs; Flexi-coil 800 32' air seeder & Flexi-coil 1615 plus tow between air cart; Bourgault Commnder 32' cultivator; John Deere 1600 22' cultivator; Morris CP740 41; cultivator, NH3 kit; John Deere 100 14' cultivator; Rock-o-matic 546 rock picker; Hutchmaster 12' tandem offset disc; Flexi-coil Sytem 82 50' harrow bar; Flexi-coil System 95 60' harrow packer bar; 1976 Chevrolet C60 grain truck; 1966 Ford 2 ton grain truck; Grain augers; Graham G3 seed treater; Good selection of Shop Tools & misc., etc. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed July 23, 2014 Rollie & Randy Riopka Glenside, SK (Outlook area) Rollie Riopka 306-867-8041 306-867-7541(c) • Randy Riopka 306-867-8070 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1998 JD 9610 sp combine; 1996 JD 9600 sp combine; JD 930 str cut 30' flex header, p/u reel; 3 - Case IH 6000 sp swathers, 25', DSA, p/u reels; JD 9200 4wd tractor, 24 spd; JD 8440 4WD tractor, pto; JD 4630 2wd tractor; JD 4440 2wd tractor & JD 158 FEL, powershift; JD 4020 2wd tractor & JD 148 FEL; 1980 Ford 9000 tandem grain truck; 1972 IH tandem grain truck; 1980 IH diesel truck w/van body; 1984 GMC 3 ton grain truck; 1977 Ford 1 ton w/box; Bourgault 8800 40' air seeder cultivator & Bourgault 3225 air cart; Bourgault 4000 40' packer bar; Degelman 7000 50' heavy harrow bar; Flexi-coil harrow packer bar; Morris 531 31' cultivator; Morris 547 47' cultivator; JD cultivator; 2 - Bourgault 850 100' pt sprayer; selection of grain augers; selection of shop tools & misc farm supply. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION David Peterson Thur July 24, 2014 Hawarden, SK (Outlook area) 306-221-2316 HI-LITES INCLUDE: Case 9130 4wd tractor, 3189 hrs; Case 4490 4wd tractor, 6690 hrs; Case 2290 tractor, 6105 hrs; New Holland TR 96 sp combine, 2152/2667 hrs; Bourgault FH528-34 air seeder & Bourgault 2155 tbh air cart; Chevrolet C60 grain truck; Ford 600 grain truck; 2002 Ford F150 XLT 4wd truck; John Deere Buck 500 ATV; grain augers and more. PRE-HARVEST CONSIGNMENT AUCTION THURSDAY JULY 31, 2014 CONSIGN NOW! IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a preliminary notice as of Jan 31. Auction dates are subject to change. Please check our website at www.kramerauction.com for most up-to-date information. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:00 am Be-Lu Farms Ltd. Bernard & Lucielle Gregoire North Battleford, SK 306-445-5517 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1998 John Deere 9100 4wd tractor w/1900 hrs; 1982 Case 2290 2wd tractor w/3700 hrs; Case IH 2188 s/p combine & Case 1015 p/u header w/1600thr hrs; 1998 MacDon 960 25' straight cut header; 25' s/a header transport; CI 722 22' s/p diesel swather; Flexicoil 6000 40' air seeder; Flexicoil 1720 tow between tank; Highline Stubble Buster 60' heavy harrow bar; Bourgault Multipurpose 210 32' cultivator w/Gandy 5416; White 14' tandem disc; Degelman R570 rockpicker; New Holland 354 mixmill; Turbo Vac Deluxe Super 990 grain vac; Westfield MK100-61 mechanical auger; Westfield W100-51 10"x51' mechanical auger; Brandt 835 8"x35' ager w/Wheatheart lift & mover; Sakundiak HD8-1200 auger w/electric winch; Melroe 220 Sprae Coupe 60' s/p sprayer; Case 580C Construction KIng backhoe loader w/Extendahoe; IH 1800 Loadstar t/a grain truck; 1989 Chev 70 single axle grain truck w/366, 38,000 km; 1978 GMC 650 High Sierra s/a grain truck w/71,000 km; 1977 IH 1700 Loadstar s/a truck w/flatdeck; plus more... COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed Oct 15, 2014 Plain View Farm Ltd. Chris & Barb Calvert Rosetown, SK 306-882-3292 306-831-7176 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1997 New Holland 9682 4wd tractor, 4500 hrs; Case 4694 4wd tractor, 4496 hrs; MF 255 2wd tractor, 1924 hrs; 1996 Case IH 2188 sp combine, 2015 header, 1700thr/2410 eng hrs; Case IH 1020 30' flex header; Case IH 1010 25' rigid header; 1987 MF 850 sp combine, V6 diesel, 3099 hrs; MF 9024 24' rigid header; MF 9022 22' flex header; 2011 Versatile SX275 100' HC sprayer, 200 hrs; Morris Maxim 39' air drill & Morris 7180 air cart; Degelman 7645 45' land roller; Grain augers; large selection of grain bins; and much more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Thurs Oct 16, 2014 10:00 am Wardrop Enterprises Ltd. - Les Wardrop Rosetown, SK 306-831-8868 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 2008 Kubota M9540 MFWD tractor & Kubota FEL, 1062 hrs showing; 1985 John Deere 4250 2WD tractor, ps trans, 6140 hrs showing; 1984 John Deere 4250 2WD tractor, ps trans, 4600 hrs showing; John Deere 2130 2wd tractor & JD 148 FEL; 2011 New Holland H7460 Mow Max 16' disc bine; New Idea 4855 round baler; 1988 New Holland 316 square baler; New Holland 358 mixmill; other livestock related equip.; 1976 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck; 1998 Ford F250 XLT, Case IH 730 pt swather; seeding & tillage; grain augers and more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Mon Oct 20, 2014 Warren & Lorraine Adamson Shellbrook, SK 306-747-2704 or 306-747-7704 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1994 John Deere 8570 4wd tractor, 24 spd, 4000 hrs; 1985 Versatile 856 4wd tractor, pto, 8300 hrs showing; 1985 Versatile 256 Bi-Directional 4wd tractor w/FEL, 11,000 hrs showing; Universal 850DT MFWD tractor w/FEL, 2641 hrs showing; John Deere 9650 STS combine & JD 914 p/u header, 1952 thr/2873 eng hrs showing; 2006 John Deere 930D header; 1997 Case IH 2188 combine & CIH 1015 header, 3600 eng hrs showing; Case IH 1010 22.5' header; 1990 Case IH 6000 25' sp swather; 2005 Morris Maxim II air drill & Morris 7240 tbh air cart; Bourgault 8800 32' air seeder & Bourgault 2155 tbh air cart; Flexi-coil System 95 50' harrow packer bar, P30's; selection of grain augers; Flexi-coil System 67XL 80' pt sprayer; 1979 IH 1954 tandem axle grain truck, 466 dsl, Fuller 13 spd, Ultracel 18' steel box; 1981 IH 1524 single axle grain truck, 15' steel box, 42,167 km showing; 2010 Load Max 25'+5 gooseneck flat deck trailer; and more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed April 15, 2015 10:00 am A&L Warren Farms Art & Lynne Warren Rockhaven, SK 306-398-2961 306-398-7707 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 2010 Case IH Steiger 535 HD AFS 4wd tractor w/pto; 1984 John Deere 8650 4wd tractor w/pto; Case IH Maxxum 140 MWD tractor & Case IH L750 FEL; 2009 Case IH 9120 s/p combine w/Case IH 2016 16' p/u; 2009 Case IH 2152 40' header (used on combine & swather); 2010 Westward M150 dual direction s/p swather; 2002 Bourgault 5710 Series II 47' air drill & MRB & 2002 Bourgault 5350 air tank; Shop Built ammonia cart w/2 - 1200 gal Westeel tanks; 1995 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow bar; Degelman 720 Signature Series rockpicker; 2005 Bourgault Smart Cart 750 grain cart w/pto drive; Richiger R9 grain bagger w/pto dr; Farm King/Buhler 13x70 mech dr. grain auger; Farm King 10x60 auger w/540 pto; Brandt 8"x40' auger w/ Wheatheart lift, mover & sweep, 25 hp Kohler motor; Sakundiak 6"x33' auger; Johnson seed treating auger; Westeel 96 ton hopper fertilizer bin on triple skid; 2 - Westeel 2000 bu hopper bins w/Westeel hoppers; Westeel 2000 bu hopper bin w/no skids; 2 - 1350 bu hopper bins; 2 - Twister 1100 bu hopper bins; 2006 Case IH SPX4410 Air Command s/p sprayer w/ 100' booms; 1983 Ford 800 t/a grain truck w/ 429-4V; 1980 Ford F600 s/a grain truck w/ 370 V8; 2005 GMC 3500 crew cab diesel 4x4 w/ Duramax diesel, Allison auto; 1974 Ford F350 dually welding truck w/360; plus much more COMPLETE FARM AUCTION April 23, 2015 C.J. Farms Ltd. Jerry & Carol Petovello Neilburg, SK 306-398-2895 306-823-3663 (c) HI-LITES INCLUDE: 1991 Ford 946 4wd tractor, 5492 hrs; Case 4490 4wd tractor; JD 3010 2wd & JD 148 FEL; Case 1070 2wd tractor w/dozer blade; JD 9750 STS combine, JD 914 p/u header, 2573/3595 hrs; JD 925 flex header; JD 230 header; 1996 MacDon 9200 30' sp swather, 2950 hrs; 2-Case IH 730 30' pt swathers; Morris Maxim II 41' air drill & Morris 7180 tbh air cart; Morris Magnum CP 731 cultivator; Flexi-coil System 82 60' harrow bar; Geres rock digger; other tillage equip.; 2003 IH 8600 tandem grain truck, L10 Cummins, 10 spd, Cancade 20' steel box; 1981 IH F1954 tandem grain truck, 466 dsl, Allison auto trans, 20' steel box; 1978 Chev C70 grain truck; 1984 Doonan grain pup trailer; Brandt HC Quick Fold 95' pt sprayer; grain augers; good selection of hoppered & flat bottom grain bins; shop tools, misc farm supply and more. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION Wed July 22, 2015 Jim & Leona Gooding and Kevin Gooding Regina, SK Jim & Leona Gooding 306-779-0009 306-591-1310 (c) Kevin Gooding 306-585-0961 HI-LITES INCLUDE: 2004 John Deere 9420 4WD tractor; 1996 John Deere 7800 2WD tractor; 2006 John Deere 9660 STS s/p combine & JD 615 p/u header; 2004 John Deere 930D straight cut header; John Deere 635F Hydra-Flex header & Trail-Tech transport; 2008 John Deere 4895 30' s/p swather; John Deere 1820 52.5' air drill & JD 1900 air cart; Degelman 7000 Stawmaster 70' heavy harrow; John Deere 680 43' deep tillage cultivator; a selection of grain augers & grain bins; 1993 Walinga Super 614 Deluxe Grain Vac; Melroe Spra-Coupe 4660 high clearance sprayer; John Deere 6550 p/t scraper; 2009 GMC 8500 tandem axle grain truck Isuzu diesel, Allison auto 6 spd, aluminum rims, 22.5 tires, Ultracel 20'x8.5'x60" steel box, remote endgate, Michel’s roll tarp, Nordic twin cyl scissor hoist, 42,109 km showing; 2000 GMC C7500 single axle grain truck, CAT diesel, 4 spd auto; plus many more items! 47 PHONE 1-800-529-9958 ON-LINE SHOWROOM FLAT DECK GOOSENECK BUMPER PULL z LED lighting z Fir decking z Superior wiring z Air ride z Low profile 22.5's z GN or bumper pull AIR BRAKE TRAILERS HD DECKOVERS POWER TILTS z Sheeted in neck z 7,000 - 15,000 # axles available z Most durable z Hi-tensile steel construction z Full pierced beam construction z Cross trac bracing z LED lights z GN & bumper models AIR BRAKE TRAILERS z GN or bumper z Scissor hoist z 7,000 # - 16,000 # axles available UTILITY TUBE TOP UTILITY z Powder coat paint z Fold flat ramp gate z Single or tandem axle ALUMINUM UTILITY z Low deck height z Starting @ 395 lbs IMPLEMENT TILT BED EQUIPMENT z Powder coat paint z LED lights z HD ramps z Hyd. cushion z Tapered tail z 18' or 18'4" stationary ALUMINUM CAR HAULER ATV CARTS z Larger payload capacity z Aluminum decking & rail z Never gets rusty 48 z Durable z Outfitter’s favorite z Single & tandem axle DUMP TRAILERS z 45° dump angle z Tubing main frame z Spill guard & roll tarp z 10 ga floor/12 ga walls z Canvas roll tarp z HD 8 ton hoist z Folding sides z Nordic hoist z Roll tarp CARGO TRAILERS z Semi-screwless exterior z All LED lighting z 5', 6', 7' and 8'6" wide z Contractor packages z True “All Sport” z All Aluminum z Lifetime limited warranty z Extreme weather packages z 3, 4 & 5 place models available z Rivetless exterior z Made in Canada z Goodyear tires CUSTOM ORDERS zCustom enclosed snowmobile trailer z34' + Vnose z Custom enclosed construction trailer ICE SHACKS z Variety of sizes z Electrical/solar packages z Fold down dinettes/bunks z Lightweight 49 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • January 2014 Featured Item: St. Amant Auction 2011 Seed Master If you are in the market to update your seeding equipment we will have numerous great units on offer this spring. On April 3, 2014 Kramer Auctions Ltd. will be conducting a Complete Farm Equipment Dispersal Auction for Clear View Acres Ltd. – Guy & Lorraine St. Amant and Blair & Sarah St. Amant from near Meota, Saskatchewan. On offer will be a 2011 seed Master 70' seeding tool & sxx 300 air tank, Alliance liquid kit & Bandit 3400TC tow behind liquid cart, 16" spacing, narrow fold, floatation package, lift kit, 15.0/55-17 tires, sectional control, liquid fertilizer kit, tire in tire option, on board air tank w/Ultra-Pro meter, load cells on seed tank, Bandit 3400TC liquid cart w/2 - 1700 US gallon tanks, 21.5-16.1 frt tires, 28L-26 rr tires, Model BD3400TC/4WH, S#PWI00100209, Alliance Series 1126 Auto-Rate Injection system w/diaphragm pump, Model 1126-180UP Grade, S#06417 S#11665. When discussing this modern seeding unit Guy & Blair St. Amant have this to say, “After talking to Norbert Beaujot founder of Seedmaster about what we wanted in an air drill we had it built. With the seed and fertilizer on section control and seed tank on scales has allowed us to be efficient with time and input cost. The ultrapro canola metering system and the excellent Seedmaster seed placement saves us $/acre every year. The 16" spacing on only 2 ranks allows us to seed between rows with a lot of clearance for trash from the year before. It has been easy to operate and we have had great success seeding with this drill.” Guy and Blair St. Amant Guy st. Amant 306-441-5428 Blair st. Amant 306-845-8032 or seed Master owen Kinch | Field Research Manager owen@seedmaster.ca |888.721.3001 P|306.721.3002 F| www.seedmaster.ca or Kramer Auctions ltd. Kim Kramer Auction Manager kim@kramerauction.com 306-441-1685 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Kramer Auctions – Benefits Our Youth in the Future of Agriculture For the past 13 years Kramer Auctions has been conducting the auction for Annual Ranch Horse Sale & 2 year old Prospect Sale and Lloydminster Pfizer Stockade Roundup Beef Sale. Both of these popular shows are well respected in the Agricultural industry. Adding to the excitement of the shows, Kramer’s have recently created a new Scholarship fund promoting the future of youth involvement in Agriculture. When creating this they wanted to give each and every youth the same opportunity to earn the scholarship. They decided to create a Senior Showmanship Scholarship award of $1500.00. This award will be given to the youth each year that participates in the Senior Showmanship Beef class at Stockade Roundup and will be awarded to the youth that shows the most spirit in Showmanship. This means that the winner won’t necessarily have best animal in show but does the best with their animal and shows spirit. The funds from the scholarship will be held in Trust and applied to future Agricultural Studies. The Scholarship winner also has the ability, if they are eligible and a 4-H member to use some of the proceeds towards expenses for Provincial and National judging competitions. The 2013 winner is Jennifer Jones of Lloydminster SK. 50 Scott Meiklejohn – It’s only been 30 years... In March 1984 I attended auction school in Billings Montana. Shortly after returning home, I was selling at Gordy’s Auction House in Glaslyn, SK. That was a 3-4 week intense learning curve. Near the end of that time I was asked to help sell a charity Auction that Alvin Gessner was conducting. I agreed to sell at that auction. Present at that Auction was long time Kramer Auction clerk, Tony Ziegler. I found myself at an interview with Kramer Auctions shortly after. The rest is history as they say. I was hired. From 1986 – 1996, I worked at Intercontinental Packers full time. I would take my annual holidays in April and join Kramer Auctions for the spring sale run. When I first started with Kramer Auctions the spring farm sale season was 2-3 weeks long. After a while, spring sales spanned over four weeks rather than three, so I had to be creative in order to get the necessary time off from Intercon to be able to Auction for all four weeks. In 1997 I moved to North Battleford with my wife. Since moving to North Battleford we have had 3 children. Working all three generations As I find myself now being the sole titleholder of the long service award, I take pride in saying I have sold with all three generations of the Kramer family. Starting with Eiling Kramer, I learned a vital lesson in selling at an art auction in Saskatoon that has never been forgotten. The majority of my selling days have been with Neil. Neil & Monica have built the family business exponentially since taking over from Eiling in 1970. As a young auctioneer, Neil was always there for guidance but still letting me find my way through all situations that an auctioneer finds himself in when conducting the sale. Neil never misses the opportunity to have some fun, like the time early in my career when I was at a loss for the right words to describe a piece of equipment. Neil standing beside me whispered the words to me and as the words enter my ear they come out my mouth just as fast and of course they are not the right words as people are looking at a bale elevator and I’m trying to sell them a bale auger while my little buddy is giggling like hell behind me. Those lessons I learned from Eiling and Neil about dealing with people - humor, skill and professionalism - I’ve had the privilege to pass on to Kim, Brendan and Mike as well. From time to time much of the humor was passed on while travelling to and from the auctions. It’s great to see how the boys have taken the business to another level. After 30 years, the one person who has never held a microphone and never wants to be in the spotlight is Monica. She has had a lot to do with the success of Kramer Auctions. Through all my years she has always treated me more like family than an employee, although she did push me down the stairs at a bison sale at Camrose (though she won’t admit it). I’ve tormented her for a long time and I plan on continuing for a long time yet. Over the years I have lost some people who meant a great deal to me, both as friends and colleagues. They helped me become the auctioneer I am today - Tom Donahue, Tony Ziegler and Dale Breiman. Continuing forward we will be travelling down the road with the Somervilles and the Hylands. Changes over the years There have been many changes in the last 30 years. The cost and prices of machinery is one of the most notable. In my first 10 years of Auctioning the average proceeds of a farm sale would be in the range of $100,000.00. Later we sold a single piece of equipment over $100,000.00. The first time it was exceptional. Now it’s common for a piece of equipment to sell for a price in excess of $100,000.00. Another big change in the 30 years has been the reason why a farmer was selling out. When I first started selling it was common that the farmer had to sell out because none of the farmer’s children were prepared to take over the farm, as young people had other jobs and weren’t interested in farming. Now I have seen a resurgence of young people wanting to come back to the farm. They see the opportunity and a positive future in farming. It’s great to see. The biggest change in the Auction business that I have seen is the influence of the Internet and being able to advertise for your clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Websites are a very useful tool in the marketing of all the sales that we conduct. The buyers can see all the pictures of the item in which they are interested. They are also able to review spec sheets on that particular item. The buyers can educate themselves and feel confident about the item and determine with accuracy the value of the item. Before the internet, the way to advertise effectively was to blanket the country with catalogs & posters. We put a couple boxes of posters and a stapler in your vehicle and away you went and stapled posters and dropped catalogs in every town around that area that you were having a sale. This would include visiting and putting up posters at all the coffee shops and garages. These trips provided many great memories and conversations with people who were happy to see you coming in and talking about the upcoming auctions. The sale catalog is still used today. Most farmers still love to have a catalog with them when they go to a sale. The people I have worked with, the people I have worked for, and all those experiences I’ve had with the people who attend the sales and smile, talk and share their stories with me has kept me on the Auction Block for 30 years. Here’s to many more, Scotty Neil’s side of the past 30 years with Scotty I have been very fortunate to have been able to work with Scotty for the past 30 years. He is a good friend and a very dedicated employee. He has not only earned the trust and confidence of our family but also the general public who attend the auctions. He’s worked hard at every auction for both buyers and the seller. People place their bids with him every day at auctions whether he is calling on the truck or working the ring.He is well liked and trusted. Scott is a pleasure to be with every day. He keeps the staff and attendees laughing always with something funny to offer. Scott and I have had a great relationship for the 30 years he has been with us. He is one of the most qualified auctioneers with a fantastic ability to obtain the best value, and keep people entertained without losing the auction momentum. It’s hard to find an auctioneer with the versatility that he has, we can always count on him for a job well done on selling anything from a late model piece of farm machinery to a selection of antiques. Scott is a very well-liked professional auctioneer who we are very fortunate have the opportunity to work with every day. Thanks for everything Scotty! Even if I give you a bad time it’s all in fun and has been a blast. Look forward to another 30 years with you, even if you didn’t know the difference between a bale elevator and bale auger 30 years ago! Neil A few words from the 3rd Generation As young kids, we even remember Scotty picking us up from school and taking us to hockey in his Dodge Mirada. Scotty is a talented auctioneer and ringman who has taught us numerous values over the years from dealing with people to taking bids and auctioneering tips. Scotty’s quick wit and sense of humor is sure to get him out of whatever situation he finds himself in. Scotty is like a brother to us and is as genuine as you’ll find with a heart of gold and a character that will always put a smile on your face. He is a very dedicated employee who never quits till the job’s done, even if it means cleaning up the trucks and trailers after a long day. We likely learned the most from having him ride shotgun to and from auctions. From constant humor and practical jokes with co-workers to reminiscing about old auction stories and his famous calling in to CJWW’s “Boots & Salutes” have made 30 years fly by. Scotty, the last 30 years wouldn’t have been the same without you! Thanks for everything you have contributed to our business over the years and we look forward to many more enjoyable years with you! Time flies when you’re having fun, Brendan, Kim & Mike 51 2013 Land Auctions – Year in Review 2013 was another successful year for land auctions. The market for buying and/or leasing land continued to be strong. Throughout the year we had a variety of land that was SOLD or LEASED by Auction. As you can see by the results shown in the charts below, the land we offered varied a great deal from one area to the next. We also observed that the demand in each area is unique. Some areas still maintain a large number of small mixed farming operations, others may only have a few large operations and a lot of areas have numerous mid-sized farm operations looking to expand. The auction method of marketing is quickly becoming a preferred method of buying or selling farmland. Sellers like the convenience of a known date of sale allowing them to make forward plans. They also like the peace of mind knowing their property will be well marketed creating a true market value by allowing all bidders equal opportunity to participate in open competitive bidding at the auction. Buyers like the auction method because they know every interested party has a fair equal opportunity to take part in the bidding on a specific date. An auction is very transparent with bidders knowing exactly what their next bid must be to stay involved in the sale. Bidders have confidence knowing they are only placing one bid higher than what the last bidder was willing to pay. Trends continued to show a strong demand for good quality cultivated farmland for sale or lease with prices reaching some new highs in some areas. Pasture land remained at a steady average. Land with recreational potential has also continued to create good demand. 34 QUARTERS FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION • 11 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND in Landis/Biggar Area RMs of Biggar & Grandview - Risk-n-Hope Farms Ltd. • 2 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND near Redfield - Mayfair area RM of Douglas - Raptor Enterprises • 4 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND in Ruddell/Denholm area RM of Mayfield - Meenagh Farms Ltd. • 1 QUARTER OF FARM LAND near Rabbit Lake, SK RM of Round Hill - William Kuffert • 2 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND near North Battleford RM of North Battleford - Nyholt Family • 4 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND in Spiritwood/Meeting Lake area RM of Spiritwood - Brian & Kathy Cross • 4 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND in Hafford area RM of Redberry - Orest Salahub • 2 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND - near Rockhaven area RM of Buffalo - Tony & Deb Bollinger • 3 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND in Borden area RM of Great Bend - Peter Prystupa • UNIQUE QUARTER SECTION only 20 minutes from North Battleford, SK - RM of Meota - George & Muriel Nachtegaele 17 QUARTERS FOR LEASE BY PUBLIC AUCTION • 3 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND near Cavalier, SK - RM of Meota - Maurice & Denise Belland • 1 QUARTER OF FARM LAND near Prince, SK - RM of Meota - RC & K Holdings • 13 QUARTERS OF FARM LAND near Whitkow/Hatherleigh area RM of Round Hill - Lloyd & Larry Lavigne DOORS OPEN AT 11:00 AM LUNCH AT 12:00 NOON AUCTION STARTS AT 1:30 PM SHARP DINNER & SOCIAL TO FOLLOW Below are hi-lights. Please visit our website to find more information. FARM LAND SOLD BY AUCTION IN 2013 loCATIon nAME RM of Great Bend Ruben & Martha Rempel dATE PRICE dEsCRIPTIon March 27 $619,500.00 4 quarters farm land near Borden, SK RM of Great Bend Greg Orchard March 27 $81,000.00 1 quarter farm land NE of Borden, SK RM of Blaine Lake Darcy Neville March 27 $60,000.00 1 quarter farm land east of Marcelin, SK RM of Eye Hill Doug & Lorinda Wells April 3 $1,042,000.00 2 quarters of quality farm land w/oil revenue located near Macklin, SK RM of Parkdale TL Ranch April 25 $1,929,000.00 13 quarters lush pasture, beautiful yard/house, private lake, etc. near Glaslyn, SK RM of Buffalo Phelps Estate May 2 $62,400.00 1 quarter of pasture land near Wilkie, SK RM of Morris Roger & Denise Davidson June 18 $1,888,500.00 11 land parcels ranging from native pasture to good farm land as well as a 20 acre subdivided yard site complete with a house/quonset & numerous different outbuildings RM of Mountainview John Newbold October 31 $81,500.00 160 acres of farm land/pasture land near Herschel, SK RM of Biggar & Grandview Risk-N-Hope Farms Ltd. December 12 $3,217,500.00 11 quarters of farm land in Landis/Biggar area RM of Mayfield Meenagh Farms Ltd. December 12 $905,000.00 4 quarters of farm land in Ruddell/Denholm area RM of North Battleford Nyholt Family December 12 $504,000.00 2 quarters of farm land near North Battleford RM of Redberry Orest Salahub December 12 $460,000.00 4 quarters of farm land in Hafford area RM of Great Bend Peter Prystupa December 12 $293,000.00 3 quarters of farm land in Borden area RM of Douglas Raptor Enterprises December 12 $300,000.00 2 quarters of farm land near Redfield/Mayfield area RM of Round Hill William Kuffert December 12 $102,000.00 1 quarter of farm land near Rabbit Lake RM of Spiritwood Brian & Kathy Cross December 12 $280,000.00 4 quarters of hay land/farm land in Spiritwood/Meeting Lake area RM of Meota George & Muriel Nachtegaele December 12 $71,000.00 1 unique quarter only 20 minutes from North Battleford. 30 cult acres loCATIon nAME dATE PRICE RM of Battle River Eric Owen Farm March 27 $77.00/acre 700 acres of farm land south of Battleford, SK RM of Douglas Harvey & Carolyn McDonald March 27 $75.00/acre 6 quarters - 750 acres farm land near Richard, SK RM of Meota Maurice & Denise Belland December 12 $82.50/acre 3 quarters of farm land near Cavalier, SK 1 quarter of farm land near Prince, SK FARM LAND LEASED BY AUCTION IN 2013 dEsCRIPTIon RM of Meota RC & K Holdings December 12 $70.00/acre RM of Round Hill Lloyd & Larry Lavigne December 12 $51.85/acre 13 quarters of farm land near Whitkow/Hatherleigh area RM of Glenside Hoppe Bros December 12 $44.14/acre 10 quarters of farm land near Biggar, SK 52 John Newbold – 100 Years OLd – A True Prairie Pioneer Over $560,000 Raised in 2013 with Help from the Kramer Auctions Family “Lows In Motion” Parkinson Society Benefit Auction St. Walburg Hockey Arena Fundraiser John Newbold and Olive Foley John is the oldest of 6 children and was born on Jan 2, 1914. His father Abraham ran a butcher shop in the town of Borden. John trucked grain and cattle with his father using an International Truck. In 1936 John purchased his own 1935 Ford Truck and continued trucking. This truck he still has today. John fed cattle and hogs. For 2 years he raised mink. In 1942 he purchased a purebred Hereford bull and started building a herd of purebred cattle. In 1943 John purchased his first farmland. In 1944 John purchased a new John Deere A Tractor which he brought home on D day. John still has this tractor and it is the only new tractor he ever bought. Over the years he has built his farm up to 11 quarters of grainland. Along with leased and owned pasture. John still operates his farm today with the help of his relatives. John Newbold has attended Kramer Auctions for over fifty years. He is one of the most senior and well respected farm businessmen who we have had the fortune of meeting and doing business with. I have known John myself for over 40 years and still look forward to seeing him in the farm auction crowds in the future. I will always remember him as a gentlemen and he had a love for the Massey 860 Combine which were a proven and trusted harvester for years. John still shows a great interest in auctions and knows to trust the auction method for both buying and selling. In the fall of 2013 he had the forsight to offer a parcel of land at Herschel, SK by Internet auction. This auction was very successful for him. We look forward to continuing a strong and trusted business relationship with him in the future. Another year has been wrapped up and 2014 is now upon us. Over the past year the Kramer Auctions family has volunteered their auctioneering services to many different community service clubs and organizations to help raise funds in excess of $560,000. Some include multiple District 4-H Clubs, STARS Ambulance, Hospital Foundations, the Boys & Girls Club and Battleford’s Trade & Education Centre as well as many clubs & organizations in Southern Saskatchewan that the Somerville family volunteer their time to. By volunteering our auctioneering services, we assist numerous clubs & organizations to reach fundraising goals for projects they are focussed on. The funds spent on these projects help build stronger communities with deeper roots which we all benefit from. We are a very community minded family business and help more than just community clubs and organizations. When called upon, we and our staff volunteer our auctioneering skills and services to assist families who are in need of financial support due to an illness or sudden tragedy. The Kramer Auctions family is proud to be a part of the Battlefords and area community as well as numerous other rural communities. The Kramer family would like to thank their staff who volunteer their own time for these events. The Kramers would also like to extend their thanks to the volunteers that help organize these events as well as those who have attended any of the fundraisers and have participated in the bidding. Without your participation & support, these events would not be successful. MLS# 471834 Written by Neil Kramer Year-Round Lake View Home at Aquadeo Listed at $484,900.00 541-100th Street River Valley View Listed at $349,000.00 For more information visit our website or contact Ed Truelove 306-445-5000. 1.800.529.9958 SK Provincial Licence #914618 John Newbold steam engine 53 The Kramer family and staff would like to thank everyone for their patronage over the past 65 years. Many things have changed through the years, but our high level of service you have grown to trust remains the same. Our family foundation, personalized service and commitment to the auction business have all contributed to the long term growth and reputation of our company. We look forward to many more years of auction excellence. MIKE LONGWORTH & BRENT GENEST APRIL 10 - HARRIS, SK (Rosetown area) GER-LOR HOLDINGS LTD. - GERALD & LORRAINE LONGMIRE APRIL 12 - KINDERSLEY, SK L.J. MEIER FARM LTD. - JAMES & LAWRENCE MEIER APRIL 15 - LUSELAND, SK HOWARD & INGRID SUITOR APRIL 19 - BLACKIE, AB (HIGH RIVER AREA) IAN & MARILYN PARSONS REAL ESTATE APRIL 16 - MCLAUGHLIN, AB FARM LAND - SEE PAGE 43 MOBILE FRIENDLY From the entire Kramer Crew “Thank you for attending our auctions. H ave a great spring!” FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-529-9958 PHONE 306-445-5000 • FAX 306-445-5003 View upcoming auction listings, photos, and a history of auction results BOX 1807 NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK CANADA S9A 3W8 Located 3 miles east of North Battleford along Hwy #16 Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am-5:00 pm SK Provincial Licence #914618 • AB Provincial Licence #206959 • SK Livestock Dealer #116400 • Authorized AB Livestock Dealer Ultra Print, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
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