Homecoming - Mizzou Alumni Association


Homecoming - Mizzou Alumni Association
2015 Mizzou
Greek Rulebook
Table of Contents
Director’s Letter
The Homecoming Steering Committee and the Mizzou Alumni Association would like to
thank you for participating in Homecoming 2015. This year the University of Missouri commemorates the 104th Homecoming by celebrating the traditions of our university and the
pride of all Missouri Tigers. Homecoming is a time in which students, faculty, staff, community members and alumni come together to celebrate Mizzou and its impressive history of
excellence. Mizzou students maintain and improve upon past traditions each year through
Homecoming festivities, and simultaneously look to the future as they create tradtions of
their own.
The Mizzou Alumni Association is proud to celebrate many events including the Homecoming Blood Drive, which is recognized as the nation’s largest student-run blood drive. The
Homecoming Food Drive benefits the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri. Campus Decorations and the Homecoming Parade are unique experiences that combine creativity and service to the Mizzou family and Columbia community. These are just a few of the
many Homecoming events that help bring Tiger spirit to Mizzou’s campus every Homecoming season. All events that support Mizzou would not be possible without the time and dedication of our students. We want to thank you for your commitment and hope you continue to
carry on the same Mizzou spirit in years to come, and to help make 2015 another sucessful
The Homecoming Steering Committee has been working tirelessly in preparation for the
2015 Homecoming celebration. We strive to make positive changes each and every year,
and this year these changes are apparent in all areas of our Homecoming festivities. We are
excited about the events and activities scheduled in the weeks and days leading up to October 10th, when the fighting Missouri Tigers take on the Florida Gators.
Please use this rulebook as a resource for information regarding all aspects of the Homecoming celebration. Please keep in mind that these rules are subject to change. If changes
are implemented, liaisons will be notified to ensure clear communication for all organizations
involved. The Homecoming Steering Committee is committed to Mizzou and all participants.
We strive to foster Mizzou pride and spread the magic of Homecoming. We truly look forward to working with you!
In the spirit of Homecoming,
Tanner Bryant, Kelsey Denker, Kit Nelson
Katelyn Entzeroth
Sam Hallett
Justine Kaminski
Grant Pittrich
The Homecoming Blood Drive will be a four-day event, held in the Hearnes Center
Fieldhouse during the following dates and times:
Monday, Sept. 28, 2015: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Blood Drive Liaison Meetings will be held following the normal liaison meetings, these
dates are 9/10 and 9/24.
Liaisons will register their donors online at www.donateblood.com. Specific instructions,
along with usernames and passwords will be released. That date is 9/10.
Online registration will be required to receive full points. These dates are 9/21.
Total Points
A total of 140 points is possible through the Blood Drive competition. This total will be
broken down into eight different categories as shown below:
Percent of Greek Grouping’s Attempted Donation60 Points
Check-in, Check-out points at the Blood Drive 50 Points
Required Volunteers 15 Points
Automated Collection Donors 5 Points
Blood Liaison Meeting 10 Points
TOTAL 140 Points
Percent of Greek Grouping’s Attempted Donation (60 points)
If at least 90 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 60 points
If at least 85 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 55 points.
If at least 80 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 50 points.
If at least 75 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 45 points.
If at least 70 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 40 points.
If at least 65 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 35 points.
If at least 60 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 30 points.
If at least 55 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 25 points.
If at least 50 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 20 points.
If at least 45 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 15 points.
If at least 40 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 10 points.
If at least 35 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 5 points.
If less than 35 percent of the Greek grouping attempts donation- 0 points.
Formula: (A+B)/(2F)=X
A: Number of check-ins
B: Number of check-outs
F: Total membership of combined groupings’ roster total (sum of all roster totals in the
X: Total percentage of participating organizations or Greek grouping that satisfied
Required Volunteer Points
The participating organization or Greek grouping provides their required volunteers
Greater than or equal to 100% receives 15 points.
Less than 100% receives 0 points.
Required Automation Collection Points
The participating organization or Greek grouping must have two members attempt to
donated Automated Collection process.
Two donors equal 5 points.
One donor equals 2.5 points.
Zero donors equals 0 points.
Required Liaison Meeting Points
The participating organization or Greek grouping liaison attends scheduled meetings.
If the Greek grouping attends both meetings, they will receive 10 points.
If the Greek grouping attends one meeting, they will receive 5 points.
If the Greek grouping does not attend either meetings, they will receive 0 points.
To ensure a smooth blood drive, it is imperative that donors arrive on time for their
scheduled check-in time. In order to receive on-time points for check-in, the donor must
bring their appointment card to the blood drive at their scheduled time along with a photo
ID. This person may check-in within 5 minutes of the scheduled time. For example, if his/
her check-in time is 1:00 p.m., they may check-in between 12:55 p.m. and 1:05 p.m.
In addition, a donor’s check-out and donation points will be forfeited if he/she does not
A donor must have their appointment card and valid photo identification to receive any
on-time points. In order to receive on-time points for check-out, the donor must bring
their Post Donation Instruction Sheet, appointment card, and Photo ID to the designated
check-out station within four hours of the scheduled appointment.
If a donor is deferred at any station in the donation process they should stop by the
check-out table and receive information to reschedule or check-out. Points can be
counted if they check out at the deferral station and returns later in the week to attempt
to donate or by having another donor attempt to give in place with their appointment
Note: Individual groups/organizations are responsible for the successful check-in and
check-out process. Inform your members of the procedure and ensure that they do
not skip a step or miss out on points.
Each participating organization must require 15% of their membership to volunteer at
the blood drive. To ensure efficiency of volunteers, a student may not volunteer on the
same day after they donated blood. For example, you can volunteer in the morning and
then donate later that day but you cannot volunteer in the evening after donating in the
Every participating organization and Greek grouping must have two members attempt to
donate for the automated collection process. Automated Collection donors will register
in the same process as whole blood donors The following criteria should be used in
selecting the donors to attempt this process on site during the main days of the Blood
Males should be: at least 5’1” in height and weigh at least 130 lbs
Females should be: at least 5’5” in height and weigh at least 150 lbs
Satellite blood drives allow your members to gain additional donor points by having family,
friends, and alumni attempt to donate blood at the specified locations on the specific
dates. Each donor who presents to give blood in the name of your Greek grouping, will
earn additional donor points for your organization. Sign up sheets will be provided at each
For each participating organization or Greek grouping to receive maximum points for
whole blood donations and automated collection procedures:
1. 80% of each individual participating organization or Greek grouping’s donor
roster MUST be pre-registered.
2. Each individual organization or Greek grouping is required to have 15% of
their membership participate as volunteers for the blood drive. Each volunteer must
serve a 1.5 hour shift.
3. In order for a participating organization or Greek grouping to receive full
check-in points, each donor must check-in within five minutes of their assigned
time WITH his/her appointment card and valid identification.
4. In order for a participating organization or Greek grouping to receive full
check-out points, each donor must bring their post donation sheet, appointment
card, and photo ID to the designated check-out station within four hours of their
schedule appointment.
5. It is the organization’s responsibility to ensure that their members follow the
appropriate check-in and check-out procedures at the blood drive.
6. You are allowed to donate on behalf of three different types of organizations:
a Greek grouping, a Residence Hall, AND a Campus Organization.
7. Donors are not allowed to volunteer on the same day following his/her
scheduled blood donation time.
8. People who donate blood at the satellite drive locations count as donors for
the participating organizations and/or Greek groupings.
Failure by a participating organization or Greek grouping to submit a hard
copy of donor and/or volunteer lists by 7:05 p.m. 9/24 at the liaison meeting will
lose 10 points from their final blood drive points.
Volunteers who do not report within five minutes of their assigned time for
their duties will lose 2 points per late volunteer from their final blood drive points.
Participating organizations and/or Greek groupings will lose 15 points from
their final blood drive points if online registration is not completed by 9/21.
50 points from the final blood drive points will be deducted if participating
organizations or Greek groupings solicit people to donate and/or volunteer
within 500 feet of the blood drive location. (definition of “solicitation” as applied
to this rulebook means: to request the others unaffiliated with your participating
organization or Greek grouping give blood or volunteer on your organization or
grouping’s behalf).
30 points from the final blood drive points will be deducted if participating
organizations and Greek groupings engage in mass solicitation to unaffiliated
students on behalf of a campus organization or Greek grouping in a classroom/
campus setting or listserv.
Participating organizations and/or Greek groupings will lose 100% of their final
blood drive points and be disqualified from the blood drive if:
Monetary bribes are given by any part of a participating organization or
Greek grouping to any individual or group in exchange for blood donation in
that organization or grouping’s name
Members of a participating organization or Greek grouping are
punished for not participating in the blood drive; including but not limited to
the assessment of fines, imposition of penalties, general threats, or prohibition
of members from attending events
They participate in any act deemed unethical by the American Red
Cross, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Greek Life, or University of
Missouri Homecoming Steering Committee
Campus Decorations
Campus Decorations
Ryan Eisenbath
Nick Jones
Emily Sheehey
The purpose of Campus Decorations is to inspire, students, alumni, and faculty by covering the campus with school spirit as both the University of Missouri and Columbia community prepare for Homecoming festivities.
General Information
This event will be held on the evening of Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, from 6 p.m. to
9:30 p.m.
Campus Decorations must be up by 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, and
removed by 6 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015.
Scaffolding must be ready for approval by 4 p.m. on Thursday Oct. 8, 2015.
Scaffolding must be anchored down with flags at the end before approval.
Board setup may begin anytime after scaffolding is approved on Thursday,
Oct. 8, 2015.
Approval is designated by the Campus Decorations Committee attaching a
notice to the scaffolding.
Campus Decorations will occur rain or shine.
Important Dates
Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015: Pomp order pick-up at the Reynolds Alumni Center
Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015: Entry form, proposed site, and preliminary sketches with materials list due
Thursday, September 24, 2015: Final design due including materials, characters, freestanding objects, and audience involvement activity, script and final site
selection due.
Thursday, Oct 1, 2015: Audio tapes/CDs due
Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015: Scaffolding up and tied down for inspection by 4 p.m
Friday, Oct. 9, 2015: Campus Decorations inspected by fire marshal; Campus Decorations up by 4 p.m. (NO MORE FINAL ALTERATIONS TO BOARDS OR
Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015: All Campus Decorations must be removed by 6 p.m.
campus decorations
Only members of the participating organization may design, build, record, and/or
No outside help is allowed.
Anything not specified in the rulebook will fall under the interpretation and disciplinary action of the Homecoming Steering Committee. We encourage innovation; if
questions arise, please contact the Campus Decorations Committee.
The judgment of the Homecoming Steering Committee is final in all questions of
Please remember that the streets will be blocked from noon to 10 p.m. on Friday
Oct. 9, 2014.
• Each campus decoration may not exceed 16 feet in height and 32 feet in width
(approximately 16 4’x8’ boards).
• Decorations may exceed the dimension restrictions if grouping chooses to add
two extra boards.
• The maximum amount pomped may not exceed 25% of the original 16 boards*.
• You may choose an additional 2 boards or an extra freestanding object on top of
your allotted board and objects.
If the grouping chooses to add two extra boards, the total percentage of
pomp of the finished product still may not exceed 25%.
Approximations are done to recognize the possibility of the organizations
pomping half boards, quarter boards, etc. to create a combination of 25% rather
than specifically pomping 4 boards.
• The maximum percentage of boards pomped is a limit and not a requirement.
• These 16 boards can be set flat or offset to a maximum depth of ten feet measured from the front of the decoration. Any other materials, objects or props used to
enhance the scene must be attached to the original boards and remain within the
allotted ten feet.
• Frames are included as part of the 16 board maximum.
• The maximum number of boards is a limit and not a requirement.
campus decorations
• The 16 boards referred to in the dimensions section will have the option of being
pomped, but can include other embellishments such as paint, glitter, cloth, chicken
wire, papier-mâché, etc. The use of alternative and creative materials is strongly encouraged.
• Prefabricated materials may be used within the design of the Campus Decoration.
However, these prefabricated materials must be approved prior to construction and
only make up minor details as opposed to a major element of the design. Prefabricated
materials should be used at a minimum. Any questions about this may be directed to
the Campus Decorations Committee.
• o Example: When constructing a house, participating organizations may
buy shingles for a roof, and plexiglass for a window but not an entire prefabricated
• Participants must provide a list of materials to the Campus Decorations Committee
by Thursday Sept. 10 immediately following the liaison meeting. Failure to submit all
materials on time will result in a point deduction.
• Final decision of materials allowed, as well as interpretations of rules will be determined by the Campus Decorations Committee and the Homecoming Advisor.
• Open flames, televisions and multi-media devices are strictly prohibited.
• Any objects that extend off boards may not exceed two feet in depth
• Groupings must include one object in at least two of the following: Campus Decorations, Parade, or Talent.
Freestanding Objects
• A maximum of two freestanding objects will be allowed for each Campus Decoration.
Three freestanding objects will be allowed if the grouping
chooses the extra freestanding object
• These objects may be adjacent to make one larger object. They may not be
stacked, or attached due to safety restrictions
• These objects must be hand-made by the organization. The objects cannot be
traditionally pomped. However, chicken wire pomp, papier-mâché, or any other art
form will be acceptable.
Props used in Jesse Hall are limited to 4’x8’x10’ each. If you wish to reuse
items for Talent the sizes of individual pieces may not exceed these dimensions.
campus decorations
Audience Involvement
• All campus decorations must have an interactive activity for the audience to take
part in. This can be included in a freestanding object or skit.
• Activity must be submitted with the preliminary sketches in order to be approved.
• Changes to activity will be accepted up until the final sketch submission. They
must be approved by the Steering Committee.
Moving Parts
• Decorations may contain an unlimited number of moving parts within the specified
dimensions. However, all moving parts must follow the original materials guidelines.
Members of organizations will be allowed within the dimensions to move figures during
the performance.
• To avoid point deductions, ask the Campus Decorations Committee about any
parts that may be questionable.
• A maximum of seven characters are allowed for each skit. Multiple forms of art
will be accepted and are encouraged (i.e. traditional pomp, chicken wire pomp, papier¬mâché, paint, etc.). If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Decorations Committee.
• If you choose to pomp the characters, the pomping does not count toward your
total pomping percentages
• Length of the performance should be between five and seven minutes.
• Performances should run once every 30 minutes
• Show times will be pre-determined by the Campus Decorations Committee and
run on a schedule for the audience’s convenience.
• Each performance must incorporate the following prepared quote, “(insert grouping
name here) would like to thank the Mizzou Alumni Association for sponsoring Homecoming.”
• An area in front of the Decoration must be sectioned off for children 12 and under.
• A section with seating for judges must also be provided with a clear viewing area.
• The Campus Decoration must be visible to the entire audience. This should be
considered during site selection, decoration design and lighting design.
campus decorations
• Judges tables may be decorated but the decorations are limited to a tablecloth
and chair covers. Decorations should not distract from judges viewing of the skit, nor
should there be interactions with the judges during the performance.
• You may choose to provide light snacks to the judges, but you may not present
them gift bags, boxes, baskets or anything else that encourages them to be taken
away from the table.
• Judges table can be set up after 4 p.m. deadline for boards.
• The materials for the judges table do not need to be on the materials list.
• The Campus Decorations Committee must approve the selected site by Thursday,
Oct. 9, 2015.
• The Campus Decorations Committee will assist in finding alternative sites for Decorations if necessary.
Point Breakdown
• All Campus Decorations will be judged on a 160-point scale (refer to the score
sheet provided). Keep the score sheets in mind when planning and building your Campus Decoration. They are the exact sheets that will be used by the judges and will be a
useful source for your organization.
• The highest and lowest scores will be averaged together. This score will be added
together with the other six scores, thus eliminating outliers, for a total of seven scores.
• Additional honorable mention awards will be given based on categories from the
score sheet including Storyline, Creativity, Overall Design, and Characters. These
awards will not be worth additional points, but are meant to add recognition for the
hard work and creativity put into the Campus Decorations.
campus decorations
Point Deductions
• A member of the Homecoming Steering Committee will ensure that all groupings
follow the guideline of the rulebook. Points will be deducted for failure to follow guidelines. The point deductions are stated:
• 15 points will be deducted for violating the following penalties: exceeding dimensions, exceeding character limits, pomping over 25%, exceeding work deadlines which
include starting early or continuing past the set deadlines, using help outside the participating organizations and using prohibited materials that were not approved by the
Campus Decorations Committee.
• 10 points will be deducted for violating the following penalties: missing appointment deadlines including scaffolding setup and fire marshal inspections, smoking
within 20 feet of the Campus Decorations, for not following performance schedule,
exceeding or going under the required time allotment, for any materials used that were
not included and approved in your materials list, and distasteful teardown of decorations.
Point Formula
A = Total points awarded by judges (refer to score sheet)
B = Total point deductions
C = Total Score
Campus Decorations
Score Sheet
Grouping: ___________________________ Judge's Signature: ______________________________
Overall Design (Honorable Mention) __ / 55
Is the total layout of the decoration aesthetically pleasing? Is there continuity between different parts
of the decoration? Does the decoration incorporate moving parts or special effects?
Creativity (Honorable Mention) __ / 35
Does the decoration have any unique aspects that set it apart? Are the methods used to complete
the decoration unconventional, and if so, do they make the decoration better or worse?
Storyline (Honorable Mention) __/ 15
Does the plot of the story make sense? Does it appeal to all audience members? Does it keep the
audience’s attention? Is the story complete?
Theme Incorporation __/ 15
Does the story effectively express the chosen theme? Is Mizzou successfully incorporated into the
FreeStanding Objects __ / 20
Do the objects complement the decoration? Are the objects child-friendly and appealing?
Characters (Honorable Mention) __/ 10
Do the characters have any unique aspects that set them apart? Are they visually appealing to the
audience and an asset to the overall decoration?
Audio Quality __/ 5
Is the sound clear and dialogue understandable? Are the character voices easy to distinguish? Is the
presence of music effective or defective?
Audience Interaction __/ 5
Does the story itself include methods of incorporating the audience? Is there interaction between the
audience and the performance?
TOTAL SCORE ______/160
campus decorations
The following images are scaled down examples of the quality and detail that should be
included when submitting your sketches.
Quinten Campbell
Nick Schasch
Courtney Specker
Caroline Sutton
The Homecoming Parade will be held Saturday, October 10, 2015, Time: TBA.
Any student organization recognized by the University of Missouri, residential hall, community organization or business may enter a decorated car, float, walking banner or other
entry as allowed by the Parade committee.
In order to be judged, Greek groupings must enter a float according to the rules outlined
Participating groups must submit entry forms online at http://mizzoudata.
imodules.com/s/resources/templates/login/index.aspx?gid=1&pgid=1046 by
Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 at 5 p.m.
Detailed sketches of each decorated entry (i.e. float or vehicle) must be
turned in Thursday, September 24, 2015 at the liaison meeting.
This year’s entries will be capped at 125. Parade entries will be accepted on a
first–come, first-serve basis.
Greek entries will be ranked in first through fifth places based on the criteria
listed on the judging form.
Groupings must include one object in at least two of the following: Campus
Decorations, Parade, or Talent.
Rules and Guidelines
Float Dimensions
Entries must not exceed a height of 11 feet (from bed of the trailer to the top
of entry) or a width of 12 feet.
Trailers must not exceed a length of 24 feet.
Entries must be safely navigable throughout the parade route. For safety and
navigational purposes, no semi-trucks are allowed.
Only members of the respective organizations may construct floats. NO OUTSIDE HELP IS ALLOWED!
Floats are subject to inspection by the Homecoming Steering Committee to
ensure guidelines are followed.
Floats must incorporate at least one moving part powered by hydraulics,
electric Motors, etc. The mechanisms must be indicated in the detailed sketch to
receive proper approval. No people are allowed on the float while in the parade
route, this will result in a loss of points or disqualification from Parade.
Prefabricated materials may be used in the design of the float; however, they
must be approved prior to construction and may only make up minor details as opposed to a major element of the design.
The same prefabricated rules from campus decorations apply to parade
Any questions about prefabricated materials can be directed to the Parade Committee.
The Parade Committee has full discretion over what is or is not allowed
as a prefabricated material. If you have any questions, please contact the
Parade Committee.
Absolutely no flames or any form of pomping are allowed. The penalty for
using flames or pomping is disqualification from Parade.
No objects (water, candy, confetti, etc.) may be propelled or thrown from the
float at any time along the parade route.
You may hand out objects if desired
Any organizations constructing floats must incorporate Truman the Tiger and
Show-Me State of Mind.
The theme specific to each float should be visible from both sides of the float.
The name of each organization should be clearly represented on both sides of
the entry.
Greek groupings must incorporate one object from either Talent or Campus
Decorations, 5 points will be granted for the use this object.
The use of costumes will not be counted toward these points but is highly
Parade Route
All entries must maintain forward motion at all times.
Each Greek grouping must have at least 25 members of the total grouping walking with the entry during the parade. At least one member of each Greek
Chapter must walk with their float.
Candy and other handouts may only be directly handed to audience members, not thrown.
Spirit throughout the parade and overall enthusiasm of the walking participants is strongly encouraged
Attendance/participation of Greek Chapter members will factor into allocation
of spirit points.
This includes but is not limited to: chanting, cheering, smiling, waving,
crowd interaction, etc.
Costumes are allowed in parade but must be approved by the Parade
Committee. No masks are allowed.
Please note that purchased materials do not necessarily equal spirit or
Tips on Float Construction
The most important thing to remember when building a float is to know your
limitations. You will need to determine the budget, time commitment, resources,
and talent available.
Be sure to follow the rulebook closely as rules will be strictly enforced.
A detailed sketch is required. The purpose of the sketch is to make sure your
float is acceptable and meets all requirements. However, your float will be inspected
at a later date to make sure that your float meets all physical requirements.
It is important to start early to achieve your goal of having a successful float.
You will want to build a structure strong enough to last for the duration of the parade route. Remember: Know your limitations!
Papier maché and painting are all effective ways to cover the float; however,
there are other coverings that are acceptable. Please contact the
Parade Committee if you have questions concerning your choice of covering.
Remember: NO POMPING!
The safety of your float is most important!
Important Dates
Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 –Entry forms due by 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015 – Detailed sketches of float due at liaison meeting
Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 – Parade script due at liaison meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015 – Parade Committee walk-through
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 – Final walk-through and 2015 Homecoming Parade
Suggested Timeline for Homecoming Parade
The following is a suggested timeline from The Parade Committee. This timeline is merely a
suggestion to improve time management for organizations participating in the Homecoming
Sept. 17 – Sept. 21
Start preparing sketch
Sept. 24– Sept. 28
Obtain trailer
Start building supports
Write parade script
Start building features of the float
Oct. 1 - Oct. 5
Decide and get approval for costumes
Begin painting
Confirm tractor/vehicle registration
Oct. 7 – Oct. 9
Finish Painting
Inform chapter members of start time and location
Assemble Features and moving part
Oct. 10: 2015 Homecoming Parade
Public Relations
Liv Barista
Meghan Gordon
Brendan Henry
Natalie Kirst
Emma Rechenberg
Connor Scott
Kara Simon
Liaison meetings will be held every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. during the Homecoming season until Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015. Dates are listed below. Please note that meeting locations change often.
Thursday, September 3
Thursday, September 10
Thursday, September 17
Thursday, September 24
Thursday, October 1
Liaison Meeting Attendance
A representative from each participating organization must be present at every liaison meeting. For Greek
groupings, this includes one member from each chapter.
A representative from each chapter must check-in at the beginning of every meeting.
All of the liaison meetings are worth 10 points total. You must arrive on time. If a liaison arrives late, they
will lose their points for that meeting.
Homecoming Informational Session
The Homecoming Steering Committee will host an informational session for participating organizations.
Guest speakers will include representatives from the Mizzou Alumni Association, American Red Cross
and the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri. Information sessions will be held throughout
Organizations will receive 10 points for attending. Members of each organization attending the informational sessions are expected to bring a ticket and turn it in to a designated folder held by a Steering
Committee member. These tickets must be turned in following the meeting in order to receive points.
Participating organizations will lose all points for attending the information session if a member of their organization is caught turning in more than one ticket. Members arriving later than their scheduled time will
be asked to attend the next information session.
The purpose of Merchandise is to promote Mizzou spirit and Homecoming pride through the sale and
distribution of official 2015 Mizzou Homecoming apparel. To ensure fairness and efficiency, participating
groupings must turn in the official merchandise Group Order Forms and payment at the liaison meeting
on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 in order to be eligible for merchandise points.
Public Relations
Important Dates
Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015: Group Order Form and payment due at the Homecoming liaison meeting.
Participating chapters must turn in their Group Order Forms and payment by
the end of liaison meeting in order to receive full merchandise points.
If the Group Order Form and/or payment is turned in after the end of the liaison meeting, groupings will receive a 20 point deductions from their merchandise
Please note that orders received 24 hours after the liaison meeting on September 10th will lose half of the grouping’s merchandise points.
Saturday, Sept. 13, 2015: Merchandise Pick-Up Day at the Reynolds Alumni
Each chapter will be assigned a 15-minute block of time to pick up their merchandise order
Point Breakdown
To earn merchandise points, participating groupings must pre-order merchandise by using the Group Order Form.
The Group Order Form and payment must be turned in by the end of the liaison meeting
on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015
The percentage of members ordering merchandise within each Homecoming grouping
will determine the number of points the respective grouping receives. Official organization
percentage will be obtained using numbers from the Office of Greek Life.
Organizations that fail to pick up their merchandise order within their assigned 15-minute
block of time on Saturday, Sept. 13, 2015 will automatically receive a 20 point deduction
from their total score.
Chapter that fail to pick up their merchandise orders by the last allotted block of times will
receive a 30 point deduction from their total score.
Both long and short sleeve shirts are available for purchase. Each item will count toward
merchandise points for participating chapters if ordered through the Group Order Form
For example, if a chapter has 100 members, to receive maximum points the organization
would need to order 25 items – this could be 15 short sleeve and 10 long sleeve
Merchandise Point Breakdown
If at least 25% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 100 points.
If at least 20% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 80 points.
If at least 15% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 60 points.
If at least 10% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 40 points.
If at least 5% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 20 points.
If less than 5% of the Greek grouping purchases merchandise- 0 points.
Payton Ehrhardt
Sigal Fridman
Garrett Romines
Homecoming Service allows students to showcase the university to the community and
give back to those in need in the name of Mizzou Homecoming. Each campus organization will be required to send a certain number of members to the service projects that will
be held throughout September and October. In order to receive full points, members must
check in on time at their event or project, complete the project as instructed, and check
out before leaving. If volunteers fail to meet the requirements listed for each given event,
there will be a deduction of points as outlined in the deductions headline of the service
section of this rulebook.
Tiger Food Fight
Friday, Sept. 25, 2015: 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Members of the Mizzou community will work to make a significant contribution to the
Food Bank of Central and Northeast Missouri. Greek groupings, campus organizations,
residence halls, and all other Tigers will donate canned food to the “Tiger Food Fight”
drive. The drive will take place in front of the Student Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on
Friday, Sept. 25. Greek groupings will be given an appointment time and are expected to
provide their own transportation to deliver their canned goods. Each Greek grouping is
expected to deliver their canned goods at their designated time or they will be deducted
points as outlined in the deduction section. Items that will not be accepted include Ramen
noodles and perishable food items. Drop-off times will be shared at the liaison meeting on
Thursday, Sept. 10, and emailed to participating Greek groupings following the meeting.
1000 cans = 50 points
700 cans = 40 points
400 cans = 25 points
For every extra 100 cans, each grouping receives 5 bonus points with a maximum
amount of 400 extra cans = 20 bonus points
Lending a Paw to Hunger
Sept.14,16,18, 20, 22, 24, 2015
Members of Greek groupings will ask for donations from the community at local grocery
stores and from Mizzou students at campus dining facilities and markets. Each grouping will be asked to provide 5 volunteers for each assigned shift (one member from each
grouping must be in attendance). Each shift will last 2 hours. These volunteers will stand
outside of assigned locations and request food and monetary donations. Volunteers will
be given fliers containing information on which food items are the most needed. Participants are expected to be courteous and respectful of employees and patrons. Posters
promoting homecoming, Mizzou and the Food Bank are encouraged for spirit points (5
bonus points). Volunteers are expected to maintain a positive attitude while actively participating. A Steering Committee member will be present should a situation arise. Volunteer
assignments will be distributed at the Thursday, Sept. 3 liaison meeting.
5 volunteers each shfft for maximum points
Each grouping with a spirit poster pertaining to the Food Bank and Homecoming
receives 5 bonus points
Day of Service:
Sept 8, 9, 10, 2015
We encourage all members of the Mizzou family to give back to our campus and to the
community. Each Greek grouping will be asked to provide 25 volunteers at the Homecoming Day of Service. We will provide participants service opportunities through the
Food Bank benefiting the Columbia community. Volunteers will be required to check in
and out with a Homecoming Steering Committee member. Every organization is required
to participate in the Homecoming Day of Service. The Homecoming Day of Service is the
perfect chance to give back to the City of Columbia and discover the true reason as to
why we serve.
Point Breakdown
Tiger Food Fight
50 Points
Lending a Paw to Hunger 40 Points
Day of Service 50 Points
Total140 Points
During Tiger Food Fight, if the grouping delivers their food more than 15 minutes after their designated time, 10 points will be deducted from the service total.
During Lending a Paw to Hunger, each time a participant of the Greek grouping arrives more than 10 minutes late or leaves early, then 10 points will be deducted from the Service total. If volunteers are not actively participating, 10 points will
be deducted. If a grouping is asked to leave their location site, all Lending a Paw to
Hunger points will be deducted.
During Day of Service, if any member of the campus organization is asked to
leave the service site, Food Bank, 25 points will be deducted. If any participant of
the Greek Grouping arrives more than 10 minutes late or leaves earlier than the 2
hour minimum, then 25 points will be deducted from the Service total.
Important Dates
September 3: Lending a Paw to Hunger - Find out location and time slots
September 8, 9, 10 - Day of service
September 10: Given assigned drop-off time for Tiger Food Fight at liaison meeting
September 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24: Lending a Paw to Hunger
September 25: Tiger Food Fight
TBA: Day(s) Of Service
Special Events
Trent Clause
Ashley Harris
Elle Miller
Decorate the District
Decorate the District spreads the spirit of Homecoming throughout the city of Columbia
through the decoration of businesses in the Downtown District. Each grouping will be
partnered with a specific establishment and asked to show their creativity while incorporating the groupings overall theme and Mizzou spirit by embellishing the façade of the
building. Decorate with spirit, pride, creativity, and make sure to have fun!
Interaction with the Establishment
Remember to be courteous and respectful of the establishment and its owners and employees. As students of the university, you are responsible for promoting
a positive image of Mizzou and Homecoming to the outside community.
15 points may be deducted if an establishment owner files a complaint about
the student participation.
Groupings will receive their assigned businesses on Thursday, September
17, 2015, and must contact their designated establishment by Thursday, September 24, 2015, to ensure that they agree to the decorations.
A proof of contact contract is available in the appendix of the rulebook.
The designated establishment as well as the grouping must sign this
Points will also be deducted if a design for your designated establishment
is not submitted. The sketch must be initialed by the establishment contact and
turned in at the liaison meeting on Thursday, September 24, 2015.
10 points will be deducted if your designated establishment is not contacted.
MAA Signage
Each grouping will be given a Mizzou Alumni Association (MAA) sign that
must be placed at their business.
The MAA sign will be given out at the liaison meeting on Thursday, October
1, 2015.
Special events
Each Residence Hall may buy supplies, but total supplies purchased may
NOT exceed $200.
The use of materials and decorations previously owned are encouraged to be
used and will not count toward the $200 supply threshold.
Groupings will be required to present receipts for all supplies used by 4 p.m.
on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015, to the Special Events committee member stationed at
the corner of Ninth and Elm Street (across from Shakespeare’s Pizza).
All expenses should be included on the expense log provided in the rulebook.
Receipts should be included as well.
Decorating Specifications and Deductions
In addition to the MAA sign, each grouping is required to decorate their business by displaying Mizzou spirit while incorporating the grouping’s overall theme.
As noted in the contract, all supplies used must be approved by the business.
This includes any preferences regarding supplies, (i.e. window paints, streamers
and lights). Please respect the wishes of your assigned establishment.
All window decorations and artwork may display your group’s name and
Mizzou spirit, but may not serve as a venue for advertising your group’s mission or
political agenda.
Decorating will take place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8,
You may leave the establishment once decorations are completed, but while
decorating, a member from the grouping must be present at all times.
All decorations and clean up must be completed by 4 p.m.
A representative from the grouping must check out upon completion and turn
in receipts and the expense log to a Special Events Committee member at the corner of Ninth and Elm by 4 p.m.
No points will be awarded if members of a grouping work past 4 p.m. Judging will begin promptly at 4:30 p.m.
Each grouping is required to have all decorations down by 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct.
11, 2015. This includes all window paint, which must be completely
removed from all windows. Failure to remove the decorations by 2:30 pm will result in disqualification from Decorate the District.
A fine of $100 will be charged to any grouping that does not remove decorations to the
satisfaction of the establishment owner. The approval of the clean-up
efforts is at the discretion of the establishment owner.
special events
Point Breakdown
Judges will award points for creativity, artistic value and Mizzou spirit while
incorporating the grouping’s overall theme. The point scale will be from 0 – 40.
Deductions and Fines
10 points will be deducted if the Proof of Contact contract and the initialed
sketch are not turned in at the liaison meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015.
10 points will be deducted if the expenditure report is not turned in at check
out or if the total expenditures exceed the limit.
Disqualification will result if decorations are not removed by 2:30 p.m. on
Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015.
No points will be awarded if members of a grouping work past 4 p.m. on
Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015.
Decorate the District Expenditure Log
The Decorate the District expenditure log is available in the Appendix section of the rulebook. Each grouping will be required to fill it out and hand it in at the designated time.
Important Dates - Decorate the District
September 24th- Last day to contact designated business. Proof of Contact contract due
at liaison meeting
October 1st- MAA sign handed out at liaison meeting
October 8th- Decorate the District between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
October 11th- Decorate the District decorations must be removed by 2:30 p.m.
Special events
The banner competition is a vital part of the Mizzou Homecoming tradition. Each year
Residence Halls, campus organizations and Greek Chapters design and create banners
that display their Mizzou spirit and pride while incorporating their overall participation
theme. This year groupings have two opportunities to complete a banner. One banner will
be judged and scored, and Residence Halls have the option of creating an additional spirit
banner, which will not be judged. Although the spirit banner is not required it is encouraged to help spread Mizzou spirit around campus
Spirit Banner
Groupings can create an optional spirit banner. This provides the Halls an opportunity to
showcase their grouping to fans and the community. These banners will be placed in the
Student Center throughout the week of Homecoming. Spirit banners will be hung TBA.
The following information should be included on the OPTIONAL Student Center banner:
The words, “Mizzou Homecoming”
The words, “Show Me State of Mind”
Name(s) of the Grouping
The banner at the Student Center must not exceed the size of a twin sheet.
Competition Banner
For the judged banner, Residence Halls must incorporate and include the following things:
Incorporation of overall designated participation theme
The words, “Mizzou Homecoming”
The words, “Show Me State of Mind”
Name of the Residence Hall
The banner must be the size of a queen size sheet
The banner is NOT required to have a 3-D object
However, if you have a 3D object, it may not exceed more than 12 inches past the bed sheet. If your 3D object exceeds this, you will lose 15 points
from Banner. The 3D object may not be touching the ground.
Special events
Point Breakdown
The judges will assign points to each grouping based on the following:
Design of the banner
Incorporation of grouping’s overall theme
Display of the grouping’s Mizzou Spirit
Creativity and originality
The point scale will be from 0 - 50.
Deductions and Fines
5 points will be deducted if a sketch of the banner design is not turned in on
at the liaison meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015.
5 points will be deducted if the grouping does not include the required elements (name, destination, theme, etc).
15 points will be deducted if the banner exceeds dimensions.
This includes the 3D object exceeding 12 inches past the bed sheet
No points will be awarded if the groupings banner is not hung in the designated location on Sunday, October 4, 2015.
Important Dates
September 24th: Design submission due.
October 4th: Competition Banners hung at designated location by 4 p.m. Competition
Banners judged starting at 4:30 p.m.
Spirit Banners hung at the Student Center- assigned time TBA.
Parker Chenault
Emily Lewis
Lindsey Moesle
Jack Montgomery
Homecoming Talent provides University of Missouri students the opportunity to showcase their acting and dancing abilities among their peers. Talent skits celebrate the
Homecoming tradition by creating spirit and pride in the university and our traditions.
Each participating group will write, direct, and perform a skit no longer than 15 minutes in the Talent competition. Homecoming Talent will be held at Jesse Auditorium on
the following dates:
Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Performance Requirements
Skit must incorporate a plot based on their grouping’s “Truman Goes to
Work” and incorporate their selected song.
Additionally, lyrics of the song must be altered and incorporated into the
The song must be sung by at least one member of the Greek grouping
Two choreographed dances must be included into the skit with music.
This music needs to be different from the selected song.
Each grouping must have an introduction video for their skit that is no longer
than one minute and 30 seconds.
Each grouping must incorporate a cereal which will be selected at the first Talent Directors’ Meeting
The way the cereal is incorporated is completely up to the grouping but
it must be noticed by the Talent and Steering Committee to receive points
Each grouping must have an element of crowd interaction
Prop Limitations
Up to three props can be as large as 4 feet wide x 8 feet long x 6.6 feet
All remaining props must be no more than 2 feet wide x 6 feet long x 6.6
feet tall.
Individual flats cannot exceed 5 feet wide x 10 feet tall. No more than 6
flats can be used. Flats may not have a total width greater than 30 feet.
Groupings must include one object in at least two of the following: Campus Decorations, Parade, or Talent.
Directors’ Meetings
Directors’ meetings will begin Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. (location TBD) and will continue every Tuesday until Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015
Each participating chapter in the grouping must have exactly one
representative at every directors’ meeting
Points will be deducted from the groupings’ preliminary score each time a
representative is absent from a directors’ meeting. Please refer to the directors’
book for point deductions.
If a chapter is late to a meeting, additional points may be deducted
Talent Judging
Judges will be comprised of different ages, backgrounds, and levels of
Judges will remain the same for all nights of the Talent competition.
All judge’s scores will be averaged to determine final talent scores.
Point Breakdown
All skits will be judged on a 140-point scale. The highest and lowest
scores will be averaged together. This score will be average together with the
other three scores, thus eliminating outliers.
For judging point breakdown please refer to talent directors’ book
Final Talent placement and superlative awards will be announced with the
overall Homecoming results at announcements.
Homecoming Acts
HAs can be soloists, musical medleys, instrumental performances, dance,
stand-up, or any other performance approved by the Talent Committee
HAs will be limited to and may not exceed 5 minutes, including stage
HAs will be held at Jesse Auditorium and a location TBD
One performer will be selected to sing the National Anthem each night of
Talent, for a total of 3 performers. There are no entry fees for Nation Anthem.
Entry forms for both HAs and the National Anthem tryouts and fees for HAs
must be submitted to 123 Reynolds Alumni Center no later than Thursday, Sept.
10, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. or to the liaison meeting that night
An email will be sent out to all of those who turned in Homecoming Act
entry forms regarding sign-ups for auditions.
All HAs must attend auditions, which will be held Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015,
and must be prepared to perform their entire act for their audition.
Important Dates
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.: First directors’ meeting
Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015: HA entry forms due
Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015: HA auditions
Oct. 2-4: Talent Dress Rehersal
Oct. 5, 6, 7, 2015: Talent Production
Ally Adrian
Zach Bine
Anna Guyette
University of Missouri seniors have the opportunity to compete for one of the most coveted honors at the University: 2015 Homecoming King and Queen. Royalty Applications
are due September 4th, 2015 by 5:00 pm in 123 Reynolds Alumni Center or at the liaison
meeting the previous night.
Greek Groupings
May collectively enter maximum of SIX candidates.
Each individual chapter may enter a maximum of three candidates.
Triad nominations can be split 2-2-2 or 3-2-1.
Pairing nomination should be split 3-3.
Entry Fee
Each Greek chapter will receive one free application. Additional applications cost $25.00.
Each payment is due along with the application. Applications without payment will be
eliminated from the selection pool.
Overall Point Breakdown
Points for sponsoring organizations are as follows:
Applicant Submission
15 Points
Top 3040 Points
Top 1050 Points
No additional points will be awarded
NOTE: Only one application per grouping needs to be submitted to receive the full 15 points
for submitting an application. Each grouping will receive points for the one individual who
advances the furthest in the selection process. For instance, a grouping that has two
individuals in the “Top 30,” one of whom goes on to the “Top 10,” the pairing or triad will
receive 105 points, 15 points for submitting an application, 40 points for “Top 30,” and 50
points for “Top 10.”
Applicant Rules & Regulations
1. Applicants must be graduating in either December of 2015 or May of 2016
and must be a fulltime student, carrying at least 12 credit hours. Applicants must
have attended MU three consecutive semesters. Qualification is NOT determined by
cumulative credit hours.
2. Applicants must also be in good academic standing (at least a 2.5 GPA is
3. If a student has been named to a previous Homecoming Top 10 or Greek
Week Top Ten, they are prohibited from applying.
4. Points are only awarded to the grouping that is sponsoring the candidate(s).
Only one organization can sponsor each candidate.
5. Absolutely NO public campaigning by the candidate or anyone on their behalf. This includes mass e-mails and social networking. (I.E. listserves, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Any other form of campaigning is NOT allowed. This includes banners, fliers, and disrupting classroom settings.
Selection Process
The process of selecting royalty is comprised of two parts:
Part One: Top 30 selection consists of cumulative score from both a first
round interview score and paper application score. These individuals (15 kings candidates and 15 queen candidates) with the highest cumulative score advance as
the Top 30 royalty candidates.
Part Two: The Top 30 Royalty candidates will receive a second round interview to determine Top 10 Royalty (5 king candidates and 5 queen candidates). Top
10 selection is based on the second round interview score, first round interview
score, and paper application score. The five queen candidates and five king candiates with the highest overall score will be the Top 10 royalty candidates.
MU faculty, alumni, and members of the Columbia community will judge all
paper applications, along with first and second round interviews.
Participating in royalty activities and student voting are the final components
of the selection process to determine the 2014 Homecoming King and Queen.
Coronation Point Breakdown
Paper Application 5%
First Round Interview Score 5%
Second Round Interview Score
Student Voting 35%
Participation in Mandatory Events 45%
Mandatory Events
• Students who are selected to Homecoming Royalty Top 10 will have mandatory
responsibilities, including service projects and public appearances. Events are listed below.
• Mandatory Events are subject to change and/or removed or added at the discretion of the Traditions Committee.
• Members will be responsible for portraying a POSITIVE image of Mizzou
throughout all activities and service projects.
• All mandatory events can be found on the application.
Applications Available: Thursday, April 23, 2015
Applications Due: Friday, September 4, 2015
First Round Interviews: September 6, 7, and 8, 2015
Second Round Interviews: September 13 and 14, 2015
Top 10 Banquet: September 26, 2015
Blood Drive Set-Up: September 27, 2015
MIZ BBQ: September 27, 2015
Blood Drive: September 28- October 1, 2015
Talent: October 5- 7, 2015
Top 10 Family Reception: October 9, 2015
Campus Decs & Spirit Rally: October 9, 2015
Homecoming Parade: October 10, 2015
Halftime Coronation: October 10, 2015
When applying, please take into consideration all of these dates are MANDATORY.
campus decorations entry form
Only one entry form must be turned in from each organization or Greek grouping.
Forms are due on Thursday, September 10th at the liaison meeting.
Name of Organization(s):
Campus Decorations Liaisons:
Please include at least one liaison from each chapter participating in your Campus
Name: ____________________________ Name: ____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Name: ____________________________ Name: ____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Campus Decoration Theme: _________________________________
Campus Decoration Location (where your Campus Dec be located on the night of
House Mom or House Dad of proposed location’s signature:
Housing Corporation President or Vice President of proposed location’s signature:*
*Electronic confirmation is accepted; please attach printed email to this form.
Decorate the District
proof of contact/involvement confirmation
I, _________________________ (business owner/manager), do hereby
acknowledge that ___________________________ (organization)
has contacted ___________________________ (designated business).
As a business owner/manager, I hereby give permission for the given
organization to decorate the exterior of the business on Thursday, October 8,
2015 between the hours of 10am and 4pm. I acknowledge that the judging
will also take place at 4:30pm on October 8, 2015. I also acknowledge that
the decorations will be taken down by Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm.
In addition, I agree not to donate and/or supply the organizations with any
additional items as decorations.
Please acknowledge that you accept the attached sketch below as well.
Organization X____________________________________________________
Business X_____________________________________________________
Return at Liaison Meeting on Thursday, September 24, 2015.
Decorate the District
expenditure log
Receipt #
Date of Receipt
*Please number your attached receipts
*Highlight items used on the receipt
banner design approval
Please sketch your banners below or attach them to this form and turn
them in at the liaison meeting on September 24th, 2015
Competition Banner
spirit Banner (optional)
By signing below, you understand that you may be asked to make changed to
your banner upon the discretion of the 2015 Homecoming Steering Committee.
Organization ____________________________________________________
Signature X ___________________________________________________
Homecoming act &
national anthem entry form
Please fill out one entry form per act.
Contact: ___________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________
Brief description of performance:
I would like to perform (circle one)…
Homecoming Act
National Anthem
Homecoming Act Payment: $20. There is no entry fee for National Anthem
IBA tryout entry forms and payment are due by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday,
September 10th in 123 Reynolds Alumni Center.
All checks or money orders are payable to MAA-Homecoming.