FTMA AUSTRALIA NATIONAL ROADSHOW Focusing on your future Our industry is facing new challenges and opportunities with the change in housing markets. Have you focussed on your businesses future and can your business adapt to change? FTMA Australia in conjunction with Event Sponsor WoodSolutions and presenters First Super, AB Phillips, TTIA and Industry Edge are hosting a Focusing on your Future Seminar at Atura Dandenong for Fabricator owners and managers as part of the FTMA Australia National Roadshow. Supplier members may attend however are limited to two representatives per company as the focus is on the fabricators. Thank you for your understanding. The seminar includes presentation on the following subjects: Industry Fund Super-Stream - First Super Insurance Management - AB Phillips Industrial Relations & Worksafe - Timber Trade Industrial Association Wealth Advisory: Reaching Financial Independence Housing Statistics & Forecasts - Industry Edge New Opportunities with NCC Changes - WoodSolutions What are the Barriers with Changing Markets - Facilitated Panel Discussion Victorian Seminar Details: Date: Tuesday 27th September, 2016 Venue: Atura Dandenong, 1 Doveton Avenue, Doveton Time: 10.00am – 3.30pm followed by 1/2 hr networking canapes & drinks Cost: $90 (GST Inc.) for FTMA Members $120 (GST Inc.) for Non-Members RSVP: Friday 15th September, 2016 If you require further information please call Kersten Gentle on 0418 226 242. The FTMA Australia Focusing on your Future seminars are organised in conjunction with: FTMA AUSTRALIA NATIONAL ROADSHOW Focusing on your future REGISTRATION FOR VICTORIAN SEMINAR Name: __________________________________________________________ Company: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Contact Number: Office: _____________________ Mobile: ___________________ Dietary Requirements: __________________________________________________________ Number of people attending from our company is: _______ (please provide names below) Names: 1. ____________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4.________________________________ PAYMENT DETAILS $90.00 (GST Inc.) for FTMA Members $120.00 (GST Inc.) for Non Members Payment to FTMA Australia Cheques should be sent to: FTMA Australia, PO Box 703, Healesville Vic 3777 EFT Payments should be paid into: BSB: 083 154 Account Number: 59514 1063 Please debit my Visa / MasterCard for the amount of $___________________________________ Cardholder Name: ______________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Card No: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Exp: ____ / ____ Please email registration form to kersten@ftmaaustralia.com.au or fax to (03) 5962 3463 by Friday 15th September, 2016. For further information call Kersten on 0418 226 242. These seminars are organised in conjunction with:
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