backyard - Tuscan Lakes
backyard - Tuscan Lakes
FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL 5295 HOLLISTER ROAD HOUSTON TX 77040-6205 CONTACTUS.TX@FSRESIDENTIAL.COM WWW.TUSCANLAKES.COM February 2015 IN YOUR BACKYARD ‘Like’ Tuscan Lakes on Facebook to find out about the latest neighborhood news. UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS IN TUSCAN LAKES Friday, February 20th: Tuscan Lakes Edible Delights Adults Mixer Saturday, March 28th: Tuscan Lakes Superhero 5K & Villain Scramble Saturday, April 18th: Tuscan Lakes Wildlife Expo Saturday, May 9th: Tuscan Lakes Kayak on the Lake Saturday, May 16th: Tuscan Lakes Community Garage Sale Nature A Night of Edible Delights Join us for a night of sweet temptations! We dare you to resist our delicious selection of scrumptious desserts. You are invited to Tuscan Lakes Edible Delights Adult Mixer on February 20th at 6:30 pm. Enjoy an evening of delicious desserts, sweet give-a-ways and great conversation. Friday, February, 20th 6:30 pm-8:00 pm Tuscan Lakes Information Center *Must be 21 years of age or older. R.S.V.P is required for the Edible Delights event; please email Sightings What type of wildlife have you seen in Tuscan Lakes? Share your story at GREEN ANOLE This lizard possesses the ability to change colors: dorsal ground color ranges from bright green to dark brown. Anolis carolinensis is a diurnal lizard with a small territory, but this territory is aggressively defended. If an intruder approaches, the male will compress its body, extend the dewlap, and bob Green Anole its head. Male green anoles will engage in combat with other males or chase them away. Color changes are brought on by temperature and light. Anoles feed on various insects and spiders. This lizard also sheds its skin several times a year. Anolis carolinensis is an arboreal lizard mostly seen in trees, shrubs, vines, as well as on fences and buildings. In Texas, Anolis carolinensis is found across much of central and eastern Texas as well as in portions of the lower Rio Grande Valley. Source: TO GET INVOLVED IN TUSCAN LAKES COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, CALL ROBIN MITCHELL 281.332.5450 x111 For community events, updates & to see photos from events, become a fan: ATTENTION RESIDENTS! Do you receive community emails regarding events? If you do not, sign up on Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, the Official Tuscan Lakes Facebook is a great source for community information, fitness information, event photos, and more. What’s Inside Important Numbers 2 Superhero Race 2 Fun in Tuscan Lakes 3 HOA reminders 4 Nature Sightings 8 IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Community Manager FirstService Residential Warren Buehler (713) 932-1122 Onsite Tuscan Lakes HOA Manager Rebecca Henke (281) 332-0555 Tuscan Lakes Lifestyle Director, Robin Mitchell TUSCAN LAKES FAMILY SUPERHERO 5K RACE & VILLAIN SCRAMBLE The bad guys will tremble on Saturday, March 28th, 2015 as superheroes descend in Tuscan Lakes for the coolest 5k in town. We will “run, walk or fly” along the beautiful lake in our best superhero costumes! Are you up for the challenge? Do you have a little super hero in your house? Do you know of a super hero in your life? Have you ever wanted to be a super hero yourself? This is your chance!! Start training now for the Tuscan Lakes Family (281) 332-5450 x111 Superhero 5k Race Mosquito Control Galveston County (281) 534-2726 Everyone is invited to participate in the 5K Street Lights Texas-New Mexico Power 888-866-7456 Gas (713) 659-2111 or 1-800-752-8036 and for those 10 years old and younger, help us catch the bad guy by running in our Villain Scramble – a half mile trek to capture the villain. Registration is now open!!! h t t p s : / / w w w. e v e n t b r i t e . c o m / e / Trash - Republic Waste Services 1-800-942-9332 tuscan-lakes-superhero-5k- CITY OF LEAGUE CITY This event is fun for all ages Animal Control (281) 554-1377 Code Enforcements/City Hall (281) 554-1000 Fire Marshall (281) 554-1290 Water (281) 554-1335 Police (281) 332-2566 LCPD To Advertise in this newsletter, contact David Smith at Pamela Printing: 281-240-1313 tickets-15424034703 Volunteers We are in need of volunteers to help on race day. Volunteers will help at water stations, direct runners along the route, set-up and tear-down and more! If you’re available to help, please email Robin at for more information and to sign up! Weather policy Tuscan Lakes Family Superhero 5k Race & Villain Scramble is a rain or shine event! After all, superheroes have to use their superpowers rain or shine! PG 2 | FEBRUARY 2015 FACEBOOK.COM/TUSCANLAKES FEBRUARY 2015 | PG 7 FUN AT TUSCAN LAKES Books, Movies, Museums! Join the Tuscan Lakes PAGE TURNERS BOOK CLUB Need a break from your ordinary routine? Then, come read with us! Join in a lively literary discussion with the Tuscan Lakes Page Turners Book Club. Group members are required to provide their own copies of the book, and can attend every month, or as often as you like. And, the Tuscan Lakes Book Club is more than just books. The club participates in field trips to the movies and various museums to compliment the book of the month. February’s Book Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns March’s Book “A BIOGRAPHY OR AUTOBIOGRAPHY” of your choice, each member will CHOOSE A DIFFERENT BOOK. At the Meeting we will each give a brief review to share with the group. You can find a Biography/AutoBiography at www. or google Biography/AutoBiography online and pick one of interest to you. Meeting Date: March 17th at 10:00 am Place: THE EGG AND I on Bay Area Blvd. April’s Book Mean Streak by Sandra Brown Date: TBA For more information, e-mail Lynn Smith at jelissa4@ PG 6 | FEBRUARY 2015 FACEBOOK.COM/TUSCANLAKES COUCH TO 5K: TUSCAN LAKES’ RUNNING & WALKING CLUB Still thinking about joining the Tuscan Lakes Running & Walking Group? Stop thinking and get moving with us. Members of the Running & Walking Club are strutting their stuff along the one mile trail and surrounding areas around Tuscan Lakes. So, dust off those sneakers and get moving with us as we prepare to walk and run in the upcoming Superhero 5k race in March WHEN: Wednesday Evenings at 5:30 pm WHERE: Meet at the Cypress Point Recreation Center For more information or if you are interested in becoming a group leader for the Running & Walking Club, please e-mail: LEAGUE CITY’S FISHING EXTRAVAGANZA Try your luck at catching catfish Saturday, February 28th 2015. The pool will be stocked with approximately 2,000 pounds of catfish. The League City Parks Recreation Department is excited to offer this unique opportunity to individuals of all ages and abilities. This event promotes fishing as a lifetime sport as well as a wholesome family event. Fishing licenses are not required since this is a controlled site and a private stocking. So, bring your fishing poles and let’s go fishing! Place: Municipal Pool, 450 W. Walker Date: Saturday, February 28th 2015 For more information: 281.554.1180 Online registration: FEBRUARY 2015 | PG 3 TUSCAN LAKES RESIDENTS! Are you an expert with astronomy? Do you have gardening tips? Is photography your profession? If you have a unique expertise that you would be willing to share with your fellow neighbors, consider starting a club or holding an educational class! Please contact Robin at to set it up. RESIDENT SPOTLIGHT WE LOVE TO FEATURE YOU AS OUR “RESIDENTS SPOTLIGHT”! Do you know a resident with an interesting or inspiring story? Do you have a unique hobby or have you recently received special recognition for a career or community service activity? If so, we want to shine the SPOT LIGHT on you! You or your neighbor could be featured in an upcoming issue of the Tuscan Lakes newsletter. Send your ideas to today! YOUR COULD AD BE HERE HOA FRIENDLY REMINDER: VIDEO CAMERA AND SURVEILLANCE POLICY We would like to reach out with a friendly reminder on our community video camera and surveillance policy. While we encourage all homeowners wanting to take additional safety measures, we have implemented a few necessary procedures to keep your community comfortable and beautifully maintained. Please note that per your Community’s Architectural Guidelines, a homeowner wishing to install a video surveillance camera(s) or closed circuit television camera must first submit a request for approval by filling out an ARC application. These can be obtained through your community management company by calling 713.932.1122 or emailing Rebecca. NFC AMENITY MANAGEMENT The Tuscan Lakes Community Association has partnered with NFC Amenity Management, a national renowned provider of residential lifestyle and amenity services, employing more than 1,000 service oriented team members. NFC has been brought on board to create a sense of community through their signature social events and activity programming for our Tuscan Lakes residents and their guests to enjoy an active, fulfilled lifestyle with a calendar full of things to do! They are committed to a simple formula for success; client driven excellence in service while providing industry trending and first-class lifestyle programs for of all ages and interests. We are looking forward to 2015 and introducing a social calendar filled with events, live entertainment and more! TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER, CALL DAVID SMITH AT PAMELA PRINTING DAVID@PAMELAPRINTING.COM 550 JULIE RIVERS DRIVE, STE 310 SUGAR LAND, TEXAS 77478 DID YOU KNOW TUSCAN LAKES IS A JOHNSON DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY? The Johnson Development Corp. is an award-winning residential and commercial land development company involved in premier projects including master-planned communities such as Sienna Plantation, Fall Creek, Riverstone, Woodforest, Tuscan Lakes, Edgewater, Cross Creek Ranch, Imperial, Harmony and Silverlake in Houston, Texas, and Towne Lake, BridgeMill and Lake Arrowhead in Atlanta, Georgia. Established in 1975, known for innovative master planning and today one of the largest and most successful land developers in both Houston and Atlanta, The Johnson Development Corp. has cultivated a strong reputation for vibrant, responsible development, with impeccably designed communities. For more information, visit PG 4 | FEBRUARY 2015 FACEBOOK.COM/TUSCANLAKES FEBRUARY 2015 | PG 5
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