CAPPS Webinar-Inquiry to Enrollment
CAPPS Webinar-Inquiry to Enrollment
2015 CAPPS Webinar Series The Student-Life-Cycle: Technology and Methodology for Success Part I: Inquiry to Enrollment April 14, 11:00 am PST Moderator: Todd Dechter Director of Higher Education, Jive Communications Mark Your Calendars • Part II: Enrollment to Graduation – Thursday, May 14th at 11am Pacific • Part III: Graduation to Gainful Employment – Thursday, June 11th at 11am Pacific 2 Today’s Panel Experts Sean Nicholson, SVP of Integrated Marketing, PlattForm Martin Lind, Director of Higher Education Vertical, Velocify Lisa Olmedo, EDU Marketing Manager, Gragg Advertising Sean Nicholson Sr. VP of Integrated Marketing for PlattForm After earning his Juris Doctor degree with an emphasis in Intellectual Property, Sean began his career in higher education, where he specialized in developing technology solutions for student service and career service organizations. A former social media executive, Sean is an expert at digital media strategy and engaging online customer communities, amplifying brand advocates and finding ways to reduce negative sentiment in the social space. He has published and edited more than a dozen books on topics such as web design and office productivity. As SVP of Integrated Marketing at PlattForm, Sean leads the development of integrated, multi-channel marketing strategies that leverage PlattForm’s deep experience in both traditional and digital media. His team establishes effective marketing best practices and tools, while continually evaluating changes in technology and new marketing channels. 4 Martin Lind Director of Higher Education Vertical for Velocify Martin Lind oversees the business development, product marketing and thought leadership for Velocify’s enrollment management solution. Lind has led educational sessions on higher education marketing and admissions matters at APSCU, FAPSC, AACS, ABHES, ACCET, DETC, EduComm and the Jenzabar Annual Meeting among others. He has written articles for University Business, Career Education Review, Career College Central, Today’s Campus, BeautyLink and Government Technology Magazine. Mr. Lind holds a Masters of Public Administration from USC and a BA in political science from the University of Pennsylvania. 5 Lisa Olmedo EDU Marketing Manager and Admissions Specialist for Gragg Advertising Lisa joined Gragg Advertising in 2005; she has managed the Business Development staff and currently specializes in the Education Sector. She works with prospective clients to build an effective media mix that focuses on start goals and conversion rates. Lisa brings a wealth of career college expertise from her former positions as an Admissions Director and Recruiter for nationally accredited schools which she shares in Gragg’s monthly educational webinars to help train hundreds of career school personnel. She has presented at several state and national conferences including APSCU, ACCET, ABHES, CAPPS and many more. Currently Lisa is serving as the Executive Director of the Missouri and Kansas Association of Career Colleges and Schools. 6 The 2015 CAPPS Webinar Series - The Student-LifeCycle: Technology and Methodology for Success TWO CRITICAL QUESTIONS: 1) What are the biggest challenges that still persist with regards to targeting, reaching and recruiting adult learners? 2) What new methodologies or technologies are not being taken advantage of that could provide a solution or an alternative to what schools are currently doing? Challenges and Ideas with Marketing Sean Nicholson Sr. VP of Integrated Marketing, PlattForm The Challenge: Marketing in the education system has become heavily fragmented and channel-focused • • • • Marketers are o*en more concerned with “the lead”, “the start” or “the conversion rate” than they are with developing an ongoing rela:onship with the prospect or student. Educa:on marketers are inundated with new channels and more data than ever before. Google has sent clear signals that successful marketers will focus on mee:ng the wants/needs of their consumers in order to remain relevant in search. Finally, consumer behaviors are changing and educa:on marketers have to adjust to align their campaigns to meet the needs of the prospec:ve student. What drove the change? This process became this process 10 This… Became this…. 11 And Google sent clear messages that high quality content is the future of digital marketing 12 What Can We Do To Evolve? 1. Think about “Joe” and “Sally”. Iden:fy the wants/ needs of your future student, even beyond their start 2. Find the right channels and communica:on methods and the right measurement of success 3. Create and curate meaningful content that serves those wants/needs 4. Build an ongoing rela:onship with your students 5. Create a future network of graduates who “fill the funnel” for you 13 Move Beyond Multichannel Marketing Develop an integrated ecosystem that benefits your students and helps you meet your goals 14 Challenges and Ideas for Contact Strategy Martin Lind Director of Higher Education Vertical, Velocify Optimizing the “New to Tour” funnel 1. 2. 3. 4. Follow up quickly Make a love connection between the inquiry and rep Guide your admissions team Prioritize 16 1. Follow up quickly Improvement in enrollment rate Impact of speed-to-call on enrollment Source: Velocify Ultimate Contact Strategy Study 2012 17 How to do it better Competition Coercion Prioritization Assign inquiries based on first rep to raise hand Re-assignment of inquiries to other reps 100% clarity about what is a “new” opportunity 18 2. Make a love connection Most admissions directors follow very simple assignment methods 19 Assignment should be based on your school’s objective Org Structure Equality Performance Campus Round robin Skill Program Perform-based Shotgun Cherry-pick Blind 20 3. Guide your admissions team Day 1 0-1 20 minutes minutes 30-60 1-2 minutes hours Day 4 Day 5 Day 8 Day 14 Day 15 Day 22 24 24 24 24 24 hour period hour period hour period hour period hour period 24 Expected Improvement in Enrollment: • Six Call Strategy: +49% • Five Email Strategy: +53% • Combined Effect: +128% hour period Source: Velocify, Ultimate Contact Strategy Study, 2012 21 Velocify contact strategy – phone calls • Diminishing returns AND decrease in enrollment rate occur after the 6th phone call: 93% of enrolled inquiries are contacted by the 6th call attempt • Only 1% increase in additional enrollments • 45% less likely to enroll than those within 6 22 There is rarely a routine day in admissions 4. Prioritize Scheduled calls and interviews Inbound calls New inquiries ?*! !?# Admin work Campus tours Requests from management New enrollee follow-up Applicants 23 Prioritization improves speed to contact Schools that use prioritization had a 97% higher enrollment rate than schools that don’t 24 Challenges and Ideas for Working Leads to Enrollments and Beyond Lisa Olmedo EDU Marketing Manager, Gragg Advertising Listening • You can’t understand someone’s “needs” unless you are listening to their “wants”. • Most people continually talk because… – They fear the prospect will reject them and they will fail. – Unsure of themselves or the product they are selling. – They feel their own opinion is more important than the prospect’s. 26 15 Keys to Effective Listening • Be prepared in advance. • Limit your distractions. • Increase your attention span - Concentrate on the conversation. • Think like and try to understand your prospect’s situation. • Limit your own talking. • Listen for their feelings. • Don’t jump on their conversation – let them finish their thoughts. 27 15 Keys to Effective Listening • • • • • • • • Don’t dismiss the prospect’s ideas. Never interrupt. Take complete notes on each conversation. Always ask leading questions. Listen reflectively. Look and/or listen for non-verbal clues. Repeat and verify important points. Practice listening. 28 Understanding Decision Making • Desire – accounts for 20% of all major purchases and life changing decisions - easy converts. • Fear – accounts for 80% of all major purchases and life changing decisions - you have to sell the benefits of the school. 29 Dealing With The Objection • Listen to the complete objection, don’t interrupt. • Pause before you answer . . .Think about your response. • Be interested. • Use tie downs, transitional phrases and pedestals. • Stay cool, don’t argue, it’s not personal. • It has to be their decision. 30 Softening an Objection/transitional Phrases • Control the conversation and direct it. – I can appreciate that . . . – That’s a good question, let me explain. . . – I might just mention . . . – I don’t blame you . . . – Well, (prospect name) I see your point, – However. . . – Well, it sounds like you . . . – Well some people feel that way, but have found with our program . . . 31 The Close and Beyond • Ask if you have answered all of their questions related to the tour and/or presentation? • Explain the next steps in the process they will follow through enrollment to the start. • Start the paperwork. • Walk them through the initial stages. • Outline any upcoming school activities they could participate in. • Let them know they can come back to you for assistance. • Ask for referrals! – Everyone represents a source for a lead. • Follow up to make sure everything went alright and as planned. 32 Q&A Sean Nicholson, SVP of Integrated Marketing, PlattForm Martin Lind, Director of Higher Education Vertical, Velocify Lisa Olmedo, EDU Marketing Manager, Gragg Advertising Thank You • Part II: Enrollment to Graduation – Thursday, May 14th at 11am Pacific • Part III: Graduation to Gainful Employment – Thursday, June 11th at 11am Pacific 34