Libido and Sexual Behaviour in the Fertile Phase - NFP
Libido and Sexual Behaviour in the Fertile Phase - NFP
Medical School of Granada, Spain Libido and Sexual Behaviour in the Fertile Phase OBJECTIVE • To determine if a perceived rise of sexual desire during the fertile phase might be an influence on the breaking of the abstinence rule, the basic rule of NFP Enriqueta Barranco Castillo, MD, PhD, Profesor of Obstetric and Gynaecology, Granada, Spain Françoise Soler, STM ‘s teacher, ACODIPLAN, Barcelona, Spain Material and Methods • 15 women users of STM • Charting changes of sexual desire during 2-3 cycles in a diary calendar of symptoms • Charting of sexual behaviour during this time Results I • • • • • Analysed cycles : 37 mean age: 32.72 years (TD 5.18) N children: 0.86 (TD 1.02) Education: 75% College Work away from home: 87.5% (mean hours 7.77/day) • Married 43.8%, unmarried 43.8% • Religion: Roman Catholic 62.5% Barranco: Libido Impulso sexual Aumenta disminuye User’s Code Chart 000467 Results II • Have declared the intention of avoiding pregnancy prior to participation to the study 93.8% • Previous experience with Billings method: 6.2% • Previous experience with STM: 87.5% (mean 24.44 months) Results III • • • • • • • • • Use of contraception method previously STM: 31.3% BBTM: 18.8% Withdrawal: 37.5% Condom: 75% Pill: 18.6% IUD: 12.5% Diaphragm: 12.5% Spermicides: 6.3% The fertility symptoms in the STM charting • The fertile phase was between 11-12 days in 37.9% of the cycles • The first day of the cervical mucus was between 9-12 days of the cycle in 59.9% of the charting • The mucus peak day was between 14-19 days of the cycle in 56.7% of the charting • The rise of temperature was between 14-20 days of the cycle in 64.8% of the charting Conclusion • In our study group, during the fertile phase there was a significant rise in sexual desire in more than half of women, but the sexual activity during this phase had no correlation to this rise. The abstinence (no intercourse) rule was respected above other sexual behaviour Barranco: Libido Increase in libido during the menstrual cycle n = 19 Fertile phase Infertile phase For one day 51.4% n = 19 For 1 day 13.5% n = 5 For 2 days 40.5% n = 15 For 2 days 13.5% n = 5 For 3 days 24.3% n = 9 Decrease For one day 18.8% n = 7 Decrease For 2 days 21.6% n = 8 Not indicated on return 48.6% n = 18 Statistic correlations (T Student) n = 19 cycles Number of fertile days Rise of sexual desire P = 0.5 First day of cervical mucus Rise of sexual desire P = 0.001 Mucus Peak day Rise of sexual desire P = 0.028 Rise of temperature Rise of sexual desire P = 0.003 Rise of sexual desire Unprotected intercourse during the fertile phase P = 0.12 Rise of sexual desire Protected intercourse during the fertile phase P = 0.25 Rise of sexual desire Charting of intercourse during the fertile phase P = 0.86 Natural methods, gender and sexuality Background Gender equity included in Millennium Development Goals Widespread introduction of natural methods has the potential to address gender equity and sexuality European Congress on Fertility Awareness-Based Methods September 2008 National access to simple, newer natural methods may be achieved in 3-5 countries by 2010 The Standard Days Method Helps couples prevent pregnancy by knowing which days they should avoid unprotected intercourse CycleBeads® The SDM is used with CycleBeads, a colorcoded string of beads to help a woman: Identifies days 8-19 of the cycle as fertile Track her cycle days Know when she is fertile Monitor her cycle length Involve her partner Works best for women with menstrual cycles from 26 to 32 days TwoDay Method YES Did I note any secretions today? I can get pregnant today. NO YES Did I note any secretions yesterday? I can get pregnant today. SDM and TDM Introduction Studies 16 service delivery settings in 7 countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa Reproductive health programs, FP agencies and community development NGOs NO Pregnancy is not likely today. Lundgren: Natuural methods 1 Quarterly interviews: 1600 male and female SDM users 822 female TDM users Focus groups and indepth interviews: current and discontinued female and male users Gender-related Study Questions Can men use natural methods? How does NFP use influence the couple relationship? How does NFP use affect women’s autonomy? Percent of Cycles with Reported Intercourse n=4025 cycles CAN MEN USE NATURAL METHODS? Managing the Fertile Days n=3928 cycles Men participate in SDM use by… Using a condom or abstaining during fertile days Following wife’s instructions Keeping track of fertile days Purchasing CycleBeads and condoms Lundgren: Natuural methods 2 Women’s Opinion of the SDM HOW DOES NFP USE INFLUENCE THE COUPLE RELATIONSHIP? Mean Coital Frequency by Cycle (SDM and TDM use) Comparison of Mean Coital Frequency 5.5 per cycle* Coitus-dependent methods 4.9 per cycle* SDM Users 5.5 per cycle TDM users 5.6 per cycle Days with intercourse per cycle 6.0 All sexually active women 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 0 4.8 4.6 1 *Stover et al, 2001 Dimensions of Sexual Satisfaction Framework Physical Emotional zLove WellWell-being zSide effects zMenstrual changes zRespect/appreciation zHarmony zLocus zMoral of control congruence zOpportunity/scarcity Sexual Pleasure zEnhanced desire zSensation zErotic zRelaxation zRespite touching 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cycle number Key Themes No change reported by many couples Some report dissatisfaction with the fertile days Most report enhanced feelings of control, love, mutual respect and physical well being Heightened eroticism related to timing of sex and non-coital practices zLibido Lundgren: Natuural methods 3 Effect of SDM on the couple relationship (India) Effect of TwoDay Method on the Couple Relationship (Peru) 92% of rural users in India report that SDM use had a positive influence on their relationship citing… increased partner communication Improved ability to negotiate sex increased affection/understanding improved sexual relations due to confidence in fertile days 8% cite a negative influence Husband angry/uncomfortable Source: Exit Interviews In their words… Influence on their relationship “The SDM has helped us to come closer, understand each other’s needs. Unlike earlier, we now discuss intimate things with each other and this has added pleasure to our otherwise monotonous sex life.” - male SDM user, India In women’s words… Influence on their relationship “During the abstinence period, my husband spends more time with me going out and visiting family.” -India “During the 12 days when I am fertile, my husband and I share stories. I become a story teller on my fertile days.” -Philippines “I feel good that my husband now understands how my body works. He pays attention to my suggestions and respects my wishes. For the first time he asks me if we can have intercourse. I am happy that he cares about me.” -female SDM user, India In men’s words… Influence on sexual pleasure “I think that abstinence contributes to enjoying sex more, because we have greater desire.” -Honduras “How can I explain it..when one sleeps apart and you have to make an appointment, things get good.” -El Salvador “It seems like two months have gone by and we never move beyond these white beads.” -Philippines In women’s words… Influence on sexual pleasure “We get to the moment in which we begin to caress each other, even the genitals, and we get to the point when the man as well as the woman feels good. How do you say it? When we finish. But there is not sex.” -Honduras “Unlike when I used pills, I always had a headache. You can have sex every day but you wouldn’t like it because you felt dry. My husband noticed that. When I used the SDM, it seemed natural, like we were newlyweds again.” -Philippines Lundgren: Natuural methods 4 Comparison of Scores on Gender Equity Index pre/post SDM Use (Guatemalan Women) HOW DOES NFP USE AFFECT WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT? Comparison of Scores on Right-to-Refuse Sex Index (Indian Women) Women gained confidence and felt empowered by knowledge of menstrual cycle “Knowledge of safe and unsafe period has been liberating.” - El Salvador “Now we know about our bodies and how to protect ourselves during the unsafe days. Because of the necklace we know how our period comes. - Benin Key Findings Men are interested in NFP Most men are able to use NFP correctly DISCUSSION Many couples report enhanced sexual pleasure and strengthened partner relationships Lundgren: Natuural methods 5 Key Findings Introducing NFP can strengthen efforts to improve gender equity by addressing couple issues and involving men in family planning. Continued expansion of NFP requires efforts to position natural options as methods that engage men constructively and enhance couple relationships. WWW.IRH.ORG Lundgren: Natuural methods 6 Background (1) Antwerp pupils' opinions about Family Planning methods with postfertilization effects Biologically a new human being starts at the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm Î 2 opinions: z E Govaerts*, RT Mikolajczyk, P Hernalsteen, JB Stanford et al. z From this scientific fact, some give the embryo rights in agreement with all the human rights of the Declaration of Human Rights. Others have the opinion that there would be a graduality and build in several for the juridical status of the embryo unsure arguments. *AZ St.-Jozef in Turnhout Background (2) Informed consent and patient rights: z The communication with the patient should be in a clear language. (Art. 7 §2) z The information given to the patient, to give his consent as meantin § 1, concerns the objective, […] the for the patient relevant contra indications, side effects and risks […], the possible alternatives and the financial consequences. (Art. 8 §2) Method girls 5th-6th year secundary school. z 19 public and private schools in the province of Antwerp (27,5% of 69 contacted schools). z Questionnaire with 41 questions in 8 areas related to fertility and attitudes towards family planning methods, use and past use. z 705 Research question z Does belonging to one or the other opinion play a role in the attitude towards a family planning method? Population n = 705 % Belgian 88,0 n = 705 % Dutch 2,6 Italians 1,4 Technical SS 44,9 (27) Moroccan 2,6 Turkish 1,8 Other 3,3 Professional SS Artistic SS (total population) General SS 22,7 (44) 32,2 (26) 0,1 (2) Govaerts: Antwerp pupils 1 Philosophy of life – Practice n = 705 % n = 705 The ethical questions % z z Catholic 79,8 > or 1/week 6,8 Protestant 1,6 1/month 4,2 Muslim 6,3 0,9 Some times/year 25,9 Witness Jehova < 1/year 33,3 Other 11,5 never 29,8 The method of birth control is… acceptable from my moral / ethical point of view About 28 family planning methods was asked if they would use them or not and if the knew them. Thereafter follows the question why they choose a specific method. z Question 12: “Below is a list of different features (12) methods of birth control may have. Please let us know how important the features are for you.” 1. Acceptable from my ethical / moral point of view. Ethical reflections No opinion No opinion Very important Very important .. . Do not know … . Not important at all 0 .. … Not important at all 0 10 20 30 40 Info working of the methods Stage 2 after fertilization before implantation Stage 3 after implantation 10 20 30 40 Yes Question 14: “In your opinion, are there any important ethical issues No (anything that makes you feel that using the specific method would be right or wrong) to consider in Missing choosing a method of birth control?” 0 20 40 60 Information Should your GP/gynaecologist tell you details how the method works? Pre implantation Post implantation 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 Stage 1 before implantation 10,0 0,0 Yes No Unsure Missing Govaerts: Antwerp pupils 2 Stop the use of a method Opinion about the use of a method z Would you consider using a birth control method that z stops the release of the egg from the ovary (stage 1) z acts after fertilization, that avoids a fertilized ovum to develop (stage 2) z acts after nidation in the uterus (stage 3) z Pre ovulatory Post implantation Pre implantation 60,0 50,0 40,0 z 30,0 If you were using a birth control method, and you learned that z it sometimes works after fertilization but before implantation (stage 2), z it sometimes works after implantation in the uterus (stage 3), would you stop or continue using the method? 10,0 0,0 No Unsure Missing Stop Pre implantation Post implantation Do not know Other 50 More than one time in 100 years More than one time in ten years More than one time in one year In more than half of the cycles 10 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 0 Yes No Unsure z z The GP/midwife stands in the non-judgment counseling. The patient has right to information that takes care of his/her ethical sensibility. Which questions should be asked before starting contraception use? z z z Missing In a deconfessionalized society ethical aspects don’t play a role for 23%. 2. In a society, where contraception has been in use for 50 years, theoretical ethical aspects for the choice of a method are still important to 55%. 3. Methods that act after fertilization seem to be a problem for about 30% of the study population. 50,0 Missing Conclusion z Unsure 1. Missing 20 Continue Observations Post implantation 30 30,0 20,0 Loss of embryo Frequency during pre-/ postimplantation 40 40,0 10,0 Yes 60 Post implantation 50,0 20,0 0,0 Pre implantation Pre implantation 60,0 Does the patient have ethical problems with possible postfertilization effects of a method? Which information is important to make a choice? Is a sympto thermal NFP method proposed as alternative? Possible approach z “Most of the time, the pill acts by preventing an egg from forming. This prevents pregnancy. However, women on the pill can still sometimes get pregnant. Some doctors think that the pill may cause the loss of some of these pregnancies very early in the pregnancy, before you would even know you were pregnant. Would knowing more about this possibility be important to you in your decision about whether to use the pill?” Larimore, Stanford: Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent (ARCH FAM MED/VOL 9, FEB 2000 Govaerts: Antwerp pupils 3 SPANISH WOMEN’S OPINIONS ABOUT FAMILY PLANNING METHODS WITH POSTFERTILIZATION EFFECTS Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Authors: Lopez del Burgo C., Lopez de Fez CM., Lopez Guzman J., De Irala J. Affiliation: Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Navarra (Spain) Biomedical Humanities, University of Navarra (Spain) Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant from the Institute of Sciences for the Family of the University of Navarra (23017323). Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions We thank to Dr. Joseph B Stanford (University of Utah) and Dr. Rafael T Mikolajczyk (University of Bielefeld) who first studied this issue in the USA and created the first version of the questionnaire Contact: 1. Introduction 1. Introduction Some methods of family planning (FP) occasionally work after fertilization Knowing about postfertilization important to some women Postfertilization effects*: may be Decision of using a method that may act after fertilization • Hormonal contraceptives 40% NO • Emergency contraceptive pill FERTILIZATION effects 38% YES 22% UNSURE • Intrauterine devices (IUD) IMPLANTATION Decision of using a method that may act after fertilization 53% NO * Quality of evidence: Fair The U.S.Preventive Service Task Force grades the quality of the overall evidence on a 3-point scale (good, fair, poor) 2. Objectives Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To explore the Spanish women’s attitudes towards the mechanisms of action of Family Planning methods Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions • To identify beliefs and characteristics possibly associated with those attitudes. Contact: Lopez del Burgo: Spanish women’s opinion 1 3. Methods Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cross-sectional survey in a Spanish representative sample Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions ¾ GFK-Emer Market Research Company ¾ Random stratified and multistage sampling ¾ 848 potentially fertile women, aged 18-49 Data collection: ¾ March-September 2005 ¾ Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method Contact: 3. Methods Index Data collection: ¾ 30-item, anonymous questionnaire about FP* Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses (SPSS, 13.0 version) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Ethic Committee approval for the study *The questionnaire was originally developed in English by Dr. J. Stanford (University of Utah, USA) and Dr. R. Mikolajczyk (University of Bielefeld, Germany) and subsequently modified and adapted by the authors of the Spanish study. Contact: 4. Results 4. Results Characteristics of the sample: ¾ Age .……….…………………… 25-34 years (39%) ¾ Education ..…………….……… High school or compulsory school (<16y) (78.7%) ¾ Marital status ………………… Married (57.5%) Women’s opinion about human life beginning: OTHER* 28.7% 40.5% FERTILIZATION ¾ Religion …….………………….. Catholics (78.9%), church attendance ocasionally ¾ Nº live births ………………….. 0 (48.4%) ¾ Desire for future pregancy .. Yes (64,7%) 16.5% AFTER IMPLANTATION 14.3% IMPLANTATION * Other: “there is no exact time”, “I am not sure”, “I do not have an opinion” and “sometime before fertilization”. Lopez del Burgo: Spanish women’s opinion 2 Resultados 4. Results Resultados 4. Results Women’s attitudes about postfertilization effects: Would you consider using a birth control method that sometimes works after fertilization or after implantation? After fertilization, the egg develops into an embryo with many cells. 100 100 After implantation in the uterus, the embryo develops into a fetus. 75 FERTILIZATION The egg unites with the sperm. 50 45% UTERO OVARIO 33% 50 22% Before fertilization, the egg is released from the ovary.VAGINA 25 FERTILIZATION The egg unites with the sperm. 25 Would you consider using a birth control method that sometimes works after fertilization or after implantation? After fertilization, the egg develops into an embryo with many cells. 100 After implantation in the uterus, the embryo develops into a fetus. 75 57% YES NO 20% 50 23% Before fertilization, the egg is released from the ovary.VAGINA After Fertilization but before Implantation 75 33% 45% 22% 25 NO UNSURE 25 23% 20% 0 YES NO YES UNSURE After Fertilization but before Implantation After Implantation 57% 50 0 YES UNSURE 100 75 UTERO OVARIO 0 0 Women’s attitudes about postfertilization effects: NO After Implantation Resultados 4. Results Resultados 4. Results Women’s attitudes about postfertilization effects: Women’s decision about continuing the use of a method after learning it may work after fertilization or after implantation After fertilization, the egg develops into an embryo with many cells. 100 100 After implantation in the uterus, the embryo develops into a fetus. 75 50 48% FERTILIZATION The egg unites with the sperm. 27.5% 75 50 UTERO OVARIO 25 24.5% FERTILIZATION The egg unites with the sperm. Before fertilization, the egg is released from the ovary.VAGINA 0 STOP USING CONTINUE USING 100 After implantation in the uterus, the embryo develops into a fetus. 62.6% UTERO OVARIO 25% 12.4% 25 Women’s attitudes about postfertilization effects: Women’s decision about continuing the use of a method after learning it may work after fertilization or after implantation After fertilization, the egg develops into an embryo with many cells. 100 75 75 50 48% 27.5% 24.5% CONTINUE USING UNSURE After Implantation STOP USING CONTINUE USING UNSURE After Fertilization but before Implantation Women who: ¾ Believe that human life begins at fertilization… ¾ Consider it is important to distinguish between spontaneous and induced embryo loss… ¾ Refer having a religion… … were less likely to consider the use of a method with postfertilization effects*. * Results from multivariate analyses. All logistic regression models were adjusted for age, education, country of origin, annual income, marital status, desire for future pregnancy, number of pregnancies, number of elective abortions, religion, opinion about human life begining and about embryonic loss’ cause. STOP USING CONTINUE USING UNSURE After Implantation Resultados 4. Results 25% 12.4% 25 0 0 STOP USING 62.6% 50 25 Before fertilization, the egg is released from the ovary.VAGINA 0 UNSURE After Fertilization but before Implantation UNSURE Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Contact: Lopez del Burgo: Spanish women’s opinion 3 5. Conclusions SPANISH WOMEN’S OPINIONS ABOUT FAMILY PLANNING METHODS WITH POSTFERTILIZATION EFFECTS Potential postfertilization effects of family planning methods may influence women’s choice of a particular FP method. Authors: Lopez del Burgo C., Lopez de Fez CM., Lopez Guzman J., De Irala J. Postfertilization effects of family planning methods should be disclosed to women in order to achieve informed choices. Affiliation: Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Navarra (Spain) Biomedical Humanities, University of Navarra (Spain) Contact: Scientific evidence about the mechanisms of action • Trussell J, Ellertson C, Stewart F, Raymond EG, Shochet T. The role of emergency contraception. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190: S30-8. • Larimore WL, Stanford JB. Postfertilization effects of oral contraceptives and their relationship to informed consent. Arch Fam Med 2000; 9: 126-33. • • The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Hormonal contraception: recent advances and controversies. Fertil Steril 2004; 82 Suppl 1: S26-32. Mikolajczyk RT, Stanford JB. Levonorgestrel emergency contraception: a joint analysis of effectiveness and mechanism of action. Fertility and Sterility 2007; 88: 565-71. • • Frye CA. An overview of oral contraceptives: mechanism of action and clinical use. Neurology 2006; 66: S29-36. Lahteenmaki P, Rauramo I, Backman T. The levonorgestrel intrauterine system in contraception. Steroids 2000; 65: 693-7. • • Wertheimer RE. Emergency postcoital contraception. Am Fam Physician 2000; 62: 2287-92. Stanford JB, Mikolajczyk RT. Mechanisms of action of intrauterine devices: update and estimation of postfertilization effects. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 187: 1699-708. • Wellbery C. Emergency contraception. Arch Fam Med 2000; 9: 642-6. • • Kahlenborn C, Stanford JB, Larimore WL. Postfertilization effect of hormonal emergency contraception. Ann Pharmacother 2002; 36: 465-70. French R, Van Vliet H, Cowan F et al. Hormonally impregnated intrauterine systems (IUSs) versus other forms of reversible contraceptives as effective methods of preventing pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004: CD001776. • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Emergency oral contraception. Number 25, March 2001. (Replace Practice Pattern Number 3, December 1996). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2002; 78: 191-8. * Quality of evidence: Fair Quality of Evidence The USPSTF (US Preventive Service Task Force) grades the quality of the overall evidence for a service on a 3-point scale: • Good: Evidence includes consistent results from well-designed, wellconducted studies in representative populations that directly assess effects on health outcomes. • Fair: Evidence is sufficient to determine effects on health outcomes, but the strength of the evidence is limited by the number, quality, or consistency of the individual studies, generalizability to routine practice, or indirect nature of the evidence on health outcomes. •Poor: Evidence is insufficient to assess the effects on health outcomes because of limited number or power of studies, important flaws in their design or conduct, gaps in the chain of evidence, or lack of information on important health outcomes. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Ratings: Strength of Recommendations and Quality of Evidence. Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Third Edition: Periodic Updates, 2000-2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Lopez del Burgo: Spanish women’s opinion 4 Enquiry Study about NFP practise during the last 10 years in The Netherlands drs. R. van Steinvoorn Enquiry User Profile and satisfaction with the sympto-thermal method • database of 480 users • electronic enquiry send by email • 20 questions about personal information and situation, fertility, day-to-day use and user satisfaction of the sympto-thermal method NFP • response of 246 (= 51% of total enquiries) bestuurslid NFP-Nederland FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 note: average age of male = 31, average age of female = 29, with average of ~ 2 children/couple before starting NFP against ~ 3 children/couple at the moment. FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Educational level Civil status User profile User profile Age distribution NFP fits in a monogamous and stable relationship. note: most of the singles follow the NFP course just before marriage! FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Motivation for use of NFP User profile (mentioned by proportion of respondents, more options possible) FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Religion / View of life Side effects of other methods Health reasons Reliability Ecological reasons 65 % 49 % 22 % 20 % 6% Other (incl. child-wish) 16 % FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Wong: User profile 1 General use of NFP note: 63% of the contraceptive pill users indicate that (hormonal) sideeffects are the main reason to switch to NFP. FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 NFP use Motivations Contraceptive history FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Lifespan use of NFP Reasons of drop-out note: about 65% of the drop-outs indicate to use or to think about using NFP again in the near future! 9% note: drop-out percentage after 1 year is 9%, and 36% in 10 years. 50% of drop-outs occur in the first 3 years of use. FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 The real drop-outs come from the categories: NFP use NFP use 36 % • menopause (100%) • medical reasons (75%) • dissatisfaction (45%), with average use of 3.8 years (!) FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Efficacy of NFP User failures of NFP • user Pearl index: 3.0 (1.8-2.6)* • method Pearl index: 0.38 (0.4-0.6)* • about 80% of the couples is still positive to very positive about NFP after unintended pregnancy * Advances in Contraception, 15 (1999), 69-83. FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 NFP use NFP use Efficacy data taken from our database: note: Use of extra contraceptives during fertile days is low, resulting in unintended pregnancies because of (fully aware) not keeping NFP rules! FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Wong: User profile 2 Trying to conceive… User satisfaction 12 cases • 5 x positive after using NFP Parallel consultation of gynaecologist/doctor occurred Pregnancy occurred after 5, 12, 13 and 24 cycles without medical intervention • 3 x positive after medical treatment (IUI, IVF) • 4 x negative (‘not yet’) Indication: NFP is a serious option, helpful for couples FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Satisfaction (In)fertility Child-wish (primary) FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 8.45 (scale 1 -10) • Additional value of NFP-course (instead of do-it-yourself): none 2% little 7% fairly much 28 % much 37 % very much 24 % • Overall-appreciation of NFP-method positive – very positive 94% Some comments… ‘Mede dankzij NFP heb ik mijn lichaam heel goed leren kennen, heeft de relatie met mijn partner zich verdiept en heb ik leren omgaan met mijn vruchtbaarheid’ Comments ‘Het is juist fijn om als man en vrouw samen om te gaan met de vruchtbaarheid en hier samen een weg in te vinden.’ ‘Therapeutisch voor het huwelijk. Je praat elke maand over seksualiteit. Geen sleur!’ Study material and NFP consultant : FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Some comments… ‘We raden het vooral stellen aan die van plan zijn te trouwen, het is een hele goede voorbereiding op je huwelijk.’ • ‘NFP heeft een bijzondere invloed gehad op onze relatie. Het geeft veel openingen tot gesprek onderling. NFP versterkt het zelfvertrouwen van een vrouw.’ ‘Wat een blijdschap dat we toch zonder medisch ingrijpen een kind hopen te krijgen. Tijdens onze kinderwens-periode is er een aantal keren contact geweest met de consulent van NFP. Deze gaf ons hele waardevolle adviezen.’ FA-NFP Conference Antwerp 2008 Introduction User Profile and Satisfaction with a ST-NFP-method in Flanders and the Netherlands Roeline van Steinvoorn Margreet Boender Marie-Claire Van Wezenbeeck Patrick Wong 80ies: – Flanders: STM (Flynn) ObGyn Dr. Devos, Bruges – Netherlands: STM (Rötzer) GP Dr. te Linteloo, The Hague 1990: change to STM According to German Arbeitsgruppe (NFP-DAG) Spreading NFP-DAG by accredited voluntary NFPteachers Wong: User profile 3 Aim of the study Materials and methods Outline User profile Track User satisfaction Evaluate long term use 481 anamnesis charts of NFP-teachers 1990-2008 309 phone requests April-July 2008 men mean age: 33 (between 19 en 64) women mean age : 31 (between 17 en 53) Results (1) Geografic spread 481 anamnesis data from clients Unknown 2% Not in List 1% West Flanders 22% Antwerp 41% East Flanders 18% Flemish Brabant 8% Reason NFP-use Limburg 8% Number of children begin NFP use 250 200 Other 0% Mean : 1.2 Unknown 20% Effectiveness 2% 150 Religion 4% Ecology 2% 100 Health 72% 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Onbekend Number of children Wong: User profile 4 Marital status Education woman Unmarried 9% Unknown 11% Not in List 1% Unknown 5% Secundary school 19% University 20% Single 8% Married 58% Cohabitation 19% Education man Higher no university 50% Results (2) 309 data from phone requests Secundary school 20% Unknown 21% University 25% Higher no university 34% Reason to leave the method Unknown 27% Not in List 9% Menopause 6% No childwish, sterilisation as definitive option 18% Would recommend the method Not satisfied with NFP and would not recommend it at all 2% Unknown 8% Satisfied with knowledge and experience but would not recommend it to others 2% Too circuitous 15% Medical reason 8% Child wish 4% End relationship 6% Unplanned pregnancy 6% Satisfied with knowledge and experience and would recommend it to others 88% Wong: User profile 5 Satisfaction with methodological approach Mean duration of use 120 Onbekend; 37 107 100 35 96 30 Mean number of years use who stopped (105): 3,5 years Total mean (272): 4,9 years 25 80 70 20 60 15 40 10 5 20 d jaa r en ek nb jaa r jaa r O 18 17 16 jaa r jaa r jaa r 15 14 jaa r 12 13 ar jaa r 11 ar jaa r ja 9 10 ar ar ja ja 8 7 jaa r ja 6 5 ar ar ar ja 10 op 10 ja 9.5 op 10 4 9 op 10 3 8.5 op 10 2 ar 8 op 10 ja 7.5 op 10 ja 7 op 10 1 6 op 10 0 5 op 10 jaa r 0 0 Conclusions Majority very satisfied with methodologic approach : 9/10 More than 88% would recommend the method 70% uses NFP because of health reasons 59% of men and 70% of women have higher education 77% couples are maried or cohabit 21% stops because too circuitous or unplanned pregnancy (mostly in first 2 years) 24% stops after several years because of menopauze or accomplished childwish General conclusion The method as taught by NFP-Vlaanderen and NFPNederland has a great satisfaction. There is need of a better follow up and support of NFP users Wong: User profile 6 AIMS 1. Know what easily accessible information about ‐ Natural Family Planning (NFP) ‐ Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) ‐ and Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) are available in WHO Family Planning Cornerstone, 1. Is such a way of presenting things trust worthy? Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN 1 Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 2 Family planning resources WHO | Reproductive Health | HRP | What's new | Publications | Contact | Search | Evidence-based clinical and practical guidance Year 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2004 2004 Title Family planning - a global handbook for providers Languages en - es Reproductive choices and family planning for people living with HIV - Counselling tool Essential medicines for reproductive health - guiding principles for their inclusion on national medicines lists The interagency list of essential medicines for reproductive health Decision-making tool for family planning clients and providers (Power Point files) Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use - 3rd edition Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use- 2nd edition en Family planning home page en p. 97 FAM = 2 p en - fr en - es - fr ar - en – es fr -pt - ru ar - en – es fr - ro - ru 6 LANGUAGES Only Standard Days Method is offered as FAM ! 170 p. Evidence updates ... ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 3 ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 4 186 p (FAM = 3) (LAM = 1) 21 Power Point files total: 244 pages nº 19 LAM 6 nº 20 Fertility awareness 8 SYM & CAL A Accept C Caution D Delay 6 LANGUAGES ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 English, français, español. 5 ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 6 Soler: WHO 1 Positive aspects Presentation 17 Fertility awareness method p. 239 ‐ 254 9 English, (Sept 2007) 9 Spanish, (Feb 2008) 9 Portuguese, (April 2008) 9 French, (May 2008) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Arabic, 9 Russian, June 2008 9 Swahili, 9 Farsi, 9 Urdu, 9 Hindi 3 Previous cornerstones‐ health/publications/dmt/index.htm 9 9 P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 7 Negative aspects 4) 9 9 Large place given to FAM Health benefits (protect against risks of pregnancy) Help women learn about their bodies and fertility No side effects o health risks Advanced education not required No harm to men who abstain from sex In general, abstaining during fertile times is more effective than using another method during fertile times. Allow some couples to adhere to their religious or cultural norms about contraception Can be used to identify fertile days by both women who want to become pregnant and women who want to avoid pregnancy (…) Withdrawal is not included 9 Pregnancy rates with consistent use are mentioned 9 Methods are divided into : Calendar based Methods Symptoms based Methods P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 8 Negative aspects 6) Symptoms‐Based Methods (2007 p. 253) COMPARING EFFECTIVENESS FP METHOD 2007 1967 ? ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 ? Family Fertility Education a resource package for teachers of Natural Family Planning Methods WHO 1982 Blat Centre for Health and Medical Education 9 p.93 ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 10 Negative aspects 11) How many A in Calendar based methods ? How many A in Symptoms‐ based methods The most effective FAM (fertility awareness methods) are omitted in pages 325‐334 ? ... and LAM ? ... and vasectomy ... Negative aspects 12) ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 11 ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 12 Soler: WHO 2 DISCUSSION (a) DISCUSSION (b) • After reading 3 other last WHO cornerstones, • The newest natural methods – some of them efficient – are explained in ‘WHO Family Planning – a global handbook for providers’ but: 9 One much efficient (but not so new) sympto‐thermal (double check) is omitted and and 9 Information about others efficient FAM is incomplete or/and tergiversated 9 All FAM bundled together as ineffective methods. Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 13 • Decision‐making tool for family planning clients and providers • Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive us • Selceted practice recommendations for contraceptive use • it seems: 9 very difficult to propose and use FAM, 9 competent people in NFP and FAM were not consulted to write about those items, WHY? 9 published studies on FAM or NFP in scientific reviews are ignored by authors, WHY? 9 Previous WHO publications were more correct. Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 14 Conclusions (a) Conclusions (b) This congress could 1. formulate recommendations for future and better formulate recommendations versions of the Family Planning a global handbook for providers, evidence based‐guidance … A WHO family Planning Cornerstone 2. Propose an actualized presentation in Power Propose an actualized presentation Point and pdf of “Family Life Education, a package for teachers of Natural Family Planning Methods” published by WHO in English (1982) and French and Spanish in 1989 3. In “Decision making tool for family planning clients and providers” it is necessary to propose more FAM than Standard Days propose more FAM Method In particular the following need attention: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ chapter 17 chapter 18 appendix A appendix B and the back cover ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 15 Conclusions (c) 16 Conclusions (d) 4. Users obtain high effectiveness with NFP/FAM, if : 9 Objective data about all NFP/FAM are available, 9 Partners are motivated 9 and receive a correct training by experienced FAM teachers, 9 Male co‐responsability is encouraged 5. Other benefit of NFP/FAM is the safety safety and the women empowerment women empowerment ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 Because people need to be given a very wide range of options in family planning methods, and no effective and no effective and safe method should be black‐ safe method should be black‐listed in WHO documents. Thank you 17 Soler F. Lafollie P. ACODIPLAN Anvers 6/9/08 18 Soler: WHO 3