slides - Winlab
slides - Winlab
Social Awareness Streams: A New (Social Layer) Communication System Mor Naaman Rutgers SC&I social awareness streams email telephone instant messaging mail 100,000,000s social awareness streams: 1. passive consumption social awareness streams: 2. public or semi-public social awareness streams: 3. short content social awareness streams: 4. highly connected social space Blogs Blogs => Flickr Blogs => Flickr => Twitter Blogs => Flickr => Twitter => 4Sq Why? Ames and Naaman (CHI 2007) Naaman, Boase and Lai (CSCW 2010) Nov, Naaman, Ye (2008-2010) … What? 1. Go back up the media richness scale? 2. Create rich local networks with colocated people? 1. Event scenario: rich sharing 2. Extracting value from current SAS Relive with YouTube vox civitas NYC vs. Washington DC Flickr in 1 Minute Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 21 22 This is not an Arch • • • • • Errors Noise Bias Loose structure … 5kkmm 6 Tag Patterns Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 24 Tag Patterns Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 25 Tag Patterns Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 26 Tag Patterns Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 27 A Better Understanding of Place? Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 28 Intuition More “activity” in a certain location indicates the importance of that location Tags that are unique to a certain location can be used to represent the location Ahern et al. [JCDL 2007] Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 29 Algorithmic Concept • Document are clusters of photos • Simple, tf-idf scoring of each tag based on clusters (document) Ahern et al. [JCDL 2007] Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 30 ++40,000,000 photos: Geographies in SAS ‐ Mor Naaman 31 Live Demo information communication Technology media thanks. Mor Naaman, Jeff Boase and Chih-Hui Lai. Is it Really About Me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams. (CSCW 2010)