IN TOUCH - NIU - College of Business
IN TOUCH - NIU - College of Business
S ummer 2014 I n Touch 2 Letter From the Chair 3 Distinguished Speaker and Alumnus 4 Outstanding Alumni Honored 6 Department Update 8 Faculty Update Department of Accountancy L etter F rom T he C hair J im Young MARKS OF DISTINCTION One of the goals of any organization is to be recognized by peers and external stakeholders for its excellence. The past year has provided affirmations of our mission in a number of ways. In January 2014, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) reaffirmed the Department of Accountancy’s accreditation for another five years — along with the NIU College of Business. AACSB accreditation — a rigorous and comprehensive peer-review process — represents the highest standard of achievement for accounting programs and business schools, worldwide. To achieve accreditation, programs must satisfy a wide range of quality standards relating to strategic management, advancing knowledge through faculty scholarship, providing highcaliber teaching and current curricula, interactions of faculty and students in the educational process, and producing graduates who have achieved specified learning goals. Our AACSB peer review team’s summary report included the following comments (and we are proud of each): The Department has a sustained reputation for excellence in accounting education. The programs have well-articulated learning outcomes that are clearly linked to the accounting curriculum. The Department follows a well-developed assurance of learning process that results in changes to courses and program initiatives when needed. The Department employs a comprehensive strategic planning process that includes development, implementation, and assessment of its mission statement, core values, and objectives. The most significant continuous improvement initiative during the past five years has been the development of the leadership and professional development components in the MAS program and the professional development components in the undergraduate program. These efforts are in keeping with the program’s mission to “prepare students for successful business careers” and the core value of professionalism. These initiatives should serve as a model for other accounting programs. 2 The Department makes a significant investment in the professional development of its students. Through the EY Leadership and Professional Development Center and a series of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, students learn about the accounting profession, develop critical skills and begin to understand the importance of ongoing professional development activities. Of the more than 5,000 collegiate business programs around the world, fewer than 900 have earned AACSB accreditation – and fewer than 200 of these schools have separate accounting accreditation. Effectively, this puts our Accountancy program among the top 10 percent of all programs in the world – a true mark of distinction. But this was only the first of several marks of distinction received by the Department over the past year. In October, professors across the nation once again rated Northern Illinois University's accountancy program among the elite in the nation. Public Accounting Report’s 32nd Annual Professor’s Survey ranked NIU’s Accountancy program 16th in the United States. For more than twenty years, our program has been ranked among the top twenty-five schools nationally. Department of Accountancy student performance on the CPA exam has ranked among the best in the nation for three decades. In April 2014, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy released pass rates for candidates taking the CPA exam in 2013. NIU Department of Accountancy students placed 26th in the country (out of more than 900 institutions). The CPA exam remains one of the most difficult professional examinations to pass — with an overall pass rate of only about 20 percent. NIU Accountancy remains a special place because of the quality of our faculty and staff. Some of their accomplishments are noted in this newsletter – but those words cannot express the amount of time and energy they put into their tasks. Our students and the academy benefit greatly from their commitment. We are also proud of our students’ commitment to academic excellence and service – in the pages ahead, you’ll read about a number of their accomplishments this past year. Finally, we cannot be successful as a Department without the strong support from our alumni, firms, and friends of the Department. Thank you for the many ways you support our mission. In these times of budgetary uncertainty in Illinois, we are grateful that so many of you have continued your financial support of our mission. About twice a month, I have the privilege of signing thank you letters to individuals who have taken the time to remember us financially. Although the letters may not fully express it, please know that your financial commitment – whether large or small – is something that encourages me and the Department. Thank you for remembering. Because of your generosity, we can provide our faculty and students with the tools needed to create an outstanding learning environment – and continue to gather marks of distinction. I n To u c h DD ISTINGUISHED ISTINGUISHEDSPEAKER SPEAKERVV ISITS ISITSNIU NIU John John O’Leary O’Leary visited visited NIUNIU for for the the second second timetime in September in September 2013, 2013, to make to make another another outstanding outstanding presentation presentation entitled entitled “Ignite “Ignite Your Your Possibility!” Possibility!” As As a child, a child, John John waswas horribly horribly burned burned overover his his entire entire body body while while experimenting experimenting withwith gasoline gasoline andand a match. a match. TheThe doctors doctors gave gave his his parents parents a probability a probability of of ½ of ½1% of 1% thatthat he would he would survive survive the the firstfirst night, night, let alone let alone all of all the of the crises crises to follow. to follow. He He survived survived challenges challenges thatthat are are unimaginable unimaginable andand became became an incredibly an incredibly inspirational inspirational person person andand uplifting uplifting speaker. speaker. WeWe firstfirst encountered encountered John’s John’s amazing amazing lifelife story story when when he was he was the the keynote keynote speaker speaker at the at the Beta Beta Alpha Alpha Psi Psi Annual Annual Meeting Meeting in New in New York York in 2009. in 2009. On On thatthat occasion, occasion, he received he received a standing a standing ovation ovation from from more more thanthan 2000 2000 people people in ainhotel a hotel ballroom. ballroom. He He firstfirst visited visited NIUNIU to share to share his his unique unique message message of hope of hope andand excellence excellence withwith ourour students students in the in the fallfall of 2010. of 2010. John John received received enthusiastic enthusiastic standing standing ovations ovations bothboth times times he has he has spoken spoken at NIU. at NIU. Students Students commented commented afterward, afterward, “I have “I have goose goose bumps!” bumps!” andand “I have “I have been been struggling, struggling, butbut thisthis is life is life changing!” changing!” Readers Readers are are encouraged encouraged to visit to visit John’s John’s webweb sitesite (, (, where where theythey cancan seesee some some of John’s of John’s video video excerpts excerpts andand other resources. HisHis parents wrote a wonderful book, entitled Overwhelming Odds, about the the ordeal other resources. parents wrote a wonderful book, entitled Overwhelming Odds, about ordeal thatthat John andand his his family overcame. It isItavailable through John’s webweb site,site, reads quickly and,and, likelike John family overcame. is available through John’s reads quickly John’s presentations, leaves a lasting impression. John’s presentations, leaves a lasting impression. NIU NIUAA LUMNUS LUMNUSSELECTED SELECTEDASASBAP’ BAP’ S SBB USINESS USINESSINFORMATION INFORMATION THE YY EAR EAR PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONALOFOFTHE A graduate A graduate of NIU’s of NIU’s Executive Executive MBA MBA program, program, Mr.Mr. Ralph Ralph de la deVega la Vega (an(an honorary honorary member member of Gamma of Gamma Pi Chapter Pi Chapter of Beta of Beta Alpha Alpha Psi)Psi) waswas selected selected as the as the 2013 2013 BAP BAP Business Business Information Information Professional Professional of the of the Year Year for for Industry. Industry. In addition, In addition, the the leadership leadership of BAP of BAP selected selected himhim to to be the be the opening opening keynote keynote speaker speaker for for the the annual annual BAP BAP meeting meeting in in Anaheim. Anaheim. He He received received an enthusiastic an enthusiastic standing standing ovation ovation from from approximately approximately 1,500 1,500 students students andand professionals professionals from from across across the the country country andand around around the the world. world. Several Several faculty faculty advisors advisors laterlater commented commented to NIU to NIU faculty faculty advisor advisor DonDon Tidrick Tidrick thatthat Mr.Mr. de la deVega’s la Vega’s speech speech waswas the the highlight highlight of the of the 2013 2013 annual annual conference. conference. TheThe NIUNIU contingent contingent waswas delighted delighted thatthat ourour Dean, Dean, Denise Denise Schoenbachler, Schoenbachler, made made the the triptrip to Anaheim to Anaheim to be to there be there for for an occasion an occasion thatthat brought brought great great honor honor to NIU. to NIU. FallFall semester semester chapter chapter president president Wali Wali Rizvi Rizvi presented presented a plaque a plaque to Mr. to Mr. de la deVega la Vega on behalf on behalf of Beta of Beta Alpha Alpha Psi Psi (see(see photo). photo). Ralph Ralph de la deVega la Vega andand Wali Wali Rizvi Rizvi Mr.Mr. de la deVega la Vega hashas achieved achieved incredible incredible success success in his in his professional professional career career in the in the telecommunications/technology telecommunications/technology industry, industry, beginning beginning withwith an entry-level an entry-level engineering engineering position position withwith BellSouth BellSouth in 1974. in 1974. In 2004, In 2004, Mr.Mr. de la deVega la Vega waswas appointed appointed chief chief operating operating officer officer for for Cingular Cingular Wireless Wireless andand became became responsible responsible for for leading leading the the merger merger of Cingular of Cingular withwith AT&T AT&T Wireless Wireless in 2005, in 2005, at that at that time time the the largest largest corporate corporate merger merger in U.S. in U.S. history. history. Since Since 2008, 2008, Mr.Mr. de la deVega la Vega hashas served served as President as President andand CEO-AT&T CEO-AT&T Mobility Mobility andand Consumer Consumer Markets Markets withwith responsibility responsibility for for all of all AT&T’s of AT&T’s wired wired andand wireless wireless businesses. businesses. As As impressive impressive as his as his career career accomplishments accomplishments are,are, his his personal personal lifelife story story is even is even more more amazing amazing andand inspirational. inspirational. Born Born in Cuba, in Cuba, Mr.Mr. de la deVega’s la Vega’s parents parents made made arrangements arrangements for for their their family family to leave to leave Cuba Cuba for for America America shortly shortly after after the the Castro Castro regime regime came came to to power, power, which which required required them them to leave to leave all of alltheir of their possessions possessions behind. behind. When When theythey arrived arrived at the at the Havana Havana Airport, Airport, the the parents parents were were toldtold by abycommunist a communist official, official, whowho objected objected to something to something in the in the family’s family’s paperwork, paperwork, “Only “Only the the boyboy cancan go.”go.” HisHis parents parents hurriedly hurriedly arranged arranged for for their their sonson to fly to fly 90 miles 90 miles by himself by himself to Miami, to Miami, where where he would he would be met be met by abyyoung a young Cuban Cuban couple couple known known to the to the parents. parents. TheThe planplan waswas for for his his mother, mother, father, father, andand sister sister to follow to follow as soon as soon as they as they could. could. Little Little diddid theythey know know thatthat it would it would be four be four longlong years years before before the the family family would would be reunited be reunited in Florida. in Florida. Mr.Mr. de la deVega la Vega began began his his journey journey to atonew a new country country as aas10-year-old a 10-year-old boy,boy, alone alone withwith no possessions no possessions or money, or money, unable unable to speak to speak a word a word of English, of English, to stay to stay withwith people people he did he did notnot know. know. Mr.Mr. de la deVega la Vega authored authored an uplifting an uplifting andand insightful insightful book book thatthat bridges bridges his his compelling compelling personal personal story story andand his his outstanding outstanding success success in in ness ness andand in Life. in Life. business business entitled, entitled, Obstacles Obstacles Welcome: Welcome: How How to Turn to Turn Adversity Adversity intointo Advantage Advantage in Busi in Busi 3 Department of Accountancy OUTSTANDING ALUMNI HONORED NIU is privileged to have many outstanding accountancy alums who have achieved tremendous success in their careers. The support that we receive from our alumni provides a margin of excellence for our students, faculty, and programs. Each year we honor several alumni who have distinguished themselves in their careers and who have provided extraordinary support to the NIU Accountancy Program. 2013 Outstanding Alumni John Hepp - Partner, Accounting Principles Consultation Group, Grant Thornton, LLP In addition to his BS and MAS from NIU, John has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. John started his professional career at Grant Thornton then left to work in internal audit at CAN Insurance and as a financial analyst and controller for the Agency for International Development, spending seven years in Asia and Africa. After returning to the U.S. to work as a project manager at the FASB, he spent an additional four years overseas in six different countries in Europe and Asia on accounting and auditing policy matters and professional regulation including adoption of IFRS, bank regulation, capital market regulation, university curriculum development, and continuing education design. John rejoined Grant Thornton in 2005 in the national office. He works with clients on complex real estate and lease accounting issues, employer accounting for postretirement benefits, and business combinations. A key part of his duties is monitoring standard setting nationally and globally and helping to prepare comment letters to the FASB and the IASB. As a spokesperson for Grant Thornton, John is frequently quoted in the business press. John Kemnitz - Partner, KPMG, LLP John began his career with KPMG in the Chicago office after graduating from NIU in 1991. He completed a rotation in KPMG’s Department of Professional Practice in New York in 2002 where he served as a firm resource on SEC filing issues and various technical accounting topics including stock compensation, debt & equity transactions, revenue recognition, and restructuring & impairments. From 2002 to 2005, John served in the firm’s U.S. Capital Markets Group in London where he worked with large foreign based entities that register securities in the United States. In 2005, he returned to the Chicago office serving as a partner in KPMG’s Consumer and Industrial Markets practice. In addition to his role as lead engagement partner for several clients, he serves as both an SEC reviewing partner, performing quality reviews on public clients prior to their filings with the SEC and an IFRS Reviewing Partner, assisting engagement teams throughout the U.S. with technical issues under International Financial Reporting Standards. John also serves as a national instructor for training sessions focused on technical accounting matters, audit process, and soft skills and is also a frequent presenter to the Chicago Chapter of Financial Executives Institute. Wiliiam LeRoy - Partner, Ernst and Young LLP and BDO After graduating from NIU in 1965, Bill joined Ernst & Ernst in Chicago. One year later, he entered the U.S. Army and went through Officer Candidate School in Virginia. After finishing his Army tour of duty in California, he rejoined Ernst & Ernst in San Francisco, where he was promoted to partner in 1980. Bill retired in 1994 and started a firm specializing in auditing pension plans. After significant success with his practice, he merged his firm into BDO Seidman, and became BDO’s technical partner in charge of services to the pension industry. More recently, he specialized in auditing venture capital funds and helped develop a practice serving more than 100 funds in the Bay Area. Bill makes giving back to NIU a priority. He was the first to recognize and support the strategic initiative of creating an entrepreneurial emphasis in the College of Business and, in 2007, established the Paula M. and William M. LeRoy Entrepreneurship Fund. Bill and Paula also participated in the establishment of the Donald E. Kieso Endowed Chair. Retired since 2010, he has been active in various alumni events and is a valued advisor to the Department. 4 I n To u c h Marc Werner - CEO, Werner Media Partners LLC/Nature’s Sleep LLC Marc joined Coopers & Lybrand after graduating from NIU in 1979. After two years, he accepted a position with Borg-Erickson, where he served as Vice President of Finance and CFO, and subsequently CEO of the operating company during the sale of the company to Dart & Kraft. In his extensive career, Marc has demonstrated an ability to take start-up, troubled and growth companies to success and profitability in short periods of time. He demonstrated numerous aspects of financial stewardship serving as CEO, CFO, and founder of various private equity, venture capital, and strategic consulting firms including Northlight Capital LLC and Cornucopia Capital Advisors, Inc. He has extensive expertise working with product and program design and sourcing in his capacity as CEO of United Sleep Products, Werner Media (electronic concierge systems in hotel lobbies across the country), and Werner Moto (Personal Transportation Products in China for distribution in U.S. markets). Marc currently serves as CEO of Nature’s Sleep LLC, where he has established a high growth, successful and profitable business selling specialty sleep products to some of the nation’s top retailers. Elizabeth Young - CFO, Perspectives Charter Schools Betsy graduated in 1983 and began her career as an auditor with Arthur Andersen, and moved on to The Deerpath Group, Inc., where as Vice President, she advised institutional equity investors in finance, real estate and leverage lease investments. In 1992, she joined Allstate Insurance Company where she was instrumental in the successful growth of its portfolio finance unit and high yield portfolio. Betsy further honed her energy asset management expertise as a Senior Vice President, Energy & Project Finance, with Heller Financial and General Electric Capital Corporation and as a board advisor for the Lost Lake Utility District. From 2008 through 2011, Young transitioned from her investor/ lender role into clean energy asset management joining E.ON Climate and Renewables and then Acciona Energy North America, where she was responsible for designing and implementing a centralized and integrated asset management process to support rapid growth of their North American renewable energy businesses. Betsy currently serves as CFO of Perspectives Charter Schools, which operates five open enrollment public schools serving over 2,200 students committed to providing top quality education to economically disadvantaged students. 2013 Honorary Alumni: Barry Shaw - Partner, Wolf & Co. Barry graduated from Valparaiso University in 1972 and joined Wynn Wagner Co. in Chicago for five years. He served as a manager of Fox & Company (which later merged with Grant Thornton) for an additional seven years. He and four others left Grant Thornton to start their own firm which they operated for twelve years. Barry joined Wolf & Company in 1997 where he served much of his career as Partner in Charge of Employee Benefit Plans. He also served as partner for various profit and nonprofit entities. Barry is an original member of the Department’s Accountancy Executive Advisory Council and continues to serve in that capacity. He was instrumental in establishing and supervising Wolf & Co.’s recruiting efforts at NIU. He had been a strong advocate for the leadership and professional development changes made to the NIU Accountancy master’s program and is currently working as a mentor and career planning advisor to NIU master’s students. 5 Department of Accountancy NIU NIUAACCOUNTANCY CCOUNTANCYSS TUDENTS TUDENTSW WININHHIGH IGHHH ONORS ONORSIN INDD ELOITTE ELOITTE ’S’S ATIONALTT AX AXCC OMPETITION OMPETITION NNATIONAL AA team team ofof NIU NIU accountancy accountancy students students who who competed competed in in Deloitte's Deloitte's national national FanTAXtic FanTAXtic Case Case Competition Competition received received a national a national honorable honorable mention mention award award forfor their their performance. performance. NIU NIU was was one one ofof only only 1818 teams teams recognized recognized from from a pool a pool ofof more more than than 150 150 competing competing teams teams from from around around thethe country. country. Congratulations Congratulations to to NIU NIU accountancy accountancy students students Dan Dan Fietterer, Fietterer, Hannane Hannane Chazoune, Chazoune, Gabriel Gabriel Hernandez Hernandez Jr.,Jr., Alex Alex Weier, Weier, and and Muhammad Muhammad Zharfan Zharfan Irawan, Irawan, along along with with NIU NIU Accountancy Accountancy Faculty Faculty Advisor Advisor Suzanne Suzanne Youngberg. Youngberg. AsAs a result a result ofof their their excellent excellent work, work, thethe Deloitte Deloitte Foundation Foundation will will provide provide $2,000 $2,000 in in student student scholarship scholarship support support to to thethe NIU NIU Department Department ofof Accountancy. Accountancy. From From left left to to right: right:Alex Alex Weier, Weier, Zharfan Zharfan Irawan, Irawan, Dan Dan Fietterer, Fietterer, Gabriel Gabriel Hernandez Hernandez Jr.,Jr., Hanane Hanane Ghazoune Ghazoune NIU NIUAACCOUNTANCY CCOUNTANCYGRAD GRADLANDS LANDSTOP TOPINTERNSHIP INTERNSHIPWITH WITHFASB FASB The The Financial Financial Accounting Accounting Standards Standards Board Board has has selected selected NIU NIU accountancy accountancy graduate graduate Michael Michael Cahill Cahill forfor aa coveted coveted post-graduate post-graduate technical technical assistant assistant internship. internship.For For anan accountancy accountancy student, student, this this is is thethe equivalent equivalent ofof a law a law student student being being selected selected to to become become a clerk a clerk at at thethe U.S. U.S. Supreme Supreme Court. Court. Mike Mike is is thethe first first NIU NIU accountancy accountancy graduate graduate to to land land one one ofof these these internships, internships, and and wewe areare extremely extremely proud proud ofof hishis accomplishment. accomplishment. The The FASB FASB is is responsible responsible forfor establishing establishing accounting accounting standards standards forfor organizations organizations operating operating in in thethe United United States. States. During During hishis one-year one-year internship, internship, Mike Mike will will bebe involved involved in in thethe process process ofof setting setting accounting accounting standards standards and and gain gain anan in-depth in-depth understanding understanding ofof thethe roles roles played played byby preparers, preparers, auditors auditors and and users users ofof financial financial information. information.His His duties duties will will include include analyzing analyzing published published research, research, preparing preparing memoranda memoranda onon technical technical issues issues forfor FASB FASB board board members, members, drafting drafting due due process process documents documents and and evaluating evaluating standardstandardsetting setting proposals proposals from from other other organizations. organizations. ToTo bebe selected, selected, candidates candidates must must bebe nominated nominated byby anan accountancy accountancy faculty faculty member member and and also also supported supported byby thethe department department chair. chair. They They must must have have anan outstanding outstanding 6 academic academic record, record, strong strong oral oral and and written written communications communications skills skills and and have have completed completed course course work work that that provides provides aa thorough thorough knowledge knowledge ofof accounting accounting theory theory and and practice. practice. Mike Mike grew grew upup in in Downers Downers Grove Grove and and graduated graduated summa summa cum cum laude laude in in December December ofof 2012 2012 with with a B.S. a B.S. in in accountancy accountancy and and earned earned hishis master’s master’s degree degree in in accountancy accountancy one one year year later. later. While While at at NIU, NIU, hehe worked worked internships internships at at John John Hancock Hancock Financial Financial Services, Services, BMO BMO Harris Harris Bank Bank and and Ernst Ernst && Young. Young. HeHe currently currently works works at at Ernst Ernst && Young Young in in itsits Transaction Transaction Advisory Advisory Services Services practice. practice. Upon Upon hishis acceptance acceptance to to NIU, NIU, Mike Mike was was thethe recipient recipient ofof thethe NIU NIU Executive Executive Club Club Young Young Professionals Professionals Network Network scholarship. scholarship. HeHe then then benefited benefited from from two two years years ofof mentorship mentorship from from NIU NIU College College ofof Business Business alum alum Brian Brian Gillet, Gillet, who who helped helped him him getget acclimated acclimated to to thethe NIU NIU College College ofof Business Business and and build build a network a network ofof alumni. alumni. Faculty Faculty in in thethe accountancy accountancy program program were were also also a great a great help help to to him. him. “The “The accountancy accountancy faculty faculty at at NIU NIU areare among among thethe best best in in thethe nation, nation, and and I could I could notnot have have earned earned this this position position at at FASB FASB without without their their assistance,” assistance,” Mike Mike said. said. “They “They were were always always willing willing to to help help and and were were instrumental instrumental in in helping helping meme earn earn this this opportunity.” opportunity.” “I “I amam looking looking forward forward to to working working with with some some ofof thethe best best and and brightest brightest minds minds in in accounting. accounting. I plan I plan to to continue continue to to work work hard hard and and learn learn asas much much asas possible possible during during mymy time time at at thethe FASB,” FASB,” Mike Mike said. said. “There “There is is soso much much going going onon at at thethe FASB, FASB, and and I plan I plan to to getget involved involved and and take take advantage advantage ofof every every learning learning opportunity opportunity that that I can I can during during mymy year year there.” there.” Congratulations Congratulations Mike! Mike! I n To u c h F rom CPA R eview M ark H ogan Favorite is one of my favorite words! Whether people or things, we all love favorites. Like… Favorite ice cream (mine is Graeter’s Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip…it’s sinfully good) Favorite movie (mine is Forrest Gump) Favorite teachers (mine are my parents, who taught my brothers and me the importance of honesty and hard work). So I thought I’d share four of my favorites connected to being Director of the NIU CPA Review: One of my favorite things to do is to hear from those that have passed the CPA exam, and have called or written to thank us. Fortunately, because of our outstanding professors, this is a frequent activity for me! For example, a student recently wrote to say: I found out today that I am done with the CPA exam and I cannot thank everyone involved with the NIU CPA Review program enough. I never imagined passing all four parts on my first try, but I was able to in less than a year! I registered for this program based on recommendations from former coworkers and I would absolutely recommend NIU CPA Review to anyone in the future. THANK YOU!!! -Meredith S. One of my favorite quotes -- that is now on the back of each of our CPA Review booklets -- resonates from our 16th president: “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” It’s interesting that, years later, in essentially an echo of Lincoln’s great message, Einstein famously said: “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...” What Abe and Al are trying to impress on us is emphatically true when candidates study for the CPA exam. It’s a hard exam; nationally, for every 100 candidates that take a section, only about 49 pass. Even for the best NIU students (and the students from the many other universities that come to us for our Review), it takes hundreds of hours of study. There are no shortcuts, and that’s one of the main reasons the CPA designation is so widely respected and valued. Lee Trevino, one of my favorite pro golfers, once said: “I can’t wait ‘til the sun comes up the next morning, because I know I’ll get to play golf again.” Well, that’s how I feel about teaching -- because it’s one of my favorite things to do, I can’t wait ‘til the next time I get to do it. My brother Kevin (also a CPA), tells me I have a natural advantage when it comes to teaching and explaining things: “Mark, I know if you can understand it, then anyone can!” Important Dates for Employers! Awards Banquet—September 3, 2014 Career Fairs—September 25, 2014 and January 29, 2015 7 Department of Accountancy FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND UPDATE Department Faculty Receive Graduate Education Innovation Award Department of Accountancy faculty members Jen Ellis, Mark Riley, and Rebecca Shortridge received the Mark Chain/Federation of Schools of Accountancy Innovation in Graduate Education Award for their work on incorporating soft skills into the graduate accounting curriculum (“Expanding Soft Skills: Incorporating Feedback in an MAS Capstone Course”). Jen Ellis Delivering effective workplace feedback is a challenging skill to develop. In fact, prior research shows that nearly one-third of feedback interventions hurt employee performance. As part of an innovative approach integrated into the MAS program, students develop the ability to provide feedback to others. First, students are required to attend a workshop on developing and delivering effective feedback. After working in groups for several weeks, students meet face-to-face and provide feedback messages to each of their fellow group members. Then, they are allowed to ask questions and suggest how to improve individual and group contributions. As part of this process, students receive feedback from a faculty member and a communication consultant on how to improve their feedback skills. A final face-to-face feedback session, held after the project is complete, reflects on how well group members integrated the feedback they received. Mark Riley This is the second time in four years that Department faculty have won this award (Rebecca Shortridge received it for her work on incorporating business valuation into the graduate accounting curriculum four years ago). Tim West Receives Illinois CPA Society Educator of the Year Award Rebecca Shortridge The Illinois CPA Society honored Tim West, Grant Thornton Professor of Accountancy, with its 2013 Outstanding Educator Award. The award recognizes Illinois educators at a community college, college, or university who excel in leadership and teaching, and who make continuous and outstanding contributions to accounting education in the state. Tim was honored for his work in helping students become problem solvers and leaders. In 2008, Tim was tasked with creating a unique and integrated master’s level course designed to enhance the leadership qualities of budding, young accounting professionals. What resulted was a course that meshes the accounting disciplines (such as auditing, financial and managerial accounting and tax) with insights from research involving judgment and decision making, management, business analytics and ethics. In recent years, Tim has incorporated Chicago’s famed Second City comedy club, theatre and school of improvisation to change the way students think about communicating with non-accountants. Tim’s award continues a long tradition in the NIU Department of Accountancy. Prior Illinois CPA Society Educator of the Year award recipients include NIU Accountancy members Don Kieso (1988), Pat Delaney (1991), Richard Baker (1993), Debra Hopkins (1997), Pam Smith (2008), Don Tidrick (2010) and Jim Young (2012). Carol Yu Receives Department Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award Carol Yu was selected by the undergraduate accountancy majors in the Department and undergraduate business majors in the College of Business to receive the 2013-2014 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. The award is given to a faculty member who instills and develops in students a deep interest in the class topics, demonstrates extraordinary commitment to students and their welfare, and works actively with students, faculty, and administrators to improve undergraduate education at NIU. This is a testament to Carol’s abilities in the classroom. Congratulations Carol! Sandy Devona Receives Department Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction Award Sandy Devona was selected by the Department’s undergraduate accountancy majors to receive the 2013-2014 Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction Award. This award was established by the Provost to honor excellent undergraduate teaching in the University, specifically among non-tenure-track educators. The award is given to an instructor who inspires students and stimulates student growth, applies rigorous standards to student performance, and works actively with students to promote their learning and understanding. Congratulations Sandy! 8 I n To u c h ACCOUNTANCY EXECUTIVE ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS The following professionals have provided significant service to the Department by serving on our advisory council. We are grateful for the guidance and assistance that they provide. Greg Bergmann, Deloitte Howard Blumstein, BDO USA, LLP Marcus Bode, SpearMC Consulting, Inc. Gary Burge, Consultant Matt Garling, SunCoke Energy Inc. Gordy Gruszka, Power Packaging Inc. Dianne Guensberg, United States Government Accountability Office Steve Hajdukovic, KPMG, LLP Julie Hansberry, Cincinnati Tool Steel Company Anthony Harmon, Grant Thornton, LLP Jim Hendricks, Emeritus Faculty –NIU Kevin Hovorka, Crowe Horwath, LLP Ernest Iannotta, PwC, LLP Terry Jimenez, Global Major Deal Team Joe Joyce, Joyce & Associates, LLC Paul Keglevic, Energy Future Holdings Mark Kramer, IDEX Corporation Jim Kranjc, Ryan, LLC George Krull, Grant Thornton, LLP Gaylen Larson, Financial Accounting Standards Board Jeff Markert, KPMG, LLP Ricky Max, Miller Cooper & Co. Dave Misura, Plante Moran, PLLC Ian Nelson, PwC, LLP Patrick Picha, Accenture Christina Pierce, Grayson & Graham Ken Pinsky, Warady & Davis, LLP Adam Regelbrugge, Deloitte Barry Shaw, Wolf & Co., LLP Lance Smith, Ernst & Young, LLP Russ Smyth, The HAVI Group, LP Rob Stoettner, McGladrey, LLP John Stomper, Grant Thornton, LLP Dave Swinehart, Healthscape Advisors, LLC Dave Templin, Caterpiller, Inc. Jim Thomas, CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Rawley Thomas, LifeCycle Returns, Inc. Rick Thompson, Sikich, LLP Don Wagner, Caterpillar, Inc. Matt Ward, PwC, LLP Jim Wong, Brilliant Financial Search NIU ACCOUNTANCY FACULTY Faculty Member Steven D. Blanc, J.D., CPA Megan A. Cefaratti, Ph.D. Natalie T. Churyk, Ph.D., CPA B. Douglas Clinton, Ph.D., CPA, CMA Bradrick M. Cripe, Ph.D., CPA William Cummings, Ph.D., CPA, CDP Sandra J. Devona, M.A.S., CPA Timothy P. Dimond, M.B.A, CPA Ann C. Dzuranin, Ph.D., CPA Barbara K. Fox, M.A.S., CPA Julitta M. Gilbert, M.A.S., CPA Chih-Chen Lee, Ph.D., CPA Lisa L. Madlinger, M.B.A., CPA E-mail Address Faculty Member Katrina L. Mantzke, Ph.D., CPA Linda J. Matuszewski, Ph.D., CPA Tamara Phelan, M.M., CMA Mark E. Riley, Ph.D., CPA Rebecca Shortridge, Ph.D., CPA John R. Simon, Ph.D., CPA David H. Sinason, Ph.D., CPA, CFE, CFSA Pamela A. Smith, Ph.D., CPA Donald E. Tidrick, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CIA Tammy Waymire, Ph.D., CPA Timothy West, Ph.D., CPA James C. Young, Ph.D., CPA Suzanne Youngberg, M.A.S., CPA Carol Yu, Ph.D., CPA E-mail Address 9 Department of Accountancy ACCOUNTANCY STUDENT GROUPS CONTINUE TO EXCEL Accountancy Leadership Advisory Council (ALAC) ALAC members are nominated by student organization presidents, faculty members, or current ALAC members for their leadership potential. This group of students helps the department by serving as student liaisons at various department events, assisting with an etiquette dinner, talking to potential students/families at university open houses, and helping with teaching evaluations. Professor Rebecca Shortridge serves as the faculty advisor for ALAC. Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) is a leading national professional association dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos in accounting, finance and related professions. ALPFA is open to professionals and students of all races and majors who share our values, mission, and principles. ALPFA NIU's purpose is to develop the professional skills of its members by providing activities and events that promote growth and personal development, build relationships with business professionals, as well as create awareness of the accounting and finance professions within our communities. This is accomplished by presentations from global business leaders, national networking conventions, mentorship programs, community service, and a variety of cultural/social events. Membership is approximately 30 members. Professor Natalie Churyk is the faculty advisor. Ascend Pan-Asian Leaders in Finance and Accounting (Ascend) Ascend is the premier professional organization dedicated to enabling its members, business partners and the community to leverage the leadership and global business potential of Pan-Asians. The goal of the organization is to generate awareness of the growing influence of Asians in business globally while helping its members to be better prepared to take advantage of this change and grow professionally. Ascend’s goals are achieved through professional, social, and service events. Professor Carol Yu is the faculty advisor. 10 Beta Alpha Psi (Gamma Pi Chapter, Founded in 1971) NIU’s Gamma Pi Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) has continued to move forward throughout the 2013-2014 academic year, and remains recognized nationally as a “Superior Chapter.” Two distinctive characteristics of Beta Alpha Psi membership at NIU are (1) at least a 3.2 GPA requirement associated with academic accomplishment; and (2) a commitment to at least 8 hours of designated service activities each semester. In 2013-14, we initiated 53 students into permanent BAP membership. Our speaker and guest-of-honor at our April 2014 initiation banquet was Mr. Todd Shapiro, President and CEO of the Illinois CPA Society, appointed to that position in June, 2013. A group of NIU BAP members participated in the Midwest Regional Meeting in Indianapolis in March, and another group represented NIU at the Annual Meeting in Anaheim last summer, where NIU alumnus (and honorary BAP member) Mr. Ralph de la Vega (President & CEO, AT&T Mobility & Consumer Markets) received BAP’s prestigious Business Information Professional of the Year Award. [More on that recognition can be found elsewhere in this newsletter.] We continued to benefit from presentations by outstanding professionals on Wednesday evenings each semester on a variety of interesting topics. A sample includes the following: “Having a Service Mindset” (BDO); “Transitioning from Student to Professional” (CliftonLarsonAllen); .); “Interviewing Tips” (Deloitte); “The Art of Communication” (Plante Moran); “The IIA’s 2015 Global Internal Audit Study” (PricewaterhouseCoopers & Protiviti); “Career Opportunities in Tax” (Ryan & Co.); and “Building Your Personal Brand” (Grant Thornton), to name just a few of the recent BAP programs. Gamma Pi Chapter appreciates the continuing support of the many NIU alumni and friends who make our professional programs, service projects, and social events so meaningful for NIU students. Professor Don Tidrick, a longtime member of BAP himself, continues to serve as Gamma Pi’s faculty advisor. The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) The National NationalAssociation AssociationofofBlack BlackAccountants Accountants (NABA) (NABA) is the premiere professional association for developing and promoting greater participation by African-American and is The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) other minorities in the accounting and finance professions. the premiere professional association for developing and The goals of the association are by to promote and develop promoting greater participation African-American andthe professional skills members;and to encourage and assist other minorities in of theour accounting finance professions. minority in enteringare thetoprofession; to provide The goalsstudents of the association promote and develop the opportunitiesskills for members to fulfill to their civic and assist professional of our members; encourage responsibilities; long-term financialtostability, minority studentstoinensure entering the profession; provide and provide adequate resources to implement chapter, regional opportunities for members to fulfill their civic and national programs; and to represent the interests of and responsibilities; to ensure long-term financial stability, current and prospective minority accounting professionals. provide adequate resources to implement chapter, regional These goals are achieved through the usethe of interests guest speakers and national programs; and to represent of and a variety of other activities. Professor Tim West is the current and prospective minority accounting professionals. facultygoals advisor. These are achieved through the use of guest speakers and a variety of other activities. Professor Tim West is the faculty Studentadvisor. Accountancy Society (SAS) Student AccountancySociety Society(SAS) (SAS)is a student Student Accountancy organization dedicated to promoting a professional interest and attitude toward theSociety study of accounting, encouraging Student Accountancy (SAS) is a student scholarship, promoting a closer affiliation between organization dedicated to promoting a professional the interest business world and the accountancy student, encouraging and and attitude toward study of accounting, encouraging promoting accountancy students to become involved scholarship, a closer affiliation between the in leadershipworld roles.and Membership is openstudent, to all students, business the accountancy and regardless ofaccountancy major, classstudents standing, or GPA.involved SAS is truly encouraging to become in aleadership student-run organization, led by an executive board of roles. Membership is open to all students, approximately fourteen students. It is one of theSAS largest regardless of major, class standing, or GPA. is truly on campus, with over 140 members aprofessional student-rungroups organization, led by an executive board of approximately fourteen students. It is one of the largest professional groups on campus, with over 140 members I n To u c h during the 2013/2014 academic year. Professor Linda Matuszewski serves as the SAS faculty advisor. during the 2013/2014 academic year. Professor Linda On a weekly basis, brings from a Matuszewski servesSAS as the SASprofessionals faculty advisor. variety of corporations and public accounting firms to campus to speak to SAS the members about professional On a weekly basis, brings professionals from a accounting careers and and current business issues.firms Someto variety of corporations public accounting recent topics included professional ethics, campus to speak to theinterviewing, members about professional leadership, networking, accounting internship accounting careers and current business issues. Some opportunities, communication skills,professional and businessethics, recent topics included interviewing, etiquette. After these meetings, dinner is served in the leadership, networking, accounting internship atrium (and no,communication it's not pizza every and the students opportunities, skills,week) and business have the opportunity personally network within thethe etiquette. After these to meetings, dinner is served presenters thatnot night or just share a meal withstudents fellow atrium (andfrom no, it's pizza every week) and the SAS members. have the opportunity to personally network with the presenters from that night or just share a meal with fellow In addition to the weekly professional meetings, SAS SAS members. sponsors numerous social and service activities throughout thethe year. Eachprofessional semester, SAS sponsors a golf In addition to weekly meetings, SAS outing at which members have an opportunity to network sponsors numerous social and service activities with firm representatives learn one ofsponsors the favorite throughout the year. Eachand semester, SAS a golf sports of the accounting profession. The Spring golf outing at which members have an opportunity to2014 network outing wasrepresentatives one of our most successful with 14 with firm and learn oneevents, of the favorite foursomes that included profession. students, firm and sports of the accounting Therepresentatives Spring 2014 golf faculty.was Other eventssuccessful during theevents, year included outing onepopular of our most with 14 tailgate parties NIU football games, gatheringsand at foursomes that at included students, firm social representatives Fatty’s Pub and Grill and Ollie’s Frozen Custard, and a faculty. Other popular events during the year included whirlyball outing. Community is important to at tailgate parties at NIU football service games, social gatherings SAS members. SAS holdsCustard, food, clothing, Fatty’s Pub andEach Grill semester, and Ollie’s Frozen and a and blood drives, membersservice volunteer at local to whirlyball outing.and Community is important organizations assemester, Hope Haven thefood, Opportunity SAS members.such Each SASand holds clothing, House. SAS members also participate in NIU Cares Day, and blood drives, and members volunteer at local and help with such cleanup around Barsema Hall. organizations as Hope Haven and the Opportunity House. SAS members also participate in NIU Cares Day, and help with cleanup around Barsema Hall. Campus Contacts Department Phone: Department FAX: Department Phone: Department FAX: (815) 753-1637 (815) 753-8515 (815) 753-1637 (815) 753-8515 Department Chair: Jim Young (815) 753-1250 Department Chair: E-mail: Jim Young (815) 753-1250 Assistant Chair: E-mail: Rebecca Shortridge (815) 753-6097 Assistant E-mail: Rebecca Shortridge (815) 753-6097 E-mail: Undergraduate Advisor: Angela Grimaldi (815) 753-6251 Undergraduate Advisor: E-Mail: Angela Grimaldi (815) 753-6251 E-Mail: Master of Accounting Science Advisor: Kelsey Johnson (815) 753-3599 Master of Accounting Science Advisor: E-mail: Kelsey Johnson (815) 753-3599 E-mail: Master of Science in Taxation Advisor: Suzanne Youngberg (815) 753-6099 Master in Taxation Advisor: E-mail: of Science Suzanne Youngberg (815) 753-6099 E-mail: Internships: Tamara Phelan (815) 753-6208 Internships: E-mail Tamara Phelan (815) 753-6208 E-mail CMA Review: Donna Mann (815) 753-2406 CMA Review: E-mail: Donna Mann (815) 753-2406 E-mail: CPA Review: Mark Hogan (815) 753-6207 CPA Review: E-mail: Mark Hogan (815) 753-6207 E-mail: Internal Audit Program: David Sinason (815) 753-6501 Internal Program: E-mail: David Sinason (815) 753-6501 E-mail: 11 Department of Accountancy RECENT FACULTY PUBLICATIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS* Meghann Cefaratti "Strengthening Audit Committee Communication", with N. Paterakis, Internal Auditing, March/April 2014, 3-6. "Multilevel Research in Information Systems: Review, Recommendations, and Future Prospects", with F. Belanger, T. Carte, and S. Markham, forthcoming in Journal of the Association for Information Systems. "Communication Mode, Deception, and Familiarity: Considerations for Internal Auditors", with R. Barkhi, Internal Auditing, 2013. Presenter, American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August 2013. Member, American Accounting Association, Institute of Internal Auditors. Natalie Churyk "New Financial Statement Reporting Requirements for Healthcare Entities and Insurers" with A. Reinstein, Journal of Hospital Administration, 2013, 2(3), 21-27. "Examining the Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension Costs", with A. Reinstein and S. Thomas, Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, 2013,12. "Auditing and Accounting for the Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities", with A. Reinstein, Journal Of Corporate Accounting And Finance, 2013, 24(6). "Detecting Fraud Before Catastrophe", with C. Lee and B. D. Clinton, Strategic Finance, March 2013, 33-37. "The Anatomy of a Whistle-Blower Letter: A Descriptive Study", with K. Pope, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, January-June 2014, 6(1). "Are Students Ready for Their Future Accounting Careers? Insights From Observed Perceptions Gaps Among Employers, Interns, and Alumni", with S. Yu and A. Chang, Global Perspectives on Accounting Education, 2013, 10, 1-15. "Validating Early Fraud Prediction Using Narrative Disclosures", with C. Lee and B. D. Clinton, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 2013, 5(1), 35-57. Lybrand Award, Strategic Finance, June 2013. Presenter, various American Accounting Association Regional Meetings, April-October, 2013. Editorial Review Board, Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, Journal of Accounting Education, and American Academy of Accounting and Finance. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Illinois CPA Society, American Accounting Association, International Association for Accounting Education & Research, Text and Academic Authors Association. Faculty Advisor, Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting (ALPFA). President elect – Midwest Region of the American Accounting Association Incoming Vice President – Academic – Teaching Learning & Curriculum section of the American Accounting Association Co-Author with T. Weirich and T. Pearson, (2013). In Joel Hollenbeck; Brian Kamins (Ed.), Accounting & Auditing Research Tools & Strategies 8th ed (8th ed., 221 pp.). John Wiley & Sons. Co-author with T. Weirich and T. Pearson (2012). Accounting and Auditing Research and Databases: A Desk Reference. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons: Professional Division. Co-author with T. Pearson and T. Weirich (2011). Mastering the Codification and e-IFRS Through Cases (1st ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Contributor: P. Delaney, and O. Whittington (2013). Wiley CPA Exam Review 2013: Financial Accounting and Reporting 40th Edition - 2 volume and 4 volume sets, John Wiley & Sons. Doug Clinton "Activities to Metrics Mapping: An Aid to Applying the Balanced Scorecard to Microfinance Institutions", Journal Of Cost Management, March/April 2013, 30-38. "Detecting Fraud Before Catastrophe", with C. Lee and N. Churyk, Strategic Finance, March 2013, 33-37. "Validating Early Fraud Prediction Using Narrative Disclosures", with N. Churyk and C. Lee, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 2013, 5(1), 35-57. Director, Resource Consumption Accounting Institute. Editorial Review Board, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Strategic Finance, and Management Accounting Quarterly. Co-Author, CPAexcel. Member, Institute of Management Accountants, American Accounting Association. Brad Cripe Editorial Board, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. Member, American Institute of CPAs, American Accounting Association, and American Taxation Association. Ann Dzuranin "Doing More with Less: Using Non-Cash Incentives to Improve Employee Performance", Journal Of Corporate Accounting And Finance, 2013, 24(5). "Think You Have Your Business Risks Identified? If Your Organization Is Using Spreadsheets, Think Again", with R. Slater, Journal Of Corporate Accounting And Finance, March/April 2014, 7. Best Paper Award, Academy of Business Research, March 2013. Presenter, Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2013, Association for Information Systems, Milan, Italy, American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August, 2013. Reviewer, Association of Information Systems and American Accounting Association. Member, American Accounting Association. Chih-Chen Lee "Detecting Fraud Before Catastrophe", with N. Churyk and B. D. Clinton, Strategic Finance, March 2013, 33-37. "Validating Early Fraud Prediction Using Narrative Disclosures", with N. Churyk and B. D. Clinton, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 2013, 5(1), 35-57. "An Experimental Investigation of Professional Skepticism in Audit Interviews", with R. Welker and T. Wang, International Journal of Auditing, 2013, 17(2), 213-226. Lybrand Certificate of Merit, Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). (2013). Presenter, Institute of Fraud Prevention, Washington, D.C., June 2013. Reviewer, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, and International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. Chair, AAA FIA section, Publications Committee. Member, Institute of Internal Auditors, Illinois CPA Society, Information Systems Audit and Control Association, The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, American Accounting Association, Phi Beta Delta, Zeta Gamma Chapter at NIU, CAPANA (Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association in North America). Kate Mantzke "Tax Refunds on Overstated Earnings: A Valuation Puzzle", with N. Churyk and A. Reinstein, forthcoming in Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. Member, Illinois CPA Society, American Accounting Association, American Taxation Association. 12 *For articles and textbooks, please contact faculty member for complete citation and co-authors. I n To u c h Linda Matuszewski "Modeling the Antecedents of Preferences for Incomplete Contracts in Bilateral Trade: An Experimental Investigation", with F. Miller and C. Denison, Behavioral Research In Accounting, 2013, 25(1), 135-159. Presenter, American Accounting Association, Anaheim, California, August 2013. Editorial Review Board, Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. Reviewer, American Accounting Association, Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Behavioral Research in Accounting. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Illinois CPA Society, Institute of Management Accountants, American Accounting Association. Faculty Advisor, Student Accounting Association. Mark Riley "Proposed Changes to Lease Accounting under FASB's Upcoming Standard", with R. Shortridge, CPA Journal, 2013, 83(6). Presenter, American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August 2013. Editorial Review Board, Issues in Accounting Education. Member, American Accounting Association and American Institute of CPAs. Rebecca Shortridge "Proposed Changes to Lease Accounting under FASB's Upcoming Standard, with M. Riley, CPA Journal, 2013, 83(6). "Do Variations in the Strength of Corporate Governance Still Matter? A Comparison of the Pre- and Post-Regulaton Environment", with N. Harp and M. Myring, Journal of Business Ethics, 2013. Recipient, Mark Chain/Federation of Schools of Accountancy, Innovation in Graduate Education Award. Board Member, Secretary Elect, Federation of Schools of Accountancy. Director, MAS (Leadership) Program. Member, American Accounting Association, American Institute of CPAs, Illinois CPA Society, Indiana CPA Society. Dave Sinason "Examining Mentoring in Public Accounting Organizations", with A. Reinstein and T. Fogarty, Review Of Business, 2013, 33(1), 40-49. Presenter, American Accounting Association, New Orleans, LA, January 2013 and Hartford, CN, October 2013, Illinois CPA Society, Government Conference, Oakbrook Terrace, IL and Springfield, IL, May 2013. Reviewer, Journal of Accounting Education and Forensic Investigation and Accounting. Committee Chair, American Accounting Association - Forensic Investigation and Accounting Section. Member, American Accounting Association, American Institute of CPAs, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Illinois CPA Society, Institute of Internal Auditors. Pam Smith Awarded Presidential Teaching Professor, Northern Illinois University, April 2013. Author and Presenter, CPAexcel. Master Instructor, KPMG. Reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics, Issues in Accounting Education, and AAA TLC. Member, College of Business Ethics Program, Building Ethical Leaders with an Integrated Framework (BELIEF). Don Tidrick "Q&A with Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States," Journal of Government Financial Management, Spring 2014, LXIII (1), 20-25. "Examining the Ethics Process: A Conversation with PEEC Chair Wes Williams", The CPA Journal, May 2013, LXXX111(5), 14-19. 2013 AICPA Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award, American Institute of CPAs, August 2013, presented at AAA annual meeting, Anaheim, CA. Faculty Advisor, Beta Alpha Psi (Gamma Pi Chapter). Member, Comptroller General of the United State’s Educators’ Advisory Council. Chair, Illinois CPA Society’s Ethics Committee, Technical Subcommittee. Member, American Institute of CPAs, Association of Government Accountants, Illinois CPA Society, Institute of Internal Auditors, Institute of Management Accountants, Academy of Accounting Historians, American Accounting Association. Co-Author, CPAexcel. Tammy Waymire "Thinking Practice: Iteration, Peer Review, and Policy Analysis in a Governmental Accounting Class", with W. Finley, Journal Of Accounting Education, 2013, 31(3), 333-349. Presenter, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference, Hartford, CT, November 2013, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., October 2013, American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, March 2013, and American Accounting Association Audit Section Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 2013. Reviewer, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Reviewer, American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section Meeting and American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Discussant, American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section Meeting. Chair, American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section, Accounting Standards Committee and Education Program Committee. Member, NIU Center for Governmental Studies Semantic Aware Framework for Financial Reporting (SAFFIRe) Team. Contributor, Wiley Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Textbook. Member, Association of Government Accountants, American Accounting Association, Institute of Management Accountants, and American Institute of CPAs. Tim West Outstanding Teacher in the Leadership MAS program, NIU Accountancy Leadership Advisory Council, August 2013. Outstanding Accounting Educator, Illinois CPA Society, June 2013. Outstanding EMBA Teacher (Golden Apple Award), Northern Illinois University, May 2013. Presenter, American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August 2013, and New Orleans, LA, January 2013. Reviewer, Teaching Ethics Journal and American Accounting Association. Member, Academy of Management, American Accounting Association, American Institute of CPAs, Institute of Management Accountants, and Pathways Commission. Jim Young “Inflation Adjustments Affecting Individual Taxpayers in 2014,” Tax Notes, October 2013, pp. 413-424. Series Editor and Chapter Author, South-Western Federal Taxation; 2014 and 2013 Editions; South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2013 and 2012. Commissioner, AICPA/AAA Pathways Commission. Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Illinois CPA Society, Illinois Board of Examiners (IBOE) Education Advisory Task Force, AAA Accounting Programs Leadership Group, American Accounting Association Council. Carol Yu "Are Students Ready for Their Future Accounting Careers? Insights From Observed Perceptions Gaps Among Employers, Interns, and Alumni", with N. Churyk and A. Chang, Global Perspectives on Accounting Education, 2013, 10, 1-15. 2013-2014 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, NIU Accountancy Department. Presenter, American Accounting Association, Oak Brook, IL, October 2013, and Anaheim, CA, August 2013. Reviewer, 2014 Auditing Midyear Conference, International Journal of Applied Research in Business Administration and Economics, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2014 FARS Midyear Meeting. 13 Department of Accountancy ANNUAL ACCOUNTANCY SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS, 2013-14 Congratulations to the following ANNUAL studentsACCO for their excellent performance, has 2009 resulted UNTANCY SCHOLARHIPS ANDwhich AWARDS, - 10 in their receipt of the following scholarships and awards. We also express our appreciation to the individuals, companies, and firms that provided the financial support for these awards. Over $536,000 of scholarships and awards were presented at our Awards Banquet in September. Accountancy Alumni Michael S. Caputo Leah I. Chimis Nicole I. Clark Matthew S. Crail Kara L.Duy Nader El-Khatib Jonathan A. Frighetto Leticia Gonzalez James B. Holt Jaime Idiyaly Kayla A. Jacobson Ashley M. Kaiser Jennie Kang Patrick T. Knapik Michael R. McParland Matthew A. Miracle Shawn A. Rauch Nicole E. Recinella Brian M. Reynolds Benjamin P. Ruhlig Ping Xiao Maximillian B. Yep Hongchen Zhang Accountancy Faculty Graduate Caroline M. Hake Qingmeng Huang Logan J. Stukenberg Accountancy Faculty Undergraduate Adam M. Blazekovich Daihee Cho Elyse Jares Accountancy Leadership Advisory Council Service Award Janelle M. Wiesemann Accountancy Teaching Assistant Performance Award Manling Ge Ascend Outstanding Service Award Calvin J. Kunkel Tyler J. Swanlund Maximillian B. Yep Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting Outstanding Service Award Araceli Flores Juan A. Rosales, Jr. Cristian E. Tinoco BDO USA, LLP Bianca S. Arceo Taylor P. Heavington Lucero K. Lopez-Tinajero Voula Spyridis Beta Alpha Psi Ilan Meerovich 14 Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Service Award Patrick T. Knapik Brilliant Financial Search Adam R. Ciccone Andrew G. Haroldson Burge Family Riasat Khondker Tatiana A. Terzich Nick and Kim Calamos Rachel A. Cannell Daihee Cho Caterpillar, Inc. Lin Cao Bree E. Nation Haris A. Siddiqui Certificate in Internal Auditing Dawid A. Dziadkowiec Samantha A. McCarthy Lynn A. O’Neill Eric S. Solverson Janelle M. Wiesemann CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Daniel D. Hannan CohnReznick, LLP Yadira Trujillo Crane Composites Alyssa M. Lingl Crocker Endowed in Business Elyse Jares Crowe Horwath, LLP Hanane Ghazoune Collin J. Grysiewicz Nicholas J. Midlock Dean’s Scholars Trevor J. Enger Daniel D. Hannan Emily L. Harper Thomas R. Labelle Geoffrey A. Lemay Michael P. Malaychuk, Jr. Megan C. O’Brien Jose J. Sancen-Rodriguez Bea L. Saylo Collin A. Thompson Brian Deets Memorial Qingchang A. Fair DeKalb Genetics Endowed Marisol Zavala Patrick R. Delaney Memorial Brandy N. Howard Jessica L. Schroeder Lu Zhang Deloitte, LLP Adam S. Kirschner Joshua D. Williams Department of Accountancy Transfer Student Paul M. Calhoun Tara K. Cloonan Anthony G. Dejohn Jeanine E. Harp Geoffrey A. Lemay Robert A. McQuade Mike Deutsch Robert J. Westman Dean and Brenda DuCray Daniel J. Fietterer Stephanie Gutierrez Austin J. Urbanski Ernst & Young, LLP Elliott A. Andersson Meghan M. Connell Federation of Schools of Accountancy Award Amanda K. Wheet Financial Executives Institute (Chicago Chapter) John P. Ries Graduate School Diversity Mayra Arellano Leonelo Castillo, Jr. Cristine R. Estrada Jennifer N. Hardie Byanka E. Mandujano Opeyemi E.Owotuyi Madelene R. Velasquez Graduate School Fellowship Taylor N. Patton-Gentert Graduate School Outstanding Student Award Annette T. Killian Grant Thornton, LLP Richard A. Wright, Jr. Greg Hassler / NIU CPA Review Mariela N. Valverde Ryan Hayman/HSBC Matthew J. Felsecker Carrie L. Huff Jim and Kathy Hendricks Endowed Justine S. Schepler Craig A. Schieve Joe and Lynn Hoff Gabriel Hernandez I n To u c h Dave and Fran Holman Trisha T. Ngo Alexander B. Wrobel National Association of Black Accountants Outstanding Service Award Channing Q. Moffith-Mixon Illinois CPA Society Quin J. Akers Reuel O. Brumell Regina C. Chase-Smith Jeremy B. Kim Anna M. Matejska National Society of Accountants Geoffrey A. Lemay Institute of Internal Auditors (Chicago Chapter) John T. Chavez Dawid A. Dziadkowiec Internal Auditing Education Partnership Leadership Conference John T. Chavez Daihee Cho Riasat Khondker Kushal Paudel Institute of Management Accountants (National) Mayra Arellano Calvin J. Kunkel Daniel J. Fietterer Bree E. Nation Matthew J. Page Joseph W. Vanden Bos International Business Seminars Calvin J. Kunkel John Deere Foundation Sravya Boddu Tiffany E. Mills Paul and Karen Keglevic Megan E. Cherney Donald and Donna Kieso Daniel J. Kwasigroch KPMG, LLP Sufyan Y. Seedat Arthur J. Krupp Endowed Elizabeth N. Klawans Gaylen and Joanne Larson Edwin Betancur Jillian M. Davenport John R. Grobarek Jonathan E. McKee Joseph W. Vanden Bos Prudence B. Willrett MAC Bob James Memorial Nabal M. Jefferson McDonalds Kyle R. Pillar Minwee Song Lian Zhu National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete Nabal M. Jefferson NCAA Postgraduate Nabal M. Jefferson Lawrence and Merrily Nilles William Tsang Edilberto C. and Carmelita M. Ortiz Tyler J. Hoffmann Matthew R. Karolczak Steven B. LeParte Lauren E. Scaletta Timothy S. Witt, Jr. The Overture Group Araceli Flores Daniel Parmenter Memorial Bree E. Nation Dorice Pepin Jung E. Kim Lauryn R. Phelps Kyle P. Pokrzywa Leobardo Rodriguez Taylor L. Schulze Ben Peters Memorial Wali Rizvi Danielle Marie Pisterzi Memorial Alexandra M. Vorisek Plante & Moran, PLLC Adam M. Clark Raymond and Nancy Powers Heather K. Wrobleski Public Company Accounting Oversite Board Robert G. Fahey PwC, LLP Felix E. Barnes Marco Iannotta Edward A. and Debra S. Rosenow Endowed Mateusz Palenik Ryan, LLC Christopher S. Daniak Kayla M. Kasbohm Matthew and Amy Sapp Andrew J. Katzberg So Jun Park McGladrey, LLP Reena A. Bodalia Caitlin M. Maloney Danika R. Tillis John Shigley and Winifred Shigley Cristian E. Tinoco Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd Joel P. Walsh Sikich, LLP Simona David Mowery & Schoenfeld, LLC Ryan D. Held John and Jackie Simon Deana L. Packley David and Karen Sinason Outstanding Intern Award Nicholas M. Paterakis Russ and Dawn Smyth John T. Chavez SpearMC Consulting Cody C. Leff Zachary L. Migut Anthony E. and Christine Speiser – Lane Technical High School Felix E. Barnes Lecherese D. Johnson Channing Q. Moffith-Mixon Michael and Patricia Strachan Endowed Allison R. Gnesda Student Accountancy Society Outstanding Service Award Margo K. Abraham Ryan S. Smith Melissa L. Sommerfield SunCoke Energy Matthew J. Page Tax Executives Institute (Chicago Chapter) Veranika Karnatsevich Jacob C. Meinert William and Dian Taylor Endowed Braiden L. Skinner Timothy J. Smith Aida Villalobos Vrba-O’Brien Trust Jeff D. Picciuolo Elizabeth Ramirez Warady and Davis, LLP Brad A. Fletcher David A. Milas, Jr. Sally Webber Memorial Timothy W. Vincent Ron-Michael Williams Wipfli, LLP James B. Kay Carlos Lopez Flores Wolf & Company, LLP Zinan Shao Harry Wright Endowed Dane M. Walker Steve and Betsy Young Daniel Krzak Cristiano A. Miroballi Colette B. Wehrli Youthful Savings Michael P. Cahill D Zorea Rocco G. Garry 15 Department of Accountancy GIFTS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY JULY 1, 2012 – JUNE 30, 2013 Note: Contributors listed in this report made gifts to the Department between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If your gift was omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Margaret Berg at We apologize for any mistakes or omissions with regard to this information. OVER $100,000 Corporate/Business Donors KPMG LLP Individual Donors Mr. Dean T. and Mrs. Brenda DuCray Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Enid Weygandt $50,000—$99,999 Corporate/Business Donors Ernst & Young Foundation Individual Donors Mr. Gary and Mrs. Mary Burge Mr. Paul and Mrs. Karen Keglevic $20,000 -$49,999 Corporate/Business Donors Alta Via Consulting, LLC Caterpillar, Inc. Crowe Horwath Foundation Deloitte & Touche Foundation Fort Dearborn Partners, Inc. Grant Thornton Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Individual Donors Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Roberta Cleary Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Chris Cole Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Maria de la Vega Mr. Joe and Mrs. Anna DeSplinter Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Doreen Eckmann Mr. Dave and Mrs. Fran Holman Mr. Gaylen and Mrs. Joanne Larson Mr. Bill and Mrs. Paula LeRoy Mr. Robert and Mrs. Debra Peterson Mr. Bill and Mrs. Dian Taylor $10,000 -$19,999 Corporate/Business Donors AT&T Foundation McDonald's Corporation Warady & Davis LLP Individual Donors Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Susan Bergmann Mr. Michael D. Giese and Ms. Kristyn R. Krzyzaniak Mr. Howard and Mrs. Milja Hohnsen Dr. Donald and Mrs. Donna Kieso Mr. Roger and Mrs. Marjorie Nelson Ms. Dorice E. Pepin Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Rachowicz Mr. Russ and Mrs. Dawn Smyth Mr. Joe and Mrs. Laura Steger Mr. Rob Stoettner Mr. Sean and Mrs. Dawn Thompson 16 $5,000 -$9,999 Corporate/Business Donors BDO USA, LLP Beta Alpha Psi Brilliant Financial Search, LLC CPA Endowment Fund of Illinois Institute of Management Accountants MGM Resorts Foundation Student Accountancy Society Tax Executives Institiute The Overture Group Illinois, LLC Individual Donors Mr. Raymond S. Anderson Mr. Harry and Mrs. Kimberly Argires Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cheryl Braico Mr. Thomas L. Braje Mr. Michael R. Brown Mr. Anthony Castelluccio and Ms. Janet L. Krueger Mr. Philip and Mrs. Monica Childs Mr. Donald and Mrs. Christine Coglianese Ms. Carol Y. Crenshaw Mr. Mike Dimitriou Mr. Craig and Mrs. Mary Kay Funkhouser Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Violet Goodheart Mr. Jim and Mrs. Joanna Gusich Mr. Martin and Mrs. Jody Hahn Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Corinne Hajdukovic Mr. Joseph J. Hartman Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Pamela Iannotta Mr. John H. Kemnitz Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Deborah Lamm Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Pam Liesendahl Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Laura Maniola Mr. Jeffrey N. Markert Mr. Ian and Mrs. Anastasia Nelson Mr. Perry and Mrs. Julia Plescia Ms. SanDee I. Priser Mr. Ed and Mrs. Debra Rosenow Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Amy Sapp Mr. Robert T. Singleton, Jr. Mr. Lance and Mrs. Laura Smith Mr. Dean and Mrs. Sharon Stieber Mr. Robert C. Webber Dr. Harry Wright, Jr. Mr. Steven and Ms. Elizabeth Young $2,500 -$4,999 Corporate/Business Donors Baxter International Foundation John Deere & Company Institute of Internal Auditors, Chicago Chapter ITW Foundation Miller Cooper & Co. The Ryan Foundation Sikich, LLP SpearMC Consulting, Inc. Wipfli Foundation Individual Donors Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Anderson Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Carol Ballschmiede Mr. John and Mrs. Audrey Chiricotti Ms. Karla S. Dearstyne Mr. Michael and Mrs. Barbara Hall Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Alison Hayman Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Lynn Hoff Mr. Kyle W. Lindquist Mr. Neil and Mrs. Lori Lonergan Mr. Gary and Mrs. Ruth Longman Mr. James E. Luebchow and Ms. Harriet T. Holderness Mr. William F. Marutzky Mr. Thomas G. Merritt Mr. Brian and Mrs. Erica O'Malley Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Nancy Powers, Jr. Mr. Adam and Mrs. Rose Regelbrugge Mr. Timothy S. Salvesen Dr. John and Mrs. Jackie Simon Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Natalie Simon Dr. Pam Smith and Mr. Jon Mayer Mr. John and Mrs. Amy Stomper Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Sandra Wisniewski Dr. Jim and Mrs. Mary Jean Young $1,500 -$2,499 Corporate/Business Donors CohnReznick, LLP CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Financial Executives International HSBC North America Internal Auditing Academic Advancement Fund, Inc. McGladrey LLP Mowery & Schoenfeld LLC National Association of Black Accountants Plante & Moran, PLLC SunCoke Energy Corp. Wolf & Company, LLP Individual Donors Mr. James and Mrs. Laurie Beamish Dr. Natalie T. Churyk Mr. Michael and Mrs. Patricia Cullen Mr. Robert and Mrs. Joan Der Mr. Sean and Mrs. Amy Erwin Mr. Paul and Mrs. Janet Fairfield Figge Mr. Tim and Mrs. Andrea Fitzgerald Mr. Larry Garland and Mrs. Gayle De Haan-Garland Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Elizabeth Garling Mr. Joshua M. Haldi Dr. Jim and Mrs. Kathy Hendricks Dr. John and Mrs. Titi Hepp Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Jan Herzberg Dr. Charles and Mrs. Maria Krull Mr. George and Mrs. Nancy Krull, Jr. Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Nancy Laskowski Mr. E. William Le Fevre Mr. James P. Locke Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Kathy Merriman Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Merrily Nilles Mr. Gerard A. Oprins and Ms. Cynthia A. Christensen Mr. Nick and Mrs. Pamela Polydoros Mr. Mark and Mrs. Teresa Pusateri Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jackie Rosenfeldt Mr. David and Mrs. Jill Templin Mr. Richard and Mrs. Nancy Thompson Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Jill Wiechert Mr. Dennis C. Wolff, Jr. $1,000 -$1,499 Corporate/Business Donors Academic Tours, Inc. ALPFA Accountancy Erwin Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Exelon Corporation Foundation Microsoft Corporation Tax Resource Connection, L.L.C. UBS Whiteford Wealth Management, Inc. Individual Donors Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Susan Bailitz Mr. William K. Brown Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Ann Cull I n To u c h Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Mary Jane Dee Mr. James and Mrs. Margaret Dolinar Mr. Herb and Mrs. Patricia Eldean Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Ann Farley Ms. Juliana M. Figueras Ms. Leslie B. Flinn Mr. James R. Fluckey Mr. Philip and Mrs. Traci Fontana Mr. David and Mrs. Trish Fredrickson Mr. Lyndon and Mrs. Roslyn Haddock Mr. James D. Hanford Mr. David and Mrs. Laura Hunter Mr. Jason and Mrs. Deborah Inman Mr. Terry A. Jimenez Mr. Jeffrey J. Johnson Mr. Mural and Mrs. Vicki Josephson Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Beth Keane Mr. Michael and Mrs. Melinda Keck Mr. Andrew P. Kostelancik Mr. Glenn A. Lapidus and Ms. Teresa Nunez Mr. John and Mrs. Allison Lausas Mr. Sergey and Mrs. Marina Levin Mr. Eric J. Marmoll Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Vicki Martin Ms. Julie A. Michaelson Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Mimi Myers Mr. Alan and Mrs. Kay Newberg Mr. James and Mrs. Delia Newburg Mr. William and Mrs. Lynn Nichols Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Linda Olson Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Ann Pawelko Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Mary Petersen Mr. Brian M. Pomis Mr. Jeff A. Rolczynski Mr. Todd and Mrs. Cynthia Schneider Mr. Brian C. Schramm Dr. Rebecca and Mr. Brad Shortridge Dr. David and Mrs. Karen Sinason Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kirsten Tanis Mr. Michael C. Wallach and Mrs. Lori Surufka Wallach Mr. Donald and Mrs. Patti Wenzel, Jr. Ms. Lori A. Wetzel Mr. Clair D. Williams Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Wonak Mr. Steven A. Yukel Ms. Lorrie P. Zogg-Stork $500 -$999 Corporate/Business Donors 3DP Fusion, Inc. The Boeing Company Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V. Conversus Asset Management, LLC Individual Donors Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Sue Anderson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Janis Azarela Mr. William and Mrs. Sophia Bendush Mr. David and Mrs. Kelli Brand Mr. Steven and Mrs. Eileen Brewer Mr. David and Mrs. Cheryl Brown Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Bonnie Coates Mr. Douglas C. Colletti Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kimberly Cordes Mr. Frank and Mrs. Kelly Davit Mr. Melvin L. Flowers Mr. Rick and Mrs. Susan Gregus Mr. Steven and Dr. Nicole Gress Mr. Gordon T. Gruszka Mr. Jeffery and Mrs. Diane Hackney Mr. Craig and Mrs. Mary Hermanson Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Karen Hirai Mr. Roger and Mrs. Debra Hopkins Mr. Alan and Mrs. Lisa Jagiello Mr. Robert and Mrs. Norma Johnson Mr. Alfred and Mrs. Patricia Knox Mr. Barry and Mrs. Melanie Kohn Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Cheryl Kuhn Mr. Michael and Mrs. Judith LeBar Dr. Chih-Chen Lee and Mr. Te Wei Ms. Michelle L. Lehmann Ms. Laura Leli Dr. Kate and Mr. Jeff Mantzke Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Patricia Martin Mr. Charles and Mrs. Linda Matthews Mr. Kevin H. Miles Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Moglia-Cannon Mr. Joseph M. Rodriguez Mr. Shannon and Mrs. Gwen Shaneyfelt Mr. Mark and Mrs. Susan Stachulski Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Kathleen Szczech Mr. Steven and Mrs. Lori Tesdahl Dr. Don and Mrs. Janet Tidrick Mr. Nicholas A. Wanat Dr. Tammy and Mr. Dennis Waymire Mr. Scott and Mrs. Jennifer Weichle Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Mary Whiteford Mr. Brian and Mrs. Sandi Yandle Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Georgianna Zakosek Mr. William and Mrs. Michelle Ziebell Mr. D Zorea $250 - $499 Corporate/Business Donors Huron Consulting Group Joyce & Associates LLC KGR Brown and Associates State Farm Companies Foundation Individual Donors Mr. James and Mrs. Martha Anderson Mr. Larry and Mrs. Karen Anderson Mr. Stuart and Mrs. Nancy Babendir Mr. Richard and Mrs. Sherolyn Baker Mr. James L. Barce Mr. David F. Bengston Mr. Chad and Mrs. Julie Bohnstedt Mr. Mark A. Bruno Mr. David and Mrs. Tamara Brzezinski Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Debra Callahan Mr. Jason R. Causemaker Mr. William J. Cernugel Mrs. Abby P. Chemers Ms. Kerry A. Craven Mr. Charles and Mrs. Tracy Cron Mr. Terry and Mrs. Marian Culp Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Suzanne Cutrara Mr. David and Mrs. Kim Danielski Dr. Richard and Mrs. Sharon Dowen Mr. Donald and Mrs. Lucille Engelkes Mr. Eric and Mrs. Connie Estopinal Ms. Linda D. Fairlamb Mr. James and Mrs. Ellen Fleming Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Sharon Gartner Mr. Robert R. Giacoletti Mr. Tony and Mrs. Katherine Glaudel Mr. Michael and Mrs. Noel Granberg Mrs. Susan and Mr. Stephen Greggo Mr. Jeffrey A. Gustafson Mr. David and Mrs. Linda Hafft Mr. Michael and Mrs. Vickey Hagerman Mr. Harold and Mrs. Barbara Harpold Mr. Homer and Mrs. Amparo Hayes, III Mr. Robert Iannotta Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Marilyn Jezek Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Suzan Joyce Mr. Donald and Mrs. Dorothy Kerestes Mr. John W. Kett and Ms. Jeanne M. Mr. Brian L. Kobischka Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Marilyn Lang Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Rebecca Lenard Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kim Lindeman Mr. John A. Linhart Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Delores Lukasik Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Trudee Manderfield Mr. Peter and Mrs. Christina Marberry Drs. Linda and Mark Matuszewski Ms. Allison C. Moran Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa Noci Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Brenda Ostrowski Ms. Linda L. Ott Mr. Dennis W. Parker Ms. Sharon Lynn Phillips Mr. John and Mrs. Erica Pierce Mr. Ron Polczynski Mr. Sudesh K. Rajendran and Ms. Elizabeth Thomas Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Sara Reed Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Laurene Rex Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Sherry Schellinger Mr. William Scherer Mr. F. Scott and Mrs. Jamie Michelau Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Dale Shaw Mr. Zubin and Mrs. Courtenay Shroff Mr. Michael and Mrs. Julie Solheim Mr. Mark A. Soria Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Karen Stevens Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kimberley Szalkus Mr. Chad and Mrs. Maureen Tallant Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Linda Taveirne Mr. Michael and Mrs. Amy Thurston Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Heather Ward Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Sharon Weeks Mr. Richard L. Weindorfer Mr. Kenneth C. Wojcik Mr. George and Mrs. Marie Zarytsky Mr. Jeffrey R. Zettek $100 -$249 Corporate/Business Donors Accounting & Tax Service of Viroqua, Ltd. Advance EMS of Dixon, Inc. AEGON Transamerica Foundation BP Foundation, Inc. Discover Financial Services, Inc. Fortune Brands Home & Security GE Foundation Idex Corporation The Leo J. Krupp and Roslyn L. Krupp Family Foundation M & R Farms MTS Systems Corp. Nelson Family Trust Thielen & Company W.W. Grainger, Inc. Wells Fargo & Company Individual Donors Mrs. Chris Mathias Abadie Mr. Robert and Mrs. Janene Adam Ms. Melissa M. Adkins Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Marcia Agema Mr. Moiz and Mrs. Durresamin Akhtar Mr. Scott J. Albert and Mrs. Elizabeth Zinnen-Albert Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Linda Anderson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Evelyn Antonetti Mr. Gary and Mrs. Peggy Augensen Ms. Linda Miller Babcock Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Lori Barone Mr. Steven C. Batutis Mr. Jonathan W. Beachy and Mrs. Anita S. Miller-Beachy Mr. David and Mrs. Gloria Berger Mr. Paul and Mrs. Mary Biniak Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Tracy Boehm Mrs. Shirley L. Bohlander Mr. Michael and Mrs. Christine Bollettino Mr. Russell and Mrs. Stacey Booker Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Lori Bossmann Mr. John and Mrs. Peggy Bradley Ms. Rachel C. Broadhurst Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Karin Bronswick Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Lynn Broomfield Mr. Burton and Mrs. Julie Brown, Jr. Ms. Colleen E. Buckley Mr. Brian and Mrs. Diane Bulkley Mr. Michael and Mrs. Suzanne Burke Mr. Dennis M. Byrd Mr. Sean and Mrs. Patty Callahan Mr. Michael and Mrs. Cynthia Canova Mr. Roger and Mrs. Kay Cantlin Ms. Stephanie G. Carr Mr. Charles and Mrs. Martha Cashion Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Arlene Catalina Mr. D. Bruce and Mrs. Catherine Ring Dr. Meghann and Mr. Michael Cefaratti Mr. Kin-Pei and Mrs. Peggy Chang Mr. William and Mrs. Laura Chromizky Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Tina Ciardiello Mrs. Edith and Mr. Nick Cinfio Ms. Tracy V. Cione Mr. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Cipriano Mr. John C. Clark and Ms. Annette Vanleuven Clark Mr. Kevin E. Clark Ms. Susan J. Clarke Mr. Clifford and Dr. Marilyn Cleland Mr. Charles R. Cohen Mr. Hubert and Mrs. Vicki Cole Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Heather Collins Mr. Edward and Mrs. Barbara Conway Mr. David and Mrs. Carol Cook Dr. Brad and Mrs. Rochelle Cripe 17 Department of Accountancy GIFTS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY, continued from page 17 Mr. Warren D. Cuplin Mr. Chuck C. Curran Mr. Veselko and Mrs. Sylvia Cuvalo Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Andrea Danekas Mr. Gary and Mrs. Susan Decker Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Julie Delp Mr. Joseph R. Delzenero Mr. Leon L. Demere Mr. Donald and Mrs. Gail Derrow Ms. Sandra Devona Ms. Mary T. Devoney Mr. William N. Dobbeck Mr. Robert L. Donegan Mr. Justin and Mrs. Jennifer Dooley Mr. Daniel M. Dorr, Jr. Mr. Brian M. Downes and Ms. Cassandra Maziarka Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Maryann Draudt Mr. William and Mrs. Sandra Dumich Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Lianne Dunham, CPA Dr. Ann and Mr. David Dzuranin Mr. Marvin and Mrs. Marilyn Eckerle Mr. Robert J. Edison Mr. David and Mrs. Hollie Eenigenburg Ms. Nancy J. Emerson Ms. Barbara L. England Dr. Antonette J. Esarco Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Rita Falco Mr. Paul and Mrs. Judith Farley Mr. Brett and Mrs. Maria Farrell Mr. Paul and Mrs. Deborah Feltenstein Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Cheryl Feltmeyer Mr. George S. Fender Mr. James and Mrs. Denice Fennessy Mr. David and Mrs. Shannon Fermanich Mr. Vincent O. Fidanza Dr. Kirk and Mrs. Carol Fischer Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Rebecca Foster Ms. Ina Foto Mr. James and Ms. Barbara Fox Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Susan Franz Mr. Jason and Mrs. Megan Fredrick Mr. Paul and Mrs. Rebecca Freidel Mr. Craig A. Fritz Mr. Brian K. Fuchs and Mrs. Jill T. Brauer-Fuchs Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kim Fugiel Mr. David C. Gathercoal, Jr. Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Pamela Gillis Mr. Michael and Mrs. Linda Gold Dr. Allan and Mrs. Criselda Gozum Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Wanda Grabow, Jr. Mr. David and Mrs. Nancy Graff Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Kathleen Green Mr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Griffin Mr. Bret and Mrs. Sue Grishaber Mr. Darrel S. Grove Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Kerra Guffey Mrs. Sharyn L. Gunderson Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Elizabeth Hager Mr. James and Mrs. Julie Hansberry Mr. Thomas M. Harkins Mrs. Ranida Harris Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Barbara Hartnett Ms. Jennifer A. Heiman Mr. David and Mrs. Kristen Hensley Mr. Ronald L. Herring Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Cynthia Hoffman, II Mr. Mark and Mrs. Carol Hogan Mr. Michael and Mrs. Georgette Hohlman Mr. Rick and Mrs. Nancy Holm Dr. Bambi A. Hora Mr. William and Mrs. Diane Houren Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Julia Hovorka Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Sue Howland Mr. Scott E. Hrdina Mr. Brian and Mrs. Betsy Hull Mr. Brad and Mrs. Katherine Hunt Mr. Norman and Mrs. Barbara Huntley Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Nancy Ifft Mr. Faisal H. Ismail Mr. Jesse M. Izzo Mr. Brett and Mrs. Danell Jackowski Mr. Rudy and Mrs. Wendy Jacques Ms. Eileen J. James Mr. Lukasz M. Janas Mr. Michael and Mrs. Tina Janik Mr. Jess and Mrs. Karen Jankowski Mr. Joel and Mrs. Stephanie Jerabek Mr. Dave and Ms. Sherry Johnson Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Regina Johnson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Angela Joyce Drs. Edward and Judith Kamnikar Mr. John F. Keen Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Colleen Kehoe 18 Dr. Debra K. Kerby Mr. Douglas W. Kieso Mrs. Sarah A. Kimball Mr. Mike and Mrs. Lisa Kirk Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lora Kmieciak Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Esperanza Knauf Mr. Edward and Mrs. Mary Koch Mr. William and Dr. Ann Kohut Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Norma Kolbet Mr. Ken and Mrs. Barbara Kowalczyk Mr. Daniel G. Kozera Mr. Mark and Mrs. Stacey Kramer Mr. Duane and Dr. Patricia Kranzow Mr. Brian and Mrs. Lisa Kregor Mr. Jeffery D. Krohn Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Ellen Krupp Mrs. Roslyn L. Krupp Mr. Edward and Mrs. Melanie Kuligowski Mr. Paul and Mrs. Carla Labriola Mr. William and Mrs. Vicki Laird Mr. Jonathan M. Lamantia Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Cheryl Larson Mr. Buddy Lear Ms. Antionette M. Leidel Mr. David and Mrs. Claralee Leigh Mr. James A. Lentz and Ms. Nancy Schuler Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Sara Leone, Jr. Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Pamela Lietz Mr. David and Mrs. Rowene Linden Mr. Hugh W. Lippitt Mr. Rudolph and Mrs. Elizabeth Loher Mr. Albert and Mrs. Karen Lorch Mr. James and Mrs. Joyce Loris Mr. Robert and Mrs. Beth Lukaszewicz, Jr. Mr. Richard and Mrs. Kathryn Luxmore Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Jessica Macklin Mr. Paul L. Madden Ms. Christina Manalo Mr. Eric and Mrs. Alicen Manus Mr. Craig and Mrs. Leslie Martin Mr. Inocente Martinez and Ms. Kenya Y. Watts Ms. Jacqueline Marvin Mr. D. Wayne and Mrs. Mary Mackeben Ms. Marilyn D. Mathieu Mr. Clifford F. Mazzone and Dr. Kathleen M. Collins Mr. Jerome and Mrs. Rhonda McCormick Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Claire McKenzie Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Jeanne McNicholas Mr. Jim and Mrs. Treva McPhedran Mr. John and Mrs. Julie McSwain Mr. Todd Arthur Melville Mr. Lawrence W. Mertes Mr. Michael and Mrs. Emilia Meyer Mr. Don and Mrs. Paula Meyer Mr. Rory and Mrs. Kathy Miller Mr. Michael E. Mills Mr. David and Mrs. Christine Mitchell Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Kathleen Mogensen Mr. Randall and Mrs. Diane Monson Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Alexia Montavon Ms. Emily Montgomery Montgomery Mr. Michael G. Moran Mr. Larry and Mrs. Nancy Morgan Ms. Renee M. Ansbro and Mr. Doug Kolasinski Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Katherine Mrkvicka Mr. Randy M. Multack Mr. William and Mrs. Maureen Murley Mr. William and Mrs. Gay Murray Mr. Daniel T. Musachia Mr. Larry and Mrs. Barbara Nelson Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Meghan Newell Mr. Alan D. Nissen Mr. John and Mrs. Therese Noll Mr. Theodore D. Novak Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Kristin Nowak Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sandy Nuccio Mr. James and Mrs. Pam Nugent, Jr. Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Jeanne O'Brien Mr. Keith and Mrs. Lynn Olsen Mr. Flemming Pedersen and Ms. Marcia S. Craig Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Natalie Peisker Mr. John M. Pellettiere, Jr. Ms. Katherine B. Peltier Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Sharon Peterson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Joan Petros Mr. James and Mrs. Susan Pfotenhauer Mr. Thach Buu Pham Ms. Tamara L. Phelan Mr. Mark and Mrs. Ann Piros Mr. Joseph P. Pomilia, Jr. and Ms. Pamela K. Parkos Mr. John and Mrs. JoAnn Porter Ms. Heather Susanne Priest Ms. Cindy M. Printer Mr. John and Mrs. Kristine Quarles Mr. Michael and Mrs. Michele Reagan Mr. Todd Chewning and Ms. Rebecca A. Hoger Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sandra Redding Mr. Cyril and Mrs. Janice Reed Mr. Robert and Mrs. Diane Reed Mr. Robert and Mrs. Wanda Reetz, Jr. Ms. Donna Jo Reid Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Brandi Render Mr. Gil and Ms. Alicia Restrepo Ms. Jane Rhodes Mr. Shane Daniel Richey Mr. John and Mrs. Barbara Riecss Dr. Mark and Mrs. Kay Riley Mr. Chris L. Rink Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Robinson Mr. Michael John Rodriguez Mr. James and Mrs. Anita Rogers Mr. Peter and Mrs. Nadine Roggeman Ms. Deborah Kay Rood Mr. Jeffery and Mrs. Shannon Rozovics Mr. David and Mrs. Patricia Salch Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Judith Sallberg Mr. Eric and Mrs. Sue Ann Sattersten Mr. Richard T. Sauer, Jr. and Mrs. Laurie Brock Sauer Mr. James and Mrs. Karen Savio Mr. Kyle Gene Schiebout Mr. Donald and Mrs. Kathleen Schleef Mr. John Walter Schroeder Mr. Carl Richard Schweihs Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Margaret Sexauer Mr. Brad and Mrs. Mary Shaffer Mr. Peter and Mrs. Cheryl Shenberger Ms. Nicole Rachel Shick Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Susan Shusko Mr. Geoffrey E. Simmons Ms. Christine M. Smith Mr. Larry and Mrs. Anne Solomon Mr. Bryan E. Springer Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Blooma Stark Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Kathy Stefo Mr. F. Vincent Steidl Mr. Brian Sterwald Mr. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Suerth Mr. Giles B. Sutton Mr. Sean and Mrs. Dawn Tapson Ms. Kimberly L. Tedrick Mr. Frank and Mrs. Veronica Tews Mr. Edward Michael Thelen Mr. Edward and Mrs. Sandra Thielen, Jr. Mr. Kenneth C. Thomalla Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Amanda Thomas Mr. Jeffery and Mrs. Kimberly Thompson Ms. Jodi R. Trop Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Helen Trousdale Mr. Nick and Mrs. Mila Tsagalis Mr. Mark and Mrs. Elizabeth Tulach Mr. Robert and Mrs. Margaret Turner Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Lauren Turner Ms. Linda Marie Uhlir Mr. Marlin and Mrs. Barbara Underwood Mr. Ryan T. Usalis Mr. Hristo Valkov Mr. Garold and Mrs. Sylvia Van Doren Mr. James K. Vargo Mr. Eric and Mrs. Michelle Vicencio Mrs. Joy A. Vietinghoff Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Kelly Vorisek Mr. Thomas H. Vos and Ms. Jennifer Giuffre Vos Mr. Arlyn and Mrs. Carol Waite Mr. William and Mrs. Collette Warden Mr. Walter and Mrs. Virginia Watson, Jr. Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Julia Webster Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Judith Weidner Mr. Steven M. Weinberg Mr. Richard and Mrs. Nancy Wenzel, Jr. Mr. Jason and Mrs. Kelly Wiesbrock Ms. Susan L. Witz Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Wolff Mr. Thomas G. Wright Mr. Roger and Mrs. Vicki Wurtz Mr. Lixing Yang Dr. Carol Yu and Mr. Jin Han Mr. James and Mrs. Laura Zamora Mr. Howard and Mrs. Caroline Zyburt Less than $100 Corporate/Business Donors Chevron Corporation Eli Lilly & Company Foundation, Inc. Howard D. Lampert CPA, Ltd. Network For Good Superclean Individual Donors Mr. Scott and Mrs. Linda Abernethy Mr. Roger and Mrs. Cheryl Albert Mr. Richard and Mrs. Nancy Alden Ms. Andrea L. Aldridge Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jennifer Alexander Ms. Elitza G. Alexandrova I n To u c h Dr. Walter and Mrs. Renee Alm Ms. Sue M. Anderson Mr. Donald and Mrs. Pat Anderson Ms. E. Pauline Andress Mr. Danish Ansari Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Julie Babcock Mr. Michael Bahng Mr. Gary J. Balestri Mr. Steven G. Barlow Mr. Devin J. Barnas Mr. Jack and Mrs. Sherry Barnes Mr. Michael and Mrs. Anne Barry Mr. Ivaldo and Mrs. Belinda Basso, II Ms. Myra Jo Bates Mr. Stefan and Mrs. Krystle Beal Mr. William and Mrs. Sharon Beckman, Jr. Mr. Raymond J. Berg Ms. Mary Bertling Mr. Robert and Mrs. Gloria Bianchi Mr. Francesco and Mrs. Jeanna Bifero Mr. R. Blaine and Mrs. Tammy Hood Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Linda Blair Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Sheila Bondarowicz Mr. Cesar E. Bonilla Mr. Richard and Dr. Karen Boran Mr. Sam and Mrs. Ilamae Bosso Mr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Bovee Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Beverly Braunsky Mr. William J. Brechtel Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Linda Brend Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Brooks Mr. Rabbi Hank and Dr. Ileana Brooks Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kelly Brotnow Mr. Andrew S. Broucek Mr. William and Mrs. Donna Brown Mr. Terry and Mrs. Jacqueline Brown Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kimberly Budnik Mr. Scott A. Burritt and Ms. Gunde Iwersen Mr. Michael and Mrs. Gina Butterworth Mr. Tom and Mrs. Nancy Buttny Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Jodeen Byerhof Mr. James and Mrs. Dana Campbell Ms. Darla S. Cardine Mr. Larry H. Carl Mr. James O. Carroll Mr. Dale and Mrs. Bonnie Carter Ms. Shannon Caruso Mr. James and Mrs. Amy Cave Mr. Sridhar and Ms. Jayalakshmi Chari Ms. Xinqin Chen Mr. E. Paul and Mrs. Cherie Larson Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Denise Chipman Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Ann Ciannella Mr. Harry and Mrs. Phyllis Cione Mr. Lon and Mrs. Kathleen Clark Mr. Alan and Mrs. Gail Clark Mr. Anthony R. Clayton Mr. James and Mrs. Carol Cleary Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Carol Cokeley Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cynthia Collins Mr. Kevin P. Conarchy Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Conkling, III Mr. Scott and Mrs. Cathy Cruz Mr. Christopher A. Curtis Mr. David and Mrs. Linda Czechowski Mr. James and Mrs. Frances Deasey Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Priscilla Dehler Mr. Gareld and Mrs. Jackie Dewitt, Sr. Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Jacqueline Diekmann Mr. Timothy P. Dimond Mr. William and Mrs. Patricia Dowdakin Mr. Dan and Mrs. Vicki Doyle Mr. Dale and Mrs. Vicki Drabandt Ms. Kathleen M. Dunker Ms. Lynn A. Duttlinger Mr. Brian and Mrs. Susan Ekkebus Mr. Timothy K. Esgar Ms. Christine D. Fahey Ms. Lilian W. Fang Ms. Bria C. Farrell Mr. Donald and Mrs. Rosalyn Fineran Mr. Jeffrey E. Fink Mr. Brian and Mrs. Elyse Fischmar Mr. James and Mrs. Deborah Fleming Mr. Wendell R. Fransen Mr. Mark and Mrs. Ann Frey Mr. Tod and Mrs. Denise Friske Mr. Michael J. Frolik Mr. Benjamin M. Gallentine Mr. Brian and Mrs. Ilean Genrich Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Jolene Giese Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Teresa Gingrich Mr. David and Mrs. Jennifer Goeppner Ms. Penny M. Gomez Mr. Benedict and Mrs. Judith Gondek Mr. Paul and Mrs. Marianne Gorka Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Heather Gottlieb Elizabeth A. Grabin Mr. David and Mrs. Amy Gray Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Cynthia Grimaud Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Nancy Grunde Ms. Isaura Guerrero-Perez Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Jessica Gullang Mr. Ajay and Mrs. Dana Gupta Ms. Camille E. Guzman Mr. Ronald A. Haddad Mr. Robert and Mrs. Trista Hanauer Mr. Robert J. Hannigan and Mrs. Denise Taaffe-Hannigan Mr. David J. Hansell Mr. Robert and Mrs. Laura Hansen Mr. Charles H. Harmening Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sandra Harms Mr. Brandon V. Harper Mr. William and Mrs. Pamela Harrington Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kathleen Harris Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kathleen Hartke Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Betty Hartkopf Ms. Pamela A. Hass Mr. Robert T. Hedrick Ms. Cassandra E. Hedry Mr. Robert and Dr. Sherry Hellmuth Mr. Eliseo and Mrs. Caroline Hernandez Ms. Patti J. Hester Mr. William and Mrs. Sharon Hillison Mr. Russell and Mrs. Muriel Hinshaw Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Aina Hitchcock Dr. Clayton A. Hock and Mrs. Ethel Michelsen Hock Mr. Edward and Mrs. Ann Holmberg Mr. Edgar and Mrs. Rebecca Holstrom Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Karen Horn Mrs. Kathleen A. Hott Mr. Robert A. Hugelshofer Mr. Gary A. Humbracht Mr. Mark X. Hurley and Mrs. Karen J. Deeman-Hurley Mr. Donald and Mrs. Carol Jacobsen Mr. Brandon and Mrs. Sarah Jeffers Mr. William and Mrs. Martha Jenkins Mr. Kim and Mrs. Cyndi Jensen Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Jessup Mr. Mark A. Jiambalvo Mr. Steve and Mrs. Barbara Johnson Mr. Allen W. Johnson Ms. Leah R. Johnson Mr. Craig D. Johnston Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Susan Jonas Mr. Walter and Mrs. Bonnie Kaiser Mr. Paul V. Kalmanek Mr. Dustin D. Kantorski Mr. Gary and Mrs. Debora Kantz Mr. Larry and Mrs. Sharon Karch Ms. Marylou Karkow Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Robyn Karlin Mr. Kurt and Mrs. Cindy Kasnicka Mr. Duane S. Keast Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Maryann Keifer Mr. Robert and Mrs. Darleen Klemm Ms. Mary E. Klink Mr. Joseph P. Klomes and Dr. Jeannine M. Collord-Klomes Mr. Raymond T. Knuth Mr. Todd J. Kocsis Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Phyllis Koranda Ms. Aparna Kotamarthi Mr. Raymond F. Kowalczyk Mr. Romesh and Mrs. Kumkum Kumar Mr. Howard and Mrs. Janis Lampert Mr. Reinhardt and Mrs. Merlee Lange Mr. David and Mrs. Betty Larks Mr. Paul J. Larrick Mr. Larry and Mrs. Laurel Larson Mr. Andrew and Ms. Diane Larson Mr. Brian and Mrs. Michelle Laskowski Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Phyllis Lay Mr. Gerard and Mrs. Julie Leganski Mr. Brett and Mrs. Denise LeMajeur Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Susan Lewandowski, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Monica Link Mr. Wen-Kang and Mrs. Wen Lo Mr. Jaime A. Lopez, Jr. Mr. Loren C. Lund Mr. Paul and Mrs. Jennifer Lundberg Mrs. Susan M. MacKinney Mr. James and Mrs. Mary Mair Mr. Michael and Mrs. Marianne Malaychuk Mr. Ricardo and Mrs. Jamie Mancilla Mr. Paul and Mrs. Ellen Marincic Mr. Kirby and Mrs. Linda Marks Mr. Matthew F. Martensen Ms. Kaitlyn A. May Mr. Jeremy James McCabe Mr. Michael C.McClory Mr. John McDonagh Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Liisa McMahon Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sandra Mestek Dr. Cathleen L. Miller Mr. Brian D. Mohr Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Debbie Moll Mr. James and Mrs. Marion Momaly Mr. Terrence and Mrs. Alison Moon Mr. William J. Mores Mrs. Erin K. Mostowik Mr. Bernard W. Muchin Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Susan Murphy Mr. Jason P. Murphy Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Carol Nelson Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kelly Nicpon Ms. Amy E. Norbot Mr. Robert and Mrs. Dawn Nowak Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kathryn Oba Mr. Dennis O'Brien Mrs. Pamela Ann Oeser Mr. Patick J. Olas and Ms. Jolanta Podeszwa Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Muriel Olenik Mr. Marion and Mrs. Janet Olson Mr. Lawrence and Dr. Carol Ann Olson Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Kelly Olson Mr. Paul and Mrs. Laurie O'Reilly Mr. William Wyatt Orr Mr. David and Mrs. Patricia Paczak Mr. Anthony J. Paihr Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Jennifer Pauli Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Mary Payne Mr. Brian and Mrs. Tracy Peck Mr. Tom and Mrs. Penny Perles Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Priscilla Peterson Mr. Robert and Mrs. Christine Pinta Ms. Felicia Ann Pirrello Ms. Rachelle L. Popoff-Johnson Mr. Vern and Mrs. Karen Potter Mr. Edward and Mrs. Laura Puls Mr. Donald and Mrs. Joan Radtke Mr. Angelo and Mrs. Maryann Ralle Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Redel Mr. Steven and Mrs. Frances Reichensperger Mr. John and Mrs. Jill Reilly Mr. Darwin and Mrs. Mary Reuter Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Lynetta Ribordy Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Marijean Ribordy Mrs. Anne W. Richards Mr. Donald L. Richert Mr. James and Mrs. Jerri Richter Mr. Herbert and Mrs. Diana Rickabaugh Mr. Robert and Mrs. Murriel Riedesel Mr. Andrew T. Robb and Mrs. Bonnie J. Schultz Mr. Michael and Mrs. Michelle Rodnick Mr. Danilo and Mrs. Andrea Roque Mr. Philip E. Ross Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Margaret Roth Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Pattie Rothstein Mrs. Mary P. Rozdilsky Mr. Edward and Mrs. Jeanne Rudnicki Mr. Edward and Mrs. Barbara Ruehl, Jr. Ms. Milvi Ruutelmann Mr. James and Mrs. Patricia Ruzicka Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Gina Salerno Mr. Randal and Mrs. Suzanne Saltzman Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lisa Sanborn Mr. Hubert and Mrs. Lori Schoose Mr. Darin and Mrs. Jacqueline Schroeder Mr. John and Mrs. Andrea Schumacher Ms. Jayne E. Schwarz Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Jamie Schwingle Mr. Jeffery and Mrs. Peggy Simonds Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Sims Mr. Charles and Mrs. Janel Sloan Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Barbara Smith Mr. Paul L. Smith Mr. James and Mrs. Lori Smith Ms. Laura A. Smock Ms. Laura Nicole Spellman Mr. Michael P. Stenson Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Jacqueline Stojak Mr. James E. Stonehouse Mr. Tyler J. Swanlund Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Tamra Sweeney Ms. Elizabeth Szlembarski Mr. Arthur Tam and Mrs. Yee Ming Tamlee Mr. Terry and Mrs. Rose Taylor Ms. Julie Thompson Mr. John and Mrs. Margaret Todd Ms. Deborah A. Tudisco Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Amanda Twait Mr. Eric and Mrs. Carolyn Uhlig Mr. John S. Uteg Mr. Charles V. Vallelonga Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Barbara Van Diggelen Ms. Amanda M. Van Daele Ms. Megan Betancourt Veverka Mr. Douglas W. Vonmoser Mr. James and Mrs. Jane Wacker Mr. Alfred R. Wade and Mrs. Lori Kerr-Wade Ms. Linda M. Waggoner Mr. Barry and Mrs. Rosamond Webb Mr. Robert and Mrs. Linda Webb, Jr. Mr. Joshua Michael Weir and Ms. Kira E. Carey Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Dana Weller Mr. Gary and Mrs. RoseMarie White Mr. Tim Cyrus Widger Mr. Eric and Mrs. Andrea Wienc Mr. David and Mrs. Sandra Wildermuth Mr. John and Mrs. Pamela Wilson Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Cathy Wolf Mr. James and Mrs. Karen Wollwert Mr. Steven and Mrs. Dinazia Yarger Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Karen Yocum, Sr. Mr. Michael W. Yonk Mr. Christopher J. Yurik Mr. Brent and Mrs. Kim Zachary Ms. Teresa Zagar Ms. Puyu Zhu Mr. David and Mrs. Pari Ziebart Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kathleen Zienty Mr. Brian and Mrs. Lynn Zoufal Mr. Brian and Mrs. Laura Zwart 19 Northern Illinois University Department of Accountancy DeKalb, Illinois 60115-2828 NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Department of Accountancy Alumni Newsletter In Touch Alumni Questionnaire – Please help us update our files so we can keep IN TOUCH Personal Data: Name: ____________________ Graduation Date: Month __________ Year ________ Address: ____________________ City: ___________ State: ________ Zip Code: ______ Home Telephone: ( )__________________ E-mail Address: ____________ Professional Data: Present Position: ____________________ Employer: _______________________ Address: ____________________ City: _____________ State: _______ Zip Code: ______ Business Telephone: ( )_____________ CPA/CMA Certificate: ________ State: ____ Graduate Degrees: Please fax this completed alumni questionnaire to (815) 753-8515, or mail to the Department of Accountancy, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115-2828, or e-mail this information to Please fax this completed alumni questionnaire to (815) 753-8515, or mail to the Department of Northern IllinoisNorthern UniversityIllinois is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. 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