Pearland Independent School District
Pearland Independent School District
Pearland Independent School District Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2016 5:00 PM Agenda of REGULAR MEETING The Board of Trustees PEARLAND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District will be held on March 8, 2016, beginning at 5:00 PM at 1928 North Main, Pearland, Texas. The closed session will begin immediately after the opening of the meeting followed by the public session at approximately 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. The subjects to be discussed, considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken are listed below. The items listed in this notice may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Board. 1. Call to Order 2. Establishment of a Quorum 3. Closed Meeting as Authorized by Section 551.001 et seq.of the Government Code A. 551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding Any Item on the Agenda B. 551.072 - Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property C. 551.074 - Personnel Discussion 1. Employment of Professional and Instructional Personnel 2. Review Resignations D. 551.082 -Consider Discipline of a Public School Child, or Complaint or Charge Against Personnel 4. Reconvene in Open Session 5. Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session as Listed Under Closed Meeting in this Notice 6. Introductory Remarks - Vice-President Boegler A. Such remarks by an individual board member are entirely his or her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or judgment of the Board of Trustees as a whole or the school district. No other members of the board or employees of the school district, or any other person in attendance at the meeting is expected or required to participate in any introductory remarks that are presented. 7. Board Member Activities 8. Board Recognition (6:15 p.m.) 9. Public Comment [Length of time of each not to exceed five (5) minutes] 10. New Business - Consideration of and Possible Action on the Following Consent Agenda: All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a board member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Regular Agenda. A. Consent Agenda 1. Approve Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 9, 2016 and Minutes of the Training/Workshop Sessions on February 29, 2016 and March 1, 2016 2. Adopt Revisions to Local Policy FFA (Wellness Policy) as Presented 5 13 3. Approve Extension of Contract for Roof Repair and Maintenance 17 4. Approve Offers on Foreclosed Properties Not Sold at Public Auction - Number 4100-0021-000 and 4100-0024-000 21 5. Approve Auditors to Perform the Financial Audit for the 2015-2016 School Year 34 B. Regular Agenda 1. Consider to Approve the Proposed District/School Instructional Calendar for 2015- 2016 as Submitted by the District Advisory Council 37 2. Consider Letter of Support for Communities in Schools After School Grant 39 11. Administrative Reports 12. Board Members Request for Agenda Items 13. Adjournment If, during the course of the meeting covered by this Notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that a closed meeting or session of the Board of Trustees is required, then such closed meeting or session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq., will be held by the School Board at the date, hour and place given in this Notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this Notice as the School Board may conveniently meet in such closed meeting or session concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to the following sections and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 551.072 551.073 551.074 551.076 551.082 551.083 551.084 Private consultation with the Board's attorney Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property Discussing negotiated contracts for prospective gifts or donations Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices Considering discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel Considering the standards, guidelines, terms or conditions the Board will follow, or will instruct its representative to follow, in consultation with representative of employee groups Excluding witnesses from a hearing Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) (b) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof; as the School Board shall determine Certificate of Posting On the 4th day of March, 2016, this notice was made available to the public on the district website and an original copy of this notice was posted at the school district education support center at 1:00 p.m. on said date. ___________________________ Secretary to Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: February 18, 2016 Subject: Approve Minutes of the February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting and Minutes of the Training/Workshop Sessions on February 29, 2016 and March 1, 2016 Executive Summary: Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on February 9, 2016 and Minutes of the Training/Workshop Sessions on February 29, 2016 and March 1, 2016 are submitted for your review. Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☐ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☒ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Specify) Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☐ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on February 9, 2016 and Minutes of the Training/Workshop Sessions on February 29, 2016 and March 1, 2016 be approved as presented. Department Submitting: Superintendent’s Office Requested By: John P, Kelly, Ph.D. Cabinet Member’s Approval: John Kelly, Ph.D. Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 5 Pearland Independent School District Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees February 9, 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District met in regular session on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administrative Offices located at 1928 North Main Street, Pearland, Texas in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Opening 1.0 After noting that a quorum was present, President DeBorde opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Establishment of a Quorum 2.0 Trustee Rusty DeBorde , President Trustee Pam Boegler, Vice-President Trustee Rebecca Decker, Secretary Trustee Lance Botkin arrived to the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Trustee Virgil Gant Trustee Charles Gooden, Jr. arrived to the meeting at 5:10 p.m. Trustee Sean Murphy Members Absent All Present Closed Session 3.0 – President DeBorde convened the board in Closed Session at 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Section 551.001 A. Section 551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding any Item Listed on the Agenda B. Section 551.072 - Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value or real property C. Section 551.074 - Personnel Discussion 1. Employment of Professional and Instructional Personnel 2. Review Resignations 3. Consider Action with Regard to Margo Faulkner, Teacher Pearland Junior High South, for Abandonment of Contract Superintendent Dr. John Kelly participated in closed session with the board in regard to all items. Executive Director of Human Resources David Moody also participated in closed session with the board in regard to all items. General Counsel Tanya Dawson participated in closed session with the board in regard to item 3.A. Open Session 4.0 - The board reconvened in open session at 6:07 p.m. February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 6 Executive Council Present Recording Secretary Action on Closed Session Superintendent Dr. John Kelly Chief Financial Officer Mr. Don Marshall Deputy Superintendent Nan Weimer Senior Assistant Superintendent Mr. Cary Partin Senior Assistant Superintendent Ms. Sonia Serrano Senior Assistant Superintendent Dr. Brenda Waters Senior Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nyla Watson Ms. Bobbie Dawson 5.0 – Personnel A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board issue a finding in accordance with TEC Section 21.210(c)(2) and 19 TAC 249.14(g), that good cause did not exist for Margo Faulkner, a one-year probationary contract teacher, to abandon her employment contract, abandon her position, and attempt to resign from Pearland ISD. The motion carried 7-0 A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board authorize the Board President to send a letter to the Texas Education Agency - Educator Certification Division seeking sanction of a one-year term contract teacher, Margo Faulkner, for abandonment of her employment contract. The motion carried 7-0. A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board accepts and approves the superintendent’s recommendation for Employment of Personnel as presented. The motion carried 7-0. Introductory Remarks Pledge to American and Texas Flags 6.0 – Trustee Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags and rendered a prayer. He recognized Dr. Kelly, administration, teachers and staff for all they do for our kids. Board Recognition 9.0 – The board recognized the following: Students: 3rd Place State Spirit Competition - PHS Cheerleading Team District Quiz Bowl Grand Champions - Berry Miller Quiz Bowl Team Rodeo Art Special Merit - Julia Thompson Rodeo Art Gold Medal - Alec Dela Mater Rodeo Art Gold Medal - Ava Mayhew Rodeo Art Gold Medal - Natalya Plourde Rodeo Art Best of Show - Helen Wang February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 7 Rodeo Art Best of Show - Katelyn Yacuk TSATA Academic All-State - Dakota Loosemore TSATA Academic All-State - Elizabeth Rodriguez Public Comment 10.0 No one requested to address the board. Board Member Activities 8.0 – Board members shared with the audience and each other activities they attended since the last board meeting. Hearing TAPR Report 7.0 – Texas Education Code Chapter 39 requires each district’s board of trustees to publish an annual report that includes the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) [formally known as the AEIS Report), campus performance objectives, a report of violent or criminal incidents, and information received under Texas Education Code §51.403(e) from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The board of trustees is conducting this hearing for public discussion of the report, and shall widely disseminate the report within the district. A PowerPoint presentation including a review of the STAAR performance data as well as annual dropout rates and college readiness indicators was included in the agenda. Dr. Lisa Nixon, director of testing and evaluation, answered questions presented by members of the board. Texas Education Code §11.253 requires that each campus improvement plan set objectives based on the TAPR and periodically measure progress toward the performance objectives. These objectives must be approved by the local board of trustees and must be included in the published TAPR. A motion was made by Trustee Boegler and seconded by Trustee Decker that the board of trustees approve the Campus Performance Objectives for the 2015 - 2016 school year for all campuses as presented. Motion carried 7-0. New Business - Consent Agenda President DeBorde asked if members of the board would like to remove an item from the consent agenda. No requests were made. A motion was made by Trustee Boegler and seconded by Trustee Gant that the board approve consent agenda as presented. Approve Minutes 11.A.1 - That the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 8 January 19, 2016 be approved as presented. Adopting Order Calling Board of Trustee Election 11.A.2 – That the board of trustees adopt the Order calling the May 7, 2016 School Board Trustee Election. Further, that the date to canvass this election be set for May 17, 2016. Joint Election Agreement and Contract 11.A.3 – That the board of trustees approve the Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services between Pearland ISD and the County Clerk of Brazoria County which allows the officials of Brazoria County to conduct and supervise the May 7, 2016 Trustee Election. The motion carried 7-0. Regular Agenda District/School Instructional Calendar 11.B.1 - District Advisory Council members and parent representatives adhered to state guidelines when considering the proposed calendar. Dr. Kelly stated he has received feedback from board members since the posting of the agenda. Board members expressed disappointment that the school year would not end before Memorial Day. He gave an overview of the proposed/recommended calendar and presented options to end the school year before Memorial Day. Dr. Kelly recommended that the board agree to the original recommendation ending the school year on June 1st or that the board agrees to end the school year before Memorial Day. A discussion followed. Consensus of the board was to defer this item until the next board meeting Change to Local Policy CH 11.B.2 Trustee Gooden, Jr. requested that the district consider policy language enabling smaller and historically underutilized firms to compete for district contracts in the area of professional services such as architectural firms, construction services, etc. The administration asked for appropriate additional language from TASB policy services. The additional wording was included in the agenda. A discussion followed with Dr. Kelly and General Counsel Dawson answering questions presented by the board. After discussion the consensus of the board was to defer this item and to request more information before a decision is made. Nomination for TASB 11.B.3 –. TASB Region 4 has a vacancy on the TASB Board of February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 9 Board of Directors Directors. PISD Board of Trustees is invited to submit a nominee to fill this interim position. Region 4, Position A, on the TASB Board became vacant when Ron Crier was not reelected to the Spring ISD Board of Trustees. This vacancy may be filled by the TASB Board until the next Delegate Assembly in 2016. President DeBorde expressed interest in being nominated for this interim position. A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board nominate Rusty DeBorde to fill the interim position for Region 4, Position A on the TASB Board of Directors. Motion carried 7-0. Administrative Report 12.0 - No Reports were presented Request for Agenda Items 13.0 – No requests were made. Adjournment 14. 0 -The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. We affirm that these minutes are official, complete and correct. Rusty DeBorde President Rebecca Decker Secretary Date Minutes Approved Date Signed by Officers February 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 10 Pearland Independent School District Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Training/Workshop February 29, 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District met in a special workshop/training setting on Monday, February 29, 2016, at 8:00 a.m. at the district’s administrative offices located at 1928 North Main Street, Pearland, Texas in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Members Present Secretary Rebecca Decker Vice President Pam Boegler Trustee Lance Botkin Trustee Virgil Gant Trustee Charles Gooden, Jr. Trustee Sean Murphy Members Absent President Rusty DeBorde Others Present Superintendent Dr. John Kelly Director of Facilities Don Tillis Senior Administrators PISD Directors PISD Campus Principals and Staff Workshop 3.A – The meeting entered into a workshop setting with Engage Planning Consultant Dr. Sean Haley conducting the workshop. Strategic Planning Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. We affirm that these minutes are official, complete and correct. Trustee Pam Boegler Vice President Trustee Rebecca Decker Secretary Date Minutes Approved: Date Signed by Officers: February 29, 2016 Special Board Meeting/Workshop 11 Pearland Independent School District Meeting of the Board of Trustees Training/Workshop March 1, 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District met in a special workshop/training setting on Monday, March 1, 2016, at 8:00 a.m. at the district’s administrative offices located at 1928 North Main Street, Pearland, Texas in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Members Present President Rusty DeBorde arrived to the meeting at 12:15 p.m. Vice President Pam Boegler Secretary Rebecca Decker Trustee Lance Botkin arrived to the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Trustee Virgil Gant Trustee Sean Murphy left the meeting at 12:00 p.m. Members Absent Trustee Charles Gooden, Jr. Others Present Superintendent Dr. John Kelly Senior Administrators Director of Facilities Don Tillis PISD Directors PISD Campus Principals and Staff Workshop 3. A – The meeting entered into a workshop setting with Engage Planning Consultant Dr. Sean Haley conducting the workshop. Strategic Planning Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. We affirm that these minutes are official, complete and correct. Trustee Rusty DeBorde President Trustee Rebecca Decker Secretary Date Minutes Approved: Date Signed by Officers: March 1, 2016 Special Board Meeting/Workshop 12 Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: Subject: Adopt Revisions to Local Policy FFA (Wellness Policy) as Presented Executive Summary: Implementation of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act) is well underway with the meal standards that took effect in 2012—and which have subsequently been revised—as well as the required implementation in July 2014 of the federal Smart Snacks rules. The Act also addresses school district wellness policies, with the intent of strengthening those policies and providing transparency to the public in key areas that affect the school nutrition environment. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released proposed federal regulations in February 2014 for the portion of the Act that addresses the wellness policy and the public comment period ended in April 2014, the final regulations have not been released. Nevertheless, TASB Policy Service has created new policy development materials to assist districts in revising FFA (LOCAL) for appropriate compliance with statutory requirements. Under federal law, each district that participates in the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program must adopt a wellness policy that includes goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school-based activities to promote student wellness, as well as nutrition guidelines for all foods available on school campuses. Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☐ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☐ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Specify) Superintendent’s Recommendation: Policy) as presented. That the board adopts Local Policy FFA (Wellness Department Submitting: Special Programs Requested By: Pam Wilson Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. Nyla Watson Board Approval Required: Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒Yes ☐No 13 Pearland ISD STUDENT WELFARE WELLNESS AND HEALTH SERVICES FFA (LOCAL) PROPOSED POLICY The District shall support the general wellness of all students by implementing measureable goals to promote sound nutrition and student health and to reduce childhood obesity. [See EHAA for information regarding the District’s coordinated school health program.] DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION, AND REVIEW OF GUIDELINES AND GOALS The local school health advisory council (SHAC), on behalf of the District, shall review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques and shall develop nutrition guidelines and wellness goals as required by law. In the development, implementation, and review of these guidelines and goals, the SHAC shall permit participation by parents, students, representatives of the District’s food service provider, physical education teachers, school health professionals, members of the Board, school administrators, and members of the public. [See BDF for required membership of the SHAC.] WELLNESS PLAN The SHAC shall develop a wellness plan to implement the District’s nutrition guidelines and wellness goals. The wellness plan shall, at a minimum, address: 1. Strategies for soliciting involvement by and input from persons interested in the wellness plan and policy; 2. Objectives, benchmarks, and activities for implementing the wellness goals; 3. Methods for measuring implementation of the wellness goals; and 4. The manner of communicating to the public applicable information about the District’s wellness policy and plan. The SHAC shall review and revise the plan on a regular basis and recommend revisions to the wellness policy when necessary. NUTRITION GUIDELINES The District’s nutrition guidelines for reimbursable school meals and all other foods and beverages sold, otherwise made available, or marketed to students during the school day shall be designed to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity and shall be at least as restrictive as federal regulations and guidance, except when the District allows an exemption for fundraising activities as authorized by state and federal rules. [See CO and FJ] FFA(LOCAL)-X, proposed 2-10-16 1 of 3 14 Pearland ISD STUDENT WELFARE WELLNESS AND HEALTH SERVICES WELLNESS GOALS NUTRITION PROMOTION AND EDUCATION FFA (LOCAL) The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated school health program with a nutrition education component. [See EHAA] The District’s nutrition promotion activities shall encourage participation in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and any other supplemental food and nutrition programs offered by the District. The District establishes the following goals for nutrition promotion: 1. The District’s food service staff, teachers, and other District personnel shall consistently promote healthy nutrition messages in cafeterias, classrooms, and other appropriate settings. 2. The District shall share educational nutrition information with families and the general public to promote healthy nutrition choices and positively influence the health of students. 3. The District shall ensure that food and beverage advertisements accessible to students during the school days contain only products that meet the federal guidelines for meals and competitive foods. The District establishes the following goals for nutrition education: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 1. The District shall deliver nutrition education that fosters the adoption and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors. 2. The District shall make nutrition education a District-wide priority and shall integrate nutrition education into other areas of the curriculum, as appropriate. 3. The District shall provide professional development so that teachers and other staff responsible for the nutrition education program are adequately prepared to effectively deliver the program. The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated health program with physical education and physical activity components and shall offer at least the required amount of physical activity for all grades. [See BDF, EHAA, EHAB, and EHAC] The District establishes the following goals for physical activity: 1. The District shall provide an environment that fosters safe, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate fitness activities for all students, including those who are not participating in physical education classes or competitive sports. FFA(LOCAL)-X, proposed 2-10-16 2 of 3 15 Pearland ISD STUDENT WELFARE WELLNESS AND HEALTH SERVICES SCHOOL-BASED ACTIVITIES FFA (LOCAL) 2. The District shall provide appropriate staff development and encourage teachers to integrate physical activity into the academic curriculum where appropriate. 3. The District shall encourage parents to support their children’s participation, to be active role models, and to include physical activity in family events. The District establishes the following goals to create an environment conducive to healthful eating and physical activity and to promote and express a consistent wellness message through other school-based activities: 1. The District shall allow sufficient time for students to eat meals in cafeteria facilities that are clean, safe, and comfortable. 2. The District shall promote wellness for students and their families at suitable District and campus activities. 3. The District shall promote employee wellness activities and involvement at suitable District and campus activities. IMPLEMENTATION The senior assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction shall oversee the implementation of this policy and the development and implementation of the wellness plan and appropriate administrative procedures. EVALUATION The District shall comply with federal requirements for evaluating this policy and the wellness plan, as well as the District’s and each campus’s level of compliance with the policy and plan. Annually, the SHAC shall assess and prepare a report of each campus’s progress toward meeting the goals listed in this policy and in the wellness plan, including a summary of each campus’s major activities and events tied to the wellness program and the extent to which the wellness policy and plan compare with any state- or federally designated model wellness policies. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION The District shall inform and update the public about the content and implementation of the wellness policy, including posting on its website a copy of the wellness policy and the wellness plan, as well as a copy of the annual report. RECORDS RETENTION The District shall retain all records associated with the wellness policy, in accordance with law and the District’s records management program. [See CPC and FFA(LEGAL)] FFA(LOCAL)-X, proposed 2-10-16 3 of 3 16 Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: February 26, 2016 Subject: Approve Extension of Contract for Roof Repair and Maintenance Executive Summary: The proposal for roof repair and maintenance was awarded to W.F. Hawk Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. on April 21, 2015 with an effective date of April 21, 2015 through April 30, 2016. W.F. Hawk Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. offered to extend the contract for an additional year with no increase in pricing. Administration is pleased with the services and products provided by W.F. Hawk Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. and would like to exercise PISD’s option under the terms of the proposal to extend the contract for an additional year effective May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017. Contract Summary: Original Contract Award Date April 21, 2015 Original Contract Term April 21, 2015 through April 30, 2016 Contract Extensions Current Recommended Extension Term and cost 2014-2015 Roof Repair and Maintenance Expenditures;/2015-2016 to date Roof Repair and Maintenance Expenditures No previous extensions May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017 $67,800/$67,653 Please see the attached communication from W.F. Hawk Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. offering contract extension. Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☒ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☐ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: ☒ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds Fiscal Year: Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☒ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: That a one year contract extension is approved with W.F. Hawk Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. roof repair and maintenance as needed effective May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017. 17 Department Submitting: Purchasing/Connie Hill Requested By: David Holland Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 18 19 20 Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date: March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: February 23, 2016 Subject: Approve Offers on Foreclosed Properties Not Sold at Public Auction - Number 41000021-000 and 4100-0024-000 Executive Summary: The Property Tax Resale Committee of Brazoria County has received offers on two adjoining properties held in trust. The Committee has made a notation that both properties are landlocked. Taxes owed on both properties date back to 1989 and the district foreclosed on the two properties in 2010. If the offer of $1,000.00 for each property is accepted, the district will receive a total of $458.57 or 60.10% of the amount offered after deducting court costs in the amount of $1,237.00. ($2,000.00 – $1,237.00) x 60.10% = $458.57. The new owner will also be responsible for post judgment taxes totaling $1,396.79 owed to all taxing entities. After noting that the property is landlocked, the Property Tax Resale Committee has agreed that these two offers are acceptable and seeks approval from the school board. PROPERTY INFORMATION IMPACT ON PISD Property Account No. Current CAD Appraised Value Minimum Bid at Sherriff’s Sale Amount Offered to Tax Resale Committee Taxes and P&I Owed to PISD Amount PISD to Receive if Offer Accepted Difference 4100-0021-000 $10,890.00 $5,053.46 $1,000.00 $3,546.63 $276.08 $(3,180.55) 4100-0024-000 $10,890.00 $5,810.24 $1,000.00 $4,161.42 $182.49 $(3.978.93) Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☐ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☒ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: ☐ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Specify) Fiscal Year: Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☒ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board accepts the offer of $1,000.00 for each property identified by account numbers 4100-0021-000 and 4100-0024-000 which are currently held in trust by the Property Tax Resale Committee of Brazoria County on behalf of all taxing authorities. 21 Department Submitting: Business Office Requested By: Don Marshall Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date: March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: February 26, 2016 Subject: Approve Auditors to Perform the Financial Audit for the 2015-2016 School Year Executive Summary: Section 44.008 of the Education Code requires the board of trustees to have its school district fiscal accounts audited annually by a certified or public accountant holding a permit from the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. Attached is a survey that compares the 2014-2015 audit fees for the eight school districts in the Region IV area that have the most comparable student enrollments to that of Pearland ISD. The firm of Kennemer, Masters & Lunsford, LLC, has performed the district’s financial audit since the 1989-90 school year and has submitted an engagement letter to perform the financial audit for the 2015-2016 school year. Their proposed fee of $45,000 is the same as the previous year’s audit fee. Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☒ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☐ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Debt Service) Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☒ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the school board approves the firm of Kennemer, Masters & Lunsford, LLC, to perform the financial audit for the 2015-2016 school year. Department Submitting: Business Office Requested By: Don Marshall Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 34 35 36 Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☒ ☒ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: March 1, 2016 Subject: Consider to Approve the Proposed District/School Instructional Calendar for 20162017 as Submitted by the District Advisory Council (DAC) Executive Summary: District Advisory Council members and parent representatives adhered to state guidelines in the proposed calendar when considering the following: Required number of instructional minutes for the students and required 187 days for teachers. First day of instruction no earlier than the fourth Monday in August (according to state law). State testing calendar. Two required make up days. By adding five minutes to the school day, PISD will not have to use the two bad weather days, but must still designate them on the calendar. District Education Improvement Council (DEIC) recommendation for the number of staff development days. Many of our surrounding districts are adding 30-40 minutes to the instructional days to end school for students before Memorial Day. The DAC committee considered this. At the February 9, 2016 board meeting, the board asked the DAC to reconsider ending the school year before Memorial Day. As requested the DAC reviewed another seven possible calendars ending the school year before Memorial Day. A total of eleven calendars were considered by the committee with the committee voting for the attached calendar to end school on June 1, 2017 for students. Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☐ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☒ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: ☐ General Fund ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Specify) Fiscal Year: Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☐ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approves the proposed district/school instructional calendar for the 2016-17 school year as presented. Department Submitting: Administration/DAC Requested By: Sonia Serrano Cabinet Member’s Approval: Sonia Serrano Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 37 By adding 5 minutes to the school day we will take care of 2 bad weather days Pearland ISD 2016-2017 School August July S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 October (H) S M T W T F S M T W T 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21+ 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 January M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W T F 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 S 7 14 21 28 S 5 12 19 26 M T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M Workday T S F New Staff Orientation Staff Development 177 Student Days 187 Teacher Days [ ] Semesters * T 4 11 18 25 W T T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W March S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June May n Holiday Early Release W F S 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 W T F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20+ 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 M T W 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 T T December T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M M February April S S November S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 September F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Tentative TAKS Testing S M T 38 T F 2g 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 1] + Bad Weather Day H — October -Pearland History Month 1st Semester = 78 days 2nd Semester = 99 days 177 days W 7 Teacher Inservice Days 3 Teacher Work Days g S 3 10 17 24 Graduation Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Meeting Type ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Hearing Agenda Placement ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Open Session ☐ Executive Session ☐ Recognition ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ Administrative Report Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Information/Discussion Date Submitted: March 4, 2016 Subject: Consider Letter of Support for Communities in Schools After School Grant Executive Summary: This item has a very short timeline – and was recently requested by Communities in Schools for Board support. Therefore it is submitted for this board meeting: Community in Schools hosts various at risk services within the Pearland ISD schools during the school day. At present, they serve 6 campuses in this way. These include Jr. High South, Carleston, Lawhon, Cockrell, Sablatura, and Jamison. CIS now seeks a new federal grant to provide after school services at 4 of those schools within the district. 1) 2) 3) 4) Pearland Jr High South Carleston Elementary Lawhon Elementary Magnolia Elementary The other two schools (Sablatura and Jamison) are under alternative grants from HCDE and therefore not eligible for consideration by this CIS proposal. This new Request for Proposals from the federal government is for 3 years and federal funding is being reduced by 20% from previous grants. Therefore, according to Mr. Bob Garcia, Executive Director of CIS, each district must pay $15,000 per school per year. In turn, the grant will provide $180,000 to Pearland ISD services per school per year. Mr. Garcia notes the following: “CIS is one of the largest providers of exemplary after school programs in Texas. We have been successful in having been awarded consecutive grant cycles for cycles 3 to 8 and for the last 3 cycles have scored number 1 in each cycle when competing with over 145 other grant requests mostly from ISD.s (which is outstanding in that we are a nonprofit and not an ISD). We have also received 5 TEA State awards for ‘Best in Texas”, and have received exemplary reports from TEA for the last 10 years. Our programs are very different than the ones you have had from HCDE in that we offer a complete “turnkey package” where we do ALL the work including fiscal, personnel, reporting, and implementation of the entire program where there is minimal work from the ISD. It’s a model that has worked extremely well for us in that in our annual evaluations of all 20 of our current principals have rated our programs as EXCELLENT and have also commented that they spend very minimal time with the program allowing them to concentrate fully on their schools. We will hire a full time Program Director, Family Engagement Specialists for the grant and, Four Full time Site Supervisors, 20 activity 39 coordinators, 20 of your teachers for tutoring and at least 10 contractors for the PISD schools. We will also budget over $30,000 more for equipment, computers, and other STEM equipment per campus.” “We will allocate over $180,000 (grant plus ISD and CIS funds) per school. We would then allocate at least $180,000 per each of 4 schools or $720,000 per year for PISD and $2.16 million over the 3 years. More importantly we will provide exemplary afterschool programs to over 450 students and families per year and will save the families an estimated over $2,000 per individual family for taking care of their children in the afterschool hours and 6 weeks during the summer.” Specifications within the federal RFP state the following: “Written letters of support for local sustainability signed by a majority of the elected members of the local school board(s) or the governing board(s) of the charter school(s) from which students will be served. Signatures must represent a majority of the seats and provide a detailed description of the specific challenges the community faces concerning sustainability and how community and board support will assist local efforts to sustain the program over time. Letters of support with original signatures and a list of all elected board members, including those that did not sign or submit a letter, must be attached to this application.” The administration has prepared the letter per these instructions. (See attached.) Fiscal Impact: Cost: ☒ Recurring ☐ One-Time ☐ No Fiscal Impact Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ General Fund ☒ Grant Funds ☐ Other Funds (Specify) Amendment Required? ☐ Yes ☒ No Superintendent’s Recommendation: Consider approval of the letter of support from Pearland ISD as presented for participation in a three (3) year CIS grant proposal for after school services at four (4) Pearland ISD schools, thereby committing $60,000 per year of district funds for this program. Department Submitting: Superintendent Requested By: Communities in Schools Cabinet Member’s Approval: N/A Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No 40 PEARLAND ISD Board of Trustees Pearland Independent School District March 8, 2016 Christine McCormick Federal & State Education Policy Texas Education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701 Re: TEA 21st CCLC, Cycle 9 Dear Ms. McCormick, The Board of Trustees of Pearland ISD submits this letter to the Texas Education Agency to document support for district activities in the Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grant program. The program provides important academic enrichment services to help students, particularly those enrolled in Title I campuses, meet academic achievement standards in core academic subjects. In addition to homework and tutoring assistance, programs offer youth development, as well as educational opportunities for families. These services reflect the district’s core beliefs that promote higher academic achievement, parental involvement, accountability and equal opportunity. The Board of Trustees commits to prioritizing sustaining the afterschool program at Pearland Jr. High South, Carleston Elementary, Lawhon Elementary and Magnolia Elementary beyond grant funding by assisting in the coordination of resources from public and private agencies on a local, state and national level, during and after the three-year grant period. The Board will support program activities through individual and collective networks to help bring in the necessary resources to maintain quality programs. Pearland ISD acknowledges the challenges that are potential barriers to program sustainability: Lack of federal and/or local future spending Commitment of local community resources We value out-of-school time activities and believe effective programs can help maximize students’ potential. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Tori Landis at 281-4853203 or Sincerely, POST OFFICE BOX 7 PEARLAND, TEXAS 77588-0007 281-485-3203 41 PEARLAND ISD Board President Board Vice President Board Secretary Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member POST OFFICE BOX 7 PEARLAND, TEXAS 77588-0007 281-485-3203 42