Limited engagement Making beautiful music What`s new at the Steiff


Limited engagement Making beautiful music What`s new at the Steiff
The magazine for Steiff Club members
trUe ValUes
Limited engagement
Making beautiful music
What’s new at the Steiff museum
– Issue One 2014
E d ito r ial
Dear Steiff friends,
A “Mad Hatter” dominates the cover page of this issue. There’s also
something enchanting, something magical, about the scene with the four
Steiff Teddy bears in the picture on the left. You’ve guessed it: The Spring
Collection for fans and collectors of the Steiff limited editions is dedicated
to, among other things, the subject of magic. Our designers have adapted
characters from the stories of “Alice in Wonderland” in the most delightful
way. The “Mad Hatter” is just one example in the collection that we present
in the new collector’s catalogue enclosed with this magazine.
The following pages contain a taste of other creatures that are wonderful
and enchanting in a different way.
And not least, we honour the inventor and the invention of the “Button
in Ear” trademark in this issue. We’ll be seeing much more of the elephant
button this year. Start looking forward to it now! We’ll be keeping you
informed in this magazine and at our Club events.
Publisher: Margarete Steiff GmbH
Richard-Steiff-Straße 4,
89537 Giengen an der Brenz, Germany
tel.: + 49 (0) 7322 131555
editors: Rick Emerson, Inge Zinnecker
Contributor: Rebekah Kaufman
Design and Print:
Hess GmbH - Medien,
Frequency of publication: four times a year
Subject to changes. Reprinting and copying, even in
part, only with the express permission of the publisher.
By submitting manuscripts you consent to their
publication in the Club magazine. We must reserve
the right to edit or abridge letters or articles.
Printed colours may deviate from the original.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Germany 01/2014 e – EAN 913495
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy
2014, and I hope you enjoy
reading the latest issue of
your magazine.
Steiff Club Manager
Co nt ents
News Almost like the real thing4 Passio ns Then & now ... again
Special items6 Club-Mail
Readers’ service
True values Limited engagement8 From the world A new way to cuddle ...
R arit ies
Queen of the cats10 V enues What‘s new at the Steiff museum 21
H is tory Making beautiful music12 Events24
Cult ure
E-mail from the garden15 Favourit e
Afraid of the dark?
Almost like the real thing
Our replicas for Spring let collectors own a piece of the past.
again and again, collectors tell us how amazed they are The artisans at Steiff Schulte, working closely with detailed
at how close our replicas come to the originals on which photographs of the original from a famous auction house,
they are based. To get as close as possible to the vintage conducted many complex dyeing experiments before
examples, our designers study antique patterns, take delivering a mohair that was the perfect match. Likewise,
careful measurements, and seek out special materials for our designers made several prototypes before settling on the
final pattern. The end result
the ultimate in authenticity.
is simply breathtaking.
we believe our replicas for
The 1908 Teddy is wood
2014 – including two Teddy
stuffed, has hand-stitched
bears and one animal – are
We believe our replicas for 2014
among the most authentic – including two Teddy bears and one animal features, and is five-way
jointed. He proudly wears
we have ever presented.
– are among the most authentic we have
an “underscored” button in
ever presented.
ear that reflects the period
The challenge in creating
of his original manufacture.
our 1908 Teddy bear was
getting the mohair exactly right. The original was a unique Lovers of classic, traditional bears will definitely want
salmon shade that had faded slightly with sun exposure to add this unique example of Steiff artistry to their
over time.
Our Lord the Great dane replica is equally impressive.
Based on an original produced from 1932 through 1936, this
is only the second time that Steiff has produced a Great
dane. Lord is sewn from wool felt that has been intricately
hand-stenciled using the same painting techniques as
his counterpart from over 80 years ago. Even the nose is
painted, not stitched. Pink accents at the ears and eyes add
extra detail. The dark brown glass eyes are individually
handmade. Lord wears an “underscored F” button that
reflects the original time of production.
Whether you’re a long-time collector of Steiff replicas, a
lover of vintage pieces, or a new enthusiast, these three
pieces are sure to make your heart beat a little faster.
The Teddy bear replica from 1948 is a reflection of
a remarkable period in Steiff history. After the
end of World War II, shortages forced Steiff
designers to find alternative materials as
the company attempted to resume normal
production. When traditional mohair
was unavailable, other types of fabrics
were used in production. From this era
comes our 1948 Teddy replica. Instead
of mohair, his covering is blond alpaca
that best simulates the wool plush of the
original. Because felt was also unavailable
during this period, the Teddy’s paw pads
are sewn from fine cotton linen. Like the
original, our replica has glass eyes, is
softly stuffed with excelsior, and has a
squeaker. The nose is hand-stitched. A
hint of airbrushing mirrors the aging
of the 1948 example. A period-style
“underscored F” button completes
this exceptional vintage design.
N ews
Special items
C o l o g n e C at h e d r a l T e d d y
A Gothic cathedral is not only notable for its graceful
architecture that rises up towards the skies, but also –
and especially – for its stained glass windows. They bathe
the church interior in a fascinating coloured light. It is
indeed extremely fortunate that a significant inventory
of medieval stained glass in Cologne Cathedral, which
was built between 1248 and 1880, has been preserved over
the centuries. Not only is the stonework of the cathedral
exposed to the elements, but so too are the fragile panes
in the historic windows. Pollutants in the air and rain
accelerate the process of decay. Preserving the unique
treasures of medieval and contemporary stained glass for
posterity is the task of the Glass Restoration Workshop
of the Cathedral Masonry Works (Dombauhütte). The
windows are restored with the greatest possible care, and
protective exterior glazing provides long-term protection.
In honour of Cologne Cathedral and its unique
glass windows, Steiff has designed the COLOGNE
CATHEDRAL TEDDY BEAR II that is available in a
strictly limited edition of 1,500 pieces. Around his neck,
pendant with a fragment of original glass, the fractured
edges smoothed and polished, from Cologne Cathedral.
Cologne Cathedral Teddy bear II is available exclusively
from Galeria Kaufhof Warenhaus GmbH Cologne, Hohe
Strasse 41 – 53, D-60667 Cologne. Tel. +49 (0) 221 223 4501
(EAN 673597, 22 cm, Limited Edition of 1,500 pieces)
B r i t i s h C o l l e c t o r s ’ T e d d y B e a r 20 1 4
Born out of pure inspiration from the original Steiff Teddy
bears from the early 1900’s, Steiff have captured every ounce
of magic, spirit, nostalgia and romance that Richard Steiff
gifted his bears over 110 years ago. The British Collectors’
Teddy bear 2014 wears the finest mohair coat which is
exceptionally produced and skilfully woven. His deep-set
boot button eyes overflow with warmth, intelligence and
neverending friendship. This bear growls loud to show
how proud he is to join the celebrated series known as the
‘Jewel in the crown’ of the collectors’ world.
(EAN 664380, 36 cm, Limited Edition of 2,000 pieces)
How to reach the Steiff Club in the UK:
Leyla Maniera, Margarete Steiff UK, Astra House, The Common, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8RZ,
tel.: +44 (0) 1483 266643, fax: +44 (0) 1483 266650, e-mail:
UK Jubilee Teddy
For twenty five years the British Collectors bear has quite
rightly ruled as the most coveted “Jewel in the crown” of
the collectors’ world. And for these twenty five years an
exquisite array of stunning bears has reigned supreme.
To celebrate this unique anniversary, we have chosen our
very first “jewel” from 1989 to take the stage and invite you
all to celebrate with him an amazing collection.
Our UK Jubilee bear pays gracious tribute to the British
Collectors bear from 1989. Slighter in stature but every
inch proud and excited, as are we, to share with you this
wonderful anniversary.
(EAN 664373, 52 cm, Limited Edition of only 1,000 pieces)
Pansy Springtime Teddy
Daisy Rabbit
Simply adorable. That’s
how you’ll describe our
delightful Daisy Rabbit when
you cast your eyes upon her.
Next in our ongoing series
of pastel rabbits, she’s
as fresh as Springtime
and so cute, you’ll want
to display her yearround. Daisy is sewn
from white, pink, and
lavender-blue mohair.
Her pert ears are lined with
white wool felt and finished
with a brush of pink painting,
just like her nose. Around her neck, she wears a lavender
organza bow. Daisy’s facial features are hand-stitched.
Best of all, she’s carrying a special surprise – just for you!
In her paws, she holds a basket of intricately handmade felt
daisies – her namesake.
(EAN 682766, 20 cm, Limited Edition of 1,500 pieces)
American pioneers believed that bringing a bouquet of
pansies into the farmhouse each Spring would assure a year
of prosperity. Our “Pansy Springtime Teddy” is sure
to bring you both good fortune
and happiness. Just looking at
her will make you smile. Pansy
wears a lovely corsage of two
wool-felt pansy blossoms,
each carefully hand painted and
finished with a pearl. Her soft
coat is made from highest
quality cream-coloured
alpaca and her features
are hand-stitched. As
the perfect finishing
touch, we’ve tied a
delicate pink organza
ribbon around her neck.
With so much to love, you’ll
want to celebrate Springtime every
day of the year with our Pansy Teddy
(EAN 682773, 30 cm, Limited Edition of 1,500 pieces)
Steiff North America, Carolyn Smith, Club Administrator tel.: +1 401 312-0080, e-mail:
T r u E VA Lu E S
Limited engagement
The return of the “elephant button” – for one year only!
every steiff Teddy bear is special in its own way. but in
2014, there will be something truly exceptional about each
of our limited editions (not replicas): the famous “elephant
button” will return in celebration of the trademark’s 110th
anniversary. but for one year only!
Franz Steiff, one of Margarete’s nephews, is credited
with inventing this ingenious mark in 1904. Beginning on
November 1 of that year, a metal identification button was
attached to virtually every Steiff product. As all collectors
and enthusiasts know, that tradition is still carried forward
The earliest buttons were embossed with the elephant logo
or left blank. This gave way to the word “Steiff” in block
letters with the “underscored F” with subtle variations. In
1952, the word “Steiff” first appeared in a script font.
Buttons were made exclusively of nickel from 1933 to 1943,
and nickel or nickel-plated material from 1943 through
1977. From that year forward, buttons were brass or brassplated. In addition, more contemporary releases feature a
gold-plated button, signifying their status as a valuable
limited edition collectible.
Though the buttons – and the times – have changed through
the years, this enduring symbol is still representative of the
absolute highest quality in workmanship and materials.
And that is certainly a cause for celebration.
T r u E VA Lu E S
Queen of the cats
After 80 years, Siamy occupies a place of honour in the heart of collectors.
right and bottom:
Siamy is known for
her signature eyes,
an outstanding feature
of the design.
it is interesting to note that most steiff collectors also love
pets, and have, or have had, a special four legged friend in
their lives at some point. steiff has always maintained a
magical touch with cats, and these household companions
have been an important part of the line since the beginnings
of steiff as a toy company in the late 1880’s. since then,
practically every cat breed, shape, and size has been
featured at one time or another in the steiff menagerie.
However, there is one steiff cat pattern that both dog and
cat owners can agree upon as being worthy of winning best
in show – the company’s classic siamy the siamese cat.
This blue-eyed beauty was produced for a very short time
through the 1930’s and 40’s, and again in the 1950s; both
pre- and post-war models are extremely sought after by
Siamy made her debut in 1930, right at the tail end of a and a simple pink closed mouth. It goes without saying
period of prolific creativity at Steiff. It was during the late that Siamy’s most well known, outstanding feature was her
1920’s that many beloved, wide-eyed, innocently named incredibly intense, cobalt blue glass pupil eyes!
cat patterns – including Susi, Kitty, and Tabby – were
A year after her debut, in
introduced to the world.
1931, Siamy was produced
All of these felines had
with a tail-turns-head
a gentle look and feel to
From her introduction, Siamy has always
mechanism in 15, 18, 23, 26,
them, and came wearing
been an absolute crowd favourite.
and 31 cm. The main design
large silk ribbons; Siamy
difference between the
was no different. Siamy
was originally produced in 14, 17, 22, 25, and 30 cm, in mechanical Siamy and the original was that the mechanical
mohair or wool plush. In all cases she was sitting and head version had a tail that was positioned almost perpendicular
jointed. Siamy’s ears, tail, and front paws were brown; to the body (so it could be adjusted left and right), while
her face was detailed with carefully applied airbrushing the original Siamy’s tail wrapped gently around her body.
to give her a realistic “Siamese Cat” appearance. She had However, despite her popularity, appeal, and striking good
a small, vertically hand-stitched, heart-shaped pink nose looks, pre-war Siamy was last noted in the catalogue in
Capitalizing on Siamy’s popularity, Steiff produced a 17 cm
glove puppet called a Kasperl-Siamy or Punch Siamy, based
on the basic Siamy head design, from 1930 though 1934.
Steiff also made a 30 by 30 cm Siamy Nachthemdentasche
or Siamy pyjama bag from 1930 through 1937; both of these
items are exceptionally rare.
Like many popular pre-war designs, Siamy was
reintroduced in the Steiff line a few years after the factory
reopened for business in the very late 1940’s. However, she
was only made in 11, 15, and 23 cm from 1953 through 1954.
The post-war pattern did have two key updates over the
earlier version. First, pre-war Siamys had mohair ears; in
Siamy 1930 replica
from 1994.
Kiki siamese cat
(EAN 037498, 2014).
bottom left:
Kasperl Siamy
(1930 - 1934).
bottom right:
Pyjama bags from
the 1930’s.
the post war version, the smallest Siamys had all felt ears,
while the medium and large sizes had felt lined mohair
ears. And second, pre-war Siamys had closed mouths; post
war Siamys had closed mouths or open, felt lined mouths.
But one thing about Siamy’s pattern
didn’t change one bit over time – she
retained her famous trademark blue
was made in an edition size of 2,000 in 2006. The 2006
version, like the 1930’s original, came packaged with its
legs lightly tied to wooden dowels – to prevent any body
damage or shifting during the long trip from Giengen to
toy store shelves all over the world.
From her introduction, Siamy
has always been an absolute
crowd favourite. Her distinctive
coloration, unusual eyes, and
adorable presentation have
maintained their appeal
– and value – with Steiff
enthusiasts for over 80 years.
To honour that tradition
and loyalty, Steiff created two
collector’s versions of Siamy
over the past 20 years or so. The
first was a 22 cm “Siamy 1930
replica” that was produced
in an edition size of 4,000 in
1994. The second, also 22 cm,
H I S T O rY
Making beautiful music
Steiff animals were making music before movies could talk.
Music Molly
(1928 - 1931).
even from its very beginnings, steiff has been an innovator in the toy industry.The company
has always updated its offerings with items that reflect the times, as well as implemented
new processes that improve production and operational efficiencies. Steiff has also been an
early adapter of new materials and technologies. a good example of this is the company’s
history with musical items. High quality, european made music boxes became available
on a large, commercial scale in the mid-1920’s. seeing the potential in this, steiff began
creating a line of musical animals based on its most popular items of the time. and, since
then, the company has almost continuously had musical offerings in the line.
1928 was the debut year for musical animals
in the Steiff catalogue. It was then that
Steiff created a series of “Music-Animals”
based on their most popular designs and
patterns of the time. These animals were
simply the standard line animals with a
music box imbedded in their torsos. Of
course, a key factor for determining which
animals would be created with a musical
feature was the size of their chests; this
area had to be large enough to comfortably
accommodate and protect the music box.
According to company records, these
animals were introduced for “cuddling and
snuggling-up-to before falling asleep”.
This line included a five-way jointed Teddy
bear; a brown tipped Petsy the baby bear;
standing and sitting versions of Bully the
bulldog, Molly the puppy, Cheerio the
laughing puppy, Fellow the puppy, and
Charly the King Charles Spaniel; a sitting
Treff the bloodhound and Fluffy the cat; and a standing lamb. Steiff also produced a
musical clown doll as part of this series. Most of these early musical items had a press and
release style music box; standing Charly’s music box was activated by pulling on his tail.
These items appeared overall in sizes ranging from 17 through 43 cm.
despite their charming appearance and musical features, these items were quite expensive
and few were made. For example, according to company records, Steiff produced only 328
Music Mollys in total. unfortunately at the time, sales of these early musical items were
minimal and they were last featured in the catalogue in 1930/1931. Today these items, due
to their rarity, limited time in the line, and fragility, are highly desired by collectors all over
the world.
Steiff introduced their next musical items shortly after the factory reopened for business
after World War II. In 1950, the company featured three new musical animals, also based
on popular designs of the time, in their line. These included a Music Bazi, based on
the beloved dachshund pattern; a Music Teddy Baby; and a Music Kitty, based on the
company’s famous cat pattern. They were all made from mohair, 25 cm tall, head jointed,
H I S T O rY
and in a standing position. They were dressed in authentic, The 1951
lose fitting German clothing. Their bodies were simple Music Teddy replica
from 1993
cylinders; their arms flopped gently at their sides. Their
music boxes were activated by gently squeezing their
bodies up and down like an accordion. It is interesting to
note that these items had the article number 9325, which
translates to 9=mechanical, 3=mohair, 25=25 cm. All of
these early post war musical animals appeared in the line in
1950 through 1951 only.
In 1951, following the “accordion style” animal series, Steiff
started to produce what would be later be recognized as
one of the company’s most beloved musical animals.
Known simply as Music Teddy, this bear was produced
from 1951 through 1957. He was 35 cm, five-way jointed,
and made from caramel coloured mohair. His hand and
foot pads were made from tannish peach coloured felt. His
face was detailed with brown and black glass pupil eyes and
a brown hand embroidered nose and mouth. right in the
middle of his belly was a red felt circle that had the word
“Music” printed in white. When this spot was squeezed
and released, it played a sweet lullaby. His pattern was
based on the updated “Original Teddy Bear” pattern that
was also introduced in 1951.
In response to collector’s demand and interest, the
company produced a 35 cm replica of the 1951 Music Teddy
in 1993 through 1995 in an edition size of 7,000.
The collector’s response to Music Teddy was quite positive,
so Steiff decided to create another musical edition –
this time based on their classic Jocko the chimpanzee.
This piece was called Music Jocko and was based on the
company’s standard line 35 cm brown mohair chimpanzee.
Like Music Teddy, Music Jocko had a squeeze-activated
music box implanted in his belly, which was also noted by
a red felt disk on his belly. Music Jocko appeared in the line
from 1951 through 1957.
Steiff also experimented with a new form of musical animal
in the mid to late 1950’s – a tail winding style design. The
music box was activated by turning the tail in a circular
motion. This design was produced in two styles, a musical
Cockie cocker spaniel, and a musical Kitty cat. Both
were 17 cm and sitting; Cockie had an open mouth and
was made from black and white mohair while Kitty had a
closed mouth and was made from white and grey mohair.
Both appeared in the line from 1955 through 1961.
H I S T O rY
Above left: As music box technologies became less expensive and more
Music Cockie durable, Steiff began putting them in more playthings
was produced from
1955 to 1961. designed specifically for babies and children. Since the
Above right:
Hoppel rabbit
Music box,
EAN 237584,
from 2010).
Bottom right:
the Lladró
accordion player,
EAN 677298
from 2011.
1970’s, Steiff has made numerous plush, washable cotton,
and velour musical items, in styles including zoo and
farm friends; natured themed items like the sun, moon,
and flowers; and soft dolls and clowns. Unlike Steiff’s
earlier models, these had wind up or pull cord musical
mechanisms, and in some cases, the music box could be
removed so the outer shell could be laundered. The current
line features a myriad of adorable and washable musical
animals including dogs, bears, elephants, donkeys, and
many other sweet and baby friendly items.
Today, Steiff adds music boxes to its fine collectibles
in order to bring a special or seasonal touch to an item.
For example, the company produces an annual limited
edition musical Teddy bear each Christmas, and often
partners with other luxury brands like Lladró to create
special co-branded musical editions. Three recent
Steiff-Lladró musical collaborations include handsome
Steiff mohair Teddy bears playing the accordion, a violin,
and a saxophone.
Cu LT u r E
E-mail from the garden
dear readers:
Since I am not yet famous, an introduction is in order. My name is Cupcake and I’m pleased
to make your acquaintance. unlike Peter rabbit or “rabbit” from Pooh, I’m not very well
known yet. But all that is about to change! This Spring, I am making my introduction as
a special Steiff item for children. With one look at me, I’m sure you’ll agree that I’m the
perfect Easter gift!
The tradition of associating rabbits with Easter began in Germany, my homeland.
Likewise, eggs have long been symbols of this special holiday. My creators at Steiff
have brought the two together to make the ideal gift for the season.
Other rabbits may live in the garden, but I have my own special
house. I live in a cuddly soft egg! Zip it open, and you’ll find me
resting sleepily inside. But don’t worry about waking me up
because I’m always ready to play!
Whether you’re a collector, a kid, or just a child at heart,
I’m ready to delight you with my playful personality and
cheerful good looks. Easter just wouldn’t be complete
without me!
Then & now ... again
Collectors share their lifelong passions.
From the very beginning, Margarete Steiff always insisted that “Only the best for our children”. And that statement
remains a priority Steiff even today! But, children do grow up … but that does not mean that they outgrow their love
of their special Steiff childhood companions. Sometimes they mean more today than ever before. Here are three more
lifelong Steiff collectors with the special Steiff treasures they received long ago that they continue to cherish today.
Please meet Krys Lahaie, who lives in Canada.
Professionally, she is an auditor for a local casino. Krys has
been collecting Steiff ever since she was a little girl; she
currently has about 51 in her ever-growing collection. She
loves Teddy bears and her most precious Steiff is a Zotty
that she received from her grandfather. Sadly, he mailed it
off to her the same day he passed away.
Krys also really loves Steiff tigers. She and her older brother
received many Steiff animals from their grandparents who
were living in Hildesheim, Germany in the 1960’s. In
around 1965-66, they sent her a wonderful tiger. He was
considered to be so cute that she would not play with him,
only admire him on a shelf – that’s the reason he still looks
so good today! Krys and her brother used to love showing
off how the green glass eyes of Steiff’s big cats would glow
in the dark after being exposed to a light. Today, this tiger
and the ones that followed are a constant reminder of her
love for her grandparents as well as the legacy of Steiff that
they so generously shared with her.
Krys Lahaie and Dave Burks
have loved Steiff animals since
their childhood.
Hopping right along to our next lifelong collector, please
say hello to Dave Burks. He lives on the west coast of
the United States. Professionally, he builds guitars, is a
musician, and an antiques dealer and collector. He has
been collecting Steiff since 1974, when he was only ten years
old. His Steiff collection has grown and contracted over
time; his current collection includes about 120 very special
items because in his own words, “I am super fussy and
very low on display space. I keep my collection small and
limited to only the ‘heart breakers’.” His most favourite
items are Zotty bears from the 1950’s, Teddy babies, and
Dave’s lifelong Steiff companion is a large mohair
kangaroo. He received this tall and special friend for
Christmas in 1975 from his mom, who often purchased
him a Steiff item if he was having a bad day. It was love
at first sight and Dave immediately fell for the materials
and quality of the kangaroo’s construction, as well as her
Ann Clayton received her first
Steiff animal at the age of three.
Recently, he was examining the roo in his kangaroo’s pouch
and discovered the baby’s chest tag, which must have torn
off years ago – but was perfectly preserved. He had no idea
the roo ever had a chest tag! Today, this beloved twosome
sits in the place of honour in Dave’s home, in his bedroom
by a special chair, where they continue to provide joy and
pleasure after almost forty years!
Ann’s lifelong Steiff friend is Steiff’s Swinny guinea pig,
who she immediately renamed “Nibbles”, which is exactly
what guinea pigs do! Ann got Nibbles for Christmas in
1977, when she was just 8 years old. At the time, he was
the next best thing to a live pet! Nibbles was the first
Steiff Ann received for Christmas, but since then she has
gotten at least one every year for the holidays. The Steiff
gifts were – and remain – her favourites every holiday,
and she purposely tries to find the Steiff gift under
the tree before opening any gifts at all! Today, Nibbles
shows all the signs of being loved for many years, but he
still squeaks. His button fell out of his felt ear long ago,
but rests in a container next to him. He is enjoying retired
life, residing with three other Steiff guinea pigs in Ann’s
adult home.
Our third and final lifelong collector today also received
her “friend for life” as a Christmas gift! Please meet Ann
Clayton, who also lives in the United States. She works as
the office manager and executive assistant for a heating and
air conditioning business. She got her first Steiff friend
in 1973 when she was 3 years old. Today her collection
numbers around 210, and she particularly likes those Steiff
items from the 1960’s and 1970’s … the ones she wanted as
a kid but could not afford at the time!
Clu b M a i l
Readers’ service
Do you have a question about something in your collection? Learn more here!
I especially enjoy Steiff ’s camels and have quite a few in my collection.
I noticed that my Hocky has a particularly interesting and unusual
ear tag and button combination. What can you tell me about it?
NH, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found this tiny Steiff kitten on a
recent trip to our local antique shop. Could she be the smallest mohair
cat made by Steiff? And why is her chest tag written with red letters?
RG, Sacramento, CA, USA
Your Hocky Dromedary is 14 cm, standing, and unjointed.
He is made from woven fur and has brown airbrushed
highlights on his feet, back, and face. His face is detailed
with tiny felt ears, black button eyes, and a hand painted
nose and mouth. Hocky has a red cord leash, which
is original to him. Hocky was made in 14 cm from 1977
through 1983. His unusual gold raised script button was
used roughly from 1978 through 1980, while his exact
style of tag was only used for about one year, in 1981. This
combination of ID dates this piece to the late 1980/early
1981 time frame.
What a wonderful find, and what good eyes you have. You
have found Steiff’s smallest “Tabby” cat. She is 7 cm tall,
unjointed, and made from mohair. Her back, arms, legs,
tail, and the sides of her head are airbrushed with black
stripes. She has black and green slit pupil eyes and a pink
embroidered nose and mouth. She retains her original
clear mono-filament whiskers and pink ribbon. Overall,
Tabby was produced from 1949 – 1977 in 7, 10, 14 and 17
cm. This 7 cm size is one of the smallest mohair cats Steiff
ever produced and is of particular interest to collectors,
given its relative rarity and precious, petite appearance.
Her design, eye style, and red imprinted chest tag indicate
that she was produced in the very early 1950’s.
Cl u b M ail
I have looked high and low but cannot seem to be able to identify this
Steiff dog. I am certain he was made by Steiff as he has a button in
ear and yellow ear flag. He sort of looks like a post-war Bully bulldog,
but not exactly. Can you help?
AJS, Berlin, Germany
I just discovered this old favourite Steiff puppet after going through
some boxes of childhood toys I had put away in the attic almost two
decades ago! Just seeing him again brings back many happy memories.
I was born in the late 1950’s; when was this puppet made?
OW, Zurich, Switzerland
What you have here is Steiff’s rather rare Cosy Bully, who
indeed is a distant cousin to the better known mohair version of this breed. Bully is 22 cm, standing, unjointed, and
made from dralon. He has brown and black spot detailing
on his rear end and head, while his ears, face, and muzzle
are made from black trivera velvet. And you can’t help but
notice his large googly style eyes. Cosy Bully was made for
one year – 1962 – and only in this size.
Congratulations on your happy reunion! Your puppet is
called Hand Gora, or Gorilla puppet. He is 17 cm and made
from long grey brown dralon. His ears are pink felt, and
his hands, face, and muzzle area are made from shorter tan
dralon. He has prominent round googly eyes, adding to
his playful appeal. Gora was made in this size only from
1961 through 1964.
© G. Uhle KG
A new way to cuddle ...
Designers turn to Steiff mohair for their fashion collections.
“For shoppers seeking comfort in the winter, what could
be cosier than wrapping up in the stuff of the original
Teddy bear?” That’s the question posed by the prestigious
international newspaper The Financial Times last October.
On the 18th of that month, the publication ran a fascinating
story about how acclaimed designers had turned to Steiff
Schulte to provide material for their fashion collections.
Designers from Dries Van Noten to Vika Gazinskaya to
Tommy Hilfiger sent coats down the runway made of
Steiff’s signature mohair – just like the material used on
your favourite Teddy bears! Here’s what the designers told
The Financial Times about their choice to use Steiff:
Tommy Hilfiger: “We wanted to develop on the faux-fur
trend and do it in a more youthful and playful way. Steiff
is a heritage fabric that gives a new take on texture and the
quality is exquisite. The association with childhood is also
part of the fabric’s appeal. My children all had Steiff Teddy
bears growing up, so I thought it was a very cool idea to use
it in my designs.”
Serafina Sama of Isa Arfen: “For winter I wanted to explore
the idea of comfort – not in the sense of ‘comfortable’, but
in the sense of ‘comforting’. I wanted my garments to feel
protecting in the way you would cosset a child.”
Vika Gazinskaya, on why Steiff mohair reflects her anti-fur
stance: “My method of activism is giving the customer a
fashionable alternative to animal skin. To me, Steiff is the
ideal alternative to real fur.”
Summing up the attraction of Steiff Schulte mohair for the
newspaper, alexander Schönfeld, Steiff’s head of strategic
marketing and design, said: “I suppose the aim of every
fashion collection is to tell a story.”
V enues
News from the Steiff museum
the display area at
the Steiff museum.
Steiff opens redesigned display area in the Steiff museum and new Steiff factory outlet.
On Tuesday, 5 November 2013, Margarete Steiff GmbH
and the Steiff museum under the directorship of Simone
Färber opened the redesigned display area in the Steiff
The old individual cabinets were replaced by a new
design by Dietrich Display. The design company and
Steiff’s creative team worked together on carrying out
the concept. The history of Margarete Steiff GmbH is
displayed chronologically from 1847 to today in a 25.5 m
white display cabinet with a black back. Visitors walk along
a timeline consisting of around 500 exhibits of different
sizes. Specialities such as “Elefäntle”, the world’s first soft
toy, are highlighted visually.
The new Steiff factory outlet is now housed in the “Villa”
next to the museum with various Steiff animals available at
lower prices. It complements the range of Steiff products
offered at the museum shop.
A look at the new
Factory outlet.
Simone Färber,
director of the
Steiff museum,
presenting the
Factory outlet
Teddy bear.
V enues
Steiff Aoyama
The new Steiff shop in Tokyo.
left to right:
Ms. Kyoko Takami,
Mr. Tetsuo Tamura
(President of MS
1880 Co., Ltd.),
Ms. Masako Mori
Dr. Lutz H. Görgens.
Inside the new
Steiff shop in Tokyo.
A new Steiff shop, “Steiff Aoyama”, opened in Tokyo on
1 November 2013. The suburb of Aoyama is one of the best
shopping districts in the city. The entire Steiff collection is
available on some 100 m² and two floors.
Steiff’s new marketing partner in Japan is “MS1880 Co.,
Ltd.”, which is based in the same area at South Aoyama
Tech. Bld. 3-12-24 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
The opening in Tokyo was attended by Ms. Masako
Mori, the Minister for Women and Children; Dr. Lutz H.
Görgens, Director of the Department of Economic Affairs
and Research at the German Embassy, and actress Kyoko
Takami, Steiff’s Ambassador in Japan.
V enues
Spielwaren Lütgenau, Dortmund
New look for an old familiar name.
After being closed at the end of June 2013, the traditional
toy store Lütgenau in Dortmund celebrated its reopening
under new management on 19 September.
Not only has this delighted children, but Steiff collectors
also have every reason to be pleased. The Steiff Club is
being run in line with the old tradition, Club events are
being organised, and valuable collector’s items are available
in the large Steiff shop.
Lütgenau will be celebrating the reopening in the first
quarter of the new year with a large Club event. On
Friday, 14 March, Club speaker Ms. Bettina Heinrich
will be presenting the Steiff Spring innovations on its
premises. As a special highlight, Carsten Esser, Managing
Director of TeddyDorado GmbH, the auction house that
specialises in fine StuffedToys & TeddyBears, will assess
the treasures brought in by attendees and speak on the
subject of “110 years of ‘Button in Ear’”.
The main prize in the traditional Club event raffle will be
a limited 43 cm Jeremy Teddy bear, who is already looking
forward to meeting his new owner.
All collectors and fans are warmly invited to this event.
Interested parties are requested to book before 7th March,
2014 by phoning +49 (0)231 549050 or by emailing
The main prize,
waiting for his
new owner:
43 cm
Jeremy Teddy bear,
limited to
1,500 pieces.
Other Dates
8 and 9 March 2014
Teddybär welt 2013
rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden
Contact: Christine Spies
Max-Fremery-Str. 3a, 50827 Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)221 5 30 65 53
Fax: +49 (0)221 5 30 56 89
22 March 2014
auction stuffedToys & Teddybears
Stadthalle Bad-Godesberg,
Koblenzer Straße 80,
53177 Bonn am rhein
Contact: Teddydorado GmbH,
Marienstraße 2 53343 Wachtberg
Tel. +49 (0)228 20 76 758
Fax: +49 (0)228 20 76 759
26 and 27 April 2014
Teddybär Total in Münster
27 to 29 June 2014
steiff sommer 2014
at Margarete Steiff GmbH,
Giengen an der Brenz
Free datings and appraisals
on 27 and 29 June
from 12.00 - 15.00 hrs
by Teddydorado GmbH (see above)
28 June 2014
steiff special auction
Bürgerhaus Schranne,
Giengen an der Brenz
Organized by Teddydorado GmbH
(see above)
28 and 29 June 2014
Teddy bear workshops
in Giengen an der Brenz
If you are interested in taking part,
please download your application form at
deadline is 11 April 2014!
A photo of the workshop Teddy bear
is available at
Club events and other dates.
13/03 (NI)
28/03 (NI)
Galeria Kaufhof, Stuttgart, tel. +49 (0)711 2 03 6169
Galeria Kaufhof, Munich, tel. +49 (0)89 23 18 57 33
spielwaren bauer, Öhringen, tel. +49 (0)79 41 94 950
Korb rau, Göppingen, tel. +49 (0)71 61 7 25 77
Karstadt warenhaus GmbH, Nuremberg, tel. +49 (0)911 21 31 068
Galerie seebär, Immenstaad, tel. +49 (0)75 45 94 14 60
spielwaren letzel, Heilbronn, tel. +49 (0)7131 83 986
Galeria Kaufhof, regensburg, tel. +49 (0)941 4600780
Galeria Kaufhof, Oberhausen, tel. +49 (0)208 8 23 03 78
Heinrich roskothen, duisburg, tel. +49 (0)203 2 02 80
lütgenau, dortmund, tel. +49 (0)231 54 90 50
Karstadt warenhaus GmbH, Berlin, tel. +49 (0)151 51 09 145
Paul wolff oHG, Giengen, tel. +49 (0)7322 93 18 55
May GmbH, Waldshut, tel. +49 (0)77 51 9 11 810
spielzeugparadies wagner & raschka, Bochum, tel. +49 (0)234 90 28 20
Carl schäffer Geschenke, Osnabrück, tel. +49 (0)541 3 31 31 32
Karstadt, Mülheim, tel. +49 (0)208 4 95 14 68
antheum, Cologne, tel. +49 (0)221 27 72 66 60
Galeria Kaufhof, Kassel, tel. +49 (0)561 7 89 61 330
Karstadt warenhaus GmbH, Braunschweig, tel. +49 (0)531 4 73 14 99
Galeria Kaufhof, Hannover, tel. +49 (0)511 3 60 14 37
bären- und Puppenstube engelmann,
ratingen, tel. +49 (0)8322/940170
Teddys rothenburg, tel. +49 (0)9861/933444
Karstadt warenhaus GmbH, Bremen, tel. +49 (0)421 30 71 468
22 + 23/02
Toyland, de Panne, tel. +32 (0)58.41 14 85
Calin l‘ours, La Baule Escoublac, Tel. +33 (0)251.750321
Kober/steiff in vienna, tel. +43 (0)1.5124896
Elfis Puppenstube, Vienna, tel. +43 (0)1.8656589
Hesemans, Breda, tel. +31 (0)76.5212310
berelijn, dordrecht, tel. +31 (0)78.6318028
GreaT briTaiN
14 + 15/03
Teddy bears of witney, Tel: +44 (0)1993.702616 or 706616
The bear Garden, Guildford Tel: +44 (0)1483.302581
(NI = New introductions)
Subject to change. Please contact the Club stores for further information.
You will find further dates and addresses of Club stores at (column Club/Club events).
Treasures and rarities
Auction House TeddyDorado invites items for upcoming Steiff auctions.
auction House Teddydorado GmbH are the only
auctioneers in the world to specialise in exclusive
“stuffedToys & Teddybears” made by Margarete steiff
The highlight in the 2014 auction year will be the “steiff
special auction” by Teddydorado on 28 June at the
Bürgerhaus Schranne in Giengen/Brenz during the “9th
Steiff Summer 2014”. Once again, a selection of rarities
from various years throughout the 134-year history of
Margarete Steiff GmbH will be sold to the highest bidders.
The online catalogue at contains details
on items that can still be offered for auction.
Along with the more than 500
Steiff items, there will also be
a collection of wool miniatures
and many vehicles in mint
condition that can currently
be seen in the extremely
comprehensive online catalogue
As always, the printed auction
catalogue will be illustrated
with lots of informative
pictures and highly detailed
descriptions and should be of interest to collectors above left:
Teddy bears from the
independent from the auction.
Admission to the two public room auctions on 22 March
in Bonn and 28 June in Giengen/Brenz is free. Printed
catalogues with the list of results can be sent internationally
for € 30. Back catalogues and lists of results are available
at € 20 (including shipping costs). Further information is
available on the Internet at
1950s/1960s in mint
bottom left:
felt donkey on wheels
and Bully from woollen
plush in special size.
unique display piece
“Immenstaad at
Auction House Teddydorado offers free datings and Lake Constance”,
around 1963.
appraisals of your historic steiff items on valuation days
in the “Steiff Museum” and at the “Steiff Summer” in
Giengen/Brenz, during the Teddydorado auctions in
Bonn and by appointment on the company’s premises in
Wachtberg near Bonn. You can telephone Teddydorado
on +49 228 2076 758 during
their consultation hours (10.00
– 13.00 hrs) on Tuesdays and
Thursdays or send an email to any
Custom made piece
“Teddy Maid”
in the meadow,
around 1937/1938.
You can also enter precious Steiff items for the next
“stuffedToys & Teddybears auction” on 22 March 2014 in
Bonn/Germany. A range of rare Steiff items from the 1950s,
1960s and 1970s, Steiff replicas and special items from 1980
plus Steiff items from before 1943 in excellent condition
will be auctioned off successively.
Favo u r ite
Afraid of the dark?
Diva rabbit overcomes her fear with the help of a friend.
“Do you believe in magic, Mom?” asked Frederic the
monkey to his Mother as they were walking home from
school one afternoon. “Why do you ask?” responded his
Mother. “Because I do, but my classmates all laugh at me
when I tell them I want to be a magician when I grow up”,
said Frederic. “Well, I believe in you, and you can do what
ever you want as long as you work hard at it and practice”,
said his Mother.
So that’s exactly what Frederic did. He read about magic
tricks, and the history of famous magicians like Harry
Houdini, and even watched online videos about famous
stunts by today’s famous magicians. He also practiced
basic magic tricks with cards and balloons and coins in his
room when he was done with his schoolwork. Slowly but
surely, he was learning how to be a magician.
Time went on, and soon it would be Frederic’s birthday.
Mother asked him what he would like as a gift, and Frederic
replied, “Well, like all good magicians, I need a black top
hat and a rabbit!” So, on his special day, Frederic did
receive these things. He decided to name the rabbit Diva,
and they quickly became good friends. They got along well
except for one thing. Diva was afraid of the dark! And, as
such, she would not allow Frederic to pull her out of the
dark black top hat as part of his magic show.
This really became a problem for Frederic, even though
he understood about being afraid of the dark. Even he
sometimes liked to keep the closet light in his bedroom
illuminated on very dark and stormy nights. So Frederic
talked with Diva about her fear of the dark, and how he
wanted her to be part of the magic show. She did want
to participate, but they could not seem to come up with a
solution to the problem.
Frederic was getting discouraged and sad. His mother
wanted to cheer him up, so she and he and Diva took a
little trip to visit family in the country for the weekend.
Frederic’s cousin had just gotten a new puppy! The puppy,
whose name was Zelda, was a friendly little pug dog who
got along well with Diva. So much so, that when it was
time to go to bed, Diva and Zelda snuggled up together in
Zelda’s little dog bed and fell asleep together. Because the
cousins lived in the country, it got dark – very dark – in
the house at night. But this surprisingly did not seem to
bother Diva at all.
In the morning, Frederic woke up and looked for Diva. She
was still dozing with Zelda. When she finally did awake,
Frederic asked her, “How are you doing at night here, it
is so dark, are you afraid?” And Diva said, “No, not at all.
Your cousin has put a little night light by Zelda’s bed, so
there is just enough light to make me feel safe.”
Frederic thought about this for awhile. On the way
home from the country, he asked Diva, “If I put a little
nightlight in the black top hat, like the one Zelda has by
her bed, would you still feel afraid of the dark in there?”
And Diva said, “No, I would not. And, perhaps the light
glowing from the top hat would make it look even more
magical during your show!” So as soon as they returned
home, Frederic inserted a battery powered light right in the
interior rim of his top hat, and Diva was quite pleased with
that. Together they practiced the magic routine of pulling
a rabbit out of a hat many times, and finally they were able
to do it perfectly.
Frederic was so excited about his magic tricks, and being
able to work with Diva, that he invited his Mother, cousins,
Zelda, and friends from school for a special magic show.
Everyone came to Frederic’s house for the performance.
His Mother even made a cake in the shape of a black top
hat to celebrate the event! The show went perfectly, and
Diva was very happy waiting in the black top hat with
the nightlight... she even came out at just the right time
during the trick. At the end of the show, Frederic yelled out
to his friends and family, “Do you believe in magic now?”
And they all cheered and said “Yes!” Then Frederic looked
at Diva and said, “Thank you for your help with the show.”
And Diva said, “Yes, of course, that’s what it means to be
a friend for life.”
Favou r ite
Margarete steiff GmbH, richard-Steiff-Straße 4, 89537 Giengen an der Brenz
Making Friends Since 1880
Keeping Friends For Life
Steiff Club North America Supplement
Issue One, 2014
A new year is beginning and we are very excited to offer a new service available to North American
Club members only. Many people call or email Steiff looking for information on a vintage piece from their
collection. As a Steiff Club member, you now have an easy answer: The new Readers’ Service! To access
this service, simply write a brief paragraph of a favorite Steiff piece including approximately when you
acquired the piece, any (family) history you know about it and a short description including size, color,
fabric, if any ear or chest tags are still attached, make sure you include the information printed on them.
Take photos, be sure to take close ups of any tags and ear button if available, and send this documentation
to The Steiff Club at the address below or via email to After our Steiff USA
archivist completes his research, you will then receive detailed information and a history of your Steiff piece
by return mail (or email).
The “Button in Ear” Trademark: Every Steiff product is unmistakably identified by a metal button.
Franz Steiff, Margarete’s nephew, is credited with inventing this ingenious mark in 1904. A number of
buttons were used over the years. The button does not give an exact indication of the date of creation;
however, it does offer a collector a means of correlating Steiff products to a certain production period. The
first button was embossed with an elephant or left blank. This gave way to the word “Steiff” in block letters
with the “underscored F” with subtle variations. In 1952 the word “Steiff” appeared in script font. Buttons
were originally made of nickel or nickel-plated material. In 1977 buttons were brass or brass-plated. In
addition, a gold-plated button will appear on more contemporary releases to signify their status as a valuable
limited edition. In 2014, there will be something truly exceptional about each of our limited editions (not
replicas): the famous “elephant button” will return in celebration of the trademark’s 110th anniversary. But
for one year only! Though the buttons and times have changed, this enduring symbol is still representative
of the absolute highest quality in workmanship and materials. A true cause for celebration!
Have you visited the Steiff Club section on the new website,, recently? You must
register your email address with the Steiff Club for access to the information in this special members’ only
area. This issue as well as past digital issues of the Steiff Club magazine is available to download or read.
Purchase your 2014 Club Limited Edition bears, Chestnut and Bert, or locate your favorite official Steiff
retailer here and order through them! Check back often for updated details of Steiff events in your area.
You can also renew your membership or give a gift of membership to a friend or family member.
We apologize for the typographical error on the order form for Cookie, The Holiday Bear. This
exceptional Swarovski elements bear is still available at the special purchase, members’ only, price of $210
(that’s $100 off!) while supplies last. Contact the Steiff Club directly to place your order. Shipping ($13)
and MA, NY, RI tax will be added.
Steiff North America, Inc.
24 Albion Road Suite 220 • Lincoln, RI 02865-3747 • Tel. (401) 312-0080 • Fax (401) 475-2147