August - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska


August - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
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Volume 51, Number 8
August 3, 2011
Kennecott Yields Sun and Relaxation
The two preeminent antique auto
clubs of Alaska, the Antique Auto
Mushers of Alaska and the Vernon
Nash Antique Auto Club (of Anchorage and Fairbanks, respectively)
joined forces July 8-11, 2011 in a tour
to the village of McCarthy and the
famed Kennecott Copper Mine in
Alaska’s Wrangell-St.Elias National
Park and Preserve.
This is our country’s largest national park. It equals six Yellowstones,
and is the place where four major
mountain ranges (the Chugach, the
Wr a n g l e s ,
Elias and
the Alaska)
meet. Superlatives
Photo: M. Cresap a b o u n d ,
AACA’s Joanna Cooper’s with countsmile complemented the less glaciers,
weekend sunshine.
rivers, lakes
and massive ice fields. It contains nine
of the 16 highest peaks in the United
States. It is truly a stunning location
Photo: Lin Grundy
This photo of Scott Grundy, who lives in Fairbanks and is a member of both the AAMA
and VLNAACA, displays the gorgeous weather and the feeling of relaxation the clubs
enjoyed while in the McCarthy/Kennecott area. Mt. Blackburn provided an incredible
background for activities for almost the entire weekend.
for a tour, and even long-time Alas- and beauty.
The two clubs met in Glennallen
kans find it impossible to be jaded
when surrounded by such immensity and went on to Chitina, the small vil-
AAMA Swells Hope Population
Hope, Alaska: one of the first famed
Alaska Gold Rush towns. In 1889, before gold was found in Dawson or
Nome, a man named King discovered
gold in Resurrection Creek, and soon
other prospectors swarmed in to form a
community of tents and cabins.
Miners discovered gold nearby in
Sixmile Creek and a new tent community was christened Sunrise City. Hope
City, Sunrise City, and the surrounding
area swelled to 3,000 people long before
Anchorage existed.
Gold was plentiful. Robert Mathi-
Photo: T. Cresap
Allens’ 1934 Ford and Henningsens’ 1966
Mustang were among about seven antique
cars AAMA took to Hope Weekend.
son panned 385 ounces in less than 2
months. The boom, however, faded as
quickly as it started, and the population
(Please see p. 3, Hope was...)
(Please see p. 4, Good Times...)
Our regular business meeting for
August is planned as a rolling meeting
and will begin at Robbie and Marianne
Robinson’s clubhouse at 6:30 p.m.
August 10.
The August cruise will be planned
by the Cresaps.
Thanks so much to Howard Hansen for planning last month’s cruise and
entertaining “Snipe Hunt” before arriving at Boston’s in Anchorage.
Tinkering Times
Photo: T.Cresap
President, Donn Reese, addresses the combined group of AAMA and VLNAAC after the
dinner Sunday, July 10th at the Kennecott
Glacier Lodge. Things were winding down,
although some sight seeing and hiking were
planned before the group left the next day.
Another month of summer has
slipped by, but what a month! Lots of
fun was had in Kennecott amongst
great friends and under clear, sunny
skies. It was certainly worth the effort
required to get there and I found the
lack of cell phone coverage (for my
service at least) to be a welcome break
from the rest of the world. Tam
Isham, Ron Watts, Dave Syren, and
the Rowland family all deserve a huge
Thank You for their efforts and generosity that made the Kennecott tour
such a success.
As many of you know, Joanna
Cooper, VP Regions Development &
Support - Western Division, joined us
Kennecott Tour members
gather for a group photo the
morning of Friday, July 8 at the
historic Copper Center Roadhouse. That day, the friends
would travel to Chitina, then on
to McCarthy/Kennecott.
for the tour, and every time I saw her
during the trip she was smiling and
truly enjoying the adventure. I want
to thank her for coming all this way
and making our remote region feel
more a part of the AACA family. We
hope to see her back for another adventure.
There are pictures from the tour
on our website. So far the pictures I
took are the only ones I have access
to. If you took some and would like
to add them to the club collection,
please contact me.
While on the subject of the website, if you go to the main page you'll
notice a button under the navigation
buttons on the left that will take you to
the club's Facebook page. This page
just went online the last week of July,
and a Facebook account is NOT required to view the page or its contents.
This is another avenue online for us to
show off the club and I plan to populate it with abbreviated items from the
main website, minor news, event notices, etc. Please check it out and give
me feedback on it.
The August meeting agenda has a
couple of interesting items for us to
discuss. The more members that show
up, the more fun we have debating.
Finally, don't forget Show &
Shine...hope to see you all there.
-Donn Reese
Running Board Reflections
August 3, 2011
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2011 Officers
President: Donn Reese 245-7203
Vice President: Scott Hulse 349-8106
Secretary: Laura Reese 563-2914
Treasurer: Howard Hansen 345-1268
Sergeant at Arms: Fred Scharper
Members at Large
Diane Allen 345-6355
Tom Cresap 694-7510
Tam Isham 688-3671
Past Presidents (10 years)
Donn Reese (2009, 2010)
Jeff Hassler/Donn Reese (2008)
Jim Fredenhagen (2006-2007)
Fred Schurman (2005)
Diane Allen (2004)
Fred Schurman (2001-2003)
Peg Stout (2000)
Tinkering Times Staff
Editor: Tom Cresap
Proofing: Marcy Cresap
Please send correspondence,
articles or ads to:
Tinkering Times
Tom Cresap, Editor
P.O. Box 770703
Eagle River AK 99577
or e-mail:
The Tinkering Times is published
monthly by Alaska’s premier classic
and antique automobile club, Antique
Auto Mushers of Alaska, P.O. Box
232086, Anchorage AK 99523-2086.
Opinions expressed by authors
who contribute to Tinkering Times are
their own and do not necessarily reflect
the official policy of the Antique Auto
Mushers of Alaska.
August 3, 2011
One Man’s
Tinkering Times
Schedule of Events
August 7–9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Jay Ofsthun Show-N-Shine (Just show up.)
August 10–6:30 p.m. Rolling Meeting (Tom and Marcy Cresap, 694-7510)
August 27–9:00 a.m. Palmer State Fair Parade (Margaret Heaven, 376-5679)
September 10–Adopt-A-Road (Chairman needed)
September 14–6:30 p.m. Rolling Meeting (Cruise Master needed)
September 18-20–Denali Road Trip (Bruce Campbell, 345-3129)
October 12–7:30 Regular Meeting (Nominations)
November 9–7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting (Elections)
December–Christmas Party
Hope Was There Before Anchorage
For Sale: Dark Blue 1948 Ford with a
real 1948 license plate #5863. A steal
for $14,750. Rebuilt flathead V-8 engine with less that 5,000 miles. No
rust or bondo–even the floor pans and
the rockers are original. Nicely restored with LaBaron-Boney interior.
Many spare parts. Drives and shows
nice. Bruce Campbell, 345-3129 or
Continued from p. 1
dropped to a mere 23.
Hope claims about 200 year-round
residents today, and they still hold an
annual celebration to commemorate the
wagon trail that supplied the gold rush
mines. Among other activities, Wagon
Trail Days Festival features a Sunday
morning 5-K race, which draws a large
number of South Central Alaska runFor Sale: Cleavland Tactor Company ners (about 300, this year.)
This was the 24th year for the festiCrawler w/steering wheel; Model A
engine; Virgil Campbell, (907)288- val, and for almost that many years, the
3616, Mile 20 Seward Highway, Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska have
joined in the fun, some members
ing the foot race, and the rest cheering
on the runners. Throughout the weekend, we stage spontaneous “parades”
through town in our antique cars, and
on Saturday morning, we all enjoy the
pancake feed (in the log Social Hall,
built in 1902) hosted by local volunteers. The pancake feed and raffle benefit the Hope fire and rescue services.
This year’s celebration took place
July 16th through 18th, and the 2011
! AAMA contingent swelled the Hope
FOR SALE: 1961 Studebaker Lark; population count by about 35. The
purchased in Anchorage, Alaska in 1961 club’s families were notable. Dick and
at Nu Car Sales. One owner, all original Barb Henningsen came with Kim,
as it came from the factory, except for Sarah and David Henningsen and Jim,
driver seatbelt; runs great; interior needs Karen, Brittany and Abbey Galvin.
Howard and Barb Hansen brought
work; Gas pedal is gone (I have it, so it
Hansen, Gayle Doty and her
can be replaced.) A few dings and rust on
children and grandchildren, Stacy (wife,
exterior; mileage: 83,940–all in Alaska
Kara) and Mathew (wife, Sarah and
except for a trip to Seattle in 1963. sons, Brody and Dane.)
$3,200 Margaret Heaven – Wasilla,
Tom and Marcy Cresap had
Alaska 907-376-5679
Christy, Hannah and Sophia Cresap and
Christy’s fiancé, Anton Christensen.
Dennis and Diane Allen and their
dog, Daisy, Mike and Gwyn Wiedmer,
Sara and son, Max Stoops, Robbie and
Marianne Robinson and friend, Ken
Painter and Ted and Colleen Kimzey
rounded out the remainder of the group.
We thank everyone for attending
and bringing pot luck items, but we
want to extend a special thanks to the
Allens, who did all the work of reserving the Methodist Retreat House and
who shopped for our food. Dennis supplied his traditional, delicious pancakes
(his mom, Norma’s recipe) on Sunday
morning. Tom Cresap supplied the guitar backup for the Saturday night singing.
Photo: T. Cresap
Barb and Howard Hansen and their
granddaughter-in law Kara Joseph get a
good laugh as Howard sits down for a rest
after participating in the Hope 5-K race.
He took 3rd in the septuagenarian group.
Tinkering Times
August 3, 2011
Good Times, Great Sun in Kennecott
(Continued from p. 1)
lage near the confluence of the Copper
and Chitina rivers. From there, we
drove our antique cars–some of which
had been trailered to that point–the 61
miles to McCarthy on the road that
has been constructed over the original
roadbed of the Copper River and
Northwest Railroad. The CR&NW
provided transportation for people,
supplies and ore between Kennecott
Mine and Cordova, a tidewater port,
from 1911-38.
McCarthy and Kennecott don’t
see general vehicular traffic, with the
exception of some 4-wheelers and a
few cars and pickups, because the
road terminates at a parking lot by the
Kennicott River just before McCarthy.
This cloistering transpired when locals refused offers by the Park Service
to build a vehicle bridge to replace an
old hand tram over the river. Subsequently, the government built a
pedestrian-only bridge; but a local
engineer, Keith Rowland, has completed a bridge to provide restricted
traffic for local residents and to supply
businesses within the park. To restrict
general traffic, the toll is substantial.
This year, however, the town’s
residents and business owners invited
us to bring our antique vehicles for
the celebration of the centennial of the
completion of the railroad, and they
waived the bridge toll for us.
Our group consisted of about 45
people and 22 cars, a considerable
addition to the town’s population and
to the group of partiers at the centennial celebration of the CR&NW Railroad. We all had a great time, and the
weather showed off with clear skies
so that we were able to get great
views of the mountains, glaciers,
McCarthy and Kennecott.
It was an additional pleasure to
have Joanna Cooper, AACA Vice
Support (Western Division) as our
special guest for the tour.
We thank all the Anchorage and
Fairbanks members for coming and
joining in the centennial celebration.
Special thanks go to organizers, Tam
Isham, Ron Watts and Dave Syren.
The success of the tour depended on
their meticulous planning, and they
managed to make everything happen
flawlessly, even the weather!
AAMA participants:
Brian Anderson–1964 Willys Jeep
Tom and Marcy Cresap–1925 Ford T
Jim and Victoria Fredenhagen–1929
Ford Model A Tudor
Howard and Barb Hansen–1936
Dodge Coupe
Art and Tamea Isham–1930 Model A
Town Sedan
Ted and Colleen Kimzey–1931 Model
A Tudor
Donn Reese and David Nolta–1960
Imperial Custom
Kurt Rein–1966 Mustang
Robbie and Marianne Robinson–1930
Model A
Sara, Ethan and Dawn Stoops–1958
Chevrolet Belaire
Ken and Peg Stout–1930 Model A
Dave Syren–no car
Boyd Watson and Larry Yates–Boyd’s
1931 Model A Coupe
Ron Watts–no car
Mike and Gwyn Wiedmer–1949 Ford
VLNAAC participants:
Roy and Nancy Allen–1927 Falcon
Knight Sedan
Bill and Joyce Chace–1916 Ford Model T
Ron and Karine Dane–1929 Model A
Grant and Hank Wyan–1968 Oldsmobile
442 Coupe
Scott and Lynn Grundy–1936 Dodge
Rick and Jill Larrick–1932 Studebaker
Dictator Sedan
Bub and Rochelle Larson–1930 Model A
John McCarthy and Nee Nakprasit–1931
Model A Fordor
John and Rhonda Morgan–1968 Ford
F250 Pickup
Photo: D. Reese
AAMA members who met at Eagle River before starting on the tour to Kennecott: (left to
right) Howard Hansen, Brian and Will Anderson, Ethan Stoops, Dawn Sepian, Robbie
Robinson, Sara Stoops, Marcy Cresap, Marianne Robinson, Joanna Cooper, Barb Hansen, Mike and Gwyn Wiedmer, Art and Tam Isham and Tom Cresap. Not pictured: Jim
and Victoria Fredenhagen, Ted and Colleen Kimzey, Don Reese and David Nolta, Kurt
Rein, Ken and Peg Stout, Boyd Watson and Larry Yates.
Tinkering Times
August 3, 2011
Photo: D. Reese
Robbie and Marianne Robinson were dressed
in class for the McCarthy street party
Photo: D. Reese
Marcy Cresap and Joanna Cooper were dressed for the street party, thanks to Neil Darish, owner of Ma Johnson’s Hotel, and Hotel manager, Sarah.
Photo: S. Grundy
Marianne Robinson and Art Isham won
popular vote for “Best-Dressed Lady and
Gent” at the McCarthy street party.
Editor!s Note:
Corrections and Kudos
Photo: S. Grundy
Editor, Tom Cresap, receives recognition from
Joanna Cooper, AACA VP of RegionsDevelopment and Support, Western Division.
I guess that mistakes inevitably
happen, even when you do your best
to avoid them. So it happened on our
front page last month. While giving
credit to the fantastic Fairbanks folks
who helped make the Joint Meet such
a rewarding and happy experience, I
goofed up.
The ladies who ran the Mystery
Bag game were Lin Grundy and Jill
Larrick. Wilma Vinton helped keep
things in order in the field games, the
Potato drop and the Distance Estimate
Also, thanks again to Scott and
Nate Culbertson, Rick Larrick, Scott
Grundy, Julio Merced and the whole
Fairbanks club for making the meet so
While I am offering thanks, some
of our AAMA members deserve mention for silently offering help with the
Tinkering Times. Anchorage president,
Donn Reese, and members, Scott
Hulse, Dennis Allen, Mike Wiedmer
and Robbie Robinson have contributed photos and/or articles. AAMA
members, Scott and Lin Grundy and
Bill and Joyce Chace, of Fairbanks
also have been very generous with
stories, information and photos.
Kudos go to all for the help.
Tinkering Times
Take Action Now
to be in the
Alaska State Fair Parade
Margaret Heaven reports that the
Alaska State Fair Parade will be held
on August 27. We should report at
9:00 at the usual location near the police station.
We will not show our cars at the
fair grounds this year.
Very important: Pursuant to the
fatal accident in an Anchorage parade
earlier this year, parade officials are
requiring that all drivers show written
proof of license, registration and current insurance for the driver and vehicle that will be in the parade.
Margaret will have to present all
our information with a completed en-
try form “in person or by USPS mail
on or before August 18 at 5 p.m.”
If you plan to attend, get this information to Margaret right now. Scan
and email, or copy and mail. This is
one of those unpleasant, unfortunate
and inconvenient things that happen,
but we can do it.
That address is: Margaret Heaven,
HC-31 Box 5113, Wasilla AK 99654;
Her number is (907) 376-5679; email:
Remember, this needs to be done
right away, so that Margaret will not
be unduly inconvenienced.
August 3, 2011
Charles Yockey
June 3, 1946–July 21, 2011
Chuck Yockey passed away at
Providence Alaska Medical Center on
Thursday, July21, 2011.
He and his wife, Beulah, first
joined AAMA in 1998 and belonged
off and on. He restored a 1955 F100
A memorial service will be held
Thursday, August 11 at 11:00 a.m. at
First Presbyterian Church, 616 West
10th Ave. Collector cars will be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to
Beulah Yockey, 7306 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK 99507.
Denali Road Trip
Photo: M.Cresap
Visiting under Allens’ canope at Hope:
Abby, Brittany Galvin, Kim, Sarah and
Barb Henningsen and Diane Allen.
Photo: M.Cresap
Out for a ride in Howard’s 1924 Dodge on
a pleasant afternoon in Hope, Alaska:
Gayle Doty, Brody, Sarah, Mathew and
Dane Joseph, Stacy Joseph and Howard
Photo: T.Cresap
Photo: M.Cresap
Dick Henningsen, Ted Kimzey, Tom Cresap and Dennis Allen take advantage of a
relaxed, sunny afternoon in Hope to do
surgery on an ahooga horn.
Anton Christensen, Sophia, Christy, Marcy
and Hannah Cresap cheer on the runners
in the 24th annual Hope Wagon Trail Days
5-K run.
The list of winners for the Denali
Road opening is posted on the Denali
Park web site.
All members wishing to go who
failed to win a pass should contact
Bruce Campbell at 907 345-3129 or for an inholders
travel permit. Include your name,
make and year of car, and license
The plan is to drive to the park on
September 18, have a group dinner
that evening, travel the Park road on
the 19th, and return on the 20th.
Many are staying at the Denali
Park Motel near Healy -- phone (907)
Please contact Bruce soon, as arrangements must be made for the
permits and the group dinner.
Jay Ofsthun Show & Shine
Show & Shine is just around the
corner: August 7, 9am-5pm, at the
west end of the Park Strip. That’s next
Hope to see everyone there.
Tinkering Times
August 3, 2011
Ken Painter Tells of 1934 Maserati
Photo: T. Cresap
Robbie and Marianne Robinson’s guest, Ken Painter, gives a very unique and intriguing
presentation at the Robinsons’ club house on Sunday, July 24.
Robbie and Marianne Robbinson
hosted a reception for their good
friend Ken Painter at their clubhouse
on the evening of July 24th. The evening featured a delicious meal, prepared by Marianne, followed by Mr.
Painter’s presentation.
Ken served in the Royal Air Force
for 21 years, some of which were
spent in Singapore. He and the Robinsons met there, and they became good
Photo: M. Cresap
friends in vintage car racing and editing the local vintage car magazine.
After retiring from the service, he
worked for the British National Health
Service for 23 years.
As entertainment for the evening,
Ken did a power point presentation
about a 1934 Maserati he purchased in
about 1969 as a “basket case” and subsequently restored to a functioning
racing car.
Photo: T. Cresap
Ken Painter lives in Rickingford,
Suffolk, England, an area where many
US Air Force personnel lived during
World War II. He is a widower with
four children: Rachel, Adam, Saul and
Ruth. His wife, Christine passed away
in February last year.
He visited Robbie and Marianne
Robinson for two weeks and left last
Wednesday, July 27th. His destination
was New Zealand, where he intended
to visit with his daughter, Ruth, and
family and to see his best friend, a
class mate whom he hasn’t seen since
This is his first visit to any part of
America and the visit to the Robinsons
fulfills one of his three ambitions–the
other two being to visit his daughter in
New Zealand and to circumnavigate
the world.
We would like to thank the Robinsons for inviting us to meet and enjoy
this unique gentleman. It was indeed a
pleasure to have him share his intriguing recollections about the Maserati,
which is now owned and raced by one
of his sons.
Photo: T. Cresap
Saturday, July 23, was AAMA’s second Adopt-A-Road cleanup for the 2011 season. It was hosted by Marcy Cresap, who prepared
some really nice goodies for the small group of street cleaners. Above left, Dennis Allen, Dave Mackey and Tom Cresap rest after the
big job. Center, Dave Mackey shows off the penny he found. Right, Robbie Robinson shows off the nickle he found while Marcy Cresap
and Ralph Centoni enjoy being in the company of such well-paid workers.
Tinkering Times
August 3, 2011
It took all these guys to change a tire on an SUV along the McCarthy road. Actually, as
in most committees, one or two did all the work. The ladies were entertained.
Photo: M. Cresap
Julia Ede–1st
Margaret Heaven–2nd
Sandy Severson–4th
Fritz Wohlwend–4th
Marianne Robinson–6th
Doug Smith–8th
David Tullis–8th
Jimmy Beck–9th
Max Stoops–10 th
Dave Beck–11th
Debbie Smith–11th
Lawrence Aschenbrenner–16th
Scott Grundy–25th
Kelly Karcz–27th
Bill Chace–31st
Donald &Judy Morfield–19th
Howard & Barb Hansen–20th
Jim & Julia Ede–23rd
Tom & Marcy Cresap–31st
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Changing a Tire By Committee
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P.O. Box 232086
Anchorage AK 99523-2086