sofitel capsis
sofitel capsis
MINUTES PELS Meeting Committee Sunday 17 June 2007 Disney World Hotel, Orlando, Florida Attendees in Red Kennel, Ralph Meetings Committee Chair Akagi, Hirofumi Ferreira, Braham Fahimi, Babak Krein, Phil Kaynak, Okyay Sobczyk, Tadeusz Sun, Jian Sebastian, Tomy PELS President PELS Treasurer PELS VP-Operations & PESC Steering Committee 2006 APEC Conference Chair 2007 APEC Conference Chair 2008 APEC Conference Chair 2009 APEC Conference Chair 2006 PESC Conference Chair 2007 PESC Conference Chair 2007 PESC Program Chair 2008 PESC Conference Chair 2008 PESC Program Chair INTELEC ExCom Chair 2006 INTELEC Conference Chair 2007 INTELEC Conference Chair 2005 IEMDC Conference Co-Chair and 2007 VPPC Conference Chair IEMDC Steering Committee Chair 2007 IEMDC Conference Chair 2007 SDEMPED Conference Chair 2006 COMPEL Conference Chair 2009 ECCE Conference Chair Guests Boroyevich, Dushan Cotorogea, Maria DeDoncker, Rik Da Silva, Edison Duffy, Maeve Fellhoelter, Kevin Harley, Ron Hurley, Ger Holmes, Grahame Jahns, Tom Patterson, Dean Tan, Dong PELS PELS Member-at-large PELS Past President 2005 PESC Conference Chair PELS PELS PELS Publications Chair PELS PELS Member-at-large PELS Past President PELS Past President PELS Member-at-large Divan, Deepak Van Niemela Spyker, Russ Steve Pekarek Kevin Parmenter Cho, Bo Batarshe, Issa Shen, John Manias, Stefanos Agelidis, Vassilios McManus, Charles McMenamin, Dan Grossoni, Maurizio 1 Welcome and Introductions – Ralph Kennel Review of APEC 2007 Meetings Committee Minutes: Numerous corrections were identified – it seems some items have been inadvertently left inserted from IAS 2006 meeting minutes. ACTION : Myers-Smith to correct minutes and resubmit for approval at IAS 2007 meetings committee Status and Reports There was a short discussion regarding the increasing role of VP-Meetings to track the submission of conference records and to monitor the progress of the large number of conferences supported by PELS. It was agreed to identify this emerging role to the Adcom, and to recommend consideration of increased admin support for VP-Meetings to manage the tasks. MOTION: It was agreed to recommend to the Adcom that a subcommittee should be formed to clarify the various reporting documents and steps now required for all conferences, and to publish these documents and requirements on the PELS website asap. NOTE: Only conferences discussed in the meeting are minuted. In accordance with normal practice for this meeting, conferences listed on the agenda and not discussed have been deleted from these minutes 1. APEC® Status/Financial Reports a) 2005 APEC Conference Conference has been closed b) 2006 APEC Conference Conference has been closed c) 2007 APEC Conference Conference audit is in progress d) 2008 APEC Conference Conference web site is now open and conference organization is progressing well 2. PESC® Status/Financial Reports a) 2005 PESC Conference Conference is still not closed due to accounting uncertainties and problems resolving outstanding registrations with Dave Pataky. The following motions were approved to facilitate closure of this conference. (a) Agreement to return10% net profit to the local Brazil chapter was re-affirmed: moved Holmes, second Krein. (b) Proposal approved for conference chair (Edison da Silva) to close out the conference finances as best possible using existing information, and to pass on any outstanding debt items to IEEE Central for further attention separate to conference. moved Holmes, second Krein. b) 2006 PESC Conference No further information presented c) 2007 PESC Conference Conference received 943 abstracts, 493 papers accepted (52%) 2 500 registrations plus additional student registrations received as of this meeting. d) 2008 PESC Conference Stefanos Manias provided report after the meeting to be included as attachment – discussion referred to general Adcom meeting in the afternoon . Report attached as Appendix to these minutes 3. INTELEC® Status/Financial Reports No information presented 4. IEMDC® Status/Financial Reports a) Future IEMDC Conferences Phil Krein reported on the successes of this conference to date and the plans for the next conference in 2009. 5. VPPC Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference a) 2007 VPPC Conference Babak Fahimi reported 160 papers, all conference plans are in place and going well. ACTION: VP-Meetings expressed concern about the timeliness of budget submission for this conference, with inadequate time for PELS review. The conference cost seems high for the size and structure of the event. Meeting requested Babak Fahimi reflect this concern back to the VPCC steering committee • Computers in Power Electronics (COMPEL) Meeting advised that Johan Kolar is chair of COMPEL 2008 • ECCE 2009 – Tomy Sebastian gave a report on the progress of this new conference. The following action items were approved ACTION: PELS webmaster (Issa Batarseh) to register domain name for future conferences, and also if possible. ACTION: domain name is to be linked to ACTION: IAS technical committees associated with ECCE are to be asked to post website links to ECCE and ECCE2009 in particular. • ECCE 2010 – Tom Habetler advised ECC2010 will be in Atlanta Georgia (Hilton Hotel?) 3 6. Other Business a) b) c) Motion for PELS Technical Sponsorship of ISPSD 2008 proposed and approved There was discussion about the need to develop better mechanisms to report projected conference surpluses to the Treasurer in a timely fashion (i.e. by the end of the year). It was agreed that this requirement would be passed on to conference chairs. There was general discussion about the ongoing problem of conference “no show” paper submissions. The proposal was discussed to make conference records “preliminary” or “advance” prior to the event, and release a “final” conference record after the event with no-show papers removed. However, this causes some difficulties with IEEE Xplore listing and ISBN registration. No resolution proposed at this time – further discussion required. The meeting was adjourned to lunch at 12:20 Grahame Holmes Appointed secretary for the meeting 4 Appendix – Report for PESC 2008 39th IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE June 15-19, 2008, Island of Rhodes, Greece JUNE/2007 PESC08 REPORT No.3 From Feb/2007 to now the local committee had dealt with the following PESC08 issues: 1) Eventually a loan of 25,000 US dollars was received from IEEE and 3,000 US dollars from ICCS-NTUA (National Technical University of Athens). 2) The main issue of funds handling has to be reconsidered because it will be a difficult and time consuming process to use transferring of funds from a concentration US account to a Greek account. The local committee is proposing that the on line registration to use the credit cards account of the ICCS-NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) 3) PESC08 website has been posted. 5 4) The contract for renting the conference facilities of Capsis hotel was signed with the following agreement. • • • • Meeting Facilities: Marika BC Plenary Hall for 1000 persons theatre style for Opening & Closing Ceremony including Podium and Head table Complimentary 6-7 Breakout Rooms for upto 120-150 persons in theatre style including and Head table Euro 550 per room /per day (one breakout room will be offered Complimentary) 1 Breakout Room for 20-30 persons in U style Complimentary Registration / Hospitality Desk Complimentary ESTIMATED MEETING FACILITIES BUDGET 6 Breakout Rooms x 5 days x Euro 550 Plus Taxes 8.12% Total Total Estimated Budget = EURO 16.500 EURO 1.339,80 EURO 17.839,80 EURO 17.839,80 5) The contract for the food and beverage functions of the Gala dinner was signed with the following estimated budget. ESTIMATED GALA DINNER BUDGET GALA DINNER x 250 persons x Euro 65 = EURO 16.250 Beverage Package x 250 x Euro 12 = EURO 3.000 Sub Total EURO 19.250 Plus Estimated Taxes* 8.12% EURO 1.563,10 Total EURO 20.813,10 *Taxes will be adjusted accordingly and shown on the final invoice Total Estimated Budget EURO 20.813,10 6) The contract for the food and beverage functions of the awards luncheon was signed with the following estimated budget. ESTIMATED AWARDS LUNCHEON BUDGET Awards Lunch x 500 persons x Euro 25 Beverage Package x 500 x Euro 12 Sub Total Plus Estimated Taxes* 8.12% Total Total Estimated Budget = EURO 12.500 = EURO 6.000 EURO 18.500 EURO 1.502,20 EURO 20.002,20 EURO 20.002,20 6 7) The exhibition-sponsorship letter has been formulated as follows: 7 8) The contract for exhibit space has been formulated according to IEEE specs as follows: 8 9) Call for PESC08 papers was sent to IEEE and non-IEEE magazines and news letters. 9 10) PESC08 publicity material is ready to be distributed during PESC07 meeting and to be sent by mail to different PESC participants. 39th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference JUNE 15-19, 2008 Sofitel Capsis Hotel and Convention Center Island of Rhodes, Greece Part of Rhodes old town 10 PROPOSED TOPICS OF INTEREST • Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Systems • Motor Drives Systems • Power Semiconductor Devices • Power Quality and Utility Interface Issues • Inverters (VSI and CSI) • Intelligent Systems • AC-AC and Matrix Converters • Passive Components • Rectifiers • Energy Storage • DC-DC Converters • • Resonant Converters Power Supplies and Consumer Applications • Converter Control Techniques • Transportation • System Power Factor Correction • Automotive Applications • Energy Saving Techniques • Aerospace Power Aplications • Modeling, Analysis and Simulation • Device Packaging, Assembly Concepts and integration • Integration, Packaging and Modules • Other Power Eletronics Applications • EMC • Diagnostics and Reliability IMPORTANT DATES Submissions of abstracts and digests November 9th, 2007 Authors Notification of Acceptance February 15th, 2008 Submission of Final Manuscripts April 18th, 2008 GETTING TO RHODES The International Airport of Rhodes is among the best in Greece. It is located 15 km away from the city of Rhodes and 10 km from the Sofitel Capsis hotel and convention center. In order someone to arrive to the island of Rhodes can fly to the international airport of Athens and then take a 45 minutes flight to Rhodes. Also, during the conference time there are flights from many European airports directly to Rhodes. Sofitel Capsis hotel and convention center Acropolis of Rhodes 11 ABSTRACT AND DIGEST SUBMISSION To be considered for the conference program, authors should submit electronically only as PDF file: An abstract of 300 words max. The abstract should contain title, author’s name(s), affiliation(s), contact author, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers and email address. Abstracts exceeding the maximum length will not be considered. A digest of 5 pages max. outlining the work to be presented, the objectives of the paper and the results obtained. Key equations, figures, and tables should be included within the paper limit (reference lists should be submitted as a separate page). Digests exceeding the maximum length will not be considered. Paper submissions will be accepted electronically. Detailed instructions will be available on the PESC’08 website by August 1st, 2007. TUTORIALS The conference will feature several tutorials. If you are interested in organizing a please contact the tutorial chairman Prasad Enjeti ( ). tutorial EXHIBITION An important feature of the conference will be the exhibition which will be located in the SOFITEL CAPSIS HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTER and will have the following opening hours: Monday, June 16 10:00-20:00 hours Tuesday, June 17 10:00-17:00 hours Wednesday, June 18 10:00-17:00 hours If you like to know more about exhibiting at PESC’08, please contact: PESC08 Conference Secretariat National Technical University of Athens Sofitel Capsis hotel Exhibition Hall School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Lab 9 Iroon Polytechniou Str., 15773, Athens, Greece Tel: +30210-7722233, Fax: +30210-7723593, Email: PESC’08 General Chair Stefanos Manias National Technical University of Athens, Greece 12 PESC’08 Technical Chair Vassilios Agelidis University of Sydney, Austalia JUNE 15-19, 2008 Sofitel Capsis Hotel and Convention Center Island of Rhodes-Greece National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Colossos of Rhodes Part of port of Rhodes Best Regards Stefanos Manias General Chair 13 PESC08 Conference Secretariat NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY 9 IROON POLYTECHNIOU Str., 15773, ATHENS, GREECE Tel: +30210-7722233, Fax: +30210-7723593, Email: Webpage: 14