geology of southwest tasmania
geology of southwest tasmania
300000mE 350000mE 400000mE 450000mE Tullah Ahrberg Bay LAKE MACKINTOSH LAKE ROSEBERY MT INGLIS CLUMNER BLUFF MT BLACK LAKE ROSEBERY RANG E PIEMAN Granville Harbour VICTORIA PK MT OAKLEIGH Forth Renison Bell MT PELION WEST MOUNT MURCHISON LAKE MURCHISON M UR CH IS ON MT READ MT JERUSALEM r ve Ri River AT RE G MT PELION EAST MT ACHILLES MT HEEMSKIRK M er se y MT OSSA COAST River MT DUNDAS MT ZEEHAN Pin e Henty RIV ER ELDON PK 5350000mN MT SEDGWICK South River R River Eld on MT CUVIER d oo gw llin Co LAKE BURBURY RANGE MT RUFUS Derwent Bridge Niv e MT JUKES ER RIV E LAK MT MARY COAST KING MT KING WILLIAM FRANKLIN Yellow Bluff MT FINCHAM Connellys Pt MT STRAHAN MT DARWIN Sophia Pt Backagain Pt MT SORELL Liberty Bay Liberty Pt Guelph Basin FRENCHMANS CAP WEST SO Betsys Bay MACQUARIE RAN GE Tarraleah MT KING WILLIAM III RIVER RN DECEPT MT McCALL Ke lly Gorge Pt MT EMMA RIV ER MT HOBHOUSE Brisbanes B Sarah I T EN RW DE HE Farm Cove Gould Pt Bryans Bay Steadman Pt MT KING WILLIAM II ION HARBOUR Ba sin UT Coal Head Sloop Pt IAM WILL KING King Pt Edwards Bay MT GELL r ve Ri RA NG E ER RIV Riv er MT HUGEL RA GL AN Strahan Lettes Bay R AI CL ST GOULDS SL E NG RA MT OLYMPUS MT OWEN Macquarie Hds KE LA MT LYELL QUEENSTOWN 5350000mN Nive MT MANFRED HENTY CAPE SORELL ER TI R LE EL AV TR WEST le Litt Ri ve r Remine NE PI E NG RA Trial Harbour ZEEHAN T ICH ST MT AGNEW ALGONKIAN MTN Ri ve r Rum Pt Gordon Pt MT SHAKESPEARE 5300000mN Jane Birthday Bay DIAMOND PEAK SP Rive r Inlet IR ES River RAN GE RA NG E FRAN KLIN RIVER T O LI EL Birchs Varna Bay Go rdo n CONVICT PEAK SHINING MTN TH WA LES Pennerowne Pt E 5300000mN RDON GO Ri ve r Wrights B MT HUMBOLDT De nis on MT DISCOVERY Spe ro INNES PK Ri ve r THE THUMBS THE TWINS Flo ren tine Conder Pt Endeavour Bay Maxwell N GORDO Spero Bay PR INC E POINT HIBBS er Riv OF Hibbs Bay LAKE Wanderer MT ROBERT MINERAL RESOURCES TASMANIA GORDON RIVER Strathgordon Tasmania MT MUELLER HIGH ROCKY POINT DEPARTMENT of INFRASTRUCTURE ENERGY and RESOURCES MINERAL RESOURCES TASMANIA a Olg MOORES LOOKOUT River GEOLOGY OF SOUTHWEST TASMANIA p Ser Wilmot Bay MT WEDGE MT BOWES in ent MT ELEANOR e River HOLOCENE Geological Survey mapping (1:63,360 scale) before 1965. LAKE PEDDER MT SOLITARY Other mapping (1:63,360 or more detailed scale ). Black I Elliott Bay LOW ROCKY POINT on Hu SOURCES Source information for this map is available as an additional sheet. MT MACONOCHIE Nye Bay ELDON GROUP, TIGER RANGE GROUP E NG RA PINERS PK Mulcahy Bay Brier Holme Hd NORTHEAST AR TH UR Da ve y Riv er Ri ve r MT HEAN Base data from the LIST, © State of Tasmania. Map produced by Data Management Branch using G.I.S. software. Refer to this map as: BROWN, A.V; CALVER, C.R; CORBETT, K.D; EVERARD, J.L; FORSYTH, S.M; GOSCOMBE, B.D.; GREEN, G.R; McCLENAGHAN, M.P; PEMBERTON, J; SEYMOUR, D.B.; VICARY, M.J.; (comp.). 2005. Geology of Southwest Tasmania. Edition 2009.1. Geological Atlas 1:250,000 digital series. Mineral Resources Tasmania. Svenor Pt SOUTHWEST RANGE Sp rin g WURAWINA SUPERGROUP OWEN GROUP, DENISON GROUP AND CORRELATES PALAEOZOIC NORTHWEST MT HESPERUS g sin os Cr GE RAN LATE CAMBRIAN Elliott Point The geological data for this map were compiled by A.V.Brown B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., C.R.Calver B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D, K.D.Corbett B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., J.L.Everard B.Sc.(Hons), S.M.Forsyth B.Sc.(Hons), B.D.Goscombe B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., G.R.Green B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., M.P.McClenaghan B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., J.Pemberton B.Sc.(Hons)M.Sc.,D.B.Seymour B.Sc.(Hons)Ph.D., M.J.Vicary B.Sc.(Hons).,from Tasmanian Geological Survey Geological Atlas 1:63,360 and 1:50,000 series maps and other sources. Riv er Hu on LOCATION DIAGRAM WIIT DE ORDOVICIAN Edgar Bay Giblin Bay er EARLY DEVONIAN− SILURIAN N GE Giblin Ri ve r LOWER UPPER PARMEENER SUPERGROUP Reconnaissance scale mapping, and/or interpretation based on air photo and/or geophysical data without ground control from various sources. MT SARAH JANE Lake Judd sin Ba Riv PERMIAN− LATE CARBONI− FEROUS RA ING PST PRO TRIASSIC 5250000mN MT ANNE Lewis PLEISTOCENE CAINOZOIC Veridian Pt Geological Survey mapping (1:100,000 scale) MESOZOIC LA Maria Bay D Marsden Pt Geological Survey mapping (1:63,360 scale) after 1965. TERTIARY N NORTH BROKEN HILLS Geological Survey mapping (1:50,000 scale) and unpublished compilation Geological Survey mapping (1:10,000 −1:50,000 scale). ch SOURCE MAPPING NK QUATERNARY A FR 5250000mN MT JEAN Geological Survey mapping (1:25,000 or more detailed scale). R ea r ve Ri MT OSMUND Wreck Bay SOUTHEAST Alfhild Bight Heather B Curtis Pt Bond Bay Sandblow Bay MT NOROLD PAYNE BAY ELLIOTT BAY−QUEENSTOWN−ROSEBERY REGION FEDERATION PEAK er Riv ADAMSFIELD −JUBILEE REGION MT READ VOLCANICS Wallaby B MIDDLE CAMBRIAN 5200000mN Whalers Pt South E Bight MT BERRY Saddle Bight NORTH HEAD POINT ST VINCENT DAVEY HEAD PORT North Inlet Joe Page Bay O MT RUGBY DAVEY Chink Pt So lly ld Rowitta Harbour HIGH ROUND MOUNTAIN BATHURST 5200000mN HARBOUR HILLIARD HEAD EARLY CAMBRIAN ROCKY CAPE REGION ARTHUR METAMORPHIC COMPLEX r ve Ri Stephens Bay Chatfield Pt Melaleuca Mutton Bird I (ONLY AT AHRBERG BAY ON THIS SHEET) MT COUNSEL Island Bay Flying Cloud Pt Window Pane B MT MELALEUCA C PROTEROZOIC O LATE NEOPROTER− OZOIC N New Harbour Point Karamu Bay RA BIGHT New Harbour A NEOPROTEROZOIC − MESOPROTEROZOIC D UN NBO IRO COX E TYENNAN AND SIMILAR REGIONS MT LOUISA Louisa Bay Cox Bluff Louisa I Red Pt Havelock Bluff Telopea Pt SOUTH WEST CAPE Baldy Pt DE WITT ISLAND Flat Witch Island Maatsuyker Island Temple Pt MAATSUYKER GROUP Flat Top I Round Top I IGNEOUS ROCKS While every care has been taken in the preparation of this data, no warranty is given as to the correctness of the information and no liability is accepted for any statement or opinion or for any error or omission. No reader should act or fail to act on the basis of any material contained herein. Readers should consult professional advisers. As a result the Crown in Right of the State of Tasmania and its employees, contractors and agents expressly disclaim all and any liability (including all liability from or attributable to any negligent or wrongful act or omission) to any persons whatsoever in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether in whole or in part upon any of the material in this data. Mewstone Crown copyright reserved. 5150000mN 5150000mN 300000mE WARNING: INKS ARE LIGHT SENSITIVE 350000mE 400000mE 450000mE THIS MAP IS EDITION 2009.1 BASED ON A STATEWIDE DATASET Data correct & plotfile generated: 14−JUL−2009
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As a result the Crown in Ri...