Term 3, Week 6 (pdf 2 MB)


Term 3, Week 6 (pdf 2 MB)
The Glendore Gazette
Respectful, Caring and Learning for Success
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land
and pay our respect to Elders past, present and those of the future.
We recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of the Awabakal people.
Book Week Celebrations
Glendore Public School
Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Kinder Oakvale Farm Excursion
Stage 3 Canberra Excursion
Final Payment
Kinder Oakvale Farm
Fathers Day Stall
Stage 3 Canberra Excursion
School Concerts
Stage 2 Sportlink
Due Date
Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS or online.
Credit card slips can be printed off our website or ask for one at the office.
SASS Recognition Week
The teaching staff would like to give a huge thank you to the SASS staff of the school. These wonderful people are the
office staff that keep the school running and the SLSO's ( School Learning Support Officers) who provide excellent
support for the students. Thank you office staff and SLSO's.
School Administration Manager- Ms Kathy Probert
School Administration Officer- Mrs Karen Bourke
School Administration Officer - Mrs Racheal Mason
School Administration Officer - Ms Karen Dedman
School Learning Support Officer- Ms Michelle Myers
School Learning Support Officer- Mrs Michelle Murrell
School Learning Support Officer- Mr Wayne Bull
School Learning Support Officer- Mr Darren Croft
School Learning Support Officer– Mrs Karen Tinson
Book Week
Don’t forget that we will be celebrating Book Week this Thursday 25th August. Students and staff are asked to dress up
as their favourite book character and bring along their book to share with the class. Parents and carers are invited to
join students and participate in class activity rotations, between 11.45am and 1.25 pm. A special Book Week assembly
will be held between 1.45pm and 2.45pm. We hope to see you there! Miss Fox (organising teacher)
Better When We’re Dancing
Concert Dates: Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd September, 12pm to 2pm. All concerts will start on time
so audience members are invited to arrive from 11.20am to enjoy some music, and food and drink will be available for
sale at the canteen. All Glendore students will be in classrooms dressing at this time so it will be a good opportunity to
catch up with other parents and friends.
The Canteen will be selling the following items to audience members: Tea & Coffee $1.50: Soft Drink $2.00: Cakes
$2.00: Pies $2.70: Sausage Rolls $2.50 and other snacks.
The Friday concert is now sold out! There are still $5 and $2 tickets available for the Tuesday and Wednesday shows.
If you still require a ticket, send your tickets notes and money to the office and Ms McDowell and Mrs Budd will
process your request and send your tickets home with your nominated child as soon as possible. Cash only and
Ph: 4955 6644 Fax: 4955 6633
E-mail: glendore-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au School Website: http://www.glendore-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
YMCA Glendore OOSH Ph: 0417604248 oshc.glendore@ymcansw.org.au
correct money is appreciated. No tickets will be sold after Thursday 15th September.
Class photos will be taken at the Dress rehearsal on Friday 16th September. The photos will be for sale following each
concert in Week 10. Photos will be $5 each.
2016 Hunter Inter-Schools Public Speaking Results
Congratulations to Liam B-B, Taj R, Scarlett S, Mikayla W,Ruby C, Ella G and Armani F who competed at the Hunter InterSchools Public Speaking competition. They all presented wonderful engaging speeches.
The following students have received a place in the Hunter-Inter Schools competition
Stage 1
Scarlett S- Stage 1 Winner
Taj R- Highly Commended
Stage 2
Ruby C- Highly Commended
Stage 3
Armani F- Highly Commended
Miss Schrader/ Mrs McDowell, Public Speaking Coordinators
Stage 3 Artwork
Stage 3, as part of their visual arts education program, will be painting a Dreaming on the shipping containers in Term 3
to complete the Yarning circle. The students are required to bring an old paint shirt for their visual arts lessons. The shirt
is required from Week 7 of Term 3. Mrs Patterson
Kindergarten Sport
Kindergarten Sport will be on Thursdays for the remainder of the term. Please remember your Sports uniform for
Thursdays. Kindergarten teachers
Student Teachers from the University
Congratulations to our University students who have made it to phase 2 of their Internship. Jacqueline Cook on KW,
Miranda McGrath on 2D, Alilia Sikahele on 3/4B and Aaron Hill with 5/6B will now be taking on more responsibilities in
the classroom and school.
Train-On Debating
Congratulations to our Year 5 debaters, who have represented our school in the Train-on Debating Challenge in Term 2
and Term 3. Phoebe T, Amber R, Maria K, Olivia K and Caitlin B participated in five debates against various schools in the
Hunter, winning four of these debates. The team have been commended by staff and adjudicators in regard to their
behaviour, ability to receive constructive feedback and their support towards competing teams. We eagerly await to
hear if the team have been successful in securing a place in the final. It has been a great effort from all students
involved. Mrs Slater
The Partners in Learning parent feedback survey
Our school will also be participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me
suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers
questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement.
Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at
school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/
carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical
The survey is conducted entirely online at home or on public computers. The survey will typically takes 15 minutes or
less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted between 22nd August and 21st
October. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, however, your responses are very much appreciated.
To complete the survey go to: https://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/glendore
Discovering our Diggers.
On Monday the 8th August we had an incursion for Stage 3, walking with the diggers and the Australian War memorial
presentation by the Legends and Lessons team John Gillam and Yvonne Fletcher. The presentation was an overview of
World War One with a focus on the history and the role of the Australian War Memorial. Students were given the
opportunity to taste the hard tack the soldiers ate, experience the weapons used and research their own local solider,
students were also given a poppy and a guide to where their soldiers name appears on the wall of renown at the
Canberra War memorial, when they visit Canberra in week 8 they will be placing their poppy beside their soldiers name
at the War memorial in remembrance. This presentation was generously funded by Defence Health. Penny Holt, DSTA
Seven - A - Side Soccer transition Gala Day
On Tuesday 9th August 2016, two stage 3 teams participated in the first of the Wallsend Callaghan Campus Transition
soccer gala day. Other schools involved were Maryland, Wallsend, Plattsburg and Minmi Public Schools. Congratulations
to Team A who won first place (and brought home a trophy for their efforts) and to our Team B who came third in the
overall competition. A fantastic effort from all and thank you to parents who supported our teams on the day.
Last Tuesday Glendore’s 2 teams went to the High School with several other schools. First all the teams played three
games. My team won all of the games and our other Glendore team lost one. Then we went into the semi finals; there
were 2 games—Maryland A vs Maryland B and Glendore A vs Glendore B. Glendore A Made it to the grand final and
played Maryland A. We won. It was a good day because Glendore B got third as well! Banjo D 5/6P
On Tuesday my team and I went to Wallsend High School to play in the Primary School Soccer Gala Day and my team
won all of our games and we won a medal each and a big trophy for the school. Mia O 5/6B
Zone PSSA Crossroads Athletics Carnival
The zone athletics carnival was held on Wednesday 10th August at the Hunter Sports Centre, Glendale. Well done to all
of our team who performed so well on the day. Students who will be competing at the Hunter Regional Athletics on
Friday 2nd September are;
Yom B. - Junior 200m, 10yr 100m, Junior Long Jump
Junior Girls Relay (Yom B., Neve C-M., Destiney F., Mayar A.)
Fraser H. - Junior Shot Put
Riel B. - 8yr 100m
Majak B. - 12yr 100m
Max A. - 13yr 100m
We wish them all the best of luck!
PSSA Sport Update
This Friday 26th August the students are due to be playing against Elermore Vale at Elermore Vale Public. This is the last
of the round games. The finals will be played on the 9th September. More information to come.
On Wednesday 10th August the Zone Athletics Carnival was held at Glendale Hunter Sports Centre. We all had races.
Some people were in the relay and other field events. The Junior Girls relay team came first. The girls in the Relay Team
were Yom B, Destiney F, Mayar A and Neve C. Yom B also broke a race record. Yom B 3/4D
On Wednesday 10th of August, I went to the Zone Athletics Carnival held at Glendale Hunter Sports Centre. I ran in 100
metres and I came first, then ran in the Junior Girls relay team. Glendore came first so we made it to Regionals which
will be held on 2nd September. I also made it to the finals. I came 5th in the 100m finals. I hope we win the Regionals.
Destiney F 3/4B
On Friday 12th August Glendore played Garden Suburb Public School in soccer. Both junior and senior teams played
fantastically and dug deep to come up with the win for both games. A big thank you to the junior boys who stepped up
and played amazingly in the senior team to help get the win. Well Done!! Mrs Boyce
Henny Penny Hatching Program
Kindergarten has been abuzz with the excitement of caring for baby chicks. As a part of our ‘Farms’ unit we participated
in the Henny Penny Hatching program. This allows us to watch chicks hatch in the incubator and develop into fluffy,
chirpy babies. We have loved learning how to care for chicks, writing about them, holding them and learning about
chicken development. Kindergarten is so much fun! Mrs Prebble
Special Performance
Congratulations to all students in Senior Dance, Junior Dance and Choir who performed for our school community last
Monday. On 15th August our performers had an impressive audience who came to support them on the day.
A special thankyou goes to Miss Schrader for her hard work with the choir and Mrs Cheryl Bailey for her work with
the dance groups so far this year! Miss Fox
Snugglepot and Cuddlepie
Last Tuesday the 16th August, K-2 visited Newcastle Civic Theatre to watch an adaptation of May Gibbs’ ‘Cuddlepot
and Snugglepie’. From the giggles during the play and the discussions back at school, it is safe to say that it was enjoyed by all. Students are to be commended for the fantastic behaviour when out and representing our school. Mrs
Oakvale Farm Excursion
On Thursday September 1st, Kindergarten will travel to Oakvale Farm to see first hand a variety of animals they
have learnt about over the past few weeks. Kindergarten have been learning about Farms as part of our HSIE unit this
term, so are looking forward to building on their knowledge of farms outside the classroom.
Year 6 Taster Lessons
On Wednesday 17th August 2016 most of Year 6 from a cluster of schools had their taster lessons at Callaghan College Wallsend Campus. There were a variety of subjects that we got to try out, like science, yoga, sport, cooking,
wood work, metal work and even a tour. It was such a great day and I really enjoyed the day. Kloye D, 5/6K
On 17th August the Year 6 students experienced an amazing day at Callaghan College Wallsend. The subjects I had
were woodwork, music, science, cooking and more. We also got a tour around this amazing school. I have to say I
was a bit nervous but I got used to it. I loved it and there were also other Year 6 students from other schools. I can’t
choose my favourite subject, they are all good. I’m sure all the other Year 6 students loved it too. Brandi W 5/6K
Cultural Day
On Wednesday, Mr Newham came to our school and taught us about the Dreaming. Then he told us a story about
how echidnas got their spikes. We went outside and played Aboriginal games. After that we did lovely art works and
also did a recount of what he told us that morning. Charlotte C 5/6K
On Wednesday 17th August. Mr Newham came to our school for a cultural day. Mr Newham told us that you can
only tell the past and he told us a Dreamtime story about how the echidna got it’s spikes. After lunch we played Aboriginal games like Kai. After recess we made Aboriginal symbols. Byron W 5/6K
NCC Water Safety Program
On Wednesday 24th August all students will be participating in the Newcastle City Council Water Safety Program. This
is a free program based around teaching preventative measures and basic fundamentals of water safety, and includes
a 25 minute presentation on beach safety, pool safety and open water safety. We thank the local council for running
this free initiative in our school. Mrs Slater
School Disco
The next school disco will be held on Thursday 1st September. This will be the last disco for the year, and the theme
is Halloween. The K-2 students will attend from 6.00pm until 7.20pm and Year 3—6 students from 7.30pm until
9.00pm. The cost of the disco is $4.00. Please don’t forget to be prompt on the pick up as staff and community members are donating their time so this event can occur. We are in need of additional parent helpers in the canteen and
on the door.
Book Club
Book Club orders are due back by Friday 2nd September. No orders can be taken after this date.
Staff Professional Learning
Teaching Staff at Glendore PS have been trained in a program called Focus on Reading and taken up the challenge to
start a ‘revolution’ about the teaching of reading in our upper classrooms especially. Initial feedback indicates that
the program is having an immediate and dramatic impact in classrooms.
Focus on Reading 3-6 is an intensive professional learning program for teachers to support the explicit teaching of
the key aspects of reading in the middle and upper primary years, namely comprehension, vocabulary and reading
text fluency. The program draws from a sound research base that justifies the need for these key aspects to be at the
forefront of literacy teaching and learning in the middle years. The program emphasises highlights the importance
and use of:
 rich texts, particularly subject-based texts, multi-modal texts and the types of texts that interest and motivate
learners in the middle years
 rich talk of the kind that encourages them to ‘show their thinking’ through talk
 ‘deliberate’ teaching that begins with insightful assessment; involves planning for explicit instruction based on
students’ needs; supports and scaffolds students through modelled, guided and independent teaching; provides
clear and purposeful feedback and constant opportunities for student reflection.
Upcoming Professional Learning
Wednesday 24th August: L3 Stage 1: Miss Schrader
Friday 26th August: LMBR Training: Ms Baguley, Mrs Probert, Mrs Bourke. L3: Mrs Eacott
Wednesday 31st August: Class Management Through Effective Teaching : Miss Cook. Reading Recovery: Ms Ipsen
Friday 2nd September: Critical and Creative Thinking: Mrs Santeleben and Miss Doosey
Saturday 3rd September: Staff Cultural Day
The Seasons for Growth program will commence Week 1, Term 4 and will be facilitated by Mrs Holt, who has received
special training in the use of this program. Seasons for Growth offers students who are experiencing grief in their life,
the opportunity to work in a small group to develop strategies to manage different situations. If you think your child
would benefit from Seasons for Growth, we would encourage you to talk to him/her about this. Should he/she decide
to participate please fill in the tear-off section below and return to the school by the 26th of August 2016.
Ms Doosey - organising teacher
I give consent for my child ________________________________________________________of class _____
to attend the Seasons for Growth Program. I have discussed this with him/her.
Parent/Carer Signature: _________________________________
Child’s Signature: ___________________________________
I give consent for my child ________________________________________________________of class _____
to attend the Seasons for Growth Program. I have discussed this with him/her.
Parent/Carer Signature: _________________________________
Child’s Signature: ___________________________________
Wed 24th August
Tania, Renee, Jann
Thu 25th August
Kylie, Donna, Leanne
Fri 26th August
Tania, Mel, Jennifer
Mon 29th August
Karen, Rebecca
Tue 30th August
Tania, Hayley N
Wed 31st August
Tania, Jann
Thu 1st September
Jennifer, Leanne DISCO
Fri 2nd September
Tania, Jennifer
Mon 5th September
Tania, Melissa
Dear Parent / Carer / Friend,
As part of our fundraising efforts for this term, the P & C is running a group carry bag project to help raise
funds for our School Library.
The limited edition bag design will be made up of self-portraits drawn by all our children and staff. The
pictures and names will be arranged into our school stages (depending on order numbers) as a
commemorative design for our School, then screen printed in white onto premium quality Navy heavy
duty cotton bags (40x45cm, 10cm gusset, 55cm handles).
We chose the bags because everyone loves them. The children are thrilled to see their own artwork in
print; they make a lasting memento to remember classmates, an amazing as gift for parents, relatives
and special friends and are fantastic as a large size shopping or beach bag!
Make sure you don’t miss out.
It is only $20.00 for one limited edition bag OR SAVE by ordering two or more bags for $17.50 each.
Don’t forget to order a few extras for family members and your keepsake box. Bags can be ordered by
completing the form below and returning with payment to the School with your childs name and class to
the P & C box in the office in an envelope clearly marked “BAG ORDER”.
Final orders are due by Friday 26th August 2016
Thank you for your continued support.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAG ORDER FORM
Student Name:
______________________________________________ Class: ____________
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Number of Bags Ordered:
Please enclose payment with your order:
2 3 4 5
(Cash Only)
or more ___________
TOTAL enclosed $________
At this stage we are unsure how many bags will be ordered so we are yet to confirm what stages will be
included on each bag design. We may need to combine multiple stages together to meet minimum
ordering requirements for each design.
For ordering purposes if you have ordered two or more bags and have multiple children at the school
please advise which classes your child/children are in so we can make sure you receive the right
designs applicable for each child/class.
Bag 1 Class: ____________
Bag 2 Class: ____________ Bag 3 Class: ____________
Bag 4 Class: ____________
Bag 5 Class: ___________