Competitive benchmarking of several brands of
Competitive benchmarking of several brands of
Competitive Benchmarking on Sensory Quality Application to Modena Balsamic Vinegar Application Note Results obtained at Alpha MOS Laboratory (Toulouse, France) with balsamic vinegars graded by the Modena Vinegar Consortium (CABM) ranking system and other products purchased from a food retailer Balsamic Vinegar is used as a seasoning to enhance taste in food products. Two types of Balsamic Vinegar can be distinguished. The most common is industrial/commercial vinegar, easily found in supermarket for salad dressing. The second type consists of traditional vinegars of higher sensory quality, made according to traditional methods with long steps of maturation in wood casks. Modena (Italy) is a well-known area of Balsamic Vinegar production, production which is strictly regulated by the Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar that controls the D.O.P. (Protected Origin Designation) observance. The products must comply with specific criteria to carry the CABM (Consorzio Aceto Balsamico di Modena) seal. Thereby a quality label has been developed to certify the level of sensory quality of Modena vinegars. This label is symbolized by the attribution of grape leaves (from 1 to 4 leaves from lowest to highest quality) after sensory evaluation. AroChembase: Kovats Index library for chemical pre-screening & sensory characterization The AroChembase (Alpha MOS, France) is an add-on module that can be used within the HERACLES E-Nose software, known as AlphaSoft. It consists of a library of chemical compounds with name, formula, CAS number, molecular weight, Kovats retention Index, sensory attributes and related bibliography. It allows to pre-screen the chemical compounds and give sensory features from the HERACLES chromatograms. Objective Vinegar is difficult to assess due to an important pungent sensation that limits the number of analysis that can be conducted by a human panel. This application note describes the analysis of the overall aroma & taste profile of various Modena Balsamic Vinegars using electronic nose and electronic tongue instruments. Flash Gas Chromatography E-Nose The HERACLES Electronic Nose (Alpha MOS, France) is based on the technology of ultra fast chromatography and includes two short columns of different polarities (DB5 apolar and DB1701 slightly polar), coupled to 2 Flame Ionization Detectors (FID). Therefore, 2 chromatograms are obtained simultaneously, allowing a sharper identification of the chemical compounds. The embedded Tenax trap located before the columns allows pre-concentration of the injected fraction prior to rapid thermo desorption, in order to improve analysis sensitivity. With high heating rates (up to 20°C/second), this reduces the time of analysis producing results in seconds and analysis can be run every 4 minutes. Fig. 1: Ultra Fast GC based HERACLES Electronic Nose Electronic Tongue Analyzer The ASTREE Electronic Tongue (Alpha MOS, France) analyzes dissolved compounds responsible for taste in liquid solutions. It uses ChemFET (Chemical modified Field Effect Transistor) sensors. For this study, the ASTREE was equipped with a set of sensors designed for assessing the global taste profile as well as for ranking products based on taste attributes such as sourness, sweetness or umami for instance. This sensor set coupled with automated data processing functionality allows to provide for each taste of interest a relative intensity compared with other samples on a 1-12 scale, from the least to the most intense taste perception. ANT 07 1/4 Aroma Analysis 3 1 Characterization of Traditional Vinegars Aroma The nature of the main volatile compounds detected in the headspace of vinegar samples was investigated using their Kovats retention indices (Table 3) thanks to AroChemBase software module. Most of the chemicals are esters and aldehydes, common to all vinegars but presenting variations in their concentration: for example compounds characterized by 873/944 (resp. Retention Index on DB5 / Retention Index on DB1701 column) and 608/678 (identified as ethyl acetate) were found with the highest concentration in the commercial brand SD9 and in the 4-leaves grade vinegar. Ethyl acetate is a volatile ester typical of vinegar that gives strong and fruity odor to the product, and results from the maturation process. 2 2 1 1 Fig. 2: ASTREE Electronic Tongue 1 2 3 16 or 48 position Autosampler (80 or 15 mL beakers). Array of 7 electrochemical sensors (crossselective & partially specific) + 1 reference electrode potentiometric measurement. Electronic unit for acquisition & autosampler control. Analytical Method Retention time Samples Fourteen brands of Balsamic Vinegar of different qualities were analyzed: 1 supreme (4 grape leaves), 1 excellent (3 grape leaves), 1 good (2 grape leaves), 11 of “salad dressing” grade (1 grape leaf). DB5 3.3 3.6 AN 346 376 4.5 Table 1: HERACLES e-nose parameters for vinegar aroma analysis (headspace injection) 25 ml 120 s 180 s Table 2: ASTREE e-tongue parameters for vinegar taste analysis 2/4 Pungent, ether 558 Propanal Ethereal, wine-like, grape 4.8 447 580 5.7 7.0 608 678 Ethylacetate 7.1 10.5 654 775 Acetic acid - 708 Sensory note Ethanal 4.0 8.8 1g in a 20mL vial 20 min at 40°C 6s 170°C 40°C 5s 250°C 50 s 1500 ms 40°C (5s) to 270°C (3s) @ 5°C/ s 16 psi 280°C 50 s 5 min 405 416 Acetone / ethanol Pineapple Sour - Ethylpropionate Pineapple, sweet, wine like, fruity Oily-whiskey / onionwine 13.8 731 848 3-methylbutanol / 2-methylbutanol 11.5 13.2 768 839 Dimethylbutyrate Apple 15.1 19.3 827 979 Furfural Sweet / almond 9.8 Sample volume Acquisition time Time per analysis 4.2 salad dressing Analytical Conditions Quantity of sample Sample incubation Sampling time Injection temperature Trap temperature Trap pre-purge time Trap desorption temp. Trap purge time Injection time Column temp. program Column pressure program FID temperature Acquisition time Time between 2 injections DB1701 Kovats Index Possible matching DB5 DB1701 compounds 15.2 16.5 849 913 16.3 17.8 873 944 Ethylisopentanoate / Ethyl-2 Apple, green, plum -methylbutyrate 3-methylbutylacetate / Banana / pear Isoamylacetate Table 3: Characterization of the main volatile compounds identified in the headspace of balsamic vinegar by their Kovats indexes Focusing on traditional vinegars, a selection of six specific compounds allows to obtain an odor map (fig. 3) with a clear discrimination of the quality grades. The 6 components selected to build this map correspond to the following Retention Indices: - on DB5: 405 – 447 – 607 – 755 – 873 - on DB1701: 516 – 558 – 678 On this map (fig.3), the black axes show the link between the selected retention time and the discrimination impact on each quality. SD9 Gold standard SD6 SD8 SD10 SD1 SD11 SD5 SD3 Figure 3: Odor map (Principal Components Analysis) of the 3 traditional vinegars on Heracles e-nose with selected compounds SD4 Figure 5: Statistical Quality control (SQC) chart of balsamic vinegars on Heracles e-nose system Commercial brands are projected out of the highest grade area (green area on fig. 5). Most of them are borderline to grade 2 (red area) or 3 (orange area). As on the PCA model (fig. 4), only SD9 vinegar showed a specific profile that differs from all grades. Comparative aroma profiling of all vinegars The odor map based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA, fig. 4) showed a clear discrimination of the vinegars grade based on their volatile composition. The 4-leaves and 3leaves traditional balsamic were significantly different from all commercial products. The aroma profile of the 2-leaves vinegar is close to some commercial brands (SD1, SD3, SD4, SD5, SD6). Commercial brands SD2, SD7, SD8, SD10, SD11 are quite different from traditional vinegars, and SD9 is different from both groups. SD2 SD7 Taste Analysis Comparative taste profiling of all vinegars Based on ASTREE E-Tongue measurements, a general taste map can be set up by using Principal Components Analysis (fig. 6). Four-leaves grade vinegar is significantly different from all other products. Figure 4: Modena balsamic vinegar: general odor map (Principal Components Analysis) on Heracles e-nose Quality Control Model In order to guarantee that balsamic vinegars from Modena area meet the MBV Consortium quality requirements, a quality control model can be built (fig. 5) with the 4-leaves vinegar as the gold reference. This model will help authenticate traditional balsamic vinegars. Figure 6: Taste map (Principal Components Analysis) of balsamic vinegars on Astree e-tongue Ranking of vinegars based on sourness, umami & saltiness attributes Sourness intensity will prevail on the global taste appreciation of vinegars, linked with fermentation and maturation time. Umami is another remarkable taste in fermented products like vinegar. The composition of dissolved compounds evolves in vinegars and taste too will be modified over time, according to grape variety and fruit ripe. AN 346 3/4 The different vinegars were ranked based on sourness and umami attributes, and results plotted on a 2-dimension map (fig. 7). ASTREE e-tongue gave complementary information on samples discrimination especially for three tastes of interest: sourness, umami and saltiness. In commercial brands, saltiness variation was important whereas it was not for leaves-graded vinegars. 2-leaves 3-leaves Gold standard (4-leaves) Figure 7: Taste map of Umami vs. Sourness perception on Astree e-tongue for balsamic vinegars Based on sourness and umami taste scales, the characteristics of the three traditional vinegars are varying: four-leaves grade has a significantly lower sourness and umami taste compared to three-leaves and two-leaves. Two-leaves and three-leaves grades show equivalent sourness and umami intensities. SD1 and SD5 brands show the most extreme differences for the two measured attributes. SD2, SD11 and SD6 have taste characteristics close to two-leaves and three-leaves vinegars. Figure 8: Classification of balsamic vinegars based on saltiness intensity using Astree e-tongue Leaves-labeled vinegars showed equivalent saltiness (fig. 8) whereas higher differences were perceptible within the group of commercial products. Conclusion HERACLES e-nose showed a clear discrimination between leaves-graded vinegars with a good correlation of odor quality with leaf grade. This makes this system useful for checking the profiles of unknown or suspicious samples and rapidly identifying some causes of odor differences. Alpha MOS France 20 avenue Didier Daurat 31400 Toulouse – France Ph: +33 5 62 47 53 80 Alpha MOS America 7502 Connelley Drive, Suite 110 Hanover, MD 21076-1705 – USA Ph: (410) 553-9736 Alpha MOS China Suite 705A, Xin Da Tower #322 Xian Xia Road Shanghai, P. R. China, 200336 Ph: 86 (0) 21 6208 1655 Alpha MOS Japan Jowa Takanawa Bld. Minato-ku 8F 1-5-4 Takanawa 4/4 Tokyo 108-0074 - Japan Ph: +81-3-5475-3291