prospectus - Colombo Stock Watch
prospectus - Colombo Stock Watch
EAP Broadcasting Company Ltd PROSPECTUS D E B E N T URE U R E ISSUE IS SUE 2 015 01 5 MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE PEOPLE’S BANK INVESTMENT BANKING UNIT EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited PROSPECTUS 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Debenture Issue 2015 Debenture Issue 2015 [1] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited “THE COLOMBO STOCK EXCHANGE (CSE) HAS TAKEN REASONABLE CARE TO ENSURE FULL AND FAIR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION IN THIS PROSPECTUS.HOWEVER, THE CSE ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS MADE, OPINIONS EXPRESSED OR REPORTS INCLUDED IN THE PROSPECTUS. MOREOVER, AS PER THE CSE DEBT SECURITIES LISTING RULES SECTION 2.2.1(i) THE PAR VALUE OF A DEBENTURE SHALL BE HUNDRED RUPEES(Rs. 100)” [2] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED Issue of Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Listed Rated Redeemable Debentures (with a Sinking Fund Mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) of LKR 100/- each with an option to issue up to a further Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures in the event of an over subscription of the initial Fifteen Million (15,000,000,) Debentures. TO BE LISTED ON THE COLOMBO STOCK EXCHANGE ISSUE OPENS ON 11th June 2015 MANAGERS TO THE OFFERING Treasury – Investment Banking Unit 13th Floor, No 75, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mw, Colombo 02. Debenture Issue 2015 [3] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited CORPORATE INFORMATION The Company / Issuer EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Legal Form The Company was incorporated in Sri Lanka on 06th July 1992 under the name and style "Extra Terrestrial Vision (Private) Limited", and subsequently this was changed to E.A.P. Network (Private) Limited on 30th April 1996, where the company was registered in terms of the provision of Act No. 07 of 2007 on 21st August 2008, the company name has been changed to E.A.P. Broadcasting Company (Private) Limited on 16th May 2012 and again changed as E.A.P. Network (Private) Limited on 31st October 2012. The status of the company was changed as E.A.P. Network Limited on 28th August 2013 and the name was again changed to E.A.P. Broadcasting Company Limited on 11th September 2013. Company Registration No PV2034 PB Company Rating BBB by Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd Registered Address No 676, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: + 94 11 2599650 Fax: +94 11 2503788 Company Secretaries SSP Corporate Services Pvt Ltd No 101, Inner Flower Road, Colombo 03 Tel +94 11 2573894 +94 11 2576871 Fax +94 11 2573609 Auditors to the CompanyKPMG Chartered Accountants, No 32, Sir Mohamed Macan Marker Mawatha, Colombo 03. Tel: +94 11 5 426426 Fax: +94 11 2 445872 Board of Directors Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Mr. Mano Tittawella Mr. Jeewaka Edirisinghe Mrs. Deepa Edirisinghe Mr. Nalaka Edirisinghe Mr. Asanka Edirisinghe Mr. N.I. Russell De Mel Mr. M.P. Jayawardena Mr. Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena Managers to the Issue People's Bank Investment Banking Unit. People's Bank Head office, 13th floor, No.75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel: +94 11 2 206795-6 Fax: +94 11 2 458842 [4] Debenture Issue 2015 Chairman Deputy Chairman Director Director Director Director Director Director Director EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Lawyers to the Issue Nithya Partners Attorneys at law No.97A, Galle Road Colombo 03 Tel +94 11 2335579 Fax +94 11 2328817 Registrars to the Issue SSP Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd No 101, Inner Flower Road, Colombo 03 Tel +94 11 2573894 +94 11 2576871 Fax +94 11 2573609 Bankers to the Issue People's Bank No.75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mw, Colombo 02 Trustee to the Issue Bank of Ceylon Investment Banking Division, Bank of Ceylon Head Office, Bank Square, No 1, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01. Tel +94 11 2340890 Fax +94 11 2340890 Rating Agency Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd. No.11, Melbourne Avenue, Colombo 04. Tel: +94 11 2 553089 Fax: +94 11 2 553090 Debenture Issue 2015 [5] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AER Annual Effective Rate ATS Automated Trading System of the Colombo Stock Exchange CBSL Central Bank of Sri Lanka CDS Central Depositary System (Private) Limited CSE Colombo Stock Exchange NIC National Identity Card POA Power of Attorney SEC The Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka SIA Securities Investment Account SLIPS Sri Lanka Inter Bank Payment System GLL Galaxy Landmarks Limited ETI ETI Finance Limited [6] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATED TO THE ISSUE Applicant(s) Any person(s) who submits an Application Form under this Prospectus Application Form / Application The Application Form that constitutes part of this Prospectus through which an Applicant may apply for the Debentures Business Day A day (other than a Saturday or Sunday or any Statutory Holiday) on which all licensed Commercial Banks are open for business in Sri Lanka. Closing Date 30.06.2015 or such earlier date on which the initial Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures are fully subscribed or unless otherwise decided by the Company to keep the Subscription List open until subscription of a further Fifteen Million ( 15,000,000) Debentures or part thereof as may be decided by the Company . Company / Issuer EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Date of Allotment The date on which the Debentures will be allotted by the Company to the Applicants subscribing thereto. Date of Redemption The date on which the Redemption/Maturity of the Debentures will take place as referred to in section 1.7 of this Prospectus Debentures All of the Listed Rated Redeemable Debentures (with a Sinking Fund Mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) to be issued pursuant to this Prospectus Debenture Holder(s) Any person who is for the time being the holder of the Debentures and includes his/her respective successors in title Face Value LKR 100/- per Debenture Interest Payment Date(s) Debenture Type A the dates on which the interest payment shall fall due in respect of the debentures, being annual at the expiration of every Twelve (12) month period commencing from the date of allotment of the debentures and thereafter Debenture Type B the dates on which the interest payment shall fall due in respect of the debentures, being Quarterly at the expiration of every three (03) month period commencing from the date of allotment of the debentures and thereafter Debenture Issue 2015 [7] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Interest Period Debenture Type A the twelve month period from the date immediately succeeding a particular Interest Payment Date and ending on the next Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date) and shall include the period commencing from the Date of Allotment and ending on the first Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date) and the period from the date immediately succeeding the last Interest Payment Date before the Date of Redemption and ending on the date immediately preceding the Date of Redemption (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date). Debenture Type B the three month period from the date immediately succeeding a particular Interest Payment Date and ending on the next Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date) and shall include the period commencing from the Date of Allotment and ending on the first Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date) and the period from the date immediately succeeding the last Interest Payment Date before the Date of Redemption and ending on the date immediately preceding the Date of Redemption (inclusive of the aforementioned commencement date and end date). Issue The offer of Debentures pursuant to this Prospectus Issue Price LKR 100/- per Debenture Market Day Any day on which trading takes place at the CSE Principal Sum The product of the number of Debentures allotted and Face Value Prospectus This Prospectus dated 29.05.2015 issued by EAP Broadcasting Company Limited. Redemption Repayment of the Face Value and unpaid accrued interest (if any) with regard to a Debenture to a Debenture Holder, by the Company Trust Deed Trust Deed executed between EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and Bank of Ceylon Investment Banking Division on 27.05.2015 Entitlement Date Market Day immediately preceding the respective Interest Payment Date or Date of Redemption on which a Debenture Holder would need to be recorded as being a Debenture Holder on the list of Debenture Holders provided by the CDS to the Company in order to qualify for the payment of any interest or any redemption proceeds. Sinking Fund the amounts paid by the Company to the credit of the account number 0077507201 maintained with the Bank of Ceylon, Corporate branch. [8] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited ISSUE AT A GLANCE Issuer EAP Broadcasting Company Limited. Instrument Listed Rated Redeemable Debentures (with a Sinking Fund Mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) Listing The Debenture will be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange Number of Debentures An initial Issue of Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Listed Rated Redeemable Debentures (with a Sinking Fund Mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) with an option to issue up to a further Fifteen Million (15,000,000) of the said debentures, at the discretion of the company, in the event of an oversubscription of the initial issue. Amount to be Raised Sri Lanka Rupees One Billion Five Hundred Million (LKR 1,500,000,000/) with an option to raise up to a further Sri Lanka Rupees One Billion Five Hundred Million (LKR 1,500,000,000/-) at the discretion of the Company in the event of an oversubscription of the initial issue. Company Rating BBB by Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd Issue Rating BBB by Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd Issue Price LKR 100/- Face Value LKR 100/- Category of Debentures Types of Debentures Interest Rate ( Fixed) Payment Period Redemption/ Maturity from the Date of Allotment Type A 10.50 % ( AER 10.50%) Annual 48 Months (4 Years) Type B 11.00 % ( AER 11.46%) Quarterly 60 Months (5 Years) Minimum Subscription A minimum of One Hundred (100) Debentures (LKR 10,000/-) and in multiples of One Hundred (100) Debentures (LKR 10,000/-) thereafter Interest Payment Date (s) Each year from the Date of Allotment up to the Date of Redemption/ Maturity. Interest payments will be made within three (03) Business Days from the due date of interest. In the event of the Final Interest, Final Interest payment will be paid together with the Principal Sum within Three (03) Business days from the date of Redemption/ Maturity. Mode of Payment of By cheque marked “Account Payee only or through an electronic fund Principal & Interest transfer mechanism recognized by the banking system of Sri Lanka such as SLIPS & RTGS (arranged only at the expense of the investor) RTGS transfers however could be effected only for amounts over and above the maximum value that can be accommodated via SLIPS transfers. Debenture Issue 2015 [9] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Issue Opening Date11.06.2015 Issue Closing Date 30.06.2015 or such earlier date on which the initial Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures are fully subscribed or unless otherwise decided by the company to keep the Subscription List open until subscription of a further Fifteen Million (15,000,000) debentures or part thereof as may be decided by the company. Date of Allotment The Date on which the Debentures will be allotted by the Company to the Applicants subscribing thereto. Basis of Allotment In the event of an oversubscription, the basis of allotment will be decided by the Board of Directors of the company within seven (7) Market Days from the date of closure. [ 10 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Table of Contents 1 INFORMATION RELATING TO THE ISSUE.........................................................................................13 1.1 INVITATION TO SUBSCRIBE.....................................................................................................13 1.2 SUBSCRIPTION LIST..................................................................................................................13 1.3PROSPECTUS............................................................................................................................13 1.4 Registration of the Prospectus..................................................................................14 1.5 OBJECTIVE OF THE ISSUE.......................................................................................................14 1.5.1 Utilization of proceeds from the Debenture issue...................................16 1.5.2 GALAXY LANDMARKS LIMITED (EAP PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT NEW COMPANY) INCORPORATION...................................................................................................................16 Board of Directors of Galaxy Landmarks Limited................................16 Senior Management of Galaxy Landmaks Limited...................................20 Two Year Forecasted Financials of Galaxy Landmarks Limited......21 The Assumptions for Financial Projections...........................................24 1.6 INTEREST ON THE DEBENTURES...........................................................................................24 1.7 PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST..............................................................................25 1.8 Withholding Tax....................................................................................................................25 1.9REDEMPTION.............................................................................................................................25 1.10 TRUSTEES TO THE OFFERING................................................................................................26 1.11 RIGHTS OF THE DEBENTURE HOLDERS................................................................................26 1.12 RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DEBENTURES..............................................................27 1.13 BENEFITS OF INVESTING IN THE DEBENTURES...................................................................27 1.14 TRANSFER OF DEBENTURES..................................................................................................28 1.15LISTING.......................................................................................................................................28 1.16 RATING OF THE INSTRUMENTS..............................................................................................28 1.17 COST OF THE ISSUE.................................................................................................................29 1.18 BROKERAGE & FEES.................................................................................................................29 1.19UNDERWRITING.........................................................................................................................29 1.20 INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................29 1.21 Security (Sinking Fund)......................................................................................................29 2 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION.......................................................................................................31 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS..............................................................................................................31 HOW TO APPLY..........................................................................................................................31 MODE OF PAYMENT..................................................................................................................33 REJECTION OF APPLICATIONS................................................................................................35 BASIS OF ALLOTMENT..............................................................................................................36 ACCEPTANCE & REFUNDS.......................................................................................................36 CDS LODGEMENTS AND TRADING OF DEBENTURES..........................................................37 3 THE COMPANY.....................................................................................................................................38 3.1INCORPORATION.......................................................................................................................38 3.2 CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY......................................................................................................38 3.3 CORPORATE BACKGROUND....................................................................................................38 3.4 Future Development Plans, Strategic Plans & Related Risks.........................41 3.5 Group Structure.................................................................................................................43 3.6 Major shareholding...........................................................................................................44 3.7 SUBSIDIARIES/ASSOCIATE COMPANIES AS AT 31st March 2015........................................44 3.8 HUMAN RESOURCES................................................................................................................44 3.9 DIVIDEND POLICY......................................................................................................................44 3.10TAXATION...................................................................................................................................44 3.11 LITIGATION, DISPUTES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES.......................................................45 3.12 MATERIAL CONTRACTS............................................................................................................45 Debenture Issue 2015 [ 11 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3.13 TRANSACTIONS RELATED TO PROPERTY.............................................................................45 3.14 Particulars of Debt and Loan Capital........................................................................46 3.15 DETAILS OF COMMISSIONS & BENEFIT PAID........................................................................47 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS......................................................................................................................49 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 PROFILES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS...........................................................................49 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT........................................................................................................51 DIRECTOR’S INTEREST IN ASSETS.........................................................................................52 DIRECTOR’S INTEREST IN CONTRACTS OR ARRANGEMENTS..........................................52 DIRECTOR’S EMOLUMENTS.....................................................................................................52 5 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT & SENIOR MANAGEMENT................................................................53 5.1 5.2 5.3 DECLARATION BY THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER...........................................................53 PROFILES OF THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT............................................................................54 EMOLUMENTS OF THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT....................................................................58 6 STATUTORY DECLARATIONS............................................................................................................59 6.1 6.2 STATUTORY DECLARATION BY THE DIRECTORS................................................................59 DECLARATION BY THE MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE..............................................................60 7 Financial Information...........................................................................................................................61 7.1 Financial reports................................................................................................................61 Annexure I Rating………………………………………………………………………..................................111 Annexure II Collection Points….……………………………………………………………………………...132 [ 12 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 1 INFORMATION RELATING TO THE ISSUE 1.1 INVITATION TO SUBSCRIBE The Board of Directors of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited by resolution passed on 24th November 2014 and subsequent amendments passed on 18th March 2015 resolved to borrow a sum of LKR One Billion Five Hundred Million (LKR 1,500,000,000/-) with the option of increasing the borrowing up to a further LKR One Billion Five Hundred Million (LKR 1,500,000,000/-) in the event of an oversubscription, from the public by the issue of Listed Rated Redeemable 4 & 5 year Debentures ( with a sinking fund mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) at an issue price of LKR 100/- per Debenture. Under this issue, up to Thirty Million (30,000,000) Listed Rated Redeemable 4 & 5 year Debentures ( with a sinking fund mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) will be issued at the issue price of LKR 100/- each with a fixed interest rate. EAP Broadcasting Company Limited invites Applications for Debentures which will be ranked equal and Pari Passu with each other without any preference or priority of any one or more than over the others except for the tenor of the Debentures and the Interest Rates as morefully described in Section 1.6 It is the intention of the Company to list the Debentures on the Colombo Stock Exchange. The CSE has given its approval in principle for the Listing of the Debentures on the CSE. 1.2 SUBSCRIPTION LIST Subject to provisions contained below, the subscription list for the Debentures will be open at 9.30 a.m on 11.06.2015 and shall remain open for 14 Market Days until closure at 4.30 p.m on 30.06.2015. However in the event of an oversubscription of the Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures, the subscription list will close at 4.30 pm on the same day on which it is fully subscribed with the notification of CSE, unless otherwise decided by the Company to keep the Subscription List open until subscription of a further Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures or part thereof as may be decided by the Company. In such event, subscription list will close at 4.30 p.m on the day on which a further Fifteen Million (15,000,000) Debentures or part thereof as may be decided by the Company have been subscribed, with the notification of the CSE or on 30.06.2015 whichever is earlier. Application may be made forthwith. Duly completed applications in the manner set out under the procedure for application in section 2 of this prospectus will be accepted. 1.3PROSPECTUS The date of this Prospectus is 29.05.2015. This Prospectus has been prepared by People's Bank Investment Banking Unit on behalf of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited from the information provided by the Company and which is publicly available. The Company and its Directors having made all reasonable inquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in the Prospectus is true and correct in all material respects and that there are no other material facts, the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading. While People's Bank Investment Banking Unit has taken reasonable care to ensure full and fair disclosure of information, the People's Bank Investment Banking Unit doesn't assume responsibilities for any investment decisions, prospective investors must rely on their own examination and assessments of the Company, including the risk involved. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 13 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Any other person other than EAP Broadcasting Company Limited or People's Bank Investment Banking Unit or authorized agent assigned by Company or People's Bank Investment Banking Unit, giving information to take any representation in connection with the Debenture Issue other than the information and representations contained in this Prospectus and if given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Managers to the Issue or EAP Broadcasting Company Limited. 1.4 Registration of the Prospectus A copy of the Prospectus has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies for registration in compliance with the provisions of section 40 of the companies Act No. 7 of 2007. The following are the documents attached to the copy of the Prospectus delivered to the Registrar of Companies for registration pursuant to section 40(1) of the Companies Act. a) The written consent of the external Auditors and Reporting Accountants for the inclusion of their name in the prospectus as external Auditors and Reporting Accountants to the issue and to the Company. b) The written consent of the Trustee to the Issue for the inclusion of their name in the Prospectus as Trustee to the Issue. c) Written consent of the Bankers to the Issue for the inclusion of their name in the Prospectus as Bankers to the Issue. d) The written consent of the Company Secretary for the inclusion of the name in the Prospectus as Company Secretary to the Bank e) The written consent of the Managers to the issue for the inclusion of the name in the prospectus as Managers to the issue. f) The written consent of the Registrars to the issue for the inclusion of the name in the prospectus as Registrars to the issue. g) The written consent of the Lawyers to the issue for the inclusion of the name in the prospectus as Lawyers to the issue. h) The written consent of the Rating Agency to the issue for the inclusion of the name in the prospectus as Rating Agency to the issue. i) The declaration made and subscribed to, by each of the Directors of the Company herein names as Director, jointly and severally confirming that each of them have read the provisions of the Companies Act and the CSE listing Rules relating to the Issue of the Prospectus and that those provisions have been complied with. The said external Auditors and Reporting Accountants to the Issue and the Company, Trustee to the Issue, Bankers to the issue, Company Secretary, Managers to the issue, Registrars to the Issue, lawyers to the Issue, Rating Agency, have not, before the delivery of a copy of the Prospectus for registration with the Registrar General of Companies in Sri Lanka withdrawn such Consent. This issue as contemplated in this Prospectus is made in Sri Lanka and is Subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Sri Lanka. 1.5 [ 14 ] OBJECTIVE OF THE ISSUE The main objective of the company is to utilize the proceeds of the issue to invest in valuable properties for further development. This objective will be achieved through the setting up of fully subsidiary named Galaxy Landmarks Limited whose objectives are; Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited To utilize proceeds received to carry out the business of property development to acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, grant, or otherwise lands and buildings, hereditaments of any tenure or description and any estate and interest therein , to develop and improve lands and buildings and to sell, let lease or dispose of lands and buildings. Develop lands and to turn the same to account by preparing building sites and by constructing, reconstructing, altering, improving, decorating, furnishing and maintaining buildings for use and occupation as offices shops , show rooms shops , show rooms , fashion and beauty salons , book stores, pharmacies, delicatessens, cafes , restaurants and hotels , entertainment centres, Cinema Theatres, libraries, conference rooms , business, apartments, factories, mills, roadways, warehouses and conveniences of all kinds and by consolidating , connecting, or sub-dividing properties and by letting , leasing or disposing of lands and buildings. Manage lands and buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, to maintain, let lease or dispose of lands and buildings, to collect the rents and income of lands and buildings and to supply and maintain amenities, service and facilities required by the tenants and occupiers of lands and buildings. To carry on the business of purchase and resale of properties and property development and to undertake and execute property development projects and to purchase , take on lease or in exchange hire, purchase or otherwise acquire any real or personal movable or immovable property and any rights, privileges, licenses or easement necessary or convenient for the business of the company. In accordance with the above objectives the company intends to purchase the under mentioned commercial properties owned by ETI Finance Limited, recently valued in terms of the restructuring process of the above company. The said properties are; Market Value LKR Mn Date of Valuation Valuer Premises Nos 670, 670/1, 670/2,and 676 Galle Road, Colombo 03 925 28th January 2015 G.J.Sumanasena GMIV Membership No G/46 Impala Cinema, No 1666, Rajagiriya. 200 23rd September 2012 G.J.Sumanasena GMIV Membership No G/46 Roxy Cinema, Wellawatta, Colombo 06 600 28th January 2015 G.J.Sumanasena GMIV Membership No G/46 Samantha Cinema, Maligawatta, Colombo 09. 250 8th January 2015 RS Wijesuriya Incorporated Valuer EAP Restaurant No 20, Dr. N.M. Perera Mawatha, Borella. 115 20th September 2013 G.J.Sumanasena GMIV Membership No G/46 Cinexpo Cinema, Udawalpola Road, Kurunegala 250 8th January 2015 RS Wijesuriya Incorporated Valuer Property Debenture Issue 2015 [ 15 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Hotel Concord Galle Road, Dehiwala 290 22nd January 2015 G.J.Sumanasena GMIV Membership No G/46 42, Cotta Road, Borella 214 8th January 2015 RS Wijesuriya Incorporated Valuer Total Value 2844 ** valuation reports are available at CSE website( and company website (www. 1.5.1 Utilization of proceeds from the Debenture issue Upon allotment of the debentures, proceeds will be utilized within 15 days as per the objective stipulated in the prospectus 1.5 and the following steps will be executed to transfer funds and properties. “ The proceeds of the Debenture issue will be transferred to Galaxy Landmarks Limited as equity to be utilized as the share capital (LKR 1 Billion) and as a medium term finance loan (LKR 2 Billion). In return the Company will issue shares to E.A.P. Broadcasting Company Limited in relation to the equity capital received and the repayment of capital as well as payment of annual interest over period of the finance loan. “ The Galaxy Landmarks Limited obtains the free hold title of the said properties by execution of Transfer deeds. Any balance remaining from the debenture issue after acquiring above properties will be utilized for the working capital requirement of the Galaxy Landmarks Limited. The company intends to carry out commercial property development projects on the lands by converting these properties into major entertainment and commercial venues encompassing cinemas, retail & food outlets, entertainment, leisure and commercial spaces. The first project will be Galaxy Impala in Rajagiriya followed by Galaxy Roxy in Wellawatte, Galaxy Towers in Kollupitiya and others. 1.5.2 GALAXY LANDMARKS LIMITED (EAP PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT NEW COMPANY) INCORPORATION A Limited liability company incorporated in Sri Lanka under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 on 6th April 2015. - - - - Date of Incorporation Registration Number No of shares Allotted Stated Capital : - 6th April 2015 : - PB 5255 :-1 : - LKR 10.00 Board of Directors of Galaxy Landmarks Limited [ 16 ] Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Dr. Jayasuriya is a President’s Council, a former Chairman & Director General of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Insurance Board of Sri Lanka and an international authority on Financial Services Law, Compliance and Securities and Capital Markets. He has worked for many years with the United Nations and its specialized agencies in Geneva, Vienna, Bangkok and New Delhi. His last position was as the lead of a UN agency in Pakistan. Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Mr. K.M.M.P.B. Tittawella Mr. Mano Tittawella was a Senior Presidential Advisor on Economic Affairs and was the Senior Director General - President’s Office from August 2003 to November 2005. Mr. Tittawella was also the first Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the Strategic Enterprise Management Agency (SEMA), which was an initiative that he prompted to bring better accountability, governance and performance to the largest public enterprises in Sri Lanka. He was also a Member of the Board of National Council for Economic Development (NCED) which was the apex body co- coordinating all economic development activities in Sri Lanka. He was also appointed as Chairman of TAFREN - “Task Force to Rebuild the Nation” that was set up for to handle post Tsunami Reconstruction and Recovery. He has also held many key positions in the state sector such as Director General of Public Enterprises Reform Commission (PERC), the then privatization agency of Government of Sri Lanka and Chairman of People’s Bank, along with many Board positions in some of Sri Lanka’s largest public enterprises. He has an MBA in Capital Markets & Finance from University of Edinburgh and a postgraduate Diploma in Human Computer Interaction from the British Open University. He was a member of Trustees (IBT) of CIM, UK from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Tittawella also held the posts of Head of Research at Jardine Fleming, Sri Lanka, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of Lanka Securities (Pvt) Ltd - The stock broking Company of Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka Ltd (MBSL) and Director Business Development of MBSL. At present, he is the Executive Chairman of EAP Group, a diversified Sri Lankan Conglomerate in Finance and Insurance, Media Film & Entertainment, Leisure, Trading and Property Development. Mr.Jeewaka Hemal Edirisinghe Mr. Jeewaka Edirisinghe is also the Chairman of ETI Finance Ltd and Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC. He counts over 25 years of extensive experience in the fields of Gold, Jewelry, Finance, Electronic Media and Management. Mrs. Anjali Deepa Edirisinghe Mrs. Deepa Edirisinghe is a Director of EAP Edirisinghe Group of Companies, counts for over 20 years of experience in the fields of Management and Finance. Mr. Nalaka Premal Edirisinghe Mr. Nalaka Edirisinghe, Director of EAP Edirisinghe Group of Companies has over 20 years experience in Finance and Management. Mr. Asanka Srimal Edirisinghe He is a finalist of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK) and a Master of the Film Association. He counts over 20 years of experience in the fields of Film industry, he has an expert knowledge in Gold & other precious metals & stones, and counts for over 20 years of extensive experience in the fields of Gold and Information Technology. Mr. N.I. Russell De Mel Mr. Russell De Mel, having been with the NDB for over 30 years, retired as the Bank’s Director/Group Chief Executive Officer in August 2013. Prior to his appointment as Group CEO, he served as Vice president - Head of Corporate Banking Group and as Vice President - Head of Group Risk Management. During his career at NDB, he has held many key positions. As Head of Group Risk Management, Director on several Boards of the NDB Group Companies until his retirement from NDB. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 17 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Mr. De Mel has travelled extensively and also received comprehensive training in both development & Commercial Banking, Risk Management & in General Management, at prestigious institutions, including National University of Singapore, INSEAD, Fontainbleau. He is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK (FCMA), a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) & a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (FCMA), Sri Lanka. At present, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Housing Development Finance Corporation, Maldive Islands & TAL Hotels Lanka Plc (Taj Samudra). He is also a member of the Rating Committee of Lanka Rating Agency. Mr. M.P. Jayawardena He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. He was the Managing Director/ CEO of Chemanex PLC until 31st March 2013 and currently functions as a Consultant to the Chemanex Group of Companies. He accounts for over 35 years post qualifying experience both locally and overseas, specializing in Finance & Treasury operations. He is the Chairman of Lanka Rating Agency (formerly Ram Rating) and Commercial Insurance Brokers Ltd. He is also the Deputy Chairman of Commercial Bank PLC and a Group Director of CIC Holdings (PLC) and John Keels Foods PLC. He is a member of the Monitory Policy Consultants Committee of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Deputy Chairman of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors. Mr. C.B. Pinto-Jayawardena Mr. Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Management Accountants UK. Mr. Pinto-Jayawardena is also a Member of the Institute of Management, UK and a multiple award winner at accounting examinations. He counts nearly 30 years of experience in Senior Management positions which include Head of Finance & Administration at Standard Chartered Bank, Head of Finance, MIS & Risk Management of People’s Bank and Director of People’s Leasing Company. His last tenure was at Janashakthi Insurance PLC as General Manager - Finance & Planning. His initial professional training was at KPMG Ford Rhodes Thornton & Co. ending up as a Senior Manager. During his tenure as a Manager, he was seconded to Peat Marwick Mitchell in Zambia for a brief spell. He is a holder of a Diploma in Risk Management obtained through a scholarship awarded by the Swedish International Development Agency. He has also received extensive training and exposure in Management, Banking Insurance & Finance in the UK, USA, and Japan and at many other overseas programs. He has served as a resource person and a panelist at many professional fora organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, CIMA Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Insurance Institute and others. He was a Council Member of CIMA Sri Lanka and has served on various committees of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He is also the Founder Trustee of Ekamuthu Oray Makkal Unity Mission Trust, a non-profit organization fostering unity, integration, healing and reconciliation in Sri Lanka since May 2009, amongst teenaged youth. He is an old boy of S. Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia. He has been actively involved in projects relating to his Alma Mater where he was also the Founder Chairman of the STC Special [ 18 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Events Team, which amongst others led the efforts to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the College and 125th Anniversary of the OBA. Mr. Buddika Priyanka Kulasekara Buddika Kulasekara currently serves as the Executive Vice President/ Chief Operating Officer of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited (TV). He is liable of the entire operations of the company and always ensures that the vision of the company is met whilst a achieving its objective and expectations. Buddika received his primary education from Vidyartha College, Kandy. For higher education, he attended the University of Colombo and obtained a Degree in Bachelor of Arts. Further, Buddika has over 14 years of experience as a RV/Radio presenter having worked with major radio broadcast companies in Sri Lanka such as ABC and TV Lanka. He is acclaimed for his concept and presentation of ‘Rathu Ira’ and ‘Sanda Madala’ which is telecasted through Swarnavahini channel for the past several years. Though he has become popular from his career as a Television host, he has appeared before the public in versatile forms such as Executive Producer for teledramas Banadara Deiyo, Sayuri, Facebook, Para Walalu, Muthu Palasa, Giri Kula, Chess, Kalu Araliya etc. Telecast on Swarnavahini. The other popular programs created by him include the reality shows such as Dance Stars Dance and Mega Star. In addition to that, he has initiated Swarna Nidanaya and Swarna Thun Paya promotional programmes. Under the guidance of Buddika, Swarnavahini was able to win the AC Neilson/ Slim Peoples awards and many more awards during the past several years. Mr. Y. Ajith Udaya Amarasekara Mr. Amarasekera has over 26 year’s operational experience in multiple sectors including Financial Services, Transport and Logistics, Manufacturing and Distribution, Chemicals and Rubber compounding , Franchise , Aviation & Global Customer sales, especially at multinational level, mostly in Australia. During his career ladder at various industries, he has made innovative operational changes including Introduction of a low cost mortgage product facilities, creation of cost effective tariff share systems, franchise model architect and instigator, revamp organizations to generate credible profits and Operational restructure. Mr. Amarasekera received his primary education at Royal Collage - Colombo. He received his higher education at British International College -Sokoto Nigeria and Monash / Mt Elliza Business School - Monash University Melbourne, Australia. Professionally, he holds Diplomas in Business Administration, Corporate Finance & Accounting, HR, Marketing and International Business. He is a Member of Australian Institute of Credit Management, Australian Institute of Management and Australian Institute of Manufactures. Mrs. W.M.M.P.S. Chammika Dayaratne Mr. Chammika Dayaratne holds over 17 years of practice as an Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public, Company Secretary and Commissioner for Oath. She possessed the professional Qualification from Sri Lanka Law College and Academic Qualification from the Open University of Sri Lanka. She is experienced in Civil Law, Labor Law, Contract Law, Notarial Practice, Company Secretarial and Board Secretarial functions, HR functions and General Administration. Prior to being appointed as the Chief Legal Officer, she was the Manager Legal at Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 19 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Mr. Anil Kumara Meegahage Mr. Meegahage has over 26 year’s corporate experience at local and multinational Companies. He started his career from Uniliver Sri Lanka and served as Trade Marketing Manager. Thereafter, he headed one of the largest teams in the country at Sri Lanka Insurance as General Manager Sales and Marketing, Overlooking Branch network. Overall 5000 Sales teams and 1200 staff members. Afterwards, he moved to local FMCG Company, Hemas Consumer Goods as the Director Sales and International Business. Professionally, he holds a MBA from the University of Wales and also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM. MCIM), Chartered Institute of Marketing UK. He also possesses over 9 years of lecturing experience for CIM and ICSA in Sri Lanka. Senior Management of Galaxy Landmaks Limited Mr. Udana Amarasuriya- Chief Operating Officer Mr.Udana Amarasuriya is a graduate from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya (2003) in the field of Civil Engineering. He Obtained the Master Degree in Business Management Specializing in Infrastructure Project Management from University of Moratuwa in 2012. He was awarded with the corporate membership of the Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka in 2012. He has participated many industrial training programs in United Kingdom, China, Malaysia and Singapore on industrial infrastructure developments. He has gained experience over 12 years in various infrastructure development projects such as deep foundations, middle and high rise building constructions, telecommunication, water supply and drainage. He has been awarded the World Quality Commitment Gold Award in WQC summit held in Paris, France in 2011. [ 20 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Two Year Forecasted Financials of Galaxy Landmarks Limited Debenture Issue 2015 [ 21 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 22 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Debenture Issue 2015 [ 23 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited The feasibility study for the project (GLL) was carried out by Chief Operating Officer with the support of Finance and Marketing departments of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and EAP Holdings Limited. The Assumptions for Financial Projections 1.0 The Project Commencement date is 1st May 2015. (In view of the Impala Galaxy Landmark project, company has commenced the demolishing of old building and currently in progress. In the meantime, subsequent to close of the bidding for main contractors, technical evaluation is currently underway.) 2.0 Rs. 1 billion of Debenture funds will be infused as equity capital of Galaxy Landmarks Limited. 3.0 Further sum of Rs. 2 Billion will be infused as the inter-company Debt Capital of GLL. 4.0 Interest on the Inter-company loan will be served after the project completion. 5.0 Interest on the inter-company loan is considered to be 12%. 6.0 GLL would acquire approx Rs. 2.8 Billion worth of properties from ETI at the end of May 2015. 7.0 The project will be completed and be available for use within 18 months from the date of commencement. 8.0 The Bond / Key money would be collected immediately after the project completion and re-invested at the interest rate of 7%. 9.0 Income tax will be paid on self assessment basis i.e. in the year of assessment where the tax liability arise. 10.0 Impala Building Complex will be disposed at LKR 2.25 billion after 7 Years of the date of commencement of the project. 11.0 Bank facility and Inter-company loan will be fully settled from the sales proceeds of the Impala project. 1.6 INTEREST ON THE DEBENTURES The Debentures consist of two interest options A & B, for the investors to choose from and they rank equal and pari passu to each other, except the interest coupon offered and the tenor. 4 Years (2015/2019) Type A - Fixed interest rate of 10.50% p.a. (AER 10.50%) payable annually from the Date of Allotment until the expiry of four (4) years from the Date of Allotment on the principal sum of the Debenture. Interest accruing on a daily basis will be paid each year from the date of allotment until the date of redemption on the outstanding principal amount. 5 Years (2015/2020) Type B - Fixed interest rate of 11.00% p.a (AER 11.46%) payable quarterly from the Date of Allotment until the expiry of five (5) years from the Date of Allotment on the principal sum of the Debenture. Interest accruing on a daily basis will be paid every three (03) months from the date of allotment until the date of redemption on the outstanding principal amount. [ 24 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Interest will be paid as per the interest payment option selected by the investor computed up to one day before the interest payment date and interest would be paid not later than three (03) working days from each interest payment date. The interest calculation will be based upon the actual number of days in each interest payment period (Actual / Actual). In order to accommodate the Debenture interest cycles in the Automated Trading System (ATS) of the CSE, the Debenture Holders to whom interest shall be paid shall be those holding Debentures in the CDS as of the Entitlement Date. 1.7 PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST Payment of the principal and interest in the debenture will be made in Sri Lankan Rupees after deducting any taxes and charges thereon (if any) to the Debenture Holders upon receipt of information relating to the Debenture Holders from the CDS as of the payment date (in the case of joint Debenture Holders, the payment will be made to the one whose name stands first in the Register of Debenture Holders) to the registered address with the CDS through Post to the Debenture Holder, by crossed cheques marked “Account Payee Only” Interest payable on all Debenture options will be made only by cheques within three (3) Business days from the end of each period. “At maturity / redemption, the payment of the principal along with the balance interest payment due will be made by cheque only” But if prior arrangements are made with the debenture holders, an electronic fund transfer mechanisms recognized by the banking system of Sri Lanka such as RTGS (arranged only at the expense of the investor) and SLIPS will be used for payment of principal and interest. RTGS transfers however shall be accommodated only for amounts over and above the maximum value (LKR 5,000,000/-) that can be accommodate via SLIPS transfers. 1.8 Withholding Tax As per sections 9 & 13.of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 (As amended by Section 4 & 5 of the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Act No. 18 of 2013), the Profits & interest income from any investment made on or after 01st January 2013 in corporate debt securities (i.e. debentures), quoted in any stock exchange licensed by the SEC is exempt from income tax. However different tax amendment could be brought in by the future amendments to the same act. 1.9REDEMPTION These Debentures are redeemable at maturity on the expiry of four (4) and five (5) years respectively from the Date of Allotment in accordance with the provisions contained in the Trust Deed. The Debenture Holders shall not have any right or option to call for redemption of the Debentures before the maturity date of such Debentures, except due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Company. Repayment before maturity of the principal sum on a Debenture in any circumstances shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Directors of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and 3/4ths of the Debenture Holder’s nominal value of the Debentures outstanding when the Principal sum is repaid before maturity and any other required regulatory approval. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 25 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited If the date of maturity / redemption falls on a non-working day on which the banks are closed for business in Sri Lanka, then the Debentures shall be redeemed on the succeeding day of the date of maturity / redemption together with all the accrued interest thereon up to the preceding Date of Redemption/Maturity of the Debenture. 1.10 TRUSTEES TO THE OFFERING Bank of Ceylon Investment Banking Division has been appointed as the Trustee to this Debenture Issue. The Company and the Trustee have executed a Trust Deed. In the application form for subscription of Debentures the applicants are required to irrevocably authorize the trustee, subject to any overriding clauses in the Trust Deed to act as their agent in entering in to such deeds, writing and instruments with the Company and to act as trustee for the benefit of and interest of the Debenture Holders on the terms and conditions contained in the said Trust Deed. The rights and the obligations of the Trustee are set out in the Trust Deed which is hosted on the EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and CSE websites. There is no conflict of interest arising between the Trustee or its Directors and the Entity. 1.11 RIGHTS OF THE DEBENTURE HOLDERS a) Debenture Holders are entitled to the following rights: - - - - - Receive principal on the date of maturity / redemption, and interest on the Debenture as per section 1.7 of this Prospectus and the provisions contained in the Trust Deed. In accordance with the Listing rules of CSE, receiving The Annual Report of the Company within a period not exceeding five (5) months from the close of each financial year. Audited accounts will be sent in CD form, unless a specific request for a hard copy is received by the Company. In the event of liquidation, rank above the ordinary voting and non-voting shareholders and preference shareholders of the Company. Call, receive notice, attend and vote at the meeting of Debenture Holders in accordance with the provisions contained in the Trust Deed. The other rights of the Debenture Holders are set out in the Trust Deed. b) Debenture Holders are not entitled for the following - - - - Attending and voting at meetings of holders of shares and other types of debentures. Sharing in the profit of the Company. Participating in any surplus in the event of liquidation. The Debenture Holders will not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges available to the shareholders of the Company including the right to receive notices of Annual General Meetings or attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Company. c) Obligations on the Debenture - The Company shall repay the principal sum on the date of maturity / redemption and interest on the Debenture as per section 1.7 of this Prospectus and the provision contained in the Trust Deed and comply with all terms and conditions stipulated in the Trust Deed in respect of these Debentures. [ 26 ] When making payment of the principal sum and interest on the Debentures, the Company shall always act on the information by the CDS and it shall be the responsibility / obligation of each Debenture Holder to keep all the information in respect of such Debenture Holder updated in the CDS. Each Debenture Holder shall absolve the Company, CDS and CSE Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited from any responsibility or liability in respect of any error or absence of necessary changes initiated by the Debenture Holders in the information recorded with the CDS. 1.12 RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DEBENTURES (a) Interest Rate Risk The price of a typical Debenture will change in the opposite direction to a change in the market interest rates assuming all other factors are equal. “Market Interest Rate” refers to interest rate expected by the investors for investments with similar maturity and risk profile. As market interest rates rise, price of the Debentures may fall and as market interest rates fall, the price of the debenture may rise. If an investor sells a Debenture prior to maturity when market interest rate is higher than on these Debenture interest rates, the investor may incur a capital loss. Similarly, if an investor sells a Debenture prior to maturity when market interest rate is lower than on the debenture interest rate, then the investor may receive a capital gain. This uncertainty is known as “interest rate risk”. (b) Reinvestment Risk The Company shall pay interest on the Debentures annually. The investor may decide to reinvest this interest payment and earn interest on interest. Depending on the prevailing market interest rates, the Debenture Holder may be able to reinvest the paid interest at a higher or lower interest rate than that is offered by these Debentures. This uncertainty is known as “reinvestment risk”. (c) Default Risk Default risk also known as credit risk refers to the risk that the Issuer of a Debenture may default, i.e. the Issuer will be unable to pay interest and principal when due. It is advisable for prospective EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Debenture investors to take into account past earnings and asset growth performance of the Company, present financial strengths as reflected in the Balance Sheet of the Company, its risk management policies and the experience of the Directors and Senior Management when forming an opinion on Default Risk. The rights of Debenture Holders in the event of a default are more fully explained in the Trust Deed (d) Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk depends on the ease with which Debentures can be sold after the initial placement. As the Debentures will be listed on the CSE, investors will be able to trade the instrument in the secondary market and convert to cash mitigating liquidity risk. However transaction price or bid-ask spread will be dependent upon the marketability, demand, supply and other macro factors such as market interest rates. (e) Duration Risk Duration is a measure of the price sensitivity of fixed income investments to a change in interest rates based on the time to maturity of principal and coupon payments. The higher the duration, the greater the price volatility or duration risk, while a lower duration risk carries a lower risk. 1.13 BENEFITS OF INVESTING IN THE DEBENTURES Subscribers to the Debentures will be exposed to the following risks: (It is vital to note however that these risks are not unique to debentures issued by EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and apply generally to any unsecure fixed income security, fixed deposit or any other term or money deposit) - An attractive interest income for a period of up to five (05) years. - Opportunity to realize capital gain according to interest rate fluctuations in the financial markets. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 27 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 1.14 - Capacity to exit from the investment at any time, after the Debentures are listed on the CSE - Can be used as collateral to obtain credit facilities from banks and financial institution. - As per sections 9 & 13.of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 (As amended by Section 4 & 5 of the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Act No. 18 of 2013), the Profits & interest income from any investment made on or after 01st January 2013 in corporate debt securities (i.e. debentures), quoted in any stock exchange licensed by the SEC is exempt from income tax. - The establishment of the sinking fund to ensure that prepayment of capital and payment of interest are effected in a very strengthen manner. TRANSFER OF DEBENTURES (a) These Debentures shall be freely transferable as long as the Debentures are listed in the CSE and the registration of such transfer shall not be subject to any restriction, save and except to the extent required for compliance with statutory requirements. (b) Subject to provisions contained in the Trust Deed, the Company may register without assuming any liability any transfer of Debentures, which are in accordance with the statutory requirements, rules and regulations in force for the time being as laid down by the CSE, SEC and the CDS. (c) In the case of the death of a Debenture Holder, - The survivor where the deceased was a joint holder; and - The executors or administrators of the deceased (or where the administration of the estate of the deceased is in law not compulsory, the heirs of the deceased) where such Debenture Holder was the sole or only surviving holder; shall be the only persons recognized by the issuer as having any title to his/her Debentures. (d) Any person becoming entitled to any Debenture in consequence of bankruptcy or winding up of any Debenture Holder, upon producing proper evidence that such Debenture Holder sustains the character in respect of which such Debenture Holder proposes to act or such Debenture Holder’s title as the Board of Directors of the Company thinks sufficient, may at the discretion of the Board be substituted and accordingly registered as a Debenture Holder in respect of such Debentures subject to the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the Company , CDS , CSE and SEC. (e) No change of ownership in contravention of the above conditions will be recognized by the Company. 1.15LISTING An application has been made to the CSE for permission to obtain a listing for the Debentures and the CSE has granted its approval in principle for the same. It is the intention of the Company to list the Debentures on the Colombo Stock Exchange upon the allotment thereof. The CSE however, assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the statements made or opinions expresses or reports included in this prospectus. Admission to the official listing is not to be taken as an indication of the merits of the Company or of its Directors. 1.16 RATING OF THE INSTRUMENTS Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd has assigned a long term rating of BBB to these Debentures. A [ 28 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited copy of the Rating Confirmation and the Rating Rationale issued by Lanka Ratings Agency Ltd is attached herewith (Annexure - I). 1.17 COST OF THE ISSUE The directors estimate that the total cost of the issue including the Listing fees, Trustee fees, Brokerage, Printing, Marketing, Stamp duties, Managers and Registrars fees and other costs connected with the issue will be approximately LKR 40 Million and will be funded by EAP Broadcasting Company Limited. 1.18 BROKERAGE & FEES Brokerage at the rate of 0.25% of the nominal value of the Debentures will be paid in respect of the number of Debentures allotted on applications bearing the original stamp of any bank operating in Sri Lanka or a member/ trading member of the CSE or People’s Bank Investment Banking Unit or any agent appointed by the Company involved in marketing of the Issue. 1.19UNDERWRITING The debenture issue is not underwritten. In the event the issue is not fully subscribed, the subscribers shall be allotted in full and funds will be utilized to meet the objectives of the issue stipulated in Section 1.5 of the Prospectus. 1.20 INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS Certified Copies of Articles of Association, the Auditor’s Report & Audited financial statements of the company for the last five year ending 31 March 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, Rating Report, Trust Deed, Interim Financial Statements as at 31st March 2015, Valuation Reports and all other documents referred to in Rule 3.2.16 (a) of the CSE Listing Rules, including material contracts and management agreements entered in to by the Company (if any) would be made available for inspection by the public during normal working hours, seven (07) Market days prior to the date of opening of the subscription list at the registered office of the company until the date of redemption of the Debentures. In terms of the Rule 3.2.16 (b) of CSE Listing Rules; The Prospectus, Trust Deed, Valuation Reports and Articles of Association of the Company will be hosted in the Company’s website, and the CSE website, from seven (07) market days prior to the date of opening of the subscription list until the maturity date of the Debentures. Audited financial statements of the entity made up to 31st March 2014, Interim financial statements as of 31st March 2015, Accountants Report and the five year summary of financial statements will be available on the website of the company Furthermore, the copies of the Prospectus and Application Form will be made available free of charge from the collection points as set out in Annexure II from seven (07) days prior to the date of opening of the subscription list. 1.21 Security (Sinking Fund) The Company shall establish and contribute on a monthly basis the amounts specified in the Schedule One of the Trust Deed to the Sinking Fund. Irrespective of the monthly profitability, the contribution to the sinking fund will be directed from the monthly revenue of the company Provided however, that in the event of the amounts raised on the Debenture being less than the enhanced amount specified in Clause 3 of the Trust Deed, the amounts specified in Column 3 of the First Schedule shall be reduced proportionately. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 29 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited The Company shall grant a primary mortgage in favour of the Trustee for the benefit of the Debenture Holders in respect of the amounts lying to the credit of the Sinking Fund and investments made there from. The amounts lying to the credit of the Sinking Fund shall be invested by the Trustee only in the following types of investments. a) Government Treasury Bills. b) Government Treasury Bonds. c) Fixed Deposits and Call Deposits in commercial banks, which have investment grade ratings by RAM Ratings Lanka Ltd or Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. d) Fixed Deposits and commercial papers in Finance Companies which have a rating higher than A- by RAM Ratings Lanka Ltd or Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. e) Mutual Funds/ Unit Trust Investments. The Trustee shall be entitled to utilize the amounts lying in the Sinking Fund to settle any of the payments which are due and owing from the Company to the Debenture Holders which are referred to in Clause 12 (b) and (c) in the trust deed in order of priority mentioned therein (i.e. Interest payment and Principal sum) In the event the investment return on the Sinking Fund being less than Five per centum (5%) per annum the Company shall within 14 Working Days supplement the said shortfall (after setting off any excess investment return which have been received in a prior period which has not been so set off) by paying into the Sinking Fund such amount. In the event of any excess balance remain in the sinking fund account after repaying both the interest payments and capital payments (at the end of 5 Years), will be absorbed to the working capital funding of the EAP Broadcasting Company Limited. Purpose of this sinking fund is for servicing Debenture repayments (Both Capital & Interest) and EAP Broadcasting Company will make Rs.35 Mn monthly contribution to the sinking fund. Profitability of the Company will have an impact of Rs. 25.5 Mn in first two years (year 1 Rs. 7.7 Mn and year 2 Rs. 17.8 Mn. Above has been calculated based on net cumulative balances in the Sinking Fund for the first two years at 7.5% net interest rate (Group’s internal hurdle rate adjusted with 5% interest income on Sinking Fund Deposit interest income) Impact of this Rs. 25.5 Mn has already been considered in relevant area in the Feasibility Report and the Company Financial Statements of EAP Broadcasting Company. [ 30 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 2 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION 2.1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Applications are invited for the subscription of Debentures from the following categories of applications: (a) Citizens of Sri Lanka who are resident in Sri Lanka and above 18 years of age. (b) Companies, corporations or institutions incorporated or established within Sri Lanka and who are authorized to invest in Debentures. (c) Approved provident funds and approved contributory pension schemes registered / Incorporated /established in Sri Lanka and who are authorized to invest in Debentures. Applications by these bodies must be in the name of the trustee/board of management thereof. (d) Foreign institutional investors, corporate bodies incorporated outside Sri Lanka, foreign citizens and Sri Lankan residents outside Sri Lanka and above eighteen (18) years of age. 2.2 Applications will not be accepted from individuals under the age of eighteen (18) years, or in the names of sole proprietorships, unincorporated trusts or non-corporate bodies. "Sri Lankan Residents outside Sri Lanka" will have the same meaning as in the notice published under the Exchange Control Act in Gazette No. 15007 dated 21st April 1972. When permitting Non residents to invest in the debentures, The Company will comply with the relevant exchange Control Regulations including the conditions stipulated in the notice under the Exchange Control Act with regard to the issue and transfer of debentures of companies incorporated in Sri Lanka to foreign investors as published in the Government Gazette (extraordinary) No. 1681/11 on 22nd November 2010, Government Gazette (extraordinary) No. 1733/19 on 22nd November 2011, and Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No 1864/39 on 28th May 2014. HOW TO APPLY (a) Applications must be made on the Application Forms issued with this Prospectus. Applications are also permitted on photocopies of the Application Forms issued with the Prospectus. Applicants using photocopies are requested to inspect the Prospectus, which is available for inspection and also issued free of charge at the Registered Office of the Company and the Collection Points listed in Annexure II. Prospectus and Application Forms could also be downloaded from the Company's and CSE's websites. Applications that do not strictly conform to such instructions and the other instructions set out below or which are illegible may be rejected. (b) Applications should be made for a minimum subscription value of Sri Lanka Rupees Ten Thousand (LKR 10,000) of One Hundred (100) Debentures each of any one type or all types mentioned above. Applications exceeding One Hundred (100) Debentures should be in multiples of One Hundred (100) Debentures (LKR 10,000). Applications for less than One Hundred (100) Debentures or for a number, which is not in multiples of One Hundred (100) Debentures, will be rejected. (c) Joint Applications may be made. However, an applicant of a joint application will not be eligible to send a separate application individually or jointly with another party. Only one Application should be made for the benefit of any person or corporate body. The interest Debenture Issue 2015 [ 31 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited cheques will be drawn in favour of the principal applicant as given in the Application Form. (d) In the case of Corporate Applicants, the common seal of the company should be affixed and attested if required by the Articles of Association or such other constitutional documents of such Applicants or as per the statutes governing them. In case of approved provident funds, trust funds and approved contributory pension schemes, the Applications should be in the name of the Trustees / Board of Management. (e) A Sri Lankan citizen must state his / her National Identity Card (NIC) number on the Debenture Application Form. The Passport number can be given only when the NIC number is not available. In the case of a corporate entity, the Company registration number must be given. A foreign citizen must state his / her passport number in the space provided. (f) The Application Forms may be signed by someone on behalf of the Applicant(s) provided that such person holds the Power of Attorney (POA) of the Applicant(s). A copy of such POA certified by a Notary Public as "True Copy" should be attached with the Application Form. Original of the POA should not be attached. (g) Applicants who wish to apply through their Margin Trading Account should submit the application in the name of the "Margin Provider / Applicants Name" signed by the margin provider. A copy of the margin Trading Agreement should be attached with the Application Form. Please note that the margin provider can apply under its own name and such Applications will not be construed as multiple Applications. Photo copy of the Margin Trading Agreement must be submitted along with the Application. (h) As per the Directive of the SEC made under Circular No. 08/2010, dated 22 November 2010 and Circular No. 13/2010 issued by the CDS dated 30th November 2010, all Debentures allotted must be directly uploaded to the CDS accounts. As such, all applicants should indicate their CDS account number in the Application Form. Applicants who do not have a CDS account are advised to open a CDS account prior to submitting the Application, in order to facilitate the uploading of allotted Debentures to their CDS account. A CDS account can be opened through any member/ trading member of the CSE or through a custodian Bank. (Annexure II) Please note that upon the allotment of Debentures under this issue the allotted Debentures would be credited to the applicant's CDS account indicated. Please note that Debenture certificates shall not be issued. Applications which do not carry the CDS account number, which is not opened at the time of the closure of the subscription list or which indicate an incorrect / inaccurate CDS account number shall be rejected, and no allotment will be made. It should be noted that in the event the Applicant's CDS Account number is correctly stated in the Application Form, all correspondence with such Applicant will be sent to the address given to the CDS by such Applicant. Further in the event the name or the address of the Applicant mentioned in the Application Form differ from the name or address given to the CDS by such Applicant in respect of the CDS Account mentioned in the Application Form, the name and the address given to the CDS by such Applicant in respect of the CDS Account mentioned in the Application Form will be considered as the name and address of such applicant. (i) Foreign Investors and Non-Resident Investors may be affected by the laws of the jurisdiction of their residence. It is the responsibility of such investors to comply with the [ 32 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited laws relevant to their country of residence and the Laws of Sri Lanka, when making an Application for subscription of the Debentures. (j) Application Forms properly filled in accordance with the instructions thereof together with the remittance (cheque, bank draft, RTGS or bank guarantee as the case may be) for the full amount payable on application should be enclosed in an envelope marked "EAP Broadcasting Company Limited - Debenture Issue 2015" on the top left hand corner in capital letters and dispatched by post or delivered by hand to the Registrars to the Issue at the following address: SSP Corporate Services (Pvt) Limited No. 101, Inner Flower Road, Colombo 3 Tel : +94(011) 2573894 Fax : +94 (011) 2573609 In the alternative, Application Forms could also be handed over to any of the Collection Points set out in Annexure II. (k) Applications sent by post or delivered to any places mentioned in Annexure II (Collection Points) should reach the office of the Registrars to the Issue at least by 4.30 p.m. on the following working day upon the closure of the subscription list. Applications received after the said period will be rejected even though they have been delivered to any of the Collection Points prior to the Closing Date or carry a post mark dated prior to the Closing Date. 2.3 MODE OF PAYMENT (a) Payment should be made separately in respect of each application only by way of cheque, bank draft, RTGS or bank guarantee only, as the case may be. Each Application Form should be accompanied by no more than one cheque, bank draft or bank guarantee. Applications with two or more cheques, bank drafts or bank guarantees will be rejected. Application Forms accompanied by cash will not be accepted. (b) Payments for applications for values above and inclusive of Sri Lanka Rupees One Hundred Million (LKR 100,000,000/-) should be supported by either a; - Bank guarantee issued by a licensed Commercial Bank; or - Multiple bank drafts/cheques drawn upon any licensed Commercial Bank operating in Sri Lanka, each of which should be for a value less than LKR 100,000,000/-; or - RTGS transfer with value on the issue opening date. Multiple cheques or RTGS transfers will not be accepted for application value below Sri Lanka Rupees One Hundred Million (LKR 100,000,000/-). (c) The amount payable should be calculated by multiplying the number of Debentures applied for by the issue price of LKR 100 per Debenture. If there is discrepancy in the amount payable and the amount specified in the payment mode (Cheque / Bank Draft / RTGS / Bank Guarantee), the Application will be rejected. (d) All cheques/bank drafts/bank guarantees received in respect of the applications will be banked on the next working day immediately after the closure of the Subscription List. Payments in any form other than as mentioned above will not be accepted. In the event cheques are not realized within two (2) market days from the closure of the subscription list, such Applications may be rejected in order to facilitate the completion Debenture Issue 2015 [ 33 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited of the allotment within seven (7) market days of the closure of the issue, and cheques realized after such date will be refunded and no allotment of Debentures will be made. (e) In case of RTGS transfers (only for application values above and inclusive of Sri Lanka Rupees One Hundred Million (LKR 100,000,000/-), such transfers should be made to the credit of “EAP Broadcasting Company Limited - Debenture Issue 2015”bearing Account Number 331100120000535 at People’s Bank Lucky Plaza Branch with value on the issue opening date (i.e. the funds to be made available to the above account on the issue opening date). The applicant should obtain a confirmation from the applicant’s bank, to the effect that arrangements have been made to transfer payment in full for the total value of Debentures applied for to the credit of “EAP Broadcasting Company Limited - Debenture Issue 2015” bearing Account Number 331100120000535 at People’s Bank Lucky Plaza Branch with value on issue opening date (i.e. the funds to be made available to the above account on the issue opening date) and should be attached with the application form. For RTGS transfers above and inclusive of Sri Lanka Rupees One Hundred Million (LKR 100,000, 000/-), the applicants are entitled to an interest at the rate of Five decimal zero per centum ( 5.00%) per annum from the date of such transfers up to the date of allotment. However, no interest will be paid if the RTGS transfers are not realized before the end of the closure date. Furthermore, even if such RTGS transfers are affected prior to the issue opening date, no interest will be paid for the period prior to the issue opening date. (f) The Bank Guarantees should be in a form acceptable to the Company and the Registrars to the Issue and should be issued by a licensed commercial bank in Sri Lanka and payable on demand unconditionally to “EAP Broadcasting Company Limited - Debenture Issue 2015”. Please note that Bank Guarantees should be valid for a minimum of one (1) month from the date of opening the issue. (g) Payments for the Debentures by Non- residents should be made only out of funds received as inward remittances or available to the credit of “Securities Investment Account” (SIA) maintained with any licensed commercial bank in Sri Lanka in accordance with directions given by the Controller of exchange in that regard to the licensed commercial Banks. An endorsement by way of a letter by the commercial bank in Sri Lanka in which the applicant maintains the SIA, should be attached to the application form to the effect that such payment through bank draft/ bank guarantee/ RTGS has been made out of the funds available in SIA. When permitting Non residents to invest in the Debentures, The Company will comply with the relevant exchange Control Regulations including the conditions stipulated in the notice under the Exchange Control Act with regard to the issue and transfer of debentures of companies incorporated in Sri Lanka to foreign investors as published in the Government Gazette (extraordinary) No. 1681/11 on 22nd November 2010, Government Gazette (extraordinary) No. 1733/19 on 22nd November 2011, and Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No 1864/39 on 28th May 2014 (h) Non-Residents should have obtained necessary internal approvals as provided by their internal approval procedures at the time of applying for the Debentures and may be affected by the laws of the jurisdiction of their residence. [ 34 ] If the Non-Resident Applicants wish to apply for the Debentures, it is their responsibility to comply with the laws relevant to the jurisdiction of their residence and of Sri Lanka. Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 2.4 Application Forms properly filled in accordance with the instructions thereof together with the remittance for the full amount payable on Application should be enclosed in an envelope marked “EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED - DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015” on the top left hand corner in capital letters and dispatched by post or courier or delivered by hand to the Registrars to the Issue or collection points mentioned in Annexure II. Applications sent by post or courier or delivered to any collection point set out in Annexure II should reach the office of the Registrars to the Issue, SSP Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd, No 101, Inner Flower Road Colombo 03 at least by 4.30 p.m. on the following Market day immediately upon the Closing Date. Applications received after the said period will be rejected even though they have been delivered to any of the said collection points prior to the Closing Date or carry a postmark dated prior to the Closing Date. Applications delivered by hand to the Registrars to the Issue after the Closing Date of the Issue will also be rejected. REJECTION OF APPLICATIONS (a) Application Forms and the accompanying remittance mode (Cheque / Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee/RTGS) which are illegible or incomplete in any way and / or are not in accordance with the terms, conditions and instructions set out in this Prospectus will be rejected at the sole discretion of the Company. (b) Applications from individuals under the age of eighteen (18) years or in the names of Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships or Unincorporated Trusts will also be rejected. (c) An Applicant of a Joint Application will not be eligible to submit another application either individually or jointly under the available Debenture category. Only one Application should be made by any person or entity under the available Debenture category. Multiple Applications will be rejected. (d) Applications which do not carry a valid CDS account number at the time of the closure of the subscription list or which indicate an incorrect / inaccurate CDS account number shall be rejected, and no allotment will be made. Application Forms stating third party CDS account numbers, instead of their own CDS account numbers, except in the case of Margin Trading Accounts, will also be rejected. (e) Any Application Form which does not state the NIC, Passport or Company Registration number, as the case may be, will be rejected. (f) In the event that cheques are not realized within two (2) Market Days from the closure of the subscription list and realized after such date the monies will be refunded and no allotment of Debentures will be made. Cheques must be honored on first presentation for the Application to be valid. In the event Cheques are dishonored / returned on first presentation, the Application will be rejected. (g) Applications delivered by hand to the Registrars to the Issue, or to any place / institution discussed in Annexure II (Collection Points) after the subscription list is closed will be rejected. Application received by post or courier after 4.30 p.m on the Market day immediately following the closing date, will also be rejected even if they carry a post mark dated prior to the Closing date. (h) Applications delivered to any place / institution discussed in Annexure II (Collection Points) should also reach the office of the Registrars to the issue at least by 4.30 p.m on the following market day immediately upon the closure of the Subscription List. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 35 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Applications received after the said duration will be rejected even though they have been delivered to any of the Collection points prior to the Closing Date or carry a post mark dated prior to the Closing Date. 2.5 BASIS OF ALLOTMENT The basis of Allotment will be decided by the Board of Directors of the Company before the expiry of Seven (07) Market Days from the closure of the Issue and will be announced to the CSE. Further, the Board reserves the right to allocate up 50% of the issue value on a preferential basis, to investor/(s) of strategic importance with whom they might partner with in future endeavors. The successful applicants will be informed of the allotment within Ten (10) Market Days from the closure of the Subscription List. The Board of Directors of the Company reserves the right to refuse any Application or to accept any Application or part only, without assigning any reason therefore. 2.6 ACCEPTANCE & REFUNDS Where an Application is not accepted, subsequent to the Cheque being realized, the applicant’s money in full or where an Application is accepted only a part, the balance of the Applicant’s money will be refunded. Refunds due on Applications fully or partially accepted will be paid within Ten (10) Market Days excluding the date of closure of the Issue. Applicants will be entitled to receive interest at the rate of last quoted Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPLR) published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka plus 5% for the delayed period on any refunds not made within this period. If the Applicant has provided accurate and complete details of his bank account in the application form, the bankers to the issue will make refund payments up to and inclusive of Sri Lankan Rupees Five Million (LKR 5,000,000/-) to the bank account specified by the Applicant, through SLIPS. In the event of refunds over Rupees Five Million(LKR 5,000,000/-) or if the Applicants has not provided accurate and correct details of his bank account in the Application Form, the bank will make such refund payments to the Applicant by way of cheque and sent by post at the risk of the Applicant. Refunds sent through post will be made by crossed cheques and sent by register post to the registered address. In the case of a Joint Application, a “Crossed Cheque” will be drawn in favour of the applicant whose name appears first in the Application Form. Applicants can obtain details on bank and branch codes required for providing instructions on SLIP transfers at the following website; service/3-guidelines Refunds on payments received via Securities investment Account (SIA) will be made only to the SIA in the event that the SIA account has been provided in the Debenture application form [ 36 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 2.7 CDS LODGEMENTS AND TRADING OF DEBENTURES (a) If the Applicant’s CDS Account number is correctly stated in the Application Form the Debentures allotted will be directly uploaded to the CDS account stated in the Application Form before the expiry of eighteen (18) market days, from the date of closure of the subscription list. A written confirmation in this regard will be sent to the Applicant within two (02) market days of crediting the CDS account, by ordinary post to the registered address of such Applicant. (b) The Company shall submit to the CSE a ‘Declaration’ as set out in the listing rules of the CSE on the market day immediately following the day on which the investors’ CDS Accounts are credited with the Debentures and trading of the Debentures will commence on or before the third (03rd) Market Day upon receipt of the declaration by the CSE. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 37 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3 THE COMPANY 3.1 INCORPORATION A Private Limited liability company incorporated in Sri Lanka under the Companies Act No. 17 of 1982, and re-registered under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 on 21st January 2008 and subsequently converted to a Public Limited Company on 28th August 2013. 3.2 CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY Company Vision The Trusted Leader in Media and Entertainment. Company Mission The epitome of excellence in media and entertainment while being the beacon of innovation, hope and change with a sustainable value to all our stakeholders. 3.3 CORPORATE BACKGROUND Introduction to EBC & History EAP Broadcasting Company Limited (EBC) is the company that owns some of Sri Lanka's leading TV and Radio channels. TELEVISION SEGMENT Swarnavahini - Sri Lanka's Premier Television Channel In the ever growing industry of Sri Lankan television, Swarnavahini is a name synonymous with the Sri Lankan population for its dedicated service of providing a wide array of learning and entertainment in the areas of News, Tele drama, Entertainment, Documentary & Discussions, Religious Programs, Women's, Children's, Sports and Cinematic programs which have been widely acclaimed both locally and internationally. Within a span of 18 years Swarnavahini has managed to win the hearts of the majority of Sri Lankan viewers with the high quality programming while reaching out to an extensive audience island wide, it is now a multi - award winning channel, identified among the top-rated television broadcasters in Sri Lanka. The Swarnavahini television channel was launched on the 16th of March 1997 with a unique symbol of the peacock who symbolizes grandeur and theme colours of Blue and Gold which is associated with the meaning of Swarnavahini which means the Golden Channel. In keeping with the necessity of reaching out to all parts and ages of audience, Swarnavahini has customized programs which cater to the need of viewers starting from children, to the adult and also programmes which instill a sense of learning such as documentaries, political programmes and religious programs which are a good learning platform for all audiences and Swarnavahini is also heavily involved in social service initiatives which are an important aspect in today's society. Swarnavahini has also been able to go international by hosting many programs in various international locations. The staff at Swarnavahini are committed to serve their viewers the best of everything and through the years, Swarnavahini has had many of the industry's most sought after names being a part of the team and thereby bringing forth meaningful programmes which add both value and knowledge. Today, after 18 years of success in the industry, Swarnavahini has grown from strength to strength and we have extended our parameters in catering to our viewers with a wide variety of programmes and initiatives along with enhanced technology and new ideas and views which will attract viewers to choose Swarnavahini as the channel of choice. The presenters at Swarnavahini [ 38 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited are equipped with a wide scope of knowledge and talent and have been through specialized training both locally and overseas. In the recent past, Swarnavahini has showcased their prowess by winning many awards which includes the SLIM Neilson People's Awards, Sumathi Awards, Raigam Tele Awards and many other awards and are presently maintaining a strong Number 03 position according to the renowned LMRB Data Records. The News Bulletins of Swarnavahini have been voted as the best news providers for many years and also a host of other programmes which include tele dramas and political and religious programmes have got numerous awards and accolades. Swarnavahini has its own loyal viewer base that have been extremely supportive for the past 18 years and our prime objective is to increase the number of viewers and also the quality of programmes that are on offer. Swarnavahini is a channel which have undergone many challenges in order to reach the level it has become today and it is our foremost goal to be Sri Lanka's Number one television provider and continue to rule the industry by bringing forth the best quality learning and entertainment programmes thereby emerging as a giant in the world of Sri Lankan television. ETV: Entertainment TV! Background ETV was acquired by EAP in 1996 and consisted of two Channels namely ETV1 & ETV2. ETV1 was the re-broadcasting BBC while ETV2 was re-broadcasting Star TV. However due to popular demand ETV2 was re-launched as Swarnavahini, a mass market Sinhala Channel in 1997. Subsequently ETV1 was re-launched in May 1998 as ETV - Entertainment TV. Since then ETV earned an undisputed leadership in the local English language TV industry. This was evident by the large number of advertisers who have chosen ETV as their preferred English language channel. The future of ETV - A Celebration of Cosmopolitan Life of Sri Lanka The future strategy of ETV would involve introducing more and more local programming content that is a celebration of "Cosmopolitan Life in Sri Lanka!" The content would be even closer to the audience and something they can easily relate to. The content will also showcase our current audience and their lifestyles. ETV's current and upcoming programs are about people they know, places they know and issues that matter. The programs, where possible, will feature the audience themselves too. ETV's aim is to sustain its position as the most preferred choice of TV entertainment of the target group and ultimately be one with the day to day life of Sri Lankans through its programming, events and media sponsorships and interaction. RADIO STATION SEGMENT EBC Radio has been in operation since 1999. Throughout its history, EBC Radio has developed and sustained highly skilled and stable workforce. Today, the company's staff approximates 152 personnel consisting of experts and trained professionals from all facets of radio broadcasting. Currently, EAP Broadcasting Company Limited owns and operates three radio channels: Shree FM, Ran FM and E FM. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 39 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Several departments, each carrying out specific tasks, comprise EBC Radio. Categorically, namely: three programming departments (Shree FM, E FM and Ran FM), three marketing divisions, two promotions department, a scheduling department, monitoring, research, web and art department, engineering, news, human resources and transport. All programs and activities of the organization are under the purview of the Chief operating Officer. Shree FM Shree FM is the organization's flagship Sinhala radio channel, recognized as the most listened to radio channel in the country. Since its inception, Shree FM has transcended from solely being a vehicle of entertainment to being a vehicle of hope to its audience. For its innovative promotions and programs, Shree FM has earned numerous national and international awards including two National Association of Broadcasters International Broadcasting Excellence Award (2005 and 2010), and the Association of International Broadcasting International Media Excellence Awards for Most Creative Marketing Strategy (2010). Shree FM is broadcast island-wide at 100 FM and 100.2 FM in over 7 relay frequencies. Ran FM Ran FM was re-launched in October 2007 and is now recognized as one of the premier radio channels in the country. The station has earned its special niche in the market with its unique blend of the '70s, '80s, and '90s Sinhalese music. The station is broadcast at 88.1 and 100.5 throughout the country over 5 transmitter towers and online via E FM E FM is the company's only English radio station which started broadcasting in December 1999 and has been recognized as one of the leading urban English radio channels in the country. EBC repositioned E FM in 2007 as "Your Lifestyle Station" playing the best '80s music. Currently, the station is broadcast at 88.3 MHz. The station launched its official website,, on the 14th of September 2007. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACCOLADES EAP Broadcasting Company Limited is the only broadcast company that has been recognized twice (2005 and 2010) by the National Association of Broadcasters (US) and the first and only company in Sri Lanka to receive an Association for International Broadcasting (UK) award. Today, EBC Radio has numerous national and international accolades to its credit. These are the following: [ 40 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 2010 Association for International Broadcasting International Media Excellence Awards ● Shree FM was awarded the Most Creative Marketing Strategy at the 2010 Association for International Broadcasting International Media Excellence Awards for its Shree FM Badu Malla campaign. ● The AIBs - International Media Excellence Awards - is one of the most important crossmedia, cross-border, cross-cultural international festivals which celebrates creativity, success and excellence participated by top radio and television broadcast companies from across the globe including the BBC, Al Jazeera. France 24, and Voice of America, to name a few. ● The AIBs is organized by the Association for International Broadcasting, a global, nonprofit association headquartered in the United Kingdom, which is recognized as the leading center of information about international broadcasting covering television, radio, and emerging media platforms. 2010 National Association of Broadcasters International Broadcasting Excellence Award The National Association of Broadcasters recognized Shree FM for its outstanding commitment to serving the community through a programme called Shree Sathkaraka Rohala (Shree Mobile Medical Camp). Shree Sathkaraka Rohala provides free medical consultation, checkup and medication to the residents of some of the remote areas in the country. The National Association of Broadcasters or the NAB is a trade association representing the interests of for-profit, over-the-air radio and television broadcasters in the United States. ( The organization established the NAB International Broadcasting Excellence Award in 1995. This award is bestowed to licensed non-U.S. radio and television stations in recognition of their exceptional leadership in advancing the broadcast industry and the services they provide to their community and audiences. Previous award recipients include Tokyo Broadcasting System, NDTV India, Juventus Radio, Korea Broadcasting System, and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to name a few. 3.4 Future Development Plans, Strategic Plans & Related Risks 1. Swarnavahini, the flagship TV Station of EAP Broadcasting Co. Ltd, currently stands as one of the leading Mass market News & Entertainment Channels currently operating in Sri Lanka and has made a name in the minds of loyal viewers of having a strong Sri Lankan identity and of being an innovator in TV Programming. 2. Specific plans will commence in the Financial Year 2015/16 as specifically identified in the Company Business Plan for the period and will thereafter be rolled forward with a clear strategic direction. The following will be implemented during the Year ahead: Debenture Issue 2015 [ 41 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited i. Reconstruction of telecast engineering facilities by December 2015 to achieve Island wide high quality TV coverage and the revamping of office premises as well as studio facilities to enhance the quality of studio production as well as improve staff productivity by creating an optimal work environment. ii. Establishment of a fully-fledged Research Unit to cover both TV & Radio, to enable delivery of quality programmes based on research and market intelligence. iii. Re launch of ETV Channel in a completely different manner that will effect in increasing business volumes based on the new concepts association with the re launch. iv. Re launch of the RAN Radio channel in a manner that will significantly impact Sri Lankan Sinhala Radio listeners, in the 3rd quarter in 2015. v. Three strategic new television broadcasting initiatives that will be launched consecutively in July, August & September by Swarnavahini. These are new programmes that have been innovatively constructed and will be launched in a manner that will be seen as being very pleasing to the viewers. (Confidentiality of these specific initiatives constrains the ability to disclose any additional information at this stage on this industry innovative initiatives) 3. Revenue is expected to increase by a sizeable proportion through the above specific initiatives. A series of content development and channel promotion initiatives will also be launched. These together with use of developing mobile phone technology applications will also contribute to further development of Swarnavahini broadcast capability enhancement and content quality improvement. 4. The Strategic Plan for a 3-Year Period 2016-2018 will be finalized in the month of August 2015 and will follow up on a comprehensive Business Planning process that was introduced across the entire EAP Group of Companies in April / May 2015, to drive the business forward through the Financial Year 2015/16. 5. Initiatives that will arise as a result of this process will further enhance and strengthened EAP Broadcasting Co. Ltd’s Customer service quality, quality of production of “On Air” content and the further strengthening of sustainability of revenue streams and bottom line profitability. 6. The risks associated with these are [ 42 ] Funding Risk - ,the management of the cash flows required for the implementation of all of the stated projects Business Impact Risk - ensuring implementation time lines and that time schedules are delivered, such that profitability results are achieved on target or at a higher level of performance financial. The Company is very confident that with plans and procedures now in place as well as with staffing resources available that the financial results that have been targeted to support the growth and expansion of EAP Broadcasting Company will be achieved and will result in achievement of incremental sustainable success in the future. Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3.5 Group Structure The ownership of the shareholders in ETI shall be transferred to E.A.P. Holdings Limited on the approval granted by the Monitory Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This process will be completed upon the payment of due stamp duty to the Department of Inland Revenue and updating the status at the Registrar of Companies, by end May 2015. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 43 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3.6 Major shareholding Shareholders of the Company as at 31st March 2015 are as follows Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares EAP Films & Theatres (Pvt) Ltd % Holding 2,763,837 R.A.M.De Alwis 1 E.W. De Soysa 1 Swarnamahal Jewellers 1 Total 2,763,840 99.99 00.01% 100.00 Stated Capital - Rs. 27,638,400/- 3.7 SUBSIDIARIES/ASSOCIATE COMPANIES AS AT 31st March 2015. Colombo Communications Limited - EBC holds 20,709,289 shares - 100% 3.8 HUMAN RESOURCES Strength of the Human Resource of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited as at 31st March 2015 is as follows Category Member of Employees Senior management 6 Line Management 90 Executives 164 Officers 163 Assistants 54 Staff Assistants 11 Minor Staff 46 Total 534 The employees of the entity are not engaged in any labour union activities and there are no labour unions or any significant agreements entered into between the Company and any labour unions. 3.9 DIVIDEND POLICY The Dividend policy will be determined based on number of factors, including but not limiting to the company’s earnings, capital requirements and overall financial conditions and any other factors which the Board of Directors may deem relevant. 3.10TAXATION The Company is not enjoying any tax exemptions as at the date of the issue other than the income tax exemptions on specified investment types under the provisions of the inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 as amended subsequently. [ 44 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited However as disclosed in the latest audited financial statements, the company is a BOI registered company with effect from 8th November 1993 (Reg No. 844/8/11/93). According to the section 10 (i) and (ii), the Company is entitled to have a tax exemption of 07 years (I.e. from 1993/94 to 1999/2000) and for a period of 15 years immediately following the exemption period (I.e. from 2000/01 to 2014/15), the turnover of the Company shall be deemed to be the profits for Income Tax purposes & Taxes to be paid at 2% of the said turn over value. The Company has however provided taxation at 28%. In Keeping with the above BOI registration benefit, the Company has also re-filed tax returns for the years 2011/12 and 2012/13 and expects a tax refund of Rs. 21,360,605/- and 23,054,789/- respectively. The financial statements currently reflect taxes at 28%. 3.11 LITIGATION, DISPUTES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Litigation is a common occurrence in the media industry due to nature of the business undertaken. Company has formal controls and policies for managing legal claims. As at 30th April 2015 the company has following unsolved legal claims Case Nature / Descriptions 22308/MR – DC Colombo The case has been filed against the Company for defamation claiming a sum of Rs. 600 million in respect of a telecast 51264/MR – DC Colombo The case has been filed against the Company for defamation claiming a sum of Rs. 10 million in respect of a telecast 03831/DMR – DC Colombo The case has been filed against the Company for defamation claiming a sum of Rs. 50 million in respect of a telecast 05050/09/DMR – DC Colombo The case has been filed against the Company for defamation claiming a sum of Rs. 450 million in respect of a telecast 3.12 MATERIAL CONTRACTS The Company has not entered into any material contracts other than those contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business. 3.13 TRANSACTIONS RELATED TO PROPERTY There are no transactions related to the property that took place within the two preceding years in which any vendor of the property to the Company or any person who is or who was at the time of the transaction, a promoter or a director or proposed director of the Company had any interest, direct or indirect. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 45 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3.14 Particulars of Debt and Loan Capital The Company has not issued any convertible or any other debt securities mentioned below as at 31st March 2015 [ 46 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 3.15 DETAILS OF COMMISSIONS & BENEFIT PAID No other commissions or benefits were payable, paid, given or intended to be paid or given in two preceding years for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe or procuring or agreeing to procure or promoting or agreeing to promote, subscriptions for any shares or debentures of the Company. The company places a high degree of importance to corporate governance and has placed considerable emphasis on developing structures, processes and rules in adopting sound corporate governance practices within the organization. By ensuring best practice on corporate governance, the Company has formed various Board Committees namely Remuneration Committee, Risk Management Committee, Audit Committee and related party Review Committee. Audit Committee The Audit Committee members are responsible for providing independent and expert advice to the Board on the subject’s assigned relation to the financial reporting requirement, risk management and assessment of internal controls. The Board Audit Committee comprises of the following Directors Mr. Preethi Jayawardena – Chairman - Non Executive Independent Director Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriy – Member - Non Executive Independent Director Mr. Russell de Mel – Member- Non Executive Independent Director Mr. Asanka Edirisinghe – Member - Non Executive Director Remuneration Committee Members of the Remuneration Committee are as follows Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Mr. Russell de Mel Mr. Preethi Jayawardena Mr. Jeewaka Edirisinghe Risk Management Committee The Risk Management Committee operates as a functional committee of the Board which has been delegated all risk management responsibilities including the task of managing and supervising the risk functions of the Company. The members of the Risk Management Committee are as follows Mr. Russell de Mel Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Mr. Preethi Jayawardena Mr. Mano Tittawella Mr. Nalaka Edirisinghe Mr. Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena – – – – Chairman - Non Executive Independent Director Member - Non Executive Independent Director Member - Non Executive Independent Director Member - Non Executive Director – Chairman - Non Executive Independent Director – Member - Non Executive Independent Director – Member - Non Executive Independent Director – Member - Executive Director – Member - Non Executive Director – Member - Executive Director Debenture Issue 2015 [ 47 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Related Party Review Committee With the Voluntary adoption of the Code of best Practices on related party transactions – December 2013 issues by the SEC, Related party Review Committee was established by the Board to ensure strict compliance with the rules and regulations governing related party transactions for entities and thereby conform to the industry best practices on safeguarding stakeholder interest. Members of the Related Party Review Committee are Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Mr. Russell de Mel Mr. Preethi Jayawardena Mr. Mano Tittawella Mrs. Deepa Edirisinghe Mr. Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena [ 48 ] – Chairman - Non Executive Independent Director – Member - Non Executive Independent Director – Member - Non Executive Independent Direct – Member - Executive Director – Member - Non Executive Director – Member - Executive Director Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4.1 PROFILES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name of the Director Position Residential Address Dr. Dayanath Chandrajith Jayasuriya Chairman Non Executive Independent Director No 40/12, Swarnadisi Place, Kosswatte Road, Nawala Mr. Mano Tittawella Deputy Chairman Executive Director No. 3/1, Gangadara Mawatha, Templers Road, Mount Lavinia. Mr. Jeewaka Edirisinghe Director Non Executive No. 50, Barnes Place, Colombo 07 Mrs. Anjali Deepa. Edirisinghe Director Non Executive No 112, Barnes Place, Colombo 07 Mr. Nalaka. P. Edirisinghe Director Non Executive No.56/3, Horton Place, Colombo 07. Mr. Asanka. S. Edirisinghe Director Non Executive No.89A, Barnes Place, Colombo 07 Mr. Neilendra Iomal Russel De Mel Director Non Executive Independent No 06, Jaya Road, Colombo 04 Mr. Mahinda Preethiraj Jayawardena Director Non Executive Independent No.207/4, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07 Mr. Bertal PintoJayawardena Director Executive No.0137/6, kalalgoda Road, Pannipitiya Dr. Dayanath Chandrajith Jayasuriya - Chairman - Non Executive Independent Director Dr. Jayasuriya is a President’s Counsel, a former chairman & Director General of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Insurance Board of Sri Lanka and an international authority on Financial Services Law, Compliance and Securities and Capital Markets. He has worked for many years with the United Nations and its specialized agencies in Geneva, Vienna, Bangkok and New Delhi. His last position was as the head of a UN agency in Pakistan. Mr. Mano Tittawella - Deputy Chairman - Executive Director Mr. Mano Tittawella was a Senior Presidential Advisor on Economic Affairs and was the Senior Director General - President’s Office from August 2003 to November 2005. Mr. Tittawella was also the first Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the Strategic Enterprises Management Agency (SEMA), which was an initiative that he promoted to bring better accountability, governance and performance to the largest public enterprises in Sri Lanka. He was also a Member of the Board of National Council for Economic Development (NCED) which was the apex body co - coordinating all economic development activities in Sri Lanka. He was also appointed as Chairman of TAFREN - “ TASK Force to Rebuild The Nation” that was set up for to handle post Tsunami Reconstruction and Recovery. He has also held many key positions in the state sector such as Director General of Public Enterprises Reform Commission (PERC), the then privatization agency of Government of Sri Lanka and Chairman of People’s Bank, along with many Board positions in some of Sri Lanka’s largest public enterprises. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 49 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited He has an MBA in Capital Markets & Finance from University of Edinburgh and a postgraduate Diploma in Human Computer Interaction from the British Open University. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) , UK. He was a member of International Board of Trustees (IBT) of CIM, UK from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Tittawella also held the posts of Head of Research at Jardine Fleming, Sri Lanka, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of Lanka Securities (Pvt) Limited - The stock brokering Company of Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka Ltd (MBSL) and director Business Development of MBSL. At present he is the Executive chairman of EAP Group, a diversified Sri Lankan Conglomerate in Finance and Insurance, Media film & Entertainment, Leisure, Trading and property development Mr. Jeewaka H. Edirisinghe -Director - Non Executive Mr. Jeewaka Edirisinghe Chairman of ETI Finance Ltd and Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC. He counts for over 25 years of extensive experience in the field of Gold, Jewellery, Finance, Electronic Media and Management. Mrs. Anjali Deepa Edirisinghe - Director - Non Executive Mrs. Deepa Edirisinghe is Director of EAP Edirisinghe Group of Companies, counts over 20 years of experience in the fields of Management and Finance. Mr. Nalaka. P. Edirisinghe- Director - Non Executive Mr. Nalaka Edirisinghe, Director of EAP Edirisinghe Group of Companies has over 20 years of extensive experience in Finance and Management. Mr. Asanka. S. Edirisinghe- Director - Non Executive He is a Finalist of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK) and a Member of the Film Association. He counts over 20 years of experience in the fields of Film Industry, and has an expert knowledge in Gold and other precious metals & stones, and counts for over 20 years of extensive experience in the fields of Gold and Information Technology. Mr. Neilendra Lomal Russel De Mel - Director - Non Executive Independent Mr Russel De Mel, having been with NDB for over 30 years, retired as the Bank’s Director / Group Chief Executive Officer in August 2013. Prior to his appointment as Group CEO, he served as Vice president - Head of Corporate Banking Group and as Vice President - Head of Group Risk Management. During his Career at NDB he has held many key positions. As Head of Group Risk Management, Director on several Boards of the NDB Group Companies until his retirement from NDB. Mr. De Mel has travelled extensively and also received comprehensive training in both Development & Commercial Banking, Risk Management & in General Management, at prestigious institutions, including, national University of Singapore, INSEAD, Fontainbleau. He is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK ( FCMA), a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) & a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (FCMA) , Sri Lanka At present he is a member of the Board of Directors of Housing Development Finance Corporation,Maldive Islands & TAL Hotels Lanka Plc( Taj Samudra). He is also a member of the Rating Committee of Lanka Rating Agency. Mr. Mahinda Preethiraj Jayawardena - Non Executive Independent He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.He was the Managing Director / CEO of Chemanex PLC until 31st March 2013 and currently functions as a Consultant to the Chemanex Group of Companies. [ 50 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited He accounts for over 35 years post qualifying experience both locally and overseas, specializing in Finance & Treasury operations.He is the Chairman of Lanka Rating Agency (formerly Ram Rating) and Commercial Insurance Brokers Ltd. He is also the Deputy Chairman of Commercial Bank PLC and a Group Director of CIC Holdings (PLC) and John Keels Foods PLC. He is a member of the Monitory Policy Consultants Committee of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Deputy Chairman of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors. Mr. Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena - Group Director- General Manager Finance & Planning Executive Director Mr. Pinto-Jayawardena is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Management Accountants UK. Mr. Pinto-Jayawardena is also a Member of the Institute of Management, UK and a multiple award winner at accounting examinations. He counts nearly 30 years of experience in senior management positions which include Head of Finance & Administration at Standard Chartered Bank, Head of Finance, MIS & Risk Management of People’s Bank and Director of People’s Leasing Company. His last tenure was at Janashakthi Insurance PLC as General Manager - Finance & Planning. His initial professional training was at KPMG Ford Rhodes Thornton & Co. ending up as a Senior Manager. During his tenure as a Manager, he was seconded to Peat Marwick Mitchell in Zambia for a brief spell. He is a holder of a Diploma in Risk Management obtained through a scholarship awarded by the Swedish International Development Agency. He has also received extensive training and exposure in Management, Banking Insurance & Finance in the UK, USA, and Japan and at many other overseas programmes. He has served as a resource person and a panelist at many professional fora organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, CIMA Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Insurance Institute and others. He was a Council Member of CIMA Sri Lanka and has served on various committees of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He is also the Founder Trustee of Ekamuthu Oray Makkal Unity Mission Trust, a non-profit organization fostering unity, integration, healing and reconciliation in Sri Lanka since May 2009, amongst teenaged youth. He is an old boy of S. Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia. He has been actively involved in projects relating to his Almamater where he was also the Founder Chairman of the STC Special Events Team, which amongst others led the efforts to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the College and 125th Anniversary of the OBA. 4.2 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT No director or a person nominated to become a Director is/ was involved in the following events ● A petition under bankruptcy laws filed against such a person or any partnership in which he was a partner or any corporation of which he was as an executive officer. ● A conviction of fraud, misappropriation or breach of trust or any other similar offence which the CSE considers a disqualification. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 51 ] L I M I T EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 4.3 DIRECTORS INTEREST IN ASSETS Directors hold no interest in any assets acquired, disposed or leased by EAP Broadcasting Company Limited during the past two years preceding the issue, and proposed to be acquired, disposed or leased during the two years succeeding the issue. 4.4 DIRECTORS INTEREST IN CONTRACTS OR ARRANGEMENTS There are no contracts or arrangements in force in which EAP Broadcasting Company Limited is materially interested, in relation to the business of the Company as at the date of the Prospectus. 4.5 DIRECTORS’ EMOLUMENTS a) The aggregate emoluments including bonus and/or profit sharing payments made to the Directors during the last completed financial year. [ 52 ] For the Financial Year 2013/14 (Gross) - Rs. 25,770,464.00 For the Financial Year 2014/15 (April-March, Gross) - Rs. 113,780,000.00 Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 5 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT & SENIOR MANAGEMENT Chief Operating Officers Currently Buddika Kulasekara serves as the Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited (TV). In the above capacity he is liable of the entire operations of the company and always ensures that the vision of the company is met whilst achieving its objectives and expectations. Buddika received his primary education from Vidyartha College, Kandy. For higher education he attended the University of Colombo and obtained a Degree in Bachelor of Arts. Further Buddika has over 14 years' of experience as a TV/Radio presenter having worked with major radio broadcast companies in Sri Lanka such as ABC and TV Lanka. He is acclaimed for his concept and presentation of 'Rathu Ira' and 'Sanda Madala' which is telecasted through Swarnavahini channel for the past several years. Though he has become popular from his career as a Television host he has appeared before the public in versatile forms such as executive producer for teledramas Bandara Deiyo, Sayuri, Face book, Para Walalu, Muthu Palasa, Giri Kula, Chess, Kalu Araliya etc. telecast on Swarnavahini. The other popular programs created by him includes the reality shows such as dance stars dance, mega star. In addition to that he has initiated Swarna Nidanaya and Swarna Thun Paya promotional programmes. Under the guidance of Buddika Swarnavahini was able to win the Ac Nielson/Slim Peoples awards and many more awards during the past several years. Mr. Chalaka Gajabahu (Executive Vice President /Chief Operation Officer - EBC Radio) Starting his career in advertising at boutique creative shop Equinox, Chalaka soon graduated to the likes of J.Walter Thompson, Oglivy & Mather, Leo Burnett and McCann Erickson. Following these, he joined Lowe LDB as its Chief Operating Officer, one of the youngest ever to hold this position, aged just 33, prior to being launched up the ranks to his current role of President. Now, after almost two decades advocating major brands, across almost ever sector, including FMCG, Banking, Financial Services, Telecomes, and even Hospitality, Chalaka has earned the respect, admiration and trust of Lowe LDB's Clients, namely Unilever, Dialog and Elephant house, all leaders in their respective sectors, a function of this dynamic, hands on leadership style and highly valued judgement. Importantly, Chalaka also brings to bear his extensive training in Planning Tools, at International Lowe worldwide offices, which aid in insight mining abd develoing effective, Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies (AA's Sri Lanka. Chalaka Joined EAP Broadcasting Company recently and commenced duties in office upon the resignation of Mr. Ryan Honter. Mr. Buddika Priyanka Kulasekara (Chief Operating Officer - EBC TV) 5.1 DECLARATION BY THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER The Chief Operating Officer of the Company is not and was not: (a)Involved in a petition under any bankruptcy laws filed against such person or any partnership in which he was a partner or any corporation of which he was an executive officer;or Debenture Issue 2015 [ 53 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited (b) Involved in a conviction for fraud, misappropriation or breach of trust or any other similar offence which the CSE consider as a disqualification; or (c) The subject of any order, judgment or ruling of any court of competent jurisdiction temporarily enjoining him from acting as an investment advisor, dealer in securities, director or employee of a financial institute and engaging in any type of business practice or activity. 5.2 PROFILES OF THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT Mr. Anil Meegahage - Senior Executive Vice President, Marketing & Marketing Communication Mr. Meegahage has over 26 years coporate experience at local and multinational Companies. He started his career from Uniliver Sri Lanka and served as Trade Marketing Manager. Thereafter he headed one of the largest sales teams in the country at Sri Lanka Insurance as General Manager Sales and Marketing, Overlooking Branch network. Overall 5000 Sales teams and 1200 staff members. Afterwards he moved to local FMCG Company, Hemas Consumer Goods as the Director Sales and International Business. Professionally he holds a MBA from the University of Wales and also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM MCIM), the Chartered Institute of Marketing UK. He also possesses over 9 years of lecturing experience for CIM and ICSA in Sri Lanka. Mrs. Chammika Dayaratne (Chief Legal Officer/ Board Secretary) Mrs. Chammika Dayaratne holds over 17 years of practice as an Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public, Company Secretary and Commissioner for Oath .She possessed the professional Qualification from Sri Lanka Law College and Academic Qualification from the Open University of Sri Lanka. She is experienced in Civil Law, Labour Law, Contract Law, Notarial Practice, Company Secretarial and Board Secretarial functions, HR functions and General Administration. Prior to being appointed as the chief legal officer she was employed at Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC in the capacity of manager legal. Mr K.C.P.P. Peiris - (Group Head of HR) Mr Prabath Peiris is the Group Head of HR of Swarna-Solutions limited who joined the EAP group in February 2006 as Manager Human Resource Development. Mr Peiris is very much focused on developing and driving the company's good HR policies and practices to achieve the overall vision, mission, and objectives of the Group. Mr Peiris commenced his working career at Tea & Rubber Plantation Sector (managed under Kotagala Plantations / George Stuarts & Lankem) as a plantation Superintendent and has served over 13 years from 1992 - 2005. He began his HR career at CEAT International Tyres ( Pvt ) Limited, in the management category. Mr. Peiris has obtained professional qualifications from IPM (Institute of Personal Management) and NIPM (Institute of Plantation Management). In addition, his MBA from Cardiff Metropolitan University - UK has given him a professional edge to be more proactive in contributing to the organization as a Senior Management member. [ 54 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited J.M.P.S Jayaweera (Group Finance Manager) Mr. Jayaweera is a fellow Charted Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka with over 25 years of experience in various Senior Finance roles across Middle East, India, United Kingdom and in Sri Lanka. Advisory & implementation of full scope Finance transformations, mergers, acquisitions & integrations, Risk adjusted performance modelling & implementations, Business ownership for large general ledger implementations and performance management modelling & implementations are key highlights of his experience. Mr. Josheph Davernal Arnolda (Group Head of IT) Mr. Josheph Davernal Arnolda counts over 18 years of experience in the field of Information Technology and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI). Presently he works as the Head of IT of the EAP Group. Mr. Ruwan Alokabandara (Group Head - Quality Assurance) Mr. Ruwan Alokabandara counts over 13 years of experience in Quality Assurance & System Implementation in the fields of Garment manufacturing, Telecommunication & Tea processing. He is a diploma holder of Sri Lanka Standards Institution and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Mahatma Gandhi University -India. He is a certified ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor and Six-Sigma Black belt holder. Mr. Lasantha Samaranayake (Director - Engineering - Transmission) Mr. Lasantha Samaranayake obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and Masters degree in Business Administration at the Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka. He has completed the British Computer Society Examination in Information Technology and Engineering Council UK Degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering. Further he has completed the City & Guilds of London Full Technological Examination. He started his carrier at the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, in August 1982 till August 1999. He held different positions at SLRC including Deputy Director Engineering of Transmitter division and IT division. Further he was the Engineer in charge in Tanning, Projects and planning. On the same period he worked as a visiting Lecturer & Examiner to Institute of Engineering Technology, Katunayake - Sri Lanka. Then he joined EAP Network (pvt) Ltd (now known as EAP Broadcasting Company Ltd) as Deputy Director Engineering in August 1999 to January 2001. He was promoted as the Director Engineering in January 2001 and in the capacity of Director Engineering, was is responsible for the TV and Radio Broadcast - Engineering and operation of the entire TV and Radio Network (Three separate radio channels and two separate TV channels are in the network), Management/Administration of the Engineering Division, Planning and Implementation of upgrading the Television and Radio Transmitter Network. He worked as a member of the team which developed the Roadmap for the transition from analog to Digital Terrestrial television in Sri Lanka with collaboration with ITU. Further he was a member of the team appointed by Ministry of Media to develop A Policy Framework for the Digitalization of Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Sri Lanka. He is in the Advisory committee of NAITA Sri Lanka in the field of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering in the field of IT. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 55 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited He is a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka and Engineering Council of UK. Further he is a Charted IT Professional by British Computer Society (CITP). He is a corporate Member of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (MIE(SL)), Institute of Engineering and Technology UK (MIET), British Computer Society (MBCS) , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers USA (MIEEE), Mr. W.A.Shanthakumara (Director - Engineering) Mr. W.A.Shanthakumara, Director Engineering - MCR & Maintenance of EAP Broadcasting Company Ltd, directs the company towards its mission to maintain higher Engineering standards, internationally accepted in the field of Broadcasting. He is in charge of the Master Control Room, Production Studios , Engineering Maintenance, ENG / EFP and Production Services division which is essential in providing an excellent support for the smooth , uninterrupted operation of the Channel . Starting his carrier in the field of Radio & TV Broadcasting in 1982 with Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation at the very inception, he was exposed to many challenging experiences for the past 29 years with the industry. Due to his innovative approach of achieving targets, he was entrusted the rare opportunity of designing, Installing and Commissioning the MasterControl Transmission, Studio , Production and Post-production facilities for several key industry players such as Swarnavahini , ETV , TNL and YATV and regional TV Training Institutions such as Sri Lanka Television training Institute (SLTTI). Main Concept being ‘ Standardized, Cost Effective, Modular Design ‘ all these projects presently perform at their peak functionality and where he has even received International awards recognizing the contribution to the industry. Mr.Shanthakumara obtained his professional qualifications from the Universities of Colombo and Moratuwa followed by the Diplomas in TV Studio Design / Management and Transmitter Operation / Maintenance from United States Telecommunication Training Institute and Voice Of America, Washington DC, USA and Television training Centre , Berlin , West Germany. At present he is reading for an MBA from the Open University of Sri Lanka He also holds memberships from professional organisations such as IEEE-USA , IIESL SL . and a regular attendee of International Broadcasting conferences contributing to the research community. Mr. Ranjith Dylan Samuel (Director-Sales & Marketing) Mr. Ranjith Dylan Samuel counts over 22 years of experience in the field of Media after commencing his career as a Media Planner at Thompson Associates (Pvt) Ltd. In 1996, he joined EAP Networks (Pvt) Ltd as a Media Planner. He possesses experience in Media Strategy Planning, Budgetary Planning, Analyzing Competitor Activity and analyzing Media Research. He was promoted as an Assistant Director in 2009 and in 2012 being promoted as the Deputy Director - Sales & Marketing, he was involved in Marketing Strategic Planning, Industry Approach Methodologies and Device Action Plans etc. Presently he employs as the Director - Sales & Marketing. [ 56 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Mr. Sameera Fernando (Assistant Director - Programming E FM) Mr. Sameera Fernando has over 13 years’ experience as a radio presenter having worked with major radio broadcast companies in Sri Lanka such as ABC and MBC. He started his career in radio at CCL as a presenter in March 2000 but later joined the marketing division of ABC Pvt. Ltd. Thus, shortly after joining ABC, he joined Yes FM (MBC) as a radio presenter. At MBC, he also had the opportunity to host a TV programme called “Planet Pulse” where he hosted the show for two years. He rejoined CCL as the Programmes Manager of E FM when the station re-launched in 2007. Since then, he has been responsible for the day to day operations of the station including overlooking productions, play listing, scriptwriting, liaising with the station’s marketing team, conceptualizing radio campaigns, handling budgets, among many others. He has received his early education from renowned institutions overseas including Burma, Thailand, and Canada. He was also pursuing a Business Management degree in New Zealand. Mr. Charuka Suraweera (Assistant Director - Programming Shree FM) Mr.Charuka Suraweera has always been passionate about radio and has been with the company for almost a decade honing his skills and experience as a radio presenter. He has joined Colombo Communications as a senior script writer for Shree FM in 2000. Shortly after he joined, he has been tasked to oversee the production materials of the station and was promoted to Assistant Programmes Manager. Currently, Charuka heads the programming division of Shree FM as the Assistant Programme Director of the station. As the head of the station, he is in the process of revitalising and injecting new content into existing Shree FM programmes and have come up with the most innovative radio campaigns and promotions including award-winning campaigns like the Shree FM Badu Malla. His responsibilities include liaising with the different departments of CCL, organising and coordinating media sponsorships for outdoor events, and organising workshops and trainings. Mr, Charuka’s Suraweera’s programme ideas and radio promotions/campaigns have also garnered the station numerous national awards including Best Radio Entertainment Programme for Kanamediri Rathriya at the Sumathi Awards a few years back. Mr. Vasanthe Karunaratne (Assistant Director - Programming Ran FM) Mr. Vasanthe Karunaratne started his career in radio as a junior presenter at SLBC in 1976. During his stay at SLBC, he has developed his aptitude for presenting and by 1998 he was an announcer for the company’s four radio channels. He was also one of the pioneers of the organisation’s National Sports Channel. He worked for ABC Radio Network as a Programme Manager and spearheaded the launch of Shaa FM. He joined Colombo Communication in 2004 to start Raja FM, but later left to become the Senior Manager of Shaa FM. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 57 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Finally, Vasanthe rejoined Colombo Communications Ltd. in 2007 as the Programme Manager of Ran FM. Since then, he has been actively involved in planning innovative programmes for the channel and has led Ran FM to new heights. He was involved in planning and organising different radio promotions and campaigns including Padiyata Padiya, Ran Thatu Sawariya, Ran Dansela, Yapanayata Piyabanna. Currently, he is the assistant director programming of the station and manages the different divisions of the station including programming, promotions, and news. He obtained The Media Diploma from Colombo University and he is currently pursuing a course in Media at Sri Jayawardenapura University. 5.3 EMOLUMENTS OF THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT The Aggregate emoluments paid to the Senior Management comprising and/or profit sharing payment during the financial year ended 31st March 2014 was LKR 61.2 mn The estimated emoluments including bonus and/or profit sharing payment payable for the financial year ending 31st March 2015 is LKR 76.5 mn [ 58 ] Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 6 STATUTORY DECLARATIONS 6.1 STATUTORY DECLARATION BY THE DIRECTORS We, the undersigned who are named herein as Directors of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited hereby declare and confirm that we have read the provisions of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007 relating to the issue of the Prospectus and that those provisions have been complied with. "This Prospectus has been seen and approved by the Directors of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and they collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information given and confirm that provisions of the CSE Listing Rules and of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 and any amendments to it from time to time have been complied with and after making all reasonable enquiries and to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading or inaccurate. Where representations regarding the future performance of the Entity have been given in the Prospectus, such representations have been made after due and careful enquiry of the information available to the entity and making assumptions that are considered to be reasonable at the present point in time in the best judgment of the Directors." An application has been made to the Colombo Stock Exchange for permission to deal in and for a listing of Debentures issued by EAP Broadcasting Company Limited and those debentures which are the subject of this issue. Such permission will be granted when Debentures are listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange. The Colombo Stock Exchange assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements made or opinions expressed or reports included in this Prospectus. Listing on the Colombo Exchange is not be taken as an indication of the merits of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited or the Debenture issue." Sgd Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya Chairman Sgd Mano Tittawella Deputy Chairman Sgd Jeewaka Edirisinghe Director Sgd Deepa Edirisinghe Director Sgd Sgd Sgd Sgd Nalaka Edirisinghe Director Sgd Bertal Pinto-Jayawardena Director Asanka Edirisinghe Director Neilendra Iomal Russel De Mel Director Mahinda Preethiraj Jayawardena Director Debenture Issue 2015 [ 59 ] L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 6.2 DECLARATION BY THE MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE We, People's Bank - Investment Banking unit, of People's Bank Head office, 13th floor, No 75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02 being the managers to the Debenture issue of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited, hereby declare and confirm that to the best of our knowledge and belief that the Prospectus constitutes full and true disclosure of all ,material facts about the issue and about the EAP Broadcasting Company Limited ; whose Rated Redeemable Debentures (with a Sinking Fund Mortgaged in favour of the Trustee) are being issued and the People's Bank Investment banking Unit has satisfied itself that profit forecasts have been stated by the directors after due and careful enquiry The Common Seal of People's Bank was affixed on the 27th May 2015 day at Colombo in the presence of two Directors and Secretary to the Board of Directors of People's Bank Sgd. Secretary to the Board Sgd. Director [ 60 ] Sgd. Director Debenture Issue 2015 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited 7 Financial Information 7.1 Financial reports The following financial statements of EAP Broadcasting Company Limited are available on the website of the Company ( and are attached to the prospectus. - Audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2014. - Unaudited Interim financial statements of the Company for the period of 31st March 2015. - Summarized financial statement for the five years (2010-2014) preceding the date of the application stating the accounting policies adopted by the entity certified by the auditors. Qualifications carried in any of the auditor's reports covering the period in question and any material changes in accounting policies during the relevant period. Debenture Issue 2015 [ 61 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited E.A.P.BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2014 [ 62 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 63 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 64 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 65 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 66 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 67 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 68 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 69 ] L I M I T E D EAP 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BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 125 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 126 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 127 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 128 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 129 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited [ 130 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 131 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited ANNEXURE – II COLLECTION POINTS [ 132 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited COPIES OF THE PROSPECTUS CAN BE OBTAINED FREE OF CHARGE FROM THE FOLLOWING COLLECTION POINTS Managers to the Issue Banker to the Issue People's Bank Treasury (Investment Banking Unit) 13th floor, No 75, Sir Chittampalam Gardiner Mw, Colombo 02. Tel : 94 11 2 206795-6 Fax: 94 11 2 458842 People's Bank - Lucky Plaza 70, St. Anthony's Mawatha, Colombo 03 Tel : 94 11 5 634115, 011 2 576531 Fax : 94 11 2 576530 Registrars to the Issue SSP Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd No 101, Inner Flower Road Colombo 03 Tel : 94 11 2573894 Fax : 94 11 2573609 EAP Broadcasting Company Limited No 676, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: + 94 11 2599650 Fax: +94 11 2503788 Available at Following ETI Finance Branches, Swarnamahal Financial Services PLC Branches and Swarnamahal Jewellers Branches. Ambalangoda Branch No.26, Station Road, Ambalangoda Tel: 0912256715, 091 7534252 Email: Avissawella Branch No 22, Yatiyanthota Road, Avissawella. Tel: 0362232799, 036 7534242 Email : Ampara Branch No.103, D.S.Senanayake Street, Ampara. Tel : 0632223473, 063 7534242 Email : Badulla Branch No.104, Lower Street, Badulla. Tel : 0552225504,055 7534242 Email : Bambalapitiya Branch No. 129 ,Galle Road ,Bambalapitiya,Co-04. Tel :0112581706, 011 7534371 Email Gampaha Branch No. 25, Main Street , Gampaha. Tel : 033 2233255, 033 7534242 Email : Bandarawela Branch No.203, Main Street, Bandarawela. Tel :0572224600, 057 7534242 Email: Grandpass Branch No. 342, Grandpass Road , Co - 14. Tel :011 2440780, 011 7534374 Email : Battaramulla Branch No. 137, Main Street, Battaramulla. Tel :0112872080, 011 7534392 email: DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 133 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited D.S.Senanayaka Mawatha Branch No. 35 ,D.S.Senanayake Mawatha, Borella, Co- 8. Tel:0112685547, 011 7534372 Email : Head Office Branch No. 114, Ward Place Co- 07. Tel : 011 7534200 Email : Dambulla Branch No. 632, Anuradhapura Road, Dambulla. Tel :0662285295, 066 7534242 Email : Homagama Branch No. 60, High level Rd, Homagama Tel : 011 2892233, 011 7534375 Email : Dematagoda Branch No. 556, Dematagoda Road , Co- 09. Tel : 0112676942, 011 7534373 Email : Horana Branch No.21,Anguruwathota Rd,Horana Tel : 034 2265222, 034 7534252 Email Eheliyagoda Branch No. 22, Main Street, Eheliyagoda Tel :036 2258000, 036 7534252 Email : Kadawatha Branch No. 67/5B, Kandy Road, Kadawatha Tel : 011 2926665, 011 7534376 Email : Embilipitiya Branch No.103, New Town Rd, Embilipitiya Tel : 047 2261600, 047 7534242 Email : & Kaduwela Branch No. 475, Avissawella Road, Kaduwela Tel : 011 2579477, 011 7534394 Email : Galle Branch No. 18, Mosque Road, Main Street, Galle Tel : 091 2241166, 091 7534242 Email : Kaluthara Branch No.236, Main Street, Kaluthara South Tel : 034 2220505, 034 7534242 Email : Kegalle Branch No.173, Main Street, Kegalle Tel : 035 2222700, 035 7534242 Email : Kandana Branch No. 58, Negombo Road , Kandana. Tel : 011 2244613, 011 7534377 Email : Kiribathgoda Branch No. 29, Kandy Road , Kiribathgoda. Tel : 011 2905123, 011 7534391 Email : Matara Branch No. 33/B, Anagarika Dharmapala Mw, Matara Tel : 041 2234888, 041 7534242 Email : Kotahena Branch No. 214, George R.De Silva MW, Kotahena, Co13. Tel : 011 2320735, 011 7534378 Email ; Mathugama Branch No. 23, Kalutara Road, Mathugama. Tel : 034 2243979, 034 7534262 Email : Kottawa Branch No. 367/1/J, High Level Road, Kottawa Tel : 011 2896091, 011 7534379 Email : Monaragala Branch No.145,Wellawaya Road, Monaragala. Tel : 055 2277118, 055 7534252 Email : Kurunegala Branch No. 28, Sooratissa Mw, Kurunegala Tel : 037 2229711, 037 7534242 Email : Moratuwa Branch No .14, Station Road , Moratuwa Tel : 011 2643806, 011 7534383 Email : [ 134 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Maharagama Branch No. 78, Highlevel Road , Maharagama. Tel : 011 2844365, 011 7534390 Email Mount Lavinia Branch No. 36, Galle Road , Mount Lavinia. Tel : 011 2712009, 011 7534389 Email : Malay Street Branch No. 141, Malay Street, Co- 02. Tel : 011 2338824, 011 7534380 Email : Negombo Branch No. 59, Greens Road , Negombo Tel : 031 2234242, 031 7534242 Email : Maradana Branch No.143, Deans Road, Co- 10. Tel : 011 2685801, 011 7534381 Email : Nugegoda Branch No. 37, Old Kesbewa Road, Nugegoda. Tel : 011 2810371, 011 7534384 Email : Maradana Branch No. 435, Maradana Road, Co- 10. Tel : 011 2673585, 011 7534382 Email : Panadura Branch No.79, D.S.Senanayake Mw, Panadura. Tel : 038 2241970, 038 7534242 Email : Piliyandala Branch No. 20, Horana Road ,Piliyandala. Tel : 011 2614891,011 7534393 Email : Pettah Branch M/G/ 3, Saunders Place, Colombo-12 Tel : 011 2445070, 011 7534385 Email : Rathnapura Branch No. 01,Main Street,Rathnapura. Tel : 045 2222058, 045 7534242 Email : Welimada Branch No. 58, Badulla Rd, Welimada Tel : 057 2244111, 057 7534252 Email : Sea Street Branch No. 178, Sea Street, Co- 11. Tel : 011 2436351, 011 7534386 Email : Wellawatte Branch No. 307, Galle Road, Co- 06. Tel : 011 2362548 011 7534387 Email : Tissamaharama Branch No. 15, Main Street, Tissamaharama. Tel : 047 2237001, 047 7534252 Email : Wellawatte Branch No. 99, Galle Road, Co- 06. Tel : 011 2586574, 011 7534388 Email : DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 135 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Aluthgama Branch) No. 164 Galle Road, Aluthgama. Tel: 034 2271775 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Trincomalee Branch) No. 31 Central Road, Trincomalee. Tel: 026 2226677 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Batticaloa Branch) No. 190 Trincomalee Road, Batticaloa.. Tel: 065 2222880 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Vavuniya Branch) No. 141 Kandy Road, Vavuniya. Tel: 024 2226233 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Chilaw Branch) No. 24A Bazaar Street, Chilaw. Tel: 032 2224888 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Ja Ela Branch) No. 120 Negombo Road, Ja Ela. Tel: 0112 249085 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Gampaha Branch) No. 16 Market Street, Gampaha. Tel: 033 2248444 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Ragama Branch) No. 62A Tewatta Road, Ragama. Tel: 0112 957053 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Hatton Branch) No. 15 Main Street, Hatton. Tel: 0512224466 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Jam Pettah Branch) No. 05 , Jampettah Street, Colombo 13. Tel: 0112 452245 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Jaffna Branch) No. 338 Hospital Road, Jaffna. Tel:021 2220245 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Wattala Branch) No. 416 Negombo Road, Wattala. Tel: 0112 933330 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (kandy Branch) No. 156 Kotugodella Street, Kandy. Tel: 081 2226126 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Moratuwa Branch) No.14,Station Rd,Moratuwa Tel: 0117534456 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Kollupitya Branch) No. 654 Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: 0112 2556160 - 4 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Negambo Branch) No. 93 Rajapaksha Broadway, Negombo. Tel: 031 2222619 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Galle Branch) No.16, Kaluwella, Galle Tel: 0917534444 Swarnamahal Jewellers (NegamboBranch) No.18, Greens Rd,Negambo Tel: 0317534444 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Nugegoda Branch) No. 31 St. Thilakaratna Mawatha, Nugegoda. Tel: 0112 810666 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Gampaha Branch) No.22/A, Mangala Rd,Gampaha Tel: 0337534444 Swarnamahal Financial Services PlC. (Rathnapura Branch) No. 15 Main Street, Rathnapura. Tel: 045 2226270 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Mathara Branch) No.31, Anagarika Dharmapala Mw,Mathara Tel: 0417534444 [ 136 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Swarnamahal Jewellers (Kandy Branch) No.46, Dalada Veediya,Kandy Tel: 0817534444 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Kiribathgoda Branch) No.160, kandy Rd, Kiribathgoda Tel: 0117534468 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Sea Street Branch) No.73, Sea Street, Col-11 Tel:0117534459 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Rathnapura Branch) No.173, Main Street, Ratnapura Tel: 0457534444 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Maharagama Branch) No.11, Highlevel Rd, Maharagama Tel: 0117534462 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Gold Center ) No.40, Down Floor, Gold Center, Sea Beach Rd, Col-11 Tel: 0117534471 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Kaluthara Branch) No.82, Main Street, Kaluthara Tel: 0347534444 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Wattala Branch) No.442, Negambo Rd, Hendala, Wattala Tel: 0117534474 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Nugegoda Branch) No.95, StanleyThilakaratne Mw, Nugegoda Tel: 0117534465 Swarnamahal Jewellers (Kollupitiya Branch) No.676, Galle Rd, Col-03 Tel: 0117534477 DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 137 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Members and Trading Members of the CSE Acuity Stockbrokers (Private) Limited Level 6, Acuity House, No. 53, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 03 T: 011 2 206206 NDB Securities (Private) Limited. 5th Floor, NDB Building, No. 40, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel 011 2314170 Asha Phillips Securities Limited 2nd Floor, Lakshmans Building, No 321, Galle Road, Colombo 03. T: 011 2 429100 First Guardian Equities (Private) Limited 32nd Floor, East Tower, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo 01. T: 011 5 884400 Asia Securities (Private) Limited Level 21, West Tower, World Trade Centre, Echelon Square, Colombo 01, Tel. 011 2 423905, 011 5 320000 Candor Equities Limited. Level 8, South Wing, Millennium House No. 46/58, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02. T: 011 2 359100 Assetline Securities (Pvt) Ltd. No. 120,120A ,Pannipitiya Road Battaramulla T: 011 4 700111 Bartleet Religare Securities (Private) Limited Level G, "Bartleet House" No. 65, Braybrooke Place, Colombo 02 T: 011 5 220200 Capital Trust Securities (Private) Limited No. 42, Mohamed Macan Markar Mawatha, Colombo 03 T: 011 2 174174 Enterprise Ceylon Capital (Private) Limited. 27th Floor, East Tower, World Trade Center Eachelon Square, Colombo 01. T: 011 2 333000 J B Securities (Pvt) Ltd. No. 150, St. Joseph Street, Colombo 14. T: 011 2 490900, 077-2490900 John Keells Stockbrokers (Private) Limited No. 186, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02 T: 011 2 306250, 2 342066-7 CT CLSA Securities (Private) Limited 4-14, Majestic City, No. 10, Station Road, Colombo 04 T: 011 2 552290-4 Lanka Securities (Private) Limited No. 228/1, Galle Road, Colombo 04 T: 011 4 706757, 011 2 554942 Capital Alliance Securities (private) Limited Level 5, "Millenium House", No. 46/58, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 02 T: 011 2 317777 LOLC Securities Ltd Level 18, West Tower, World Trade Center Echelon Square, Colombo 01 T: 011 7 880880 Claridge Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd No. 10, Gnanaratha Pradeepa Mawatha Colombo 08 T: 011 2 697974 Nation Lanka Equities (Private) Limited No. 44, Guildford Crescent Colombo 07 T: 011 4 889061-3 [ 138 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED L I M I T E D EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Somerville Stockbrokers (Private) Limited No 137, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02. T: 011 2 329201-5 S C Securities (Private) Limited 2nd Floor ,No 55 D.R. Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10. T: 011 4 711000 First Capital Equities (Private) Limited No.01, Level 02, Lake Crescent, Colombo 02. T: 011 2 145000 Richard Pieris Securities (Private) Limited No. 55/20, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02. T: 011 7 448900 Navara Securities (Private) Limited No 25-2/1, Mile Post Avenue, Colombo 03. T: 011 2 358700/20 SMB Securities (Private) Limited No. 102/1,Dr.N.M.Perera Mawatha, Colombo 08.T: 011 4 388138 Serendib Stock Brokers (Private) Limited Level 15, East Tower, World Trade Center, Echelon Sqaure, Colombo 01. T: 011 2 550 0600 TKS Securities (Private) Limited 4th Floor, No 245, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07. T: 011 7 857 799 Softlogic Stockbrokers (Private) Limited No.06, 37th Lane, Queens Road, Colombo 03. T: 011 7 277000 Capital Alliance Limited Level 5, "Millenium House", 46/58, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02 T: 011 2 317777 First Capital Markets Limited No. 02, Deal Place, Colombo 03. T: 011 2 639 898 Wealth Trust Securities Limited No.32, Castle Street, Colombo 08. Tel: 011 2 689823 Taprobane Securities (Private) Limited 2nd Floor, No 10, Gothami Road, Colombo 08. T: 011 5 328200 DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 [ 139 ] L I M I T E D EAP BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED EAP Broadcasting Company Limited Custodian Banks Bank of Ceylon Head Office, 11th Floor, 04, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01. Tel: 011 2448348 Hatton National Bank PLC HNB Towers, 479, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. Tel: 011 266 4664 Citi Bank 65 C, DharmapalaMawatha, P.O. Box 888, Colombo 07. Tel: 011 244 7316/8, 011 244 7318, 011 244 9061,011 232 8526, 011 479 4700 Nations Trust Bank PLC 242, Union Place, Colombo 02. Tel: 0114 313131 Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited Commercial House, 21, Bristol Street, P.O. Box 853, Colombo 01. Tel: 011 244 5010-15, 011 238 193-5 National Savings Bank Savings House 255, Galle Road, Colombo 03 Tel: 5 730081-5 Deutsche Bank P.O. Box 314 No. 86, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: 011 244 7062, 011 243 8057 People’s Bank Head Office, 5th Floor, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel:2206795-6 Pan Asia Bank 450, Galle Road Colombo 03 Tel: 011 2 565565 Seylan Bank Limited Level 6, CBD, Seylan Towers, 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: 011 245 6789, 011 470 1812 Sampath Bank Limited 110, Sir James Pieris Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel: 011 2300 260 Standard Chartered Bank 37, York Street, P. O. Box 112, Colombo 01. Tel: 011 479 4400, 011 248 0000 State Bank of India 16, Sir Baron Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 01. Tel: 011 232 6133-5, 011 243 9405-6 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 24, Sir Baron Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 01. Tel: 011 232 5435, 011 244 6591 Union Bank No 64A, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Tel: 011 2 370 870 [ 140 ] DEBENTURE ISSUE 2015 Printed by Ceylon Printers PLC
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