Vermeil`s Sports and Fitness


Vermeil`s Sports and Fitness
Vermeil’s Sports and Fitness:
By Al Vermeil
Vermeil’s Sports and Fitness:
• Coach Wood
• My Son Lance
• All the coaches, sports medicine, and sports
scientists who have shared their knowledge with me
• All of the athletes I’ve coached
• Erik Helland, Mike Gattone, and Jeff Macy
• Jerry Krause & Jerry Reinsdorf
• Steve Javorek & Mark Comerford
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Upright Row From Hang (You could do a Muscle Clean)
Muscle Snatch From Hang
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Good Morning
Squat To Press
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Bent Over Row
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Lose posture on initial
movement = neurological
Waiters Bow w/ tape on spine.
Move into hang with stick on back
Lose posture late = hamstrings
limited range
Stretch hamstrings, waiters bow w/
Lose posture after a few reps =
strength endurance
Back extensions, Rev Hypers &
Lose Thoracic spine (T) posture
or Kyphotic posture = restricted
T spine motion
T Spine Mobs, strengthen T Spine
prone or T spine strengthening &
disassociation over physio ball,
with glutes & abds tight
Group Evaluation And Testing
To help get the athlete into the proper hang position, have them
do it with old golf shaft down their shirt or a round object for feed
back. They should feel the shaft in their low back/sacral area
and their upper back. When moving into the hang they should
keep it on those contact point . As the athlete move into the
hang head will move off the shaft slightly
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
T Spine Mobilization With Elbows Together to Open Up T Spine
T Spine in Extension
T Spine in Flexion
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Prone Thoracic Spine Strengthening & Disassociation
Start Ads & Glute
Ads & Glute Contracted stay
Contracted to Maintain Posterior
Pelvic Tilt
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Thoracic Spine Strengthening And Disassociation Over Physio Ball
Make Sure Glutes &
Abdominals Are Contracted
To Maintain Posterior Tilt
Only Extend from
Thoracic Spine
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Upright Row
Poor elbow position w/
bar at sternum =
restricted internal
rotation of shoulder
Scapula strengthening. Soft tissue work
done on the four trigger points of
inspinatus & one trigger point on the
teres minor. Stretch internal rotators on
Kyphotic posture during
pull = restricted T spine
See slides 7 Thru 9 T Spine for Mobs, T
Spine strengthening and disassociation
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Add foam roller
under arm
Internal Rotation Stretches
Hand In Front
Of Shoulder To
Manually keep
the shoulder
from dropping
and the head of
the shoulder
from gliding
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Poor acceleration = lack of
extensors strength
Static VJ, Back Ext, Rev Back Ext,
MB Back Throw
Bar swings away = elbow
position, T spine posture or
restriction in lats
See slide 9 for internal rotation
stretch, slide 13 for lats and See
slides 7 Thru 9 T Spine for T
Mobs, T Spine strengthening and
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Total Body Bridge
Lats & Pecs
Mobilizing Thoracic Spine
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Lat stretch, keep scapular pin in
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Lumbar sway = improper
technique initiates motion with
upper body, iliacus weak,
weak extension & Kyphotic
Do reverse Hypers to learn to
initiate with lower body & Iliacus
strengthening on wall slide 15.
See slides 7 Thru 9 for T Spine
Mobs, T Spine strengthening and
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Iliacus Strengthening
Start With the Back
Flat on The Wall
Hold Leg At 90° And Then Go
Into A Lordic Posture While
Maintaining 90° Angle.
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
A dysfunction is present if the 4 point kneeling test, with knees & feet
athlete complains of flexion- together the athlete rocks back
related symptoms in the
maintaining a long shallow lordosis.
lumbar spine; if they flex at
Maintained lordosis until 120 degrees
the spine before 120° hips
of hip flexion as the athlete moves
when squatting = restriction in backward. If they fail test, repeat test
posterior fibers of the IT band with knees apart. If they pass then
that insert into the glut max or stretch posterior fibers of the IT band.
lack of lumbar control.
Fail test with knees apart, improve
lumbar control
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Four Point Kneeling Test With Feet & Knees Together
Failed, Flexed Lumbar
Four Point Kneeling Stretch For Posterior Fibers Of The IT Band. Must
Have An Increased Lumbar Lordosis To Stretch Posterior Fibers.
Must Maintain Lordosis
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Asymmetry on all four test shift Check for asymmetry by placing
to a side = possible restriction your hands on PSIS. If they lack
in sacrum/pelvis
symmetry they will shift to one
side or favor one side while
squatting. Hook leg of the side of
the PSIS that was high over the
other foot and sit back.
Asymmetry when squatting =
restriction in ankle, hips or
Stretch or mobilize the restriction
in ankle, hips or adductors
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Hook Leg Of The Side Of The PSIS That Was High Over
The Other Foot And Sit Back.
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Excessive outward foot
Mobilize external hip rotators,
rotation = restriction motion in slippery squats
external rotation of hip
Knees coming in = weak
Stretch and strengthen abductors
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Mobilize Hip Rotators On Foam Roller
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Lack of squat depth =
restriction Achilles, gastroc,
quads and superficial glute
Holding on to pole squat. Depth
improves, then stretch Achilles,
gastroc and quads
Depth does not improve =
then the restriction is in the
Mobilize external hip rotators.
Wall squats with ball or foam roll
good in both cases
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Squat, Pushing Hips Forward And Knees Out At The
Bottom. Knee and feet together for glute max/ITB
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Press Bar to front = Tight
pectorals & Lats
Stretch pectorals and lats,
Lumbar sway = poor mobility
in the thoracic spine,
restriction in lats or can’t
disassociate the thoracic
spine from the lumbar spine
Same as above. See slide 7 thru
9 for T spine Mobs,
strengthening and disassociation.
See slide 13 for lats, shoulder
and slide 15 for spine Iliacus
strengthening on wall.
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Pectoral Stretch
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Exercise /
Bent Over
Shoulder round = lacks
scapular control
All scapula strengthening
Can't maintain proper posture
at T spine =
See Slides 7 thru 9 for T Spine
mobs, strengthening and
Lose posture after a few reps
= strength endurance
Test the superman. If Upper body
fails first then do back ext. If Lower
body fails first then do rev back ext
Strength Circuit as an Evaluation Tool
Barbell Strength Circuit Variations
Front Squat To Press (You Can Do Muscle Clean, Instead Of Row If
Using Front Squat To Press)
Lunge To A Press
Applying Strength Circuit To Training
Beginning Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level
Athletes with deficiency
That prevents them from
doing the complex should
first correct the deficiency
and start training with a
body weight circuit.
Athletes who aren’t deficient
can begin training using the
Strength Circuit. They should
continue to make it their priority
until a Male Athletes can do
the Strength Circuit with 40%
of their body weight for three
sets & Female Athletes 30% of
their body weight for three sets.
Can do Strength
Circuit and can pass
the norms. Can start
training with basic
strength exercise i.e.
squats, pulls/rdls
and pressing and
tech for Olympic
Barbell Strength Circuit Teaching Progression
– All exercises are at first, taught separately
– Teach the row and muscle snatch from a standing upright
position while the athlete is still learning the correct form for the
hang position
– When the female's can do 20 percent of their body weight and
the male's 30 percent body weight for each exercise individually
for 3 sets of 6, then, at this point, sequence all the exercises
Barbell Strength Circuit Variations
Press From Lunge Position
Dumbbell Strength Circuit
Dumbbell Upright Row From Hang
Dumbbell Muscle Snatch From Hang
Dumbbell Strength Circuit
Dumbbell Squat To Press
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Strength Circuit Variations
Dumbbell Presses From A Split
Dumbbell Lunge To A Press