Waukon, IA - Allamakee County Economic Development
Waukon, IA - Allamakee County Economic Development
GUIDE Tri-State Area A Special Publication of The Standard, Waukon, IA 2015 Community & Visitors’ Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 2 Community & Visitors’ Guide The Community & Visitors’ Guide is published by: The Standard P.O. Box 286, 15 First Street NW, Waukon, IA 52172 Jeremy Troendle, Managing Editor 563-568-3431 • www.waukonstandard.com Open 7 Days A W�k! 5 $ 25 2 Lunch only! Dine-In or Take Out AREA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE WAUKON, IOWA 101 W. Main Street, Waukon, IA 52172 563-568-4110 • www.waukon.org LANSING, IOWA 288 Main Street, P.O. Box 307, Lansing, IA 52151 • 563-538-9229 www.facebook.com/mainstreetlansing Most photos throughout this publication courtesy of Bob Beach, Robin Johnson and Stacey Knox. Daily Lunch Special $ Lime Margaritas MAY 2015 Nightly Specials Fiesta Vallarta AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT RESTAURAN 9 E. Main Street, Waukon • 563-568-0020 Sun.-Thurs. 11am-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm DECORAH, IOWA 507 W. Water Street, Decorah, IA 52101 563-382-3990 • www.decorahareachamber.com MCGREGOR/MARQUETTE, IOWA 146 Main St., P.O. Box 105, McGregor, IA 52157 563-873-2186 • www.mcgreg-marq.org MONONA, IOWA 103 West Center St., P.O. Box 191 Monona, Iowa 52159 563-539-8340 • www.mononachamber.com PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, WISCONSIN 211 S. Main, PO Box 326, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 800-732-1673 • www.prairieduchien.org ALLAMAKEE COUNTY Dorchester • Harpers Ferry • Lansing e e k a m y a t l n l u o A C IOWA New Albin • Postville • Waterville • Waukon Call or Email for a Free Brochure! 563-568-2624 neiatourism@mchsi.com 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS ty.com eCoun www.Allamake Come 101 West Main St. Waukon, IA th re Wi o l p x E Us! 1 Visitor Center Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm www.allamakeecounty.com or www.visitiowa.org • New Albin Days - June 12-13 • Thunder in the Park - June 12-14 • Postville Big 4 Fair - June 19-21 • Allamakee County Fair - July 15-19 • Lansing Fish Days - August 7-9 • Waukon Corn Days - August 14-16 • Big Pumpkin Contest - September 27 • Harpers Ferry Farmers Market - June September (Every Friday 5pm-7pm) • Lansing Farmers Market - June September (Every Saturday 9am-noon) • Waukon Farmers Market - June-Sept. (Every Monday 3:30pm -5:30pm) MAY 2015 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 3 Driftless Area Scenic Byway The 100-mile Driftless Area Scenic Byway zigzags its way across Allamakee County in northeastern Iowa. What makes this route truly special is the beautiful topography of the area. Centuries ago when the last glaciers passed over much of Iowa flattening and depositing glacial till, this corner of the state remained untouched. The result is a striking region of gashed and furrowed terrain known as the “Driftless Area.” Along this Byway, the Mississippi, Yellow and Upper Iowa rivers have carved through the land to create majestic limestone bluffs, forested valleys and meandering river bottoms. The distinctive landscape offers many panoramic vistas and breathtaking views that have resulted in the Driftless Area Scenic Byway being rated the most scenic state Byway in Iowa. Spend time in each of the five Byway communities: Postville, Harpers Ferry, Waukon, Lansing and New Albin. Each Byway community offers its own unique stories, festivals and places to explore. These quaint countryside towns offer opportunities to shop, dine on local cuisine, relive history or enjoy outdoor recreation all while experiencing the area’s exquisite scenery. The total travel time of the Byway is three hours. 24 HOUR ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 563-568-3132 Owners: Brian & Marie Burington 2149 Allamakee St., Waukon, IA • AAA Service • Door Unlocks • Long & Short Distance Hauling • Major & Minor Repairs Available Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 4 MAY 2015 2015 Allamakee County Calendar of Events May 25 May 25 May 25 May 25 May 25 June 1 June 5-6 June 5-7 June 12-13 June 13-14 June 19-20 June 19-21 July 4 July 15-19 July 16-18 August 6-9 August 14-16 September 26 October 2-4 November 13-16 November 23 Memorial Day observance, New Albin, 9 a.m. Memorial Day parade and program, Waukon, 9:45 a.m. Memorial Day parade and program, Harpers Ferry, 10 a.m. Memorial Day observance, Postville, 10 a.m. Memorial Day parade and program, Lansing, 10:15 a.m. Dairy Days parade, Waukon, 7:30 p.m. Waukon City-Wide Garage Sales Iowa Free Fishing Weekend New Albin Days Thunder in the Park Civil War Reenactment, Waukon City Park Lansing City-Wide Garage Sales Big Four Fair, Postville Fireworks, Harpers Ferry, dusk Allamakee County Fair, Waukon Shooky Fink Little League Tournament, New Albin Lansing Fish Days Waukon Corn Days 8th Annual Big Pumpkin Contest, TASC Facility, Waukon NE Iowa Artists Studio Tours Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Christmas Fantasy, Waukon Holiday Parade, Waukon The “ Old Bakery” Guest House at the corner of Louise Keenan’s Heart Song Center 608-780-6403 Corner of Main St. & Spring Ave. Lower Level of Corner Stone Building Waukon, IA Hours: Tue.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. & Sun. 10-2 Massage or Reiki Treatments West and Main in Downtown Waukon, IA with Louise Keenan Call for an appointment. For reservations call 563-568-8218 or 563-568-2660 Painting Classes All Agese! Welcom Stop in or call 563-568-1742 for classes Local Artisans with Teralee Serving breakfast all day Saturday & until 11:30 am Sunday along with dinner specials. S&D Cafe Try our Homemade Pies, Malts & Shakes! Great Family Atmosphere! 13 W. Main, Waukon • 563-568-9944 pm Mon. - Fri.Mon.-Fri 5:30 am - 5:30 2 pm;am-3:30 Sat. & Sun. 7 am - 1 pm Sandy & Al Halverson, Owners Sat. & Sun. 7:00 am-1:00 pm Handcrafted Jewelry, Cards, Baskets, Quilting & More! Above the Rest (A division of the Heart Song Center) 3 & 5 E. Main St., Waukon 608-769-9521 Painting Parties! Fun for Bachelorette or Birthday Parties! Hours: Tue.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. & Sun. 10-2 • Upscale Resale • Hand Crafted Jewelry • Home Accessories Space Available for Parties! Painting Parties, Bridal or Baby Showers, Etc. Call Louise or Teralee for details 608-769-9521 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 PAGE 5 Allamakee a County, Iow Allamakee County Fair The 162nd Allamakee County Fair will be held July 15-19 at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds, located on the north edge of Waukon on Allamakee Street. The fair provides good old-fashioned fun for all ages. It begins with the annual fair queen crowning. There will also be grandstand entertainment, 4-H judging, exhibits in the 4-H, Ag, and Commercial buildings, midway rides, and more. Grandstand events this year include a truck and tractor pull Wednesday evening and Motokazie Thursday night. Friday night Dylan Scott will open for headliner Chris Cagle, Saturday night there will be a rodeo and Sunday afternoon’s feature is “Tough Trucks.” For more information or to purchase a grandstand pass, check out the fair’s web site at www. allamakeecountyfair.org. 162nd Annual 2015 Allamakee COUNTY FAIR Allamakee Co. Fairgrounds, Waukon, IA Grandstand Events July 15 • 7pm Tractor & Truck Pull July 16 • 7pm Motokazie JULY 15-19 Opening Dylan Scott” Headliner “ Chris Cagle” July 18 • 7pm Rodeo July 19 • 1pm Tough Trucks DOUBLE “D” LIQUOR STORE 618 Rossville Road, Waukon, IA (563) 568-2153 LOCALLY OWNED! State Minimums on all Cigarettes July 17 • 7pm “ Photos courtesy of allamakeecountyfair.org Grandstand admission: $25 in advance; $30 Starting July 15th; $15 for Single Night; 10 & Under Free! Superior Carnival Purchase Grandstand Passes Online now at www.allamakeecountyfair.org Grandstand passes also available at Allamakee Co. Extension, Waukon State Bank, Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank, Fidelity Bank & Trust, Waukon Village Farm & Home and Clark Tire Center • Liquor • Wine Coolers • Non-Alcohol Wine • Mixes • Beer • Kegs • Super Coolers • Large Selection of Fine Wines • Pop • Spring Grove Pop • Snacks • Candy Large roll your own cigarette section! BEST PRICES on all Tobacco products in the area! • Cigarettes • Greeting Cards • Ice (Cubes or Block) Get your LOTTO tickets here! BEER, LIQUOR & WINE SPECIALS EVERY WEEK! OPEN: MON.-THUR. 8AM-7PM; FRI. & SAT. 8AM-9PM; SUN. 10AM-4PM We accept debit cards & most major credit cards Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Allamakee County Courthouse Museum PAGE 6 MAY 2015 The Allamakee County Courthouse Museum, 121 Allamakee Street, Waukon, serves those committed to an active interest in local and state history. Those with ancestors in the area may consult the developing genealogical file for family information. Resources include newspapers on microfilm or in bound books, 5,000 probates, guardianships, and wills as well as naturalization papers and copies of old scrapbooks, school records, photos, history books, and much more. Our Tasting Room is Open Saturdays 10am-5pm & Sundays 1-5pm or by appointment We ferment the whole fruit for the best tasting ‘TRUE TO THE FRUIT’ wines. Empty Nest Winery 1352 Apple Road Waukon, IA 563.568.2758 Dave & Pam Kruger emptynestwinery.com Visitors may view The Red Schoolhouse and Gjefle Log Cabin. Museum tours are available June through September or by special appointment. For more information, contact the Allamakee County Historical Society at 563-568-2954 or 563-5357646, e-mail info@allamakeehistory.org or visit www. allamakeehistory.org. COME VISIT US! OLD COURTHOUSE MUSEUM 503 Rossville Rd., Waukon, IA 563-568-4438 open June August 944 S. Marquette Rd., Prairie du Chien, WI 608-326-6967 www.hardees.com Restored Log Cabin • One Room School Genealogy Department (563) 568-2954 or (563) 535-7646 The Allamakee Co. Historical Society 121 Allamakee St., P.O. Box 95 Waukon, IA 52172 email: info@allamakeehistory.org website: allamakeehistory.org Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Allamakee County Veterans Memorial MAY 2015 PAGE 7 Unveiled on the front lawn of the Allamakee County Courthouse during a ceremony held during the 2005 Memorial Day weekend in Waukon, the Allamakee County Veterans Memorial was erected in honor of the county men and women who have served their country. Listed on the granite memorial are those veterans who were killed in action or prisoners of war. Over 1,000 bricks line the area around the memorial, each donated in honor of area servicemen. Visitors are encouraged to stop by the monument and reflect on the sacrifices made by local families. Plans are being made to expand the memorial to honor more . deserving men and women in the years to come. Visit WAUKON ALLAMAKEE COUNTY FAIR FARMERʼS MARKET Sweet Corn Days Open Year Round! Mon - Sat 9 am - 5 pm Closed Wed. (October - March) Check out our 15 color organized rooms! • Quality Antiques & Collectibles • Ground Floor No Steps Larry & JoAnn Gelo, Owners llgelo@msn.com 615 Rossville Rd., Waukon, IA • 563-568-6486 (across from Mulligans on Hwys. 76 & 9 South Waukon) http://allamakeeantiquemall.com Thunder in the Park BIG PUMPKIN CONTEST St. Patʼs Parade “We have the keys to your future” Holiday Parade HOLIDAY PUNCH CARDS MUCH MORE ON OUR WEBSITE! 101 West Main St., Waukon, IA • 563-568-4110 Email: waukoncc@mchsi.com www.waukon.org Offering Real Estate Brokerage & Auction Service For All Types of Property Ewing Real Estate 1 East Main St., Waukon 563-568-4371 Residential • Commercial • Farms Building Lots • Recreational Land www.ewingreal-estate.com Dick Sullivan, Broker • Sharon Kubitz, Broker Associate Sales Associates: Donelle Sherman & Dan Denk Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 8 MAY 2015 Waukon, Iowa Waukon is the county seat of Allamakee County and is located in the heart of scenic northeast Iowa vistas. Waukon enjoys an enviable blend of modern technology and friendly shops with unsurpassed natural beauty. Waukon has many active civic/industrial improvement programs in place. The community is home to a golf course, a 40-acre city park with wooden playground, hiking and biking trails, and aquatic center. There are churches of many denominations in the city and some of those church buildings are among the city’s most impressive architecture. Waukon hosts a number of festivities and celebrations throughout the year, including this year’s line-up of Thunder in the Park Civil War Reenactment June 12-14, the Allamakee County Fair July 15-19, Corn Days August 14-16, the Big Pumpkin Festival September 26 and the Holiday Parade November 23. Waukon has three full-service banks, a local radio station and a weekly newspaper. Waukon also has a municipal airport. Small town atmosphere sells Waukon. The friendly area merchants and residents make everyone feel welcome. Visit downtown Waukon August 14-16 for its Corn Days festivities. Waukon is located 17 miles from the Wisconsin border, 18 miles from the Minnesota border and only 15 miles from the Mississippi River. The current population is approximately 3,882. For more information, visit www. cityofwaukon.com. 30 Spring Ave., Waukon, IA (across from Kwik Star) • 563-568-3360 • Thomas Main Feature Theater & Pizza Pub Movie Line: (563) 568-4900 Order Line: (563) 568-6134 www.mainfeaturetheater.com 38 West Main St., Waukon, IA Open Sun-Fri 4-9 pm & Sat. 3-9 pm • No Movies on Wed. WAUKON LOCATION 777 11th Ave. SW, Waukon, IA Grocery Department: 563-568-5017 Grocery Manager: Cleve Branan Meat Department: 563-568-5018 Market Manager: Les Lickiss HOURS: OPEN 8 am to 9 pm MONDAY through SATURDAY, CLOSED SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Corn Days MAY 2015 Waukon’s annual Corn Days celebration features three days worth of family-oriented activities beginning with an affordable meal of sweet corn, pork sandwiches and milk served from 4-8 p.m. Friday, August 14. Entertainment during the meal will include a celebrity dunk tank. The Corn Days Parade, formerly the Heritage Parade, will be held Friday, August 14 beginning at 7 p.m. followed by a corn eating contest. Saturday’s activities begin with Veterans Memorial Hospital’s 5k Cardiac Classic run/walk with registration beginning at 7 a.m. and the run/walk starting at 8 Established 1928 27 Spring Ave., Waukon PAGE 9 a.m. as well as the I-Ride Motorcycle and Vehicle Fundraiser with registration at 8 a.m. and the ride from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A bean bag tournament at Green Valley Getaway has also been planned for Saturday. Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from Rossville Road to First Street NW Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a street fair and sidewalk sales. Capping off Saturday’s activities will be a street dance from 8 p.m. to midnight. Sunday, August 16 will be Family Day at Waukon City Park from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Wall to Wall CUSTOM Custom picture framing & upscale resale Specializing in Repurposing! Vintage, Antiques, Collectibles & Home Furnishings Closed Mon.; Tue. - Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm or by appointment 3 West Main St., We carry several local artists & USA products! Decor for the Home Iowa Wines • Fresh Flowers, Silk Arrangements & Wreaths Empty Nest Winery, • Angels & Stepping Stones Promiseland & • Wind Chimes Tasselridge Custom • Unique Gifts Designs • Pottery Hours: Mon 8:30-6, • Blooming & Green Plants Tue - Fri 8:30-5, • Hanging Baskets & Pots & Sat 8:30-3 t All We Accep Cards it d re C r Majo Phone 568-3711 or 888-568-3711 www.waukongreenhouse.com WAUKON 563.568.6170 BY THE STOP LIGHTS Yen Hing Dragon Chinese Restaurant Authentic Cuisine of China 9 Spring Ave., Waukon 563-568-2383 Business Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11am-9:30pm, Sun. 11am-9pm • Mon. Closed PAGE 10 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Waukon City Park For its size, the “little city” of Waukon boasts a sizable, modern, and well-kept city park. The park is located just off Highway 9, Rossville Road, near the southern edge of Waukon, and encompasses 46 rolling acres. Picnic shelters are available for public use on a firstcome, first-served basis. A full-sized swimming pool, hiking trails, and camping facilities are also available. Be certain to visit the park’s Indian Springs Pond, offering a sheltered area and pond-side benches for seating, and Indian Springs Memory Garden. A newly - developed trail through the park offers opportunities for walking, biking, snow shoeing or cross country skiing. Unique to the park is its remarkably creative playground structure. Constructed of wood, Hideaway Park was created, designed, named, and funded in great part by local school children. Volunteer labor built the playground, utilizing $50,000 in donations. The park is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. To reserve a picnic shelter, call 563-568-0081. DISCOUNT GROCERIES Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Cheese curd capital of Iowa! Guided Creamery & Farm Tours Available; call or email for details. Yoder’s Country Store Individual or small group walk-in tours are welcome 1307 Sherman Ridge Rd., Waukon • 563-568-4547 A-52 or Elon Dr. East of Waukon, right on Sherman Ridge Rd., 1 mile Save money on your groceries! JET’S MEAT PROCESSING 10 - 9th St. NW, Waukon (563) 568-2403 Serving the area for over 25 years! Open Monday-Friday 8-5 & Saturday 8-1 Retail Counter Always Open! FRESH HIGH QUALITY MEAT! Steaks, Roasts, Ground Beef & Patties, Sausage, Chicken Breasts, Assorted Brats, Wieners, Bacon, Pork Chops, Lunch Meats & More! 563.568.4950 850 Rossville Rd., Waukon, IA www.wwhomesteaddairy.com homesteaddairy@gmail.com Non-Homogenized Cream Line Milk Fully Pasteurized Locally Produced and Processed Check out our cow mural on the side of our building! Summer Hours Mon-Fri 8am-9pm Sat 9am-9pm Sun Noon-9pm 40+ Ice Cream Flavors! Featuring our very own premium homemade ice cream! Creamery, Ice Cream Parlor & Retail Store Malts - Shakes - Sundaes - Floats - Ice Cream Cones and More. Our Products Milk (Whole, 1%, Skim (White or Chocolate) Premium Ice Cream Fresh Cheese Curds & Butter Block Cheddar Cheese You’ll love our squeaky fresh cheese curds! Made fresh Tuesdays & Fridays! Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 PAGE 11 Waukon Family Aquatic Center The Waukon Family Aquatic Center plans to open fulltime starting May 20 through the month of August. Pool Hours: Monday through Friday: 1-5 p.m., 7-9 p.m. open swim; 5-7 p.m. adult lap swim; Weekends & holidays: noon - 1 p.m. adult swim; 1-7 p.m. open swim. In case of inclement weather, the pool will close. Lockers are available, as is a full line of concessions. Call 563-568-2514 for more information. CUNNINGHAM HARDWARE & RENTAL 43 W. Main St., Waukon • 563-568-4553 www.cunningham.doitbest.com T N E R E W DAVE’S GUS & TONY’S Pizza & Steakhouse FULL MENU Pizza • Steak • Chicken Pasta • Salads Sandwiches & More CHICKEN PIZZAS • Buffalo • Bacon Ranch • BBQ • Alfredo TATER TUESDAY Order one of our 41 sandwiches & get Your Choice of Tater FREE! Offer Available Every Tuesday All Day 2 Meeting or Party Rooms Dine-In or Carry-Out! • Power Tools • Construction Equipment • Floor Care • • • • Painting/Remodeling Lawn & Garden Plumbing Tables & Chairs Prime Rib Dinner Served Saturdays Only! Phone 563-568-6015 508 W. Main St., Waukon OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11am-10pm Sun.-Thurs. & 11am-11pm Fri. & Sat. PAGE 12 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 LAKES, PONDS AND RESERVOIRS In addition to the mighty Mississippi River and Upper Iowa River, Allamakee County offers the following lakes, ponds and creeks for all levels of fishermen to enjoy: New Albin Big Lake, Allamakee Founders Pond, Allamakee Upper Iowa River (below Decorah), Allamakee Yellow River, Allamakee, T96N, R6W, S3 to T96N, R4W, S24 Yellow River Pond, Allamakee Paint Creek, Allamakee, Located in Yellow River State Forest, three miles west of Harpers Ferry off of State Forest Road or County Road B25 Waterloo Creek, Allamakee, Stream runs through Dorchester along Waterloo Creek Drive and Highway 76. French Creek, Allamakee, Located on French Creek Wildlife Management Area and private land six miles northeast of Waukon Little Paint, Allamakee, Located in Yellow River State Forest, three miles west of Harpers Ferry just off State Forest Road or County Road B25 Indian Springs Pond, Allamakee, Waukon City Park Clear Creek (put and grow), Allamakee, Located on Clear Creek Wildlife Management Area, four miles east of Dorchester along Sleepy Hollow Drive. Pine Creek, Allamakee, Located on Pine Creek Wildlife Management Area, two miles northeast of Sattre on Balsam Road or County Road W60 Clear Creek, Allamakee, Stream runs along Hwy. 9 through Lansing. Public angling access is at the County Park located off South Road Drive Hickory Creek, Allamakee, Located one mile southwest of Volney off of Hickory Creek Road Patterson Creek, Allamakee, Stream located four miles northwest of Waukon Wexford Creek, Allamakee, Located five miles north of Harpers Ferry on the Great River Road or County Road X52. West Branch French Creek, Allamakee, Located on French Creek Wildlife Management Area six miles northeast of Waukon Same Day Appointments. We provide the services you need, right here in Waukon. When you need care for injuries and illness we are here for you. Franciscan Healthcare To make an appointment, call 563-568-3449 or 800-707-2045. 510 Vista Dr., CALEDONIA, MN 915 Short St., DECORAH, IA 24 S. Walnut St., LA CRESCENT, MN 201 Sky Harbour Dr., LA CROSSE, WI Lansing IGA, Lansing, IA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 808 S. Main St., MONONA, IA 124 W. Tilden St., POSTVILLE, IA 9 9th St. SW, WAUKON, IA Hwy. 150 N., WEST UNION, IA www.quillinsfoods.com Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Iowa Hunting Dates Visit www.iowadnr.gov for specific starting and ending dates. Mourning Dove (including Eurasian Collared Dove) Cottontail Rabbit Squirrel (fox and gray) Ruffed Grouse Pigeon Gray Partridge Crow Youth Rooster Pheasant Rooster Pheasant Bobwhite Quail Raccoon and Opossum Fox (red and gray) Bobcat Turkey Archery-only Turkey Gun/Bow Groundhog Coyote Sept.-Nov. Sept.-Feb. Sept.-Jan. Oct.-Jan. continuous open season Oct.-Jan. Oct.-Nov. and Jan.-March Oct. Oct.-Jan. Oct.-Jan. Nov.-Jan. Nov.-Jan. Nov. - Jan. Oct.-Dec. and Dec.-Jan. Oct.-Dec. continuous open season continuous open season The Whitetail Deer Hunting Seasons in Iowa begin in mid-September each year with the Youth Season and continue through January of the next year with the Antlerless Seasons. Additional seasons that fall within that timeframe include Archery, Muzzleloader and Shotgun Seasons, with the specific season dates being announced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as the seasons become nearer. For those specific season dates and further information on Iowa hunting seasons, visit www.iowadnr.gov. Sportsmen’s Unlimited Flowers impress beyond words Professional Floral Designer, Gifts, Jewelry, Handbags, Home Decor and More 866 Allamakee St., Waukon, IA 563-568-4955 Sycamore Floral Your One Stop Shop for All Your Hunting & Fishing Gear Hunting & Fishing Licenses 116 Rossville Rd., Waukon (563) 568-3676 www.sycamorefloral.com Live Bait Minnows, Crawlers, Leeches, Wax Worms Elite Archery Prime Bow Quest Archesry We Buy, Sell & Trade Guns PAGE 13 Specialty Sandwiches • Pizzas • Dessert Pizzas • Calzones • Breadsticks • Taco Salads Waukon City Club BAR & GRILL Dine-In or Carry Out 39 W. Main St., Waukon 563-568-2656 Owners Vicki & Brad Bloxham PAGE 14 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Postville, Iowa Located in the center of four counties in northeast Iowa at the southwest corner of Allamakee, the town of Postville has a highly diverse ethnic population. Jewish, Hispanic, Russian, Ukrainian, Filipino and Norwegian cultures, among others, are reflected in local businesses, industries and neighborhoods. There are several different faiths and religions within the area, including Protestant, Catholic and Jewish congregations, among others. Postville is also home to the John R. Mott House, a two-story Victorian frame house which was the home of 1946 Nobel Peace Prize winner John R. Mott. The current population of Postville is around 2,227. The Doctor is IN On the Weekend Veterans Memorial Hospital is proud to announce that it has again been named a GUARDIAN OF EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER WEEKEND CLINIC Enter through Main Entrance HOURS: Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm & Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm FOR “NON” EMERGENCIES EMERGENCY SERVICES AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY Veterans Memorial Hospital Waukon, Iowa • (563) 568-3411 by Press Ganey Associates, Inc. The Guardian of Excellence Award recognizes topperforming facilities that consistently achieved the 95th percentile, or top 5% of hospitals nation-wide, of performance in Emergency Services. This is the fifth year in a row the hospital has been recognized for its high emergency services satisfaction scores. 2010 SUMMIT AWARD WINNER 2011 SUMMIT AWARD WINNER 2013 GUARDIAN OF EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER 2012 SUMMIT AWARD WINNER 2014 GUARDIAN OF EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 PAGE 15 Big 4 Fair For nearly a century, Postville has hosted the Big Four Fair. This year the fair, which is a pre-show for the upcoming county fairs, will be held June 19-21. Youth who are involved in 4-H and FFA from Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette and Winneshiek counties participate in a variety of events. Adults also participate in the open shows, and members of the community are invited to all events and to sample homemade goodies at the food stand. Open class categories include fancy work, farm and gardening, flowers and a dress revue. Youth are involved in hog, sheep, goat, dog, beef, dairy, poultry and rabbit shows. A kiddie tractor pull is also held each year as children of various age groups compete for trophies. Country Stitchin’ Welcome All Iowa Shop Hop Participants June 1-30, 2015 QUILT SHOP OPEN MON. - SAT. 9 AM - 5 PM All Iowa Shop Hop This year’s All Iowa Shop Hop, scheduled for June 1 to June 30, will include 94 quilting shops across the state, including Country Stitchin’ in Waukon. This year’s theme is Iowa Patriotic and features four exclusive fabrics that will only be sold at the participating shops. Over $17,000 in prizes will be awarded. For more information, visit www.alliowashophop. com. www.sgmovietheater.com facebook.com/sgcinema Regular $6.00 Adults $4.00 Kids $4.00 Seniors 3D Event $8.00 Adults $6.00 Kids $6.00 Seniors Modern Digital Cinema with a Small Town Price. The quilt shop with y n “sew” mated il u q hand displays! www.countrystitchinquilts.com 915 Hwy. 76 SE, Waukon, IA 563-535-7376 Onsite & Offsite Auctions Available Specializing in all types of auctions. ENEY E W S JEFF L. & JODI L. SWEENEY N O I AUCTIONEERS T AUC A Family A Family ICE SERV Tradition for Tradition for 49 Years. 47 years. 563-568-2464 • Waukon, IA Email: sweeneyauction@q.com Website: www.sweeneyauctionservice.com Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 16 MAY 2015 Northeast Iowa Artists’ Studio Tour “Connect with Art at its roots in Scenic NE Iowa” The 18th Annual Northeast Iowa Artists’ Studio Tour will be held October 2-4, with studios open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. all three days. The tour is free of charge and sites are all within 35 miles of Decorah. This year’s tour will feature 55 artists opening their doors at 42 locations for a behind-the-scenes studio view not usually offered to the general public. The annual event will feature pottery, paintings, woodcuts, baskets, jewelry, woodworking, kaleidoscopes, sculpture, photography, collage, fiber arts and more. The Studio Tour’s full-color brochure features a map with GPS and lodging and dining along the tour route. For more information or for a brochure, visit www. iowaarttour.com, e-mail tour@iowaarttour.com, or call Winneshiek County Convention & Visitors Bureau (WCCVB) at 800-463-4692. WINGS • CHICKEN • STEAK • SEAFOOD • BURGERS • & MUCH MORE! Dorchester, IA 563-497-3353 18TH ANNUAL NORTHEAST IOWA ARTISTS ’ • 55 ARTISTS at • 42 LOCATIONS Artist Paul Corbin LOCAL ATM LOCATIONS Waukon State Bank Waukon State Bank Drive-In 301 Rossville Rd., Waukon, IA Quillin’s Food Ranch 9th & Main St., Waukon, IA Viking State Bank & Trust Viking State Bank & Trust - Main Bank 321 West Water Street, Decorah, IA Locally 563.382.2023 October 2, 3 & 4, 2015 Free • Open daily 10-5 Viking State Bank & Trust - Branch 1801 Old Stage Rd., Decorah, IA Winneshiek Co-Op Hwy. 52 N., Decorah, IA MAY 2015 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Upper Iowa Resort and Rental Upper Iowa Resort and Rental offers visitors much fun and relaxation. The resort offers cabins and modern shower houses, as well as camping for RVs and tents, including sites with electric and water hookup, along with primitive sites for the more adventurous. Located on the Upper Iowa River 13 miles north of Waukon and four miles south of Dorchester off Highway 76, the resort offers rental of canoes and kayaks for fishing and recreation, inner tubes for tubing the river, a large picnic shelter, a game room with pool tables and video games and a sand-bottom swimming pool for guests’ enjoyment. Fishing opportunities abound with access to five trout streams. “You owe it to yourself” is their motto for family enjoyment. For more information, call Bob and Kristi Hager at 563-568-3263, email at info@upperiowaresort.com or visit www.upperiowaresort.com. 578 Lonning Drive Dorchester, IA 563-568-3263 www.upperiowaresort.com Owners Bob & Kristi Hager Harpers Ferry, Iowa Harpers Ferry is an historic river valley community located on a sand plain. This plain was once the location of one of the largest concentrations of Indian mounds in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. This community offers complete commercial services, a private marina, and shoreline services. There has always been trapping, clamming, and commercial fishing here. Today, Harpers Ferry business establishments that serve the permanent residents also accommodate the many summertime residents who own vacation cottages here. Each year an increasingly larger number of outdoor enthusiasts are attracted to this friendly community. The current population is approximately 328. Donahueʼs ONE STOP The one stop for all your needs! 124 Jefferson Ave, Harpers Ferry, IA 563-586-2557 Our Campground Includes: • Cabins available • Campsites with electric and/or H20 • Tent camping • Canoe, Kayak & Inner Tube Rental • 1½ acre sand-bottom swimming pool • Large modern shower facilities • 30 x 40 picnic shelter • Seasonal sites available • Firewood and ice available • Game room with pool tables, pinball & video games • Volleyball, basketball & horseshoes • RV dump station available PAGE 17 Call for ! Reservations Nestled in a quiet valley between Waukon and Dorchester, right on the banks of the Upper Iowa River. The scenic area is ideal for families, anglers, and avid outdoorsmen. Come experience our warm, down-home friendly atmosphere! • GAS • DIESEL Donahue’s • GROCERIES ONE STOP • POP • BEER • LIQUOR • ICE • LP GAS Diesel • LAUNDRY Fuel! • CAR WASH • WI-FI LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Lodging Available Furnished, full kitchen, cable, air, sleeps five! Boat parking w/electricity. Daily & weekly rates! Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 18 MAY 2015 Waterville, Iowa Waterville is located in a very scenic area of Allamakee County within 15 miles from Waukon. The town is close to many fishing streams and wonderful hunting areas. This small community hosts a variety of rural businesses serving the farmers and sportspeople of the area. Waterville has very active civic and volunteer groups. The current population is approximately 144. Handmade Soaps, Sugar Scrubs, Lotions, Lip Balms & More! Now Carrying: Watkins, Pampered Chef, Empty Nest Winery Wines, Yellow River Apiary Honey, Happy Balls & Local Artisan Products Open April - December Saturday & Sunday 10am-4pm PAINT CREEK SOAPS 98 Main St., Waterville, IA • 563-535-7361 LLC www.etsy.com/shop/PaintCreekSoaps Kolsrud Memorial Park WHERE YOU TURN FOR ILLNESS, INJURY CARE Your busy life doesn’t stop when you or your child get sick or injured. Turn to Gundersen Health System for treatment of minor injuries, illnesses and other medical needs. With several locations throughout northeast Iowa, you never have to travel far for quality healthcare. Same-day appointments are available when needed so you can get back to living your life. Call today to schedule your appointment: Gundersen Waukon Clinic: (563) 568-3000 Gundersen Lansing Clinic: (563) 538-4874 Gundersen Postville Clinic: (563) 864-7512 gundersenhealth.org Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Inc. | Gundersen Clinic, Ltd. | 10865_0514 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 PAGE 19 New Albin, Iowa In New Albin, on the Great River Road at the IowaMinnesota border, visitors may view the Iron Post, set by Captain Thomas J. Lee in 1894 to mark the border between Iowa and Minnesota. Other offerings for visitors include New Albin’s bandshell, original city hall, and community center to visit and photograph. The Army (access) Road leads to the Mississippi River and offers a boat launch and fishing access, as well as prime viewing area for bald eagles and other wildlife. Only four miles south is Fish Farm Mounds. Enjoy New Albin Days June 12-13, 2015. For afternoon or evening enjoyment, check out Shooky Fink Field, New Albin’s “Field of Dreams,” offering youth and high school baseball. Or stop in at the New Way Station Theater/Youth Center and Store. The current population is approximately 519. A county rest area at the north end of town offers a picnic area, restrooms, and an RV dump station. River View Inn 60 South Front St. Lansing, IA 563-538-4731 563-419-4403 Affordable, spacious rooms located on the banks of the Mississippi River in Lansing, Iowa Penthouse, Penthouse,Sleeps Sleeps6 6 Dock Suite, Sleeps Dock Suite, Sleeps4 4 www.riverviewinnlansingiowa.com New Albin Savings Bank Invites You To Welcome to our town, nestled in the Mississippi River Bluffs, where the people are friendly and the scenery is breathtaking. AREA FARMERS’ MARKETS WAUKON HARPERS FERRY Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Market ALLAMAKEE CO. FAIRGROUNDS ST. ANN ST. JOSEPH’S PARKING LOT HARPERS FERRY Monday Nights 3:30-6:00 PM www.newalbinsavingsbank.com 118 Main St. NE • New Albin, IA 563-544-4214 • 1-888-689-1898 Eagles Eagles Nest, Nest,Sleeps sleeps 22 Hunters Lodge, Hunters Lodge, Sleeps sleeps 44 June 1-Sept. 28, 2015 Friday Nights 5:00-7:00 PM June 5-Sept. 25, 2015 55 Years of Trusted Real Estate Services 563-568-4170 Stacie Cooper, John Sweeney, Bonnie Sweeney, Broker Associates/Agents Licensed in IA & MN TO VIEW ALL LISTINGS VISIT Jack Sweeney, Broker Steve Evanson, Agent Download our app! Text SREAPP to 5635687373 www.sweeneyrealestate.com Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 20 MAY 2015 , g n i s n a L Iowa MAIN ST., LANSING, IA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 7 A.M - 10 P.M. Lansing is a wonderful tourist town located on the Mississippi River. The Lansing area has a heritage encompassing the wonders of the Mound Builders, Indian Wars, steamboating trade, commercial fishing, clamming, and button making. Lansing is proud of its Lansing Sports Complex, which has a beautiful ball park, tennis court, and many play items. Lansing has become a resort area as many people have their summer homes along the Mississippi River. Adults and kids will enjoy the annual Fish Days Celebration held August 6-9, 2015. Mount Hosmer and the Black Hawk Bridge, which links the states of Iowa and Wisconsin, are wonderful “must sees” of this area. The current population is approximately 995. CHEESE STORE OPEN DAILY CHURCHTOWN, IA 1456 Hwy. 9 Lansing, IA Phone 563-538-4295 Toll Free 888-420-1554 8 am - 4 pm Phone orders accepted Shipping Available We Accept Cash, Personal Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club International, JCB Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm 1# CHEESE CURDS Plain (White), Pizza, Onion & Chive, Hot Pepper, Garlic & Dill, Cajun, Ranch, Tomato & Basil, Olive, Vegetable, Cowboy BUTTER Solid/Quarter Salted, Cinn. Sugar, Maple Syrup, Garlic Basil SLICED CHEESE 3# Sliced American, 5# Sliced American/American Swiss, 12 oz. Provolone, Hot Pepper, Mild Swiss 8 OZ. & 10 OZ. CHEESE SPREADS Variety of Flavors 8 OZ. BLOCKS Colby, CoJack, Hot Pepper, Bacon, Mild Cheddar, Garlic, Horseradish, Monterey Jack, Salami, Onion New Products Added All the Time! STRING CHEESE Family Pack (20), 8 oz. String, 8 oz. Smoked String OTHER CHEESES 1# CHEESE BLOCKS Longhorn Colby, Aged Cheddar, Feta, Blue, Parmesan, Party Pack, Gouda, Farmer, Chocolate, Marble Pepper Jack, Gruyere, Beer Kaese, Limburger SHREDDED CHEESE Beef Bits, Honey Ham Sticks GIFT BOXES AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND! Colby, CoJack, Mild/Medium/Sharp Cheddar MEAT Cheddar, Mozzarella, Tri-Blend, CoJack COTTAGE CHEESE SOUR CREAM SOUR CREAM & CHIVES CREAM CHEESE JUUSTO Italian, Plain, Jalapeno, Bacon RANDOM WEIGHT CHEESE BLOCKS Swiss, Cheddar, Havarti, Muenster, Hot Pepper, Mozzarella, Mild Brick, Salami Plain, Strawberry, Onion & Chives T-SHIRTS & SWEATSHIRTS AVAILABLE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS! Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Museum of River History On Lansing’s South Front Street parallel to the Mississippi River lies the Museum of River History, a testament to Lansing’s early commercial fishing, ice harvesting, and logging industries. The museum displays a variety of early fishing equipment and information on ice harvesting and log rafting. Many of the displayed items, previously utilized in clamming, supported a booming button factory in the small town of Lansing. Visitors are welcome to the museum weekend afternoons throughout the summer, or by special appointment. Call the Galema family at 563-538-4641, Jan at 563-538-4864 or the Red Geranium at 563538-3943 for information. Looking for the perfect place to stay in Northeast Iowa? Our Tar a Inn Our Tara Inn Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast RIVER HISTORY MUSEUM Open as volunteers are available or contact Karen at 563-538-4641 or Jan at 563-538-4864 (Located in the former G. Kerndt & Bros. Elevator Building in the first block of South Front St., Lansing, IA) SCENIC NEW O UT DO O Explore the beauty of the Upper Iowa River! Our Tara Inn is a unique & B housed insideplace a century old Looking forB the perfect barn between the communities of Waukon and Lansing on to stay in Northeast Highway 9 in the midst of rolling fields Iowa? and blue skies. Five include suitesinside and athree guest Ourseparate Tara Inn isrooms a unique B & Btwo housed century old rooms. All our rooms have private private baths, barn between the communities of entrances, Waukon and Lansing on mini-fridges, microwaves, in-room wireless Highway 9 in the midst of rolling fields coffee, and blueTV, skies. hair dryers A/C.and three guest Five separateinternet, rooms include twoand suites rooms. our rooms haveBed private & entrances, private baths, OurAllTara Inn Breakfast mini-fridges,1231 microwaves, in-room coffee, TV, wireless internet, Highway 9, Lansing, IA hair dryers and A/C. (563) 568-2665 Our Inn & Breakfast CheckTara availability andBed make reservations online www.ourtara.com 1231 Highway 9, Lansing, IA PAGE 21 Family Fun ! E R U R ADVENT Enjo y the S MAY 2015 LLC Lansing, IA scenic Mississippi River Backwaters! KAYAK RENTALS AVAILABLE BY THE DAY OR WEEKEND! 563-538-4145 563-794-0542 For Reservations Or More Info. MARKED TRAILS RENO BOTTOMS & Coming Soon... BLUE HERON CANOE TRAIL (New Albin – Lansing) Fishing Kayaks Available! PAGE 22 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Lansing Fish Days The Lansing Fish Days annual celebration is held the second full weekend in August. This year’s Fish Days festivities include “Venetian Night,” a lighted boat parade held only every third year Saturday night on the Mississippi River, followed by a fireworks display. This year’s festivities will be held August 6-9. Events focus on the family and many are child centered, from the youth fishing tournament and minnow races to the kids’ carnival, pedal tractor pull and big wheel races. Adult entertainment will include DJ music and live performances, beer and brats, arts and crafts, as well as a coed softball tournament. A Granny Basketball exhibition game of Grannies vs. Grandpas is another popular scheduled event. A 5K walk/run, a big parade down Main Street, a tour of the River History Museum and taking in the lighted boat parade and fireworks show round out a great weekend of fun at Lansing Fish Days. New events and attractions this year include performances by hypnotist Jim Wand and the River City Ruckus Band, Aunt Nora the Clown and the Mosses Maritime Museum. For more information, visit lansingfishdays.com or call 563-568-7114. MAY 2015 LANSING FISH DAYS August 6-9, 2015 Saturday, Aug. 8 • 9-10pm VENETIAN NIGHT & FIREWORKS OVER THE RIVER! and Big Horse Power & Pride Light Show Gift tes certifica le Availab 367 MAIN ST., LANSING • 563-538-9214 DONUTS, PASTRIES, BREADS & MORE We Do Cakes & Buns, Call to Order! Serving breakfast, lunch and homemade baked goods daily. Check Facebook for specials! Hrs: Mon, Wed, Thur & Fri 6am-2pm, Closed Tues, Sat & Sun 7am-1pm. Hours may vary due to special events. Watch for notices on our facebook page. • PARTY ROOM (for up to 50 people) • IN-HOUSE CATERING ★ NEW! Jim Wand Hypnotist ★ NEW! River City Ruckus Band ★ NEW! Incredible Bat Show ★ NEW! Aunt Nora the Clown ★ NEW! Moses Maritime Museum ★ NEW! Kickboxing Demo ★ Absolute Music Photo Booth ★ Bagpipes Demonstration ★ 4-H Club Lego Contest ★ River History Museum ★ Children’s Carnival ★ Money Pile at the Children’s Carnival ★ Bag Toss Tournament ★ Belly Dancers Review ★ Many Food, Craft & Flea Market Vendors ★ Live & D.J. Music ★ Petting Zoo ★ Pony Rides ★ Coed Softball Tourney ★ Granny Basketball ★ Parade on Sunday ★ Minnow Race ★ Ping Pong Tourney ★ Youth & Adult Fishing Tourney ★ Kid Again Inflatable Carnival ★ Big Wheel Races ★ Pedal Tractor Pull ★ Wrist Wrestling ★ Bingo ★ Walk/Run 5k & 8k ★ Ecumenical Church Service FIRE DEPARTMENT Beer & Brats & VFW MISSISSIPPI RIVER Fried Catfish Fire Dept. Bands WAGG, EL CAMINOS & MIKE MCABEE www.lansingfishdays.com For More Information Call 563-568-7114 MAY 2015 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 Mt. Hosmer Offering a view of three states, Lansing’s Mt. Hosmer is incorporated into a 75-acre city park. The elevation of its summit is 1,060 feet, 440 feet above the Mississippi River. Park facilities include a large look-out area, shelter house, cooking grills, picnic tables, playground equipment, and hiking trails. Dedicated in 2002 were six white pines, several PAGE 23 plaques, and a flagpole near the lookout. These six trees symbolize over 600 trees planted in honor of the 634 Allamakee County veterans who served in World War I. Most of the original trees, donated in 1922 by former Mt. Hosmer owner I.D. Fowler, were destroyed in a 1925 fire. This area is part of a war memorial. After receiving this land from Fowler, the American Legion donated it to the City. View from Mt. Hosmer, Lansing Archive On Main 231 Main St., Lansing, IA • 563-538-9217 Open Wednesday - Sunday 11am-5pm • Antiques • Collectibles • Artisan Crafts, Pottery and Woodcarvings • Unique Gifts Buying Antiques & Collectibles RED GERANIUM Floral & Gifts • Scarves • Jewelry • Purses • Decor • Full Service Florist 201 MAIN ST., LANSING, IA • 563-538-3943 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-2 LANSING HARDWARE & SERVICE 238 Main St., Lansing, IA • 563-538-4431 • www.lansinghardwarehank.com Store Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-4pm, Closed Sun. • Antiques • Plumbing • Patio • Housewares • Appliances • Yard & Garden • Paint • Bird • Electrical • Tools Your helpful hometown store PAGE 24 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Red Barn Resort & Campground Nestled in the hills surrounding Lansing, the Red Barn Resort and Campground features a converted 1900s barn offering an arcade, restaurant (with a covered deck overlooking the playground), bar, and campground office, all in a scenic, rustic environment. The campground offers camp sites with picnic tables and fire rings, as well as a shower house with laundry facilities. On-site RV rentals are available. The site is located two miles west of Lansing and 14 miles east of Waukon on Highway 9. Open seven days a week from April 15 through October 15. For more information, call 563-538-4956 or visit www. redbarnresortandcampground.com. Jim & Marsha Kobliska, Hosts 1608 Main St., Lansing IA 563-538-4245 scenicvalleymotel@mchsi.com We have a variety of lawn care equipment on hand! We Do ir Small Engine Repa We Have Power t! Equipment for Ren s! We Sharpen Chain Marine Batteries & Accessories Turf ‘n Timber 401 Main St., Lansing, IA • 563-538-3093 7:00 - 5:00 Mon-Fri • 8:00 -1:00 Sat Dave Moritz, Jr. Owner We accept credit cards Lansing Auto Parts 401 Main St., Lansing, IA 563-538-4266 7 am - 5 pm Mon-Fri • 8-1pm Sat Serving Your Favorite Burgers & Tenderloins • Sandwiches • Large Variety of Appetizers • Kids Meals • Ice Cream Cones, Shakes & Malts • Your Favorite Beer, Liquor & Pop - 5 Flat Screen TVs - NFL Network - Pool Table - Covered Outside Deck with TV DAILY INDOORO&R HAPPY HOUR OUTDONG Arcade Games Mini Golf SP ECIALS SEATI - Large Playground - Trout Stream Restaurant Hrs.: Open at 11am - 7 Days a Week 2 miles West of Lansing on Hwy. 9 563-538-4956 www.redbarnresortandcampground.com Thank-you! Nate & JoAnna Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 PAGE 25 Spook Cave Take a guided underground boat trip through Spook Cave, which remains 47 degrees year round. Located on U.S. Highways 18 and 52, seven miles west of McGregor, Spook Cave is also open for camping May 1 through November 1. Tours are available from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 563-873-2144, email spookcave@ spookcave.com, or log on to www.spookcave.com. Expresso Convenience Store & Deli Made To Order Subs, Sandwiches & Appetizers Schwan’s Soft Serve Check out our Ice Cream Fresh Made Beer Cave! Pizza & GREAT FOOD Wraps READY TO GO FAST! • GAS • BEER • POP • ICE 748 W. MAIN, LANSING, IA 563-538-4349 Open Everyday May 1-November 1 BIG FOOT CANOE RENTAL Ex pl ore th e Ye llo w R iver ! 419 Big Foot Rd., Monona,IA located off X26 between Rossville & Monona Shuttle Service Available! CANOES • KAYAKS • TUBES Reservations 563-539-4272 www.bigfootcanoerentals.com PAGE 26 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Winneshiek County Winneshiek County Fair Fort Atkinson Rendezvous The 2015 Winneshiek County Fair is scheduled for July 7-11. The fair features grandstand shows, livestock judging, competitions, exhibits, rides, auctions, dances, kids’ attractions, an antique tractor display and plenty of great food. Grandstand events this year begin Tuesday night with stock car racing, followed by performances by the Cory Farley Band and James Otto Wednesday night. Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Bill Riley State Fair Talent Search will be at the grandstand and Thursday evening the Tri-State Truck and Tractor Pull will provide the entertainment. The Last Ride Band and Sawyer Brown will perform Friday night and the final grandstand event this year will be the CC Bulls and Barrels Show Saturday. Visit www.winneshiekcountyfair.org for more information. Fort Atkinson hosts the “Fort Atkinson Rendezvous” the last full weekend in September, an annual celebration now in its 39th year. This year’s event begins Saturday, September 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and continues Sunday, September 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Featured events and attractions include a melodrama presented by the Country Road Players, an 1840s military camp, cannon drills, a Conestoga wagon, teepees and lodges, period trade crafts, period music and instruments, 1840s kids games, contests and much more. There is no admission charge and parking is free. For more information email FortAtkinsonRendezvous@gmail.com or call 563380-2387. 35 Annual 39th Annual All Are Welcome at the WINNESHIEK COUNTY FAIR Free Grounds Admission • Free Parking JULY 7-11, 2015 GRANDSTAND EVENTS Button required & sold online or at the gate Evans United Midway Carnival Rides & Games Tue: Stock Car Races Wed: Cory Farley Band & James Otto Thur: Bill Riley State Fair Talent Search (11am-1pm) and Tri-State Truck & Tractor Pull Fri: The Last Ride Band & Sawyer Brown Sat: CC Bulls & Barrels Show Cory Farley Band James Otto Sawyer Brown Also... Queen Coronation, Jim Busta Band, Skid Loader Rodeo, Antique Tractor Display, 3D Open Barrel Racing, Miller’s Petting Zoo, Nick’s Magic Show & More! www.winneshiekcountyfair.org th Fort Atkinson, Iowa Fort Atkinson, Iowa September 2011 Saturday, Sept.24 26&• 25, 9:30am-4:30pm Sunday, Sept. 27 • 9am-4pm Saturday, September 24 Sunday, September 25 • A Melodrama presented the 9:00 a.m. - 4:00by p.m. 2015 Theme: Road Players No Admission ChargeCountry – Free Parking • Family! 1840s Military Camp “The Military Trail Bring the • Conestoga Wagon - All Roads 2011 Lead Theme: "Reflections of the Past • Tepees & Lodges • Cannon Drills A Melodrama presented by Country• Road Players • the Hunters Trappers to Fort Atkinson” • 1840's Military Camp • Cannon Drills • Trade Blankets • Potter Conestoga Wagon • Tepees & Lodges • Blacksmith • Scrimshaw Artist NO ADMISSION • Hunters • Trappers • Trade Blankets • Ropemaker • Basketmaking • Potter CHARGE • Blacksmith • Scrimshaw Artist • Ropemaker • Spinning • Weaving • Basketmaking •• Spinning Weaving Other •Period Crafts • Other Period Crafts • Period Instruments & Music • Period Instruments & Music • Skillet • 1840s Kids GamesThrow • Cooking Contest • Skillet Throw • Cooking Contest & Steel • Contest • Knife• Flint Throwing Hawk Throwing • Primitive Bow Shoot • Shooting Contests Sponsored by the Fort Atkinson Community • 1840s Kids Games Bullwhip Contests of • Knife Throwing • Hawk Throwing 5K Walk/ and the Iowa DNR.•Held with permission • Flint & Steel Contest the Iowa State Preserves Advisory Board. • Primitive Bow Shoot Run on Saturday. Fort Atkinson • Shooting Contests Email for Iowa Rendezvous • Bullwhip Contests info. email: fortatkinsoniowarendezvous@gmail.com 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Free Parking Bring the Family! Sponsored by the Fort Atkinson Community and the Iowa DNR. • Held with permission of the Iowa State Preserves Advisory Board. MAY 2015 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 27 Laura Ingalls Wilder Park & Museum Burr Oak is the place where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew and developed her love of books and words - where Laura and her friend Alice found solace in the quiet of summer afternoons on the hill by the Advent Church. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Park and Museum is nestled in one of the most beautiful areas of northeast Iowa. Visitors will enjoy seeing Laura’s historic home, the area and all of the attractions around it. The gift shop carries a large supply of books by Laura and other authors, biographies, clothing, jewelry, toys, dolls and much more. Laura Days Celebration is an annual commemoration of Laura Ingalls Wilder and will be held this year June 27-28. Saturday activities include a parade, children’s 3603 236th Ave., Burr Oak, IA games, pioneer demonstrations, Medicine Man Show, 563-735-5916 wagon rides, a pie auction, and the crowning of a www.lauraingallswilder.us new Little Miss Laura and Young Almanzo. Sunday museum@lauraingallswilder.us activities include an outdoor church service along the • VISITOR CENTER • GIFT SHOP creek and Settlers Picnic (bring a dish to pass). Tours LAURA DAY • SHELTER HOUSE • PLAYGROUND CELEBRATION of the museum are offered all weekend long. For more JUNE 27 GUIDED TOURS OF THE MASTERS HOTEL information, visit www.lauraingallswilder.us or call 563Laura’s only childhood home still on its original site. 735-5916. Laura Ingalls Wilder Park & Museum Automotive Services Vehicle Sales & Service R.W. PLADSEN, INC. Waukon, IA • 563-568-6357 ON-SPOT FINANCING! Y HIGH QUALIT ! USED VEHICLES 504 Rossville Rd., Waukon • 563-380-0050 Owned & Operated by Trent & Jayne McCormick www.pladseninc.com mccormickmotorz.com WAUKON TIRE CENTER Tires • Brakes • Alignments 991 9th Street NW • Waukon 563-568-4581 HENNESSY TOWING 2532 Breezy Corners Road, Waukon, IA (East of John Deere) Clip & Save Towing & Wrecker Services • Light, Medium & Heavy Duty Towing & Recovery • Short & Long Distance Auto Hauling • Wrecker & Flatbed • Auto Door Unlocking 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICES • (563) 568-7229 • (563) 568-3373 • (563) 880-8010 TORKELSON’S SALES • LEASING PARTS • SERVICE ELGIN 1-800-779-0035 OR 563-426-5505 WAUKON 1-800-779-0092 OR 563-568-4587 “Proudly serving Northeast Iowa for over 89 years.” www.torkelsonmotors.com PAGE 28 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Marquette-McGregor, Iowa Nestled between towering bluffs parallel to the Mississippi River, the neighboring communities of McGregor and Marquette are acclaimed throughout the region for their historic charm and extensive collection of antique shops and flea markets. Marquette and McGregor lie in close proximity to both Effigy Mounds National Monument and Pikes Peak State Park, as well as a number of historic sites located just across the river in Prairie du Chien, WI. There is also a collection of antique shops, specialty stores, entertainment mall, art and craft festivals, and flea markets. Call the area chamber of commerce for more information at 563-873-2186 or 800-896-0910, or visit www.mcgreg-marq.org for a listing of upcoming events. Little Switzerland Inn 126 Main St., McGregor, IA • Private Baths/Whirlpools • Cable TV/AC/Wi-Fi • Private Entrances • Children & Pet Friendly • Microwaves, Refrigerators & Coffeemakers Open Year Round • Rob Roy Suite, 3 bedroom apartment, balcony view of Mississippi River • Alpine Suite, sleeps 2/on ground floor • Chalet Suite, sleeps 6 • Sadie’s Log Cabin, sleeps 6 Walking distance to downtown restaurants, shopping & Mississippi River 563-873-2057 • Cell 608-412-0400 www.littleswitzerlandinn.com The 101 Front St., McGregor, IA y Open Dail M A 1 at 1 Houseboat & Pontoon Rentals Full Service Gas Docks, Transient Docking, Mechanic & Ship Store, Diesel Available, Slip Rental & Storage Enjoy a OAT HOUSEBION T A C VA Upper on the ScenicRiver! i p ip ss Missi 800-747-BOAT Pontoons & Fishing Boats Also Available for Rent. Beer & Brat Garden Sandwiches & Brats, Broasted Chicken, Salads & Wraps, Appetizers, Beverages, Ice Cream & Malts Effigy Mounds National Monument Located three miles north of Marquette off Highway 76, Effigy Mounds National Monument is best explored through a series of groomed hiking trails. Visitors hike past ancient Indian burial and ceremonial mounds to numerous bluff tops offering spectacular vistas 400 feet above the Mississippi and Yellow River valleys. Guided hikes and special events are planned yearround and picnic tables are scattered along Highway 76 south of the park. ADA accessible features include modern visitor center, museum, bookstore and boardwalk trails. Call 563-873-3491 or visit the park’s website at www.nps.gov/efmo for more information. VM Affordable Rates Lodging All Sizes of Rooms Available (Larger Units Available for Families) Open • Satisfaction Guaranteed May 1 - Nov. 1 • Clean Remodeled Rooms - 75 OCCUPANCY • Casino Packages Room Available for Pets Also • Closest Motel to Pikes Peak • Riverboat Casino Minutes Away Better Business Bureau Credited • Affordable Rates Village Motel 563-873-9613 Indoor & Outdoor Seating in a Family-Friendly Environment. Jean & Dan, Managers 821 Walton Avenue, McGregor, IA 563-873-2200 www.villagemotelmcgregor.com MAY 2015 June-October: June-October: June-September: June-October: June 6-7: June 13-15: June 13-Sept. 1: June 27: July 3-5: July 11: July 25: July 31-August 1: August 1: August 15: August 25: September 5: September 10-13: September 26: October (Saturdays): October 3-4: October 3-4: October 10: October 10-11: October 10-11: October 17: Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 29 2015 AREA EVENT CALENDAR Farmers Markets, Saturdays, various locations in Prairie du Chien, WI. Cave Tours 9 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., Spook Cave, 7 miles west of McGregor. Farmers Market, Fridays 3-6 p.m., McGregor. Friday Night Live/Farmers Market, Driftless Area Wetland Centre, Marquette. Wisconsin’s Free Fun Weekend. Flea Market, St. Feriole Island along the Mississippi River, Prairie du Chien, WI. Ranger/Interpreter Guided Programs daily, Effigy Mounds National Monument. Moonlight Hike, Effigy Mounds National Monument. Marquette 4th of July Celebration, Parade at 2 p.m. and fireworks at dusk. Chamber of Commerce Annual Fireworks, dusk, St. Feriole Island, Prairie du Chien, WI. River Bluff Daze, Ferryville, WI. Prairie Dog Blues Festival, Prairie du Chien, WI. Kids Archeology Day, 1-3 p.m., Effigy Mounds National Monument, north of Marquette. Moonlight Hike at Effigy Mounds National Monument. National Park Service Birthday, program at 1 p.m., Effigy Mounds National Monument. Annual Labor Day Parade, downtown McGregor, 11 a.m. Prairie du Chien City-Wide Garage Sales. National Public Lands Day, Effigy Mounds Market in the Park, Ferryville, WI. Fall Arts & Crafts Festival, Triangle Park, McGregor. Flea Market, Marquette. Hawk Watch, Driftless Wetlands Center, Marquette. Leaf Arts & Crafts Festival, Triangle Park, McGregor. Flea Market, Marquette. Oktoberfest, Prairie du Chien, WI. SCHOOLHOUSE MALL - MARQUETTE, IA 15,000 SQUARE FEET OF COOL STUFF! OVER 50 DEALERS • AREA’S LARGEST MALL SLOTS. TABLES. DINING. FUN. March/April: Fri-Sun. 10-5 May-October: Daily 10-5 Nov./Dec.: Fri-Sun 10-5 Jan./Feb.: Closed 204 North Street • 563-873-9664 Eagles Landing )8:8tMARQUETTE*"t-"%:-6$, :06#&5twww.ladyluckmarquette.com © 2012 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Must be 21 or older to game. Gambling a problem? There is help. And hope. Call 1-800-BETS-OFF. Bed & Breakfast • Open Year Around • Handicap Accessible • Native Oak Timber Frame Home on the Mississippi River • Four-Course Ethnic Breakfast • Complimentary Wine in Your Room • Free Wi-Fi • Reservations Suggested 82 North Street, Marquette, IA 52158 563-873-2509 PAGE 30 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 MAY 2015 Civil War Reenactment - Boscobel The city of Boscobel, WI will take a long step back in history August 1 & 2 when it hosts the 23rd Annual Muskets & Memories Civil War Era Reenactment and GAR Heritage Encampment, an interactive living history, at Kronshage Park on Boscobel’s south side. This event has become one of the largest and most popular Civil War Era reenactments in the Upper Midwest, attracting nearly 1,000 military and civilian participants and over 8,000 spectators each year. Civil War Era activities within the encampment include a fashion show, children’s activities, an evening ball, period music, an ecumenical church service, firstperson impressions, medical history demonstrations, guided tours of the Union, Confederate and Civilian camps, military drills, workshops, and the ever-popular battles. Sutlers vending period goods and garments will be present to satisfy Civil War Era shopping needs. Other activities include a ladies’ garden party (period dress required), a pie and ice cream social, and the live fire competition using Civil War firearms. S N E R R A W Y R R E B N A CR e e r F L A V I FEST Atodthme iFsesstiiovanl 43rd Annual September 25-27, 2015 Prairie du Chien Prairie du Chien, WI is the oldest community on the Mississippi with a recorded history beginning at June 17, 1673 with the arrival of Father Jacques Marquette and Lois Joliette, who were the first Europeans to see the Mississippi. Fort Crawford was built in 1816, with further development arriving with the railroad in 1857, the Woolen Mill in 1892 and the clamming industry around 1895. Over two dozen historical sites are located in the Prairie du Chien area, along with a variety of attractions and recreational opportunities. – 23rd Annual Event – Civil War Era Reenactment August 1 2, 2015 & Kronshage Park • Boscobel, WI 7 a.m. all 3 days! • Cranfest Marsh Tours & Cranberry Video Friday & Saturday • Arts & Crafts Show 850 Booths • Antique & Flea Market 350 Booths All Three Days • Farmers Market 100 Booths All Three Days • Food Booths 80 which include the famous Cranberry Cream Puffs • Gigantic Parade Sunday 12 p.m. Saturday’s battle will be the Battle of Fort Blakely. The Sunday battle will be a reenactment of the Battle of Fort Stedman. For more information about this event, call 608872-2274 or visit the Muskets and Memories’ web site at www.musketsandmemories.net. Handicap Parking with legal sticker or license ____________________ Festival Parking $5.00 608-378-4200 Fax: 608-378-4250 email cranfest@ cranfest.com 8 Miles North of Tomah take I-94 West to Exit #135 www.cranfest.com • 100s of Reenactors • Civilian Life • Civil War Battles • Over 20 Cannons • Over 60 Cavalry A living history event for the whole family! www.musketsandmemories.net Info: M. Leifheit 608-872-2274 cirushwk@mwt.net Family Oriented Interactive Living History MAY 2015 Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 31 Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin Speed’s BICYCLE SHOP Rentals • Trail Passes Shuttles 1126 John St. Sparta, WI www.speedsbike.com speeds@centurytel.net Just across the bridge in Prairie du Chien, first business on the right Area’s Largest Buyer of MOREL MUSHROOMS! • COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, FROZEN FISH • WIDE VARIETY OF HICKORY-SMOKED FISH • FRESH WISCONSIN CHEESE CURDS • SAUSAGES & JERKY Complete Line of Fresh WISCONSIN CHEESE SEAFOOD • JUMBO SHRIMP • SCALLOPS • KING CRAB • LOBSTER • PRAWNS 304 South Prairie St., Prairie du Chien, WI 608-326-4719 • valleyfishmarketpdc.com 608-269-2315 thelocaloven.com Fresh Baked Breads, Muffins, 207 W. Blackhawk Ave., Prairie du Chien, WI 608-326-0960 Donuts, Desserts, Open Tue-Sat. 7am-3pm Cookies, Pies, Also Available Locay-Produced Cupcakes, Ice Cream, Milk, Meats, Honey, Lunch Foods Jam, Jelly, Cheese Curds, & More! Rural Route 1 Popcorn & More! Community & Visitors’ Guide 2015 PAGE 32 MAY 2015 Ferryville & De Soto, Wisconsin De Soto, WI, a small village on the banks of the Mississippi River on Highway 35 just north of the river bridge at Lansing, was originally part of the Northwest Territory that was the home of the Winnebago Indians. As Germans and Norwegians settled in the area, De Soto became a center for grain and lumber shipped down the river. Today, De Soto is a small community with restaurants, taverns, motels and a boat landing for visitors who come to hunt, fish and enjoy the river. Ferryville, WI is just south of the river bridge at Lansing on Wisconsin Highway 35. Situated along the foot of the bluffs of the Coulee Region, Ferryville is a good place to enjoy the many sports and activities that the great outdoors has to offer - biking, birding, hunting, fishing and other water activities. Ferryville’s Main Street is along the Great River Road with a clear view of the Mississippi River, where locals and passers-through alike can enjoy various shops, restaurants and taverns. Kay’s Potiques OPEN SEASONALLY June - October Hours: Saturday & Sunday 12PM - 5PM 150 Main St., Ferryville, WI 608-648-3647 kpotiques.com Proudly Serving De Soto, WI Ferryville, WI 608-648-2130 608-734-3440 88 Crawford Street 161 Main Street Hunting & Fishing Licenses Hand Dipped Ice Cream at Both Locations! Cold Beverages & Snacks Ferryville Cheese & More De Soto Pronto State Hwy. 35, Ferryville, WI 608-734-3121 10110 State Hwy. 35, De Soto, WI 608-648-3711 Homemade Pizza, NOW SERVIN Burgers & Cold Beverages BROASTEGD Breakfast 7am-Noon Saturdays & Sundays CHICKE N OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Pork’s Hill Top 315 Main St., De Soto, WI • 608-648-9575 Delivered RIGHT to YOU S The tandard 15 1st St. NW, Waukon IA (563) 568-3431 4100 $ 52-week local home delivery Out of area & office/ window pick-up pricing also available. Open Monday - Friday 8 A.M. ~ 5 P.M.
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