here - Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce
here - Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce
4 3839 Main St Suite 2 Warrensburg NY 12885 Phone: (518) 623-2161 Fax: (518) 623-2184 11th Annual HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Part of Christmas in Warrensburgh At the Warrensburg Elementary School Gym December 4th 2016 10am-3pm APPLICATION ALSO AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT WWW.WARRENSBURGCHAMBER.COM Please PRINT and fill out the following completely so that we may consider you for this event. Part 1: First Name: Last Name: Business Name: E-mail: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: ( ) - Fax: ( ) ALL VENDORS NEED VALID TAX ID NYS TAX # (518) 485-2889 or Part 2: Please indicate the type of merchandise that you plan to sell at our event: Toys_____________________ Craft ____________________ Clothing _________________ Other ___________________ Jewelry __________________ Part 3: Space size is Roughly10x10. (Limited to one space per person) SIZE: COST OF EACH: 10x10 $50.00 Payable to: WARRENSBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPACE IS LIMITED. RESERVE NOW. CONFIRMATION UPON RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION AND PAYMENT. SPECIAL REQUESTS LIABILITY: The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any property placed in the exhibit, and is hereby discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury, or damage to persons or property that may be sustained while in the exhibitor’s area. SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINT NAME: You are responsible for providing your own chairs table and removal of your own refuse. Thank you.
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3839 Main St Ste 2
Warrensburg, NY 12885
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