Tolga manuscripts, a treasure in the desert
Tolga manuscripts, a treasure in the desert
Tolga manuscripts, a treasure in the desert: a project for valorizing the collection Pr. Bouderbane Azzedine Dr. Boukerzaza K. Dr. Rihane A. Dr. Maamar D. Faculty of Social and Human Sciences University Mentouri Constantine Abstract Tolga (Biskra), a small town in the Algerian desert, possesses a fabulous private collection of manuscripts, unfortunately, invisible to the public eyes. After an exploration in the region, we intend to lead a project which consists in processing this collection via the application of ‘ISADG’ standards and in setting up a digitalization platform with the creation of a dynamic site on the Web. Thus, information users and, above all, researchers will be able to exploit this hidden treasure. Our project will be portrayed with unique photos of some manuscripts ‘buried’ in the desert. Introduction Writing is communication, and communication is a trip, a movement in space and a movement in time. Manuscripts are pieces of writings that communicate concepts, values, traditions culture…. Algeria is rich with its diverse manuscripts in all parts of its regions. They constitute a multi-disciplinary treasure that was conserved for centuries though the obstacles of nature, weather and colonization. Individuals made efforts to conserve and protect this valuable heritage though they were not enough conscious about its value. Time, nature, weather and the colonizers’ negligence have had their negative impacts on manuscripts. After the independence of Algeria, some modest efforts were made to preserve these documents that were frankly insufficient. During the last decade, however, the Algerian state gave a tremendous consideration to these specialized collections providing financial funds, developing activities around these documents and encouraging research on the subject. The most important collections are located in different parts of Algeria: - The National Library in El Hamma (Algiers) - The University of Emir Abdelkader for Islamic Studies in Constantine - The Library of the Association for Historical and Research Studies in Adrar - The manuscripts of Cheikh Hocine Sidi Khelifa Zaouia in Mila - The Manuscripts Library of Adrar - The Manuscripts Library of Cheikh El Mehdi Bouabdelli in the West of Algeria - Cheikh Naim el Nouaimi manuscripts in Constantine These are just some samples of manuscripts existing in Algeria, in addition to other ones conserved by Algerian families. Each time, discoveries of new manuscripts are revealed showing their historical, scientific and cultural value. The Ziban region, in the south of Algeria, is rich with its rare manuscripts that deal with diverse subjects and disciplines. 1. Manuscripts of the Ziban region - Zaouia Tibarmassine (Mazbara) manuscripts with about 200 manuscripts and a rare book. - Mosque Sidi Moussa El Khadri manuscripts (Biskra) with more than 50 manuscripts - The Cultural and Islamic Center’s manuscripts in Biskra - Mosque Sidi Lembarek (Khenka Sidi Nadji) with more than 100 manuscripts - Zaouia Mokhtaria manuscripts (Ouled Djellal) - Cheikh Abdelmadjid Habba manuscript library (Biskra) - The manuscripts of Mouagui family (Tolga) - Cheikh Belkacem Khamar manuscript library (Biskra) - Zaouia Al Athmania manuscripts Library (Tolga) 2. Zaouia Al Athmania manuscripts Library The first founder of this library was Cheikh Ali Ben Athmane. He contributed a lot in enriching and expanding the library collections. He succeeded in collecting rare books. Then, other ‘Chouyoukh’ continued to protect and conserve these manuscripts in the library which is open to researchers and writers who are interested in doing research on manuscript. The Zaouia provides free accommodation for the researchers who show a need for that. The famous Algerian historian, doctor Abou El Kacem Saad Allah, who visited the library, wrote a message to Cheikh Abdelkader Athmani on April 20th, 1986, stating that his stay in the Zaouia library was very fruitful. He added: “It is an honor for Algeria today to look at its past and cultural heritage. May Allay praise those who have collected, conserved and preserved these collections. Now that I have come home completely satisfied, let me thank you for your nice greeting, your scientific spirit and your great generosity. May Allay help you in transmitting the message of science to all parts of Algeria in progress”. 2.1. Library Collections The library conserves 1509 manuscripts and 4500 rare books. Doctor Abdelkrim Eufi attended a meeting organized by the Mutual Committee for the Development of the Arab Heritage in the Institute of Arab Manuscripts, Cairo (Egypt) where he presented a report about “the Algerian manuscripts” in which he mentioned “the library of Zaouia El Athmania, Tolga, Biskra is among the richest libraries not just in the region of Biskra, but in all Algeria”. In the 19 th century, when Algeria was colonized, the library played a key role in the reforming action by educating ‘Eulemas’ in the library exploiting the library collections, above all the various manuscripts dealing with the sciences of Koran, Fikh, languages, arts, dictionaries, geography, biography, Haddith … 2.2. Processing the collections (1) For centuries, manuscripts survived; they resisted to nature and people’s negligence, especially that of the colonizer. A high percentage of these manuscripts is still in a good state. This is essentially due, on the one hand, to the role played by the ‘Chouyoukh’ of the Zaouia in preserving and conserving the collections, and on the other hand, to the dry weather which does not damage manuscripts in contrast to the wet weather; humidity is the enemy number one for manuscripts and printed documents. 500 manuscripts benefitted from cataloguing from the part of a teacher specialized in translation, University of Algiers. A project is on the way to be undertaken to assure cataloguing for all the library collections. This project is going to be led by the National Library of Algeria. The aim is to establish a catalog similar to that of the National Library. For digitalization, Cheikh Abdelkader Slimani is not against, but he is a little bit hesitant. He wants to be convinced and to be sure that manuscripts will not be deteriorated in the process of digitalization via electronic equipments. He knows that a great number of these manuscripts, dealing with various disciplines, have not been yet analyzed by researchers, historians and specialists in manuscripts. These collections have an outstanding value that necessitates academic studies so that they can reveal their secrets hidden in their content for centuries. 3. Suggestions - It is crucial to provide the adequate conditions with the appropriate equipments to conserve and protect these collections. - It is also important to think about the restoration of some of these manuscripts that have been deteriorated. Specialists in this field should visit the area, analyze the collection and introduce the necessary restoration operations to save these manuscripts from disappearance. - It is necessary to digitalize these manuscripts, so that they can be exploited by researchers without damaging the original copies. - Cooperative projects between this library and the other similar libraries, in addition to the National Library to share their collections and equipments, and undertake processing operations in common. - Academic institutions and specialized laboratories should be close to such libraries in order to exploit the collection and to lead research project that can generate significant scientific results. - A printed catalog related to these rich collections should be established by library science specialists, then published to assure an efficient information about these documents. - An electronic site about the library should be built on line to make the collection visible, and let people around the world discover it. - To organize sensitizing campaigns in schools to make the youth conscious about the value of manuscripts and the importance of protecting, conserving and exploiting these documents. - To organize national and international conferences related to manuscripts libraries, and invite the Cheikh of the Zaouia to attend the activities - To organize national exhibitions and invite the Zaouia El Athmania Manuscripts Library to exhibit a sample of its outstanding documents. Conclusion The nations that neglect their past and do not give it the consideration that it deserves are ineluctably condemned to disappearance. Manuscripts that are in Zaouia El Athmania Libray constitute a fabulous treasure hidden in the desert. It merits a special attention for its protection, processing, conservation and visibility. This heritage can reveal interesting secrets. Its exploitation by historians, information specialists and researchers is a necessity. The Zaouia El Athmania has assumed its responsibility by protecting and preserving this treasure for centuries. At present, public authorities should be concerned by the subject. Private offices with their material and financial supports, and with their expertise can revitalize this special collection. Academic institutions have a fertile substance, a fruitful information source in their hands that they can study, exploit, analyze. We have not the right to refuse to listen to our predecessors. Their voice has been hushed, but they have been able to transmit important messages and thoughts that we should understand by looking into their manuscripts. (1) Interview with Labed Yacine, Head Librarian, Wilaya of Biskra, April 2012. Illustrations