San Fernando Valley Quilt Association Patricia Beaver A
San Fernando Valley Quilt Association Patricia Beaver A
Setember 2015 Volume 34 Number 6 San Fernando Valley Quilt Association Inside This Issue: A Note From Your President... 2 Hospitality ............................... 2 Philanthropy Quilt Kits ........... 2 Quilters for Others ................... 2 Ways & Means ........................ 2 Opportunity Quilt .................... 2 Treasurer’s Report ................... 3 Membership ............................. 3 Coming Events ........................ 3 News from Workshops ............ 4 Doll Blankets ........................... 4 Mystery Quilt Part 4 ................ 4 Show & Tell ............................ 5 Notes from your Library.......... 6 Block Party .............................. 7 September Birthdays ............... 8 Opportunity Quilt .................... 8 REMEMBER Do come early and sign in Bring a friend or two Do greet someone new and make a new friend Do wear your Name Tag Do return library books Set your Cell Phones on vibrate Do wear a smile and be friendly September 15th Program Patricia Beaver A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utah Chula Vista, California is Patricia’s home when she is not on the road speaking, teaching, and judging. She spent her teenage years in Utah, where she began sewing and quilting, An avid quilter, Patricia enjoys all styles of quilts and tries to learn most new techniques. She also works on her original pieces so she can have available to her students something new and interesting. As a teacher, lecturer, judge and Quilt historian, Patricia teaches her workshops in a fun atmosphere with the idea that we are all at different levels and skills. Praise and acceptance of all the students is her mission statement as a teacher. Patricia is active in several guilds and is past president of the Petaluma Quilt Guild. She has completed the Northern California Quilt Council course on Judging Quilts and Wearable Art, and is currently active in the judging arena. Bring your Block of the Month Bring quilts for Show and Tell Bring a can of food for the less fortunate Next Newsleer October Edion Deadline is Friday September 18th, 2015 (midnight) Send Newsletter Articles and Info to Lois Christianson Email: Page 2 SFVQA NEWS A NOTE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT: Quilters for Others: Our Ice Cream Social/Quilter’s Treasure Hunt was a success! Mountains of thanks to Mary Flacco for successfully heading up the project. A special thanks also goes to her helpers who sorted, tagged and set out the “treasures”. It was a great evening! Put September 30, from 9:30-3 on your date book or cell phone calendar. Say goodbye to September and hello to philanthropy. Join the Quilters for Others at St James Presbyterian Church at 19414 Ventura Blvd in Tarzana west of Tampa I heard someone say they did not like sitting and looking at the computer screen to read the newsletter. No problem! Just print out a copy and leave it in “the library” (bathroom) and you’ll have the whole thing read in no time! We need your help in preparing our many projects for the holiday season. Bring your machine to help us or work on your own project. We are a very congenial group. See you at the next meeting, We need you to help tie quilts, or cut and lay out juvenile quilts, placemats, doll quilts for the woodworker project. Rosemary Hospitality: Happy Birthday to all the September celebrants!!! Looking forward to seeing what goodies you will be providing for our snack time ……….. thanks in advance. And, if any of the SFVQA members miss their birthday month, please feel free to contribute something at another time. ……… from Hospitality We welcome all volunteers. You need not be a member of the quilt guild. Bring your lunch or purchase nearby. Bring a friend. See you there. Linda Deckard (818) 3532-5057, Jan Lauritzen (818) 341-4506, Jan Livingston (818) 360-3429. Ways and Means Philanthropy Quilt Kits Every month SFVQA will have Quilt Kits for all members to create wonderful quilts or quilt tops for charity. You can pick from quilt kits for a child, a senior at a retirement home, a crib quilt for a baby, a place mat for meals on wheels, or pillow case for a foster child or a child dealing with cancer. Please pick up a quilt kit at a meeting, create a top or finish it up, return it to a SFVQA meeting and make the happy recipient smile. Kathy Milbrand Thinking of you… Call Sharon Lewis at 818-995-7768 or Rosemary Kent at 818-766-4702 with the name of any Association member that should be included in this space. Well, September is coming and we will have some pretty nifty baskets for you to win. Stop by in the back and say hi and get your tickets. The 2 Silver Foxes: Adelle and Carolyn OPPORTUNITY QUILT We are in need of someone to help coordinate the travel schedule for the Opportunity Quilt. We also need several people who are willing to take a turn showing off our quilt at these events. Please contact Rosemary if you can help. Page 3 SFVQA NEWS Treasurer’s Report Income Membership: (4/1/14 Fiscal Year Begins) As Of: 8/14/2015 Quilting in the Valley - share of proceeds 5,000.00 Quilting in the Valley - deposit refund 1,000.00 Aug. yardage sale 1,657.00 Aug. raffle 274.00 Library 15.00 Membership-Dues 2015-16 5,545.00 Opportunity Quilt 2015 1,145.00 Veterans Project 244.00 Philanthropy donation 374.75 Raffles - Amazing Asians 80.00 Ways & Means 580.00 Workshops 420.00 Total Income 16,334.75 Expense Balance in checkbook a as of August 14, 2015 Membership rosters will be printed and out soon. Thanks bunches to the generous ladies who helped me out with the Quilters Treasure Hunt. Sharon Lewis and Donna JohnsonTamai, and the enthusiastic team who helped me display all those treasures just before the event, and clear out the leftovers couple of hours later. Special mention to Jeanette Woll and Sue Rasmussen for manning the cashbox. All the support was heartwarming! Mary Flacco Administration Church set up 400.00 Accounting - tax return 400.00 Board thank you 64.56 Life house - rent 900.00 SCCQG insurance 30.00 Past pres. Quilt exp. 95.00 Rent - storage unit 1,867.79 Misc. expense 242.86 Corresponding - postage 95.81 Hospitality 180.19 Library New guide book - Annie Smith 29.95 Opportunity Quilt 150.44 Membership 175.68 Newsletter 286.43 Philanthropy - supplies 265.28 Programs 2,167.62 Workshops 1,313.94 Total Expense The new member tea is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 20th at the home of Shirley Vangerov and invitations are in the mail. The executive and extended board members are providing the 'tea' food. 8,665.55 $32,470.29 Coming Events Mountain Quilters of Idyllwild present “Where the Deer Play” Quilt show on Sat. & Sunday October 17 & 18, 2015 at Buckhorn Camp, 24641 Hwy 243, Idyllwild, CA 92549. Hours: 10 AM—4 PM “Harvest Festival” art and craft show will be at the Venura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA on October 2-4. Info: http:// Here’s a fun site for quilt ideas: After clicking on “quilts” you will see “older posts” at the bottom. If you click on that you will see even more quilts with instructions! Here is a page of free quilt patterns Page 4 SFVQA NEWS NEWS FROM WORKSHOPS. September 13 is the date PATRICIA BEAVER will be presenting her CRAYON QUILT workshop. Come and join us at MEND for a day of fun and learn a new technique to share with your grandchildren. Workshop fee is $35.00 Call Linda 661 803 1416 or Mari 661360 8128 October 11, fiber artist Marcia Stein”s workshop is creating a wall quilt from your favorite vacation photo. This workshop is $45.00. Mystery Quilt - Part 4 This step will take less time to sew, more time for you to enjoy the end of summer DOLL BLANKETS We continue to make and donate doll blankets for the San Fernando Valley Woodworkers hand -made wooden cradles to be given to needy children all over our area this holiday season. The ideal size is 18 -24 inches square, but we gladly accept anything close to that if your project comes out differently. The quilted blankets are the big hit, but knitted and crocheted are lovely and work well too. Turn in blankets at evening meetings to Lorene Robbins (Library), or day meetings to Yolanda Shelp. Your work is so appreciated and some of you earn my admiration with 20 blankets last month from a pair of our members. Last date for this year’s collection will be our November meeting, but I gather them and save them all year. Make 28 of the following block using: Baggie 2 28 - Fabric C (4.5 in. squares) 28 - Fabric A (2.5 in. squares). Sew onto one corner of Fabric C. 28 - Fabric B (2.5 in. squares). Sew onto the opposite corner of Fabric C. SFVQA NEWS Show and Tell Page 5 Page 6 SFVQA NEWS NOTES FROM YOUR LIBRARY All outstanding materials are due back at the September meeting; however the library cabinet will NOT be out for this meeting as we will be disposing of the library purge in a liquidation. The book donations are wonderful and greatly appreciated, but with 550 titles to make space it is necessary to discard all duplicates. There are frequently revised editions coming in as well. Consequently the September meeting will be liquidation day with hundreds of books and quilting magazines available for you. All proceeds go to our general fund, and the suggested donations are $1 each paperback, $2 each hardbound, and magazines at 10 cents each. We have been advised that you prefer to learn about new additions through the newsletter. Some months donations amount to 30-40 books, and the new additions are always located in the pink and white box labeled “New Library Additions” and listed in our red Catalog Printout. But we will endeavor to acquaint you with notable new items through this newsletter monthly. You Asked For It! Alphabetically by author’s last name, the September additions are: Burns, Eleanor, Eleanor: “Cross Stitch” Quilts; Quilt in a Day, 2000 Fassett, Kaffe with Liza Lucy: Passionate Patchwork; Taunton Press , 2001 Poole, Joanie Z: The Complete Guide to Machine Quilting; St. Martin’s Press, 2012 Reikes, Ursula: Even More Quilts for Baby; Martingale, 2000 ALSO: Burns, Eleanor: Double Pinwheel; Quilt in a Day, 1999 Diepersloot, Sara: Fast and Fun First Quilts; Martingale, 2011 Fons & Porter: Best of Fons and Porter Scrap Quilts; Fons & Porter, 2010 Hatch, Sandra: Easy Nine-Patch Quilting; House of White Birches, 1998 Hatch, Sandra: Scrap Quilting, Made Easy; House of White Birches, 1997 Hulett, Kathleen: Patchwork 4 Ways; American Quilter’s Society, 2009 Johnson-Srebro, Nancy: Big-Block Quilts by Magic; C&T Publishing, 2006 Kooler, Donna: Quilting for the First Time; Sterling Publishing, 2004 Krentz, Jan: Quick Star Quilts and Beyond; C&T Publishing, 2009 Oglesby, Bea: Butterfly Album, Monarchs & More; American Quilter’s Society, 2004 Saulmon, Sally: Traditional Two-Block Quilts; American Quilter’s Society, 2005 Simplicity Co.: Pillow in a Quilt [Quillow]; Simplicity Leaflet 0394 Singer Co.: The Quilting Bible; Creative Publishing, 2005 Stauffer, Jeanne: 256 Fat Quarter Quilt Blocks; House of White Birches, 2005 Stutz, Shirley: Easy & Elegant Lone Star Quilts; C&T Publishing, 2005 Thorpe, Zena*: A Stitch In Time; Zena Thorpe Thorpe, Zena*: A Look at History Through The Eye of a Needle; Zena Thorpe Zimmerman, Darlene: Granny Quilts [1930’s]; Krause Publications, 2002 *Denotes a SFVQA member Lorene Robbins and Judy Cason, Librarians Page 8 SFVQA NEWS San Fernando Valley Quilt Association P. O. Box 371042 Reseda, CA 91337 9/6 9/8 9/8 9/11 9/11 9/13 9/19 9/19 9/30 Ruth Milch Judie Goldstein Elaine Daly Donna Johnson-Tamai Ginny Johnson Adelle Daniels Robin Essex Gayle Armstrong Shelley Bell OPPORTUNITY QUILT Help! I need a name! Send all suggestions to Rosemary Kent Execuve Board Extended Board President Rosemary Kent ........................................... 818-766-4702 1st Vice-President Mary Flacco (Facilities) .............................. 818-222-9428 Mary Peterson(Council Rep) ...................... 818-342-7792 2nd Vice-President Lee Edwards ............................................... 818-841-2902 Donna Ryan ................................................ 818-763-3075 ` Kim Freed ................................................... 818-438-6440 Diane Schwarz ............................................ 818-993-6130 Treasurer Sharon Miller .............................................. 818-995-7768 Corresponding Secretary Sharon Lewis .............................................. 818-737-7355 Recording Secretary Rita Streimer ............................................... 818-363-0516 Membership Judie Goldstein ........................................... 818-344-7937 Robbie Eben ............................................... 818-419-2948 Parliamentarian Karen Van Den Brink ................................. 818-344-8470 Past President Kathy Milbrand ........................................... 818-497-6432 Workshops Linda Buesching ......................................... 661 803-1416 Mari Johnson .............................................. 661-360-8128 Block Party Susan Bradshaw ....................................... 818-716-0192 Linda Buesching ........................................ 661 803-1416 Equipment/Storage Jan Livingston .......................................... 818-360-3429 Hospitality Beverly Triggs ........................................... 818 632-4225 Martha Guzman ........................................ 818-896-2723 Marilyn Miller ........................................... 818 884-9774 Carole Cross .............................................. 818 362-1840 Library Judy Cason ............................................... 818-892-5234 Lorene Robbins ........................................ 818-700-8106 Newsletter/Web Site Lois Christianson...................................... 818-888-7248 Philanthropy Quilters For Others Jan Livingston ................................... 818-360-3429 Jan Lauritzen ...................................... 818 341-4506 Linda Deckard .................................... 818 352-5057 Veterans Project Karen Van Den Brink ....................... 818-344-8470 Photography Elaine Boulay ........................................... 818-363-2387 Ways and Means Adelle Daniels ........................................... 818 364-1463 Carolyn Rose ............................................ 818-894-3361