Europass CV


Europass CV
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Victoria Valentinovna ANOHINA
3/1-125, Voronjanskogo str.
220039 Minsk (Belarus)
+375 172597054
+375 172597047
Date of birth
+375 296495630
05 June 1964
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
2003 →
Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Lecturing for the graduate and postgraduate students; elaborating curricular plans and training
programmes for the distinctive subjects, preparing textbooks and teacher’s guides; carrying out of
scientific researches; instructing the work of research degree students as a scientific supervisor
Belarusian State University
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Higher Education Institution
2000 - 2003
Senior Lecture of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Lecturing for the graduate university students; delivering seminars and colloquiums for the
postgraduate university students; carrying out of scientific researches
Belarusian State University
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Higher Education Institution
1990 - 2000
Lecture of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Delivering seminars and colloquiums for the graduate university students;
carrying out of scientific researches
Belarusian State University
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Higher Education Institution
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
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Victoria Valentinovna ANOHINA
22 June 2000
PhD in Philosophy, Diploma of Researcher (the Academic Degree of Candidate of Science)
Social Philosophy, PhD Dissertation title: “Cultural tradition as the mechanism of transitive societies’
social dynamics” / defending the PhD dissertation; planning and carrying out of the original research
Belarusian State University (University)
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
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Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Level 6 in ISCED
18 November 1988 - 20 December 1990
Postgraduate Diploma
Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Epistemology and Logic of Science, Social Philosophy and
Political Science / Technique of lecturing, applying contemporary research methods
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Belarusian State University (University)
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Level in national or international
Level 6 in ISCED
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
25 August 1982 - 22 June 1988
Honours Diploma on Higher Education
Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Social Philosophy and Social Studies, Economics, Political
Science, Cultural Science and History of Culture, English Language, etc. / lecturing and researching
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Belarusian State University (University)
4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Level in national or international
Level 5 in ISCED
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Russian, Belarussian
Other language(s)
European level (*)
B2 Independent user C1
Basic User
Proficient user
Basic User
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
Basic User
Basic User
Basic User
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
Good communication skills gained through my work as a lecturer, teacher and moderator of seminars
and debates. I have a team research work experience in three interdisciplinary and two international
research projects.
Organisational skills and competences
Some experience in research project management and postgraduate students’ scientific supervisor. I
have a good experience in organization of scientific conferences and seminars for young researchers.
Computer skills and competences
Artistic skills and competences
I am proficient user of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™); good command
of Photoshop, Picasa and Paint.Net.
Certificate of the designer by the Belarusian Art and Trading PR Agency (1981).
Additional information I’m the author of more than 70 publications, including 59 peer-reviewed scientific books, articles and
reports. Among them 2 monographs, 10 chapters in scientific books, 22 articles in research journals of
Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, 25 articles in conference proceedings, 10 textbooks, 6 publications
intended for the general public are published by results of my previous scientific researches and
pedagogical work.
The ten most important peer-reviewed scientific publications are the following:
Monographs and chapters in research books:
1. Anohina, V.V. Cultural Traditions and the Ecological Aspects of Social Dynamics: monograph / V.V.
Anohina. – Minsk : Gamma-5, 2003. – 160 p.
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Victoria Valentinovna ANOHINA
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2. Anthology of Ecological Thought: Vol. 1 – 3 / Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. – Minsk: Harvest, 2003 – 2006. –
Vol. 1 : The East Slavs / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V. Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov.
– Minsk: Harvest, 2003. – 656 p.; Vol. 2 : The West-European Civilization / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V.
Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. – Minsk: Harvest, 2003. – 896 p.; Vol. 3 :
The Eastern Civilizations / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V. Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I.
Zelenkov. – Minsk: Harvest, 2006. – 944 p.
3. Anohina, V.V. Ethno-cultural Tradition and the Prospects of Ecological Education Development in
the Belarus / V.V. Anohina // Człowiek – Środowisko – Kultura w polsko-białoruskim dialogu /
Redaktorzy naukowi : A. Zelenkov; W. Lenart. – Pułtusk – Mińsk: WSH, 2004. – S. 115 – 139.
4. Anohina, V.V. Modern Tourism as the Socio-ecological Project / V.V. Anohina // Kanał Augustowski
i wspołczesna ekoturystyka / Redaktorzy naukowi : Witold Lenart, Anatoly Zelenkov. – Pułtusk ; Mińsk
; Grodno, 2008. – S. 69 – 80.
5. Sustainable Development and the Socio-ecological Quality of Life Parameters: scientific book /
Victoria V. Anohina and others; Ed. by Anatoly I. Zelenkov. – Minsk: BSU, 2011. – 292 p. – Rus. –
Dep. in the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and
Technical Sphere (SO “BelISA”) 31.05.2011 г., № D201113. – URL:
Journal articles:
6. Anochina, W.W. Wspόłczesna turystyka oraz ryzyko ekologiczne : aspekt regionalny / Wiktoria W.
Anochina // STUDIA Mazowieckie. Rok IV/X. – Pułtusk – Ciechanόw, 2008. – Nr. 1 – 2. – S. 145 –
7. Anohina, V.V. Sustainable Tourism as Social Innovation and the Model of Ecological Education /
V.V. Anohina // STUDIA Mazowieckie. Rok IV/XI – Nr. 1-2. – Pułtusk -Ciechanόw, 2009. – S. 181 –
8. Anohina, V.V. The Cultural Traditions and Paradoxes of the China's Modernization at present time /
V.V. Anohina // Belarusian State University Bulletin: the Research Journal “Vesnik BSU”. Series III.
History. Philosophy. Psychology. Political science. Sociology. Economics. Law. – 2009. – № 1. – P. 48
– 58.
9. Anohina, V.V. Cultural Tradition in the Context of Modern Social Dynamics / V.V. Anohina // The
Humanitarian Bulletin of the Zaporozye’s State Engineering Academy : research book / Ed. by V.G.
Voronkova. – Vol. 42. – Zaporozye : ZSEA, 2010. – С. 89 – 101.
10. Anohina, V.V. The Modern Stage of Globalization and the Prospects of Belarusian Society’s
Socio-cultural Dynamics / V.V. Anohina // Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Congress
“Globalistics – 2011: Ways to Strategic Stability and the Problem of Global Governance”, Moscow,
Lomonosow Moscow State University, 18 – 22 May 2011 / Ed. By Igor I. Abylgaziev, Ilya V. Ilyin. In 2
Vol. – Vol. 2. – M. : Moscow University Press, 2011. – P. 40 – 41.
Experience abroad: I have a long-term experience of scientific and educational cooperation with
researchers from Pultusk Academy of Humanities. I was the co-ordinator of the Polish-Belarusian
Summer School - 2003 for graduate and post-graduate students which has been organised thanks to
cooperation between BSU and Pultusk Academy of Humanities. Annually I have participating in the
scientific conferences which has been organised by Pultusk Academy of Humanities.
Scientific interests: Social Philosophy and Political Sciences, Philosophy of Culture, Social Ecology
and Sustainable Development, Contemporary Social Theories and Concepts of Modernization.
Personal interests: I like the modern art, architecture and classical music. Love to travel and
experience different cultural traditions.
Annexes List of publications (url:
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Victoria Valentinovna ANOHINA
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