Specifications 2015
Specifications 2015
Specifications 2015 CONTENTS PAVERS 3 / BROADWAY 12X12X6 / COBBLE / HEARTLAND / FLAGSTONE / GENOVA / VERANO / HOLLAND / ROMAN / ROMAN CIRCLE / HOLLAND 8 CM / BOARDWALK / NAVARRO / BROADWAY / HOLLAND ECO / COLONIAL ECO / TURFSTONE ECO / PAVER MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 SLABS / TRAVERTINE / DYNASTY SLATE / DYNASTY COBBLE AND 1/4 COBBLE / DYNASTY PEBBLESTONE / ARCHITECTURAL TILE / DYNASTY AND ARCHITECTURAL TILE / BRIDGEWOOD / ROSETTA® GRAND FLAGSTONE / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE / DIAMONDFACE / STEPPING STONE / FOOTING PAD RETAINING WALLS 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 23 25 / STACKSTONE® 25 / ROMANSTACK® 25 / PISA2® 26 / ROMANPISA® 26 / QUARRY STONE 26 / ROSETTA® BELVEDERE 27 / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL WALL 27 / ROSETTA® OUTCROPPING 28 / DURAHOLD 28 / DURAHOLD 2 29 / RETAINING WALL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 29 FINISHING TOUCHES / POLYMERIC SAND / CLEANERS AND REMOVERS / FILM FORMING PROTECTORS / NON-FILM FORMING PROTECTORS / PRO SERIES NULOOK TINTED PAVER PROTECTOR / PERMEABLE JOINT STABILIZER / APPLICATION TOOLS / EDGE RESTRAINT / PAVER LIGHT 03-2015 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 / RETAINING WALL LIGHTS / LANDSCAPING MATERIALS / INSTALLATION TOOLS / ADHESIVE / PILLAR CAPS / ROSETTA® IRREGULAR STEPS / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL STEPS / BRIDGEWOOD STEPS / BULLNOSE PAVERS / GRANITE EDGER / I-CON EDGER COLOURS / PAVERS / SLABS / RETAINING WALLS KITS / STONE OASIS FIREPLACE / STONE OASIS PUB TABLE / STONE OASIS CURVED BAR / STONE OASIS WATERFALL KITS / STONE OASIS RECTANGULAR PATIOS / STONE OASIS CIRCLE PATIOS / STONE OASIS CIRCLE FIREPIT / STONE OASIS SQUARE FIREPIT / ROSETTA® FIREPIT KITS / ROSETTA® AND STONE OASIS PILLAR KITS / HARVEST GROVE KITCHEN KITS CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / ONE40TWO SERIES / 18" HEXAGON PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / 22" DIAMETER ROUND PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / 35" DIAMETER ROUND PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / 18" SQUARE PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / 18"X36" RECTANGULAR PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / CROCUS PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / STACKABLE PEBBLESTONE PLANTER / PARK BENCH / GARDEN BENCH / PLAZA BENCH / WELLINGTON BENCH / WESTON BENCH / BRANDON BENCH / PATIO TABLE / PICNIC TABLE / 24" RECTANGULAR TABLE / 72" RECTANGULAR TABLE / COURTYARD TABLE / UMBRELLA BASE / SQUARE WASTE CONTAINER / ROUND WASTE CONTAINER / RECYCLE CONTAINER / PEBBLESTONE SNUFFERS 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 SITE FURNISHINGS / BOLLARDS / PEBBLESTONE TREE GRATES / PEBBLESTONE TREE COLLAR GFRC 51 51 51 51 52 / SANTA FE ROUND PLANTER / SANTA FE RECTANGULAR PLANTER / SANTA FE SQUARE PLANTER / CONTEMPRA SQUARE PLANTER / CONTEMPRA ROUND PLANTER / NEWPORT RECTANGULAR PLANTER / NEWPORT ROUND PLANTER / ELAN SQUARE PLANTER / ELAN ROUND PLANTER / MONTANA / CUBE PLANTERS / SELF WATERING UNIT / TRAYS / WASTE CONTAINERS / CUBE WASTE CONTAINER / CUBE / GFRC BENCHES / ASH URNS / BOULDERS 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 58 SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 59 / BICYCLE STANDS / SPLASH PADS / RAIN DRAIN / BARRIER CURBS / HIGHWAY BARRIER CURBS / CURBS / BOAT RAMP PADS / SIGN BASES / ENTRANCE PILLAR / POOL HEATER PAD STEPS 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 61 / SECTIONAL STEPS / DURA-LITE STEPS / PERMA STEPS / SECTIONAL BRACKETS / DURA-LITE CONCRETE PEBBLESTONE PLANKS / PERMA STEP BRACKETS INFORMATION 61 62 62 63 63 63 64 barkmanconcrete.com / 1 A Paver for Any Design Whether it is a large or small project, barkman pavers offer a wide selection of options for your patio, walkway, driveway or parking space. Far from just looks, barkman pavers offer quality assurance through rigorous testing and the use of superior grade materials throughout the manufacturing process. We believe we have a paver for any aspiring design. / PAVERS 2 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 NEW PAVERS FOR 2015 / BROADWAY 12X12X6 UNIT DESCRIPTION 12x12x6 Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 300 x 300 x 60 11.81 x 11.81 x 2.36 .09 .97 29 30 COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 117267 Antique Brown 118340 Sierra Grey 118341 PALLET Face Area m2 2.69 Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 29 90 3 8.36 87 2610 No. of Rows Notes: Broadway 6 cm paver is a thinner Broadway paver for areas that experience pedestrian traffic. / COBBLE UNIT DESCRIPTION 7x6 Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 181 x 149 x 80 7.125 x 5.88 x 3.15 .03 .29 - - PALLET Face Area m2 sq ft No. of Units - - 56 - 9x6 219 x 149 x 80 8.625 x 5.88 x 3.15 .03 .35 - - - - 56 - 10x6 264 x 149 x 80 10.375 x 5.88 x 3.15 .04 .40 - - - - 56 - 12x6 302 x 149 x 80 11.875 x 5.88 x 3.15 .04 .45 - - - - 56 - COLOURS ITEM No. Ebony 117635 Sierra Grey 117251 Antique Brown 117636 Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 7.99 86 2870 Notes: Each pallet contains 7 layers with 4 different sizes. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Cobble. Recommended to use Paver Saver Mat between plate compactor and surface. This product is laid completely random within a running bond pattern. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 3 PAVERS / HEARTLAND UNIT DESCRIPTION Heartland Paver Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 392 x 320 x 60 15.43 x 12.60 x 2.36 .10 1.09 29 - COLOURS ITEM No. Antique Brown 114584 Sierra Grey 114587 Old Town 114588 PALLET Face Area m2 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 90 - 9.10 98 2842 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Heartland. Techniseal RG+ is required during installation due to false joints. Recommended to use Paver Saver Mat between plate compactor and surface. Each pallet contains 4 different patterned blocks. PATTERNS 4 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 PAVERS / FLAGSTONE UNIT DESCRIPTION Flagstone Paver Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 457 x 379/228 x 60 18 x 14.92/8.98 x 2.36 .11 1.21 35 - COLOURS ITEM No. Desert Buff 114582 Antique Brown 114579 Sierra Grey 114580 Old Town 114583 Shoreline Slate 114585 PALLET Face Area m2 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 80 - 9.01 97 2800 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Flagstone. Techniseal RG+ is required during installation due to false joints. Recommended to use a Paver Saver Mat between plate compactor and surface. Each pallet has 6 different patterned blocks. PATTERNS 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 5 PAVERS / GENOVA UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 146 x 146 x 60 5.75 x 5.75 x 2.36 .02 .23 6 - - - 60 - 12x6 292 x 146 x 60 11.5 x 5.75 x 2.36 .04 .46 13 - - - 60 - 12x12 292 x 292 x 60 11.5 x 11.5 x 2.36 .09 .92 25 - - - 60 - 6x6 COLOURS ITEM No. Antique Brown 112417 Sierra Grey 112604 Old Town 112665 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 8.92 96 2784 Notes: Each bundle contains 96 sq. ft. with all 3 sizes combined. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Genova. Tumbled paver with a textured face. Same pattern designs as Verano . / VERANO UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 146 x 146 x 60 5.75 x 5.75 x 2.36 .02 .23 6 - - - 60 - 12x6 292 x 146 x 60 11.5 x 5.75 x 2.36 .04 .46 13 - - - 60 - 12x12 292 x 292 x 60 11.5 x 11.5 x 2.36 .09 .92 25 - - - 60 - 6x6 COLOURS ITEM No. Antique Brown 103171 Sierra Grey 103170 Old Town 103172 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 8.92 96 2784 Notes: Each bundle contains 96 sq. ft. with all 3 sizes combined. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Verano. Non-tumbled paver with smooth face. Same pattern designs as Genova. PATTERNS PATTERN 1 6 / barkmanconcrete.com PATTERN 2 03-2015 PAVERS / HOLLAND UNIT DESCRIPTION PALLET ROW Size (L x W x H) Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 8x4 210 x 105 x 60 8.27 x 4.13 x 2.36 .02 .24 6.9 80 1.78 19.2 400 5 8.92 96 2784 8x8 210 x 210 x 60 8.27 x 8.27 x 2.36 .04 .48 14 40 1.78 19.2 200 5 8.92 96 2784 COLOURS ITEM No. 8X4 ITEM No. 8X8 Natural 102720 102796 Charcoal 102734 102801 Desert Buff 102742 102808 Antique Brown 102740 102806 Autumn Brown 102738 102804 Rustic Red 102737 102803 Sierra Grey 102739 102805 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb Notes: Holland pavers can be installed in a running bond or herringbone pattern with border options that can be combined with other pavers. The patterns listed below can also be used on our 8cm Holland paver. To calculate soldier course, multiply lineal footage by .7; this will indicate the square footage of Holland required. To calculate sailor course, multiply lineal footage by .35, this will indicate the square footage of Holland required. PATTERNS HERRINGBONE RUNNING BOND RUNNING BOND PARQUET SOLDIER COURSE SAILOR COURSE 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 7 PAVERS / ROMAN UNIT DESCRIPTION 8x4 Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 210 x 105 x 60 8.27 x 4.13 x 2.36 .02 .24 6.9 80 1.78 m2 Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 19.2 400 5 8.92 96 2784 8x6 210 x 157 x 60 8.27 x 6.18 x 2.36 .03 .35 10.32 50 1.65 17.8 250 5 8.27 89 2581 8x10 210 x 262 x 60 8.27 x 10.31 x 2.36 .05 .59 17 40 2.2 23.75 160 4 8.83 95 2755 8x12 210 x 315 x 60 8.27 x 12.40 x 2.36 .07 .71 20.66 40 2.65 28.5 160 4 10.59 114 3306 COLOURS ITEM No. 8X4 ITEM No. 8X6 ITEM No. 8X10 ITEM No. 8X12 Charcoal Desert Buff 102978 102979 102976 102977 103055 103056 102995 102996 Antique Brown 102984 102985 102982 102981 Sierra Grey 102992 102993 102980 102991 Old Town 102971 102972 102969 102970 Notes: Roman pavers are rectangular and come in four sizes on separate pallets. They can be installed using one size only in a running bond or herringbone pattern, or they can be installed by mixing the sizes to create a random cobble inspired pattern. Below are suggested patterns: PATTERNS PATTERN 1 PATTERN 2 PATTERN 3 Pieces per 100 sq. ft. Pieces per 100 sq. ft. Pieces per 100 sq. ft. 85 pieces: 8 x 10 = 50% of total area 85 pieces: 8 x 6 = 30% of total area 85 pieces: 8 x 4 = 20% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 12 = 38% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 10 = 31% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 6 = 19% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 4 = 12% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 12 = 38% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 10 = 31% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 6 = 19% of total area 53 pieces: 8 x 4 = 12% of total area 8 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 PAVER CIRCLES / ROMAN CIRCLE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (Outside Diameter x H) Roman Circle Bundle COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 103124 Desert Buff 103127 Antique Brown 103126 Sierra Grey 103125 Old Town 103123 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 3148 x 60 123.96 x 2.36 - - - 1 Face Area Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 7.79 89 2607 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Roman Circle. Due to bundle configuration, customer will receive 9 starter stones. Customer is NOT charged for extra starter stones. To expand Roman Circle past the 10.33 ft. diameter/89 sq. ft. Please refer to chart below for quantities using 8x6 Roman pavers. Size Course No. 03-2015 Diameter Pieces Per Course Total Pieces Required 6x8 m ft 6x8 8 3.57 11.71 67 67 9 3.99 13.08 75 142 10 4.41 14.46 84 226 11 4.82 15.83 92 318 12 5.25 17.21 101 419 13 5.66 18.58 109 528 14 6.08 19.96 117 645 15 7.42 21.33 126 771 16 6.92 22.71 134 905 17 7.34 24.08 142 1047 18 7.76 25.46 151 1198 19 8.18 26.83 159 1357 20 8.60 28.21 168 1525 21 9.02 29.58 176 1701 22 9.44 30.96 184 1885 23 9.85 32.33 193 2078 24 10.27 33.71 201 2279 barkmanconcrete.com / 9 PAVERS / HOLLAND 8 CM UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Holland 8cm PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 210 x 105 x 80 8.27 x 4.13 x 3.15 .02 .24 9.3 64 COLOURS ITEM No. Natural 102753 Charcoal 102752 Desert Buff 102761 PALLET Face Area m2 1.41 Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 15.20 320 5 7.15 77 2976 Notes: Holland 8cm is a special order paver for commercial application that experience heavier traffic. See Holland on page 7 for patterns. / BOARDWALK UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) 14x4.5 (E) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 357 x 114 x 80 14.06 x 4.49 x 3.15 .04 .44 17.17 - - - 28 - m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows 14x3 (A) 357 x 84 x 80 14.06 x 3.31 x 3.15 .03 .32 13.15 - - - 28 - 12.5x4.5 (F) 317 x 114 x 80 12.48 x 4.49 x 3.15 .04 .39 15.69 - - - 28 - 12.5x3 (B) 317 x 84 x 80 12.48 x 3.31 x 3.15 .03 .29 11.70 - - - 28 - 11x4.5 (G) 277 x 114 x 80 10.91 x 4.49 x 3.15 .03 .34 13.76 - - - 28 - 11x3 (C) 277 x 84 x 80 10.91 x 3.31 x 3.15 .02 .25 10.26 - - - 28 - 9x4.5 (H) 237 x 114 x 80 9.33 x 4.49 x 3.15 .03 .29 11.82 - - - 28 - 9x3 (D) 237 x 84 x 80 9.33 x 3.31 x 3.15 .02 .21 8.82 - - - 28 - D E COLOURS ITEM No. Antique Brown 113721 Shoreline Slate 113575 Mesa Brown 113533 A B C Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 7.06 76 2888 G H F Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Boardwalk. Each bundle contains 76 square feet between the 8 sizes. Recommended to use Paver Saver Mat between the plate compactor and surface. Boardwalk is compatible with some machine paver laying systems and is laid in the same pattern as it lies on the pallet. Boardwalk can also be installed as a permeable paver. PATTERNS C A D D E H B F B G C G F A E 10 / barkmanconcrete.com H 03-2015 PAVERS / NAVARRO UNIT DESCRIPTION PALLET ROW Size (L x W x H) 12x6 (C) Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 305 x 153 x 80 12 x 6.02 x 3.15 .05 .5 19 - - - 35 - m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows 12x12 (B) 305 x 305 x 80 12 x 12 x 3.15 .09 1 38 - - - 35 - 18x12 (A) 458 x 305 x 80 18.03 x 12 x 3.15 .14 1.50 57 - - - 21 - COLOURS ITEM No. Antique Brown 102717 Sierra Grey 102719 Shoreline Slate 102718 A B Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 7.80 84 3100 C Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Navarro. Each bundle contains 84 sq. ft. between the 3 stones. Recommended to use Paver Saver Mat between plate compactor and surface. Can be installed in a running bond pattern or the pattern below. PATTERNS A B C C B A B B B A C A B C C B C B A B A C C B C C RUNNING BOND 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 11 PAVERS / BROADWAY UNIT DESCRIPTION 3x18 Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 445 x 70 x 100 17.52 x 2.76 x 3.94 .03 .33 17.28 - PALLET Face Area m2 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 132 - 4.37 47 2256 2064 6x12 300 x 150 x 100 11.81 x 5.91 x 3.94 .05 .48 22.93 - - - 90 - 4 43 12x12 300 x 300 x 100 11.81 x 11.81 x 3.94 .09 .97 46.22 - - - 54 - 4.83 52 2496 12x24 600 x 300 x 100 23.62 x 11.81 x 3.94 .18 1.97 92 18 3.25 35 36 2 6.5 70 3352 COLOURS ITEM No. 3X18 ITEM No. 6X12 ITEM No. 12X12 ITEM No. 12X24 Charcoal 114570 102849 113183 112503 Antique Brown* 114572 Sierra Grey* 114578 Notes: *Only the 3x18 paver has options in all 3 colours. The 6x12, 12x12, and 12x24 pavers are only available in Charcoal. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Broadway. PATTERNS PATTERN 1 PATTERN 2 RUNNING BOND Pieces per 100 sq. ft. Pieces per 100 sq. ft. Pieces per 100 sq. ft. 100 pieces: 6 x 12 = 48% of total area 17 pieces: 12 x 12 = 16% of total area 19 pieces: 12 x 24 = 36% of total area 41 pieces:- 6 x 12 = 19% of total area 42 pieces: 12 x 12 = 41% of total area 21 pieces: 12 x 24 = 40% of total area 30 pieces: 6 x 12 = 13% of total area 30 pieces: 12 x 12 = 29% of total area 30 pieces: 12 x 24 = 58% of total area RUNNING BOND PARQUET HERRINGBONE 12 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 PAVERS / HOLLAND ECO UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Holland Eco PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 210 x 105 x 80 8.27 x 4.13 x 3.15 .02 .24 9.05 - PALLET Face Area m2 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 320 full - 7.15 77 2888 64 half COLOURS ITEM No. Special Order - Notes: This is a non-stocking item, special order only. Please contact barkman for minimum order quantities and colour availability. See Holland on page 7 for patterns. / COLONIAL ECO UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Colonial Eco PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 157 x 157 x 80 6.18 x 6.18 x 3.15 .03 .27 9 40 COLOURS ITEM No. Special Order - PALLET Face Area m2 1.04 Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 11.20 280 7 7.25 78 2574 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 2 7.62 82 2064 Notes: This is a non-stocking item, special order only. Please contact barkman for minimum order quantities and colour availability. / TURFSTONE ECO UNIT DESCRIPTION Turfstone Eco Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 599 x 399 x 80 23.58 x 15.71 x 3.15 .24 2.58 64.5 16 COLOURS ITEM No. Natural 102846 PALLET Face Area m2 sq ft No. of Units 3.84 41.28 32 Face Area Weight Notes: This is a non-stocking item, special order only. Please contact barkman for minimum order quantities and colour availability. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 13 PAVERS / PAVER MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 1) EXCAVATION DEPTH For Pedestrian Traffic Material Pavers mm in For Light Vehicular Traffic mm in 60 2.36 60 25.4 1 25.4 1 Gravel Base 102-152 4-6 203-305 8-12 Total Excavation Depth 178-229 7-9 279-381 11-15 Sand 2.36 Gravel base: Use minimum depths in a well-drained area or undisturbed soil. Use maximum depths in poorly drained area or distributed soil. 0.5" less is required to compensate compacting of pavers. If soil is saturated more than 50% of the time, filter fabric and extra base should be used. When installing thicker pavers (Broadway 4", Boardwalk, Navarro, Holland 8cm, Cobble) add 0.75" to 1.625" total excavation depth. 2) BASE MATERIAL Granular Base Width Length Base Depth Material Required m x m x m ÷ .3048 ÷ .6858 = m3 ft x ft x ft ÷ 12 ÷ 27 = cu yd Bedding Sand Width Length Material Required m x m x .255 = m3 ft x ft x 0.0031 = cu yd 3) EDGING Edging Length of Edge Snap Edge m ÷ 2.4384 = No. of Pieces ft ÷ 8 = No. of Pieces m ÷ 3.2808 = No. of Spikes ft x 1 = No. of Spikes Spikes Spikes Length of Edge 14 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 Elegant Touches From the rustic wood textures of Bridgewood to the smooth, pitted finish of Travertine, barkman offers a wide variety of slabs suitable to any architectural style. / SLABS 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 15 SLABS / TRAVERTINE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 12x24 296 x 596 x 51 11.65 x 23.46 x 2 .18 1.90 42 20 18x24 446 x 596 x 51 17.55 x 23.46 x 2 .27 2.86 65 20 - 5.30 57 1300 24x24 596 x 596 x 51 23.46 x 23.46 x 2 .35 3.82 95 20 - 7.06 76 1900 COLOURS ITEM No. 12X24 ITEM No. 18X24 ITEM No. 24X24 Ivory 117883 117884 117885 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 3.53 38 840 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any order of Travertine. Travertine is new this year in that we are introducing it with a small chamfered edge to reduce chipping during installation. PATTERNS PATTERN 1 PATTERN 2 Pieces per 100 sq. ft. Pieces per 100 sq. ft. 22 pieces: 12 x 24 = 40% of total area 13 pieces: 18 x 24 = 36% of total area 7 pieces: 24 x 24 = 24% of total area 24pieces: 12 x24 = 46% of total area 8 pieces: 18 x 24 = 23% of total area 8 pieces: 24 x 24 = 31% of total area 16 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 SLABS / DYNASTY SLATE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 16x16 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 16x24 600 x 400 x 45 23.62 x 15.75 x 1.77 .24 2.58 56 40 - 9.59 103.2 2240 COLOURS ITEM No. 16X16 ITEM No. 16X24 Charcoal 102632 102638 Sierra Grey 102633 102639 Mahogany 102637 102642 Mocha 102634 102640 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Dynasty order. See page 19 for laying patterns. / DYNASTY COBBLE AND 1/4 COBBLE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 16x16 Cobble 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 16x16 1/4 Cobble 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 COLOURS ITEM No.16X16 ITEM No. 1/4 COBBLE Rustic Red Sierra Slate 102645 102648 102646 102649 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any order of Dynasty. See the seperate Specifications Sheet at barkmanconcrete.com for laying pattern ideas. / DYNASTY PEBBLESTONE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 16x16 Square 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 16 Round 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .13 1.35 36 40 - 5.02 54 1440 COLOURS ITEM No. SQUARE ITEM No. ROUND Pebblestone 102623 102626 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any order of Dynasty. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 17 SLABS / ARCHITECTURAL TILE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Antique COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 113098 Natural 116035 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 Face Area Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 6.39 68.8 1520 Notes: Architectural Tiles are special order only. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Architectural Tile order. See page 19 for laying patterns. / ARCHITECTURAL TILE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Artisan COLOURS ITEM No. Sterling 113105 Burnt Amber 113104 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 Face Area Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 6.39 68.8 1520 Notes: Architectural Tiles are special order only. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Architectural Tile order. See page 19 for laying patterns. / ARCHITECTURAL TILE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb Accent Pinstripe 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 Accent Diagonal 400 x 400 x 45 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.77 .16 1.72 38 40 - 6.39 68.8 1520 COLOURS ITEM No. PINSTRIPE ITEM No. DIAGONAL Charcoal 113101 113744 Natural 116036 116037 Notes: Light shot blast surface finish with pattern inlay. Architectural Tiles are special order only. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Architectural Tile order. 18 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 SLABS / DYNASTY AND ARCHITECTURAL TILE PATTERNS RUNNING BOND 1 RUNNING BOND 2 HERRINGBONE PATTERN Pieces per 100 sq. ft. 15 pieces: 16 x 16 = 25% of total area 29 pieces: 16 x 24 = 75% of total area 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 19 SLABS / BRIDGEWOOD UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 440 x 250 x 51 17.32 x 9.84 x 2 .11 1.18 28.5 40 23x10 595 x 250 x 51 23.43 x 9.84 x 2 .15 1.6 38.5 20 - 2.97 32 770 35x10 890 x 250 x 51 35.04 x 9.84 x 2 .22 2.39 58 20 - 4.45 47.9 1160 17x10 COLOURS ITEM No. 17X10 ITEM No. 23X10 ITEM No. 35X10 Cedar Brown 114278 114280 114282 Weathered Grey 114277 114279 114281 No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 4.39 47.2 1140 Notes: Available to order in full pallets. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Bridgewood. Plank thicknesses will vary; this is intentional to replicate real planks. Can be laid with all 3 sizes, or a selection of 1 or 2 at any size in a running bond pattern. To achieve the most desired look, Bridgewood is intended to be laid in all 3 sizes with a 1:1:1 ratio. PATTERNS Pieces per 100 sq. ft. 21 pieces: 17 x 10 = 23% of total area 21 pieces: 24 x 10 = 31% of total area 21 pieces: 35 x 10 = 46% of total area 20 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 SLABS / ROSETTA® GRAND FLAGSTONE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Rosetta® Grand Flagstone COLOURS ITEM No. Fon du Lac 104065 Copper Canyon 104069 Pacific Grey 104068 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 1067 x 965 x 51 42 x 38 x 2 - - - 24-32 Face Area Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 8.36 90 2160 Notes: Measurements (42 x 38 x 2) based on layer configuration. 3 to 4 pieces per layer. Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Grand Flagstone order. PATTERNS WALKWAY (Optional: Trim edges for straight lines) PATTERN WITH ALL FOUR LAYERS 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 21 SLABS / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) 12x6 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 305 x 152 x 51 12 x 6 x 2 - - - - No. of Rows - 12x12 305 x 305 x 51 12 x 12 x 2 - - - - - 12x18 305 x 457 x 51 12 x 18 x 2 - - - - - 18x18 457 x 457 x 51 18 x 18 x 2 - - - - - 18x24 457 x 610 x 51 18 x 24 x 2 - - - - - 24x24 610 x 610 x 51 24 x 24 x 2 - - - - - COLOURS ITEM No. Fon du Lac 104074 Copper Canyon 104073 Pacific Grey 104072 Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 9.10 98 2350 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any Dimensional Flagstone order. Pallet contains all slab sizes. PATTERNS WALKWAY 22 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 SLABS / DIAMONDFACE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) 18x18 PALLET Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 457 x 457 x 38.1 18 x 18 x 1.5 .21 2.25 41 25 Face Area Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 5.23 56.25 1025 24x24 610 x 610 x 44 24 x 24 x 1.75 .37 4 90 25 - 9.29 100 2250 24x30 610 x 762 x 44 24 x 30 x 1.75 .46 5 115 25 - 11.61 125 2875 Weight No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb COLOURS ITEM No. 18X18 ITEM No. 24X24 ITEM No. 24X30 Natural 102542 102557 102568 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Diamondface. / STEPPING STONES UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Square* 305 x 305 x 51 12 x 12 x 2 .09 1 24 90 3 8.36 90 2160 Round 305 x 305 x 51 12 x 12 x 2 .07 .79 20 90 - 6.61 71.1 1800 COLOURS ITEM No. SQUARE ITEM No. ROUND Natural 102508 102507 Charcoal 102523 102522 Desert Buff 102535 102534 Antique Brown* 102530 Notes: *Antique Brown only available in the square profile. Sold in full bundles only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Stepping Stone. / FOOTING PADS UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET Face Area Weight Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 12x12x4 305 x 305 x 102 12 x 12 x 4 - - 49 54 - - - 2646 18x18x4 457 x 457 x 102 18 x 18 x 4 - - 113 24 - - - 2712 18x18x6 457 x 457 x 152 18 x 18 x 6 - - 164 20 - - - 3280 24x24x6 610 x 610 x 152 24 x 24 x 6 - - 290 8 - - - 2320 COLOURS ITEM No. 12X12X4 ITEM No. 18X18X4 ITEM No. 18X18X6 ITEM No. 24X24X6 Natural 105895 105899 105900 105906 Notes: Indent for post T slot on 12" x 12" x 4" and 18" x 18" x 4" is 1". Available to order in full pallets only. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 23 Make a Bold Statement barkman’s wide selection of retaining walls are as versatile as they are stylish. Build small planter boxes and garden walls with Quarry Stone or Rosetta® Belvedere. Erect large commercial retaining walls quickly with Rosetta® Outcropping. Whatever your project, barkman has the wall system for you. / RETAINING WALLS 24 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 RETAINING WALLS / STACKSTONE® UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Standard 102 x 203/152 x 203 4 x 8/6 x 8 .02 .20 18 24 .45 4.8 120 5 2.23 Coping 102 x 203/152 x 203 4 x 8/6 x 8 .02 .20 18 24 .45 4.8 120 5 2.23 24 2160 Tight Radius 102 x 152/102 x 203 4 x 6/4 x 8 .02 .19 16 20 .35 3.8 80 4 1.41 15.2 1280 Advanced Corner 102 x 203/165 x 203 4 x 8/6.50 x 8 - - 27 12 - - 48 4 - - 1296 Half Coping 102 x 102/76 x 203 4 x 4/3 x 8 - - 14 - - - 1 - - - 14 COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. COP ITEM No. TR ITEM No. CORNER ITEM No. 1/2 COP Natural Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town 103943 103957 103969 103853 103963 103854 103948 103960 103972 103852 103964 103862 103944 103962 103974 103859 103965 103860 104257 104261 104265 104248 104263 104250 114116 113800 113801 113798 113803 113802 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 24 2160 Notes: To calculate pieces required, multiply the wall length, in feet, by 1.72. This will give you the number of pieces required per layer. Then multiply this by the number of layers to determine total quantity required. Please note that 1.72 is the multiplier used for both the standard and coping units. It’s recommended to go a maximum of 2’ height. / ROMANSTACK® UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Standard 102 x 203/152 x 203 4 x 8/6 x 8 .02 .20 18 24 .45 4.8 120 5 2.23 Coping 102 x 203/152 x 203 4 x 8/6 x 8 .02 .20 18 24 .45 4.8 120 5 2.23 24 2160 Tight Radius 102 x 152/102 x 203 4 x 6/4 x 8 .02 .19 16 20 .35 3.8 80 4 1.41 15.2 1280 Advanced Corner 102 x 203/165 x 203 4 x 8/6.50 x 8 - - 27 12 - - 48 4 - - 1296 Half Coping 102 x 102/76 x 203 4 x 4/3 x 8 - - 14 - - - 1 - - - 14 COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. COP ITEM No. TR ITEM No. CORNER ITEM No. 1/2 COP Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town 103901 103924 103892 103919 103893 103902 103925 103891 103920 103894 103879 103884 103877 103883 103878 104262 104266 104249 104264 104251 114120 114121 114118 114128 114127 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 24 2160 Notes: To calculate pieces required, multiply the wall length, in feet, by 1.72. This will give you the number of pieces required per layer. Then multiply this by the number of layers to determine total quantity required. Please note that 1.72 is the multiplier used for both the standard and coping units. It’s recommended to go a maximum of 2’ height. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 25 RETAINING WALLS / PISA2® UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) Standard 12" Corner 20" Corner 12" Splitface Coping 14" Splitface Coping PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 152 x 203 x 305 152 x 305 x 229 152 x 508 x 229 102 x 203 x 305 102 x 203 x 356 6 x 8 x 12 6 x 12 x 9 6 x 20 x 9 4 x 8 x 12 4 x 8 x 14 .03 - .33 - 42 54 73 27 31.50 30 16 8 24 24 COLOURS ITEM NO. STD ITEM NO. 12" COR ITEM NO. 20" COR ITEM NO. 12" COP ITEM NO. 14" COP Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town 103671 103685 103709 103689 103718 103745 103747 103750 103749 103751 103738 103736 103732 103740 103742 103865 103875 103861 103874 103871 103869 112842 103866 112838 112839 PALLET Face Area m2 .90 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 9.90 - 60 64 16 72 72 2 4 2 3 3 1.84 - 19.80 - 2520 3456 1168 1944 2268 Notes: To calculate pieces required for standard units, multiply the length of wall, in feet, by 1.5 for the number of pieces per row. Then multiply number of rows for amount of standard pieces. To calculate coping pieces required, multiply the length of wall, in feet, by 1.6 for amount of coping pieces required. 2 out of 12 coping pieces is an end piece. Each bundle of 60 standard has 60 tapered units (30 left and 30 right). Use all lefts and rights on alternate rows. / ROMANPISA® UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) Standard 12" Corner 20" Corner 12" Roman Coping 14" Roman Coping PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 152 x 203 x 305 152 x 305 x 229 152 x 508 x 229 102 x 203 x 305 102 x 203 x 356 6 x 8 x 12 6 x 12 x 9 6 x 20 x 9 4 x 8 x 12 4 x 8 x 14 .03 - .33 - 42 54 73 27 31.50 30 16 8 24 24 .90 - 9.90 - 60 64 16 72 72 2 4 2 3 3 1.84 - 19.80 - 2520 3456 1168 1944 2268 COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. 12" COR ITEM No. 20" COR ITEM No. 12 "COP ITEM No. 14" COP Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town 103673 103681 103710 103690 103720 103761 103763 103768 103767 103769 103739 103737 103733 103741 103743 103846 103850 103844 103849 103845 112843 103876 112837 112840 112841 Notes: To calculate pieces required for standard units, multiply the length of wall, in feet, by 1.5 for the number of pieces per row. Then multiply number of rows for amount of standard pieces. To calculate coping pieces required, multiply the length of wall, in feet, by 1.6 for amount of coping pieces required. 2 out of 12 coping pieces is an end piece. Each bundle of 60 standard has 60 tapered units (30 left and 30 right). Use all lefts and rights on alternate rows. / QUARRY STONE UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) Standard 12" Radius 4" Standard 8" Standard 8" Radius PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 102 x 305 x 203 102 x 305/273 x 203 102 x 102 x 203 102 x 203 x 203 102 x 203/152 x 203 4 x 12 x 8 4 x 12/10.75 x 8 4x4x8 4x8x8 4 x 8/6 x 8 .03 .03 .01 .02 .02 .33 .33 .11 .22 .22 33 31 10 20 18 24 24 48 24 24 COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. 12" RAD ITEM No. 4" STD ITEM No. 8 "STD ITEM No. 8" RAD Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town 103789 103796 103793 103791 103798 103799 103802 103801 103800 103803 103810 103813 103812 103811 103814 103822 103825 103824 103823 103826 103774 103780 103777 103776 103781 PALLET Face Area m2 .74 .74 .49 .49 .49 Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 7.92 7.92 5.28 5.28 5.28 96 96 192 96 96 4 4 4 4 4 2.94 2.94 1.96 1.96 1.96 31.68 31.68 21.12 21.12 21.12 3168 2976 1920 1920 1742 Notes: It is recommended to go a maximum of 2' high. 8" radius unit-minimum inside diameter of 50". 12" radius unit-minimum inside diameter of 140". 26 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 RETAINING WALLS / ROSETTA® BELVEDERE UNIT DESCRIPTION Wall Pallet Size (H x W x D) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb 152 x 457/406 x 229 6 x 18/16 x 9 .07 .75 - - - - 12 - 152 x 305/2254 x 229 6 x 12/10 x 9 .05 .50 - - - - 12 - 152 x 152/102 x 229 6 x 6/4 x 9 .02 .25 - - - - 12 - 76 x 457/406 x 229 3 x 18/16 x 9 .03 .375 - - - - 12 - 76 x 305/254 x 229 3 x 12/10 x 9 .02 .25 - - - - 12 - 76 x 152/102 x 229 3 x 6/4 x 9 .01 .125 - - - - 12 - Weight m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows UNIT DESCRIPTION Corner Pallet Size (H x W x D) m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows PALLET ROW Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb 76 x 381/356 x 229 6 x 15/14 x 9 .03 .313 - - - - 16 - 76 x 381/356 x 229 3 x 15/14 x 9 .06 .625 - - - - 16 - Weight m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows 12 - UNIT Size (H x W x D) PALLET ROW Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb 57 x 457/406 x 260 2.25 x 18/16 x 10.25 - - - - - - 57 x 457/432 x 260 2.25 x 18/17 x 10.25 - - - - - - 12 - 57 x 305/254 x 260 2.25 x 12/10 x 10.25 - - - - - - 24 - 57 x 152/102 x 260 2.25 x 6/4 x 10.25 - - - - - - 24 - ITEM No. WALL ITEM No. CORNER ITEM No. COPING Fon du Lac 104038 104045 104049 Copper Canyon 104040 104047 104051 Pacific Grey 104041 104048 104052 Weight sq ft lb 2.51 27 2475 Face Area Weight m2 sq ft lb 2.23 24 1520 PALLET Face Area No. of Units COLOURS Face Area m2 PALLET Face Area No. of Units DESCRIPTION Coping Pallet PALLET Face Area No. of Units Total Length Weight m ft lb 20.12 66 1550 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Belvedere. Recommended maximum height is 2'. / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL WALL UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (H x W x D) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Straight 102 x 305 x 203 4 x 12 x 8 .03 .33 28 - - - 75 - 2.32 25 2100 Wedge 102 x 305/229 x 203 4 x 12/9 x 8 .02 .26 20 - - - 75 - 1.81 25 1800 Weight Weight sq ft No. of Rows Total Length m2 No. of Units UNIT DESCRIPTION Coping Size (H x W x D) m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb PALLET ROW Face Area PALLET Face Area mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units 64 x 610 x 318 2.50 x 24 x 12.50 - - - - - - 18 - 64 x 457 x 318 2.50 x 18 x 12.50 - - - - - - 12 - 64 x 483 x 318 2.50 x 19 x 2.50 - - - - - - 6 - COLOURS ITEM No. WALL ITEM No. WEDGE ITEM No. COPING Fon du Lac Copper Canyon Pacific Grey 104076 104075 104077 104079 104078 104080 104082 104081 104083 m ft lb 19.20 63 1950 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged in any bundle of Dimensional Wall. Recommended maximum height is 2'. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 27 RETAINING WALLS / ROSETTA® OUTCROPPING UNIT DESCRIPTION PALLET ROW Size (H x W x D) Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Pallet A 305 x 1067 x 610/508 305 x 1219 x 610/508 305 x 1524 x 610/508 305 x 1676 x 610/508 12 x 42 x 24/20 12 x 48 x 24/20 12 x 60 x 24/20 12 x 66 x 24/20 - - - - - - 4 - 1.67 18 3865 Pallet B 152 x 610 x 610/508 152 x 914 x 610/508 152 x 1219 x 610/508 305 x 914 x 610/508 305 x 1372 x 610/508 305 x 1829 x 610/508 6 x 24 x 24/20 6 x 36 x 24/20 6 x 48 x 24/20 12 x 36 x 24/20 12 x 54 x 24/20 12 x 72 x 24/20 - - - - - - 6 - 1.67 18 3951 Pallet C 152 x 610 x 610/508 152 x 914 x 610/508 610 x 1219 x 610/508 457 x 1524 x 610/508 6 x 24 x 24/20 6 x 36 x 24/20 24 x 48 x 24/20 18 x 60 x 24/20 1.67 18 3889 Pallet D Freestanding 30 x 1524 x 762 305 x 1219 x 762 152 x 1219 x 762 12 x 60 x 30 12 x 48 x 30 6 x 48 x 30 - - - - - - 3 - 1.02 11 3150 Pallet E Freestanding 305 x 1829 x 762 305 x 914 x 762 152 x 914 x 762 12 x 72 x 30 12 x 36 x 30 6 x 36 x 30 - - - - - - 3 - .98 10.5 3500 Corner m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb 4 305 x 1219 x 737 12 x 48 x 29 .37 4 1204 - - - 3 - 1.11 12 3612 Lifting Device (104063) - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 53 Paraweb Rosetta Strapping (104064) - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 28 COLOURS ITEM No. PALLET A ITEM No. PALLET B ITEM No. PALLET C ITEM No. PALLET D ITEM No. PALLET E ITEM No. CORNER Fon du Lac 103982 103989 103996 114266 114272 104005 Copper Canyon 103981 103988 103995 114265 114271 104004 Pacific Grey 103983 103990 103997 114267 114273 104006 Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Outcropping. Product is machine installed. Multiple bundle orders must be ordered in quantities of 2A, 2B, and 1C. Pallet D and E can be ordered separately. / DURAHOLD UNIT DESCRIPTION PALLET ROW Size (H x W x D) Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Standard 305 x 1829 x 610 12 x 72 x 24 .56 6.00 1740 - - - - - - - Coping 305 x 1829 x 610 12 x 72 x 24 .56 6.00 1710 - - - - - - - - Tie Back 305 x 1829 x 610 12 x 72 x 24 - - 1529 - - - - - - - - 90 degree Corner Left/Right 305 x 1524 x 610 12 x 60 x 24 - - 1418 - - - - - - - - 45 degree Corner Left/Right 305 x 1524 x 610 12 x 60 x 24 - - 1305 - - - - - - - - 1/2 Standard 305 x 914 x 610 12 x 36 x 24 .28 3.00 870 - - - - - - - - 1/2 Coping 305 x 914 x 610 12 x 36 x 24 .28 3.00 870 - - - - - - - - COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. COPING ITEM No. TIEBACK Natural 103612 103611 103613 ITEM No. 90° CORNER 103617 R 103616 L ITEM No. 1/2 STD 103618 ITEM No. 45° CORNER ITEM No. 45° COPING ITEM No. 1/2 COPING 103614 L 103615 R 116762 L 116763 R 103621 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - R Notes: Half pieces and corner blocks available. Coping is the same as a standard unit but has flat top. Durahold and Durahold 2 are machine placed. 28 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 RETAINING WALLS / DURAHOLD 2 UNIT DESCRIPTION PALLET ROW Size (H x W x D) Face Area Weight PALLET Face Area Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Standard 305 x 1829 x 356 12 x 72 x 14 .56 6 870 - - - - - - - Coping 305 x 1829 x 356 12 x 72 x 14 .56 6 870 - - - - - - - - 1/2 Standard 305 x 914 x 356 12 x 36 x 14 .28 3 435 - - - - - - - - 1/2 Coping 305 x 914 x 356 12 x 36 x 14 .28 3 435 - - - - - - - - COLOURS ITEM No. STD ITEM No. COPING ITEM No. 1/2 COP ITEM No. 1/2 STD Natural 103619 103620 113055 113056 m2 sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - Notes: Half pieces and corner blocks available. Coping is the same as a standard unit but has flat top. Durahold and Durahold 2 are machine placed. / RETAINING WALL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 1) BASE MATERIAL Wall Length Base Height Base Width Material Required m x m x m ÷ 1 = m3 ft x ft x ft ÷ 27 = cu yd 2) DRAINAGE MATERIAL Wall Length Base Height Material Required m x m x 1.33 ÷ 1 = m3 ft x ft x 1.33 ÷ 27 = cu yd 3) ADHESIVE The amount of glue required depends on type of block and construction. Use the guide below to estimate the amount of adhesive required. Approximate length of bead by bead diameter. Tube Size Bead Length Packaging mL oz 3.175 mm Bead 1/8" Bead 6.35 mm Bead 1/4" Bead 9.525 mm Bead 3/8" Bead No. per Case No. per Pallet 295 9.98 37 m 122 ft 9m 30 ft 4m 13 ft 12 - 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 29 It’s In the Details When it comes to great design, it's the small things that make the biggest difference. Elevate your project with our selection of Bullnose pavers, steps, edgers and a wide selection of cleaners, removers, protectors, sealers and specialty sands to make that good project a great one. / FINISHING TOUCHES 30 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 FINISHING TOUCHES / POLYMERIC SAND UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Weight BUNDLE Weight lb No. of Units lb 103041 RG+ (191-637)* Tan Colour 50 56 2800 103040 RG+ (191-647)* Granite Colour 50 56 2800 103039 HP2 (191-037)** Tan Colour 50 56 2800 103042 HP2 (191-047)** Granite Colour 50 56 2800 118376 RG+ (291-637) Tan Colour Dry Pak 50 56 2800 118377 RG+ (291-647) Granite Colour Dry Pak 50 56 2800 118378 RG+ (291-677) Urban Grey Colour Dry Pak 50 56 2800 118379 HP2 (191-037) Tan Colour 50 56 2800 118380 HP2 (191-047) Granit Colour 50 56 2800 118381 HP2 (191-077) Urban Grey Colour 50 56 2800 Notes: Coverage for narrow joints is 60-75 square feet per bag. Coverage for wide joints is 25-40 square feet per bag. *RG+ product available while supplies last and will then be replaced by 118376, 118377 and 118378 (Dry Pak). **HP2 product available while supplies last and will then be replaced by 118379, 118380, and 118381. / CLEANERS AND REMOVERS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size Coverage Weight L sq ft 103043 HD Paver Prepator/Efflorescence Cleaner (241-534) (4 Units Minimum Order) 4 112418 HD Paver Prepator/Efflorescence Cleaner (241-536) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 103045 Weight lb No. of Units 200 10 144 1440 18.93 1000 46 48 2208 Multi Surface Hardscape Cleaner (241-503) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 4 800 10 144 1440 112419 Multi Surface Hardscape Cleaner (241-506) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 4000 46 48 2208 112420 Paver Restorer (241-604) (4 Units Minimum Order) 4 - 10 36 360 103050 Professional Grade Oil and Grease Remover (241-591) (6 Units Minimum Order) .95 - 3 600 1800 113153 Dirt and Grease Cleaner (241-511) (6 Units Minimum Order) 1 - 3 480 1440 112421 Rust Remover (241-521) (6 Units Minimum Order) 1 - 3 480 1440 112422 Paint, Tar and Rubber Remover (241-541) (6 Units Minimum Order) 1 10 3 720 2160 113154 Organic Stain Remover (241-502) (6 Units Minimum Order) .7 - 1 540 540 113155 Slurry Remover (241-554) (4 Units Minimum Order) 4 - 10 144 1440 Size Coverage Weight Weight L sq ft lb No. of Units 113149 Wet Look (WA) (241-333) (4 Units Minimum Order) 3.78 150 10 180 1800 113150 Wet Look (WA) (241-336) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 750 46 48 2208 112425 Clear Look (EV) (241-303) (4 Units Minimum Order) 3.78 150 10 180 1800 112426 Clear Look (EV) (241-306) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 750 46 48 2208 lb / FILM FORMING PROTECTORS (WATER BASED) UNIT ITEM No. 03-2015 DESCRIPTION BUNDLE lb barkmanconcrete.com / 31 FINISHING TOUCHES / NON-FILM FORMING PROTECTORS (WATER BASED) UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size Coverage Weight L sq ft 113151 Colour Boost (CB) (241-393) (4 Units Minimum Order) 3.78 113152 Colour Boost (CB) (241-396) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 103048 Weight lb No. of Units 120 10 180 1800 18.93 600 46 48 2208 Natural Look (IN) (241-313) 3.78 120 10 180 1800 112424 Natural Look (IN) (241-383) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 600 46 48 2208 113711 Brick and Concrete (WR7) (4 Units Minimum Order) 3.78 150 10 180 1800 113712 Brick and Concrete (WR7) (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 750 46 48 2208 Size Coverage Weight Weight L sq ft lb No. of Units 3.78 - 10 180 1800 Size Coverage Weight Weight L sq ft lb No. of Units 114807 Permeable Joint Stabilizer (4 Units Minimum Order) 3.78 50 10 180 1800 114806 Permeable Joint Stabilizer (1 Pail Minimum Order) 18.93 250 46 48 2208 lb Notes: Non film forming protectors (water based) require two 2 coats. / PRO SERIES NULOOK TINTED PAVER PROTECTOR UNIT ITEM No. 115304 DESCRIPTION Nulook Cognac (NL_B) (241-323) (4 Unit Minimum Order) BUNDLE lb / PERMEABLE JOINT STABILIZER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE lb / APPLICATION TOOLS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W) Weight in lb No. of Units Weight mm 103044 Sprayer For Efflorescence Cleaners (145-900) (12 Unit Minimum Order) - - - 720 - 112428 Slit Foam Roller (145-960) (20 Unit Minimum Order) 483 x 240 19 x 9.45 - 600 - 103597 Barkman Gloves with Rubber Palm - - - 1 - lb / EDGE RESTRAINT UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION 112541 Snap Edge 103165 Spikes 32 / barkmanconcrete.com BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 2438 x 73 x 44 96 x 2.875 x 1.75 - 254 (length) 10 (length) .33 No. of Units PALLET Weight lb No. of Units 24 - 720 150 50 - 03-2015 FINISHING TOUCHES / PAVER LIGHTS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 102997 Paver Light 203 x 102 x 60 8 x 4 x 2.375 - 103029 8 Light Kit Complete 203 x 102 x 60 8 x 4 x 2.375 - 103030 14 Light Kit Complete 203 x 102 x 60 8 x 4 x 2.375 - 103005 Bulbs 4 Watt (Package of 6) - - - 102999 Lens Only - - - 103008 Connectors 16GA - - - Notes: All Paver Lights are supplied with 4 watt bulbs. 8 and 14 light kits include lights, wire and transformer. Single Paver Light includes 4 watt bulb and connectors. Wire and transformer not supplied on single paver lights. For reference, number of lights multiplied by wattage of bulb = total wattage of transformer required. / RETAINING WALL LIGHTS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size ( L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 115627 Walter Tan 121 x 178 x 19 4.75 x 7 x .75 - 115628 Walter Grey 121 x 178 x 19 4.75 x 7 x .75 - 115629 Walter Bronze 121 x 178 x 19 4.75 x 7 x .75 - 115630 Cornelius Tan 152 x 127 x 19 6.5 x 5 x .75 - 115631 Cornelius Grey 152 x 127 x 19 6.5 x 5 x .75 - 115632 Cornelius Bronze 152 x 127 x 19 6.5 x 5 x .75 - / LANDSCAPING MATERIALS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W) Weight mm in lb 103147 Geo-Textile 6oz Non Woven* 91400 x 4572 3600 x 180 220 104089 Mirafi 5XT** (Sold in Full Rolls Only) 45720 x 3048 1800 x 120 130 Notes: *Geo-textile is a water permeable barrier between the original soil and the clear gravel backfill in the immediate 12" behind the wall. ** Mirafi is a specially formulated polyester grid, designed to interact with most Risi Stone modular retaining wall systems, producing practical and aesthetic solutions to slope stabilizations and retaining wall problems. When engineered with Mirafi, Pisa2® can be installed up to 20' high. Refer to barkman installation guide for more details. / INSTALLATION TOOLS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION 106233 Pallet Safety Rail L x W x H: 610 x 610 x 508 mm/24 x 24 x 508 in 103144 Pave Mark L x W x H: 660 x 117 x 98/26 x 4.625 x 3.875 103145 Paver Splitter/Guillotine Cutting Length: 121-10 x 330 mm/4.75-.375 x 13 in 103141 Paver Adjuster W x H: 362 x 991 mm/14.25 x 39 in 103142 Paver Adjuster Blades W x H: 32 x 70 mm/1.25 x 2.75 in 103131 Paver Cart Clamping Width: 584 x 1060mm/23 x 41.75 in 150 103139 Paver Extractor Height: 940 mm/37 in 11 103140 Paver Extractor Blades L x H: 32 x 70 mm/1.25 x 2.75 in - 103164 Paver Saver Uni Mat L x W: 762 x 559 mm/30 x 22 in 22 103133 Pounder Height: 940 mm/37 in - 102834 Slab Lifting Device Opens: 254-479mm/10-18.875 in 4 03-2015 Dimensions Weight lb 12 150 4 - barkmanconcrete.com / 33 FINISHING TOUCHES / ADHESIVE UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 103609 PL Landscape Adhesive BUNDLE Size Coverage (1/4" bead) Weight mL ft 295 30 Weight lb No. of Units - - - lb / PILLAR CAPS ITEM No. NATURAL DESCRIPTION Pillar Cap – Wetcast (Natural Only) ITEM No. CHARCOAL 103326 UNIT ITEM No. DESERT BUFF - - Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 610 x 610 x 102 24 x 24 x 4 160 Stone Oasis Chiseled Cap* 103419 112400 103420 610 x 610 x 55 24 x 24 x 2 112 Chiseled Cap with Peak* 103405 103407 103412 610 x 610 x 102 24 x 24 x 4 131 Chiseled Cap with 8" Flat Top* 103406 112855 103413 610 x 610 x 102 - 24 x 24 x 4 - 131 - mm in lb Pillar Cap Sandblast ITEM No. COPPER CANYON ITEM No. FON DU LAC DESCRIPTION ITEM No. PACIFIC GREY Rosetta® Dimensional Column Cap** 104085 104084 104086 610 x 610 x 64 24 x 24 x 2.5 125 Rosetta® Belvedere Column Cap** 104053 104055 104056 686 x 686 x 64 27 x 27 x 2.5 155 / ROSETTA® IRREGULAR STEPS DESCRIPTION ITEM No. FON DU LAC ITEM No. COPPER CANYON UNIT ITEM No. PACIFIC GREY BUNDLE Weight Size (L x W x H) mm in lb No. of Units 1372 x 559 x 178 54 x 22 x 7 458 1 B 1524 x 610 x 178 60 x 24 x 7 600 1 C 1067 x 432 x 178 42 x 17 x 7 349 1 1219 x 711 x 178 48 x 28 x 7 567 1 A D 104016 104017 104018 E 1067 x 660 x 178 42 x 26 x 7 476 1 F 1219 x 610 x 178 48 x 24 x 7 512 1 Weight lb 2962 Notes: A,B,C,D,E, and F sold together in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any pallet of irregular steps. / ROSETTA® DIMENSIONAL STEPS DESCRIPTION 3' ITEM No. FON DU LAC 104032 ITEM No. COPPER CANYON UNIT ITEM No. PACIFIC GREY 104029 104035 BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight Weight mm in lb No. of Units 914 x 457 x 178 36 x 18 x 7 375 8 3000 lb 4' 104031 104028 104034 1219 x 457 x 178 48 x 18 x 7 455 8 3640 6' 104033 104030 104036 1829 x 762 x 178 72 x 30 x 7 1320 3 3963 Notes: Available to order in full pallet only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any pallet of Dimensional Steps. / BRIDGEWOOD STEPS DESCRIPTION Bridgewood 48" Steps ITEM No. CEDAR BROWN 116941 UNIT ITEM No. WEATHERED GREY 116940 BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units 1200 x 400 x 140 47.24 x 15.75 x 5.51 380 8 Weight 3040 lb Notes: Colours for Bridgewood Steps are not exact replications of Bridgewood Slab's Weathered Grey and Cedar Brown. 34 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 FINISHING TOUCHES / BULLNOSE PAVERS UNIT DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area Weight mm in m2 sq ft lb No. of Units Roman Bullnose Paver 305 x 152 x 60 12 x 6 x 2.36 - - 15 36 Bullnose Paver 305 x 152 x 60 12 x 6 x 2.36 - - 15 36 COLOURS ITEM No. BULLNOSE ITEM No. ROMAN Charcoal 102691 113727 Desert Buff 102690 113726 PALLET Total Length m ft No. of Units - 36 72 36 72 No. of Rows Total Length Weight m ft lb 2 - 72 2088 2 - 72 2088 Notes: The difference between these two options is Roman Bullnose is a tumbled paver product. Product available to order in full pallets only. A $25.00 returnable pallet fee will be charged to any bundle of Bullnose and Roman Bullnose pavers. / GRANITE EDGER UNIT DESCRIPTION Granite Edger Size (L x W x H) PALLET ROW Face Area mm in m2 311 x 102 x 102 12.25 x 4 x 4 - COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 114430 Old Town 114431 sq ft Weight PALLET Face Area lb No. of Units m2 14 48 - Weight lb No. of Units m2 15 48 - Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units No. of Rows m2 sq ft lb - 192 4 - - 2688 No. of Rows Face Area Weight sq ft No. of Units m2 sq ft lb - 192 4 - - 2880 / I-CON EDGER UNIT DESCRIPTION I-con Edger Size (L x W x H) mm in m2 314 x 92 x 102 12.375 x 3.625 x 4 - COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 105171 Desert Buff 105175 Sierra Grey 105174 03-2015 PALLET ROW Face Area sq ft PALLET Face Area barkmanconcrete.com / 35 PACIFIC GREY COPPER CANYON FON DU LAC WEATHERED GREY CEDAR BROWN IVORY BURNT AMBER STERLING PEBBLESTONE MAHOGANY MOCHA MESA BROWN AUTUMN BROWN RUSTIC RED SHORELINE SLATE OLD TOWN EBONY DESERT BUFF SIERRA GREY ANTIQUE BROWN CHARCOAL NATURAL COLOURS PAVERS Broadway 12x12x6 Cobble Heartland Flagstone Genova Verano Holland Holland Square Roman Roman Circle Holland 8cm Boardwalk Navarro Broadway 318 Broadway 612 Broadway 1212 Broadway 1224 Holland Eco (Colour on special order basis) Colonial Eco (Colour on special order basis) Turfstone Eco Bullnose Roman Bullnose I-con Edger Granite Edger SLABS Travertine Dynasty Slate Dynasty Cobble Dynasty 1/4 Cobble Dynasty Pebblestone Round Dynasty Pebblestone Square Dynasty Antique Dynasty Artisan Dynasty Accent Pinstripe Dynasty Accent Diagonal Bridgewood Rosetta® Grand Flagstone Rosetta® Dimensional Flagstone Diamondface Stepping Stone Square Stepping Stone Round 36 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 PACIFIC GREY COPPER CANYON FON DU LAC WEATHERED GREY CEDAR BROWN IVORY BURNT AMBER STERLING PEBBLESTONE MAHOGANY MOCHA MESA BROWN AUTUMN BROWN RUSTIC RED SHORELINE SLATE OLD TOWN EBONY DESERT BUFF SIERRA GREY ANTIQUE BROWN CHARCOAL NATURAL COLOURS RETAINING WALLS StackStone® Roman StackStone® Pisa2® Splitface Coping RomanPisa® Roman Coping Quarry Stone Rosetta® Belvedere Rosetta® Dimensional Wall Rosetta® Outcropping Durahold Durahold 2 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 37 A Kit for Any Space Landscape kits offer a cost effective way to turn any backyard into something special without custom concrete work. In an afternoon or less, you could build a complete kit from our collection of waterfalls, bars, pillars, firepits, patios and now, Harvest Grove Outdoor Kitchen units. Modular in design and timeless in their appeal, barkman kits offer the easy choice to elevate your backyard ambitions. / LANDSCAPE KITS 38 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 KITS / STONE OASIS FIREPLACE SPECIFICATIONS KIT mm Fireplace PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) in No. of Skids INCLUDES Weight (lb) 1 2616 x 1321 x 1016 103 x 52 x 40 4 3064 Wood Storage 889 x 1016 x 914 35 x 40 x 36 1 2359 COLOURS ITEM No. WOOD STORAGE ITEM No. FIREPLACE Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 113461 112652 2 2998 3 1058 4 683 Total Charged 7803 3 Quarry Stone, paving stone, firebox, chimney hood, Ebony accents, arch, mantle, recess panel and roof, stainless steel chimney, steel shims, adhesive, gloves, shims, landscape design 2359 1 Quarry Stone, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Notes: Colours may vary between various components. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / STONE OASIS PUB TABLE SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) mm in No. of Skids Pub Table 1067 x 921 x 914 42 x 36.25 x 36 1 COLOURS ITEM No. Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 112511 Weight 1345 INCLUDES lb Quarry Stone, Ebony counter top, stainless steel burner tray, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Notes: Colours may vary between various components. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / STONE OASIS CURVED BAR SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) mm in No. of Skids Curved Bar 1092 x 2032 x 762 43 x 80 x 30 2 COLOURS ITEM No. Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 112881 Weight 3527 INCLUDES lb Quarry Stone, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Notes: Although product ships on 2 skids, customer will only be charged for 1-$25.00 returnable barkman pallet. Polished Granular counter top with an exposed aggregate and smooth finish available. Colours may vary between various components. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 39 KITS / STONE OASIS WATERFALL KITS SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) Weight mm in No. of Pallets 762 x 1118 x 813 30 x 44 x 32 2 1323 Waterfall 965 x 1854 x 1295 38 x 73 x 51 2 3908 Grand Waterfall 965 x 2896 x 1295 38 x 114 x 51 2 5016 Square Waterfall* COLOURS ITEM No. SQUARE WATERFALL ITEM No. WATERFALL ITEM No. GRAND WATERFALL Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 103513 112415 112416 INCLUDES lb Quarry Stone, Ebony accents, pillar caps, coping, waterfall kit with lights and pump, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Quarry Stone, Ebony accents, pillar caps, coping, waterfall kit with lights and pump, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Quarry Stone, Ebony accents, pillar caps, coping, waterfall kit with lights and pump, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Notes: *For Stone Oasis Square Waterfall, customer will be charged for only 1 barkman returnable pallet. Colours may vary between various components. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / STONE OASIS RECTANGULAR PATIOS SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) Weight INCLUDES mm in No. of Pallets Rectangle Patio with Inlay 60 x 3454 x 2718 2.36 x 136 x 107 1 2866 Roman splitface paver accents, snap edge, spikes, polymeric sand, gloves, landscape design Rectangular Border* 60 x 4089 x 3353 2.36 x 161 x 132 1 1367 Roman pavers, Ebony holland accents, snap edge, spikes, polymeric sand, gloves, landscape design Rectangle Patio 60 x 3454 x 2718 2.36 x 136 x 107 1 2866 Roman pavers, snap edge, spikes, polymeric sand, gloves, landscape design COLOURS ITEM No. RECT PATIO / INLAY Sierra Grey, Ebony Inlay Sierra Grey, Buff Accent Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent Desert Buff, Charcoal Accent Deser Buff Sierra Grey ITEM No. RECT BORDER lb ITEM No. RECT PATIO 103516 103501 103517 103502 103500 103499 Notes: *The Stone Oasis Rectangular Border colour options contains a) Sierra Grey (either Desert Buff or Ebony Holland Accent), b) Desert Buff (with Charcoal accent). For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / STONE OASIS CIRCLE PATIOS SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (W x D) Weight mm in No. of Pallets Circle 60 x 3734 2.36 x 147 2 3571 Circle Border 60 x 4877 2.36 x 192 1 2293 COLOURS ITEM No. CIRCLE ITEM No. CIRCLE BORDER Sierra Grey, Buff Accent 103503 112410 Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 103518 114544 Desert Buff, Charcoal Accent 103504 112608 INCLUDES lb Roman Circle pavers, splitface paver accents, landscape fabric, polymeric sand, gloves, landscape design Roman Circle pavers, splitface paver accents, polymeric sand, gloves, landscape design Notes: Sierra Grey option includes either Desert Buff or Ebony accent. Desert Buff colour contains Charcoal accent. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. 40 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 KITS / STONE OASIS CIRCLE FIREPIT SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x D) mm in No. of Pallets Circle Complete Circle Spark Arrestor (112548) 305 x 635 (inside) 12 x 25 (inside) 1 - x 610 - x 240 COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 103520 Desert Buff 103519 Antique Brown 103521 Sierra Grey 103522 Weight (lb) 838 INCLUDES Total StackStone®, gloves, landscape design, 24" spark arrestor 5 Notes: The Stone Oasis Circle Firepit has 3 layers with 16 pieces per layer. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / STONE OASIS SQUARE FIREPIT SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) Weight (lb) mm in No. of Pallets Square Complete Square Spark Arrestor (113807) 305 x 711 x 711 12 x 28 x 28 1 1190 686 x 686 27 x 27 - 5 Firepit Liner* (115253 711 x 711 28 x 28 1 55 COLOURS ITEM No. Charcoal 113806 Sierra Grey 115753 INCLUDES Total Quarry Stone, gloves, landscape design, 27" spark arrestor Notes: *Firepit liner sold separately. / ROSETTA® FIREPIT KITS SPECIFICATIONS KIT Square Firepit Complete PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) mm in No. of Pallets 305 x 711 x 711 12 x 28 x 28 1 Weight (lb) 1170 Square Spark Arrestor 675 x 675 27 x 27 - 5 Square Firepit Liner 711 x 711 28 x 28 1 55 SPECIFICATIONS KIT INCLUDES Total Dimensional Wall, 27" spark arrestor, liner, adhesive, gloves, landscape design PALLETS Assembled Size (H x D) Weight (lb) mm in No. of Pallets Circle Firepit Complete Circle Spark Arrestor* (114836) 381 x 1067 (inside) 15 x 42 (inside) 1 1257 - x 940 - x 37 Circle Black Steel Ring 305 x 965 12 x 38 1 45 COLOURS ITEM No. CIRCLE ITEM No. SQUARE Fon du Lac 103507 115347 Copper Canyon 103511 115346 Pacific Grey 103508 115348 INCLUDES Total Belvedere, adhesive, gloves, landscape design, black steel ring 12 Notes: 37" diameter spark arrestor sold separately. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 41 KITS / ROSETTA® AND STONE OASIS PILLAR KITS SPECIFICATIONS KIT PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) mm in No. of Pallets Weight INCLUDES lb Stone Oasis Pillar* 813 x 508 x 508 32 x 20 x 20 1 1124 Quarry Stone, Ebony accents, pillar cap, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Stone Oasis Glass Block Pillar* 813 x 508 x 508 32 x 20 x 20 1 1102 Quarry Stone, Ebony accents, pillar cap, glass blocks, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Rosetta® Belvedere** 914 x 610 x 610 36 x 24 x 24 1 2293 Belvedere, pillar cap, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Rosetta® Dimensional** 876 x 508 x 508 34.5 x 20 x 20 1 1051 Dimensional Wall, pillar cap, adhesive, gloves, landscape design COLOURS ITEM No. OASIS ITEM No. OASIS W/ GLASS Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent 112411 112510 ITEM No. BELVEDERE ITEM No. DMNL Fon du Lac** 103509 115687 Copper Canyon** 103512 115686 Pacific Grey** 103510 115688 Notes: *Sierra Grey with Ebony accent only available in the Stone Oasis/Stone Oasis Glass Block Pillars. Colours may vary between components. **Fon du Lac, Copper Canyon, Pacific Grey only available in Belvedere/Dimensional Wall Pillars. For detailed video installation, please visit barkmanconcrete.com. / HARVEST GROVE KITCHEN KITS SPECIFICATIONS KIT ITEM No. mm Pizza Oven BBQ Grill BBQ Grill with Polished Granular Counter Top Side Burner 112651 2057 x 1524 x 1626 115674 953 x 1524 x 711 117897 115679 PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) 953 x 1524 x 711 953 x 914 x 711 in 81 x 60 x 64 37.5 x 60 x 28 37.5 x 60 x 28 37.5 x 36 x 28 No. of Skids 4 2 2 1 Weight (lb) 1 3219 2816 2816 2500 2 3175 380 380 - 3 1764 - - - 4 485 - - - INCLUDES Total 8643 3300 3300 2500 Pallets charged 3 Quarry Stone, oven dome and floor, Ebony arches, divider plates, mantle and roof, stainless steel chimney and spark arrestor, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design 3 Quarry Stone, 4 burner grill, stainless steel vent box, tank holder, drawer frame, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design 3 Quarry Stone, 4 burner grill, stainless steel vent box, tank holder, drawer frame, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design 3 Quarry Stone, stainless steel vent box and slide in double side burner, propane line splitter kit, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Side Burner with Polished Granular Counter Top 117977 953 x 914 x 711 37.5 x 36 x 28 1 2500 - - - 2500 3 Quarry Stone, stainless steel bent box and slide in double side burner, propane line splitter kit, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design *BBQ Grill Natural Gas Conversion Kit 116163 - - - - - - - 10 - 50mm drill bit, gas valve, regulator, instructions Side Burner Natural Gas Conversion Kit 116164 - - - - - - - 10 - 50mm drill bit, gas valve, regulator, instructions 3 Quarry Stone, stainless steel waste receptacle frame and drawer, waste chute, cutting board, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design - Quarry Stone, stainless steel waste receptacle frame and drawer, waste chute, cutting board, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Prep Station with Waste Receptacle Prep Station with Waste Receptacle and Polished Granular Counter Top 42 / barkmanconcrete.com 115537 117904 953 x 914 x 711 953 x 914 x 711 37.5 x 36 x 28 37.5 x 36 x 28 2 2 2024 2024 198 198 - - - - 2300 2300 03-2015 KITS / HARVEST GROVE KITCHEN KITS (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS KIT ITEM No. mm Bar with Fridge 115539 PALLETS Assembled Size (H x W x D) in Weight (lb) INCLUDES No. of Skids 1 2 3 4 Total Pallets charged 2 2508 176 - - 2850 3 Quarry Stone, outdoor rated fridge, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Quarry Stone, stainless steel outdoor rated fridge, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design 953 x 1219 x 711 37.5 x 48 x 28 Bar with Fridge and Polished Granular Counter Top 117975 953 x 1219 x 711 37.5 x 48 x 28 2 2508 176 - - 2850 3 Bar Counter 115538 953 x 1219 x 711 37.5 x 48 x 28 1 3020 - - - 3020 3 Bar Counter with Polished Granular Counter Top 117973 953 x 1219 x 711 37.5 x 48 x 28 1 3020 - - - 3020 3 Corner Unit 115540 953 x 711 x 711 37.5 x 28 x 28 1 2150 - - - 2150 3 Quarry Stone, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Corner Unit with Polished Granular Counter Top 117898 953 x 711 x 711 37.5 x 28 x 28 1 2150 - - - 2150 3 Quarry Stone, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Right Or Left End Unit 115542 R 938 x 711 x 711 115541 L 37.5 x 28 x 28 1 2150 - - - 2150 3 Quarry Stone, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Right Or Left End Unit with Polished Granular Counter Top 117971 R 938 x 711 x 711 117901 L 37.5 x 28 x 28 1 2150 - - - 2150 3 Quarry Stone, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Quarry Stone, Ebony counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design Quarry Stone, Ebony Polished Granular counter tops, shims, adhesive, gloves, landscape design COLOURS Sierra Grey, Ebony Accent Ebony Accent Notes: All Harvest Grove kits, save for the Pizza Oven, have a Polished Granular counter top option available upon purchase. Polished Granular counter tops have an exposed aggregate and smooth finish. * A gas fitter is required to install the BBQ Grill Natural Gas Conversion Kit. Colours may vary between various components. Pictures are not shown at scale. BAR COUNTER BAR WITH FRIDGE PREP STATION WITH WASTE END UNIT RECEPTACLE 03-2015 BBQ GRILL SIDE BURNER CORNER UNIT PIZZA OVEN barkmanconcrete.com / 43 Distinctive Flair Add distinctive flair to your next interior or exterior landscaping project with our wide selection of attractive Site Furnishings and Accessories. We have unlimited shapes and colour combinations to choose from, and our simple, yet classic styling makes our furnishings ideal for almost any application. / SITE FURNISHINGS 44 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / ONE40TWO SERIES UNIT ITEM No. 117643 117644 117645 117053 117864 117865 DESCRIPTION Waste Container with Black Locust and Magnet Door Bench Backless with Black Locust Back Rest Bench with Black Locust Planter Small 36 x 18 x 24 Planter Medium 42 x 24 x 30 Planter Large 48 x 30 x 36 Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 610 x 1086 x 457 2121 x 451 x 546 2121 x 451 x 546 914 x 610 x 457 1067 x 762 x 610 1219 x 762 x 914 24 x 42.75 x 18 83.5 x 17.75 x 21.5 83.5 x 17.75 x 21.5 36 x 24 x 18 42 x 24 x 30 48 x 30 x 36 487 699 801 442 767 1236 Notes: Black Locust wood subject to availability. An alternative sustainable wood source may be used. / 18" HEXAGON PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. 105094 105095 105098 105099 105102 105103 DESCRIPTION 12" High 12" High with Bottom 18" High 18" High with Bottom 24" High 24" High with Bottom Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 457 x 457 x 305 457 x 457 x 305 457 x 457 x 457 457 x 457 x 457 457 x 457 x 610 457 x 457 x 610 18 x 18 x 12 18 x 18 x 12 18 x 18 x 18 18 x 18 x 18 18 x 18 x 24 18 x 18 x 24 110 147 165 202 220 257 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / 22" DIAMETER ROUND PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. 105047 105048 105051 105052 105055 105056 DESCRIPTION Weight Size (D x H) 12" High 12" High with Bottom 18" High 18" High with Bottom 24" High 24" High with Bottom mm in lb 559 x 305 559 x 305 559 x 457 559 x 457 559 x 610 559 x 610 22 x 12 22 x 12 22 x 18 22 x 18 22 x 24 22 x 24 127 172 190 235 253 298 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / 35" DIAMETER ROUND PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. 105067 105068 105071 105073 105079 105081 DESCRIPTION Size (D x H) 12" High 12" High with Bottom 18" High 18" High with Bottom 24" High 24" High with Bottom Weight mm in lb 889 x 305 889 x 305 889 x 457 889 x 457 889 x 610 889 x 610 35 x 12 35 x 12 35 x 18 35 x 18 35 x 24 35 x 24 258 435 387 564 516 693 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / 18" SQUARE PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. 105130 105131 105136 105137 105140 105141 DESCRIPTION 12" High 12" High with Bottom 18" High 18" High with Bottom 24" High 24" High with Bottom Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 457 x 457 x 305 457 x 457 x 305 457 x 457 x 457 457 x 457 x 457 457 x 457 x 610 457 x 457 x 610 18 x 18 x 12 18 x 18 x 12 18 x 18 x 18 18 x 18 x 18 18 x 18 x 24 18 x 18 x 24 167 212 250 290 333 369 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour is available (premium upcharge of 25%). 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 45 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / 18"X36" RECTANGULAR PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 457 x 914 x 305 18 x 36 x 12 238 105018 12" High 105019 12" High with Bottom 457 x 914 x 305 18 x 36 x 12 345 105022 18" High 457 x 914 x 457 18 x 36 x 18 348 105024 18" High with Bottom 457 x 914 x 457 18 x 36 x 18 471 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / CROCUS PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105040 Square 610 x 610 x 445 24 x 24 x 17.5 352 105042 Rectangle 610 x 1219 x 445 24 x 48 x 17.5 600 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). Weight is shown with bottom. Bottoms have drain holes. / STACKABLE PEBBLESTONE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 762 x 762 x 279 30 x 30 x 11 252 105106 30" Square 105107 30" Square with Bottom 762 x 762 x 279 30 x 30 x 11 378 105110 48" Square 1219 x 1219 x 279 48 x 48 x 11 380 105111 48" Square with Bottom 1219 x 1219 x 279 48 x 48 x 11 690 105683 30" Seat 762 x 762 x 64 30 x 30 x 2.5 228 105684 48" Seat 1219 x 1219 x 64 48 x 48 x 2.5 580 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / PARK BENCH UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105709 Park Bench (Concrete) Complete 1664 x 610 x 451 65.5 x 24 x 17.75 725 114691 Park Bench (Concrete) Complete with Indent 1664 x 610 x 451 65.5 x 24 x 17.75 725 105710 Park Bench (Cedar) Complete 1664 x 610 x 451 65.5 x 24 x 17.75 275 105703 Park Bench End (Pebblestone) 864 x 610 x 70 34 x 24 x 2.75 97 105712 Park Bench Seat (Cedar) with Hardware 1505 x 406 x 38 59.25 x 16 x 1.5 15 105686 Park Bench Seat (Concrete) 1505 x 406 x 76 59.25 x 16 x 3 242 105714 Park Bench Back (Cedar) with Hardware 1505 x 298 x 38 59.25 x 11.75 x 1.5 15 105686 Park Bench Back (Concrete) 1505 x 406 x 76 59.25 x 16 x 3 242 105705 Park Bench Hardware (Zinc Dichromate Coated) 4 Pieces For Cedar Components (BOLTS NOT INCLUDED) - - 3 105715 Sandblast Logo/Signature (Special Order) - - - Notes: All cedar components have 2 coats of Sikkens Dek Base, and 1 coat of Sikkens Dek #78 natural. On-site assembly required. All cedar planks have the option for Charcoal colour wood. Maximum indent is 3/4" depth. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour is available (premium upcharge of 25%). 46 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / GARDEN BENCH UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 1829 x 521 x 445 72 x 20.5 x 17.5 232 105717 Garden Bench (Cedar) Complete 105733 Garden Bench End (Pebblestone) 152 x 457 x 368 6 x 18 x 14.5 96 105720 Garden Bench Seat (Cedar) 1829 x 508 x 32 72 x 20 x 1.25 40 Notes: On-site assembly required. All cedar planks have the option of Charcoal coloured wood. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / PLAZA BENCH UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION 105692 6' Plaza Bench (Cedar) Complete 105691 Cedar Seat & Back- Set Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 1829 x 800 x 914 72 x 31.5 x 36 375 1829 x 394 x - 72 x 15.5 x - 62 Notes: On-site assembly required. All cedar planks now have the option for Charcoal wood. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / WELLINGTON BENCH UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105743 6" Wellington Bench Complete 1880 x 610 x 432 74 x 24 x 17 1452 114689 6" Wellington Bench Complete with Indent 1880 x 610 x 432 74 x 24 x 17 1452 105750 Wellington Bench Ends 610 x 102 x 660 24 x 4 x 26 270 105748 Wellington Bench Seat 1676 x 610 x 102 66 x 24 x 4 462 105746 Wellington Bench Back 1778 x 540 x 102 70 x 21.25 x 4 255 105715 Sandblast Logo/Name on Concrete Bench - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. Leveling screws are included in bench ends. Maximum depth indent is 3/4". For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / WESTON BENCH UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105752 5' Weston Bench Complete 1702 x 762 x 406 67 x 30 x 16 1088 114690 5' Weston Bench Complete with Indent 1702 x 762 x 406 67 x 30 x 16 1088 105757 Weston Bench Ends 762 x 102 x 914 30 x 4 x 36 302 105686 Weston Bench Seat 1505 x 406 x 76 59.25 x 16 x 3 242 105686 Weston Bench Back 1505 x 406 x 76 59.25 x 16 x 3 242 105715 Sandblast Logo/Name On Concrete Bench - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. Maximum indent is 3/4" depth. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 47 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / BRANDON BENCH UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105737 Brandon Bench Straight Complete 1829 x 559 x 470 72 x 22 x 18.5 795 114685 Brandon Bench Straight Complete with Indent 1829 x 559 x 470 72 x 22 x 18.5 795 105731 Brandon Bench Curved Complete 1829 x 559 x 470 72 x 22 x 18.5 795 114682 Brandon Bench Curved Complete with Indent 1829 x 559 x 470 72 x 22 x 18.5 795 105733 Brandon Bench Ends 457 x 152 x 368 18 x 6 x 14.5 123 105735 Brandon Bench Curved Seat 1829 x 559 x 102 72 x 22 x 4 525 105740 Brandon Bench Straight Seat 1829 x 559 x 102 72 x 22 x 4 524 Notes: On-site assembly required. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / PATIO TABLE UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (D x H) Weight mm in lb 112683 Patio Table Complete (Pebblestone Legs with Natural Seat and Top) 1757 x 1757 x 470 62 x 62 x 18.5 1080 105638 Patio Table Complete (Wheelchair with Pebblestone Legs with Natural Seat and Top) 1702 x 1702 x 483 67 x 67 x 19 1080 112684 Patio Table Complete (Charcoal Pebblestone Legs with Charcoal Seat and Top Polished and Sealed) 1757 x 1757 x 470 62 x 62 x 18.5 1080 112680 Patio Table Top Natural 1016 x 1016 x 73 40 x 40 x 2.875 240 112685 Patio Table Top Charcoal, Polished, Sealed 1016 x 1016 x 73 40 x 40 x 2.875 240 112674 Patio Table Seat Natural 889 x 279 x 73 35 x 11 x 2.875 60 112868 Patio Table Seat Charcoal, Polished, Sealed 889 x 279 x 73 35 x 11 x 2.875 60 112687 Patio Table Top Leg Pebblestone - - 200 112688 Patio Table Top Leg Charcoal Pebblestone - - 200 112689 Patio Table Bottom Leg Pebblestone - - 200 112690 Patio Table Bottom Leg Charcoal Pebblestone - - 200 105642 Hardware Package - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. / PICNIC TABLE UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 1702 x 1702 x 483 67 x 67 x 19 1080 1016 x 1016 x 73 40 x 40 x 2.875 240 940 x 267 x 73 37 x 10.5 x 2.875 128 105638 Round Complete (Wheelchair with Pebblestone Legs) 105652 Round Picnic Table Top 112669 Picnic Table Seat 105645 Picnic Table Leg (Wheelchair) - - 85 105642 Picnic Table Hardware Package (Brackets and Bolts) - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / 24" RECTANGULAR TABLE UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 610 x 1702 x 787 24 x 67 x 31 827 112731 24" Rectangular Table Complete 112729 24" Rectangular Table Seat (2 Pieces) 610 x 305 x 76 24 x 12 x 3 73 112726 24" Rectangular Table Legs (2 Pieces) 813 x 102 x 381 32 x 4 x 15 143 112609 24" Rectangular Table Seat Bracket (2 Pieces) 112703 24" Rectangular Table Top 112732 24" Rectangular Table Hardware Package (Brackets and Bolts) 610 x 381 x 6 24 x 15 x .25 95 610 x 864 x 64 24 x 34 x 2.5 205 - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). 48 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / 72" RECTANGULAR TABLE UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 1829 x 1727 x 787 72 x 68 x 31 1552 112708 72" Rectangular Picnic Table and/or Wheelchair Access 112711 72" Rectangular Picnic Table Plank 1829 x 279 x 70 72 x 11 x 2.75 182 112703 72" Rectangular Picnic Table Leg - - 158 112716 72" Rectangular Picnic Table Hardware Package (Brackets and Bolts) - - - Notes: On-site assembly required. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / COURTYARD TABLE UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 112691 Courtyard Table Complete (Pebblestone Legs with Natural Seat and Top) 1829 x 1829 x 762 72 x 72 x 30 1160 112692 Courtyard Table Complete (Charcoal Pebblestone Legs with Charcoal Seat and Top Polished, Sealed 1829 x 1829 x 762 72 x 72 x 30 1160 112693 Courtyard Table Bench Pebblestone 991 x 292 x 457 39 x 11.5 x 18 180 112694 Courtyard Table Bench Charcoal Pebblestone 991 x 292 x 457 39 x 11.5 x 18 180 112680 Courtyard Table Top Natural 965 x 965 x 73 38 x 38 x 2.875 240 112695 Courtyard Table Top Charcoal, Polished, Sealed 965 x 965 x 73 38 x 38 x 2.875 240 112696 Courtyard Table Pedestal Pebblestone 610 x 610 x 699 24 x 24 x 27.5 365 112697 Courtyard Table Pedestal Charcoal Pebblestone 610 x 610 x 699 24 x 24 x 27.5 365 112678 Courtyard Table Seat Natural 991 x 292 x 60 39 x 11.5 x 2.375 80 112698 Courtyard Table Seat Charcoal, Polished, Sealed 991 x 292 x 60 39 x 11.5 x 2.375 80 112699 Courtyard Table Seat Pedestal Pebblestone 279 x 305 x 394 11 x 12 x 15.5 50 112700 Courtyard Table Seat Pedestal Charcoal Pebblestone 279 x 305 x 39 11 x 12 x 15.5 50 Notes: Courtyard Table set is shipped pre-assembled. / UMBRELLA BASE UNIT ITEM No. 112547 DESCRIPTION Umbrella Base Pebblestone BUNDLE Size (D x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units 381 x 254 15 x 10 36 26 Weight 936 lb / SQUARE WASTE CONTAINER UNIT ITEM No. 105536 DESCRIPTION Capacity Size (L x W x H) Weight L mm in lb Square Complete with Band, Lid, Liner and Base 97 610 x 610 x 1016 24 x 24 x 40 780 192 610 x 610 x 864 24 x 24 x 34 690 - 610 x 610 x 152 24 x 24 x 6 6 92 457 x 457 x 610 18 x 18 x 24 10 105576 Container Only 105520 Lid (Polyethylene) 105597 Liner (Polyethylene) 105581 Hinge (Zinc Dichromate Coated) - - - 9 105532 Band Only - - - 1 105625 Snuffer Attachment - 305 x 152 x 203 12 x 6 x 8 20 115733 Waste Chute - 610 x 610 x 533 24 x 24 x 21 15 105533 Custom Band Lettering Available - - - - 105526 Disc with Logo - - - - Notes: Lid and band colours available: Red, Brown, Grey, Dark Green. Custom finishes: Charcoal and sandblasted (call for quote). On orders of 20 or more, lid and band colours can be customized. For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option available (premium upcharge of 25%). 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 49 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / ROUND WASTE CONTAINER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Capacity Size (L x W x H) Weight L mm in lb 559 x 559 x 787 22 x 22 x 31 375 380 105495 22" Round with Flat Poly Lid and Hoop 121 105496 22" Round with Flat Poly Lid and Liner 64 559 x 559 x 787 22 x 22 x 31 105498 22" Round with Dome Lid and Hoop 64 559 x 559 x 1067 22 x 22 x 42 375 105497 22" Round with Dome Lid and Liner 64 559 x 559 x 1067 22 x 22 x 42 380 105503 26" Large Round with Dome and Hoop 165 660 x 660 x 1118 26 x 26 x 44 490 105505 26" Large Round with Dome Lid and Liner 134 660 x 660 x 1118 26 x 26 x 44 510 105507 26" Large Round with Aluminum Lid and Liner 134 660 x 660 x 864 26 x 26 x 34 480 105506 26" Large Round with Ash and Trash Lid and Liner 134 660 x 660 x 851 26 x 26 x 33.5 480 105571 22" Round Container Only 121 559 x 559 x 787 22 x 22 x 31 415 105574 26" Round Container Only 165 660 x 660 x 762 26 x 26 x 30 480 105583 22" Flat Lid (Brown Polyethylene Weighted) - 483 x 483 x 41 19 x 19 x 1.625 15 105253 26" Aluminum Lid - 616 x 616 x 102 24.25 x 24.25 x 4 3 105252 26" Aluminum Ash and Trash Lid - 616 x 616 x 89 24.24 x 24.24 x 3.5 3 105588 22" Dome Lid (Grey PVC) - 584 x 584 x 279 23 x 23 x 11 15 105591 26" Dome Lid (Grey PVC) - 686 x 686 x 330 27 x 27 x 13 20 105593 22" Liner (Polyethylene) 64 406 x 406 x 635 16 x 16 x 25 5 105254 26" Liner (Polyethylene) 134 508 x 508 x 762 20 x 20 x 30 9 105586 22" Stainless Steel Hoop (Holds Plastic Bag) - 559 x 559 x - 22 x 22 x - - 105584 26" Stainless Steel Hoop (Holds Plastic Bag) - 660 x 660 x - 26 x 26 x - - 105262 22" Snuffer Attachment with Drain Holes 3.7 330 x 152 x 203 13 x 6 x 8 20 105627 26" Snuffer Attachment with Drain Holes 3.7 330 x 152 x 203 13 x 6 x 8 20 Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). / RECYCLE CONTAINER UNIT ITEM No. 105547 DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Square Complete with Lid, 2 Logo Discs, Liner and Base Weight mm in lb 610 x 610 x 1016 24 x 24 x 40 700 / PEBBLESTONE SNUFFERS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Weight Size (L x W x H) mm in lb No. of Units 254 x 254 x 610 10 x 10 x 24 175 16 Weight 2800 lb 105620 10" Square Pebblestone 105630 18" Square Pebblestone 457 x 457 x 610 18 x 18 x 24 388 8 3104 105618 22" Round Pebblestone 559 x 559 x 762 22 x 22 x 30 360 4 1440 105467 Silica Sand (20 kg/Bag) - - 44 - - Notes: For Pebblestone components, a Charcoal colour option is available (premium upcharge of 25%). 50 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 CLASSIC SITE FURNISHINGS / BOLLARDS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 340 105788 12" Square Pebblestone 305 x 305 x 711 12 x 12 x 28 105759 14" Pebblestone 356 x 356 x 737 14 x 14 x 29 375 105765 14" Pebblestone with Sign Frames 356 x 356 x 737 14 x 14 x 29 390 105522 Sign Frame Only 273 x 273 x 479 10.75 x 10.75 x 18.875 15 105774 18" Pebblestone 457 x 457 x 838 18 x 18 x 33 705 Notes: Available with lights, electrical outlets and signs. Sign logos are separate price. Size of outlet 2", 3", 4". For custom Bollards, please contact barkman. Custom finishes include Charcoal, Pebblestone, sandblasted. / PEBBLESTONE TREE GRATES UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) No. of Pieces Weight mm in lb 112754 4' Square 4 1219 x 1219 x 60 48 x 48 x 2.375 268 112752 4' Square 2 1219 x 1219 x 76 48 x 48 x 3 454 112749 4' Round 2 1219 x 1219 x 76 48 x 48 x 3 330 112750 5' Square 2 1524 x 1524 x 102 60 x 60 x 4 976 112748 5' Round 2 1524 x 1524 x 102 60 x 60 x 4 716 112746 4' x 6' Rectangle 2 1219 x 1829 x 89 48 x 72 x 3.5 835 Notes: Insert holes fit half of a Holland paver. Sold separately, see page 7. Please allow lead time for orders. / PEBBLESTONE TREE COLLAR UNIT ITEM No. 112758 DESCRIPTION 1 Piece BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units 762 x 114 x 70 30 x 4.5 x 2.75 42 16 Weight 672 lb (8 sets) 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 51 GFRC / SANTA FE ROUND PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (D x H, Base D) Weight mm in lb 610 x 305,432 24 x 12, 17 75 100 105382 Round 105383 Round 610 x 432,432 24 x 17, 17 105384 Round 610 x 559, 483 24 x 22, 19 125 105385 Round 914 x 432, 787 36 x 17, 31 180 105386 Round 914 x 559, 813 36 x 22, 32 192 105387 Round 914 x 762, 724 36 x 30, 28.5 265 105388 Round 1219 x 559, 1092 48 x 22, 43 325 105389 Round 1219 x 914, 965 48 x 36, 38 475 105390 Round 1219 x 1219, 927 48 x 48, 36.5 585 105391 Round 1524 x 559, 1295 60 x 22, 51 475 105392 Round 1524 x 914, 1270 60 x 36, 50 580 105393 Round 1676 x 1067, 1321 66 x 42, 52 1000 105394 Round 1829 x 559,1575 72 x 22, 62 675 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / SANTA FE RECTANGULAR PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H, Base L x W) Weight mm in lb Rectangular 1829 x 762 x 762, 1676 x 610 72 x 30 x 30, 66 x 24 700 105412 Rectangular 14 x 762 x 610, 864 x 686 36 x 30 x 24, 34 x 27 300 112825 Rectangular 14 x 610 x 610, 686 x 381 36 x 24 x 24, 27 x 15 275 105400 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / SANTA FE SQUARE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L/W x H, Base L/W) Weight mm in lb 47 x 36, 41 550 105398 Square 1194 x 914, 1041 105399 Square 1829 x 762, 1676 72 x 30, 66 1100 105397 Square 991 x 762, 813 39 x 30, 32 300 105396 Square 991 x 559, 864 39 x 22, 34 225 105395 Square 610 x 559, 483 24 x 22,19 170 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / CONTEMPRA SQUARE PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L/W x H, Base L/W) Weight mm in lb 508 x 1016, 305 20 x 40, 12 200 105320 Square 105319 Square 457 x 914, 254 18 x 36, 10 150 105318 Square 457 x 762, 254 18 x 30, 10 130 105326 Square 1143 x 762, 610 45 x 30, 24 370 105323 Square 914 x 762, 381 36 x 30, 15 300 105325 Square 1092 x 559, 610 43 x 22, 24 350 105322 Square 838 x 559, 381 33 x 22, 15 225 105317 Square 610 x 559, 305 24 x 22, 12 150 105321 Square 914 x 432, 432 36 x 17, 17 200 105316 Square 610 x 432, 305 24 x 17, 12 125 105315 Square 432 x 610, 254 17 x 24, 10 80 105324 Square 1092 x 432, 254 43 x 17, 10 230 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. 52 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 GFRC / CONTEMPRA ROUND PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Weight Size (D x H, Base D) mm in lb Round 457 x 914, 254 18 x 36, 10 140 105311 Round 1219 x 762, 610 48 x 30, 24 410 105308 Round 914 x 762, 394 36 x 30, 15.5 265 105305 105314 Round 2438 x 559, 902 96 x 22, 35.5 1000 105310 Round 1219 x 559, 584 48 x 22, 23 325 105307 Round 914 x 559, 406 36 x 22, 16 195 105304 Round 610 x 559, 279 24 x 22, 11 125 105313 Round 1829 x 432, 622 72 x 17, 24.5 500 105312 Round 1524 x 432, 572 60 x 17, 22.5 350 105309 Round 1219 x 432, 584 48 x 17, 23 220 105306 Round 914 x 432, 394 36 x 17, 15.5 180 105303 Round 610 x 432, 305 24 x 17, 12 100 105302 Round 610 x 305, 305 24 x 12, 12 75 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / NEWPORT RECTANGULAR PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H, Base L x W) Weight mm in lb 105425 Rectangular 1829 x 610 x 584, 457 x 1575 72 x 24 x 23, 18 x 62 490 105430 Rectangular 1524 x 610 x 584, 457 x 1270 60 x 24 x 23, 18 x 50 425 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / NEWPORT ROUND PLANTER UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (D x H, Base D) Weight mm in lb 105426 Round 1829 x 914, 1156 72 x 36, 45.5 925 105424 Round 1524 x 914, 876 60 x 36, 34.5 580 105422 Round 1219 x 914, 610 48 x 36, 24 475 105421 Round 1219 x 762, 610 48 x 30, 24 410 105418 Round 914 x 762, 495 36 x 30, 19.5 265 105432 Round 762 x 762, 419 30 x 30, 16.5 200 105416 Round 610 x 762, 356 24 x 30, 14 150 105420 Round 1219 x 660, 673 48 x 26, 26.5 400 105417 Round 914 x 559, 483 36 x 22, 19 195 105415 Round 610 x 559, 305 24 x 22, 12 125 105414 Round 610 x 432, 305 24 x 17, 12 100 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours available. Contact barkman for more details. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 53 GFRC / ELAN SQUARE PLANTER UNIT ITEM NO. 105279 DESCRIPTION Size (L/W x H, Base L/W) Weight mm in lb Square 610 x 432, 660 24 x 17, 26 125 105282 Square 914 x 559, 432 36 x 22, 17 235 105283 Square 914 x 762, 495 36 x 30, 19.5 295 105285 Square 1219 x 762, 660 48 x 30, 15 450 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / ELAN ROUND PLANTER UNIT ITEM NO. 105276 DESCRIPTION Round Size (D x H, Base D) Weight mm in lb 1219 x 762, 660 48 x 30, 26 410 265 105275 Round 914 x 711, 432 36 x 28, 17 105274 Round 914 x 559, 495 36 x 22, 19.5 192 105273 Round 610 x 432, 381 24 x 17, 15 100 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. / MONTANA UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Size (D x H, Base D) Weight mm in lb 1219 x 762, 635 48 x 30, 25 455 675 105296 Round 105300 Round 1829 x 559, 711 72 x 22, 28 105298 Round 1524 x 559, 660 60 x 22, 26 475 105295 Round 1219 x 559, 406 48 x 22, 16 325 105293 Round 914 x 559, 318 36 x 22, 12.5 195 105291 Round 610 x 559, 254 24 x 22, 10 125 105299 Round 1829 x 432, 572 72 x 17, 22.5 500 105297 Round 1524 x 432, 559 60 x 17, 22 350 105294 Round 1219 x 432, 457 48 x 17, 18 220 105292 Round 914 x 432, 432 36 x 17, 17 180 105290 Round 610 x 432, 229 24 x 17, 9 100 105301 Round 762 x 559, 381 30 x 22, 15 165 Notes: See colour chart for available colours. Custom colours are available. Contact barkman for more details. 54 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 GFRC / CUBE PLANTERS UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H, Base L x W) Weight mm in lb 508 x 508 x 762, 508x508 20 x 20 x 30, 20 x 20 130 115689 Square 115691 Square 508 x 508 x 914, 508 x 508 20 x 20 x 36, 20 x 20 150 115670 Square 508 x 508 x 1016, 508 x 508 20 x 20 x 40, 20 x 20 200 150 105364 Square 610 x 610 x 610, 610 x 610 24 x 24 x 24, 24 x 24 105365 Square 610 x 610 x 762, 610 x 610 24 x 24 x 30, 24 x 24 195 105366 Square 610 x 610 x 914, 610 x 610 24 x 24 x 36, 24 x 24 240 170 105367 Square 762 x 762 x 610, 762 x 762 30 x 30 x 24, 30 x 30 105371 Square 762 x 762 x 762, 762 x 762 30 x 30 x 30, 30 x 30 215 105368 Square 762 x 762 x 914, 762 x 762 30 x 30 x 36, 30 x 30 265 105370 Square 914 x 914 x 610, 914 x 914 36 x 36 x 24, 36 x 36 295 105372 Square 914 x 914 x 762, 914 x 914 36 x 36 x 30, 36 x 36 340 105373 Square 914 x 914 x 914, 914 x 914 36 x 36 x 36, 36 x 36 390 105376 Square 1143 x 1143 x 914, 1143 x 1143 45 x 45 x 24, 45 x 45 390 105377 Square 1143 x 1143 x 762, 1143 x 1143 45 x 45 x 30, 45 x 45 440 105378 Square 1143 x 1143 x 914, 1143 x 1143 45 x 45 x 36, 45 x 45 500 113677 Rectangular 914 x 406 x 610, 914 x 406 36 x 16 x 24, 36 x 16 170 113678 Rectangular 914 x 406 x 762, 914 x 406 36 x 16 x 30, 36 x 16 190 113679 Rectangular 914 x 406 x 914, 914 x 406 36 x 16 x 36, 36 x 16 220 113527 Rectangular 1219 x 406 x 610, 1219 x 406 48 x 16 x 24, 48 x 16 230 113528 Rectangular 1219 x 406 x 762, 1219 x 406 48 x 16 x 30, 48 x 16 255 113529 Rectangular 1219 x 406 x 914, 1219 x 406 48 x 16 x 36, 48 x 16 290 113805 Rectangular 1219 x 610 x 610, 1219 x 610 48 x 24 x 24, 48 x 24 400 113680 Rectangular 1219 x 610 x 762, 1219 x 610 48 x 24 x 30, 48 x 24 440 105375 Rectangular 1219 x 610 x 914, 1219 x 610 48 x 24 x 36, 48 x 24 480 113681 Rectangular 1524 x 610 x 610, 1524 x 610 60 x 24 x 24, 60 x 24 450 113682 Rectangular 1524 x 610 x 762, 1524 x 610 60 x 24 x 30, 60 x 24 480 113683 Rectangular 1524 x 610 x 914, 1524 x 610 60 x 24 x 36, 60 x 24 520 113525 Rectangular 1829 x 610 x 610, 1829 x 610 72 x 24 x 24, 72 x 24 500 113526 Rectangular 1829 x 610 x 762, 1829 x 610 72 x 24 x 30, 72 x 24 550 105379 Rectangular 1829 x 610 x 914, 1829 x 610 72 x 24 x 36, 72 x 24 600 / SELF WATERING UNIT UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 5 115463 10" Round 254 x 254 x 178 10 x 10 x 7 115464 18" Round 457 x 457 x 203 18 x 18 x 8 9 115465 18" Square 457 x 457 x 203 18 x 18 x 8 11 115466 24" Square 610 x 610 x 203 24 x 24 x 8 15 Notes: Multiple units can be joined together for larger planters. See installation instructions or contact a barkman representative for more details. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 55 GFRC / TRAYS UNIT ITEM No. 105220 DESCRIPTION Size (Outside D/Inside D x H) Round Weight mm in lb 470/381 x 44 18.5/15 x 1.75 36 50 105221 Round 610/502 x 51 24/19.75 x 2 105222 Round 914/762 x 64 36/30 x 2.5 75 105224 Round 1022/864 x 76 40.25/34 x 3 100 105225 Round 1359/1137 x 76 53.5/44.75 x 3 250 105226 Round 1613/1372 x 95 63.5/54 x 3.75 350 105227 Round 1956/1740 x 89 77/68.5 x 3.5 375 105284 Square 1295/1118 x 89 51/44 x 3.5 240 105281 Square 991/838 x 89 39/33 x 3.5 75 105280 Square 699/546 x 76 27.5/21.5 x 3 52 105278 Square 610/457 x 76 24/18 x 3 42 113692 Square 508/406 x 76 20/16 x 3 32 / WASTE CONTAINERS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Capacity Size (D x H) Weight L mm in lb 105233 Santa Fe Complete with Lid and Poly Liner 136 737 x 813 29 x 32 205 105248 Santa Fe Complete with Ashtray, Trash Lid and Poly Liner 136 737 x 813 29 x 32 205 105244 Santa Fe Container Only - 737 x 813 29 x 32 195 105234 Contempra with Lid and Poly Liner 136 686 x 813 27 x 32 205 105249 Contempra with Ashtray, Trash Lid and Poly Line 136 686 x 813 27 x 32 205 105245 Contempra Container Only - 686 x 813 27 x 32 195 105235 Newport Complete with Lid and Poly Liner 136 686 x 813 27 x 32 205 105250 Newport Complete with Ashtray, Trash Lid and Poly Liner 136 686 x 813 27 x 32 205 105246 Newport Container Only - 686 x 813 27 x 32 195 105253 Lid Only Component - 616 x 1219 24.25 x 48 3 105252 Ash and Trash Lid Only Component - 616 x 89 24.25 x3.5 3 105254 Poly Liner Only Component 136 508 x 635 20 x 25 7 Notes: Trash lid and ash/trash lid are spun aluminum / CUBE WASTE CONTAINER UNIT ITEM No. 113614 DESCRIPTION Waste Container Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 508 x 508 x 991 20 x 20 x 39 400 / CUBE UNIT ITEM No. 113615 DESCRIPTION Garden Bench 56 / barkmanconcrete.com Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 1600 x 508 x 508 63 x 20 x 20 450 03-2015 GFRC / GFRC BENCHES UNIT ITEM No. 105228 DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb Oxford Bench Complete 1676 x 457 x 457 66 x 18 x 18 530 105231 Oxford End 432 x 457 x 152 17 x 18 x 6 176 105232 Oxford Seat 1524 x 457 x 64 60 x 18 x 2.5 178 105243 Santa Fe Bench Complete 1676 x 457 x 457 66 x 18 x 18 530 105230 Santa Fe End 432 x 457 x 152 17 x 18 x 6 176 105232 Santa Fe Seat 1524 x 457 x 64 60 x 18 x 2.5 178 105227 Newport Bench Complete 1676 x 457 x 457 66 x 18 x 18 530 105229 Newport End 432 x 457 x 203 17 x 18 x 8 176 105232 Newport Seat 1524 x 457 x 64 60 x 18 x 2.5 178 / ASH URNS UNIT ITEM No. 105265 DESCRIPTION Tuscany Square – Ash Urn with GFRC Tray Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 356 x 356 x 521 14 x 14 x 20.5 90 105256 GFRC Tuscany Tray Only 248 x 248 x 90 9.75 x 9.75 x 2.75 4 105261 Tuscany Square Container Only 102 x 102 x 521 14 x 14 x 20.5 85 105262 Santa Fe – Ash Urn with Aluminum Tray 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105258 Santa Fe Round Container Only 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105263 Newport – Ash Urn with Aluminum Tray 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105259 Newport Round Container Only 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105264 Oxford – Ash Urn with Aluminum Tray 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105260 Oxford Round Container Only 381 x 381 x 533 15 x 15 x 21 90 105257 Aluminum Tray Only 298 x 298 x 76 11.75 x 11.75 x 3 .75 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 57 GFRC / BOULDERS SPECIFICATIONS BOULDER ITEM No. Size (L x W x H) Interior Cavity (L x W x H) mm in mm in 660 x 914 x 406 26 x 36 x 16 406 x 381 x 254 16 x 15 x 10 Boulder 1 105191 Boulder 2 105206 813 x 838 x 305 32 x 33 x 12 610 x 305 x 152 24 x 12 x 6 Boulder 3 105207 584 x 914 x 533 23 x 36 x 21 508 x 305 x 356 20 x 12 x 14 Boulder 4 105208 762 x 1118 x 178 30 x 44 x 7 762 x 381 x 102 30 x 15 x 4 Boulder 5 105209 787 x 1118 x 152 31 x 44 x 6 762 x 381 x 102 30 x 15 x 4 Boulder 6 105210 457 x 635 x 89 18 x 25 x 3.5 305 x 305 x 76 12 x 12 x 3 Boulder 7 105211 1270 x 1626 x 203 50 x 64 x 8 1219 x 762 x 127 48 x 30 x 5 Boulder 9 105213 1321 x 1575 x 330 52 x 62 x 13 1143 x 1397 x 305 45 x 55 x 12 Boulder 10 105214 508 x 305 x 305 20 x 12 x 12 229 x 305 x 203 9 x 12 x 8 Boulder 12 105217 889 x 1092 x 711 35 x 43 x 28 762 x 864 x 559 30 x 34 x 22 Boulder 13 105218 914 x 1118 x 711 36 x 44 x 28 610 x 508 x 381 24 x 20 x 15 COLOUR BLENDS Charcoal, Red, Brown Charcoal, Natural, Black Buff, Natural Notes: Colours are blended in each range. Each rock varies in colour percentage within each range. No two rocks are exactly alike. Interior cavity is a square space within the irregular interior. 58 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 SPECIALTY PRODUCTS / BICYCLE STANDS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units Weight lb 105491 Pebblestone 787 x 305 x 152 31 x 12 x 6 100 16 1600 105490 Natural 787 x 305 x 152 31 x 12 x 6 100 16 1600 105492 Locking Rings with Zinc Dichromate Plating - - - - - Weight Weight 705 Notes: Locking ring attaches to Bicycle Stand. Must be purchased separately. / SPLASH PADS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) mm in lb No. of Units 610 x 305 x 64 24 x 12 x 2.5 47 15 lb 105603 24" Natural 105604 30" Natural 762 x 305 x 64 30 x 12 x 2.5 61 15 915 105608 51" Natural 1295 x 368 x 127 51 x 14.5 x 5 212 12 2544 105612 96" Natural 2438 x 610 x 152 96 x 24 x 6 345 1 345 105605 30" Pebblestone 762 x 305 x 102 30 x 12 x 4 83 24 1992 105607 48" Pebblestone 1219 x 381 x 102 48 x 15 x 4 150 24 3600 105610 Mounting Bracket 76 x 76 x 305 3 x 3 x 12 2 - - Weight Weight Notes: For 51” Splash Pad, bracket sold separately. / RAIN DRAIN UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION 105613 Rain Drain/Floor Drain 105614 Replacement Covers BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) mm in lb No. of Units 394 x 279 x 267 15.5 x 11 x 10.5 60 27 1620 330 x 216 x - 13 x 8.5 x - 2 - - Weight Weight lb Notes: Size of outlet 2", 3" or 4". Desired size of knockout can be selected. / BARRIER CURBS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W at Base x H) mm in lb No. of Units lb 106470 120" x 26" 3048 x 425 x 660 120 x 16.75 x 26 1570 - - 106484* 120" x 30" 3048 x 425 x 762 120 x 16.75 x 30 2225 - - 106489 60" x 26" 1524 x 425 x 660 60 x 16.75 x 26 775 - - 106488* 60" x 30" 1524 x 425 x 762 60 x 16.75 x 30 1115 - - Weight Weight Notes: *30" high Barrier Curbs have forklift pockets. Custom lettering available. / HIGHWAY BARRIER CURBS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) mm in lb No. of Units lb 106480 60" 1524 x 572 x 851 60 x 22.5 x 33.5 2150 - - 106476 120" 3048 x 572 x 851 120 x 22.5 x 33.5 4300 - - Notes: Custom lettering available. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 59 SPECIALTY PRODUCTS / CURBS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight Weight mm in lb No. of Units 2438 x 203 x 140 96 x 8 x 5.5 340 10 340 lb 105179 Parking 105181 Landscape (Smooth White Finish) 2743 x 203 x 152 108 x 8 x 6 435 8 3480 105185 Truck Curb (Smooth White Finish) 3048 x 254 x 254 120 x 10 x 10 1020 1 1020 Notes: Parking Curb includes 2 pins (15mm x 432mm). / BOAT RAMP PADS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 105669 10' 3048 x 356 x 102 120 x 14 x 4 565 105673 12' 3658 x 432 x 127 144 x 17 x 5 1011 Notes: 12' Boat Ramp Pad coverage is 17" per Boat Ramp Pad. 5/8" x 3/4" bolts are included. Detailed specifications available. 1/2" cable not supplied. 20mm pipe sleeve not supplied. 10' Boat Ramp Pad includes bolting tabs. / SIGN BASES UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units Weight lb 105679 Above Ground 406 x 495 x 197 16 x 19.5 x 7.75 190 6 1140 105678 In Ground 267 x 349 x 489 10.5 x 13.75 x 19.25 115 9 1035 Notes: For engineering details and price quotations, please contact barkman. Sleeves cast in bases to accommodate a 2" outside diameter pipe. / ENTRANCE PILLAR UNIT ITEM No. - DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Precast Pillar Weight mm in lb 610 x 610 x 2108 24 x 24 x 83 2320 Notes: For engineering details and price quotations, please contact barkman. / POOL HEATER PAD UNIT ITEM No. 106018 DESCRIPTION Pool Heater Pad 60 / barkmanconcrete.com BUNDLE Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb No. of Units 1016 x 1016 x 76 40 x 40 x 3 330 6 Weight 1980 lb 03-2015 STEPS / SECTIONAL STEPS PLATFORM SIZE DESCRIPTION No. of Risers 610 mm/24 in 1067 mm/42 in 1219 mm/48 in 1524 mm/60 in 1829 mm/72 in lb Weight lb lb lb lb 3' Wide 1 - - 474 582 - 3' Wide 2 - - 644 752 - 3' Wide 3 - - 814 922 - 3' Wide 4 - - 984 1092 - 3' Wide 5 - - 1154 1262 - 4' Wide 1 - - 632 777 - 4' Wide 2 - - 858 1003 - 4' Wide 3 - - 1085 1230 - 4' Wide 4 - - 1312 1457 - 4' Wide 5 - - 1539 1684 5' Wide 1 - - 790 972 - 5' Wide 2 - - 1073 1254 - 5' Wide 3 - - 1356 1537 - 5' Wide 4 - - 1639 1820 - 5' Wide 5 - - 1922 2103 6' Wide 1 - - 948 1166 - 6' Wide 2 - - 1286 1505 - 6' Wide 3 - - 1627 1844 - 6' Wide 4 - - 1966 2183 - 6' Wide 5 - - 2305 2522 - 7' Wide 1 - - 1106 1360 - 7' Wide 2 - - 1502 1756 - 7' Wide 3 - - 1898 2152 - 7' Wide 4 - - 2294 2548 - 7' Wide 5 - - 2690 2944 8' Wide 1 - - 1264 1554 - 8' Wide 2 - - 1717 2005 - 8' Wide 3 - - 2169 2459 - 8' Wide 4 - - 2622 2913 - 8' Wide 5 - - 3075 3366 9' Wide 1 - - 1422 1749 - 9' Wide 2 - - 1931 2258 - 9' Wide 3 - - 2440 2767 - 9' Wide 4 - - 2949 3276 - 9' Wide 5 - - 3458 3785 10' Wide 1 - - 1581 1943 10' Wide 2 - - 2146 2508 - 10' Wide 3 - - 2712 3073 - 10' Wide 4 - - 3277 3638 - 10' Wide 5 - - 3842 4203 11' Wide 1 - - 1739 2137 - 11' Wide 2 - - 2361 2759 - 11' Wide 3 - - 2984 3381 - 11' Wide 4 - - 3605 4003 - - 11' Wide 5 - - 4226 4624 - 12' Wide 1 - - 1898 2332 - 12' Wide 2 - - 2576 3010 12' Wide 3 - - 3256 3688 - 12' Wide 4 - - 3933 4366 - 12' Wide 5 - - 4610 5043 - Notes: 60" and 72" platform available upon request. Contact barkman for quote. Fractional widths are available; these will be charged to the next foot. Sectional Steps are designed to meet requirements which can not be filled by our standard Perma Steps. It is manufactured in 3 pieces. The steps and platform are in one section and the sides are separate. Surface of the steps, platform and the sides of brackets are a "broom finish". Each riser is 7.25" high, tread depth is 11". Holes will need to be drilled to attach rails (fasteners not included). These steps are ordered on a custom basis for Winnipeg only. Angled platforms available. Subject to truck accessibility. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 61 STEPS / DURA-LITE STEPS PLATFORM SIZE DESCRIPTION No. of Risers 305mm/ 12 in 1067 mm/ 42 in 1219 mm /48 in 1524 mm/60 in SE 1524 mm/60 in Up & Over/SE lb lb lb lb lb 320 - 660 770 880 1090 Weight 4' Wide 2 4' Wide 3 430 - 770 880 4' Wide 4 540 - 880 990 1310 4' Wide 5 650 - 990 1090 1530 4' Wide 6 760 - 1090 1200 1750 5' Wide 2 374 - 785 922 1059 5' Wide 3 511 - 922 1059 1333 5' Wide 4 648 - 1059 1196 1607 5' Wide 5 785 - 1196 1333 1881 5' Wide 6 922 - 1333 1470 2155 Notes: Each riser is 7.25" high, tread depth is 12". Complete kits include step frames, concrete planks, and hardware. Side entrance prices include 1 leg and 2 side mounting brackets. All Pebblestone planks available in Charcoal. Dura-Lite frames can also be sold separately. Available in Winnipeg only. / PERMA STEPS PLATFORM SIZE DESCRIPTION No. of Risers 610 mm/ 24 in 1067 mm/ 42 in 1219 mm/48 in Up & Over 1219 mm/48 in SE 1524 mm/60 in Up & Over/SE 21" 1 Riser (48" width only) 24" Weight lb lb lb lb lb 3.5' Wide 2 - - 1220 - - 3.5' Wide 3 - - 1822 - - 4' Wide 1 390 649 - - - 4' Wide 2 678 1003 1210 1440 1566 4' Wide 3 - 1387 1667 1964 2253 4' Wide 4 - 1797 2149 2512 3005 4' Wide 5 - 2232 2653 - - 4' Wide 6 - 2689 3176 - - 5' Wide 1 - 789 - - - 5' Wide 2 - 1189 - - - 5' Wide 3 - 1617 - - - 5' Wide 4 - 2072 - - - 5' Wide 5 - 2550 - - - 5' Wide 6 - 3050 - - - 6' Wide 1 - 928 - - - 6' Wide 2 - 1373 - - - 6' Wide 3 - 2040 - - - 6' Wide 4 - 2540 - - - 6' Wide 5 - 3137 - - - 6' Wide 6 - 3680 - - - Notes: Bolt type installation – each riser is 7.25" high, tread depth is 11". Bracket type installation requires 2-50" brackets at extra cost. Holes need to be drilled to attach rails (fasteners not included). Engineered stamped drawings are available. Call barkman for installation methods available and pricing. Available in Winnipeg only. 21" 1 as 3 Riser 42" 24" 2 as 3 Riser 53" (42"platform) 21.75" 3 Riser 42" Platform 64" 29" 4 Riser 42" Platform 75" 36.25" 5 Riser 42" Platform 86" 43.5" 6 Riser 42" Platform 97" 29" 2, 3 or 4 Riser 48" x 60" Platform 125" 21.75" 2 or 3 Riser 42"x 48" Platform 92" (bolt on installation only) Side Entrance Step 48" x 60" Platform Precast Bracket 62 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 STEPS / SECTIONAL BRACKETS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 131 101585 1 Riser – 44" Concrete Bracket - - 101586 2 Riser – 44" Concrete Bracket - - 181 101587 3 Riser – 44" Concrete Bracket - - 202 101588 4 Riser – 44" Concrete Bracket - - 231 Notes: Please specify bolt-on or pier mount. Available in Winnipeg only. / DURA-LITE CONCRETE PEBBLESTONE PLANKS UNIT ITEM No. DESCRIPTION Size (L x W x H) Weight mm in lb 914 x 305 x 64 36 x 12 x 2.5 95 102000 36" Concrete Step Plank (Pebblestone) 102002 48" Concrete Step Plank (Pebblestone) 1219 x 305 x 64 48 x 12 x 2.5 110 101997 60" Concrete Step Plank (Pebblestone) 1524 x 305 x 64 60 x 12 x 2.5 137 Notes: Available in regular Pebblestone or Charcoal Pebblestone. Available in Winnipeg only. / PERMA STEP BRACKETS UNIT DESCRIPTION Size Weight mm in lb 1270 50 214 60" Concrete Bracket 1524 60 249 72" Concrete Bracket 1829 72 335 84" Concrete Bracket 2134 84 553 - - 70 50" Concrete Bracket Concrete Bracket Saddle Notes: Available in Winnipeg only. 03-2015 barkmanconcrete.com / 63 INFORMATION What's New at barkman for 2015 Broadway 12x12x6. The same bold impression that Broadway pavers have given us for years, now with a 6cm height that's perfect for walkways, patios and driveways. Available in Charcoal, Antique Brown and Sierra Grey. Cobble. The old-world look of a cobble stone patio, walkway, or driveway is a perfect choice to complement your space with old European or early American style. Cobble stone paver also features an open spacer joint design, making it ideal for use in storm water runoff permeable paver applications. Cobble is offered in Antique Brown, Sierra Grey and Ebony. Travertine. Travertine has been a part of the barkman product line-up for years, but new for 2015, we are offering an improved design featuring a 3mm chamfered edge. This will help to prevent unsightly edge chipping upon installation. Travertine will still be offered in Ivory. One40Two Series. The first thing you will notice is the ultra modern design. However, the real star might be the use of special sustainable wood. Removing graffiti and abrasions is a snap from these extremely strong and durable Black Locust planks. (Specific wood type subject to availability). One40Two is a full-featured line with back rest bench option, waste container and various sizes of planters. Each piece is characterized by a 142-degree angle. Bridgewood Steps. A solid 5.5" step featuring the look and characterization of natural wood 4x4 planks. Available in the same colours offered in our Bridgewood slab selection, Cedar Brown and Weathered Grey. Discontinued Products for 2015 Retaining walls. We will be removing the Natural colour option for RomanStack® Standard, Coping, Tight Radius, Half Coping and Advanced Corner. GFRC. Contempra Rectangular, Newport Square, Elan Rectangular, Versailles, Kurve Chair & Footrest, Kurve Coffee Table, Kurve Side Board, Kurve Bollard, Kurve Planter, Cube Seat Square, Cube Bollard, GFRC Bubbler, GFRC Boulder # 8. Specialty items. Colorfalls Kits. Firerock Outdoor Fireplace. Stone veneer. All products in product line are discontinued. This includes all veneers, sills, and hearthstones. Finishing touches. InLites. About Barkman Concrete Ltd. The Environment. At barkman we are committed to being good stewards of the planet. Not only are our products excellent choices for people concerned about the environment, we employ “environmental best practices” throughout our manufacturing and operations whenever possible. Lifetime Warranty. All barkman residential products are warranted against manufacturing defects for as long as you own your home. Should your barkman product experience damage due to a manufacturing defect, barkman will cheerfully replace the damaged product free of charge (proof of purchase is required). Colour matching cannot be guaranteed and installation labor is not included. This warranty does not include splitting, chipping, cracking or other damage that may be caused by impact, abrasion, overloading or improper installation. Quality and Support Pledge. All barkman products are guaranteed to meet or exceed the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards. We use only superior grade materials and employ stringent quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process to ensure a quality product every time. We also support our products with one of the industry’s largest network of dealers and contractors. When you need us, we’ll be there to help. How to Order. Ordering barkman products is as simple as calling or visiting one of our many dealers or contractors. Please be ready to specify product style and colour choice if required. If working directly with a contractor, please be sure to specify barkman products to ensure barkman quality. For Winnipeg customers requiring steps, please contact our Winnipeg office directly. Important – actual colours may vary. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the colour representations found in our product catalogues. However, due to the natural characteristics of concrete, the manufacturing process and print reproduction, actual colours in the final product may vary from that shown. Installation and Project Estimation Support. barkman provides easy-to-read installation guides that contain simple step-by-step instructions to help make installation a snap. Visit barkmanconcrete.com to download a copy. Our website also features a handy project estimator that allows you to easily calculate the quantity of barkman material and accessories. Colour Blend Information Pavers and Walls Charcoal – Charcoal Desert Buff – Various Shades of Buff Sierra Grey – Buff, Charcoal Antique Brown – Brown (Reddish), Buff, Charcoal Old Town – Brown (Earth Tone), Charcoal, Beige Natural – Natural Grey Mesa Brown – Dark Brown, Charcoal Shoreline Slate – Light Grey, Charcoal Slabs Ivory – Ivory Sierra Grey – Buff, Charcoal Mahogany – Brown, Charcoal Mocha – Buff, Brown Rustic Red – Charcoal, Red Pebblestone – Tan Aggregates Sterling – White, Charcoal Aggregates Burnt Amber – Varying Shades of Brown Aggregates Cedar Brown – Varying Shades of Brown Weathered Grey – Varying Shades of Grey Natural – Natural Grey Rosetta Fon du Lac – Buff, Light Brown, Charcoal Copper Canyon – Dark Brown, Charcoal Pacific Grey, Light Grey, Charcoal Stainless Steel products in the Harvest Grove Collection are supplied by Sunstone™ Stainless Steel Grills. Warranty issues on all products supplied by Sunstone™ must be dealt directly with Sunstone™ at: sunstonemetalproducts.com/warranty. 64 / barkmanconcrete.com 03-2015 PAVER COLOURS Charcoal Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Charcoal Desert Buff Autumn Brown Rustic Red / FLAGSTONE Desert Buff Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town / NAVARRO Antique Brown Sierra Grey Shoreline Slate Antique Brown Sierra Grey / ROMAN / HOLLAND / VERANO Natural / BROADWAY / BROADWAY 318 Old Town Charcoal Charcoal Antique Brown Sierra Grey Old Town Antique Brown Antique Brown Sierra Grey Shoreline Slate Shoreline Slate Charcoal Antique Brown Antique Brown Mesa Brown Charcoal Desert Buff Sierra Grey Ebony Antique Brown Sierra Grey Sierra Grey Old Town Old Town / GENOVA / HEARTLAND / BOARDWALK Sierra Grey / I-CON EDGER Old Town Desert Buff (Smooth) / COBBLE / GRANITE EDGER Charcoal (Smooth) Desert Buff (Roman) Charcoal (Roman) / BULLNOSE Actual colours may vary. For more information on colour blends, please refer to page 64. SLAB COLOURS Charcoal Mahogany Mocha Sierra / DYNASTY Rustic Red Rustic Red Sierra Sierra / DYNASTY PEBBLESTONE Cedar Brown / BRIDGEWOOD / TRAVERTINE TILE Ivory Copper Canyon Natural COBBLE / DYNASTY Pebblestone Weathered Grey SLATE Pacific Grey Fon du Lac / ROSETTA® GRAND FLAGSTONE & DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE / CLASSIC KIT COLOURS Stone Oasis Kits/Harvest Grove: Quarry Stone Sierra Grey (Ebony Accent) Stone Oasis Square Firepit: Quarry Stone Sierra Grey, Charcoal Stone Oasis Circle Firepit: StackStone® Charcoal, Desert Buff, Antique Brown, Sierra Grey Ebony Accent (Kit) Stone Oasis Patios: Roman Desert Buff (Holland Charcoal Accent), Roman Sierra Grey (Holland Desert Buff Accent), Roman Sierra Grey (Holland Ebony Accent) Ebony Accent (Patio) Rosetta® Kits: Rosetta® Belvedere & Dimensional Wall Copper Canyon, Pacific Grey, Fon du Lac SITE FURNISHINGS COLOURS / GFRC STANDARD (Surface Applied Colour) Bronze Clay Cordoba / GFRC STANDARD INTEGRAL (Pigmentation Throughout the Material) / CLASSIC PRECAST / CLASSIC PRECAST ACCENTS (Square Waste Container Lid and Metal Band) Brown Toledo Carmine Olive Flagstone Ebony Limestone Natural Pebblestone Charcoal Pebblestone (Premium) Natural Sandblasted (Premium) Green Grey Red Actual colours may vary. For more information on colour blends, please refer to page 64. / CREATING CONCRETE SOLUTIONS BARKMAN CONCRETE LIMITED 152 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB R5G 0R2 T 204 326 3445 or 1 800 461 2278 F 204 326 5915 steinbach@barkmanconcrete.com Winnipeg Office 909 Gateway Road Winnipeg, MB R2K 3L1 T 204 667 3310 or 1 800 342 2879 F 204 663 4854 winnipeg@barkmanconcrete.com Calgary Office 813 McCool Street Box 1136, Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 T 403 946 4630 F 403 946 4631 calgary@barkmanconcrete.com Vancouver Office 2104-290 Newport Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5N2 T 778 689 7670 or 1 800 461 2278 F 604 949 0321 vancouver@barkmanconcrete.com DISTRIBUTION CENTERS barkman Saskatoon 3550 Idylwyld Drive North Saskatoon SK T 1 306 549 7544 barkman Kelowna 1904 Old Okanagan Highway Westbank, BC T 1 204 346 9490 barkmanconcrete.com Steinbach Office barkman Surrey ANADIAN AC Follow Barkman Concrete on Facebook, Twitter @barkmanconcrete and visit our YouTube channel. SI OMPANY DC MILY OWN E FA N C E 19 4 8 Made in Canada 8167 132nd Street Surrey, BC T 1 204 346 9490
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Specifications 2016
Notes: Available to order in full pallets only. Due to bundle configuration, customer will receive nine starter stones. Customer is not charged for extra starter stones. To expand Roman Circle