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Page 1 of 28 - Braaten Spa Team
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Holiday Strategy Worksheet
Step 1: Choose your Strategy
Feeling overwhelmed? Simply just choose 1 or 2 ideas that best fit your time,
energy and personality! Listed below are a few of the main holiday selling ideas!
1. Holiday Coffees/Trunk/Gift shows/Pampering Parties
2. Open Houses
3. Gift Giving Services for Businesses, Husbands, Family & Friends
4. Spas
Step 2: Set a Plan of Action
1. Use a calendar and schedule dates and times
2. Commit to implementing the selling ideas you have chosen!
3. Take into account personal events, shopping, cookie
making, etc.
4. Set specific goals.
5. Create your plan with your family
6. Use the guidelines in this packet
Step 3: Evaluate your success and make notes
for next year.
I want to build my business because: ____________________________
I am choosing the following ideas:
1) _____________________________ 2)_______________________________
My Holiday Retail Goal is: $____________________
My Holiday Recruit Goal is __________________ new team members
What worked best: ___________________________________________
What I’d change next year: ___________________________________
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Here is your action plan for December!! Stay on target and you will feel so good
about your accomplishments! Use this acronym to keep yourself on track!
Then...plan to have a happy holiday season!!!
Call your customers! It is wise to do a sweep through every customer the first week of
December to be sure they have enough of everything to get through the holidays.
Check on their gift needs and be sure to tell them that you have wrapped gifts and
stocking stuffers for their last minute emergencies! you have everything you
need to look gorgeous during the holidays?
Order your products from BeautiControl as early as possible, anything you need for
your own gifts or for your customers and their gifts! Sometimes during this time of year
we experience back orders and shipping delays! Don't delay! Remember that
BeautiControl will be closed a couple days of Christmas week. If you still need things for
Christmas at this point, order it early in the month!
Use your time wisely! Remember, it is Christmas week...not Christmas month! If you take
off the entire month, you will regret it in January! Book appointments now for January
with people who want to wait until "after Christmas". Begin the New Year with a full date
book. BeautiControl always does some awesome booking incentives in January too!
Notice the needs of people you come in contact with...December can be a great
recruiting month! When someone tells you they want to wait "until after the first of the
year" then say..."great! Then ask them…”do you want that extra tax deduction in 2009
or 2010?” Whichever they decide to do, get the paperwork all signed and ready to go!
Treat those on your gift list to a BeautiControl gift! It is not only welcome…it is smart
money management! Product gifts increases the variety of products your recipient is
sold on...this can mean additional orders for you in the upcoming months!
Determine where you are in meeting your goals for this holiday season and don’t be
afraid to “think outside the box” and do something different.
Organize for maximum effectiveness! This is the time of year that we usually have to
wait in the post office, grocery stores, shopping, etc. Make up a “Show, Smell &
Sell” basket...use it to book someone you are in line with! Also, bunch all of your errands
so they are done at one time!
Wherever you go, carry stocking stuffers with you! Make them quick and easy! You
can get cello bags, shred, confetti, etc. at the Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, Michaels, Big
Lots, etc. Just tie up small items inside, add a little shred and a ribbon and sell for the
retail cost plus enough for the bag and shred and ribbon! Carry a bunch with you!
Notify me or your recruiter of what you’re doing that’s working so we can celebrate
together! Be sure to call if you have any questions, need advice or assistance!
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Countdown to the Perfect Open House
The Christmas season is so very close and it offers you unique opportunity to
service your customers and earn extra profits.
Besides learning about skin care and relaxation at your regular spas, your
customers can also enjoy the convenience and fun of gift shows or open houses
to select Christmas gifts for themselves, their families and friends.
Almost any holiday that involves gift-giving is a perfect reason for an open
house. Open houses are special selling situations. You invite customers into your
home, someone else’s home, an area at work or a church or community
meeting room and present your products to guests through special displays and
offers. Careful planning can create great sales and referrals.
2 Months Before:
Schedule your open house. Work around your
family’s schedule. Evenings and weekends are
usually best. For example; Thursday 5-9, Friday 4-8,
Saturday 9-4, Sunday 12-5. If you are going to the
work to set up for an open house you might as well
be open more than one day.
1 Month Before:
Order your BeautiControl products to show and/or
sell at your open house
Buy the props (fabric, ribbon, baskets) you will
need for displays.
3 Weeks Before:
Send or pass out invitations. Ask everyone you invite to bring a friend (offer
an incentive to come, and another incentive to bring a friend).
1 Week Before:
Review your open house list. Do anything that hasn’t been done, like
planning refreshments. Inexpensive bakery cookies and punch are really all
you need to offer.
Do everything ahead of time that you can. Wrap door prizes, pre-package
gifts, etc.
Two or Three Days Before:
Contact, by phone everyone invited to remind them of your open house.
The holidays are a busy time and people simple forget. They will love the
fact that you called.
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The Day Before:
Prepare refreshments
Set up displays Pack your displays if it is at another location.
Get the cash you will need to make change
Several Hours Before:
Check the displays you've set up earlier
Get music ready to play as guests arrive
Put Welcome Sign on the door
During The Open House
Reward those who bring friends with another small
gift. Make sure to wrap it pretty.
Pass out holiday gift lists to remind guests of gift
needs and give them a way to jot down ideas.
Give guests a shopping basket or bag to put their
products in.
Suggest products that are perfect for mom, dad,
grandmother, etc
Talk to your guests. Introduce them to each other. Ask them questions about
themselves. Once you discover their needs and wants you can suggest
products that will interest them. They will sell products to each other.
Have demo products open, clearly marked and ready for them to sample.
Put small table tents beside groupings of products. List the product name
and prices.
Keep plenty of Holiday Catalogs and Product Brochures on hand for each
guest to look through and take home for reorders.
Briefly review the product brochure with your guests. Point out the main
selling points of the products you have on special.
If possible, close individually with each guest. Answer questions, book spa
and help her make selections. This personal touch might uncover a possible
Ask everyone to host a spa for you in the New Year. Offer any set at ½ price
if they book today. Better yet offer a free product for booking at your open
Make sure you have a sufficient supply of products so guests can take their
purchase home with them. This will save you time. Put it in a pretty gift bag.
Offer a gift or discount for party and recruiting referrals.
Sell gift certificates for products
Offer free gift wrap.
Give all guests a small gift for coming. For example the 1 oz. Holiday
Extreme Repair Hand Crème.
Hold a drawing during the Open House. Give away a free product.
Group products into sets offering the client a free gift or discount when they
purchase the set while at the open house. Use the Holiday Set Sheets
available for download at
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I have always found it best to hold my open house on the same
weekend of December each year (I suggest Thursday through
Saturday or Friday through Sunday). I believe that keeping the
same relative date year after year will help to build your
customers’ expectation of the event.
My Open House hours are from 10am to 8pm each day. That
way even working women can stop by. Make sure you are set
up to accept checks, cash, or credit cards for payment.
Make the first day your “special every hour” day & feature a different product
during each hour of the open house. For instance, Instant Manicure may be on
special for half price from 10 to 11am. From 11am to noon, I may offer a FREE Lip
Balm or Mascara with any purchase over $50. Some customers will come in the
morning to shop, go eat lunch, and then return in the afternoon so they don’t
miss any of the hourly specials!
To make sure your customers know what products you are featuring, within 7 to
10 days after you send out your original postcard/invitation, send a follow-up email or mail a flyer that contains your list of products and items offered. There
are some great holiday spa open house invitations available to download from
BeautiNet, or you can create your own.
Also point out that you must attend the open house to take advantage of the
hourly specials — phone orders aren’t eligible. You can either keep it very
simple or you can set up your home like a department store for the open house,
grouping products in different rooms of her home.
Kitchen — Set up refreshments, usually festive cookies and cider, in the kitchen.
Customers can come through the kitchen and fill their plates before moving on.
Also include a registration table in the kitchen so guests can sign up for door
prizes. Get a really fun holiday bell that you can ring once an hour and draw a
guest’s name. The guest can then choose a prize from a gift basket full of
samplers and other small items.
Dining Room — As customers enter the dining room, have them pick up a paper
shopping bag that you provide. Basic skin care products are arranged on one
end of the dining table. Skin supplements are set up on a smaller table in the
room. I often have the more expensive repair and prevention products
available for a special price when a customer buys a minimum amount of
product. It’s a great way for them to get started on a new product and they
always want more — at the full price!
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Living Room — Set up a spa products display, on coffee tables, TV trays, or other
surfaces. Display then with seasonal flourishes, such as pinecones, holly, etc.
Have an extra-special display for the holiday limited-edition gift collections.
Also…do a separate fragrances table.
Make Your Own Basket — To save on preparation time, don’t make up a bunch
of gift baskets before the open house…only make up a few and take orders.
Definitely make up a 12 Days of Christmas set!!! How about offering a “make
your own basket” area? Set this area up so customers can choose an empty
basket and the products they want included. If you have time, help her
decorate the basket, or the customer can take the basket home and decorate
it herself. I don’t make money from the basket itself. The payoff is that when a
customer sees how beautiful a gift basket of products can be they always come
back for more for other occasions!
Book Spas — Spend time visiting with your customers, explaining products, and
most important, BOOKING! Keep your date book nearby so when a customer
comes to you wanting a spa, you can easily set an appointment. I also have a
lot of regular customers who bring friends, so I ask them to register also. For
coming, I give a special gift to the customer and to her friend for coming.
I believe that open houses are perfect for giving a new Consultant’s business an
early boost and I advise you to try having a “hostess an hour” to guarantee a full
house. I suggest asking five hostesses to bring three people during set times of
the day and give the hostess her choice of hostess credit or let her buy what she
wants at a special price. I had one hostess bring 11 people, and I had more
than $2000 in sales in that one hour! The hostess chose credit.
Recruiting - Don’t forget recruiting at your open house. When they see the
beautiful products and the excitement I have for my career, it’s easy to talk to
people about this business and invite them to my team rally.
FOLLOW-UP: After your open house is
completed, you’ll want to sit down to call
customers who weren’t able to attend. You
can oftentimes sell an additional $1000 to $2000
over the phone simply by following up. It’s
almost like an additional open house! Your
attendance will grow every year, mostly
through your customers spreading the word.
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More Hints for Holding a
Successful Holiday Open House
It is that time of the year: we are looking for unique ways to market our product
and the career opportunity. If you are planning an Open House, I feel it is critical
to define your goal(s) ahead of time.
Why are you holding a Holiday Open House?
To have retail sales…
To touch base with your
To meet new prospective
To show team members and
potential team members a
way to market their spa
To recruit…
To get your name into your
To get your house ready for the holidays…
To entertain your friends…
To enjoy the crafty parts including baking and basket making…
To turn good customers into GREAT customers by sharing the other lines
of our products…
To market to husbands of your customers, etc…
None of these goals is any better than the next. You choose what is in your
heart! Once you have defined your goals, you can spend time preparing
Let me use myself as an example: I hold a Holiday Open House each year, to
get my name into the community (over and over) so folks will think of me and
my spa business in one thought, and to increase my customer base by meeting
new folks. In order to meet these goals, I spend my time making and distributing
hundreds of invitations. I also ask my current customers to bring friends and offer
them incentives to do so.
If I was not focusing on these goals, I might not distribute so many invites or offer
those targeted incentives. When the Open House is over, I can assess whether I
met my prime goal or not. If sales are low, but that was not my goal, I won't feel
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Here are a few more Open House Do’s and Don'ts...
• DO have a nice, professionally printed holiday open house invitation. Check
with your director for resources where you might be able to find those.
• DON'T spend a lot of time decorating your house or on food. Go to Costco!
Spend your time calling to remind guests of the date and time.
• DO follow-up with everyone you invite. A great way to make sure that people
come is to schedule them at a specific time so that they have "personal
service." I've found that having your open house for limited hours on
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday also works great!
• DON’T spend a lot of money on gift baskets. You can find GREAT baskets at
yard sales or Goodwill (don't pay more than $.75 each because you can get
them CHEAP at yard sales), and then go to Wal-Mart and get the cheap
gold, silver, and/or white paint to paint them. Put a teenager, boyfriend or
husband in charge of this task! You'll be surprised at how new a basket can
look with a fresh coat of paint. The dollar store also has baskets that once
they are spray painted don’t look like $1 baskets.
• DO offer free gift-wrapping. It really doesn't cost much, and the "mileage"
you get from it goes a LONG way! Stock up on tissue paper, wrapping paper,
gift bags, etc. for next year during after Christmas sales this year!
• DON’T make up too many baskets with holiday related items IN the basket.
Instead, attach a pretty red and green bow with a poinsettia on the outside
at the top of the basket with a piece of wire or pipe cleaner. This way, if you
don’t sell the basket during the
holidays, you can simply take the
bow off and put – for instance – a
Valentine’s Day bow or Mother’s
Day bow on it.
• DO have your clients pay at least 1/2
plus the shipping & tax up front so
that you will have the money for the
order, especially if you don't have
product on hand. Some may want
to pay the whole thing. If she orders
a lot, you might want to offer to
break it up into 3 or 4 payments.
• DON’T forget to invite the men! You can even set up special shopping times
for men to stop by and pick out gifts for their wives, girlfriends, etc.
• DO relax and have fun! Put on Holiday music, sip on a cup of hot cider, and
enjoy the fact that you don’t have a mall job!
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Holiday Sack-n-Save
Instead of having a Christmas Open House, Director Anne Cannon
has a ‘Sack –N-Save Sale’! Here is how she does the sale. Feel free
to copy her shamelessly!
Don’t call it an Open House – call it a Sack-n-Save Sale! Hand each
guest a BeautiControl plastic bag when they enter and tell them to
fill it until it overflows. Based on how much they spend they get 15,
20 or 25% off! Past hostesses get 30% off regardless!
Have ALL the Skin Care in your inventory on the dining room table - massive
quantities and they just buy doubles to save! Put makeup and spa items at the
kitchen sink. Put the “BeautiControl BeautiCase” on display in the living room.
And then, of course, finger food and drinks in kitchen.
I pre-wrap the mini hand crèmes 5 for $25 in darling snowmen bags then I lay
out all my decorative bags and tell them to pick out Christmas gifts of their
choice. We will bag it and give them a gift card to give with the gift. They love
the choice of bags and the option of putting together what they want. And I
don’t have to un-wrap any un-bought gifts at the end of the season.
My new addition this year: guests are coming to “pick up” their preordered
items. This year is my 19th annual Sack-n-Save Sale and I expect to do over
$5000 in sales with the phone and email calls ahead of time. Then they will “pick
up” their stock on the day of the Sale and see all my gift ideas and other
1. What day and time do you have your sale?
o the Tuesday and Wednesday after Thanksgiving - 9AM – 9PM
2. How do you inform your clients about the sale?
o Send an email
o Mail a postcard (order free from
o Make phone calls (Hostesses only because they get a 30% discount!)
3. How far in advance do you invite?
o I send out an email 3 weeks before the sale.
o Then I mail out the postcard reminder one week before the sale.
o If I don't hear from my top clients during the sale, I call them because
they tend to forget
4. What are your spending increments for the discount?
o $ 1 to $ 50 = 15% discount
o $51 to $124 = 20% discount
o $125 or more = 25% discount
o Hostesses, any amount = 30% discount
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Do you offer the sale any other time?
o I offer the sale at the end of June, too.
5. How do you use the sale to help you book spas?
o At all my spas, I tell everyone “If you become a hostess, twice a year
you’ll get 30% off ALL products at my Sack and Save sale”, so I plant
the seed in the beginning.
o Then I call them shortly before the sale. I tell them to call in on one of
the 2 sale days to place their order. If my top people don’t call, I call
them to remind them. This is HUGE because they tend to forget to call!
6. How do you manage your inventory so that you have enough products
on hand?
o On the postcard that I mail out, I write: “Local clients stop by to pick up
your order Friday, Dec 9th from 9AM – 6PM and shop the Buy One Get
One Free table!” I got rid of lots of old and new makeup that way!
o The benefit of this is that I get to place all their orders and have the
product come in before the scheduled pick up day, so they go home
with everything at that time. I also sell about $300 additional gift items
when clients see things at my house on ‘pick up day’.
How do you set up your house?
o Each room is set up with different items:
o Dining room: All the Spa products, a Men’s table and a Stocking Stuffer
o Living room: A Spa Escape display (I booked 2 spas!)
o Kitchen: Show of Hands at the sink to demo. Also, the Buy One Get
One Free table is in the kitchen, along with a table with boxes, bags,
etc. for them to wrap their gifts. (I don’t make up a lot of gift baskets.)
o This year, I also did a Gift Idea table:
• Under $10 gifts
• Under $20 gifts
• Teen gifts
8. Do you provide food and drinks?
o I keep food and drinks to a minimum – no one really eats or drinks
much, except the hot cider!
9. What kind of results do you have?
o Last year, I had Total Sales of over $5000.00
• 37 local orders, 17 out of state orders.
• Breakdown by discount:
- 15% discount: 17 orders
- 20% discount: 18 orders
- 25% discount: 5 orders
- 30% Hostess disc: 14 orders
o Hostess Sales: $1713.50 – they spent an average of $122 each, so treat
those hostesses kindly!
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Sensational Gift Packaging Ideas
Determine prices of your gift packages based on the
cost of product and your materials. Don't forget to
add a gift certificate for a FREE Spa! Baskets can be
surrounded with shrink-wrap, tulle, clear or decorated
cellophane with bow added. Use packing peanuts to
fill bottom of containers to raise products, and then
add layer of colored shreds.
MUG IDEAS: Get cute Christmas mugs at the dollar store
• "Coffee & Creme" Packet of instant gourmet coffee, & ER
Hand Crème in a mug.
• "Cookies & Creme" Individually wrapped Oreo Cookies or
any other special cookie and hand crème.
• "Herbal Serenity" Several different herb tea bags with Herbal Serenity Body Crème.
• “A Whole Latte Love” or "Thanks~A~ Latte" Latte Mug with packet of gourmet coffee,
chocolates and ER Hand crème.
• "Office Survival Kit" Extreme Repair Hand Therapy (1 oz. Size), Fine Metal Nail File, 5
Band-Aids, Travel Size Package of Tylenol, Safety Pin, gourmet coffee or tea, individually
wrapped hard candies, Tic-Tacs or mints.
• "Merry Kissmas" Secret AGEnt Lip primer, Lip Color & Lip Pencil.
• "Souper Bowl" Football themed Soup Mug or Bowl w/instant soup mix & Men's cologne.
• "Take it Like a Man" Packet of instant gourmet coffee, Men’s cologne.
• "Kitchen Queen" Basket or ceramic crock filled with wooden spoon set, Oven Mitt, Recipe
Cards, other kitchen or cooking items you can think of and one of our hand crèmes.
• Serenity theme basket. Pretty basket with iridescent shred, Orange Body Puff, Herbal
Serenity products, a mug and box of Herb Tea in different flavors & hard candy sticks or
honey stirrers.
• For Teen: "Bearly There Look" Small Teddy Bear. Attach Lip Gloss & Mascara with a
rubber band around the bear’s neck. Tie a bow around the neck to hide the rubber band.
• "Harvest Hands"...Terra Cotta Pot, Gardening Spade & Regeneration Extreme Repair
Hand crème or Show of Hands Age Defying Hand Treatment.
• “A Shower for your Garden” Terra Cotta Pot, Gardening Gloves. Place Sugar Body Wash
in one Glove and Sugar Body Lotion in the other. Fill in with green shred.
• "Bear Essentials" Soft Bear, Herbal Serenity Bath Gelee, Scrub and Cream, soft wash
cloth. Place washcloth on bear’s tummy, place products side-by-side on top of wash. Hold in
place with wide rubber band or elastic. Cover band with ribbon and bow in front.
• "Lip Savers" Lip Apeel & package of lifesavers candies in a cute small container.
• "Peeper Keeper" Lash & Lid Bath & Eye-X-Cel or Regeneration Gold Eye Repair. Place in
Small Basket or Glass container with iridescent shred.
• "The Eye's Have It!" Regeneration Overnight Retinol Recovery Eye Capsules, Eye-X-Cell
or Regeneration Eye Crème, & Volumizing Mascara.
• "Bathing Spa Beauty" Spa Bath Minerals, Body Wash, Body Lotion, Nourishing Eye Pads,
Green or White Sponge or Wash Cloth rolled up and tied with pretty green ribbon in
Drawstring Bag, Skin Care Set Bag or Basket.
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Another Type of Holiday Open House
This is one great idea for getting the word out about the new Holiday line!! If you
are new or if you have never had an Open house, this is the way to go!
Here is what you do:
• Order one of each holiday item.
• Call all your customers and say: "I am having a holiday sneak preview on
_____ (date) from ____ (time) (1 hour is enough) and I need your help! If you
will just come and give me your opinion of our new Holiday products you can
choose any one holiday set or product of your choice for 1/2 price. It will only
take a few minutes. Thank you for your help.
• Offer each customer a small gift (perhaps several samples wrapped in tissue
and curly ribbon or an item you purchased on “close out”) for bringing a
guest over 18 with her.
• When your clients arrive, give them a Holiday Wish List. This is a piece of
paper where they can tell you what they would like to have themselves for
Christmas.... you then call the husband (or whoever would be buying the gift)
and play Santa for him.
• Have your holiday Show of Hands out for them to try, as well as Lip Apeel and
a few testers from the various spa lines.
• Here is a fun treat – give them some White Sugar Spa Body Scrub and place
a tiny drop of the Detoxifying Bath Soak in the middle of it. Mix it together
with your fingers and have your customers scrub it on their elbows. It’s a
Peppermint Scrub!
• Have all holiday items displayed with tent cards next to them with the
product name and price. You can also order several Holiday Catalogs and
have them open to the corresponding pages.
• Have a tester available of each fragrance and at least one product from
each of the spa lines. (Put a sticker on them that says "Tester")
• Have regular line items out too…especially lip glosses, mascara, small and
large hand crèmes, lip balms, and makeup…anything that will make great
stocking stuffers.
• Take holiday orders. Have each customer fill out a sales ticket when they
arrive so you are ready to take their order.
• Wear a Holiday Apron and have a pen and calculator in your pocket at all
times so you are not searching for one when you need it!
• Place an order with BeautiControl for what you need to fill the orders!
Have fun, do it with enthusiasm and child-like
optimism and remember to make your guests feel
special and loved! You will help them have a
wonderful holiday and you will have a successful
holiday sales season!
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Gentlemen – Start Her Engines!
Introducing “The 12 Days of Christmas”
Your Christmas shopping made easy!
How would like to make your holiday shopping painless AND
impress your sweetheart with romantic, thoughtful gifts at the
same time? Sound impossible? Well, its not. Just read on….
“The 12 Days of Christmas” is a very fun and thoughtful way to let your
sweetheart know how special she is to you, how much you appreciate her and
that she deserves to take some time for herself. It works like this. Purchase the 12
Days of Christmas package made up of 12 different spa treatments (each is
individually wrapped, labeled and ready for immediate gift giving). You’ll give
her one gift each day starting December 14th and ending on Christmas Day!
By giving her these popular spa treatments, she will know that you have put
special thought into her gift, and that it wasn’t a last minute idea. These
BeautiControl products are high quality and I guarantee she will enjoy all 12
gifts! I would love to receive this Christmas present from my husband, and I
know your wife will love it too! Once she gets that first gift on December 14th,
she’ll be so excited for the next 11 days!
The total value of the 12 Days of Christmas package is $235! But, because I’m
only offering the 12 Days of Christmas package to my friends and family, I’m
going to bring the cost down for YOU! And because I know and care about
your wife, I want to help make her feel appreciated, pampered and loved! (I
understand that’s not always easy, but this time, it is!). You can purchase this
entire package of 12 individual spa gifts, beautifully wrapped & labeled for each
day, and delivered to your home or work, for only $169! (extra if mailed).
If the 12 Days of Christmas package isn’t your style, I have other gift baskets
available as well, (see below). The last day to order is December 7th, which will
guarantee delivery by December 12th so you can start your first surprise on
December 14th. I would love to help you with your Christmas shopping this year,
and what woman wouldn’t love a different spa treatment everyday– from her
one true love! (That’s You!)
If you have any questions at all, or to order your Christmas package, please
contact ME. Thanks for letting me help you play “Santa” this Christmas!
Denise Wilts, (your personal Santa)
Phone: 303-514-8317
Shop online:
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Your 12 Days of Christmas Package Contents
For the 12 days of Christmas, my true love gave to me . . .
(The note for each item and where you place her gift is just a suggestion).
Note on Item
Where to place
Day 1 Overnight Hand Treatment
$20.50 Sweet Dreams My Love!
Place on pillow
Day 2 Therapeutic Bath Minerals
$20.50 To soak away all your stress!
Place next to tub
Day 3 Spa Sugar Body Wash
$14.50 I love you all over!
Place near shower
Day 4 Warming Massage Oil
Redeem this card for a massage
Place on pillow
Day 5 Nourishing Eye Pads
To soothe your gorgeous eyes
Place on nightstand
Day 6 Warming Green Tea Masque
$23.00 I can’t “mask” my love for you!
Day 7 Brown Sugar Body Lotion
$20.50 To indulge the love of my life
Day 8 Herbal Serenity Instant Manicure $27.00 For a smoother day
Place on bathroom sink
Place on bathroom counter
Place on bathroom sink
Day 9 Save Your Sole Foot Salve
$23.00 To soothe your tired feet
Place in shoe
Day 10 Extreme Repair Hand Therapy
$13.00 Your soft hands touch my heart
Place on kitchen sink
Day 11 Sugar Cookie Lip Balm
$10.00 Merry "KISS"mas
Place near purse or makeup
Day 12 Glass fragrance
$30.00 You are so "Scent"sual
Place under tree
Other Gift Packages I’m offering this Christmas . . .
Spoil and pamper the SPECIAL WOMAN in your life!!
Gift packages are beautifully wrapped and delivered! (Same mailing charge and order date as above).
Feliz Navidad $56
Love margaritas? Then this is the set for you. Includes the Margarita Salty Foot
Scrub ($16), Frozen Foot Crème ($16) Margarita Body Lotion ($16) and Tangy Lip
Balm ($12). All you add is the Margaritas (and maybe tickets to Cancun?)!
Gimme A Little Sugar! $41 to $82
This collection will give visions of sugarplums! Includes Sugar Body Scrub
($15.50), Sugar Body Wash ($14.50)& Sugar Body Lotion ($15.50). Add the Sugar
Body Butter ($20.50) & Sugar Cologne ($26). All you add is a box of delicious
candy for your sweetheart!
All Yule Need ~ At Home Spa $93
This lovely collection includes everything you need to turn her bathroom into her
own personal spa retreat…Warming Trend Green Tea Masque ($23), Nourishing
Cucumber Linen Eye Pads ($17.50), Herbal Serenity Foot Crème ($13), Lip Apeel
($19), Therapeutic Bath Minerals ($20.50), Aromatherapy Candles, & Relaxation
CD. All a Bath Pillow and Bath Puff and watch her stresses disappear!
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On the 1st Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 2nd Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
Sweet Dreams my LOVE!
To Soak Away All Your
On the 3rd Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 4th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
“I Love You All Over”
Redeem This Card for a
On the 5th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 6th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
“To Soothe Your Gorgeous
I can’t “mask” my love
for you!
On the 7th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 8th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
of my Life!
For a Smoother Day!
On the 9th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 10th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
To soothe your tired feet!
Your Soft Hands Touch my
On the 11th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
On the 12th Day of Christmas
My True Love Gave to ME…
Merry “KISS” mas!!
You are so “SCENT”sual!!
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Hello ______________,
I’m so excited that you’ve chosen the 12 Days of Christmas package for ___________!
I wish I could be there to see her face when you give her the first gift, and she realizes
that there are eleven more to follow! My husband took up this tradition of 12 days of
Christmas gift giving several years ago, and it is something that I truly cherish about
him. My wish for you is that by the 12th day, your sweetheart will know how very much
you love her!
All of your gifts are individually wrapped and tagged with the appropriate card. Just
follow the schedule below, and enjoy!
Note on Gift
Where to place
Dec 14
Overnight Hand Treatment
Sweet Dreams My Love!
on her pillow
Dec 15
Therapeutic Bath Minerals
To soak away all your stress!
next to tub
Dec 16
Spa Sugar Body Wash
I love you all over!
near shower
Dec 17
Warming Massage Oil
Redeem this card for a massage
on her pillow
Dec 18
Nourishing Eye Pads
To soothe your gorgeous eyes
on nightstand
Dec 19
Warming Green Tea Masque
I can’t “mask” my love for you!
on bathroom sink
Dec 20
Brown Sugar Body Lotion
To indulge the love of my life
on bathroom counter
Dec 21
Herbal Serenity Instant Manicure
For a smoother day
on bathroom sink
Dec 22
Save Your Sole Foot Salve
To soothe your tired feet
in her shoe
Dec 23
Extreme Repair Hand Therapy
Your soft hands touch my heart
on kitchen sink
Dec 24
Skinlogics Lip Balm w/SPF 20
Merry "KISS"mas
near her purse or makeup
Dec 25
Love Fool for Her fragrance
You are so "Scent"sual
Under the tree!
Thank you for letting me help you make her Christmas extra special this year! Don’t
hesitate to call if I you need anything else. I have wonderful gifts for all those special
occasions (Birthday, Valentines Day, Anniversary, etc.) – and I make it so easy for you!
Have a very merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
Denise Wilts, (your personal Santa)
Phone: 303-514-8317
Shop online:
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12 Days of Christmas for HIM!
Here are 12 thoughtful Christmas gifts to show the Man you Love how
special he is to YOU! I'll do all the work and shopping for you!!! I’ll
even put ribbon-tied notes on each item. So, all you have to do is
follow the instructions to surprise him every day!
Total Retail Value $207.50 … Your Cost ONLY $169!!!
Lip Balm Stick
Extreme Repair
Hand Therapy
Save your Sole
Foot Salve
Men’s All Over
Body Wash
Men’s Scrubbing
Gel Cleanser
Men’s Warming
Shave Cream
Men’s Soothing
Aftershave Balm
Men’s Toning Eye
Men’s Double Duty
Warming Massage
Instant Comfort
Men’s Cologne
Night (or Day)
Note on Item
It’s going to be a Very
Merry "Kiss"mas
For your strong hands
I owe you a foot
I love you all over!
To nourish your tender
I think you’re HOT!
To soothe your smooth
To keep your eyes
forever young
To soften the face I
I owe you a back
To relax you from head
to toe
You are so "Scent"sual!
Where to place
on his pillow!
on kitchen counter or
breakfast table
in one of his shoes
In or near shower
on his bathroom counter
on bathroom counter or
near his razor
on soft towel in
on bathroom counter
on bathroom counter
on his pillow
on couch or his favorite
under the tree!
Please contact me ASAP to order - so you can start giving your 12
gifts by December 14th and end on Christmas Day!
I will also deliver to you locally for no charge! If you need your package
shipped, I’ll simply add the appropriate shipping charges to your
order (depending upon the method of shipment you choose).
Thanks for letting me help you play “Santa” this Christmas!
Denise Wilts, (your personal Santa)
Phone: 303-514-8317
Shop online:
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12 Days of Christmas – Email Sale
Here’s another cute twist on the 12 Days of Christmas – but this one goes out to
your clients every day for 12 days. You can start it Dec 1 to end on Dec 12 or
any other 12 days in a row; just make sure to end it by at least 1 week before
Below is the introductory email to send out to all your clients:
Subject: 12 days of Christmas SALE!
Happy Holly-daze everyone!
I want to give you a heads-up that my annual BeautiControl SPA 12 DAYS OF
CHRISTMAS E-MAIL SALE will start tomorrow – Tuesday, Dec 1st!
This means that each day for 24 hours I will feature a different product at a
drastically reduced price – at least 25% off – usually more.
If you would like to “Run a Tab” and pay for your selections at the end of the 12
days – let me know when you place your first order.
SPECIAL OFFER - Because I love you gals – and
appreciate your business - I am giving you the chance
to purchase one of my fabulous “Spa On The Go”
travel kits which are usually only available to hostesses
($20 value)!!
• With a 12 days of Christmas total of $50 – you may
purchase for $15
• With a 12 days of Christmas total of $100 - you may
purchase the kit for $10
• With a 12 days of Christmas total of $150 – you may
purchase the kit for $5
• With a 12 days of Christmas total of $200 – GET IT
I Take Requests – my sale items aren’t set in stone – so if there is something you
are “hoping” will be on sale this season – speak up! Santa is listening!
If you do not wish to be on my 12 days email list – please tell me now and I’ll
remove your name.
I’m so excited – I love giving great deals and gift ideas and hearing back from
you all.
“On the first day of Christmas my spa girl gave to me….”
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And here is day one…
Email Subject: On the first day of Christmas...
On the first day of Christmas, my Spa Gal gave to me…
NOURISHING EYE PADS 30% off!! (reg $17.50) TODAY $12.25!
This is a wonderfully unique gift for that
harried frazzled friend or neighbor or
teacher! These linen pads are soaked in
cucumber extract so they stay cool always,
and witch hazel to reduce puffiness and
dark circles. They are wonderful for “allergy
eyes” or hangover eyes. I know I won’t get
much sleep this holiday season, so I used
them to perk up my eyes before an evening
out. Put them in a box with a spa CD with
instructions on how to take 10 minutes, sit
back and “do nothing” (because we forget
12 DAYS deals –
1. email me before 11pm tonight to get this deal
2. let me know if you want to “run a tab” for the 12 days
3. tell me how you’d like to pay (cash, credit cards and checks accepted)
4. no shipping if you pick up - $2 shipping if I deliver - $4 shipping to mail
5. I will wrap it for you if you need to give it right away.
• 12 days orders that total $50, $100, $150 and $200 get special deals on the
Spa On the Go Kit that I normally I give to hostesses
• Shop at my house – I have $8 and $5 baskets full of a variety of limited
availability items (lotions, bath gels, make up palettes, eye shadows and
lipsticks). I can’t demo these at spas because I only have one or two left
and can’t order more, so I’m practically giving them away.
• If you’ve got little ones who want to “shop for mommy or grandma” – I will
help them choose something (in secret) from a basket and even help
them wrap it so they can put it under the tree and surprise you!
• Call or email me if you’d like to stop by – I have a very flexible schedule my “store” can be available 9am-9pm most any day - one of the many
reasons I ♥ BC!
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Other Holiday Selling Ideas
I know you're hearing "I'm too busy to have a Spa now" but
that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the
holiday buying season and how to sell right where you are
even if you're not having a Spa.
Identify the opportunities that you have to sell and earn
money during this Holiday Season by figuring out how you
can present BeautiControl as gifts in convenient, everyday
situations. This will enable you to sell and earn an income
this month, even if you do not have enough Spa Escapes
booked. It will also set you up for a full Spa calendar in
WORK - yours, your spouses, family member
° Do you work in an office?
• Present co-workers with gift ideas. Bring a few already wrapped to show & sell
° Are their other companies in your building?
• Offer a lunch hour/after hours Spa, visit their Employee Lunch Rooms on lunch
breaks each day sharing gift ideas.
• Take set sheets to other offices or hold spas for the other companies after
work or on your lunch hour
° Is there a lunch room at your office?
• Leave a gift display and sign up sheet; do a lunch hour/after hour Spa.
° Does your company give out gifts to employees at Christmas?
• Ask your boss if he/she would consider buying from you.
° Does your company or department give out holiday gifts to their clients?
• Ask your boss if he/she would consider buying from you
° Does your department have a holiday party/pot luck or gift exchange
• Find the coordinator and ask if you can do a spa beforehand. Offer to come
up with gifts for everyone
° Do you send out holiday cards to your assigned clients?
• Include a free spa escape card
° Are there any schools near by your work?
• PTA meetings and holiday performances are in the evening. See if you can
get a table displaying your products and offer to donate a portion of your
sales to the school/group.
° Do you have a school-age child?
• Present the teacher with holiday gift ideas – she’s busy & will appreciate you!
• Ask your child’s teacher(s) to schedule a lunch-time spa for her teacherfriends.
• Offer to set up a table in the Teacher's Lounge to make gift shopping
• Call parents whom you know and offer your Personal Shopping service
• Ask School Administrators to offer a lunch time Spa or Shopping Time
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° Do you have a free space (like a formal dining)?
• Set up visual table display and offer a shopping opportunity to everyone who
visits during the holidays.
• Get your carpets cleaned, your house exterminated, the plumber to come in
– mostly they are men and you can show them your holiday gift giving ideas
° Are you or a neighbor having a Holiday Party?
• Do a quick “mini spa” beforehand and display a few wrapped holiday gift
° No Spas on your book?
• Schedule your own spa and invite ALL of your neighbors!
° Is your home owners association having a holiday party?
• Pass out free spa gift certificates with spa bath minerals to get to know your
° Are you new to your neighborhood and know no one?
• Bake cookies and take over to neighbors with spa gift certificate with spa
bath minerals & hand crème as a happy holiday neighbor gift.
° Do you belong to a gym?
• Set up a table during peak hour with convenient shopping/gift ideas.
• Ask the Gym Owner/Manager to consider you for gifts for the staff.
° Do you attend church?
• Put an announcement in the Newsletter.
• Ask the pastor/minister/director if you can offer an Express Spa Escape or
hand massage to the different ministries that will be meeting.
• Ask if you can set up a selling table and offer a percentage of proceeds to
the church.
• Schedule an Appreciation Spa for the Church Administration.
• Ask about craft fairs, or holiday get togethers or do a spa for the office staff.
Ask to put up flyers in their main office.
• Does a group visit hospitals or nursing homes….do a spa for that staff.
° Do you belong to a community based group (sorority, association, card club, or
• Make an Executive Shopping Letter, offer to do personal gift shopping for the
group president, leaders.
• Contact the leader of each group & offer a Mini Spa at the next meeting or
Christmas Party.
• Ask for a mailing list, mail and follow up by phone offering appointments for
personal shopping.
° Do you frequent the same bank?
• Give out brochures to tellers and let them know you offer unique affordable
• talk to the branch manager about doing a spa for their team after the bank
° Do you go to the same dry cleaner?
• Hand out a flyer let them try out the hand crème
• Bring a few gifts already wrapped to show & take orders
° Do you have any doctor/dentist appointments this month for you or your family?
• Leave flyers, do spa for staff, leave bath minerals & card etc.
• Talk to the Doctor/Dentist about providing holiday gifts for staff – bring a few
to show
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Sizzling Spalidays Super Saturday Sale
Drive Super Holiday Sales in 3 Hours in Your Pajamas!
This is a fun & easy alternative to the traditional Holiday Open
House. There’s no cleaning & decorating your house, no making up
gift baskets, no waiting for clients to show up….you don’t even have
to get dressed! Here’s what you do…
Print and MAIL the attached flyer to your clients and friends and
family consultants to arrive on the Tue or Wed before the sale. Print
the flyer on some pretty holiday paper from Office Max or Wal-Mart,
& print something on the back of the invitation (tips, January sales,
etc.) Add confetti and the Client Price List from Forms on File.
Who to send the invitations to:
o You want to invite 75-100 of your best clients.
o If you have more than 75 clients, send to those that have
ordered in the last 3 months
Your Goal: $500 Sales in your pocket and a minimum of 4 January Spas by the end of the
day! Use the money from your sale to buy something special for you or your family for
IMPORTANT: Some clients will call you right away to get the best discounts, but it is critical to
follow-up with a phone call during the sale time (between 10-12). Many of those you call will
say they are so glad you called and they have any order ready to go. You will generate more
sales and participants in your sale with that phone call.
If you’re building a team - Make it a Team Wide Contest & give prizes for:
o Consultant with the highest orders.
o Consultant with the most bookings or at least 2 New Year Celebration parties
o Consultant with the most Recruits
Make it as easy as possible for your team to participate:
o Select one Saturday for the entire team to participate in. (Best Saturday in December is
the 2nd weekend)
o Print 1 invitation on blank white paper to give to every consultant at your December
Team Rally – that way all they need to do is make copies onto pretty holiday letterhead
o Show the PRIZE at the Team Rally!
o Make sure to include your Friends & Family consultants – this is an easy way to show
them how to make money over the holidays!
o If 15 consultants sell $750 each, that’s $11,250 extra on your team in one day!
To participate in the “prize” the consultant must
o Email their results to you by Monday morning at 10 am December the 14th.
o Email or fax in summary sheet and place a $500 order by December 20th.
Team Prize ideas: You choose the gifts for the winners
o Holiday Spa at your house –
Everyone wears their favorite pajamas & fuzzy slippers
Serve hot chocolate w/candy cane as stirrer – mug to keep
o New Year Celebration party for all participants
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‘Tis the Season!
Sizzling Super Saturday
Telephone Sale!
Huge Discounts on your favorite
BeautiControl products!
Saturday, December 12th
9am – Noon
Call Early For the Best Discounts!
25% Discount for the first 3 who call
20% Discount between 9am – 10 am
15% Discount between 10 am – 12 pm
Your Consultant: Denise Wilts
Phone: 303-514-8317
I will wrap up all your holiday shopping with unique & beautiful
gift ideas from BeautiControl!
Treat a teen
Congratulate a colleague
Touch a loved one
Welcome a neighbor
Thank a teacher
Surprise a friend
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You’re Invited To My
Preferred Client
Holiday Sak-n-Save
There are only four weeks until Christmas, and you don’t know what to do.
Don’t fret, stress or worry ‘cause I am here to help you!
Don’t worry about the holiday rush and the crowds in the store.
Come relax and shop with me -- I give you so much more!
You’ll avoid the hustle and bustle and the pain in your feet.
When you shop at my spa open house, you can shop from your seat!
So make your reservation and bring along a friend.
You’ll get a wonderful gift… with a pay off in the end.
I have gifts for the body, hands, feet, face and men!
Skincare, fragrances and makeup — the choices never end.
My gifts start at $10; there’s so much you can choose.
And I’ll wrap, bag or basket it, so you just can’t lose.
So bring along your shopping list and your cash, check, or credit card.
Come snack on some cookies & cider…who said holiday shopping was hard?
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
December 18, 19 & 20
Denise Wilts
1444 Gay Street
Longmont, CO 80501
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Give Me a Jingle
It's two weeks before Christmas and my calendar is clear,
The spas are all done…and my family is near.
So I previewed my client list and checked it twice,
And said, "Why don't I offer them something real nice?"
When out of my spa office there arose such a clatter,
I opened the door and said, "What is the matter?"
The body scrubs, the lotions, the Show of Hands, too,
All were heard saying, "We'll fit into a stocking just for you."
I have what you need for special people in your life –
Kids, parents, friends, teachers, husband or wife.
So check your list now for what you will need,
‘Cause I'll gift-wrap and deliver, so your time will be freed.
With your list in your hand and the phone on your ear,
Just dial my number and my voice you’ll hear.
So don't wait, drop an email, or give me a jingle,
And let me be your very own Kris Kringle!
Denise Wilts
your BC Spa Consultant
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Dear _______________,
The holidays are upon us and now is the perfect time to show your clients
and employees how much you appreciate them. As an Independent
Consultant with BeautiControl, I can save you time and money by bringing
great holiday gift ideas directly to you.
Here’s just a few ways I can make your holiday shopping easier:
• Gift Sets – Say thank you with fabulous gift sets that include spa
products that your employees will love. These gift sets are available at a
variety of different price points and I will have all of them in stock so you
can find the one that’s right for you in the convenience of your own
• Convenient Shopping – Offer employees the opportunity to shop with
me on their lunch hour and I’ll give them great gift ideas for family and
friends. You’ll be providing a service at no cost to you that your employees
will enjoy and appreciate.
• Time to Relax – Give your employees the gift of relaxation with a BC
Spa at work. I offer quick 15, 30 or 60-minute spa sessions that are a
treat for your employees and no cost to you. Your employees get to enjoy
a relaxing and pampering experience and will have the opportunity to
purchase great holiday gifts.
Find out how easy holiday gift giving can be! Call me to make an
appointment at your convenience to discuss how my executive shopping
services can meet your gift-giving needs.
I look forward to meeting you. Please call me today to learn more about
my products and services.
Happy Holidays!
Denise Wilts
Spa & Relaxation Specialist
Visit my website at
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Would An Extra $1000 A Month
Month Make A
Difference In Your Family’s Finances
During The Holidays?
Top Ten Reasons To Start Your Spa Business
Before The End Of The Year
1) You get to take the Tax Benefits at the end of the year without doing much to earn them. (It’s
like having a baby in December!)
2) You will be able to take advantage of wholesale prices on ALL of your holiday presents for
your friends & family.
3) A new printer, digital camera, telephone, cell &/or computer are just of few of the tax
deductible ‘presents’ you might buy yourself in December!
4) Are your relatives visiting you over the holidays? Practice your spa on them & maybe even
make some extra $$$!
5) Are your friends & acquaintances going to holiday parties? Help them with a new holiday
6) Are you going to travel to see friends & family over the Holidays? Take your Spa Kit with you &
practice on them & write off a portion of your trip!
7) Make immediate sales by letting your friends & family know that your spa business is open for
holiday gift sales, last minute stocking stuffers, gift baskets with free gift wrapping.
8) Attend your BeautiU training so you are ready to take advantage of the New Year, when
women are ready for a new look for the New Year! They also may have gift money to spend!
Everyone is looking for a ‘post holiday’ fun thing to do. January is one of our best sales months. If
you wait until then to start, you will only delay your success.
9) Over the holidays, you will see lots of people that you wouldn’t see very often otherwise. What
a wonderful time to be able to tell them about your new spa career & arrange a booking.
10) Since we have no territories in BeautiControl, when you are making all of your holiday
telephone calls to friends, keep good records…because you can tell them all about your new
spa business & write off the calls.
Most Importantly,
Be Ready To Start Your New Year With A Bang,
Because You Have A Wonderful New Opportunity
To Look Forward To In The New Year!!!
Contact me TODAY to get started!
Denise Wilts
your BC Spa Consultant
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