4. Robotic Whirlpools
4. Robotic Whirlpools
ROV Specifications The Purpose of The Remotely Operated Vehicle our team has created shares various qualities with the standard design as well as many of our own touches. Here are some detailed descriptions: SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that helps students develop a deeper understanding of concepts related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. According to the ONR, the US is ranked 17th in the world for number of engineering graduates. This is a giant drop from its previous ranking of 3rd. With SeaPerch, the Navy hopes to raise the next generation of aspiring leaders in the career fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. We, as multi-year participants, are proof that their ambition is becoming a reality. Frame- Polyvinyl Chlor ide, PVC, is the main building mater ial used in constr ucting the apparatus. We chose this building material because it was affordable, water-proof, strong, and could be found/fitted easily. Some PVC sizes we used were 4.5’’, 6.5’’ and 2.5’’. Motor Placement-The motors on our ROV are placed on the outermost sides. This way, we could pilot our ROV knowing that it would maneuver easily. This decision can be compared to placing the motors inward (bottleneck), an action that would sacrifice much needed turning abilities. It was important to make sure that both motors were symmetrically placed on the ROV. Otherwise, it would swerve, an issue we encountered when testing the ROV. ORBS Challenge- In order to meet the needs of the ORBS challenge, our team drew up a plan and constructed an attachment that would help in the process of completing this additional task. This device is made of a PVC tee, CPVC male adapter, CPVC female adapter, CPVC cap, zip ties, CPVC straps and a PEX pipe. The entire design can easily fold back since all of it rests on a pivotal tee. Our desire for the ORBS challenge was to have a design that was structurally stable, didn’t interfere with the ROV’s obstacle course performance, and wasn’t extremely dense. The combination of PEX and CPVC made sure that our attachment satisfied our needs since these materials were not that dense, yet they made a secure framework and didn’t conflict with our other tasks. Our Team SeaPerch has definitely benefited our team. Throughout the ROV build process, we came to understand the various concepts needed for creating a Remotely Operated Vehicle. Also, our minds were enlightened with a wide array of knowledge concerning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. As a whole, SeaPerch has brought us up to become individuals that once knew the basics of math and science, to a group of engineers that have applied that knowledge into a hands on learning experience. We came in knowing the basics of STEM, yet we didn’t grasp the idea of how it related to reality. SeaPerch helped us bridge that gap. Our hope is that the skills we have acquired in this program can be passed onto more students so that they too will be able to prepare for their future in STEM. Holes in PVC– Our group drilled holes in the external frame of our ROV. This way, water would go in when our ROV was submerged, and water would drain out when taken out of the water. These holes were mainly drilled into the PVC elbows of our ROV. The other holes we drilled were used to mount motors onto. Remote Controller– Since we wanted to have complete control over our ROV, we had to use a remote controller. We had to solder the remote control parts to the PCB. Toggle switches (DPDT) were used to move the ROV left and right, port and starboard respectively. Push buttons (SPDT) were used to move the ROV vertically. Expense Report PEX Pipe- $1.86 1/2’’PVC Tee- $0.43 3/8’’ Male Adapter$0.29 PVC Glue- $2.33 Tri-Tee- $2.70 Female Adapter- $0.82 Working with a broken obstacle course Male Adapter- $0.68 Having our ROV lean to one side Having our ROV’s motor malfunctioning Knowledge Gained From SeaPerch Throughout the process of SeaPerch, we were fortunate to have learned an immense amount of knowledge. Here are just a few examples of what we have learned from SeaPerch: Archimedes Principle– Finding the volume of irregular shaped objects uses the concept of displacement. The volume of an object can be found by subtracting the original volume of a liquid from the volume of the liquid with the object. Neutral Buoyancy– Since our ROV was required to go through the obstacle course and ORBS challenge, we had to make our ROV neutrally buoyant. Neutral buoyancy is when there is an equal amount of force pushing on an object from both above and below in a fluid. Neutral buoyancy was achieved with our ROV by adjusting the size of our floats after testing it out in the water. Soldering Techniques– No matter what career path is chosen by a person, soldering is always a great to skill to possess. Even though all our team members aren’t exceptional soldering experts, we still have a strong understanding of soldering basics. The solder that we used on our controller is made of a copper(0.7%) and tin(99.3%) mixture. When soldering our remote together, we used a soldering iron in order to make secure connections between part terminals and the PCB. Great care was exercised in order to prevent any possible bridges. In the twenty-first century, everything is advancing at a faster pace than before. These advances enhance the tiniest things in life. Special skills are needed to live and work in our everchanging world. SeaPerch has assisted in the development of 21st Century Skills in our life. Some examples are… Non-Routine Problem Solving- In the process of being a SeaPerch participant, we had to use our creative thinking skills in order to propose innovative solutions to solve issues like coming up with a design to overcome the ORBS challenge. Aarya Patel: 8th Grade Lloyd Richards: 8th Grade Hannah Belinne: 8th Grade Robert Liao: 8th Grade Nathanael Mathew: 7th Grade I aspire to become a naval engineer. naval engineers build and maintain water vessels. Designing a vessel requires the engineering knowledge attained from SeaPerch. Also, science concepts are used when taking into account whether or not an item is neutrally buoyant. Ever since my early years, I’ve always had a passion for electronics and creating machines. I hope to become a mechanical engineer when I grow up. The engineering concepts I have learned from SeaPerch can really help me create new innovations. Veterinary medicine, a career path I hope to follow, is heavily involved with both SeaPerch and STEM. It is vital for me to use the organizational techniques and experience with technology I have learned in SeaPerch to manage the needs of my patients in addition. It is my dream to become a marine engineer. Using information learned from SeaPerch, like buoyancy, tethers, and controllers, I can now delve deeper into an underwater world. Also, I can get an understanding of possible applications the ROV can be used for. When I grow up, I want to be a biomedical engineer. SeaPerch has inspired and prepared me to hopefully take on this task. When dealing with the electronic components of the ROV, I was gaining knowledge that could be applied when designing new devices. Obstacles We Faced Just like any journey in life, our team encountered various trials, such as: Skills in SeaPerch Complex Communication Skills- During our participation in SeaPerch, from team discussions to lengthy interviews, we were required to use our communication skills. After having the wonderful opportunity of being a part of SeaPerch, we as a team have learned how to speak clearly, negotiate future possible plans, and explain design enhancements concisely. Floats- We adjusted the amount of floats to make the ROV neutr ally buoyant. Adding floats also increased the amount of air, decreasing the density and vise-versa. Waterproofed Motors– The impurities in water conduct electricity. Therefore, leaving our motors bare in the water would pose an issue. Therefore, we used electrical tape, film canisters, and toilet bowl wax to waterproof our motors. st 21 Century 10/29/15- We understood the basic guidelines of SeaPerch 11/3/15- We made a design brief just like real engineers. 11/5/15- We measured our PVC for the external frame 11/10/15- We started to cut the pipes according to the Build Guide 11/12/15- We assembled the outer frame of the ROV 11/17/15- We confronted an obstacle since we waxed the motors before soldering the wires to it. This issue was confronted later on in our build process. We also started to strip wires. 11/19/15- Soldering was completed for the controller as well as the motors. When testing our motors out, we realized that one was not working. After using an alternate controller, it was decided that there was a deficiency in the original controller. 12/1/15- This day was spent affixing our propellers to the motors. We sanded the shaft so that the glue would stick securely. This was step was to be done with caution in order to prolong the life of the propeller. 12/3/15- A theory was developed involving the forward PVC pipes of the ROV. We thought that if holes were made in the PVC, then there would be less resistance of water hitting the aft of the ROV. Also, we waterproofed the motors and zip tied them to our frame. 1/5/16- We placed the ROV in a body of cold and chlorine water. Since we originally had too much floats, we took some off for a neutrally buoyant ROV. 1/7/16- We identified an issue with our ROV. the floats kept sliding in different direction underwater. This caused an unbalanced ROV. We solved this by adding rubber bands to keep the float in place securely. 1/12/16- We kept adding and subtracting the float amount so that our ROV would be neutrally buoyant. 1/23/16- Since we wanted more speed from our ROV, we angled the motors in a bottleneck position. This way, the motors formed one giant propulsion so that the ROV would glide through the water at a faster rate. This idea was eventually disregarded since maneuvering the ROV was more difficult without the motors being placed on the outside. Adaptability- We were fortunate in SeaPerch to learn how to “think on our feet” and get used to changes that occurred. For example, when we worked alongside our teammates, we had to understand the way their thoughts were processed in order to help our team work together seamlessly. This helped lessen the amount of confusions we had in group discussions, a vital skill in the real world. Self-Management/Self-Development– Without technology, our team would have had limited time to collaborate for SeaPerch. Many of us had busy schedules and were unable to meet in person for discussions. We used various forms of technology to converse, such as video conferencing and online research documents. Sometimes, people couldn’t always log on at the same time as others, so they would log onto the research documents late at night to do their part. Each member of our team had topics that they had to research in a certain amount of time. After completing this, we had to debrief each other on our topics. Our team showed a willingness to cooperate with others, learn new information quickly, take responsibility of team commitments and help teammates when needed. The Incorporation of STEM STEM, also known as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, was deeply intertwined through the process of developing our ROV. When constructing the physical frame of our ROV, we had to have a deep understanding of engineering concepts. Technology was used when building the controller. We needed to use Mathematics in order for us to cut the PVC pipes to the correct length. Also, math helped us understand various topics in science. For example, the formula for density: D=m/v. Finally, we have Science. Science played a huge role in the experimental part of our process since we had to understand the types of buoyancy in order to get our ROV neutrally buoyant. In conclusion, STEM really made up a huge portion of our process. Contact Information: Nolan Ryan Jr. High 11500 Shadow Creek Parkway, Pearland, TX 77584 Phone- (281) 245-3210 Fax- (281) 245– 3221 Emails: Robin Driverrwaggoner@alvinisd.net Sarah BhaskaranPhoto Credits to Alvin Independent School District sbhaskaran@alvinisd.net and Hugo Bozz