En-Masse Chain Conveyors 0-15 degrees
En-Masse Chain Conveyors 0-15 degrees
en-masse drag conveyors We offer design, engineering and manufacturing of a complete line of Bucket Elevators, En-Masse Conveyors and Bulk Flow Conveyors. At every stage of our work we are perfecting the details that give you the best operational efficiencies and the quality handling you need to bring your product to market. rn conveyance company, Inc. material handling equipment ■ ■ ■ rnc-co.com | sales@rnc-co.com | 410.546.0811 ■ ■ ■ rnc-co.com Capacity Chart for Standard Line of en-masse conveyors 10 14 18 units CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH 75 2258 1821 51 46 3161 2549 71 65 4064 3277 91 83 chain speed (fpm) 100 125 150 3010 3763 4516 2427 3035 3642 68 85 102 61 77 92 4215 5268 6322 3399 4248 5098 95 119 142 86 108 129 5419 6773 8128 4370 5462 6555 122 152 183 111 138 166 175 5268 4248 119 108 7376 5948 166 151 9483 7648 213 194 en-masse conveyors 0-15 deg. Based on 45 pcf @ 85% cap. 24 Tall Series Width 18 24 30 units CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH 75 7889 6362 178 161 10519 8483 237 215 13148 10603 296 268 chain speed (fpm) 100 125 150 10519 13148 15778 8483 10603 12724 237 296 355 215 268 322 14025 17531 21038 11310 14138 16966 316 394 473 286 358 429 17531 21914 26297 14138 17673 21207 394 493 592 358 447 537 175 18408 14845 414 376 24544 19794 552 501 30680 24742 690 626 Width 18 Tall Series 14 Tall Series Width en-masse conveyors 0-15 deg. Based on 45 pcf @ 85% cap. 14 18 24 units CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH 75 4741 3823 107 97 6216 5013 140 127 8128 6555 183 166 chain speed (fpm) 100 125 150 6322 7902 9483 5098 6373 7648 142 178 213 129 161 194 8288 10359 12431 6684 8354 10025 187 233 280 169 212 254 10838 13547 16256 8740 10925 13110 244 305 366 221 277 332 175 11063 8922 249 226 14503 11696 326 296 18966 15295 427 387 en-masse conveyors 0-15 deg. Based on 45 pcf @ 85% cap. Width 30 Tall Series en-masse conveyors 0-15 deg. Based on 45 pcf @ 85% cap. 24 30 36 units CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH 75 13388 10797 301 273 16734 13495 377 342 20081 16194 452 410 chain speed (fpm) 100 125 150 17850 22313 26775 14395 17994 21593 402 502 602 364 456 547 22313 27891 33469 17994 22493 26991 502 628 753 456 569 683 26775 33469 40163 21593 26991 32390 602 753 904 547 683 820 175 31238 25192 703 638 39047 31490 879 797 46856 37787 1054 957 en-masse conveyors 0-15 deg. Based on 45 pcf @ 85% cap. 36 Tall Series Width 30 36 42 units CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH CFH BPH TPH MTPH 75 22781 18372 513 465 27338 22047 615 558 31894 25721 718 651 chain speed (fpm) 100 125 150 30375 37969 45563 24496 30620 36744 683 854 1025 620 775 930 36450 45563 54675 29395 36744 44093 820 1025 1230 744 930 1116 42525 53156 63788 34294 42868 51442 957 1196 1435 868 1085 1302 175 53156 42868 1196 1085 63788 51442 1435 1302 74419 60015 1674 1519 we offer 2 standard lines Premium 0-15 Degrees Based on 45 PCF at 85% capacity 7 gauge Hot Dipped Split Head and Tail Casings Split and Hardened Sprockets AR lined Return Rails WHX Chain with 10’ of cottered adjustment Class II Drive TG&P Shafting Dodge Imperial Bearings Fully cast Motor and Junction Box Inspection Doors on Head and Tails Stainless Steel Adjustment Points / Slider Plate Basic 10 gauge Head and Tail Casings The values listed in our capacity charts are of a general nature and can change depending on the application of the drag conveyor required. TPH Capacities are based on 45 Pounds per Cubic Foot. All drag conveyors will be quoted to your requirements. Straight Bore Sprockets Please call 410.546.0811 or e-mail sales@rnc-co.com your inquiry and we will be happy to assist you. TG&P Shafting Idler Sprockets Return WH Chain with 10’ of cottered adjustment Class II Drive Set Screw Ball Bearings Stamped Steel Motor visit rnc-co.com ■ ■ ■ details that matter