Did You Know? Online donations now accepted


Did You Know? Online donations now accepted
Administrative Office
1382 South Third Street
Carriage House
Officers & Directors
Margaret Pennington, Chair
Jefferey M. Yussman, Vice Chair
David W. Miles, Treasurer
Cissy Mills, Secretary
Robert P. Bordogna
Meredith Brown
Christina Butler, M.D.
William Friel
Gregory A. Mayes
Alan K. MacDonald
Nancy Neill
George Rapp
Melissa Routt
Jackie Swigart, Ph.D
Elmore A. “Ack” Willets, III
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
P.O. Box 1927
Louisville, KY 40201-1927 Staff
Katharine R. Dobbins, LCSW
Executive Director
Robert L. Brodbeck
Chief Operating Officer
T. Patrick Rhodes, LCSW
Director of Programs
Nancy L. Doctor
Development Director
Amy Wilson
Lanier Siewertsen
Accounting Assistant
Tony Cecil
Program Information Director
Permit No. 1105
Louisville, KY
To promote the recovery
of persons with mental
illness through leadership
in the development of
quality housing and
rehabilitation services.
BB&T Beautifies the Garden at Ardery
Honorary Lifetime Members
Philip P. Ardery, Founding Chair
Nancy B. Bell
Roberta Fischer
Rev. Richard H. Humke
Clifford C. Kuhn, M.D.
Malcolm R. Mathews, Jr.
Cornelia A. Serpell
Bosworth M. Todd, Jr.
John I. Trawick
November 2010
Did You Know? Online donations
now accepted
• 1 in 100 people have schizophrenia, making it twice as common as HIV/AIDS
• The risk of developing schizophrenia
increases from 1% in the general
population to 10% if a parent has the
• Roughly 50% of affected individuals are
not receiving any treatment due to
stigma, cost, and lack of understanding
that today, recovery is possible!
To learn more about how Wellspring impacts
the lives of our clients and our community,
join us for a brief tour of Wellspring program
sites. We select different programs each
month, so call or email today to register for
one that most interest you – and you’ll see
what a difference Wellspring can make!
November 19, Friday Noon
December 15, Wednesday 4:00pm
January 13, Thursday at 2:00pm
February 18, Friday at Noon
Contact: Nancy Doctor at 634-1566 or
via email:
In the midst of updating our website
and database we are also increasing
our development and fundraising efforts.
We’re happy to announce that
Wellspring is now able to accept online
donations, increase awareness of events,
and form teams of supporters. How?
By utilizing CrowdRise, an easy to use
website that provides a mechanism for
non-profits to increase fundraising
efforts and volunteer recruitment.
to make a donation or join our team today!
Over the course of three
weekends, a crew of
volunteers from BB&T
transformed Wellspring’s
Ardery House garden
area as part of BB&T’s
Lighthouse Project.
This company-wide
community service effort
makes the communities
BB&T serves better
places to live by lending helping hands to those in
need of hope and encouragement during this time of
economic recovery. The hard-working group cleaned
away debris, cut and dug out overgrown shrubbery
and pulled out wheel barrow loads of weeds. Then, new shrubs, flowers
and bulbs were planted, and fresh mulch was spread to surround the
entire garden. Finally, the patio was enhanced, garden furniture was
added, and garden art pieces were installed. This was truly a “recovery”
project - BB&T recovered the garden from the damages of the 2009 flood
and an earlier fire that did little to the house but ravaged the backyard.
Thanks to BB&T the area is once again a peaceful, restorative place for
our Ardery House residents to enjoy. Grant Received from
the Honorable Order of
Kentucky Colonels
Special thanks to the
Honorable Order of Kentucky
Colonels for providing a
grant to finish the back yard
Photo: Executive Director, Kathy
and patio project at Ardery House. Through
Dobbins, accepts the grant
this grant award, a covered patio and a
award from General Jim Lindsey
pergola will be added and sections of fencing
will be repaired or replaced. Once these are done, this area, which was
first damaged by a fire and later by the flood, will again be a therapeutic
space that provides a quiet haven and socialization opportunities for
the Ardery House residents. We are grateful to the Honorable Order of
Kentucky Colonels for helping us support our participants along their
paths to recovery and applaud all that they accomplish across the
Commonwealth through their Good Works Program.
Speed Museum hosts an Evening
of Art, Music, and Advocacy
Rave reviews have followed this year’s Evening of Art, Music &
Advocacy, sponsored by Wellspring, Bridgehaven and NAMI-Louisville.
Nearly 300 guests gathered on October 15th at The Speed Art
Museum to view this year’s collection of art, jewelry, holiday cards,
and gift baskets produced by participants in the art therapy programs
at Wellspring and Bridgehaven. As the mellow strains of vocalists/
guitarists Charlie Merrill and David Moore filled the Sculpture Hall,
guests mingled with the artists and selected works to purchase for their
personal collections. Following the art show and sale, the Kentucky
public premier of “Unlisted: A Story of Schizophrenia” mesmerized
the audience. This powerful documentary was followed by a panel
discussion which included Dr. Rif S. El-Mallakh, Molly Clouse, Bertha
Diaz-Story and the filmmaker, Dr. Delaney Ruston, who joined in via
Skype. Kathy Dobbins, Wellspring’s Executive Director, offers special
thanks “to all who came out to our event. The subject matter is not
an easy one, as we all know… and some of the comments I heard
after the show were very compelling. Delaney Ruston is a wonderful
person and a great spokesperson for families as well as someone
who could potentially have a broad impact on the field –from public
policy changes to stigma reduction.” Wellspring supporter, Liz Coomes
adds, “The movie was the best I have seen on mental illness. We saw
the man – and not the illness first – and his love for his daughter.”
This annual event is designed to raise awareness, provide education
and help to reduce stigma about mental illness. To learn more about
the film or the filmmaker, or to contact Dr. Delaney Ruston, visit the
website: www.unlistedfilm.com.
crisis stabilization services transitional housing supported housing independent housing
Wellspring’s Holiday Wish List
We need a few “Angels” from organizations, companies,
groups or individuals to help make the holidays enjoyable
and memorable for Wellspring’s clients. There are a variety
of ways to help! You can show our folks that someone cares
by giving…..
Invites you to a special day of holiday shopping
Holiday Gifts…for Wellspring’s residents. Just 2 gifts per
resident (one in the $20-$30 range and one in the $8-$10
range) will make a real difference in someone’s life. To make
the shopping quick and easy, we will provide a “Wish List”
from each resident, complete with sizes, etc.
Thursday, November 18 • 5:30-9:00 pm
Wine & Tasty Treats - and Door Prizes, too!
Or, shop any time that day and benefit Wellspring
just by mentioning us at time of purchase.
12121 Shelbyville Road (next to Cheddar Box Café)
Middletown, KY 40243
Holiday Dinner… Several of Wellspring’s houses need
Mark Your Calendar Now!
sponsors for their holiday dinners. Donations such as
Shop & Support Wellspring
Kroger, WalMart, Sam’s Club, and ValuMarket gift certificates
Details available on the website: www.twochicksandcompany.com
(to purchase meat, fresh produce, perishables, etc.); canned
and frozen goods, desserts, napkins, and decorations will
help assure that everyone enjoys a special holiday celebration. One house is in need of a dining room table and chairs
to seat 8.
And Stockings to hang by the chimney with care…Residents
always delight in receiving a stocking filled with fruit, nuts,
candies, toiletries and other
goodies for the holidays. You
may adopt one or more of
our houses (3 -13 residents
each) to supply filled holiday
Wellspring Walkers – Success Again!
The Wellspring Walkers and friends participated in the 2010 NAMILouisville’s Walk for Recovery on Sunday, September 12th and
The Race to End Homelessness on Saturday, September 25th. The
weather was beautiful for both events and hundreds of supporters
came out to show their support. Participants enjoyed music, games
and some healthy exercise and helped to increase awareness of
mental health and homelessness issues in Louisville.
It’s Easy to be a Wellspring
“Angel”– Do it today! Just
contact Traci Hall,
Development Manager, at
502-637-4361 x 16 or Traci.
Wellspring’s Derby Preview
Party ’11 Planning Underway
Celebration of Recovery
Over 85 Wellspring participants were recognized at the 7th
Annual Celebration Recovery at Wayside’s Hotel Louisville on
October 29th. Guests enjoyed an expansive hot buffet, with
the strains of Wellspring’s own Charlie Merrill as a backdrop.
Journey House graduate, Lisa Steffen shared her personal story
of recovery; she was rewarded with a standing ovation for her
powerfully motivating message. Each participant was awarded
a certificate celebrating their personal achievements
over the past year and a
journal to record their
Cutia Brown, Journey House
progress in the year
Clinical Supervisor, congratulates
ahead. Very special
thanks to those who made
Lisa Steffen for her inspiring
this event possible! message of recovery.
The Event Committee began meeting in August to plan the
13th Annual Derby Preview Party, set for April 26, 2011 at
Churchill Downs on Millionaire’s Row. The committee meets the
last Tuesday of every month at noon and is open to new members.
We are currently seeking individual and corporate sponsors, as well
as donated items for the event’s live and silent auctions. If you
would like to join our committee
or make a contribution, please
contact Traci Hall at
502-637-4361 x16 or via e-mail at:
Save the Date
April 26th
I was manic, psychotic,
stuck in jail,
lost all my belongings,
homeless – then I
became a resident at
Ardery House and now,
I’m humble with 14 months of sobriety I
feel secure. I know I need to continue to
work on my dual-recovery, but I can be
happy.” ~ Russell
“I’m very appreciative to be part of
Wellspring. They have a lot to offer
women who are homeless
and have a mental
illness and addiction.
Cutia Brown and Kathy
Kelton at Journey House
have been so supportive
of my recovery these last four years!”
~ Carolyn
It is easy to make a gift to
Just complete the form below and send it to:
PO Box 1927
Louisville, KY 40201-1927
Your stamped envelope helps us increase
support for our programs.
• I would like to make a one time gift of $________
• A check is enclosed ______(Make check payable to Wellspring)
(Please do not mail cash.)
• Please use my credit card: □__Visa __Mastercard □__AmEx
Russell, Carolyn,
Charles and Stacey ‘s
lives are changed forever
because of Wellspring.
However you celebrate, the
holiday season is the time
to remember those who
need a bed, a meal, and the
support it takes to face the
challenges of mental illness.
Please send your gift today –
Your holidays will be the
richer for it!
“Wellspring helped
me get my own apartment, after nearly two
years of homelessness. I love everything
Wellspring is doing
for me. It has helped me with reducing
my stress so that now I can envision a
future with a stable life in the community.” ~ Charles
Name as it appears on card:____________________________
Billing Address: ______________________________________
Acct. #: _____________________________ Exp. Date: ______
• I would like to pledge a total of $________, to be paid □
___monthly □
___quarterly □
“Wellspring’s Concord
House is my home away
from home. Here, I’m
treated well - yet challenged every day. I’m
supported and loved…
and it is like family to me!” ~ Stacey
• Please send pledge reminders. ______Yes
• My employer, ____________________________________,
matches my gift.
• Donor Name: ______________________________________
Wellspring Earns MUW
Award for “Exceeding
Telephone: ________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
This year’s Metro United Way’s Program Review Team rated
Wellspring 24 out of 25 for demonstrating strength in Quality,
Learning, Results, Measurability, Connection, Networks,
Relationship Base, Transparency, Openness, and Stewardship.
Mary Kate Poling, Senior Vice President of Community Impact,
writes, “Your agency is recognized as a real asset to our community. Your commitment to the people you serve, and your
dedication to finding new and better ways of providing those
services is exceptional.” Wellspring’s Director of Programs,
Pat Rhodes responds, “Striving to meet the needs of the people we serve in measurable ways allows us to demonstrate
the value of our vision in ways that are tangible and meaningful. This recognition from Metro United Way validates these
efforts and affirms the hard work done by all of our staff. It is
an honor to be viewed as an asset by Metro United Way.”
• This gift is: □
In Memory Of: _______________________________________
(Name of Deceased)
In Honor Of: _________________________________________
(Name of Honoree)
To Celebrate: _______________________________________ (Birthday, Anniversary, etc.)
Please acknowledge my gift to: __________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City/ State/ Zip: ______________________________________