Circle of the Dark Moon Coven Lughnasadh Ritual


Circle of the Dark Moon Coven Lughnasadh Ritual
Circle of the Dark Moon Coven
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Lughnasadh Ritual
Lughnasadh Ritual
August 01, 2012
A harvest festival and tribute to Lugh to mark the waning year and
death of the Holly King
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You will need these items:
General items •
Altar facing East. Bell Incense (dragon’s blood, galangal, or any incense good for expanding psychic abilities) Ritual cake (dark bread) Honey Wine or Ale (dark ale or red wine) God/Goddess candles Black Crone Goddess Candle Red (fire) illumination candle Quarter Candles ‐ Green (North), Yellow (East), Red (South) and Blue (West) Matches or lighter Athamé, Sword, or Wand Besom Chalice for Libation for God and Goddess Plate for libation for God and Goddess Cauldron Ritual specific items •
A loaf of wheat bread A green scarf Page 2 of 22
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o the Dark Moon
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School of Mag
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s Reserved
Cleanssing Sacred Space (Maid
den sweeps—
—with circullar widdersh
hins motions —widdershiins about thee ritual area
a. When
n she is satissfied that enough negatiivity has beeen removed sshe sets the besom aside. Next,, she lights th
he black crone/resolutio
ons candle.
Finallly, the maideen checks th
he layout of tthe altar maaking sure thhat the blackk candle is att least near the cau
uldron. Excep
pt for the ab
bove mention
ned exceptio
ons, the maidden ensures that the alttar should bee divideed between male objectts on the righ
ht—God canndle, censer, salt dish, HP
P’s atham
wand, and beesom— and female objeects on the leeft—Goddesss candle, cauld
dron, bowl off water, chalice, libation
n plate (if useed), bell, andd the HPS’ atham
word. The peentacle shou
uld be placedd forward annd between tthe Goddesss and God ccandles. The m
maiden also ensures that the chalicee is filled andd the ‘cakes’ are on the p
plate. When thesee tasks are co
ompleted sh
he assists thee HPS in any other way ddeemed neceessary. ) Call to the Circcle HPS: (Rings belll to call everryone to thee circle.) HPS: Thiss time is not a time; this place is not a place; tod
day is not a d
day; and thiss nigh
ht is not a nigght. I stand aat the threshhold betweeen the world
ds. I stand reeady to p
part the veil o
of mysteriess may the Anncient Ones help and pro
otect us on tthis mighty journey.. Blesssed be. ote it be. Coveners: So mo
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The Chaallenge and Entry into S acred Spacee HPS: (Cha
allenges eacch covener b
by pointing h
her athame aagainst theirr breast) Better yo
ou should run thyself thrrough on mine blade thaan to enter h
here with malignity or fear in yo
our heart. W
What say you? How dost thou come hhere? Covener: In perfect love and perfect trust.
HP: (Afteer being adm
mitted into sa
acred space, the covenerr approachees the HP wh
ho then smudgess the covenerr with sage o
or lavender. When this aaction is com
mpleted, the covener moves to
o their place about the altar.) Consecration
n of the Elem
ments Charge att the Pentaccle (HP and H
HP kneel beffore the alta
ar. The HP is on the rightt. Both of theem place theeir projectivee hands up
pon the penttacle. After a
a moment, th
hey rise.) Blessin
ng the Salt
aces dish of ssalt upon thee pentacle)
HPS: (pla
HPS: I consecrate thee O creature of salt from the Earth, magicckal aid, and seasoning for the blackk cauldron up
pon the hearth. I cast from thee all hindrance and malign ity, so that in my works of magick you m
may well servve me. All: So mo
ote it be. (HPS rem
moves the diish of salt fro
om the penta
acle and theen places thee dish of wa
ater upon thee pentacle. Then she ta
akes the saltt and using h
her athame ddrops into thhe water thrree measurees he stirs the w
water three times with tthe tip of herr athame. HPPS sets the ssalt aside.) of salt. Sh
Blessingg the Waterr Page 4 of 22
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s Reserved
HPS: I cconsecrate th
hee O creatu
ure of waterr—dark bubb
bles in the cauldron of rebirth—life ggiving, wheth
her swiftly fl owing or fallling from th
he firmament. All: I ccast from the
ee all hindrance and ma lignity, so th
hat in my wo
orks of magicck yo
ou may well serve me. So
o mote it be.. Blessing the A
Air (HP p
places the ceenser contain
ning incensee upon the peentacle) I cconsecrate th
hee O creatu
ure of Air—bblow forth th
he imagination to dare.
HP: I ccast from the
ee all hindrance and ma lignity, so th
hat in my wo
orks of magicck yo
ou may well serve me. All: So
o mote it be.. Ble
essing the Fiire (HP liights the inccense) I cconsecrate th
hee O creatu
ure of Fire—
—force of Maagick’s pyre. HP: I ccast from the
ee all hindrance and ma lignity, so th
hat in my wo
orks of magicck yo
ou may well serve me. So
o mote it be.. All: (HP ssets the censser aside.) Circle Casting
g By Earth (HP h
holds the sca
abbard whilee the HPS dra
aws the swoord. HPS andd HP proceed
d around thee circlee. While walkking about th
he circle, HP
PS holds swoord pointed aat the perimeeter. ) Page 5 of 22
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HPS: I conju
ure thee, O C
Circle of Pow
wer, To be a meeting p
place of love
e, joy and truuth. A bou
undary betwe
een the worrlds of men aand the Realms of the M
Mighty Ones.. A ram
mpart and Pro
otection agaainst all wickkedness, Thaat shall both contain and
d enterttain the pow
wers that shaall be raised within. Wherefore do I co
onsecrate th
hee in the naame of Lugh and Hecate. Strengthening the Cir cle By Water (Sprinkles the salt an
nd water mixxture around
d the circle)
Witch 1: Rain o
of water and
d salt sprinkle
ed upon thee ground, und. Protecct us from w
wickedness and make ouur magick sou
By Air B
(Takes in
ncense aroun
nd circle) Witch 2: Into th
he night sky, incense sm
moke, roil, rise, aand writhe, Sunde
er us from th
he mundane
e like a scyth e. By Fire B
(Takes ca
andle around
d circle) Witch 3: Fire, sshine true an
nd bright, Aid, grant clarity o
of sight, Mayest the Gods be with us this night. Page 6 of 22
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Calling the Quarrters East: South
h: Haail, guardians of the Eastt: Sylphs of tthe Airs. High above in your cloud mansions off the atmosp
phere, our winds wh
hisper of the
e imaginatio n to dare. yo
ome to this ccircle tonight, to witnesss and protecct our Lughnasadh rite.
Draw the invvoking pentaagram of Airr) Haail, guardians of the South: salaman ders of Fire,, From your lavva pools and realms of fi re, ou ignite within us our desire. yo
ome to this ccircle on ton
night, to witnness and pro
otect our Lugghnasadh ritte. (Draw the invokking pentagrram of Fire) Page 7 of 22
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West: Hail, gguardians of the West: U
Undines of thhe Waters.
ow and deep
p, your tides ebb and flow
w; From stream to ocean, you ho
old depths oof emotion, aand mysteriees to know.
e to this circle tonight, to
o witness an d protect ou
ur Lughnasad
dh rite. (Draw the invoking
g pentagram
m of Water)
North Gnomes of tthe Earth. Hail, gguardians of the North: G
Keeping silent ben
neath mountains you m aterialize stone into fan
ntastic workss. Come
e to this circle tonight, to
o witness an d protect ou
ur Lughnasad
dh rite. (Draw
w the invoking pentagram
m of Earth)
HP move to th
he altar) (HPS & H
HP: oon Drawing Down the Mo
The Fivve‐fold Kiss
(aadministers the five‐fold
d kiss—right foot, left fooot, right kneee, left knee,, womb, righ
ht breast, left brreast and lip
ps. When the
e HP reachess her womb,, the HPS op
pens her arm
ms in
n the blessing position. W
When she do
oes the HP ddeclaims:) Page 8 of 22
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Blessed be thy feet, that have brought me in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names. (For the kiss on the lips the HP and HPS embrace full‐length.) HP: (kneels before the HPS who assumes the blessing position with her right foot extended slightly.) I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of fruitfulness; by seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess. (During the invocation, the HP touches the HPS with his right finger upon right breast, left breast, and womb. He touches her in the same fashion again, and finally the right breast. Still kneeling he then spreads his arms outwards and downwards, with palms forward.) Hail Arianrhod from the Almathean Horn. Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice they love adorn. Thy foot is to thy lip… (HP kisses HPS’ right foot) …my prayer upborne Upon the rising incense smoke then spend Thine ancient love, O mighty One descend To aid me, who without thee I am forlorn. (HP rises and takes a step backwards, facing the HPS.) HPS: (Draws the invoking pentagram of Earth in the air in front of the HP using the wand/athame) Page 9 of 22
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HPS: Of the
e Mother Daarksome and
d divine Mine the scourge, and mine tthe kiss; The fivve‐point star of love and
d bliss— Here II charge you in this sign.. (HPS ligh
hts the Goddess Candle C
Candle) (HP stand
ds before the HPS) The Charge of the Godd
dess HP: Listen
n to the word
ds of the Gre
eat Mother, she who of old was called aamong men Artemis, Asstarte, Athen
ne, Dione, M
Melusine, Aphro
odite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianhod, Issis, Bride, Flidais, Brighid
d and by many other name
es too numerous to nam
me. HPS: never ye have need of an
nything, oncce in the mon
nth, and bettter it be When
when the moon iss full, then shall ye assem
mble in some secret place and adore the sp
pirit of I, who
o am Queen of all witchees. There sh
hall ye assem
mble, ye who
o are fain to learn aall sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secretss; to these I will te
each things tthat are yet unknown. Ye shaall be free from slavery; and as a siggn that ye bee really free, ye shall be naked
d in your rite
es; and ye shall dance, si ng, feast, make music and love, all iin My prraise. For Mine is the ecsstasy of the spirit, and M
Mine also is jjoy on earth; for Myy law is love
e unto all beiings. Keep p ure your higghest ideal; sstrive ever towarrds it; let nau
ught stop yo
ou or turn yoou aside. Forr Mine is thee secret doorr which
h opens upon
n the land off youth. Minne is the cup
p of wine of life, and the cauldrron of Cerrid
dwen, which
h is the Holy Grail of imm
mortality. I am the gracious goddess, wh
ho gives the gift of joy u
unto the heart of man. Upon earth, I give
e the knowle
edge of the sspirit eternal; and beyon
nd death, I Page
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givve peace and freedom, aand reunionn with those who have gone before. Nor do
o I demand ssacrifice, for behold, I am
m the motheer of all living, and My lo
ove is po
oured out up
pon the earth. HP: Lissten to the w
words of the
e Star Goddeess; she in th
he dust of wh
hose feet are the ho
osts of heave
en and whosse body enciircles the un
niverse. HPS: I, W
Who am the
e beauty of tthe green eaarth, and thee white moon among thee staars, and the mystery of tthe waters, and the dessire of the heeart of man, calls un
nto thy soul. Arise, and ccome unto M
Me. For I am the soul of nature, who
o givves life to th
he universe. From Me all th
hings procee
ed, and untoo Me all things must retu
urn; and beffore My face, belovved of gods and feared oof men, let tthine innerm
most divine sself be
e enfolded in
n the rapture
e of the infinnite. Let My worship be within the h
heart that rejoiceth;; for behold,, all acts of loove and pleaasure are My rituals. Th
herefore let tthere be beaauty and strrength, poweer and comp
passion, honor an
nd humility, mirth and re
everence witthin you. An
nd thou who thinkest to seek Me, know thy seeking and
d yearning shhall avail theee not unlesss thou know
west the mystery; tthat if that w
which thou seekest thou
u findest not within theee, hold, I have b
been with th
hee then thou wiltt never find it without thhee. For beh
om the beginning; and I am that myystery that iss attained att the end of fro
esire. Drawiing Down th
he Sun Invoccation to thee God HP: I in
nvoke thee aand call upo
on thee, Fathher of us all, Lugh, the Lo
onghand, maaster no
ot of one artt but of them
m all. To
o men lost in
n the dark yo
ou provide yyou provide ssuccor and light. Att the crossro
oads of Worlds, I await thhee; please heed my call. O Lugh, be witth me on thiis your nightt. Page 11 of 22
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Where the veil is tthinnest, ne
ew beginninggs begun, an
nd bindings aand banish
hments done
e, you te
each us the m
mysteries an
nd how all arre connected as though one. Maste
er of the wild
d hunt upon
n moonlit nigght, for those brave enough you banish
h sleep and ggrant the sigght. O Lugh please com
me unto me this Lughnaasadh ritual n
night and grant me yourr wisdo
om’s might. (HPS: stands before the HP) HP: HP: ws invoking p
pentagram b
before the HPPS) (draw
I am the stag of se
even tines,
Lord o
of the Underrworld, darksome, and ddivine, Mine is the realm of shadow ssublime. Mine is the scourgge and mine
e is the kiss;
The fivve‐point star of love and
d bliss‐ Here II charge you, in this sign
n. (HPS: sta
ands aside) andle) (HP lightss the God ca
nt of Purposse Tonight tthe Circle of the Dark Mo
oon gathers to honor thhe Lady and Lord in celeb
bration of Lughnasaadh. Page
e 12 of 22
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Main Working HP/HPS: HP: HPS: (Embrace solemnly but wholeheartedly to signify the sacrificial mating of the corn God with the Goddess.) (Drops to his knees, then sits back and lets his head fall unto his chest as he’s supposed to have died of his love for the Goddess.) (Calls forward two women to help her drape the green scarf over the HP as though it were a shroud.) HPS: HPS: HPS: HPS: (If they haven’t already, the rest of the covens spread themselves about the circle.) (Picks up the small loaf from the altar and holds it for a moment above the head of the ‘dead’ HP. She then returns to the altar and holds the loaf aloft and invokes the Goddess.) O Mighty Mother of us all, You are the bringer of fruitfulness. Of that may we never forget. Have the trees bear fruit, and have the grain grow tall For the final harvesting in the fall. Give us flocks and herds, So that our wellbeing through the winter is assured. And for the maidens grant children tall and strong, So that the tribe may be mighty and thus prolonged. From thou by thy rose of love, Fill me with thy wisdom and spirit from above From your realm, bridge the distance Do thou descend upon the body of thy priestess and servant. (Gently at first, after a moment’s pause, the HPS starts takes the loaf—as though it were a sacred and magickal object—and begins her corn dance about the circle. She finishes her dance facing the shrouded HP.) Gather ‘round O children of the harvest. (The rest of the coven gather around her.) (Here the maiden should assist the HPS by holding the script if necessary) Page 13 of 22
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Behold the Holly King is dead—he who is also the Corn King. He has embraced the Great Mother and died of his love for Her. So it has been year after year, century after century since the Gods first walked among us. But if the Holly King is dead—he who is God of the Waning Year—all is dead and we are lost. All that sleeps in the womb of the Earth would sleep forever. What shall we do that the Holly King live again? Maiden: Give us to eat the bread of Life. Then, shall sleep lead on to rebirth. HPS: So mote it be. (The maiden may now replace the script and the altar candle and return to her place.) HPS: (The HPS breaks small pieces from the loaf and gives a piece to each covener who then eats it. The HPS does not yet eat any of the bread but keeps enough in her hand for at least three more portions. Next, she summons the same two witches she did before to stand again on either side of the HP. When they are in position, she motions for them to lift the veil from the HP. They do so and lay it on the floor.) HPS: Come back to us, Holly King, that the land may be fruitful. HP: (Rises) I am a stag of seven tines I am a wide flood on a plain I am a wind on the deep waters I am a shining tear of the sun I am a hawk on a cliff I am a fair amongst flowers I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke I am a battle‐waging spear I am a salmon in a pool I am a hill of poetry I am a ruthless boar I am a threatening noise from the sea Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen? HPS: (The HPS then gives a piece of the loaf to the HP and takes a piece herself. She replaces the last of the loaf on the altar.) HPS: (The HPS lights the candle.) Page 14 of 22
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All: The Whee
el of the Year has turned
d once moree, and the haarvest will so
oon be upon us. We have ffood on our tables, and the soil is feertile. Natu
ure's Bounty,, the gift of tthe earth, gives us reason
ns to be than
nkful. Motheer of the Harrvest, with yyour sickle an
nd basket, bless me with
h abundance
e and plenty.. HPS: (Holds thee stalks of w
wheat) HPS: This wheaat symbolize
es the powerr of the Earthh, the comin
ng Winter, th
he necessity of planning aahead. What do you nee
ed help plannning right now? Are theere sacrificess you should be
e sowing in the present sso that thosee fruits may be reaped later on in th
he in the future
e? Take this w
wheat, and rub the stalkks between yyour fingers so that a few
w grains of wheat fall upon the altar. Scatterr them on thhe ground ass a gift to th
he Earth. All: The powe
er of the Harrvest is withiin me. As the see
ed falls to th
he Earth and is reborn eaach year, I too grow
w as the seassons change. As the graain takes roo
ot in the fertile soil, I too will ffind my rootts and develo
op. As the sm
mallest seed b
blooms into a mighty staalk, I too will bloom where I landed.
As the wh
heat is harve
ested and savved for wintter, I too will sset aside thaat which I can use later.
HP: Consecratio
on of the Win
ne and Cakees (Symbolicc Great Rite)) The Gre
eat Rite (Sym
mbolic) Fo
or in the Dayys of Old, the
e Body of Wooman was the altar. Co
ome, let us aall share the loving cup oof the God and the Godd
dess (H
HP holds the blade aloft)
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Blade of my heartt and my inte
ent Help u
us all to remember That w
what is given
n is received back threeffold Help u
us all to remember To recceive as gracciously as we
e give. HPS: HPS: HPS: HPS/HP: For in the days of Old, the bod
dy of Man w
was the power Come
e, let us share
e the loving cup of the G
Goddess and
d the God. (She h
holds the chaalice aloft)
Chalicce of my heaart and my in
ntent Help u
us all to remember That w
what is receiived must be
e given backk three timess Help u
us all to remember To givve as graciou
usly as we re
eceive You are the spearr of Lugh, And, tthou art the Grail of the Moon. And th
he two conjo
oined as one
e in truth. Consecration of the W
Wine HPS: (layys her atham
me down and
d places the cchalice on thhe pentacle.)) HPS: May tthis offering to the God aand Goddes s keep us fro
om ever kno
owing thirst. Consecratio
on of the Caakes (HPS goees to the tablle holding th
he food and touches eacch plate in tuurn) HPS: This fo
ood is the bllessings of th
he Gods to oour bodies. LLet us partakke of it freelyy. Moreover, as we share
e, let us rem
member alwaays to see to it that augh
ht that w
we have we sshare with those who haave nothing.. Cakes and Ale Page
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Note: HPS: HPS: Coveners: the ceremony of Cakes and Ales now proceeds according to the HPS’ wishes: either the plate and chalice is passed from covener to covener and they serve themselves or each other according to coven custom or the HPS and HP proceed from covener to covener serving them and finally each other. (When all of the coveners have partaken of the simple feast, the HPS places some food and drink in the libation bowl. HPS raises the libation plate in salute.) To the Gods. To the Gods. Page 17 of 22
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Closingg the Circle
e of Deities
Release o
of the Goddeess HPS: (facces the altarr, assumes th
he Goddess position—orr alternativeely salutes w
with athame—
—and recitess) Queen off the Universe who wears a mantle of stars and moonlight, on this Lugh
hnasadh night, We gathe
ered, to cele
ebrate the first harvest in summer’s waning ligh
ht. We thank you for your attendingg and witnesssing these rrites. With you
ur help, we sshall start do
own the path
h to wisdom ’s light. For this b
boon, and glimpse Of your m
magick, and mystery, We salutte and thankk Thee. Alas, ourr time togeth
her now is paast. We bid thee farewell. ou will and jo
oin our repast; Stay if yo
Leave us if you must. ow that all w
who met here Ere you leave us, kno
Did so in perfect love
e and perfecct trust. oddess candlle) (Extinguishes the Go
e of the God
d HP: (A
Assumes thee Osiris position) Thou art the Stag of Seve
en tines. He who’s pow
wer is wide aas the flood on a plain.
Your wisdom stretches likke a hawk accross the skyy. Who but you W
with smoke
e sets our he
eads afire? You taught uss the secretss of the unhe
ewn dolmenn. Page
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For this boon, and glimpse Of your m
magick, and m
mystery, We salute
e and thank Thee. Alas, our time together now is paast. hee farewell. We bid th
Stay if you
u will and join our repasst; Leave us iif you must. Ere you le
eave us, know that all who met heree Did so in p
perfect love and perfectt trust. Quaarter Dismis sals (The HP follows tthe HPS arou
und the quarrters—exceppt where notted—while th
he rest of the coven
n remain in p
place around
d the circle b
but mimic thhe HPS’ gestuures. At each
h quarter, th
he HPS a
and HP salutte the quarteer with theirr athames. Af
After the dism
missal, the H
HPS, HP, and
d coven
ners, draw th
he banishing
g pentagram
m. The banishhing pentagrram of Earth
h shall be used for alll dismissals.) North
h: Haail, guardians of the Norrth, Gnomes of the Earth
h. On
n this later ssummer, we thank you ffor witnessin
ng and proteecting our Lu
ughnasadh riite. Go
o if you must; stay if you
u will; but knnow that we met in perffect love and
d pe
erfect trust. (Drraw the baniishing pentaagram of Earrth) Page 19 of 22
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West: Hail, guardians of the West, Undines of the Waters. On this late summer, we thank you for witnessing and protecting our Lughnasadh rite. Go if you must; stay if you will; but know that we met in perfect love and perfect trust. (Draw the banishing pentagram of Water) South: Hail, guardians of the South, Salamanders of Fire, On this late summer, we thank you for witnessing and protecting our Lughnasadh rite. Go if you must; stay if you will; but know that we met in perfect love and perfect trust. (Draw the banishing pentagram of Fire) Page 20 of 22
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East: Haail, guardians of the Eastt, Sylphs of tthe Airs, On
n this late su
ummer nightt, we thank yyou for witn
nessing and p
protecting o
our Lu
ughnasadh riite. Go
o if you must; stay if you
u will; but knnow that we met in perffect love and
d pe
erfect trust. (D
Draw the ban
nishing penttagram of Aiir) Grou
unding the CCircle (HPS and HP facee the altar to
ogether. Thee Deities havee been thanked and thee Quarters dismiissed, thereffore, the nexxt action is to
o ‘take downn’ the circle. Since the cirrcle was thriice cast, it should be thrice unwo
ound. Also, b
because the circle was caast doesil it sshould be undone in a widd
dershins direection. An Atthame or sw
word may be used; but I p
prefer the sw
word for reasons you sha
all see later. Assum
ming it was the HPS who
o cast the cirrcle, we’ll lett her undo itt.) (HP h
holds the sca
abbard whilee the HPS dra
aws the swoord. HPS andd HP proceed
d around thee circlee. While walkking about th
he circle, HP
PS holds swoord pointed aat the perimeeter.) HPS: O Circle of Pow
wer, as I havve conjured thee I now rrelease thy eenergies into
o this blade. (In yo
our mind’s eyye, see the ccircle dissolve into a wisppy energy sm
moke, which the glowing
g bladee readily abssorbs) Page 21 of 22
2012 - lughnasadh.docx, Created on 7/31/2012 20:49:00
Where there once existed a rampart between this world and the Otherworld, the rampart is no more. Once again, our realms are separate. However, the love and joy with which we met here tonight remains undiminished. (When three widdershins circuits have been completed, the HP remains at the altar while the HPS walks to the center of the circle and grounds the sword—this is why I said that I prefer using a sword.) HPS: This energy I return unto Mother Earth. May it help heal her hurts in some small fashion. (HPS rejoins the HP at the altar and then together they face the rest of the coven) HPS: The circle is open but remains unbroken. Brothers and sisters, we are children of the Lord and Lady. May they always live within our hearts, our magick, and our lives. Merry did we meet, and merry do we part. Merry may we meet again. Blessed be. Coveners: Blessed be. Page 22 of 22