Lichenoid Dermatitis
Lichenoid Dermatitis
Lichenoid Dermatitis Paul K. Shitabata, M.D. Dermatopathology Institute Wednesday, May 22, 13 Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Lichen Striatus Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Lichenoid dermatitis with superficial and deep perivascular and periadnexal infiltrate Lymphocytes Variable epidermal changes Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Lichen Planus Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Epidermal hyperplasia Hypergranulosis Usually no parakeratosis Saw tooth interface Lymphocytes Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Erythema Multiforme Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Sparse lichenoid interface Dyskeratotic cells May have eos Variable degrees of blistering Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Graft Versus Host Disease Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Cell poor infiltrate Satellitosis Late changes of scleroderma Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 PLEVA (Mucha-Habermann Disease) Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 PLEVA Pityriasis Lichenoides PLC Wednesday, May 22, 13 Other Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Parakeratosis Superficial and deep PV Lichenoid interface Lymphocytes Lymphocytic vasculitis? Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Discoid Lupus Erythematosus Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular plugging Epidermal atrophy Solar elastosis SDPV Interface changes Periadnexal infiltrate Dermal mucinosis Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Mycosis Fungoides Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Histopathology Wednesday, May 22, 13 Intercalation of basal keratinocytes with lymphocytes Pautrier microabscesss Intraepithelial lymphocytes larger than intradermal Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement Additional Lichenoid Diseases Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Fixed Drug Reaction Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Dermatophytosis Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Contact Dermatitis Wednesday, May 22, 13 Wednesday, May 22, 13 Photoallergic Dermatitis Wednesday, May 22, 13 Inflammatory Cell Type Lichenoid Dermatitis Superficial/Deep Wednesday, May 22, 13 Follicular Involvement
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