Happy August - Shawnee County Extension Office


Happy August - Shawnee County Extension Office
volume 29 ▪ issue 17 ▪ www.shawnee.ksu.edu
August 2015
Inside This Issue
Member’s Continuing Education
Be A Mentor!
Brooks’ Byline
Committee Reports
Green House Grow
Members’ Continuing Education
by Mike Jones
Scholarship Essay
Good-Bye from Phil
Garden Reports
Cedar Crest Native Plant
Cedar Crest Perennial
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Business Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Sick Plant Clinic
The next Members’ Continuing Education opportunity will be held
on August 4 at 7 p.m. (or 1900 in Gene time) at the Extension Office
in the upstairs meeting room, and it will be presented by the
legendary Gene Krase. His topic will be drip irrigation. This may be
our last opportunity to acquire some of Gene's extensive knowledge,
as he has relocated to Johnson County.
What Goes Around Comes Around ...
Be A Mentor!
Of Special Interest
2016 Member Directory
Did You Know?
Got Grasshoppers?
On the Road
Wanted / Unwanted
Contact Info
Think back to your first year in Master Gardeners. Was it an easy
year? For most Master Gardeners it was, hopefully, a year when the
new member not only learned lots about plant life but also met
many new people. If things fell into place as they should have, your
novice year was eased into with the aid of your mentor. Mentors
are needed for the Class of 2015. Sign up at the August meeting or
contact Diane Goheen (dgoheen1@sbcglobal.net).
Brooks’ Byline
A Reminder from the
By Alice Brooks
Membership Committee
Even though it is the heat of summer, most of our
personal and Master Gardener gardens are looking
wonderful. The rain has really given everything a
boost. I am having trouble not digging up and moving
extra plants that have appeared. I am (still) clearing
honeysuckle that I have been fighting since I moved in.
This year I am getting serious – I’m resorting to
If you hear of an opportunity to support a Master
Gardener, would you please let members of the Membership Committee know? The committee would like to
send cards when a Master Gardener is ill or undergoes
surgery. The group also likes to send condolences upon
the death of an immediate family member. Please contact
Jeanne Roth at 817-0435 (higenii@hotmail.com) or Diane
Goheen at 862-1951 (dgoheen1@sbcglobal.net).
It is hard to get rid of perfectly good plants (you all know
what I mean). I think one strong reason is the mosquitoes
this year. Clearing things out helps get rid of them. But I
have added some goldfish to my pond, and they are fat
and happy eating insect larvae.
Reports ...
Now I have to face the fact that my yard is overfull
because of my plant collecting. It is time to cull. So if
you need rose of sharon, ditch lilies, golden rain tree, or
ground cover for sun or shade, get in touch with me
soon. I can fix you up --and that will help fix up my yard!
Green House Grow Committee Report
by Lynn Weaver
Scholarship Committee Report
by Steve Paige
It’s already time to start thinking about our next growing
season! We will meet in late August or early September to
select our seeds for next spring and design our hanging
baskets. Take note of any plant combinations you like and
bring them to the meeting for consideration for our
hanging baskets. I will let you know by e mail when the
meeting will be.
The purpose of the Master Gardener scholarship activity is
to promote SCEMG as a community service organization.
Sounds a little self-centered, but the more Shawnee
Countians know about Master Gardeners the better. The
activities of the Scholarship Committee coincide with the
academic year. As such, our first meeting of the 2015-16
academic year will be held 10 a.m. to noon, August 17 at
the Extension Office downstairs conference room.
Committee members will choose an essay topic to be
addressed by the 2016 scholarship applicants. Thanks to
the Advisory Board for approving a 2016 Scholarship
Committee budget of $2500.
Archives Committee Report
by Judy Ashbaugh
If you wish to be a member of the Scholarship Committee,
please contact Steve (steveandjackie@cox.net), and plan to
attend the August 17 meeting. The next Scholarship
Committee meeting will be in February 2016 to select
scholarship recipients.
The Archives Committee is working hard to get all of the
hard copy photos into the database. Please help by letting
us know when you see an article featuring any Master
Gardeners. We don't want to miss any of these articles.
Scholarship Essay
Following is the essay by the fourth of four scholarship
recipients. Chelsey was not in attendance for the April 7
Master Gardener meeting when the recipients were
recognized. Thus, we don’t have a picture of her
accepting her award.
Winning Essay
by Chelsey Johnston
When the day of the event came, we were busy setting
everything up. As it turns out, my co-chair and I had made a
mistake. We needed more time to set up than we had originally
thought, but the youth seemed to just gain interest as we
brought in more and more 4-H projects that members from our
Ambassador club had made for the Shawnee County Fair in
past years. When we were finally done setting up, we saw that
all of our hard work paid off. There were both 4-Her’s and non
4-Her’s at the event, and the parents were all talking to each
other. I do not know how many youth joined 4-H after the
event, but I do know clubs gained members because of the
It took four months to plan the entire event and was worth
every second of it. I remember feeling so happy because I was
giving back to the program that had given so much to me.
In the past year, I have made a difference in 4-H. I have
helped gain new members for the Shawnee County 4-H
program by going out to various events all around Shawnee
County, such as the Lawn and Garden Show and school
carnivals, and by planning and leading events to help
promote the program in a positive manner.
Dear Gardening Friends,
Each year in my 4-H Ambassador Club, we have to pick
someone to lead and plan the 4-H Fall Kickoff, which starts
off our 4-H year. 4-Her’s and non 4-Her’s are welcome to
come to it and the Ambassadors always try to ensure that
everyone has fun. This year, I was picked to be the youth
chair for the event. I chose my co-chair and we met once a
month to discuss the Fall Kickoff. It was challenging at
first, because we had only two months to figure out where
we wanted the event to take place, so that we could reserve
it. We chose the Bettis Family Sports Complex, and were
excited when we learned that we could use both the soccer
field as well as the building next to it. We wanted to help
revitalize the program because 4-H meant so much to both
of us, and we wanted to see it succeed. We hoped to make
the Kickoff a large event, so that both 4-Her’s and non
4-Her’s would look forward to coming to it. We decided to
take a risk and hire the Bubble Soccer company. It was
something that we had heard about, that we thought would
be fun, but didn’t know how everyone coming to the event
would react to it. Our fears were unfounded though, when
bubble soccer turned out to be the most popular game at the
Fall Kickoff. After all decisions were made about food and
games, we made flyers and handed them out all across
Shawnee County. Many youth, both 4-H and non, came to
the event.
The last four years with SCEMG has been a rewarding part
of my life in Topeka – new friends, new knowledge,
opportunities to serve our community, and the usual
challenges of maintaining a non-profit, service-oriented
organization. Thanks for the opportunity to join you in this
endeavor and lifelong avocation. My wife and I are moving
to the Asheville, North Carolina area to be closer to family
and new grandchildren. I hope to join the master gardener
group in Bumcombe County and enjoy the rich horticulture
resources of the area including the North Carolina
Arboretum and Biltmore Estate. Please contact me if you
are traveling or visiting in the western North Carolina
region. As May Sarton said, “Everything that slows us
down and forces patience,
everything that sets us back into
the slow orders of nature, is a
help. Gardening is an instrument
of grace.”
Phil Roudebush
26 S. Kaufmann Stone Way
Biltmore Lake, NC 28715
Cedar Crest Native Plant Garden
by Steve Paige
The native bed at Cedar Crest has gone wildflowers. Each plant is
doing its best to outgrow, outlast, or outperform its neighbors. After
two seasons with very little rain, the native plants are coming on strong.
So much, in fact, we have an abundance of a few things, but mainly
Monarda fistulosa. So, on August 31, bring a shovel and a bucket and
come dig some up for your own use. And what is M. fistulosa? Read
about it at: http://kswildflower.org/flower_details.php?flowerID=196
The first Master Gardener to email me (steveandjackie@cox.net) the
correct number of native plants visible in the above picture will have
their name published in a future Native Plant monthly report. What an
honor. The winning Master Gardener may even receive a prize. (The
decision of the judges, me, will be final and prizes are subject to
Cedar Crest Perennial Garden
by Mary Lou McPhail
Driving around Topeka this summer, the
purple coneflowers are especially plentiful.
Cedar Crest's Perennial Garden has a sturdy
stand of this pinkish-purple "daisy" with rust
-colored cone-shaped centers. Near the pink
rock, the coneflowers are combined with
Shasta daisies. The Joe-Pye Weed, which
has a mauve flower, is just about ready to
bloom. It is between the yellow lilies and
Shasta daisies. The Balloon Flower
(Platycodon) on the front edge is a fivepetaled pointed star when it blooms. An
interesting plant that is not in the picture is
the Globe Thistle, which is in full bloom.
Come see if you can find the Globe
Thistle. Master Gardeners can get lots of
ideas of what plants look good together
when visiting this garden!
Woodland Garden
by Jeanne Cohorst & Ken Carlat
The moisture we've had this spring and summer
has been amazing for the Woodland Garden.
The ground cover, Painter's Palette (Persicaria
viginiana or knotweed) is not only overwhelming —
but taller than I've ever seen it!
The Oakleaf Hydrangeas are very full and the
blooms are bursting open! We have great committee
members who work very hard to maintain the
garden. And now the challenge is the heat, as well
as the “overgrowth” of everything. If you get a
chance, visit the garden.
Calendar of SCEMG Events & Advanced Training
25 — 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Downtown Topeka Farmer’s Market, Shelley Miller, 12th
and Harrison
25 — 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. — K-State Research and Extension Horticulture Center Field
Day, 35230 West 135th Street, Olathe, $5.00 per person at the gate
August 4 — 5:45 p.m. — Advisory Board Meeting, EMR Office
August 4 — 7 p.m. — Members’ Meeting, EMR Office
August 4 — 7 p.m. — Drip Irrigation (1U), Gene Kruse, EMR Upstairs Meeting Room
August 8 — 7:30 a.m. to Noon — Downtown Topeka Farmer’s Market, Need Team
Captain, 12th and Harrison
August 13 — 7 p.m. — Fall Lawn Care (1U), Steve Paige, Topeka/Shawnee County
Public Library
August 22 — 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Downtown Topeka Farmer’s Market, Shelley
Miller, 12th and Harrison
August 27 — 7 p.m.—Gardens to Attract Bees & Butterflies (1U), Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library
Future Dates…
September 1 — 8:45 a.m. — Advisory Board Meeting, Grace UMC
September 1 — 10 a.m. — Grass Seed Label/Common Turf Grass Weeds (2U), Chad Bullock, Grace UMC
September 1 — 12 p.m. — Members’ Meeting, Grace UMC
September 10 — 7 p.m. — Perennial Garden Layout (1U), Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library
September 12 — 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Downtown Topeka Farmer’s Market, Patty Parr, 12th and Harrison
September 22-25 — International Master Gardener Conference, Coucil Bluffs, Iowa
October 6 — 7 p.m. — Members’ Meeting, Member Gardening Tips and Tools/IMGC Report (1U), Mike Jones,
EMR Office
October 8 — 7 p.m. — Houseplants & Fairy Gardens (1U), Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library
November 3 — 10 a.m. — Climate and Weather in Shawnee County (2U), Mary Knapp, Grace UMC
November 3 — 12 p.m. — Members’ Meeting, Grace UMC
December 1 — 6 p.m. — Recognition Dinner*
*Details TBD
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Advisory Board Meeting was called to order by Marda Neufeld, Acting President, at 8:45 a.m. The meeting was held at Grace Methodist Church. Present were: Bill Layes,
Acting Treasurer, Jamie Hancock, Horticulture Agent, Alice Brooks, Assistant Horticulture Agent, Bill Layes, Treasurer, Board Members: Judy Ashbaugh, Diane Goheen, Barb
Leeper, Phil Rhoudebush, Wayne Stander, Joyce Stover, Lynn Weaver, Bruce Woolpert, Linda Croucher, Joan Scott, Berni OKonek, Secretary, and Mathew McKerna, Horticulture Agent from Sedgwick County .
Welcomed and introduced Mathew McKerna. New Board Member, Linda Croucher and Joan Scott were welcomed
Secretary’s Report: There was no member meeting in June. The minutes from May were approved as published in the Scoop.
Treasurer’s Report: Report was approved for May and June as published in the Scoop. Bill Layes reported that amended tax report was filed regarding the plant sale.
Agent’s Report:
Jamie asked for volunteers for July 24th from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 pm. to help with the Horticulture judging, being held at Lowman United Methodist Church, 4000 SW
Drury Lane.
Announced: There will be Budget Hearing by the County Commissioners on July 13, 2015, in the Commissioners Chamber in the basement of the Shawnee County
Court House. A show of support for the Extension Office and the Master Gardeners will be appreciated.
Farmers Market organizers are asking the Master Gardeners to participate at the Wednesday Market from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The Market is on 10th street just south of
the front entrance to the Capitol Building.
Laurie Chandler, Shawnee County Extension Director, has accepted a position with K-State Research and Extension as Associate Program Leader in Manhattan, Ks.
Wednesday, July 22, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. a farewell reception will be held in the Extension Meeting Room A motion was made and approved to make a donation of
$250.00 to the Shawnee County Extension Foundation in Laurie’s honor.
Communications: Grace United Methodist Church is making changes to the activities policy regarding fees. Since the Master Gardeners have a contract for 2015, they are
grandfathered in. The Master Gardeners will NOT be able to have the Holiday Happening at the Church. However, it is most likely they will have the use of Reynolds Lodge at
Lake Shawnee. Bill Layes and Marda Neufeld will communicate with the Church officials regarding future use of the facility by Master Gardeners.
Old Business:
Bruce reported on the material storage issue. Chad Bullock will donate storage space for Garden Show items. Discussion occurred regarding storage of other items and
the possibility of building a shed or an addition to the shed at the vegetable garden. He will have more information at the August meeting.
Jamie reported about the Visioning Meeting. A survey regarding the Visioning meeting will be compiled for members input.
The new Website for K-State Extension has had delayed access for now. It will be available soon.
New Business:
Steve Paige presented the budget proposal from the Scholarship Committee. The request for $2500.00 was approved.
The Membership Committee will add the updating of the members directory for 2016 to their list of activities.
There was discussion of the theme for the Mentor –Mentee Breakfast Event in January of 2016.
It was noted that all Youth Certifications are in order.
The topic of limiting committee sizes was tabled for lack of time.
Washburn Tech is requesting Master Gardeners to use the greenhouse to grow plants for Common Ground Community Gardens. That Sub –Committee of Greenhouse
Grow would be active only March, April and May. It would be a one (1) year trial commitment. The board approved. This needs to be presented to the Greenhouse
Grow Committee.
Olathe Research Station is having their Open House July 25th.
Record your Hours – Please
Adjourned 9:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted Berni OKonek, Secretary.
Business Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
10:05 a.m. Phil Roudebush presented “The Living Soil” for 2 Education Credits
12:12 P.M. The members Meeting was called to order by Acting President Marda Neufeld.
Secretaries Minutes: Minutes from May meeting were approved as published in the Scoop. There were no minutes from June
as no meeting was held.
Treasurers Report: The reports from May and June were approved as published in the Scoop. Bill Layes, Acting Treasurer
reported that an amended tax form was filed in regards to the plant sale.
Agents Report:
Jamie Hancock introduced Mathew McKerna, the Sedgwick County Extension Agent visiting today.
Jamie asked for volunteers for the Horticulture judging to be held at Lowman United Methodist Church, 4000 SW
Drury Lane, on July 24, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
There will be an Extension Office budget hearing, Shawnee County Commission Hearing Room, on July 13, 2015 at
1:45 p.m. Please attend for support of the Extension Office and Master Gardeners.
Farmers Market organizer are requesting Master Gardener participation two (2) Wednesdays this summer, between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 12 noon. The market is on 10th street by the Capitol front entrance.
Laurie Chandler, Shawnee County Extension Director has accepted a position at K-State Research and Extension in
Manhattan, Ks. There will be a reception for her, Wednesday, July 22, from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Extension meeting
Room. A donation to the Shawnee county Extension Foundation of $250.00 will be made in her honor.
Committee Reports: Compost will be having a demonstration at Garfield Park on September 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Communications: Sharon Rangel will not be resigning from Master Gardeners. Thank You Sharon.
Old Business: Jamie updated the membership on the Visioning project. Jamie highlighted the goals and process. She reported
that there would be a survey of the membership for input regarding the goals.
New Business: The two new Board members replacing John Atherton and Phil Roudebush was announced. They are Linda
Croucher and Joan Scott.
Thank You to the Members who provide the good food for this meetings refreshments
Olathe Research Open House is Saturday, July 25th
Shawnee Public Library Education Series — Control Harmful Insects — presented by Ray Cloyd will be July 9 at 7
p.m. (I think I got his name correct — I did not have a written agenda — they were all gone)
The application for new Master Gardener is online. Applications are due by August 14, 2015.
Please remember to record your hours on a monthly basis.
Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted Berni OKonek Secretary
Treasurer’s Report
Checking Account Balance as of May 7, 2015
Income and deposits:
Plant Sale Donation by Ms Cindy Evans
Berryton United Methodist Women—Elsie Gibeson
Green Team — Recycled Materials
Meeting Can — June MG Picnic
John Kerl—Payment for Shirt
Total Income
Ck 1294 — Xeriscape plants — Barb Lewerenz (Xeriscape)
Ck 1302—Metal template Westside Stamp — Millie Hodges (Membership)
Ck 1304—Payment for flowers for J Domme — Leroy Russell (General Fund)
Ck 1305—Digitized photos Wolfe’s — Judy Ashbaugh (General Fund)
Ck 1306—Materials for Hospitality — Florence Deeter (Hospitality)
Ck 1307—Scholarship — Michael Devoe (Scholarship)
Ck 1308—Scholarship — Alexandra Crome (Scholarship)
Ck 1309—Scholarship — Makenzie Knox (Scholarship)
Ck 1310—Scholarship — Chelsey Johnston (Scholarship)
Ck 1311– Potting soil for Prairie Star Garden — Alice Brooks (Prairie Star)
Ck 1312—Void check — Addressed to wrong payee (Layes error)
Ck 1313—Green Team Committee materials for recycle day (Green Team)
Ck 1314—Zoo and Library green fair — Elsie Gibeson (Youth Committee)
Ck 1315 — Break-Through House concrete blocks — Steve Paige (Special Needs)
Ck 1316 — Filing for Non-Profit 2015 Ks Sec of State — W Layes (General Fund)
Ck 1317 — Jackson’s Greenhouse — Calendula plugs (Garden Show)
Total Expenditures
Checking Account Balance as of July 6, 2015
Money Market Account as of May 31, 2015
Interest Paid
Current balance as of June 30, 2015
Total All Accounts as of June 12, 2015
Sick Plant Clinic
by Alice Brooks
The Sick Plant Clinic was held on July 6 at Fairlawn Plaza Mall. We had 73 clients visit the
experts; they brought 102 problems with them. Our experts Judy O'Mara , Chad Bullock,
Brownie , Ray Cloyd and Jason Grifin were able to answer all the questions. The most
frequently asked questions were about trees (25), flowers (23), fruits (15) and vegetables
(12). The day was a success due to all the help Master Gardeners provided in organizing and
transporting supplies and helping at the Clinic. This is a true learning experience for all of us
each year.
On the Road With ...
Got Grasshoppers?
Cheryl Weber
On a recent trip to Cuba, I toured the grounds of Ernest
Hemingway’s home. It was an oasis in the midst of beautiful but crumbling buildings. We were told that he did not do
much gardening himself but he obviously liked to be
surrounded by vegetation. With the tropical climate, that is
Grasshoppers are very plentiful this year
and are easy to control if you spray while
they are small — NOW!
2016 Directory
The Membership Committee will be assuming responsibility for the 2016 Directory. If your contact information has
changed since the 2015 publication, please send updated
information to Diane Goheen (dgoheen1@sbcglobal.net).
Photos will again be included in the new directory. If you
are dissatisfied with your 2015 picture, please see Jeanne
Roth before the August or September meetings for a retake.
Deadline for updated information is Thursday,
September 10.
pretty easy. This picture shows a tree directly in front of his
home covered with air plants. The spores of the air plant are
carried by the wind and when they land on a hospitable host
they take root. They obviously liked this particular tree!
Of Special Interest ...
Did You Know … ?
This month we are introducing a new feature called
“Wanted / Unwanted.” Particularly this time of year,
members have plants and garden-related items they either no longer want or discover a gardening need. If you
find yourself in either category, notify Chery Weber
(weberbosco2@sbcglobal.net) by the 15th of the month
for publication in the following month’s newsletter.
Wanted / Unwanted
In November, Master Gardeners
will have an opportunity to have
a blue denim shirt embroidered
with the Master Gardener logo.
With back-to-school sales and
garage sales going on this
summer, now is a good time to
look for your shirt. Requirements
are that the shirt must be blue,
must be denim and not have a
front yoke or any decorative embroidery or other embellishments. Information will be
forthcoming about how to place your embroidery order.
Dick Dickinson: I am in need of leaves for my compost
pile. If anyone has some leaves to share I would appreciate it if you would let me know. We live in a newer
house in Wakarusa and do not have any trees where I can
rake up leaves. You can contact me at 785-230-0486 or
(rdickinson11@yahoo.com). I have plenty of other
greens and coffee grounds and alpaca and chicken
manure, but I do need some browns.
Alice Brooks: If you need rose of sharon, ditch lilies,
golden rain tree, or ground cover for sun or shade, get in
touch with me soon. See Brooks’ Byline, page 2.
Shawnee County Extension Master
1740 SW Western Avenue
Topeka, KS 66604-3095
2015 Advisory Board
Marda Neufeld, Acting President
Vacant, Vice-President
Shawnee County Master Gardeners Newsletter is published
monthly for the Shawnee County Extension Master Gardeners,
a volunteer program of K-State Research and Extension
Agency in Shawnee County. Mission Statement: Improving
our community through horticulture.
Berni Okonek, Secretary
Bill Layes, Treasurer
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and
Cooperative Extension Service. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Kansas
State University is committed to making its services, activities
and programs accessible to all participants. If you have special
requirements due to a physical, vision, or hearing disability, or
a dietary restriction, please contact Jamie Hancock, horticulture agent, 785-232-0062, extension 104.
Board Members
Judy Ashbaugh
Linda Croucher
Diane Goheen
Barb Leeper
Joan Scott
Wayne Stander
Joyce Stover
Lynn Weaver
Bruce Woolpert
“Here’s The Scoop!”
is produced by the Newsletter Committee.
Volunteer forms and newsletter
archives on the web at
Committee members are:
Chair—Cheryl Weber (weberbosco2@sbcglobal.net)
Brenda Block (brendabl@cox.net)
Alice Brooks (abrooks@ksu.edu),
Michele Clark (littlebigkitty@gmail.com)
Brenda Jarboe (brenda@thejarboes.com)
Katie Krider (katienana44@gmail.com)
Helen Sourk (sourk@carsoncomm.com)
Christina Walker (christinawalker8033@yahoo.com)
We welcome your news, photos, and ideas for the
newsletter. Contact us!