Official Call - Soroptimist Northwestern Region


Official Call - Soroptimist Northwestern Region
Soroptimist International of Northwestern Region
Inspiring Dreams
Celebrating Success
April 21 – 24, 2016
Historic Davenport Hotel
10 S Post Street
Spokane, Washington 99201
Northwestern Region
Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc.
2014-2016 NWR Board of Directors
Carol Hansen
Stephanie Smith
Marti Crook
Carla Tucker
Nancy Buechner
Dawn Christiansen Cuéllar
Kathi Hanson
Melissa Domme
Governor Elect
District 1 Director
District 2 Director
District 3 Director
District 4 Director
2014-2016 NWR District Secretaries
D1 Renée Recker
D2 Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot
D3 Jo Breneman
D4 Cindy Zimmerman
2014-2016 NWR Conference Team
Marvalene Broadhead
Tamra Sipes
Sharron King
Conference Chair
Site Coordinator
Registration Chair
Table of Contents
Governor’s Welcome Message ..............................................................................1
Official Call to Conference ....................................................................................2
President’s Checklist/Important Deadlines .........................................................4
Club Delegate Responsibilities..............................................................................5
Tentative Agenda ...................................................................................................6
Tentative Workshop Descriptions ........................................................................10
Special Federation Guests and Presenters............................................................12
Region Conference Menu ......................................................................................14
About our Conference Hotel .................................................................................16
Alaska Airlines Discount Information ..................................................................17
Tell and Sell Registration Form ............................................................................18
Celebration of Life .................................................................................................19
Inspiring Dreams Sponsorship Opportunities ....................................................20
Pre-Conference Tour Information and Registration ............................................22
Conference Registration Form ..............................................................................23
Nominating Committee Candidate Resumes .......................................................24
Proposed Changes to NWR Bylaws and Resolutions ...........................................41
Proposed 2016-2018 NWR Budgets .....................................................................46
Credentials Form ...................................................................................................52
Dear Soroptimist Members, Friends and Guests,
The Northwestern Region Board looks forward to bringing you an informative, educational,
and fun-filled region conference at the Historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane,
Washington. To kick-off the weekend, site coordinator, Tamra Sipes, has arranged preconference wine and food tours on Thursday, April 21st with opening ceremonies
commencing at 8:30 a.m. Friday, April 22nd, and concluding by noon on Sunday, April 24th.
We have a great line-up to ensure this conference is one of the best ever! Federation
visitors will energize us, the CEO of SoulPancake will invigorate us, Live Your Dream Award
recipients will inspire us, the winners of the Soroptimist Celebrating Success awards will
excite us, and the Grant of Friendship visitors will enrich us. There will also be plenty of
anticipation as votes are cast for region officers and district leadership. And last, but not
least, the installation of Governor Elect Stephanie Smith and the newly elected region and
district leadership will stimulate us with laughter. We can hardly wait!
We’re trying something new this year. We will not be having a plated dinner Friday
evening. Instead, the meal package includes heavy hors d’oeuvres that will be enjoyed as
part of Tell and Sell, along with activities and fun that will highlight candidates throughout
the evening. Be sure to purchase the Friday evening meal even if you don’t purchase the
full meal package. You won’t want to miss out on the fun and we think you’ll enjoy
something new.
The service project for conference will support the region’s Imagine Life Without Violence
fund which supports club ILWV projects through grants. Raffle baskets are being donated
by several clubs with all proceeds going to the ILWV fund. Members and clubs are
encouraged to make individual financial contributions to show their support.
Riverfront Park is only a few blocks away for early morning walks or a quick break.
Shopping is plentiful in the downtown area and there are fun locations to visit. Conference
attendees will enjoy a discounted self-parking rate of $10 per night. Be sure to register
early to take advantage of the Early Bird rate.
We hope to see many of you at conference and look forward to Inspiring Dreams and
Celebrating Success!
In friendship,
Carol Hansen
Governor Carol
April 21-24, 2016
The 98th Northwestern Region Conference
Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc.
Inspiring Dreams, Celebrating Success
Historic Davenport Hotel
10 S Post Street, Spokane WA 99201
April 21-24, 2016
Beginning at 1:00PM on April 21 with the optional Food or Wine Walking
Presiding Officer: Carol Hansen, Governor
Early Bird Registration Fee is $50 per person if postmarked by
March 21, 2016. Fee increases to $60 per person if postmarked between
March 22, and April 4, 2016. After April 4, a late fee of $40 will be
assessed per registration increasing the registration fee to $100 per
person. All NWR Clubs are required to pay two mandatory registration
fees, whether or not they have delegates in attendance. See Registration
Form for details.
You can register online at or
mail your completed registration form and payment to:
Sharron King/Registration Chair
1934 Woods Rd SE
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Questions regarding registration can be directed to Sharron King at
360-871-1805 or via email at
Additional fees will apply for online registration.
Price of the Meal Package is $235 and includes a Friday morning coffee
service and afternoon break. It is also available for an individual purchase
if the meal package is not selected. See conference meal descriptions for
details and the Registration Form to make your meal package selection.
Rooms are available for $139 per night plus tax for single/double
occupancy; triple occupancy is $154 per night plus tax; quadruple
occupancy is $169 per night plus tax.
To make your reservation call the Historic Davenport Hotel direct at
800-899-1482 or the Davenport Tower at 800-918-9342 and
mention Soroptimist NWR Conference. You may also register online
by clicking the following link:
Book your group rate for Soroptimist International
Last day to make reservations at this rate is March 21, 2016 OR
when the room block is filled. So don’t delay!
Friday – Business Casual during General Session and “Red, White and
Blue” for the evening Meet and Greet/Candidate’s Reception and
Saturday - Business Casual during General Session; Snappy, cocktail
dressy for Saturday Installation.
Sunday – Soroptimist logo wear, etc.
If your club is looking for ways to inspire dreams AND receive benefits
such as: two complimentary registrations and meal packages; VIP tickets
to attend a private reception with Shabnam Mogharabi,
SoulPancake CEO and Executive Producer; complimentary Tell
and Sell table; special seating and more – check out the Inspiring
Dreams Conference Sponsorship information. Help NWR reach
higher with your sponsorship donation.
Deadline for receipt of sponsorship information is
March 15, 2016.
Service Project:
This year our region conference service project will be Imagine Life
Without Violence. We will focus our attention and fundraising on our own
NWR committee and help generate funds for ongoing club grants for
projects focused on domestic violence and human trafficking awareness.
During Tell and Sell on Friday night attendees will have the opportunity
to purchase raffle tickets for twelve (12) fabulous items donated by clubs
within our four (4) districts. Individual and club monetary donations will
also be accepted for the Imagine Life Without Violence fund. For
additional information please contact your District Director or District
Inspiring Dreams, Celebrating Success
President’s Checklist
Important Deadlines
President’s Checklist
o Review all documents in the Official Call to Region Conference available on the Members
Only website at
o Share the 2016 Official Call with all club members and encourage them to attend.
o Let members know they can individually register online at EventBrite at An additional service fee will be assessed by
o Share the various deadlines for registration fees and meal packages. See Call documents,
Registration Form and/or Important Deadlines for details.
o Complete the Credentials form with proper signatures and bring to conference to turn
in at time of registration. Note the times when Registration and Credentials are open.
o Discuss with members the slate of candidates for Region and District officers.
o Share with members Tell and Sell is also available to member owned businesses.
o Review request for Inspiring Dreams, Celebrating Success Sponsorships.
Important Deadlines
 March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
March 30, 2016
April 4, 2016
April 5, 2016
Inspiring Dreams, Celebrating Success Conference Sponsorship
Region “All Aboard the MemberSHIP Campaign” deadline
Early Bird Registration Fee Deadline ($50)
Tell and Sell forms due – space is limited
Celebration of Life forms due to Helene Jensen
Hotel reservation deadline for negotiated rate
Registration deadline for the pre-conference tours
Regular Registration Fee Deadline ($60)
Add a $40 late fee to the Regular Registration Fee for a total of
What to bring to the meeting
o Completed Credentials Form
o Proposed changes to NWR Bylaws, Standing Rules
o Proposed 2016-2018 NWR Budgets
o Monetary donations and/or your raffle item (as pre-arranged with your Director) for the
ILWV service project
o Fun and enthusiasm!
o Tell and Sell items if your club or member owned business has reserved a table.
o As many members and guests as possible!
o Soroptimist pins galore! And don’t forget your Dream Higher Balloon Pin – how could
you forget it!
o Cameras, because you won’t want to miss the action during installation and other
conference fun!
Club Delegate Responsibilities
The elected club delegates should have a working knowledge of Soroptimist laws, region bylaws, the
objectives and ideals of the organization, and experience as a member of club committees or of the board.
An understanding of parliamentary procedure, the ability to work with others, and a spirit of goodwill and
understanding will help the delegate, the club and the Conference body.
The Club President, who is a delegate and who serves as the leader of the club delegation,
1. Allocate time at a business meeting to discuss topics in the agenda so that a majority opinion
expressed by the club will serve as a guide to delegates.
2. Arrange with the other delegate for assigning sections of the report on Conference to be given to
the club.
3. Schedule time at a post-Conference club meeting, as soon as possible after the Conference, for
delegates to present their reports.
Responsibilities of Club Delegates:
1. Study the Call, which includes the tentative agenda listing business to be transacted, forms,
workshops, and the social events.
2. Verify with club president or treasurer that the Credentials form has been completed to be turned
in to the Credentials & Elections Coordinator in accordance with Region requirements. You will
receive the Northwestern Region Credentials/Voting Card upon registration at Conference.
3. Clarify the financial responsibilities. (Some clubs have a specific delegate fund divided among
delegates, some pay all expenses, and some pay allowances to each delegate.)
4. Take to Conference: Region Bylaws, this CALL, completed Credentials Form and your Soroptimist
During Conference, Each Delegate Should:
1. Register Promptly. Wear your name badge so others may get to know you and the club you
2. Be on time. Time schedules for Conference are most important. Guests invited to address the
Conference deserve consideration for operating on time. Attend all sessions: Personal business
should be attended to before or after sessions or during a recess.
3. Be prepared to jot down important business proceedings and background information to report to
the club.
4. Participate in discussion and debate: Remember that you are the liaison between the Region
Conference and the club, so participate with friendliness, moderation, dignity and an open mind.
5. Vote with the club viewpoint in mind. Instead of sending delegates instructed to vote a specific
way, clubs would be prudent to provide the delegates with club viewpoint. The delegates could
then be instructed to use their best judgment in accordance with Conference discussion, taking
into consideration the welfare of all the clubs in the Region.
6. Volunteer or be willing to accept a specific assignment from the Governor during the Conference
period. Involvement promotes fellowship and enhances enthusiasm, which you can share with
your club members.
After Conference, Each Delegate Should:
Prepare a Report as instructed by the club President. The following outline for reporting may be helpful.
1. Share action taken by Conference body on proposed changes in laws, the budget, and other
matters presented to the voting body, and the reason for each action.
2. Ideas for increasing club interest and support in attaining Soroptimist goals.
3. Suggestions for improving club administration.
4. Summary of the workshops and committee presentations.
5. Summaries of addresses and speeches.
6. Your personal evaluation of the Conference.
Tentative Agenda
Northwestern Region 2016 Conference
Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc.
Inspiring Dreams, Celebrating Success
April 21 -24, 2016
Historic Davenport Hotel
Spokane, Washington
Thursday, April 21, 2016
1:00PM – 4:00PM Food and Wine Walking Tours
4:00PM – 6:00PM Registration/Credentials
5:30PM – 8:00PM
No Host Social Gathering
Opportunity to connect before the meeting
Friday, April 22, 2016
7:00AM – 7:45AM Health Walk
7:00AM – 8:15AM
March in of Region Leadership
Call to Order
Presentation of Colors
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Welcome Address
Welcome Address
Introduction of Official Visitors, Special
Credential’s Report
Conference Rules
Adoption of the Official Agenda
Minutes of the 97th Region Conference
Minutes Review Committee Appointments
Conference Committee Appointments
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Finance Committee Report
Historic Davenport Hotel Lobby
Hall of the Doges
The Davenport Tower Lobby Bar
Historic Davenport Hotel Lobby
Hall of the Doges
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Marvalene Broadhead, Conference
Carol Hansen, Governor
SI of Spokane
Marvalene Broadhead, Conference
Marvalene Broadhead, Conference
Katherine Morgan, President/CEO
Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Carol Hansen, Governor
Sharron King, Registration Chair
Carene Davis Stitt, Parliamentarian
Marti Crook, Secretary
Marti Crook, Secretary
Carol Hansen, Governor
Carol Hansen, Governor
Marti Crook, Secretary
Marti Crook, Secretary
Carla Tucker, Treasurer
Kathy Doll, Finance Chair
Fundraising Committee Report
Nominating Committee Report
Nominations from the Floor
Candidates Presentations
Governor Elect’s Report
Presentation of Soroptimist Celebrating
Success Region Finalists
11:45AM –
Introduction of SIA President Elect
SIA Keynote
1:45PM – 2:15PM
2:15PM – 3:15PM
WORKSHOPS I (tentative schedule)
Leadership on the Rise - President/President Elect
Be an Inspired Treasurer!
Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision: A
Reflection and an Overview of SIA’s Programs
3:15PM – 3:45PM
BREAK (snacks and beverages available to those
3:45PM – 4:45PM
WORKSHOPS II (tentative schedule)
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Marta Page, Region Fundraising Chair
Vanessa Horning, Region Nominating
Carol Hansen, Governor
Vanessa Horning, Region Nominating
Stephanie Smith, Governor Elect
Kate Allister, Region SCS Chair
Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Hall of the Doges
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Carol Hansen, Governor
Carol Hansen, Governor
RoseMary Reid, SIA President Elect
Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Carol Hansen, Governor and
Stephanie Smith, Governor Elect
Carla Tucker, Treasurer
Nora Blumenstein, SIA Programs
who purchase a meal package or the Friday Break
Inspiring Teamwork in our Clubs
Meet your Grant of Friendship Visitors for 2016!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Soroptimist Clubs
4:30PM – 5:30PM
5:00PM – 5:45PM
5:30PM – 6:00PM
Last opportunity to register and be credentialed
before Saturday voting
Stephanie Smith, Governor Elect
Carol Kerkow, Region Grant of
Friendship Chair
Sue Riney, SIA Secretary/Treasurer
Hall of the Doges
Marie Antoinette
Grand Pennington Ballroom
6:00PM – 8:00PM MEET AND GREET – Inspiring People, Projects and Dreams Candidates Reception and Activities Tell and Sell ILWV Service Project Raffle Announcements Recess for the day Saturday, April 23, 2016 7:00AM – 8:00AM POLLS OPEN FOR VOTING FOR REGION AND DISTRICT LEADERSHIP 7:00AM – 7:45AM HEALTH WALK 7:30AM – 8:00AM REGISTRATION 8:30AM GENERAL SESSION Greetings Introductions Inspiration Breakfast Credential’s Report Election’s Teller Report Presentation/Voting 2016‐2018 Region Budget Presentation/Voting Bylaws, Standing Rules Membership Report 10:15AM 10:30AM Grand Pennington Ballroom
Vanessa Horning, Region Nominating Chair Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Carol Hansen, Governor
Historic Davenport Hotel Lobby
Hall of the Doges
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Carol Hansen, Governor
Carol Hansen, Governor
Sharron King, Registration Chair
Chris Kelly, Elections Chair
Kathy Doll, Region Finance Chair
Linette Zimmerman, Region Bylaws Chair Paige Bates, Region Membership Chair BREAK GENERAL SESSION RESUMES Grand Pennington Ballroom
Carol Hansen, Governor
Introduction of Keynote Address Shabnam Mogharabi, Co‐Founder “Don’t Just Be Happy. Be an Ambassador SoulPancake of Joy” Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Announcements BREAK 11:45AM – 12:30PM 12:30PM – 2:15PM REGISTRATION OPEN LIVE YOUR DREAM AWARD LUNCHEON – Inspiring Dreams Inspiration Lunch Live Your Dream Award Presentations Q&A with Shabnam Mogharabi Announcements (polls open for run‐off if necessary) Hall of the Doges
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Janet Schempf, Region Live Your Dream Award Chair Shabnam Mogharabi, Co‐Founder SoulPancake Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
2:15PM – 2:45PM
3:45PM – 6:30PM
FREE TIME to enjoy shopping, taking a selfguided tour of the hotel, etc.
4:00PM – 4:45PM
Grand Pennington Ballroom
6:30PM - 7:15PM
Grand Pennington Ballroom
INSTALLATION –Meet Your Dream Team
Installation of 2016-2018 Region Officers
and District Leadership
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Be an Inspired Soroptimist!
Inspiring Others by Recognizing Your Club's
Our Journey Aboard the MemberSHIP…how was
the trip?
Join the celebration immediately following
RoseMary Reid, SIA President Elect
Kate Allister, Region SCS Chair &
Region SCS Committee
Paige Bates, Region Membership
Chair & Region Membership
Carol Hansen, Governor
Kari Loving, SI of Burlington
Sue Riney, SIA Secretary/Treasurer
Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Lifts us Higher
Final Credentials Report
SIA Program Highlights
Legislative Committee Report
Rose Ceremony
Celebration of Life
District Director’s Reports
Region Site Report
Invitation to SIA Convention
Governor’s Report
M&M Awards
Tell and Sell Drawings
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Grand Pennington Ballroom
Stephanie Smith, Governor Elect
Sharron King, Registration Chair
Nora Blumenstein, SIA Programs
Lura Powell, Region Legislative Chair
Marvalene Broadhead, Conference
Helene Jensen, SI of Port Orchard
Nancy Buechner, Director
Dawn Christiansen Cuéllar, Director
Kathi Hanson, Director
Melissa Domme, Director
Tamra Sipes, NWR Site Coordinator
Stephanie Smith, Governor Elect
Carol Hansen, Governor
NWR Officers
Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
Carol Hansen, Governor
Carol Hansen, Governor
Tentative Workshop Descriptions
Leadership on the Rise - President & President Elect Workshop
Presented by: Carol Hansen, Region Governor and Stephanie Smith, Region Governor Elect
Attention current and newly elected Presidents and President Elects – Join us as we help unveil the
mysteries of being an extraordinary club leader. Learn how to create an atmosphere of unity and
collaboration that welcomes diversity. Discover the importance of guiding your club through the Club
Roadmap for Success and how to effectively communicate with all members. This workshop will provide
you with an opportunity to learn more about the basics of Soroptimist leadership. We also want you to
share leadership successes and challenges, best practices and tips, and plans for making a smooth
transition of leadership duties. There will be time to share how participation in mission-focused programs
and projects have lifted your club to greater heights. We look forward to celebrating your leadership
success with you!
Be an Inspired Soroptimist!
Presented by: RoseMary Reid, SIA President Elect
Come learn the value of Soroptimist membership, what it means to be a Soroptimist and why members
stay involved. SIA President Elect RoseMary Reid will provide information on how you, the members, can
be more engaged in making dreams come true. Use these values to help create a healthy club atmosphere
for current members and be more attractive to prospective members.
Be an Inspired Treasurer!
Presented by: Carla Tucker, Region Treasurer
Come join NWR Treasurer Carla Tucker and learn how you as the club treasurer can help your club
“Inspire Dreams”. It (generally) takes funds to inspire dreams and the treasurer plays a big part in taking
care of the club's funds. So come learn the behind the scenes work such as best practices for paying bills
and taking deposits to filing 1099s and 990s to paying dues to preparing financial reports and more.
Our Journey Aboard the MemberSHIP…how was the trip?
Presented by Paige Bates, SI Oak of Harbor Region Membership Chair and the Region
Membership Committee
As our “All Aboard the Membership” campaign draws to a close, join us for a fun and interactive
workshop where you can share your clubs voyage! How did the changing tide of Soroptimist membership
criteria affect how your club recruits new members? How did your club engage new and current members
from across the generations? Together we will not only learn about your club’s journey but begin to
explore additional ways to attract new members and retain our current members, along with exciting
ways to charter new clubs. As a result you will have valuable tools to help continue the rewarding journey
of not only making your own club’s dreams come true but continue the ongoing collective impact we all
have on the dreams of the women and girls we serve
Inspiring Teamwork in our Clubs
Presented by Stephanie Smith, Region Governor Elect
One voice, one team, one mission – isn’t that why we are members of Soroptimist? Sometimes it might
feel like we are a group of individuals working in different directions with different visions of the mission
and sometimes we are a strong team working towards a common goal. When the two approaches collide,
conflict, hurt feelings, frustration and much more can occur. Join Governor Elect Stephanie and learn
about techniques, resources and tools that will assist you in helping your club avoid the collision! Of
course this workshop journey will include fun, laughter and sharing!
Inspiring Others by Recognizing Your Club's Successes
Presented by: Kate Allister, SI of Gresham Region SCS Chair and the Region SCS Committee
Join us to explore the Soroptimist Celebrating Success (SCS) Program and how your participation can
help inspire others in your club and throughout the Region. The SCS Committee will be offering great tips
on how to best design and describe a winning entry. We will also provide some great advice on how to
respond to the evaluation criteria for each of the Four Pillars. Whether this program is new to you, or if
you're looking for ways to understand the "inner workings" of the program, this workshop is for you!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Soroptimist Clubs
Presented by Sue Riney, SIA Secretary/Treasurer
As we begin to look towards a new year, this workshop will look at how to apply Stephen R. Covey’s
bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to our work and engagement within our Soroptimist
clubs. We’ll review each of the seven habits and discuss how they apply towards creating a highly effective
team. Tips, tools and resources will be shared to support club officers, committee chairs and members in
your efforts to be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to
understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw.
Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision: A Reflection and an Overview of SIA’s
Presented by: Nora Blumenstein, SIA Program Manager
How did your dreams as a girl lead to your vision and success as a woman? Join SIA Program Manager
Nora Blumenstein for an opportunity to reflect, be inspired, and learn more about SIA’s programs.
Through guided imagery, journaling, and small group discussion, you will be encouraged to think about
childhood interests, advice you would give your former self, and what that all means for our work as
Soroptimists. Hear about women who have been helped by the Live Your Dream Awards and girls who
have benefited from Dream It, Be It. Learn how your club can be involved in increasing SIA’s collective
impact and what resources are available for clubs. The workshop will conclude with an opportunity to ask
program-related questions.
Meet your Grant of Friendship Visitors for 2016!
Presented by: Carol Kerkow, SI of Pasco-Kennewick NWR Grant of Friendship Chair
Come listen as our four Grant of Friendship visitors share how their clubs are each working to improve
the lives of women and girls in their communities. Join this interesting international experience with time
for Q&A. It will be interesting to learn from each other and gain new ideas and understanding as we lift
women and girls higher throughout the world! Featuring our Grant of Friendship visitors:
Sara Nilsson from Lulea, Sweden
Olufunmilola Buraimoh-Ademuyewo (“Funlola”) from Lagos, Nigeria
Maria Marsh from Surrey, England
Pam O’Dwyer from Barooga, Australia.
Come and see how we are so alike and yet so different!
Special Federation Guests and
SIA President Elect RoseMary Reid
RoseMary Reid joined Soroptimist International of Peterborough in 1991. In the fall of 2014 she moved to
Richmond Hill to be closer to her family. At that time she transferred her
membership to Soroptimist International of York Region. RoseMary has held
several leadership positions, including club president, program council chair,
and Eastern Canada Region governor and Federation Board Member.
RoseMary, is a certified municipal manager. During her 25 years with the City
of Peterborough, she held numerous managerial positions including Flood
Relief Project Manager, Human Resources Coordinator and Manager of the
Provincial Offences Office. After retirement from the City of Peterborough,
she was Executive Assistant to the Congregational Leader for the Sisters of St.
Joseph in Canada. She studied human resources management and business
administration at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Peterborough.
In addition to her Soroptimist activities, RoseMary is active in her community and has served on many
boards and is a strong supporter of the YWCA. RoseMary served as Secretary/Treasurer of the SIA Board
for 2014-2015. She is now serving as President Elect and will be installed as President at the SIA
Convention being held in Orlando, Florida in July 2016.
SIA Secretary/Treasurer Sue Riney
SIA Secretary/Treasurer Sue Riney, a member of Soroptimist International of Oak
Harbor is a Vice President/Project Manager for Wells Fargo Bank and just celebrated
her 35th anniversary with the company. She has been a Soroptimist since 1996, and
has served as federation fundraising council member, Northwestern Region Governor
(2010 – 2012) and Treasurer, Northwestern Region District 1 Director and Secretary;
and club president, and vice president. In addition to her Soroptimist activities, Sue is
an active member of the Whidbey Playhouse and supports the music program and
worship technology at Whidbey Presbyterian Church. She and husband Jim and son
Tim (both Soroptimists) are also assisting us at this conference with AV services
through their company, Riney Production Services.
Special Federation Guests and
SIA Program Manager Nora Blumenstein
Nora Blumenstein serves as the Program Manager for Soroptimist/Live Your Nora manages
Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Award and Dream It Be It programs. She also manages a grant program
that funds more than 30 community projects each year to help women and girls improve their lives, and
engages a large online community through online and offline volunteer opportunities with
Prior to joining Soroptimist, Nora was associate director of Civic House at the
University of Pennsylvania, where she was responsible for managing a tutoring
program, a community service orientation program, and a nonprofit internship
program, all of which engaged student volunteers and community partners. Nora
also advised several tutoring and mentoring student organizations and planned and
facilitated workshops for students regarding responsible community engagement.
For several years, Nora provided counseling and case management to women
affected by domestic violence and sexual assault within various programs and
shelters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Alaska and Belize. Nora holds a master’s
degree in social work from Bryn Mawr College and a bachelor’s degree in
Anthropology and Women’s/Gender Studies from College of the Holy Cross. She lives in Philadelphia with
her dog, Luna.
Keynote Presenter – Shabnam Mogharabi, CEO and Executive Producer at
Shabnam Mogharabi is CEO and Executive Producer at SoulPancake, an award-winning media and
entertainment company founded by actor Rainn Wilson that explores ‘Life’s Big Questions’. SoulPancake
spreads joy and celebrates the human experience by producing and curating uplifting, thought-provoking
content that is distributed on television, online, at live events,
and through branded engagements.
Shabnam joined SoulPancake at its launch in March 2009 as
the co-director of content of She is one of
the co-authors of the New York Times bestselling book
SoulPancake: Chew on Life’s Big Questions. Today, she is
developing the long-term strategic plans for the company’s
ever-expanding business in Los Angeles. Under her leadership,
the company’s revenue has more than doubled in the past year.
Prior to SoulPancake, Shabnam was an award-winning journalist and magazine editor covering
entertainment, finance, real estate, and home design. A California native, Shabnam holds a master’s in
publishing from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s from USC, where she double-majored in
business administration and journalism, with a minor in comparative religion. Yes, she is an overachiever.
Region Conference Menu
Regular and Vegetarian
Friday Break Package (note: this is included with a meal package purchase or it
can purchased separately)
Starbucks coffee (regular/decaf) and tea will be provided in the morning. In the afternoon ice cream bars,
whole fruit, brownies and/or cookies, and covered soft peanut brittle will be available along with coffee
and tea.
Friday Lunch
Both choices include an Organic Spinach Salad with sliced strawberries, Brie cheese crostini and limemint vinaigrette; a Washington Apple Crisp topped with a crispy cinnamon streusel for dessert and
Starbucks coffee (regular/decaf) and tea service
Regular Meal
Braised Boneless Beef Short Ribs – served with roasted garlic Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, red wine
sauce, fresh seasonal vegetables
Vegetarian Meal
Gamelli Pasta Pomodoro – Gamelli pasta tossed with vine ripened tomatoes, fresh asparagus tips,
Portabella mushrooms, squash, fresh basil and garlic tomato sauce
Friday Meet & Greet Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
Regular & Vegetarian
Assorted heavy hors d’ouevres including – miniature sirloin burgers, Asian pork with sliced pineapple,
fresh vegetable display, imported and domestic cheese platter, antipasto display, watermelon and goat
cheese bites
Saturday Breakfast (note: the vegetarian option will be served without bacon)
Regular Meal
House made sourdough French toast dipped in cinnamon batter with grilled Applewood-smoked honeycured bacon and warm apple compote. Includes orange juice and Starbucks coffee (regular/decaf) and a
selection of hot teas
Saturday Lunch
Both choices include a Caesar salad, Signature Davenport Cheesecake for dessert and Starbucks coffee
(regular/decaf) and tea service
Regular Meal
Grilled Rosemary Chicken Breast – served with herb roasted fingerling potatoes, organic beets, fennel,
wild mushrooms, Meyer lemon-fresh thyme butter sauce and fresh seasonal vegetables.
Vegetarian Meal
Gnocchi with roasted Butternut Squash – served with roasted forest mushrooms, pearl onions, tomatoes,
asparagus, Pomodoro sauce
Saturday Dinner
Both choices include a house salad with craisins, mandarin oranges, blue cheese and poppy seed
vinaigrette. Dessert is a Martini Pyramid (mini chocolate flourless cake, crème anglaise with fresh
raspberries) and Starbucks coffee (regular/decaf) and tea service
Regular Meal
Beef filet of tenderloin with a Port wine demi-glacé, Boursin mashed potatoes and fresh seasonal
Seared Alaskan halibut with cauliflower butter braised mashed Yukon Gold potatoes, Meyer lemon-thyme
butter sauce, arugula pesto and seasonal vegetables
Vegetarian Meal
Open-face Portobello and sweet potato veggie tower with Kalamata-caramelized onion Pomodoro sauce,
grape tomato and caper relish, basil emulsion
Sunday Breakfast Regular & Vegetarian Meal
Classic Breakfast Buffet – includes a display of sliced seasonal fruit, sliced breakfast breads, pastries, and
Davenport coffee cake. Fluffy scrambled eggs, country-style Yukon Gold breakfast potatoes, breakfast
sausage, and hardwood-smoked, honey-cured bacon. Starbucks coffee (regular/decaf) and tea service
along with juices are also provided.
About The Historic Davenport Hotel
Davenport Hotel's Rich History
The Historic Davenport Hotel opened in 1914 as a destination in its own right. It was to be a
place where guests could experience a singular combination of world-class service, palatial
splendor, and inviting warmth. Constructed in 1914 under the auspices of Louis Davenport, The
Historic Davenport Hotel has served as a beacon of culture and refinement throughout the
region for the better part of a century. It was the most modern hostelry in the United States
when it opened in 1914. It was the first hotel with air conditioning, a pipe organ, a central
vacuum system, housekeeping carts and accordion ballroom doors. In 2002, after the hotel
narrowly escaped demolition, Walt and Karen Worthy completed a multimillion-dollar
restoration. They spared no expense in restoring its priceless glamour.
The Historic Davenport Hotel is a regional landmark and masterpiece of the acclaimed architect
Kirtland Cutter. Grand rooms like the Spanish Renaissance lobby or the Hall of Doges,
Spokane's oldest and most exquisite ballroom, draw tourists and architectural aficionados alike.
Such extraordinary features have helped The Historic Davenport Hotel earn a prized spot on the
National Register of Historic Places. During the hotel's renovation in 2000, the hand-painted
frescoes, ornate woodwork and European-inspired marble were all meticulously restored,
including the genuine gold leaf around the lobby hearth and the year-round lit fireplace – both
hallmarks of Davenport hospitality since the hotel opened its doors a century ago.
The Historic Davenport Hotel's cutting-edge approach to hospitality hasn't faded over the years.
In fact, The Historic Davenport Hotel can be counted among the world’s greenest, most energyefficient buildings. In 2011, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) awarded LEED®
Certification to The Historic Davenport Hotel and The Davenport Tower, making it the only
hotel in the state of Washington to obtain Gold status of this prestigious rating system.
Valet and self-parking are available at the hotel. Special rate for self-parking is $10 per night for
conference attendees. Check the hotel website for current valet pricing.
Special Conference Negotiated Rates
To make your reservation call the Historic Davenport Hotel direct at 800-899-1482 or
the Davenport Tower at 800-918-9342 and mention Soroptimist NWR Conference.
You may also register online by clicking the following link:
Book your group rate for Soroptimist International
Last day to make reservations at this rate is March 21, 2016 OR when the room
block is filled. So don’t delay!
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air have offered us a 7% discount on flights for all Soroptimist members,
other meeting participants, and accompanying family members or friends traveling to Spokane via
Alaska / Horizon
In addition, the Region has established an Alaska Airlines “EasyBiz” account so that every dollar you
spend to purchase your Alaska Airlines ticket will earn travel miles for the Region that can be used to
provide travel for award recipients and speakers to future events. And best of all, the EazyBiz mileage
earned will be in addition to the mileage earned by you!
How to use EasyBiz and the Discount Code for travel to Spokane (via SeaTac airport):
1. Insure you are enrolled in the Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan. If not currently enrolled, go to > Mileage Plan > Join Now.
2. Send your name and email address to Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator, at Tamra will add you to the Region’s EasyBiz program.
3. Once you receive confirmation of your EasyBiz enrollment, go to
4. Click on “EasyBiz” at the bottom of the page and log in with your Alaska Mileage plan number.
5. Select “reservations” and then “flights” if the flight selection box does not appear right away.
6. Select Round Trip or One Way travel.
7. Enter From and To airports, dates of travel, and preferred time of day.
8. Enter the number of adult and child travelers, up to six total people per booking.
9. Enter our meeting code ECMW611 in the Discount Code box.
10. Click on the Go icon.
11. Follow instructions at the end of ticketing process to "forward itinerary" and "send duplicate
receipt" to (Your credit card information will not show on the
For every 40 tickets purchased with the discount, we receive a free ticket to bring a speaker to our
meeting. Please purchase your tickets early for the lowest fares and preferred flight selection, and be
aware of restrictions for the fare you are considering before you complete your purchase.
Any Questions? Please contact Tamra Sipes
Telephone: 360-914-0800 or email:
Celebrating Club Fundraising
Region Conference 2016
Tell and Sell
Friday night during the Candidates’ Meet and Greet
Grand Pennington Ballroom
5:30PM – 6:00PM
6:00PM – 8:00PM
$35 for Clubs; $65 for member-owned Business
March 21, 2016
Reminder: No non-commercially packaged food items may be sold. Items using the Soroptimist logo must be
properly licensed and the Region assumes that clubs have gained appropriate licenses for raffles etc. (See SIA
licensing policies and application @ and additional info below*)
(Please note there will be no electrical outlets available in the Tell and Sell area.)
Club Name/Member Business Name:___________________________________________________
Phone No: ________________________ Email: _______________________________________
Item(s) for Sale:
Return this form with your check payable to NWRSIA to:
Sharron King, Registration Chair
1934 Woods Rd SE
Port Orchard, WA 98366
QUESTIONS? Contact Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator at:
360-914-0800 or
*No club shall offer for sale any food item, food product, cosmetic or skin item, nutritional supplements and the like which has not
been manufactured by a licensed distributor in accordance with the laws under which it is duly licensed, nor may the Soroptimist
logo be affixed to any of the aforementioned items or products for resale without documented approval from SIA. Such items must
be properly sealed and labeled by the manufacturer and include the manufacturer’s name and business location. Open food or
beverage items not supplied and/or prepared by the hotel are not allowed.
Celebration of Life
FORM and PHOTOS Due by March 21, 2016
If any of your current or former Soroptimist members passed away since April 1, 2015, and were
not included in last year’s program, please send the following information to be included in our
Celebration of Life on Sunday morning, April 24.
For our Celebration of Life presentation, we are requesting a photo of each deceased member.
We encourage you to scan the photo into a digital JPG format of at least 300 dpi or higher
resolution and submit it via email. If possible, please submit a photo that includes only the
individual. If a group photo is all that’s available, and you are submitting a print, please point
out the individual by name, indicated by an arrow, on a Post-It note attached to the photo. If you
are submitting the photo electronically, please include text that clearly identifies the appropriate
person. Photos may be black and white or color, on any kind of paper, and will be returned at
Region Conference. If a photo is not available, the name of the member and the club will be
included in the video.
By March 21, 2016 either email this form with your digital photo(s) to Helene Jensen at and include the words [Soroptimist Celebration of Life] in the
subject line, or mail the form and photos to: Helene Jensen, 843 Puget Drive East, Port Orchard,
WA 98366. Questions: 360-340-5064
Please type or print the following information clearly.
Soroptimist International of ____________________________________________
Contact Person: __________________________________
Contact Phone: ______________________________
Contact e-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Deceased Member’s Name
# Years of
Region Federation
Soroptimist International
of the Americas
Northwestern Region 98th
Annual Conference
Davenport Hotel
Spokane, Washington
April 21 – 24, 2016
Inspiring Dreams Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
For clubs, members and member businesses
DEADLINE for sponsorships is MARCH 15, 2016
$1,800 – Inspiring Dreams Sponsorship
• Recognition in conference program and announced during the event
• Complimentary table at Tell & Sell
• Soroptimist NWR website recognition
• Two complimentary member registrations and event meal packages
• One complimentary double occupancy three night stay at the Davenport Hotel during
the event
• Private Sponsor Reception for registered club members attending conference with
SoulPancake CEO and Executive Producer, Shabnam Mogharabi; hosted in the VIP suite
with light hors d’oeuvres and beverages Friday evening
• Reserved seating for up to ten (10) registered club members attending conference during
Shabnam Mogharabi’s keynote address on Saturday morning
$1,250 – Celerbrating Dreams Sponsorship
• Recognition in conference program and announced during the event
• Complimentary table at Tell & Sell
• Soroptimist NWR website recognition
• Two complimentary member registrations and event meal packages
• Reserved seating for up to ten (10) registered club members attending conference during
the Live Your Dream luncheon
$1,000 – Dream a Little Dream Sponsorship
• Recognition in conference program and announced during the event
• Complimentary table at Tell & Sell
• Two complimentary member registrations and event meal packages
$250 – Supporting the Dream Sponsorship
• Recognition in conference program
Soroptimist International
of the Americas
Northwestern Region 98th
Annual Conference
Davenport Hotel
Spokane, Washington
April 21 – 24, 2016
Yes, I/we want to be a sponsor of the 2016 Northwestern Region Conference at the
following level:
$1,800 Inspiring Dreams (include number of registered members attending the
sponsor reception)
$1,250 Celebrating Dreams
$1,000 Dream a Little Dream
$250 Supporting the Dream
Club/Member/Member Business Name as you would it presented at the
event, in the program and/or on the NWR website:
Club/Member/Member Business Name:
Contact Name:
Club/Member/Member Business Address:
For Inspiring Dreams sponsorship the number of registered club members attending
the sponsor reception:
Make check payable to SINWR and return check and form to Carla Tucker,
NWR Treasurer by MARCH 15, 2016
Carla Tucker, NWR Treasurer
23153 Buchanon Place, Mt Vernon, WA 98273
501(c)(3) Tax ID # 93-6034736
2016 Northwestern Region
Pre-conference Tour Information
April 21, 2016
Choose between the Relish! Food or Wine Walking Tours! Both promise to be filled with
fun, laughter and friendship! Each will start at the Historic Davenport Hotel, departing
at 1:00PM and returning at approximately 4:00PM. These are walking tours, so wear
comfortable shoes. Complete the sign-up form at the bottom of this flyer. Deadline to
reserve your spot is March 30, 2016 or until the spaces are filled.
Relish! Food Walking Tour – cost is $45 per person - limited to 30 people
The Relish! Spokane food tour is for both the home-grown or imported "foodie" looking to spice
up their tasting experience with local, unique Spokane foods while learning about the untold
stories and history of Spokane. Whether you're a Spokanite excited to be a tourist in your own
city or an actual tourist visiting for the first time, jump on one of our tours and we'll do
everything possible so you leave with a new perspective and appreciation for the food and
culture of Spokane, Washington!
Relish! Wine Walking Tour – cost is $55 per person - limited to 24 people
Sip and RELISH Spokane’s captivating wines! With the Relish! Spokane wine tour, you’ll learn
the history of Washington State wine, acquire some basic wine tasting skills, and treat your
taste-buds to the diverse blend of Washington wines--from rich reds and crisp whites to
complex, hand-crafted blends that showcase the quality and essence of grapes from Walla Walla,
Yakima, and the Columbia Valley.
With more than twenty wineries in the area, Spokane is Washington’s emerging wine region. On
this tour, we stop at a few charming area tasting rooms. Our guides are proud locals who are
truly passionate about Northwest wine and are excited to share insight on the area's history,
people, and culture! Whether you’re a Spokanite or a visitor; a wine novice or connoisseur; you
will leave this tour with a new knowledge and appreciation for the city and its wineries.
Sign me up for the: (attach check made payable to SI NWR for the amount of the tour)
_____ Relish! Food Walking Tour ($45)
______ Relish! Wine Walking Tour ($55)
Send completed form and check to Tamra Sipes, Region Site Coordinator
1124 Landing Circle, Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Questions – contact Tamra at
Northwestern Region and District Officers
Candidates’ Resumes
NWR Governor Elect:
Marti Crook – SI McMinnville
Dawn Christiansen Cuéllar – SI Lake Oswego/West Linn
Janet Schempf – SI Anchorage on Cook Inlet
NWR Secretary:
Kristi Puckett – SI La Grande
NWR Treasurer:
Kathy Doll – SI Oak Harbor
District 1 Director:
Renée Recker– SI Oak Harbor
Becky Taft – SI Sedro Woolley
District 1 Secretary:
Dana Bune – SI Friday Harbor
Karen Hall – SI Olympia
Karen Marshall – SI La Conner
Marilee Paddock – SI Oak Harbor
District 2 Director:
Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot – SI
District 2 Secretary:
Wendy Falkenstein –SI Eugene
Janis Rink – SI Camas/Washoughal
District 3 Director:
Jo Breneman – SI Pasco Kennewick
District 3 Secretary:
District 4 Director:
Sandra Kokaruda – SI Helena
District 4 Secretary:
Governor Elect
Marti Crook
SI of McMinnville
Company Affiliation: Dr. HVAC, Inc.
Position in Company: Owner/Accounting Manager
Club Activities:
• Joined SI of McMinnville in October, 1997. Member of Venture Club of McMinnville
from 1989 to 1996.
• Club President 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2004-2006. Club Treasurer 1997-1998 and
• Corresponding Secretary 2003-2004
• Recording Secretary 2010-2011
• President-Elect 2011-2012
• I have been a member of all club committees and served as chair for Awards, Growth &
Development, Environment, Finance, Human Trafficking, Ways & Means, Audit,
Nominating, Programs, Membership and many different fund-raising committees.
• Served as our club Area Meeting Representative and attended several Area Meetings.
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• I currently serve as Northwestern Region Secretary and I was District 2 Director 20122014. I served as Region Chair of the Imagine Life Without Violence Committee
and as District 2 Representative for the Violet Richardson Award Committee.
• Over the past 17 years I have attended all but three Region Conferences and District 2
meetings and for six years prior to that I attended all the District and Regions meetings
during my term as Venture Club Governor. I had the pleasure of attending the 2014 SIA
Convention in Vancouver, BC.
• I am a member of the Laurel Society.
Other Activities:
• Member of the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce. Served on the Habitat for
Humanity Women Build Steering Committee. Served as President of the Parent-Teacher
Club at Memorial Elementary School and served on the fund-raising committee for
McMinnville School District.
Brief Statement:
Soroptimist is a wonderful organization with a fantastic mission. It is an honor for me to be a part
of it and a thrill to have served at the District and Region level. I feel that my experience in
Soroptimist up to this point has prepared me to serve as Governor Elect. If elected, I would work
hard to follow in the footsteps of our past Region leaders to continue the growth and strength of
the Northwestern Region so that we can all help women and girls improve their lives and live their
Office: Northwestern Region Governor Elect
Name: Dawn Christiansen Cuéllar
Club: SI of Lake Oswego/West Linn, OR, USA
Club Activities:
• Member Since July 2005
Active service – 10.5 years
• Offices Held:
o 2014-16 SIA NWR District 2 Director
o 2013 District 2 The Gorgettes & Metroettes Area Meeting Coordinator
o 2012-14 Club Area Representative, SI of Lake Oswego/West Linn, OR
o 2008-12 Past-President, President, Director/ Delegate (2 yrs), Nominating Committee SI of Kent, WA
o 2005-06 Club SAVE Representative, SI of Portland North, OR
• Committees Chaired:
o 2013-14 Co-Chair, Award Grants Comm., Chair, Lunafest Comm., SI of Lake Oswego/West Linn, OR
o 2012 Chair, Host Club Area Meeting Committee, SI of LO/WL, OR
o 2010-12 Chair, NWR Fellowship Award
o 2007-10 Chair, Awards Comm., Co-Chair, Homeless Girls Education Comm., Sub-Chair, Corporate
Sponsorship, Gala & Dinner Auction, SI of Kent, WA
o 2005-06 Co-Chair, WOA Comm., SI of Portland North, OR
• Awards or honors bestowed by club:
o 2010-11 & 2008-09 Soroptimist of the Year, SI of Kent, WA
o 2009-10 Most Inspirational, SI of Kent, WA
• Area activities or meetings attended:
o 2015 & 2016 (Pending), District 2 Area Meetings – 7 areas across district, District
Director o
2006, 2012-15 District 2, The Gorgettes & Metroettes, SI of Portland North
& LO/WL, OR o 2008, 2009, 2011 District 1 ARKWayT Area Meeting, SI of Kent, WA
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• Meetings attended beyond club level.
o 2014 & 2015 District 2 Meeting, Bend, OR/Stevenson, WA, District Director
o 2008 - 2015 Northwestern Region Conferences, NWR, District Director
o 2014 Northwestern Region Conference, Portland, OR, Meeting Chair, Appointed
o 2007 - 2013 Districts 1 & 2 Meeting, NWR, WA & OR
o 2011& 2012 Northwestern Region Conference, Fellowship Award Region Chair
o 2010 &2011 NWCAT Stop Trafficking Conference, Portland, OR
o 2010 District 3 Meeting, Stevenson, WA, NWR Fellowship Award Chair
• Leadership roles held at various levels. See Club Activities, and entries here
o 2013-15 NWR Nominating Committee, District 2 Representative
o 2010-12 Northwestern Region Fellowship Award, Chair
• Federation or International conventions attended.
o 2015 SI Convention, Istanbul, Turkey
o 2014 SIA Federation Convention, Vancouver, BC, Canada
o 2008, SIA Federation Convention, Taipei, Taiwan, Club Delegate
• Master of Arts, Women Studies & Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
• Teaching Certificate, English as a Second/Other Language, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
• BA, Criminal Justice/Minors: Sociology and Political Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Brief Statement: Passion ~ Soroptimist, our mission, programs and best of all, collaboratively and
independently working to journey with women and girls as we live their dreams. Strategic & collaborative
spirit ~ engages energetically to magnify awareness about tough social issues such as sex trafficking, to promote
education, to create fun leading to deeper friendships and to generate and distribute funds for achieving life
goals. Prepared and organized ~ readied to guide our Region further into the healthier and happier place we all
envision it to be: a place where we continue to build our Soroptimist name, grow membership, and broadcast
collective efforts as realized through our Dream Programs. It would be an honor and pleasure to serve as your
next Governor Elect. Thank you!
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
Governor Elect
Janet Schempf
SI/Anchorage, Alaska
CollectiveImpact, a consulting service
to 501(c)(3) charities
Club Activities
I joined SI/Juneau in 1990. I served as Club President (2000-01 and 2001-02), Immediate Past President (2002-03),
Vice- President (2003-04), Treasurer (four terms, 1996-97 through 1999-2000) and Board Director (1995-96). In
2013, my membership transferred to SI/Anchorage; I now serve on the SI/Anchorage board of directors and I am
working to re- establish a Soroptimist club in Juneau, Alaska.
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities
Starting in 1996, I have attended all but two Northwestern Region Conferences and District Meetings. I typically
participate as delegate, workshop presenter, and/or plenary speaker. I help plan and
participate in Alaska Area Meetings and I have served as District Representative to many Region
Committees, as well as Chair of the Region Fundraising Committee. Since 2000, I have attended
Soroptimist Leadership Training at the District, Region, and Federation levels. I was elected to the
Region Nominating Committee in 2007 and then to the Region Board of Directors as Region Treasurer
in 2010 and 2012. I attended SIA Conventions in Honolulu (2012), San Francisco (2010), and
Philadelphia (2006), where I was a reporter to the convention newsletter. I was a Silent Observer at the 2011 SI
Board Meeting and a delegate to the SI Convention (Montreal). I was a member of the SI delegations to the 2014
95th UN DPI/NGO Conference and the 2015 Commission on the Status of Women. I am the current Chair of the
Region Live Your Dream Awards Committee, a member of an SIA Advisory Group, and an Inner Circle Member of the
Laurel Society.
Other Activities
I hold a graduate level certificate in nonprofit management from Foraker Group/University of Alaska that
compliments training by the Internal Revenue Service, the Office of the Washington Secretary of State, and others. I
serve on the City and Borough of Juneau Utility Advisory Board and the Juneau Jazz & Classics Board of Directors,
and I perform with the Juneau Pride Chorus, Juneau Bach Society, and Juneau Lyric Opera. I co-founded the Juneau
affiliate for Habitat for Humanity, Juneau Ducks Unlimited, the Juneau Asthma and Allergy Support Group, and the
Duck Creek Working Group. I am the Alaska Alumni Representative for Lewis and Clark College and a lifetime
member of the Society of Wetland Scientists and the Raptor Research Foundation.
Selected Awards and Recognitions
2013: Exemplary Service Award, the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
2012: Legislative Citation, the Alaska Legislature
2010: Denali Peak Performance Award, Governor of Alaska
2004: Lifetime Achievement Award, Alaska Coastal Management Program
1999: Coastal America 1999 Partnership Award
“I am a Soroptimist.” This life-defining statement compels me to serve in a leadership position, so that my efforts
may advance the Soroptimist mission while ensuring the organization has good governance and fiscal stability. A
region governor elect is a region board member who must be prepared to assume the role of region governor at any
moment; the region governor is the board chair. Because Northwestern Region is an all-volunteer organization, the
region governor and governor elect assume additional volunteer roles beyond the duties and responsibilities
delegated to the board by relevant law. I have the commitment, knowledge, and experience to fulfill these
“I have a dream.” My dream is to ensure that Northwestern Region is relevant to its members and faithful to its
mission while being an organization with good governance and fiscal stability. Thank you for this opportunity to serve.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
Northwestern Region Secretary
Kristi Puckett
SI of La Grande
Grande Ronde Hospital, Inc.
Personnel Director
Club Activities:
Member since May 1990
Active/regular member for 25 years
President – 1996-1997
Newsletter Editor – 2004, 2006. 2007
Chair of Festival of Trees – 2000 and 2004
Chair of June Breakfast – 2005, 2007, 2012
Chair of Oregon Trail Area Meeting - 2006
SI La Grande Woman of the Year – 1999-2000
Chair Dream It: Be It for 2015-2016
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities
District Activities:
Participated in District Meetings
2009 Leadership Conference
Region Activities:
Member of
Other Activities:
Sing with the Community Chorus
Region Chair for Ruby Award
Region Nominating Committee
District 3 Director
Region Secretary
Region Program Chair
the Laurel Society
Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources
Brief Statement: I believe I can serve the Region by taking an active role on the Board
as Secretary. The continuity of offices helps keep the focus on the job at hand. I have
the experience and the enthusiasm to assist our next Governor, Stephanie Smith. Thank
you for this opportunity.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
Region Treasurer
Kathy Doll
SI of Oak Harbor
Chicago Title Company, Retired
VP Meridian Contract Services Mgr., Accountant
Club Activities:
• Joined SI of Oak Harbor, April 1996
• I have been an active member for 19+ years
• Served as club President 2005-2006, Immediate Past President 2006-2007, President–Elect 20042005, Delegate/Director 2009-2010, Director 1998-2000
• I have chaired and co-chaired our Budget committee 5 years; 2013 co-chair for SI-SIA Programs
committee; 2006-07 chaired the Service Fund Planning committee; chaired the 2013 and 2014
Christmas Home Tour, co-chair of our Financial Review Committee 5 + years, 2014-15 co-chair of
Membership & SOLT committee.
• I received the SI of Oak Harbor’s Laurel Society membership award. (SIOH gives out a recognition
award each year to a member. Fellow members submit nominations for a person who has given an
outstanding effort during the year. What an honor it was to receive!
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• I served as the Area Leader for Skagit/Island Area from 2004-2006.
• Over the past 19+ years I have attended most Area and District meetings, and Regional
Conferences. I also have attended some Area Meetings, other than those for Skagit/Island, in Dist.
• Served as Region Finance Chair for 6 months in 2010 and then was appointed as Treasurer for
• I served as the Treasurer for NWCAT for 3.5 years.
• I served as the Dist. 1 Rep. on the Finance Committee 2012-2014.
• I am currently serving as the NWR Finance Chair.
• I am a member of the Laurel Society - Attaché and Laurel Legacy
Other Activities:
• I am a member of the Board of Governors for the Skagit Valley College Foundation. I am currently
the Treasurer of the Foundation and I have also served as the Communication Committee Chair.
• For the past five years I have chaired my churches Finance and Stewardship Team and have served
on the Endowment committee for the past 3 years. In the 1980’s I served as the Church Treasurer
for several years. I also served on the Finance and Stewardship team off and on for the past 20
• I am the Treasurer of two community associations.
• Special interest: Golf, gardening, enjoying our new golden retriever puppy, and spending time with
family and friends.
I would be honored to serve as the Region’s Treasurer. Working in the accounting field for almost 40 years,
(did I really say 40 years) I believe that my professional and volunteer experience in this area allows me to
serve the Region best. Helping women and girls achieve their dreams is very important to me, especially
through education. The more we can help educate women and girls the better their lives will be and their
contributions to society will be tremendous. As Soroptimist we are in the best position to provide
advocacy, support, understanding, etc. to the women and girls in our local and global communities.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 1 Director
Renée Recker
SI of Oak Harbor
Island County Sheriff’s Office
Civil/Records Clerk
Club Activities:
• Joined SI of Oak Harbor in July 1997.
• Active member for over 18 years.
• Club President from 2002-2003. Prior to that I served as:
o Club President-Elect (1 year)
o Treasurer (2 years)
o Delegate (1 year)
o Director (2 years)
• I have chaired and/or been a member of all major club committees including: Service Projects &
Allocations, Ways & Means, Awards & Scholarships, SIA & International Programs, Club Bylaws,
Meeting Planning, and Budget. I have also co-chaired or chaired major service and fundraising
events put on by our club.
• I have attended most of the Area Meetings.
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• Since 1997, I have served the Northwestern Region and District 1 in the following positions:
o District 1 Secretary (2014-2016)
o District 1 Meeting Site Coordinator (2010-2014)
o Region Conference Free the Girls (Bra Decorating Contest) Fundraiser Chair (2012)
o Region Finance Chair (2006-2008)
o Region Conference Registration Chair (2002-2006)
o District 1 Meeting Registration Chair (2002-2006)
• Over the past 18 years I have attended all Region Conferences and all but one District 1 meetings. I
attended one SIA Convention. I have served as a delegate to various Region Conferences and a SIA
Convention as part of my duties as Club President or Delegate.
• I am proud to be a member of the Laurel Society at the Envoy level.
Brief Statement:
It has been my honor to continue my service to the Soroptimist membership as your District 1 Secretary
during this biennium. My Soroptimist tenure has given me so many gifts…life-long friendships;
opportunities that have allowed me to grow as a citizen of the world; and a sense of community that
together we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls. My positive attitude, leadership skills,
sense of humor and desire to see District 1 Clubs and Members succeed make me an outstanding candidate
for District 1 Director. Thank you for the opportunity to once again serve this great organization.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 1 Director
Becky L Taft
Soroptimist International of Sedro Woolley
Skagit Bank
Vice President/ Branch Manager
Club Activities:
• Joined October 2004
• 11 years active Member
• 2005 Vice President, 2006 President, 2007 Board Member
• Finance, ROaR, Scholarship, PR & Scrapbooking, Social, SALT & Bylaws and International Goodwill
• Area Meetings from 2005-2015 Skagit Island Area; Area Club Rep 2008-2015; Area Awards Banquet
Treasurer 2005-2015
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• District 1 Finance Committee 2008-2009; District Meeting Registration Chair 2010-2011;
• NWR Registration Chair 2010-2011, NWR Fundraising Chair 2012-2013; PR Committee
Facebook/Photographer 2014-15.
• District Meetings-2006 Ocean Shores Club President
 2007 Fairbanks, 2008 Olympia, 2009 Seattle, 2010 Marysville, 2011 Blaine, 2012
Great Wolf, 2013 Marysville; 2014 Seattle; 2015 Shelton
• Region Meetings- 2006 Tacoma- Delegate, 2007 Vancouver- President, 2008 Coeur d’alene, 2009
Missoula, 2010 Anchorage, 2011 Vancouver, 2012 Spokane, 2013 Cruise to Alaska -NWR
Fundraising Chair; 2014 Portland, 2015 Bellevue.
• 2006 Member of Laurel Society
• 2006 Federation Conference Philadelphia-Club Delegate; 2012 Federation Conference Hawaii –
Volunteer and NWR Fundraising Chair; 2014 Vancouver BC
Other Activities:
• Bethlehem Lutheran Church- Treasurer 2008-2013, Sedro Woolley School District Volleyball Stats
• Sedro Woolley Chamber, Toys for Tots fundraiser, Burlington Better Speakers Toastmaster 20082015(Treasurer 08-11, President 2012, Area 12 Governor 2013)
• Skagit Women in Business 2009-2015, Leadership Skagit Graduate Class 2011, Leadership Skagit
Coach 2013, Paul Harris Fellowship Award Recipient 2008.
• Boys and Girls Club of Skagit County – Treasurer and Board member 2011-2015, Sedro Woolley
School Levy Committee 1994-2013 Treasurer. Northwest Hospice Foundation-Registration
committee Auction 2011-2015
• Photography, President of Mount Baker MG Car Club 2010-2015
Brief Statement: Serving Northwestern Region has been something that I have enjoyed this past 8 years.
The Northwestern Region has been strong and growing stronger with the Members of our clubs. We have
been honored with great leaders here and many of our leaders representing us at SIA. I strongly believe in
the message of Soroptimist to improve the lives of women and girls with better educations. We as a group
can help deliver that message stronger, to those that live in our backyards, but also to those who live
around the world. Please consider me for your Next District One Director.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 1 Secretary
Dana Bune
SI of Friday Harbor
Spa d Bune Salon and Day Spa
Club Activities:
*Joined SI Friday Harbor (2006)
*Active member in good standing for 9 years
* President (2015-present)
* President Elect (2014-2015)
*Recording Secretary (2012-2014)
*Committee Chair Best For Women (2008-2010)
*Chair, Fourth of July Parade club entry ( 2008-2013)
*Chair, Soroptigear purchasing, sales, fundraising (2008-present)
*Attend most all Area Meetings, and on the committee that coordinated our club hosting Area Meeting
2013 in Friday Harbor
District Activities:
*Attended all District Meetings since 2006
Region Activities:
*Attended Region Conferences since 2007, both as delegate and member
*District 1 Representative Grant of Friendship (2012-2014)
*District 1 Representative Site Coordinator 2014-present
*Member of the Laurel Society and Laurel Legacy
Federation Activities:
*Attended Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii (2012), as non-delegate
*Attended Convention in Vancouver, BC (2014), as delegate
International Activities:
*Attended Conventions in Montreal, Canada (2011), and Istanbul, Turkey (2015)
Other Activities:
*Small Business owner (1992-present)
*State of Washington Cosmotology Apprentice Instructor (June 2015-present)
*Member of San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce
*Member of San Juan Island Visitor’s Bureau
*Member of the Skagit Valley United States Bowling Congress, active league bowler (2006-present)
I am honored to serve in a leadership roll with our fantastic Northwestern Region. As District
Secretary, I will be committed to assisting our District 1 Director, our District 1 clubs, and The
Region board, in any and all communication issues and responsibilities that are needed. I
have spent my entire career being a great listener, articulate communicator, and facilitator,
and will use those skills in my roll as your District 1 Secretary. I started my Soroptimist service with the
goals of helping empower women to have a voice and empower them to also serve, and to be good
leaders, and will continue that goal for the future. Thank you for your consideration.
SI District 1 Secretary
Karen Hall
- SI of Olympia
Projects and Facility Manager
Building Industry Association of Washington
Club Activities:
Active Member since November, 2011
2012, 2013
Vice President
Past President
Board Member
Alternate Delegate
Chair – Fundraising Committee
Committee member – Fall Fundraiser Planning Committee
Committee member – Spring Fundraiser Planning Committee
Positions held on the below club Committees
Club Advancement & Member Development; Service; Fundraising; Awards
and Communications
Attended Area meeting – Federal Way
District / Region / Federation / SI Activities:
District 1 2015 Meeting Chair
Attended District 1 meeting – SeaTac (Alternate Delegate)
Attended District 1 meeting – Shelton
Attended SI NWR meeting – Portland, OR (Alternate Delegate)
Attended SI NWR meeting – Bellevue, WA (Alternate Delegate)
Attended SIA meeting in Vancouver B.C.
Other Activities
2012, 2015
Member - YWCA Advocacy Committee
Trainer - YWCA Economic Empowerment Program
Volunteer - Family Support Service – Pear Blossom Place family shelter
Host parent to foreign exchange students
Leader - Girl Scout troop
Service Unit Manager – Tumwater Girl Scouts
Black Hills High School - Senior classes of 2013 & 2014 Volunteer coordinator
Black Hills High (Alliance for Music) Volunteer coordinator Fundraising coordinator
Black Hills Home Owners Association board member
Brief Statement – For more than a decade I have worked with girls and young women – helping them
explore how they can be the best they can be. To me it was a natural move shifting to an organization
where women are the continuing to improve not only themselves, but to reach out to help women and
girls both locally and globally. As your District 1 Secretary my goal is to assist all those in leadership to
make our District (and Region) the best it can be. I also wish to help organize processes and procedures
for our area so that future leadership can pick up where we left off. Through my life I’ve had many
descriptors, here are some of the kinder ones: go- to person, follows through, get things done,
professional, sees it through to the bitter end, a great collaborator, team player, delegator, friendly, kind,
caring, sometimes has a sense of humor, can support or lead well, see things that need to be done – steps
up and does it, always finds things to do and ways to help, gives good input.
District 1 Secretary
Karen Marshall
Soroptimist International of La Conner, Washington
Company Affiliation & Position: Instructor, University of Washington and
Owner, Let’s Make History Nonprofit Leadership Services
Club Activities
Joined Soroptimist International of Anacortes in December 1994, transferred to Soroptimist International
of La Conner in September 2000.
SI Anacortes: From 1994 – 2000 I served on various committees, had nearly perfect attendance at regular
meetings, completed required work at Soroptimist Thrift Shop and attended several area meetings.
SI La Conner: President 2003 – 2005; SILC representative to the Skagit Area Awards Banquet 2004 – 2006;
newsletter editor 2006-2008; Co-Chair of Service & Awards Committee, 2009; Area Meeting Coordinator
2015; I have served on other committees and worked required shifts at Vintage La Conner Thrift Shop. I
have supported my club since 2009 by working on special projects while my work takes me away from La
Conner. I greatly appreciate the support from my club.
District Activities
District 1 Fundraising Committee Representative, 2008 – 2010.
Attended most District Meetings since 2001, served as club delegate from 2003 – 2006 and intermittently
as needed from 2007 - present.
Region Activities
Attended most Region Conferences since 2001, served as club delegate from 2003 – 2006 and
intermittently as needed from 2007 - present.
Federation Activities
Laurel Society and Laurel Legacy member since 2000.
Attended SIA Conventions in Philadelphia, July 2006 (delegate), Taipei, July 2008 (delegate), Honolulu,
July 2012 (volunteer), Vancouver, British Columbia 2014 (volunteer).
Completed the Emerging Leaders Program at the 2008 Biennial Convention in Taipei.
International Activities
Attended the 2015 Soroptimist International Convention in Istanbul, Turkey and served on the
communications team. Member of the Soroptimist Generation X Facebook group.
Other Community Engagement/Leadership Positions
Advisory Board Member and Guest Lecturer, University of Washington Museology Program, 2013
President, Washington Museum Association June 2000 – June 2003
Commissioner, Anacortes Historic Preservation Board November 2000 – 2008 Board Member, Skagit
County Theater Arts Guild October 2003 – 2009
About Me
My professional experience includes 25 years in the nonprofit sector as executive director of several
organizations. Currently I am focused on teaching nonprofit administration and fundraising while
mentoring emerging professionals. When I am not working or volunteering I can be found teaching
Scottish or Contra dancing throughout the Pacific Northwest. I love to travel and visit Soroptimists around
the world.
Why I Choose to Serve
Soroptimist has given me three gifts: 1) the gift of personal growth; 2) the gift of knowledge of the
worldwide value of our Soroptimist work; 3) the gift of friendship with amazing women. Giving back to
Soroptimist through my time and talent is the best way I know to express my gratitude and participate in
an organization that transforms lives.
District 1 Secretary
Marilee Paddock
SI of Oak Harbor
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
Club Activities:
As a charter member of SI Oak Harbor, I have been a member 34 years, chartering in 1981. Even though I
had been active in all areas of our club I had not held the office of president until this past year. Completing
that term has made me feel very well rounded as a member. Attending the area meetings as a president
takes on new meaning, especially after having the honor to give our club highlights at last year’s area
meeting in La Connor.
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
Visiting with members from other clubs at our District meetings has always been enjoyable. I love hearing
what new ideas have been tried, some successful, others not as much. Most of all, I enjoy the topics of
discussion. Even though I am a seasoned member the topics of importance have not changed considerably.
We continue to strive to give others a better life. And this is why I was honored to become a member of
Laurel Society. Last year at Federation in Vancouver B.C., I was able to attend as the club delegate. It was
very powerful to see so many women from around the globe together. We were all united within minutes
of meeting each other.
Other Activities:
I have been a religious education teacher at my church, teaching every grade from kindergarten through
middle school, team teaching high school and now am a member of our church council. I am a member of
Delta Gamma Sorority and Beta Sigma Phi where I have held all offices including those of city councils.
Being active through the Chamber of Commerce and assisting with the elderly is an important way to stay
connected within the community. The Retired CPO’s Association has many activities that keep us involved.
Brief Statement:
At the conclusion of my term as president, my daughters asked me, “Now what mom?” For a moment, I
was caught off guard. Then I realized maybe I did want to do more. I still wanted to grow and learn more;
and what a more perfect way to do that. Soroptimist is what I believe in. If I can do more, there is no
better place to do it. There is no better mission or members. And if we can laugh along the way, it is
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 2 Director
Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot
SI of McMinnville
Yamhill County Health and Human Services
Utilization Management Specialist
Club Activities:
• Member since 2001
• Member in good standing for 15 years
• Club President 2011-2012, 2012-2013, President elect 2011-2012, board member 2002-2004,
• Currently membership chair and area representative, chair of Laws and Resolutions, previously
chaired Community Baby Shower for several years, chaired program committee, member of finance
audit committee
• Have attended six of our area meetings since they began eight years ago
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• District 2 Secretary 2014-2016
• Area Leadership Representative 2012-2014
• District 2 Meeting Chair 2013
• Have attended approximately 12 district meetings and 12 regional conferences since I joined 15
years ago
• Attended SIA Convention 2014
• Club delegate four times representing club voice at district and regional meetings
• Member of Laurel Society for over ten years
Other Activities:
• Graduated from George Fox University with a Master in Counseling
• Class representative for Graduating Class of 2006 for George Fox University SBS program
• Member of American Counselors Association and Oregon Counseling Association
• Member o Council for the Handicapped for eight years
• Served on School Board for local Charter School for three years
• Member of PTO and chair of graduation committee
• Owner and operator of an Adult Foster Home
• Advocate for individuals with disabilities
Brief Statement:
Soroptimist means best for women and we are women at our best doing our best. For me being a member
of Soroptimist has helped me be my best. It has given me the courage to take risks in both my personal and
professional life. In taking these risks I have been able to be a strong advocate for others, take on
leadership roles and speak publicly in trainings to educate others on human rights for people with
disabilities and mental health issues. As a member of the McMinnville club I have been on many of our
fundraising and operations committees and have taken a leadership role. My experience, professionally,
personally, and as well as a Soroptimist has prepared me to take on the role as District 2 Director. I will do
my best to represent the Districts voices and provide support to the District and Region wherever it is
needed. Thank you for considering me as your District 2 Director. It will be my honor to serve the members
of District 2 should you choose me to be the next District 2 Director.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 2 Secretary
Wendy Falkenstein
SI of Eugene
Store Manager
Club Activities:
• Active: April 12, 2003 - present
• Charter Member, SI of The Emerald Empire
• Active Member: 12 years
• Club Secretary 2003-2004
• Club President Elect 2005-2006
• Club President 2006-2007, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• Area Meeting 2015
• District 2 Meeting Chair, October 2015
• District 2 Meeting Attendance: 2015, 2012, 2003
• Region Conference Attendance: 2003, 2004,2012, 2015,
• Laurel Society member, 2004
Other Activities:
• My leadership has been developed over the years through my employers. I have been fortunate to
have senior management recognize my skills and mentor and develop them. I have continually held
a management position in the last 25 years of my career. Throughout this time, I have attended
many Human Resource training seminars, and leadership development programs. I have also been
recognized for my leadership skills by being appointed to develop new departments, write training
manuals and give seminars.
Brief Statement: I have been an active Soroptimist since the age of 9 (really! it's the year my mother
joined). Since that age, I have been supporting the mission of helping to improve the lives of women & girls
in some way, shape or form. I have had the privilege of being mentored by many great Soroptimist women
over the years from club members, club presidents, District Directors, Region Governors and a Federation
President. Their examples have instilled in me a deep desire to continue supporting the many endeavors of
Soroptimist. For me, Soroptimist is like a family: supportive, encouraging and accepting, no questions
asked. And, like family, challenging. Challenging me to be better, to do better, to never forget to include
others, to help ease the burdens others may carry, to be hopeful and to believe that nothing is ever
impossible when so many members with the same passion set their mind to act. If elected to serve as your
District 2 Secretary, I look forward to supporting not only the District Director, but also the great clubs that
make our district unstoppable. At age fifty something, I count my lucky stars to have been given the
opportunity to give back, to see the positive changes our endeavors have had on our community. It's
humbling, it's inspiring and it's an honor to serve such an amazing organization.
Northwest District 2 Secretary
Janis Rink
SI of Camas-Washougal
Company Affiliation: Mary Kay Cosmetics
Position in Company: Independent Beauty Consultant
Club Activities:
• Joined January 4, 2008; eight years active service
• President 2012-2013, President-Elect (Programs) 2011-2012
• Parliamentarian 2012-2013; Ways & Means Chair 2009-2011
• Monthly Club Newsletter Editor – April 2009 to April 2013
• Area Meetings – Attended 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
• Designed club publications (2008 to present); club & estate brochures, awards program book,
rosters, phone cards, fundraising tickets, posters, postcards, etc.
• Served on committee to revise Club By-laws and Standing Rules
• Chaired Club major fundraisers – Casino Night, All About Children Dinner & Auction, 2009-2012
• Supported Vida’s Ark (a non-profit home for teens and their babies) Julie Hanke, Director, was
awarded the 2012 NW Region Ruby Award.
• Coordinated/scheduled docents for the Holiday Home Tours 2009-2012 in partnership with DCA.
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• Attended District 2 meeting -2009 Portland, 2010 Salem, 2011 Medford, 2012 Eugene (Delegate),
2013 Lincoln City, 2014 Bend, 2015 Skamania
• Attended Region Conferences-2011 Vancouver; 2012 Spokane; 2013 Cruise Alaska; 2014 Portland;
2015 Bellevue
• Designed Region Program books from 2011 to 2015
• Attended SIA Conventions-2010 in San Francisco as a Delegate and 2012 in Hawaii
• Member of the Laurel Society
• Serving on Soroptimists Celebrating Success Awards Committee – 2014-15
Other Activities:
• Coordinated/scheduled Lacamas Lake Clean-up event with club members 2009-2013
• Served 10 years as church administrator – 2004 to 2014 (retired)
• Member of Camas/Washougal Chamber since 2005
• Supported Relay for Life since 2006
• Life-time Girl Scout, leader of two troops, Cookie Area Manager & Unit Manager of 35 troops in San
Diego, Ca.
• Elected and served as Secretary on the San Diego Tierrasanta Community Council 1994
• Past PTA President of Tierrasanta Elementary, De Portola & Farb Middle Schools & Serra High
School (1985 to 1997); Band Booster President 1993-1997 for De Portola Middle & Serra High
Brief Statement:
I have volunteered these last eight years working with women who are involved in this community and
represent SI of Camas-Washougal. Now I am looking for new challenges in a wider arena. I have valuable
experience and a firm basis in communication from previous administrative duties. As District 2 Secretary, I
know my organizational skills, attention to detail and ability to follow through would be of great benefit to
our organization. As secretary, I would hope to strengthen communication between individual clubs so that
each could share its successes - perhaps in fundraising endeavors, in choosing worthy scholarship winners,
or in increasing membership. I believe increased cohesiveness between clubs could help each club in
District 2 successfully achieve Soroptimist goals.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 3 Director
Jo Breneman
SI of Pasco-Kennewick
United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties
Operations Coordinator
Club Activities:
• Joined SIPK in 2004
• Actively serving since 2006
• Board Secretary (2008-2009), President Elect (2009-2010), President (2010-2012)
• Chaired Awards, Bylaws, Fundraising, Membership, and Service Committees
• Most recently recognized by SIPK for MC of Bunco fundraisers since 2010
• Since 2004, have attended most, if not all, Area and District 3 Meetings
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• District 3 Secretary, 2015 to Present and attended most Columbia Plateau Area Meetings and
Appleland and Heartland Area Meetings with District Director
• Conducted Oregon Trail Area Meeting in LaGrande when District Director was unable to do so
• Attended most District 3 Meetings (Chelan, Kennewick, Spokane, and Yakima, to name a few)
and NW Region Conferences (Anchorage, Bellevue, Missoula, and Portland, for example),
since 2004
• Attended SI Convention in Glasgow, Scotland in 2007 (delegate), and Montreal, Ontario, Canada in
• Attended SIA Convention in San Francisco in 2009
• As Membership and Fundraising Representative to the NW Region, assisted with workshops at
conferences and meetings. Also sold Laurel Society squares and bookmarks.
• Laurel Society member and enrolled in the Monthly Giving program
Other Activities:
• 2011, Director of Property Management, Benton City Chamber of Commerce
• 2010, Vice President, Benton City Chamber of Commerce
• 2009-Present, Member of local American Legion
• 2009-2010, Chair, Community Resource Board, Benton City Chamber of Commerce
• 2008-2010, Director, Tri-Cities Assn. of Realtors and Governor for the Graduate Realtor Institute
• 2004, 2005 and 2010 Member, Benton City Daze Planning Committee
• 2003-Present, Member, local special interest groups: Retro Riders and BMW Riders (motorcycling)
Brief Statement: My philosophy in life is to “get by giving”. That is, the more I give, the more of what I
want, I get. I want to be a part of improving the status of women and uplift our position in society and
business, locally and globally. I offer to Soroptimist of the Northwestern Region, my promise to live up to
high standards, despite temptations to lower them; my talent that has been honed in the business and
hard work as an independent business owner and volunteer coordinator; my time, that is oh so precious
to everyone; and what treasure I can spare to advance the goals and mission of the organization. I am
especially adept at conducting meetings and events and am prideful in my ability and willingness to follow
through on my commitments. While I am not particularly creative or original, I am confident in my ability
to work well with others toward a common good and to continue patterns and traditions that are
important to Soroptimist.
Company Affiliation:
Position in Company:
District 4 Director
Sandra Kokoruda
SI of Helena
Keller Williams Capital Realty
Club Activities:
• An active member since joining SI Helena, October 1998
• Delegate (twice), Alternate Delegate (twice) , Director, Vice President (2008-2009), President Elect
(2009-2010), Club President (2010-2011), Immediate Past President (2011-2012)
• Scholarship chair, Soroptimiss Co-Chair (2 years), Projects Committee Chair/Co-Chair (6 years and
District/Region/Federation/SI Activities:
• I have attended 3 area meetings, numerous District meetings, and 7 Region Conferences
• Current Dream It, Be It District 4 Representative
• 2015 District 4 Meeting: Dream It, Be It workshop presenter
• Contributing Member of Laurel Society
Other Activities:
• 9 years (2003-2010) active leader in 4-H shooting sports, 4 years 4-H Archery coach, 5 years 4-H
Sewing/Fashion Review leader and judge
• Serve on “ALC” Committee at Keller Williams Capital Realty (honorary position of leadership for
• Chamber of Commerce member 5 years
• Active member of KW Cares, Charitable organization for local needs through Keller Williams
Brief Statement:
I am honored to be nominated to the position of District 4 Director. This organization, on the club level and
beyond, does incredible life changing work for so many deserving women. The amazing part is it has also
changed the lives of the club members in so many ways, the best of which is deep friendships among
members both within our own clubs and across clubs. My enthusiasm has never waned for the important
work we do and I look forward to sharing that excitement with other clubs in District 4 in a leadership role.
Northwestern Region 2016 Conference
Proposed Changes to NWR Bylaws and Resolutions
Proposed Bylaw Changes:
• Index 1 - Bylaws, Article 4, Section 4.7 c. 1)
• Index 2 - Article 4, Section 4.7 d. 1)
• Index 3 - Article 4, Section 4.7 e. 1)
• Index 4 - Article 4, Section 4.7 e. 3)
• Index 5 - Article 8, Section 8.1 d.
• Index 6 - Article 11
Proposed Resolution Changes:
• Resolution 1 - Resolution 2000:3 Northwestern Region Mission
Index 1
Bylaws, Article 4, Section 4.7 c. 1)
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently Reads:
c. The secretary shall:
1) attend meetings of the region board;
Proposed Change:
c. The secretary shall:
1) attend region conferences and meetings of the region board of directors;
Rationale: The change will further clarify the meetings that the region secretary is expected to
Financial Impact: None as costs of lodging and meals for the region secretary to attend region
conference are already included in the budget.
Index 2
Bylaws, Article 4, Section 4.7 d. 1)
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently reads:
d. The treasurer shall:
1) attend meetings of the region board;
Proposed change:
d. The treasurer shall:
1) attend region conferences and meetings of the region board of directors;
Rationale: The change will further clarify the meetings that the region treasurer is expected to
Financial Impact: None as costs of lodging and meals for the region treasurer to attend region
conference are already included in the budget.
Index 3
Bylaws, Article 4, Section 4.7 e. 1)
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently Reads:
e. District directors shall:
1) attend meetings of the region board;
Proposed Change:
e. District directors shall:
1) attend region conferences and meetings of the region board of directors;
Rationale: The change will clarify the meetings that the district directors are expected to
Financial Impact: None as costs of lodging and meals for the district directors to attend
region conference are already included in the budget.
Index 4
Bylaws, Article 4, Section 4.7 e. 3)
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently Reads:
e. District directors shall:
3) coordinate with the district secretary the issuance of a call to district meeting at least
45 days prior to the date of the meeting;
Proposed Change:
e. District directors shall:
3) coordinate with the district secretary the issuance of a call to district meeting at least
60 days prior to the date of the meeting;
Rationale: The change increases the length of time the call is posted to allow clubs more time
to plan.
Financial Impact: None
Index 5
Bylaws, Article 8, Section 8.1 d.
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently reads:
d. A Finance Committee shall be appointed each biennium by the region governor to prepare the
budget, monitor income and expenditures, prepare the annual pooling report, monitor the
investment of region funds, recommend investment guidelines, and review region conference
and district meeting registration fees.
Proposed change:
d. A Finance Committee shall be appointed each biennium by the region governor to prepare the
region budget, monitor income and expenditures, monitor the investment of region funds,
recommend investment guidelines, reconcile conference and district meeting budgets, review
region conference and district meeting registration fees, and make recommendations to the
Board of Directors as needed.
Rationale. Since the annual pooling fee was eliminated by the region board in July 2014, the
finance committee no longer needs to prepare a pooling report.
Index 6
Bylaws, Article 11
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently Reads:
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th
Edition, 2000, shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in
these bylaws, region standing rules, SIA bylaws and procedures, or the Soroptimist
International Constitution.
Proposed Change:
The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall
be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these bylaws, region
standing rules, SIA bylaws and procedures, or the Soroptimist International Constitution.
Rationale: The change would make the parliamentary authority the most recent version of
Robert’s Rules of Order rather than specifying a specific version. This change could eliminate
the need to update the Bylaws every time a new version is published.
Financial Impact: None
Resolution 1
Resolution 2000:3 Northwestern Region Mission Statement
Proposed by:
The Northwestern Region Board of Directors
Currently Reads:
The mission of Northwestern Region is to provide its members with leadership training and
education empowering them to promote and implement region identifying projects and to
advance human rights and the status of women locally and globally.
Proposed Change:
The mission of Northwestern Region is to provide its members with leadership training and
education empowering them to promote and implement region identifying projects and to
support SIA’s mission of improving the lives of women and girls through programs leading to
social and economic empowerment.
Rationale: The change would bring the mission statement in alignment with that of
Soroptimist International of the Americas. At the 2000 Northwestern Region Conference, the
mission statement was changed to add the “advance human rights and the status of women
locally and globally.” The current SIA mission speaks to that and by changing the region’s
mission statement to be more in alignment will create less confusion for the membership and
show our conformity with SIA and Soroptimist International.
Financial Impact: None
Northwestern Region 2016 Conference
2016 – 2018 Proposed Region Budgets
Cover letter explaining proposed budgeting process
Operating Proposed Budget (2 pages)
Restricted Reserve Proposed Budget
Imagine Life Without Violence Proposed Budget
February 21, 2016
Re: Proposed Budgets 2016-2018
Dear Members of Northwestern Region,
Your budget team comprised of the Governor, Governor-Elect, Treasurer, and Finance
Committee Chair has prepared three budgets this biennium (operating, restricted reserve and
Imagine Life Without Violence). This change was implemented in order to make it easier for
members to understand how each separate budget affects the status of the region. The
arrangement of the line items in the operating budget was also changed. They are now arranged
by event in order to easily see what the costs of an event are.
Highlights of the three budgets:
Operating – The 2016-2018 budget incorporates the region’s growth in membership during
the 2014-2016 biennium, plus a projected annual 3% growth in membership for each year of the
new biennium. In addition, the 2016-2018 budget incorporates reductions in expenses to
ensure a balanced budget, with no increase in dues.
Restricted Reserve – Interest rates remain at or close-to historical lows. As a result, the
Region is not receiving the level of interest income needed to fund the region’s Live Your Dream
Awards. In order to keep our award program at current levels, members have graciously
donated funds to the restricted reserve fund through region giving, i.e. “The Dream Higher
Campaign”. Even with the campaign, the club annual assessment, and interest earned, it was
not enough income to cover the total distributions during the 2014-2016 biennium. In the 20162018 budget reductions were made to some of the projects we support out of this budget and
members/clubs will be encouraged to continue their support of the new giving opportunity
during the next biennium so the region can continue improving the lives of women through the
Live Your Dream Awards at current levels.
Even though almost $16,000.00 was raised for the region-level Live Your Dream Awards, it is
still necessary for us to dip into savings for $8,000.00 in order to give $30,000.00 this
biennium (10 awards at $1,500 each x 2 years). The team has proposed giving at the same level
during the 2016-2018 biennium with the knowledge that the incoming board will address a
future financial plan to ensure the stability of the restricted reserve funds during the next
Imagine Life Without Violence – This fund does not have much activity, but does receive
funds each year. The purpose is to support the committee’s grant program for clubs needing
assistance with Imagine Life Without Violence events or projects.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane!
Kathy Doll
NWR Finance Chair
Soroptimist Northwest Region – Operating Acct.
Budget to Actuals
District Dues
Dues Late Fees
Miscellaneous Income
Region Fundraising, Net
Total Income
Budget 20142016
Projected Total
for Biennium
Budget 20162018
Region Conferences and District Meetings
Region Conference - (2 Conferences)
Conference Income
Sponsorship Income
Conference Expenses
Postage and Shipping
Total Conference Expense, Net
District Meetings - (8 meetings)
District Meeting Income
District Meeting Expenses
Reg Officers Travel
Reg Officers Meals
Reg Officers Lodging
Reg Officers Meal Packet
Reg Officers Registrations
Reg Supplies/Printing, Postage
Total District Meeting Expense, Net
Total Conferences and District Meetings Expense
Interim Board Meeting - (2 meetings)
Total Interim Board Meeting Expense
Pre-Conference Board Meeting - (2 meetings)
Total Pre-Conference Board Meeting Expense
District Director/ Secretary Training - (1 meeting)
Total District Director/Secretary Training
Area Meetings - (4 Districts for 2 years)
Total Area Meeting Expense
Conference/District Meetings Site Visits
Total Conf./DM Meeting Site Visits Expense
SIA Convention & Governor’s Round Table
Gov. Round Table Fee
Total SIA Conv. & Gov Round Table Expense
Operating Expenses
Printing/Reproduction/Postage for LYD
Printing/Reproduction/Postage for DIBI
Communications - Constant Contact
Website - Innovedia - domain register
Professional Services - QuickBooks & Accountant
Software - Media Shout
Administration & Supplies & Misc.
Bank Charges
Total Other Operating Expenses
Live Your Dream Award from General Acct.
Membership Retention Charter
Fundraising Expense:
Professional Development Workshops, net
Total Expenses
Total Conf/District Meeting + Expenses =
Net Income or Loss
Projected Fund Balance 2014-2016
Beginning Fund Balance 7/1/2014
Projected net income/loss for 2014-2016
Transfer of funds to RR for 2012-2014
Deposits on Hotels for future Conf. & Dist. Meet.
Purchase of Laptop for Conf. & Dist. Meet. Use
Changes in Cash on Hand and Inventory
Projected Ending Fund Balance as of 6/30/2016
Projected Fund Balance 2016-2018
Beginning Fund Balance 7/1/2016
Projected net income/loss for 2016-2018
Transfer of funds to RR for 2014-2016
Projected Ending Fund Balance as of 6/30/2018
Soroptimist Northwest Region –
Restricted Reserve Funds
Budget to Actuals
Club Awards Assessments
Region Fundraising, Net
Total Income
Live Your Dream Award
Award Winner Travel
Grant of Friendship
Membership Retention/Charter
Total Expense
Net Income or Loss
Budget 20142016
Projected Total
for Biennium
Budget 20162018
$ 8,190.00
$ 8,044.50
$ 8,044.00
$ (31,220.00)
$ (7,837.35)
$ (9,975.00)
Projected Fund Balance 2014-2016
Beginning Fund Balances 7/1/2014
Awards Assessment
Regional Fundraising - Gross
Interest Income
Transfer for 2012-2014
Region Awards
Region Awards Travel
Grant of Friendship
Member Retention/Charter
Ending Projected Balance 6/30/2016
Projected Fund Balance 2016-2018
Beginning Fund Balances 7/1/2016
Awards Assessment
Regional Fundraising - Net
Interest Income
Transfer for 2014-2016 from Operating
Region Awards
Region Awards Travel
Grant of Friendship
Member Retention/Charter
Ending Projected Balance 6/30/2018
Soroptimist Northwest Region – Imagine Life Without Violence Funds
Budget to Actuals
Budget 20142016
Region Fundraising, Net
Total Income
ILWV Grants
Administration, Supplies , Bank Fees
Total Expense
Net Income or Loss
Projected Total
for Biennium
Budget 2016-2018
$ 0.00
$ 1,145.00
$ (8,876.00)
$ 489.00
Distributions can be made each biennium. Grant applications are accepted each
biennium for clubs needing financial assistance for their Imagine Life Without Violence
program or event. There is no budgeted expense for the Grants for it is unknown how many
will apply and be awarded
Projected Fund Balance 2014-2016
Beginning Balance as of 7/01/2014
Interest Income
ILWV Pin Sales
Awards Paid
Ending Balance 6/30/2016
Projected Fund Balance 2016-2018
Beginning Balance as of 7/01/2016
Interest Income
ILWV Pin Sales
Awards Paid
Ending Balance 6/01/2018
2016 Northwestern Region Conference
April 22 – April 24, 2016
Present this form to Registration Desk for accreditation upon arrival.
Delegates must be registered and credentialed in person by 5:00 p.m. Friday,
April 22, 2016 to vote for Region Officers, District Directors and District Secretaries
on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. at the polls.
Soroptimist International of _____________________________________
District (please circle)
This is to certify that our two duly elected delegates and/or alternates are
regular members in good standing as listed below.
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Delegate
____________________________________ President Alternate
____________________________________ Delegate Alternate
Signed: _____________________________ Date: ______________
_____________________________ Date: ______________
For Office Use Only:
Reviewed by Registration ___________
Approved by Credentials ___________