AIB 2014 Conference Program - Academy of International Business


AIB 2014 Conference Program - Academy of International Business
Local Contexts
in Global Business
Vancouver, Canada
June 23–26, 2014
Program Chair:
Klaus Meyer, China Europe International Business School
Hosted by:
where international
business ideas grow
SFU is proud to be the host of the 2014 AIB Meetings and excited to welcome the world’s preeminent IB scholars to Vancouver. Situated in the Pacific Northwest and known as the ‘Gateway to
Asia’, Vancouver has evolved into a dynamic hub for international trade, technological innovation
and sustainable resource development. As such, our mission at the Beedie School of Business has
been to embed IB into our research and programming to reflect Vancouver’s place in the world
economy. Some of our highlights include:
» Offering the Americas MBA for Executives in partnership
with FIA Business School, Fundação Instituto De
Administração, ITAM, Instituto Tecnologic Autonomo de
Mexico and Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of
» Achieving research excellence: Our research, particularly
in strategy and cross-cultural management, consistently
ranks the Beedie School of Business among the best IB
research groups in the world.
» Joining the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative
(GRLI) in 2011.
» Launching the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific
Business Studies – a joint venture between the Asia Pacific
Foundation of Canada and Simon Fraser University.
» Forming the Canadian International Institute for Extractive
Industries and Development (CIIEID) in 2012, a coalition
with the University of British Columbia (UBC) and École
Polytechnique de Montréal (EPM).
» Launching the award winning Aboriginal EMBA program in
2012 to address the growing importance of First Nations
relations in the context of local and global business.
Wolf emblem courtesy of James Michels
We would like to congratulate Rosalie Tung from the
Beedie School of Business as the newly elected AIB President.
Welcome from the Local Host
Dear Members of the Academy of International Business
On behalf of the SFU Beedie School of Business, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Vancouver. Needless to say,
we are thrilled to be hosting the AIB 2014 Annual Conference.
The Beedie School of Business has a strong tradition of engagement with AIB and we are proud of the IB research
that is so much a part of our DNA. We are particularly proud that our colleague, Dr. Rosalie Tung, has been elected
as AIB President for 2014 – 2015.
The AIB 2014 conference is organized around the theme “Local Contexts in Global Business” and Vancouver
represents an appropriate location to consider the interplay between the forces driving both globalization and
Vancouver is Canada’s Gateway to the Pacific Rim, a city that has been called the most Asian city outside of Asia, a
city where more than half the population was not born in Canada, and a city where over 200 languages are spoken.
We are proud of our international networks, but at the same time have developed a local culture that is reflective of
this diversity but is distinctly our own.
Of course one cannot fail to note the physical beauty that surrounds us. Living near and in nature has heightened our
awareness of the fragility of the environment and this awareness has shaped our sensibility and become part of
Vancouver’s unique local culture. At the same time, we are home to hundreds of internationally active mining
companies, many of them operating in challenging physical environments across the world.
Vancouver has emerged as a dynamic hub for international trade, technological innovation and sustainable resource
development, all of which are -- not coincidentally -- central to our mission at SFU’s Beedie School of Business. Thus,
with its spectacular natural setting, its global investment linkages, and its distinct fusing of cultures from around the
world, I have no doubt that Vancouver will serve as the perfect setting for AIB conference attendees to collaborate,
network, engage and play.
I would like to thank all of the people, too numerous to name individually, who have contributed so much of their time
to make this Conference possible. It has been a pleasure working with our colleagues from the AIB. I would also like
to thank our sponsors for their generous support.
Finally, but not least, I want to thank James Michels who contributed the logo for this Conference. James’ art reminds
us that we are holding this conference on the traditional territories of First Nations peoples, people who themselves
have been so important in creating the local culture that helps to make Vancouver a global city.
I hope that your stay in Vancouver is rewarding, and that you return to visit us regularly and often.
Dr. Daniel Shapiro
Dean, Lohn Foundation Professor
Beedie School of Business
Local Contexts in Global Business
President’s Letter
Welcome to Vancouver for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the
Academy of International Business!
Vancouver is, according to various surveys, one of the most livable cities
in the world. It is also a gateway to Asia, as well as a center of trade
activity between the US and Canada. Over half of the population has a first
language other than English (guess which one dominates?) The outdoors
activities are spectacular, from the ocean to nearby Whistler.
We really appreciate the hard and thoughtful work carried out by Klaus
Meyer and his track chairs to put together an outstanding meeting for us.
With the central theme of ”Local Contexts in Global Business”, they have
organized nearly 200 sessions with around 700 papers for our discussions. From new theories of international business to defining the domain
of our discipline, along with loads of empirical evidence about international business, there is a wealth of opportunity for us to discuss and debate
and to better understand business across national borders. The recurring
themes of the importance of culture in cross-border business, relations
with non-company stakeholders such as governments and NGOs, the internationalization process, and networks of companies in global business
feature prominently in the program, along with some specific focus on
local context.
In addition to the regular sessions in the meeting, we will have the traditional Doctoral Consortium and Junior Faculty Consortium on the first
day that ends with the Presidential Reception. Now in its second year, the
Mid-career Consortium will take place on that day as well.
The board and I would also like to take this opportunity to remember and
honor some of the early leaders in the IB field who passed away since last
year’s meeting, including John Ryans, Vern Terpstra, and Danny Van Den
Bulcke. Their contributions to our field and to our association were fundamental in bringing us to where AIB and international business are today.
Robert Grosse
Nakiye Boyacigiller
Immediate Past President
Mary Ann Von Glinow
Vice President Program (2014)
Klaus Meyer
Vice President Program-Elect (2015)
Ram Mudambi Vice President
Program-Past (2013)
Patricia McDougall
Vice President Administration
Peter Liesch
Vice President
Elizabeth Rose
We would like to thank our host institution for welcoming us to Vancouver:
Simon Fraser University. We particularly thank local arrangement coordinator Danny Shapiro for his leadership in getting the meeting here and
providing local arrangements.
So welcome to Vancouver. We are looking forward to lively interchange of
ideas in the meetings and an opportunity to learn a lot about this special
place in the world’s second largest country which has at the same time
the second fewest people per square kilometer.
Rob Grosse
AIB President
Vice President Administration
Jeremy Clegg
G. Tomas M. Hult
(for 3-year term beginning August 1, 2014)
President-Elect Vice President Vice President
Rosalie Tung Program-Elect Administration
(2016) Sumit Kundu
Charles Dhanaraj
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Welcome to Vancouver
From the Local Host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
President’s Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Letter from the Program Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sponsors and Contributors
Program Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Conference Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
AIB Fellows Executive of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
AIB Fellows Educator of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Program Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
General Conference Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Floor Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
New to AIB Conference
Scholars Meet Practice Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
AIB Interact (Exhibitor Presentations). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Meet Your Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Program Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Detailed Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Program Contributor Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Exhibit Hall Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Exhibitor Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
About AIB
The AIB Secretariat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Past Presidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Past Conference Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Fellows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Institutional Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Chapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Upcoming Chapter Conferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AIB 2015 — Bengaluru, India
AIB 2015 Call for Papers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Bengaluru Welcomes AIB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-115
Local Contexts in Global Business
From the 2014 Program Chair
Dear AIB Colleagues,
A very warm welcome to the diverse and vibrant city of Vancouver and to the 55th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business!
This year’s theme “Local Contexts in Global Business” is particularly appropriate to our Vancouver location as the city sits at the
crossroads of many cultures, especially the interface between North America and East Asia. Globalization is increasing opportunities for business to create value by bridging across different local contexts. At the same time, local contexts retain their distinct
characteristics in terms of, for example, culture, regulations, resources and human capital. Increasing interactions across nations,
however, does not necessarily lead to convergence: Local communities retain their distinctiveness. In fact, for many, local identity
may even become more important in response to the anonymous forces of globalization. On the other hand, some communities,
such as our host city Vancouver, thrive on the interaction of people from a diversity of backgrounds, and become hubs of global
business. Communities also build on local values, which can themselves become global.
Many papers in this year’s program take up these themes and investigate how businesses engage with, or adapt to, different
contexts in which they operate. Such engagement takes place at multiple levels, from individuals in international careers, to firms
strategizing on the global stage, to businesses interacting with government policy makers to shape the rules of the game.
As this program goes to press, over 1000 individuals have registered for the conference and will be able to choose from 4 plenary
sessions, 9 special sessions, 35 panels, 93 competitive paper sessions, 51 interactive paper sessions and many special events.
The number of submissions has been one of the highest in the history of the association. With so many quality submissions,
the task track chairs faced to narrow their acceptances to the allocated targets was daunting. Meeting attendees will be similarly
challenged in their choice of sessions to attend as there are so many stimulating choices. In most time slots the full conference
attendees will be able to choose from 15 sessions of panels, competitive and interactive session papers.
Let me highlight of the events awaiting you at the 2014 AIB Conference.
Pre-conference Consortiums. This year’s pre-conference offers workshops for doctoral students, junior faculty and mid-career
faculty, each with a distinguished group of faculty panelists. The Doctoral Student Consortium is chaired by Sarianna Lundan. The Junior Faculty Consortium is chaired by Heather Berry and the Mid-Career Consortium is chaired by David Reeb.
JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop. The workshop is chaired by Petra Christmann with John Cantwell as Co-Chair. It will
provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects in international business studies.
New Members Welcome Tea. Meet the AIB President, Robert Grosse, and other Board members in a special welcome to all
members attending the AIB conference for the first time.
Opening Ceremony. Our conference will start with a Coast Salish Traditional Welcome from the indigenous communities of
Vancouver, followed by introductions to the program, and the recognition of this year’s Educator of the Year. Special t-shirts
for the first 200 attendees will be available again this year. Be sure to show up early and claim a t-shirt as they are sure to
be prized items again this year.
AIB Fellows Plenary. The conference theme of “Local Contexts in Global Business” will be at the centre of the first major event,
the AIB Fellows Panel. Chaired by Alain Verbeke, I will offer my reflections for choosing this conference theme, followed by
Alan Rugman’s perspective on regional contexts, and Geoff Jones’ insights into historical contexts. The Presidential Reception will follow.
Scholars meet Practice. Our hosts at Simon Fraser University have organized three panels to discuss issues at the interface
of scholarship and management practice (sessions 1.1.2, 1.4.2, 2.1.2). These panels feature business leaders such as Sean
Yang, President, Huawei Canada (to be confirmed), Ray Castelli of Weatherhaven, and Eric Ma of Neusoft. WAIB (Women
in the AIB) hosts Wednesday a further scholars meet practice session on women in business in Canada featuring Gerl
Prior of ICBC and Juggy Sihota-Chahil of TELUS (session 2.2.2).
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Fellows Café. Early risers will every morning have the opportunity for a casual discussion with one of the AIB Fellows
before the start of the main program.
UNCTAD Sessions. UNCTAD will launch its 2014 World Investment Report at the AIB conference. James Zhan and Hafiz
Mirza will introduce the report, and Bin Xu, Ram Mudambi and Jeremy Clegg will provide commentaries. Join the experts behind the report for the launch event on Tuesday (session 1.3.2), and for further discussion of the report theme
“Investing in the Sustainable Development Goals: The TNC contribution” on Wednesday (session 2.3.2).
Free Trade Areas. In the final scholars meet practice session, experts will be discussing the experience of the US-Korea
Free Trade Area, and its lessons for future FTAs (session 2.5.2).
AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar Award. Richard Rumelt will be honored with this award and will provide a plenary keynote
speech on “Diversification, Good Strategy and Bad Strategy” (session 1.2.1). Commentaries will be provided Shige Makino, Jose de la Torre and Kathleen O’Connor. Rosalie Tung will chair the session.
AIB Fellows Executive of the Year Award. Dominic Barton of McKinsey is the recipient of this year’s AIB Fellows Executive of the Year Award (session 3.2.1). Following his speech on international strategic management in the consultancy
business, George Yip and Alain Verbeke will offer their comments. The session will be chaired by Ravi Ramamurti.
Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award Presentations. The five finalists for this year’s award are
Snehal Suyash Awate (Indian School of Business), Marcus M. Larsen (Copenhagen Business School), Miguel Matos
Torres (Universidade de Aveiro), Lars Matysiak (Justus Liebig University Giessen), and Surender Munjal (University
of Leeds). Join session 1.4.1 to meet researchers likely to shape future research agendas of the AIB. This award was
formerly known as the Farmer Award.
2014 JIBS Decade Award. The winners of the award are Gary Knight and Tamer Çavusgil for their paper, “Innovation,
organizational capabilities, and the born-global firm”. Following their retrospective, commentaries will be provided by
Ivo Zander and Nicole Coviello. John Cantwell chairs this session 3.3.1.
Panels. All panels have been organized as forums for debate on contemporary issues. On Tuesday, for example, you
can join discussions on cross cultural competences (session, 1.1.1, chaired by Mary Maloney), on the role of language
in MNEs (session 1.3.1, chaired by Mary-Yoko Brannen), on boundary spanning in global organizations (session 1.4.3,
chaired by Ajay Gaur), on role of MNEs in economic development (session 1.5.1, chaired by David Teece and Sunyong
Leih), on emerging market multinationals (session 1.5.2 chaired by Peter Williamson) and on the efficiency assumption of the MNE (session 1.5.3, chaired by Joseph Clougherty).
From Vancouver to Bangalore. The panel on “Understanding Multinational-New Venture Ecosystems” with participants
from India on Thursday introduces many themes of keen interest to businesses in next year’s AIB host city, Bangalore
(session 3.4.1).
Gala Event. We will enjoy the views over Vancouver Harbor during our gala event at the Vancouver Convention Centre
West on Wednesday night.
Lunches and Coffee Breaks. The coffee breaks and lunches, which are a special and unique feature of AIB, provide
members the opportunities to discuss new ideas with old friends and extend your network to new colleagues from
around the worls.
AIB Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony. Don’t miss this important wrap-up of the conference with executive
reports and award recognitions, and an outlook to our 2015 conference in Bangalore (session 3.5.1).
AIB Awards/Farewell Reception. The reception is sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan, publishers of JIBS, in honor of all
the winners of awards being given out at the AIB conference. This is a time for celebration and bidding farewell to
colleagues and friends.
These are just a few of the many stimulating sessions.
Local Contexts in Global Business
Putting together this program has been a truly collaborative effort. This program would not have been possible without the
1170 submissions by authors (of which 912 submissions as competitive papers) from 64 countries. The challenge of reviewing so many papers in a short time span was accomplished by 1611 reviewers who provided valuable input to authors and
track chairs. My sincere thanks go to all authors and reviewers.
The Fellows have organized the three plenary sessions that are sure to be outstanding, and they will meet members for
open ended informal discussions in the Fellow’s Café each morning. Alain Verbeke and Alan Rugman, who represented the
Fellows, coordinated the panels, while Eleanor Westney took responsibility for the Fellow’s Café. Their efforts in creating
these opportunities for engaging with senior scholars in our community are highly appreciated.
The track chairs had to make tough decisions and constructed the many interesting sessions offered this year. It was a
joy working with this group of talented and committed colleagues as we pulled the program together. Special thanks go to
each one: Davina Vora, Shameen Prashantham, Dana Minbaeva, Janet Y. Murray, Vikas Kumar, Felipe Monteiro, Aya Chacar,
Jordan Siegel, Pavida Pananond, Gabriel Benito, Sheila Puffer, Pei Sun, Lars Oxelheim, Timothy Devinney, Andreas Schotter,
and Lin Cui.
Our local hosts had done so much to make our conference in Istanbul memorable. Thanks to Simon Fraser University, and
very special thanks to Dean Daniel Shapiro, the local host chair who was instrumental in arranging so many special events.
I thank Chang-Hoon Oh, Jing Li and Mila Lazarova for coordinating the host panels, and Kirk Hill and Elaine Lo and their
colleagues for working through many logistics challenges.
Throughout the process, the AIB Executive Board members have provided valuable guidance. Ram Mudambi undertook all
the coordination of pre-conference activities. Robert Grosse, Elizabeth Rose, Patricia McDougall, Peter Liesch, Mary Ann von
Glinow, Nakiye Boyacigiller, Jeremy Clegg and Tomas Hult offered much valuable advice and support.
Many of you likely corresponded with Amber Zhao, my assistant, who handled hundreds of emails and in general made
herself indispensable; and supported us from Hong Kong after her departure from CEIBS. I also thank my colleagues at
CEIBS for your support ­— and your patience when other aspects of my work suffered as my mind was occupied with AIB.
Lastly, I want to thank the key person who has made this conference possible. AIB is so fortunate to have Tunga Kiyak and
his exceptional team at Michigan State University. Every year, Tunga supports the new program chair with infinite patience.
The IT infrastructure built and supported by his team at MSU are absolutely essential to make the program chair role manageable. Tunga’s professionalism never wavers, and his attention to every detail enables us to accommodate almost every
reasonable request. He is creative and competent, and he is always exceedingly gracious and helpful. Tunga, thank you for
not only your work on this conference but also for all your work for AIB, year after year.
Thanks also to each AIB member for giving me the honor and pleasure to serve as Program Chair. I hope that this year’s
conference will provide you with rich intellectual stimulation, not only for your own research projects, but for wider contributions that you may aspire to!
Klaus Meyer
Vice-President Program, Academy of International Business
Professor of Strategy and International Business
China Europe International Business School
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
2014 Conference Program Committee
Klaus Meyer - China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), China
Davina Vora - State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
Shameen Prashantham - Nottingham University Business School China
Dana Minbaeva - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Janet Y. Murray - University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Vikas Kumar - University of Sydney, Australia
Felipe Monteiro - INSEAD, France
Aya Chacar - Florida International University, USA
Jordan Siegel - Harvard Business School, USA
Pavida Pananond - Thammasat University, Thailand
Gabriel Benito - BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Sheila Puffer - Northeastern University, USA
Pei Sun - Fudan University, China
Lars Oxelheim - Lund University, Sweden
Timothy Devinney - University of Leeds, UK
Andreas Schotter - Ivey Business School, Canada
Lin Cui - Australia National University, Australia
Ram Mudambi - Temple University
Sarianna Lundan - University of Bremen, Germany
Heather Berry - George Washington University, USA
David Reeb - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Petra Christmann - Rutgers University, USA
John Cantwell - Rutgers University, USA
Alexandra Vo - Rutgers University, USA
Hadi Alhorr - Saint Louis University, USA
Peter Buckley - University of Leeds (Chair), UK
Mark Casson - University of Reading, UK
Anupama Phene - George Washington University, USA
Rebecca Piekkari - Aalto University, Finland
Kazuhiro Asakawa - Keio University (Chair)
Peter Liesch - University of Queensland
Elizabeth Rose - University of Otago
Aya Chacar - Florida International University
Rudolf Sinkovics - University of Manchester (Chair)
Jane Lu Wenzhen - University of Melbourne
Olli Kuivalainen - Lappeenranta University of Technology
Jennifer Oetzel - American University
Simon Fraser University
Danny Shapiro
Eric Gedajlovic
Chang Hoon Oh
Kirk Hill
Jennifer Peng
Elaine Lo
Local Contexts in Global Business
2014 AIB Conference Sponsors
Exclusive Title Sponsor
Media Partner
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Pre-Conference Event Sponsors
Doctoral Consortium JIBS Paper Development Workshop
Junior Faculty Consortium New Members Welcome Tea
Conference Event Sponsors
JIBS Decade Award
CoffeeS Break
Buckley-Casson Dissertation Award
John Cook School of Business
Boeing Institute of
Coffee Break
That’s Interesting Award
Economies Research Award
L O UBest
I S Paper
U N I in
V Emerging
WAIB Reception
Special Thanks to
Host Institution Program Chair’s Institution
AIB Secretariat Institution
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB 2014 Reviewers
We would like to thank the 1337 reviewers that helped make the 2014 conference a possibility. We would especially like to recognize
the Best Reviewer Award winners listed below, in bold and in alphabetical order, as nominated by the AIB 2014 Track Chairs:
Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo
Rene Belderbos, University of Leuven
Marion Sandrine Bitsch, Turku School of Economics
Michael Bowe, University of Manchester
Trevor Buck, Glasgow University
Lucrezia Casulli, University of Strathclyde
Murali Chari, RPI
Daniel Han Ming Chng, CEIBS
Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University
Reid W. Click, George Washington University
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Nicolas Maurice Dahan, Temple University
Stephen DeLoach, Elon University
Carolyn P. Egri, Simon Fraser University
Stacey R. Fitzsimmons, Western Michigan University
Verena Gruber, WU Vienna
Exequiel Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania
Kyoung Yong Kim, University of Houston
Francisco J. Acedo, Universidad de Sevilla
Senay Acikgoz, Gazi University
Kweku Adams, University of Calgary
María de las Mercedes Adamuz, Instituto
Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Fida Afiouni, AUB School of Business
James Agarwal, University of Calgary
Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron
Yaghoub Ahmadi, Payame Noor University
Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi
He Soung Ahn, Korea University
Faisal M Ahsan, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University
Niklas Åkerman, Linnaeus University
Serkan Akguc, Temple University
Mahtab Akhavan Farshchi, London South
Bank University
Akram Al Ariss, Toulouse Business School
Gerald Albaum, University of New Mexico
Filippo Albertoni, Politecnico di Milano
Juciara Nunes Alcantara, University of
Sandra Seno Alday, University of Sydney
Todd Alessandri, Northeastern University
Constantinos Alexiou, Cranfield
Murod Aliyev, University of Leeds
Vinicio Almeida, UFRN - Federal University
of Rio Grande do Norte
Saad Abdulaziz Almosa, Prince Sultan
Akmaral Altaliyeva, International Academy of Business
Maria Aluchna, Warsaw School of
Marcelo J. Alvarado-Vargas, University
of Toledo
Isabel Alvarez, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid
Elisa Alvarez-Garrido, Georgia State
Gisela Alves, University of Minho
Claes G Alvstam, University of Gothenburg
Mohamed Amal, Regional University of
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Bristol
Wolfgang Amann, Goethe University
Lyn Suzanne Amine, Saint Louis University
Mohit Anand, FORE School of Management
Subramaniam Ananthram, Curtin
John Anderson, University of Northern
Svante Andersson, Halmstad University
Naoki Ando, Hosei University
Josmar Andrade, Universidade de S.
Mohd Akbar Ansari, IIM Lucknow India
Jolanta Aritz, USC
Jean-Luc Arregle, Emlyon Business School
Ahmad Arslan, University of Vaasa
Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University
Jack Aschkenazi, American International
Christian Asmussen, CBS
Alexander Assouad, Kennesaw State
Rashmi Assudani, Xavier University
Samaa Attia, British University in Egypt
Anthony John Avallone, Berkeley College
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Miikka J. Lehtonen, Aalto University
Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern University
Jasenko Ljubica, University of Split
Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Peter Magnusson, Florida International University
Valentina Marano, University of Alabama
Susan Mudambi, Temple University
Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading
Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Brian C Pinkham, Ivey Business School
Wesley Pollitte, University of Southern Mississippi
B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School
Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University
Cristina Villar, University of Valencia
Bernard Martin Wolf, York University
Sandra Awanis, Lancaster University
Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of
Akbar Azam, University of Bologna
Daniel Wayne Baack, University of Denver
Vernon Bachor, Simon Fraser University
Faten Baddar Al-Husan, University of
Fawaz Baddar Alhussan, IESEG School of
Benjamin Bader, University of Hamburg
Jen Baggs, University of Victoria
Somayehsadat Bahmannia, University
of Otago
Tao Bai, University of Hong Kong
Nicholas Bailey, University of South
David Scott Baker, University of Louisiana
at Lafayette
George Balabanis, City Universtiy
Melodena Balakrishnan, University of
Wollongong in Dubai
Zandra Balbinot, UQÀM-Université du
Québec à Montréal
Lydia Bals, Copenhagen Business School
Elitsa R. Banalieva, Northeastern
Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, FGV-EAESP
Shuji (Rosey) Bao, Old Dominion University
Lou Anne Adrianna Barclay, University of
the West Indies
Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of
Tais Siqueira Barreto, Florida Atlantic
António Correia De Barros, ISCAP
Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business
Spiros Batas, University of Edinburgh
Georgios Batsakis, University of Kent
Matthias Baum, University of Kaiserslautern
Chris Baumann, Macquarie University
Andreas Bausch, University of Giessen
Paul Beamish, Ivey Business School
Lawrence Beer, Arizona State University
Rene Belderbos, University of Leuven
Elena Beleska-Spasova, University of
Mohamed Belkhir, UAE University
Olfa Ben Arfa, Qatar University
Stefanie Shirlee Ann Beninger, Simon
Fraser University
Mirko Benischke, University of Auckland
Mamoun Benmamoum, Saint Louis
Hamdi Bennasr, King Saud University
Robert Bennett, Delaware County Community College
Maureen Benson-Rea, University of
Rosalind A Bergemann, GMS Business
Paloma Bernal Turnes, Rey Juan Carlos
Roberto Bernardes, School of Industrial
Heather Berry, George Washington
Marie-Ann Betschinger, NRU Higher
School of Economics
Tolulope Bewaji, University of the West
Indies, Mona
Sumon Kumar Bhaumik, Aston University
Ali Bhayani, University of Wollongong
Constanza C. Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo
Tsvetomira Vladimirova Bilgili, University
of Memphis
Soniya Billore, Linnaeus University
Melissa Birch, University of Kansas
Allan Bird, Northeastern University
Julian Birkinshaw, LBS
Marion Sandrine Bitsch, Turku School of
Ervin Black, Brigham Young University
Daniel J Blake, IE Business School
Agyenim Boateng, Glasgow Caledonian
Jean Boddewyn, Baruch College, CUNY
Andrea Boellis, Politecnico di Milano
Bistra Boeva, University for National and
World Economy
David Boggs, Eastern Illinois University
Cheryl Boglarsky, Human Synergistics, Inc.
Daniela Bolzani, University of Bologna
Michael Harris Bond, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Suleika Bort, University of Technology
Moritz M. Botts, European University
Frank Adrien Bouchet, University of Tulsa
Michael Bowe, University of Manchester
Harry Bowen, Queens University of
Nakiye A. Boyacigiller, Sabanci University
Brendan Boyle, University of Newcastle
Kristin Martina Brandl, CBS
Mohamed Branine, Dandee Business
Barbara Brenner, Danube University Krems
Wolfgang Breuer, RWTH Aachen University
Chris Brewster, University of Reading
Keith D Brouthers, King’s College London
Nádia Campos Pereira Bruhn, UFG
Johan Bruneel, Gent Iniversiteit
Richard Brunet-Thornton, Vysoká škola
ekonomická v Praze
Edward Ray Bruning, University of
Garry Bruton, Texas Christian University
John Buchanan, University of Cambridge
Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois
Trevor Buck, Glasgow University
Edward Buckingham, Nottingham University Business School China
Ricardo E. Buitrago R., La Salle University
Amanda Bullough, Thunderbird School of
Global Management
Osama Jawaid Butt, Bahria University
Pinar Buyukbalci, Yildiz Technical
Madhavi C Vasanta, PAGWON
Claudia Cacia, University of Salerno
Huifen Cai, University of Huddersfield
Li Cai, Jilin University
Yingdan Cai, University of Groningen
Aurora Calderón-Martínez, University of
Cristina Lelis Leal Calegario, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Goran Calic, Purdue University
Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Cyntia Calixto, FGV
Jose Campa, IESE Business School
Katherine Campbell, University of North
Sue F Canney Davison, Pipal Ltd ( SFU)
Anthony Cannizzaro, George Washington
Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Temple University
Javier Capape, ESADE Business School
Dan V. Caprar, UNSW Australia
Jorge Carneiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Steven Carnovale, Rutgers University
Matteo Giuliano Caroli, Luiss Guido Carli
Flavia Carvalho, FDC
Luisa Carvalho, Open University Portugal
Tania Casado, University of Sao Paulo
Jose Casillas, University of Seville
R. Mitch Casselman, St. John’s University
Fabio Cassia, University of Verona
Sarah Castaldi, University of Groningen
Renee Castrigano, Cleveland State
Andres Mauricio Castro Figueroa, Universidad del Rosario
Lucrezia Casulli, University of Strathclyde
Virginia Cathro, University of Otago
Domenico Ceglia, Federal University of
Claude B. Cellich, International University
in Geneva
Bora Cetin, University of St. Gallen
Brian R. Chabowski, University of Tulsa
Doren Chadee, Deakin University
Dominic Chai, Seoul National University
Masud Chand, Wichita State University
Bidhan Chandra, State University of New
York Empire State College
Mike Chen-ho Chao, William Paterson
University of New Jersey
Murali Chari, RPI
Reccia Natasha Charles, St. George’s
Amit Jain Chauradia, University of Illinois
Meena Chavan, Macquarie University
Shankar Chelliah, Universiti Sains
Aizhen Chen, Xiamen University
Charles Chen, University of Phoenix
Chia-Pin Chen, National Chung-Hsing
Hao-Cheng Chen, National Cheng Kung
Hsiu-Li Chen, Ming Chuan University
Huei-Fang Chen, Soochow University
Hung-hsin Chen, East China Normal
I-Shuo Chen, Trinity College Dublin
Liang Chen, University of Leeds
Lu-Jui Chen, Ming Chuan University
Nancy, Yfeng Chen, Lingnan University
Ran Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University
Shih-Fen Chen, Ivey Business School
Shu-Jen Chen, Alliant International
Wang-Kun Chen, Jinwen University of
Science and Technology
Wenjie Chen, George Washington
Xi Chen, New York University
Xing Chen, Chinese University of Hong
Yi-Ping Chen, Chung-Hsing University
Dazhong Cheng, Fudan University
Junjun Cheng, Fudan University
Luyun Cheng, University of York
Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago
Che Chao Chiang, Cheng Shiu University
Abdulrahman Chikhouni, Concordia
Tachia Chin, Guangdong University of
Foreign Studies
Natalia Chiryaeva, North-Eastern Federal
Carlos H. Chiu, National Taiwan University
Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University
Hui Yun Chiu, National Chengchi University
Amon Chizema, Loughborough University
Daniel Han Ming Chng, CEIBS
Seho Cho, Rutgers University
Youngsam Cho, Korea University
Byoung Kwon Choi, Sangmyung University
Don Seung Choi, Sogang University
Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University
Eliane Choquette, Aarhus University
Sheng-Fang Chou, De Lin Institute of
Farzana Chowdhury, Indiana University
Valeri Chukhlomin, SUNY Empire State
Wootae Chun, Saint Louis University
Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University
Kim Clark, St. Mary’s College of California
John Clarry, Rutgers University
Lisbeth Claus, Willamette University
Reid W. Click, George Washington
Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at
Elisa Cobas-Flores, Tecnológico de
Alain Coen, UQÀM
Scott Brian Cohen, Western International
Martin Coiteux, Bank of Canada
Beatriz Coningham, RTI International
Mary Conway Dato-on, Rollins College
Cristanna Marie Cook, Husson University
Mark Cook, University of Wolverhampton
Joseph Cooper, University of Wyoming
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, University of
Rafael Corredoira, University of Maryland
Teresa Gomes Valente Costa, Setúbal
Polytechnic Institute
Daniel Joseph Costello, Chengdu University of Technology
Frank Florinel Cotae, Mount Royal
Dafnis N. Coudounaris, University of
Carole Couper, University of Glasgow
Nicole Coviello, Wilfred Laurier University
Rafel Crespi-Cladera, Universitat Illes
Nuno Fernandes Crespo, ISEG
Javier Calero Cuervo, University of Macacu
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern
Douglas Cumming, York University
Michael Cummings, University of Minnesota
Erzsebet Czako, Corvinus University of
Angela Da Rocha, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro
Gilberto Figueira da Silva, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Mikey Da Silva Neto, CASOP
Nicolas Maurice Dahan, Temple University
Weiqi Dai, Zhejiang University of Finance
& Economics
Mourad Dakhli, Georh
Colin David Dale, University of Reading
Alfredo D’angelo, University of Glasgow
Akash Dania, Alcorn State University
Wade Danis, University of Victoria
Izzet Sidki Darendeli, Temple University
Saad Znad Darwish, Applied Science
Monisha Das, University of Maryland ES
Pinaki Dasgupta, IIFT
Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University
Tobias Dauth, HHL Leipzig Graduate
School of Management
Dirk De Clercq, Brock University
Pedro de Faria, University of Groningen
Alice de Jonge, Monash University
Renato de Mello, Coppead/UFRJ
Sharon DeGroote, Lawrence Technological
Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University
Stephen DeLoach, Elon University
Xinming Deng, Wuhan University
Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China
Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia
Local Contexts in Global Business
Geoffrey Desa, San Francisco State
Sameer Anant Deshpande, University of
Dr. Vijay Dhole, University of Pune
Adamantios Diamantopoulos, University
of Vienna
Christian Dianoux, University of Lorraine
Marleen Dieleman, National University of
Marcellinus Chum Dike, Aalto University
Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of
Economics and Business
John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College
Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow
Nikolay Akhilles Dimitriadi, Rostov State
University of Economics
Magdalena Dobrajska, Copenhagen
Business School
Harald Dolles, Molde Univesity College
Isabel Cristina Dos Santos, University of
São Caetano do Sul
W.G. Douglas Fernandez, Florida International University
Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne
Peter Dowling, La Trobe University
Antony John Drew, University of Newcastle
Nigel Driffield, Aston University
Rian Drogendijk, Uppsala University
Zhirong Duan, Tsinghua University
Paulo Alexandre Duarte, University of
Beira Interior
Meral Dulger, Bogaziçi University
Gregory Dunn, National University of
Gary Arthur Dusek, Nova Southeastern
Florence Duvivier, Solvay Brussels School
of Economics and Management
Bernadine Dykes, University of Delaware
Azusa Ebisuya, Osaka University
Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M University
Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University
Matthias Eggertsson, Keiser University
Majid Eghbali Zarch, Ivey Business School
Carolyn P. Egri, Simon Fraser University
Mats Ehrnrooth, Hanken School of
Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin
Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac
Albert Garland Elam, International Business Academy
B. Elango, Illinois State University
Eric Philip Eller, Upper Iowa University
Laetitia Em, University of Groningen
Emine Erdogan, Rutgers University
Yvette Njan Essounga, Fayetteville State
Andre M Everett, University of Otago
Frances Fabian, University of Memphis
Yasir Yasin Fadol, Qatar University
Di Fan, Deakin University
Hong Fan, Saint Mary’s University
Shea Fan, University of Melbourne
Tony Fang, Stockholm University
Bassam Farah, Ivey Business School
Mehdi Farashahi, Concordia University
Omar Al Farooque, University of New
Balazs Fazekas, Kyoto University
Anthony Fee, University of Technology
Dorothee Feils, University of Alberta
Susan Feinberg, Temple University
Christian Felzensztein, Universidad Adolfo
Monika Alexandra Fenchel, IHI Zittau
Jing Betty Feng, Georgia State University
Charles Fenner, SUNY Canton
Mark G Fenton, University of Wisconsin
Alejandro M. Fernandez Castro, National
University of Ireland
Stephanie A. Fernhaber, Butler University
Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Uninove - Universidade Nive de Julho
Fragkiskos Filippaios, University of Kent
Stacey R. Fitzsimmons, Western Michigan
Margaret Fletcher, University of Glasgow
Chavi C.Y. Fletcher-Chen, IESEG School of
Afonso Fleury, Universidade de São Paulo
Ricardo Flores, University of New South
Henry Fock, Hong Kong Baptist University
John Ford, Old Dominion University
Rosa Portela Forte, University of Porto
Johann Fortwengel, Free University of
Anne Marie Francesco,
June Francis, Simon Fraser University
Chiara Franco, Catholic University of Milan
Daniel Patrick Friesen, Eastern Washington University
Fabian Jintae Froese, University of
Dina Frutos-Bencze, Saint Anselm College
Qingfen Fu, Tsinghua University
Jeferson de Araujo Funchal, Federal
Institute of Rio Grande do Sul
Eddy Fung, British Columbia Institute of
Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa
Giorgio M Gandellini, University of Roma
Gerald Yong Gao, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Roberto Garcia, Indiana University
Carlos Garcia-Pont, IESE Business School
Sergio Garcilazo, Universidad Panamericana
Ivan Lapuente Garrido, UNISINOS
Jose-Mauricio Geleilate, Florida International University
Simona Gentile-Lüdecke, Bremen
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Suresh George, Coventry University
Guy Gessner, Canisius College
Yamlaksira Shewangizaw Getachew,
Western University
Animesh Ghoshal, DePaul University
Sonia Ghumman, University of Hawaii at
Brett Anitra Gilbert, Rutgers University
G. Ronald Gilbert, Florida International
Dr Kawal Gill, University of Delhi
Edward Gillmore, Malardalen University
J.Greg Gimba, Nova Southeastern
Lyn Glanz, GIHE
Charmaine Glavas, Queensland University
of Technology
Jose Godinez, Merrimack College
Kubilay Gök, Abdullah Gul University
Marcelo de Biazi Goldberg, Fundacao
Getulio Vargas
Andrea Goldstein, OECD
Sougand Golesorkhi, Manchester Metropolitan University
Núbio Vidal de Negreiros Gomes Filho,
University of Coimbra
Yuan-yuan Gong, Kyoto University
Miguel Gonzalez-Loureiro, University
of Vigo
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT
John Goodell, University of Akron
Paul Gooderham, NHH
Yasaman Gorji, John Molson School of
Sid Gray, University of Sydney
Oksana Grebinevych, Emlyon Business
Winsome Olwen Greenwood, Northern
Caribbean University
Gary Douglas Gregory, University of New
South Wales
Peder Greve, University of St. Gallen
Carroll Howard Griffin, Valdosta State
Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business
Birgitte Grogaard, University of Calgary
Robert Grosse, American University of
Verena Gruber, WU Vienna
Philippe Gugler, University of Fribourg
Isin Guler, Sabanci University
Janti Gunawan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Berrin Guner, Rowan University
Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick
Ying Guo, University of South Australia
Vijay Kumar Gupta, Indian Institute of
Furkan Amil Gur, Louisiana State University
Georg Guttmann, University of St. Gallen
Yoo Jung Ha, University of York
James M. Hagen, Hamline University
Aida Hajro, Brunel University
Lars Hakanson, Copenhagen Business
Tilo F. Halaszovich, University of Bremen
Kavita Miadaira Hamza, University of
Sao Paulo
Jung-Hoon Han, Yonsei University
Qin Han, University of Alberta
T.J. Hannigan, Temple University
David Parker Hanson, Duquesne University
Savita Hanspal, College of Saint Rose
Andy Wei Hao, University of Hartford
Faisal Harahap, Florida International
Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh
Wesley Eric Harry, Chester and Cass
Sandra Melanie Hartl, Macquarie
Vanessa Hasse, Western University
Olga Hawn, Boston University
Denitsa Blagoeva Hazarbassanova,
Copenhagen Business School
Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex
Katrin Held, University of Hamburg
Jini Heller, GIHE
Dr. Marilyn M. Helms, Dalton State
Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Witold Jerzy Henisz, University of Pennsylvania
Exequiel Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania
Monica D Hernandez, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Paula C Herring, DeVry University
Peter Hertenstein, University of Cambridge
Anna Katharina Hildisch, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Mikael Hilmersson, Halmstad University
Brian Hilton, Nottingham University
Juha Hinkkanen, Lappeenranta University
of Technology
Seev Hirsch, Tel Aviv University
Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho, Yuan Ze University
Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business
Katharina Maria Hofer, Johannes Kepler
University Linz
Joerg S. Hofstetter, University of St.Gallen
Gahye Hong, Korea University
Jacky Hong, University of Macau
Jung Kee Hong, Freelancer
Junjie Hong, University of International
Business and Economics
Sungjin J. Hong, Queen’s University Belfast
Jeou-Shyan Horng, Hungkuang University
Elena Horska, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Jörg Hruby, Hochschule für Unternehmensführung
Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Ming Dao Univesity
Chia Chen Hsu, National Chi Nan
Chin-Chun Hsu, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Wenchung Hsu, National Chi Nan
Cheng-Li Huang, Tamkang University
Chiung Yi Huang, Yuan Ze University
Heng-Chiang Huang, National Taiwan
Qihai Huang, Lancaster University
Shengsheng Huang, University of Houston-Victoria
Yen-Chih Huang, Asia University
Ying Huang, University of Massachusetts
Lucas Dale Humphries, Aalto University
Da Huo, Central University of Finance and
Kate Hutchings, Griffith University
Thomas Hutzschenreuter, WHU Otto
Beisheim School of Management
Marilyn Ibarra-Caton, Bureau of Economic
Fernanda Ilhéu, ISEG/UL
Edith Ipsmiller, Vienna University of
Economics and Business
Adrienne A. Isakovic, Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University
Rodrigo Isidor, University of Paderborn
Fauzia Jabeen, Abu Dhabi University
Robert Graham Jack, Macquarie University
Naveen Kumar Jain, University of Akron
Andreja Jaklic, University of Ljubljana
Mel Jameson, University of Nevada, Las
Hans Jansson, Linnaeus University
Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of
Eduardo Jarque, Japan Center for Latin
American Studies
Manya Jaura, Copenhagen Business
Sarabdeen Jawahitha, University of Wollongong in Dubai
Mohd Haniff Jedin, Universiti Utara
Mark Jelavich, Northwest Missouri State
Nathan Jensen, Washington University
Peter D. Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen
Business School
Yujin Jeong, American University
Ester Eliane Jeunon, FPL, PUCMG
Fiona Xiaoying Ji, Ohio University
Crystal X Jiang, Bryant University
Fuming Jiang, Curtin University
Guo-Liang Frank Jiang, Dalhousie
Feng Jiao, University of Mary
Alfredo Jimenez, University of Burgos
Lu Jin, University of Hong Kong
Yuan Jin, Tsinghua University
Yiming Jing, University of Delaware
Belmiro N. Joao, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP - Brazil)
Arpita Joardar, Clark University
Gun H. Joh, San Diego State University
Douglas Johansen, Jacksonville University
Johny K. Johansson, Georgetown University
Julius H Johnson Jr, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Danielle Renee Jones, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Karsten Jonsen, IMD
Janice Joplin, Southern Illinois University
Min Ju, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Anita Juho, Oulu University
Paulina Junni, BI Norwegian Business
Alexandra Kaar, FH Salzburg
Valtteri Kaartemo, Turku School of
Zeynep Kacmaz, University of Bradford
Mario Kafouros, University of Leeds
Eldrede Kahiya, Christchurch Polytechnic
Institute of Technology
Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business
Kiattichai Kalasin, Mahidol University
Margarete Kalinowski Bowien, ESADE
Business School
Fariha Kamal, US Census Bureau
Md. Shawkat Kamal, Green University of
Yener Kandogan, University of Michigan-Flint
Yuanfei Kang Kang, Massey University
Pao T. Kao, Uppsala University
Philip Kappen, Copenhagen Business
Rabi Narayan Kar, University of Delhi
Amit Karna, EBS Business School
Bharanitharan Karunanithi, National
Cheng Kung University
Tamiko Kasahara, University of Shizuoka
Anastasia A. Katou, University of Macedonia
Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota
Harun Kaya, Istanbul Iniversity
Azhar Kazmi, King Fahd University of
Petroleum & Minerals
Ben Kedia, University of Memphis
Dawn Keig, Whitworth University
James Kelley, Saint Joseph’s University
Mark Kendrick, Methodist University
Sharon Kendrick, Methodist University
Mari Ketolainen, University of Turku
Zaheer Khan, University of Hull
Sujata Khandai, Institute of Technology
& Science
Amira Naqeeb Khattak, IQRA University
Violetta Khoreva, Hanken School of
Chung Hee Kim, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific
Daekwan Kim, Florida State University
Eun-Hee Kim, George Washington
Hakkyun Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
Hyeong-Deug Kim, Acsenda School of
Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana
Jinsil Kim, University of Texas, Dallas
Kwang-Ho Kim, Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies
Kyoung Yong Kim, University of Houston
Philsoo Kim, Yonsei University
Seung H. Kim, Saint Louis University
Soyeon Kim, Korea University
Suyeon Kim, Yonsei University
Taeho Kim, Thunderbird School of Global
Yeongsu Kim, INSEAD
Yong-Duk Kim, Soongsil Univsersity
Youngok Kim, University of New South
Yuko Kimura, University of Leicester
Suthikorn Kingkaew, Thammasat Business School
Steffen Kinkel, Karlsruhe University of
Applied Sciences
Ahmet Kirca, Michigan State University
Guilherme Kirch, Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul
Wiboon Kittilaksanawong, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
Hendrik Klier, Heinrich-Heine-University
Gary Knight, Willamette University
April Knill, Florida State University
Kazuhiko Kobori, National Chng-Kung
Christopher Kobrak, Rotman School of
Georg Kodydek, WU Vienna
Tsuyoshi Ted Koizumi, HYogo College
Tanja Kontinen, University of Jyväskylä
Minnie Kontkanen, University of Vaasa
Mariella Köstner, University of Graz
Tanvi Kothari, San Jose State University
Masahiro Kotosaka, Ritsumeikan
Alex Kouznetsov, Holmes Institute
Alexei Koveshnikov, Hanken School of
Kenta Koyama, Keio University
Sorin Krammer, Groningen
Jacob Krive, University of Illinois at
Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University
of Technology
Elena Kulchina, Duke University
Kothandaraman Kumar, Indian Institute of
Management Bangalore
Nishant Kumar, Stockholm Business
Rajesh Kumar, University of Nottingham
Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney
Anusorn Kunanusorn, University of
Sumit Kundu, Florida International
Vincent Eduard Kunst, Rijksuniversiteit
Henri Kuokkanen, GIHE
Yusuf Kurt, University of Manchester
Olga Kuznetsova, Manchester Metropolitan University
Jooyoung Kwak, Yonsei University
Chuck Kwok, University of South Carolina
Carmen Freitas Lages, Nova School of
Business and Economics
Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University
C Lakshman, Tongji University
Desmond Lam, University of Macau
Keith Lam, University of Macau
Asjeet Lamba, University of Melbourne
Anna Lamin, Northeastern University
Jeferson Lana, FGV/EAESP
Christian Landau, EBS University
Maria Corazon Liquido Lanting, National
Cheng Kung University
Gianvito Lanzolla, Cass Business School
Lasmin Lasmin, Ministry of Finance of
Marina Latukha, Saint-Petersburg State
Sven M. Laudien, Otto von Guericke
University Magdeburg
John Lawler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Diana Abdoo Lawson, St. Cloud State
Marija Lazarev, LRG University of Applied
Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
Tan Thanh Le, INRS-EMT
Aude Le Cottier, IE Business School
Watcharaphong Leartsurawat, Florida
International University
Cheng-Yu Lee, Southern Taiwan University
of Science and Technology
Chol Lee, Sogang University
In Hyeock (Ian) Lee, Loyola University
Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University
Jongmin Lee, University of Reading
Khan-Pyo Lee, Sogang University
Long-Yuan Lee, Cheng Shiu University
Meng-Hsiu Lee, National Sun Yat Sen
Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at
Ting Lin Lee, University of Kaohsiung
Miikka J. Lehtonen, Aalto University
Weng Si Clara Lei, Insitute for Tourism
Studies, Macau
Alexander Leinemann, University of St.
Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University
Business School China
Chengguang Li, University of Paderborn
Dan Li, Indiana University
Dongmei Li, Hang Seng Management
Local Contexts in Global Business
Jizhong Li, Curtin University
Lin Li, Nottingham University Business
School China
Mingxiang Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nicolas Li, University of Glasgow
Peter Ping Li, Copenhagen Business
Qian Li, Shanghai International Studies
Sali Li, University of South Carolina
Wei Li, University of Sydney
Xiaolin Li, Guangdong University of
Finance and Economics
Yingxia Li, Beijing Union University
Yong Li, SUNY Buffalo
Zhuojun Li, Peking University
Xingkun Liang, University of Cambridge
Yung-Kuei Liang, Tatung University
Yuan Liao, University of New South
Marilyn Louise Liebrenz-Himes, George
Washington University
Gai Sin Liem, IYC Indonesia
Peter W. Liesch, UQ Business School
Carol Y.Y. Lin, National Chengchi
Chih-Hua Lin, National Chengchi
Jung-Ching Lin, National Taiwan
Nidthida Lin, University of Newcastle
Shu-Jou Lin, National Taiwan Normal
Te-Yi Lin, Tatung University
Xiaohua Lin, Ryerson University
Frederick Lindahl, George Washington
Jessica Lindbergh, Stockholm University
Johan Paul Lindeque, University of
Thomas Lindner, Vienna University of
Economics and Business
Valerie Lindsay, University of Wollongong in Dubai
Joseph A Lipuma, Emlyon Business
Ana Catarina Cadima Lisboa, IPL/ESTG
Romie Frederick Littrell, Auckland University of Technology
Stefan Litz, St Francis Xavier University
Chang Liu, University of International
Business and Economics
Chia Ling (Eunice) Liu, National Cheng
Kung University
Chih-hsing Liu, Ming Chuan University
Chuanlan Liu, Louisiana State University
Jingting Liu, Georgia State University
Ling Liu, University of Edinburgh
Matthew T. Liu, University of Macau
Runjuan Liu, Unviersity of Alberta
Shichang Liu, Tsinghua University
Xiaohui Liu, Loughborough University
Yang Liu, Zhejiang University
Yang Liu, University of Cambridge
Ying Liu, Florida International University
Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern University
Jasenko Ljubica, University of Split
Shihmin Lo, National Chi Nan University
Sandra Loeb, King’s College
Luis Lopez, Incae Business School
Antonia Jiewei Lu, Lingnan University
Lung-Tan Lu, Fo Guang University
Vinh Nhat Lu, Australian National
Wei Lu, Aalto University
Randi Lunnan, BI Norwegian Business
Lingli Luo, Chinese University of Hong
Nathaniel Curtis Lupton, Fordham
Jagadeesha M, Dilla University
Daw Ma, Chung-Hua Institution for
Economic Research
Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University
Li Ma, Peking University
Na Ma, Tsinghua University
Xiaobai Ma, Peking University
Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong
Anoop Madhok, York University
Peter Magnusson, Florida International
Muhammad Waqas Maharvi, COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology
Amro Maher, Qatar University
Gregory James Mahony, University of
Basma Majerbi, University of Victoria
Antonio Majocchi, University Pavia
Khawaja Saeed Mamun, Sacred Heart
Tatiana S. Manolova, Bentley University
Eva Cristina Manotas Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Valentina Marano, University of Alabama
Ismatilla Mardanov, Southeast Missouri
State University
Diaswati Mardiasmo, Queensland
University of Technology
Cristina Ileana Marine, University of
Maryland UC
Marin A Marinov, University of Gloucestershire
Paulo Marques Morgado, Leiden
Pedro Marquez, Royal Roads University
Silvia Martin, Lynchburg College
Carmen Leonor Martinez-Lopez, City
University of New York/BMCC
Henrique Castro Martins, UFRGS, EA
Pedro Martins, Queen Mary University
of London
Francisco Jose Mas, University of
Robbert Maseland, University of
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Silvia Massini, University of Manchester
Jose Mata, Nova School of Business and
Raymond J. Mataloni Jr., U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis
Thomas Mathew, SIMSR
Martin Mathews, University of Westminster
Shane Mathews, Queensland University
of Technology
Ajeet N. Mathur, IIM Ahmedabad
Linda Matthews, UTPA
Anna Matysek-Jedrych, Poznan University of Economics
Lars Matysiak, Justus Liebig University
Amin Mawani, York University
Ulrike Mayrhofer, IAE Lyon, Jean Moulin
Lyon 3 University
Patricia McDougall-Covin, Indiana
Sara Lisa McGaughey, Griffith University
Rod B. McNaughton, University of
Deirdre McQuillan, Dublin Institute of
Noor Un Nabi Md, Khulna University
Siti Rohani Md. Yusof, Curtin University
Sarawak Malaysia
Jacqueline Mees-Buss, University of
Luisa Fernanda Melo, Bentley University
Pedro Lucas De Resende Melo, UNIP Universidade Paulista
Mark Mendenhall, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Esha Mendiratta, Australian School of
Xavier Mendoza, ESADE Business School
Anna Menozzi, Universita’ del Piemonte
Orientale “A. Avogadro”
Juan Meraz, Missouri State University
Hemant Merchant, USFSP
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Politecnico
di Bari
Johannes Meuer, University of Zurich
John Mezias, University of Miami
David Francis Midgley, INSEAD
Irina Mihailova, Aalto University
Carla Millar, Twente / Ashridge
Stewart Miller, University of Texas at San
Luciano Minghini, Federal University of
Parana State
Ewa Minska-Struzik, Poznan University
of Economics
Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD
Nicola Misani, Bocconi University
Christof Miska, WU Vienna
Anuranjan Misra, Bhagwant Institute of
Patricia J. Misutka, University of Alberta
Matthew Mitchell, Drake University
Kuniko Mochimaru, Josai University
Miriam Moeller, University of
Nurul Efifi Mohamad Ngasri, University
of Adelaide
Moiz Mohammed, Pondichery University
Muhammad Mohiuddin, Laval University
Alex Mohr, Kent Business School
Michael Mol, University of Warwick
Sinead Monaghan, University of Limerick
Manuel Montoya, University of New
Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University
Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway University
of London
Ricardo Morais, Catholic University of
Anna Morgan-Thomas, Universty of
Marie Louise Mors, Copenhagen Business School
Caterina Moschieri, IE Business School
Terence Motsi, Cleveland State University
Susan Mudambi, Temple University
Lakshmi Mudunuru, GITAM University
Marc Mueller, University of St. Gallen
Miriam Muethel, WHU
Aroop Mukherjee, Universiti Putra
Kudzai Mukumbi, Michigan State
K.V. Mukundhan, Indian Institute of
Management, Kozhikode
Jakob Müllner, Vienna University of
Economics and Business
Marta Muñiz-Ferrer, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan
Motofusa Murayama, Seattle University
& Chiba University
Muryani Muryani, Airlangga University
Aldo Musacchio, Harvard Business
Martina Musteen, San Diego State
Olga Muzychenko, University of Adelaide
Matthew Myers, University of Tennessee
Ramazan Nacar, Istanbul Technical
Swati Nagar, AUT University
Sudhir Nair, University of Victoria
George Nakos, Clayton State University
Anup Nandialath, Zayed University
Sireesha Nanduri, Sikkim Manipal
Yokoyama Narimasa, Nihon University
Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading
Steen Erik Navrbjerg, University of
Nana Kweku Nduom, George Washington University
Nathan R Neale, Washington State
Phillip C. Nell, WU Wien & Copenhagen
Business School
Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi, University
of Saskatchewan
Kim-Soon Ng, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti, Assumption
Vi Dung Ngo, Institute of Policy and
Strategy for Agriculture and Rural
Michael Zisuh Ngoasong, Open University
Pham Hoanh Son Nguyen, France Business School
Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading
Viet Hai Nguyen, National Cheng Kung
John Nicholson, Hull University
Rekha Nicholson, University of Bath
Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
Sabina Nielsen, CBS
Amalia Nilsson, Uppsala University
Michael Nippa, TU Freiberg
Andy C. Niu, University of Hong Kong
Stanley D Nollen, Georgetown University
Kurt Norder, Simon Fraser University
Niina Nummela, Turku School of Economics
Moema Pereira Nunes, PUCRS - Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio
Grande do Sul
Nila Nuzula, University of Brawijaya
Claude Obadia, ESCE, Paris
Everlyne Awuor Ochome, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Marie Oehme, University of Mannheim
Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August-University
Jennifer Oetzel, American University
Mario Henrique Ogasavara, ESPM
Kelechikwu Emmanuel Oguejiofor, Taylor’s University, Lakeside Campus
Nnamdi Oguji, University of Vaasa
Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University
Won-Yong Oh, University of Calgary
Lucy Ojode, Texas Southern University
James Oldroyd, Ohio State University
Rene Olie, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Marcelle Colares Oliveira, Federal University of Ceara
Igor Oliveira dos Santos, HEC Montréal
Tom Osegowitsch, University of Melbourne
Dana Leigh Ott, University of Auckland
Ursula F. Ott, Loughborough University
Dwobeng Owusu-Nyamekye, Keiser
Marion Owyar-Hosseini White, James
Madison University
Nurgul Ozbek, Stockholm School of
Orhan Volkan Ozbek, University of Texas
at Arlington
Ayse Ozturk, Georgia State University
Priyanka P V, Bangalore University
Eriikka Johanna Paavilainen-Mäntymäki,
Turku School of Economics
Cecilia Pahlberg, Uppsala University
Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount
Varina Paisley, University of New South
Alan Jerry Pan, Prince Sultan University
David W Pan, Prince Sultan University
Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University
Andrei Panibratov, St. Petersburg State
Georgios Panos, University of Stirling
Nikolaos Papageorgiadis, Bradford
Byung Il Park, Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies
Hye Youn Park, Korea University
Sang-Bum Park, Korea University
Taekyung Park, Yeungnam University
Arvind Parkhe, Temple University
Venkata Pasupuleti, Indian Institute of
Management, Raipur
Saurav Pathak, Michigan Technological
Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney
Abhijit M. Patwardhan, Texas A&M International University
Pallab Paul, University of Denver
Rubens Pauluzzo, University of Udine
Florin Peci, University of Peja
Jennifer Pédussel Wu, Berlin School of
Economics and Law
Carine Peeters, ULB - SBSEM
Anders Pehrsson, Linnaeus University
Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of
Juan Pellegrino, Christchurch Polytechnic
Institute of Technology
Adeline Pelletier, London School of
Vesa Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology
Hanna Peltonen, Lappeenranta University
of Technology
Glenna Carolyn Pendleton, Northern
Michigan University
George Peng, University of Regina
Yu-Shu Peng, National Dong Hwa
Henry Penikas, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Vijay Edward Pereira, University of
Aron Perenyi, Swinburne University
Paola Perez-Aleman, McGill University
Alessandro Perri, University of South
Gordana Pesakovic, Argosy University
Robin Pesch, University of Bayreuth
Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business
Victor Louis Petrovic, Petrovic Enterprises,
Dan Alex Petrovici, University of Kent
Hanh Thi Song Pham, Sheffield Hallam
Dorota Piaskowska, University College
Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Anke Piepenbrink, Azerbaijan Diplomatic
Brian C Pinkham, Ivey Business School
Michael J. Pisani, Central Michigan
Niccolo Pisani, University of Amsterdam
Mariacristina Piva, Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore
Jose Pla-Barber, University of Valencia
Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki
Wesley Pollitte, University of Southern
Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Erik Poutsma, Radboud University
K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington
Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Central University
of Gujarat
Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham
University Business School China
John Ben Prince, Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship
William John Procasky, Texas A&M International University
Jairo Laser Procianoy, EA/UFRGS
Ming Pu, Harbin University of Science and
Xiaoyu Pu, SUNY Oswego
Jonas Puck, WU Vienna
Markus Pudelko, Tübingen University
Francisco Puig, University of Valencia
Danica Purg, IEDC-Bled School of Management
Saptarshi Purkayastha, IIM Kozhikode
Pushyarag Puthusserry, Queen’s University Belfast
Jean-Michel Quentier, France Business
School- Campus Clermont
Larissa Rabbiosi, CBS
Roberta Rabellotti, Università di Pavia
Mohammad Rahman, University of
Indu Ramachandran, Texas State
Nora Ramadan, University of Birmingham
Revti Raman, Victoria University of
Bala Ramasamy, CEIBS
Hussain Rammal, University of South
Miguel A. Ramos, University of Texas at
El Paso
Trond Randoy, University of Agder
William Rapp, NJIT
Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana
Urvashi Rathod, Symbiosis International
Elizabeth C. Ravlin, University of South
Anil Rawat, Institute of Business Management & Technology
Mohammed Rawwas, University of
Northern Iowa
Rama Krishna Reddy, University of
B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School
Patrick Reinmoeller, Cranfield University
Hong Ren, University of Wisconsin
Monica Ren, Macquarie University
Rebecca Reuber, University of Toronto
Alex Rialp, Universitat Autònoma Barcelona
Fernanda Ribeiro, FEI
Malika Richards, Penn State University
Glenn Richey, University of Alabama
Hannah Noriko Richta, DB Schenker Rail
Caroline V Rider, Marist College
Nina Rilla, Turku School of Economics
Jose Luis Rivas, ITAM
Ronald M. Rivas, Canisius College
Patrick Rizzetto, Bank of Canada
Michael Roberts, MacEwan University
Nicholas Francis Robinson, North Island
Henrique Martins Rocha, Rio de Janeiro
State University
Thelma Valeria Rocha, ESPM
Jorge Rodrigues, Universidade de Taubaté
Alicia Rodriguez Marquez, University
Carlos III of Madrid
Thomas W Roehl, Western Washington
Marcia Rohr da Cruz, Universidade de
Caxias do Sul
Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago
Frank S. Rose, Lewis University
George Bedinelli Rossi, ESPM/USP
Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University
Hernan ‘Banjo’ Roxas, Deakin University
Huub Ruel, Windesheim University of
Applied Science
Carlos Rufin, Suffolk University
Enar Ruiz-Conde, University of Alicante
Rapeeporn Rungsithong, University of
John Alan Rushing, Barry University
Paul Ryan, National University of Ireland,
Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business
Sami Saarenketo, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Florin Sabac, University of Alberta
Muthuswamy Dayanidhi Saibaba,
Dayananda Sagar Technology and
Walid Said, University of Tunis El Manar
Miriam Sailer, EBS Universität für
Wirtschaft und Recht Oestrich-Winkel
Sajeesh Sajeesh, Baruch College, CUNY
Local Contexts in Global Business
K B Saji, Indian Institute of Management,
Ayse Saka-Helmhout, University of
Aidin Salamzadeh, University of Tehran
Stephen Brian Salter, UTEP
Prashant Salwan, Indian Institute of
Management Indore
Astrid Juliane Salzmann, RWTH Aachen
Shantala Samant, Virginia Tech
Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa
Andre Sammartino, University of
Val Samonis, Royal Roads University
Susanne Sandberg, Linnaeus University
Estefania Santacreu Vasut, Essec Business School
Grazia D. Santangelo, University of
Fernando de Almeida Santos, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica de São Paulo
José Freitas Santos, ISCAP/IPP
Rajib Sanyal, Ball State University
Almasa Sarabi, Georg-August-University
Michael A. Sartor, Ivey Business School
Innan Sasaki, University of Turku
Emine Beyza Satoglu, Rutgers University
Olivia Saunders, College of The Bahamas
Johannes Sauset, Georg-August-University of Goettingen
Rajeev Sawant, Baruch College, CUNY
William Charles Sawyer, Texas Christian
Vittoria Giada Scalera, Politecnico di
Milano, Temple University
Annibal Scavarda, UNIRIO
Hannu Schadewitz, Turku School of
Eduardo Schiehll, HEC Montreal
Rafael Schiozer, FGV
Björn Schmeisser, WU Vienna
Stefan Schmid, ESCP Europe
Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank
Katja Schneider, TU Freiberg
Anne Schreiter, University of St. Gallen
Arnold Schuh, WU Vienna
Adrian Schulte Steinberg, University of
St. Gallen
Roger Schweizer, University of Gothenburg
Hermann Schwind, Saint Mary’s
Ricardo Sellers Rubio, University Of
W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University
Monica J. Semeniuk, Simon Fraser
Holli A Semetko, Emory University
Konan Anderson Seny Kan, Université
de Toulouse
Per Servais, University of Southern
Satyarth Prakash Sethi, Baruch College,
Ignatius Roni Setyawan, Tarumanagara
Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin
Shahazadi Begum Shaik, GITAM School
of International Business
Liang Shao, Hong Kong Baptist University
Siti Halijjah Shariff, Universiti Teknologi
David Scott Shaw, Evergreen State
Edlira Shehu, University of Hamburg
Hsia Hua Sheng, FGV-EAESP
Linda Shi, University of Victoria
Xinping Shi, Hong Kong Baptist University
Duckjung Shin, Western University
Ji-Young Shin, Korea University
Vikrant Shirodkar, Universty of Sussex
Amir Shoham, Temple University
Yusuf Sidani, American University of
Vítor Corado Simões, ISEG, University of
Evis Sinani, Copenhagen Business School
J D Singh, International Management
Institute, New Delhi
Rudolf R Sinkovics, University of Manchester
Juthamon Sithipolvanichgul, Thammasat University
Karin Sixl-Daniell, GlobalNxt
Bradley Skousen, University of Illinois at
Urbana Champagne
Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University
Sally Sledge, Norfolk State University
Melanie Smans, University of Adelaide
Patricia Matisz Smith, North Carolina
Wesleyan College
Simon Man Shing So, University of
Sten Söderman, Stockholm University
Minna M Söderqvist, Kymenlaakso
University of Applied Sciences
Anne-Marie Soederberg, Copenhagen
Business School
Albrecht Soellner, Europa-Universitaet
Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business
Abrahim Soleimani, Eastern Washington
Hyacinthe Yirlier Some, HEC Montreal
Dieter Somers, University of Leuven
Meng Song, Aston University
Pavan Soni, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Marketa Sonkova, Boston University
Hui Sono, James Madison University
Jayant Sonwalkar, University of Indore
Olav Jull Sorensen, Aalborg University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
John Spillan, University of North Carolina
at Pembroke
Riccardo Spinelli, University of Genoa
Stavroula Spyropoulou, University of
Menon Sreedharan Mampully, University
Of Mumbai
Rajeshwari Srinivasa, Karnataka State
Open University
Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, University of
Martin H Stack, Rockhurst University
John Joseph Staczek, Thunderbird Scool
of Global Mgt
Loren M. Stangl, Massey University
Diego Stea, CBS
Carlos Eduardo Stefaniak Aveline, FGV/
Abraham Stefanidis, St. John’s University
Ruth Steinhauer, Saarland University
Brenda J Sternquist, Michigan State
Carmen Stoian, Kent Business School
Vicky Story, Nottingham University
Business School
Pavel Strach, ŠKODA AUTO University
Tamara Stucchi, Technical University of
Cong Su, Uppsala University
Muhammad Subhan, Universiti Utara
Lavanchawee Sujarittanonta, University
of Calgary
Badri Munir Sukoco, Airlangga University
Iffath Sultana, Dar Al Hekma College
Kangyong Sun, Hitotsubashi University
Pei Sun, Fudan University
Zhongjuan Sun, University of Oxford
Irina Minodora Surdu, University of
Dylan Sutherland, Durham University
Bernhard Swoboda, Trier University
Kelsey Lynne Syvrud, Florida State
Andrea Szalavetz, Institute for World
Florian Taeube, EBS Business School
Mahdi Tajeddin, John Molson School of
Kayhan Tajeddini, Lund University
Koichi Takaishi, Daito Bunka University
Nobuya Takezawa, Rikkyo University
Masae Kanai Takimoto, Osaka University
of Economics and Law
Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond
Chin Chiu Tam, Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Khaled Tamzini, El Manar2/FSEGT
Qun Tan, Xiamen University
Felix Tang, Hang Seng Management
Ryan Tang, University of Technology
Xiaoyun Tang, East China University of
Political Science and Law
Yee Kwan Tang, University of Glasgow
Yinuo Tang, University of Pittsburgh
David Tanganelli, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Qingjiu (Tom) Tao, James Madison
Ernesto J. Tapia Moore, Kedge Business
Vas Taras, University of NC Greensboro
Pete Tashman, Portland State University
Markus Taussig, National University of
Mark Tayar, Macquarie University
Murray Taylor, Macquarie University
Sully Taylor, Portland State University
Ding Ding Tee, Monash University
Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South
Pard Teekasap, Thai-Nichi Institute of
Helene Tenzer, Tübingen University
João Paulo Correia Teodósio, Polytechnic
Institute of Santarem
Htwe Htwe Thein, Curtin University
David Thomas, Australian School of
Karim Marini Thomé, University of
S. Bruce Thomson, MacEwan University
Patricia Todd, Western Kentucky
Paz Estrella Tolentino, Birkbeck, University of London
Bruno Thiago Tomio, Regional University
of Blumenau
Jittima Tongurai, National Institute of
Development Administration
Lasse Torkkeli, LUT School of Business
Miguel M. Torres, University of Aveiro
Janell Townsend, Oakland University
Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of
Dora Triki, Esce
Michael Troilo, University of Tulsa
Hanna Trojanowska, Siedlce University
Chenyi Tsai, Wenzao Ursuline University
of Languages
Chih-Hao Tsai, National Sun Yat Sen
Ching-Mu Tseng, Chi Nan University
Ting-hsiang Tseng, Feng Chia University
Chiayu Tu, Ming Chuan University
Joy Elly Tulung, SKEMA Business School
Asli Tuncay-Celikel, Isik University
Stephen J. Turnbull, University of
Fernando Ubeda, Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid
Basak Ucanok, Istanbul Bilgi University
Tolga Ulusemre, University of South
Setiadi Umar, Rutgers Business School
Annique Un, Northeastern University
Srinivas Rajesh Upadhyayula, Indian
Institute of Management, Kozhikode
Indrianawati Usman, Airlangga University
Tetsuya Usui, Nihon University
Katiuscia Vaccarini, University of Macerata
Jan-Erik Vahlne, University of Gothenburg
Halia Mayela Valladares Montemayor,
Mount Royal University
Robert Vambery, Pace University
Ari Van Assche, HEC Montreal
Pierre van der Eng, Australian National
Hans van Ees, University of Groningen
Silvio Vasconcellos, UNISINOS
Tatiana Vashchilko, Ohio State University
Prasad Vemala, McNeese State University
A Venkatraman, University of Delhi
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
Rajeev Verma, Chandragupt Institute of
Management, Patna
Luciana Marques Vieira, UNISINOS
Adrian Villanueva, Advill Consultancy
Cristina Villar, University of Valencia
Tiia Vissak, University of Tartu
Chaiporn Vithessonthi, University of
Jean-Laurent Viviani, Université de
Rennes 1
Oliver Von Hagen, International Trade
Centre (WTO/UN)
Davina Vora, SUNY New Paltz
George Vozikis, Chaminade University of
Metin Onal Vural, IE Business School
Robyn Carlea Walker, University of Southern California
John Walsh, Shinawatra University
Min Wan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Chung-Jen Wang, MingDao University
Haibo Wang, Texas A&M International
Huanglin Wang, SUNY New Paltz
Juan Wang, East China University of
Science and Technology
Lin Wang, Lingnan University
Liu Wang, Providence College
Miao Wang, University of Nottingham
Ming-Chao Wang, Shih Chien University
Peijie Wang, University of Plymouth
Yu-Kai Wang, Soochow University
Zhenning Wang, University of Nottingham
Zhi Wang, Chinese University of Hong
Mark J. Weber, Argosy University
Thomas Weber, Old Dominion University
Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie
Jiang Wei, Zhejiang University
Luan Ying Wei, Takming University of
Science and Technology
Wei Wei, Beijing Jiaotong University
William Wei, MacEwan University
Robert J. Weiner, George Washington
Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
Louis T. Wells, Harvard University
David Weng, City University of Hong Kong
Eric Werker, Harvard Business School
Cariline S, Westerhof, California National
University for Advanced Studies
Stanford Westjohn, University of Toledo
Eleanor Westney, York University
Colin Wheeler, University of Portsmouth
George White, Old Dominion University
Ryan Charles White, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Nila Maria Wiese, University of Puget
Christopher Williams, Ivey Business
Peter James Williamsom, University of
James (Jim) Wills, University of Hawaii-Shidler College
Sheryl Winston Smith, Temple University
Jorge Wise, CETYS Universidad
Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Albert Wöcke, University of Pretoria
Bernard Martin Wolf, York University
Joachim Wolf, University of Kiel
Han-Gyun Woo, Ulsan National Institute
of Science and Technology
Geoffrey Wood, Warwick Business School
Changqi Wu, Peking University
Jay Wu, Thammasat University
Shubin Wu, Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics
Terry Wu, University of Ontario Institute of
Wei-ping Wu, Hong Kong Baptist
Kinde Wubneh, University of Pennsylvania
Steffen Wuetz, University of St.Gallen
Tai Ming Wut, Hong Kong Polytechnic
Duarte Xara-Brasil, Instituto Politecnico
de Setubal
Wlamir Xavier, UNISUL
Harry Xia, University of Saint Joseph
Simon Shufeng Xiao, Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies
Henry Yu Xie, College of Charleston
Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University
Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes School of Business
Dean Xu, University of Melbourne
Kefeng Xu, University of Texas at San
Xiaojun Xu, Fudan University
Xun Xu, Washington State University
Yue Xu, Hull University
Sachiko Yamao, University of Melbourne
Mo Yamin, University of Manchester
Chen Yan, Beijing University of Posts and
Lili Yan, George Washington University
Yoshio Yanadori, University of South
Chen-Wei Yang, Fooyin University
Jiawen Yang, George Washington
Jing Yu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney
Man Yang, University of Vaasa
Qin Yang, Robert Morris University
Wei Yang, CEIBS
Xin Yang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Xiyan Yang, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Yi Yang, Yonsei University
Yong Yang, University of Sussex
Fiona Kun Yao, University of Illinois at
Attila Yaprak, Wayne State University
Hiroshi Yasuda, Aoyama Gakuin
Naoki Yasuda, Keio University
R. Isil Yavuz, Ozyegin Universitesi
Hamid Yeganeh, Winona State University
Ryh-song Yeh, Yuan-ze University
Poh-Lin Yeoh, Bentley University
Harun Emre Yildiz, Stockholm School of
Economics & Uppsala University
Haiyan Yin, Indiana University South
George Yip, CEIBS
Helena Yli-Renko, University of Southern
Hideki Yoshihara, Kobe University
Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of
Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management
Stephen Young, University of Glasgow
Susan L Young, Seton Hall University
Chow Ming Yu, National Chengchi
Chung-Long Yu, Tungnan University
Wenlong Yuan, University of Lethbridge
Suelen Alice Zacharias, FGV
Mahmood A Zaidi, University of Minnesota
Ivo Zander, Uppsala University
Rodrigo Zeidan, Fundação Dom Cabral
and NUBS China
Mary Elizabeth Zellmer-Bruhn, University
of Minnesota
Yuping Zeng, Southern Illinois University
Joachim Zentes, Saarland University
Feng Zhan, York University
Hua Zhang, CEIBS
Jie Zhang, Peking University
Jing Zhang, Old Dominion Univeristy
Lihua Zhang, Renmin University of China
Ling Eleanor Zhang, Hanken School of
Michael Wei Zhang, Nottingham Trent
Min (Megan) Zhang, Ivey Business School
Xiaotian Tina Zhang, Saint Mary’s College
of California
Zelong Zhang, Baruch College, CUNY
Sheri Zhang-Leimbigler, University of
Liman Zhao, University of Minnesota
Wanli Zhao, Southern Illinois University
Congcong Zheng, San Diego State
Xiaolan Zheng, Nottingham Business
School China
Bijuan Zhong, Baruch College, CUNY
Gaoguang Zhou, Hong Kong Shue Yan
Lianxi Zhou, Brock University
Judith Shuqin Zhu, University of Newcastle
Pengcheng Zhu, University of San Diego
Xiaoyan Zhu, Hubei University of Technology
Xindong Zhu, City University of Hong Kong
Yunxia Zhu, University of Queensland
Yuting Zhuang, University of Otago
Jörg Zimmermann, European Commission
- Joint Research Centre
Ahmed Y. Zohny, Coppin State University
Jie Zou, Peking University
Haithem Zourrig, University of Regina
Ulrike Zschoche, Georg-August-University
Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia
Summer Elise Zwanziger Elsinger, Upper
Iowa University
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB Fellows 2014 Executive of the Year
Special Awards Plenary
June 26, 10:45-12:00
Stanley Park Ballroom Salons 2-3
Dominic Barton
Dominic Barton is the Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Company.
In his 27 years with the firm, Dominic has advised clients in a range of
industries including banking, consumer goods, high tech and industrial.
Prior to his current role, Dominic was based in Shanghai as McKinsey’s
Asia Chairman from 2004 to 2009 and led the Korea office from 2000 to
Dominic is an active participant in international fora including Davos, the
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Les Rencontres Économiques
d’Aix-en-Provence, the Asia Business Council and the China Development
Forum. He has authored more than 80 articles on the role of business in society, leadership, financial
services, Asia, history and the issues and opportunities facing markets worldwide. Dominic is a coauthor, with Roberto Newell and Greg Wilson, of Dangerous Markets: Managing in Financial Crises
(Wiley & Sons, 2002) and China Vignettes: An Inside Look at China (Talisman, 2007).
Dominic leads McKinsey’s work on the future of capitalism, long-term value-creation and the role of business leadership in society. This is a set of research initiatives and projects to convene organisations and
leaders for constructive action. One such project was a task force on Inclusive Capitalism, which Dominic
co-led with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (sponsored by the Henry Jackson Society, a London-based
think tank). The task force ­— comprised of business and public leaders in the US and UK — developed
approaches for engaging and scaling business actions to address issues that create both social and
economic value.
He is a member of the Canadian Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on the Public Service, a Trustee
of the Brookings Institution, a member of the Singapore Economic Development Board’s International
Advisory Council, an advisor to the Asia Development Bank, a member of the Advisory Board for the
China Development Bank Capital Group and a Board Member of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
Dominic has received multiple awards for his business leadership and contributions to the communities
in which he has lived — for example, in February 2013 Dominic received the Order of Civil Merit (Peony
Medal) from former President Lee of South Korea. He is a Rhodes Trustee and an Honorary Fellow at
Brasenose College, Oxford. Dominic is also an Adjunct Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing.
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
AIB Fellows 2014 Educator of the Year
Opening Plenary
June 23, 17:00-19:00
Stanley Park Ballroom
Daniel M. Shapiro
Daniel M. Shapiro (PhD, Cornell) is Dean and Lohn Foundation Professor, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. He has worked
for over thirty years as an educator and researcher. He has published
five books and monographs and over seventy-five scholarly articles on
international business strategy and MNEs, determinants of FDI, and international aspects of corporate ownership and governance. His research
has been published in Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic
Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of
Industrial Economics, among others. His articles have been cited over 3500 times. His current research
focuses on the impact of governance and institutions as determinants of innovation and outward FDI
from emerging markets. In 1995 and again in 2002 he was awarded the TD Canada Trust Teaching
He has designed and delivered executive programs to managers in the private and public sectors, both
in Canada and abroad (including Russia, Guyana, Indonesia and China). He has served as a consultant to various organizations in the public and private sectors in the areas of foreign investment, mergers, competition policy, strategy and industrial policy, and has served on the Boards of both private
and public organizations.
He has over 25 years of experience university administration. Most recently as Dean of the Beedie
School of Business he has successfully developed a strategic position for the School with an emphasis
on globalization and emerging markets, raised the money to name it, and led the School through successful accreditation rounds with AACSB and EQUIS. As Dean, he has worked to enhance the international role of international business in the School. In this regard, he was instrumental in launching the
MBA for the Americas, a unique and innovative EMBA program developed with partners at Vanderbilt
(USA), FIA (Brazil) and ITAM (Mexico). He was also instrumental in launching the Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development, a project in partnership with UBC and Ecole
Polytechnique de Montreal. This institute, funded by a $25 million grant from the Canadian government, is devoted to helping developing countries enhance their resource governance capabilities and
promote sustainable development. He also helped launch the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies, in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada (a quasi-government entity).
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB Fellows 2014 Eminent Scholar
Special Awards Plenary
June 24, 10:45–12:00
Stanley Park Ballroom Salons 2–3
Richard P. Rumelt
Richard P. Rumelt (born 1942) holds the Harry and Elsa Kunin Chair in Business and Society at UCLA Anderson where he has been a faculty member
since 1976.
Professor Rumelt was educated as an electrical engineer at the University of California, Berkeley and earned his DBA from the Harvard Business
School. During 1993-96 Professor Rumelt headed the INSEAD Corporate
Renewal Initiative. He has been the President of the Strategic Management
Professor Rumelt is widely recognized as being one of the intellectual
fathers of both the modern theory of corporate diversification and the resource-based view in strategy. His fundamental contributions have been popularized or extended by
many other scholars, both in strategy and in the field of international business.
Prof. Rumelt’s work on product diversification has been instrumental to the development of modern
international business research. His insights on product diversification have informed much subsequent work on geographic diversification and on the trade-offs between product and geographic
diversification. Rumelt’s finding that somewhat diversified companies perform better than highly
diversified ones, remains more compelling given the present debate in the international business
field on the optimal geographic scope (regional versus global) of multinational enterprises.
Rumelt’s research has also challenged the power of ‘industry forces’, demonstrating that firm-level
factors are more important drivers of performance than industry factors, much in line with the mainstream view in international business that firm-specific advantages drive economic performance.
Prof. Rumelt’s recent book, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters, departs
from looking at strategy is purely economic terms and defines real-world strategy work as problem
solving. This way of looking at strategy allows a unified framework for examining strategy in firms,
non-profits, and governments because, he argues, good strategy follows from identifying the key
challenges and offering ways to deal with them.
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
2014 Program Awards
Temple/AIB Best Paper Award
(Award Presentation on June 26, 16:15-17:45, Stanley Park Ballroom)
Sponsored by Temple University’s Fox School of Business
The Temple/AIB Best Paper Award was created in 2002 through a
generous endowment by Temple University’s Fox School of Business. All papers accepted for competitive sessions are eligible for
the award. One finalist from each track is nominated by the track
chairs based on reviewer input and their own assessments. An
independent Best Paper Award Committee reviews the finalists
and chooses the winning manuscript. The authors of the winning
manuscript receive a plaque and a cash award. Nominees for this
year’s award are as follows (in order of presentation):
“Significance, Substance, and Dynamics of Regulatory Response: Japanese MNEs’ Ownership Strategies in China and the
United States” by Min (Megan) Zhang, Ivey Business School
and Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Presented: Session 1.1.6, June 24, 09:00-10:15, Cypress 2
“Institutional Dynamics and Organizations Affecting the Adoption of Sustainable Development in the United Kingdom and
Brazil” by Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu, Federal University of
Ceara; Larissa Teixeira da Cunha, Federal University of Ceara;
Jason Joannou, University of Cambridge; and Claire Barlow,
University of Cambridge
Presented: Session 1.3.5, June 24, 13:00-14:15, Cypress 1
“Cross-border Mergers and Domestic-firm Wages: Integrating
‘Spillover Effects’ and ‘Bargaining Effects’” by Joseph Clougherty, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Klaus Gugler, WU
Vienna; Lars Sorgard, Norwegian School of Economics; and
Florian Szuecs, DIW Berlin
Presented: Session 1.3.8, June 24, 13:00-14:15, Oak 2
“Switching Options and Foreign Entry Decisions” by Rene Belderbos, Catholic University of Leuven; Tony Tong, University of
Colorado; and Shubin Wu, Shanghai University of Finance and
Presented: Session 1.5.11, June 24, 16:15-17:30, Arbutus
“Towards a Taxonomy of the Global Leadership Construct” by
B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE; Allan W. Bird, Northeastern University; Mark E. Mendenhall, University of Tennessee; and Joyce
Osland, San Jose State University
Presented: Session 2.3.10, June 25, 13:00-14:15, Thompson
“Strategic Archetypes of Emerging Market Multinationals: Analysis of Outward FDI of Indian Firms” by Vikas Kumar, University
of Sydney; Rajesh Upadhyayula, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode; and Amit Karna, EBS Business School
Presented: Session 2.4.4, June 25, 14:30-15:45, Seymour
“Principles or Templates? The Role of Human Capital in
Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer” by Ames Oldroyd, Ohio
State University and Shad Morris, Brigham Young University
Presented: Session 3.1.5, June 26, 09:00-10:15, Cypress 1
“Co-Parenting Advantage through Extra-Regional Headquarters:
Knowledge Flows and Embeddedness in a Model of Subsidiary
Evolution” by Jose Pla-Barber, University of Valencia; Cristina
Villar, University of Valencia; and Anoop Madhok, York University
Presented: Session 3.3.8, June 26, 13:00-14:15, Oak 2
“SMEs Exports Continuity Through Relational Governance” by
Claude Obadia, ESCE, Paris; Jose Pla-Barber, University of
Valencia; and Irena Vida, University of Ljubljana
Presented: Session 3.4.2, June 26, 14:30-15:45, Stanley Park 1
“Venture Capital and Innovation around the World” by Douglas Cumming, York University; Arsalan Safari, MIT; and Brian
Cozzarin, University of Waterloo
Presented: Session 3.4.6, June 26, 14:30-15:45, Cypress 2
“Upmarket And Downmarket Outward Foreign Direct Investment
In Response To Pro-Market Reforms” by Luis Alfonso Dau,
Northeastern University
Presented: Session 3.4.11, June 26, 14:30-15:45, Arbutus
“Strategic Location in the Global Value Chain and Foreign
Subsidiary Performance: Evidence from 105 Countries” by Ajai
Gaur, Rutgers University; Yong Yang, University of Sussex; and
Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University
Presented: Session 2.2.5, June 25, 10:45-12:00, Cypress 1
“Speed of Entry into Export and Post-entry Exit of New Ventures”
by Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China; Ruey Jer (Bryan)
Jean, National Chengchi University; Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester
Presented: Session 2.3.4, June 25, 13:00-14:15, Seymour
Local Contexts in Global Business
Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar(s)
“Chinese Multinational Corporations’ Responses to Host Country
Trade Union Challenges: An Eclectic Approach” by Judith Shuqin
Zhu, University of Newcastle
Presented: Session 3.4.4, June 26, 14:45-16:00, Seymour
Each year, the AIB Foundation and the Eldridge Haynes Memorial
Trust award the Haynes Prize for the best paper written by an
author or authors under 40 years of age. All papers accepted for
competitive sessions are eligible for the prize as long as the age
criterion is met. One finalist from each track is nominated by the
track chairs based on reviewer input and their own assessments.
An independent Haynes Award Committee reviews the finalists
and chooses the winning manuscript. The authors of the winning
manuscript receive a plaque and a cash award. Nominees for this
year’s award are as follows (in order of presentation):
“Social Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility: Asymmetric Benefits and Penalties of CSR Strategy”
by Olga Hawn, Boston University and Catherine Shea, Northwestern University
Presented: Session 3.4.10, June 26, 14:45-16:00, Thompson
(Award Presentation on June 26, 16:15-17:45, Stanley Park Ballroom)
Sponsored by AIB Foundation and the Eldridge Haynes Memorial
“Realizing Offshore Strategies: Sequential Effects in the Internationalization of Firm’s Upstream and Support Activities” by
Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, McGill University
Presented: Session 1.1.7, June 24, 09:00-10:15, Oak 1
“Transferability of Status and Experience Advantages in International Venture Capital Investments” by Elisa Alvarez-Garrido,
Georgia State University and Isin Guler, Sabanci University
Presented: Session 1.1.12, June 24, 09:00-10:15, Fir
“What is the Logic behind Political Connectedness? Institutional
Logics and Varieties of Firm-Government Interactions” by Tolga
Ulusemre, University of South Carolina
Presented: Session 1.4.9, June 24, 14:30-15:45, Fraser
“Designing Offshore Subunits: Scope Decisions and Their
Performance Implications” by Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, McGill
Presented: Session 2.2.5, June 25, 10:45-12:00, Cypress 1
“Contextual and Processual Antecedents of International
Strategic Alliance Performance: A Co-evolutionary View” by Mia
Hsiao-Wen Ho, Yuan Ze University
Presented: Session 2.4.5, June 25, 14:30-15:45, Cypress 1
“Is International Assignment Experience a Ticket to the Top of
a Foreign Subsidiary? A Career-Cone Perspective” by Almasa
Sarabi, Georg-August-University Goettingen and Fabian J.
Froese , Georg-August-University Goettingen
Presented: Session 2.4.10, June 25, 14:30-15:45, Thompson
“Greasing the Wheels of Change: The Impact of Corruption,
Local Arbitrariness, and Institutions on Firm Innovation” by Sorin
M.S. Krammer, Groningen University
Presented: Session 3.3.5, June 26, 13:00-14:15, Cypress 1
“The Impact of Product Innovativeness on Export Performance in
an Emerging Market Context: An Evaluation of the Moderating
Effects of Financial Resources and Competitive Intensity” by
Nathaniel Boso, University of Leeds; Samuel Adjei, Headlines
Hospitality; Richard Boateng Yeboah, Access Bank Ghana Ltd;
and Fu-Mei Chuang, Loughborough University
Presented: Session 3.4.2, June 26, 14:45-16:00, Stanley Park 1
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation
(Award Presentation on June 26, 16:15-17:45, Stanley Park Ballroom)
Sponsored by Henley Business School, University of Reading and
the Centre for International Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL)
Eligibility for the 2014 “Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation
Award” for the best dissertation in international business was
all Ph.D. and D.B.A. students who successfully defended their
dissertations between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.
The winner receives a plaque and a cash award. Furthermore,
all finalists receive a travel stipend to allow them to present their
research at the annual meeting. This year’s finalists will present
their work at Session 1.4.1, June 24, 14:30-15:45, in Stanley Park
Ballroom, Salons 2-3.
“Trajectory of Innovation in Emerging Industries: Evidence from
the Global Wind Power Industry”
Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business (Ph.D.
Awarded by Temple University)
“The Organizational Design of Offshoring”
Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School (Ph.D.
Awarded by Copenhagen Business School)
“Pro-Internationalisation Policy and Outward Foreign Direct
Miguel Matos Torres, Universidade de Aveiro (Ph.D. Awarded
by University of Aveiro)
“Multinational Enterprises and Performance: Three Essays at
the Interface between International Business and Strategic
Lars Matysiak, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Ph.D. Awarded by Justus Liebig University Giessen)
“Foreign Acquisitions by Indian Multinational Enterprises: A Test
of Internationalisation Frameworks”
Surender Munjal, University of Leeds (Ph.D. Awarded by University of Leeds)
AIB/Sheth Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award
(Award Presentation on June 26, 16:15-17:45, Stanley Park Ballroom)
Sponsored by the Sheth Foundation and AIB Foundation
The Dissertation Proposal Award is awarded in conjunction with
the AIB/Sheth Doctoral Consortium. The proposals are judged
based on the originality and theoretical foundations of the work,
the rigor and soundness of the proposed method, and the potential contribution and impact of the proposal in advancing the field.
Winner(s) receive a plaque and receive a cash award.
2014 JIBS Decade Award
(Award Presentation on June 26, 13:00-14:15, Stanley Park Ballroom)
Sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan
The award is designed to recognize the most influential paper
published in the Journal of International Business Studies one
decade before the Conference. In order to be considered for the
2014 award, a paper must have been included among the five
most cited papers published in the 2004 Volume of JIBS. The
winner of the award will make a retrospective presentation of
their work, as well as some comments on where the field has progressed and where it should go next, in the JIBS Decade Award
Session, Session 3.3.1
Winner: “Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the
born-global firm” by Gary A Knight and Tamer Cavusgil, JIBS,
35(2): 124-141.
Best Paper Award in Emerging Economies Research
(Award Presentation on June 25, 10:15-10:45, Coffee Break at Grand
Sponsored by Bryant University
The SSE/WAIB Award for Increased Gender Awareness in International Business Research
(Award Presentation on June 24, 17:30-19:00, WAIB Reception at
Grand Ballroom)
Sponsored by the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Women
The Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden support WAIB’s
(Women in AIB) endeavors by endowing an award for the best
paper increasing gender awareness in international business research. All papers accepted to the AIB conference are eligible for
submission for consideration to the IIB/WAIB awards committee.
Winning authors will receive a plaque, a monetary award, and an
invitation to submit the paper for publication in Emerald Publishing’s “Gender in Management”.
JTIB/WAIB Best Paper Award on Teaching International Business, Gender, and Diversity
(Award Presentation on June 24, 17:30-19:00, WAIB Reception at
Grand Ballroom)
Sponsored by the Journal of Teaching in International Business
(JTIB) and Women in AIB (WAIB)
The Journal of Teaching in International Business and Women in
Academy of International Business are pleased to announce the
2014 JTIB/WAIB Award for the best teaching paper presented at
the 2014 Vancouver meeting of the Academy of International Business. Submissions for this award must provide fresh insights or
otherwise advance our understanding about teaching international business and promote gender equality and diversity. Winning
authors will receive a monetary award provided by the sponsor
Routledge/Taylor&Francis Group, the publisher of the Journal of
teaching in International Business.
Presented for the fourth time, the award is sponsored by the
International Business program at Bryant University. It is given to
the best paper (as selected by a committee) accepted to a competitive session at the AIB Annual Meeting with a research focus
on Emerging Economies. The author(s) of the winning manuscript
will receive a certificate and a cash award at a Coffee Break sponsored by Bryant University.
“That’s Interesting!” Award
(Award Presentation on June 25, 15:45-16:15, Coffee Break at Grand
Sponsored by Aalto University School of Business
Presented for the third time, the award is sponsored by Aalto
University School of Business. It recognizes the conference paper
that most effectively pushes the boundaries of our existing
knowledge in the field by crossing boundaries, challenging
taken-for-granted assumptions in the field, denying old “truths”,
attracting the reader’s attention, and making an original argument. The author(s) of the winning manuscript will receive a
plaque and a cash award at a Coffee Break sponsored by Aalto
University School of Business at the conference.
Local Contexts in Global Business
Palgrave Macmillan congratulates the winners of the
2014 Palgrave Macmillan/JIBS Decade Award
Gary Knight and S. Tamer Cavusgil
for their paper
Innovation, organizational capabilities,
and the born-global firm
(JIBS 35.2 pp. 124-141)
Please join us on
June 26 from 1:00-2:15pm
in the Stanley Park Ballroom for the Decade Award session
Visit to read this and past Decade Award-winning papers online
Benefits for AIB members
Palgrave Macmillan is the proud publisher of Journal of International
Business Studies (JIBS), the official publication of the Academy of
International Business. In extension of this partnership we are also
pleased to offer the following benefits to AIB members:
u 40% discount on ALL
Palgrave Macmillan books
in Business & Management
w Please visit our AIB member
page for ordering instructions
and to select your titles:
u Free online access to the
complete archive and current
issues of Asian Business &
Management (ABM), edited
by Michael A. Witt (INSEAD)
w Login for your member access at:
u Don’t forget - AIB member
subscriptions to JIBS include
access to current issues and the
complete online archive from the
journal’s inception in 1970
w Login for your member access at:
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
General Conference Information
Badge Identification
AIB Interact
Please check-in with the AIB Registration Desk to pick up your
official name badge and conference materials. The name badge
is required for admission to all conference sessions, events,
meals, receptions, and exhibit hall.
New this year! Participate in practical 30-minute presentations
from Exhibitors showcasing their products and technologies.
See page 28 for a detailed schedule. Presentations take place at
the specially designated booth in the Exhibit Hall.
Meet Your Chapter
Dress Code
Suggested dress code is business casual for all conference
events including all receptions.
Registration Desk Hours
New this year! Get the opportunity to learn about your regional
chapter’s events, activities, and publications. Network with participants from the same chapter and find out about opportunities
to be more active with your chapter. See page 29 for a detailed
schedule for Meet Your Chapter times. Meetings take place at
the AIB Chapters booth in the Exhibit Hall.
Location: Conference Center Foyer
Hours: Monday, June 23: 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday, June 24:
8:15am – 5:30pm
Wednesday, June 25: 8:15am – 5:30pm
Thursday, June 26:
8:15am – 4:00pm
Placement Center Hours
Come to the Local Artisans Booth at the Exhibit Hall to learn
about local arts and crafts, meet the artists, and buy your gifts
without leaving the AIB conference! We will have a different artist
at this specially designated booth every single day. Fashioned
for Change on June 24, Burton Amos on June 25, and Robert Tait
and Cheryl Stewart on June 26.
#AIB2014 on Twitter
Location: Bayshore Grand Ballroom-Salon C
Hours: Tuesday, June 24:
Local Artisans
8:00am – 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 25: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday, June 26:
Share your thoughts and experiences with fellow AIB members
and interact with other participants on Twitter using #AIB2014 .
Remember to follow @AIB_World for the latest updates.
8:00am – 4:30pm
Exhibit Hall Hours
Location: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Hours: Tuesday, June 24:
9:00am – 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 25: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday, June 26:
9:00am – 4:30pm
Local Contexts in Global Business
Floor Plans
floor plans
the westin bayshore, vancouver
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Scholars Meet Practice
In the 2014 program, we have arranged a number of sessions
designed to initiate and stimulate discussions between IB
scholars and practitioners in business and government. Many
of our research projects aim to address questions faced by
businesses, and hence it is important to both listen to what
businesses are concerned about and to communicate answers
that we may have. All these sessions take place in room
Stanley Park 1.
How do MNEs Overcome Distrust and Build
Legitimacy in Host Countries?
Session 2.1.2, Wednesday , 09:00-10:15
Eric Ma, Neusoft
Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Pawan Budhwar, Aston University
Chair: Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
Organized by Simon Fraser University
Session 1.1.2, Tuesday 09:00-10:15
Sean Yang, President, Huawei Canada (tbc)
Yuen Pau Woo, President and CEO, Asia Pacific Foundation
of Canada
Marshall Meyer, University of Pennsylvania
Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Steve Globerman, Western Washington University
Chair: Daniel Shapiro, Simon Fraser University
Organized by Simon Fraser University
Women in Business in Canada
World Investment Report 2014
Investing in the Sustainable Development Goals:
The TNC Contribution
Session 1.3.2, Tuesday 13:00-14:15
James Zhan, UNCTAD
Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD
Bin Xu, China Europe International Business School
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds
In this session, UNCTAD will launch its 2014 “WIR”.
Organized by UNCTAD
Managing New Forms of Risk and Sustainability
Challenges in the Global Economy
Session 1.4.2, Tuesday 14:30-15:45
Ray Castelli, CEO, Wetherhaven
Jennifer Oetzel, American University
Witold J. Henisz, University of Pennsylvania
Rob van Tulder, RSM Erasmus University
Chair: Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University
Organized by Simon Fraser University
War For Talent
Session 2.2.2, Wednesday 10:45-12:00
Geri Prior, ICBC
Juggy Sihota-Chahil, TELUS Corporation
Nancy J. Adler, McGill University
Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
Chairs: Janet Y. Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Malika
Richards, Pennsylvania State University
Organized by WAIB
Session 2.3.2, Wednesday 13:00-14:15
James Zhan, UNCTAD
Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD
Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen
Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
Rob van Tulder, RSM Erasmus University
Organized by UNCTAD
The Future of Free Trade Agreements:
Lessons from the Korea-US FTA
Session 2.5.2 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30
Troy Stangarone, Korea Economic Institute of America
Sean Connell, East-West Center in Washington
Hugh Stephens, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Chair: Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount University
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB Interact
New this year! Participate in practical 30-minute presentations
from the following exhibitors showcasing their products and
technologies. Presentations take place at the specially designated booth in the Exhibit Hall. Look for the AIB INTERACT sign.
Space is limited so please make sure to get there early!
Tuesday, June 24
Heritage Foundation
Palgrave Macmillan
Alexander Street Press
McGraw-Hill Education
Wednesday, June 25
Business Expert Press
Interpretive Simulations
McGraw-Hill Education
Heritage Foundation
Palgrave Macmillan
Thursday, June 26
Business Expert Press
Interpretive Simulations
Alexander Street Press
Session Descriptions
1:30pm on Tuesday, Jun 24 AND 3:00pm on Thursday, Jun 26
Online Learning Content for IB: High Use for Faculty and Low
Cost to Students
International Business Online is a first-of-its-kind database of
learning content delivered via the university library. Come see how
we bring the speed and ease of library discovery to learning items
like cases and videos and deliver them for under $1.00 each per
year with no limit on usage.
Presented By: Kathleen Saylor - Assistant Editor Business Products for Alexander Street Press
9:30am on Wednesday, June 25 AND 11:00am on Thursday, Jun 26
Publishing Opportunities With Business Expert Press: An Overview
This presentation is designed to give faculty an overview of Business Expert Press, a new kind of higher education publisher that
seeks to publish brief, applied, topical, and inexpensive books,
ebooks, and digital libraries for the MBA and EMBA markets in
business schools worldwide. Attendees will learn about BEP, our
positioning, our products, and publishing opportunities with BEP.
Presented By: Rob Zwettler, Executive Acquisitions Editor, Business
Expert Press
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
3:00pm on Tuesday, Jun 24 AND 9:30pm on Thursday, Jun 26
GlobaLens: A Smart, New Alternative for International Business and Social Impact Case Studies
This presentation will introduce GlobaLens as a smart, new resource
for international business and social impact-focused case studies,
as well as other teaching materials. As the publishing division of the
William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, GlobaLens
offers an unmatched selection of business cases relevant to the
global business leaders of tomorrow.
Presented By: Sandra Draheim, Marketing Manager, GlobaLens
Case Publishing
9:30am on Tuesday, Jun 24 AND 3:00pm on Wednesday, Jun 25
The Economic Freedom Database: Predicting Profitability
The database underlying the annual Index of Economic Freedom
contains up to 20 years of data on 186 countries: more than 100,000
discrete data points. Researchers interested in predicting investment
success, profitability, or risk can use the data to differentiate policies
and performance at the country level or over time.
Presented By: Ambassador Terry Miller, Managing Editor, The
Index of Economic Freedom
11:00am on Wednesday, June 25 AND 1:30pm on Thursday, Jun 26
International Marketing and Business Simulations: Demo and
Best Practices
In this session, we will demonstrate our International Marketing
and International Business Simulations and provide examples of
how it can be used effectively in the classroom. I think you will
find the presentation to be informative and the event to be a good
opportunity to ask questions about your specific course!
Presented By: Clayton Shumate, President of Interpretive Simulations
4:30pm on Tuesday, Jun 24 AND 1:30pm on Wednesday, Jun 25
Get Connected. Get Results!
Recognized by CODiE, Quality Matters, and instructors around
the world, Connect International Business is a platform that
drives student engagement and results. McGraw-Hill Education, the leader in personalized, adaptive, and mobile technology has created a total course solution for its leading International Business brands. Stop by and get connected with Connect
International Business.
Presented By: Michael Gedatus, Marketing Manager and Anke
Weekes, Senior Brand Manager, Mc-Graw Hill Education
11:00am on Tuesday, Jun 24 AND 4:30pm on Wednesday, Jun 25
Palgrave Pivot: Breaking Boundaries
Publishing across the Humanities, the Social Sciences and
Business, Palgrave Pivot introduces an innovative new format for
scholarly research. Liberating scholarship from the straitjacket
of traditional formats and business models, Palgrave Pivot offers
authors the flexibility of publishing at lengths between the journal
article and the conventional monograph.
Presented By: Casie Vogel, Associate Editor, Palgrave Macmillan.
Meet Your Chapter
Get the opportunity to learn about your regional chapter’s events, activities, and publications. Network with participants
from the same chapter and find out about opportunities to be more active with your chapter. These meetings take place at
the AIB Chapters booth in the Exhibit Hall.
Tuesday, June 24
US Southeast (Chair: Matthew Mitchell)
UK-Ireland (Chair: Heinz Tuselmann)
US Northeast (Chair: Mohammad Elahee)
Southeast Asia (Chair: T.S. Chan)
Wednesday, June 25
Eastern Europe (Chair: Lukasz Puslecki)
Latin America (Chair: Bill Newburry)
Canada (Chair: Howard Lin)
Australia-New Zealand (Chair: Elizabeth Rose)
Thursday, June 26
Western Europe (Chair: Jose Pla Barber)
US-West (Chair: Gary Knight)
US Midwest (Chair: Man Zhang)
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB 2014 Program Overview
Vancouver, Canada - June 23-26, 2014
AIB Board Meeting 9:00-17:00
AJBS Annual Conference 8:30-18:00
AJBS Annual Conference 9:00-16:00
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
AIB Board Meeting
AIB 2014
Opening Plenary
Presidential Reception
AIB Chapter Chairs Luncheon and Workshop
AIB Mid-Career Consortium
AIB/JIBS Paper Development Workshop
New Member
Welcome Tea
AIB Junior Faculty Consortium
Monday, June 23
Sunday, June 22
AIB/Sheth Doctoral Student Consortium
Saturday, June 21
AIB 2014 Program Overview
Vancouver, Canada - June 23-26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24
Fellows Café I
Concurrent Sessions
Wednesday, June 25
Fellows Café II
AIB Fellows Plenary
Eminent Scholar
Award Session
Dissertation Award
and Concurrent Sessions
COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15
Concurrent Sessions
COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45
Concurrent Sessions
AIB Fellows
Concurrent Sessions
WAIB Reception
AIB Fellows Plenary
Executive of the Year
Award Session
JIBS Decade Award
and Concurrent Sessions
BREAK 14:15-14:30
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15
COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15
Concurrent Sessions
COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45
Concurrent Sessions
BREAK 14:15-14:30
Fellows Café III
Concurrent Sessions
BREAK 14:15-14:30
Concurrent Sessions
COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45
Thursday, June 26
AIB Gala Event
Convention Centre
AIB Awards Ceremony
and Business Meeting
AIB Farewell Reception
Local Contexts in Global Business
2014 AIB Conference Detailed Program
Vancouver, Canada
June 23-26, 2014
Legend for Symbols Used:
Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award
Nominee for the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar
SATURDAY, JUNE 21 - 08:30-18:00
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 09:00-15:00
Time: 08:30-18:00
Room: Seymour
AJBS 27th Annual Conference
Time: 09:00-15:00
Room: Seymour
JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop
Annual conference of the Association of Japanese Business
Studies. Separate registration is required.
SUNDAY, JUNE 22 - 09:00-16:00
Time: 09:00-16:00
Room: Seymour
AJBS 27th Annual Conference
Chairs: John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School and
Petra Christmann, Rutgers University
Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided.
✪The JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop is sponsored
by the D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 09:00-16:30
Session 0.2 - Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 09:00-16:30
Room: Cypress 2
AIB Junior Faculty Consortium
Chair: Heather Berry, George Washington University
Annual conference of the Association of Japanese Business
Studies. Separate registration is required.
SUNDAY, JUNE 22 - 09:00-17:00
Time: 09:00-17:00
Room: International Suite
AIB Board Meeting
Session 0.1 - Pre-Conference Workshop
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided.
Faculty Panelists:
Heather Berry, George Washington University
Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds
Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University
Mariko Sakakibara, University of California, Los Angeles
Robert Salomon, New York University
Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond
✪The Junior Faculty Consortium is sponsored by the Boeing
Institute at Saint Louis University
Time: 09:00-16:30
Room: Oak 1
AIB/Sheth Doctoral Student Consortium
Chair: Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen
Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided.
Faculty Panelists:
Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen
Suma Athreye, Brunel University
Tailan Chi, University of Kansas
Jonathan Doh, Villanova University
Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University/University of
Jane Lu, University of Melbourne
Jennifer Oetzel, American University
Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Christos Pitelis, University of Bath
Rob van Tulder, RSM Erasmus University
Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco
✪The Doctoral Student Consortium is sponsored by the
Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation.
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 09:00-12:30
Time: 09:00-12:30
Room: International Suite
AIB Board Meeting
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 12:30-16:30
Session 0.4 - Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 12:30-16:30
Room: International Suite
AIB Chapter Chairs Luncheon and Workshop
Chair: Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
Monday, June 23
Session 0.3 - Pre-Conference Workshop
AIB Executive Board Members and AIB Chapter Chairs or
representatives only.
Participating Chapter Chairs (in alphabetical order):
Melodena Balakrishnan, University of Wollongong in
Tsang-Sing Chan, Lingnan University
Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University
Gary A Knight, Willamette University
Xiaohua Lin, Ryerson University
Matthew Coy Mitchell, Drake University
William Newburry, Florida International University
Jose Pla-Barber, University of Valencia
Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University
Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics
S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University
Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 13:30-16:30
Session 0.5 - Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 13:30-16:30
Room: Chairman
AIB Mid-Career Consortium
Chair: David Reeb, National University of Singapore
Pre-admitted participants only.
Faculty Panelists:
David Reeb, National University of Singapore
Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina
Sattar Mansi, University of South Florida
Douglas Cumming, York University
Igor Filatotchev, City University London
Carolyn Callahan, University of Louisville
Jeffrey Reuer, Purdue University
Local Contexts in Global Business
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 15:30-16:30
Time: 15:30-16:30
Room: Marine
New Members Welcome Tea
Monday, June 23
✪ The New Members Welcome Tea is sponsored by the Fox
School of Business at Temple University.
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 17:00-19:00
Time: 17:00-19:00
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
AIB 2014 Opening Plenary
Coast Salish Traditional Welcome by Amanda Nahanee
Welcome Remarks
Robert Grosse, AIB President
Klaus Meyer, 2014 Program Chair
Daniel Shapiro, Local Host School Dean
Presentation of the 2014 AIB Fellows Educator of the Year
AIB Fellows Panel: Dimensions of Context in
International Business
Chair: Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
Context as the Focal Concept in International Business
Klaus Meyer, China Europe International Business
Internationalization and International Entrepreneurship: A
Business History Perspective
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard University
Understanding Regional Context as the New Frontier in MNE
Strategy Research
Alan Rugman, University of Reading
MONDAY, JUNE 23 - 19:00-21:00
Time: 19:00-21:00
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Presidential Reception
The Presidential Reception, celebrating the opening of the
2014 AIB Conference will take place at the Bayshore Grand
Ballroom. Business casual attire is recommended.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 08:00-08:45
Time: 08:00-08:45
AIB would like to welcome all new AIB members into our
community with a casual get together. President Rob Grosse
and other Board members will be present to welcome and
meet our new members.
Session 0.7 - Plenary
Special Session
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Fellows Café I
Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by
an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual
Using Cases in IB Teaching (Room: Cowichan)
Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Are Family Firms More or Less Internationally Active than
Non-Family Firms, and Why? (Room: Coquitlam)
Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University/University of
What Would be the Roles and Responsibilities for
Multinational Firms in Emerging Markets? (Room: Chehalis)
Sam Park, China Europe International Business School
What is Needed to Get More Innovative and Influential
Articles Published in the IB Field? (Room: Capilano)
John Daniels, University of Miami
Eleanor Westney, York University
How and How Much do Business Model Concepts Need to be
Adapted to be Useful in International Business Practice and
Scholarship? (Room: Fir)
Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 09:00-10:15
Session 1.1.1 - Panel
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Cross-Cultural Competencies: Advances in
Research and Practice
Chairs: Mary Maloney, University of St Thomas and Mary
Zellmer-Bruhn, University of Minnesota
Schon Beechler, INSEAD
Sue Canney Davison, Pipal Limited
Tony Fang, Stockholm University
Stacey Fitzsimmons, University of Victoria and Western
Michigan University
Leigh Anne Liu, Georgia State University
Sully Taylor, Portland State University
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 1
How do MNEs Overcome Distrust and Build
Legitimacy in Host Countries
Chair: Daniel Shapiro, Simon Fraser University
How do MNEs Overcome Distrust
and Build Legitimacy in
Host Countries
Sean Yang, President, Huawei Canada
Yuen Pau Woo, President and CEO, Asia Pacific
Foundation of Canada
Marshall Meyer, University of Pennsylvania
Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Steve Globerman, Western Washington University
Session 1.1.3 - Competitive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Mackenzie
Global Knowledge Management
Chair: C. Annique Un, Northeastern University
R&D Offshoring and Knowledge-Exploiting Versus Augmenting Motives: The Mediating Role of Talent Shortage
at Home
Niccolo Pisani, University of Amsterdam
Joan Enric Ricart, IESE
Global R&D and Firm Innovation: Configuration and
Collaborative Capability
Anupama Phene, George Washington University
Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC
Orchestrating First Mover Advantages within the MNC
Barbara Brenner, Danube University Krems
Shalini Rogbeer, Goethe University Frankfurt-am-Main
Direct Evidence on Learning by Exporting: Customers,
Competitors and Technology Leadership
Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School
Rene Belderbos, Catholic University of Leuven
Session 1.1.4 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Seymour
Foreign Control and Subsidiary Initiative in
HQ-Subsidiary Relationship
Chair: Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth
Subsidiary Initiative in Ship Engineering: The InstitutionalEmbeddedness Perspective
Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Radboud University
Jon Erland Lervik, BI Norwegian Business School
Psychic Distance, Global Mindset, and HeadquartersSubsidiary Relationship Quality: The Moderating Roles of
Managers’ Overseas Study Experience and Non-Flexible
Jizhong Li, Curtin University
Fuming Jiang, Curtin University
Antonio Travaglione, Curtin University
Strategic Orientation, Foreign Parent Control, and
Differentiation Capability Building of International Joint
Ventures in an Emerging Market
Xiaoyun Chen, University of Macau
Xin Chen, University of Hong Kong
Kevin Zhou, University of Hong Kong
How Firms Make Boundary Decisions: The Role of Hierarchy
Span and Expertise Span
Magdalena Dobrajska, Copenhagen Business School
Stephan Billinger, University of Southern Denmark
Markus C. Becker, University of Southern Denmark
Session 1.1.5 - Competitive
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cypress 1
Responsible Leadership and Environmental
Chair: Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South Carolina
Foreign Direct Investment and Green Management
Spillovers: Empirical Research based on Industrial Sector
Panel Data in China
Qian Li, Shanghai International Studies University
Qiuzhi Xue, Fudan University
Tuesday, June 24
Session 1.1.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Foundations of Responsible Leadership in Asia and the West:
Cross-Societal Variations in Senior Executives’ Responsibility
Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Günter K. Stahl, WU Vienna
Unveiling the Myth between Environmental Performance and
Economic Performance: The Role of Green FSAs and
Country Level Institutions
Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University
Nitish Singh, Saint Louis University
Developing Responsible Global Leaders – The Rise and
Methodology of International Service-Learning Programs
Thomas Maak, ESADE Business School
Nicola Manuela Pless, ESADE Business School
Marketa Borecka, University of St. Gallen
Session 1.1.6 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cypress 2
How Do Firms Tackle Institutional
Complexities across the Globe?
Chair: Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina
All Things Work Together for Innovation: Market Reform
Synchronization and Firm Network Prominence
Weilei (Stone) Shi, Baruch College, CUNY
Li (Sunny) Sun, University of Missouri-Kansas City
John Prescott, University of Pittsburgh
Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at
From Institutional Theory to Institutional Distance
Vincent Eduard Kunst, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Andre Antonius Johannes Van Hoorn, Rijksuniversiteit
Local Contexts in Global Business
Connections Undermine Connectivity: Concentrations of
Market and Political Power and Mobile Teledensity
Kinde Wubneh, University of Pennsylvania
Witold J. Henisz, University of Pennsylvania
Significance, Substance, and Dynamics of Regulatory
Response: Japanese MNEs’ Ownership Strategies in China
and the United States
Min (Megan) Zhang, Ivey Business School
Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Session 1.1.7 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Oak 1
Should Geographic Diversification Precede Product
Dirk Boehe, University of Adelaide
Session 1.1.9 - Competitive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Fraser
Emerging Market Firms and Global
Chair: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Location Dynamics
The Location Strategies of Emerging Countries Multinationals
in the EU Regions
Roberta Rabellotti, Università di Pavia
Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics
Carlo Pietrobelli, Interamerican Development Bank
Realizing Offshore Strategies: Sequential Effects in the
Internationalization of Firm's Upstream and Support Activities
Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, McGill University
Top Management Team Functional Diversity and Mixed
Foreign Direct Investment by Emerging Economy Firms
Lin Cui, Australian National University
Yi Li, Australian National University
Chair: Bernie Wolf, York University
Tuesday, June 24
A Simultaneous Examination of Outsourcing and Location
Choices: Implications for the Theory of the Firm
Michael Leiblein, Ohio State University
Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School
Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University
‘We Must Compete Against Other Locations… It is like a
Beauty Competition’: The Influence and Institutional
Positioning of ‘Softer’ Factors for Investment at the
Subnational Level
Sinead Monaghan, University of Limerick
Jonathan Lavelle, University of Limerick
Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick
Does Outbound FDI Affect Domestic Employment? – The
Role of Investment Motivations
Eunsuk Hong, SOAS, University of London
In Hyeock Lee, Loyola University Chicago
Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Session 1.1.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Oak 2
What is the Real Role of Strategy in CrossBorder FDI?
Chair: Daniel Han Ming Chng , China Europe
International Business School
A Capability-based Perspective on Target Selection in
Acquisitions: Evidence from Chinese Brewing 1999-2007
Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota
Xun (Brian) Wu, University of Michigan
Reviewing the Strategy Tripod in the Context of Japan's
Nuclear Industry
Camilla Nellemann, Rikkyo University
Barriers to Imitation and Commercialization: Selecting
Effective Strategies for Intellectual Property Protection
James Nebus, Suffolk University
Kah Hin Chai, National University of Singapore
Annapoornima Subramanian, National University of
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Hybrid Organizations in Global Value Chains: Impact
Sourcing Service Providers in the U.S., India and Kenya
Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts,
Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Eliad Shmuel, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Session 1.1.10 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Thompson
MNE Non-Market Strategy in Host Economies
Chair: Jonathan Doh, Villanova University
Political network intensity fit and strategic performance:
Evidence from wholly owned foreign subsidiaries in a volatile
George O. White III, Old Dominion University
Stav Fainshmidt, Old Dominion University & Florida
International University
Tazeeb Rajwani, Cranfield University
Roberto Martin N. Galang, Ateneo de Manila University
Thomas A. Hemphill, University of Michigan-Flint
A Taxonomy of Adaptive Political Strategies: Managing Host
Political Contexts in Emerging Economies
Maria Andrea De Villa, Universidad EAFIT
Tazeeb Rajwani, Cranfield University
Thomas Lawton, Open University
Kamel Mellahi, Warwick Business School
Adapting to the Future: Global-Local Strategy and Institutional
Change in Emerging Markets
Meng Zhao, Moscow School of Management
Sam Park, China Europe International Business School
Session 1.1.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Arbutus
M&As in Internationalization
Session 1.1.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cowichan
Emerging Economies and International
Chair: Ulrike Mayrhofer, IAE Lyon
Chair: Wade Danis, University of Victoria
A Behavioral Decision Theory Perspective on the Effects of
Top Management Equity Ownership and Compensation Mix
in Establishment Mode Choice Decisions
Deepak Datta, University of Texas at Arlington
Within-Country Diversity Effects on Foreign Acquisitions
Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne
Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University
Gokhan Ertug, Singapore Management University
Contextualizing the Relationship between Parent Firm's Size
and the Choice between Greenfield and Acquisition: A MetaAnalysis
Hendrik Klier, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf
Desislava Dikova, WU Vienna
Christian Schwens, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf
Session 1.1.12 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Fir
Advancing Theory on Internationalization
Chair: Liena Kano, University of Calgary
Connecting the Missing Link of Entry Mode, Location Choice,
and International Market Selection: A Holistic Examination of
Firms' Internationalization Processes
Markus Goelz, University of Melbourne
Tom Osegowitsch, University of Melbourne
Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne
Sachiko Yamao, University of Melbourne
Interlocking Directorates and U.S. IPO Firms’ Operational
Internationalization: Evidence from 2008-2010
Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University
Daanish Pestonjee, University of Arkansas
Izzet Darendeli , Temple University
Transferability of Status and Experience Advantages in
International Venture Capital Investments
Elisa Alvarez-Garrido, Georgia State University
Isin Guler, Sabanci University
Configurational Antecedents of Opportunism
Luis Lopez, INCAE
Luciano Ciravegna, INCAE
Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University
Exploring the Role of Internet Marketing Capabilities on
Business Relationships for Emerging Market SMEs
Constanza C. Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Shane Mathews, Queensland University of Technology
What drives the Internationalization of Small and Mediumsized Subcontracting Firms? A Study of Korean
Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Jaejin Kim, Korea University
International Entrepreneurship in Small Economies: What can
we learn from the South?
Christian Felzensztein, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
Gabriel Parra, Stanford University
Tuesday, June 24
Chinese Cross-border M&A in Advanced Economies:
Antecedents and Implications
Monica Yang, Adelphi University
Ping Deng, Cleveland State University
Barriers to Internationalization of New Technology-Based
Firms: Empirical Evidence from Micro and Small Ventures
from Brazil
Fernanda Ribeiro, University Center of FEI
Roberto Bernardes, University Center of FEI
Felipe Borini, ESPM
Understanding the Driving Forces of Chinese Born Global
Firms’ Formation
Xi Chen, China University of Political Science and Law
Zuohao Hu, Tsinghua University
Construction of Explanatory Model of Entrepreneurship
Propensity to the Countries of Latin America
Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele, Universidade de
Alexandre Oliveira Lima, Universidade de Fortaleza
Jose Luciano Monteiro Junior, Edmonton Transit System
Session 1.1.14 - Interactive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Coquitlam
International Product, Pricing, and Promotion
Chair: Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna
Analyzing the Market's Response to Price Promotions of Vice
and Virtue Product Categories: A Spanish Case
Enar Ruiz-Conde, University of Alicante
Francisco José Mas-Ruiz, University of Alicante
Aurora Calderon-Martinez, University of Alicante
Josefa Parreño-Selva, University of Alicante
The Effectiveness of Differentiated Generic Product Strategy
in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Indian Service Firms
Lance E. Brouthers, Kennesaw State University
Edward O'Donnell, Columbus State University
Dawn L. Keig, Whitworth University
Victor B. Marshall, Kennesaw State University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Unlocking Advertising, Activation and Sponsorship in an
Emerging Market: The Case of Beijing Olympics
Harald Dolles, Molde University College / University of
Sten Soderman, Stockholm University
Local-relevant Cause-related Marketing Reduces Piracy
Consumption in Foreign Markets
Felix Tang, Hang Seng Management College
Candy K.Y. Ho, Hong Kong Baptist University
Shirley Y.Y. Cheng, Hong Kong Baptist University
Market Orientation and CSR: Performance Implications
Timothy Kiessling, Bilkent University
Lars Isaksson, Bond University
Burze Yasar, Bilkent University
Marina Dabic, Nottingham Trent University & University
of Zagreb
Tuesday, June 24
Local Adaptation of International Business-to-Business
Marketing in Emerging Markets - The Case of Swedish Firms
in China
Hans Jansson, Linneus University
Susanne Sandberg, Linnaeus University
Central Role of Market Orientation and Learning Advantages
of Newness for Marketing Strategy Innovativeness and
Performance of International New Ventures
Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa
Compare MNC’s Social Media Marketing Differences
between U.S. and China based on Existing Frameworks of
Interactive Communications
Zhan Wang, Saint Louis University
Session 1.1.15 - Interactive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Capilano
Cross-border Economic Activities
Chair: Stefan Schmid, ESCP Europe
Is the Magic of the Diaspora a Fact or a Fiction? A Study of
Taiwan’s Economic Performance in the Bamboo Network
Chengli Tien, National Taiwan Normal University
Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa University
Does Mother Tongue Make for Women's work? linguistics,
household Labor, and Gender Identity
Amir Shoham, Temple University
Daniel Hicks, University of Oklahoma
Estefania Santacreu-Vasut, ESSEC
Session 1.1.16 - Interactive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance
Room: Chehalis
The Impact of Institutions on CSR and
Chair: Douglas Cumming, York University
MNCs CSR Practices in a Developing Economy - An
Institution-based Perspectives
Zaheer Khan, University of Hull
Yong Kyu Lew, University of Manchester
Antecedents for CSR Practices in Small and Medium Sized
MNE Subsidiaries: A Stakeholder Perspective
Byung Il Park, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Kwang-Ho Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Determinants of Organizational Mindfulness in Green Practice
Implementation: An Empirical Study on Chinese Logistics
Yi-Hui Ho, Chang Jung Christian University
Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Christian University
Influence of Institutional Pressure on Climate Change Project
Disclosure by Oil and Gas Companies
Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu, Federal University of
Samia Raquel Castor Albuquerque, Ernest Young
Marcelle Colares Oliveira, Federal University of Ceara
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparison of Japanese
and Western Pharmaceutical companies
Terry Wu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Yuko Kimura, University of Leicester
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 10:15-10:45
National Culture and Takeover Performance
Astrid Juliane Salzmann, RWTH Aachen University
Wolfgang Breuer, RWTH Aachen University
The Effects of Domestic and Foreign Institutional Ownership
on Corporate Transparency in the Presence of Control
Moo Sung Kim, Zayed University
Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University
Temporary Investment Incentives and Divestment by Foreign
Jose Mata, Nova School of Business and Economics
Paulo Guimaraes, Porto University
Profits and Economic Development
Eric Werker, Harvard Business School
Daniel Schwab, Boston University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Time: 10:15-10:45
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Coffee Break
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 10:45-12:00
Session 1.2 - Plenary
Special Session
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar Award Session
Session 1.3.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park 1
World Investment Report 2014 (UNCTAD
Special Session)
Chair: James Zhan, United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development
Chair: Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
The Importance of International Diversification in IB Research
Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Intellectual Legacy of Richard Rumelt
José de la Torre, Florida International University
Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: A Personal Retrospective
Kathleen R. Conner
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 12:00-13:00
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Light Lunch
A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Mackenzie
JIBS Editorial Board Meeting
JIBS Editorial Board Members Only.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 13:00-14:15
Session 1.3.1 - Panel
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
The Multifaceted Role of Language in
International Business
Chair: Mary-Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria
Discussant: Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Special Session featuring the launch of the 2014 World
Investment Report by UNCTAD.
Developments in International
Investment: Global, Regional,
and Policy Trends, Structure of Capital Flows, and Tax
Contribution of TNCs
James Zhan, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Hafiz Mirza, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Bin Xu, China Europe International Business School
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds
Session 1.3.3 - Competitive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Mackenzie
International Business and the ResourceBased View
Chair: Desislava Dikova, WU Vienna
A Review of International Innovation Research: Using Past
Development to Propose a Framework for Future
Brian R. Chabowski, University of Tulsa
Tomas Hult, Michigan State University
Natural Resources and RBV: Sources of Sustained
Competitive Advantage and Implication for Innovation
Bettina Bastian, American University of Beirut
Ulf-Henning Richter, Nottingham University China
Christopher L. Tucci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Frugality-Based Advantage
Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Impact of Resource Constraints and Learning from
Temporary Organizations in the Internationalization of R&D
Metin Onal Vural, IE Business School
Agnieszka Chidlow, Manchester Metropolitan University
Catherine Cramton, George Mason University
Pamela Hinds, Stanford University
Andrei Kuznetsov, University of Central Lancashire
Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
Amir Shoham, Temple University
Helene Tenzer, Tuebingen University
Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
Local Contexts in Global Business
Tuesday, June 24
Diversification, Good Strategy and Bad Strategy: Implications
for International Business Research (Keynote by 2014 AIB
Fellows Eminent Scholar Award Recipient)
Richard P. Rumelt, UCLA
Session 1.3.4 - Panel
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Seymour
Against the Odds: Women Entrepreneurs in
Emerging Economies (WAIB Special Session)
Chair: Jean Lee, China Europe International Business
Amanda Bullough, Thunderbird School of Global
Tanvi Kothari, San Jose State University
Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School
Melodena Balakrishnan, University of Wollongong in
Session 1.3.5 - Competitive
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cypress 1
Tuesday, June 24
Institutions, Corporate Governance, and CSR
Chair: Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Institutional Dynamics and Organizations Affecting the
Adoption of Sustainable Development in the United Kingdom
and Brazil
Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu, Federal University of
Larissa Teixeira da Cunha, Federal University of Ceara
Jason Joannou, University of Cambridge
Claire Barlow, University of Cambridge
A Cross National Study of the Impact of Changes in
Institutional Environment on Corporate Governance Practices
Shirley J. Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Jaehyeon Kim, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Joshua K Cieslewicz, Utah Valley University
Drivers of Corporate Sustainability Investment among
Retailers and Food Manufacturers: Evidence from the U.S. ,
Europe and Africa
Kudzai Mukumbi, Michigan State University
Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University
Corporate Social Responsibility, Firm Value, and the Role of
Country-Level Institutional Environment
Sadok El Ghoul, University of Alberta
Omrane Guedhami, University of South Carolina
Yongtae Kim, Santa Clara University
Building Radical Innovation Capabilities in Emerging Market
Subsidiaries: The Case of Intel in India
Pavan Soni, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
K. Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Loose-Lipped Leviathan? Transparency in Private- and StateOwned Multinationals
Anthony Cannizzaro, George Washington University
Robert J. Weiner, George Washington University
Session 1.3.7 - Competitive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 1
Consumer Identification, Expectation,
Dissatisfaction, and Response
Chair: Reccia Natasha Charles, St. George's University
Expressing Consumer Dissatisfaction through Voice, Third
Party or Private Response: A Cross-National Comparison
Olga Chapa, University of Houston-Victoria
Monica D. Hernandez, Texas A&M University-Corpus
Valerie Wang, Ohio University
The Effects of Consumer Expectations on Credit Card
Sandra Awanis, Lancaster University
Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna
An Examination of the Interplay between Corporate Social
Responsibility, the Brand’s Home Country, and Consumer
Global Identification
Peter Magnusson, Florida International University
Stanford Westjohn, University of Toledo
Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University
Factors of Consumer Responses to Green Advertising:
Cultural Orientation, Environmental Concern, and Product
Chanthika Pornpitakpan, University of Macau
Yizhou Yuan, University of Macau
Session 1.3.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 2
How Much Do HR Choices Matter for FDI
Chair: Jesper Edman, Hitsubashi University
Innovation in Emerging Economies, and State
Cross-border Mergers and Domestic-firm Wages:
Integrating ‘Spillover Effects’ and ‘Bargaining Effects’
Joseph Clougherty, Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Klaus Gugler, WU Vienna
Lars Sorgard, Norwegian School of Economics
Florian Szuecs, DIW Berlin
Playing Catch Up: How Emerging Market and Non-Market
Environments affect Firms’ Product Innovation
Jing Li, Simon Fraser University
Jun Xia, University of Texas at Dallas
Edward J. Zajac, Northwestern University
When International Experience and Diversity are (not)
Helpful: The Non-Linear Effects of Executives’ International
Orientation on Foreign Acquisition Performance
Dorota Piaskowska, University College Dublin
Grzegorz Trojanowski, University of Exeter
Suparna Ray, University of Exeter
Rajesh Tharyan, University of Exeter
Session 1.3.6 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cypress 2
Chair: Sheila Puffer , Northeatern University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Legal Astuteness and International Expansion Modes
Brian C. Pinkham, Ivey Business School
Session 1.3.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Foreign-Born CEO Successions and Changes in M&A
Yannick Thams, Suffolk University
Aya Chacar, Florida International University
Networks and Linkages
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Fraser
Slicing and Dicing for Innovation
Chair: Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney
Fine-Slicing Global Value Chains: A Protection for Proprietary
Julien Gooris, CEPII
Carine Peeters, Université Libre de Bruxelles
The Role of Non-Economic Factors in Offshoring Decisions: A
Qualitative Analysis
Martina Musteen, San Diego State University
Dynamics of Persistant Heterogeneity in the Global
Configuration of Business Services Value Chains
Carine Peeters, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Arie Y. Lewin, Duke University
Thriving Innovation Amidst Manufacturing Collapse: Detroit
and the Stickiness of Local Knowledge
Marcelo Cano Kollmann, Temple University
Thomas Hannigan, Temple University
Hongryol Cha, Temple University
Session 1.3.10 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Thompson
Chair: Nancy R. Buchan, University of South Carolina
Ownership and Productivity: Estimate Direct and Indirect
Causal Effects of FDI
Yundan Gong, Aston University
Sourafel Girma, University of Nottingham
Holger Görg, Kiel Institute for the World Economy and
Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel
Sandra Lancheros, Nottingham University China
Chair: Ulrike Mayrhofer, IAE Lyon
The Moderating Influence of Corruption Pervasiveness and
Industrial Sector on Cross-National Distance and Foreign
Subsidiary Adaptive Capability Building
George O. White III, Old Dominion University
Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University
Shuji Rosey Bao, Old Dominion University
When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Subsidiary Autonomy
as a Response to Corruption Distance after Entry
Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania
Larissa Rabbiosi, Copenhagen Business School
Network and Internationalisation - A Review of more than 20
Years of Research
Pao T. Kao, Uppsala University
Tuesday, June 24
Session 1.3.9 - Competitive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Arbutus
What Explains Better the Success of Cross-border
Technology Transfers in MNCs: Traditional Coordination
Instruments or Modern Management Concepts?
Joachim Wolf, University of Kiel
William G. Egelhoff, Fordham University
Christian Rohrlack, Sauer Danfoss
Session 1.3.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cowichan
MNEs, Non-market Actors and
Chair: Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh
A Complementarity Perspective on Dual Embeddedness and
Subsidiary Entrepreneurship: The Importance of Matching
Ties to Internal and External Actors
Nathaniel Curtis Lupton, Fordham University
Christopher Williams, Ivey Business School
The Role of Religious-Based Social Networks in SME
Yusuf Kurt, University of Manchester
Why do the Turkish Firms Invest in Mainland Europe?
Sathyajit. R. Gubbi, University of Groningen
Sinan Sular, University of Groningen
Making Internationalization Research More Policy Relevant: A
Processual Methodology to Engaged Scholarship
Margaret Fletcher, University of Glasgow
Stephen Young, University of Glasgow
Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow
A Coasian Analysis of Corporate Governance Systems
Dorothee Feils, University of Alberta
Manzur Rahman, University of San Diego
Florin Sabac, University of Alberta
Strategic Approach to Subsidiary Entrepreneurship:
Opportunity Identification and Exploitation
Kim Clark, St. Mary's College of California
Indu Ramachandran, Texas State University
Interactive Influence of Public Policy and Societal Culture on
Entrepreneurship: Propositions and a Three-Nation
Joseph L.C. Cheng, University of New South Wales
Bradley R. Skousen, University of Illinois at Urbana
Dan V. Caprar, University of New South Wales
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 1.3.14 - Interactive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Coquitlam
National Differences in International Marketing
Chair: Gary A Knight, Willamette University
Friendliness, Helpfulness and Respectfulness: The Effect of
Employee Attributes on Customer Satisfaction
Li Yan, University of Macau
Matthew T. Liu, University of Macau
Dynamic Capabilities, Export Pricing Strategies and the
Influence on Export Performance
Katharina Maria Hofer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Lisa Niehoff, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Gerhard A. Wuehrer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Emerging Economy Firm Acquisitions in Tax Havens
Murali D.R. Chari, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Senay Acikgoz, Gazi University
National Context and Organizational Performance
G.Ronald Gilbert, Florida International University
Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University
Local Home-Market Competitive Intensity and Foreign Market
Entry Timing
K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University
Session 1.3.16 - Interactive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance
Room: Chehalis
HR, Governance, and Ownership
Chair: Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School
Tuesday, June 24
Exporting Agricultural Geographical Indicators: The Challenge
of Consumer Confusion from Non-Genuine Products
Stefanie Beninger, Simon Fraser University
June N. P. Francis, Simon Fraser University
External Social Ties as Binding and Blinding: The Case of a
Vietnamese Social Enterprise
Sarah Easter, University of Victoria
Mary Conway Dato-on, Rollins College
The Impact of Risk Aversion and Prior Experience in Tourism
Destination Decisions
Albert Nugraha, Macquarie University
Greg Elliott, Macquarie University
Hamin Hamin, Macquarie University
Obstacles to Localization from an Expatriate and National
Perspective in the Emirate of Qatar
Justin Shale Williams, University of Calgary
Ramudu Bhanupopan, Charles Sturt University
Affordability Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe: From
Charity to a Sustainable Business Model
Arnold Schuh, WU Vienna
Verena Gumpoldsberger, WU Vienna
A Conceptualization to Investigate the Direct and Indirect
Impacts of Government Policy on the Performance of SME
Cocoa Exporter in African Economies
Michael Zisuh Ngoasong, Open University
Sam Zisuh Njinyah, University of Wales Trinity Saint
The Perceived Threats from Immigrants and their Effects on
Government Services Equality
Amro Maher, Qatar University
Olfa Benarfa, Qatar University
Session 1.3.15 - Interactive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Capilano
Home-country Institutions and the
Internationalization of MNEs
Chair: Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University
Home Institutions and Outward Foreign Direct InvestmentOFDI from Developing Countries
Mohamed Amal, Regional University of Blumenau- FURB
Bruno Thiago Tomio, Regional University of BlumenauFURB
The Effect of Home Origin in MNEs’ DiversificationPerformance Relationships: An Analysis Across 33 Countries
Brian Tan, Nanyang Technology University
Asda Chintakananda, Nanynag Technology University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Agency Theory and China: A Meta-Analysis
Canan Canbulat Mutlu, University of Texas at Dallas
Mike W. Peng, University of Texas at Dallas
Sabrina Saleh, University of South Carolina
Financial Logic Versus Community Logic: the Contingent
Effect of Foreign Ownership on R&D Search Pattern in Japan
Xing Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Daphne W. Yiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Effect of Foreign Institutional Investors on R&D
KwangWook Gang, Ulsan National Institute of Science
and Technology
Han-Gyun Woo, Ulsan National Institute of Science and
Ji-Yu Kim, Ulsan National Institute of Science and
When do Owners Prefer Longer Debt Maturity? International
Evidence from SE Asia
Sorin Rizeanu, University of Victoria
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 14:15-14:30
Time: 14:15-14:30
Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No
refreshment service will be provided.
Session 1.4.1 - Special Session
Special Session
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB
Dissertation Award Presentations
Chair: Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
Presentations by the 2014 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson
AIB Dissertation Award Finalists. The finalists are listed
Trajectory of Innovation in Emerging Industries: Evidence
from the Global Wind Power Industry
Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business (Ph.D.
Awarded by Temple University)
The Organizational Design of Offshoring
Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School
Pro-Internationalisation Policy and Outward Foreign Direct
Miguel Matos Torres, Universidade de Aveiro
Multinational Enterprises and Performance: Three Essays at
the Interface between International Business and Strategic
Lars Matysiak, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Foreign Acquisitions by Indian Multinational Enterprises: A
Test of Internationalisation Frameworks
Surender Munjal, University of Leeds
✪The Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation
Award is being sponsored by Henley Business School,
University of Reading and the Centre for International
Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL).
Session 1.4.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Stanley Park 1
Managing New Forms of Risk and
Sustainability Challenges in the Global
Chair: Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University
Managing New Forms of Risk and Sustainability Challenges
in the Global Economy
Ray Castelli, CEO, Wetherhaven
Jennifer Oetzel, American University
Witold J. Henisz, University of Pennsylvania
Rob van Tulder, RSM Erasmus University
Session 1.4.3 - Panel
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Mackenzie
Boundary Spanning in Global Organizations
Chair: Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University
Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Yves Doz, INSEAD
Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD
Session 1.4.4 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Seymour
International Entrepreneurship: Knowledge,
Capabilities and Learning
Chair: Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland
Learning by Exporting: Short-Term vs. Longer Term Effects of
Export Duration on Product Innovations. Do Born Globals
Learn Differently?
Matthias Baum, University of Kaiserslautern
Sui Sui, Ryerson University
Tuesday, June 24
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 14:30-15:45
A Longitudinal Study of Learning for Sustainable
Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh
Margaret Fletcher, University of Glasgow
Developing International Opportunities in Firm
Internationalization: Non-Linear Effects of Market Knowledge
and Internationalization Knowledge
Niklas Åkerman, Linnaeus University
A Process of New Ventures Internationalization: Capabilities,
Alertness and the Moderating Role of Technological
Nuno Fernandes Crespo, Lisboa - School of Economics
& Management
Vitor Corado Simoes, ISEG, University of Lisboa
Margarida Fontes, Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e
Session 1.4.5 - Competitive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Cypress 1
Bottom of the Pyramid and Ethical Challenges
in Emerging Economies
Chair: Htwe Htwe Thein, Curtin University
Religious versus Secular Microfinance Institutions (MFIs): An
Examination of Their Social Performance in Base of Pyramid
(BoP) Markets
Abraham Stefanidis, St. John's University
R. Mitch Casselman, St. John's University
Linda M. Sama, St. John's University
Articulating Globalization: Exploring the BOP Terrain
Suparna Chatterjee, Xavier University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Ethical Lobbying? Explaining the Determinants of Foreign
Firms’ Political CSR Activities in Emerging Economies
Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex
Eshani Beddewela, University of Huddersfield
Ulf-Henning Richter, Nottingham University China
Invisible Compromises: Global Business, Local Ecosystems,
and the Commercial Bumble Bee Trade
Carol Reade, San Jose State University
Koichi Goka, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Robbin Thorp, University of California, Davis
Masahiro Mitsuhata, Arysta LifeScience Corporation
Marius Wasbauer, University of California, Davis
Mark McKenna, Hult International Business School
Session 1.4.6 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cypress 2
National and Subnational Institutions in
International Business
Tuesday, June 24
Chair: Saul Estrin, London School of Economics
SOE as a Double-Edged Sword: The Effects of Subnational
Political Institutions on Foreign Firms’ Ownership Strategy
Shu Yu, National University of Singapore
Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore
IPR at the Host Locations and the Internal Division of
Innovative Labor within Multinational Enterprises
Anand Nandkumar, Indian School of Business
Kannan Srikanth, Indian School of Business
Subnational Institution, Regional and Foreign Subsidiaries’
Characteristics and Foreign Subsidiary Performance
Christine M. Chan, University of Hong Kong
Andy C. Niu, University of Hong Kong
Jia Lin Du, University of Hong Kong
Tao Bai, University of Hong Kong
How and When Do Sub-national Institutions Matter for
Corporate R&D in Emerging Economies?
Pei Sun, Fudan University
Zhe Qu, Fudan University
Session 1.4.7 - Competitive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 1
Marketers' and Consumers' Responses to
Cultural Issues
Chair: Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa
The Inconsistency of Explicit and Implicit Manifestations of
Ethnocentric Bias
Ting-hsiang Tseng, Feng Chia University
George Balabanis, City University London
Matthew T. Liu, University of Macau
How to Build a Cross-Cultural Brand by Merging Cultural
Elements: Case Study of Taiwanese Cultural Creative Brands
Hsiu Ying Huang, Feng Chia University
Sheng Tsung Hou, Feng Chia University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Cultural Intelligence, Collective Identity, and Willingness to
Alexey V. Semenov, Saint Louis University
Arilova A. Randrianasolo, Saint Louis University
Mark J. Arnold, Saint Louis University
Kristy E. Reynolds, University of Alabama
Differences in Attributions to Globalization and Liberalization
in India
Kubulay Gok, Abdullah Gul University
Daniel Rutledge, University of Lethbridge
Sameer Deshpande, University of Lethbridge
Gordon Hunter, University of Lethbridge
Michelle Nelson, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Session 1.4.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 2
Emerging Economies and the Determinants of
Corporate Performance
Chair: Dean Xu, University of Melbourne
Strategic Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in
International Expansion of Emerging Market Multinationals
Olga Hawn, Boston University
Perils of Quasi Global Mindset: Why Japanese MNEs
Struggle in Emerging Economies
Katsuhiko Shimizu, Keio University
The Effects of Internationalization and Organizational Slack
on Performance of Emerging Market Firms: Empirical
Evidence from India 2000-2010
PhilSoo Kim, Yonsei University
Young-Ryeol Park, Yonsei University
Factors Affecting International Joint Venture Innovation: An
Empirical Analysis of Market Challenge, Strategic Orientation
and their Impact on Innovation in IJVs
Chansoo Park, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Yiannis Kouropalatis, Cardiff University
Session 1.4.9 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Fraser
Corporate Political Ties around the World
Chair: Deli Yang, Trinity University
What is the Logic behind Political Connectedness?
Institutional Logics and Varieties of Firm-Government
Tolga Ulusemre, University of South Carolina
Ties that Bind: A Study into Ambassadors’ Contribution to
Commercial Diplomacy and Trade
Huub Ruel, Windesheim University
Han Abbink, University of Twente
Harry Van Der Kaap, University of Twente
Do Political Connections Protect Firms from Adverse
Policies? The Case of Partial Nationalization in Argentina,
Marcelo Cano Kollmann, Temple University
Susan Feinberg, Temple University
Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University
Political Ties and Regulator Vulnerabilities to Political
Pressure: The Moderating Effects of Regulatory and Political
George O. White III, Old Dominion University
Thomas A. Hemphill, University of Michigan-Flint
Tazeeb Rajwani, Cranfield University
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Thompson
SME Exporting and Internationalization
Chair: Erkko Autio, Imperial College
Local Responsiveness of Chinese FDI Projects in Australia: A
Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Configurations
Di Fan, Deakin University
Lin Cui, Australian National University
Yi Li, Australian National University
Cherrie J. Zhu, Monash University
Session 1.4.12 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Fir
Adapting to Intercultural Situations: Cultural
Intelligence, Sensemaking, and Relational
Negotiation Behavior
Chair: Davina Vora, State University of New York at New
Regional and Global Exporting in SMEs: An Investigation of
Ownership and Outside Managers
Alfredo D'Angelo, University of Glasgow
Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia
Trevor Buck, University of Glasgow
Offshoring of Knowledge Activities: An Empirical Study of
U.S. and South Korean SMEs
Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University
Martina Musteen, San Diego State University
Taekyung Park, Yeungnam University
Measuring Cultural Intelligence: Validation of a New Scale
David C. Thomas, University of New South Wales
Yuan Liao, University of New South Wales
Zeynep Aycan, Koc University
Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC
Andre A. Pekerti, University of Queensland
Elizabeth C. Ravlin, University of South Carolina
Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
Henry Fock, Hong Kong Baptist University
Denni Arli, Griffith University
Miriam Moeller, University of Queensland
Tyler Okimoto, University of Queensland
Fons van de Vijver, Tilburg University
The Evolution of International New Ventures - A Process
Study of the Short and Medium Term Growth
Francisco J. Acedo , Universidad de Sevilla
Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Jose C. Casillas, Universidad de Sevilla
The Dynamics of Relational Behavior in International
Negotiations: Adaptation across Cultural Gaps
Junjun Cheng, Fudan University
Yong Su, Fudan University
Zhan Wu, University of Sydney
Antecedents and Consequences of Firm´s Export Marketing
Strategy An Empirical Study of Austrian SMEs
Manfred Fuchs, Karl-Franzens University Graz
Mariella Koestner, Karl-Franzens University Graz
Session 1.4.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Arbutus
New Perspectives on Internationalization
Chair: Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School
MNEs’ Semiglobalization: A Firm-Level Contingency Analysis
Jean-Luc Arregle, EMLYON
Toyah L. Miller, Indiana University
Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University
Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Tuesday, June 24
Session 1.4.10 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Beyond Embedding in MNC Research: A New Way of
Economic Sociology Thinking
Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana
Maja Makovec Brencic, University of Ljubljana
Joint Sensemaking, Socialization Mechanisms, and Cultural
Intelligence for International Alliance Performance
Robin Nico Pesch, University of Bayreuth
Ricarada B. Bouncken, University of Bayreuth
Mehrnaz Karimi, University of Bayreuth
Tanja Linz, University of Bayreuth
Helping Behavior in Executives' Global Networks
Stewart Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio
Marie Louise Mors, Copenhagen Business School
Michael McDonald, University of Texas at San Antonio
A Fined-Grained Approach to Firm’s "Degree of
Internationalization" Construct
Gilberto Figueira da Silva, Pontifical Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro
Jorge Carneiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 1.4.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cowichan
SME Internationalization: Location and Mode
Chair: Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago
Similar But Disparate: The Early Internationalization Phase of
Family vs. Non-Family Firms
Pascal Wild, School of Management Fribourg
Patrick Schueffel, School of Management Fribourg
Wolfgang Amann, Goethe Business School
Rico Baldegger, School of Management Fribourg
Philippe Régnier, Swiss Management School Fribourg
Centricity, Entry Modes and Performance of International
Spanish SMEs
David Tanganelli, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Jean-Louis Schaan, Ivey Business School
Min (Megan) Zhang, Ivey Business School
Tuesday, June 24
Assessment of Financial Constraint Influence on the Degree
of Internationalization of SMEs: Focus on the Financial
Advantage within the OLI Paradigm
Marion Sandrine Bitsch, Turku School of Economics
Negative Growth and entrepreneurship approach:
Internationalization and Performance of SMEs
Mehdi Farashahi, Concordia University
Mahdi Tajeddin, Concordia University
SME's Export Channel Choice: Predictions from Real Options
Edith Ipsmiller, WU Vienna
Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London
Exporting, Management Practice and Ownership: Evidence
from Large Developed and Emerging Countries
Elena Beleska-Spasova, University of Portsmouth
James T Walker, University of Reading
Foreign Operation Mode Selection and Diversity: Extending
Current Theories with Learning Advantage of Newness and
Firm-Level Analysis
Minnie Kontkanen, University of Vaasa
Mika Gabrielsson, University of Eastern Finland
Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa
The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Informational
Resources, Service Capabilities and Competitive Strategy on
Performance of International New Ventures
Silvia Martin, Lynchburg College
Rajshekar Javalgi, Cleveland State University
Session 1.4.14 - Interactive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Coquitlam
Networks of Innovation
Chair: Phillip C. Nell, WU Wien & Copenhagen Business
Local Knowledge Development through Political
Sensemaking in MNCs
Jacky Hong, University of Macau
Robin Snell, Lingnan University
Carry Mak, University of Macau
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
How Does Political Networking Capability Matter to the
Innovative Performance of Emerging-Market Firms? A
Complementary Perspective
Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University
Crystal X. Jiang, Bryant University
Janet Y. Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis
The Path to Innovation in Innovation – the Empirical Evidence
of Entrepreneurial Universities in East Asian Economy
Daw Ma, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Yen-Ching Chang, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic
Understanding International R&D Networks- A Structural
Contingency Approach
Xingkun Liang, University of Cambridge
Yongjiang Shi, University of Cambridge
Middle Manager Practices and Boundary-Spanning Roles
Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes School of Business
Philippe Monin, EMLYON
Lost in Transition: Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge
Loss in Interpersonal Exchanges within an MNC
Florian Taeube, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Marco Tortoriello, IESE
Sebastian Moebus, EBS Business School
Session 1.4.15 - Interactive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Capilano
International Financial and Corporate
Chair: Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School
Sovereign Credit Default Swaps as Currency Safe Havens
Mitchell Ratner, Rider University
Chih-Chieh Chui, Rider University
The Impact of Outside Board Members on Earnings
Management in Japan
Kazuhiko Kobori, National Cheng Kung University
Yao-Chuan Tsai, National Cheng Kung University
Tsing-Zai Wu, National Cheng Kung University
Cost Stickiness and Financial Analysts' Information
Jaehyeon Kim, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Saerona Kim, Soongeui Women's College
Jian Zhou, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Same Rules, Different Enforcement: Market Abuse in Europe
Douglas Cumming, York University
Alexander Groh, EMLYON
Sofia Johan, York University
Terrorism and its impact on the Cost of Debt
William Procasky, Texas A&M International University
Nacasius Ujah Ujah, Henderson State University
Look Under the Hood: How Do Banks React to the
Unconventional Monetary Policy?
Wenyu Zhu, George Washington University
Jiawen Yang, George Washington University
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Chehalis
Knowledge, Capabilities and the
Competitiveness of Firms in Emerging
Chair: Thomas Maak, ESADE Business School
Competing on Action: Business Models and the
Competitiveness of Emerging Market Enterprises
Anoop Madhok, York University
Rogerio Marques, York University
Equity Participation in Emerging Market Cross-border
Acquisition: Impact of Target Country Governance, Market
Potential and Acquirer’s Prior Experience
Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University
Asset Orchestration Through Acquisitions and Its Impact on
Performance: A Study of Indian Firms
Sathyajit. R. Gubbi, University of Groningen
B. Elango, Illinois State University
Key Success Factors of Emerging Economy Firms in Global
D'Arcy Nelson Caskey, Feng Chia Univeristy
Homin Chen, National Taiwan University
Export-Led Development and Capability Upgrading through
Internationalization and Multinationalization
Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University
Internationalization and Innovation: A Novel Link in Russian
Innovative Firms
Irina Mihailova, Aalto University
Acquisitions and Greenfield Investments by Chinese and
Indian firms in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of
Knowledge-Sourcing Strategies
Vittoria Giada Scalera, Temple University / Politecnico di
Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 15:45-16:15
Time: 15:45-16:15
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Coffee Break
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
✪This coffee break is sponsored by McGraw-Hill Education.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 16:15-17:30
Session 1.5.1 - Panel
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Spreading the Wealth Around: Reflections on
the Role of the MNE in Economic Development
and the Theory of the MNE
Chairs: David Teece, University of California, Berkeley
and Sunyoung Leih, University of California,
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard University
Donald Lessard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National University
Alan Rugman, University of Reading
James Zhan, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Session 1.5.2 - Panel
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Stanley Park 1
Do Emerging Market Multinationals Take
Different Approaches to International
Management (From Developed Country
Chair: Peter James Williamson, University of Cambridge
Discussant: Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University
Afonso Fleury, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, FGV-EAESP
Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University
Ravi Sarathy, Northeastern University
Session 1.5.3 - Panel
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Mackenzie
Re-visiting the Efficiency Assumption of the
Multinational Enterprises: Theoretical,
Managerial, Developmental and Empirical
Chair: Joseph Clougherty, Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Discussant: Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Bradley R. Skousen, University of Illinois at Urbana
Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University/University of
Christos Pitelis, University of Bath
Mohammad Yamin, University of Manchester
Local Contexts in Global Business
Tuesday, June 24
Session 1.4.16 - Interactive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Session 1.5.4 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Seymour
Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies
Chair: George Yip, China Europe International Business
Endurance and Internationalisation of Firms from Emerging
Markets: The Case of Colombian Textile and Apparel
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT
Eva Cristina Manotas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
An Empirical Investigation of the Founder-CEO Effect on
Entrepreneurial Firms’ Intention to Go Public in Emerging
Xiaoyu Zhou, Peking University
Rui Wang, Peking University
Tuesday, June 24
Toward a Process Framework of Business Model Innovation
in the Global Context: Strategic Entrepreneurship and
Dynamic Capability of Medium-sized MNE
Yangfeng Cao, Copenhagen Business School
Peter Ping Li, Copenhagen Business School
Peter Skat-Rørdam, Universe Foundation
Export Diversity or Focus? What Strategy is Best for FirstTime Internationalizing SMEs from an Emerging Market?
Desislava Dikova, WU Vienna
Jaklic Andreja, University of Ljubljana
Anze Burger, University of Ljubljana
Aljaz Kuncic, University of Ljubljana
Session 1.5.6 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cypress 2
Institutions and International Corporate
Chair: Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management
Institutions, Liberal Market Economies and Comparative
Chris Brewster, University of Reading
James T Walker, University of Reading
Geoffrey T. Wood, University of Warwick
Corporate Governance as a Balance between Domestic and
Global: Evidence from Emerging Market Firms
Luisa Fernanda Melo, Bentley University
Varieties of Capitalism and the Comparative Advantages of
Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Gregory Jackson, Free University of Berlin
Regulation, Rule-of-Law, and Norms: Separating the
Institutions of Investor Protection
Anthony Cannizzaro, George Washington University
Session 1.5.7 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Oak 1
Taxes, Ownership and Firm Performance
Chair: Susan Feinberg, Temple University
Session 1.5.5 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cypress 1
Opportunity Identification and Decisionmaking in Internationalization
Chair: Marion Sandrine Bitsch, Turku School of
International Opportunity Identification in the
Internationalisation of the Firm
Olga Muzychenko, University of Adelaide
Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland
Cognitive Cultural Intelligence and Global Entrepreneurial
Intention of Young People
Henry Fock, Hong Kong Baptist University
You Yan Rona Chau, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Effect of Brazilian and French Canadian SME Decision
Maker’s Perception of Psychic Distance in Their
Internationalization Process
Thomas Leblond, Z&T Consultants
Zandra Balbinot, UQAM
Sergio Bulgacov, FGV
Entrepreneurial Marketing of International New Ventures – An
Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Perspective
Man Yang, University of Vaasa
Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
What Determines Tax Haven FDI?
Chris Jones, Aston University
Yama Temouri, Aston University
Tax Havens and Firm Performance
Chris Jones, Aston University
Yama Temouri, Aston University
Do Private Firms Perform Better than Public Firms?
Serkan Akguc, Temple University
Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University
Suk-Joong Kim, University of Sydney
Michael McKenzie, University of Liverpool
Collectivism and Bank Corruption: How to Break the Curse?
Sadok El Ghoul, University of Alberta
Omrane Guedhami, University of South Carolina
Chuck Kwok, University of South Carolina
Xiaolan Zheng, Nottingham University China
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Oak 2
Session 1.5.10 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Thompson
Organizational and Geographic Determinants
of FDI Performance
Cross-border Migration: Returnee and
Transnational Entrepreneurs
Antecedents of MNE Performance in the Home Region and
Lars Matysiak, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Andreas Bausch, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Returnee Entrepreneur, Institutions, and Firm Performance:
Evidence from Chinese Private Firms
Runjuan Liu, University of Alberta
Qing Liu, University of International Business and
Qin Han, University of Alberta
Ruosi Lu, University of Birmingham
Chao Zhang, University of International Business and
Chair: Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen
The Impact of Organizational and National Culture on
International M&A Performance: Looking Back and Moving
Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University
Comparing the Survival of Emerging Country (China) and
Developed Country (U.K.) Firms in the U.S.
Kun Yang, Central Michigan University
William Newburry, Florida International University
Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University
Session 1.5.9 - Competitive
Time: 16:15-17:30
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Fraser
Venture Capital and Networks of Innovation
Chair: Ivo Zander, Uppsala University
Venture Capital Experience and the Innovative Outcomes and
Legal Environment of Startups: A Global Analysis
Elisa Alvarez-Garrido, Georgia State University
The Liability of Foreignness in Cross-border Corporate
Venture Capital Investment: Partner Uncertainty and
Resource Uncertainty
Shin Hyung Kang, KAIST
Zong-Tae Bae, KAIST
So Near And Yet So Far? Corporate Venture Capital,
External Knowledge Search, and Knowledge Recombination
Across Geographic And Technological Distance
Sheryl Winston Smith, Temple University
Ahreum Lee, Temple University
The Effect of Intellectual Property Standards on the Catch-Up
Process Of Emerging Market Economies
Izzet Darendeli , Temple University
Kristin Martina Brandl, Copenhagen Business School
Robert D. Hamilton, III, Temple University
Chair: Sui Sui, Ryerson University
Entrepreneurial Survival Abroad
Jose Mata, Nova School of Business and Economics
Claudia Alves, Nova School of Business and Economics
Tuesday, June 24
Session 1.5.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
The Land of Opportunity: Pursuit of Entrepreneurial
Opportunities through Effectuation by Transnational
Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University
Migrant Diasporas: New Organizational Forms for
Understanding Business Venturing and Underlying Business
Norms in Developing Countries
Michael Cummings, University of Minnesota
Paul Vaaler, University of Minnesota
Florian Taeube, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Session 1.5.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Arbutus
Foreign Operation Modes
Chair: Congcong Zheng, San Diego State University
Impact of Institutions and Industry Structures on
Transformation and Retention of Foreign Operation Modes: A
Case Study
Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University
Jay VanWyk, Pittsburg State University
Exiting from a Foreign Market: The Two Key Triggers and the
Moderating Role of Marketing Capability
Qun Tan, Xiamen University
Carlos M. P. Sousa, Durham University
The Evolution of Foreign Market Entry Literature: A
Systematic Review and Future Directions
Irina Minodora Surdu, University of Warwick
Kamel Mellahi, Warwick Business School
Switching Options and Foreign Entry Decisions
Rene Belderbos, Catholic University of Leuven
Tony Tong, University of Colorado
Shubin Wu, Shanghai University of Finance and
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 1.5.12 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Fir
Gender, Diversity, and Teams
Chair: Mary Zellmer-Bruhn, University of Minnesota
The Influence of Cultural Context on the Relationship
between Gender Diversity and Team Performance: A MetaAnalysis
Rodrigo Isidor, University of Paderborn
Matthias Schneid, University of Paderborn
Chengguang Li, University of Paderborn
Ruediger Kabst, University of Paderborn
Career Barriers for Chinese Immigrant Women: A Test for
Two Competing Hypotheses
Nikos Bozionelos, Audencia School of Management
Giorgos Bozionelos, Psychiatric Hospital of Petra
Tuesday, June 24
Linking Multicultural Teams to Organizational Context: The
Role of Diversity Climate, Multicultural Team Interactions and
Cognitive Integration/Differentiation
Aida Hajro, Brunel University
Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University
Cristina Gibson, University of Western Australia
Session 1.5.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cowichan
Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurial
Chair: Marian V. Jones, University of Glasgow
SMEs Learning from International Sales, Innovations and
Alex Tai Loong Tan, University of Western Australia
Terence Ping Ching Fan, Singapore Management
It is Not What You Know, It is Who You Know: The Role of
Entrepreneurial Networks in Turkey
Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School
Pinar Buyukbalci, Yildiz Technical University
Early Internationalization through Networks
HoangAnh LuongBuu, Nottingham Trent University
Michael Wei Zhang, Nottingham Trent University
Consequences of Early Internationalization - R&D Network
Embeddedness as a Driver of International
Commercialization in Biotech
Marie Oehme, University of Mannheim
Suleika Bort, University of Mannheim
Network Insidership and Internationalizing Technology-based
Nurgul Ozbek, Stockholm School of Economics
Angelika Lindstrand, Stanford University/Stockholm
School of Economics
Social Capital in Exporters: The Case of Small Taiwanese
Trading Firms
Hui Yun Chiu, National Chengchi University
Chow Ming Yu, National Chengchi University
Hsiao Wen Liu, National Chengchi University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The Role of Individual-Level Characteristics of Owners in
Early Internationalization of International New Ventures
M Amin Zargarzadeh, University of Calgary
Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, University of Calgary
Session 1.5.14 - Interactive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Coquitlam
International Stock markets and IPOs
Chair: Lars Oxelheim, University of Lund
The Link between Financial Development and Knowledgebased Economy - Evidence from Emerging Markets
Soo-Wah Low, National University of Malaysia
Lain-Tze Tee, National University of Malaysia
Si-Roei Kew, National University of Malaysia
Noor Azlan Ghazali, National University of Malaysia
The Competitiveness of Stock Exchanges: An Exploratory
Investigation of Austria and Poland
Robert Lindorfer, WU Vienna
Anne Christine d'Arcy, WU Vienna
Igor Filatotchev, City University London
The Dark Side of the Global Securities Markets Consolidation
Pooya Tavakoly, University of Alberta
Individualism, Synchronized Stock Price Movements, and
Stock Market Volatility
Feng Zhan, York University
Venture Capital Investors’ Experiences and Foreign IPO
Success: Evidence from China
Jing Zhang, Old Dominion University
Huizhi Yu, Old Dominion University
Stock Market Reaction to Innovation Endeavor: Meta-Analytic
Test at the Institutional Level
Hye Sun Kang, University of South Carolina
Cherry Singhal, University of South Carolina
Institutional Determinants of Private Equity Investment in
African IPO Firms
Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex
Session 1.5.15 - Interactive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Capilano
Local Contexts and Foreign Entry Strategies
Chair: Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University
Sequential Post-Entry Expansion on Foreign Markets: Drivers
of the Establishment of Additional Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries
Anders Pehrsson, Linnaeus University
Path Dependency and MNE Location Strategy: The Impact of
Investment Objectives and Firm Capabilities
Guo-Liang Frank Jiang, Dalhousie University
Guy L. F. Holburn, Ivey Business School
Risk Propensity in Location Choice of Foreign Direct
Liang Chen, University of Leeds
Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds
Hinrich Voss, University of Leeds
Labor Market Flexibility and FDI Attractiveness
Mikhail Shengeliya, Trinity College Dublin
Louis Brennan, Trinity College Dublin
Location Strategies of Firms from Emerging Economies: The
Impact of Country-level and Firm-level Factors
Zhennan Wang , York University
Yigang Pan , York University
Strategic International Retail Expansion (SIRE)
Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University
Session 1.5.16 - Interactive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Chehalis
TMT and Corporate Boards
Chair: Benjamin Bader, University of Hamburg
Creating Competitive Advantage on Different Level of
Organizational Behavior: Top Management Teams’
Competencies and Firms’ Internationalization Results
Marina Latukha, Saint-Petersburg State University
Andrei Panibratov, Saint-Petersburg State University
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 17:30-19:00
Time: 17:30-19:00
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
WAIB Reception
The reception will be held at the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
Current and prospective WAIB members are welcome to
attend the reception. A short program and awards
presentation will take place during the reception.
✪The reception is jointly sponsored by the E. Desmond Lee
Professorship for Developing Women and Entrepreneurs in
International Business, College of Business Administration,
University of Missouri-St. Louis and the Academy of
International Business.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - 19:00-21:00
Time: 19:00-21:00
AIB Fellows' Dinner
AIB Fellows and invited guests only. The Fellows Dinner will
be held at an offsite location.
Board Diversity and Firm Internationalization: The Case of
Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo
Fabio Cassia, University of Verona
Mariella Piantoni, University of Bergamo
The Determinants of Localization of Japanese Multinationals
in Overseas Operations
Daniel Z. Ding, City University of Hong Kong
Naoki Ando, Hosei University
Gloria Lan Ge, Griffith University
Does Top Management Internationalization affect Top
Management Compensation?
Stefan Schmid, ESCP Europe
Dennis Wurster, ESCP Europe
Industry Experiences of a Board and Groeth Value Created
through Corporate Ventureing
Shu-Jou Lin, National Taiwan Normal University
Yu-Chen Chen, National Taiwan Normal University
Legend for Symbols Used:
Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award
Nominee for the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising
Local Contexts in Global Business
Tuesday, June 24
Aspirations and Policy Uncertainty:The Impact on the
Likelihood and Location of FDI Entry
Kent Hui, Michigan State University
Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tomas Hult, Michigan State University
Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 08:00-08:45
Time: 08:00-08:45
Fellows Café II
Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by
an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual
With a Globalized Economy, the Firm is Exposed to Many
"International Risks" Whether or Not It is Internationalized.
What is the "Risk Field" Faced by Firms? How does the
Incidence of These Risks Vary with a Firm's
Internationalization? (Room: Cowichan)
Donald Lessard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What are Key Issues Regarding Policies of Home Country
Governments Supporting Their Firms Investing Abroad?
(Room: Coquitlam)
Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Daring to Care: How do We Encourage IB Scholarship that
Matters Most to Us and to the World? (Room: Chehalis)
Nancy J. Adler, McGill University
Wednesday, June 25
What Kinds of Research on Emerging Markets can Add to
international Management Scholarship? (Room: Capilano)
Srilata Zaheer, University of Minnesota
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 09:00-10:15
Session 2.1.1 - Panel
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Distance in International Business Research:
Moving beyond Critique
Chair: Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen
Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina
Marc Van Essen, University of South Carolina
Lilach Nachum, City University New York
Heather Berry, George Washington University
Session 2.1.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 1
War For Talent
Chair: Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
War For Talent
Eric Ma, Neusoft
Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Pawan Budhwar, Aston University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Session 2.1.3 - Panel
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Mackenzie
Juggling Careers & Family (WAIB Special
Chairs: Amanda Bullough, Thunderbird School of Global
Management and Pamela Lirio, EDHEC Business
Discussant: Dynah Basuil Tobias, University of Auckland
Amanda Bullough, Thunderbird School of Global
Pamela Lirio, EDHEC Business School
Susan Forquer Gupta, Monmouth University
Joan P. Mileski, Texas A&M University
Malika Richards, Pennsylvania State University
Dan Li, Indiana University
Session 2.1.4 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Seymour
Talking Language
Chair: Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Foreign Subsidiary Top Manager Nationality and Language
Policy: The Interactive Effects of Subsidiary Age and Size
Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
The Impact of Language Barriers on Media Choice in
Multilingual Virtual Teams: Radically Rethinking Media
Richness, Synchronicity and Naturalness Theories
Helene Tenzer, Tuebingen University
Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University
The Influence of Language on Relationships between
Subsidiaries and Headquarters
Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah
Albert Wocke, Gordon Institute of Business Sciences
Alejandro Fonseca, EGADE Business School
Natasha Brits, GIBS Business School
Session 2.1.5 - Competitive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cypress 1
Role of Distance in Global Value Chains
Chair: Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne
Organizational Flexibility, Global Manufacturing, and Tariff
Ari Van Assche, HEC Montreal
Alyson Ma, University of San Diego
Not All Distances are Created Equal: Culture, Geography,
and the Interaction Effect of Networks on Private Equity
Investments in Three Emerging Market Regions
Santiago Mingo, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
Francisco Morales, University of Colorado-Boulder
Efficacy of R&D Work In Offshore Captive Centers: An
Empirical Study of Task Characteristics, Coordination
Mechanisms And Performance
Deepa Mani, Indian School of Business
Kannan Srikanth, Indian School of Business
Anandhi Bharadwaj, Emory University
Session 2.1.9 - Competitive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Fraser
Inward Internationalization Process
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Alicia Rodriguez, University Carlos III of Madrid
Are Emerging Economies Breaking Through?: The Role of
Organizational Learning and Inter-Organizational
Relationships on Innovation Ambidexterity and Performance
Denise Dunlap, Northeastern University
Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University
Jose-Mauricio Geleilate, Florida International University
Rafael Goldszmidt, FGV
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cypress 2
Advancing Interdisciplinary Research:
Lessons from the JIBS Special Issue
Chair: Joseph L.C. Cheng, University of New South
John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School
Donald Lessard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gerald McDermott, University of South Carolina
Robert J. Weiner, George Washington University
Joseph L.C. Cheng, University of New South Wales
Session 2.1.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Oak 2
What is the Effect of Ownership and Corporate
Governance on Cross-Border M&A
Chair: Bernard Yeung, National University of Singapore
Chair: Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD
Foreign Competition, Domestic Competition and Innovation
Tianjiao Xia, Loughborough University
Xiaohui Liu, Loughborough University
Unpacking Ambidexterity Implementation in the
Internationalization of Emerging Market Multinationals
Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, FGV-EAESP
Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, FGV-EAESP
Carlos Eduardo Stefaniak Aveline, FGV-EAESP
Marina Amado Bahia Gama, FGV-EAESP
Is Experiential Learning Always Beneficial for Subsidiary
Performance? The Curious Case of Emerging Multinationals
Arindam Mondal, Indian Institute of Management,
Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Session 2.1.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Arbutus
Alternative Theoretical Perspectives
The Liability of Opaqueness: State Ownership and the
Likelihood of Deal Completion in International Acquisitions
Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and
Peixin Li, Central University of Finance and Economics
Baolian Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and
Ownership Strategy in Cross-border M&As in Emerging
Economies: Influences of Institutional Differences and MNE’s
Host Country Experience
Ahmad Arslan, University of Vaasa
Desislava Dikova, WU Vienna
Headquarters’ Orchestration of Subsidiaries’ Contribution to
MNC Performance
Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University
Ulf Andersson, Malardalen University
Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University
Dual Headquarters Involvement in Subsidiary Innovation
Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University
Philip Kappen, Copenhagen Business School
Phillip C. Nell, WU Wien & Copenhagen Business School
Chair: Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London
Transaction Cost Economics: The Role of Frequency
Paul Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna
Jonas Puck, WU Vienna
International Diversification and the Nature of Value Creation:
A Real Options Perspective
Anju Seth, Virginia Tech
Todd Alessandri, Northeastern University
Disentangling the Relationship between the Degree of
Internationalization and Firm Performance
Jorge Carneiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Gilberto Figueira da Silva, Pontifical Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro
Victor Amaral, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
The Multiple Internationalization Processes of MNCs –
Sequential Strategic, Political and Evolutionary Processes
Rian Drogendijk, Uppsala University
Mikael Eriksson, Uppsala University
Ulf Holm, Uppsala University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.1.6 - Panel
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Ambidexterity, Learning and Innovation
Session 2.1.12 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Fir
Antecedents and Consequences of Board
Governance in Different Institutional Contexts
Chair: Lars Oxelheim, University of Lund
Politicians in the Boardroom: A Multi-Country Analysis
Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management University
Esther Del Brio, University of Salamanca
Abdul Rasheed, University of Texas at Arlington
International Returnees as Outside Directors: A Catalyst for
Strategic Adaptation Under Institutional Pressure
Michael Roberts, MacEwan University
Ji-Hwan Lee, KAIST
Foreign Knowledge Learning-by-Collaborating and-by-Hiring
and the Growth of Emerging Market Firms at Home Markets
PaoLien Chen, National Tsing Hua University
Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University
Ruey Jer (Bryan) Jean, National Chengchi University
The Board Governance Implications of Environmental
Uncertainty in Joint Ventures: Evidence from Emerging
Economy IPO Firms
Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex
Session 2.1.13 - Interactive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cowichan
Careers and Expatriate Deployment,
Adjustment, and Outcomes
Wednesday, June 25
Chair: Anne-Marie Søderberg, Copenhagen Business
How to Predict Turnover Intention of Repatriates?
Huei-Fang Chen, Soochow University
The Context of Careers: A Review of Group, Organizational,
Industrial, and National/Global Contexts and Research
Akram Al Ariss, Toulouse Business School
Emily Porschitz, Keene State College
Understanding Task Perfomance of Expatriates from
Emerging Economies: the Case of Korean Expatriates in
Hyeong-Deug Kim, Acsenda School of Management
Session 2.1.14 - Interactive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Coquitlam
Cooperative Strategies and Risk Taking
Chair: Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University
Why Go It Alone? Factors of Infrastructure Project Success
Bernadine Dykes, University of Delaware
Charles E. Stevens, Lehigh University
Contract Design and Its Differentiated Inter-Relationships with
Relational Mechanisms in Governing Inter-Organizational
Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan University
Extending Credit to Small and Medium Size Companies:
Relationships and Conflict Management
Alfred Wong, Lingnan University
Lu Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan University
Do Initial Characteristics Influence IJV Longevity? Evidence
from the Mediterranean Region
Dora Triki, ESCE
Ulrike Mayrhofer, IAE Lyon
How Aspirations Lead To Risk Taking In Global Investment
Elzotbek Rustambekov, Bryant University
Session 2.1.15 - Interactive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Capilano
Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Transfer
Chair: Lars Hakanson, Copenhagen Business School
Knowledge Identification Mechanism in the Process of
Reverse Knowledge Transfer: Intermediary Organizations
and Internal Boundary Spanning Roles
Jongmin Lee, University of Reading
Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Emerging Market
Multinational Enterprises: A Study of Indian Multinationals
Smitha Nair, University of Sheffield
Mehmet Demirbag, University of Strathclyde
Kamel Mellahi, Warwick Business School
Embedding International Norms in Organizational Knowledge:
The Role of Community of Practice in Knowledge
Management System
Shih-Chieh Fang, National Cheng Kung University
Chih-Hao Tsai, National Sun Yat-sen University
Western Expatriate Perspective on Building and Utilizing
Guanxi in China
Ying Guo, University of South Australia
Hussain Rammal, University of South Australia
John Benson, University of South Australia
Ying Zhu, University of South Australia
Learning from Semantic Inconsistencies as the Origin of
Dynamic Capabilities in MNCs: Evidence from Marketing
Expenditures of Pharmaceutical MNCs
Pouya Seifzadeh, Indiana University-Purdue University
Procedural Justice, Discrimination, and Cross-Cultural
Anna Katharina Hildisch, Georg-August-University
Internationalization, International Intellectual Property Rights
Protection and Innovation
Se Ho Cho, Rutgers University
Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers University
The Effect of Cultural Distance and Tightness on Expatriate
Deployment Levels in MNE Foreign Subsidiaries
Duckjung Shin, Ivey Business School
Vanessa C. Hasse, Ivey Business School
Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School
Effect of Post-Entry Organizational Design Choices For
Izzet Darendeli , Temple University
Robert D. Hamilton, III, Temple University
Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Chehalis
Political Institutions and Strategies in
International Business
Chair: George O. White III, Old Dominion University
Battle for Resources: What is the Role of Interstate Relations
in International Acquisitions in the Oil Industry? A Realist
Olivier Bertrand, SKEMA Business School
Ownership-based Entry Mode, Political Strategy and
Performance: A Moderated-Mediating Explanation
Hongxin Zhao, Saint Louis University
Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University
Jie Yang, Saint Louis University
Seung Kim, Saint Louis University
Concepts, Typologies, Theories and Methodologies
Reflecting the Major Postwar Periods in International
Business-Government Relations and its Research
Jean Boddewyn, Baruch College, CUNY
Does Targeting at Government-dominated Markets Impede
Wei Wei, Beijing Jiaoting University
Jay Chok, Keck Graduate Institute
Delin Yang, Tsinghua University
Firm-Specific Political Resources, Home-Host Ties and
International Expansion
Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris
Pierre Dussauge, HEC Paris
Political Ideologies of CEOs and Foreign Direct Investment of
Emerging Economy Firms: Evidence from China
Zelong Zhang, Baruch College, CUNY
Institutional Sensemaking: Learning Institutional Logics to
Overcome the Liability of Political Connectedness
Tolga Ulusemre, University of South Carolina
Impact of Political Risk on Cross Border Acquisition
Rama Krishna Reddy, University of Memphis
Ben Kedia, University of Memphis
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 10:15-10:45
Time: 10:15-10:45
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Coffee Break
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 10:45-12:00
Session 2.2.1 - Panel
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Global Connectivity as the Basis for Local
Chair: Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Discussants: Thomas Hannigan, Temple University and
Marcelo Cano Kollmann, Temple University
John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School
Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD
Mark Lorenzen, Copenhagen Business School
Vittoria Giada Scalera, Temple University / Politecnico di
Kristin Martina Brandl, Copenhagen Business School
Session 2.2.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Stanley Park 1
Women in Business in Canada (WAIB Special
Chairs: Janet Y. Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis
and Malika Richards, Pennsylvania State University
Geri Prior, ICBC
Juggy Sihota-Chahil, TELUS Corporation
Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
Nancy J. Adler, McGill University
Session 2.2.3 - Panel
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Mackenzie
Internationalization of Service Firms from
Emerging Markets
Chair: Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah
Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University
S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Usha Raghunath, Wipro Ltd.
Hussain Rammal, University of South Australia
Anju Seth, Virginia Tech
✪This coffee break is sponsored by Bryant University in
honor of the winner of the Best Paper Award in Emerging
Economies Research.
Local Contexts in Global Business
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.1.16 - Interactive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Session 2.2.4 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Seymour
Language and its Effects on International
Chair: Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Session 2.2.6 - Panel
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Cypress 2
Research Methods Symposium:
Understanding Culture Better: Insights, Theory
and Measurement
Chair: Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds
Multifaceted Effects of Host Country Language Proficiency in
Expatriate Cross-Cultural Adjustments: An Interview Study in
Ling Eleanor Zhang, Hanken School of Economics
Bridging the Language Gap in the MNC
Nathalie Aichhorn, WU Vienna
Jonas Puck, WU Vienna
Do Female/Male Distinctions in Language Influence
Microfinance Outreach to Women?
Amir Shoham, Temple University
Estefania Santacreu-Vasut, ESSEC
Israel Drori, College of Management Academic Studies
Ronny Manos, College of Management Academic
The Complementarity of Human Capital and Language in
Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment
Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield
Yingqi Wei, University of Leeds
Session 2.2.5 - Competitive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Cypress 1
Wednesday, June 25
Offshoring Mandates and Performance
Chair: Martina Musteen, San Diego State University
Global Sourcing and Foreign Knowledge Seeking: A Formal
Model and Empirical Analysis
Heather Berry, George Washington University
Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota
Controlling Offshore Activities: The Choice of Equity vs. NonEquity Alliances
Gabriella Lojacono, Bocconi University
Nicola Misani, Bocconi University
Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond
Designing Offshore Subunits: Scope Decisions and Their
Performance Implications
Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, McGill University
Strategic Location in the Global Value Chain and Foreign
Subsidiary Performance: Evidence from 105 Countries
Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University
Yong Yang, University of Sussex
Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University
Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds
Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Dan V. Caprar, University of New South Wales
Bradley L. Kirkman, North Carolina State University
Session 2.2.7 - Competitive
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Oak 1
Creating International Business Learning
Chair: Mary B. Teagarden, Thunderbird Graduate School
of International Management
The Role of Reflective Journals in Developing Global Virtual
Team Competencies
Virginia Ilene Cathro, University of Otago
Paula Marie O'Kane, University of Otago
Deb Gilbertson, Te Kaihau Education Trust
Gamification of International Business Education: Experiential
Learning and a Global Perspective
Varina Paisley, UNSW
Globalizing the First Year Experience
Tanvi Kothari, San Jose State University
Malu Roldan, San Jose State University
Management of Foreign Affiliates: an Undergraduate
International Business (IB) Integrative Course?
Javier Calero Cuervo, University of Macau
Teaching the Politics of International Business
Jeffrey Allen Kappen, Drake University
Matthew Coy Mitchell, Drake University
Session 2.2.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Oak 2
What is the Effect of Organizational Choices
on FDI Performance?
Chair: Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University
Transnational Integration in the Digital Age
Wenjie Chen, George Washington University
Fariha Kamal, U.S. Census Bureau
Inside the MNC: Structuring Ownership of Firm-Specific
Catherine Magelssen, Rutgers University
Susan Feinberg, Temple University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Operational Flexibility, Cultural Diversity, and Foreign
Subsidiary Divestment
Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas
Ho-Wook Shin, University of Texas at Dallas
Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University
Language-Oriented Human Resource Management
Practices, Knowledge Transfer, and Absorptive Capacity in
Foreign Subsidiaries
Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
Relative Mode Advantage in Local Market Penetration:
Comparing IJVs and WOFs in the Context of China
Changhui Zhou, Peking University
Mingkun Liu, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Danxue Gao, Peking University
Session 2.2.11 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Fraser
Institutions and International Entrepreneurship
Chair: Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad
Decision to Internationalize New Ventures and Home Country
Factors: A Multi-Level Study of Early-Stage Entrepreneurs
Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan University
Saurav Pathak, Michigan Technological University
Andre Laplume, Michigan Technological University
To Formalize or Not to Formalize: Entrepreneurship and ProMarket Institutions
Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
A Signaling Based View (SBV) of Dark Favors Frequency
(DFF) and Institutional Friction for SMEs: Evidence from
Transition Economies
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
Ellie Banalieva, Northeastern University
Kimberly A. Eddleston, Northeastern University
Taxes, Corruption and Entrepreneurship
Farzana Chowdhury, Indiana University
Maksim Belitski, University of Reading
Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University
Session 2.2.10 - Special Session
Special Session
Institutions and Knowledge Flows in Global
Chair: Saul Estrin, London School of Economics
Managerial Decision Making, Knowledge Internalisation and
Power in Global Factories
Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland
FDI, Technology Spillovers and Green Innovation in South
Yoo Jung Ha, University of York
No Place Like Home? An Institutional Perspective on the
Consequences of Parent Relocations for Multinationals'
Home-Country Legitimacy
Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University
Marc Baaij, RSM Erasmus University
Session 2.2.12 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Fir
Home- and Host-Country Institutional
Determinants of Firm Behaviors
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.2.9 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Arbutus
Chair: Huub Ruel, Windesheim University
The Role of Institutions in Explaining Foreign Subsidiary
Growth in Transition Economies
Murod Aliyev, University of Leeds
Mario Kafouros, University of Leeds
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Thompson
Special Session of AJBS Best Papers
Chair: Thomas Roehl, Western Washington University
Untangling the Influence of Globalization and Ethnic
Fractionalization on National Cooperation
Nancy R. Buchan, University of South Carolina
Robert J. Rolfe, University of SouthCarolina
Lucy Ojode, Texas Southern University
Meshack Orinda, Moi University
Evolution of the MNE Ownership-Subsidiary Performance
Min (Megan) Zhang, Ivey Business School
Institutional Antecedences of Earnings Management in
Emerging Markets - A Miltilevel Analysis
Shuji Rosey Bao, Old Dominion University
Krista Lewellyn, University of Wyoming
Won’t Globalise, Can’t Globalise: Rethinking Japanese
MNEs’ Ethnocentric Staffing Practices
Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Economics
Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics
Riding on the Dragon: FDI Bandwagon Diffusions in China
Jing Yu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney
Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and
Language and Reverse Knowledge Transfer: Foreign MNC
Subsidiaries in Japan
Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 2.2.13 - Interactive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Cowichan
How MNEs Handle Human Resources Abroad:
Boundary Spanning, Knowledge Sharing, and
Trust Building
Chair: Fabian J. Froese , Georg-August-University
Organizational Cross-Cultural Adaptation: A Multiple-Case
Study of Chinese Firms Operating in the United States
Jing Betty Feng, Georgia State University
Leigh Anne Liu, Georgia State University
Psychological Distance and the Zone of Proximal
Development: International Knowledge Transfer by Returnee
Michael Roberts, MacEwan University
“Does it Matter Who I Am?”:The Role of Ethnic Identity
Confirmation in Expatriates’ Knowledge Acquisition
Shea Fan, Univeristy of Melbourne
Tine Koehler, Univeristy of Melbourne
Anne-Wil Harzing, ESCP Europe
Christina Cregan, Univeristy of Melbourne
Organizational Stigmas in MNCs
S. Bruce Thomson, MacEwan University
Chris Nyland, Monash University
Helen Forbes-Mewett, Monash University
Wednesday, June 25
Boundary Spanners in a Global Software Development
Project: A Qualitative Case Study of an Indian Service
Provider's On-Site Managers
Anne-Marie Søderberg, Copenhagen Business School
Information Sharing between Host Country Nationals and
Expatriates at the Subsidiary
Yung-Kuei Liang, Tatung University
Returnees and MNE Staffing in China
Huanglin Wang, SUNY New Paltz
Developing Chinese High-potential Employees: Challenges
for the International Human Resources Management of
Harald Dolles, Molde University College / University of
Sebastian Mansson, University of Gothenburg
Christian Schmidt, University of Gothenburg
Session 2.2.14 - Interactive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Coquitlam
Countries, Institutions, and International
Chair: Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, University of
An Assessment of the Cumulative Evidence of the Effects of
Cultural Distance on Dichotomous Joint Venture Performance
Furkan Amil Gur, Louisiana State University
Resource Explanation for the Variation in Inter-Organizational
Networks among Countries
Abdulrahman Chikhouni, Concordia University
Mehdi Farashahi, Concordia University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Competitive Pressure and Bribery
Huy Nguyen, University of Texas at Dallas
Initial Location Strategies and Consequent Dynamics:
Competition and Cooperation between Foreign and Domestic
Lingli Luo, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chinese Firm's Intra-Country Joint Venture in Outward Direct
Qingfen Fu, Tsinghua University
Wei Xie, Tsinghua University
Parent Control Mechanisms and Strategic Intentions:
Evidence of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures
Zelong Zhang, Baruch College, CUNY
Session 2.2.15 - Interactive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Capilano
Managing Human Resources in Emerging
Chair: Naoki Ando, Hosei University
Talking the Talk: MNCs, Business Professional Discourse
and Local Embededness in Transition Economies
Olga Kuznetsova, Manchester Metropolitan University
Andrei Kuznetsov, University of Central Lancashire
Emerging Market Multinationality and Attrition-Centric Human
Resource Management
Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth
Global Certification: An Analysis of Ownership Structure and
TQM Commitment
Stewart Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio
Kefeng Xu, University of Texas at San Antonio
Jayanth Jayaram, University of South Carolina
Bruce Rudy, University of Texas at San Antonio
Determinants of Employee Turnover Intentions in China: A
Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Firms
Yong Suhk Pak, Yonsei University
Yi Yang, Yonsei University
On the Win-Win and Win-Lose Effects of HRM: Siding with
the Former and Shedding Light on the Mechanisms
Mats Ehrnrooth, Hanken School of Economics
Alexei Koveshnikov, Hanken School of Economics
Social Network Sites, Leadership and Employees' Outcome:
Comparative Study of Japan and Brazil
Marcos H. Yokoyama, Osaka University
Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University
Session 2.2.16 - Interactive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Chehalis
Understanding and Managing Local
Institutional Contexts in International Business
Chair: Htwe Htwe Thein, Curtin University
Subnational Differences and Firm Strategies during
Institutional Transitions
Sergey Lebedev, University of Texas at Dallas
Mike W. Peng, University of Texas at Dallas
Disentangling Global Crises by Crisis Uncertainty: Evidence
from Hong Kong
Frank W. Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Daphne W. Yiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Moderating Role of FDI Motives and the Institutional
Environment on the Performance of Foreign and Domestic
Firms in Emerging Markets
Tilo F. Halaszovich, University of Bremen
Reasons for the Structural Weaknesses of Financial Markets
in Africa: Insights from Ghana
Kweku Adams, University of Calgary
Session 2.2.17 - Interactive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Marine
Organizational Characteristics and MNE
Chair: Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Tax Planning and Strategic Decisions: A Comparison of UK
Firms and Turkish Firms
Jane Frecknall-Hughes, Open University Business
Mehmet Demirbag, University of Strathclyde
Keith Glaister, University of Warwick
Ekrem Tatoglu, Bahcesehir University
Organizational Attractiveness of Emerging and Developed
Market Multinationals in Developed Markets
Katrin Held, University of Hamburg
Benjamin Bader, University of Hamburg
Nicola Berg, University of Hamburg
The Lower Sensitivity of State-Owned Enterprise FDI to
Political Risk: Investigating Political Capabilities- and Risk
Preferences Explanations
Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business School
Carl Henrik Knutsen, University of Oslo
Misfortune of One, Happiness of Others? The Impact of
Parent Firms’ Market Munificence on MNCs’ Subsidiaries
Aude Le Cottier, IE Business School
Juan Santalo, IE Business School
Why Firms become Multinationals? Evidences from
Developing Economies
Nadia Campos Pereira Bruhn, UFG/UFLA
Juciara Nunes Alcantara, UFLA
Ricardo Pereira Reis, UFLA
Dany Flavio Tonelli, UFLA
Luiz Marcelo Antonialli, UFLA
Cristina Lelis Leal Calegario, UFLA
A Social Psychological Perspective on Foreignness: Why Is
Foreignness Sometimes A Liability And Sometimes A Benefit
Sudhir Nair, University of Victoria
David G. Cohen, Skidmore College
Chun (Grace) Guo, Sacred Heart University
Kimberly Sherman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Business Group Diversification, Internationalization and NGO
Engagement Effects on Firm Performance
Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South Carolina
Armando Borda, ESAN-Graduate School of Business
Business Group Affiliations and Earnings Management: A
Principal-Principal Perspective
Yan Gao, Shanghai University of Finance and
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 12:00-13:00
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Light Lunch
A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Mackenzie
AIB Fellows' Business Meeting
AIB Fellows only.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 13:00-14:15
Session 2.3.1 - Panel
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Emerging Market Global Players: HomeCountry Institutions and Corporate
Chair: Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at
Discussant: Igor Filatotchev, City University London
Robert E. Hoskisson, Rice University
Yasir Yasin Fadol, Qatar University
Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National University
Hsia Hua Sheng, FGV-EAESP
Local Contexts in Global Business
Wednesday, June 25
Investment Purpose Multiplicity to Counter the Hazards of
Institutional Voids: Japanese FDI in Africa
Yamlaksira Shewangizaw Getachew, Ivey Business
Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Session 2.3.2 - Special Session
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park 1
Investing in the Sustainable Development
Goals: the TNC Contribution (UNCTAD Special
Chair: James Zhan, United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development
James Zhan, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Hafiz Mirza, United Nations Conference on Trade and
Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen
Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
Rob van Tulder, RSM Erasmus University
Session 2.3.3 - Panel
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Mackenzie
Are FDI Stock and Flow Data Good Measures
of MNE Activity?
Chairs: Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg
University/University of Pavia and Dylan Sutherland,
Durham University
Wednesday, June 25
Dylan Sutherland, Durham University
Raymond Mataloni, Jr., U.S. Bureau of Economic
Stephen Gelb, World Trade Institute
Andrew Kerner, University of Michigan
Session 2.3.4 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Seymour
Internationalization Speed: Antecedents and
Chair: Patricia P. McDougall-Covin, Indiana University
Speed of Entry into Export and Post-entry Exit of New
Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China
Ruey Jer (Bryan) Jean, National Chengchi University
Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester
International Learning Strategy, Speed of Learning and
Speed of SME Internationalization
Mikael Hilmersson, Halmstad University/ Linnaeus
Martin Johanson, Mid Sweden University
Stylianos Papaioannou, Mid Sweden University
Speed of SME Internationalization and Performance
Mikael Hilmersson, Halmstad University/ Linnaeus
Martin Johanson, Mid Sweden University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Early Internationalisation and Risk on Survival and Growth of
Manufacturing New Ventures
Francisco Puig, University of Valencia
Miguel Gonzalez-Loureiro, University of Vigo
Pervez N. Ghauri, Kings College London
Session 2.3.5 - Competitive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cypress 1
Capabilities, Institutions and the Dynamics of
Chair: William Newburry, Florida International University
Competitor Identification and Performance: The Added Value
of Foreign Competitors
Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London
Chung-Long Yu, Tungnan University
Fatima Wang, King's College London
Rivalry on Multiple Fronts: The Effects of Domestic and Host
Market Competition on New and Repeated Foreign Entry
Exequiel Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania
Anja Tuschke, University of Munich
How do Foreign and Local Firms Compete? Competitive
Dynamics, Liability of Foreignness and Institutional Voids
Klaus Meyer, China Europe International Business
Wei Yang, Nankai University
How Standalone Firms Build Leading-Edge Capabilities in
Emerging Markets: The Role of Shared Institutional
Infrastructure in the Brazilian Cosmetics Industry
Aline Gatignon, INSEAD
Laurence Capron, INSEAD
Session 2.3.6 - Competitive
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cypress 2
Research Methods for International Business
Chair: Harry Bowen, Queens University of Charlotte
Beyond Double Translation: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of
Organizational Culture Questionnaire
Ekaterina Mikhailova, NRU Higher School of Economics
Valentina V. Kuskova, NRU Higher School of Economics
Irina O. Volkova, NRU Higher School of Economics
Polycontextualizing International Business Studies - A Future
Research Agenda
Ying Liu, Florida International University
Corporate Reputation Measurement: Evidence from CrossCountry Comparison
James Agarwal, University of Calgary
Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, University of Calgary
Measuring Absorptive Capacity in High-Tech Companies:
Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Vesna Sedoglavich, Australian National University
Michele Akoorie, University of Waikato
Kathryn Pavlovich, University of Waikato
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 1
Engage Them and They’ll Understand: Existing
Projects and Best Practices of Integrating
Experiential Learning in International Business
Chair: Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at
Stephan Gerschewski, Hankuk University of Foreign
Adam Johns, Doshisha University
Arunee Lertkornkitja, Stamford International University
Lavanchawee Sujarittanonta, University of Calgary
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT
Grishma Shah, Manhattan College
John Cragin, Vertical Learning Curve
José de la Torre, Florida International University
Karen Imam, Binus University International
Gordana Pesakovic, Argosy University
Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics
Michel Librowicz, Université du Québec à Montréal
Nick Robinson, North Island College
Norhayati Zakharia, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Session 2.3.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 2
What is the Effect of Distance on FDI
Chair: Jennifer Oetzel, American University
Does Distance to Subsidiaries affect Headquarters Value
Phillip C. Nell, WU Wien & Copenhagen Business School
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen
Bjoern Ambos, University of St. Gallen
Linguistic Distance and Bridge Language Proficiency Effects
on Equity Ownership in Cross-Border Acquisitions
Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University
Gokhan Ertug, Singapore Management University
Location Choices of FDI and Multinational Performance: First
Evidence from Matched Firms
Nigel Driffield, Aston University
Yong Yang, University of Sussex
Session 2.3.9 - Competitive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Fraser
Knowledge, Culture and Innovation
Chair: Mary-Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria
Language and Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Multinational
Corporations: Interactive Effects of Communication Media
Richness and Headquarters Commitment
Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
Bridging the Consultant-Client Relationship and Knowledge
Sharing in the MENA Region: A Cultural Embeddedness
Di Fan, Deakin University
Zinab Hassan, Deakin University
Cultural Distance in International Alliances: New Product
Development Performance through Joint Sensemaking and
Knowledge Combination
Robin Nico Pesch, University of Bayreuth
Ricarada B. Bouncken, University of Bayreuth
Rainer Harms, University of Twente
Societal Temporal Orientation and Innovation: Evidence from
Hofstede and GLOBE
Tais Siqueira Barreto, Florida Atlantic University
Session 2.3.10 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Thompson
Global Leadership: A New Taxonomy and the
Role of Attributional Complexity and
Transformational Leadership
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.3.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Chair: Jean Lee, China Europe International Business
Towards a Taxonomy of the Global Leadership Construct
B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE
Allan W. Bird, Northeastern University
Mark E. Mendenhall, University of Tennessee
Joyce Osland, San Jose State University
Attributional Complexity and Leadership: Test of a process
Model in France and India
C. Lakshman, Tongji University
Christophe Estay, KEDGE Business School Bordeaux
Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment: A
Comparative Study between US and Korean Employees
Youngsam Cho, Korea University
Mannsoo Shin, Korea University
Jangrho Lee, Korea University
The Mechanism of Transformational Leadership on
Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study of the U.S.
and German Companies in Korea
Soyeon Kim, Meiji University
Mannsoo Shin, Korea University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 2.3.11 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Arbutus
Top Management and Corporate Boards
Chair: Marc Van Essen, University of South Carolina
Session 2.3.13 - Interactive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cowichan
Identity, and Cultural Intelligence:
Conceptualization and Development
Chair: Yuan Liao, University of New South Wales
Top Management Internationalization and Accounting Quality
Tobias Dauth, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
Paul Pronobis, Free University of Berlin
Stefan Schmid, ESCP Europe
CEO Duality in IPO Firms in China: the Reconciliation of
Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory
Wanrong Hou, University of Texas-Pan American
Sali Li, University of South Carolina
Jianfeng Wu, University of International Business and
Yonggui Wang, University of International Business and
Internationalization of Corporate Boards and Change in its
Working Language
Trond Randoy, University of Agder
Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Lars Oxelheim, University of Lund
Session 2.3.12 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Fir
Wednesday, June 25
Institutional Contexts of Corruption and
Business Ethics
Chair: Halia Valladares, Mt. Royal University
The Effect of Firm Bribery in Transition Economies on Firm's
Market Focus Between Domestic and Foreign Markets
Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas
David H. Weng, University of Texas at Dallas
Jinsil Kim, University of Texas at Dallas
A Transaction Governance Perspective on Business
Francis Sun, Brock University
Shih-Fen S. Chen, Ivey Business School
The Impact of Corruption and Institutional Restrictiveness on
Entry Strategy: Evidence from Telecommunication Projects in
Developing Countries
Arash Amirkhany, McGill University
Pouya Seifzadeh, Indiana University-Purdue University
Examining the Institutional Context of Organizational
Corruption Controls: The Case of FIFA
William Ray Heaston, Drake University
Matthew Coy Mitchell, Drake University
Individuals with Multi-Institutional Profiles: Construct
Development, Operationalization, and Suggested
Qin Han, University of Alberta
Jennifer Jennings, University of Alberta
Acculturation, Identity and Self-Initiated Expatriation:
Theoretical Implications
Marian Crowley-Henry, National University of Ireland
Noeleen Doherty, Cranfield University
Developing the Global Managers of the Future: Exploring the
Merits of CQ Education in Business Schools.
Jase Ramsey, University of Alabama
Melanie Lorenz, University of Alabama
Livia Barakat, Fundacao dom Cabral
On Becoming Marginal and Cosmopolitan: A Grounded
Theory Study on Expatriate Cultural Identity
Ling Eleanor Zhang, Hanken School of Economics
Betwixt and Between: Organizational Identification of Local
Managers at MNE Overseas Subsidiaries
Khan-Pyo Lee, Sogang University
Jun-Young Bae, Pukyong National University
Jang-Ho Choi, Sogang University
Bongsoon Cho, Sogang University
The Quest for Global Entrepreneurs? – Cultural Intelligence
and its Importance to Entrepreneurship
Marilyn M. Helms, Dalton State College
Raina M. Rutti, Dalton State College
Melanie Lorenz, University of Alabama
Jase Ramsey, University of Alabama
Craig E. Armstrong, University of Alabama
Why Has the Chinese Leadership Style Prevailed over
Millenia? Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Global
Antony John Drew, University of Newcastle
Hans Jansson, Linneus University
Session 2.3.14 - Interactive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Coquitlam
Critical Reflections on Parent-Subsidiary
Chair: Birgitte Grogaard, University of Calgary
Why the Importance of the (Cultural) Distance Concept in
International Business Is Not Justified: A Literature Analysis
Anne-Wil Harzing, ESCP Europe
Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
How Foreign is Foreign? The Local Embeddedness of
Foreign Listed Companies
Robert Lindorfer, WU Vienna
Anna Andres, WU Vienna
In Defense of Heterarchy: Applying the Hypermodern
Structure in U.S. Military and Multinational Corporations
Tanya Andrea Peacock, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Kiyohiko Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ambidexterity in the MNC: Balancing Opportunities and
Demands in Multiple Contexts
Mikael Eriksson, Uppsala University
Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University
Rian Drogendijk, Uppsala University
Ulf Holm, Uppsala University
Complexity and Structure in MNCs – An NK-Application
Sokol Celo, Suffolk University
I. Kim Wang, Suffolk University
James Nebus, Suffolk University
Subsidiary HR Autonomy and Subsidiary Performance
Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
Hilla Peretz, ORT Braude College
Yitzhak Fried, Syracuse University
Session 2.3.15 - Interactive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Capilano
Mergers and Acquisitions
Chair: Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and
Are Better Firms Acquired by MNEs Rather Than Domestic
Firms in China?
Aizhen Chen, Xiamen University
Familiarity and Cultural Effects in International Mergers and
Paul Jonathan Komiak, Memorial University
Political Environment and Cross-border Acquisitions
Ben Kedia, University of Memphis
Rama Krishna Reddy, University of Memphis
The Market’s Response to Environmental Performance
Distance between Acquirer and Target Country in the CrossBorder Acquisition: Moderating Role of Acquirer’s
Environmental Reputation
Gunae Choi, Rutgers University
Financial Development, Information Asymmetry, and the
Alignment between Short-Term Stock Market Reaction and
Long-Term M&A Performance: Evidence from Hong Kong
and Mainland China
Yuping Zeng, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Meijui Sun, Ming Chuan University
Board Capital and Cross-Border M&A Performance—The
Moderating Role of Internal Social Ties
W.G. Douglas Fernandez, Florida International University
Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University
Speed of Institutional Change and Cross-Border Acquisition
Yinuo Tang, University of Pittsburgh
Ravi Madhavan, University of Pittsburgh
Session 2.3.16 - Interactive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Chehalis
Social Institutions in Home and Host Countries
Chair: Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Internal and External Consequences of Direct and Distance
Effects of Institutions for MNCs and the Role of Social Capital
Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University
The Impact of Home and Host Country Institutional Context
on Subsidiary Performance
Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney
SoonKyoo Choe, Yonsei University
Bribery and Firm Performance in Different Institutional
Canan Canbulat Mutlu, University of Texas at Dallas
Comparative Business Systems: Social Embeddedness in the
Work Place and National Differences in Employee Impression
Management Behaviors in China, Japan, Korea, & the U.S.
Patricia (Tish) Robinson, Hitotsubashi University ICS
Li Ma, Peking University
Zhixue Zhang, Peking University
Wednesday, June 25
Parent-Subsidiary Linkage: How Resource Commitment and
Resource Similarity Influence Firm Performance
Chung-Jen Chen, National Taiwan University
Andy Ruey-Shan Guo, National Taiwan University
Shan-Huei Wang, National Taiwan University
Ya-Hui Lin, Research Institute for the Humanities and
Social Sciences, National Science Council
Bureaucrats Rent-Seeking and Corruption in An Emerging
Market: A Firm-Level Analysis of FIEs in Vietnam
SoonKyoo Choe, Yonsei University
Dang Thi Hong Nguyen, Yonsei University
Kyung Min Park, Yonsei University
The Decline of Partnerships and Rise of Club Good
Structures in Investment Banking
W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University
The Pursuit of Government Transparency in the Transition
Economies: Panacea or Pandora's Box of MNE's Corruption?
Neli Kouneva Loewenthal, George Washington
Context and Reinvestment Decisions: Why the Transitional
Periphery Differs from other Post-State Socialist Economies
Mehmet Demirbag, University of Strathclyde
Martina Mcguinness, University of Sheffield
Geoffrey T. Wood, University of Warwick
Session 2.3.17 - Interactive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Marine
Innovation in Emerging Economies
Chair: Rachel Pacheco, University of Pennsylvania
Exploring the External Side of MNE Subsidiary Innovation in
China: Locations and the Role of Inter-Organizational Trust
Christopher Williams, Ivey Business School
Juana Du, Royal Roads University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Globalization of R&D: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and
Innovation in India and China
Rajat Khanna, UNC Chapel Hill
Atul Nerkar, UNC Chapel Hill
Silicon Valley and China's Innovation Openness
Brian Hilton, Nottingham University China
Miao Wang, Nottingham University China
Session 2.4.2 - Panel
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Stanley Park 1
Dirty Topic or Local Norm: Corruption and
Discrimination Debates in International
Chair: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
Organisational Innovation in Indian firms – A Multi-Level
Smitha Nair, University of Sheffield
Pawan Budhwar, Aston University
Kishore Gopalakrishna Pillai, Aston University
Impact of Technology on Banking in Africa: The Contribution
of Foreign Banks in Ghana
Kweku Adams, University of Calgary
R&D Internationalisation of Developing Country Firms: The
Case of China
Huaichuan Rui, University of London
Reverse Management Innovation from Emerging Markets
Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University China
Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University China
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 14:15-14:30
Time: 14:15-14:30
John Lawler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
John Mezias, University of Miami
Jonathan Doh, Villanova University
Session 2.4.3 - Panel
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Mackenzie
Institutions, Ownership and Global Strategy
Chair: Hans van Oosterhout, Rotterdam School of
Ruth V. Aguilera, University of Illinois at Urbana
Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina
David Reeb, National University of Singapore
Marc Van Essen, University of South Carolina
Wednesday, June 25
Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No
refreshment service will be provided.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 14:30-15:45
Session 2.4.1 - Panel
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Stanley Park 2-3
International Entrepreneurship: Toward an
Integration of IB and Entrepreneurship
Chair: Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University
Stephanie A Fernhaber, Butler University
Gary A Knight, Willamette University
Anoop Madhok, York University
Patricia P. McDougall-Covin, Indiana University
Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
Session 2.4.4 - Competitive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Seymour
Internationalization of Emerging Market MNEs
Chair: Sam Park, China Europe International Business
Internationalization through Exaptation: The Role of Domestic
Geographical Scope in the Internationalization Process of
Tamara Stucchi, Technical University of Denmark
Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania
Strategic Archetypes of Emerging Market Multinationals:
Analysis of Outward FDI of Indian Firms
Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney
Rajesh Upadhyayula, Indian Institute of Management
Amit Karna, EBS Business School
International Springboard by Emerging Market Enterprises: A
Contextual Perspective
Vladislav Maksimov, University of Miami
Yadong Luo, University of Miami
Innovation and Internationalization in the Indian
Pharmaceutical Sector: The Moderating Role of Ownership
Tatiana S. Manolova, Bentley University
Saptarshi Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management
Linda F. Edelman, Bentley University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cypress 1
Corporate Portfolio Evolution and
Performance: Alliances, IJVs, and Subsidiaries
Chair: Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, University of
Contextual and Processual Antecedents of International
Strategic Alliance Performance: A Co-evolutionary View
Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho, Yuan Ze University
Shuffling the Cards while Playing the Game: Predicting the
Direction of Foreign Ownership Changes in IJVs
Vanessa C. Hasse, Ivey Business School
Jean-Louis Schaan, Ivey Business School
David Tanganelli, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Distant from Whom? The Facets of Cultural Distance and of
its Impact on Innovation Performance in Subsidiaries' Alliance
Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano
Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Politecnico di Bari
Building Capabilities in Emerging Markets: The Double-Edged
Sword of Cross-Sector Alliances
Aline Gatignon, INSEAD
Session 2.4.6 - Panel
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cypress 2
Data Sharing, Research Crowdsourcing, and
Open Collaboration: Latest Developments and
Opportunities in International Business
Chair: Dan V. Caprar, University of New South Wales
Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Piers Steel, University of Calgary
Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University
Norhayati Zakharia, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Amanda E.K. Budde-Sung, University of Sydney
Sebastian Jayaraj, Rutgers Business School
Tony Fang, Stockholm University
Session 2.4.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 1
Transformative Experiences in Teaching
International Business
Chair: Suresh George, Coventry University
Session 2.4.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 2
Strategic Determinants of MNE Performance
Chair: Thomas Hutzschenreuter, WHU – Otto Beisheim
School of Management
Effects of R&D Investments and Market Signals on
International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms
Cheng-Wei Wu, University of Hong Kong
Jeffrey Reuer, Purdue University
Which Match Maker do you want? Advisor Banks and the
Effects of their Network Position on Uncertainty Control in
Cross-Border Acquisitions, 1996-2010
Jung-Hoon Han, Yonsei University
Corporate Governance, Internationalization, Diversification,
and Financing Decision
Chiung-Jung Chen, Chung Yuan Christian University
Retailers’ International Strategy, Implementation and
Bernhard Swoboda, Trier Univeristy
Lukas Morbe, Trier University
Session 2.4.9 - Competitive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Fraser
Global versus Local Product Innovation
Chair: Eleanor Westney, York University
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.4.5 - Competitive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Impact of Korean Market Reforms on Firm Innovation
KwangWook Gang, Ulsan National Institute of Science
and Technology
Jaya Dixit, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Relationship-Based Product Innovations: Evidence from the
Global Supply Chain
Ruey Jer (Bryan) Jean, National Chengchi University
Daekwan Kim, Florida State University
Daniel Custer Bello, Georgia State University
Realizing Product Harmonization under Market Demand
Heterogeneity: Reconciliation of Competing Logics in New
Product Development
Yang Liu, University of Cambridge
Yongjiang Shi, University of Cambridge
Balancing Exploitative and Explorative Capabilities within and
Across the Product Development and Market Domains
Ana Catarina Cadima Lisboa, IPL/ESTG
Dionysis Skarmeas, Athens University of Economics and
Carmen Lages, Nova School of Business and Economics
Luis Filipe Lages, Nova School of Business and
Suresh George, Coventry University
Basil Janavaras, Minnesota State
Todd Friends, Whitworth University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Expatriation, Repatriation, and Inpatriation
A Network Theory of FDI Determinants: Bridging Countries as
Sokol Celo, Suffolk University
Aya Chacar, Florida International University
Expatriate Social Networks in Terrorism-Endangered
Countries: An Empirical Analysis
Benjamin Bader, University of Hamburg
Tassilo Schuster, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Why Do MNEs Face Different Levels of Liability of
Foreignness: Examining the Effects of the Interaction and the
Alignment between the MNE’s and the Host Country
Alexey V. Semenov, Saint Louis University
Hadi Alhorr, Saint Louis University
Session 2.4.10 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Thompson
Chair: Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser University
How Likely am I to Return Home? A Study of New Zealand
Self-Initiated Expatriates
Revti Raman, Victoria University of Wellington
Valerie J. Lindsay, University of Wollongong in Dubai
Shaleen Rashad, Victoria University of Wellington
Is International Assignment Experience a Ticket to the Top
of a Foreign Subsidiary? A Career-Cone Perspective
Almasa Sarabi, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Fabian J. Froese , Georg-August-University Goettingen
Seeing Trees behind the Forest: A Closer Look at the
Influences of Emotional Intelligence on Expatriates
Alexei Koveshnikov, Hanken School of Economics
Heidi Wechtler, MacQuarie University
Session 2.4.11 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Arbutus
Export Competition
Chair: Rene Belderbos, Catholic University of Leuven
Wednesday, June 25
Export Promotion of OFDI from Emerging Markets Transaction Level Evidence from China
Wenjie Chen, George Washington University
Heiwai Tang, Johns Hopkins University - SAIS
Exposure of Canadian Retailers to Cross-Border Shopping
Jen Baggs, University of Victoria
Loretta Fung, National Tsing Hua University
Beverly Lapham, Queen's University
Effects of Agglomeration Economies on Learning-byExporting
Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University
Jaiho Chung, Korea University
Hyejin Cho, Korea University
Ji-Young Shin, Korea University
Session 2.4.12 - Competitive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Fir
Chair: Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University
The Moderating Impact of Institutional Distance on the
Subsequent Stages of INV Internationalisation
Dominik Chahabadi, Macquarie University
Meena Chavan, Macquarie University
Perception of Distances and Internationalization: Insights
from Social Psychology
Laetitia Em, University of Groningen
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Session 2.4.13 - Interactive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cowichan
National Culture and Institutions:
Conceptualization, Within- and BetweenCountry Differences, and Effects
Chair: Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway
Animosity, Institutional Ethnocentrism, and Entry Mode: The
Role of Global Values and Trust in Evaluating Perceived
Country Risk and Resource Commitment
Morris Kalliny, Saint Louis University
Wootae Chun, Saint Louis University
Seung Kim, Saint Louis University
Purchasing Professionals’ Perceptions of Unethical
Negotiation Tactics: A Comparative Study between Taiwan
and China
Yi-Hui Ho, Chang Jung Christian University
Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Christian University
Do All Chinese Employees Have the Same Cultural Value?
An Exploratory Investigation on Differences of Chinese’
Cultural Values in State-, Private-, and US-Owned Firms
Kitae Kim, Sangmyung University
Quan Yin, Sangmyung University
Bongsoon Cho, Sogang University
Longzhen Li, Hongik University
Byoung Kwon Choi, Sangmyung University
The Cultural Relativity of Power: A Proposed Examination of
the Moderating Influence of Power Distance in the
International Work Environment
Alexander Assouad, Belmont University
Formation of Pedagogical Approach and its Impact on Work
Ethic – Asia Challenging the West?
Chris Baumann, Macquarie University
The Cultural Parallax: An examination of the Paradox that is
National Culture
Reccia Natasha Charles, St. George's University
The International Spread of Management Cultures
Guilherme Azevedo, Audencia Nantes
National Culture and Income Inequality: A Cross-Country
Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University
Khawaja A. Mamun, Sacred Heart University
Farid Sadrieh, Quinnipiac University
Ambidexterity, Absorptive Capacity and
Chair: Nandini Lahiri, Temple University
Learning via Absorptive Capacity in International Joint
Ventures: Processes, Performance Impact and the Role of
Entry Strategies
Junfeng Zhang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Wei-ping Wu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ran Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University
Absorptive Capacity in Business Model Innovation: An
Empirical Analysis of Managerial Influence Factors
Ruth Steinhauer, Saarland University
Joachim Zentes, Saarland University
Multinational Interdependence and Subsidiary Performance:
The Mediating Effects of Ambidexterity
Rene Olie, Rotterdam School of Management
Dynamic Perspective of International Knowledge Transfer
from Absorptive Capacity to Combinative Capability
Yoonjeoung Heo, Seoul National University
Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National University
Yun-Cheol Lee, Korea Aerospace University
Contextual Ambidexterity: Adaptation and Change Across
States of Organizational Environments
Zhi Wang, Manchester Metropolitan University
Stuart Horsburgh, Manchester Metropolitan University
MNC Subunit Competence Creating Activities –
Technological Distinctiveness and Knowledge Sourcing
Xiaoyu Pu, SUNY Oswego
John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School
Determinants of Technology Transfer Performance from
Parent Firms to their Foreign Subsidiaries: An Integrated
Jaehwi Jeong, Sogang University
Chol Lee, Sogang University
Session 2.4.15 - Interactive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Capilano
Strategic Insights in the International Context
Chair: Joseph Clougherty, Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Motivations, Difficulties, Risks and Results of the Adoption of
Global Sourcing by Companies from Electrical and Electronic
Industry in the South of Brazil
Moema Pereira Nunes, PUCRS
Luciana Marques Vieira, UNISINOS
José Antônio Valle Antunes Júnior, UNISINOS
Is It Worth the International Vendetta? Investigating the
Patent Litigation Strategy and Firm Market Value Relationship
with 16 Pairs of Smartphone Patent Dispute Cases
Deli Yang, Trinity University
Maho Sonmez, UTSA
Managing Capital Allocation Under Uncertainty: Exploit or
Elif Ketencioglu, University of Sydney
Vicarious Learning and Cross-Border Acquisition Completion:
The Moderating Effect of Formal and Informal Institutional
Mirko H. Benischke, University of Auckland
The (Un)Predictable Factor: The Role of Subsidiary Social
Capital in International Takeovers
Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School
Steen Erik Navrbjerg, University of Copenhagen
Multi-level Factors behind the Completion of Cross-Border
M&As after Public Announcement
Mihee Lim, KAIST
Ji-Hwan Lee, KAIST
Sang Do Kim, Korea Development Bank
Session 2.4.16 - Interactive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Chehalis
International Commercial Relations and Global
Corporate Governance
Chair: Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School
Wednesday, June 25
Session 2.4.14 - Interactive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Coquitlam
The Limits to Economic Integration: Quality Standard Setting
and Free Trade in the European Union
Nicolas M. Dahan, Temple University
European Integration and EU Country Network: The
Transitions of Intra EU Trade Structure and Network
Jongmin Lee, University of Reading
Do International Investment Agreements Protect Investment?
Micro-Level Evidence
Robert J. Weiner, George Washington University
Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC
The Institutional Determinants Of Technology Transfers To
Emerging And Developing Countries: Evidence From The
Energy Sector
Neli Kouneva Loewenthal, George Washington
Goran Vojvodic, George Washington University
Mixed Methods Analysis for Bargaining Power Dynamics
James Nebus, Suffolk University
Carlos Rufin, Suffolk University
Laura Albareda, Deusto University
Control- and Compassion-based Responses to Terrorist
Attacks: A Natural Experiment of Foreign Subsidiaries facing
Sudden versus Recurrent Shocks
Ramzi Fathallah, Ivey Business School
Oana Branzei, Ivey Business School
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 2.4.17 - Interactive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Marine
Ownership, Governance, and Business
Chair: Dorothee Feils, University of Alberta
Value Creation Logics and Internationalization of Service
Peter D. Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen Business School
Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School
Can Value Creation be Helpful Frame for Understanding
Firms’ Internationalisation?
Denitsa Hazarbassanova, Copenhagen Business School
How Foreignness can be an Asset and a Liability for Firms
Jörg Zimmermann, European Commission - Joint
Research Centre
Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School
Internationalization of State-Owned Enterprises through
Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Fernanda Ribeiro, University Center of FEI
Ellie Banalieva, Northeastern University
Charles Dhanaraj, IMD Lausanne
Over 20 Years of Business Systems Research -Contributions,
Gaps, and Future Directions: Lessons for International
Mohammad Bakhtiar Rana, Aalborg University
CEO Twilight and FDI
Brian C. Pinkham, Ivey Business School
Wednesday, June 25
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 15:45-16:15
Time: 15:45-16:15
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 16:15-17:30
Session 2.5.1 - Panel
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
The Internationalization of Family Firms
Chairs: Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg
University/University of Pavia and Liena Kano,
University of Calgary
Liena Kano, University of Calgary
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
Marc Van Essen, University of South Carolina
Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia
Ellie Banalieva, Northeastern University
Ruth V. Aguilera, University of Illinois at Urbana
Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University/University of
Session 2.5.2 - Panel
Track: 18 - Scholars Meet Practice Session
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Stanley Park 1
The Future of Free Trade Agreements:
Lessons from the Korea-US FTA
Chair: Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount University
Discussant: Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Troy Stangarone, Korea Economic Institute of America
Sean Connell, East-West Center in Washington
Hugh Stephens, Asia Pacific Foundation of
Canada/Royal Roads University
Coffee Break
Session 2.5.3 - Competitive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
International Entrepreneurship: Social Capital
and Networks
✪This coffee break is sponsored by Aalto University School
of Business in honor of the winner of the "That's Interesting!"
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Mackenzie
Chair: Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University
Network Ties in the International Opportunity Creation of
Biotechnology SMEs
Tanja Kontinen, University of Jyväskylä
Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago
Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow
The Role of Social Capital in the Internationalization of British
and Indian SMEs
Pushyarag Puthusserry, Queen's University Belfast
John Child, University of Birmingham
The Dynamic Role of Social Capital and High Technology
Spiros Batas, University of Edinburgh
Tanja Kontinen, University of Jyväskylä
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Social Capital and Social Capital Embeddedness in the
Internationalization Process
Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh
Colin Wheeler, University of Portsmouth
Retail Foreign Operation Modes and Internationalisation
Jean-Laurent Viviani, University of Rennes
Karine Picot-Coupey, University of Reading
Session 2.5.4 - Competitive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Session 2.5.6 - Panel
Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Seymour
Home-country Institutions and the
Internationalization of Emerging Market MNEs
Chair: Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cypress 2
Researchers Needed: Presenting a MultiSource Multi-Level Longitudinal X-Culture
Database, Open To Everyone
Chair: Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University
Emerging Market Multinational Companies and
Internationalization: A Multilevel Study of the Influence of
Home Country and Industry Conditions
Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
Saul Estrin, London School of Economics
Sabina Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Susan Forquer Gupta, Monmouth University
Dan V. Caprar, University of New South Wales
Robbert Maseland, Groningen University
Regionalization and Country of Origin Effects: The Case of
Australian MNEs
Youngok Kim, University of New South Wales
Sid Gray, University of Sydney
Session 2.5.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Liabilities of ‘Outsidership’: The Process Model, Global
Production Networks and MNCs
Peter Hertenstein, University of Cambridge
Dylan Sutherland, Durham University
Session 2.5.5 - Competitive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cypress 1
Relational Governance and Buyer-Supplier
Chair: Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University
The Effect of Trust, Commitment and Learning on BuyerSupplier Relationship Flexibility: A Social Network Analysis
Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana
Anuska Ferligoj, University of Ljubljana
Jan C. Fransoo, Technical University of Eindhoven
Maja Makovec Brencic, University of Ljubljana
The Changing Value of Relational Governance and Control
Min Ju, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Hongxin Zhao, Saint Louis University
Tiedong Wang, University of International Business and
Different Strategies for Promoting Low Carbon Tour in the
Collective Society and Individualistic Society
Jeou-Shyan (Joyce) Horng, Hungkuang University
Yuann-Jun Liaw, Hungkuang University
Meng-Lei (Monica) Hu, Jinwen University of Science and
Chih-Ching (Chris) Teng, Fu Jen Catholic University
The Internationalization of the American Model
of Higher Education The Cases of MENA,
China and South America
Chair: Mourad Dakhli, Georgia State University
John Anderson, University of Northern Iowa
David Bruce, Georgia State University
Pedro Carrillo, Georgia State University
Session 2.5.8 - Competitive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Oak 2
Speed and Arbitrage as Determinants of MNE
Chair: Olivier Bertrand, SKEMA Business School
Internationalization Speed and Firm Performance: The
Inverted U-curve Hypothesis
Alex Mohr, University of Kent
Georgios Batsakis, University of Kent
Initial Responses to Tough Times: How do MNEs React to
Economic Crisis and what Factors Matter for Subsidiary
Ramzi Fathallah, Ivey Business School
Jean-Louis Schaan, Ivey Business School
Cross-Border Arbitrage and Acquisition Performance in the
Eurozone Crisis
Rekha Nicholson, University of Bath
Julie Salaber, Richmond University
Signals as Antecedents of Decision Process Dimensions in
Foreign Market Selection
Markus Goelz, University of Melbourne
Tom Osegowitsch, University of Melbourne
Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne
Local Contexts in Global Business
Wednesday, June 25
Home Country Institutions and Location Portfolio of Chinese
Lin Li, Nottingham University China
Lei Li, Nottingham University China
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Oak 1
Session 2.5.9 - Competitive
Time: 16:15-17:30
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Fraser
Knowledge and the Emerging Market
Chair: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University
MNCs’ in Emerging Chinese Market: The Impacts of
Language and Communication Media on New Product
Performance through Knowledge Integration
Chavi C.Y. Fletcher-Chen, Catholic University of Lille
Paul R Jackson, University of Manchester
Fawaz Baddar Alhussan, Catholic University of Lille
Market Openness, Absorptive Capacity, and Innovation:
Exploring Learning by Exporting in an Emerging Economy
Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University
Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and
Factors Influencing Transfer of the Learning Organization
Concept to Small to Medium Size Firms in China
Stephen Chen, University of Newcastle
Steven Tsui, University of Newcastle
Session 2.5.10 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Thompson
Expatriate Adjustment
Chair: Tony Fang, Stockholm University
Wednesday, June 25
Self-Regulation and Expatriate Adjustment: The role of
Regulatory Fit
Rajesh Kumar, University of Nottingham
Pawan Budhwar, Aston University
Charmi Patel, University of Edinburgh
Two Decades of Black, Mendenhall & Oddou’s Framework of
International Adjustment: A Meta-Analysis Study on Its
Empirical Validity
Georg Guttmann, University of St. Gallen
The Dark Side of Expatriation: Expatriate Burnout as
Prolonged Response to Cross-Cultural Adjustment Difficulties
Albert Kraeh, University of Goettingen
Fabian J. Froese , Georg-August-University Goettingen
The Trajectory of Overseas Adjustment Over Time: A
Qualitative Systematic Review
Heidi Wechtler, MacQuarie University
Session 2.5.11 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Arbutus
Ownership Matters!
Chair: Daphne W. Yiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Determining the Importance of the Ownership Effect for Firm
Yama Temouri, Aston University
Nigel Driffield, Aston University
Kai Sun, Aston University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The Impact of Ownership Structure on the Internationalization
of Brazilian Companies
Hsia Hua Sheng, FGV-EAESP
Jose Marcos Carrera Junior, FGV-EAESP
Ownership and Bank Risk-taking: Evidence from China
Wenyu Zhu, George Washington University
Rent-Oriented Privatization, Education-Induced Interethnic
Cooperation, and Investment Efficiency
Igor Oliveira dos Santos, HEC Montréal
Session 2.5.12 - Competitive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Fir
Does Form Matter? Organizational Forms and
Performance of MNEs
Chair: Geoffrey Jones, Harvard University
The Internationalisation of Family Business Groups: A Crosscultural Perspective
Alessandra Vecchi, University of Bologna
Bice Della Piana, University of Salerno
Claudia Cacia, University of Salerno
Diversification and Performance of Business Groups from
Emerging Markets: The Moderating Role of Ownership
Jane Lu, University of Melbourne
Saptarshi Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management
Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney
Do Foreign Investments Benefit Business Group Affiliated
Firms? Empirical Evidence from India
Sarah Castaldi, University of Groningen
Sathyajit. R. Gubbi, University of Groningen
Vincent Eduard Kunst, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Session 2.5.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Cowichan
Understanding the Born Global Phenomenon
More Deeply
Chair: Gary A Knight, Willamette University
Global Start-Ups Profile: One Size Fits All?
Marilyn L. Taylor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Sukanlaya Sawang, Queensland University of
Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco
Diaswati Mardiasmo, Queensland University of
Theresa L. Coates, Clarkson University
Advancing the Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct: The
Role of Passion and Perseverance
Stephan Gerschewski, Hankuk University of Foreign
Patricia P. McDougall-Covin, Indiana University
Valerie J. Lindsay, University of Wollongong in Dubai
Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
From Born Globals to Borderless Companies: Why and How
to Build a Worldwide Value Systems
Vitor Corado Simoes, ISEG, University of Lisboa
Angela Da Rocha, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Renato Cotta de Mello, Federal University of Rio de
Jorge Carneiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Born Globals - Is there Fire Behind the Smoke?
Eliane Choquette, Aarhus University
Morten Rask, Aarhus University
Davide Sala, University of Southern Denmark
Philipp Schröder, Aarhus University
Enhancing the Understanding of International New Ventures:
A Service-oriented Perspective
Sven M. Laudien, Otto von Guericke University
Birgit Daxboeck, Otto von Guericke University
The Art of Asking Questions - A Review of Entrepreneurial
Internationalization Research
Yee Kwan Tang, University of Glasgow
Marian V. Jones, University of Glasgow
Taina Eriksson, University of Turku
Niina Nummela, University of Turku
Time in International Business Research: Born Globals
Through a Process Lens
Eriikka Johanna Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Turku School of
Maria Rumyantseva, University of Sydney
Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
Lisa Jane Hewerdine, University of Sydney
Session 2.5.14 - Interactive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Coquitlam
Qualitative IB Research, Reviews, and CSR
Chair: Melodena Balakrishnan, University of Wollongong
in Dubai
Overcoming the Dilemma Between Contracting Need and
Contracting Capability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan University
Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University
Antecedents to Catching Up in Low-Tech Industries: Grouplevel dynamics in the Chinese Hypermarket Industry 19922011
Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes School of Business
Philippe Monin, EMLYON
Inter-Firm Network Dynamics: Australian and Indian Mining
Meena Chavan, Macquarie University
Renu Agarwal, University of Technology
Culture, Trust, and Formation of International Strategic
Alliances in the Developing Markets
Yasir Yasin Fadol, Qatar University
Determinants of NGO-Corporate partnership performance:
NGO's perspective
Suyeon Kim, Yonsei University
SoonKyoo Choe, Yonsei University
Seungwha Chung, Yonsei University
A Perspective on Performance Evaluation of Russian-Foreign
IJVs: Theoretical Findings, Comparative Assessment and
Further Research Avenues
Katja Schneider, Technical University Freiberg
Michael Nippa, Technical University Freiberg
The Role of Government on FDI Spillover: Comparing China's
and Brazil's Automobile Industries
Afonso Fleury, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Taotao Chen, Tsinghua University
Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, FGV-EAESP
Xiao Chen, Tsinghua University
Shichang Liu, Tsinghua University
Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto, FGV-EAESP
Claudia Savoy, FGV-EAESP
Carlos Eduardo Stefaniak Aveline, FGV-EAESP
Session 2.5.15 - Interactive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Capilano
Strategy Lessons in the International Context
Chair: Katsuhiko Shimizu, Keio University
Wednesday, June 25
Born Global or Rapid Internationalisation? An Enquiry into the
Internationalisation Processes of ‘Born Global’ Professional
Service Firms (PSFs)
Murray Taylor, Macquarie University
Robert Graham Jack, Macquarie University
UNGC Participation Announcements and Stock Market
Reactions: Signaling and Institutional Perspectives on the
Effects of Firm-Level and Country-Level Attributes
Kun Yang, Central Michigan University
William Newburry, Florida International University
Low-Level Management Control and Emerging Economy
Firms’ Cross-Border Knowledge-Transfer
Chang Liu, University of International Business and
Zijie Li, University of International Business and
Lin Cui, Australian National University
Multinational Firms Motivations and Foreign Direct Investment
Decisions: An Analysis of the IT & Software and Financial
Services Sectors in the Irish Context
Fragkiskos Filippaios, University of Kent
Fatima Annan-Diab, Kingston University
Is CSR Helpful or Hurtful? Testing Strategic and Agency
Arguments in the Context of the 2004 Asian Tsunami Disaster
Kiran S Awate, Ohio State University
Anil Makhija, Ohio State University
Mona Makhija, Ohio State University
Business Model Innovation for Emerging Markets: Analysis of
a German Automobile Manufacturer’s International Strategy
in India and Thailand
Christian Landau, EBS Business School
Amit Karna, EBS Business School
Miriam Sailer, EBS Business School
Local Contexts in Global Business
The Effects of Language Diversity, Cultural Distance and
Political Risk on the Choice between International Joint
Ventures and Cross-Border Acquisitions: Evidence from the
Greater China Region and Singapore
Linda H.Y. Hsieh, University of Birmingham
Meijui Sun, Ming Chuan University
Why do Canadian Firms Invest and Operate Abroad?
Implications for Canadian Exports
Lena Suchanek, Bank of Canada
Martin Coiteux, Bank of Canada
Patrick Rizzetto, Bank of Canada
Jane Voll, Bank of Canada
Session 2.5.16 - Interactive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 16:15-17:30
Room: Chehalis
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - 19:00-22:00
Time: 19:00-22:00
AIB Gala Event
The Gala Event will take place at the Vancouver Convention
Centre. The Convention Centre is a pleasant 1 km walk along
the Harbour from the Westin Bayshore Hotel. There will also
be a limited number of shuttles operating between the Westin
and the Convention Centre. Business Casual attire is
✪The Gala Event is hosted by the Beedie School of
Business, Simon Fraser University.
Managing Human Capital and Learning
Chair: Vesa Matti Peltokorpi, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
Sorting Model of Human Resources: Effects of Industry and
Firm Characteristics on the Quality of New Hires in Japanese
Yoshio Yanadori, University of South Australia
Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University
Marcos H. Yokoyama, Osaka University
Wednesday, June 25
Barriers and Facilitators to the Learning Process of Offshore
members: A Case Study of an Offshore Insourcing
Florence Duvivier, Solvay Brussels School of Economics
and Management
Strategic Flexibility and Employees' Innovative Behavior in
Foreign-Owned Firms in Japan: The Mediating Influence of
Organizational Commitment
Koichi Takaishi, Daito Bunka University
Rei Hasegawa, Daito Bunka University
Shinji Hasegawa, Waseda University
When Do Expatriate Programs Benefit the Bottom Line: An
Absorptive Capacity Perspective
Kyoung Yong Kim, University of Houston
Seemantini Pathak, University of Houston
Steve Werner, University of Houston
Roger Blakeney, University of Houston
Best Practices Monitoring in Emerging Economies:
Application of Data Envelopment Analysis for Typology
Creation (Case of Russian Domestic Energy Sector)
Valentina V. Kuskova, NRU Higher School of Economics
Irina O. Volkova, NRU Higher School of Economics
Nikolay B. Filinov, NRU Higher School of Economics
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Legend for Symbols Used:
Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award
Nominee for the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 08:00-08:45
Time: 08:00-08:45
Fellows Café III
Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by
an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual
Are Philanthropic Donations and Lobbying Forms of
Reciprocal Behavior Usable at Market Entry? (Room:
Jean Boddewyn, Baruch College, CUNY
Are We at the End of the Road for Entry Mode Research?
(Room: Coquitlam)
Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London
Why Emerging Market Companies will Dominate the Global
500 in the Future (Room: Chehalis)
Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah
Is the Intersection of Global Innovation Networks, Emerging
Economies, and Sunrise Industries One of the Potential New
Frontiers for IB Research? (Room: Capilano)
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 09:00-10:15
Session 3.1.1 - Panel
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Current and Future Research on Multiculturals:
Conceptualization, Development, and
Chair: Davina Vora, State University of New York at New
Discussant: Mary-Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria
Mai Al-Naemi, Qatar University and London School of
Michael Allen, University of Sydney
Dan V. Caprar, University of New South Wales
Wendy Casper, University of Texas at Arlington
Anthony Fee, University of Technology
Stacey Fitzsimmons, University of Victoria and Western
Michigan University
Sid Gray, University of Sydney
Napatsorn Jiraporn, State University of New York at New
Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics
Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway
Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Session 3.1.2 - Panel
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Stanley Park 1
Internationalization of SMEs in
Emerging/Developing Countries
Chair: Mehdi Farashahi, Concordia University
Wade Danis, University of Victoria
Igor Filatotchev, City University London
Elie Chrysostome, State University of New York
Jane Lu, University of Melbourne
Session 3.1.3 - Panel
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Mackenzie
Me, Myself and I: From Individual-centered to
Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives in
Expatriate Research
Chairs: B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE; Mila B. Lazarova,
Simon Fraser University, and Margaret Shaffer,
University of Wisconsin
Discussant: Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Soo Min Toh, University of Toronto Mississauga
Ying Guo, University of South Australia
Mina Westman, Tel Aviv University
Fabian J. Froese , Georg-August-University Goettingen
David Collings, Dublin City University
Session 3.1.4 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Seymour
Facing Environmental Uncertainty: The Role of
Executive Staffing
Expatriation in a High-Risk Environment: The Role of Social
Support under the Prevalence of Terrorism
Benjamin Bader, University of Hamburg
Decomposing Environmental Effects: A Study of Japanese
Multinational Enterprises’ Executive Staffing Strategies in
Fiona Kun Yao, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Jing Yu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney
Song Chang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore
Thursday, June 26
CEO Succession in Foreign Subsidiaries Following External
and Internal Crises
Marketa Sonkova, Boston University
Hein Bogaard, George Washington University
Emerging Market Company’s Selection of Developed Country
Cher-Min Fong, National Sun Yat-sen University
Chun-Ling Lee, National Sun Yat-sen University
Hui Wen Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University
Sze-Ting Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 3.1.5 - Competitive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Cypress 1
Session 3.1.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Knowledge Flows Across National Boundaries
Developing an International Perspective in
Undergraduates Enrolled in Business
Chair: Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University
Stop the Knowledge Flow: Knowledge Protection Intensity of
MNC Subsidiaries
Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School
Edlira Shehu, University of Hamburg
Pedro de Faria, University of Groningen
How Do Multinational Corporations Identify And Use External
Knowledge? A Boundary-Spanning Approach
Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD
Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School
Principles or Templates? The Role of Human Capital in
Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer
James Oldroyd, Ohio State University
Shad Morris, Brigham Young University
Striking the Right Balance: The Effect of Internally and
Externally Generated Knowledge on Firms' Geographical
Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia
Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia
Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia
Session 3.1.6 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cypress 2
National Economy and Firm Behaviors
Chair: Jonas Puck, WU Vienna
Influence of Macroeconomic and Political Risk Factors in the
Capital Structure of Foreign Subsidiaries
João Paulo Linhares, FGV-EAESP
Hsia Hua Sheng, FGV-EAESP
Nilton Deodoro Moreira Cardoso Júnior, Insper- Instituto
de Ensino e Pesquisa
Thursday, June 26
Inward Internationalization and the Financial Dimension
Jeferson Lana, FGV-EAESP
Rosilene Marcon, UNIVALI
Wlamir Xavier, FGV-EAESP & UNISUL
Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, FGV-EAESP
Why Do Countries Develop Differently? The Effect of National
Culture on Profit Reinvestment by Small Firms in Emerging
Sadok El Ghoul, University of Alberta
Omrane Guedhami, University of South Carolina
Chuck Kwok, University of South Carolina
Liang Shao, Hong Kong Baptist University
Zero-leverage Puzzle: An International Comparison
Chuck Kwok, University of South Carolina
Xiaolan Zheng, Nottingham University China
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Oak 1
Chair: Eleanor Westney, York University
Lorna Wright, York University
Allan W. Bird, Northeastern University
Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Otago and Aalto
University School of Business
Bernie Wolf, York University
Session 3.1.8 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Oak 2
Organizing for Performance
Chair: Schon Beechler, INSEAD
Imitating the Staffing Practice of High Performing Firms: The
Implications for Subsidiary Performance
Naoki Ando, Hosei University
The Power of Momentum on Firm Performance: A Myth or A
Chengli Tien, National Taiwan Normal University
Chien-Nan Chen, National Dong Hwa University
Societal Values, Organizational Culture, and Financial
Performance: A 31-Society Study
Carolyn P. Egri, Simon Fraser University
David A. Ralston, Florida International University
Tania Casado, University of Sao Paulo
Carlos W.H. Lo, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Olivier Furrer, University of Fribourg
Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, National Chengchi University
Maria Teresa de la Garza Carranza, Instituto
Tecnologico de Celaya
Marjo Siltaoja, University of Jyvaskyla
Wade Danis, University of Victoria
Jaime Alberto Ruiz-Gutierrez , Universidad de los Andes
Knud Sinding, University of Southern Denmark
Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Narasimhan Srinvasan, University of Connecticut
Stephen Chen, University of Newcastle
Tomasz Ochinowski, Warsaw University
Frances E. Bowen, Queen Mary University London
Tevfik Dalgic, University of Texas at Dallas
Michael Mustafa, University of Nottingham - Malaysia
Francisco B. Castro, Universidade do Porto
Irina Naoumova, University of Hartford
Yong-Lin Moon, Seoul National University
Mario Molteni, Catholic University of Milan
Ian Palmer, RMIT University
Jean-Pascal Gond, City University London
Amandine Furrer-Perrinjaquet, Independent Researcher
Nicola Berg, University of Hamburg
Isabelle Maignan, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Fraser
Institutional Environments of Firm
Chair: Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University
Firm-Government Dynamics in Outward M&A: The
Effectiveness of China's Going Global Policy in Orchestrating
Overseas Investments
Johannes W. Meuer, University of Zurich
Tao Wang, Xidian University
Barbara Krug, Rotterdam School of Management
Patrick Reinmoeller, Cranfield University
Internationalization as Co-Evolution of Market- and NonMarket Strategies: The Case of Vale
Suzana Rodrigues, Rotterdam School of Management
Marleen Dieleman, National University of Singapore
Legitimizing Export Expansion into Institutionally Distant
Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China
Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester
Internationalisation in Emerging Markets as a Strategy
Pao T. Kao, Uppsala University
Martin Johanson, Mid Sweden University
Desiree Holm, Uppsala University
Session 3.1.10 - Competitive
Time: 09:00-10:15
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Thompson
Corporate Governance, Ownership, and
Chair: Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University
Status and Bribery: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural
Experiment in South Korea
Yujin Jeong, American University
Jordan Siegel, Harvard University
Institutional Evolution and Corporate Boards
Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at
Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School
Pei Sun, Fudan University
Jerry Goodstein, Washington State University
Codes of Ethics: Analyzing Business Ethics between
Countries, through an International Comparison of Codes of
Ethics and Conduct
Josmar Andrade, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Kavita Miadaira Hamza, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Duarte Xara-Brasil, Instituto Politecnico de Setubal
Session 3.1.11 - Competitive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Arbutus
Antecedents and Consequences of
International Collaborations
Chair: W.G. Douglas Fernandez, Florida International
The Choice of International Entry Mode: What Really Matters
to Executives Making International Strategic Decisions?
Weiqiang Tang, University of Technology Sydney
Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds
Distance and Distinctiveness: Choice of Governance Mode in
International Collaboration
Gokhan Ertug, Singapore Management University
Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University
Niels Noorderhaven, Tilburg University
Prestigious Top Management Team and International Alliance
Yu-Kai Wang, Soochow University
International Cooperation with Local Partners: Is it a Strategic
Choice or a Contingent Move?
Francisco Figueira de Lemos, Uppsala University
Miguel Matos Torres, Universidade de Aveiro
Session 3.1.12 - Competitive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Fir
Keep Calm and Watch the Government: Role of
the State in Foreign Investment
Chair: Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University
Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Perfect Strangers
Javier Capape, ESADE Business School
Javier Santiso, ESADE Business School
Developed Economy Investment Promotion Agencies and
Emerging Market Foreign Direct Investment
John Anderson, University of Northern Iowa
Dylan Sutherland, Durham University
ASEAN-China Economic Relations: An Empirical
Investigation of Chinese Investment Activities
Hussain Rammal, University of South Australia
Tatiana Zalan, Torrens University
Ying Zhu, University of South Australia
Yuzhu Wang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Session 3.1.13 - Interactive
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Cowichan
Extending Theoretical and Spatial
Perspectives of Entrepreneurship
Chair: Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University
The Impact of Remittances on Opportunity and NecessityBased Entrepreneurial Activities
Congcong Zheng, San Diego State University
Martina Musteen, San Diego State University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Thursday, June 26
Session 3.1.9 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Entrepreneurial Learning in Peripheral Space: A Critical
Realist Framework
John David Nicholson, University of Hull
Christian Felzensztein, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
Zaheer Khan, University of Hull
Steve Johnson, University of Hull
Session 3.1.15 - Interactive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Development and Internationalization of Social
Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Conceptual Framework
Melodena Balakrishnan, University of Wollongong in
Valerie J. Lindsay, University of Wollongong in Dubai
‘Pandas in the land of the Koala’: Market Entry, Strategy and
Operational Challenges of Chinese Multinationals in the
Australian Market
Robert Graham Jack, Macquarie University
Judith Shuqin Zhu, University of Newcastle
Home Run, Strike Out, or Base Hit: What is the Influence of
Accelerators on Acquisition, Quitting, and VC Financing in
New Firms?
Sheryl Winston Smith, Temple University
Thomas Hannigan, Temple University
Liability of Regional Foreignness: A Longitudinal and Industry
Level Analysis
Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Ki Bum Noh, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Yaorui Xiao, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Do International Investors Enhance Private Firm Value?
April Knill, Florida State University
Douglas Cumming, York University
Kelsey Syvrud, Florida State University
Intra-organization Legitimization of Business Service
Offshoring as a Management Innovation: A Multi-level
Nidthida Lin, University of Newcastle
Silvia Massini, University of Manchester
Arie Y. Lewin, Duke University
The Impact of Business Angel, Domestic, Foreign Venture
Capital and Institutional Quality on Founder-CEO Retention in
African IPO Firms
Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex
Session 3.1.14 - Interactive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Coquitlam
What Explains FDI Performance?
Chair: James T Walker, University of Reading
Ownership Participation and Market Value of Cross-border
Mergers and Acquisitions by Emerging Market Firms
Monica Yang, Adelphi University
Environmental Turbulence, Integration-Responsiveness and
MNE Subsidiary Performance in China
Christopher Williams, Ivey Business School
Jiqing Zhu, Shanghai International Studies University
Maya Kumar, Ivey Business School
Thursday, June 26
Drivers of Emerging-Market Cross Border Mergers &
Acquisitions: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry
Sumati Varma, University of Delhi
Rabi Narayan Kar, University of Delhi
Amit Soni, University of Delhi
Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne
Entry Mode Portfolio, Internationalization and Firm
Performance: Evidence of Emerging Market Enterprises
Bau-Jung Chang, Feng Chia University
Yi-Ching Chiang, Feng Chia University
Over Powering Influence of Institutional Distance on Chinese
Firms’ Cross-Border M&A Performance
Yong Suhk Pak, Yonsei University
Hong Chen, Yonsei University
Yi Yang, Yonsei University
The Risk-Return Performance of Regional Internationalization
Chiung-Jung Chen, Chung Yuan Christian University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Capilano
Building Capabilities Through Offshoring
Chair: Carine Peeters, Université Libre de Bruxelles
The Evolution of Unilever: From ‘Multiple Fleets of Ships’ to
‘One Unilever’
Jacqueline Mees-Buss, University of Sydney
International Sourcing Strategy in the Service Industry - A
Competitive Perspective
Wolfgang Markus Gleich, University of Augsburg
Bjoern R. Schmeisser, WU Vienna
Offshore Outsourcing of Manufacturing SMEs and Developing
Dynamic Capabilities: An Exploratory Study on Quebec SMEs
Muhammad Mohiuddin, Laval University
Zhan Su, Laval University
Session 3.1.16 - Interactive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 09:00-10:15
Room: Chehalis
Globalization, Foreignness, and Modes of
Chair: Jean-Luc Arregle, EMLYON
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Foreignness in
Innovation of Small Subsidiaries of Foreign MNES
C. Annique Un, Northeastern University
Revisiting the Internationalization of Services: Taking Stock
and Looking Forward
Peter D. Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen Business School
Denitsa Hazarbassanova, Copenhagen Business School
Hemant Merchant, University of South Florida
A Typology of Assets of Foreignness
Mark Mallon, Old Dominion University
Strategic Decisions under Uncertainty as Cause of Foreign
Firms’ Performance Disadvantage
Jörg Zimmermann, European Commission - Joint
Research Centre
Multinational Complexity and MNC Performance: A Strategic
Schema Fit Model
Alexander Leinemann, University of St. Gallen
Bjoern Ambos, University of St. Gallen
Entry Mode of Offshore School Enterprises from English
Speaking Countries
Michael Parkes, Feng Chia University
I Han, Feng Chia University
The Selection of High-Risk Foreign Entry Modes: The Effects
of CEO Hubris and TMT Behavioral Integration
Orhan Volkan Ozbek, University of Texas at Arlington
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 10:15-10:45
Time: 10:15-10:45
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Coffee Break
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 13:00-14:15
Session 3.3.1 - Special Session
Special Session
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
2014 JIBS Decade Award
Chair: John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School
The 2014 JIBS Decade Award, honors the most influential
paper published in the 2004 volume of the Journal of
International Business Studies.
A Retrospective on their article by the winners of this year's
JIBS Decade Award - Reconsidering the issues raised in their
2004 JIBS paper on: “Innovation, organizational capabilities,
and the born-global firm”
Gary A Knight, Willamette University
Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University
Discussants and Commentators:
Ivo Zander, Uppsala University
Nicole Coviello, Wilfred Laurier University
✪The JIBS Decade Award is sponsored by Palgrave
Macmillan, the publisher of JIBS.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 10:45-12:00
Session 3.2 - Plenary
Special Session
Time: 10:45-12:00
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
AIB Fellows Executive of the Year Award
Session 3.3.2 - Panel
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership,
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Stanley Park
Assuming Corporate Responsibilities in
Emerging Markets: Challenges and Prospects
Chair: John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College
Chair: Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University
Contributions of the Global Strategy Consulting Industry
George Yip, China Europe International Business School
The International Rise of McKinsey: A Mainstream IB Theory
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 12:00-13:00
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Light Lunch
A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
Session 3.3.3 - Panel
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Mackenzie
Regionalization and the Multinational
Enterprise: Resolving Contentions and
Identifying Blindspots
Chairs: Ricardo Flores, University of New South Wales
and Ruth V. Aguilera, University of Illinois at Urbana
Discussant: Alan Rugman, University of Reading
Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Phillip C. Nell, WU Wien & Copenhagen Business School
Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading
Gong-ming Qian, Chinese University of Hong-Kong
Local Contexts in Global Business
Thursday, June 26
McKinsey and the International Strategic Management
Consulting Business (Keynote by 2014 Executive of the Year
Award Recipient)
Dominic Barton, McKinsey & Company
Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna
Verena Gruber, WU Vienna
Patnaree Srisuphaolarn, Thammasat Business School
Kumar Kunal Kamal, T A Pai Management Institute
Lilach Nachum, City University New York
Sushanta Kumar Mishra, Indian Institute of Management
Session 3.3.4 - Competitive
Track: 1 - People and Careers
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Seymour
National Culture: Development, Dimensions,
and Positive Benefits of Differences
Session 3.3.6 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cypress 2
Mergers and Acquisitions
Chair: Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School
Chair: Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Is Culture about Country or Individual Differences? Identifying
Distinct Cultural Profiles within and across Countries using
Latent Profile Analysis
Joseph T. Cooper, University of Wyoming
Laura J. Stanley, East Carolina University
Charles E. Stevens, Lehigh University
Caterina Kausch, Otto von Guericke University
Negative Biases in the Study of Culture in International
Business: The Need for Positive Organizational Scholarship
Günter K. Stahl, WU Vienna
Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
National Culture as Variable and as Identity: Knowledge
Networking among Taiwanese Transnational Professionals
Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway
Cultural Ascription-Achievement: A Cultural Lens to Explain
Idiosyncratic Evaluation
Xin Yang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Henry Fock, Hong Kong Baptist University
Session 3.3.5 - Competitive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Cypress 1
Institutional Voids and Innovation
Chair: Aldo Musacchio, Harvard Business School
Greasing the Wheels of Change: The Impact of
Corruption, Local Arbitrariness, and Institutions on Firm
Sorin M.S. Krammer, Groningen University
Thursday, June 26
R&D Investment Dynamics in Agglomerations Under Weak
Appropriability Regimes
Anna Lamin, Northeastern University
Miguel Ramos, University of Texas, El Paso
Why do MNE Subsidiaries Outsource R&D in Countries with
Weaker National IPR Regimes? The Role of Local Institutions
Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania
Klaus Meyer, China Europe International Business
Bjoern Jindra, Copenhagen Business School, Halle
Institute for Economic Research
Business Model Innovation in Emerging Economies:
Leveraging Institutional Voids
Manas Puri, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'
Ernesto Tavoletti, University of Macerata
Corrado Cerruti, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The Impact of Institutional Distance on the Debt-Equity
Choice in International Corporate Acquisitions
Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna
Igor Filatotchev, City University London
Jonas Puck, WU Vienna
Regional Influences on the Equity Share Ownership of
Foreign Partners in International Joint Ventures
Michael Bowe, MBS, University of Manchester
Sougand Golesorkhi, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mohammad Yamin, University of Manchester
Time Horizons of Incentives in Different Institutional Settings
– An Empirical Analysis of M&A Deals of US and European
Johannes Sauset, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Michael Wolff, Georg-August-University Goettingen
Session 3.3.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 1
Course-Based Export/Import Projects: Do the
Benefits Justify the Costs, and if so How can
Resources be Provided?
Chair: Nick Robinson, North Island College
Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics
Michel Librowicz, Université du Québec à Montréal
Peter E. Lloyd, Peter Lloyd Associates
Nick Robinson, North Island College
Ingrid Burkholder, North Island College
Julia Drew-Watt, Government of Canada, DFAITD
Andreas Hagen, iLab Solutions
Session 3.3.8 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Oak 2
Organizing Frameworks for Knowledge and
Chair: Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School
Rocking and Rebalancing the Boat: How Offshoring Elicits
Reconfiguration of the Service Production System
Kristin Martina Brandl, Copenhagen Business School
Michael Mol, Warwick Business School
Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School
International Training, Learning and New Product
Development in the Multinational Corporation
Kyoung Yong Kim, University of Houston
Anupama Phene, George Washington University
Session 3.3.9 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Fraser
Sociopolitical Hazards and Their Firm-Level
Chair: Jing Li, Simon Fraser University
Policy Risk and Divestitures: Firm-Specific and Macro
Daniel Blake, IE Business School
Caterina Moschieri, IE Business School
Does Civil Unrest Impede or Enable Employee Innovation
Behavior? The Alchemic Role of Collaborative Conflict
Carol Reade, San Jose State University
Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics
Rob Peter or Rob Paul? Expropriation and Sovereign Default
as Complements or Substitutes
Anthony Cannizzaro, George Washington University
Session 3.3.10 - Competitive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Thompson
CSR and Corporate Performance and Renewal
Chair: Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Creating Shared Value Strategies – Effects on Coffee
Luciano Ciravegna, INCAE
Paul Robson, Royal Holloway
Bernard Kilian, INCAE
The Battle of Ideas Inside the MNC: A Case Study of
Ideological Politics and Change
Jacqueline Mees-Buss, University of Sydney
Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
International Diversification and Corporate Social
Xueji Jessie Liang, National University of Singapore
Jane Lu, University of Melbourne
Session 3.3.11 - Competitive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Arbutus
Knowledge, Innovation, and Collaboration
Chair: Vesna Sedoglavich, Australian National University
Cooperative Innovation Networks: Geographic Partnership
and Performance within Degrees of Innovation
Yu-Ying Li, Taiwan Research Institute
Daw Ma, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Transfers in IJVs:The Role of
Partner Dissemination, Compatibility, and the Impact on
Chansoo Park, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Chol Lee, Sogang University
Internalization or Alliance Modes & Variation in the Scope of
Knowledge Production in the Biopharmaceutical Sector in
Tariq H. Malik, Dongbei University of Finance &
R&D Collaborations and Innovation: Differences between
Subsidiaries of Foreign MNEs and Domestic Firms
C. Annique Un, Northeastern University
Session 3.3.13 - Interactive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Cowichan
Institutional Constraints and Triggers of Firm
Chair: Hussain Rammal, University of South Australia
Host Country Internet Infrastructure and MNC Expansion
Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas
Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University
Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University
The Effect of Institutional Evolution on Indian Firms’
Tamara Stucchi, Technical University of Denmark
Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University
Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney
Outsourcing Destination Choices: The Role of Formal and
Informal Institutions
Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern University
Christopher Robertson, Northeastern University
Khalid Al-Shuaibi, King Abdulaziz University
Khalid Hussain, King Abdulaziz University
The Influence of Formal Institutions in the Internationalization
of Companies in an Emerging Country
Jefferson Marlon Monticelli, UNISINOS
Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto, FGV-EAESP
Sílvio Luis de Vasconcellos, UNISINOS
Ivan Lapuente Garrido, UNISINOS
Thursday, June 26
Co-Parenting Advantage through Extra-Regional
Headquarters: Knowledge Flows and Embeddedness in a
Model of Subsidiary Evolution
Jose Pla-Barber, University of Valencia
Cristina Villar, University of Valencia
Anoop Madhok, York University
Agents of the State or Market? A Mutual Institutional
Constraint Framework for Chinese Central SOEs’
Monica Ren, Macquarie University
Wei Li, University of Sydney
Chinese Multinational Enterprises' Approach to Employer
Associations in Host Country: Insights and Implications from
Institutional and Social Cognition Research
Judith Shuqin Zhu, University of Newcastle
Sealing the Deal: Using Ownership Structure to Complete
Cross-Border M&As in Light of Institutional Distance
Danielle Renee Jones, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 3.3.14 - Interactive
Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Coquitlam
Business Strategy in the International Context
Chair: Pervez N. Ghauri, Kings College London
The Interrelationship and Determinants of Imports and Sales
in U.S.-based Corporations
Valentina Marano, Northeastern University
Pete Tashman, Portland State University
The Relationship Between Diversification and Performance of
Business Groups: Evidence from Taiwan
Te-Yi Lin, Tatung University
Cheng-Wen Yao, Commerce Development Research
Competitive Environment, Business Relationships and
Subsidiary Importance
Lu-Jui Chen, Ming Chuan University
Hsien-Che Lai, National University of Tainan
Chuan-Hung, Wang, National Taiwan University
Complex Network of Chinese Companies based on
Internationalization and Product Diversification Strategies
Da Huo, Central University of Finance and Economics
Haibo Wang, Texas A&M International University
Tingyuan Guan, Central University of Finance and
Bozhao Du, Central University of Finance and
Chunlei Meng, Central University of Finance and
The Internationalization Strategy of a German Car Industry
Supplier: Is the Uppsala Model applicable?
Daniela Nitsche, Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Mario Henrique Ogasavara, ESPM-SP
The Emergence of Regional Management Centers –
Integrating the Resource-Based and Institution-Based views
Ying-Ying Hsieh, Ivey Business School
Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School
Thursday, June 26
Session 3.3.15 - Interactive
Time: 13:00-14:15
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
Room: Capilano
Diffusion of Innovation
Chair: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Subsidiary’s Knowledgebased Growth on Foreign Markets
Anders Pehrsson, Linnaeus University
International Technology Diffusion: Revisiting Path
Dependence and Convergence Debate
Byungchae Jin, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Exploring the Role of Internationalization Knowledge in the
Process of Strategic Renewal
Monica Ileana Riviere, Skema Business School
Suder Gabriele, University of Melbourne
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Global Cities as Innovation Hubs: The Location of Foreign
R&D Investments by Multinational Firms
Shanqing Du, University of Leuven
Dieter Somers, University of Leuven
In Search Of A Theoretical Framework For Reverse
Ahreum Lee, Temple University
Robert McNamee, Temple University
Towards the Micro-Foundations of Organizational Practice
Adoption in the MNC: The Role of Core Self-Evaluation
Adrian Schulte Steinberg, University of St. Gallen
Bjoern Ambos, University of St. Gallen
Sven Kunisch, University of St. Gallen
Technology Innovation Truly International? Evidence of
Comparative Study on Index of Patent Internationalization,
Xiaoyun Tang, East China University of Political Science
and Law
Guiqin Zhao, Shanghai University of Finance and
Huifen Cai, Universityof Huddersfield
Session 3.3.16 - Interactive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 13:00-14:15
Room: Chehalis
Attitudes toward Foreign Products, Branding,
and Advertising
Chair: Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University
Localizing to Arabic Speaking Consumers: Comparative
Insights from Print Advertising
Nitish Singh, Saint Louis University
Wootae Chun, Saint Louis University
Rana Sobh, Qatar University
Mamoun Benmamoun, Saint Louis University
Exploring Dimensions of County of Consumption Image
Hsiu Ying Huang, Feng Chia University
Yifang Chiang, Feng Chia University
How do they Consistent of Brand Personality in Cross
Cultural Context? Explore the Link the Career Information of
Global Brands
Yu Yin Chang, National Taiwan University
A Study of Taiwanese Consumers’ Perception of Online
Meng-Hsiu Lee, National Sun Yat-sen University
Integrate Enculturalization Paradigm into Consumer Inquiry:
Determinants for Brand Function in Local Contexts
David W. Pan, Prince Sultan University
Frank H.K. Fu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Alan Jerry Pan, Prince Sultan University
Linda Clarke, University of Florida
Berna Mutlu, University of Florida
An Investigation of Elite Consumers Attitudes and Purchase
Intentions of Foreign Products to Achieve Physiological and
Psychological Goals
Hina Khan, Lancaster University
Padmali Rodrigo, Northumbria University
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 14:15-14:30
Time: 14:15-14:30
Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No
refreshment service will be provided.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 14:30-15:45
Session 3.4.1 - Panel
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Stanley Park 2-3
Understanding Multinational-New Venture
Ecosystems: Insights From Bangalore
Chair: Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University
Mukund Mohan, Microsoft
S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Isabel Alvarez, Universidad Complutense
Charles Dhanaraj, IMD Lausanne
Erkko Autio, Imperial College
Session 3.4.2 - Competitive
Track: 4 - Marketing and Consumers in IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Stanley Park 1
Antecedents and Outcomes of Export Strategy
Chair: Weichieh Su, National Cheng-Chi University
The Importance of Protected Designations of Origin in the
Wine Industry
Ricardo Sellers-Rubio, University of Alicante
Francisco José Mas-Ruiz, University of Alicante
SMEs Exports Continuity Through Relational Governance
Claude Obadia, ESCE, Paris
Jose Pla-Barber, University of Valencia
Irena Vida, University of Ljubljana
The Impact of Product Innovativeness on Export
Performance in an Emerging Market Context: An Evaluation
of the Moderating Effects of Financial Resources and
Competitive Intensity
Nathaniel Boso, University of Leeds
Samuel Adjei, Headlines Hospitality
Richard Boateng Yeboah, Access Bank Ghana Ltd
Fu-Mei Chuang, Loughborough University
Session 3.4.3 - Panel
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Mackenzie
Policies and Instruments to Support Outward
FDI: What are the Challenges?
Chair: Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
Discussant: Steve Globerman, Western Washington
Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at
Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds
Ana Teresa Lehmann, University of Porto
Shawn Lim, Columbia Law School
Aldo Musacchio, Harvard Business School
Session 3.4.4 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Seymour
Employment Practices in MNEs
Chair: Chris Brewster, University of Reading
Human Resource Management Trends in the Arab Middle
East: A Model
Akram Al Ariss, Toulouse Business School
Yusuf Sidani, American University of Beirut
Global Standardization or National Differentiation of HRM
Practices in Multinational Companies? A Comparison of
Multinationals in Five Countries
Tony Edwards, King's College London
Jonathan Lavelle, University of Limerick
Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School
Rocio Sanchez-Mangas, Universidad Autonoma de
Patrice Jalette, University of Montreal
Chinese Multinational Corporations’ Responses to Host
Country Trade Union Challenges: An Eclectic Approach
Judith Shuqin Zhu, University of Newcastle
Session 3.4.5 - Competitive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Cypress 1
Knowledge and the MNC
Chair: Stefanie Beninger, Simon Fraser University
Live and Let Die: A Survival Analysis of Foreign R&D Units in
Swedish MNCs
Lars Hakanson, Copenhagen Business School
Integral Management Practices and Knowledge Creation
C. Annique Un, Northeastern University
Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University
The Adventurous Gene – Technological Imprinting in the
International Growth of the Multinational Corporation
Katarina Blomkvist, Uppsala University
John A. Cantwell, Rutgers Business School
Philip Kappen, Copenhagen Business School
Ivo Zander, Uppsala University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Thursday, June 26
Peer Identification, Online Brand Community Identification
and Brand Loyalty: Brand-Community Identity Fusion as a
Shih-Ju Wang, National Taiwan Normal University
Heng-Chiang Huang, National Taiwan University
Jui-Che Chang, National Taiwan Normal University
Turning Knowledge Inputs into Ideas: The Central Role of
Absorptive Capacity in the Innovation Process of Multinational
Rene Olie, Rotterdam School of Management
Session 3.4.6 - Competitive
Track: 13 - International Finance and Economics
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Cypress 2
Innovation and Venture capital
Chair: Evis Sinani, Copenhagen Business School
Venture Capital and Innovation around the World
Douglas Cumming, York University
Arsalan Safari, MIT
Brian Cozzarin, University of Waterloo
Revisit the Migration-Trade Linkage: From Human Capital
Endowment to Entrepreneurial Engagement
Xiaohua Lin, Ryerson University
Xiyan Yang, Shanghai University of International
Business and Economics
Does Foreign Acquisition Benefit SOE Innovation in China?
Aizhen Chen, Xiamen University
Jiawen Yang, George Washington University
International IPO Markets and a Foreign IPO Puzzle
Kelsey Syvrud, Florida State University
Gonul Colak, Florida State University
Candace Jens, Tulane University
April Knill, Florida State University
Session 3.4.7 - Panel
Track: 14 - Teaching IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 1
From Friction to Synergy: A Look at the Bright
Side of Culture in Cross-Cultural Management
Education and Learning
Chairs: Christof Miska, WU Vienna and Günter K. Stahl,
WU Vienna
Discussant: Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of
Thursday, June 26
Henry W. Lane, Northeastern University
Allan W. Bird, Northeastern University
Mary-Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria
Terry Mughan, University of Victoria
Joyce Osland, San Jose State University
P. Christopher Earley, Purdue University
Elaine Mosakowski, Purdue University
Goran Calic, Purdue University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Session 3.4.8 - Competitive
Track: 3 - Organization, Management and HR
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Oak 2
Employee Behavior in International Business
Chair: Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at
Developmental Practices and Employee Outcomes in Nordic
Context: The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract
Fulfillment and Organizational Identification
Violetta Khoreva, Hanken School of Economics
Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in the Relationship
between Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Job
Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Comparison between
Korea and US
Gahye Hong, Korea University
Mannsoo Shin, Korea University
Understanding your Chinese Employees’ Conflict Avoiding
Lin Wang, Lingnan University
Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan University
Yifeng Chen, Lingnan University
Session 3.4.9 - Competitive
Track: 12 - Institutional/Political Environment
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Fraser
Managing Institutional Constraints and
Developing Institutional Entrepreneurship in
International Business
Chair: George O. White III, Old Dominion University
Networked Institutional Entrepreneurship: Legitimizing the
Apprenticeship Practice in a Distant Environment
Johann Fortwengel, Free University of Berlin
Gregory Jackson, Free University of Berlin
Home Country Trade Network Effects on Organizational
Procurements of Assets
Naoki Yasuda, Keio University
Hitoshi Mitsuhashi, Keio University
Political Context and Institutional Voids: How Firms in China’s
Integrated Circuit Design Industry Navigate Institutional Voids
Douglas B. Fuller, Zhejiang University
Institutional Arbitrage and Foreign Listing of Emerging
Economy Firms: Evidence from China
Yangwen Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Cultural Influences on CSR Practices and
Chair: Sheila Puffer , Northeatern University
The Effects of Cultural Norms on the Societal Expectation of
Firms' CSR Behavior
Susan L Young, Seton Hall University
Mona Makhija, Ohio State University
Competing Institutional Logics and the Varieties of
Organizational Responses: The Case of Workplace Practices
in China
Sunwook Chung, Sogang University
Sunghoon Kim, University of New South Wales
Does National Culture Really Matter for Corporate Social
Yu-Shu Peng, National Dong Hwa University
Altan-Uya Dashdeleg, National Dong Hwa University
Hsiang-Lin Chih, National Taipei University
Social Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility and
Irresponsibility: Asymmetric Benefits and Penalties of CSR
Olga Hawn, Boston University
Catherine Shea, Northwestern University
Session 3.4.11 - Competitive
Track: 7 - Competition and Collaboration in IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Arbutus
Organizing along the Value Chain and
Geographic Space
Chair: Aks Zaheer, University of Minnesota
Symbiosis, Commensalism, and Competition: The effect of
Foreign Firm Density on Local Firm Exit
Dean Xu, University of Melbourne
Zhenyan Lu, Industrial and Commerce Bank of China
Modularity and Social Governance in Non-equity based
International Alliances
Yong Kyu Lew, University of Manchester
Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester
Upmarket And Downmarket Outward Foreign Direct
Investment In Response To Pro-Market Reforms
Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University
Session 3.4.12 - Competitive
Track: 9 - Home Economies and the MNE
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Fir
The Bottom Line: Factors Affecting MNE
Chair: Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania
The Moderating Role of Ownership on International
Diversification-Firm Performance Relationship: Evidence from
Saptarshi Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management
Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University
The Role of Country of Origin on the MultinationalityPerformance Relationship
Jose-Mauricio Geleilate, Florida International University
Peter Magnusson, Florida International University
Marcelo Alvarado-Vargas, University of Toledo
Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University
Darrell Crosgrove, University of Toledo
Daniel Baack, University of Denver
Acquisitions and Debt Financing of Emerging Economy Firms
Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading
Outward FDI of Emerging Market Firms: Performance
feedback and Institutional Factors
En Xie, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Gerald Yong Gao, University of Missouri-St.Louis
Yuanyuan Huang, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Kevin Zhou, University of Hong Kong
Session 3.4.13 - Interactive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Cowichan
Strategy, CSR, and Performance
Chair: Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
Survival Strategy Of Companies Manufacturing And Selling
Products With A Ligitimacy Gap - Comparison Of Opium
Traders, Tobacco Companies And Nuclear Power Reactor
Kuniko Mochimaru, Josai University
‘Non-Traditional’ CSR in BRIC Nations: A Review and
Agenda for the Future
Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Selective Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility:
What is CSR Really? And How to Do it Right?
Jie Zou, Peking University
Changqi Wu, Peking University
Ethical Judgments and Moral Intentions toward Business
Ethics: A Comparison of Kenyan and Austrian Students
Georg Kodydek, WU Vienna
Ronald Hochreiter, WU Vienna
Everlyne Awuor Ochome, Catholic University of Eastern
Thursday, June 26
Session 3.4.10 - Competitive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 11 - Stakeholders, Leadership, Governance Room: Thompson
What Internationalization Brings to Firms From Emerging
Markets? A Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective
Haifeng Yan, East China University of Science and
Yunlong Liu, East China University of Science and
Juan Wang, East China University of Science and
Yiqiong Qin, East China University of Science and
Changing Practices to Create Sustainable Value Chains:
Local Contexts in Global Business
Paola Perez-Aleman, McGill University
Cross-listing, Corporate Governance and Firm Performances
Zhuojun Li, Peking University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Session 3.4.14 - Interactive
Time: 14:30-15:45
Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Coquitlam
Innovation in Multinational Enterprises
Chair: Aline Gatignon, INSEAD
The Effect of Local Relational Embeddedness on the
Innovative Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries
Qin Yang, Robert Morris University
Crystal X. Jiang, Bryant University
Yong Wang, Western New England Unversity
What Drives the R&D Capacity Growth of Foreign
Subsidiaries? A Study of MNE Subsidiaries in Korea
Chaisung Lim, Konkuk University
Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Seunghoi Kim, Konkuk University
Local R&D, Political Embeddedness and Export of MNE
Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China
Time-Frame Effects of International R&D
Ziqi Liao, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Crucial Role of Cultural Intelligence in Expatriate
Knowledge Acquisition and Performance in a Foreign
Xiaojun Xu, Fudan University
Xiaoping Chen, University of Washington
Session 3.4.15 - Interactive
Track: 5 - Global Value Chains/Geography of IB
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Capilano
Supply Chain Management in Offshoring
Chair: Ari Van Assche, HEC Montreal
Purchasing and Supply Organisation in Transition: An
Exploratory case of Offshoring Within a Global Engineering
Godfrey Mugurusi, Norwegian University of Science and
Lydia Bals, Copenhagen Business School
Thursday, June 26
Knowledge Management, Global Mindset and Relationship
Quality: Evidence from Offshore Service Providers in India
Revti Raman, Victoria University of Wellington
Doren Chadee, Deakin University
Banjo Roxas, Deakin University
The Emergence of Clean Energy Clusters: Cross-Industry
Synergies, Global Value Chains, and Advocacy Networks
Jo-Reese Williams, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts, Boston
David Levy, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Designing and Managing Transactional Tension in Supply
Chain Network: The Case of Uniqlo’s Supply Chain
Development in China
Tetsuya Usui, Nihon University
Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The Influence of Path Dependence on Capabilities in Captive
Global Value Chains
Sílvio Luis de Vasconcellos, UNISINOS
Luciana Marques Vieira, UNISINOS
Luis Carlos Schneider, UNISINOS
Ivan Lapuente Garrido, UNISINOS
The Financial Impact of Value Added Tax (VAT) on Supply
Bora Cetin, University of St. Gallen
Joerg S Hofstetter, University of St.Gallen
Collaborate Globally and Invent Locally? An Exploration of
Innovation in the Industrial Heartland
Susan Mudambi, Temple University
Vittoria Giada Scalera, Temple University / Politecnico di
Social Standard Compliance in Global Textile Supply Chains:
A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and India
Marc Mueller, University of St.Gallen
Joerg S Hofstetter, University of St.Gallen
Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University
Session 3.4.16 - Interactive
Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI
Time: 14:30-15:45
Room: Chehalis
In and Out of Emerging Economies
Chair: Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds
A Typology of Market-Seeking Investments - The Case of
Swedish Firms in China
Sten Soderman, Stockholm University
Hans Jansson, Linneus University
The Impacts of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
on Home Firm’s Productivity: Investigating the Explanatory
Power of Three Theoretical Frameworks
Wen Chung Hsu, National Chi Nan University
Tsestegmaa Ankhtuya, National Chi Nan University
Huang Chin Wei , National Chi Nan University
Assets and Liabilities of Foreignness: A Mixed Balance for
Hotel Groups in Vietnam
Benedicte Geraud, University of Poitiers
Jean Paul Lemaire, ESCP Europe
Eric Milliot, University of Poitiers
Augmenting Dunning’s Investment Development Path during
Rapid Industrialization Japan, Korea, China
Ling Liu, University of Edinburgh
Trevor Buck, University of Glasgow
Chunhai Yu, China Northeastern University
Brazilian OFDI Determinants
Juciara Nunes Alcantara, UFLA
Caroline Mendonca Nogueira, UFLA
Nadia Campos Pereira Bruhn, UFG/UFLA
Heloisa Rosa Carvalho, UFLA
Cristina Lelis Leal Calegario, UFLA
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 15:45-16:15
Time: 15:45-16:15
Room: Bayshore Grand Ballroom
Coffee Break
Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at
the Bayshore Grand Ballroom.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 16:15-17:45
Session 3.5 - Plenary
Special Session
Time: 16:15-17:45
Room: Stanley Park 2-3
AIB Awards Ceremony and Business Meeting
The session will start with the announcement of the winners
for the various conference awards including the Buckley and
Casson Dissertation Award, Best Paper Award, and the
Haynes Prize.
The business meeting will feature a presentation for the 2015
AIB Meeting in Bangalore and a review of the state of AIB
and JIBS.
The floor will then be open for questions and comments from
the membership.
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - 17:45-19:00
Time: 17:45-19:00
Thursday, June 26
AIB Awards/Farewell Reception
The 2014 AIB Annual Meeting will come to a close with a
reception immediately following the AIB General Business
Meeting. The reception will take place at the Currents
Restaurant Gardens.
✪The reception is sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan,
publishers of JIBS, in honor of all the winners of awards being
given out at AIB.
Local Contexts in Global Business
2014 Program Contributor Index
Abbink, Han; University of Twente,
Netherlands (g.j.m.abbink@student. 1.4.9
Abreu, Monica Cavalcanti Sa de;
Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
( 1.1.16, 1.3.5
Acedo , Francisco J. ; Universidad de
Sevilla, Spain ( 1.4.10
Acikgoz, Senay; Gazi University, Turkey ( 1.3.15
Adams, Kweku; University of Calgary,
Canada (adamsconsultancy@yahoo.
com): 2.2.16, 2.3.17
Adjei, Samuel; Headlines Hospitality,
Ghana (
Adler, Nancy J.; McGill University,
Canada (
Café_2, 2.2.2
Agarwal, James; University of Calgary,
Canada (
Agarwal, Renu; University of Technology, Australia (
au): 2.5.14
Aguilera, Ruth V.; University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign, USA ( 2.4.3, 2.5.1, 3.3.3
Ahsan, Mujtaba; San Diego State
University, USA (mahsan@mail.sdsu.
edu): 1.4.10, 1.5.11, 3.1.13
Aichhorn, Nathalie; WU Vienna,
Austria (
at): 2.2.4
Åkerman, Niklas; Linnaeus University,
Sweden (
Akguc, Serkan; Temple University, USA
( 1.5.7
Akoorie, Michele; University of Waikato, New Zealand (mema@waikato. 2.3.6
Al Ariss, Akram; Toulouse Business
School, France ( 2.1.13, 3.4.4
Alas, Ruth; Estonian Business School,
Estonia ( 3.1.8
Albareda, Laura; Deusto University,
Spain (
Albino Pimentel, Joao; HEC Paris,
France (joao.albino-pimentel@hec.
edu): 2.1.16
Albuquerque, Samia Raquel Castor;
Ernest Young, Brazil (samia_castor@ 1.1.16
Alcantara, Juciara Nunes ; UFLA, Brazil
( 2.2.17,
Alessandri, Todd ; Northeastern
University, USA (t.alessandri@neu.
edu): 2.1.11
Alhorr, Hadi; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 2.4.12
Aliyev, Murod; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (m.aliyev@leeds. 2.2.12
Allen, Michael; University of Sydney,
Australia (
au): 3.1.1
Al-Naemi, Mai; Qatar University and
London School of Economics, United
Kingdom (
Al-Shuaibi, Khalid; King Abdulaziz
University, Saudi Arabia (kshuaibi@ 3.3.13
Alvarado-Vargas, Marcelo; University
of Toledo, USA ( 3.4.12
Alvarez, Isabel ; Universidad Complutense, Spain (isabel.alvarez@ 3.4.1
Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa; Georgia State
University, USA (ealvarezgarrido@ 1.1.12, 1.5.9
Alves, Claudia; Nova School of
Business and Economics, Portugal
( 1.5.10
Amal, Mohamed; Regional University
of Blumenau- FURB, Brazil ( 1.3.15
Amann, Wolfgang; Goethe Business
School, Germany (amann.wolfgang@ 1.4.13
Amaral, Victor; Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
( 2.1.11
Ambos, Bjoern ; University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland (bjoern.ambos@ 2.3.8, 3.1.16, 3.3.15
Amirkhany, Arash; McGill University,
Canada (arash.amirkhany@mail. 2.3.12
Anderson, John; University of Northern
Iowa, USA (john.r.anderson@uni.
edu): 2.5.7, 3.1.12
Andersson, Ulf ; Malardalen University, Sweden (ulf.r.andersson@mdh.
se): 2.1.8
Ando, Naoki; Hosei University, Japan
( 1.5.16, 2.2.15,
Andrade, Josmar; Universidade de Sao
Paulo , Brazil ( 3.1.10
Andreja, Jaklic; University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia (andreja.jaklic@fdv.uni-lj.
si): 1.5.4
Andres, Anna; WU Vienna, Austria
( 2.3.14
Ankhtuya, Tsestegmaa ; National Chi
Nan University, Taiwan (ankhtuya_ 3.4.16
Annan-Diab, Fatima; Kingston University, United Kingdom (fatima.diab@ 2.5.15
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Antonialli, Luiz Marcelo ; UFLA, Brazil
( 2.2.17
Antunes Júnior, José Antônio Valle ;
UNISINOS, Brazil ( 2.4.15
Arli, Denni; Griffith University, Australia ( 1.4.12
Armstrong, Craig E.; University of
Alabama, USA (carmstro@cba. 2.3.13
Arnold, Mark J.; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 1.4.7
Arregle, Jean-Luc; EMLYON, France
( 1.4.11, 3.1.16
Arslan, Ahmad; University of Vaasa,
Finland ( 2.1.8
Arya, Bindu; University of Missouri-St.
Louis, USA (
2.3.16, 3.3.10, 3.4.13
Asakawa, Kazuhiro; Keio University,
Japan (
1.3.3, 3.3.15, 3.4.5
Assouad, Alexander; Belmont University, USA (
Athreye, Suma; Brunel University,
United Kingdom (suma.athreye@ 0.3
Autio, Erkko; Imperial College, United
Kingdom (erkko.autio@imperial. 1.4.10, 3.4.1
Aveline, Carlos Eduardo Stefaniak;
FGV-EAESP, Brazil (eduardo.aveline@ 2.1.9, 2.5.14
Awanis, Sandra; Lancaster University,
United Kingdom ( 1.3.7
Awate, Kiran S; Ohio State University,
USA ( 2.5.15
Awate, Snehal Suyash; Indian School
of Business, India (snehal_awate@ 1.4.1
Aycan, Zeynep; Koc University, Turkey
( 1.4.12
Azevedo, Guilherme; Audencia
Nantes, France ( 2.4.13
Baack, Daniel ; University of Denver,
USA ( 3.4.12
Baaij, Marc; RSM Erasmus University,
Netherlands ( 2.2.11
Baddar Alhussan, Fawaz; Catholic
University of Lille , France (f.baddar@ 2.5.9
Bader, Benjamin; University of Hamburg, Germany (benjamin.bader@ 1.5.16, 2.2.17, 2.4.10,
Bae, Jun-Young; Pukyong National
University, Korea, South (jybae@ 2.3.13
Bae, Zong-Tae; KAIST, Korea, South
( 1.5.9
Baggs, Jen; University of Victoria, Canada ( 2.4.11
Bai, Tao; University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (baitao2010@ 1.4.6
Balabanis, George; City University
London, United Kingdom ( 1.4.7
Balakrishnan, Melodena ; University
of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates (melodenabalakrishnan@ 0.4, 1.3.4, 2.5.14,
Balbinot, Zandra; UQAM, Canada
( 1.5.5
Baldegger, Rico; School of Management Fribourg, Switzerland (rico. 1.4.13
Bals, Lydia; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (lydia.bals@web.
de): 3.4.15
Banalieva, Ellie ; Northeastern University, USA (
2.2.9, 2.4.17, 2.5.1
Bandeira-de-Mello, Rodrigo; FGVEAESP, Brazil (rodrigo.bandeira. 2.1.9, 3.1.6
Bao, Shuji Rosey; Old Dominion
University, USA (
1.3.11, 2.2.12
Barakat, Livia; Fundacao dom Cabral,
Brazil ( 2.3.13
Barlow, Claire ; University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (cyb1@cam. 1.3.5
Baronchelli, Gianpaolo; University
of Bergamo, Italy ( 1.5.16
Barreto, Tais Siqueira; Florida Atlantic
University, USA (
Barton, Dominic; McKinsey & Company, Canada: 3.2
Bastian, Bettina ; American University
of Beirut , Lebanon (
lb): 1.3.3
Batas, Spiros; University of Edinburgh
, United Kingdom (
uk): 2.5.3
Batsakis, Georgios; University of Kent,
United Kingdom (g.batsakis@kent. 2.5.8
Baum, Matthias; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (matthias.baum@ 1.4.4
Baumann, Chris; Macquarie University,
Australia (
au): 2.4.13
Bausch, Andreas; Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany (andreas.
de): 1.5.8
Beamish, Paul W.; Ivey Business
School, Canada (pbeamish@ivey. Café_1, 1.1.6, 1.4.11, 2.2.16,
Becker, Markus C.; University of
Southern Denmark, Denmark
( 1.1.4
Beddewela, Eshani; University of
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
( 1.4.5
Beechler, Schon; INSEAD, France
( 1.1.1,
Belderbos, Rene; Catholic University
of Leuven, Belgium ( 1.1.3, 1.5.11, 2.4.11
Beleska-Spasova, Elena; University of
Portsmouth, United Kingdom ( 1.4.13
Belitski, Maksim; University of Reading , United Kingdom (m.belitski@ 2.2.9
Bello, Daniel Custer; Georgia State
University, USA (
Benarfa, Olfa ; Qatar University, Qatar
( 1.3.14
Beninger, Stefanie; Simon Fraser
University, Canada (sbeninge@sfu.
ca): 1.3.14, 3.4.5
Benischke, Mirko H.; University of
Auckland, New Zealand ( 2.4.15
Benmamoun, Mamoun ; Saint Louis
University , USA (benmamm@slu.
edu): 3.3.16
Benson, John; University of South
Australia, Australia (john.benson@ 2.1.13
Berg, Nicola; University of Hamburg,
Germany ( 2.2.17, 3.1.8
Bernardes, Roberto; University Center
of FEI, Brazil (
br): 1.1.13
Berry, Heather; George Washington
University, USA (
0.2, 2.1.1, 2.2.5
Bertrand, Olivier; SKEMA Business
School, France (olivier.bertrand@ 2.1.16, 2.5.8
Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd ; University of
Groningen, Netherlands ( 1.5.8, 2.1.1, 2.3.8
Bhanupopan, Ramudu; Charles Sturt
University, Australia (bramudu@csu. 1.3.16
Bharadwaj, Anandhi ; Emory University, USA (a.bharadwaj@emory.
edu): 2.1.5
Bianchi, Constanza C.; Universidad
Adolfo Ibañez, Chile (constanza. 1.1.13
Billinger, Stephan; University of Southern Denmark, Denmark (sbi@sod. 1.1.4
Bird, Allan W.; Northeastern University, USA ( 2.3.10,
3.1.7, 3.4.7
Birkinshaw, Julian; London Business
School, United Kingdom ( 3.1.5
Bitsch, Marion Sandrine; Turku School
of Economics, Finland (marion. 1.4.13, 1.5.5
Blake, Daniel; IE Business School,
Spain ( 3.3.9
Blakeney, Roger; University of Houston, USA (
Blomkvist, Katarina; Uppsala University, Sweden (katarina.blomkvist@ 3.4.5
Boddewyn, Jean; Baruch College,
CUNY, USA (jean.boddewyn@ 2.1.16, Café_3
Boehe, Dirk; University of Adelaide ,
Australia (
au): 1.1.8
Bogaard, Hein; George Washington
University, USA (hbogaard@gwu.
edu): 3.1.4
Borda, Armando; ESAN-Graduate
School of Business, Peru (aborda@ 2.2.17
Borecka, Marketa; University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland ( 1.1.5
Borini, Felipe; ESPM, Brazil (fborini@ 1.1.13
Bort, Suleika; University of Mannheim,
Germany ( 1.5.13
Boso, Nathaniel ; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (n.boso@leeds. 3.4.2
Bouncken, Ricarada B.; University of
Bayreuth, Germany (bouncken@ 1.4.12, 2.3.9
Bowe, Michael; MBS, University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (mike. 3.3.6
Bowen, Frances E.; Queen Mary
University London, United Kingdom
( 3.1.8
Bowen, Harry ; Queens University of
Charlotte, USA (bowenh@queens.
edu): 2.3.6
Bozionelos, Giorgos; Psychiatric
Hospital of Petra Olympou, Greece
( 1.5.12
Bozionelos, Nikos; Audencia School of
Management, France (nbozionelos@ 1.5.12
Brandl, Kristin Martina; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark ( 1.5.9, 2.2.1, 3.3.8
Brannen, Mary-Yoko; University of
Victoria, Canada (maryyoko@uvic.
ca): 1.3.1, 2.3.9, 3.1.1, 3.4.7
Branzei, Oana; Ivey Business School,
Canada ( 2.4.15
Brennan, Louis; Trinity College Dublin,
Ireland ( 1.5.15
Brenner, Barbara; Danube University
Krems, Austria (barbara.brenner@ 1.1.3
Breuer, Wolfgang; RWTH Aachen University, Germany (wolfgang.breuer@ 1.1.15
Brewster, Chris; University of Reading,
United Kingdom (c.j.brewster@ 1.5.6, 3.4.4
Brits, Natasha; GIBS Business School,
South Africa: 2.1.4
Brouthers, Keith D.; King’s College
London, United Kingdom (keith. 1.4.13, 2.1.11,
2.3.5, Café_3
Brouthers, Lance E.; Kennesaw
State University, USA (lbrouthe@ 1.1.14
Bruce, David; Georgia State University,
USA ( 2.5.7
Bruhn, Nadia Campos Pereira; UFG/
UFLA, Brazil (nadiacpereira@yahoo. 2.2.17, 3.4.16
Buchan, Nancy R. ; University of South
Carolina, USA (nancy.buchan@ 1.3.10, 2.2.12
Buck, Trevor; University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom (trevor.buck@ 1.4.10, 3.4.16
Buckley, Peter J. ; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (pjb@lubs.leeds. 1.4.1, 1.5.15, 2.2.11, 2.3.2, 3.4.3
Budde-Sung, Amanda E.K.; University
of Sydney, Australia ( 2.4.6
Budhwar, Pawan; Aston University,
United Kingdom (p.s.budhwar@ 2.1.2, 2.3.17, 2.5.10
Bulgacov, Sergio; FGV, Brazil ( 1.5.5
Bullough, Amanda; Thunderbird
School of Global Management, USA
edu): 1.3.4, 2.1.3
Burger, Anze; University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia (anze.burger@fdv.uni-lj.
si): 1.5.4
Burkholder, Ingrid; North Island College, Canada: 3.3.7
Buyukbalci, Pinar; Yildiz Technical
University, Turkey (pbillur@gmail.
com): 1.5.13
Cacia, Claudia; University of Salerno,
Italy ( 2.5.12
Cai, Huifen; Universityof Huddersfield
, United Kingdom (
Calderon-Martinez, Aurora; University
of Alicante, Spain (aurora.calderon@ 1.1.14
Calegario, Cristina Lelis Leal; UFLA,
Brazil (
2.2.17, 3.4.16
Calic, Goran; Purdue University, USA
( 3.4.7
Caligiuri, Paula; Northeastern University, USA ( 2.1.2,
2.2.6, 3.1.3, 3.3.4
Calixto, Cyntia Vilasboas ; FGV-EAESP,
Brazil (
2.5.14, 3.3.13
Callahan, Carolyn; University of
Louisville, USA (carolyn.callahan@ 0.5
Canney Davison, Sue ; Pipal Limited,
Kenya ( 1.1.1
Cannizzaro, Anthony; George Washington University, USA (tony_c@ 1.3.6, 1.5.6, 3.3.9
Cano Kollmann, Marcelo; Temple
University, USA (
1.3.9, 1.4.9, 2.2.1
Cantwell, John A.; Rutgers Business
School, USA (cantwell@business. 0.1, 2.1.6, 2.2.1, 2.4.14,
3.3.1, 3.4.5
Cao, Yangfeng; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (
Capape, Javier; ESADE Business
School, Spain (javier.capape@esade.
edu): 3.1.12
Caprar, Dan V. ; University of New
South Wales, Australia (dan. 1.3.13, 2.2.6,
2.4.6, 2.5.6, 3.1.1
Capron, Laurence; INSEAD, France
( 2.3.5
Cardoso Júnior, Nilton Deodoro
Moreira; Insper- Instituto de Ensino
e Pesquisa , Brazil (nilton_cardoso@ 3.1.6
Carneiro, Jorge; Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
( 1.4.11, 2.1.11,
Carrera Junior, Jose Marcos; FGVEAESP, Brazil (josemarcoscj@gmail.
com): 2.5.11
Carrillo, Pedro; Georgia State University, USA ( 2.5.7
Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa; UFLA, Brazil:
Casado, Tania; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil ( 3.1.8
Casillas, Jose C.; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain ( 1.4.10
Caskey, D’Arcy Nelson; Feng Chia
Univeristy, Taiwan (darcaskey@ 1.4.16
Casper, Wendy ; University of Texas
at Arlington, USA (wjcasper@uta.
edu): 3.1.1
Casselman, R. Mitch; St. John’s
University, USA (casselmr@stjohns.
edu): 1.4.5
Cassia, Fabio; University of Verona,
Italy ( 1.5.16
Local Contexts in Global Business
Castaldi, Sarah ; University of Groningen, Netherlands (s.castaldi@rug.
nl): 2.5.12
Castelli, Ray; CEO, Wetherhaven,
Canada (rcastelli@weatherhaven.
com): 1.4.2
Castro, Francisco B. ; Universidade do
Porto, Portugal (
Cathro, Virginia Ilene; University of
Otago, New Zealand ( 2.2.7
Cavusgil, Tamer ; Georgia State University, USA (
1.5.2, 3.3.1
Celo, Sokol; Suffolk University, USA
( 2.3.14, 2.4.12
Cerdin, Jean-Luc; ESSEC, France ( 1.4.12
Cerruti, Corrado ; University of Rome
‘Tor Vergata’, Italy (corrado.cerruti@ 3.3.5
Cetin, Bora; University of St. Gallen,
Switzerland (
Cha, Hongryol; Temple University,
Chabowski, Brian R.; University of Tulsa, USA (brian-chabowski@utulsa.
edu): 1.3.3
Chacar, Aya; Florida International
University, USA (
1.3.8, 2.4.12
Chadee, Doren; Deakin University,
Australia (
Chahabadi, Dominik; Macquarie
University, Australia ( 2.4.12
Chai, Kah Hin; National University of
Singapore, USA (
sg): 1.1.8
Chan, Christine M.; University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC ( 1.4.6
Chan, Tsang-Sing; Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (chants@ 0.4
Chang, Bau-Jung; Feng Chia University, Taiwan (
tw): 3.1.14
Chang, Jui-Che; National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (sixer76s@ 3.3.16
Chang, Song; Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
hk): 3.1.4
Chang, Yen-Ching; Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taiwan
( 1.4.14
Chang, Yu Yin; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (vivienneyuyin@ 3.3.16
Chapa, Olga; University of Houston-Victoria, USA (chapao@uhv.
edu): 1.3.7
Chari, Murali D.R.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA (charim2@rpi.
edu): 1.3.15
Charles, Reccia Natasha; St. George’s
University, Grenada (rcharles1@sgu.
edu): 1.3.7, 2.4.13
Chatterjee, Suparna ; Xavier University, USA (
Chau, You Yan Rona; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.5.5
Chavan, Meena; Macquarie University,
Australia (
au): 2.4.12, 2.5.14
Chen, Aizhen; Xiamen University,
China ( 2.3.15,
Chen, Chien-Nan; National Dong Hwa
University, Taiwan (cn_chen@mail. 3.1.8
Chen, Chiung-Jung; Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (cjchen@ 2.4.8, 3.1.14
Chen, Chung-Jen; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (mcjchen@ntu. 2.3.14
Chen, Homin; National Taiwan University, Taiwan (
tw): 1.4.16
Chen, Hong; Yonsei University, Korea,
South (
Chen, Huei-Fang; Soochow University,
Taiwan ( 2.1.13
Chen, Liang; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (bn10lc@leeds. 1.5.15
Chen, Lu-Jui; Ming Chuan University,
Taiwan (
tw): 3.3.14
Chen, PaoLien; National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan (chenpl@mx.nthu. 2.1.12
Chen, Ran; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 2.4.14
Chen, Shih-Fen S. ; Ivey Business
School, Canada (sfchen@ivey.uwo.
ca): 2.3.12
Chen, Stephen; University of Newcastle, Australia (stephen.chen@ 2.5.9, 3.1.8
Chen, Sze-Ting; National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan (jen_505420@ 3.1.4
Chen, Taotao; Tsinghua University,
China (
cn): 2.5.14
Chen, Victor Zitian; University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, USA (emgp. 1.1.6, 2.3.1, 3.1.10,
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Chen, Wenjie; George Washington
University, USA (
2.2.8, 2.4.11
Chen, Xi; China University of Political
Science and Law, China (chenxi@ 1.1.13
Chen, Xiao; Tsinghua University, China
Chen, Xiaoping; University of Washington, USA ( 3.4.14
Chen, Xiaoyun; University of Macau,
Macau ( 1.1.4
Chen, Xin; University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (alexchen@ 1.1.4
Chen, Xing; Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.3.16
Chen, Yifeng; Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (yifeng@ 3.4.8
Chen, Yu-Chen; National Taiwan
Normal University, Taiwan ( 1.5.16
Cheng, Joseph L.C.; University of New
South Wales, Australia (joecheng@ 1.3.13, 2.1.6
Cheng, Junjun; Fudan University, China
( 1.4.12
Cheng, Shirley Y.Y.; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.1.14
Chetty, Sylvie; University of Otago,
New Zealand (sylvie.chetty@otago. 1.4.13, 2.5.3
Chi, Tailan; University of Kansas, USA
( 0.3
Chiang, Yi-Ching; Feng Chia University,
Taiwan ( 3.1.14
Chiang, Yifang; Feng Chia University,
Taiwan (
tw): 3.3.16
Chidlow, Agnieszka; Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
( 1.3.1
Chih, Hsiang-Lin ; National Taipei
University, Taiwan (hlchih@mail. 3.4.10
Chikhouni, Abdulrahman ; Concordia
University , Canada (a_chikho@ 2.2.14
Child, John ; University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom (j.child@bham. 2.5.3
Chin Wei , Huang; National Chi Nan
University, Taiwan (s99212912@ncnu. 3.4.16
Chintakananda, Asda; Nanynag Technology University, Singapore (asda@ 1.3.15
Chiu, Chih-Fang; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (juju0802@gmail.
com): 2.5.14
Chiu, Hui Yun; National Chengchi
University, Taiwan (hychiucandy@ 1.5.13
Chng , Daniel Han Ming ; China Europe International Business School,
China ( 1.1.8
Cho, Bongsoon; Sogang University,
Korea, South (
2.3.13, 2.4.13
Cho, Hyejin; Korea University, Korea,
South (
Cho, Se Ho; Rutgers University, USA
( 2.1.15
Cho, Youngsam; Korea University,
Korea, South (
Choe, SoonKyoo; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (skychoe@yonsei. 2.3.16, 2.5.14
Choi, Byoung Kwon; Sangmyung
University, Korea, South (jrpfeffer@ 2.4.13
Choi, Gunae; Rutgers University, USA
( 2.3.15
Choi, Jang-Ho; Sogang University,
Korea, South (jangchoi@sogang. 2.3.13
Choi, Jongmoo Jay; Temple University,
USA ( 1.1.15, 1.4.9,
Chok, Jay; Keck Graduate Institute,
USA ( 2.1.16
Choquette, Eliane; Aarhus University,
Denmark ( 2.5.13
Chowdhury, Farzana; Indiana University, USA (
Christmann, Petra; Rutgers University,
USA (christmannp@rbs.rutgers.
edu): 0.1
Chrysostome, Elie; State University of
New York, USA (elie.chrysostome@ 3.1.2
Chuang, Cheng-Min; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (cmchuang@ntu. 2.1.14, 2.5.14
Chuang, Fu-Mei; Loughborough University , United Kingdom (f.chuang@ 3.4.2
Chui, Chih-Chieh ; Rider University,
USA ( 1.4.15
Chun, Wootae; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 2.4.13, 3.3.16
Chung, Jaiho; Korea University, Korea,
South ( 2.4.11
Chung, Seungwha; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (
Chung, Sunwook; Sogang University,
Korea, South (
Cieslewicz, Joshua K; Utah Valley
University, USA (
Ciravegna, Luciano ; INCAE, Costa
Rica (
1.1.12, 3.3.10
Clark, Daniel Richard; Indiana University, USA (
1.5.10, 3.1.9
Clark, Kim; St. Mary’s College of
California, USA (kjc6@stmarys-ca.
edu): 1.3.13
Clarke, Linda; University of Florida,
USA (linda.clarke@warrington.ufl.
edu): 3.3.16
Clegg, Jeremy; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (ljc@lubs.leeds. 1.3.2, 1.5.15, 3.4.16
Clougherty, Joseph; Univ. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA ( 1.3.8, 1.5.3, 2.4.15
Coates, Theresa L. ; Clarkson University, USA (
Cohen, David G.; Skidmore College,
USA ( 2.2.17
Coiteux, Martin ; Bank of Canada, Canada ( 2.5.15
Colak, Gonul; Florida State University,
USA ( 3.4.6
Collings, David; Dublin City University,
Ireland ( 3.1.3
Connell, Sean ; East-West Center in
Washington, USA (spconnell@gmail.
com): 2.5.2
Conner, Kathleen R. ; , USA: 1.2
Conway Dato-on, Mary ; Rollins College, USA (mconwaydatoon@rollins.
edu): 1.3.16
Cooper, Joseph T.; University of
Wyoming, USA (jcoope17@uwyo.
edu): 3.3.4
Corado Simoes, Vitor; ISEG, University
of Lisboa, Portugal (vcs@doc.iseg. 1.4.4, 2.5.13
Cotta de Mello, Renato; Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
( 2.5.13
Coviello, Nicole; Wilfred Laurier
University, Canada (ncoviello@wlu.
ca): 3.3.1
Cozzarin, Brian; University of Waterloo, Canada (bpcozzar@uwaterloo.
ca): 3.4.6
Cragin, John; Vertical Learning Curve,
Cramton, Catherine; George Mason
University, USA (ccramton@gmu.
edu): 1.3.1
Cregan, Christina; Univeristy of
Melbourne, Australia (ccregan@ 2.2.13
Crescenzi, Riccardo ; London School
of Economics, United Kingdom
( 1.1.9
Crespo, Nuno Fernandes; Lisboa
- School of Economics & Management, Portugal (ncrespo@iseg.utl.
pt): 1.4.4
Crosgrove, Darrell; University of Toledo, USA (darrell.crosgrove@rockets. 3.4.12
Crowley-Henry, Marian; National
University of Ireland Maynooth,
Ireland (marian.crowleyhenry@nuim.
ie): 2.3.13
Cuervo, Javier Calero; University of
Macau, Macau (jcuervo@umac.
mo): 2.2.7
Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Northeastern
University, USA (a.cuervocazurra@ 1.1.9, 1.3.3, 2.1.5, 2.2.9, 2.4.2,
Cui, Lin; Australian National University, Australia (
1.1.9, 1.4.11, 2.5.15
Cumming, Douglas; York University,
Canada (douglas.cumming@gmail.
com): 0.5, 1.1.16, 1.4.15, 3.1.13, 3.4.6
Cummings, Michael; University of
Minnesota, USA (cummings@umn.
edu): 1.5.10
Cunha, Larissa Teixeira da ; Federal
University of Ceara, Brazil ( 1.3.5
Cuypers, Ilya; Singapore Management
University, Singapore (ilyacuypers@ 1.1.11, 2.3.8, 2.4.12, 3.1.11
Da Rocha, Angela; Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
( 2.5.13
da Silva, Gilberto Figueira; Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil (
1.4.11, 2.1.11
Dabic, Marina; Nottingham Trent
University & University of Zagreb,
United Kingdom (marina.dabic@ntu. 1.1.14
Dahan, Nicolas M.; Temple University,
USA ( 2.4.16
Dakhli, Mourad; Georgia State University, USA ( 2.5.7
Dalgic, Tevfik; University of Texas at
Dallas, USA ( 3.1.8
D’Angelo, Alfredo; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom ( 1.4.10
Daniel, Shirley J.; University of Hawaii
at Manoa, USA (sdaniel@hawaii.
edu): 1.3.5
Daniels, John; University of Miami,
USA ( Café_1
Danis, Wade; University of Victoria,
Canada ( 1.1.13,
3.1.2, 3.1.8
d’Arcy, Anne Christine; WU Vienna,
Austria ( 1.5.14
Darendeli , Izzet; Temple University,
USA ( 1.1.12,
1.5.9, 2.1.15
Dashdeleg, Altan-Uya; National
Dong Hwa University, Mongolia
( 3.4.10
Datta, Deepak; University of Texas at
Arlington, USA (
Dau, Luis Alfonso; Northeastern
University, USA (
1.3.15, 2.2.9, 3.4.11
Dauth, Tobias; HHL Leipzig Graduate
School of Management, Germany
( 2.3.11
Daxboeck, Birgit; Otto von Guericke
University Magdeburg, Germany
( 2.5.13
de Faria, Pedro; University of Groningen, Netherlands ( 3.1.5
de la Garza Carranza, Maria Teresa
; Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya,
Mexico ( 3.1.8
de la Torre, José; Florida International
University, USA (delatorrejoser@ 1.2, 2.3.7
De Villa, Maria Andrea; Universidad
EAFIT, Colombia (mdevilla@eafit. 1.1.10
Del Brio, Esther; University of Salamanca, Spain (estherdelbrio@gmail.
com): 2.1.12
Delios, Andrew; National University of
Singapore, Singapore (bizakd@nus. 1.4.6, 3.1.4
Della Piana, Bice; University of
Salerno, Italy (bdellapiana@unisa.
it): 2.5.12
Dellestrand, Henrik ; Uppsala University, Sweden (henrik.dellestrand@ 2.1.8, 2.3.14, 3.1.5
Demirbag, Mehmet; University of
Strathclyde, United Kingdom ( 2.1.15,
2.2.17, 2.3.16
Deng, Ping; Cleveland State University,
USA ( 1.1.11
Deng, Ziliang; Renmin University of
China, China (
cn): 2.3.4, 3.1.9, 3.4.14
Denicolai, Stefano; University of Pavia,
Italy (
Desai, Sameeksha; Indiana University,
USA ( 2.2.9
Deshpande, Sameer; University of
Lethbridge, Canada ( 1.4.7
Devinney, Timothy; University of
Leeds, United Kingdom (timothy. 0.2, 2.2.6,
Dhanaraj, Charles; IMD Lausanne,
Switzerland (charles.dhanaraj@imd.
org): 2.4.17, 3.4.1
Dieleman, Marleen; National
University of Singapore, Singapore
( 3.1.9
Dikova, Desislava; WU Vienna,
Austria (
1.1.11, 1.3.3, 1.5.4, 2.1.8
Dilyard, John Raymond; St. Francis
College, USA (
Dimitratos, Pavlos; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom (pavlos. 1.3.13,
Ding, Daniel Z.; City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.5.16
Dixit, Jaya; Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, USA ( 2.4.9
Dobrajska, Magdalena; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (md. 1.1.4
Doh, Jonathan; Villanova University,
0.3, 1.1.10, 2.4.2
Doherty, Noeleen; Cranfield University,
United Kingdom (noeleen.doherty@ 2.3.13
Dolles, Harald; Molde University
College / University of Gothenburg,
Germany (harald.dolles@himolde.
no): 1.1.14, 2.2.13
Douglas Fernandez, W.G. ; Florida International University, USA
( 2.3.15, 3.1.11
Dow, Douglas; University of Melbourne, Australia (
1.1.11, 2.1.5
Doz, Yves; INSEAD, France (yves.doz@ 1.4.3
Drew, Antony John; University of
Newcastle, Australia (antony.drew@ 2.3.13
Drew-Watt, Julia; Government of
Canada, DFAITD, Canada ( 3.3.7
Driffield, Nigel; Aston University,
United Kingdom (n.l.driffield@aston. 2.3.8, 2.5.11
Drogendijk, Rian; Uppsala University,
Sweden (
2.1.11, 2.3.14
Drori, Israel; College of Management
Academic Studies, Israel (israeld@ 2.2.4
Du, Bozhao; Central University of
Finance and Economics, China
( 3.3.14
Du, Jia Lin; University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (du_jialin@ 1.4.6
Du, Juana ; Royal Roads University,
Canada (
Du, Shanqing; University of Leuven,
Belgium (shanqing.du@kuleuven.
be): 3.3.15
Dunlap, Denise; Northeastern University, USA ( 2.1.9
Dussauge, Pierre; HEC Paris, France
( 2.1.16
Duvivier, Florence; Solvay Brussels
School of Economics and Management, Belgium (florence.duvivier@ 2.5.16
Dykes, Bernadine; University of Delaware, USA ( 2.1.14
Local Contexts in Global Business
Earley, P. Christopher; Purdue University, USA (
Easter, Sarah; University of Victoria,
Canada ( 1.3.16
Eddleston, Kimberly A.; Northeastern
University, USA (k.eddleston@neu.
edu): 2.2.9
Edelman, Linda F.; Bentley University,
USA ( 2.4.4
Edman, Jesper; Hitsubashi University,
Japan ( 1.3.8
Edwards, Tony; King’s College London,
United Kingdom (tony.edwards@kcl. 3.4.4
Egelhoff, William G.; Fordham
University, USA (egelhoff@fordham.
edu): 1.3.11
Egri, Carolyn P.; Simon Fraser University, Canada ( 3.1.8
Ehrnrooth, Mats; Hanken School of
Economics, Finland ( 2.2.15
El Ghoul, Sadok; University of Alberta,
Canada ( 1.3.5,
1.5.7, 3.1.6
Elahee, Mohammad Niamat; Quinnipiac University, USA (mohammad. 0.4, 1.5.15,
Elango, B.; Illinois State University,
USA ( 1.4.16
Elia, Stefano; Politecnico di Milano,
Italy ( 2.4.5
Elliott, Greg; Macquarie University,
Australia (
Em, Laetitia; University of Groningen,
Netherlands (
Eriksson, Mikael; Uppsala University, Sweden (mikael.eriksson@fek. 2.1.11, 2.3.14
Eriksson, Taina; University of Turku,
Finland ( 2.5.13
Ertug, Gokhan; Singapore Management University, Singapore ( 1.1.11, 2.3.8, 3.1.11
Estay, Christophe; KEDGE Business
School Bordeaux, France (christophe. 2.3.10
Estrin, Saul; London School of Economics, United Kingdom (s.estrin@ 1.4.6, 2.2.11, 2.5.4
Fadol, Yasir Yasin; Qatar University,
Qatar ( 2.3.1,
Fainshmidt, Stav; Old Dominion
University & Florida International
University, USA (sfainshm@odu.
edu): 1.1.10
Fan, Di; Deakin University, Australia
( 1.4.11,
Fan, Shea; Univeristy of Melbourne,
Australia ( 2.2.13
Fan, Terence Ping Ching; Singapore
Management University, Singapore
( 1.5.13
Fang, Shih-Chieh; National Cheng
Kung University, Taiwan (fangsc@ 2.1.15
Fang, Tony; Stockholm University,
Sweden ( 1.1.1,
2.4.6, 2.5.10
Farashahi, Mehdi; Concordia University, Canada (mfarasha@jmsb. 1.4.13, 2.2.14, 3.1.2
Fathallah, Ramzi; Ivey Business
School, Canada ( 2.4.15, 2.5.8
Fee, Anthony; University of Technology, Australia (
au): 3.1.1
Feils, Dorothee; University of Alberta,
Canada ( 1.3.10,
Feinberg, Susan; Temple University,
USA ( 1.4.9,
1.5.7, 2.2.8
Felzensztein, Christian; Universidad
Adolfo Ibanez, Chile (c.felzensztein@ 1.1.13, 3.1.13
Feng, Jing Betty; Georgia State University, USA ( 2.2.13
Ferligoj, Anuska; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (anuska.ferligoj@fdv. 2.5.5
Fernhaber, Stephanie A; Butler
University, USA (sfernhab@butler.
edu): 2.4.1
Figueira de Lemos, Francisco; Uppsala University , Sweden (francisco. 3.1.11
Filatotchev, Igor; City University
London, United Kingdom (igor. 0.5, 1.5.14,
2.3.1, 3.1.2, 3.3.6
Filinov, Nikolay B.; NRU Higher School
of Economics, Russia (nfilinov@hse.
ru): 2.5.16
Filippaios, Fragkiskos; University of
Kent, United Kingdom (f.filippaios@ 2.5.15
Fitzsimmons, Stacey ; University of
Victoria and Western Michigan University, USA (stacey.fitzsimmons@ 1.1.1, 3.1.1
Fletcher, Margaret; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom (margaret. 1.3.13, 1.4.4
Fletcher-Chen, Chavi C.Y.; Catholic
University of Lille , France (c.chen@ 2.5.9
Fleury, Afonso; Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Brazil ( 1.5.2,
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Fleury, Maria Tereza Leme; FGVEAESP, Brazil (mtereza.fleury@fgv.
br): 1.5.2, 2.1.9, 2.5.14
Flores, Ricardo; University of New
South Wales, Australia (r.flores@ 3.3.3
Fock, Henry; Hong Kong Baptist
University, China (
hk): 1.4.12, 1.5.5, 3.3.4
Fong, Cher-Min; National Sun Yatsen University, Taiwan (cmfong@ 3.1.4
Fonseca, Alejandro; EGADE Business
School, Mexico (afonseca@itesm.
mx): 2.1.4
Fontenele, Raimundo Eduardo Silveira;
Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil
( 1.1.13
Fontes, Margarida; Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia , Portugal
( 1.4.4
Forbes-Mewett, Helen; Monash
University, Australia (helen. 2.2.13
Fortwengel, Johann; Free University of
Berlin, Germany ( 3.4.9
Francis, June N. P. ; Simon Fraser
University, Canada (francis@sfu.
ca): 1.3.14
Fransoo, Jan C. ; Technical University
of Eindhoven, Netherlands ( 2.5.5
Frecknall-Hughes, Jane; Open
University Business School, United
Kingdom (jane.frecknall-hughes@ 2.2.17
Fried, Yitzhak; Syracuse University,
USA ( 2.3.14
Friends, Todd ; Whitworth University,
USA ( 2.4.7
Froese , Fabian J.; Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany
( 2.2.13,
2.4.10, 2.5.10, 3.1.3
Fu, Frank H.K.; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 3.3.16
Fu, Qingfen; Tsinghua University,
China (
cn): 2.2.14
Fuchs, Manfred; Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria (manfred.fuchs@ 1.4.10
Fuller, Douglas B.; Zhejiang University,
Fung, Loretta; National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan (phfung@ 2.4.11
Furrer, Olivier; University of Fribourg,
Switzerland (olivier.furrer@unifr.
ch): 3.1.8
Furrer-Perrinjaquet, Amandine ; Independent Researcher, Switzerland
( 3.1.8
Gabriele, Suder; University of Melbourne, Australia (gabriele.suder@ 3.3.15
Gabrielsson, Mika; University of
Eastern Finland, Finland ( 1.4.13
Gabrielsson, Peter; University of
Vaasa, Finland (peter.gabrielsson@ 1.1.14, 1.4.13, 1.5.5
Galang, Roberto Martin N. ; Ateneo
de Manila University, Philippines
( 1.1.10
Gama, Marina Amado Bahia; FGVEAESP, Brazil (
Gang, KwangWook; Ulsan National
Institute of Science and Technology,
Korea, South (
1.3.16, 2.4.9
Gao, Danxue; Peking University, China
( 2.2.8
Gao, Gerald Yong; University of Missouri-St.Louis, USA (gaogy@umsl.
edu): 3.4.12
Gao, Yan; Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics, China ( 2.2.17
Garrido, Ivan Lapuente ; UNISINOS,
Brazil ( 3.3.13,
Gatignon, Aline; INSEAD, France
( 2.3.5,
2.4.5, 3.4.14
Gaur, Ajai; Rutgers University, USA
( 1.4.3,
2.2.5, 3.1.12
Ge, Gloria Lan ; Griffith University ,
Australia (
au): 1.5.16
Gelb, Stephen; World Trade Institute,
Switzerland (stephen.gelb@wti.
org): 2.3.3
Geleilate, Jose-Mauricio; Florida International University, USA (jgeleila@ 2.1.9, 3.4.12
George, Suresh; Coventry University,
United Kingdom ( 2.4.7
Geraud, Benedicte; University of
Poitiers, France (benedictegeraud@ 3.4.16
Gerschewski, Stephan; Hankuk
University of Foreign Studies, Korea,
South ( 2.3.7,
Getachew, Yamlaksira Shewangizaw;
Ivey Business School, Canada
( 2.2.16
Ghauri, Pervez N.; Kings College London, United Kingdom (perez.ghauri@ 2.3.4, 3.3.14
Ghazali, Noor Azlan; National University of Malaysia, Malaysia (nag@ 1.5.14
Gibson, Cristina; University of Western Australia, Australia (cristina. 1.5.12
Gilbert, G.Ronald; Florida International
University, USA (
Gilbertson, Deb ; Te Kaihau Education
Trust, New Zealand ( 2.2.7
Girma, Sourafel; University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (sourafel. 1.3.10
Glaister, Keith; University of Warwick,
United Kingdom (keith.glaister@ 2.2.17
Gleich, Wolfgang Markus; University
of Augsburg, Germany (wolfgang. 3.1.15
Globerman, Steve; Western Washington University, USA ( 1.1.2, 3.4.3
Goelz, Markus; University of
Melbourne, Australia (markusg@ 1.1.12, 2.5.8
Goerzen, Anthony; Queen’s University,
Canada (goerzen@business.queens.
ca): 3.4.15
Gok, Kubulay; Abdullah Gul University, Turkey ( 1.4.7
Goka, Koichi ; National Institute
for Environmental Studies, Japan
( 1.4.5
Goldszmidt, Rafael; FGV, Brazil (rafael. 2.1.9
Golesorkhi, Sougand; Manchester
Metropolitan University, United
Kingdom (
Gond, Jean-Pascal; City University
London, United Kingdom ( 3.1.8
Gong, Yundan; Aston University,
United Kingdom (y.gong1@aston. 1.3.10
Gonzalez-Loureiro, Miguel; University
of Vigo, Spain (mloureiro@uvigo.
es): 2.3.4
Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra;
Universidad EAFIT, Colombia ( 1.5.4, 2.2.9, 2.3.7
Goodstein, Jerry; Washington State
University, USA ( 3.1.10
Gooris, Julien; CEPII, France (julien. 1.3.9
Görg, Holger ; Kiel Institute for the
World Economy and Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany
( 1.3.10
Gray, Sid ; University of Sydney,
Australia (
2.5.4, 3.1.1
Grimpe, Christoph; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (cg.ino@ 1.1.3
Grogaard, Birgitte; University of Calgary, Canada (bgrogaar@ucalgary.
edu): 2.3.14
Groh, Alexander; EMLYON, France
( 1.4.15
Grosse, Robert; American University
of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
( 0.7, 2.1.4, 2.2.3,
Gruber, Verena; WU Vienna, Austria
( 3.3.2
Guan, Tingyuan; Central University
of Finance and Economics, China
( 3.3.14
Gubbi, Sathyajit. R. ; University of
Groningen, Netherlands (s.r.gubbi@ 1.3.10, 1.4.16, 2.5.12
Guedhami, Omrane; University of
South Carolina, USA ( 1.3.5, 1.5.7, 3.1.6
Gugler, Klaus; WU Vienna, Austria
( 1.3.8
Guimaraes, Paulo; Porto University,
Portugal (pguimaraes2001@gmail.
com): 1.1.15
Guldiken, Orhun; Old Dominion
University, USA (
1.1.12, 1.3.11
Guler, Isin; Sabanci University, Turkey
( 1.1.12
Gumpoldsberger, Verena; WU Vienna,
Austria ( 1.3.14
Gunnigle, Patrick; University of
Limerick, Ireland (patrick.gunnigle@ 1.1.7
Guo, Andy Ruey-Shan; National
Taiwan University, Taiwan (rsguo@ 2.3.14
Guo, Chun (Grace); Sacred Heart
University, USA (chun-guog@ 2.2.17
Guo, Ying; University of South Australia, Australia (ying.guo@mymail. 2.1.13, 3.1.3
Gupta, Susan Forquer; Monmouth
University, USA ( 2.1.3, 2.5.6
Gur, Furkan Amil; Louisiana State
University, USA (fgur1@tigers.lsu.
edu): 2.2.14
Guttmann, Georg; University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland ( 2.5.10
Ha, Yoo Jung; University of York,
United Kingdom (yoojung.ha@york. 2.2.11
Hagen, Andreas; iLab Solutions, Canada (andreas.hagen@ilabsolutions.
com): 3.3.7
Hajro, Aida; Brunel University, Austria
( 1.5.12
Hakanson, Lars; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (
dk): 2.1.15, 3.4.5
Halaszovich, Tilo F.; University of
Bremen, Germany (tilo.halaszovich@ 2.2.16
Hamilton, III, Robert D. ; Temple
University, USA (
1.5.9, 2.1.15
Hamin, Hamin; Macquarie University,
Australia: 1.3.14
Hamza, Kavita Miadaira; Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil (kavita@ 3.1.10
Han, I; Feng Chia University, Taiwan
( 3.1.16
Han, Jung-Hoon; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (junghoon.han@yonsei. 2.4.8
Han, Qin; University of Alberta, Canada ( 1.5.10, 2.3.13
Hannigan, Thomas; Temple University, USA (
1.3.9, 2.2.1, 3.1.13
Harms, Rainer ; University of Twente,
Netherlands (r.harms@utwente.
nl): 2.3.9
Harris, Simon; University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (simon. 1.3.13, 1.4.4, 2.5.3
Harzing, Anne-Wil; ESCP Europe,
France ( 2.2.13,
Hasegawa, Rei ; Daito Bunka University, Japan (
Hasegawa, Shinji ; Waseda University,
Japan ( 2.5.16
Hassan, Zinab; Deakin University,
Australia (
au): 2.3.9
Hasse, Vanessa C.; Ivey Business
School, Canada (
ca): 2.1.13, 2.4.5
Hawn, Olga; Boston University, USA
( 1.4.8, 3.4.10
Hazarbassanova, Denitsa; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (dhb. 2.4.17, 3.1.16
Hearn, Bruce Allen; University of Sussex, United Kingdom (b.a.hearn@ 1.5.14, 2.1.12, 3.1.13
Heaston, William Ray; Drake University, USA (william.heaston@drake.
edu): 2.3.12
Held, Katrin; University of Hamburg,
Germany (katrin.held@uni-hamburg.
de): 2.2.17
Helms, Marilyn M.; Dalton State
College, USA (mhelms@daltonstate.
edu): 2.3.13
Hemmert, Martin; Korea University,
Korea, South (mhemmert@korea. 1.1.13, 2.2.17, 3.4.14
Hemphill, Thomas A. ; University of
Michigan-Flint, USA (thomashe@ 1.1.10, 1.4.9
Henisz, Witold J.; University of Pennsylvania, USA (henisz@wharton. 1.1.6, 1.4.2
Hennart, Jean-Francois; Tilburg University/University of Pavia, Netherlands (j.f.hennart@tilburguniversity.
edu): 0.3, Café_1, 1.5.3, 2.3.3, 2.5.1
Heo, Yoonjeoung; Seoul National University, Korea, South (yoonjheo88@ 2.4.14
Hernandez, Exequiel; University of
Pennsylvania, USA (exequiel@ 2.3.5
Hernandez, Monica D.; Texas A&M
University-Corpus Christi, USA
Hertenstein, Peter ; University of Cambridge , United Kingdom (ph436@ 2.5.4
Hewerdine, Lisa Jane; University
of Sydney, Australia (lisajane@ 2.5.13
Hicks, Daniel; University of Oklahoma,
USA ( 1.1.15
Hildisch, Anna Katharina; Georg-August-University Goettingen,
Germany (katharina.hildisch@wiwi. 2.1.13
Hilmersson, Mikael; Halmstad University/ Linnaeus University, Sweden
( 2.3.4
Hilton, Brian; Nottingham University
China, China ( 2.3.17
Hinds, Pamela ; Stanford University,
USA ( 1.3.1
Hitt, Michael A.; Texas A&M University, USA (
Ho, Candy K.Y.; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.1.14
Ho, Mia Hsiao-Wen; Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (mia.hohw@saturn.yzu. 2.4.5
Ho, Yi-Hui; Chang Jung Christian
University, Taiwan (vicky@mail.cjcu. 1.1.16, 2.4.13
Hobdari, Bersant; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (
dk): 1.4.15, 3.1.10
Hochreiter, Ronald; WU Vienna,
Austria (
at): 3.4.13
Hofer, Katharina Maria; Johannes
Kepler University Linz, Austria ( 1.3.14
Hofstetter, Joerg S; University of
St.Gallen, Switzerland ( 3.4.15
Holburn, Guy L. F.; Ivey Business
School, Canada (gholburn@ivey.uwo.
ca): 1.5.15
Holm, Desiree; Uppsala University,
Sweden (
Holm, Ulf; Uppsala University, Sweden ( 2.1.11, 2.3.14
Local Contexts in Global Business
Hong, Eunsuk; SOAS, University of
London, United Kingdom (e.hong@ 1.1.7
Hong, Gahye; Korea University, Korea,
South (
Hong, Jacky ; University of Macau,
Macau ( 1.4.14
Horng, Jeou-Shyan (Joyce);
Hungkuang University, Taiwan
( 2.5.5
Horsburgh, Stuart; Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
( 2.4.14
Hoskisson, Robert E.; Rice University,
Hou, Sheng Tsung; Feng Chia University, Taiwan (samuel.hou@gmail.
com): 1.4.7
Hou, Wanrong; University of Texas-Pan American, USA (houw@utpa.
edu): 2.3.11
Hsieh, Linda H.Y.; University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom
( 2.5.15
Hsieh, Ying-Ying; Ivey Business
School, Canada (
ca): 3.3.14
Hsu, Wen Chung; National Chi Nan
University, Taiwan (wchsu25@gmail.
com): 3.4.16
Hu, Meng-Lei (Monica) ; Jinwen
University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (e5267@ms25.hinet.
net): 2.5.5
Hu, Zuohao; Tsinghua University,
China (
cn): 1.1.13
Huang, Heng-Chiang; National Taiwan University, Taiwan (huang@ntu. 3.3.16
Huang, Hsiu Ying; Feng Chia University, Taiwan (
1.4.7, 3.3.16
Huang, Yuanyuan; Xi’an Jiaotong
University, China (
cn): 3.4.12
Hui, Kent; Michigan State University,
USA ( 1.5.15
Hult, Tomas ; Michigan State University, USA ( 1.3.3, 1.5.15
Hunter, Gordon; University of Lethbridge, Canada (ghunter@uleth.
ca): 1.4.7
Huo, Da; Central University of Finance
and Economics, China (dhuo@cufe. 3.3.14
Hussain, Khalid; King Abdulaziz
University, Saudi Arabia (khusain@ 3.3.13
Hutzschenreuter, Thomas; WHU –
Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany ( 2.4.8
Imam, Karen; Binus University International, Indonesia (kimam@binus.
edu): 2.3.7
Ipsmiller, Edith; WU Vienna, Austria
( 1.4.13
Isaksson, Lars ; Bond University, Australia ( 1.1.14
Isidor, Rodrigo; University of Paderborn, Germany (rodrigo.isidor@upb.
de): 1.5.12
Ito, Kiyohiko; University of Hawaii at
Manoa, USA (
Jack, Robert Graham; Macquarie University, Australia (
au): 2.5.13, 3.1.15
Jackson, Gregory; Free University
of Berlin, USA (gregory.jackson@ 1.5.6, 3.4.9
Jackson, Paul R; University of Manchester, United Kingdom (paul. 2.5.9
Jalette, Patrice ; University of Montreal,
Canada (patrice.jalette@umontreal.
ca): 3.4.4
Janavaras, Basil ; Minnesota State,
Jandhyala, Srividya; ESSEC, Singapore
1.1.3, 2.4.16
Jansson, Hans; Linneus University,
Sweden (
1.1.14, 2.3.13, 3.4.16
Jarosinski, Miroslaw; Warsaw School
of Economics, Poland (mjaros@sgh. 2.3.7, 3.3.7
Javalgi, Rajshekar; Cleveland State
University, USA (r.javalgi@csuohio.
edu): 1.4.13
Jayaraj, Sebastian; Rutgers Business
School, USA (sebastan.jayaraj@ 2.4.6
Jayaram, Jayanth ; University of South
Carolina, USA (jayaram@moore. 2.2.15
Jean, Ruey Jer (Bryan); National
Chengchi University, Taiwan ( 2.1.12, 2.3.4, 2.4.9
Jennings, Jennifer; University of
Alberta, Canada (jennifer.jennings@ 2.3.13
Jens, Candace; Tulane University, USA
( 3.4.6
Jensen, Peter D. Oerberg; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (poe. 2.4.17, 3.1.16
Jeong, Jaehwi; Sogang University,
Korea, South (
Jeong, Yujin; American University, USA
( 3.1.10
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Jiang, Crystal X.; Bryant University,
USA ( 1.4.14,
Jiang, Fuming; Curtin University,
Australia (
au): 1.1.4
Jiang, Guo-Liang Frank; Dalhousie
University, Canada (frank.jiang@dal.
ca): 1.5.15
Jin, Byungchae; Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology,
Korea, South ( 3.3.15
Jindra, Bjoern; Copenhagen Business
School, Halle Institute for Economic
Research, Denmark (bjoern.jindra@ 3.3.5
Jiraporn, Napatsorn ; State University
of New York at New Paltz, USA
( 3.1.1
Joannou, Jason; University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (jajoannou@ 1.3.5
Johan, Sofia; York University, Canada
( 1.4.15
Johanson, Martin; Mid Sweden University, Sweden (martin.johanson@ 2.3.4, 3.1.9
Johns, Adam; Doshisha University,
Japan (
Johnson, Steve; University of Hull,
United Kingdom (s.g.johnson@hull. 3.1.13
Jones, Chris; Aston University, United
Kingdom (
Jones, Danielle Renee; University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
( 3.3.13
Jones, Geoffrey; Harvard University,
USA ( 0.7, 1.5.1,
Jones, Marian V. ; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom (marian.v. 1.5.13, 2.5.13
Ju, Min; University of Missouri-St.
Louis, USA ( 2.5.5
Kabst, Ruediger; University of
Paderborn, Germany (kabst@upb.
de): 1.5.12
Kafouros, Mario; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (m.kafouros@leeds. 2.2.12
Kalafatoglu, Tugba; ESADE Business
School, Spain (tugba.kalafatoglu@ 1.3.4, 1.5.13
Kalliny, Morris; Saint Louis University ,
USA ( 2.4.13
Kamal, Fariha; U.S. Census Bureau,
Kamal, Kumar Kunal; T A Pai Management Institute, India (kunal@tapmi. 3.3.2
Kang, Hye Sun; University of South
Carolina, USA (hyesun.kang@grad. 1.5.14
Kang, Shin Hyung; KAIST, Korea,
South (davidkang@business.kaist. 1.5.9
Kannothra, Chacko George; University
of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Kano, Liena; University of Calgary,
Canada (liena.kano@haskayne. 1.1.12, 2.5.1
Kao, Pao T. ; Uppsala University, Sweden ( 1.3.11, 3.1.9
Kappen, Jeffrey Allen; Drake University, USA (jeffrey.kappen@drake.
edu): 2.2.7
Kappen, Philip; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (
2.1.8, 3.4.5
Kar, Rabi Narayan ; University of
Delhi, India (
Karimi, Mehrnaz; University of
Bayreuth, Germany (mehranz. 1.4.12
Karna, Amit; EBS Business School,
Germany (
2.4.4, 2.5.15
Kaul, Aseem; University of Minnesota,
USA ( 1.1.8, 2.2.5
Kausch, Caterina; Otto von Guericke
University Magdeburg, Germany
( 3.3.4
Kedia, Ben ; University of Memphis,
USA ( 2.1.16,
Keig, Dawn L.; Whitworth University,
USA ( 1.1.14
Kerner, Andrew; University of Michigan, USA (
Ketencioglu, Elif; University of Sydney,
Australia (e.ketencioglu@econ.usyd. 2.4.15
Kew, Si-Roei; National University of
Malaysia, Malaysia (srkew@ukm.
my): 1.5.14
Khan, Hina; Lancaster University,
United Kingdom ( 3.3.16
Khan, Zaheer ; University of Hull,
United Kingdom (
1.1.16, 3.1.13
Khanna, Rajat; UNC Chapel Hill, USA
( 2.3.17
Khoreva, Violetta; Hanken School of
Economics, Finland ( 3.4.8
Kiessling, Timothy; Bilkent University,
Turkey (
Kilian, Bernard ; INCAE, Costa Rica
( 3.3.10
Kim, Daekwan; Florida State University, USA (
Kim, Hyeong-Deug; Acsenda School
of Management, Canada (iithdkim@ 2.1.13
Kim, Hyun Gon; Rutgers University,
USA ( 2.1.15
Kim, Jaehyeon; University of Hawaii
at Manoa, USA (jaehyeon@hawaii.
edu): 1.3.5, 1.4.15
Kim, Jaejin; Korea University, Korea,
South ( 1.1.13
Kim, Jin Uk; University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign, USA (jkim198@ 1.5.3, 3.1.15, 3.3.3
Kim, Jinsil; University of Texas at
Dallas, USA (jxk132030@utdallas.
edu): 2.3.12
Kim, Ji-Yu; Ulsan National Institute
of Science and Technology, Korea,
South ( 1.3.16
Kim, Kitae; Sangmyung University, Korea, South ( 2.4.13
Kim, Kwang-Ho; Hankuk University
of Foreign Studies, Korea, South
( 1.1.16
Kim, Kyoung Yong; University of
Houston, USA (
2.5.16, 3.3.8
Kim, Moo Sung; Zayed University,
United Arab Emirates (moosung. 1.1.15
Kim, PhilSoo; Yonsei University, Korea,
South (
Kim, Saerona ; Soongeui Women’s
College, Korea, South (ksaerona@ 1.4.15
Kim, Sang Do; Korea Development
Bank, Korea, South (kim5893@ 2.4.15
Kim, Seung; Saint Louis University ,
USA ( 2.1.16, 2.4.13
Kim, Seunghoi ; Konkuk University,
Korea, South (twoshcom@gmail.
com): 3.4.14
Kim, Soyeon; Meiji University, Japan
( 2.3.10
Kim, Suk-Joong ; University of Sydney,
Australia ( 1.5.7
Kim, Sunghoon; University of New
South Wales, Australia (sunghoon. 3.4.10
Kim, Suyeon ; Yonsei University,
Korea, South ( 2.5.14
Kim, Yongtae; Santa Clara University,
USA ( 1.3.5
Kim, Youngok; University of New
South Wales, Australia ( 2.5.4
Kimura, Yuko; University of Leicester,
United Kingdom (yk27@leicester. 1.1.16
Kirkman, Bradley L.; North Carolina
State University, USA (blkirkman@ 2.2.6
Klier, Hendrik; Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf, Germany (hendrik. 1.1.11
Knight, Gary A; Willamette University,
USA ( 0.4,
1.3.14, 2.4.1, 2.5.13, 3.3.1
Knill, April; Florida State University,
USA ( 3.1.13, 3.4.6
Knutsen, Carl Henrik ; University of
Oslo, Norway (c.h.knutsen@stv.uio.
no): 2.2.17
Kobori, Kazuhiko; National Cheng
Kung University, Taiwan ( 1.4.15
Kodydek, Georg; WU Vienna, Austria
( 3.4.13
Koehler, Tine; Univeristy of Melbourne,
Australia (
au): 2.2.13
Koestner, Mariella; Karl-Franzens
University Graz, Austria (mariella. 1.4.10
Komiak, Paul Jonathan; Memorial
University, Canada (pkomiak@mun.
ca): 2.3.15
Konara, Palitha; University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom (palitha. 2.2.4
Kontinen, Tanja; University of Jyväskylä, Finland (
Kontkanen, Minnie; University of Vaasa, Finland ( 1.4.13
Kostova, Tatiana; University of South
Carolina , USA (kostova@moore. 0.5, 1.1.6, 2.1.1, 2.4.3
Kotabe, Masaaki; Temple University,
USA ( 1.4.14,
2.1.15, 2.5.5, 3.4.15
Kothari, Tanvi ; San Jose State University, USA (
1.3.4, 2.2.7
Kouropalatis, Yiannis ; Cardiff University, United Kingdom (kouropalatiy@ 1.4.8
Koveshnikov, Alexei; Hanken School of
Economics, Finland ( 2.2.15, 2.4.10
Kraeh, Albert; University of Goettingen, Germany (albert.kraeh@wiwi. 2.5.10
Krammer, Sorin M.S.; Groningen
University, Netherlands ( 3.3.5
Krug, Barbara; Rotterdam School of
Management, Netherlands (bkrug@ 3.1.9
Kuivalainen, Olli; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (olli. 1.4.10
Kumar, K.; Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India (kkumar@ 1.3.6
Kumar, Maya; Ivey Business School,
Canada ( 3.1.14
Kumar, Rajesh; University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (rajesh. 2.5.10
Kumar, Vikas; University of Sydney,
Australia (
au): 1.3.9, 2.4.4, 2.5.12, 3.3.13
Kuncic, Aljaz; University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia (aljaz.kuncic@fdv.uni-lj.
si): 1.5.4
Kundu, Sumit K.; Florida International
University, USA (
1.1.12, 2.2.3, 2.3.15
Kunisch, Sven; University of St. Gallen,
Switzerland (sven.kunisch@unisg.
ch): 3.3.15
Kunst, Vincent Eduard; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
( 1.1.6, 2.5.12
Kurt, Yusuf; University of Manchester, United Kingdom (yusuf.kurt@ 1.3.13
Kuskova, Valentina V.; NRU Higher
School of Economics, Russia ( 2.3.6, 2.5.16
Kuznetsov, Andrei; University of
Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
( 1.3.1,
Kuznetsova, Olga; Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
( 2.2.15
Kwok, Chuck; University of South Carolina, USA (
1.5.7, 3.1.6
Lages, Carmen; Nova School of
Business and Economics, Portugal
( 2.4.9
Lages, Luis Filipe; Nova School of
Business and Economics, Portugal
( 2.4.9
Lahiri, Nandini; Temple University,
USA ( 2.4.14
Lahiri, Somnath; Illinois State University, USA ( 1.4.16,
Lai, Hsien-Che; National University
of Tainan, Taiwan (hclai@mail.nutn. 3.3.14
Lakshman, C.; Tongji University, China
( 2.3.10
Lamin, Anna; Northeastern University,
USA ( 3.3.5
Lana, Jeferson; FGV-EAESP, Brazil
( 3.1.6
Lancheros, Sandra; Nottingham
University China, China ( 1.3.10
Landau, Christian; EBS Business
School, Germany (christian.landau@ 2.5.15
Lane, Henry W.; Northeastern University, USA ( 3.4.7
Lapham, Beverly; Queen’s University,
Canada (laphamb@econ.queensu.
ca): 2.4.11
Laplume, Andre; Michigan Technological University, USA (aolaplum@mtu.
edu): 2.2.9
Larsen, Marcus M.; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (mml.smg@ 1.1.7, 1.4.1, 3.3.6
Latukha, Marina; Saint-Petersburg
State University, Russia (marina. 1.5.16
Laudien, Sven M.; Otto von Guericke
University Magdeburg, Germany
( 2.5.13
Lavelle, Jonathan; University of
Limerick, Ireland (jonathan.lavelle@ 1.1.7, 3.4.4
Lawler, John; University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA (jjlawler@ 2.4.2
Lawton, Thomas; Open University,
United Kingdom (thomas.lawton@ 1.1.10
Lazarova, Mila B.; Simon Fraser University, Canada ( 1.4.12,
2.1.2, 2.3.14, 2.4.10, 3.1.3
Le Cottier, Aude; IE Business School,
Spain (
Lebedev, Sergey; University of Texas
at Dallas, USA (sxl123130@utdallas.
edu): 2.2.16
Leblond, Thomas; Z&T Consultants,
Canada (
Lee, Ahreum; Temple University, USA
( 1.5.9,
Lee, Chol; Sogang University, Korea,
South ( 2.4.14,
Lee, Chun-Ling; National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan (d934010005@ 3.1.4
Lee, Hyun-Jung ; London School of
Economics, United Kingdom (h.lee@ 2.2.10, 3.1.1, 3.3.9, 3.4.7
Lee, In Hyeock; Loyola University
Chicago, USA ( 1.1.7
Lee, Jangrho; Korea University, Korea,
South ( 2.3.10
Lee, Jean; China Europe International
Business School, China (jeanlee@ 1.3.4, 2.3.10
Lee, Jeoung Yul; Hongik University,
Korea, South (jeoungyul@hongik. 2.2.8, 3.3.13
Lee, Ji-Hwan; KAIST, Korea, South
2.1.12, 2.4.15
Lee, Jongmin; University of Reading,
United Kingdom ( 2.1.15, 2.4.16
Lee, Khan-Pyo; Sogang University,
Korea, South (khanplee@sogang. 2.3.13
Local Contexts in Global Business
Lee, Meng-Hsiu; National Sun Yatsen University, Taiwan (st87321700@ 3.3.16
Lee, Seung-Hyun; University of Texas
at Dallas, USA (lee.1085@utdallas.
edu): 2.2.8, 2.3.12, 3.3.13
Lee, Yun-Cheol; Korea Aerospace
University, Korea, South (lyc@kau. 2.4.14
Lehmann, Ana Teresa; University of
Porto, Portugal (
Leiblein, Michael; Ohio State University, USA ( 1.1.7
Leih, Sunyoung; University of California, Berkeley, USA (sunyoung.leih@ 1.5.1
Leinemann, Alexander; University of
St. Gallen, Switzerland (alexander. 3.1.16
Lemaire, Jean Paul; ESCP Europe,
France (jplemaire@escpeurope.eup):
Lemanski, Michal; Nottingham University China, China (michal.lemanski@ 2.3.17
Lertkornkitja, Arunee; Stamford
International University, Thailand
( 2.3.7
Lervik, Jon Erland; BI Norwegian Business School, Norway (jon.e.lervik@ 1.1.4
Lessard, Donald ; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, USA
( 1.5.1, Café_2,
Levy, David; University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (david.levy@umb.
edu): 3.4.15
Lew, Yong Kyu ; University of Manchester, United Kingdom (yongkyu. 1.1.16, 3.4.11
Lewellyn, Krista; University of Wyoming, USA (
Lewin, Arie Y.; Duke University, USA
( 1.3.9, 3.1.15
Li, Chengguang ; University of Paderborn, Germany (
de): 1.5.12
Li, Dan; Indiana University, USA (lid@ 2.1.3
Li, Jiatao; Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Hong Kong,
SAR-PRC ( 2.1.8, 2.2.12,
2.3.15, 2.5.9
Li, Jing; Simon Fraser University, Canada ( 1.3.6, 3.3.9
Li, Jizhong; Curtin University, Australia
( 1.1.4
Li, Lei; Nottingham University China,
China (
Li, Lin; Nottingham University China,
China (
Li, Longzhen; Hongik University, China
( 2.4.13
Li, Peixin; Central University of Finance
and Economics, China ( 2.1.8
Li, Peter Ping; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (
Li, Qian; Shanghai International Studies University, China (rubiali@163.
com): 1.1.5
Li, Sali; University of South Carolina,
USA ( 2.3.11
Li, Wei; University of Sydney, Australia
( 3.3.13
Li, Yi ; Australian National University,
Australia ( 1.1.9,
Li, Yu-Ying; Taiwan Research Institute,
Taiwan ( 3.3.11
Li, Zhuojun; Peking University, China
( 3.4.13
Li, Zijie; University of International
Business and Economics, China
( 2.5.15
Liang, Xingkun; University of Cambridge, China (
Liang, Xueji Jessie; National University of Singapore, Singapore
( 3.3.10
Liang, Yung-Kuei; Tatung University,
Taiwan ( 2.2.13
Liao, Yuan; University of New South
Wales, Australia (yuan.liao@unsw. 1.4.12, 2.3.13
Liao, Ziqi; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (victor@ 3.4.14
Liaw, Yuann-Jun; Hungkuang University, Taiwan (
tw): 2.5.5
Librowicz, Michel ; Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada (librowicz. 2.3.7, 3.3.7
Liesch, Peter W.; University of
Queensland, Australia (p.liesch@ 1.4.4, 1.5.5, 2.2.11
Lim, Chaisung; Konkuk University,
Korea, South (edisonfoot@gmail.
com): 3.4.14
Lim, Mihee; KAIST, Korea, South
( 2.4.15
Lim, Shawn; Columbia Law School,
USA ( 3.4.3
Lima, Alexandre Oliveira; Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil ( 1.1.13
Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun; National Chengchi
University, Taiwan (yehyunln@nccu. 3.1.8
Lin, Chieh-Yu; Chang Jung Christian
University, Taiwan (jylin@mail.cjcu. 1.1.16, 2.4.13
Lin, Nidthida; University of Newcastle,
Australia (
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Lin, Shu-Jou; National Taiwan Normal
University, Taiwan (
tw): 1.5.16
Lin, Te-Yi; Tatung University, Taiwan
( 3.3.14
Lin, Xiaohua; Ryerson University, Canada ( 0.4, 3.4.6
Lin, Ya-Hui; Research Institute for the
Humanities and Social Sciences,
National Science Council, Taiwan
( 2.3.14
Lindner, Thomas; WU Vienna, Austria
( 3.3.6
Lindorfer, Robert; WU Vienna, Austria
( 1.5.14,
Lindsay, Valerie J. ; University of
Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates (valerielindsay@uowdubai. 2.4.10, 2.5.13, 3.1.13
Lindstrand, Angelika; Stanford University/Stockholm School of Economics,
Sweden (
Linhares, João Paulo; FGV-EAESP, Brazil ( 3.1.6
Linz, Tanja; University of Bayreuth,
Germany (
Lirio, Pamela ; EDHEC Business
School, France (pamela.lirio@edhec.
edu): 2.1.3
Lisboa, Ana Catarina Cadima; IPL/
ESTG, Portugal (ana.lisboa@ipleiria.
pt): 2.4.9
Liu, Chang ; University of International
Business and Economics, China
( 2.5.15
Liu, Hsiao Wen; National Chengchi
University, Taiwan (kittylin@ms1.url. 1.5.13
Liu, Leigh Anne; Georgia State University, USA ( 1.1.1, 2.2.13
Liu, Ling; University of Edinburgh ,
United Kingdom (
Liu, Matthew T.; University of Macau,
Macau ( 1.3.14,
Liu, Mingkun; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China (helenliu. 2.2.8
Liu, Qing; University of International
Business and Economics, China
( 1.5.10
Liu, Runjuan; University of Alberta,
Canada (
Liu, Shichang; Tsinghua University,
China (
Liu, Xiaohui; Loughborough University,
United Kingdom (
Liu, Yang; University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (yang_liu2011@ 2.4.9
Liu, Ying; Florida International University, USA ( 2.3.6
Liu, Yunlong; East China University
of Science and Technology, China
( 3.4.13
Livanis, Grigorios; Northeastern
University, USA (
Lloyd, Peter E.; Peter Lloyd Associates,
United Kingdom (peter@peter-lloyd. 3.3.7
Lo, Carlos W.H.; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 3.1.8
Loewenthal, Neli Kouneva; George
Washington University, USA (nelik@ 2.3.16, 2.4.16
Lojacono, Gabriella; Bocconi University, Italy (gabriella.lojacono@ 2.2.5
Lopez, Luis; INCAE, Costa Rica (luis. 1.1.12
Lorenz, Melanie; University of
Alabama, USA (mplorenz@crimson. 2.3.13
Lorenzen, Mark; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (mark@cbs.
dk): 2.2.1
Low, Soo-Wah; National University of
Malaysia, Malaysia (swlow@ukm.
my): 1.5.14
Lu, Jane; University of Melbourne,
Australia (
0.3, 2.5.12, 3.1.2, 3.3.10
Lu, Ruosi; University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom (lxr801@bham. 1.5.10
Lu, Zhenyan; Industrial and Commerce
Bank of China, China (lvzhenyan@ 3.4.11
Luan, Chin-jung; National Dong Hwa
University, Taiwan (cjluan@mail. 1.1.15
Lundan, Sarianna; University of
Bremen, Germany (s.lundan@ 0.3, 2.3.2
Luo, Lingli; Chinese University of
Hong Kong, China (lingliluo@baf. 2.2.14
Luo, Yadong; University of Miami, USA
( 2.4.4
LuongBuu, HoangAnh; Nottingham
Trent University, United Kingdom
( 1.5.13
Lupton, Nathaniel Curtis; Fordham
University, USA (nlupton@fordham.
edu): 1.3.13
Ma, Alyson; University of San Diego,
USA ( 2.1.5
Ma, Daw; Chung-Hua Institution for
Economic Research, Taiwan (daw_ 1.4.14, 3.3.11
Ma, Eric; Neusoft, Canada: 2.1.2
Ma, Jieqiong; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 1.1.5, 2.1.16
Ma, Li; Peking University, China
( 2.3.16
Ma, Xufei; Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (xufei@ 3.4.9
Maak, Thomas; ESADE Business
School, Spain (thomas.maak@ 1.1.5, 1.4.16
Madhavan, Ravi; University of Pittsburgh, USA (rmadhavan@katz.pitt.
edu): 2.3.15
Madhok, Anoop; York University,
Canada (amadhok@schulich.yorku.
ca): 1.4.16, 2.4.1, 3.3.8
Magelssen, Catherine; Rutgers
University, USA (catiem@pegasus. 2.2.8
Magnusson, Peter; Florida International University, USA (pmagnuss@ 1.3.7, 3.4.12
Maher, Amro; Qatar University, Qatar
( 1.3.14
Maignan, Isabelle; Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Netherlands ( 3.1.8
Majocchi, Antonio ; University of
Pavia, Italy (antonio.majocchi@unipv.
it): 1.4.10, 2.5.1, 3.1.5
Mak, Carry; University of Macau, Macau ( 1.4.14
Makhija, Anil; Ohio State University,
Makhija, Mona; Ohio State University,
2.5.15, 3.4.10
Makino, Shige; Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
1.1.7, 1.2, 1.5.15, 3.4.9
Makovec Brencic, Maja; University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia (maja.makovec@ 1.4.11, 2.5.5
Maksimov, Vladislav; University of
Miami, USA (vmaksimov@bus. 2.4.4
Malik, Tariq H.; Dongbei University of
Finance & Economics, China ( 3.3.11
Mallon, Mark; Old Dominion University, USA ( 3.1.16
Maloney, Mary; University of St
Thomas, USA ( 1.1.1
Mamun, Khawaja A.; Sacred Heart
University, USA ( 2.4.13
Mani, Deepa ; Indian School of
Business, India (deepa_mani@isb.
edu): 2.1.5
Manning, Stephan; University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (stephan. 1.1.9, 3.4.15
Manolova, Tatiana S.; Bentley University, USA (tmanolova@bentley.
edu): 2.4.4
Manos, Ronny; College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
( 2.2.4
Manotas, Eva Cristina; Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
( 1.5.4
Mansi, Sattar; University of South
Florida, USA ( 0.5
Mansson, Sebastian; University of
Gothenburg, Sweden (sebastian. 2.2.13
Marano, Valentina; Northeastern
University, USA (valentina.marano@ 3.3.14
Marcon, Rosilene; UNIVALI, Brazil
( 3.1.6
Mardiasmo, Diaswati ; Queensland
University of Technology, Australia
( 2.5.13
Marques, Rogerio ; York University,
Canada (rmarques@schulich.yorku.
ca): 1.4.16
Marshall, Victor B.; Kennesaw State
University, USA ( 1.1.14
Martin, Silvia; Lynchburg College, USA
( 1.4.13
Maseland, Robbert; Groningen
University, Netherlands ( 2.5.6
Mas-Ruiz, Francisco José; University
of Alicante, Spain (francisco.mas@ 1.1.14, 3.4.2
Massini, Silvia; University of Manchester, United Kingdom (silvia. 3.1.15
Mata, Jose; Nova School of Business
and Economics, Portugal (jmata@ 1.1.15, 1.5.10
Mataloni, Jr., Raymond; U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis, USA (raymond. 2.3.3
Mathews, Shane; Queensland University of Technology, Australia (sw. 1.1.13
Matos Torres, Miguel; Universidade
de Aveiro, Portugal (miguel.torres@ 1.4.1, 3.1.11
Matysiak, Lars; Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany (research@ 1.4.1, 1.5.8
Mayrhofer, Ulrike; IAE Lyon, France
1.1.11, 1.3.11, 2.1.14
McDermott, Gerald; University of
South Carolina, USA ( 2.1.6
McDonald, Michael; University of
Texas at San Antonio, USA (michael. 1.4.12
McDougall-Covin, Patricia P.; Indiana
University, USA (mcdougal@indiana.
edu): 2.3.4, 2.4.1, 2.5.13
Mcguinness, Martina; University of
Sheffield, United Kingdom ( 2.3.16
McKenna, Mark; Hult International
Business School, USA ( 1.4.5
McKenzie, Michael ; University of
Liverpool, United Kingdom (michael. 1.5.7
McNamee, Robert ; Temple University,
USA (robert.mcnamee@temple.
edu): 3.3.15
Mees-Buss, Jacqueline ; University of
Sydney, Australia (jacquelinemees@ 3.1.15, 3.3.10
Mellahi, Kamel; Warwick Business
School, United Kingdom (kamel. 1.1.10, 1.5.11, 2.1.15
Melo, Luisa Fernanda; Bentley
University, USA (melo_luis@bentley.
edu): 1.5.6
Mendenhall, Mark E.; University of
Tennessee, USA ( 2.3.10
Meng, Chunlei; Central University
of Finance and Economics, China
( 3.3.14
Merchant, Hemant; University of
South Florida, USA (hmerchant@ 3.1.16
Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio;
Politecnico di Bari, Italy (ampetru@ 2.4.5
Meuer, Johannes W.; University of Zurich, Switzerland (johannes.meuer@ 3.1.9
Meyer, Klaus; China Europe International Business School, China
( 0.7, 0.7, 2.3.5,
Meyer, Marshall; University of Pennsylvania, USA (meyer@wharton. 1.1.2
Mezias, John; University of Miami,
USA ( 2.4.2
Mihailova, Irina; Aalto University, Finland ( 1.4.16
Mikhailova, Ekaterina; NRU Higher
School of Economics, Russia (kat. 2.3.6
Mileski, Joan P.; Texas A&M University,
USA ( 2.1.3
Miller, Stewart; University of Texas at
San Antonio, USA (stewart.miller@ 1.4.12, 2.2.15
Miller, Toyah L.; Indiana University,
USA ( 1.4.11
Milliot, Eric; University of Poitiers,
France (emilliot@iae.univ-poitiers.
fr): 3.4.16
Minbaeva, Dana ; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (dm.smg@ 2.4.15, 3.3.8, 3.4.4
Mingo, Santiago; Universidad Adolfo
Ibanez, Chile (santiago.mingo@ 2.1.5
Mirza, Hafiz; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
Switzerland (Hafiz.Mirza@unctad.
org): 1.3.2, 2.3.2
Misani, Nicola; Bocconi University,
Italy (nicola.misani@unibocconi.
it): 2.2.5
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar; Indian Institute of Management Indore, India
( 3.3.2
Miska, Christof; WU Vienna, Austria
( 3.4.7
Mitchell, Matthew Coy; Drake University, USA (matthew.mitchell@drake.
edu): 0.4, 2.2.7, 2.3.12
Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi; Keio University,
Japan (
Mitsuhata, Masahiro ; Arysta
LifeScience Corporation, Japan (masahiro.mitsuhata@arystalifescience.
com): 1.4.5
Mochimaru, Kuniko; Josai University,
Japan (
Moebus, Sebastian; EBS Business
School, Germany ( 1.4.14
Moeller, Miriam; University of
Queensland, Australia (m.moeller@ 1.4.12
Mohan, Mukund; Microsoft, India
( 3.4.1
Mohiuddin, Muhammad; Laval
University, Canada (muhammad. 3.1.15
Mohr, Alex; University of Kent, United
Kingdom ( 2.5.8
Mol, Michael ; Warwick Business
School, United Kingdom (michael. 3.3.8
Molteni, Mario; Catholic University of
Milan, Italy (mario.molteni@unicatt.
it): 3.1.8
Monaghan, Sinead; University of Limerick, Ireland (sinead.monaghan@ 1.1.7
Mondal, Arindam; Indian Institute of
Management, Calcutta, India ( 2.1.9
Monin, Philippe; EMLYON, France
( 1.4.14, 2.5.14
Monteiro, Felipe; INSEAD, France
( 1.4.3,
2.1.9, 2.2.1, 3.1.5
Monteiro Junior, Jose Luciano; Edmonton Transit System, Canada (luciano. 1.1.13
Monticelli, Jefferson Marlon; UNISINOS, Brazil (jeffmarlon@hotmail.
com): 3.3.13
Moon, Hwy-Chang; Seoul National
University, Korea, South (cmoon. 1.5.1, 2.3.1, 2.4.14
Moon, Jon Jungbien; Korea University,
Korea, South (jonjmoon@korea. 2.4.11
Moon, Yong-Lin; Seoul National University, Korea, South (moon@plaza. 3.1.8
Local Contexts in Global Business
Moore, Fiona ; Royal Holloway, United
Kingdom (
2.4.13, 3.1.1, 3.3.4
Morales, Francisco; University of
Colorado-Boulder, USA (francisco. 2.1.5
Morbe, Lukas; Trier University, Germany ( 2.4.8
Morris, Shad; Brigham Young University, USA ( 3.1.5
Mors, Marie Louise; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (lm. 1.4.12
Mosakowski, Elaine; Purdue University, USA (
Moschieri, Caterina; IE Business
School, Spain (caterina.moschieri@ 3.3.9
Mudambi, Ram; Temple University,
USA ( 1.3.2,
1.4.3, 1.5.3, 2.2.1, Café_3
Mudambi, Susan; Temple University,
Mueller, Marc; University of St.Gallen,
Switzerland (marc.mueller@unisg.
ch): 3.4.15
Mughan, Terry; University of Victoria,
Canada ( 3.4.7
Mugurusi, Godfrey; Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Norway (godfrey.mugurusi@iot.ntnu.
no): 3.4.15
Mukumbi, Kudzai ; Michigan State
University, USA (mukumbik@msu.
edu): 1.3.5
Munjal, Surender; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (smu@lubs.leeds. 1.4.1
Muralidharan, Etayankara; MacEwan
University, Canada (muralidharane@ 2.2.9
Murray, Janet Y.; University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA (murrayjan@umsl.
edu): 1.4.14, 2.2.2
Musacchio, Aldo; Harvard Business
School, USA (amusacchio@hbs.
edu): 3.3.5, 3.4.3
Mustafa, Michael; University of
Nottingham - Malaysia, Malaysia
my): 3.1.8
Musteen, Martina ; San Diego State
University, USA (mmusteen@mail. 1.3.9, 1.4.10, 2.2.5, 3.1.13
Mutlu, Berna; University of Florida,
USA (berna.mutlu@warrington.ufl.
edu): 3.3.16
Mutlu, Canan Canbulat; University of
Texas at Dallas, USA (cxm101020@ 1.3.16, 2.3.16
Muzychenko, Olga; University of Adelaide, Australia (olga.muzychenko@ 1.5.5
Nachum, Lilach; City University New
York, USA (lilach.nachum@baruch. 2.1.1, 3.3.2
Nair, Smitha; University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom (s.nair@sheffield. 2.1.15, 2.3.17
Nair, Sudhir; University of Victoria,
Canada ( 2.2.17
Nandkumar, Anand; Indian School of
Business, India ( 1.4.6
Naoumova, Irina; University of
Hartford, USA (naoumova@hartford.
edu): 3.1.8
Navrbjerg, Steen Erik; University of
Copenhagen, Denmark (sen@faos.
dk): 2.4.15
Nebus, James; Suffolk University, USA
( 1.1.8, 2.3.14,
Nell, Phillip C. ; WU Wien & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (pcn. 1.4.14, 2.1.8, 2.3.8, 3.3.3
Nellemann, Camilla; Rikkyo University,
Japan (camillanellemann@gmail.
com): 1.1.8
Nelson, Michelle; University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, USA ( 1.4.7
Nerkar, Atul; UNC Chapel Hill, USA
( 2.3.17
Newburry, William; Florida International University, USA (newburry@ 0.4, 1.5.8, 2.3.5, 2.5.15
Ng, Frank W.; Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 2.2.16
Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh; Open University, United Kingdom (michael. 1.3.14
Nguyen, Dang Thi Hong; Yonsei University, Vietnam (hongnguyen1301@ 2.3.16
Nguyen, Huy; University of Texas at
Dallas, USA (hxn130630@utdallas.
edu): 2.2.14
Nguyen, Quyen; University of Reading, United Kingdom (t.k.q.nguyen@ 3.3.3, 3.4.12
Nicholson, John David; University of
Hull, United Kingdom ( 3.1.13
Nicholson, Rekha; University of Bath,
United Kingdom (
Niehoff, Lisa; Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (lisa.niehoff@jku.
at): 1.3.14
Nielsen, Bo Bernhard; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (bn. 2.5.4
Nielsen, Sabina; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (
dk): 2.5.4
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Nippa, Michael; Technical University
Freiberg, Germany ( 2.5.14
Nitsche, Daniela; Deggendorf Institute
of Technology, Germany (daniela.
Niu, Andy C.; University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC ( 1.4.6
Njinyah, Sam Zisuh ; University of
Wales Trinity Saint David , United
Kingdom (1202655@student.tsd. 1.3.14
Nogueira, Caroline Mendonca; UFLA,
Brazil: 3.4.16
Noh, Ki Bum ; University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign, USA (kibum. 3.1.15
Noorderhaven, Niels; Tilburg University, Netherlands (n.g.noorderhaven@ 3.1.11
Nugraha, Albert; Macquarie University, Australia (albert.nugraha@ 1.3.14
Nummela, Niina; University of Turku,
Finland (
Nunes, Moema Pereira; PUCRS , Brazil
( 2.4.15
Nyland, Chris; Monash University,
Australia (chris.nyland@buseco. 2.2.13
Obadia, Claude; ESCE, Paris, France
( 3.4.2
Ochinowski, Tomasz; Warsaw University, Poland (ochinto@mail.wz.uw. 3.1.8
Ochome, Everlyne Awuor ; Catholic
University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
( 3.4.13
O’Donnell, Edward; Columbus State
University, USA (odonnell_edward@ 1.1.14
Oehme, Marie; University of Mannheim, Germany (oehme@bwl. 1.5.13
Oehmichen, Jana; Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany (jana.
de): 3.3.6
Oetzel, Jennifer; American University,
USA ( 0.3,
1.4.2, 2.3.8
Ogasavara, Mario Henrique; ESPM-SP,
Brazil (mario.ogasavara@espm.
br): 3.3.14
Oh, Chang Hoon; Simon Fraser
University, Canada (
1.4.2, 3.3.13
Ojode, Lucy; Texas Southern University, USA ( 2.2.12
O’Kane, Paula Marie; University of
Otago, New Zealand (paula.okane@ 2.2.7
Okimoto, Tyler; University of
Queensland, Australia (t.okimoto@ 1.4.12
Oldroyd, James; Ohio State University,
USA ( 3.1.5
Olie, Rene; Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands (rolie@rsm.
nl): 2.4.14, 3.4.5
Oliveira, Marcelle Colares; Federal
University of Ceara, Brazil ( 1.1.16
Oliveira dos Santos, Igor; HEC Montréal, Canada ( 2.5.11
Orinda, Meshack ; Moi University,
Kenya (
Osegowitsch, Tom; University of
Melbourne, Australia (ot@unimelb. 1.1.12, 2.5.8
Osiyevskyy, Oleksiy; University of Calgary, Canada (oosiyevs@ucalgary.
ca): 1.5.13, 2.3.6
Osland, Joyce; San Jose State University, USA (
2.3.10, 3.4.7
Oxelheim, Lars; University of Lund,
Sweden (
1.5.14, 2.1.12, 2.3.11
Ozbek, Nurgul; Stockholm School of
Economics, Sweden (nurgul.ozbek@ 1.5.13
Ozbek, Orhan Volkan; University of
Texas at Arlington, USA (orhan. 3.1.16
Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Eriikka
Johanna; Turku School of Economics,
Finland ( 2.5.13
Pacheco, Rachel ; University of Pennsylvania, USA (rpacheco@wharton. 2.3.17
Paik, Yongsun; Loyola Marymount
University, USA (
Paisley, Varina; UNSW, Australia ( 2.2.7
Pak, Yong Suhk ; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (
2.2.15, 3.1.14
Palmer, Ian; RMIT University, Australia
( 3.1.8
Pan, Alan Jerry; Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia (alan.pan@ 3.3.16
Pan, David W.; Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia (davidwpan1@gmail.
com): 3.3.16
Pan , Yigang ; York University , Canada
( 1.5.15
Pananond, Pavida; Thammasat University, Thailand (
th): 1.4.16, 2.2.8
Panibratov, Andrei; Saint-Petersburg
State University, Russia ( 1.5.16
Papaioannou, Stylianos; Mid Sweden
University, Sweden ( 2.3.4
Parente, Ronaldo; Florida International
University, USA (
1.5.8, 2.1.9, 3.4.12
Park, Byung Il; Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies, Korea, South ( 1.1.16
Park, Chansoo; Memorial University
of Newfoundland, Canada (cpark@ 1.4.8, 3.3.11
Park, Kyung Min; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (kminpark@yonsei. 2.3.16
Park, Sam; China Europe International
Business School, China (spark@ Café_1, 1.1.10, 2.4.4
Park, Taekyung ; Yeungnam University, Korea, South (
Park, Young-Ryeol; Yonsei University,
Korea, South (
Parkes, Michael; Feng Chia University,
Canada (mikeparkes1976@gmail.
com): 3.1.16
Parra, Gabriel; Stanford University,
USA ( 1.1.13
Parreño-Selva, Josefa; University of
Alicante, Spain ( 1.1.14
Patel, Charmi; University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom (charmi.patel@ 2.5.10
Pathak, Saurav; Michigan Technological University, USA (sauravp@mtu.
edu): 2.2.9
Pathak, Seemantini; University of
Houston, USA (
Pattnaik, Chinmay; University of Sydney, Australia (chinmay.pattnaik@ 2.3.16
Pavlovich, Kathryn; University of
Waikato, New Zealand (kpav@ 2.3.6
Peacock, Tanya Andrea; University of
Hawaii at Manoa, USA (peacock4@ 2.3.14
Pedersen, Torben; Bocconi University,
Italy (torben.pedersen@unibocconi.
it): 0.2, 1.1.7, 2.1.8, 3.3.13
Peeters, Carine; Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Belgium (carine.peeters@ 1.3.9, 3.1.15
Pehrsson, Anders; Linnaeus University, Sweden (anders.pehrsson@lnu.
se): 1.5.15, 3.3.15
Pekerti, Andre A.; University of
Queensland, Australia (a.pekerti@ 1.4.12
Peltokorpi, Vesa Matti ; Japan
Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Japan (vesap@jaist. 1.3.1, 2.1.4, 2.2.10, 2.3.9, 2.5.16
Peng, Mike W.; University of Texas at
Dallas, USA (mikepeng@utdallas.
edu): 1.3.16, 2.2.16
Peng, Yu-Shu; National Dong Hwa
University, Taiwan (yspeng@mail. 3.4.10
Pereira, Vijay Edward; University of
Portsmouth, United Kingdom (vijay. 1.1.4, 2.2.15
Peretz, Hilla; ORT Braude College,
Israel ( 2.3.14
Perez-Aleman, Paola; McGill University, Canada (paola.perez-aleman@ 3.4.13
Pesakovic, Gordana; Argosy University, USA ( 2.3.7
Pesch, Robin Nico; University of
Bayreuth, Germany (robin.pesch@ 1.4.12, 2.3.9
Pestonjee, Daanish; University of
Arkansas, USA (dpestonjee@walton. 1.1.12
Petersen, Bent; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (
1.4.11, 2.4.17, 3.3.8
Phene, Anupama; George Washington
University, USA (anuphene@gwu.
edu): 1.1.3, 3.3.8
Piantoni, Mariella; University of
Bergamo, Italy (mariella.piantoni@ 1.5.16
Piaskowska, Dorota; University
College Dublin, Ireland (dorota. 1.3.8
Picot-Coupey, Karine; University of
Reading , France ( 2.5.5
Piekkari, Rebecca; Aalto University,
Finland (
0.3, 1.3.1, 2.1.4, 2.2.4, 2.3.11
Pietrobelli, Carlo; Interamerican
Development Bank, USA (carlop@ 1.1.9
Pillai, Kishore Gopalakrishna; Aston
University, United Kingdom (k.pillai@ 2.3.17
Pinkham, Brian C.; Ivey Business
School, Canada (
1.3.8, 2.4.17
Pisani, Niccolo; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (n.pisani@uva.
nl): 1.1.3
Piscitello, Lucia; Politecnico di Milano,
Italy (
1.4.16, 2.4.5
Pitelis, Christos; University of Bath,
United Kingdom ( 0.3, 1.5.3
Pla-Barber, Jose; University of Valencia, Spain ( 0.4,
3.3.8, 3.4.2
Pless, Nicola Manuela; ESADE Business School, Spain (nicola.pless@ 1.1.5
Pornpitakpan, Chanthika; University
of Macau, China (ynvynv@gmail.
com): 1.3.7
Porschitz, Emily; Keene State College,
Powell, K. Skylar; Western Washington University, USA (skylar.powell@ 1.3.15
Prashantham, Shameen; Nottingham
University China, China (shameen.
2.3.17, 2.4.1, 2.5.3, 3.4.1
Prescott, John; University of Pittsburgh,
USA ( 1.1.6
Prior, Geri; ICBC, Canada (geri.prior@ 2.2.2
Procasky, William ; Texas A&M International University, USA ( 1.4.15
Pronobis, Paul; Free University of Berlin, Germany (ppronobis@campus. 2.3.11
Pu, Xiaoyu; SUNY Oswego, USA
( 2.4.14
Puck, Jonas; WU Vienna, Austria
( 2.1.11, 2.2.4,
3.1.6, 3.3.6
Pudelko, Markus; Tuebingen University, Germany (markus.pudelko@ 1.5.12, 2.1.4, 2.3.14
Puffer , Sheila; Northeatern University
, USA ( 1.3.6,
Puig, Francisco; University of Valencia,
Spain ( 2.3.4
Puri, Manas ; University of Rome ‘Tor
Vergata’, Italy (puri@economia. 3.3.5
Purkayastha, Saptarshi ; Indian
Institute of Management Kozhikode,
India ( 2.4.4,
2.5.12, 3.4.12
Puslecki, Lukasz; Poznan University of
Economics, Poland ( 0.4
Puthusserry, Pushyarag; Queen’s
University Belfast, United Kingdom
( 2.5.3
Putzhammer, Paul Moritz; WU Vienna,
Austria (
at): 2.1.11
Qian, Gong-ming; Chinese University
of Hong-Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
Qin, Yiqiong; East China University
of Science and Technology, China
( 3.4.13
Qu, Zhe; Fudan University, China
( 1.4.6
Rabbiosi, Larissa; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark ( 1.3.11
Rabellotti, Roberta; Università di
Pavia, Italy (roberta.rabellotti@gmail.
com): 1.1.9
Raghunath, S.; Indian Institute of
Management Bangalore, India ( 0.4, 2.2.3, 3.4.1
Raghunath, Usha; Wipro Ltd., India
( 2.2.3
Rahman, Manzur; University of San
Diego, USA (rahman@sandiego.
edu): 1.3.10
Rajwani, Tazeeb; Cranfield University,
United Kingdom (tazeeb.rajwani@ 1.1.10, 1.4.9
Ralston, David A.; Florida International
University, USA (
Ramachandran, Indu; Texas State
University, USA (
Ramamurti, Ravi; Northeastern University, USA (
1.5.2, 2.5.4, 3.2
Raman, Revti; Victoria University of
Wellington, New Zealand (revti. 2.4.10, 3.4.15
Rammal, Hussain; University of
South Australia, Australia (hussain. 2.1.13, 2.2.3,
3.1.12, 3.3.13
Ramos, Miguel; University of Texas,
El Paso, USA (maramosgonzalez@ 3.3.5
Ramsey, Jase; University of Alabama,
USA ( 2.3.13
Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Aalborg
University, Denmark ( 2.4.17
Randoy, Trond; University of Agder,
Norway ( 2.3.11
Randrianasolo, Arilova A.; Saint Louis
University, USA (
Rashad, Shaleen; Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
( 2.4.10
Rasheed, Abdul; University of Texas
at Arlington, USA (
Rask, Morten; Aarhus University,
Denmark ( 2.5.13
Raskovic, Matevz; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (matevz.raskovic@ 1.4.11, 2.5.5
Ratner, Mitchell ; Rider University, USA
( 1.4.15
Ravlin, Elizabeth C.; University of
South Carolina, USA (ravlin@moore. 1.4.12
Ray, Sougata; Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India (sougata@ 2.1.9
Ray, Suparna; University of Exeter,
United Kingdom (
Local Contexts in Global Business
Reade, Carol; San Jose State University, USA (
1.4.5, 3.3.9
Reddy, Rama Krishna ; University of
Memphis, USA (rreddy1@memphis.
edu): 2.1.16, 2.3.15
Reeb, David; National University of
Singapore , Singapore (bizdmr@nus. 0.5, 2.4.3
Régnier, Philippe; Swiss Management School Fribourg, Switzerland
( 1.4.13
Reiche, B. Sebastian; IESE, Spain
( 2.3.10, 3.1.3
Reinmoeller, Patrick; Cranfield University, United Kingdom (patrick. 3.1.9
Reis, Ricardo Pereira; UFLA, Brazil
( 2.2.17
Ren, Monica; Macquarie University,
Australia (
Reuer, Jeffrey; Purdue University, USA
( 0.5, 2.4.8
Reynolds, Kristy E. ; University of
Alabama, USA (kreynolds@cba. 1.4.7
Ribeiro, Fernanda ; University Center
of FEI, Brazil (
1.1.13, 2.4.17
Ricart, Joan Enric; IESE, Spain ( 1.1.3
Richards, Malika; Pennsylvania State
University, USA (
2.1.3, 2.2.2
Richter, Ulf-Henning; Nottingham
University China, China (ulf.richter@ 1.3.3, 1.4.5
Riviere, Monica Ileana ; Skema Business School , France (monicaileana. 3.3.15
Rizeanu, Sorin; University of Victoria,
Canada ( 1.3.16
Rizzetto, Patrick ; Bank of Canada,
Canada (
Roberts, Michael; MacEwan University, Canada (robertsm35@macewan.
ca): 2.1.12, 2.2.13
Robertson, Christopher; Northeastern
University, USA (c.robertson@neu.
edu): 3.3.13
Robinson, Nick; North Island College,
Canada (
2.3.7, 3.3.7
Robinson, Patricia (Tish); Hitotsubashi
University ICS, Japan (probinson@ 2.3.16
Robson, Paul ; Royal Holloway, United
Kingdom (
Rodrigo, Padmali; Northumbria University, United Kingdom (padmali. 3.3.16
Rodrigues, Suzana; Rotterdam School
of Management, Netherlands
( 3.1.9
Rodriguez, Alicia ; University Carlos III
of Madrid, Spain (alicia.rodriguez@ 2.1.5
Rodriguez, Carlos Adrian; McGill
University, Costa Rica ( 1.1.7, 2.2.5
Roehl, Thomas; Western Washington
University, USA (tom.roehl@wwu.
edu): 2.2.10
Rogbeer, Shalini; Goethe University
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany ( 1.1.3
Rohrlack, Christian; Sauer Danfoss,
Germany (
Roldan, Malu; San Jose State University, USA (
Rolfe, Robert J.; University of SouthCarolina, USA (
Rose, Elizabeth L. ; University of
Otago and Aalto University School of
Business, New Zealand (elizabeth. 0.4, 2.2.3, 2.4.1,
2.5.13, 3.1.7
Rottig, Daniel; Florida Gulf Coast
University, USA (
1.5.8, 2.3.16, 2.4.6, 2.5.6
Roxas, Banjo; Deakin University,
Australia (
au): 3.4.15
Rudy, Bruce; University of Texas at
San Antonio, USA (bruce.rudy@utsa.
edu): 2.2.15
Ruel, Huub; Windesheim University,
Netherlands (hjm.ruel@windesheim.
nl): 1.4.9, 2.2.12
Rufin, Carlos; Suffolk University, USA
( 2.4.16
Rugman, Alan; University of Reading,
United Kingdom (a.rugman@henley. 0.7, 1.5.1, 3.3.3
Rui, Huaichuan; University of London,
United Kingdom (huaichuan.rui@ 2.3.17
Ruiz-Conde, Enar; University of Alicante, Spain ( 1.1.14
Ruiz-Gutierrez , Jaime Alberto;
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
( 3.1.8
Rumelt, Richard P.; UCLA, USA: 1.2
Rumyantseva, Maria; University of
Sydney, Australia ( 2.5.13
Rustambekov, Elzotbek; Bryant University, USA (erustambekov@bryant.
edu): 2.1.14
Rutledge, Daniel ; University of Lethbridge, Canada (daniel.rutledge@ 1.4.7
Rutti, Raina M.; Dalton State College,
USA ( 2.3.13
Rygh, Asmund; BI Norwegian
Business School, Norway (asmund. 2.2.17
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Sabac, Florin; University of Alberta,
Canada ( 1.3.10
Sadrieh, Farid; Quinnipiac University,
Safari, Arsalan; MIT, USA (asafari@ 3.4.6
Sailer, Miriam; EBS Business School,
Germany (miriam.sailer@students. 2.5.15
Saka-Helmhout, Ayse; Radboud University, Netherlands ( 1.1.4
Sakakibara, Mariko; University of California, Los Angeles, USA (mariko. 0.2
Sala, Davide; University of Southern
Denmark, Denmark (dsala@sam. 2.5.13
Salaber, Julie; Richmond University,
United Kingdom (julie.salaber@ 2.5.8
Saleh, Sabrina; University of South
Carolina , USA (sabrina.saleh@grad. 1.3.16
Salomon, Robert; New York University,
USA ( 0.2
Salzmann, Astrid Juliane; RWTH
Aachen University, Germany (astrid.
Sama, Linda M.; St. John’s University,
USA ( 1.4.5
Samiee, Saeed; University of Tulsa,
Sammartino, Andre; University of Melbourne, Australia (samma@unimelb. 1.1.12, 2.5.8
Sanchez-Mangas, Rocio ; Universidad
Autonoma de Madrid, Spain (rocio. 3.4.4
Sandberg, Susanne; Linnaeus University, Sweden (susanne.sandberg@ 1.1.14
Santacreu-Vasut, Estefania ; ESSEC,
France (estefania.santacreu@gmail.
com): 1.1.15, 2.2.4
Santalo, Juan; IE Business School,
Spain ( 2.2.17
Santangelo, Grazia D.; University of
Catania, Italy (
1.3.11, 2.4.4, 3.3.5, 3.4.12
Santiso, Javier; ESADE Business
School, Spain (javier.santiso@esade.
edu): 3.1.12
Sarabi, Almasa; Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany ( 2.4.10
Sarathy, Ravi; Northeastern University,
USA ( 1.5.2
Sauset, Johannes; Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany (johannes.sauset@wiwi.uni-goettingen.
de): 3.3.6
Sauvant, Karl P.; Columbia University,
USA ( 1.1.2,
Café_2, 2.5.2, 3.4.3
Savoy, Claudia; FGV-EAESP, Brazil
( 2.5.14
Sawang, Sukanlaya; Queensland
University of Technology, Australia
( 2.5.13
Scalera, Vittoria Giada; Temple
University / Politecnico di Milano,
Italy (vittoriagiada.scalera@polimi.
it): 1.4.16, 2.2.1, 3.4.15
Schaan, Jean-Louis; Ivey Business
School, Canada (jlschaan@ivey.uwo.
ca): 1.4.13, 2.4.5, 2.5.8
Schlegelmilch, Bodo B.; WU Vienna,
Austria (
at): 1.1.14, 1.3.7, 3.3.2
Schmeisser, Bjoern R.; WU Vienna,
Austria (
at): 3.1.15
Schmid, Stefan; ESCP Europe, Germany ( 1.1.15,
1.5.16, 2.3.11
Schmidt, Christian; University of Gothenburg, Sweden (cschmidt.swe@ 2.2.13
Schneid, Matthias; University of
Paderborn, Germany (matthias. 1.5.12
Schneider, Katja; Technical University
Freiberg, Germany (katja.schneider@ 2.5.14
Schneider, Luis Carlos; UNISINOS,
Brazil (
Schotter, Andreas; Ivey Business
School, Canada (aschotter@ivey. 1.4.3, 2.1.13, 3.3.14
Schröder, Philipp; Aarhus University,
Denmark ( 2.5.13
Schueffel, Patrick; School of Management Fribourg, Switzerland (patrick@ 1.4.13
Schuh, Arnold; WU Vienna, Austria
( 1.3.14
Schulte Steinberg, Adrian; University
of St. Gallen, Switzerland (adrian. 3.3.15
Schuster, Tassilo; University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (tassilo. 2.4.10
Schwab, Daniel; Boston University,
USA ( 1.1.15
Schwens, Christian; Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf,
Germany (christian.schwens@hhu.
de): 1.1.11
Sedoglavich, Vesna; Australian National University, Australia (vesna. 2.3.6,
Seifzadeh, Pouya ; Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus,
USA ( 2.1.15,
Sekiguchi, Tomoki; Osaka University,
Japan (
2.2.15, 2.5.16
Sellers-Rubio, Ricardo; University of
Alicante, Spain (ricardo.sellers@ 3.4.2
Selmier II, W. Travis ; Indiana University, USA (
Semenov, Alexey V.; Saint Louis University, USA (
1.4.7, 2.4.12
Seth, Anju; Virginia Tech, USA
( 2.1.11, 2.2.3
Shaffer, Margaret ; University of
Wisconsin, USA (shafferm@uwm.
edu): 3.1.3
Shah, Grishma; Manhattan College,
USA (grishma.shah@manhattan.
edu): 2.3.7
Shao, Liang; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 3.1.6
Shapiro, Daniel; Simon Fraser University, Canada (
0.7, 1.1.2
Shea, Catherine; Northwestern
University, USA (c-shea@kellogg. 3.4.10
Shehu, Edlira; University of Hamburg,
Germany ( 3.1.5
Sheng, Hsia Hua ; FGV-EAESP, Brazil
( 2.3.1, 2.5.11, 3.1.6
Shengeliya, Mikhail; Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland (
Sherman, Kimberly; University of
Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Shi, Weilei (Stone); Baruch College,
CUNY, USA (weilei.shi@baruch.cuny.
edu): 1.1.6
Shi, Yongjiang; University of Cambridge, China (
1.4.14, 2.4.9
Shimizu, Katsuhiko; Keio University,
Japan (
1.4.8, 2.5.15
Shin, Duckjung; Ivey Business School,
Canada ( 2.1.13
Shin, Ho-Wook; University of Texas at
Dallas, USA (hsx123530@utdallas.
edu): 2.2.8
Shin, Ji-Young; Korea University,
Korea, South (
Shin, Mannsoo; Korea University,
Korea, South (
2.3.10, 3.4.8
Shirodkar, Vikrant; University of Sussex, United Kingdom (v.shirodkar@ 1.4.5
Shmuel, Eliad ; University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (eliad. 1.1.9
Shoham, Amir ; Temple University,
1.1.15, 1.3.1, 2.2.4
Sidani, Yusuf; American University
of Beirut, Lebanon (
lb): 3.4.4
Siegel, Jordan; Harvard University,
USA ( 3.1.10
Sihota-Chahil, Juggy; TELUS Corporation, Canada (juggy.sihota@telus.
com): 2.2.2
Siltaoja, Marjo ; University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (
Sinani, Evis; Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark (
Sinding, Knud; University of Southern
Denmark, Denmark (ksi@sam.sdu.
dk): 3.1.8
Singh, Deeksha; Rutgers University,
Singh, Gurneeta Vasudeva; University
of Minnesota, USA (gurneeta@umn.
edu): 2.2.14, 2.4.5
Singh, Nitish; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 1.1.5, 3.3.16
Singhal, Cherry; University of South
Carolina, USA (cherry.singhal@grad. 1.5.14
Sinkovics, Rudolf R.; University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (rudolf. 2.3.4,
3.1.9, 3.4.11
Skarmeas, Dionysis; Athens University of Economics and Business,
Greece ( 2.4.9
Skat-Rørdam, Peter; Universe Foundation, Denmark (psr@universefonden.
dk): 1.5.4
Skousen, Bradley R. ; University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
( 1.3.13, 1.5.3
Slangen, Arjen; RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands (aslangen@rsm.
nl): 2.1.14, 2.2.11
Snell, Robin; Lingnan University, Hong
Kong, SAR-PRC (
Sobh, Rana; Qatar University, Qatar
( 3.3.16
Søderberg, Anne-Marie; Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark (ams. 2.1.13, 2.2.13
Soderman, Sten; Stockholm University,
Sweden ( 1.1.14, 3.4.16
Sofka, Wolfgang; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (ws.smg@ 1.3.16, 2.4.17, 3.1.5
Somers, Dieter; University of Leuven,
Belgium (dieter.somers@kuleuven.
be): 3.3.15
Song, Jaeyong; Seoul National
University, Korea, South (jsong@snu. 0.4
Soni, Amit; University of Delhi, India
( 3.1.14
Soni, Pavan; Indian Institute of
Management Bangalore, India
( 1.3.6
Sonkova, Marketa; Boston University,
USA ( 3.1.4
Sonmez, Maho; UTSA, USA (maho. 2.4.15
Sorgard, Lars; Norwegian School of
Economics, Norway (lars.sorgard@ 1.3.8
Sousa, Carlos M. P.; Durham University, United Kingdom (carlos.sousa@ 1.5.11
Srikanth, Kannan; Indian School of
Business, India (kannan_srikanth@ 1.4.6, 2.1.5
Srinvasan, Narasimhan ; University of
Connecticut, USA (han@sba.uconn.
edu): 3.1.8
Srisuphaolarn, Patnaree; Thammasat
Business School, Thailand ( 3.3.2
Stahl, Günter K.; WU Vienna, Austria
( 1.1.5, 3.3.4,
Stangarone, Troy; Korea Economic
Institute of America , USA (ts@keia.
org): 2.5.2
Stanley, Laura J.; East Carolina University, USA ( 3.3.4
Steel, Piers; University of Calgary,
Canada (piers.steel@haskayne. 2.4.6
Stefanidis, Abraham; St. John’s
University, USA (stefania@stjohns.
edu): 1.4.5
Steinhauer, Ruth; Saarland University,
Germany ( 2.4.14
Stephens, Hugh; Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada/Royal Roads
University, Canada (principal@ 2.5.2
Sternquist, Brenda; Michigan State
University, USA (sternqui@msu.
edu): 1.3.5, 1.5.15, 3.1.10, 3.3.16
Stevens, Charles E.; Lehigh University,
USA ( 2.1.14, 3.3.4
Stucchi, Tamara; Technical University
of Denmark, Denmark (tamst@dtu.
dk): 2.4.4, 3.3.13
Su, Weichieh; National Cheng-Chi
University, Taiwan (weichieh@mail2. 3.4.2
Su, Yong; Fudan University, China
( 1.4.12
Su, Zhan; Laval University, Canada
( 3.1.15
Subramanian, Annapoornima; National University of Singapore, Singapore ( 1.1.8
Suchanek, Lena ; Bank of Canada,
Canada (
Suder, Gabriele; University of Melbourne, Australia (gs.suder@gmail.
com): 3.1.14
Sui, Sui; Ryerson University, Canada
( 1.4.4, 1.5.10
Sujarittanonta, Lavanchawee; University of Calgary, Canada ( 2.3.7
Sular, Sinan; University of Groningen,
Netherlands (sinanasafsular@ 1.3.10
Sun, Francis; Brock University, Canada
( 2.3.12
Sun, Kai; Aston University, United
Kingdom ( 2.5.11
Sun, Li (Sunny); University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA (sunsli@umkc.
edu): 1.1.6
Sun, Meijui; Ming Chuan University,
Taiwan (
2.3.15, 2.5.15
Sun, Pei; Fudan University, China ( 1.4.6, 3.1.10
Surdu, Irina Minodora; University of
Warwick, United Kingdom (phd12is@ 1.5.11
Sutherland, Dylan; Durham University,
United Kingdom (dylan.sutherland@ 2.3.3, 2.5.4, 3.1.12
Swoboda, Bernhard; Trier Univeristy,
Germany (b.swoboda@uni-trier.
de): 2.4.8
Syvrud, Kelsey; Florida State University, USA ( 3.1.13,
Szuecs, Florian; DIW Berlin, Germany
( 1.3.8
Taeube, Florian; Universite Libre de
Bruxelles, Germany (taeube.florian@ 1.4.14, 1.5.10
Tajeddin, Mahdi; Concordia University,
Canada (m_tajed@jmsb.concordia.
ca): 1.4.13
Takaishi, Koichi; Daito Bunka University, Japan (
Tallman, Stephen; University of Richmond, USA (stallman@richmond.
edu): 0.2, Café_1, 2.2.5
Tan, Alex Tai Loong; University of
Western Australia, Australia (a.tan@ 1.5.13
Tan, Brian; Nanyang Technology
University, Singapore (abrtan@ntu. 1.3.15
Tan, Danchi; National Chengchi
University, Taiwan (
tw): 2.1.12
Tan, Qun; Xiamen University, China
( 1.5.11
Tang, Felix; Hang Seng Management
College, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC ( 1.1.14
Local Contexts in Global Business
Tang, Heiwai; Johns Hopkins University - SAIS, USA (
Tang, Weiqiang; University of Technology Sydney, Australia (ryan.w.tang@ 3.1.11
Tang, Xiaoyun; East China University
of Political Science and Law, China
( 3.3.15
Tang, Yee Kwan; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom (yee. 2.5.13
Tang, Yinuo; University of Pittsburgh,
USA ( 2.3.15
Tanganelli, David; Universitat
Internacional de Catalunya, Spain
( 1.4.13, 2.4.5
Taras, Vas; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA (v_taras@ 2.3.7, 2.4.6, 2.5.6, 3.1.1, 3.4.8
Tashman, Pete; Portland State
University, USA (ptashman@pdx.
edu): 3.3.14
Tatoglu, Ekrem; Bahcesehir University,
United Kingdom (ekrem.tatoglu@ 2.2.17
Tavakoly, Pooya; University of Alberta,
Canada (
Tavoletti, Ernesto ; University of
Macerata, Italy (ernesto.tavoletti@ 3.3.5
Taylor, Marilyn L.; University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA (taylorm@ 2.5.13
Taylor, Murray; Macquarie University,
Australia (
au): 2.5.13
Taylor, Sully; Portland State University,
USA ( 1.1.1
Teagarden, Mary B. ; Thunderbird
Graduate School of International
Management, USA ( 2.2.7
Tee, Lain-Tze; National University of
Malaysia, Malaysia (jrtee@ukm.
my): 1.5.14
Teece, David ; University of California,
Berkeley, USA (dteece@brg-expert.
com): 1.5.1
Teegen, Hildy Jean; University of
South Carolina , USA (teegen@ 1.1.5, 2.2.17
Temouri, Yama; Aston University,
United Kingdom (y.temouri1@aston. 1.5.7, 2.5.11
Teng, Chih-Ching (Chris) ; Fu Jen
Catholic University, Taiwan ( 2.5.5
Tenzer, Helene; Tuebingen University,
Germany ( 1.3.1, 2.1.4
Thams, Yannick; Suffolk University,
USA ( 1.3.8
Tharyan, Rajesh ; University of Exeter,
United Kingdom (
uk): 1.3.8
Thein, Htwe Htwe; Curtin University,
Australia (
ac): 1.4.5, 2.2.16
Thomas, David C.; University of New
South Wales, Australia (d.thomas@ 1.4.12
Thomson, S. Bruce ; MacEwan University, Canada (thomsons2@macewan.
ca): 2.2.13
Thorp, Robbin ; University of California, Davis, USA (rwthorp@ucdavis.
edu): 1.4.5
Tien, Chengli; National Taiwan Normal
University, Taiwan (cltien168@gmail.
com): 1.1.15, 3.1.8
Tjosvold, Dean; Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (tjosvold@ 2.1.14, 3.4.8
Tobias, Dynah Basuil; University of
Auckland, New Zealand (d.basuil@ 2.1.3
Toh, Soo Min; University of Toronto
Mississauga, Canada (soomin.toh@ 3.1.3
Tomio, Bruno Thiago; Regional University of Blumenau- FURB, Brazil
( 1.3.15
Tonelli, Dany Flavio; UFLA, Brazil
( 2.2.17
Tong, Tony; University of Colorado,
USA ( 1.5.11
Tortoriello, Marco; IESE, Spain ( 1.4.14
Travaglione, Antonio; Curtin University,
Australia (
au): 1.1.4
Triki, Dora; ESCE, France (dora.triki@ 2.1.14
Trojanowski, Grzegorz; University of
Exeter, United Kingdom ( 1.3.8
Tsai, Chih-Hao; National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan (billy.tsai88@ 2.1.15
Tsai, Yao-Chuan; National Cheng
Kung University, Taiwan: 1.4.15
Tseng, Ting-hsiang; Feng Chia University, Taiwan (
tw): 1.4.7
Tsui, Steven; University of Newcastle,
Australia (
au): 2.5.9
Tucci, Christopher L.; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Switzerland (christopher.tucci@epfl.
ch): 1.3.3
Tung, Rosalie L. ; Simon Fraser University, Canada ( 1.2, 2.1.2,
2.2.2, 3.3.4
Tuschke, Anja; University of Munich,
Germany (
Tuselmann, Heinz; Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
( 0.4
100 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Ujah, Nacasius Ujah; Henderson
State University, USA ( 1.4.15
Ulusemre, Tolga; University of South
Carolina, USA (tolga.ulusemre@ 1.4.9, 2.1.16
Un, C. Annique; Northeastern University, USA ( 1.1.3, 3.1.16,
3.3.11, 3.4.5
Upadhyayula, Rajesh; Indian Institute
of Management Kozhikode, India
( 2.4.4
Usui, Tetsuya; Nihon University, Japan
( 3.4.15
Vaaler, Paul; University of Minnesota,
USA ( 1.5.10
Valladares, Halia ; Mt. Royal University , Canada ( 2.3.12
Van Assche, Ari; HEC Montreal,
Canada (
2.1.5, 3.4.15
van de Vijver, Fons; Tilburg University,
Netherlands (fons.vandevijver@uvt.
nl): 1.4.12
Van Der Kaap, Harry; University of
Twente, Netherlands ( 1.4.9
Van Essen, Marc; University of South
Carolina, USA (marc.vanessen@ 2.1.1, 2.3.11, 2.4.3, 2.5.1
Van Hoorn, Andre Antonius Johannes;
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands ( 1.1.6
van Oosterhout, Hans; Rotterdam
School of Management, Netherlands
( 2.4.3
van Tulder, Rob; RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands (
0.3, 1.4.2, 2.3.2
VanWyk, Jay; Pittsburg State University, USA (
Varma, Sumati ; University of Delhi,
India (
Vasconcellos, Sílvio Luis de ; UNISINOS, Brazil (
3.3.13, 3.4.15
Vecchi, Alessandra; University of
Bologna, Italy (alessandra.vecchi@ 2.5.12
Verbeke, Alain; University of Calgary,
Canada (alain.verbeke@haskayne. 0.7, 2.2.9, 2.5.1, 3.2
Vida, Irena; University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia (
Vieira, Luciana Marques; UNISINOS,
Brazil ( 2.4.15,
Villar, Cristina; University of Valencia,
Spain ( 3.3.8
Viviani, Jean-Laurent; University
of Rennes, France (jean-laurent. 2.5.5
Vojvodic, Goran ; George Washington
University, USA (
Volkova, Irina O.; NRU Higher School
of Economics, Russia (iovolkova@ 2.3.6, 2.5.16
Voll, Jane; Bank of Canada, Canada
( 2.5.15
Von Glinow, Mary Ann; Florida International University, USA (vonglino@ 1.3.15
Vora, Davina; State University of New
York at New Paltz, USA (vorad@ 1.4.12, 3.1.1
Voss, Hinrich; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (hv@lubs.leeds. 1.5.15
Vural, Metin Onal; IE Business School,
Spain ( 1.3.3
Walker, James T; University of
Reading, New Zealand (j.t.walker@ 1.4.13, 1.5.6, 3.1.14
Wang, Baolian; Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, Hong
Kong, SAR-PRC (wangbaolian@ 2.1.8
Wang, Chuan-Hung,; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (d94741002@ntu. 3.3.14
Wang, Fatima; King’s College London,
United Kingdom ( 2.3.5
Wang, Haibo; Texas A&M International University, USA (hwang@tamiu.
edu): 3.3.14
Wang, Huanglin; SUNY New Paltz,
USA ( 2.2.13
Wang, Hui Wen; National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan (d984010008@ 3.1.4
Wang, I. Kim; Suffolk University, USA
( 2.3.14
Wang, Juan; East China University
of Science and Technology, China
( 3.4.13
Wang, Lin; Lingnan University, Hong
Kong, SAR-PRC (
hk): 3.4.8
Wang, Miao; Nottingham University
China, China ( 2.3.17
Wang, Rui; Peking University, China
( 1.5.4
Wang, Shan-Huei; National Taiwan
University, Taiwan (shanhueiwang@ 2.3.14
Wang, Shih-Ju; National Taiwan
Normal University, Taiwan (sjwang@ 3.3.16
Wang, Tao; Xidian University, China
( 3.1.9
Wang, Tiedong; University of International Business and Economics,
China ( 2.5.5
Wang, Valerie; Ohio University, USA
( 1.3.7
Wang, Yangwen; Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 3.4.9
Wang, Yong; Western New England
Unversity, USA (
Wang, Yonggui; University of International Business and Economics,
China ( 2.3.11
Wang, Yu-Kai; Soochow University,
Taiwan (
Wang, Yuzhu; Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, Australia (yzwang@ 3.1.12
Wang, Zhan; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 1.1.14
Wang , Zhennan; York University ,
Canada (zhennanw11@schulich. 1.5.15
Wang, Zhi; Manchester Metropolitan
University, United Kingdom (zhi. 2.4.14
Wasbauer, Marius; University of
California, Davis, USA ( 1.4.5
Wechtler, Heidi; MacQuarie University, Australia (heidi_wechtler@yahoo.
fr): 2.4.10, 2.5.10
Wei, Lu; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (
Wei, Wei; Beijing Jiaoting University,
China ( 2.1.16
Wei, Yingqi; University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (y.wei@leeds. 2.2.4
Weiner, Robert J.; George Washington
University, USA (
1.3.6, 2.1.6, 2.4.16
Welch, Catherine; University of
Sydney, Australia (catherine.welch@ 1.3.1, 2.5.13, 3.3.10,
Weng, David H.; University of Texas
at Dallas, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 2.3.12
Werker, Eric; Harvard Business
School, USA (
Werner, Steve; University of Houston,
USA ( 2.5.16
Westjohn, Stanford; University of
Toledo, USA (stanford.westjohn@ 1.3.7
Westman, Mina; Tel Aviv University,
Israel ( 3.1.3
Westney, Eleanor; York University,
Canada (ewestney@schulich.yorku.
ca): Café_1, 2.4.9, 3.1.7
Wheeler, Colin; University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom (colin. 2.5.3
White III, George O.; Old Dominion
University, USA (
1.1.10, 1.3.11, 1.4.9, 2.1.16, 3.4.9
Wild, Pascal; School of Management
Fribourg, Switzerland (pascal.wild@ 1.4.13
Williams, Christopher; Ivey Business
School, Canada (
1.3.13, 2.3.17, 3.1.14
Williams, Jo-Reese; University of
Massachusetts, Boston, USA ( 3.4.15
Williams, Justin Shale; University of
Calgary, Qatar (juwillia@ucalgary. 1.3.16
Williamson, Peter James; University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom ( 1.5.2
Winston Smith, Sheryl; Temple University, USA (sheryl.winston.smith@ 1.5.9, 3.1.13
Witt, Michael A.; INSEAD, Singapore
( 1.1.5,
1.3.5, 1.5.6
Wocke, Albert; Gordon Institute of
Business Sciences, South Africa
( 2.1.4
Wolf, Bernie; York University, Canada
( 1.1.7, 3.1.7
Wolf, Joachim; University of Kiel, Germany ( 1.3.11
Wolff, Michael; Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany (michael. 3.3.6
Wong, Alfred; Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (wongsh@ 2.1.14
Woo, Han-Gyun; Ulsan National
Institute of Science and Technology,
Korea, South (
Woo, Yuen Pau; President and CEO,
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada,
Canada (yuenpau.woo@asiapacific.
ca): 1.1.2
Wood, Geoffrey T.; University of Warwick, South Africa (geoffrey.wood@ 1.5.6, 2.3.16
Wright, Lorna; York University, Canada
( 3.1.7
Wu, Changqi; Peking University, China
( 3.4.13
Wu, Cheng-Wei; University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC ( 2.4.8
Wu, Jianfeng; University of International Business and Economics, China ( 2.3.11
Wu, Shubin; Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics, China (wu. 1.5.11
Wu, Terry ; University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada (terry. 1.1.16
Wu, Tsing-Zai; National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan: 1.4.15
Wu, Wei-ping; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 2.4.14
Wu, Xun (Brian); University of Michigan, USA ( 1.1.8
Wu, Zhan; University of Sydney ,
Australia (
au): 1.4.12
Wubneh, Kinde; University of Pennsylvania, USA (wkin@wharton.upenn.
edu): 1.1.6
Wuehrer, Gerhard A.; Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Austria (gerhard. 1.3.14
Wurster, Dennis; ESCP Europe,
Germany (dwurster@escpeurope.
eu): 1.5.16
Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Instituto Politecnico de Setubal, Portugal (duarte. 3.1.10
Xavier, Wlamir; FGV-EAESP & UNISUL,
Brazil (
Xia, Jun; University of Texas at Dallas,
USA ( 1.3.6
Xia, Tianjiao; Loughborough University, United Kingdom (t.xia@lboro. 2.1.9
Xiao, Yaorui; University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign, USA (xiao22@ 3.1.15
Xie, En; Xi’an Jiaotong University, China ( 3.4.12
Xie, Wei; Tsinghua University, China
( 2.2.14
Xie, Zhenzhen; Tsinghua University,
China (
cn): 2.5.9
Xiong, Jie; ESC Rennes School of Business, France (jie.xiong@esc-rennes.
fr): 1.4.14, 2.5.14
Xu, Bin ; China Europe International
Business School, China (xubin@ 1.3.2
Xu, Dean; University of Melbourne,
Australia (
au): 1.4.8, 3.4.11
Xu, Kefeng ; University of Texas at
San Antonio, USA (kefeng.xu@utsa.
edu): 2.2.15
Xu, Xiaojun; Fudan University, China
( 3.4.14
Xue, Qiuzhi; Fudan University, China
( 1.1.5
Yamao, Sachiko; University of
Melbourne, Australia (syamao@ 1.1.12
Yamin, Mohammad; University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (mo. 1.5.3,
Yan, Haifeng; East China University
of Science and Technology, China
( 3.4.13
Yan, Li; University of Macau, Macau
( 1.3.14
Yanadori, Yoshio; University of
South Australia, Australia (yoshio. 2.5.16
Yang, Deli; Trinity University, USA
( 1.4.9, 2.4.15
Yang, Delin; Tsinghua University,
China (
cn): 2.1.16
Yang, Jiawen; George Washington
University, USA (
1.4.15, 3.4.6
Yang, Jie; Saint Louis University, USA
( 2.1.16
Yang, Jing Yu (Gracy); University of
Sydney, Australia (gracy.yang@ 2.2.12, 3.1.4
Yang, Kun; Central Michigan University, USA (
1.5.8, 2.5.15
Yang, Man; University of Vaasa, Finland ( 1.5.5
Yang, Monica; Adelphi University, USA
( 1.1.11, 3.1.14
Yang, Qin; Robert Morris University,
USA ( 3.4.14
Yang, Sean; President, Huawei Canada, Canada ( 1.1.2
Yang, Wei; Nankai University, China
( 2.3.5
Yang, Xiaohua ; University of San
Francisco, USA (
0.3, 2.5.13
Yang, Xin; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (11467231@ 3.3.4
Yang, Xiyan; Shanghai University of
International Business and Economics, China (xiyanyangeco@gmail.
com): 3.4.6
Yang, Yi; Yonsei University, Korea,
South (
2.2.15, 3.1.14
Yang, Yong; University of Sussex,
United Kingdom (yong.yang@ 2.2.5, 2.3.8
Yao, Cheng-Wen; Commerce Development Research Institute, Taiwan
( 3.3.14
Yao, Fiona Kun; University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA ( 3.1.4
Yasar, Burze ; Bilkent University, Turkey ( 1.1.14
Yasuda, Naoki; Keio University, Japan
Yeboah, Richard Boateng; Access
Bank Ghana Ltd, Ghana (boateng.
com): 3.4.2
Local Contexts in Global Business
Yeung, Bernard; National University
of Singapore, Singapore (bizdean@ 2.1.8
Yin, Quan; Sangmyung University,
China (
Yip, George; China Europe International Business School, China (gyip@ 1.5.4, 3.2
Yiu, Daphne W.; Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 1.3.16, 2.2.16,
Yokoyama, Marcos H. ; Osaka University, Japan (ngm807yh@student. 2.2.15, 2.5.16
Yoshikawa, Katsuhiko; London School
of Economics, United Kingdom
( 2.2.10
Yoshikawa, Toru; Singapore Management University, Singapore (toru@ 1.5.6, 2.1.12
Young, Stephen ; University of
Glasgow, United Kingdom (stephen. 1.3.13
Young, Susan L; Seton Hall University,
USA ( 3.4.10
Yu, Chow Ming; National Chengchi
University, Taiwan (
tw): 1.5.13
Yu, Chung-Long; Tungnan University,
Taiwan (ilovecharles180@hotmail.
com): 2.3.5
Yu, Chunhai; China Northeastern
University, China (chyu@mail.neu. 3.4.16
Yu, Huizhi; Old Dominion University,
USA ( 1.5.14
Yu, Shu; National University of
Singapore, Singapore (yushu@nus. 1.4.6
Yuan, Yizhou; University of Macau,
China (
Zaheer, Aks; University of Minnesota,
USA ( 3.4.11
Zaheer, Srilata; University of Minnesota, USA ( Café_2
Zajac, Edward J.; Northwestern
University, USA (e-zajac@kellogg. 1.3.6
Zakharia, Norhayati; Universiti Utara
Malaysia, Malaysia (yatizakaria11@ 2.3.7, 2.4.6
Zalan, Tatiana; Torrens University,
Australia (
Zander, Ivo; Uppsala University,
Sweden ( 1.5.9,
3.3.1, 3.4.5
Zargarzadeh, M Amin; University of
Calgary, Canada (amin@haskayne. 1.5.13
Zdravkovic, Srdan; Bryant University,
USA ( 1.3.7
Zellmer-Bruhn, Mary ; University of
Minnesota, USA (zellm002@umn.
edu): 1.1.1, 1.5.12
Zeng, Yuping; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA (yzeng@siue.
edu): 2.3.15
Zentes, Joachim; Saarland University,
Germany (hima@mx.uni-saarland.
de): 2.4.14
Zhan, Feng; York University, Canada
( 1.5.14
102 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Zhan, James ; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
Switzerland (james.zhan@unctad.
org): 1.3.2, 1.5.1, 2.3.2
Zhang, Chao; University of International Business and Economics, China
( 1.5.10
Zhang, Jing; Old Dominion University,
USA ( 1.5.14
Zhang, Junfeng; Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC
( 2.4.14
Zhang, Ling Eleanor; Hanken School
of Economics, Finland (ling.zhang@ 2.2.4, 2.3.13
Zhang, Man; Bowling Green State
University, USA (mzhang@bgsu.
edu): 0.4
Zhang, Michael Wei; Nottingham
Trent University, United Kingdom
( 1.5.13
Zhang, Min (Megan); Ivey Business
School, Canada (
ca): 1.1.6, 1.4.13, 2.2.10
Zhang, Zelong; Baruch College, CUNY,
2.1.16, 2.2.14
Zhang, Zhixue ; Peking University,
China: 2.3.16
Zhao, Guiqin; Shanghai University
of Finance and Economics, China
( 3.3.15
Zhao, Hongxin ; Saint Louis University,
USA ( 2.1.16, 2.5.5
Zhao, Meng; Moscow School of
Management SKOLKOVO, Russia
( 1.1.10
Zheng, Congcong; San Diego State
University, USA (czheng@mail.sdsu.
edu): 1.5.11, 3.1.13
Zheng, Xiaolan; Nottingham University China, China (xiaolan.zheng@ 1.5.7, 3.1.6
Zhou, Changhui; Peking University,
China (
Zhou, Jian; University of Hawaii at
Manoa, USA (jianzhou@hawaii.
edu): 1.4.15
Zhou, Kevin; University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (kevinzhou@ 1.1.4, 3.4.12
Zhou, Xiaoyu; Peking University, China
( 1.5.4
Zhu, Cherrie J. ; Monash University,
Australia (cherrie.zhu@monash.
edu): 1.4.11
Zhu, Jiqing ; Shanghai International
Studies University, China ( 3.1.14
Zhu, Judith Shuqin; University of
Newcastle, Australia (judith.zhu@ 3.1.15, 3.3.13, 3.4.4
Zhu, Wenyu; George Washington
University, USA (wenyuzhu@gwmail. 1.4.15, 2.5.11
Zhu, Ying ; University of South Australia, Australia (
au): 2.1.13, 3.1.12
Zimmermann, Jörg; European Commission - Joint Research Centre,
Spain ( 2.4.17, 3.1.16
Zou, Jie; Peking University, China ( 3.4.13
Zucchella, Antonella; University of
Pavia, Italy (antonella.zucchella@ 3.1.5
2014 Exhibit Hall Map
The exhibits are located in the Bayshore Grand Ballroom. Please see the General Conference Information page for
the exhibit hall hours.
Alexander Cambridge
Street University GlobaLens Education
and Handouts
Edward Bureau of Emerald
Publishing Analysis Publishing
Local Contexts in Global Business
2014 Exhibitors
Alexander Street Press publishes award-winning digital learning collections for students and professionals worldwide. New releases in global business, economics, and human resources feature thousands of expert-selected documents—from corporate training videos to textbooks. Visit our booth to
learn more.
Austral Group designs customized educational study tours to Latin America. Our
team’s objective is to fulfill the professional and educational needs of your international program through meeting planning, seamless logistics, and engaging
extracurricular cultural events with a unique local perspective.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is an agency of the Department of Commerce. BEA
produces economic accounts statistics that enable government and business decision-makers, researchers, and the American public to follow and understand the performance of the
Nation’s economy.
Business Expert Press is dedicated to developing collections of complementary titles
within specific business disciplines (close to 30 different business collections) and produces individual print books, ebooks, as well as Digital Libraries every year for faculty,
students, and librarians.
Cambridge’s publishing in books and journals combines state-of-the-art content with
the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. Visit our stand to browse
new titles, available at a 20% discount, and to pick up sample issues of our journals.
Visit our website to see everything we do: .
104 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Edward Elgar Publishing is an independent international publisher specializing in research
monographs, reference books and textbooks. We are proud of our author-centered, personal
approach. Our IB list is one of the broadest and we are pleased to publish many top scholars
in the field.
Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. We work alongside
some of the most prestigious contributors in their respective fields to develop books, journals and digital
products for scholars and educators.
Case study publisher at the University of Michigan
GlobaLens is the publishing division of the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan. Our cases cover all core business disciplines and international
business. Plus, we have one of the largest collections of Social Impact cases available.
The Heritage Foundation produces the Index of Economic Freedom annually in
partnership with The Wall Street Journal. The Index’s comprehensive 20-year
database, covering 186 countries, is available to researchers and students free of
charge at
Interpretive Simulations offers realistic business experiences for undergraduate and graduate classrooms. With our simulations, your students will
understand more and will do more with what was taught! Stop by our booth
to discuss the benefits of implementing simulations in your class!
Local Contexts in Global Business
A leading producer of business cases, Ivey Publishing distributes
award-winning cases from the Ivey case collection. With clear learning
objectives, comprehensive teaching notes and flexible distribution options,
Ivey Publishing provides exceptional content which meets the demands of
management education programs.
McGraw-Hill Education is a digital learning company that draws on more than 125 years of experience to improve learning outcomes around the world. McGraw-Hill Education is the adaptive education
technology leader with the vision for creating personalized learning experiences that prepare students
for the world that awaits.
Palgrave Macmillan is one of the largest publishers of cutting-edge academic resources,
publishing across all formats in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Business. Palgrave
Connect is home to 12,500 eBook titles offered through two flexible perpetual business
models: Subject Collections and Build Your Own Collections. The latest additions to our list
include International Historical Statistics, The Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, and
Palgrave Pivot, an innovative publication format.
Springer welcomes you to visit our booth at the AIB Exhibitors area and meet our editor Nitza to discuss your publishing ideas. We have the latest books and some of our top journals
in International Business on display for you. Follow us on @Springernomics.
Fashioned For Change is a non-profit that empowers and supports HIV-positive women in South Africa by selling
funky hand-beaded jewelry and accessories. Look great and raise awareness today by purchasing a stylish necklace
or Little Traveller doll on June 24th (one day only).
Burton Amos is from the Haisla/Tsimshian nations, born and raised in Kitimat, BC. His original paintings, prints,
masks, regalia, and bentwood box designs can be found across Canada and in Europe. Visit Burton on June 25th (one
day only).
Robert Tait, Nisga’a Artist is known for intricate S.S. engraved bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings. His gold on silver
inlay is prized as is his ability to engrave wedding band sets for that someone special. He will be exhibiting on June
26th (one day only) with his daughter Cheryl Stewart, a self-taught artist in traditional clothing and NWC items.
106 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The AIB Secretariat
The Academy of International Business Secretariat is located at the International Business Center (IBC) of The Eli
Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. AIB thanks the International Business Center and The Eli
Broad College of Business at Michigan State University for hosting the Secretariat. Additional contact information
is available at
Dr. G. Tomas M. Hult
Executive Director
Dr. Irem Kiyak
Anne Hoekman
JIBS Managing Editor
Dr. Tunga Kiyak
Managing Director
Kathy Kiessling
Member Services Coordinator
Ronda Bunnell
IBC Program Coordinator
Jamie Rytlewski
Local Contexts in Global Business
Past Presidents of the Academy of International Business
2004–2006 2002–2004 2001–2002 1999–2000 1997–1998 1995–1996 1993–1994 1991–1992 1989–1990 1987–1988 Mary Ann Von Glinow
Yves Doz
Stefanie Ann Lenway
Alan M. Rugman
Peter J. Buckley
Stephen J. Kobrin
José de la Torre
Jeffrey Arpan
Donald R. Lessard
Jean Boddewyn
Art Stonehill
John Daniels
John Dunning
1985–1986 1983–1984 1981–1982 1979–1980 1977–1978 1975–1976 1973–1974 1971–1972 1969–1970 1967–1968 1965–1966 1962–1964 1960–1961 Duane Kujawa
Robert Hawkins
Franklin Root
Robert Stobaugh
Richard Farmer
Phillip Grub
Lee Nehrt
Vern Terpstra
Richard Robinson
Jack Behrman
James Hart
Roland Kramer
John Fayerweather
Past AIB Conference Locations
2013: Istanbul, Turkey
2012: Washington, DC, USA
2011: Nagoya, Japan
2010: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2009: San Diego, California, USA
2008: Milan, Italy
2007: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2006: Beijing, China
2005: Québec City, Canada
2004: Stockholm, Sweden
2003: Monterey, California, USA
2002: San Juan, Puerto Rico
2001: Sydney, Australia
2000: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
1999: Charleston, South Carolina, USA
1998: Vienna, Austria
1997: Monterrey, Mexico
1996: Banff, Alberta, Canada
1995: Seoul, Korea
1994: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1993: Hawaii, USA
1992: Brussels, Belgium
1991: Miami, Florida, USA
1990: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1989: Singapore
1988: San Diego, California, USA
1987: Chicago, Illinois, USA
108 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
1986: 1985: 1984: 1983: 1982: 1981: 1980:
1979: 1978: 1977: 1976: 1975: 1974: 1973: 1972: 1971: 1970:
1969: 1968: 1967: 1966:
1961: 1960:
1959: London, United Kingdom
New York City, New York, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Washington, D.C., USA
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Orlando, Florida, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Washington, D.C., USA
San Francisco, California, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
New York City, New York, USA
New York City, New York, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Washington, D.C., USA
AIB Fellows
The AIB Fellows consist of distinguished AIB members recognized for their contributions to the scholarly development of the
field of international business. The AIB Fellows participate in
the activities of the AIB by choosing the International Executive
of the Year and the International Educator of the Year. They also
organize one or more panel sessions at the AIB annual meeting
each year — often the first Plenary Panel.
Dean of the Fellows:
Alan Rugman, University of Reading
Secretary/Treasurer of the Fellows:
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary
Participating (Active) Fellows:
Adler, Nancy J. – McGill University
Aggarwal, Raj – University of Akron
Aharoni, Yair – Tel Aviv University
Bartlett, Christopher A. – Harvard Business School
Beamish, Paul W. – Ivey School of Business
Behrman, Jack N. – University of North Carolina
Birkinshaw, Julian – London Business School
Boddewyn, Jean J. – Baruch College - CUNY
Boyacigiller, Nakiye A. – Sabanci University
Brouthers, Keith D. – King’s College London
Buckley, Peter J. – University of Leeds
Cantwell, John A. – Rutgers University
Casson, Mark Christopher – University of Reading
Cavusgil, S. Tamer – Georgia State University
Child, John – University of Birmingham
Cho, Dong-Sung – Seoul National University
Contractor, Farok J. – Rutgers University
Daniels, John D. – University of Miami
de la Torre, José – Florida International University
Delios, Andrew – National University of Singapore
Devinney, Timothy M. – University of Leeds
Doz, Yves L. – INSEAD
Eden, Lorraine – Texas A&M University
Ghemawat, Pankaj – IESE
Goodnow, James D. – Bradley Univ. and Univ. of North Texas
Gray, Sidney J. – University of Sydney
Green, Robert T. – University of Texas at Austin
Grosse, Robert – American University of Sharjah
Gupta, Anil K. – INSEAD
Henisz, Witold Jerzy – University of Pennsylvania
Hennart, Jean-Francois – Tilburg University
Hult, G. Tomas M. – Michigan State University
Johanson, Jan – Uppsala University
Johansson, Johny – Georgetown University
Jones, Geoffrey – Harvard Business School
Keegan, Warren J. – Pace University
Khanna, Tarun – Harvard Business School
Kobayashi, Noritake – Keio University
Kobrin, Stephen J. – University of Pennsylvania
Kogut, Bruce M. – Columbia University
Kostova, Tatiana – University of South Carolina
Kotabe, Masaaki – Temple University
Kujawa, Duane – University of Miami
Lenway, Stefanie – Michigan State University
Lessard, Donald R. – M.I.T.
Leung, Kwok – City University of Hong Kong
Lewin, Arie Y. – Duke University
Luo, Yadong – University of Miami
Lyles, Marjorie A. – Indiana University
Macharzina, Klaus – Universitaet Hohenheim
Makino, Shige – Chinese University of Hong Kong
Meyer, Klaus – China Europe International Business School
Mudambi, Ram – Temple University
Park, Seung Ho – Institute for Emerging Market Studies
Pedersen, Torben – Bocconi University
Peng, Mike – University of Texas at Dallas
Radebaugh, Lee – Brigham Young University
Ramamurti, Ravi – Northeastern University
Ricks, David A. – University of Missouri - St. Louis
Roth, Kendall – University of South Carolina
Rugman, Alan M. – University of Reading
Sauvant, Karl – Columbia University
Shenkar, Oded – Ohio State University
Simmonds, Kenneth – London Business School
Stobaugh, Robert B. – Harvard Business School
Stonehill, Arthur I. – University of Hawaii
Tallman, Stephen B. – University of Richmond
Tung, Rosalie L. – Simon Fraser University
Vahlne, Jan Erik – University of Gothenburg
Verbeke, Alain C. – University of Calgary
Vernon, Ivan R. – Cleveland State University
Von Glinow, Mary Ann – Florida International University
Walter, Ingo – New York University
Wells, Jr., Louis T. – Harvard Business School
Westney, D Eleanor – York University
Wilkins, Mira – Florida International University
Wills, James R. – University of Hawaii
Yeung, Bernard – National University of Singapore (NUS)
Yip, George S. – China Europe International Business School
Zaheer, Srilata – University of Minnesota
Zander, Udo B. – Stockholm School of Economics
To see a complete list of AIB Fellows including
Honorary Fellows, and to access the bios of the
Fellows, please visit the AIB Fellows page on AIB’s
website at
Local Contexts in Global Business
AIB Institutional Members
We thank the following organizations for their support of the
Academy of International Business and the field of international business.
Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China
Florida International University, USA
George Washington University, USA
Georgia State University, USA
GITAM School of International Business, India
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India
Indiana University, USA
Michigan State University, USA
Peking University, China
Pontifica Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Rosario University, Colombia
St. Mary’s University, USA
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand
Temple University, USA
Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia
Universidad del Pacifico, Peru
Universidad Eafit, Colombia
Universidad Iberoamericana, Dominican Republic
University of Auckland, New Zealand
University of Newcastle, Australia
University of Reading, United Kingdom
University of San Francisco, USA
University of South Carolina, USA
University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Villanova University, USA
York University, Canada
Learn More about Becoming an Institutional Member
Your school can join the prestigious schools above by becoming an institutional member of the AIB. Additional information
on the benefits of becoming an institutional member and instructions on how to become one can be found on our website at .
110 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
AIB Chapters
AIB currently has 18 chapters established around the world.
With the goal of to facilitate networking as well as the exchange
of knowledge at a more local level, these chapters engage in
a variety of activities from organizing regional conferences
to publishing journals or book series. To learn more about
our chapters, visit the AIB Chapter booth at the Exhibit Hall or
contact your regional chapter chair. See the “Meet Your Chapter”
page for scheduled times during AIB 2014 when you can meet
and talk to your regional chapter chair and members from your
region. AIB would like to thank the chapter chairs listed below
for their hard work and their institutions for the support they
have provided to the chapters over the years.
Chapters in Asia and the Pacific
Chapters in the Middle East and Africa
Australia - New Zealand
Elizabeth Rose, Aalto University
Middle East and North Africa
Melodena Balakrishnan, Univ. of Wollongong in Dubai
Changqi Wu, Peking University
Sub-Saharan Africa
Abel Kinoti, Riara University
S. Raghunath, IIM Bangalore
Chapters in the Americas
Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University
Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University
Southeast Asia
T.S. Chan, Lingnan University
Howard Lin, Ryerson University
Latin America
William Newburry, Florida International University
Sergio Garcia, Universidad Privada
Chapters in Europe
US Midwest
Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University
United Kingdom and Ireland
Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University
US Northeast
Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University
Western Europe
José Pla-Barber, University of Valencia
US Southeast
Matthew Mitchell, Drake University
Central & Eastern Europe
Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics
US West
Gary Knight, Willamette University
Local Contexts in Global Business
Upcoming Chapter Meetings
The list below includes all chapter meetings that were announced by the time the conference program went to press. For our
continuously updated Calendar of AIB Events or to learn more about these meetings, please visit
AIB Sub Saharan Africa Chapter Meeting
August 13-15, 2014
Nairobi, Kenya
AIB Central and Eastern Europe Chapter Meeting
October 9-11, 2014
Budapest, Hungary
AIB US-Southeast Chapter Meeting
October 23-25, 2014
Miami, Florida, USA
AIB US-Northeast Chapter Meeting
November 13-15, 2014
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
AIB Southeast Asia Chapter Meeting
December 7-9, 2014
Macau, China
AIB Middle East-North Africa (MENA) Chapter Meeting
January 13-15, 2015
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
AIB Latin America Chapter Meeting
January 22-24, 2015
Santiago, Chile
AIB US-Midwest Chapter Meeting
March 25-27, 2015
Chicago, Illinois, USA
AIB UK-Ireland Chapter Meeting
April 16-18, 2015
Manchester, United Kingdom
2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
Academy of International Business
56th Annual Conference - June 27-30, 2015
Bangalore India
“Global Networks: Organizations and People”
International business scholars know that the world is not flat.
Ghemawat and other IB scholars have made this case in demolishing the journalistic work of Thomas Friedman. Nevertheless,
something must be underpinning the powerful perception of global “flatness” among educated laymen. The answer lies in the fact
that the world is increasingly connected, both in terms of scale
(connectedness) and scope (connectivity). Connectedness and
connectivity are fundamental requisites that underpin the interlacing megatrends that are shaping the world economy and will
determine its course over the coming decades.
The first megatrend is the shift from trade-in-goods to trade-in-activities. Beginning a half century ago, but accelerating rapidly over
the last decade, products and services are increasingly emerging
from global value chains (GVCs) that are geographically dispersed
around the globe. These GVCs are orchestrated, in the main, by
multinational enterprises (MNEs) and increasingly disaggregated and fine-sliced into narrow, highly specific activities that are
undertaken in economic clusters. These narrow activities produce
intermediates (and not complete goods or services) that compose
the vast majority of all international trade today.
The second megatrend is the rise of knowledge-intensive intangibles. Tangible goods and services are becoming commoditized;
value is rapidly migrating out of them and into the soft intangibles that encase them. These intangibles arise from specialized
knowledge activities (R&D, patents, inimitable organizational routines, software, training, brands, trademarks, customer service,
etc.). This migration of value has been fueled by both the creation
of new knowledge as well as the recombination and commercialization of extant knowledge. It has dramatically magnified the
importance of innovation, concomitantly shortening technology
The third megatrend is the rise of emerging markets. The number
of locations where highly specific GVC activities can be performed
has ballooned over the last two decades. A long list of cluster locations in Asia and South America and even some parts of Africa
have become integral parts of GVCs. These locations are tightly
woven into the global economy and give rise to the “flatness” perceived by many lay observers.
Connectivity is operationalized in global networks through “pipelines” created and maintained by organizations like MNEs and
through personal relationships that often arise within far-flung diasporas. The three megatrends enabled by this connectivity raise
fundamental research questions about the nature of the world
economy in the coming decades. These questions concern immobile locations as well as mobile firms and individuals. High-level
research questions relate to whether we need new theories to address the changed world of the future or whether we merely need
to apply extant theories to new settings.
How do emerging and developing economy locations enter GVCs?
Are locations that undertake low-value, routine activities like assembly forever doomed to low value creation and relative poverty? If not, how do catch-up processes in poorer countries operate?
Will advanced economies face ever-increasing inequality as their
low-knowledge masses descend into poverty? Or are there processes and policies that can ameliorate such a frightening future?
As leading knowledge clusters become increasingly connected to
each other across national borders, what will happen to peripheral regions within advanced (e.g., the so-called “fly-over” states
of Middle America) as well as emerging economies (e.g., interior
How do the organizational pipelines of MNEs interact with the
reality of large and growing global diasporas? How do advanced
economy MNEs affect catch-up processes in emerging economies? How do emerging economy MNEs enter global innovation
networks? As innovation becomes increasingly important in value
creation, how do MNEs leverage the potential of open innovation
and globally dispersed knowledge networks? What as the implications of the three megatrends for stakeholder analysis and
environmental sustainability? How do they affect corporate social
responsibility and shared value strategies of MNEs?
Our host city, Bangalore is particularly appropriate since it encapsulates all three megatrends in a single location. It is at once
a center of high value, focused IT activities that appear within a
wide range of GVCs, from avionics to financial services. It is one
of the leading knowledge clusters in the world in terms of the production of knowledge-intensive intangibles, the touch of keystroke
away from knowledge hubs in Europe, North America and East
Asia. Finally, it is located in an emerging economy, so that one
does not have to travel far from its gleaming, globally connected IT
campuses to find poverty-stricken masses disconnected in every
way from the global economy.
Program Chair: Ram Mudambi, Fox School of Business, Temple University
Local Host: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Local Host Committee Chair: S. Raghunath
Local Contexts in Global Business
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Local Contexts in Global Business
120 2014 AIB Conference Vancouver, Canada June 23-26
The wolf emblem, representing intelligence and leadership, is featured on the Northwest
coast-inspired crest for the Academy of International Business (AIB) 2014 Annual Meeting
in Vancouver. The wolf is a pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas, and a patient teacher—
attributes that guide and inspire this year’s conference. Within a wolf pack, there may be
individualism, but there is also a predominant sense of family.
James Michels is the highly accomplished Cree/Metis artist who
created the wolf emblem for the AIB 2014 crest. His creations are held
in high esteem by other artists and knowledgeable collectors. James
apprenticed with acclaimed Coast Salish artist Joseph Campbell as
well as spent considerable time observing various master artists at
the K’san Native Art School. His bentwood boxes and stunning carved
panels can be regularly viewed in most of the major galleries of
Northwest Coast artwork in both Canada and the United States.
James Michels crafts unique designs on prints, boxes, panels, doors and also welcomes custom
orders. He will also be attending the AIB Gala event on Wednesday, June 25, 2014. | Studio phone: 604.320.0895 | Cell phone: 604.617.6670
John Cook School of Business
Boeing Institute of
International Business
The 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business
Vancouver, Canada
June 23–26, 2014
©2014 Academy of International Business
For information, please contact:
AIB Executive Secretariat
G. Tomas M. Hult, Executive Director, or Tunga Kiyak, Managing Director
Eppley Center
645 N Shaw Lane Rm 7
East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Phone: +1 (517) 432-1452 • Fax +1 (517) 432-1009
E-mail: • Web: