The View from the top. - Western Michigan Camaro Club


The View from the top. - Western Michigan Camaro Club
October 2010
The View from the top.
Be sure to have your gas tank topped off
since the drive will take a couple of hours.
We’ll be heading through town and then
north into Newago County for a stop at the
High Rollaway on M-82. From there, we’ll
drive a little father and end at a restaurant for our meeting and dinner.
As of this writing, the weather forecast looks great (if you can believe
the weather forecasters?), be ready
for an enjoyable drive and an interesting challenge.
October 2010
October! Fall! Autumn! College football!
Comfortable days, cool nights, changing
leaves and scenic color tours! Woot !!!!!!!! It’s
easily my favorite time of year. I do not miss
those hot and steamy days we had
this summer, no, not one bit! So,
let’s get into it!
October WMCC Club Meeting,
Sunday Oct. 3rd:
Well, we’ve got some driving
planned for our October Club
9th Annual WMCC Hot Rod Fall
meeting. Not only is this a great
Color Tour:
time of year to take a nice drive,
By Doug Warren,
That’s right; this will be the 9th year
but eventually, many of us will be
WMCC President
in a row that we’ve taken a weekend
putting our Camaros away for the
winter, so we need to enjoy the cars while we Fall Color into the northern regions of Michigan. I believe that Michigan is one of the
still can.
most beautiful States in the Union and fall is
We will be meeting at Berger Chevrolet on
Sunday, October 3 . John Smith has worked arguably when it’s at it’s most beautiful.
While we’ve visited the Traverse City and
up a really unique road rally/color tour for
Tawas Bay areas over the years, this year,
everyone’s enjoyment. We will be sending
we’re branching out a bit more and heading
the first car off at 11:00am, so you will want
for the Upper Peninsula. To accommodate
to be at Berger by at least 10:45am to get
organized and to hear about the rally. NOTE: the extra distance, we’ve also added an extra day to this special weekend so things will
We will not be meeting out in front of the
kick-off on Thursday, October 7th.
Berger dealership, but rather out back in
So, we’ll be meeting at the Pilot Gas Station
front of their big parts warehouse. The
at the Ionia Exit (#67) off I-96 (I-96 & M-66),
entrance for this rear area is off Breton Road
leaving at approximately 9:00am to head
(it’s the street just to the west of Berger, at
north. We’ll take a leisurely drive north enthe traffic light), and just north of 28 th Street.
joying the sights. We plan to stop at the
(You will turn east into the driveway to BerLegs Inn in Cross Village on the way up for a
ger’s back lot, right next to a Beauty Salon
late lunch/early dinner and then head on up
called Hairtopia.)
to cross the Mackinaw Bridge and arrive that
evening at the Driftwood Inn in St. Ignace,
which will be our base of operations for the
Berger to work with. From the top to the bottom, everyone at Berger makes it as easy as
possible for us to come in there and help put
on this show. This year was easily the best
Berger All Chevy show yet. The weather was
perfect, the turnout was the biggest yet and
the quality of the cars that show up just continues to get better and better every year. I
don’t think you can ask for any more than
that! Take a look at the photos and get ready
for next years show. It’s becoming a “must
attend” show for so many Chevy enthusiasts
from all over the country! Well done, everyone.
Plans for the weekend include hitting some
of the local tourist sites, taking in
Tahquamenon Falls, maybe the Soo Locks
and a boat tour of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, just to name a few.
November WMCC Club Meeting, Sunday, Nov. 7th:
The November Club meeting is often the last
Club meeting of the year that we still have
our Camaros out for, before the snow flies.
So, we’ll plan another driving event, only this
time it will be in the southern regions of
Michigan while we try to get one last look at
any fall colors that are still hanging around.
As in the last several November Club meetings, we will be meeting at B & G Discount,
which is located about ½ mile south of
Schoolcraft on US131. The address is:
15632 S. US131, Schoolcraft, MI 49087.
We’ll be LEAVING B&G’s parking lot at
12:30pm, for the color tour/cruise, so if you
plan on shopping (and it’s recommended)
plan on being there early enough to be done
by then. They open at 9am. Hopefully we’ll
be able to enjoy one of those glorious, clear
and crisp fall days and one last cruise as a
group, before we put the cars up for the winter.
We’ll end the cruise at a nice restaurant for
our Club meeting and dinner. Stay tuned to
next months newsletter for the final details.
We’ll see you all there!
11th Annual Berger Chevrolet All Chevy
Show review:
First off I want to thank EVERY WMCC
MEMBER for the exceptional job that was
done running this show. I am always proud
of how well our group works together and
our efforts at continuous improvement over
the years have resulted in an efficiently run
and enjoyable show.
We are so lucky to have a dealership like
17th Annual NEOCC Camaro Fall Classic
& F-body Summit ’10 review:
Over the weekend of September 11th, several WMCC members made the long trip to
Tallmadge, Ohio to attend the NEOCC show
at Summit Racing. The group included Dennis & Bonnie Edwards, Dave & Gay Verburg,
Dave & Angie Kemp, Nick & Christy Kemp,
Carl & Teresa Lins, Gary & Shelley Crippin
(and kids) and us (Doug & Anita Warren).
Dave & Angie as well as Dave & Gay won
awards! Congratulations! We had the privilege of trailering the red Berger SS Camaro
to the show to help promote Berger’s SS
Camaro Program. It was very well received
by everyone and drew a lot of attention.
This is a well run and organized show by our
friends in the NEOCC and should in your
consideration for attending in the future. GM
had several Camaros there as well as the
team from Tom Henry Racing and SLP.
Check out the pics ………….
“F-Bodies at the Barns”
gathering review:
Saturday, September 18th started off gray
and gloomy with rain in the area. The Fbody owners from the west side of the State
had the advantage of watching the weather
radar, but the east siders needed to leave
early, so ended up driving most of the way to
the show in the rain. As a result, the east
siders out numbered the west siders at the
show. They’ve now earned the right to not
be picked on for not showing up at events.
(For now, LOL)
Only about 30 cars total showed up, but
those that did were very nice. It was still
very nice to get together with our on-line
friends in person. Yes, it rained in the middle of the show too, but it didn’t really discourage anyone from enjoying the day and
the company. Many got a chance to tour the
barns at the Gilmore Classic Car Museum
and enjoyed that very much. A big thank
you must go out to the WMFC guys who organized this event, it’s just too bad the
weather didn’t cooperate more. Everyone’s
already looking forward to next fall and another great time.
Attention Members:
Please welcome New Members
Chris Barry
5695 Duncan Lane
Caledonia, MI 49316
616-891-1448 - Home
616-723-3378 - Cell
E-mail -
1992 Camaro 25th Anniversary
Newsletters - emailed
The Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals,
Nov. 20 & 21, 2010:
Don’t forget about the Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals show on November 20 & 21
at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois (Chicago area).
This is the second annual show, and if the
success of last year’s event is any indication,
you will not want to miss this show. Our old
buddy, Bob Ashton (from Autorama) is the
show chairman and has worked tirelessly to
get the top muscle cars in the nation at this
show. I would highly recommend you attend, I know I’m planning to go again.
Joe Birtles
Lisa Birtles
4175 Ayrshire Dr SW
Grandville, MI 49418
616-534-9369 - Home
616-365-7130 - Cell
E-mail -
Employed at Kool Chevreolet
1970 Camaro Z/28
Newsletters - emailed
Michael (Mike) J. Lamb
Julie Lamb
We’ll see you all at Berger on Sunday, October 3rd!
5005 Cannonsburg Rd
Belmont, MI 49306
616-874-8186 - Home
616-6449822 - Cell
E-mail -
Employed at Marshell & Wells
2010 Berger SS, 1999 SS Conv., 1968 RS Conv.
Newsletters - emailed
Mike A. Lamb
Cindy Lamb
3358 Townsend Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
616-361-1091 - Home
E-mail -
Employed at AAA Lawncare
Newsletters - emailed
2010 WMCC Club Photo at Berger Chevrolet
2010 WMCC Berger photo
If you would like a print these will be 16x20 and will be mounted on thin styrene board to keep them flat.
Cost will be $30 each. These will need to be picked up as I won't ship the mounted ones. If you plan to
be at the next club meeting and want one, email me and you can pay me at the meeting. Otherwise you
may mail a check to the address below.
If you need one (or more) shipped the cost is $30 shipped. However these will not be mounted. They
will be rolled in a tube. You may send a check to the address below.
If you want a high res email copy for background or to print your own just email
For those that have not purchased from me before. I use a professional lab. Everything is printed using
archival inks on professional paper.
Thanks, that was a fun shoot.
Ray Cochran
1944 Sunburst Ct.
Zeeland, Mi. 49464
2010 Events Calendar
(*denotes Official WMCC Event)
WMCC Monthly Membership Meetings:
*Oct 3, 2010 WMCC Club Meeting – Color Tour/Road Rally – North into Newago County
*Nov 7, 2010 WMCC Club Meeting – Color Tour/Road Rally – South. Three Rivers/Battle Creek area
*Dec 11, 2010 WMCC Annual Christmas Party/Club Meeting - TBA
All Camaro (& F-Body)/ All Chevrolet Events:
7-10, 2010 Annual WMCC Fall Color Tour Weekend – 4 days !!! Upper Peninsula
Other Automotive Events of Interest:
3, 2010
31, 2010
Nov 20,21, 2010
Jan 10-23, 2011
Feb 11-20, 2011
Feb 25-27, 2011
Swap Meet, St. Joseph County Fairgrounds, South Bend, IN
Swap Meet, Allen County Fairgrounds, Fort Wayne, IN
2nd Annual Muscle car & Corvette Nationals, Rosemont, IL (Chicago)
NAIAS – COBO Hall, Detroit, MI
Chicago Auto Show – McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
59th Annual Detroit Autorama, COBO Hall, Detroit, MI
Cruise Nights:
Tuesday nights:
Wednesday nights:
Thursday nights:
Thursday nights:
Sunday nights:
Sunday nights:
Fricano’s Pizza Cruise-in on Alpine Ave north of Grand Rapids
Gilmore Classic Car Museum @ the Blue Moon Diner, Hickory Corners, MI, May thru Sept.
The Essenhaus in Middlebury, Indiana (this is a great cruise/car show, highly recommended)
The Filling Station on Alpine Ave. north of Grand Rapids
The Texas Roadhouse in Grandville next to the I-196 interchange near the Rivertown Mall.
D & W Parking lot, 50 Douglas Ave, Holland, MI
September 2010 WMCC Meeting notes
August 29, 2010
Present: Anita & Doug Warren, Carl & Teresa Lins, Angie & Dave Kemp, John & Cheryl Smith, Nick & Christy Kemp, Dave
& Gay Verburg, John Falkenhagen, Marc Bouman, Mike & Kristin Faust, Ken Simpson, Lamar Schrock, Gerry Rozeboom,
Keith Wilkerson, Dan Barker, Kevin Dewitte, Jeff Peloquin, Mike & Sue Miller, Juan Arroyo, Mike McLeod, Dick McLeod, Ed
Peterson, Bob Donker, Jordon Donker, Gene Grams, Dennis & Bonnie Edwards and Ty Mason.
We thanked Ty for hosting our Club meeting at his Dyno Shop.
Berger Show Review: Awesome cars and we had a great show. Doug thanked everyone for all of their hard work and for
volunteering. We had a lot of people from out of state. We had more cars than last year with 230 participants, 20 feature
cars, and 44 club cars which is the largest Berger show yet. There was a lot of great input from everyone and how nice it
was to have indoor bathrooms.
We asked our members for suggestions and ideas on how to improve upon the show for next year, like we always do.
Marc suggested the signs by the entrance need to be larger and say “All Chevy Show” and advertise the price. Dennis suggested we add some “no thru traffic” signs as well.
A suggestion was made that we adjust the quantities of sizes in the T-shirt order next year to have more XL and XXL shirts
as we were out by 10:00 a.m. We need to do less large and more XL.
There was some discussion about the posting of the award times as it was hard to hear on the other side of the building.
Parking was also discussed. Doug inquired about the possibility of tapping into Berger’s outdoor speakers.
A participant was overheard complaining about the 50/50 raffle tickets when someone got over 300 tickets for $20, when
they just bought 6 tickets for $5. They figured they had no chance after seeing that. Following some constructive discussion, it was decided that next year we would stick to $1 each, 6 tickets for $5 and maybe an arm lengths of tickets for $20 or
even better, 25 tickets for $20, keeping things more fair for everyone. This way we would have enough tickets and not run
Another suggestion was made that we have bumper stickers or windshield banners made that stated “I cruised the 28 th
Street Metro Cruise at Berger Chevrolet” or something similar for next year, in leu of dash plaques.
Doug asked if everyone would be okay with making a special spot for Corvair Club again next year and everyone agreed
that would be fine. Angie stated a few Michiana Camaro Club members made an appearance yesterday.
Doug will talk to Dick and Matt about all of these ideas.
Burn Survivor Show at 5/3 Ball Park: Doug stated the main guy that usually runs that show is very ill so and is talking
about not doing this show again next spring. Doug was asked if we would want to take over that show, but thinks it may be
more than we want to take on. But asked for everyone’s opinion? Everyone wants to pass as we would have to plan all
year and it would be a lot of work. One big show a year (Berger Show) seems like enough.
October 3, 2010 Meeting: John Smith inquired if we want to have the meeting at Rosie’s Diner and do a cruise? John
stated we should meet at Berger and then travel on up. We are leaving Berger at 11:00 a.m.
November 7, 2010 Meeting: Dave stated he would get with Gary and come up something. Doug suggested that possibly
we do a rally, meet at 11:00 a.m. at B&G Discount in Schoolcraft again.
Summit / NEOCC Show in Ohio: We are going to meet in Coldwater at 2:00 p.m. at the Walmart parking lot. This is located off I-69 on US -12, turn left, Walmart will be on the right.
Fall Color Tour, October 7-10: Meet at the Pilot gas station on M-66 at 9:00 a.m. (Our usual meeting place) We will be
staying at the Driftwood Inn in St Ignace. A suggestion was made to eat dinner at Cross Village’s, Leggs Inn on Thursday
on our trip up north.
Doug reminded everyone about the car show at the 52 and Ivanrest, @ Res Life Church beginning at 5pm (after our meeting).
Essenhaus Restaurant in Middlebury, Indiana: Thursday night, September 2, 2010 we will meet at Three Rivers at 4:30
p.m., in the parking lot behind the Meijers gas station. Doug stated you get 10% discount on dinner and have a nice car
show. Usually they get over 300 cars to attend.
Doug adjourned the meeting and we got on with Ty’s demonstration and shop tour.
Ty Masons Custom Horsepower Shop was very kind and had our club in for our meeting. Ty introduced himself and explained that he does the Stage II and Stage III set ups for the Camaro. He stated their job is to increase horsepower. He
expressed that he would do a demonstration of how the Dyno works. The Yellow Berger SS on the dyno put up some very
impressive numbers and seeing how the process works was very interesting. There were many questions about the process and Ty answered all of them easily. Everyone thanked Ty for hosting our meeting.
Berger History: Gerry Rozeboom from Berger told us a little about himself explaining he has worked at Berger for 36
years. He explained that he is the Director of the Parts Department. He talked about their connection to Ty Masons Custom
The Western Michigan Camaro Club
is dedicated to the enjoyment, preservation
and promotion of the Chevrolet Camaro as the
premier four passenger sports car ever. The
club was formed in 1975.
The WMCC holds monthly membership
meetings on the first Sunday of each month.
Times and location vary, so see the
Newsletter or check the club’s web site at for specific times and
locations, or call one of the officers.
Don’t Miss the Next WMCC Meeting
Sunday October 3rd, 2010 at
Berger Chevrolet in Grand Rapids, MI
See Newsletter for details.
Camaro Corner
WMCC Officers
President: Doug Warren 616.531.7482
Vice President: Gary Crippin 269.273.5051
Secretary: Bonnie Edwards 517.765.9929
Treasurer: Anita Warren 616.531.7482
Membership: Shelley Crippin 269.273.5051
Webmaster: Brent Findley
Newsletter Editor: Gary Crippin 269.273.5051
Club Archivist & Photographer: Ray Cochran
Club Sponsor
Berger Chevrolet ~ BERGERCHEVY.COM
Watch for the latest info on
upcoming WMCC events.