New Adventures Beginning For Innisfree Students
New Adventures Beginning For Innisfree Students
Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 16NEWS.CA 16NEWS.CA www.HIWAY www.HIWAY 1 LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL NEWS AND VIEWS Covering the news from the Counties of Lamont, Minburn, Beaver and Two Hills as well as the Towns of Vegreville and Vermilion, Alberta Volume II • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 • Issue 18 FREE New Adventures Beginning For Innisfree Students ‘The Adventure Has Just Begun‘ for eight Innisfree students who participated in the spring graduation exersices on Friday, May 6 at the Innisfree Rec Centre. The Hiway 16 News would like to extend congratulations to each of the graduates. See inside this week’s paper for more photos on the Innisfree Delnorte School graduation. A s eight well-dressed graduates crossed the Innisfree Recreation Centre stage on May 6, family, friends and area residents were in attendance to witness the spring exercises and accomplishments of the Grade 12 students over their years at Innisfree Delnorte School. The evening ceremonies followed the graduation banquet which featured congratulatory messages from the Buffalo Trail Public School (BTPS) division and local dignitaries. School Trustee, Alice McLaughlin spoke to the graduates saying success is not easy and encouraged the students to set high goals for themselves. She also reminded the student to always remember where they have come from. McLaughlin delivered a message from Lloydminster Vermilion MLS Dr. Richard Starke, who was unable to attend the event. In his message Starke advised that “an open mind is a powerful tool” and a change in thought can be beneficial to success. “Be proud of your roots and your hometown,” said Trustee McLaughlin. Innisfree Mayor Debbie McMann echoed the graduation theme, ‘The Adventure Has Just Begun,’ by saying the students’ next step in life is just beginning and reminisced about watching the 2016 graduating class as they grew up in ~ Naomi Foyster-Melnyk, Lifetouch Canada the community, then wished them well wherever life takes them. Graduate Jared Jackson gave the toast to the parents and commented on how such a small school could manage to succeed year after to year, citing the community in the school’s success. His mother Connie Jackson gave a reply to the toast and told of watching the students grow throughout the years. She closed with her hope that the “close-knit” group of students stay in touch. The graduates then exited the main hall to prepare to welcome the public to the evening exercises. A packed hall watched as the graduates and their escorts walked the promenade route, followed by our national anthem, as sang by Mrs. Joyce Baker. University Professor and former Innisfree Delnorte School alumnus, Dr. Richard Sydora gave the keynote speech at the Innisfree Delnorte School Spring Exercises on May 6. School Principal Celeste Matovich, filling in for MC Tiffany Tomlinson, expressed concern for the residents and students of Fort McMurray before proceeding with the graduation ceremony. BTPS Superintendent Bob Allan gave his address to the students stating the students’ steadfast learning over the years, has attributed to the night’s celebrations. He added that although the path of life may be difficult, students should learn from their failures, adjust their paths and carry on to success. Principal Matovich gave a humorous prediction for each of the students which had the graduates and audience giggling. Following the tribute to the teachers by graduates Quinn Hlus and Brayden Drury, Hlus introduced the keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Sydora, a professor at the University of Alberta. Speaking at his former high school forty years after graduating, Dr. Sydora said Innisfree Delnorte School is really where his adventures really began. He started school in 1964 and said he had many great memories from his days in Innisfree including one particular mem- BT Superintendent Bob Allen ory where a class mate climbed a tree in the school yard only to fall from the tree, breaking his arm. The memory he spoke of included graduate Melissa Cannan’s father, Randy, a former class mate of Dr. Sydora. He added that his hometown school served as a “melting pot” for students from the outlying areas around Innisfree and said small town schools like Innisfree are the foundation of a community. Class Valedictorian Keana Boere gave thanks for being able to complete all of her school years at Delnorte School and said the education her class received there will help launch them into the fuContinued on p. 2 2 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 New Adventures Beginning For Innisfree Students Continued from p. 1 ture. “I feel very privileged to grow up in this community,” said Boere who asked her fellow graduates to always remember when they came from. The class histories were given by graduates Melissa Cannan and Jaret Jackson which was followed by the power-point presentation which revealed each of the students’ early years of life through to graduation. The emotional and touching presentation of Forever Gratefuls, acknowledgments of the roles of parents in the success of the students, followed. The school colours were passed to the grade 11 class representative, Dallas Dobler, by graduate Conrad Fowler. In a final presentation, graduates Aaron Friesen and Conrad Fowler acknowledged the staff and teachers of the school and made formal presentations to a number of people for the evening’s event before the procession of the graduates from the hall. The eight students will be completing their final exams over the two months of school remaining for the year, before heading out on their new paths of life. 2016 Class Valedictorian Keana Boere thanked the community for her years spent at the small-town school and asked her fellow graduates to always remember where they came from. Myrnam Dancers Support Fort McMurray At Annual Spring Concert Group 1 members of the Myrnam Ukrainian Dancers performed a dance titled Holova Ramina Molina Pitsi which club president Tracy Winterbottom said in English, translates to head and shoulder knees and toes. T he New Myrnam School gymnasium was filled with colour as the Myrnam and District Ukrainian Dance club held its annual Spring Concert on May 7. The afternoon performance featured dances from each of the five youth dance groups as well as the newly formed adult group. Club President Tracy Winterbottom, acted as the MC for the afternoon and recognized the disaster playing out in Fort McMurray and asked for all in attendance to support in any way possible. Follow- • Myrnam and District Ukrainian Dancers ing the singing of the Canadian and Ukrainian national anthems Winterbottom then introduced the various dances portraying the Ukrainian culture. The first dance of the day was the Pryvit and included all the dancers of the club. The Class 2 group danced a character dance named ‘Mitten’ and delighted the family and friends in the crowd. Following the performances the raffle prizes were handed out and awards were presented to the new dancers of the club. Published every Tuesday. The Hiway 16 News serves the communities of Lavoy, Ranfurly, Innisfree, Minburn and Mannville, Alberta as well as the Towns of Vegreville and Vermilion. Our Staff: 5119 - 50 Avenue • Box 308 • Innisfree, Alberta • T0B2G0 780-581-0871 Karen Nedzielski Publisher Allan Sharp Circulation Kristin Bergman Student Reporter A portion of the proceeds from the annual Spring Concert were going to be forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross to help the Fort McMurray disaster. The Myrnam concert is one of the final Ukrainian dance performances for the Hiway 16 News area. Ads, articles and photos are not to be republished without the consent of the Hiway 16 News publisher. Letters To The Editor: The Hiway 16 News welcomes Letters to the Editor. Letters must be signed and include an address and a phone number for authenticity. The Hiway 16 News reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste, and brevity. Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Fire Restriction Notice Beaver County Including Towns, Villages And Hamlets Chem Handler III FOR SALE Innisfree Family Set To House Fort Mac Fire Victims A fter the completion of renovations to a farm house in hopes of renting it out, one Innisfree family has decided to offer it up for victims of the Fort McMurray fire. The farmstead was purchased with the intension of renovating and renting the existing farm house, but in light of the disaster unfolding in the north, Vern and Lorraine Fowler say they feel compelled to find a family in need of a place to stay to fill the vacancy. “After watching the news this week, I felt that we had to do this. It was an easy decision,” said Lorraine Fowler. The Fowlers say the house has three bedrooms upstairs as well as one downstairs, so they would like to see a family move in to use the farm house to its capacity. The home is unfurnished so they are asking area residents to help furnish it, including furniture, bedding, towels, dishes and all other household items. If you have something you would like to donate to the project you can contact the Fowlers at 780-592-2185. Smaller items can be dropped off weekdays at the Hiway 16 News office during regular business hours or after hours by appointment. E Fire Ban Notice – Village of Innisfree ffective immediately, a TOTAL FIRE BAN has been declared for the Village of Innisfree. Burning barrels and campfires will not be allowed at this time. Fireworks are not allowed. Propane barbeques are allowed. No new fire permits will be issued until the ban is lifted and all fire permits are suspended. Failure to comply with the fire ban will result in charges for fire response (as per Village Bylaw 595-14) and possible charges as per the Forest and Prairie Protection Act of Alberta. For further information contact the Village of Innisfree Administration Office at 780-592-3886. ~ Fire Chief Eldon Kostynuk, Village of Innisfree Town Of Vegreville Update On Fort McMurray Evacuee Support A s was reported in the Press Release of May, 4, 2016 6 p.m., The Town of Vegreville Fire Department has deployed five fire fighters to assist with the Ft McMurray fire relief as requested by the Provincial Operations Centre (POC). Our fire fighters have arrived safely in Ft McMurray. Also, as was stated in the previous Press Release, no formal coordination of a Reception Centre in Vegreville for displaced residents from Ft McMurray is planned at this time. We realize that evacuees have made their way to Vegreville and if any are in need of supports, supplies etc., they may contact Vegreville and District FCSS at 780-632-3966 or stop into the FCSS office at 4829-50 St. Main Level and FCSS will endeavor to source supplies and services to meet their needs. We further encourage all evacuees to register with the Red Cross in order that they may keep an accurate count of those affected, their location and have the ability to contact them should further details arise or if family members are trying to get in touch with them. Please call 1-888-350-6070. Citizens wishing to donate to relief efforts can do so at Alberta Fires Appeal online, by calling 1-800-418-1111, or by contacting their local Red Cross office. Donations go towards food, clothing, shelter and other necessities. You can also text REDCROSS to 30333 to make a $5 donation. If any local residents wish to offer independent assistance in any way, please inquire through the Alberta Emergency Management Association Website at www. Cliff Craig, Interim CAO for the Town of Vegreville $ 1995 Dodge 1500 E ffective 9 a.m. on May 4, 2016, Beaver Emergency Services Commission issued a Fire Restriction for all of Beaver County including rural areas and hamlets. Burning barrels and campfires/fire pits will be allowed at this time. Propane and natural gas barbeques are allowed. Landowners who have recently burned brush piles or other debris are requested to check their burns and ensure the burn area is extinguished. No new fire permits will be issued until the restriction is lifted. Failure to comply with the fire restriction will result in charges for fire response (as per BESC Bylaw4-2013) and possible charges as per the Forest and Prairie Protection Act of Alberta. For further information contact BESC Administration Office at 1-866663-3730. 3 Extended Cab truck for sale for parts. Lots of new parts on it including new brakes, sliding rear window, shocks, trailer ball hitch, and tires with only 2,500 miles on them. 0 0 4 , 1 ood G ition d Con Contact 780-208-1538 Asking $1,250 Call 780-603-3635 Innisfree Minburn 4-H Beef Club 51st Annual Achievement Day Show and Sale Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 Minburn Agricultural Grounds 2:00 pm Show Competition (Steer and Heifer) 6:00 pm Auction Sale of 16 Choice Calves & A Special Charity Auction Raffle Tickets Will Be Auctioned Off. Proceeds Donated to Charity VILLAGE OF INNISFREE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT The Village of Innisfree is accepting applications for a Public Works Summer Student. This position is a 9-week seasonal temporary position, funded under the federal Canada Summer Job program. Applicants must have been registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year. Duties include outdoor labor, mowing, trimming, small equipment operation and maintenance and other miscellaneous tasks. Proposed dates: June 29 – August 28, 2016 • Ability to operate all types of mowing and trimming equipment • Understanding of workplace safety (orientation provided) • Self-motivated and able to work independently • Valid Class 5 Alberta Drivers’ License Please reply in writing by 4:30 pm, Friday, May 27, 2016 By mail to: Village of Innisfree, Box 69, Innisfree, Alberta T0B 2G0 By Fax: 780-592-592-3724 Email: 12th Annual Courage Canada Trail Ride to Support Brain Injury Awareness Hosted by Brain Injury Survivor- Curtis Anderson May 28 at the Curtis Anderson Farm near Minburn, AB 9 am Registration – Ride at 10 am Pre-register for the ride by May 20 by calling 780-581-4802 or 780-592-2268 Bring a bag lunch and water bottle for the trail. Supper at the Innisfree Rec Centre Doors Open at 5 pm | Supper at 6:30 pm Live and Silent Auction Cowboy Poetry and Dance to follow with Live Entertainment Featuring Steve Newsome Cowboy Church on Sunday at 10 am. The Courage Canada Trail Ride supports FOCUS in Vermilion, VALID in Vegreville, LABIS in Lloydminster and the Halvar Jonson Centre for Brain Injury. Tickets $35 each and 10 years and under – FREE 4 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 FOR RE E S NT U 10 miles HO south of Lavoy. 2 Bedrooms, attached garage, fridge, stove and utilities included. $ 600 damage deposit and $600 per month rent. Call 780-336-6700 ACREAGE FOR SALE BY HAIRY HILL, AB. 1/4 mile south of HWY 45, R.R. 141, 10.8 acres of land. 2 homes - 1 built in 1982, 1,780 sq ft, and 1 older home. Quonset - 48 x 90 ft. and other great buildings with fenced corrals. Fully landscaped, mature and well maintained yard. A MUST SEE! Bruce Community Centre Available For Rent Ideal spot for family gatherings. Fully stocked kitchen, hall, playground, ball diamond, horseshoe pits. For Rental Inquiries call 780-688-3510 House For Rent In Mannville 2 bedroom bungalow with 20x26 attached garage, fenced yard. Laminate flooring, new stove, fridge and W/D. Finished basement with 2 BR and 1/2 bath. Rent $1,000 per month. For more info call Val @ 780-853-0112 $460,000 CONTACT 780-768-3732 Vegreville & District Co-op ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING May 19th, 2016 at the Vegreville Sunshine Club 4630 - 49th Street Doors open @ 6:30pm Meeting @ 7pm Items of Business: 1. Directors and General Managers Reports 2. Appointment of Auditors 3. Election of Officers 2 positions - 3 Year Terms Nomination Committee Contacts: Steve Babych 780-657-2096 Glen McLay 780-632-2884 Bonnie Litwin 780-632-7637 Farm Wife Diaries - Would You Like Fries With That? “T By Deb Barber here is nothing good for dessert”, wails the farmer husband, “have bowl of ice cream”, replies the callused wife. “But I can’t eat plain ice cream I need something to go with it”! Ah yes, it’s spring time north of Minburn! Fast forward to the next day just as I am switching out baked chocolate pudding for his favorite gingerbread loaf in the oven his head pops in the door as asks; “Is my lunch ready?” and I hear that sarcastic voice in my head say.....would you like fries with that? That particular morning had been unnecessarily busy already as I had ‘suggested’ the evening before that I should lock the horses out of the field into their pasture (we let them roam the quarter during the winter months). The response had been I would have ‘plenty’ of time to catch them in the morning and in hindsight I ask myself, why do I even listen? After a good hour and a half of wandering the field, checking all their favorite haunts my over active imagination had swung from someone opened a gate and let them out, to they’ve been shot and I’m going to find their rotting carcasses swarmed by vultures over the next hill. Giving up I returned to the yard site to take the side by side to go on a better prepared and more extensive search. Circling along the quarter border I finally spotted them in the farthest north/west corner in the grove of trees that Reecey and I refer to as the ‘magic forest’. It makes perfect sense since someone had said, “Let them have one more night of freedom”, that they would chose to find a great hiding place. Maneuvering the quad over to that area I was faced with an interesting dilemma; with our recent snow and rain I would have to cross a marshy area with water laying a good foot or so deep! I scanned the terrain and found an opening that at one time had been used to move equipment from one side of this quarter to the other and I crept my way through utilizing the 4 wheel drive feature. Coming out on the other side both horses casually looked my way, grass hanging from both their mouths! This is where the Fjord is invaluable as she let me walk up to her, slip on her halter and she was content to walk beside the side by side as we manipulated our way back! She was complacent and trudged along beside me as my machine rocked back and forth through the old ruts while the quarter horse reared, bucked and when we got to the other side shot away from that terrifying monster! You know, the quad that she normally tries to eat the paint off!! Once having them safely secured in the pasture I tootled up to the yard site wondering why hubby hadn’t already left and I hope to live long enough to learn to ‘never’ go near the man when he is within fifty feet of the dreaded Raven sprayer!! After listening to the vast number of problems which included no pressure and a leaking connection I advised him I’d just go finish taking down the temporary fence. Of course this was meet with a chorus of just wait for me, some days there’s just no running away from someone else’s problems. By now I am recognizing that he is way behind on his internal ‘ things that must be done today’ list so I start pulling up the snow fence stakes we use as fence posts and he eventually calls me to a halt, advising I should be putting them in the truck. Once again that internal voice starts its tirade as I was making piles and was going to drive along and pick them up, but sometimes it’s just better to go with the flow! In record time we had the fence down and he was on his way. Freeing me to come into the house to make desserts and fill lunch boxes! On the positive note; I had 8,348 steps recorded on my Fitbit and I hadn’t even eaten my breakfast yet! Points to Ponder: why is it when we put something away for safe keeping we can never remember where that place is?? 4 C’s Specialties in Two Hills offers custom engraving, embroidery and trophies for any event or awards presentation. Call 780-657-3404 for a quote on your next project. Great Home Business Idea! 4 C’s Specialties is for sale and comes with a complete existing clientele list Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5 Innisfree Mayor’s Message in a Minute M ay turned out to be full of the good, the bad and the lucky. The Graduation of the Innisfree-Delnorte School was a wonderful affair with the stars of the evening 8 grade 12 students. Mrs. Melnyk assured us that these students will be successful in their future and I fully agree. The bad must be the wild fires of Fort McMurray causing so many to flee their homes. Preparations for the opening of the Recreation Park have begun with the intention that the park could be open as soon as possible to accommodate any evacuees from Fort McMurray. Several in and around the Village, have offered their homes for these folks also and I know donations from our village are also going to the Red Cross to assist with their efforts. In the village we have seen changes in the landscape and in the grounds. The new Village Public Works building was seen the groundwork done for the landscaping, and the trees and yards around the village are greening up beautifully. I’m reminding everyone to complete their census forms as soon as possible. This impacts our village in the funding we receive and planning for the school, library and other public interest groups that meet the needs of our residents. The Village Council are inviting the public to attend the Open House May 11, 2016, at the Seniors Drop-in Centre at 7 p.m. for the presentation of the Village’s audited financial statement for 2015. Also on May 11, the library will be hosting Billie Milholland with a discussion and book signing of her book “Living in the Shed” at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. May 12 will see the Prairie Bank of Commerce Historical Society holding their annual meeting at 6:30 in the Village Office. Again everyone is welcome and we do need the support of the community to insure that the museum will continue. New people and new ideas are welcome. And the lucky - congratulations to Tyson Rudolf for winning Silver and Kristin Bergman for winning Gold at the Annual Buffalo Trails Superintendent’s Public Speaking competition held May 6. Enjoy these beautiful spring days but please do not light any fires. We need and value all the residents of Innisfree and area. ~ Respectfully written by Deb McMann Evacuees Welcomed By Family With Viking Ties Enjoying a Mother’s day breakfast in the safety of an Edmonton home are, from left, hosts Jim and Barb Heath with evacuees Perry Tobin, Maxine Tobin (employee of City of Fort McMurray), and Kylie Tobin. O n Monday, May 2, the Tobins of Fort McMurray were forced to flee their home in what has been describe as the worst natural disaster in Canadian history. Daughter Kylie was at school on Tuesday, May 3 and describes the morning as an average, clear day in Fort McMurray. She said by noon, she could see flames and smoke from her school and quickly made a call to her father Perry who told her to meet them at their home immediately. The family grabbed as many personal items as they could along with their dog Presley, and contacted Perry’s sister and her family Johanna Tobin and made arrangements to meet outside of the city limits and flee the flames that threatened their homes. Corden Skinner, Johanna Tobin’s partner, headed to Anzac with the family’s truck and trailer in tow, with instructions to meet the rest of the family there. Skinner’s truck, towing a heavily loaded trailer, began to heat which forced them to leave the trailer in Anzac. Both families decided to head further south to Edmonton where they stayed at a hotel for two nights to plan their next step in the evacuee process. Hosts of Evacuees – Jim and Barb Heath On Friday, May 6 the families registered with the Red Cross. Edmontonian Barb Heath, a health nurse, was advised by her boss that he knew the two evacuee fami- Hiway 16 Partners With VALID L Evacuees Corden Skinner and partner Johanna Tobin and their daughter Alyssa Francis. Edmonton resident Michael Heath prepared a mother’s day Breakfast for the families staying in his family’s home. ast week, you may have seen some new faces delivering the Hiway 16 News. The newspaper has partnered with VALID to help get the weekly paper out in timely manner. Charlene Mihalcheon and Jeremy Bolduc are now distributing the paper to a number of locations throughout Vegreville. Hiway 16 News is grateful for their help and pictured here are, from left, VALID Program Supervisor Karen Streets, Charlene Mihalcheon, Jeremy Bolduc and Hiway 16 News publisher Karen Nedzielski, as they celebrate a successful first week of distribution of the paper. ~Allan Sharp Photo lies who had just arrived in Edmonton. Having extra vacant accommodations, Jim and Barb Heath made the decision to open up their home to the fleeing family. On May 7 Michael Heath, son of Jim and Barb, had pre-planned a Mother’s Day breakfast which was to include his grandmother Annie Naslund of Viking, but following the evacuation of Fort McMurray, he included the two evacuee families, showing the support many Albertan families have extended since the blaze which consumed much of the City of Fort McMurray. At the date of publication, the families understand both of their homes are still standing, but all utilities have been cut off until city officials deem it safe to turn on services again. 6 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Congratulations to the 2016 Graduates of Innisfree Delnorte School. Jared Jackson and escort Olivia Anderson Conrad Fowler and escort Megan Romaniuk Brayden Drury and escort Breanne Hryhirchuk Class Valedictorian Keana Boere and escort Justin Fleming Innisfree, AB Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Quinn Hlus and escort Lucus Mahon Tyler MacColl and escort Danielle Middleton Deb’s Agency - Innisfree would like to extend a congratulations to the Innisfree Delnorte Graduating Class of 2016! 2016! Aaron Friesen and escort Nicole Driedger 7 Melissa Cannan and escort Brandon Porter Class of 2016 Innisfree 8 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Innisfree Library Paint Night A Hit O Submitted n April 27, we hosted our first ever Paint Night. Local artist and teacher, Tiffany Tom- linson gave us step-by-step instructions to paint a birch tree and sky scene. We had a full class with ladies attending from Vegreville to Vermilion. Tiffany was a lot of fun and kept us all entertained while we created our masterpieces. Most attending had little to no experience in painting and all of the art work turned out beautifully. We look forward to having Tiffany back for our next paint night in early June. She is also working on something that parents and kids can do together. Watch for upcoming dates. Thank you Tiffany for instructing and thank you also to the VILB for providing snacks and refreshments. Innisfree Moms Treated To Morning Out Moms in the Innisfree area were treated to a brunch in their honour at the Innisfree Recreation Centre on May 8. The annual event at the hall was crowded as people enjoyed pancakes, eggs, hash browns, sausage and a wide selection of fruit for dessert. A 50-50 draw was held and the winner, Allan Nutt, donated the $163 in winnings to the Red Cross to help the Fort McMurray fire evacuees. Hall board member Allan Sharp presented Volunteer cooks who gave up their own Mother’s the Mother’s Day brunch 50-50 winner Allan Day to help prepare food for the Innisfree Nutt, with $163 which Nutt handed back to the Recreation Centre’s brunch are Tracy Rudolf, on organization to pass on to the Red Cross to help the left, and Wendy Nott. Both are members of the the Fort McMurray fire evacuees. Innisfree Recreation Centre board. Manville Golf Course Hosts Area Moms T he Riverview Golf Course, located just north of the village of Mannville, hosted a Mother’s Day brunch on Sunday, May 8 with a full menu. Overlooking the greens and fairways of the golf course, moms from throughout the area enjoyed a morning without cooking. The golf course’s brunch falls just one week before the ‘His and Hers Kickoff’ tournament scheduled for May 15. Pictured here are some of the brunch visitors. The staff of the Mannville Riverview Golf Course was busy shuffling the brunch food items to the buffet tables as area residents enjoyed the full menu brunch as they overlooked the view of the golf course. Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 9 Vegreville And Area Responds To Fire Victims’ Immediate Needs Davies Sisters To South Africa W hen news of the Fort McMurray fire and the vast number of evacuees involved hit the Vegreville area, many residents and businesses jumped into action to try and help those affected by the fire. Grant Miller Motors put out the call to fill a trailer full of much needed supplies and Vegreville responded in a huge way. Items including food, clothing, personal and baby supplies were brought to the dealership and before long the trailer was full and on its way to the crisis zone. Hiway 16 News was among those donating and pictured here is publisher Karen Nedzielski and GM salesman Curtis Giebelhaus with a few of the “high-need” personal products donated on behalf of the newspaper. Vegreville residents Curtis Dziwenka, on the left, and Brenda Spencer were spotted at a local business last week stocking up on items useful to Fort McMurray fire evacuees. The couple filled their shopping cart and then headed over to Grant Miller Motors to have them included in the trailer load of items headed to northern communities hosting fire evacuees. Family Dinner and Dance Fundraiser Saturday, May 14 at the Innisfree Rec Centre Doors Open @ 6 p.m. Supper @ 7 p.m. Dance to follow Tickets $25 each, Couples $40 10 – 16 Years $15, 9 and under – FREE Come support Skye and Robyn Davies in their quest for the World Saddle Seat Competition in South Africa! Certified Seed For Sale Wheat: Yellow Peas: 2-Row Malt Barley: 6-Row Feed Barley: Don’t Miss The Innisfree Community WIDE GARAGE SALE! Saturday, May 14 9am – 4pm Call Debbie @ 780-592-2083 to get your garage sale location on the map! Also check out the Used Book & Garage Sale at the Village of Innisfree Library at the Millennium Building. All proceeds will go to the Summer Reading Program. A fundraiser lunch will be available at the Millennium Building served by the Innisfree 4H Multi Club. This ad sponsored in part by 10 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kinsella Bingo Winners M DANIEL J. MOL LAWYERS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Privileged to be continuing a long tradition of service to Vegreville and area. 120 – 4925 – 50 Avenue Vegreville, AB T9C 1R6 Complete Auto Repairs and Maintenance 5805 Birch Avenue, Vegreville 780-632-6188 Office: 780.632.3553 Fax: 780.632.3557 YOU NAME IT, I CAN DO IT! Jean Hinecker presents Hot Balls winner Natasha Spillett from Wainwright with a cheque for $200 at the Kinsella Bingo. The bingo is held every Tuesday starting at 7 p.m. and features 37 games each night. ~ Photos submitted Tom Dwyer Mechanical • SPECIALIZING IN DRYWALL • TAPING • MUDDING • INSTALLING WINDOWS AND DOORS • PAINTING • COMPLETE BASEMENT AND MAIN FLOOR RENOS • ADDITIONS • SIDING AND A LOT MORE 1818299 AB Ltd. Little T ykes Plumbing DON POULIN PHONE STEVE FOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAY! P 780-657-2066 or C 780-632-9352 Chantal Laforest Authorized Marriage Commissioner Certified Funeral Celebrant PLUMBING 5434-44 Street VEGREVILLE, AB T9C 1C8 Caring Professional Compassionate English or French Ceremonies T: 780-592-3946 C: 780-721-9685 780-632-2043 Innisfree, AB Hair By Sharla Carla’s Cuʦ & Gel Nails Vegreville, Alberta 4943 – 51 Avenue, Vegreville, Alberta 780-603-7626 780-603-8167 Monday - Saturday Daytime & Evening Appointments Full Family Hair Care Services and Products as well as Gel Nails. All Hair Services Gel Nails Tanning Walk-Ins Welcome! ~ Carla Lizotte, Owner Happy Nest House Cleaning Co. Hot Balls winner Heather Boyenko of Wainwright with a cheque for $200. “Don’t Distress that your house is a mess. Hire Happy Nest House Cleaning” 100m%er Custo Satisfaction guaranteed Call or book online today! 780-628-6882 Licenced and insured for your protection. Cleaners all have clean criminal record and are bondable. CAFE & CATERING LOCATED ON MAIN STREET IN VIKING, ALBERTA Catering to any size function at very competitive prices with homemade foods! Ph: (780) 592-3840 Call 780-336-3366 to book catering for your next event! CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS Peter Arnold, CFP, CIM, FMA Financial Advisor, ATB Securities Inc. Vegreville, Tofield, Ryley, Two Hills Phone: 780 490 8912 Email: ATB Securities Inc. is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. JEFF'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Rapid Bingo winner Lillian Nordstrom of Sedgewick with a cheque for $200. It, You Dump ump It! We P (P) 780-366-3855 (C) 780-581-3867 Myrnam, Alberta • Accounting Services • Personal Tax • Corporate Tax • Commissioner for Oaths Jocelyne Lanovaz, CPA, CGA director / mannville / alberta Canada email: phone: 780 903 9127 VEGREVILLE MECHANICAL LTD. Complete Auto & Truck Care And Light Duty DSL repairs VegMin Learning Society Learning is our business: 4923-50 Street Vegreville AB T9C1R4 780-632-7920 What did you learn today? 780-632-4140 MARITIME HARDWOOD FLOORS LTD INSTALLATION - REFINISHING • Numeracy • Essential skills • English Language • • Digital Technology Office hours: Mon. – Wed. 9-5 and Thurs & Fri. 9-6 • Arts, Crafts, Hobbies & Fithness Also Inspections: School Bus, Out of Province & Insurance 4829 - 50 Avenue Vegreville, Alberta • Literacy What do you want to learn? Public Internet site & Wi fi Hotspot Video & Web Conference technology INNISFREE LAWN SERVICE Lawn Mowing - Tree Trimming & Removal Call For A Quote Hugh Fleming 780-592-3946 780-490-8126 Innisfree, AB Bonanza winner Rhoda Desjardins of Wainwright with a cheque for $500. Hardwood Custom Woodworking Laminate HAVE YOUR COMPANY APPEAR IN OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR ONLY $10 A WEEK! Call our office to book your ad. 780-581-0871 P.O. Box 233 Innisfree, AB T0B 2G0 780.603.8677 HAVE YOUR COMPANY APPEAR IN OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR ONLY $10 A WEEK! Call our office to book your ad. 780-581-0871 * ads appear in black & white only, all ads prices are plus GST. Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Local Bikers Gear Up To Head North W ith the warmer temperatures many people are heading outdoors to enjoy the spring days, including motorcycle enthusiasts Cam Stevenson and Brad Straty. The two men enjoyed a ride through the Hiway 16 News area on May 7, and the newspaper had a chance to catch up with them in Myrnam. This may be one of the final rides for a while for the men as both are on-call to head to the fire-devastated Fort McMurray area. Straty, pictured here on the right, is the County of Two Hills Fire Chief and said he expects to get a call any day, to head north and relieve some of the fire fighters already fighting the blaze, which overtook the area this week. Stevenson is the Dewberry Fire Department’s Training Officer and said he has been on-call since last Tuesday and also expects to be called out in the next few days to help with the firefighting efforts. Colleen Berg Claims Photo Contest Prize Package C olleen Berg, with her submitted photo titled ‘Spring Time Romance,’ was featured on last week’s Hiway 16 News cover as the winning photo for the newspaper’s Spring Photo Contest. Dozens of images were submitted and after a panel of judges carefully looked over each of them, Berg’s photo was declared the winner. She is pictured here accepting her prize package, with Hiway 16 News Publisher Karen Nedzielski. Thanks to all who submitted photos and watch for future contests in our community newspaper. ~Allan Sharp Photo Innisfree Students Claim Prizes at Superintendent’s Speak Off By Kristin Bergman, Hiway 16 News Student Reporter M ay is a busy time of year for students with field trips and school work as teachers hurry to finish the curriculum in time. Provincial achievement tests are already underway for Grades 3, 6, and 9, and diplomas and final exams will be coming up in June. On May 4 the Grade 10 class went to the Try-a-Trade Career Expo in Lloydminster. The students had a great time trying their hands at trades such as welding, plumbing, and carpentry, alongside other Grade 10 students from around the area. Try-a-Trade is a great opportunity for high school students to look into careers involving the trades. May 4 was also ‘Hats On for Mental Health’ day. There was a lot of participation on this day as students wore their hats in school to show their support for mental health. On the morning of Friday, May 6, Kiera Comeau, Tyson Rudolf, and Kristin Bergman represented Innisfree School at the BTPS Superintendent Public Speaking Competition. Public speakers from all over the school district came to J.R. Robson High School to present their speeches to Superintendent Bob Allen, a panel of judges, and a supportive crowd. The speeches were also live-streamed so that classrooms all over the province could watch and cheer on members from their school. All three participants did an 11 Pictured here is Kristin Bergman as she participated in the Superintendent’s public speaking competition last week. Bergman was awarded a gold medal for her speech. Congratulations Kristin! excellent job delivering their speeches. Tyson Rudolf won silver for Division III, and Kristin Bergman won gold for Division IV. Both received medals and prize money, and will have their names engraved on a plaque displayed in the Superintendent’s office. Congratulations to all students who earned their chance to present at the competition. May 6 was also Grad Night for the Grade 12 students who all worked very hard to plan and prepare the ceremony. Students, parents, teachers, and other community members also ensured the success of the night and supported our graduates as they celebrated their years at Innisfree Delnorte School. Thank you to all who contributed to and attended the grad ceremony, and congratulations to Grade 12 students on all of your accomplishments throughout the school years. This week, on May 11, the Junior and Senior High students will be going to the Citidel Theatre in Edmonton to see West Side Story, a modern, musical retelling of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The elementary students will be starting swimming lessons this week, and will be going to Vermilion every Tuesday and Thursday to go swimming for the rest of the month. Next week will be Track and Field competitions for elementary, junior high, and senior high, and the Victoria Day long weekend from May 20-23. There will be no school on May 13. New Snap Circuit Board For Mannville Library T Submitted he Mannville Library now has a Snap Circuit Board available for its 8 years and older patrons. This is a board where the pieces are snapped together forming over 185 projects. The “potential” engineers can produce sound and light with this kit and the library is look forward to watching these projects come to life. It also has a picture of our Cricut which is a cutting machine not only for paper but for iron-on transfers, vinyl, tissue paper, etc. The Library will be offering classes in the fall for anyone interested in learning how this interesting machine works. Library Manag- The new Snap Circuit Board at the Mannville Library can help with all sorts of crafting projects. er Brenda Walker invites anyone who would like to use this machine prior to the fall classes to come into the library and staff will assist in whatever project you would like to make. The library has also purchased a laminator which allows them to offer laminating services for sizes 8 1/2 x 11, 5 x 7 and 4 x 6, all of which at a reasonable cost. Also coming soon to the library is an electronic community bulletin board by way of a Smart TV. We are asking organizations in and around Mannville to give us details on any upcoming events or fundraisers, if they are in need of volunteers and how many, when and where their meetings are, etc. There is no charge for this service so we are encouraging all organizations to provide us with as much information as possible. 12 Vol. II • №18 (55) • Tuesday, May 10, 2016 FINANCING FOR 84 MONTHS! • LOYALTY REBATES! • NO CHARGE DIESEL! • RAM 1500! • RAM 2500! • RAM 3500! 16T2114 2016 Ram 1500 Outdoorsman 16T4111 2016 Ram 1500 SLT 16T9397 2016 Ram 2500 PowerWagon 16T5590 2016 Ram 1500 Laramie 16T6762 2016 Ram 3500 SLT 16T0133 2016 Ram 3500 Laramie *** O.A.C. Some conditions apply. All prices are plus tax and $499 documentation fee. Prices include all rebates to dealer. All pictures are for display purposes only. Actual vehicles may not be shown. *** LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 16A WEST IN VEGREVILLE CONTACT US TODAY 1-877-532-6003 WWW.MADDIGANDODGE.COM
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