PRODUCT - HPM Building Supply
PRODUCT - HPM Building Supply
Product guide E N G I N E E R E D W O O D P R O D U C T S TECHNICAL DATA For Ikaika I-JOISTS, IKAIKA LAM LVL HEADERS & BEAMS, HPM Truss, Rosboro BigBeam®, Tall Wall Beams, And IKAIKA Rim Board s Table of n Contents o Ikaika Joists i SAFETY AND CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS Storage & Handling Guidelines System Performance n s IKAIKA Joist Joist Dimensions Reference Design Values floor SPANS Floor Loads e IKAIKA Joist Details Web Stiffener Requirements Web Hole Specifications 3 3 3 4 5 6 7–10 11 11–12 m Framing Connectors I-Joist Framing Connectors 13 i Ikaika Headers and Beams D 2.0E Headers & Beams Reference Design Values Allowable Floor Uniform Loads Bearing Information and Hole Details Multiple-Ply Beam Assembly 14 15–17 18 19 t HPM Truss s Manufactured wall Panels Manufactured Trusses 20 21 Rosboro BigBeam® i 3000Fb 2.1 BigBeam Design Properties 22 23 o Ikaika Tall Wall Studs Engineered for Tall Wall Framing 24 Framing Connectors J LVL Framing Connectors 25 - I Ikaika 1.5E 1¼” Rim Board Software Information Design Properties Details iSTRUCT Software TOOLS 26 26 27 Warranty Ikaika Joist Product Warranty by Pacific Woodtech Code Evaluation Reports I-Joist APA PR-L262 ICC-ES ESR-1225 ICC-ES ESR-1405 CCMC 13470-R HUD SEB 1132 LADBS RR 25450 FL7428 Laminated Veneer Lumber APA PR-L233 ICC-ES ESR-2909 CCMC 13006-R HUD MR 1310 LADBS RR 25448 FL7427 2 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Back Cover I Installation k Safety & Construction precautions • All hangers, rim boards, rim joists and blocking at the end supports of the joists must be installed and nailed properly. •Never overload sheathed joists with loads that exceed design loads. i •The ends of cantilevers must be temporarily braced on both the top and bottom flanges. a • W alking on the joists should not be permitted until they are properly braced. • Only remove the bracing as the sheathing is attached. k •Engineered wood products should be used in dry conditions only. • During installation, a minimum of 1 x 4 temporary bracing is required. •Lap bracing ends and anchor them to temporary or permanent sheathing nailed to the first 4’ of joists at the end of the bay or a braced end wall. a •When stacking construction material, stack only over beams or walls, NOT on unsheathed joists. • Bracing members should be spaced at 8’– 0” o.c. and nailed to each joist with two 8d nails (10d box nails if bracing thickness exceeds 1”). These are general recommendations and in some cases, additional precautions may be required. • Do not cut, drill, or notch flanges. S afety , Storage and Handling Guidelines Storage Handling •Installation guidelines from HPM Building Supply will be included with every shipment of trademarked IKAIKA joists to job sites. •All handling of joists with a forklift or crane should be done carefully. •Store bundles upright on a smooth, level, well drained supportive surface. •Avoid excessive bowing during all phases of handling and installation (i.e. measuring, sawing or placement). •Always stack and handle I-joists in the upright position only. •Place 2x or LVL spacers (at a maximum of 10’ apart) between bundles and the ground and bundles stored on top of one another. •Damage may result if the joist or beam is twisted or a load is applied to it while it’s lying flat. Never use or field repair a damaged I-joist. •Bundles should remain wrapped, strapped and protected from the weather until time of installation. System Performance By increasing the stiffness of the floor—using span/480 requirements instead of the more traditional span/360, the vibrations caused by a thundering herd of youngsters can be more easily tolerated. Designing the ideal floor is not, however, an exact science. Because one of the benefits of a wood floor is its ability to cushion footfalls, it is not desirable to make every Researchers have proposed a number of additional methods that can be used to reduce floor vibration even further. These methods include: •Gluing the wood structural panel floor to the IKAIKA joists •Attaching wood structural panels or gypsum board to the bottom of the IKAIKA floor joists •Decreasing the IKAIKA floor joist spacing by one increment based on allowable span •Using full-depth blocking at regular intervals between all of the IKAIKA floor joists over the entire floor • Adding concrete topping over the floor sheathing By far the most practical and most economical way to further increase the stiffness of your floor when using IKAIKA joists is to select the most economical joist from our allowable span tables and then maintain the same joist designation but upgrade to the next net depth. Build Stronger | page 3 P erformance With engineered wood products, however, designers are no longer limited by the capacities and lengths of traditional lumber structural elements. Spans unheard of just a few years ago are now common with engineered wood products. The traditional deflection limits may no longer be appropriate for the longer spans made possible by engineered wood products. For this reason, APA has voluntarily adopted a live load deflection criteria that is 33% stiffer than that required in the current model building codes. This deflection criteria was selected for increase because vibration loads are caused by transient or live loads, most often by people moving about the floor itself. floor overly stiff. As usual, a one-size solution does not fit all. The selection of span/480 as a serviceability requirement is a compromise. It provides a substantial decrease in floor vibration with a minimal cost penalty without making the floor so stiff that comfort is compromised. & Traditionally, floor vibration has not been an issue with a well-designed and constructed floor. The model code-required serviceability deflection requirements of span/360 for live load and span/240 for total load have long served to keep code-conforming floors stiff enough to minimize vibrationrelated problems. These deflection requirements were based on the use of traditional lumber framing and prevailing architectural norms. Spans in traditional lumber-framed structures seldom exceeded 14–16 feet. H andling • Bundles should not be in contact with the ground. •Joists should remain vertical during handling. imensions D Ikaika joist Ikaika Joist Dimensions IKAIKA I-20 IKAIKA I-40 IKAIKA I-45 IKAIKA I-60 J oist University of Hawaii dormitory construction using Ikaika joists. 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 9¹⁄₂” 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 9¹⁄₂” 16” 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 9¹⁄₂” 16” 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 16” - 9¹⁄₂” I ⅜” OSB Web 1¾” x 1⅜” Flange ⅜” OSB Web 25⁄16” x 1⅜” Flange ⅜” OSB Web 21⁄16” x 1⅜” Flange ⅜” OSB Web 25⁄16” x 1⅜” Flange IKAIKA I-77 IKAIKA I-90 Ikaika Joist IKAIKA I-70 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 16” 18” 20” 9¹⁄₂” ⅜” OSB Web 25⁄16” x 1½” Flange page 4 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 16” 18” 7⁄16” OSB Web 25⁄16” x 1½” Flange 20” 22” 24” 9¹⁄₂” 11⁷⁄₈” 14” 16” 18” 7⁄16” OSB Web 3½” x 1½” Flange 20” 22” 24” Ikaika Ikaika Joist Reference Design Values REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES (1) Joist Depth EI (2) (x 106 lb-in2) k(3) (x 106 lb) M(4) (ft-lb) V(5) (lb) ER(6) (lb) IR(7) (lb) eference D esign 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1450 1450 2400 2400 2400 2400 1800 1800 1300 1300 2400 2400 2400 2400 1800 1800 1300 1300 R 9½” 145 4.94 2520 1120 915 1990 253 6.18 3265 1420 915 1990 11⅞” 14” 373 7.28 3890 1710 915 1990 9½” 193 4.94 2735 1120 1080 2240 330 6.18 3545 1420 1080 2330 11⅞” IKAIKA I-40 14” 482 7.28 4270 1710 1080 2330 16” 657 8.32 4950 1970 1080 2330 9½” 193 4.94 3345 1120 980 2240 330 6.18 4315 1420 980 2250 11⅞” IKAIKA I-45 14” 486 7.28 5140 1710 980 2250 16” 665 8.32 5880 1970 980 2250 9½” 231 4.94 3780 1120 1080 2240 396 6.18 4900 1420 1080 2330 11⅞” IKAIKA I-60 14” 584 7.28 5895 1710 1080 2330 16” 799 8.32 6835 1970 1080 2330 440 6.19 6730 1420 1160 2335 11⅞” 14” 644 7.33 8030 1710 1160 2335 IKAIKA I-70 16” 873 8.42 9200 1970 1160 2335 18” 1141 9.53 10355 2239 1160 2335 20” 1447 10.63 11495 2506 1160 2335 9½” 261 5.57 5155 1430 1285 2695 442 6.92 6675 1925 1285 2695 11⅞” 14” 648 8.17 7960 2125 1285 2695 16” 881 9.35 9120 2330 1285 2695 IKAIKA I-77 18” 1152 10.55 10265 2535 1285 2695 20” 1463 11.76 11395 2740 1285 2695 4125 (9) 22” 1815 12.97 12520 2935 2390 (9) 24” 4125 (9) 2209 14.18 13630 3060 2390 (9) 9½” 392 5.57 7915 1430 1400 2860 661 6.92 10255 1925 1400 3355 11⅞” 14” 965 8.17 12235 2125 1400 3355 16” 1306 9.35 14020 2330 1400 3355 IKAIKA I-90 18” 1703 10.55 15780 2535 1400 3355 20” 2155 11.76 17520 2740 1400 3355 4605 (9) 22” 2664 12.97 19245 2935 2400 (9) 24” 3232 14.18 20955 3060 2400 (9) 4605 (9) 1. Values apply to normal load duration. All values except EI, k and Vertical Load may be adjusted for other load durations as permitted by the code. 2. Bending stiffness (EI). 3. Coefficient of shear deflection (k). Use Equations 1 or 2 to calculate uniform load or center point load deflections in a simple-span application. Uniform Load: Center-Point Load: Where: 3 d =calculated deflection [in] P =concentrated load [lb] 5wl 4 + wl 2 2Pl [1] d =__________ ________ [2] d =Pl + w =uniform load [lb/in] EI =bending stiffness of the I-joist [lb-in2] 384El k 48EI k l =design span [in] k =coefficient of shear deflection [lb] IKAIKA I-20 Vertical Load(8) (plf) Moment capacity (M). The tabulated values shall not be increased by any code-allowed repetitive member factor. Shear capacity (V). End reaction capacity (ER) of the I-joist without web stiffeners and a minimum bearing length of 1¾ inches. Intermediate reaction capacity (IR) of the I-joist without web stiffeners and a minimum bearing length of 3½ inches. Blocking panel and rim joist vertical load capacity. Web stiffeners required. See Web Stiffener Requirements on page 11. V alues For information about our complete line of products, please scan this code or visit Build Stronger | Joist Joist Series page 5 pans Floor Spans Allowable Spans for IKAIKA Joists – 40 PSF live load and 10 psf dead load Joist Joist Series Depth IKAIKA I-20 IKAIKA I-40 S IKAIKA I-45 IKAIKA I-60 Ikaika Joist F loor IKAIKA I-70 IKAIKA I-77 IKAIKA I-90 9½” 11⅞” 14” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 12” o.c. 16’–8” 19’–11” 22’–8” 18’–0” 21’–5” 24’–4” 26’–11” 18’–0” 21’–5” 24’–4” 27’–0” 18’–11” 22’–7” 25’–8” 28’–6” 23’–4” 26’–5” 29’–3” 32’–0” 34’–8” 19’–8” 23’–5” 26’–7” 29’–5” 32’–2” 34’–10” 37’–5” 40’–0” 22’–2” 26’–5” 29’–11” 33’–1” 36’–2” 39’–2” 42’–0” 44’–10” Simple Span 16” 19.2” o.c. o.c. 15’–3” 14’–5” 18’–3” 17’–3” 20’–9” 19’–6” 16’–5” 15’–6” 19’–7” 18’–6” 22’–2” 20’–6” 24’–2” 22’–1” 16’–5” 15’–6” 19’–7” 18’–6” 22’–3” 21’–0” 24’–8” 23’–4” 17’–3” 16’–3” 20’–7” 19’–5” 23’–5” 22’–1” 26’–0” 24’–6” 21’–3” 20’–1” 24’–2” 22’–9” 26’–9” 25’–2” 29’–3” 27’–7” 31’–7” 28’–10” 17’–11” 16’–11” 21’–4” 20’–2” 24’–3” 22’–11” 26’–10” 25’–4” 29’–4” 27’–9” 31’–10” 30’–0” 34’–2” 32’–3” 36’–6” 34’–5” 20’–2” 19’–0” 24’–0” 22’–7” 27’–3” 25’–8” 30’–2” 28’–5” 32’–11” 31’–0” 35’–8” 33’–7” 38’–3” 36’–1” 40’–10” 38’–6” 24” o.c. 13’–6” 16’–0” 17’–5” 14’–6” 16’–8” 18’–4” 19’–9” 14’–6” 17’–3” 19’–5” 19’–5” 15’–2” 18’–2” 20’–7” 21’–5” 18’–8” 21’–3” 23’–0” 23’–0” 23’–0” 15’–10” 18’–10” 21’–4” 23’–8” 25’–6” 25’–6” 30’–1” 32’–2” 17’–8” 21’–1” 23’–11” 26’–5” 27’–10” 27’–10” 33’–7” 35’–10” Allowable Spans for IKAIKA Joists – 40 PSF live load and 20 psf dead load 12” o.c. 18’–6” 22’–3” 24’–8” 20’–0” 23’–7” 25’–11” 27’–11” 20’–0” 23’–11” 27’–2” 30’–2” 21’–1” 25’–2” 28’–8” 31’–9” 26’–0” 29’–6” 32’–8” 35’–9” 37’–1” 21’–11” 26’–1” 29’–8” 32’–10” 35’–11” 38’–11” 41’–10” 44’–8” 24’–8” 29’–5” 33’–4” 36’–11” 40’–4” 43’–8” 46’–11” 50’–1” Multiple Span 16” 19.2” o.c. o.c. 17’–0” 15’–7” 19’–6” 17’–10” 21’–4” 19’–6” 17’–10” 16’–3” 20’–4” 18’–7” 22’–5” 20’–5” 24’–1” 22’–0” 18’–3” 17’–3” 21’–10” 20’–6” 24’–7” 22’–3” 26’–4” 22’–3” 19’–2” 18’–1” 22’–11” 21’–7” 26’–1” 23’–0” 27’–8” 23’–0” 23’–8” 22’–3” 26’–10” 23’–1” 27’–9” 23’–1” 27’–9” 23’–1” 27’–9” 23’–1” 20’–0” 18’–10” 23’–9” 22’–5” 27’–0” 25’–6” 29’–11” 26’–8” 32’–1” 26’–8” 32’–1” 26’–8” 38’–2” 35’–1” 40’–2” 36’–8” 22’–5” 21’–1” 26’–9” 25’–2” 30’–4” 28’–6” 33’–7” 31’–7” 36’–8” 33’–3” 39’–9” 33’–3” 42’–8” 40’–2” 45’–6” 42’–10” 24” o.c. 13’–11” 15’–8” 15’–8” 14’–6” 16’–7” 18’–3” 18’–5” 16’–1” 17’–9” 17’–9” 17’–9” 16’–10” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 18’–5” 17’–7” 20’–11” 21’–4” 21’–4” 21’–4” 21’–4” 31’–5” 32’–9” 19’–8” 23’–4” 26’–6” 26’–7” 26’–7” 26’–7” 36’–7” 36’–7” Joist Joist Series Depth IKAIKA I-20 IKAIKA I-40 IKAIKA I-45 IKAIKA I-60 IKAIKA I-70 IKAIKA I-77 IKAIKA I-90 9½” 11⅞” 14” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 12” o.c. 16’–8” 19’–11” 22’–7” 18’–0” 21’–5” 23’–8” 25’–6” 18’–0” 21’–5” 24’–4” 27’–0” 18’–11” 22’–7” 25’–8” 28’–6” 23’–4” 26’–5” 29’–3” 32’–0” 34’–8” 19’–8” 23’–5” 26’–7” 29’–5” 32’–2” 34’–10” 37’–5” 40’–0” 22’–2” 26’–5” 29’–11” 33’–1” 36’–2” 39’–2” 42’–0” 44’–10” Simple Span 16” 19.2” o.c. o.c. 15’–3” 14’–4” 17’–11” 16’–4” 19’–6” 17’–10” 16’–4” 14’–11” 18’–8” 17’–0” 20’–6” 18’–8” 22’–1” 20’–1” 16’–5” 15’–6” 19’–7” 18’–6” 22’–3” 20’–3” 24’–1” 20’–3” 17’–3” 16’–3” 20’–7” 19’–5” 23’–5” 22’–0” 25’–11” 22’–4” 21’–3” 20’–1” 24’–2” 22’–9” 26’–9” 24’–0” 28’–10” 24’–0” 28’–10” 24’–0” 17’–11” 16’–11” 21’–4” 20’–2” 24’–3” 22’–11” 26’–10” 25’–4” 29’–4” 26’–7” 31’–10” 26’–7” 34’–2” 32’–1” 36’–6” 33’–6” 20’–2” 19’–0” 24’–0” 22’–7” 27’–3” 25’–8” 30’–2” 28’–5” 32’–11” 29’–0” 34’–10” 29’–0” 38’–3” 36’–1” 40’–10” 38’–6” 24” o.c. 12’–9” 14’–7” 15’–1” 13’–4” 15’–2” 16’–8” 17’–10” 14’–6” 16’–2” 16’–2” 16’–2” 15’–2” 17’–10” 17’–10” 17’–10” 18’–8” 19’–2” 19’–2” 19’–2” 19’–2” 15’–10” 18’–10” 21’–3” 21’–3” 21’–3” 21’–3” 28’–8” 29’–11” 17’–8” 21’–1” 23’–2” 23’–2” 23’–2” 23’–2” 33’–7” 35’–10” 12” o.c. 18’–1” 20’–7” 22’–6” 18’–10” 21’–6” 23’–7” 25’–5” 20’–0” 23’–9” 25’–11” 27’–9” 21’–1” 25’–2” 27’–9” 29’–11” 26’–0” 29’–6” 30’–10” 30’–10” 30’–10” 21’–11” 26’–1” 29’–8” 32’–10” 35’–8” 35’–8” 40’–7” 42’–4” 24’–8” 29’–5” 33’–4” 36’–11” 40’–4” 43’–8” 46’–11” 50’–1” Multiple Span 16” 19.2” o.c. o.c. 15’–7” 14’–3” 17’–10” 16’–3” 19’–6” 16’–4” 16’–3” 14’–10” 18’–7” 16’–11” 20’–5” 18’–7” 22’–0” 19’–2” 18’–0” 16’–5” 20’–6” 18’–6” 22’–3” 18’–6” 22’–3” 18’–6” 19’–2” 17’–6” 21’–11” 19’–2” 23’–0” 19’–2” 23’–0” 19’–2” 23’–1” 19’–2” 23’–1” 19’–2” 23’–1” 19’–2” 23’–1” 19’–2” 23’–1” 19’–2” 20’–0” 18’–10” 23’–9” 22’–2” 26’–8” 22’–2” 26’–8” 22’–2” 26’–8” 22’–2” 26’–8” 22’–2” 35’–1” 32’–0” 36’–8” 33’–5” 22’–5” 21’–1” 26’–9” 25’–2” 30’–4” 27’–8” 33’–3” 27’–8” 33’–3” 27’–8” 33’–3” 27’–8” 42’–8” 38’–1” 45’–6” 38’–1” 24” o.c. 12’–8” 13’–0” 13’–0” 13’–3” 15’–1” 15’–3” 15’–3” 14’–8” 14’–9” 14’–9” 14’–9” 14’–8” 15’–3” 15’–3” 15’–3” 15’–4” 15’–4” 15’–4” 15’–4” 15’–4” 17’–7” 17’–8” 17’–8” 17’–8” 17’–8” 17’–8” 27’–3” 27’–3” 18’–10” 22’–1” 22’–1” 22’–1” 22’–1” 22’–1” 30’–5” 30’–5” Notes: 1. Table values apply to uniformly loaded, residential floor joists. 2. Span is measured from face to face of supports. 3. Deflection is limited to L/240 at total load and L/480 at live load. 4.Table values are based on glued and nailed sheathing panels (23/32” for 24” o.c., 19/32” otherwise). Use an ASTM D3498 adhesive in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Reduce spans by 12” if sheathing is nailed only. 5. Provide at least 1¾” of bearing length at end supports and 3½” at intermediate supports. 6. Provide lateral restraint at supports (e.g. blocking panels, rim board) and along the compression flange of each joist (e.g. floor sheathing, gypsum board ceiling). 7.Use sizing software or consult a professional engineer to analyze conditions outside the scope of this table (e.g. commercial floors, different bearing conditions, concentrated loads) or for multiple span joists if the length of any span is less than half the length of an adjacent span. How to Use Floor Span Tables 1. Choose the appropriate live and dead load combination as well as a joist spacing. 2. Scan down the spacing column to find a span that exceeds the design span. 3. Scan to the left from that span to determine the joist size required. 4.Web stiffeners are required at all supports for 22” and 24” joists. See Web Stiffener Requirements on page 11 for more details. page 6 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Simple-Span Joist— Allowable Loads for IKAIKA Joists (PLF) Joist F loor Joist Span (ft) IKAIKA I-20 IKAIKA I-40 IKAIKA I-45 IKAIKA I-60 14” 9½” 14” 16” 9½” 14” 16” 9½” 14” 16” 9½” 11⅞” 11⅞” 11⅞” 11⅞” Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% 6 - 305 - 305 - 305 - 360 - 360 - 360 - 360 - 327 - 327 - 327 - 327 - 360 - 360 - 360 - 360 7 - 261 - 261 - 261 - 309 - 309 - 309 - 309 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 309 - 309 - 309 - 309 8 - 229 - 229 - 229 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 245 - 245 - 245 - 245 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 270 9 185 203 - 203 - 203 234 240 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 218 - 218 - 218 - 218 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 240 10 139 183 - 183 - 183 177 216 - 216 - 216 - 216 177 196 - 196 - 196 - 196 205 216 - 216 - 216 - 216 11 107 166 - 166 - 166 137 181 - 196 - 196 - 196 137 178 - 178 - 178 - 178 160 196 - 196 - 196 - 196 12 84 140 141 153 - 153 108 152 177 180 - 180 - 180 108 163 - 163 - 163 - 163 127 180 - 180 - 180 - 180 13 67 119 113 141 - 141 87 129 143 166 - 166 - 166 87 151 143 151 - 151 - 151 102 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 14 54 103 92 131 - 131 71 112 117 145 - 154 - 154 71 137 117 140 - 140 - 140 83 154 137 154 - 154 - 154 15 45 89 76 116 109 122 58 97 96 126 137 144 - 144 58 116 96 131 - 131 - 131 68 134 113 144 - 144 - 144 16 37 74 63 102 91 114 48 85 81 111 115 133 - 135 48 97 81 123 116 123 - 123 57 114 95 135 - 135 - 135 17 53 90 77 108 68 98 97 118 - 127 68 115 98 115 - 115 80 127 115 127 - 127 18 45 81 66 96 58 88 83 105 111 120 58 107 83 109 - 109 68 120 98 120 - 120 19 39 72 56 86 50 79 71 95 95 110 50 96 72 103 96 103 59 109 85 114 113 114 20 33 65 48 78 43 71 62 85 83 99 43 86 62 98 83 98 51 98 73 108 98 108 21 42 71 54 77 72 90 54 93 73 93 64 103 86 103 22 37 64 47 71 63 82 47 85 64 89 56 97 75 98 23 32 59 41 65 56 75 42 78 56 85 49 89 67 94 24 29 54 37 59 49 69 37 71 50 82 44 82 59 90 25 44 63 44 75 53 86 26 39 59 40 70 47 81 27 35 54 35 65 42 75 28 32 51 32 60 38 70 Notes: 1. Table values apply to uniformly loaded floor joists. 2. Span is measured to the center of each support. 3.The values in the Total columns are based on an L/240 total load deflection limit. Building codes typically require L/360 for live load. Experience has shown that a live load deflection limit of L/480 at 40 psf for residential floors does a better job than L/360 of meeting most performance expectations. 4. Table values do not account for stiffness added by glued or nailed sheathing. 5. Provide at least 1¾” of bearing length at end supports and 3½” at intermediate supports. 6. Provide lateral restraint at supports (e.g. blocking panels, rim board) and along the compression flange of each joist (e.g. floor sheathing, gypsum board ceiling). 7.Use sizing software or consult a professional engineer to analyze conditions outside the scope of this table (e.g. different bearing lengths, concentrated loads) or for multiple span joists if the length of any span is less than half the length of an adjacent span. Ikaika Floor Loads How to Use Floor Load Tables L 1.Choose a joist spacing and convert the live and total design loads specified in pounds per square foot (psf) to joist loads in pounds per lineal foot (plf). Joist Spacing [ft] x Design Load [psf] = Joist Load [plf] Joist Load (PLF) 20 20 27 32 40 30 30 40 48 60 40 40 53 64 80 50 50 67 80 100 Design Load (psf) 60 60 80 96 120 70 70 93 112 140 80 80 106 128 160 90 90 120 144 180 100 100 133 160 200 oads Joist Spacing Inches Feet 12 1 16 1.33 19.2 1.6 24 2 2. Choose a span and scan across the Span row to find a joist size with sufficient Live and Total load capacities. Both requirements must be satisfied. When no value is shown in a Live column, Total load governs. 3. Web stiffeners are required at all supports for 22” and 24” joists. See Web Stiffener Requirements on page 11 for more details. Build Stronger | page 7 Simple-Span Joist— Allowable Loads for IKAIKA Joists (PLF) Joist Span (ft) oads L loor F Joist Floor Loads 11⅞” 14” IKAIKA I-70 16” 18” 20” 9½” 11⅞” IKAIKA I-77 16” 18” 14” 22” 24” 9½” 11⅞” 14” IKAIKA I-90 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% 6 - 387 - 387 - 387 - 387 - 387 - 428 - 428 - 428 - 428 - 428 - 428 - 797 - 797 - 467 - 467 - 467 - 467 - 467 - 467 - 800 - 800 7 - 331 - 331 - 331 - 331 - 331 - 367 - 367 - 367 - 367 - 367 - 367 - 683 - 683 - 400 - 400 - 400 - 400 - 400 - 400 - 686 - 686 8 - 290 - 290 - 290 - 290 - 290 - 321 - 321 - 321 - 321 - 321 - 321 - 598 - 598 - 350 - 350 - 350 - 350 - 350 - 350 - 600 - 600 9 - 258 - 258 - 258 - 258 - 258 - 286 - 286 - 286 - 286 - 286 - 286 - 531 - 531 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 533 - 533 10 - 232 - 232 - 232 - 232 - 232 232 257 - 257 - 257 - 257 - 257 - 257 - 478 - 478 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 280 - 480 - 480 11 - 211 - 211 - 211 - 211 - 211 181 234 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 435 - 435 250 255 - 255 - 255 - 255 - 255 - 255 - 436 - 436 12 - 193 - 193 - 193 - 193 - 193 143 214 - 214 - 214 - 214 - 214 - 214 - 398 - 398 200 233 - 233 - 233 - 233 - 233 - 233 - 400 - 400 13 - 178 - 178 - 178 - 178 - 178 115 198 186 198 - 198 - 198 - 198 - 198 - 368 - 368 162 215 - 215 - 215 - 215 - 215 - 215 - 369 - 369 14 149 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 94 184 152 184 - 184 - 184 - 184 - 184 - 341 - 341 133 200 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 343 - 343 15 124 155 - 155 - 155 - 155 - 155 77 155 126 171 - 171 - 171 - 171 - 171 - 319 - 319 111 187 177 187 - 187 - 187 - 187 - 187 - 320 - 320 16 104 145 - 145 - 145 - 145 - 145 65 129 106 161 151 161 - 161 - 161 - 161 - 299 - 299 93 175 150 175 - 175 - 175 - 175 - 175 - 300 - 300 17 88 136 125 136 - 136 - 136 - 136 89 151 128 151 - 151 - 151 - 151 - 281 - 281 127 165 - 165 - 165 - 165 - 165 - 282 - 282 18 75 129 107 129 - 129 - 129 - 129 76 143 109 143 - 143 - 143 - 143 - 266 - 266 109 156 154 156 - 156 - 156 - 156 - 267 - 267 19 65 122 92 122 - 122 - 122 - 122 65 131 94 135 125 135 - 135 - 135 244 252 - 252 94 147 133 147 - 147 - 147 - 147 - 253 - 253 20 56 112 80 116 107 116 - 116 - 116 57 113 81 129 109 129 - 129 - 129 212 239 - 239 81 140 116 140 - 140 - 140 - 140 - 240 - 240 21 70 110 93 110 - 110 - 110 71 122 95 122 122 122 - 122 186 227 223 228 101 133 - 133 - 133 - 133 - 229 - 229 22 61 105 82 105 105 105 - 105 62 117 83 117 107 117 - 117 164 207 197 217 89 127 118 127 - 127 - 127 - 218 - 218 23 54 101 72 101 93 101 - 101 55 110 73 112 95 112 - 112 145 189 174 206 79 122 105 122 - 122 - 122 202 209 - 209 24 48 96 64 97 83 97 - 97 49 97 65 107 84 107 105 107 129 174 155 189 70 117 93 117 - 117 - 117 180 200 - 200 25 57 93 74 93 92 93 58 103 75 103 94 103 115 160 139 174 83 112 106 112 - 112 161 192 - 192 26 51 89 66 89 83 89 52 99 67 99 84 99 103 148 124 161 74 108 95 108 - 108 145 185 173 185 27 46 86 59 86 74 86 47 93 60 95 76 95 93 137 112 150 67 104 86 104 - 104 131 178 156 178 28 41 83 53 83 67 83 42 84 54 92 68 92 84 128 101 139 60 100 78 100 97 100 118 171 142 171 29 48 80 61 80 49 89 62 89 76 119 92 130 70 97 88 97 107 166 129 166 30 44 77 55 77 45 86 56 86 69 111 83 121 64 93 80 93 98 160 117 160 31 40 75 50 75 41 81 51 83 63 104 76 113 58 90 73 90 89 155 107 155 32 46 73 47 80 57 98 69 106 67 88 82 150 98 150 33 42 70 43 78 53 92 63 100 61 85 75 141 90 145 34 38 68 39 76 48 87 58 94 56 82 69 133 83 141 35 35 66 36 72 44 82 54 89 52 80 63 126 76 137 36 41 77 49 84 58 117 70 129 37 38 73 46 80 54 108 65 122 38 35 69 42 76 50 100 60 116 39 39 72 56 110 40 36 68 52 104 41 34 65 49 97 42 32 62 45 91 Notes: 1. Table values apply to uniformly loaded floor joists. 2. Span is measured to the center of each support. 3. The values in the Total columns are based on an L/240 total load deflection limit. Building codes typically require L/360 for live load. Experience has shown that a live load deflection limit of L/480 at 40 psf for residential floors does a better job than L/360 of meeting most performance expectations. 4. Table values do not account for stiffness added by glued or nailed sheathing. 5. Provide at least 1¾” of bearing length at end supports and 3½” at intermediate supports. 6. Provide lateral restraint at supports (e.g. blocking panels, rim board) and along the compression flange of each joist (e.g. floor sheathing, gypsum board ceiling). 7. Use sizing software or consult a professional engineer to analyze conditions outside the scope of this table (e.g. different bearing lengths, concentrated loads) or for multiple span joists if the length of any span is less than half the length of an adjacent span. PSF to PLF Conversion – Load in Pounds per Lineal Foot (PLF) O.C. Spacing Ikaika 20” Load in Pounds per Square Foot (psf) (inches) (feet) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 12 1.00 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 16 1.33 27 33 40 47 53 60 67 73 80 87 93 100 19.2 1.60 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 24 2.00 40 o.c. spacing (ft) x load (psf) = load (plf) page 8 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Joist Span (ft) Multiple-Span Joist— Allowable Loads for IKAIKA Joists (PLF) IKAIKA I-45 9½” 14” 11⅞” Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% - 299 - 300 - 300 - 256 - 257 - 257 - 224 - 225 - 225 - 199 - 200 - 200 - 179 - 180 - 180 - 163 - 164 - 164 144 149 - 150 - 150 116 138 - 138 - 138 95 128 - 129 - 129 79 119 - 120 - 120 66 105 108 113 - 113 92 106 - 106 78 100 - 100 67 95 95 58 86 84 90 73 86 64 82 57 78 50 71 16” Live Total L/480 100% - 300 - 257 - 225 - 200 - 180 - 164 - 150 - 138 - 129 - 120 - 113 - 106 - 100 95 90 86 82 76 78 68 75 61 72 54 69 49 65 44 60 IKAIKA I-60 9½” 14” 16” 11⅞” Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% - 299 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 256 - 266 - 266 - 266 - 224 - 233 - 233 - 233 - 199 - 207 - 207 - 207 - 179 - 186 - 186 - 186 - 163 - 169 - 169 - 169 - 149 - 155 - 155 - 155 135 138 - 143 - 143 - 143 111 128 - 133 - 133 - 133 92 119 - 124 - 124 - 124 77 112 - 117 - 117 - 117 107 110 - 110 - 110 92 104 - 104 - 104 79 98 98 98 69 93 93 93 86 89 89 76 85 85 67 81 81 60 78 78 71 75 64 72 58 69 52 67 loor 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 See Notes on page 8 IKAIKA I-40 9½” 14” 16” 11⅞” Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% - 299 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 256 - 266 - 266 - 266 - 224 - 233 - 233 - 233 - 199 - 207 - 207 - 207 - 179 - 186 - 186 - 186 - 163 - 169 - 169 - 169 144 149 - 155 - 155 - 155 116 129 - 143 - 143 - 143 95 112 - 133 - 133 - 133 79 97 - 124 - 124 - 124 66 85 108 111 - 117 - 117 92 98 - 110 - 110 78 88 - 104 - 104 67 79 95 98 58 71 83 85 93 73 77 89 64 71 82 56 65 75 50 59 67 69 60 63 54 59 48 54 43 51 F IKAIKA I-20 14” 11⅞” Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% - 265 - 265 - 227 - 227 - 199 - 199 - 177 - 177 - 159 - 159 - 145 - 145 - 133 - 133 - 122 - 122 - 114 - 114 103 106 - 106 86 100 - 100 73 90 94 62 81 88 53 72 77 84 46 65 66 78 58 71 51 64 45 59 40 54 Joist 9½” Live Total L/480 100% - 265 - 227 - 199 - 177 - 159 143 145 113 133 91 119 74 103 61 90 51 79 Ikaika Floor Loads L oads Build Stronger | page 9 Joist Span (ft) oads L loor F Multiple-Span Joist— Allowable Loads for IKAIKA Joists (PLF) 11⅞” 14” IKAIKA I-70 16” 18” 20” 9½” 11⅞” 14” IKAIKA I-77 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 9½” 11⅞” 14” IKAIKA I-90 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total Live Total L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% L/480 100% 6 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 311 - 359 - 359 - 359 - 359 - 359 - 359 - 550 - 550 - 381 - 447 - 447 - 447 - 447 - 447 - 614 - 614 7 - 267 - 267 - 267 - 267 - 267 - 308 - 308 - 308 - 308 - 308 - 308 - 471 - 471 - 327 - 383 - 383 - 383 - 383 - 383 - 526 - 526 8 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 234 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 270 - 413 - 413 - 286 - 336 - 336 - 336 - 336 - 336 - 461 - 461 9 - 208 - 208 - 208 - 208 - 208 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 367 - 367 - 254 - 298 - 298 - 298 - 298 - 298 - 409 - 409 10 - 187 - 187 - 187 - 187 - 187 - 216 - 216 - 216 - 216 - 216 - 216 - 330 - 330 - 229 - 268 - 268 - 268 - 268 - 268 - 368 - 368 11 - 170 - 170 - 170 - 170 - 170 - 196 - 196 - 196 - 196 - 196 - 196 - 300 - 300 - 208 - 244 - 244 - 244 - 244 - 244 - 335 - 335 12 - 156 - 156 - 156 - 156 - 156 - 180 - 180 - 180 - 180 - 180 - 180 - 275 - 275 - 191 - 224 - 224 - 224 - 224 - 224 - 307 - 307 13 - 144 - 144 - 144 - 144 - 144 152 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 - 166 - 254 - 254 - 176 - 206 - 206 - 206 - 206 - 206 - 283 - 283 14 - 133 - 133 - 133 - 133 - 133 125 154 - 154 - 154 - 154 - 154 - 154 - 236 - 236 - 163 - 192 - 192 - 192 - 192 - 192 - 263 - 263 15 - 125 - 125 - 125 - 125 - 125 104 144 - 144 - 144 - 144 - 144 - 144 - 220 - 220 145 153 - 179 - 179 - 179 - 179 - 179 - 246 - 246 16 - 117 - 117 - 117 - 117 - 117 87 135 - 135 - 135 - 135 - 135 - 135 - 206 - 206 123 143 - 168 - 168 - 168 - 168 - 168 - 230 - 230 17 - 110 - 110 - 110 - 110 - 110 120 127 - 127 - 127 - 127 - 127 - 194 - 194 - 158 - 158 - 158 - 158 - 158 - 217 - 217 18 101 104 - 104 - 104 - 104 - 104 103 120 - 120 - 120 - 120 - 120 - 183 - 183 143 149 - 149 - 149 - 149 - 149 - 205 - 205 19 87 98 - 98 - 98 - 98 - 98 88 113 - 113 - 113 - 113 - 113 - 174 - 174 124 141 - 141 - 141 - 141 - 141 - 194 - 194 20 75 93 - 93 - 93 - 93 - 93 77 108 - 108 - 108 - 108 - 108 - 165 - 165 109 134 - 134 - 134 - 134 - 134 - 184 - 184 21 - 89 - 89 - 89 - 89 96 103 - 103 - 103 - 103 - 157 - 157 - 128 - 128 - 128 - 128 - 175 - 175 22 83 85 - 85 - 85 - 85 84 98 - 98 - 98 - 98 - 150 - 150 119 122 - 122 - 122 - 122 - 167 - 167 23 73 81 - 81 - 81 - 81 75 94 - 94 - 94 - 94 - 143 - 143 105 117 - 117 - 117 - 117 - 160 - 160 24 65 78 - 78 - 78 - 78 66 90 88 90 - 90 - 90 - 138 - 138 94 112 - 112 - 112 - 112 - 154 - 154 25 - 75 - 75 - 75 79 86 - 86 - 86 - 132 - 132 - 107 - 107 - 107 - 147 - 147 26 69 72 - 72 - 72 71 83 - 83 - 83 - 127 - 127 100 103 - 103 - 103 - 142 - 142 27 62 69 - 69 - 69 64 80 - 80 - 80 - 122 - 122 90 99 - 99 - 99 - 136 - 136 28 56 67 - 67 - 67 57 77 74 77 - 77 113 118 - 118 82 96 - 96 - 96 - 132 - 132 29 - 64 - 64 67 74 - 74 103 114 - 114 - 93 - 93 - 127 - 127 30 60 62 - 62 61 72 - 72 94 110 - 110 86 89 - 89 - 123 - 123 31 55 60 - 60 56 70 - 70 86 104 103 106 79 87 - 87 - 119 - 119 32 - 58 64 67 78 98 94 103 - 84 110 115 - 115 33 - 57 59 65 72 92 86 100 - 81 101 112 - 112 34 53 55 54 63 66 87 80 94 76 79 93 108 - 108 35 49 53 50 62 61 82 73 89 70 77 86 105 103 105 36 56 77 68 84 79 102 95 102 37 52 73 63 80 74 100 88 100 38 48 69 58 76 68 97 82 97 39 54 72 76 94 40 50 68 71 92 41 47 65 66 90 42 44 62 62 88 Notes: 1. Table values apply to uniformly loaded floor joists. 2. Span is measured to the center of each support. 3. The values in the Total columns are based on an L/240 total load deflection limit. Building codes typically require L/360 for live load. Experience has shown that a live load deflection limit of L/480 at 40 psf for residential floors does a better job than L/360 of meeting most performance expectations. 4. Table values do not account for stiffness added by glued or nailed sheathing. 5. Provide at least 1¾” of bearing length at end supports and 3½” at intermediate supports. 6. Provide lateral restraint at supports (e.g. blocking panels, rim board) and along the compression flange of each joist (e.g. floor sheathing, gypsum board ceiling). 7. Use sizing software or consult a professional engineer to analyze conditions outside the scope of this table (e.g. different bearing lengths, concentrated loads) or for multiple span joists if the length of any span is less than half the length of an adjacent span. Ikaika Joist Floor Loads page 10 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Web stiffeners are pairs of small blocks, cut from panels or 2x4s, that are nailed to the joist web to stiffen a deep web, increase reaction capacity or accommodate a special connector. Web stiffeners are not required when joists are sized by means of the tables in this guide, with the following exceptions: 2.Web stiffeners are required to accommodate special connector nailing requirements. Refer to the connector manufacturer’s installation instructions. 3.Web stiffeners are required at birdsmouth cuts at the low end supports of sloped joists. Joist Depth Intermediate Support All Other Conditions Minimum Dimensions Web Stiffeners Nails Thickness Width 1½” 2½” x 0.131” 15⁄32” 25⁄6” 1¾” 2½” x 0.131” 19⁄32” 25⁄6” 2½” x 0.131” 21⁄16” 23⁄32” 25⁄6” 2½” x 0.131” 25⁄6” ⅞” 25⁄6” 2½” 2½” x 0.131” ⅞” 25⁄6” 3½” 1½” 3½” 3½” x 0.131” Web stiffener length is approximately ⅛” less than the clear distance between flanges. Flange Width Concentrated Load > 1500 lbs. Snug to top Birdsmouth cut at low support Snug to bottom High reaction at support Web Hole Specifications Duct Holes Duct Holes Minimum Distance ‘D’ From Any Support to the Centerline of the Hole Duct Hole Width Joist Span (ft) 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 12 5’– 7’’ 5’– 8’’ 5’– 10’’ 5’– 11’’ IKAIKA 16 7’– 5’’ 7’– 7’’ 7’– 10’’ 7’– 11’’ I-77 20 9’– 4’’ 9’– 6’’ 9’– 9’’ 9’– 11’’ 24 11’– 2’’ 11’– 5’’ 11’– 9’’ 11’– 11’’ (depths 28 13’– 0’’ 13’– 4’’ 13’– 8’’ 13’– 11’’ to 20”) 32 14’– 11’’ 15’– 3’’ 15’– 8’’ 15’– 11’’ 12 5’– 7’’ 5’– 8’’ 5’– 10’’ 5’– 11’’ IKAIKA 16 7’– 5’’ 7’– 7’’ 7’– 9’’ 7’– 11’’ I-90 20 9’– 4’’ 9’– 6’’ 9’– 8’’ 9’– 11’’ 24 11’– 2’’ 11’– 5’’ 11’– 8’’ 11’– 10’’ (depths 28 13’– 1’’ 13’– 4’’ 13’– 7’’ 13’– 10’’ to 20”) 32 14’– 11’’ 15’– 3’’ 15’– 7’’ 15’– 10’’ For depths greater than 20”, use beam sizing software to size and locate duct holes. See GENERAL NOTES on next page. Joist Series Never drill, cut or notch the flange, or over-cut the web. and Holes in webs should be cut with a sharp saw. For rectangular holes, avoid over cutting the corners, as this can cause unnecessary stress concentrations. Slightly rounding the corners is recommended. Starting the rectangular hole by drilling a 1” diameter hole in each of the four corners and then making the cuts between the holes is another good method to minimize damage to I-joists. Build Stronger | page 11 H oles Minimum Distance ‘D’ From Any Support to the Centerline of the Hole Duct Hole Width Joist Joist Series Span (ft) 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 8 3’– 7’’ 3’– 8’’ 3’– 9’’ IKAIKA 12 5’– 5’’ 5’– 7’’ 5’– 8’’ 16 7’– 3’’ 7’– 5’’ 7’– 7’’ I-20 20 9’– 1’’ 9’– 4’’ 9’– 6’’ 8 3’– 7’’ 3’– 8’’ 3’– 10’’ 3’– 11’’ 12 5’– 5’’ 5’– 7’’ 5’– 9’’ 5’– 10’’ IKAIKA 16 7’– 3’’ 7’– 5’’ 7’– 8’’ 7’– 10’’ 20 9’– 1’’ 9’– 4’’ 9’– 7’’ 9’– 9’’ I-40 24 10’– 11’’ 11’– 2’’ 11’– 6’’ 11’– 9’’ 28 12’– 8’’ 13’– 1’’ 13’– 5’’ 13’– 8’’ 8 3’– 5” 3’– 7” 3’– 8” 3’– 9” 3’– 10” 12 5’– 2” 5’– 4” 5’– 6” 5’– 8” 5’– 10” IKAIKA 16 6’– 11” 7’– 2” 7’– 5” 7’– 7” 7’– 9” 20 8’– 8” 9’– 0” 9’– 3” 9’– 6” 9’– 9” I-45 24 10’– 5” 10’– 9” 11’– 1” 11’– 4” 11’– 8” 28 12’– 2” 12’– 7” 12’– 11” 13’– 3” 13’– 8” 8 3’– 7’’ 3’– 8’’ 3’– 10’’ 3’– 11’’ 12 5’– 5’’ 5’– 7’’ 5’– 9’’ 5’– 10’’ IKAIKA 16 7’– 3’’ 7’– 5’’ 7’– 8’’ 7’– 10’’ 20 9’– 1’’ 9’– 4’’ 9’– 7’’ 9’– 9’’ I-60 24 10’– 11’’ 11’– 2’’ 11’– 6’’ 11’– 9’’ 28 12’– 8’’ 13’– 1’’ 13’– 5’’ 13’– 8’’ 12 5’– 3’’ 5’– 5’’ 5’– 7’’ 5’– 9’’ 5’– 11’’ 16 7’– 1’’ 7’– 3’’ 7’– 5’’ 7’– 8’’ 7’– 10’’ IKAIKA 20 8’– 10’’ 9’– 1’’ 9’– 4’’ 9’– 7’’ 9’– 10’’ 24 10’– 7’’ 10’– 11’’ 11’– 2’’ 11’– 6’’ 11’– 10’’ I-70 28 12’– 5’’ 12’– 9’’ 13’– 1’’ 13’– 5’’ 13’– 9’’ 32 14’– 2’’ 14’– 7’’ 14’– 11’’ 15’– 4’’ 15’– 9’’ S tiffeners 2.Web stiffeners are required under concentrated loads applied to the tops of joists between supports, or along cantilevers beyond the support, when the concentrated load exceeds 1500 pounds. 16” & Less 4 4 W eb 1.Web stiffeners are required for high reactions at supports. Refer to ESR-1225. 20” & 18” 8 6 Web Stiffener Size Required 4.Web stiffeners are required at all supports on 22- and 24-inch joists. When joists are sized by means of sizing software, or otherwise engineered for an application, web stiffeners are required as follows: 24” & 22” 10 8 Joist 1.Web stiffeners are required at the ends of joists set in hangers that are not deep enough to laterally support the top flanges of the joists. Refer to the hanger manufacturer’s installation instructions. Number of Web Stiffener Nails Required Ikaika Web Stiffener Requirements D (see table below) Duct Hole (full height). See table on page 11 and general notes below. D (see table below) Rectangular Hole Do not cut rectangular holes, or round holes larger than 1½” in diameter, in cantilevers Round and rectangular holes Span (ft) Span (ft) Span (ft) Span (ft) Round Hole Diameter Rectangular Hole Longest Side 8 9¼” 12 Joist 16 8 9½” 12 Joist 16 8 12 11⅞” Joist 16 20 12 16 14” Joist 20 24 12 16 16” 20 Joist 24 28 12 16 18” 20 Joist 24 28 16 20 20” 24 Joist 28 32 16 20 22” 24 Joist 28 32 16 20 24” 24 Joist 28 32 Span (ft) Span (ft) Span (ft) Span (ft) eb W Joist Ikaika Minimum 2x diameter of largest hole Round holes up to 1½” in diameter may be cut anywhere in the web. Provide at least 3” of horizontal clearance from other holes. Span (ft) pecifications S ole H Web Hole Specifications 2” 1½” 1’– 1” 1’– 8” 2’– 2” 1’– 1” 1’– 7” 2’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 5” 1’– 10” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” 1’– 1” Minimum Distance ‘D’ From Any Support to the Centerline of the Hole 3” 4” 5” 6” 6¼” 10” 8⅝” 2¼” 3” 3¾” 4½” 7½” 4⅝” 6⅜” 1’– 8” 2’– 2” 2’– 9” 3’– 3” 2’– 6” 3’– 3” 4’– 1” 4’– 11” 3’– 3” 4’– 4” 5’– 5” 6’– 6” 1’– 7” 2’– 1” 2’– 8” 3’– 2” 3’– 3” 2’– 4” 3’– 2” 3’– 11” 4’– 9” 4’– 11” 3’– 2” 4’– 3” 5’– 3” 6’– 4” 6’– 7” 1’– 2” 1’– 7” 2’– 0” 2’– 5” 2’– 7” 3’– 7” 1’– 9” 2’– 5” 3’– 0” 3’– 8” 3’– 10” 5’– 5” 2’– 4” 3’– 2” 4’– 1” 4’– 11” 5’– 2” 7’– 2” 2’– 11” 4’– 0” 5’– 1” 6’– 2” 6’– 5” 9’– 0” 1’– 2” 1’– 5” 2’– 0” 2’– 8” 2’– 10” 4’– 3” 5’– 1” 1’– 2” 1’– 11” 2’– 9” 3’– 6” 3’– 9” 5’– 8” 6’– 9” 1’– 5” 2’– 5” 3’– 5” 4’– 5” 4’– 8” 7’– 1” 8’– 5” 1’– 8” 2’– 10” 4’– 1” 5’– 4” 5’– 7” 8’– 6” 10’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 5” 1’– 6” 3’– 0” 3’– 10” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 10” 2’– 1” 4’– 0” 5’– 1” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 2’– 4” 2’– 7” 5’– 0” 6’– 5” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 7” 2’– 9” 3’– 1” 6’– 0” 7’– 8” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 10” 3’– 3” 3’– 7” 7’– 0” 8’– 11” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 7” 2’– 6” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 2’– 2” 3’– 3” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 2’– 8” 4’– 1” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 3’– 2” 4’– 11” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 3’– 9” 5’– 9” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 4” 1’– 10” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 4” 2’– 3” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 4” 2’– 9” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 4” 3’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 5” 3’– 8” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 2’– 7” 3’– 4” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 5” 1’– 7” 3’– 2” 4’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 8” 1’– 10” 3’– 10” 5’– 0” 1’– 11” 2’– 2” 4’– 6” 5’– 10” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 2’– 3” 2’– 6” 5’– 2” 6’– 8” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 10” 2’– 7” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 2’– 3” 3’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 2’– 9” 3’– 10” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 3’– 2” 4’– 6” 1’– 2” 1’– 2” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 1’– 3” 3’– 8” 5’– 2” 10¾” 8” 5’– 6” 7’– 4” 9’– 3” 11’– 1” 4’– 3” 5’– 9” 7’– 2” 8’– 7” 10’– 0” 2’– 11” 3’– 11” 4’– 11” 5’– 10” 6’– 10” 2’– 5” 3’– 1” 3’– 8” 4’– 3” 4’– 11” 3’– 9” 4’– 8” 5’– 7” 6’– 7” 7’– 6” 3’– 0” 3’– 8” 4’– 5” 5’– 2” 5’– 11” 12” 9” 5’– 1” 6’– 9” 8’– 5” 10’– 1” 11’– 10” 3’– 9” 5’– 0” 6’– 2” 7’– 5” 8’– 8” 3’– 6” 4’– 4” 5’– 2” 6’– 1” 6’– 11” 4’– 5” 5’– 7” 6’– 8” 7’– 9” 8’– 11” 3’– 8” 4’– 6” 5’– 5” 6’– 4” 7’– 3” 12¾” 9½” 14¾” 11” 16¾” 12½” 5’– 6” 7’– 4” 9’– 2” 11’– 0” 12’– 10” 4’– 2” 5’– 7” 7’– 0” 8’– 5” 9’– 9” 4’– 1” 5’– 1” 6’– 1” 7’– 2” 8’– 2” 4’– 10” 6’– 1” 7’– 3” 8’– 6” 9’– 9” 4’– 0” 5’– 0” 6’– 0” 7’– 0” 8’– 1” 5’– 5” 7’– 3” 9’– 1” 10’– 11” 12’– 9” 5’– 9” 7’– 2” 8’– 7” 10’– 0” 11’– 5” 6’– 0” 7’– 6” 8’– 11” 10’– 5” 11’– 11” 5’– 1” 6’– 4” 7’– 8” 8’– 11” 10’– 2” 7’– 4” 9’– 2” 11’– 0” 12’– 10” 14’– 8” 7’– 1” 8’– 10” 10’– 7” 12’– 5” 14’– 2” 6’– 2” 7’– 8” 9’– 3” 10’– 9” 12’– 4” General Notes 1.Table values apply to joists sized by means of the load or span tables in this publication. Use beam sizing software for a more precise analysis or to analyze conditions outside of the scope of these tables. 2.Web holes may be located anywhere between the joist flanges. Leave at least ⅛ inch clearance between the edges of holes and the flanges. 3.Do not cut rectangular holes, or round holes larger than 1½ inch diameter, in cantilevers. page 12 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 4.The horizontal clearance between the edges of adjacent holes must be at least twice the diameter (or longest side) of the larger hole. Exception: A 1½ inch diameter hole may be drilled anywhere in the web. Provide at least 3 inches of horizontal clearance from adjacent holes of any size. 5.1½ inch diameter holes are factory-scored in the web at 16 inches on center. n = Stocked Items Face Mount Hangers Single I-Joist Skewed 45° Hangers Double I-Joist Load (100%) 2305 2880 2880 2305 2880 3170 3455 2305 2880 3170 3455 3745 4030 4030 4030 2680 3275 3870 3870 3870 Hanger Width Depth Hanger 9½” IUS1.56/9.5 MIU3.12/9 1½” 11Jäk” MIU3.12/11 IUS1.56/11.88 MIU3.12/111 9½” IUS1.81/9.5 MIU3.56/9 IUS1.81/11.88 MIU3.56/11 1¾” 11⅞” 14” IUS1.81/14 MIU3.56/14 16” IUS1.81/16 MIU3.56/16 9½” IUS2.37/9.5 MIU4.75/9 IUS2.37/11.88 MIU4.75/11 11⅞” 14” IUS2.37/14 MIU4.75/14 16” IUS2.37/16 MIU4.75/16 25⁄16” 18” MIU2.37/18 MIU4.75/18 20” MIU2.37/20 MIU4.75/20 MIU4.75/201 22” MIU2.37/201 24” MIU2.37/201 MIU4.75/201 9½” IUS3.56/9.5 HU410-21 IUS3.56/11.88 HU412-21 11⅞” 14” IUS3.56/14 HU414-21 IUS3.56/16 HU414-21 3½” 16” 18” MIU3.56/18 HU414-21 20” MIU3.56/20 22” MIU3.56/201 See Simpson Catalog* 24” MIU3.56/201 n=Stocked Items 1. Web stiffeners required. • Fill all round and triangle nail holes for maximum load values. Single I-Joist Double I-Joist Load Load Hanger Width Depth Hanger (100%) (100%) Width Depth 1 1 9½” 9½” 1440 SUR/L210-2 2015 SUR/L210 3” 11⅞” 1½” 11⅞” 2015 SUR/L210-21 SUR/L2101 1440 14” 2500 SUR/L214-21 9½” 9½” 2015 SUR/L1.81/9 1730 SUR/L4101 SUR/L1.81/11 2305 3½” 11⅞” SUR/L4101 2015 1¾” 11⅞” 14” 14” 2500 SUR/L1.81/14 2500 SUR/L4141 1 1 16” 16” SUR/L1.81/14 2500 SUR/L414 2500 9½” 9½” SUR/L2.37/9 2015 HSUR/L4.75/9 1785 SUR/L2.37/11 2305 2380 11⅞” 11⅞” HSUR/L4.75/11 SUR/L2.37/14 2590 4⅝” 14” HSUR/L4.75/14 2975 25⁄16” 14” 1 16” 16” 2590 HSUR/L4.75/16 3330 SUR/L2.37/14 18” 18” SUR/L2.37/141 2590 HSUR/L4.75/161 3330 20” 20” SUR/L2.37/141 2590 HSUR/L4.75/161 3330 9½” 2015 9½” 2145 SUR/L4101 HU410-2X1,2 2015 HU412-2X1,2 2620 SUR/L4101 11⅞” 11⅞” 14” 14” SUR/L4141 2500 HU414-2X1,2 3096 1 1,2 16” SUR/L414 2500 HU414-2X 3096 3½” 16” 7” 1 1,2 18” 18” SUR/L414 2500 HU414-2X 3096 1 20” 20” SUR/L414 2500 22” 22” See Simpson Catalog* See Simpson Catalog* 24” 24” 1. Web stiffeners required. 2.Skewed option must be special ordered. Specify skew angle and direction. Web stiffeners required. Top Flange Hangers Single I-Joist Double I-Joist Load Width Depth Hanger % (100 ) 9½” 1520 MIT29.5-2 MIT211.88-2 1520 3” 11⅞” 14” LBV3.12/14 9½” 1520 MIT49.5 1520 3½” 11⅞” MIT411.88 14” 1520 MIT414 16” 1520 MIT416 9½” 1520 MIT359.5-2 1520 MIT3511.88-2 11⅞” 14” 1520 MIT3514-2 1520 4⅝” 16” MIT4.75/16 18” 2305 LBV4.75/18 20” 2305 LBV4.75/20 22” 2460 B4.75 24” 2460 B4.75 1520 9½” B7.12/9.5 1520 B7.12/11.88 11⅞” 14” 1520 B7.12/14 16” 1520 7” B7.12/16 18” 2305 B7.12/18 20” 2305 B7.12/20 22” 2550 B7.12/22 24” 2550 B7.12/24 Load (100%) 2305 2305 2460 2305 2305 2305 2305 2305 2305 2305 2305 2460 2460 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 B MIU SUL/SUR ITS MIT ITT Field Slope and Skew Single I-Joist Double I-Joist Load Load Width Depth Hanger Depth Hanger (100%) Width (100%) 1½” 9¼”–11⅞” Lssu210 995 3” 9¼”– 14” Lssu210-2 1625 1¾” 9¼” –14” LssuI25 995 3½” 9¼”– 14” Lssu410 1625 2300 LssuI35 995 25⁄16” 9¼”–14” 4⅝” 9¼”– 14” Lsu3510-21 3½” 9¼”–14” LSSU410 1625 7” 9¼”– 14” See Simpson Catalog* •Web stiffeners required for all I-joists used with Field Slope and Skew Hangers. 1. LSU3510-2 is field-sloped only, skew option must be special ordered. Variable Pitch – Single I-Joists Single I-Joist Width Depth Hanger Load (100%) 1½” All VPA2 1050 1¾” All VPA25 1050 All VPA35 1230 25⁄16” 3½” All VPA4 1230 • VPA connectors provide a bearing length of 2”. They should not be used in applications that require longer bearings, such as intermediate supports. THAI Series LSSU VPA *See Simpson Wood Construction Connectors catalog for hanger selection. All hangers listed are manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. For additional information, refer to the current Simpson Strong-Tie literature, or contact Simpson Strong-Tie at 800-999-5099. Build Stronger | page 13 I - J oists Single I-Joist Double I-Joist Load Load Width Depth Hanger Depth Hanger (100%) Width (100%) 1½” 9¼”–11⅞” thaI222 1715 3” 9¼”– 14” thaI-2 2020 1¾” 9¼” –14” thaI1.81/22 1715 3½” 9¼”– 14” thaI422 1715 thaI3522 1715 4⅝” 9¼”– 14” thaI-2 2020 25⁄16” 9¼”–14” 3½” 9¼”–14” thaI422 1715 7” 9¼”– 14” See Simpson Catalog* • Web stiffeners required for all I-joists used with Adjustable Height Hangers. • For joists 16” and above, See Simpson Wood Construction Connectors catalog for hanger selection. LBV for Adjustable Height Hangers IUs connectors Width Depth Hanger 9½” ITS1.56/9.5 1½” 11⅞” ITS1.56/11.88 9½” ITS1.81/9.5 ITS1.81/11.88 1¾” 11⅞” 14” ITS1.81/14 16” ITS1.81/16 9½” ITS2.37/9.5 ITS2.37/11.88 11⅞” 14” ITS2.37/14 16” ITS2.37/16 25⁄16” 18” MIT3518 20” MIT3520 22” LBV2.37X 24” LBV2.37X 9½” ITs3.56/9.5 ITs3.56/11.88 11⅞” 14” ITs3.56/14 16” ITs3.56/16 3½” 18” MIT418 20” MIT420 22” HIT422 24” HIT424 n=Stocked Items 1. Web stiffeners required. F raming Load (100%) Width Depth 9½” 950 3” 11⅞” 1185 14” 9½” 950 1185 11⅞” 1420 3½” 14” 16” 1660 9½” 950 1185 11⅞” 14” 1420 1660 4⅝” 16” 18” 3500 20” 4030 22” 4030 24” 4030 1185 9½” 1420 11⅞” 14” 1420 16” 1660 7” 18” 3745 20” 4030 22” 4030 24” 4030 S i m p s o n Framing Connectors alues A better alternative than traditional sawn lumber pieces. Ikaika Lam 2.0E Reference DESIGN Values D esign V Ikaika lam LVL Headers & Beams I k a i k a L a m 2 . 0 E 1¾” x 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Reference Design Values Depth 3½” 5½” 7¼” 9¼” 9½” 11¼” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 23⅞” Maximum Vertical Shear (lb) 100% 115% 125% 1164 1338 1455 1829 2103 2286 2411 2772 3013 3076 3537 3845 3159 3633 3948 3741 4302 4676 3948 4541 4936 4655 5353 5819 5320 6118 6650 5985 6883 7481 6650 7648 8313 7315 8412 9144 7938 9129 9923 Maximum Bending Moment (ft-lb) 100% 115% 125% 1181 1358 1476 2664 3064 3330 4380 5037 5475 6791 7810 8489 7125 8194 8907 9660 11109 12075 10647 12245 13309 14320 16468 17900 18210 20942 22763 22511 25888 28139 27212 31294 34015 32305 37150 40381 37428 43043 46786 3½” x 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Reference Design Values El (x 106 lb-in2) 13 49 111 231 250 415 488 800 1195 1701 2333 3106 3969 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Reference Design Values(1) Modulus of Elasticity E = 2,000,000 psi(2) Bending (beam) Fb = 3,100 psi(3)(4) Horizontal Shear (beam) Fv = 285 psi Compression Perpendicular to Grain (beam)Fc = 850 psi(2) (1)Values apply to dry service conditions (2)Do not adjust for load duration (3)May be adjusted by (12/d)1/5, where d is the depth of the member (inches) (4)May be adjusted by 1.04 for repetitive members as defined in ANSI/AF&PA NDS For additional grades and sizes, please visit our website at page 14 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Weight (plf) Depth 1.6 2.5 3.3 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.4 6.4 7.3 8.2 9.1 10.0 10.9 3½” 5½” 7¼” 9¼” 9½” 11¼” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 23⅞” Maximum Vertical Shear (lb) 100% 115% 125% 2328 2677 2909 3658 4206 4572 4821 5544 6027 6151 7074 7689 6318 7265 7897 7481 8603 9352 7897 9081 9871 9310 10707 11638 10640 12236 13300 11970 13766 14963 13300 15295 16625 14630 16825 18288 15877 18258 19846 Maximum Bending Moment (ft-lb) 100% 115% 125% 2362 2716 2952 5328 6128 6660 8761 10075 10951 13583 15620 16978 14251 16388 17813 19320 22218 24150 21295 24489 26619 28639 32935 35799 36421 41884 45526 45022 51775 56277 54424 62587 68030 64609 74301 80761 74857 86085 93571 El (x 106 lb-in2) 25 97 222 462 500 831 977 1601 2389 3402 4667 6211 7939 Weight (plf) 3.2 5.0 6.6 8.4 8.6 10.2 10.8 12.7 14.5 16.4 18.2 20.0 21.7 Equivalent Specific Gravity for Fastener Design Face Nails & Wood Screws Edge Bolts & Lag Screws Face Lateral Withdrawal Lateral Withdrawal 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.47 Lateral 0.50 Available Sizes (inches) 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL 3½ 5½ 7¼ 9¼ 9½ 11¼ 11⅞ 141618202223⅞ 3½” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL 3½ 5½ 7¼ 9¼ 9½ 11¼ 11⅞ 141618202223⅞ % Allowable uniform loads*— pounds per lineal foot 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Span (ft) Key 7¼” 762 763 1.5/3.9 480 636 1.5/3.8 322 374 1.5/3 226 232 1.5/3 151 1.5/3 102 1.5/3 71 1.5/3 51 1.5/3 37 1.5/3 11¼” 1325 2.7/6.7 1083 2.6/6.4 916 2.5/6.2 793 2.4/6 615 699 2.4/5.9 462 625 2.3/5.8 356 529 2.2/5.4 280 415 1.8/4.6 224 331 1.6/4 182 268 1.5/3.4 150 220 1.5/3 125 183 1.5/3 105 153 1.5/3 90 129 1.5/3 77 110 1.5/3 66 95 1.5/3 58 82 1.5/3 11⅞” 1425 2.9/7.2 1161 2.7/6.9 979 2.6/6.6 846 2.6/6.4 724 745 2.5/6.3 544 665 2.5/6.2 419 586 2.4/6 329 489 2.2/5.4 264 390 1.9/4.7 214 316 1.6/4.1 177 260 1.5/3.6 147 216 1.5/3.2 124 181 1.5/3 105 153 1.5/3 90 130 1.5/3 78 112 1.5/3 68 97 1.5/3 59 84 1.5/3 page 15 L oads Build Stronger | 14” 1796 3.6/9.1 1445 3.4/8.5 1208 3.3/8.2 1038 3.2/7.9 909 3.1/7.7 809 3/7.5 686 729 3/7.4 540 663 2.9/7.3 432 578 2.8/6.9 351 503 2.6/6.4 289 428 2.3/5.8 241 356 2.1/5.2 203 299 1.8/4.6 173 253 1.7/4.1 148 216 1.5/3.7 128 186 1.5/3.4 111 161 1.5/3.1 97 140 1.5/3 86 122 1.5/3 76 107 1.5/3 67 95 1.5/3 60 84 1.5/3 54 75 1.5/3 U niform LL 6 TL BRG LL 7 TL BRG LL 8 TL BRG LL 9 TL BRG LL 10 TL BRG LL 11 TL BRG LL 12 TL BRG LL 13 TL BRG LL 14 TL BRG LL 15 TL BRG LL 16 TL BRG LL 17 TL BRG LL 18 TL BRG LL 19 TL BRG LL 20 TL BRG LL 21 TL BRG LL 22 TL BRG LL 23 TL BRG LL 24 TL BRG LL TL 25 BRG LL 26 TL BRG LL 27 TL BRG LL 28 TL BRG LL 29 TL BRG LL 30 TL BRG * Can be applied to the beam in addition to its own weight. Simple or multiple beam spans. Key to Table: LL = Maximum live load – limits deflection to L/360 TL = Maximum total load – limits deflections to L/240 (or a maximum of 0.3125” for beams 7¼” deep or less) BRG = Required end / intermediate bearing length (inches), based on bearing stress of 850 psi. F loor ONE 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL 9¼” 9½” 1028 1063 2.1/5.2 2.2/5.4 849 877 2/5 2.1/5.2 668 724 723 746 2/4.9 2/5 469 508 629 649 1.9/4.8 2/4.9 342 370 509 551 1.7/4.3 1.9/4.7 257 278 381 413 1.5/3.6 1.5/3.9 198 214 293 317 1.5/3 1.5/3.2 156 169 229 249 1.5/3 1.5/3 125 135 183 198 1.5/3 1.5/3 101 110 148 160 1.5/3 1.5/3 83 90 121 131 1.5/3 1.5/3 70 75 100 109 1.5/3 1.5/3 59 64 84 91 1.5/3 1.5/3 54 77 1.5/3 2 . 0 E 5½” 333 497 1.5/3 210 278 1.5/3 140 162 1.5/3 99 100 1.5/3 65 1.5/3 44 1.5/3 L a m 3½” 86 127 1.5/3 54 71 1.5/3 I k a i k a 2.0E Floor 100 Allowable Uniform Loads L oads U niform F loor 2 . 0 E L a m I k a i k a 2.0E Floor 100 Allowable Uniform Loads % Allowable uniform loads*— pounds per lineal foot 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Span (ft) Key 3½” 172 254 1.5/3 108 141 1.5/3 5½” 666 993 1.5/3 419 556 1.5/3 281 324 1.5/3 197 200 1.5/3 130 1.5/3 87 1.5/3 7¼” 1525 1526 1.5/3.9 960 1272 1.5/3.8 643 747 1.5/3 452 464 1.5/3 302 1.5/3 204 1.5/3 142 1.5/3 102 1.5/3 74 1.5/3 9¼” 2056 2.1/5.2 1698 2/5 1336 1446 2/4.9 938 1259 1.9/4.8 684 1018 1.7/4.3 514 762 1.5/3.6 396 585 1.5/3 311 459 1.5/3 249 365 1.5/3 203 296 1.5/3 167 242 1.5/3 139 200 1.5/3 117 168 1.5/3 9½” 2127 2.2/5.4 1754 2.1/5.2 1447 1493 2/5 1016 1298 2/4.9 741 1103 1.9/4.7 557 826 1.5/3.9 429 635 1.5/3.2 337 497 1.5/3 270 396 1.5/3 220 321 1.5/3 181 263 1.5/3 151 218 1.5/3 127 182 1.5/3 108 153 1.5/3 TWO 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL 11¼” 14” 11⅞” 2650 2850 3591 2.7/6.7 2.9/7.2 3.6/9.1 2166 2322 2889 2.6/6.4 2.7/6.9 3.4/8.5 1831 1958 2416 2.5/6.2 2.6/6.6 3.3/8.2 1586 1693 2075 2.4/6 2.6/6.4 3.2/7.9 1230 1447 1398 1490 1819 2.4/5.9 2.5/6.3 3.1/7.7 924 1087 1250 1331 1618 2.3/5.8 2.5/6.2 3/7.5 712 837 1372 1058 1172 1457 2.2/5.4 2.4/6 3/7.4 560 659 1079 830 977 1325 1.8/4.6 2.2/5.4 2.9/7.3 448 527 864 662 780 1156 1.6/4 1.9/4.7 2.8/6.9 365 429 703 537 632 1006 1.5/3.4 1.6/4.1 2.6/6.4 300 353 579 440 519 856 1.5/3 1.5/3.6 2.3/5.8 250 295 483 365 431 711 1.5/3 1.5/3.2 2.1/5.2 211 248 407 306 361 597 1.5/3 1.5/3 1.8/4.6 179 211 346 259 306 506 1.5/3 1.5/3 1.7/4.1 154 181 296 220 261 432 1.5/3 1.5/3 1.5/3.7 133 156 256 189 224 371 1.5/3 1.5/3 1.5/3.4 116 136 223 163 193 321 1.5/3 1.5/3 1.5/3.1 119 195 168 280 1.5/3 1.5/3 172 245 1.5/3 152 215 1.5/3 135 190 1.5/3 120 168 1.5/3 108 149 1.5/3 LL 6 TL BRG LL 7 TL BRG LL 8 TL BRG LL 9 TL BRG LL 10 TL BRG LL 11 TL BRG LL 12 TL BRG LL 13 TL BRG LL 14 TL BRG LL TL 15 BRG LL 16 TL BRG LL 17 TL BRG LL 18 TL BRG LL 19 TL BRG LL 20 TL BRG LL 21 TL BRG LL 22 TL BRG LL 23 TL BRG LL 24 TL BRG LL 25 TL BRG LL 26 TL BRG LL 27 TL BRG LL 28 TL BRG LL 29 TL BRG LL TL 30 BRG * Can be applied to the beam in addition to its own weight. Simple or multiple beam spans. Key to Table: LL = Maximum live load – limits deflection to L/360 TL = Maximum total load – limits deflections to L/240 (or a maximum of 0.3125” for beams 7¼” deep or less) BRG = Required end / intermediate bearing length (inches), based on bearing stress of 850 psi. page 16 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 16” 4388 4.4/11.1 3484 4.1/10.3 2887 3.9/9.8 2465 3.8/9.4 2150 3.6/9.1 1905 3.5/8.9 1711 3.5/8.7 1552 3.4/8.6 1290 1420 3.4/8.4 1049 1280 3.3/8.2 864 1124 3.1/7.7 720 994 2.9/7.2 607 885 2.7/6.8 516 760 2.5/6.2 442 649 2.2/5.6 382 559 2/5.1 332 484 1.8/4.6 291 422 1.7/4.2 256 370 1.5/3.9 227 325 1.5/3.6 201 288 1.5/3.3 180 255 1.5/3.1 161 227 1.5/3 145 203 1.5/3 131 182 1.5/3 18” 5304 5.4/13.4 4147 4.9/12.2 3404 4.6/11.5 2885 4.4/11 2504 4.2/10.6 2211 4.1/10.3 1979 4/10.1 1790 3.9/9.9 1635 3.9/9.7 1493 1504 3.8/9.6 1230 1391 3.8/9.5 1026 1230 3.6/8.9 864 1095 3.4/8.4 735 981 3.2/8 630 884 3/7.6 544 800 2.9/7.2 473 694 2.6/6.6 414 605 2.4/6 365 530 2.2/5.5 323 467 2/5.1 287 414 1.9/4.7 256 368 1.7/4.4 230 328 1.6/4.1 207 294 1.5/3.8 187 264 1.5/3.5 20” 6366 6.4/16.1 4893 5.8/14.4 3972 5.4/13.4 3342 5.1/12.7 2884 4.9/12.2 2535 4.7/11.8 2262 4.6/11.5 2041 4.5/11.2 1859 4.4/11 1707 4.3/10.9 1578 4.3/10.7 1407 1466 4.2/10.6 1185 1326 4.1/10.2 1008 1188 3.9/9.6 864 1070 3.7/9.1 747 969 3.5/8.7 649 881 3.3/8.3 568 805 3.2/8 500 732 3/7.6 442 646 2.8/7 393 572 2.6/6.4 351 509 2.4/6 315 454 2.2/5.6 283 407 2.1/5.2 256 366 1.9/4.8 22” 7613 7.7/19.2 5736 6.8/16.9 4600 6.2/15.5 3838 5.8/14.6 3292 5.6/13.9 2882 5.4/13.4 2562 5.2/13 2305 5.1/12.7 2095 5/12.4 1920 4.9/12.2 1771 4.8/12 1644 4.8/11.9 1534 4.7/11.8 1342 1412 4.6/11.4 1150 1272 4.3/10.9 994 1152 4.1/10.3 864 1048 3.9/9.9 756 957 3.8/9.4 666 877 3.6/9 589 807 3.5/8.7 524 745 3.3/8.4 468 681 3.2/8 419 609 3/7.4 377 546 2.8/6.9 341 491 2.6/6.4 23⅞” 8997 9.1/22.7 6634 7.8/19.6 5252 7.1/17.7 4346 6.6/16.5 3705 6.3/15.7 3228 6/15 2860 5.8/14.5 2566 5.7/14.1 2327 5.5/13.8 2128 5.4/13.5 1960 5.3/13.3 1817 5.3/13.1 1693 5.2/13 1584 5.1/12.8 1470 1475 5/12.6 1270 1336 4.8/12 1105 1216 4.6/11.4 967 1110 4.4/10.9 851 1018 4.2/10.5 753 936 4/10.1 669 864 3.9/9.7 598 800 3.7/9.3 536 742 3.6/9 482 690 3.5/8.7 436 632 3.3/8.2 % Allowable uniform loads*— pounds per lineal foot 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL Span (ft) Key 7¼” 2287 2289 1.5 / 3.9 1440 1908 1.5 / 3.8 965 1121 1.5 / 3 678 696 1.5 / 3 453 1.5 / 3 306 1.5 / 3 213 1.5 / 3 152 1.5 / 3 111 1.5 / 3 9½” 3190 2.2 / 5.4 2632 2.1 / 5.2 2171 2239 2/5 1525 1948 2 / 4.9 1111 1654 1.9 / 4.7 835 1240 1.5 / 3.9 643 952 1.5 / 3.2 506 746 1.5 / 3 405 595 1.5 / 3 329 481 1.5 / 3 271 394 1.5 / 3 226 326 1.5 / 3 191 273 1.5 / 3 162 230 1.5 / 3 16” 6582 4.4 / 11.1 5225 4.1 / 10.3 4331 3.9 / 9.8 3697 3.8 / 9.4 3224 3.6 / 9.1 2858 3.5 / 8.9 2566 3.5 / 8.7 2328 3.4 / 8.6 1935 2130 3.4 / 8.4 1573 1921 3.3 / 8.2 1296 1685 3.1 / 7.7 1081 1490 2.9 / 7.2 910 1327 2.7 / 6.8 774 1139 2.5 / 6.2 664 974 2.2 / 5.6 573 838 2 / 5.1 499 726 1.8 / 4.6 436 633 1.7 / 4.2 384 554 1.5 / 3.9 340 488 1.5 / 3.6 302 431 1.5 / 3.3 270 383 1.5 / 3.1 242 341 1.5 / 3 218 305 1.5 / 3 197 273 1.5 / 3 18” 7955 5.4 / 13.4 6221 4.9 / 12.2 5105 4.6 / 11.5 4328 4.4 / 11 3755 4.2 / 10.6 3316 4.1 / 10.3 2968 4 / 10.1 2686 3.9 / 9.9 2452 3.9 / 9.7 2240 2255 3.8 / 9.6 1846 2086 3.8 / 9.5 1539 1845 3.6 / 8.9 1296 1643 3.4 / 8.4 1102 1472 3.2 / 8 945 1326 3 / 7.6 816 1200 2.9 / 7.2 710 1040 2.6 / 6.6 621 907 2.4 / 6 547 796 2.2 / 5.5 484 701 2 / 5.1 430 621 1.9 / 4.7 384 552 1.7 / 4.4 344 492 1.6 / 4.1 310 440 1.5 / 3.8 280 395 1.5 / 3.5 20” 9549 6.4 / 16.1 7339 5.8 / 14.4 5958 5.4 / 13.4 5013 5.1 / 12.7 4325 4.9 / 12.2 3803 4.7 / 11.8 3393 4.6 / 11.5 3062 4.5 / 11.2 2789 4.4 / 11 2561 4.3 / 10.9 2367 4.3 / 10.7 2111 2200 4.2 / 10.6 1778 1988 4.1 / 10.2 1512 1782 3.9 / 9.6 1296 1605 3.7 / 9.1 1120 1454 3.5 / 8.7 974 1322 3.3 / 8.3 852 1207 3.2 / 8 750 1098 3 / 7.6 664 968 2.8 / 7 590 858 2.6 / 6.4 527 763 2.4 / 6 472 681 2.2 / 5.6 425 611 2.1 / 5.2 384 549 1.9 / 4.8 22” 11420 7.7 / 19.2 8604 6.8 / 16.9 6900 6.2 / 15.5 5758 5.8 / 14.6 4939 5.6 / 13.9 4323 5.4 / 13.4 3843 5.2 / 13 3458 5.1 / 12.7 3143 5 / 12.4 2880 4.9 / 12.2 2657 4.8 / 12 2466 4.8 / 11.9 2300 4.7 / 11.8 2012 2118 4.6 / 11.4 1725 1908 4.3 / 10.9 1490 1728 4.1 / 10.3 1296 1572 3.9 / 9.9 1134 1436 3.8 / 9.4 998 1316 3.6 / 9 883 1210 3.5 / 8.7 785 1117 3.3 / 8.4 701 1022 3.2 / 8 629 913 3 / 7.4 566 819 2.8 / 6.9 511 737 2.6 / 6.4 Build Stronger | 23⅞” 13496 9.1 / 22.7 9951 7.8 / 19.6 7878 7.1 / 17.7 6518 6.6 / 16.5 5557 6.3 / 15.7 4842 6 / 15 4289 5.8 / 14.5 3849 5.7 / 14.1 3490 5.5 / 13.8 3192 5.4 / 13.5 2940 5.3 / 13.3 2725 5.3 / 13.1 2539 5.2 / 13 2377 5.1 / 12.8 2205 2213 5 / 12.6 1905 2004 4.8 / 12 1657 1823 4.6 / 11.4 1450 1665 4.4 / 10.9 1276 1527 4.2 / 10.5 1129 1405 4 / 10.1 1004 1296 3.9 / 9.7 896 1200 3.7 / 9.3 804 1113 3.6 / 9 723 1036 3.5 / 8.7 653 947 3.3 / 8.2 page 17 L oads LL 6 TL BRG LL 7 TL BRG LL 8 TL BRG LL 9 TL BRG LL 10 TL BRG LL 11 TL BRG LL 12 TL BRG LL 13 TL BRG LL 14 TL BRG LL TL 15 BRG LL 16 TL BRG LL 17 TL BRG LL 18 TL BRG LL 19 TL BRG LL 20 TL BRG LL 21 TL BRG LL 22 TL BRG LL 23 TL BRG LL 24 TL BRG LL 25 TL BRG LL 26 TL BRG LL 27 TL BRG LL 28 TL BRG LL 29 TL BRG LL TL 30 BRG * Can be applied to the beam in addition to its own weight. Simple or multiple beam spans. Key to Table: LL = Maximum live load – limits deflection to L/360 TL = Maximum total load – limits deflections to L/240 (or a maximum of 0.3125” for beams 7¼” deep or less) BRG = Required end / intermediate bearing length (inches), based on bearing stress of 850 psi. U niform THREE 1¾” 2.0E IKAIKA LAM LVL 11¼” 14” 11⅞” 3975 4275 5387 2.7 / 6.7 2.9 / 7.2 3.6 / 9.1 3249 3483 4334 2.6 / 6.4 2.7 / 6.9 3.4 / 8.5 2747 2937 3624 2.5 / 6.2 2.6 / 6.6 3.3 / 8.2 2379 2539 3113 2.4 / 6 2.6 / 6.4 3.2 / 7.9 1846 2171 2097 2236 2728 2.4 / 5.9 2.5 / 6.3 3.1 / 7.7 1387 1631 1875 1996 2427 2.3 / 5.8 2.5 / 6.2 3 / 7.5 1068 1256 2058 1587 1758 2186 2.2 / 5.4 2.4 / 6 3 / 7.4 840 988 1619 1245 1466 1988 1.8 / 4.6 2.2 / 5.4 2.9 / 7.3 673 791 1296 994 1170 1734 1.6 / 4 1.9 / 4.7 2.8 / 6.9 547 643 1054 805 949 1508 1.5 / 3.4 1.6 / 4.1 2.6 / 6.4 451 530 868 661 779 1284 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3.6 2.3 / 5.8 376 442 724 548 647 1067 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3.2 2.1 / 5.2 316 372 610 459 542 896 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 1.8 / 4.6 269 316 519 388 459 759 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 1.7 / 4.1 231 271 445 331 391 648 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3.7 199 234 384 284 335 557 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3.4 173 204 334 245 290 482 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3.1 178 292 251 419 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 257 367 1.5 / 3 228 322 1.5 / 3 202 284 1.5 / 3 181 252 1.5 / 3 162 224 1.5 / 3 F loor 9¼” 3085 2.1 / 5.2 2547 2/5 2004 2169 2 / 4.9 1407 1888 1.9 / 4.8 1026 1526 1.7 / 4.3 771 1144 1.5 / 3.6 594 878 1.5 / 3 467 688 1.5 / 3 374 548 1.5 / 3 304 443 1.5 / 3 250 363 1.5 / 3 209 301 1.5 / 3 176 251 1.5 / 3 2 . 0 E 5½” 998 1490 1.5 / 3 629 835 1.5 / 3 421 486 1.5 / 3 296 301 1.5 / 3 195 1.5 / 3 131 1.5 / 3 L a m 3½” 257 381 1.5 / 3 162 212 1.5 / 3 I k a i k a 2.0E Floor 100 Allowable Uniform Loads D etails B2 bearing on wood column B1 beam-to-beam connection B3 bearing on steel column Verify the required bearing area and the ability of the supporting column member to provide adequate strength. Make sure hanger capacity is appropriate for each application. Hangers must be properly installed to accommodate full capacity. Verify the required bearing area and the ability of the supporting column member to provide adequate strength. for door or window B5 bearing header—1-Story Typical B4 bearing on exterior wall Prevent direct contact of IKAIKA LAM with concrete. Consult local building code for requirements. header— B6 window/door 2-Story Typical See “Bearing Length Requirements” below. See “Bearing Length Requirements” below. I k a i k a L a m For multiple-ply IKAIKA LAM beam assembly conditions and fastening recommendations, see next page. Bearing Length Requirements Support Material S-P-F (South) Hem-Fir (North)(5) Fc (psi) 335 IKAIKA LAM bearing length requirements Hem-Fir S-P-F(5) Southern Pine Douglas Fir – Larch(5) 1.5E IKAIKA LAM(6) 1.8E or 2.0E IKAIKA LAM(6) 405 565 575 850 Beam Width 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1” 3” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 1½” 2” 3½” 3” 3” 1½” 3” 1½” 3” 3” 1½” 1½” 3” 5½” 3” 4½” 3” 3½” 3” 4½” 3” 3” 1½” 4” 7¼” 3½” 6” 3” 4½” 3” 6” 4½” 3” 1½” 5” 9¼” 4½” 7¼” 4½” 5½” 3” 7½” 5½” 3½” 3” 6” 5½” 9¼” 4½” 7¼” 3½” 9” 6” 4½” 3” 7” 6” 5½” 7¼” 4½” 7½” 5½” 3” 8” 7¼” 6” 9¼” 4½” 9” 5½” 3” 9” 9¼” 7¼” 9¼” 5½” 9” 7½” 3½” 10” 9¼” 7¼” 5½” 7½” 3½” 11” 9¼” 6” 7½” 4½” Continued in next column Notes: 1. The minimum required bearing length is 1½”. 2.Duration of load factors may not be applied to bearing length requirements. 3.All IKAIKA LAM beams require support across their full width. 4.All IKAIKA LAM beams require lateral support at bearing points. Hole Details holes in IKAIKA LAM beams See note 4 ⅓ depth ⅓ depth ⅓ depth ¼ span End Support page 18 ⅓ span Interior Support Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 Support Material S-P-F (South) Hem-Fir (North)(5) Hem-Fir S-P-F(5) Southern Pine Douglas Fir – Larch(5) 1.5E IKAIKA LAM(6) 1.8E or 2.0E IKAIKA LAM(6) Fc (psi) 335 405 565 575 850 Beam Width 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 1¾” 3½” 12” 9¼” 7¼” 9” 4½” 13” 9¼” 7¼” 9” 4½” 14” 7¼” 5½” 15” 9¼” 5½” 16” 9¼” 5½” 17” 9¼” 6” 18” 9¼” 7½” 19” 7½” 20” 7½” 21” 7½” 22” 7½” 23” 9” 5.Use these values when the IKAIKA LAM beam is supported by a wall plate, sill plate, timber or built-up girder. 6.Use these values when the IKAIKA LAM beam is supported by the end of a column or connection hardware. 7. The support member must be sized to carry the load from the LVL beam. Reaction (x 1000 lbs) IKAIKA LAM bearing length requirements Reaction (x 1000 lbs) B earing I nformation & H ole Bearing Details Notes: 1.This detail applies only to uniformly loaded, simple and multiple span beams. Cantilevered beams and beams that carry concentrated loads are outside the scope of this detail. 2.Square and rectangular holes are not permitted. 3.Round holes may be drilled or cut with a hole saw anywhere within the shaded area of the beam. 4.The horizontal distance between adjacent holes must be at least two times the size of the larger hole. This restriction also applies to the location of access holes relative to bolt holes in multi-ply beams. 5.Do not drill more than three access holes in any four-foot long section of beam. 6. The maximum round hole diameter permitted is: Beam Depth 5½” 7¼” 9½” to 24” Maximum Hole Diameter 1½” 2” 1⅛” 7.These limitations apply to holes drilled for plumbing or wiring access only. The size and location of holes drilled for fasteners are governed by the provisions of the National Design Specification® for Wood Construction. 8. Beams deflect under load. Size holes to provide clearance where required. I k a i k a Multiple-Ply IKAIKA LAM Beam Assembly Combinations of 1¾” and 3½” Plies Condition A Condition B Condition C Condition D Condition E 2 pieces 1¾” 1 piece 3½” 4 pieces 1¾” 2 pieces 3½” OR 3 pieces 1¾” 1 piece 1¾” 1 piece 3½” Nail Spacing L a m 2 pieces 1¾” Bolt Spacing 2” min. 1¾” and 3½” Plies—MAXIMUM UNIFORM SIDE LOAD (PLF) Condition Condition A (2–1¾”) 3½” x 0.131” Nails 2 Rows at 3 Rows at 12” o.c. 12” o.c. 390 585 16d Common Nails 2 Rows at 3 Rows at 12” o.c. 12” o.c. 565 845 2 Rows at 24” o.c. 510 ½” Bolts 2 Rows at 12” o.c. 1015 3 Rows at 12” o.c. 1520 Condition B (3–1¾” OR 1–1¾” + 1–3½”) 290 435 425 635 380 765 1145 Condition C (2–1¾” + 1–3½”) 260 390 375 565 465 930 1395 340 680 1015 Condition D (4–1¾”) use bolts for this condition How to Use The Maximum Uniform Side-Load Table 610 plf Three 1¾” plies loaded from both sides and above (Condition B) 1.Use allowable load tables or sizing software to size the beam to carry a total load of (300 + 610 + 550) = 1460 plf. A ssembly Example: 300 plf 550 plf 2.Refer to the Condition B row in the table. Scan across the row from left to right for a table value greater than 550 plf, which is the greatest side load carried by the beam. The fourth value in the row indicates that 3 rows of 16d common nails at 12” o.c. will accommodate a side load of 635 plf which is greater than the 550 plf required. Use 3 rows of 16d common nails at 12” o.c., from both sides, to assemble the beam. Build Stronger | B eam Condition E (2–3½”) use bolts for this condition 860 1720 2580 Notes: 1.Minimum fastener schedule for smaller side loads and top-loaded beams: 4.The table values apply to common bolts that conform to ANSI/ASME Standard B18.2.1-1981. A washer not less than a standard cut washer shall be between the wood and the bolt head Conditions A, B & C, beams 12” deep or less: and between the wood and the nut. The distance from the edge of the beam to the bolt 2 rows 3½” x 0.131” at 12” o.c. holes must be at least 2” for ½” bolts. Bolt holes shall be the same diameter as the bolt. Conditions A, B & C, beams deeper than 12”: 5. 7” wide beams must be loaded from both sides and/or top loaded. 3 rows 3½” x 0.131” at 12” o.c. 6. Beams wider than 7” must be designed by the engineer of record. Conditions D & E, all beam depths: 2 rows 1½” bolts at 24” o.c. 7. Load duration factors may be applied to the table values. 2.The table values for nails may be doubled for 6” o.c. and tripled for 4” o.c. nail spacings. 3. The nail schedules shown apply to both sides of a three-ply beam. M ultiple - P ly 2” min. Stagger rows of bolts page 19 WALL PANELS Wall Panels WALL Panels PANELS Wall WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM/WALL-PANELS/ LESS TIME, LESS WASTE, LESS MONEY -MORE CONTROL Save time and money when you build using HPM’s pre-engineered wall panels, manufactured with custom equipment that produces a high-quality product in less time, every time. • Expert design - HPM’s WTCA-certified designers use customized MiTek® software to create wall panel layouts from building plans with input from the contractor. I k a i kPM H a P J o i sMt TI WR- UJ all So S i E s S t Y ou D iP m can anels e n s T i rust o n s aN nU uF fA aC cT tu MA Ur Re Ed D • Options to fit your need - Sheathed or unsheathed; with house wrap, or not; with windows, or without. • Built right - Panels are built in a clean and controlled manufacturing environment, using automated equipment which reduces material waste and ensures consistent quality. • Double-checked - Each panel is quality inspected and individually labeled for quick identification. • Delivered ready to stand-up - Wall panels are stacked with direction from the contractor, so when they are delivered they can be staged efficiently around the jobsite. • Go up quick - Building a house with custom made wall panels requires fewer skilled workers, and is faster than stick-forming, thereby saving money. page 20 page 20 Call HPM Call Building HPM Building SupplySupply TodayToday | 808-966-5466 | 808-966-5466 WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM/WALL-PANELS MANUFACTURED TRUSSES WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM/TRUSS/ I K P K A H k A a Ii PM k A a LM a M m T R U S S E S 2 T. 0 E The largest and most technically-advanced truss manufacturing in the State is available for you right here on the Big Island. • Skilled design - Certified truss designers use cutting edge computer software to create designs that compliment your home. • Precision - Integrated MiTek® CybeSaws, production tables with Virtek® lasers, and trained personnel provide trusses manufactured precisely to specifications. • Quality control - Inspectors examine each truss before it is shipped and label each truss for quick identification. • Certified - Our truss manufacturing operation is certified and conforms to the rules and regulations of the Timber Products Inspection, Inc.’s Quality Assurance Program and building codes. WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM/TRUSS page 21 BuildBuild Stronger Stronger | | page 21 R D Ee Ss U Ii Gg Nn S P Rr Oo S PpeE Rr E Tt Ii Ee SsS russes TRUSSES YOU CAN TRUST lulam R o s b o r o B ig B ea m ® I J C G 3000Fb 2.1E Rosboro BigBeam– Strength, Versatility and Stability A builder favorite, BigBeam is Robsoro’s highest-strength, I-joistcompatible glulam beam designed as a precise beam for engineered floor systems. Not only does BigBeam ensure a flat, consistent floor when used in engineered floor systems, it is also manufactured to match standard I-joist depths and wall-framing widths. Our high-performing beam is dimensionally consistent, kiln-dried and is designed with a balanced layup (no top or bottom) and zero camber. Builders also like the fact that all BigBeam products are delivered individually wrapped and sealed to protect them from moisture. Manufactured to the APA EWS Framing Appearance Standard, BigBeam is perfect for framing applications where appearance is not important. To ensure proper width tolerances, the beam is touchsanded or planed after gluing. n Fully sealed and individually paper wrapped n Framing appearance n 3000Fb, 2.1E n Balanced layup with zero camber page 22 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 BigBeam® Offerings Width Depth 3½” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” Width Depth 57⁄16” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” Width Depth 7” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” Lengths available up to 48 feet Deep BigBeam® Offerings Width Depth 57⁄16” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” Lengths available up to 48 feet Width Depth 7” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” R o s b o r o IJC - Glulam Headers & Beams High-Strength IJC GluLam The Rosboro BigBeam® has been designed as the ideal engineered wood beam for I-joist floor systems and other conventional framing applications. This 30F high-strength glulam is the ideal beam for modern residential and light commercial applications. The zero camber and balanced layup insures easy installation and a flat consistent floor. B ig Design Properties Fb = 3,000 psi B Fv = 300 psi E = 2.1 x 106 psi ea Fc = 650 psi ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES – 31⁄ 2” BigBeam Width (inches) Maximum Resistive Shear (lbf) 100% 115% 125% 6,650 7,648 8,313 8,313 9,559 10,391 9,800 11,270 12,250 11,200 12,880 14,000 12,600 14,490 15,750 EI (106 in.2–lb.) 525 1,026 1,681 2,509 3,572 Maximum Resistive Shear (lbf) 100% 115% 125% 10,331 11,881 12,914 12,914 14,851 16,143 15,225 17,509 19,031 17,400 20,010 21,750 19,575 22,511 24,469 Maximum Resistive Moment (ft-lbf) 100% 115% 125% 20,447 23,514 25,559 31,949 36,741 39,936 44,406 51,067 55,508 58,000 66,700 72,500 73,406 84,417 91,758 EI (106 in.2–lb.) 816 1,593 2,611 3,898 5,550 Maximum Resistive Shear (lbf) 100% 115% 125% 13,300 15,295 16,625 16,625 19,119 20,781 19,600 22,540 24,500 22,400 25,760 28,000 25,200 28,980 31,500 Maximum Resistive Moment (ft-lbf) 100% 115% 125% 26,323 30,271 32,904 41,130 47,299 51,412 57,167 65,742 71,458 74,667 85,867 93,333 94,500 108,675 118,125 EI (106 in.2–lb.) 1,050 2,051 3,361 5,018 7,144 I Maximum Resistive Moment (ft-lbf) 100% 115% 125% 13,161 15,136 16,452 20,565 23,649 25,706 28,583 32,871 35,729 37,333 42,933 46,667 47,250 54,338 59,063 ® Weight (lbf/ft) 8.3 10.4 12.3 14.0 15.8 m 3½ Depth (inches) 9½ 11⅞ 14 16 18 ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES – 5 7⁄ 16” BigBeam Weight (lbf/ft) 12.9 16.1 19.0 21.8 24.5 G ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES – 7” BigBeam 7 Depth (inches) 9½ 11⅞ 14 16 18 Weight (lbf/ft) 16.6 20.8 24.5 28.0 31.5 Notes: 1.These allowable design stresses apply to dry service conditions. 2. Maximum resistive moment shall be adjusted by the volume factor based on NDS-05. Build Stronger | page 23 lulam Width (inches) C 57⁄16 Depth (inches) 9½ 11⅞ 14 16 18 J Width (inches) n S s tuds i o n s TALL WALL STUDS Build tall walls with confidence. Extra long HPM Building Supply stud wall framing LVL offers a stronger, stiffer, and straighter product than dimension lumber for all your tall-wall applications. HPM’s studs are competitive in materials cost and is easy to handle and install, which can result in shorter construction schedules, saving you time and money. Don’t overbuild! Use beam-calculating software for better optimization of material selection and on-center spacing. HPM studs are available in virtually any length. Stud Design Property Comparison(1)(2) 2x4 Product 2x8 Ik k aa iikkaa J oL ias m t 2x6 I T - all J o i s tW all D i m e Laminated Veneer Lumber engineered for tall-wall framing (1) (2) (3) (4) 1.5” x 3.5” x 2.0E Ikaika LAM 1.5” x 3.5” x 1.5E Ikaika LAM 2x4 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 1.5” x 5.5” x 2.0E Ikaika LAM 1.5” x 5.5” x 1.5E Ikaika LAM 2x6 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 1.5” x 7.25” x 2.0E Ikaika LAM 1.5” x 7.25” x 1.5E Ikaika LAM 2x8 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 Bending Fb (psi)(3) Compression Parallel to Grain Fc (psi)(4) Modulus of Elasticity E (psi) Horizontal Shear Fv (psi) 4125 2995 1555 3770 2735 1345 3565 2590 1240 2750 1950 1550 2750 1950 1485 2750 1950 1420 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 285 230 180 285 230 180 285 230 180 Refer to APA PR-L233 for Ikaika LAM LVL adjustment factors and other design properties. Refer to the 2005 NDS® for lumber adjustment factors and other design properties. Load applied to the narrow face of the stud. Repetitive member and size factors have been applied. Size factors have been applied to lumber values. For information about HPM Building Supply's complete line of engineered wood products, please scan this code or visit our website at page 24 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 face mount hangers Depth 5½” Single Ply – 1¾” wide Hanger Load (100%) HU1.81/5 2380 7¼” 16” HU7 HU9 HUS1.81/10 HU11 HUS1.81/10 HU14 HUS1.81/10 HU14 2380 3570 5135 4465 5135 5055 5135 5055 18” HU14 5055 9½” 11⅞” 14” Double Ply – 3½” wide Hanger Load (100%) HU46 1785 HHUS48 4210 7¼” HGUS48 7460 HHUS410 5635 9½” HGUS410 9100 HHUS410 5635 11⅞” HGUS412 9600 HHUS410 5635 14” HGUS414 10100 HHUS410 5635 16” HGUS414 10100 HHUS410 5635 18” HGUS414 10100 Depth 5½” Depth 5½” 7¼” 9½” 11⅞” 14” 16” 18” Triple Ply – 5¼” wide Hanger Load (100%) HU66 1785 HU68 HHUS5.50/10 HGUS5.50/10 HHUS5.50/10 HGUS5.50/12 HHUS5.50/10 HGUS5.50/14 HGUS5.50/14 HGU5.50-SDS HGUS5.50/14 HGU5.50-SDS Quadruple Ply – 7” wide Hanger Load (100%) See Simpson Wood Construction Connectors catalog 7¼” for hanger solution HHUS7.25/10 5635 9½” HGUS7.25/10 9100 5635 11⅞” HHUS7.25/10 HGUS7.25/12 9600 HGUS7.25/14 10100 14” HGU7.25-SDS 14145 HGUS7.25/14 10100 16” HHGU7.25-SDS 17845 HGUS7.25/14 10100 18” HHGU7.25-SDS 17845 Depth 5½” 2085 5635 9100 5635 9600 5635 10100 10100 14145 10100 14145 S i m p s o n Framing Connectors HU HUS MIT WPU HGUS Top Flange Hangers EGQ LBV B Triple Ply – 5¼” wide Quadruple Ply – 7” wide Depth Hanger Load (100%) Depth Hanger Load (100%) See Simpson Wood Construction See Simpson Wood Construction 5½” Connectors 5½” catalog for hanger solution Connectors catalog for hanger solution WPU5.50/7.25 4700 7¼” 7¼” HWU7.12/7.25 6000 HB5.50/7.25 5815 HB5.50/9.5 5815 HB7.12/9.5 5815 9½” 9½” GLTV5.59 7500 GLTV49.5-2 7500 5815 HB7.12/11.88 5815 11⅞” HB5.50/11.88 11⅞” EGQ7.25-SDS3 HGLTV5.511 10500 19800 HB5.50/14 5815 GLTV414-2 7500 14” 14” EGQ5.50-SDS3 19800 EGQ7.25-SDS3 19800 HB5.50/16 5815 HGLTV416-2 10500 16” 16” EGQ5.50-SDS3 19800 EGQ7.25-SDS3 19800 HGLTV5.518 10500 HGLTV418-2 10500 18” 18” EGQ5.50-SDS3 19800 EGQ7.25-SDS3 19800 3.Loads shown are gravity (floor) loads. Other load durations may apply, refer to the current version of Wood Construction Connectors for allowable increases. 4.Top Flange Hanger configurations and thickness of Top Flange needs to be considered for flush frame conditions. 6” Min. between fasteners 6” Min. end distance SDW Strong-Drive Structural Wood Screws® 17⁄16” Min. edge distance W 22 W 22 X.X X X.X X ¾” • SDW screws install best with a low-speed ½” drill and a T-40 6-lobe bit. The matched bit included with the screws is recommended for best results. X.X X • Screw heads that are countersunk flush to the wood surface are acceptable if the screw has not spun out. 0.22” L • Pre-drilling is typically not required. Screw Dimensions Nominal Screw Thread Length Head Stamp Length (L) (TL) (in) Length (in) SDW22338 3.37 3⅜ 19⁄16 SDW22500 5 5.00 19⁄16 SDW22634 6.75 6¾ 19⁄16 Model No. SDW Strong-Drive® Screw Assembly C-W (4) – 1¾ W 22 ⅝” Min. between staggered rows each way X.X X W 22 W 22 X.X X X.X X Spacing Requirements Sideloaded 1¾ Multi-Ply SCL Assemblies — Allowable Uniform Load Applied to Either Outside Member Structural Composite Lumber Nominal Screw Loaded SDW @ SDW @ SDW @ Length Side 12” o.c. 16” o.c. 24” o.c. Assembly Components (in) 2 Rows 3 Rows 2 Rows 3 Rows 2 Rows 3 Rows A-W 2-ply SCL Either 1600 2400 1200 1800 800 1200 3⅜ Head 1200 1800 900 1350 600 900 B-W 3-ply SCL 5 Point 900 1350 675 1015 450 675 Head 1065 1600 800 1200 535 800 C-W 4-ply SCL 6¾ Point 800 1200 600 900 400 600 1. Each ply is assumed to carry same proportion of load. 2.Loads may be applied to the head side and point side concurrently provided neither published allowable load is exceeded. (Example: a 3-ply assembly with a head side load of 1300 plf and point side load of 1000 plf may be fastened together with 3 rows of SDW @ 16” o.c.) 3. When hangers are installed on point side, hanger face fasteners must be a minimum of 3” long. 4. This table assumes an equivalent Specific Gravity of 0.50 or higher. 5.Loads in this table are based on the overall capacity of the Simpson Strong-Tie® SDW22 fasteners. The capacity of the multi-ply assembly must be checked by a qualified Designer. Multiple Members Build Stronger | page 25 L V L U.S. Patents 5,897,280; 7,101,133 and 7,832,173 Assembly A-W Assembly B-W (2) – 1¾ (3) – 1¾ 4” Min. between nonstaggered rows for TL • Individual screw locations may be adjusted up to 3” to avoid conflicts with other hardware or to avoid lumber defects. Point Side installation W22 Head Side W 22 X.X X connectors Single Ply – 1¾” wide Double Ply – 3½” wide Depth Hanger Load (100%) Depth Hanger Load (100%) See Simpson Wood Construction See Simpson Wood Construction 5½” Connectors 5½” catalog for hanger solution Connectors catalog for hanger solution LBV3.56/7.25 2910 7¼” 7¼” LBV1.81/7.25 2910 WPU3.56/7.25 4700 MIT9.5 2550 LBV3.56/9.5 2910 9½” 9½” LBV1.81/9.5 2910 HB3.56/9.5 5815 MIT11.88 2550 BA3.56/11.88 4715 11⅞” BA1.81/11.88 11⅞” 4715 HB3.56/11.88 5815 MIT1.81/14 2550 BA3.56/14 4715 14” 14” LBV1.81/14 2910 GLTV3.514 7500 MIT1.81/16 2550 BA3.56/16 4715 16” 16” B1.81/16 4135 GLTV3.516 7500 HB3.56/18 5815 18” 18” B1.81X 4135 HGLTV3.518 10500 Hanger Notes: 1.Loads listed address hanger/header/fastener limitations assuming header material is Douglas Fir-Larch LVL manufactured in the U.S. Joist reaction should be checked by a qualified designer to ensure proper hanger selection. 2.HU hangers – fill all round and triangle holes for load values shown. HHGU F raming GLTV roperties Ikaika rim Design Properties •Horizontal Load Capacity – 200 plf with 8d nails (box or common) at 6” o.c.(2) • Rim Board Vertical Load Capacity – 3450 plf •½” Diameter Lag Screw or Bolt Lateral Load Capacity – 350 lbs Notes: 1.These allowable design stresses apply to dry service conditions, and may be adjusted for load duration except where noted. 2. The stated capacity applies to a ten minute wind or earthquake load duration (CD = 1.60). No increase is allowed for load duration. 1¼” 1.5E IKAIKA LAM LVL 1.5 E D esign P 1¼” 1.5E Rim Board 1.5E IKAIKA LAM LVL Reference Design Values(1) Modulus of Elasticity E = 1,500,000 psi(2) BendingFb = 2250 x (12/d)0.125 psi, where d is the depth of the member(3) Horizontal Shear (joist) Fv = 220 psi Compression Perpendicular to Grain (joist)Fc = 575 psi(2) (1) These allowable design properties apply to dry service conditions, and may be adjusted for load duration except where noted. (2) No increase is allowed for load duration. (3) A factor of 1.04 may be applied for repetitive members as defined in the National Design Specification® for Wood Construction. Available Sizes (inches) 9½11⅞14 16 1¼” Rim Board vertical load transfer = 3450 plf maximum One 8d nail at top and bottom flange Weights (PLF): Attach Rim Board to top plate using 8d box toenails @ 6” o.c. 3.1 3.9 4.5 5.2 I k a i k a R i m Equivalent Specific Gravity for Fastener Design— 1¼” 1.5E IKAIKA LAM LVL Nails & Wood Screws Bolts & Lag Screws Lateral, Face Lateral, Edge Withdrawal Lateral, Face Lateral, Edge 0.42 0.39 0.42 0.42 N.A. Closest On-Center Spacing for a single row of nails in the narrow face Nail Size Spacing 8d common (2½” x 0.131”) 3” 10d common (3” x 0.148”) 4” 16d common (3½” x 0.162”) 6”(1) 1. May be 4” when nailing through bottom wall plate and sheathing (maximum 1⅜” penetration). page 26 Call HPM Building Supply Today | 808-966-5466 One 8d face nail at each side at bearing To avoid splitting flange, start nails at least 1½” from end of I-joist. Nails may be driven at an angle to avoid splitting of bearing plate. Deck Attachment Sheathing Rim Board One 8d nail at top and bottom flange Ledger attached with ½” diameter through bolts with washers and nuts. Space as necessary per deck design. Attach Rim Board to top plate using 8d box toenails @ 6” o.c. ruc t base with software tools to perform daily engineering and drawing functions required in today’s market. t HPM Building Supply provides customers with the best information services in the industry–and supplies its customer S The Most Powerful Software Tools in the Market — iStruct™ software suite, featuring isPlan™ and isDesign™ i Software Tools isPlan™ features: • D raw and design floor and roof framing plans with engineered wood products S • Includes structural analysis and reporting, take-offs, quotes, and cutting •Automatically develops loads and produces bold, color graphic layouts in 2D and 3D • Supports the full HPM Building Supply product line •Includes isDesign–the single member beam design isDesign™ features: • A user-friendly, single-member sizing program with impeccable graphics that creates easy-to-read beam calcs •Analyze loads and calculate sizes and spacing for HPM Building Supply engineered wood products •Requires little or no training for the architect, engineer, or designer HPM Building Supply customers receive: •No charge for isDesign™ single-member sizing software •No charge for customers to distribute isDesign™ to its customer base oftware • Specially engineered for companies with a dedicated design staff •Customer product logos and nomenclature on beam calcs •Printed calc sheets display shear, deflection, moment, and reaction T •Value-engineered framing plans •Engineered or non-engineered placement plans •Internet updates for all software The iStruct™ software suite is truly a solution like no other and is designed for quick learning and application. The accelerated training time means users are up and running quickly and cost effectively! What you get from HPM Building Supply is what your customers expect from you — the best tools and the best service possible! ools •Internet software training and support Our Product Warranty Pacific Woodtech Corporation warrants that its products, as manufactured, will be free from manufacturing errors or defects in workmanship and material. In addition, provided the product, as manufactured, is correctly installed and used, Pacific Woodtech Corporation warrants the adequacy of its design for the normal and expected life of the structure. This warranty is backed by the full resources of Pacific Woodtech Corporation and by underwritten product liability insurance. CAMPBELL 91-302 Hanua Street Kapolei, Oahu, HI 96707 808-682-8560 Lawai 3419 Iwipoo Road Lawai, Kauai, HI 96765 808-332-7376 Hilo 380 Kanoelehua Ave Hilo, Hawaii, HI 96720 808-935-0875 Kona 74-5511 Luhia St Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, HI 96740 808-334-4200 Waimea 64-1027 Mamalahoa Hwy Kamuela, Hawaii, HI 96743 808-885-6036 HPM1001 13-0116 JM1.5M
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