October 2006 Magazine


October 2006 Magazine
citrus macintosh users group
October 2006
90 ssa
R. os
C. om
S.R. 44 to
C.R. 491
Riv mi.
Lecanto Highway
S. R
Crystal Oaks Blvd.
Inverness — State Road 44 West. 1.5
miles west of County Road 490. On S.R. 44
turn left at entrance to Crystal Oaks on Crystal Oaks Blvd. Clubhouse is .10 mile on left.
Crystal River — S.R. 44 East off U.S.
19. Go 4 miles. Turn right at entrance to Crystal Oaks on Crystal Oaks Blvd. Clubhouse is
.10 mile on left.
Homosassa — U.S. 19 to Home Depot.
Turn east on W. Venable. Stay on this road for
5.5 miles. Do not worry about name change.
Clubhouse on right.
Homosassa via C.R. 490 — Turn left at
S.R. 44. Go 1.5 miles. Turn left at entrance
to Crystal Oaks on Crystal Oaks Blvd. Clubhouse is .10 mile on left.
Curtis Herrin, President
Bill Dean, VP/Tech
Ed Romans, VP/Education
Vito DePinto, Secretary
Julie DePinto, Treasurer
Alan Wentzell, Ambassador
Jo Foster, Magazine Editor
Carolyn Herrin, Membership
Gordon Bellinger, Dealer Rep
CMUG Classes
photos – 10
Cropping Photos in
AppleWorks –
Gail Mitchell – 7
Member Gallery – 5
Rules: Apple Mail Filters
– Curt Herrin – 3
September Lab photos – 7
September Meeting
photos – 9
What Is PictureProject
InTouch? –
Gail Mitchell – 10
From the President – 3
Lab Report – 6
Meeting Minutes – 4
Pointers for the Perplexed – 6
Surf’s Up – 8
Citrus Macintosh Users Group Magazine is published
online monthly by Citrus Macintosh Users Group.
Citrus Macintosh Users Group Magazine was produced
using Adobe Photoshop CS and Adobe InDesign 2.0.
Johanna Foster, Editor
Cover design by Johanna Foster
Photos used on cover by Johanna Foster, Curt Herrin,
and Bill Dean.
Citrus Macintosh Users Group is a tax-exempt, nonprofit educational organization, dedicated to helping all people in
our area become familiar with their computers.
We meet on the fourth Friday monthly at the Crystal Oaks Clubhouse. The meetings start at 6:30 p.m. with an informal question-and-answer period led by some of the club’s Mac tech people. A business meeting follows at 7 p.m., followed
by a presentation covering a variety of topics, such as graphics, web pages, or using hardware and software related to the
Macintosh computer.
On the Sunday following the meeting, we hold a Lab/Tune-up from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Crystal Oaks Clubhouse. At the
lab that is free for members, tech members correct problems with hardware and software.
We offer Saturday afternoon classes monthly. The classes allow participants to learn Mac software programs and techniques in a hands-on-setting. Cost for the classes are $10 for members, $15 for member families, and $20 for nonmembers.
The monthly magazine with articles from members is also a member benefit, as well as free special interest groups
(SIGs) that are formed by members who have an interest in exploring a particular area in depth.
We also offer an informal workshop for members at the Beverly Hills Community Building on the fourth Tuesday
monthly. The workshop can either cover a specific topic or address various computer problems of participants.
Annual dues for members are $20 for an individual membership, $30 for a family membership and $10 for a student
membership.The membership period begins Jan. 15 each year. Dues for new memberships after July are pro-rated; renewals
remain at the annual rate.
together another four-weekend class after the first of
the year. Jeff has volunteered a lot of personal time to
share his knowledge of photography and Photoshop. I
hope we all honor him by graduating.
Dave Williams shall return to town this month and
will be giving a class covering MicroSoft Office Excel. I
did a very basic class covering spread sheets in AppleWorks, and now that the club has MS Office installed
on its new laptop, it will be great to learn how to play
intelligently with this program. It should be noted that
Dave is a charter member of CMUG, and it is nice to
see him back in the teaching mode. The more teachers
we have, the less you will see Curt and Bill Dean up
We have some idea’s for next years class offering, and I hope you e-mailed us your suggestions for
consideration. Your BOD would like to set up classes
you need but can only do this with your input. Picture
Spock—we are all ears.
It was nice to see the gang back
together last month. From the end of
July to September seems to take forever. Mind you, your BOD meets during this time and we do have other
selected events. But, there is nothing
like a gathering of our members to share information
and catch up.
If you’ve been reading your e-mail you are aware
we are currently in a four-consecutive weekend stint of
Photoshop. Jeff Camp has merged this with a dose of
photography techniques to help us improve our natural skills and rely less on Photoshop to correct things.
The interest generated from this class was impressive.
We ended up with a waiting list and Jeff has offered to
teach another session. If all goes well, we intend to put
Rules: Apple Mail Filters
Curt Herrin
Apple Mail will be going through some changes in
Apple has already made a rule for you called
the upgrade to 10.5.
“News from Apple” so let’s look at it by clicking on
My guess is even if you use Mail now, you do not Edit. Complicated? Just in looks. Study it for a second.
make your work environment as friendly as it could Under the conditions portion at the top, you will note
be. If you have taken a little time with Mail you might that all are the same. What Apple did was list all their
have created some additional folders in
the Mailboxes. After that, any mail you get
is dragged and dropped to those folders
when read. Let’s see if we can cut your
workload down a bit.
Rules. Is there a big question mark on
your forehead? In other mail programs,
they may call these filters. Not Apple. Let’s go find e-mail addresses that they might use for notifications.
where Rules reside and just what they can do. Open Every time you click on the plus you can add another
Mail Preferences—the window name is Rules, not Pref- address or change conditions. Click on any of these
erences. Note that way to the right is Rules. Now, I conditions and you will see a list of options. But they
only made one real Rule and it is seen under “Perform the following actions.” Apple
set back ground to a blueish color. Now
you know why mail from Apple shows up
in your In Box with a Blue label. Change
the first action choice and note that the
second action may change and then the
choices you have there as well. After you
will tell you what Rules do. Rules can handle any e-mail
you get and based on the directions or rules you assign have played with these, just click on cancel so nothing
to it; the e-mail can be sent right to a folder, trashed, or is messed with.
even replied to, just to name a few.
I created a simple Rule for BOD members. To set
this Rule, I first had to create a Group in Apple Address Book. Mail and Address Book are married in a
few functions ,and in order for Mail to work for this
Rule, it has to rely on Address Book. Once I selected
a group condition the adjoining condition that appears
was all the Groups from my Address Book of which I
selected BOD Rec. The action I selected was simple.
Move these e-mails to a folder I created in Mail’s Mail
Boxes called CMUG. In that folder are two sub-folders.
One for BOD members and the other from you nice
folks—Members.You will notice that I have five unread
messages from them. They have been there about a
month and I will surely reply.
Spend some time looking at all the conditions you
can assign and actions you may take with e-mail. You
can really cut your work load down. Should your Rule
become a little
lengthy or seems
unruly, try adding
the last Rule you
see in the Rule Apple made for you.
Use HELP in Mail
and type in Rule. It
will show you many
more options than
I covered here.
Go play now and thank me later.
Attendance: 40 members.
Committee Reports:
Scholarship-Magazine: Jo Foster
will give the scholarship materials to
John Durr for distribution to the High
Schools in the area and to PJ Romans
who will take the materials to the
Academy of Environmental Science.
Jo is starting a new column for the
magazine called “Surf’s Up.” To help
launch the new column, Jo asked the
members for editorial contributions.
Membership: Carolyn Herrin, our
new membership chair, announced
that our membership is 253 to date.
Treasure: Julie mentioned the
purchase of an iBook for the club. The
computer will be used for Labs and
Classes. She also said that the club is
Education: Classes-Ed announced
that beginning on September 23
through October 14 Jeff Camp will
give 4 classes on “Intro to Photography Series.” On November 18th,
Dave Williams will do a class on
Meeting Topics: October 27th
- Bill Dean will talk about Entourage
and on December 15th Bill will show
Favorite Web Sites.
Tech Report: N/A
CD of Data Base and Spread
Sheet: Curt announced the availability
of CDs for “Mail/Address Book” as
well as “Beginning System Ten.” Cost
to members is $5; by mail, the charge
is $10.
Health report: Alan Wentzell is
still laid up. John Enberg is up and
doing well. Duncan Camron’s passing
was honored this evening.
Tech Tip: Curt told us if you
double click on the Finder icon, it will
bring up a navigation window that will
take you to all your working folders.
Presentation: Jeff Camp’s presentation on “How to color balance your
monitor, computer, and printer” was
very informative and Jeff has great
clarity when he presents the subject.
There will be no meeting in November.
The date of the Dec. Meeting has
been changed to December 15.
Next Meeting is scheduled for
October 27.
It’s not Kettle Moraine
in Wisconsin, but late
October in western North
Carolina provides some
wonderful fall color.
Bill Dean
Carolyn Herrin
Beginning stages of our
dock to nowhere. A true
labor of love.The only
way it will pay for itself
is if my next project is
across Inverness channel
to the closest lake and
then sell bait from here.
This is a coreopsis, one of
Florida’s most prolific wild
flowers.This was taken at
the Homosassa Springs
Wildlife Park this week
(week of September 24).
Gail Mitchell
down. It’s useful when you are filling out forms.
Use mouse to highlight text: Two clicks
highlights a word. Three clicks highlight a line. Four
clicks highlight a paragraph. This saves having to drag
Place a graphic in a Word Processing
document: Go to Window on the Menu Bar. Select
Show Tools. Select the object tool (arrow). Drag the
graphic into the Word Processing document. You can
resize it and move it.
Use Save as PDF feature for cross-platform files: If you save a document or other file as a
PDF, your Windows-using friends will be able to open
them. Get the document ready. Set up to print it. Go to
Save PDF on the print dialog box. Save it to the Desktop. Attach the PDF to your e-mail. Send it. Your friend
with a Dell computer can read it.You can save an entire
Web page as a PDF.
For Eudora users: Eudora keeps a copy of all
attachments you have received. I’ve seen as many as
200 in the folder. Find the Attachments Folder in your
Home Folder>Documents>Eudora Folder. If you wish,,
open all you see, but that usually is not necessary.
You’ve already seen them when you opened them in email. Move all the attachments to trash. While you’re at
it, trash all files in the Cache and Ad Folders as well.
Too much security?
At the September Lab, much difficulty resulted from a laptop that
had File Vault turned on. File Vault
encrypts all the data in your Home
Folder. That means your iPhoto pictures, your iTunes
songs, any document you have saved in Home, your
Mail information, bookmarks and other files are locked
from anyone’s access without the Master Password.
And there is the root of the problem at Lab.The owner
did not know the password. If you find yourself in this
situation, all those Home Folder files are lost forever.
They can’t be recovered.
Don’t know how to turn on File Vault, you say?
Good. I’m not going to tell you how to do it.
If anyone offers to do it for you, tell him no.
A review of tips
I’ve been looking back at some of the tips and tricks
I’ve offered in the past. This will be a repeat of some of
Print your e-mail addresses from Address Book:
Open Address Book. Select all names. Go to Print
(Command-P or File>Print). Check ON e-mail, nothing
else. Print it.
Use Tab key to move cursor: Tab will move
the cursor one blank at a time, left to right and top to
Tom Davis needed to clear out his iBook’s Hard
Drive because it was nearly full. John Engberg did that,
but ran into serious problems with System. Somehow,
File Vault had been turned on and Tom did not know
the password. This made backup of files impossible
without losing all the data. John was unable to reinstall
or do anything to correct errors. At home, John was
still unable to solve the problem. Tech Tool indicated
that the Hard Drive is unhealthy and in danger of failing.
Tom will consider a new laptop.
Chris Dusombre also wanted updates on his System
and needed to correct a printer problem. Al Petry and
Chris succeeded. Jeff Camp calibrated Chris’ monitor.
Greg Thomas brought his iBook to try to correct a
problem with Safari, which worked properly at lab. Bill
Dean checked it out and installed Firefox as an alternate browser.
AppleWorks would not open with Dock icon. A
new one solved the problem.
Lydia LePinnet, a new member, needed some general instruction on using her Performa. Al Petry helped
her. The Performa needed a new battery. We installed
OS 9.1 and cleared out unneeded files from the Hard
Drive. Lydia’s monitor seems to be bad. We will try a
different monitor at Workshop.
Mae Lewis’ PowerBook has bad blocks, determined
by John’s testing with DiskWarrior and TechTool. Bill
backed up Mae’s Home Folder in preparation for erasing the Hard Drive and reinstalling Tiger.
Jose had a minor problem with Basicsip’s Web mail.
Bill will check with the server to see if it can be fixed.
It does not interfere with getting Web mail. Bill also
showed Jose what to do with the spam blocker.
Jeff calibrated monitors for Betty Blockus and Ellen
Curt Herrin
ABOVE: Al Petry helps Lydia LePinnet.
Curt Herrin
ABOVE: Greg Thomas gets back on
track with the help of Bill Dean.
LEFT: Debra McLaughlin, Betty
Blockus with Jeff Camp getting
monitors calibrated.
Curt Herrin
Cropping Photos in AppleWorks
Gail Mitchell
Repeat this step as necessary, but keep making the imSince many CMUG members are age small, never larger. Enlarging the image causes it to
starting to use AppleWorks, I thought lose resolution.
these steps would be helpful to those
Now you will crop the photo. Continue as follows:
who wish to crop a photo in Apple5. Still without clicking anywhere else, click once on
the photo and drag it so the upper-left corner of the
Follow these steps to insert a photograph you want frame crops the image as you want it to appear in the
to crop:
photo. Don’t let go of the mouse button until you are
1. Launch AppleWorks and create a drawing docu- certain you have the image placed correctly.
6. Select the Arrow Tool and click once on the
2. Select the Painting Tool. Then click an drag to painting frame. Then click on the handle in the lowercreate a frame that is larger than the final size of your right corner of the frame and drag it to crop the rest
of the photo.
3. Without clicking anywhere else in the document,
7. With the Arrow Tool still selected, click once on
select Insert from the File Menu and insert your photo the painting frame and drag it into its final location on
into the frame. If you use AppleWorks 6, make certain the page.
you set the file type to All available. The photos will
Finally, a reminder that ApppleWorks lets you place
usually be too large for the frame.
drawing objects and painting frames on the same page.
4. Without clicking anywhere else, choose Scale Thus, any single photo album page can contain photos
by Percent from the Arrange or Transform Menu and placed using the drawing techniques (for photos that
re-size the image—the default settings that shrink the don’t need cropping) and painting frames for photos
image 50% in each dimension are a good starting point. you want to crop.
Word Up — but have played some others when not
in the “mood” for these three. Mah Jong is in Puzzle
Games, Word Up is in Word Games, and Jigsaws are
JohannaFoster their own category.
More good/bad news is that I have found the best
Mac browser software for games on Shockwave is
Introducing a new column con- Safari on the Tiger OS, but not everyone is on Tiger.
cept is tricky business. Just what The good news is that after limited success with the
words will catch members’ attention Camino browser software on Jaguar, I found Netscape
or imagination enough to compel them to participate? 7.2 works a little better.
This column conUnfortunately, with both — less often with
cept isn’t exactly new,
Netscape, while doing the jigsaw puzzle, the jigsaw winas one member gave it a
dow can get a “little unstable.” However, the solution
shot some months ago. I
is easy; close the main Shockwave window. I recomthought it was a great idea;
mend, but never seem to remember myself, closing the
however, it’s time had not
Shockwave window as soon as the jigsaw completely
come then. I’m hoping its
opens with the pieces cut.
time is now, if even on an
For the competitive, players can compete for
occasional basis and look
shortest time. However, for me, doing a jigsaw puzzle
forward to submissions
is a stress reliever so revving it up a notch isn’t in the
from members.
picture. But if you’re interested, the game keeps track
Keeping all that in
of the lapsed time.
mind, this column is for
Some neat aspects are the preview button that
those Web sites that
shows the completed puzzle that can be stretched
members think deserve
larger for a better view of the completed puzzle, and
promotion, or, as in the
the color button that can be used to select a different
case of the inaugural
color for the puzzle window’s background, which can
site, can present a probmake seeing the pieces easier.
lem with use, navigation
C’mon get your feet wet.
— whatev — that with a
little explanation can be rewarding to visit. Or, maybe,
a member would like to crow a little about his/her
personal Web sit. Or, maybe, we need to be reminded
about an old favorite.You get the picture — any site or
several sites you want to write about for any reason.
All that is required of submissions is that they be
concise, and if there are screen shots, they be JPEG
or TIFF files. And, oh yes, please do not submit the
article’s text in a PDF or HTML wrapped around the
illustrations. Send the text separate in the e-mail, and
send the illustrations as individual attachments. Send
submissions to me at unimaj@earthlink.net whenever
the spirit moves you.
at the
Shockwave.com is a game site with all kinds of categories. All the games are for sale. The bad news is that
most games are for Windows PCs. The good news is
that many games, though not downloadable for Macs,
can be played online.
I have three faves — Mah Jong Solitaire, Jigsaw and
Curt Herrin
Jeff Camp presented a program
about color management and
monitor calibration.
Johanna Foster
Peanut Butter
Balls and
from left.
CMUG Classes
Curt Herrin
Photos are from session one, above, and session two, below, of Jeff Camp’s
four-session photography-Photoshop class.
Curt Herrin
Bill Dean taught a class in OS X in September.
What Is PictureProject InTouch? www.nikonnet.com/share.html
Gail Mitchell
PictureProject InTouch software lets you share
After downloading the PictureProject InTouch
your photos with friends and family quickly and easily software, you can create photo albums to send to
—without going to a Web site or attaching them to family and friends. If they are not currently registered
and do not have the software, they will receive an email inviting them to register, download the software
n Send and receive photo albums to anyone with an
and start sharing photos with you. You and the people
Internet connection.
you wish to share with can set up your accounts to
n Enjoy full-screen slide shows—with just one
automatically receive albums from each other.
mouse click.
How many photos can I share and how often?
n Automatically receive albums from trusted
With PictureProject InTouch you can share up to
50 MB of space every week. Photos are also kept on
n Add a message to the photos you send.
the PictureProject InTouch servers for two weeks so
The people you send photos to can download the the people you invite will have two weeks to receive
PictureProject InTouch software—it’s free. Then they’ll your images.
be able to enjoy your photos just by looking in the
Where do I start?
application’s Inbox. PictureProject InTouch is simple
To start sharing pictures today, just click on Get
to use, even for inexperienced computer users, and PictureProject InTouch and follow the five easy steps.
it’s compatible with both Windows and Mac OS X You can either have your family and friends join through
operating systems.
NikonNet or once you invite them to an album, they
How does it work?
will receive a link to get started.