MicroStar™ Filter - Lakeside Equipment Corporation


MicroStar™ Filter - Lakeside Equipment Corporation
MicroStar™ Filter
Filtration and Tertiary Treatment Equipment
The Lakeside MicroStar™ Filter
Si mp l e, ec o n o m ica l, e ff icie n t
From meeting new and increasingly restrictive effluent
discharge limits to replacing existing sand filters, the
Lakeside MicroStar Filter offers the right solution for
your high quality filtration needs.
Ho w i t wo r k s
Process water flows into the MicroStar drum and
through the filter media. As the process water flows
from the inside to the outside of the drum, solids are
captured by the filter media. At a predetermined water
level, the backwash cleaning sequence automatically
initiates utilizing a dual spray system to remove the
captured solids. The solids are collected in the central
hopper where they are removed. The
MicroStar filter remains in service
during the cleaning sequence
to provide continuous
3D graphical
view of Lakeside
MicroStar Filter
Lakeside MicroStar Filter with star
segments and discharge hopper
D ec ades of proven per f or m anc e
With more than 80 years of experience, backed by expert
design engineers integrating the latest state-of-the-art
technology in wastewater equipment, our customers know
that choosing the Lakeside MicroStar Filter means choosing
the highest quality and performance in the industry.
• Improved water quality: Increased flow rates and
greater filtration capabilities.
• Highly reliable: Dependable equipment with long
life span.
• Better feed distribution: Continuous filtration and
up to 40% larger filter surface area.
• Efficient: No down time during backwash due to
simultaneous filtering process and back wash of filter
cloth with self-priming water.
• Clog resistant: Fast and efficient backwash of star
segments via integrated dual high pressure wash
water pumps with dual nozzle bars that prevent
• Energy efficient: Power is only consumed during
backwash cycle.
• Easy to retrofit: Fits into existing treatment systems.
• Saves space: Very small footprint takes up less space.
• Low head loss: No excessive pumping required.
Channel version with reject water pit and
wash water pumps
Un i q u e d es ig n
Filter media pore sizes ranging from 5 – 150 micron are
available as either channel type version with optional
Magna Rotor
covers or as a tank mount system with stainless steel tank
and in/outlet flanges. The unique system design of the
Lakeside MicroStar Filter enables the following advantages:
Star segment frame with changeable filter media
Spiraflo Clarifier
Inlet side with star segments
D.O. Control
• High quality, high volume filtration in less space
• Easy change of the filter media
• No need for dedicated filter module
• Unique star design provides maximum filtration
F eatu res
• Frame material available in 304 or 316 stainless steel
• Filter media in polyester, 304 or 316 stainless steel
• Filter pores with sizes of 5 micron up to 150 micron
• Inlet water gravity feed – no high pressure pumps
• No standby filter unit required
• Star segments are easily interchangeable
• Channel or tank mount installation
• Flow rate of up to 22,000 GPM per unit, depending
on TSS content and pore size
A pplic at ions
Tertiary filtration for domestic and industrial
wastewater treatment plants, water reuse,
process streams, paper mills, phosphorus removal,
pre-filtration to protect RO plants, process or
cooling water filtration, fish ponds, zoos, steel
mills, textile factories, and more.
Treat m e n t e q u i p m e n t a n d p ro ce ss so lu tio n s
f rom L a k e s i d e E q u i p m en t C o rp o ra tio n
Lakeside offers a wide range of equipment and systems for virtually all stages of wastewater treatment from influent
through final discharge. Each process and equipment item that we supply is manufactured with one goal: to reliably
improve the quality of our water resources in the most cost-effective way. We have been doing just that since 1928.
Sc rew Pu m p s
Open Screw Pumps
Enclosed Screw Pumps
P a c kage H eadw or ks Sys t em s
Raptor® Complete Plant
R ap to r ® Sc re e n in g P ro d u ct s
Fine Screen
Micro Strainer
Rotating Drum Screen
Wash Press
Septage Acceptance Plant
Septage Complete Plant
G r it Collec t ion
Inline Grit Collector
Raptor® Grit Washer
Model L Grit Classifier
Type W Grit Classifier
Tras h an d S cre e n R a k e s
Hydronic Type T Series
Hydronic Type K Series
Multi-functional Series
Horizontal Series
Catronic Series
Monorail Series
HY-TEC Screen
B io logic al Treat m ent Solut ions
Process Monitoring & Control Systems
Magna Rotors
Velocity Control Baffles
Rotor Covers
Level Control Weirs
BioJet™ Surface Aerator
1022 E. Devon, P.O. Box 8448
Bartlett, IL 60103
630.837.5640 FAX: 630.837.5647
E-mail: sales@lakeside-equipment.com
All trademarks owned by Lakeside Equipment Corporation. ©2012 Lakeside Equipment Corporation. 10/12
Subm er s ible Produc ts
Low Speed Mixers
Medium Speed Mixers
Recirculation Pumps
Filt r at ion and Clar if icati on
Spiraflo Clarifier
Spiravac Clarifier
Full Surface Skimming
MicroStar™ Filter