TSM-Programa Descargable
TSM-Programa Descargable
With three greetings we raise this offering at Polé, I lift my reverence up on the gentle feather of the bird Moan, my warrior spirit worships you. Xcaret Park 4:30 to 5:30 h Av. Palmeras up to the Shrines. Barter at Polé (scenic interaction) During the Late Post-Classic (900-1550 AD) in the Mayan world there was an ancient practice where residents of several villages came to Polé, present-day Xcaret, for commercial and trading purposes. It also served as the rallying point for crossing to the island of Cozumel to visit the temple of the goddess Ixchel. Today this ancient practice comes alive in order to rescue and revive this ancient heritage. The fair lady chooses our destiny, today we lift a great offering to our Mother Ixchel. 5:15 to 6:00 h Dos Playas Bay With the first ray of sunlight the Bataoobs and the Great Red Goddess lead the uplifting ceremony of offerings to Mother Moon; the canoes are ready to head toward Kuzamil. The farewell is preceded by dances and rituals as an offering of the canoers to portend a good journey across the sea Ekab. Cozumel The canoers arrive at the Island of the Swallows 13:00 to 14:00 h Parque Chankanaab - Caleta The sea has been favorable and under divine protection of the four Pahuantunes, guardians of the winds. The supreme overlord, Halach Uninic, and his people rejoice at the arrival of the canoers, offering tributes and offerings to Ixchebelyax, old Goddess of the moon. Evening Meditation at the Sacred Temple of the Mother Goddess, knitter of the destiny of men 19:00 to 20:00 h Chaankanaab Park (private event, canoers only) The Goddess Ixchel had a shrine in Cozumel. There the Maya would ask the Goddess her plans on health, fertility, crops and the futures of the people; and questions about the fate of the men probably were formulated. A perfect afternoon to go into meditation, where the canoers will ask the Goddess their own questions, where they will open their hearts and release their warrior spirit, awareness and inner peace to continue their journey. With three greetings we raise this offering at Polé, I lift my reverence up on the gentle feather of the bird Moan, my warrior spirit worships you. Cozumel I untie the laces of my sandals this morning and start the march, shortening the distance and the time to return to Polé. 8:30 to 9:00 h Chankanaab Park Protected by the divine breath and the dance of the four pahuantunes, the canoers are ready to cross the sea bound for Polé. The people of the island have come together to bid them farewell and wish them luck overcoming the immense blue sea again. From the sea to the Seventh Heaven, the beautiful eternal Goddess watches with benevolent eyes the departure of her children canoers, who leave with her message. Then she will sleep again in the vastness of the heavens. Xcaret Park The sun bathes the villages of Ekab. With a great warrior spirit the canoers arrive at the coast with the message of the Mother Goddess. 13:00 h Dos Playas Bay The canoers have achieved their goal and the mandate of the sacred journey has been fulfilled. They are greeted with an uproar by women, children and the wise words of Batab of Xamanhá. The Red Goddess presides over dances and the celebration festivities. Once again the cycle of life completes and the message of the Mother Goddess, the wise, the painter, the knitter, is delivered and will spread through the villages of the Maya. They must take care of their village, their people, their race, and celebrate life and hope for a spiritual prosperity. These sacred words spread in the air waiting for the next cycle to be a carrier of offerings and the sacred message. For more information visit: http://www.travesiasagradamaya.com.mx/ #TravesiaSagradaMaya / #SacredMayanJourney /XcaretPark