2013 Annual Report - Home Care Association of Florida
2013 Annual Report - Home Care Association of Florida
2013 Annual Report w w w. h o m e c a r e f l a . o r g The Voice for Home Care in Florida. OUR VISION OUR MISSION GUIDING PRINCIPLES To be the foremost resource and advocate for Florida’s home care industry and the patients it serves. As the voice for home care, our mission is to advance the interest and meet the needs of our members, enabling them to provide the highest quality and most cost-effective services throughout Florida. }Member-Focused “ }Excellence & Best Practices }Integrity & Ethics }Unified Industry “Join an industry association, and not just so you have something to put under Professional Affiliations on your resume. The payoff in terms of networking opportunities, early insights on industry developments, and heads-up on emerging opportunities will be invaluable.” – careerrealism.com 2013-14 Board of directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE anthony clarizio MARY ANN KNEE President Shands home care Gainesville Vice President Access Nurse Care Aventura DENISE BELLVILLE GLENDA BURKE Treasurer Comprehensive Wellness Services, Palm Harbor Secretary Alternatives Panama City Beach board of directors JON FOHRER CINDY LAVOIE KARIN BLAQUIER DEBORAH BARKER COLLEEN THERIAULT GLENDA KELLER DENNIS HEIDE PAULA REICHEL LEE DOBSON BARBARA SHARIEF BOBBIE D’ANGOLA District I Director Maxim Healthcare Services Pensacola District V Director Ace home care Clearwater District IX Director BAYADA Home Health Care Boca Raton District III Director District II Director Interim Healthcare of North- Lake Centre Home Care Leesburg west Florida, Tallahassee District VI Director Gentiva Health Services Tampa District X Director South Florida Pediatric Home Care, Pembroke Pines District VII Director Pinnacle Home Healthcare Orlando District IV Director Welcome home care Jacksonville District VIII Director Innovative Senior Care Fort Myers District XI Director United Home Care Miami SUZANNE JOHNSON BRAD CALDWELL Private Duty Director Bayshore Health & Homemaker Services Largo Associate Director ContinuLink Boca Raton Staff Kyle Simon Government Affairs & Member Advocacy Director BOBBY LOLLEY, rn MONICA SMITH PATTI HEID, mspt, cos-c JULIA HEATH Executive Director Director of Membership Growth & Development Deputy Director Associate Director of Membership Services A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR W We are pleased to provide you with the 2013 Annual Report. The following report attempts to provide you with meaningful information in several key areas; we hope this brief synopsis gives you a sense of your association, of its focus, its purpose, and intent. In these times of challenge, change and opportunity, HCAF exists for but one purpose and that is to move you and your buisness forward. Forward is where the future lies for us all! The time for handwringing, sweaty palms and anxiety attacks, are all but over. We live in times that abound with opportunities. These opportunties are immediate, stark, and present for those who are will- BOBBY LOLLEY, RN Executive Director ing to sieze the day. There will indeed be winners and losers but there will be far more winners than you might expect. The winners will have gotten very good at renewing, adapting and transforming themselves. They may not like the direction that this industry has gone and I will not use the word “embrance” along side the word change, but the winners will have most certainly “accepted” the changes that are being forced upon us all. We all realize that change has this, not so funny way, of becoming reality, whether we like it or not. So it is indeed a time where critical choices must be made and the first most critical one is the approach and the mind set one adopts to this new world. The trick to renewing, adapting and transforming ones self and your buisness is to choose the best direction “moving” forward, but forward we all must go or we go under! HCAF is your association, and it too walks this same path of transition and transformation. However, we remain steadfast, always here to aid you and to be helped by you. We are in this together and we will be together for the long haul through these uncertain times well into the golden years to come. As HCAF explores its opportunities and finds its own way, we will not waiver from our focus on what you need most in the areas of education, advocacy, resources and support. We will continue to strive to meet your needs in the most efficient cost effective manner. It is the best and the only way to insure that you find value and relevancy in this organization. I am thankful for the resilent home care providers who have choosen to be members of HCAF, thankful for the outstanding Board of Directors who lead and guide this organization, appreciative of all the volunters and committee members who work tirelessly, and so grateful to work with the amazing HCAF staff. All are working and striving to move forward, meeting every challenge and taking advantage of each and every opportunity that presentes its self, in order that the tomorow we share will be all that it can be! resources, education, advocacy. SINCE 1989. T The home care industry’s legislative endeavors saw a mixture of successes and setbacks this past year, including the passage of a bill to reduce providers’ regulatory burdens as well as the first Medicaid rate increase in a generation. PUBLIC POLICY +AdvoCACY HCAF kicked off the year’s legislative efforts with the annual Legislative Day at the Capitol in Tallahassee, at which more than 50 home care professionals showed up to discuss state issues with more than 70 legislators. In fact, the industry met with every lawmaker who serves on a health care committee! HCAF pushed two initiatives: a bill to reduce the Agency for Health Care Administration’s quarterly report, and Medicaid rate increases for home health visits and private duty nursing visits. By the end of the annual 60-day legislative session, the quarterly report bill successfully passed its five committees and passed unanimously in both the Senate and House of Representatives. The industry also achieved a ten percent increase in reimbursement for Medicaid home health visits and private duty nursing – the first increase since the Reagan administration – but was unexpectedly vetoed by Governor Rick Scott at the end of session. Florida home care professionals comprised the largest number of attendees at the National Association for Home Care & Hospice’s annual March on Washington, where the Florida delegation met with Florida’s 29 members of Congress. Sequestration, additional cuts, rebasing and the impending employer mandate consumed discussions with lawmakers. On the advocacy front, HCAF conducted home care visits with U.S. Representatives Rich Nugent (R-Brooksville), Kathy Castor (D-Tampa) and Joe Garcia (D-Miami), and worked with lawmakers such as Senator Bill Nelson and Representative Gus Bilirakis (R-Palm Harbor) on issues impacting Medicare providers. HCAF also worked with the U.S. Senate’s Special Committee on Aging regarding concerns about Medicare Advantage and how the program is impacting Medicare beneficiaries and health care providers. HCAF’s Governmental Affairs Committee recognized four lawmakers with the Home Care Legislative Advocate Award, an annual award to recognize state lawmakers who exhibit energy, dedication and steady leadership on behalf of providers and patients. The four honorees for 2013 were Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) and Representative Jose Felix Diaz (R-Miami), the sponsors of the quarterly report bill, and Senator Denise Grimsley (R-Sebring) and Representative Matt Hudson (R-Naples) for their efforts to increase Medicaid reimbursement. Throughout the year, HCAF called on home care providers to contact lawmakers by phone, fax, postal mail and email in order to advance relevant legislation and encourage lawmakers to oppose burdensome and expensive regulations. In all, members sent nearly 4,200 pieces of correspondence. HCAF’s public policy and advocacy initiatives brought about significant gains for the industry, but there’s still more work to be done to take advantage of opportunities and ovecome challenges. Over the next year, HCAF will further reform the Agency for Health Care Administration’s quarterly report fine and will continue to seek an increase in Medicaid private duty reimbursement, while continuing our campaign against Medicare home health copays and Medicare cuts. Stay tuned and get involved at www. home carefla.org/advocacy, and take action at www. home carefla.org/takeaction. Photographs (top to bottom): U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor visits with a constituent receiving physical therapy at home; HCAF representatives meet with U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson at the U.S. Capitol to discuss industry concerns; Industry representatives meet with U.S. Rep. Daniel Webster in his Washington office; U.S. Rep. Rich Nugent visits with a constituent receiving skilled nursing at home; HCAF and BAYADA Home Health Care representatives meet with U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis in his Palm Harbor office to discuss rebasing of Medicare rates MEMBERSHIP T The Home Care Association of Florida continues to demonstrate the ability to attract new members but that growth rate as slowed considerably and to compound the problem we have also seen a decline in renewals. These negative trends stem from continuing reductions in reimbursement and ever increasing levels of scrutiny through various auditing bodies that have lead to record numbers of denials. These forces have forced closures and or consolidations for some large providers and small, but the actual fear of this outcome has been far more destructive to our industry and to the association. As the new fiscal year gets under way, and our industry continues to struggle with many challenges and the goal remains to increase membership by bringing on more of those Florida home care providers that are not currently members of HCAF. As you can see in the following grafts there is a large pool of possible new members in the state. For this association to realize its fullest potential and best serve the Florida home health community, HCAF will need to represent a far greater number of the home health providers in our state. Growth is paramount to the future success and viability of the Home Care Association of Florida. To reach these providers we must determine why they are not members and then help them see that membership actually helps to prevent what they may fear the most. Any feedback from current members on what you appreciate most about being a members would be most helpful. HCAF has continued to reach out to the Private Duty sector. This segment of home care providers is critically important to the future of HCAF and the home care industry in total. Most believe in a few short years the private sector will be were the vast majority of home health is being purchased and delivered. We at HCAF take great pride in the fact that we were able to introduce legislation and have it passed that removed the burdensome AHCA quaterly report requirement from Private Duty providers. This is just one of the many initiatives that HCAF has undertaken for that sector. If you are a provider member who is pleased with our services, please help us spread the word to other providers. If you are provider member who sees room for improvement in our services, please provide us with your feedback or ideas as to how we can improve our offerings and service to you. In the end you are the reason we do all that we do. Ready to Serve You in 2014! HCAF takes pride in offering quality and reliable service for members needing assistance with membership renewal, setting up website accounts, event registration, password changes, billing and more. For assistance, please contact us by phone Monday through Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm at (850) 222-8967 and visit us online any time at www. home carefla.org. Membership At-A-Glance June 2002 }Providers: 267 }Associates: 41 May 2005 }Providers: 412 }Associates: 86 March 2009 }Providers: 621 }Associates: 111 June 2012 }Providers: 615 }Associates: 128 May 2003 }Providers: 319 }Associates: 59 April 2006 }Providers: 482 }Associates: 83 June 2010 }Providers: 609 }Associates: 109 July 2013 }Providers: 615 }Associates: 128 June 2004 }Providers: 340 }Associates: 71 June 2007 }Providers: 513 }Associates: 92 December 2010 }Providers: 615 }Associates: 103 June 2008 }Providers: 574 }Associates: 109 June 2011 }Providers: 689 }Associates: 125 Help HCAF Grow Stronger in 2014 As a member, you already know about the numerous membership benefits, but many agencies are still unaware of the resources, education and advocacy that HCAF offers! Please help us spread the word about HCAF so we can increase our industry’s influence and offer more educational opportunities and resources…after all, there is strength in numbers! Download a membership seal for your website at www. home carefla.org/seal. MEMBERSHIP Breakdown of Florida’s 2,667 Licensed Providers AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION statistics HCAF MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS Note: Data as of July 2013. Certified group includes Medicare and/or Medicaid certified providers Growth Trends by Provider Type Percentages reflect HCAF’s current market share for each respective provider type resources, education, advocacy. SINCE 1989. education H HCAF continues to preset a broad range of educational programs year-round. Our programs target an array of home care industry positions, including administrators, financial managers, nurses, therapist, home health aides, marketing specialist, human resource supervisors and private duty managers. Our programs are dedicated to helping you deliver high quality, cost effective services to patients and clients in their home as well as helping your business grow. HCAF members enjoy reduced prices and any proceeds are used to support our other membership and advocacy activities. Every minute and every cent is directed and allocated toward helping members. The continuing tough economic times and the pending complete overhaul of Medicare’s reimbursment methodology, through “rebasing,” has accelerated the pace of new information and what will be new regulatory requirements. Your need for useful up-to-date information that will help you make the best business decisions possible has never been greater. Trends in membership behavior continue to indicate that many providers have tightened their “finacial” belts and can no longer afford to send several staff members to all day training sessions. HCAF understands that providers need to have more information and have it delivered quickly to the right individuals in their organizations so those individuals can respond and react appropriately. HCAF’s new eLearning platform is an example of our commitment to addressing all these critical competing needs in one location. HCAF onDemand is an easy-to-use website where you can instantly purchase and take affordable home care education and training. It features an extensive, growing library of over 150 home care courses, more than 450 CEUs, with automatic reporting to CE Broker. A care-free shopping experience is created wherein you can create an account, browse the catalog and purchase with ease, all with just a couple of clicks. It provides no fuss, 24/7 education access from any internet enabled device by offering unparalleled convenience accessibility. As great as this offering is we will continue to search and explore every available option and opportunity that would allow us to deliver exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it and at the best possible price. We held 20 District Meetings this year and sadly saw decreases in attendance to every meeting. However, the web version offering continues to grow exponentially and again indicates that providers are searching for the most convenient and economical way to get their information. non-hotel sites in order to reduce cost. This initiative was successful for the most part with the majority of sites being considered again for the next round of meetings. We also surveyed board members about what they felt should be discussed and emphasized those topics at the various district meetings and subsequently the participant evaluations from the last district meeting series had some of the highest marks ever achieved. } HCAF maintained its approved CEU provider designation for key constituent groups including nurses, accountants, occupational therapist, and speech therapist. In addition all educational offerings that HCAF submitted for physical therapist CEUs were approved. } This past year through diligent efforts on the part of HCAF staff, the opportunities for vendors to gain exposure and recognition at our various events was more consistent and more numerous with over 60 vendors generously donating their expertise or providing much needed sponsorship funding. This high level of vendor support and participation is critical to keeping the cost of these events low for members. } You are probably reading this report at HCAF’s 25th annual conference. This year’s annual conference is one of the most focused and streamlined events that HCAF has every organized. This conference will strive to not only give you what you need to know in order to be successful but it will be delivered in a positive manner, pointing us all in the direction of a challenging but bright future. Pat yourself on the back because you choose wisely and are here at a “must attend” event! This experience will certainly help you overcome the obstacles and fully realize you’re potential. } We ask all attendees to the conference and at the various educational offerings to complete an evaluation form which allows them to rank all aspects of the event. This year the overall ranking was superior and participants commented frequently of the value they received from attending HCAF events. Feedback is crucial for continued improvement; however, we also need to hear from those who are not participating so that HCAF can further tweak or develop our curriculum to meet their needs as well. As we embark into a new fiscal year, we again see many challenges and opportunities that will undoubtedly demand that we are at the top of our game so that you can be at the top of yours. In 2013-14 look for more targeted on-demand education, more information packaged quickly to address pressing needs and critical updates that are right around the corner. Speed is of the essence and so high quality, value laden content delivered quickly in the most economical manner will continue to be our primary objective. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for how to serve you better. RESOURCES O Over the past year HCAF has strived to provide the resources you want to enhance your agency’s potential to grow and the tools you seek to help you and your staff provide high quality, cost effective services to the patients and clients you serve. With each of our initiatives and publications, we look to serve the needs concurrently of Medicare-certified, Medicaid-certified and Private Duty agencies alike. Over this past year we have added the following new membership benefits: }HCAFeNews – News is always happening. The days of a printed monthly newsletter have come and gone for those timely topics where you cannot afford to wait and know. For these topics and more, we have developed a blog that is updated on an ongoing basis. This blog is open to the public online although some of the included links and details are reserved as a members-only benefit. The topics are categorized for easy reference and all posted news items are cataloged and searchable at any time. }HCAFeHighlights is our weekly e-newsletter. It provides a recap of the week’s news-you-can-use items that have been posted to HCAFeNews as well as highlights upcoming events and calls to action for advocacy needed issues. This e-newsletter is emailed directly to interested members. }The Home Care Agency Directory & Referral Guide is our annual print member directory featuring member agencies listed by service area and county. The directory is distributed to discharge planners at every hospital in Florida in order to boost referrals. }The Florida Home Care Connection is a HCAF’s magazine that is published twice a year that covers major topics facing our industry. The magazine format provides an opportunity to provide more in-depth, contemplative reactions to these types of issues by home care experts across the country and is distributed to all licensed agencies in the state. }In-Home Aides – Partners in Caring Newsletter is a publication that we distribute occasionally as a special benefit to members to distribute to their home health aides. These issues provide education for home health aides in a clear and concise manner. A post-test is included so that home health aides can demonstrate their understanding of the topic to their supervisors and they can earn one hour towards their 12 hours per year Medicare requirement. This past year we posted seven of these issues. and fringe benefits. The survey report is free to member participants. This past year we expanded the scope of the questionnaire and the report to provide specific data for private duty members. }Affinity Programs provide discount pricing on products and services that are available to members while at the same time help support HCAF. This past year we added a number of new contracts with Associate Members. }Benchmarking Reports are custom reports emailed to HCAF Medicare-certified members that compare their own agency’s outcomes and data as compared with the industry. This past year we transitioned to a new company to provide these reports as the prior company was sold. }HCAFeForum list-serve is one of several benefits of HCAF membership. The HCAFeForum is designed for members to communicate with each other as well as for HCAF staff to post about and respond to regulatory, legislative and clinical issues and news that impacts the home care industry. }HCAFeLearning is the on-demand resource center with a growing number of educational opportunities for today’s onthe-go home care professional. Educational content covers an array of regulatory, business and clinical topics presented in multiple formats, including recorded webinars, PowerPoint presentations, audio files, etc. In addition to a convenient learning platform, some HCAF elearning courses offer continuing education credits! }HCAFeConnect – This newest platform is HCAF’s resource for members to discuss clinical and regulatory matters relevant to your business. Review frequently asked questions and discussions for the following categories: Breaking News and Vital Information; Business Development and Management; Clinical Inquiries and Information; Home Care Rules and Regulations; and Private Duty. HCAF’s website has been revamped significantly over the past year and is still undergoing a significant make-over as we add appreciatively more comprehensive tools and resources to help our members’ businesses. }Salary & Benefits Survey is our membership survey of what agencies are providing their employees in terms of wages, salary resources, education, advocacy. SINCE 1989. Learn Online With Us! HCAF eLearning allows home care professionals to access dozens of regulatory, clinical and business webinars and telecourses at your fingertips! featuring... Home Health Billing: Tackling Medicare Advantage/HMO Claims Nurtritional Intervention to Prevent Hospital Readmissions Financial & Management Aspects of OASIS-C The Next Stage of Healthcare: Embracing the ACO Model Health Care Reform: The Impact on Home Care Therapy in Home Health: A New Day Identifying Geriatric Depression in Home Health State, Federal & Nurse Registry Home Care Regulations: What You Don’t Know, What You Thought You Knew & Everything in Between ACHC: Compliance Simplified Hit it Out of the Park: Connect OASIS Data for More Therapy Referrals Magnetic Marketing: Six Surefire Ways to Boost Your Referrals in 60 Days or Less Getting the Facts About the HHABN Innovative Compensation Practices for the Home Care Provider of Tomorrow Dissecting Documentation: Exceeding a Surveyor’s Expectations What Every Home Care Professional Needs to Know About Lawsuit Protection, Tax Reduction & Estate Planning HCAF’s Latest District Meeting On Target With ICD-10 An Overview of the Medicare Cost Report Home Health Medicare PPS Billing Are You Leaving Money on the Table? The 10 Most Common (and Costly) Mistakes Sellers Make When Selling Their Agencies ...and many more! online & on-demand & on-the-go www. home carefla.org/learn FINANCIAL STATEMENT fiscal year ending june 30, 2013 H HCAF’s fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30. At the end of each fiscal year, an independent professional certified accounting firm completes a detail audit of the association’s year-end financial statements. The independent accounting firm then presents the findings to the HCAF Board of Directors. This process is typically completed around September of each year and the report is available upon request. The excerpts below are taken from the most recent complete audit for the fiscal year ending June 2011. The 2012 report will be ready in or around September 2012. Report of Independent Auditors Provided by Thomas Howell Ferguson, P.A. We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Home Care Association of Florida, Inc. (the Association) as of June 30, 2012 and 2011, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Association’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Home Care Association of Florida, Inc. as of June 30, 2012 and 2011, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. September 11, 2012 resources, education, advocacy. SINCE 1989. Statements of Financial Position 2012 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Note receivable $ Total current assets Other assets: Property and equipment, net Investment Total assets $ June 30 2011 686,660 $ 45,462 162,930 – 872,406 653,100 46,562 34,109 16,000 748,671 14,300 – 888,706 $ 16,760 4,000 769,431 17,600 $ 27,444 5,118 515,556 420,235 43,257 48,873 – 328,105 576,198 320,988 888,706 $ 329,196 769,431 Assets Current liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Accured tax expense Unearned revenue $ Total current liabilities Unrestricted net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ Statements of Activities & Changes in Net Assets Years ended June 30 2012 2011 Changes in unrestricted net assets: Revenues and other support: Member dues Educational programs Conferences and meetings Royalties and other Interest income $ Total revenues and other support 609,308 $ 601,581 305,184 289,410 71,967 445,111 54,614 49,780 742 1,648 1,041,815 1,387,530 Expenses: Total revenues and other support 259,997 31,445 66,981 493,968 5,423 204,081 8,118 1,070,023 203,745 285,768 66,000 506,289 5,841 253,591 (1,600) 1,322,834 Change in unrestricted net assets (28,208) 64,696 Net assets at beginning of year 349,196 284,500 320,988 $ 349,196 Educational programs Conferences and meetings Legislative Salaries and benefits Depreciation and amoritzation Other general and admin expenses Income tax expense Net assets at end of year $ resources, education, advocacy. SINCE 1989. Home Care Association of Florida RESOURCES, EDUCATION, ADVOCACY 1363 East Lafayette Street, Suite A Tallahassee, Florida 32301 phone (850) 222-8967 • fax (850) 222-8967 www. home carefla.org
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