Cześć - SEAMAR
Cześć - SEAMAR
Cześć, Nazywam się Gosia, mam 28 lat. Pracuję dla DFDS-u już prawie 3 lata. Pracowałam na lądzie, pracowałam też na paru innych statkach różnych armatorów, więc mam porównanie. Lecz wiecie co? Pracowanie na statkach DFDS-u, to naprawdę jest to! Mimo tego, że praca jest ciężka (nie oszukujmy się) to również jest miła atmosfera wśród załogantów, dogodne warunki pracy, dobra pensja, no i co najważniejsze – jeśli wykonujesz należycie swoje obowiązki zawsze masz możliwość tu wrócić! Więc naprawdę warto Jeśli czujesz, że życie na statku jest dla Ciebie odpowiednie – nie zastanawiaj się i przyłącz się do naszej załogi! Do zobaczenia na morzu, ahoj! Gosia - Crown of Scandinavia WELCOME ONBOARD PEARL SEAWAYS: Build in Lenght Wide Alcohol and Drugs: It is prohibited to consume and possess any alcohol or drugs during your entire stay onboard. Furthermore is it not allowed to have any tracks of drugs in your urin while beeing omboard. 1989. 176,80 meters 29,60 meters 365 cars 2168 Guests CROWN OF SCANDINAVIA: Build in Lenght Wide 1994. 169,40 meters 26,88 meters 450 cars 2026 Guests KING SEAWAYS Build in Lenght Wide 1987. 162,00 meters 27,00 meters 600 cars 2053 Guests PRINCESS OF NORWAY Build in Lenght Wide 1986. 161,00 meters 27,00 meters 580 cars 1600 Guests GENERAL INFORMATION: Working hours per day: 10-14 hours per day. Safety: We take safety very seriously and expect that you will do the same. Contract lenght: Normally 4 weeks on Copenhagen - Oslo. Norally 8 weeks on Amsterdam - Newcastle Medical care onboard: Trained deck Officers. Accommodation: You can live in double cabins (share with someone else). Crew areas: Gym – Sunbed – Computers – Day room – Smoking area – Crew Mess – Crew Laundries. Boat & fire drill: Once a week. Crew sales: It is posible to shop onboard. Working areas: Amsterdam - Newcastle: Accommodation Waiter - Bartender - Security Quard - Host - Galley - Sculler Copenhagen-Oslo:Accommodation & Sculler. Crew nationality: Danish, Polish, Philippines, Dutch and English. Working launguage: English. New onboard: You will be connected with a buddy for the first couple of days onboard and you will receive proper training. You also have to attend: - Awarness course (regarding safety onboard a ship). - Know your ship tour (A tour around the ship together with a Deck Officer where you, among other things, go through saftety equipment onboard. - Lifeboat sailing. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: - Serviceminded. - Teamplayer. - Contribute to a good working enviroiment. - Able to communicate in English. - Responsible. - Punctuality. APPEARANCE/UNIFORM REGULATIONS: After you join the ship you will receive working clothes (you have to bring your own closed shoes for working. Ex. Sneakers) As you are the company ambassadors in our passengers eyes, we pay great attention to your general appearance. Therefore it is not allowed to have tattoos and piercings in visible parts of your body (men – also ears). Girls with longer hair than to the neck needs to gather their hair into pony tails ect. Men needs to have a proper haircut. It is allowed for woman to have a small amount of jewellery (no long hanging earrings), for men only wedding rings are allowed. Make up should be subtle and nail polish only in natural colours (no long tips…) Men with beard or moustache needs to have it properly trimmed and keep it in good condition, also the finger nails need to be kept in nice condition.