Bridging the Gap between Research and Science - PH
Bridging the Gap between Research and Science - PH
International Conference, 12th to 14th of March 2008, Vienna Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education Conference Proceedings The Form-it project consortium: Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut (coordinator) Kauno Technologijos Universitetas Universität Zürich - Institut für Gymnasial- und Berufspädagogik Institut Jožef Stefan National Institute for Curriculum Development Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Scuola di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario del Lazio London Southbank University Freie Universität Berlin - Arbeitsbereich Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zukunftsforschung - Institut Futur Robert Bosch Stiftung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel imprint Editors: Markus Meissner and Nadia Prauhart, Austrian Institue of Ecology Publisher: Austrian Institute of Ecology, Seidengasse 13, A-1070 Wien, Web:, Mail:, Phone: 0043-1-523 61 05, Fax: 0043-1-523-5843; Graphik Design, Production: Ulli Weber; Print: gugler crossmedia; Vienna, August 2008, credits photo titlepage: GenaU / Gläsernes Labor Berlin-Buch Sponsored by the European Commission within the sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Project no. 042938 Project acronym FORM-IT Project title: Form – it “Take Part in Research” Instrument: Specific Support Action Thematic Priority: Science and Society D 4.1 – Proceedings of the International Conference ”Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education” Due date of deliverable Actual submission date Start date of project: 01.11.2006 Duration: 24 months Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: BMUKK – Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (as Task Leader) BMUKK – Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (as WP Leader) Revision Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) x Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Bridging the Gap between Research and Science EducationCooperation makes Europe competitive in Science Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Conference Report No copyright restrictions along as an appropriate reference to this original material is included. Thanks to all authors for their contribution. The project Form-it “Take Part in Research” is supported by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006). The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The Form-it project consortium: Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut Kauno Technologijos Universitetas Universität Zürich - Institut für Gymnasial- und Berufspädagogik Jozef Stefan Institute National Institute for Curriculum Development Università degli Studi Roma Tre Scuola di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario del Lazio London Southbank University Freie Universität Berlin Arbeitsbereich Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zukunftsforschung-Institut Futur Robert Bosch Stiftung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel 2 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Preface The future global position of the European Union in terms of economic welfare and scientific excellence will depend on the knowledge and the learning skills young people can acquire in today’s schools. The efficiency of national education systems and especially the quality of science education are decisive factors for the performance of tomorrow’s research and economy. Amongst the key competencies the next generation will need to succeed on the labour market as well as in R&D are self-directed and self-motivated learning strategies, communication skills, the ability to work in teams and above all the ability to differentiate, select, apply and replace information from the daily growing global knowledge base. Science education is therefore confronted with a high pressure to replace outdated teaching approaches by modern didactic concepts and new learning methods. The Specific Support Action form - it “Take Part in Research” contributes to these innovation efforts by supporting Research Education Cooperation (REC) and networking initiatives of scientists, teachers and pupils who collaborate in joint projects. The International Conference “Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education, held in Vienna in March 2008 assembled an international community of very competent experts in Research Education Cooperation: Teachers, Researchers and policy makers from 15 European countries as well as from Australia their experiences and discussed cooperation initiatives of universities and schools, quality criteria for joint projects and new approaches to curricula development for science education. The atmosphere of the conference was very inspiring and - a clear feedback of the participants - the exchange of cooperation experiences was highly productive. I want to thank all participants for sharing their knowledge and their motivation with us and I hope, that the results of the conference will be useful for their present and future activities. Céline Loibl Project coordinator Form-it Take Part in Research! 3 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 4 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Table of Content 1. Background ............................................................................................................................ 7 2. Setting the Frame...................................................................................................................9 2.1. Project description................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1.1.Motivation................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1.2.Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1.3.Results ................................................................................................................................................... 10 3. Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education – The international conference in Vienna........................................................................................................... 11 3.1. Setting the scene................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2. Plenary ................................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2.1.Wednesday ............................................................................................................................................ 11 3.2.2.Thursday................................................................................................................................................ 11 3.2.3.Friday ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.3. Workshops........................................................................................................................................... 26 3.3.1.Workshop 1: What are good practices of Research Education Cooperation?................................26 3.3.2.Workshop 2: How to realise good cooperation projects?................................................................. 42 3.3.3.Workshop 3: Could an REC be an element of modern science education?.................................... 45 3.3.4.Workshop 4: How to use a single REC project to move the system?.............................................. 48 4. Main conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................ 59 5. Appendices........................................................................................................................... 62 5.1. Abstracts of Posters presented at the Exhibition ............................................................................ 62 5.2. Presentations of Cooperations out of the Catalogue of Good Practice Examples....................... 84 5.3. Bibliography......................................................................................................................................... 85 5.4. List of participants.............................................................................................................................. 86 5.5. List of Referents, Moderators and Workshop leaders..................................................................... 90 5.6. Conference programme...................................................................................................................... 95 5 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 6 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 1. Background Science Education challenges in Europe Maria Pilar Jimenez Aleixandre An overview of the main challenges that Science Education is facing in Europe: 1) research findings from science education don't find the way to school; 2) there is a decline in students' interest and enrolment in science; 3) it is necessary to meet the needs of all students, to appeal to both girls and boys, and to contribute to citizenship education. Other European reports (e.g., Nuffield Foundation, 2008) and projects (e.g. ROSE; Mind the Gap) on the same issue, as well as PISA results are discussed. 7 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 8 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 2.Setting the Frame 2.1. Project description Form-it “Take part in Research” provides a Specific Support Action for networking experts who work with and on new didactic concepts for science teaching. One of these new concepts is to systematically establish closer links between research institutions and education organisations. Such cooperations are considered to be innovative didactic models for developing the basic skills young people nowadays need for effective, life long learning and for building scientific excellence. In many European countries initiatives have been launched to facilitate partnerships between universities and schools. In some rare Member States such institutional collaboration is already promoted systematically through national programs and additional funding, a strategy for improving science teaching which is already common standard in the United States. Form-it assembles experienced partners from five universities and research institutions, practising Research Education Cooperation (REC) for many years, two ministries and foundations, supporting modern science teaching through promoting and funding institutional collaboration projects and five research partners specified on innovative didactic models and new learning arrangements, who have particular expertise in analysing impacts of REC (some of them working in both fields: collaboration with schools and research on RECs). Objectives of the project are to develop a practical guideline for realising such cooperations, to assemble a joint policy paper, addressed to national and European decision makers within the educational system and to compile a concept for preparing joint research on the issue within FP7. 2.1.1. M o tivation The future success of the European Research Area is mainly depending on young people developing skills and competencies to tackle the future challenges. The institutional structures of the educational sector in Europe are very inhomogeneous. The plurality of national school systems, didactic traditions and curricula produces a diversity of knowledge levels and skill profiles. Reformation and harmonisation programs are being pressed since it became obvious that one of the essential factors for the prosperity of the European economy will be, to equip the generations of tomorrow with adequate knowledge resources and learning skills. The key competencies needed today however, are self motivated and self directed learning strategies, team-working and communication skills and above all the capacity to differentiate, select, apply and replace information from the enormous and daily growing global knowledge base. Science excellence building has a very central function for successfully positioning Europe in international research activities and for assuring economic progress and wealth. In consequence, science teaching in schools is confronted with a high pressure to replace outdated teaching approaches by modern concepts. These modernisation efforts must take into account the findings from state-of-art educational research and must reflect the function of science education within society, university and school system. One very promising model to test and improve such new learning designs is Research and Education Cooperation (REC). Quite a number of experimental projects and programs are currently being realised in Europe in this field and their experiences seem very relevant in this context of reforming science education. These programs improve teaching quality as well as the didactic and motivational impacts for schools and its pupils. Universities engage in such collaborations and programs because the close co-operation with schools will result in attracting talented and motivated students. 2.1.2. Ob jectives The objectives of Form-it are to strengthen the collaboration between education research and science teaching in Europe and to promote young people´s interest in science to enhance a more critical and analytical way of thinking and learning. Form-it has been designed to establish recommendations for the different stakeholders in the field of teaching and training of young people, including policy-makers. Furthermore, this initiative has been set up towards the creation of a perfect platform for the preparation for FP7 in order to provide best possible starting conditions for building up the knowledgebase in policy-related research, gender research, and research on innovative education systems. 9 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. To achieve this overall objectives the following sub-objectives have been set : • Increasing the efficiency of national and European educational systems by identifying and promoting the success factors of several Research Education Cooperations (REC) in Europe. • Supporting the collaboration between institutions running such RECs by setting up a European network of experts in science teaching and education research. • Building up a sustainable network of institutions. • Increasing the engagement of policy-makers and other decision makers in educational matters by promoting policy recommendations and guidelines on the organisation of RECs. • Supporting the development of joint EU research projects related to „Science and Society“ within the 7th Framework Programme through identifying relevant research topics in this field. 2.1.3. R esults Activities of Form-it aim at developing a practical guideline for realising RECs, assembling a joint policy paper, addressed to national and European decision makers within the educational system and compiling a concept for preparing joint research on the issue within FP7. A best practice catalogue will summarize and publish the relevant RECs in the consortium member countries. This catalogue will be suitable for use for researchers from other member and non-member states as well as for the European Commission. In this respect, it will also function as a promotion tool increasing visibility and accessibility of RECs. The knowledge assembled will be placed at the disposal of the consortium members and other potential stakeholders and multipliers. 10 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3. Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education – The international conference in Vienna 3.1. Setting the scene Research and Education Cooperation (REC) is a powerful new approach in science education. It offers very effective learning settings and early inspiring contacts to research in practice. At the conference the results of the »Report on Research and Education Cooperation in Europe« and a catalogue of Good Practice Examples of REC were provided by the Form-it consortium for discussion. The conference introduced established cooperation models and new and experimental forms of cooperation. Outstanding projects presented their experiences in an interactive exhibition. The objectives of the conference were to: • discuss REC as a new approach in science education and to compare different cooperation models, • jointly reflect on quality criteria for different forms of REC, • outline strategies about how to implement REC into a modern education and science system on a broader basis and to • discuss recommendations for policy makers and stake holders. To work along these objectives four workshops have been planned, focussing on different aspects of Research Education Cooperation: • Workshop 1: What are good practices of Research Education Cooperation? • Workshop 2: How to realise good cooperation projects? • Workshop 3: Could a REC be an element of modern science education? • Workshop 4: How to use a single REC project to move the system? In addition to that a Call for Posters was launched. All posters were reviewed by the Form-it consortium and the exhibition was embedded into the first day of the conference. To initiate discussions the posters were presented in the foyer, where all coffee breaks were arranged. 3.2.Plenary 3.2.1. We d n e s d a y Research Education Cooperation and the Austrian framework conditions SEISER Christian, Federal Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture, Austria Science Education in Europe BERLINGUER Luigi, Interministerial Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Culture, Italy Science Education in Europe JIMENEZ ALEIXANDRE Maria Pilar, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Summary and slides see chapter 4) 3.2.2. Thur sday „Cecil and the penguins“, produced by Climate Change Explorer PIETIKAINEN Soile, London South Bank University, United Kingdom The film-makers describe the film project: "Cecil is an 11-year old penguin fanatic. One day, on his way home from the zoo, he sees a newspaper billboard warning about the ice caps melting because of global warming. Cecil is thrown into panic about the plight of the penguins and embarks on a quest to find out how he can save his favourite creatures. This film is the result of teenagers from Dowdales School and Dropzone Cafe working with Shoreline Films to explore ideas around the theme of climate change and to learn about filmmaking process as part of the Climate Change Explorer project. The film elicited so much discussion that a second presentation was arranged on Friday. Climate Change Explorer brings together young people, artists, educationalists and environmental scientists to develop creative approaches to raising awareness of climate change". 11 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe KYBURZ-GRABER Regula, University of Zurich, Switzerland The images of research and education cooperations (RECs) in Europe are based on a nonrepresentative survey in eight countries. 159 RECs of all scales of projects have been identified, sustainable and short-term initiatives, institutionalized or not. The main pattern is the cooperation between a secondary school and a university research institute. Both partners reported positive impacts, e.g. increasing teachers’ competencies and researchers’ contact with pupils respectively. Difficulties are experienced due to lack of resources, promotion and appreciation. A desirable REC is characterized by: ownership and participation, real life methodologies, impact on teachers’ Images of Research and Images of Research and professional development andInternational links to science education research. Education Cooperations Education Cooperations Conference International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Education Cooperations International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 in Europe Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Education Cooperations International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Bridging the Gapof between Research andEducation Science Education Images Research and Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ "I can'tConference believe that DNA is so International Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 long!" (Primary school, 4th year) Cooperations in Europe International Conference "I can't DNA is so "A goodbelieve changethat to school." (High long!"school, 11th year) Bridging the Gap of between Research andEducation Science Education Images Research and (Primary school, 4th year) Regula Cooperations Kyburz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland in Europe " I will do it again at home, "I that DNA is so "Acan't goodbelieve change to school." fortunately we got long!" (High school, 11th year) the necessary protocols!" (Primary school, 4th year) Images of Research and Education Regula Cooperations Kyburz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland in Europe (Primary school, 4th year) " I will do it again at home, "A good change to school." fortunately we got (High school, 11th year) the necessary protocols!" (Primary school, 4th year) Regula Kyburz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland " I will do it again at home, fortunately we got the necessary protocols!" (Primary school, 4th year) Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 First flight attempts – Images of Research and part in research‘ can theForm-it balloon‘Take lift the tissue? Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 First flight attempts – can the balloon lift the tissue? “Penser avec les mains” First flight attempts – can the balloon lift the tissue? “Penser avec les mains” “Penser avec les mains” Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Title of speech International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Title of speech International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Data basis on12RECs Vienna, to 14 of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Images: representative features Titlenot of speech International Conference 159 RECs from eight countries (11-30 toper 14 ofcountry) March 2008 Data basisVienna, on12RECs Data basis: questionnaires, interviews, on-line Images: not authors‘ representative features documents, knowledge Data basis (11-30 on RECs 159 RECs from eight countries per country) Not validated quantitative measurements, a not moment in time features Data basis: questionnaires, interviews, on-line Images: representative documents, authors‘ knowledge not afrom mirror of countries the dynamic of changes within 159 RECs eight (11-30 per country) RECs Not validated quantitative measurements, Data basis: questionnaires, interviews, on-line a moment in time All scales ofauthors‘ projects knowledge (not only institutionalized and documents, sustainable not a initiatives) mirror of the dynamic of changes within Not validated quantitative measurements, RECs a moment in time All scales of projects (not only institutionalized and not a initiatives) mirror of the dynamic of changes within sustainable RECs All scales of projects (not only institutionalized and sustainable initiatives) Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 th A dialogue develops on the social impact of the research done A dialogue develops on the social impact of the research done A dialogue develops on the social impact of the research done th 1 1 12 1 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images ofis Research and Form-it ‘Take Education part in research‘ What a Research and Education Cooperations International Conference (REC)? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 in Europe Cooperation th Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe th th th • and at least one educational partnerresearch institutes, – Public or private science or technology A REC is a cooperation research on S&T,teacher museums, individual researchers – educational Schools, individual teachers, education, individual pupils etc.students, or school authorities • between at least one research partner • and at least one educational partnerresearch institutes, – Public or private science or technology all this hasInterest an effect the quality of teaching „Growing in the on Development of Teaching Science“) and learning sciences“ • and at least one educational partner (GRID-Network, 2006 „Growing Interest in the Development of Teaching Science“) – Schools, individual teachers, teacher education, individual pupils or students, school authorities Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ PartnersInternational involvedConference • • • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Patterns International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Schools Images of Research and Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Teacher education institutions Partners involvedConference Education Cooperations International Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Europe Stateinand private research institutions Schools Science museums Teacher education institutions Partners involved Foundations State and private research institutions Schools NGO‘s Science museums Teacherindustry education institutions Private Foundations State and private research institutions (educational) authorities NGO‘s Science museums Private industry Foundations (educational) authorities NGO‘s Private industry (educational) authorities th th (GRID-Network, 2006 educational research on S&T,teacher museums, individual researchers – Schools, individual teachers, education, individual pupils etc. or students, school authorities Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • „Researchers coming into the schools, Images of Research and Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Assumption Education Cooperations International Conference pupils going into the research orMarch centres, Vienna, 12labs to 14 of 2008 in Europe teachers beingcoming trainedinto by researchers; • „Researchers the schools, Assumption all this going has aninto effect the quality pupils the on research labs of or teaching centres, and learning sciences“ beingcoming trainedinto by researchers; • teachers „Researchers the schools, (GRID-Network, 2006 all this hasInterest aninto effect the quality of pupils going research labs orteaching centres, „Growing inthe the on Development of Teaching Science“) and learning sciences“ teachers being trained by researchers; – Public or private or technology institutes, What is a science Research andresearch Education A REC is a cooperation educational research on S&T, museums, individual researchers Cooperation (REC)? etc. • between at least one research partner Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Assumption International Conference th What a Research and Images ofis Research and Form-it ‘Take Education part in research‘ A REC Education is a cooperation Cooperations International Conference (REC)? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 in Europe Cooperation • between at least one research partner Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Schools th Schools Schools Pedagogical support Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 University Patterns research International Conference institutes University research institutes University research institutes Scientific lectures Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Patterns Development of learning and teaching activities infrastructureof Development learning and teaching activities infrastructure Development of learning and teaching activities material, advice Pedagogical support evaluation infrastructure material, advice evaluation Scientific lectures Pedagogical support Scientific lectures material, advice evaluation Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Actors and Activities International Conference th Students of secondary level and pupils • Teachers and Researchers • Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • OnlyImages few ofRECs exclusively girls and Research and Form-itaddressed ‘Take part in research‘ Gender International Aspects Conference Education Cooperations women Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 in Europe •• Only gender issues among their Only few few RECs RECs listed exclusively addressed girls and Gender Aspects objectives women •• Only gender issues among their Only few few RECs RECs listed exclusively addressed girls and objectives women Actors andInternational Activities Cooperations Conference •Education Performing experiments, analyzing data, discussing, Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 inpresenting Europe results •• Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ GenderInternational Aspects Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Students ofResearch secondary level andpart pupils Images of and Form-it ‘Take in research‘ • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference andanalyzing Activities • Performing experiments, data,choosing discussing, Planning,Actors preparing learning materials, the subject, presenting results and experimental methods, discussing research questions and presenting results, reflecting on the project and the work Teachers and Researchers Students of secondary level and pupils process Planning, preparing materials, choosing the the subject, Performing experiments, analyzing data, discussing, ••• Teachers choose thelearning teaching methods and assess pupil research questions and experimental methods, discussing presenting results and student contributions and presenting results, reflecting on the project and the work Teachers and Researchers processofficers in enterprises Education Planning, choose preparing materials, thethe subject, •• Teachers thelearning teaching methodschoosing and assess pupil research questions and experimental methods, discussing and student contributions and presenting results, reflecting on the project and the work Education processofficers in enterprises • Teachers choose the teaching methods and assess the pupil and student contributions th • Only few RECs listed gender issues among their objectives • Education officers in enterprises Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Science Education Research Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Positive Impacts and Experiences • On teachers, students and pupils • Every fifth REC was accompanied by a project in science education research, e.g. action research. • On teachers‘ competencies • their confidence in science teaching (most frequent answers in 6 countries) • raise in pupils‘ and students‘ interest • positively changed attitudes towards S&T (6 countries) • influence on students‘ choice of university studies (4 countries) Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Positive Impacts and Experiences • By the partners involved • Positive experiences from cooperating with experts from different fields • successfull teamwork resulting in high quality of 13 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Difficulties • Most widespread in all countries: Lack of resources (time, money) • Lack of long-term financial support 2 2 2 • raise in pupils‘ and students‘ interest confidence in science frequent •• their positively changed attitudesteaching towards (most S&T (6 countries) answers in 6 countries) • influence on students‘ choice of university studies • (4 raise in pupils‘ and students‘ interest countries) • positively changed attitudes towards S&T (6 countries) science education research, e.g. action research. • influence on students‘ choice of university studies (4 countries) Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Positive ImpactsInternational and Experiences Conference Positive Impacts and Experiences Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe •• • • •• • • • Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ • Extra-curricular forms of RECs Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Flashes on national characteristics International Conference Lithuania Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Flashes on national characteristics International Conference Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Recommendations International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • „Basing a project on the voluntary commitment of Recommendations teachers for several years turns out to be a non (GRID 2006) productive strategy“ •• „Basing a project on the voluntary commitment of that „Research shows clearly that educational projects Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Is a cooperation between a university and a school A partner „typical“ European REC • Its activities are addressed to (upper) secondary level students • Is a cooperation between a university and a school • partner Its primary goal is to promote public understanding for • science Its activities are addressed to (upper) secondary level • students Looks to support career buildung, in few cases explicitly gender • considering Its primary goal is tospecific promoteaspect public understanding for • science Enhances teaching competences in S&T • Is self-evaluated Looks to support career buildung, in few cases explicitly gender specific aspect • considering Documents and disseminates its activities • Enhances teaching competences in S&T • Is self-evaluated • Documents and disseminates its activities International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ A „typical“ European International REC Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Switzerland Similar initiatives in different (language) Flashes on without national characteristics regions knowing from each other. Success of RECs is heavily dependent on personal commitment, institutionalized Switzerland Similar initiatives in different (language) support is rare knowing from each other. regions without Success of RECs is heavily on in UK Strong governmental supportdependent for education personal commitment, S&T. Science Learninginstitutionalized Centres and STEM support is rare Centres can coordinate RECs at local, regional and national level. UK Strong governmental support for education in S&T. Science Learning Centres and STEM Centres can coordinate RECs at local, regional and national level. Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Time is needed for a change in existing educational system and thinking. Many projects in lower cost social sciences, all Flashes on national characteristics RECs studied use ICT Lithuania Time is needed for a change in existing Netherlands educational RECs strongly supported, multidisciplinary, system and thinking. Many focused onlower the interface upper secondery projects in cost social sciences, all – higher education, revealed RECs studied useevaluation ICT increased students‘ interest in S&T. High Netherlands potential RECs strongly supported, multidisciplinary, is seen in developing innovative focused the interface upper secondery – teachingon strategies and new subjects higher education, evaluation revealed Slovenia RECs partly integrated in the obligatory increased students‘ interest in S&T. High curriculum, e.g. research camps. A coherent potential is seen in developing innovative national is missing. teachingstrategy strategies and new Integrated subjects science material is needed Slovenia RECs partly integrated in the obligatory curriculum, e.g. research camps. A coherent national strategy is missing. Integrated science material is needed Promotion Initiative „Sparkling Science“ over 10 years. Small, Flashes on national characteristics individual RECs are most motivating and inspiring Austria Promotion Initiative „Sparkling Germany Regional networks of school labs Science“ over 10 years. Small, developing. Integration in curriculum individual RECs are most motivating and REC offers and extracurricular inspiring Italy Several STS initiatives, Germany Regionalsuccessfull networks of school labs but not acceptedIntegration as „real culture“. RECs developing. in curriculum starting from the bottom are more and extracurricular REC offers innovating than ministerial RECs Italy Several successfull STS initiatives, but not accepted as „real culture“. RECs starting from the bottom are more innovating than ministerial RECs Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Flashes on national characteristics International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Austria Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ • „Innovative science education initiatives often rely on the motivation and the goodwill of a few individuals“ (European and Promotion CommissionFunding 2007) Grants are usually •• „Innovative sciencetemporary education initiatives often rely on the • Ministries authorities funding motivationand andlocal the goodwill of aare fewimportant individuals“ (European Commission 2007) resources • Implementation of RECs as an element of the regular Grants are usually temporary research and systemare important funding • Ministries andeducation local authorities • resources Promotion, lobbying, patronage, public relation provided most frequently by research institutions • Implementation of RECs as an element of the regular • Foundations local industry research andand education systemas promotors Promotion, lobbying, patronage,ispublic provided most • Communication and promotion rarelyrelation included in formal mutual agreements frequently by research institutions • Foundations and local industry as promotors • Communication and promotion is rarely included in formal mutual agreements RECs linked to obligatory curriculum Institutional Background and Links Courses included in curriculum „Science and Society“, „Nature and Technology“, RECs linked to obligatory curriculum„Nature and Health“ Courses included in curriculum „Science and Out-of-school activities on a regular „Nature basis inand Society“, „Nature and Technology“, science Health“ classes (e.g. research camps) •• Extra-curricular forms ofon RECs Out-of-school activities a regular basis in science classes (e.g. research camps) Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Funding and Promotion International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • • • • • Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Lack long-term in financial support Most of widespread all countries: Lack of resources (time, money) efforts in their Partners involved do considerable spareoftime Lack long-term financial support Little support for promotion and public relations Partners involved do considerable efforts in their Lack appreciation spareoftime Little support for promotion and public relations Lack of appreciation Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Institutional Background Links International and Conference Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Most widespread in all countries: Lack of resourcesDifficulties (time, money) • Positive experiences from cooperating with experts from different fields the partnersteamwork involved • successfull resulting in high quality of activitiesexperiences (research byfrom pupils, workshops forexperts teachers) • Positive cooperating with different fields • from „Enthusiasm“, „inspirational atmosphere“ •• successfull resulting researchers‘teamwork contact with pupilsin high quality of activities (research by pupils, workshops for teachers) • better mutual understanding • „Enthusiasm“, „inspirational atmosphere“ • role models for the adolescents • researchers‘ contact with pupils • better mutual understanding • role models for the adolescents Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Difficulties International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • By the partners involved • By Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference 14 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusions – Recommendations International Conference Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • A successful long-term establishment of a REC involves – A Conclusions good and workable–idea Recommendations – An experienced and committed project leader and promoter with perseverance and a reasonable (time) • A successful long-term establishment of a REC involves budget – A good and workable idea 3 3 students • Its primary goal is to promote public understanding for science • Looks to support career buildung, in few cases explicitly considering gender specific aspect • Enhances teaching competences in S&T • Is self-evaluated • Documents and disseminates its activities personal commitment, institutionalized support is rare Strong governmental support for education in S&T. Science Learning Centres and STEM Centres can coordinate RECs at local, regional and national level. UK Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • A successful long-term establishment of a REC involves • „Basing a project on the voluntary commitment of teachers for several years turns out to be a non (GRID 2006) productive strategy“ • „Research shows clearly that educational projects that do not have the backing of the management (and of teachers) and other members of the education community have limited (or no) chances of success“ – A good and workable idea – An experienced and committed project leader and promoter with perseverance and a reasonable (time) budget – A thorough analysis of the starting conditions, including the important stakeholders – A structured course of action, clear objectives, written agreements, communication concept, „pragmatic rolling wave“ – A pilot phase with only a few partners – „Successful RECs are the best promotion for establishing new RECs“ (National survey report Slovenia) (GRID 2006) Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Desirable RECs • Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Diversity Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Conclusions – Recommendations Recommendations Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Involvement of various partners from informal education Desirable RECs Meaning of Science and Technology in Society 4 • • Critical view on the nature of knowledge, limits to science, ethical • Diversity aspects • Involvement of various partners from informal education •• Ownership Participation Meaning of and Science and Technology in Society • All partners learn from each other and respect specific experience • Critical view on the nature of knowledge, limits to science, ethical aspects • Real Life methodologies • Including people, places, activities, open-ended tasks, creative • Ownership and Participation thinking • All partners learn from each other and respect specific experience •• Impact onmethodologies Curriculum Real Life • Influence on class, school, regional/national level, teacher training • Including people, places, activities, open-ended tasks, creative • Linkedthinking to science education research • Scientific analysis of interests and career choice, students‘ • Impact on Curriculum understanding, needs, values, beliefs and questions • Influence on class, school, regional/national level, teacher training • Linked to science education research • Scientific analysis of interests and career choice, students‘ understanding, needs, values, beliefs and questions Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Images of Research and ‘Take part Possible impulses ofForm-it a REC onin research‘ teachers‘ Education Cooperations Conference professionalInternational development Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 in Europe Possible impulses of atoREC on teachers‘ A REC should engage teachers • question their science teaching and their subjective professional development th Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Thanks th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Thanks theories on science education engage •A REC have should a closer look toteachers teachingto and learning in their • classroom question their science teaching and their subjective theories new on science • develop modelseducation like inquiry based science education aimed up competencies • have a closer looktotobuild teaching and learningininstudents their • classroom implement new models and explore the effects on the learners • develop new models like inquiry based science education aimed to build up competencies in students • implement new models and explore the effects on the Action Research learners • • • • To Chrissie Gerloff and Peter Jann To all partners who contributed To Chrissie Gerloff and Peter Jann To all partners who contributed Action Research Research and Education Cooperation on Stage: Tick Patrol - A tiny foe, an underestimated enemy, a school project for your health! STEINER Konrad, et al, HBLA Ursprung, Austria Pupils of the HBLA Ursprung for agriculture presented on stage their project/REC "Tick Patrol".(http:// This REC is only one of several collaborations with research institutes and universities since 1997. ( 15 5 5 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3.2.3. Fr iday Positions and Perspectives of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture WIRTITSCH Manfred, Federal Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture, Austria Input on national programmes – The Netherlands ANKONE Henri, National Institute for Curriculum Development, The Netherlands Content: integration of Sciences, Technology & Math at A-level Aim: to increase number of science students Content: integration of Sciences, Technology & Math at A-level Curriculum & syllabus: context-led, school Content: integration examination, modular, of Sciences, flexibleTechnology & Math at A-level Curriculum & syllabus: context-led, school examination, modular, flexible Nature, Life & Technology Nature, Life development & Technology The interactive of a new interdisciplinary science subject in the development Netherlands for Nature, Life & Technology The interactive of a 16+ new interdisciplinary science Profile of NLT Profile of NLT Curriculum & syllabus: Implementation: teamteaching, context-led, school out-of-school learning examination, modular, flexible subject in the development Netherlands for The interactive of a 16+ new interdisciplinary science subject in the Netherlands for 16+ Profile of NLT Aim: to increase number of science students Development: cooperative, bottom-up, prototyping, Aim: to increase number short time of science students Development: cooperative, bottom-up, prototyping, short time Evaluation:Development: quality checks and cooperative, formative researchbottom-up, till 2010 prototyping, short time Implementation: teamteaching, out-of-school learning Evaluation: quality checks and formative research till 2010 Implementation: teamteaching, out-of-school learning Evaluation: quality checks and formative research till 2010 Participation of girls in science in upper sec. in NL Participation of girls in science in Pre-polytech Pre-univ. upper sec. in NL 5 years 6 years Participation of 53 girls in science in Girls % 54 % Pre-polytech Pre-univ. upper sec. in NL6 years 5 years Reasons Why Reasons introduce a new science subject? Why of: Because Reasons introduce a new science subject? - low % of students in sciences and Why Because mathematics in of: secondary a new science subject? schools, universities and and - introduce low % of students in sciences polytechnics in NL mathematics in of: secondary Because Nature & Technology 1,4 % 3,5 % Girls 53 % 54 % Pre-polytech Pre-univ. schools, and and - very low % universities of female students - low % of students in sciences polytechnics in NL mathematics in secondary - very low % universities of female students schools, and polytechnics in NL 5 years Nature &&Health Technology 17,2 1,4 %% Girls 53 % 6 years 34,5%% 3,5 54 % Nature &&Health 17,2%% Nature Technology 1,4 34,5%% 3,5 Nature & Health 34,5 % 17,2 % - very low % of female students Netherlands: educational system Netherlands: educational system Final (central) exam Final (central) exam Upper secondary Netherlands: Upper secondary Final (central) exam Pre-university Pre-college educational system 16-19 FinalAge: (central) exam Lower vocational Causes • OECD, 2006 -> Student choices are Causes determined by: – Image of S&T professions • OECD, 2006 -> Student choices are – Content of S&T curricula Causes determined by: – Quality of S&T teaching – Image of S&T professions education • 2006 -> Student choices are • OECD, Netherlands: – Content of S&T curricula determined by:teaching – Quality Fairly traditional S&T curricula, lack of – of S&T Age: 13 - 16 Final (central) exam Lower vocational education Age: 13 - 16 & team-teaching – interdisciplinarity Image of S&T professions • Netherlands: – Contacts ofS&T schools with scientists in Content of curricula Final (central) exam • Netherlands: – Contacts of schools with scientists in Lower vocational education Age: 13 - 16 – proffessional Fairly traditional S&T curricula, contexts is limited lack of – Quality of S&T teaching interdisciplinarity & team-teaching contexts is limited lack of – proffessional Fairly traditional S&T curricula, interdisciplinarity & team-teaching – Contacts of schools with scientists in proffessional contexts is limited Age: 16-18 Upper secondary Upper secondary Age: 13-15 Pre-university Pre-college Age: 16-19 Final (central) exam Age: 16-18 Primary education: Final (central) examsecondary Lower Upper secondary Age 4 - 12 Upper secondary Age: 13-15 Pre-university Pre-college Age: 16-19 Age: 16-18 Primary education: Lower secondary Age 4 - 12 Age: 13-15 Final (central) examsecondary Lower Primary education: Age 4 - 12 1 1 1 16 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Upper secondary Objectives of NLT • Compulsary part: dutch, english, civics, Upper secondary culture, sports • Offer students: ‘profilepart: sets’: • Core: Compulsary dutch, english, civics, Upper secondary – Economics & Society: Ec, Hist, Math culture, sports • Objectives of NLT – a wider & deeper science curriculum – n orientation on S&T studies and carreers Offer students: – choice: on basis of interest and ability – a wider & deeper science curriculum Show students the relevance of – n orientation on S&T studies and carreers Offer students: interdisciplinarity – choice: on basis of interest and ability – a wider & deeper science curriculum Built bridges between school and Show students the relevance of – n orientation on S&T studies and carreers university / private enterprise interdisciplinarity – choice: on basis of interest and ability Objectives of NLT • • – Culture & Society: Art/MFL, Hist, • Compulsary dutch, english, civics, Core: ‘profilepart: sets’: – Nature & Health: Bio, Chem, Math – Economics & Society: Ec, Hist, Math culture, sports – Nature & Technology: Phys, Chem, Math – Culture & Society: Art/MFL, Hist, • sets’: • Core: 1– or 2 ‘profile elective subjects: forMath instance Nature & Health: Bio, Chem, – Economics & Society: Ec, Hist, Math NLT – Nature & Technology: Phys, Chem, Math – Culture & Society: Art/MFL, Hist, • 1– or 2 elective subjects: forMath instance Nature & Health: Bio, Chem, NLT – Nature & Technology: Phys, Chem, Math • • • Contribute tobetween school and teacher • Built school and Showbridges students the relevance of development university / private enterprise interdisciplinarity tobetween school and teacher • Contribute Built bridges school and development university / private enterprise • 1 or 2 elective subjects: for instance NLT • Contribute to school and teacher development Syllabus pre-university A Skills (in combination with B – I) B Foundations of science and technology C A D B E C A F D B G E C F H D G IE Earth and climate Skills (in combination with B – I) Stellar information and processes Foundations of science and technology Biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics Earth and climate with B – I) Skills (in combination Biomedical technology and biotechnology Stellar information and and processes Foundations of science technology Sustainable use of resources, energy and Biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics environment Earth and climate Biomedicalprocesstechnology biotechnology Materials, andand production technology Stellar information and processes Sustainable use of resources, energy and Tools, vehicles and products Biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics environment Development process • Time frame: short ! Syllabus pre-university * Development process • Syllabus pre-university*** F H G I Biomedical technology and biotechnology Materials, process- and production technology Sustainable use of resources, energy and Tools, vehicles and products environment H Materials, process- and production technology I Tools, vehicles and products – preparation 2005 – project start 2006 Time frame: short ! – first students august 2007 – preparation 2005 Cooperative – project startstrategy 2006 Time frame: short ! – ownership – Teachers first students august 2007 – 20052 schools, teachers – preparation Small networks: Cooperative – college/university, project startstrategy 2006 experts, coach – Teachers ownership first students august 2007 – Small networks: 2 schools, teachers Cooperative strategy college/university, experts, coach – Teachers ownership – Small networks: 2 schools, teachers college/university, experts, coach Development process • • ** * • *** ** • *** *** Teacher teams for aSMaT Developing content 100 90 Developing content Teacher teams for aSMaT 80 percentage percentagepercentage – Units of 40 study hours (modules) – Interactive development – Quality criteria – Units of 40 study hours (modules) – Development in 4 series (wave model) – Interactive development – 50 modules developed by 2009 – Quality criteria – Units of 40 study hours (modules) – Development in 4 series (wave model) – Interactive development – 50 modules developed by 2009 – Quality criteria – Development in 4 series (wave model) – 50 modules developed by 2009 Developing content 70 100 60 90 Teacher teams for aSMaT 50 80 40 100 70 30 90 60 20 80 50 10 40 70 0 60 30 50 20 fys geo biol phys chem math chem math chem math subject 40 10 ! 0 30 20 fys geo biol fys geo biol phys subject 10 ! 0 phys subject ! Development of modules Curriculum development: prototyping 2 • ‘Cycles’ of content development: formation networks – 4 cycles, 50 modules (required for havo: 8, vwo: 11) – Evaluation + adaptation cycle I cycle III cycle II cycle IV 2 • Strict cycle-schedule develop ment – – – – Formation of network -> GO by NDC/SC Design of module -> GO by NDC Development of test version -> GO by NDC Testing at 2 schools + evaluation acc. to quality criteria NDC -> test & evaluation report – Adjustment -> GO by NDC certified by SC – Full use in classroom ± 15 kin en id Dynamic modelling afgifte ? ? ? drinken urine transpiratie ns re Fo Sport performance Zero-energy house La condition Humaine1935 René Magritte 2007 2008 2009 More topics for modules second cycle Locate & navigate ic ev water_in_lichaam opname 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 g ce Drin g& ± 10 delivery First modules The best egg?? ± 10 testing 2006 in driv ± 15 17 • Medical imaging • Brain and behaviour • Living soil • Measuring galaxies • Glue • MP3-player • Biotechnology • Zero-energy greenhouse • Technical design in health care • True or false? • H2 -car • Bio-informatics – Development of test version -> GO by NDC • Strict cycle-schedule – – – – – – testing develop ment Testing at 2 evaluation acc. to quality Formation ofschools network+-> GO by NDC/SC criteria of NDC -> test evaluation Design module ->&GO by NDC report Adjustment ->ofGO byversion NDC certified by NDC SC Development test -> GO by Full use at in 2 classroom Testing schools + evaluation acc. to quality delivery & king ce en id ev ic ? transpiratie Zero-energy house ce en ns ev id re ? urine water_in_lichaam opname Dynamic modelling Sport performance ? ? La condition Humaine1935 René Magritte afgifte ? W Zero-energy house hat d id yo u sa Sport performance y? Aerosoles in dirty air Designing your disco Wha t did you say? Designing your disco Aerosoles in dirty air urine drinken transpiratie ns re La condition Humaine1935 René Magritte 2007 2008 2009 Measuring galaxies second •cycle • Glue • Medical imaging • • Biotechnology Living soil • design in • Technical Glue health care • Biotechnology • True or false? • Technical design in • Farmacology health care • MP3-player • Brain and behaviour • • Zero-energy Measuring galaxies greenhouse • MP3-player • H2 -car • Zero-energy • Bio-informatics greenhouse • • Climate H -car change • True or false? • Bio-informatics • Farmacology • Climate change Implementation 2 Research • 30-35% of schools in 2007 (172) • Objective is to evaluate • Team of teachers: min. 3 o/o 5 biology, chemistry, geography, math, physics • 30-35% of schools in 2007 (172) – content development process – implementation • Objective is to – attainment ofevaluate goals – curiculum content development process – in relation to aims advice ministry in – 2010 implementation – attainment of goals • Means – in relation to aims advicedata ministry in – curiculum data analysis: registration, official 2010 ministry, questionaires Implementation Research – School & teacher development • Team ofthe teachers: – Teach teacher min. 3 o/o 5 chemistry, geography, math, physics • biology, Organisation – & teacher development – School Time table adapted – the teacher – Teach Out-of-school learning • • Organisation Regional support centers: universities + – Time table adapted colleges involved • Means – casestudies on development + implementation analysis: official data – data PhD studies onregistration, innovation of science education ministry, questionaires – casestudies on development + implementation – PhD studies on innovation of science education – Out-of-school learning • Regional support centers: universities + colleges involved Info & Contact Curriculum levels • Nano : individual learner • Micro : classroom • Meso : school • Supra : EU Info & Contact Curriculum levels Curriculum Curriculum • Nano : individual learner ent • Micro : classroom sm ca tio n Rationale Con te n the multi • Macro : state / country headed • Supra : EU monster As Time ses • Meso : school t Gro upi ng M ri & Re so Teacher role at e al s ur ce s Curriculum Curriculum multi As Time ses sm ent the 18 Lo ca tio n Rationale Con te n t 3 3 • Macro : state / country Lo Gro upi ng Fo 2006 • Living soil ing afgifte ? 2009 • Brain and behaviour More topics for modules Drin Locate & navigate Dynamic modelling drinken 2008 • Medical imaging ic Fo water_in_lichaam opname 2007 second cycle ing First Dmodules rin Locate & navigate driv 2006 More topics for modules First modules The best egg?? ± 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. driv ± 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Form – it “Take Part in Research” & king ± 15 testing criteria NDC -> test & evaluation report – Adjustment -> GO by NDC certified by SC – Full use in classroom The best egg?? ± 15 delivery headed monster M ria ls & Re so Teacher role at e Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Input on national programmes – United Kingdom An English perspective An English perspective International Conference International Conference MEADOWS John, London Southbank University, UnitedInKingdom March 2006 the UK Government published Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 An English perspective A perspective from England International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Anand English perspective Science Innovation Investment Framework 2004International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 2014: In March 2006 the UK Government published Form-it ‘Take part inthe research‘ •Science Next Steps, whichInternational sets out An English perspective Conference 2004and Innovation Investment Framework Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Government’s thoughts on the long2014: In March 2006 the UK Government published term challenges facing science •Science Nextand Steps, which sets UK out the 2004Innovation Investment Framework 2014: and innovation....... Government’s thoughts on the long- Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 • Next strategy Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An Steps English perspective International Conference A perspective from England Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • Change in lower secondary science Next Stepscurriculum strategy • A Scottish for Excellence A perspective from England • Change in lower secondary science •• Next Stepscurriculum strategy for Excellence A Scottish • Change in lower secondary science • A Scottish curriculum for Excellence th An English perspective th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 • STEMNET's vision Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective International Conference Science learning Centres • A society where young Vienna, people, of 12 to 14 regardless of March 2008 background, recognise the contribution of •Science STEMNET's vision learning Centres Science, Technology, Engineering and • A society where people, Maths (STEM) to young their lives and regardless more are of background, recognise thequalifications contribution of • choosing STEMNET's to vision pursue STEM and and careers. • Science, A societyTechnology, where youngEngineering people, regardless of Maths (STEM) to their lives and more are background, recognise the contribution of • choosing to pursue STEM qualifications and Technology, Engineering and • Science, careers. Maths (STEM) to their lives and more are • choosing to pursue STEM qualifications and careers. • • • th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Ansecondary English perspective Lower science International Conference An English perspective Recent change in Lower Secondary Science International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 The 2001 Green Paper Schools: Building on An English perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Lower secondary Success proposedscience a two-year Key Stage 3 pilot Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 and this was initiated in February 2003 as part of 2001 the Key Stage 3 National Strategy. The Green Paper Schools: Building on Lower secondary science Success a two-year Key Stage 3 pilot Website forproposed KS3 science and this was initiated in February 2003 as part The 2001 Green Paper Schools: Building on of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy. ondary_science/ Success proposed a two-year Key Stage 3 pilot for KS3 science •Website This shows the emphasis on content and this was initiated in February 2003 as part of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy. ondary_science/ Website for KS3 science • This shows the emphasis on content ondary_science/ • This shows the emphasis on content th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective Science learning Centres International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • Science learning centres established in Form-it partdocument in research‘ many regions, An perspective Some of English the steps promoted in‘Take this are: International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 •• increase number of women in scienceinby Science learning centres established creating asteps Women’s Resource Centre, are: in Some of the promoted in this document many regions, partnership with Business, • increase number centres of women in scienceinby Science learning established creating a Women’s Resource Centre, in many regions, • review and amendment of GCSE science with Business, • partnership increase number of itwomen in science to by curriculum to make more interesting creating a Women’s Resource Centre, in young people, • review and amendment of GCSE science partnership with Business, curriculum to make it more interesting to • young review people, and amendment of GCSE science curriculum to make it more interesting to young people, An English perspective th Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Some An of English the steps promoted in this document are: perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ th th • Next Steps, which sets UK out science the term challenges facing Government’s thoughts on the longand innovation....... term challenges facing UK science and innovation....... International Conference th th Background An English perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Recent change in Lower Secondary Science The Key Stage 3 NationalVienna, Strategy 12 to 14 of(2003) March 2008 aimed to raise standards by strengthening Background Recent change in Lower Secondary Science teaching and learning across the curriculum for The11–14-year-olds. Key Stage 3 National all It wasStrategy based on(2003) four aimed to raise standards by strengthening Background important principles: teaching and learning across the curriculum The Key Stage 3 National Strategy (2003) for all 11–14-year-olds. It wasbybased on four aimed to raise standards strengthening important principles: teaching and learning across the curriculum for th th th all 11–14-year-olds. It was based on four important principles: 1 1 1 19 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. An English perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 An English perspective Principles Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective(September 2008) in KS3 New science curriculum International Conference 12 to 14 of March 2008 should provide opportunitiesVienna, for pupils to: International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 th 1. expectations: establishing high expectations for all pupils and setting challenging targets for them to An English perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Principles achieve; International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March Key 2008 Stage 2. progression: strengthening the transfer from 1. expectations: highprogression expectations for all 2 to Key Stage establishing 3 and ensuring in teaching pupils and setting challenging for them to and learning across Key Stagetargets 3; Principles achieve; 3. engagement: promoting approaches to teaching and 2. progression: strengthening the transfer Key Stage learning that engage and motivate pupilsfrom and demand 1. expectations: establishing highprogression expectations all 2 to Key Stage 3 and ensuring in for teaching their active participation; pupils and setting challenging forand them to and learning across Key Stagetargets 3; 4. transformation: strengthening teaching learning achieve; 3. engagement: promoting approaches to teaching and through a programme of professional development and 2. progression: strengthening the transfer Key Stage learning that engage and motivate pupilsfrom and demand practical support. 2 to Key Stage 3 and ensuring progression in teaching their active participation; and learning across Key Stage 3; 4. transformation: strengthening teaching and learning 3. engagement: promoting approaches to teaching and through a programme of professional development and learning that engage and motivate pupils and demand practical support. their active participation; 4. transformation: strengthening teaching and learning through a programme of professional development and practical support. th An English perspective th science/index.aspx Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 An English perspective 5. experience science outside the school International Conference 12 to workplace, 14 of March 2008 environment, including Vienna, in the where possible Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective 5. experience scienceInternational outside Conference the school 6. use creativityincluding and innovation Vienna, 12 toin 14 science, of March 2008 and environment, in the workplace, appreciate their importance in enterprise where possible 5. recognise experience outside the schoolin 7. thescience importance of sustainability 6. use creativity and innovation science, and environment, including in developments the in workplace, scientific and technological appreciate their importance in enterprise where possible th 8. Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 th th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Scottish “curriculum excellence” aims An English perspective for Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An example Scotland An Englishfrom perspective International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 • Challenge and enjoyment – pupils are motivated Form-itoffered ‘Take part in research‘ •Scottish Breadth –“curriculum range of experiences An English perspective for excellence” aims International Conference Vienna, 12 to3 14 to of 18 March 2008 • Progression – single framework from Challenge and enjoyment – pupils as arethey motivated •• Depth – different types of thinking grow excellence” aims • Personalisation Breadth –“curriculum rangeand of experiences offered •Scottish choicefor – talents and aptitudes Progression––activities single framework from different 3 to 18 subjects •• Coherence draw together •• Challenge and enjoyment – pupils are motivated Depth – different ofdoing thinking as they grow • Relevance – why types are we this? •• Breadth – rangeand of experiences offered Personalisation choice – talents and aptitudes Progression––activities single framework from different 3 to 18 subjects •• Coherence draw together Depth – different ofdoing thinking as they grow •• Relevance – why types are we this? • Personalisation and choice – talents and aptitudes • Coherence – activities draw together different subjects • Relevance – why are we doing this? • “I can use my knowledge of the basic needs of Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective Anhumans, example Scotland andfrom the bodies of our solar system, to International Conference Vienna, 12 on to 14 whether of March 2008 we put together a reasoned report • can “I can use myspace” knowledge of the basic needs of colonise example Scotland humans, andfrom the bodies of our system, to •An A mix of physics, chemistry andsolar biology put together a reasoned report on whether we •• Links science with society “I can use myspace” knowledge of the basic needs of can colonise • Work cooperatively humans, and the bodies of our system, to • A mix of physics, chemistry andsolar biology put together a reasoned • Develop a wide range of report skills on whether we • Links science with society can colonise space” •• Work A mix cooperatively of physics, chemistry and biology •• Develop a wide range of skills Links science with society • Work cooperatively • Develop a wide range of skills th th An English perspective th those on substance abuse and sexual health 11. make links between science and other subjects and areas of the curriculum. International Conference th ‘Take part in research‘ explore contemporary andForm-it historical scientific An English perspective International developments and how they have beenConference communicated Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 9. prepare to specialise in a range of science subjects at key stage 4 and consider career opportunities ‘Take partscientific in research‘both An English perspective 8. explore contemporary andForm-it historical within science and in otherInternational areas that are provided by Conference developments and how they have been communicated Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 science qualifications 9. prepare to specialise in a range of science subjects at 10. consider how knowledge and understanding of science both key stage 4 and consider career opportunities 8. informs explore contemporary and historical scientific personal and collective decisions, including within science and other that are provided by developments and in how theyareas have been communicated those on substance abuse and sexual health science qualifications 9. prepare to specialise a range of other science subjects 11. make links between in science and subjects andat 10.key consider how knowledge and understanding of both science stage 4 and consider career opportunities areas of the curriculum. informs personal and collective decisions, includingby within science and in other areas that are provided those onqualifications substance abuse and sexual health science 11. links between science other subjects and 10. make consider how knowledge andand understanding of science areas of the curriculum. informs personal and collective decisions, including 7. recognise the importance of sustainability in 6. scientific use creativity and innovation in science, and and technological developments appreciate their importance in enterprise 7. recognise the importance of sustainability in scientific and technological developments An English perspective Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ th th • 3 1.use research, discuss and arguments real-lifeexperiment, examples as a basis fordevelop finding out about science (September 2008) in KS3of science •New 2. pursue ancurriculum independent enquiry into an aspect provide opportunities for and pupils to: contexts, science of personal interest •should 4. study science in local, national global • and 1. research, discuss and arguments appreciate the connections between theseout 3 use real-lifeexperiment, examples as a basis fordevelop finding about science • science/index.aspx 2. pursue an independent enquiry into an aspect of personal interest • science 4. study of science in local, national and global contexts, appreciate the connections between theseout about • and 3 use real-life examples as a basis for finding science science/index.aspx • 4. study science in local, national and global contexts, and appreciate the connections between these International Conference th th • 1. research, experiment, discuss and develop arguments Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ An English perspective(September science 2008) in KS3of •New 2. pursue ancurriculum independent enquiry into an aspect International Conference 12 to 14 of March 2008 should provide opportunities for pupils to: science of personal interest Vienna, th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ th International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 An final example from the New Curriculum in England 2 As one boy commented: ‘I found it enjoyable to learn something new. We all had to work extra hard to complete it because of the amount of work we had to do within the deadline. But I feel it was worth it in the end because I think it was a real achievement and actually quite fun.’ 2 2 20 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. The function of Research Education Cooperation in sustainable educational systems DE HAAN Gerhard, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany The presentation describes the future of natural sciences in the context of the European educational system and the role of RECs in their function between school and scientific-technical research. The PISA studies, their environment and the importance of RECs in this context are addressed as well as the aim of a global sustainable development as a normative basis for RECs and its use as a possibility to increase the surveyed low personal interest of young people in science and technology. I am very pleased to be allowed to speak to you today. My theme is “The function of Research Education Cooperations in sustainable educational systems”. I have divided my presentation – limited to 20 minutes - into three sections: the future of natural sciences in the context of the European educational system, some remarks about the importance of REC and the aim of a global sustainable development as a normative basis for REC. 1) The future of natural sciences in the European educational system. If one looks at the attitude of pupils towards natural sciences, the world appears to be in order – at first. Natural sciences are accepted in their importance in very high degrees: 93% of the pupils think that natural sciences are important in order to be able to understand the natural world. This is a good basis for scientific education. One can also say that an aversion against natural sciences or even a technology hostility of young people does not exist because 92% are of the opinion that natural sciences and technology improve our living conditions in general. The situation becomes more problematic if one doesn’t ask for the general relation to natural sciences, but for the personal relation to natural sciences. Then there are only 57% in the OECD average who think that natural sciences are important for themselves. The values go further down if it is a matter of aspiring to a position in the future connected to natural sciences. Here there are only 37% who can imagine such a profession. And if one looks at who aims for a natural scientific study, there are only 21% which are left. What we can say is that there is a considerable gap between the importance accredited to natural sciences in general, and the interest to take up an occupation in natural sciences. I don’t know what it looks like in the other countries participating in our Form-it project, but regarding natural sciences in Germany we do have more bad news. In Germany after PISA 2004 a subsequent study was carried out measuring the increase in learning of pupils from 9th to 10th grade. One wanted to know how many competencies pupils had gained a year after the PISA test in the 9th grade. Results were frustrating, but in Germany the collective depression about the PISA results had obviously progressed so far that nobody wanted to discuss about the results when these were published in 2006. Namely the result was: In the natural sciences the pupils and female pupils merely achieve an average competence increase of 21 points. This corresponds to a learning increase as actually expected in half a grade – and not in a whole school year. It is even more serious, that 56% (!) of all pupils achieved no significant competence increase in one year going to school, and that even more than 10% of the pupils in the 10th grade had less scientific knowledge than one year before. One wonders how the teachers managed not to let half of the pupils repeat this grade, as the results were hardly better in mathematics. This short view at the situation of natural sciences at school shows that something has to be changed if the interest in natural sciences should be strengthened. And a strengthening of the interest is urgently necessary. I would like to clarify this exemplarily in only one problem: We all know that in Europe we live in a knowledge society. Innovations and economic prosperity as well as social services depend on innovative knowledge. In this process natural sciences and technology play an extremely significant, even growing role. However, in Germany we nowadays have a situation where more engineers retire from the professional life than engineer students finish universities. This may be good for young engineers looking for a job, but it is bad for economy and society in a whole. No wonder that the RECs take an important function between school and scientific-technical research. 21 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 2) If one looks at the RECs more exactly , our project shows a large variety of different attempts which at all are not perceived in a particularly strong way by the state educational policy, and much less supported to such an extent that a wide strengthening of the scientific education can result from the initiatives. At the same time, however, the RECs claim to strengthen the motivation of pupils for scientific lessons – to the point of hope that pupils feel motivated by the initiatives to aim for an occupation in natural sciences. Concerning their objectives the involved RECs can be arranged into two groups. The first group is aimed, above all, at the motivation to decide for a scientific or technical occupation. From the goodpractice examples chosen by the Form-it consortium the following examples belong - among many others – to this group: • Creative Science Centre – Great Britain • Climate Change Explorer - Great Britain • The project “UK-Japan Young Scientists” – Great Britain • Genetic Research Days – one day stages in labs - Switzerland As the second group the initiatives can be identified which directly or indirectly look for a relation to scientific education at schools. Then the purpose is to raise the number of scientifically interested young people. Initiatives working in this direction are - among others: • The project “Future Scapes” – Austria • The Danial – Duesentrieb Contest – Germany • Furthermore the project “Penser avec les mains” - Switzerland Hybrid forms pursue both objectives, while they (as for example the „Ada-Lovelace-Project“ – Germany) want to extend, on the one hand, scientific lessons and, on the other hand, inspire specifically girls and women for natural sciences and technology. A special form is also shown by the Austrian project “Future Scapes”, because this one is focussed on the contact of young people with a precise theme – that is “global change”. Here a stronger scientific education is also reached, but is not the primary purpose of the REC. However, do these initiatives also pay off in the long term? About that we know quite little, because solid long term studies about RECs do not exist. We just don´t know whether the number of students in natural sciences increases on the base of these initiatives or whether school achievements improve in the natural sciences. Now RECs cannot solve all the problems. Alone the time spent by pupils in the research facilities is too short. One should not expect as well that the RECs could solve the problems going along with scientific education at school. There has to be some compromise from both sides. Natural science education at school has to admit own activities of pupils in an increasing way and has to begin with everyday problems and -phenomena as well as everyday experiences of pupils. Research facilities, on the other hand, should increasingly search for a connection to the school specific curricula. Because the cooperation is worthwhile. The RECs seem very well to be able to raise the interest in natural sciences and technology. However, there should not be only a general, but a personal interest which develops in this way. If we are really able to reach this personal motivation by RECs and, besides, if we could prove – by a long-term study - that there is even the effect of an increased occupation in areas of natural sciences and technology because cooperation between research and education has been intensified, then I think it is plausible to put these many initiatives on a solid organizational and financial base. That means: The existence of forms of cooperation between schools and research facilities should be a standard. At least schools with a main focus in a scientific school-specific curriculum should maintain such cooperations as have become visible within our project. In addition the facilities then also have to be budgeted by the educational administration. Because a maintenance and expansion of these initiatives is only possible if the state provides material and personnel resources. How these cooperations develop, however, must be left to the cooperation partners because, otherwise, there is the danger that these wonderful initiatives become very school-like so that the problem of natural sciences at school will only be extended into the labs and research facilities. 22 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3) Sustainable Development as a Normative Basis for RECs In my first part I have emphasized the difference between the general interest in natural sciences and the personal interest of pupils in natural sciences as an important aspect. I would like to take up this point once again. If one wants to raise the number of those who have a personal interest in natural sciences, however, this can not be strengthened by RECs alone. These are – as mentioned in part 2 – of a high importance as a methodical instrument in order to strengthen the personal interest and to develop pleasure in natural sciences. But the strengthening of the importance of natural sciences by RECs will – that is what I suppose - not be adequate to develop and maintain a long term interest in this field. Therefore I would like to suggest to - in the future - take into account the general interests and fears of young people regarding social and global development stronger than before. As we know from international studies like the Civic Education Studies of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), young people like to get involved in areas where more equity in the world can be reached, and in areas which deal with environmental protection. This interest in the commitment in social and ecological matters goes along with a high-grade pessimism regarding the development of the environment. In the OECD countries an average of 21% of the pupils state that they do not count on an improvement of the environmental situation for the coming 20 years. That the energy shortage will continue is believed by almost 80%, the continuation of water shortage, air pollution, the extinction of animal and botanical species is believed by an average of 85% of all interviewees / people surveyed. If one brings together these data about pessimism regarding the change of the environmental situation on the one hand with the interest of young people in social and ecological commitment and, on the other hand, takes into account that 92% of the young people have the opinion about natural sciences and technology generally improving our living conditions then something would have to be gained for the personal interest in activities connected to natural sciences. From there my suggestion is that the scientific curriculum in the schools and also cooperations between schools and research labs etc. increasingly refer to the problems of a non-sustainable and the perspectives of a sustainable development. For “sustainable development” means to bring together ecological criteria like reduction of resource consumption and environmental protection on the one hand with an international social change, minimizing social injustice and, on the other hand, to strengthen a socially and environmentally sustainable economy. That an orientation towards a sustainable development is not only an idea preferred by myself can be seen by the guidelines of the educational strategy of the OECD. A few years ago the OECD installed an international workgroup – the DeSeCo group. DeSeCo stands for „Definition and Selection of Competencies“. The workgroup had the task to identify key-competencies „for a good life in a well functioning society“. The key-competencies identified by the DeSeCo group do not matter in our context for a start, however, the higher educational aims matter from which the key-competencies were compiled. Common values are the anchor for the key-competencies. The DeSeCo group formulates as following, I quote: “Insofar as competencies are needed to help accomplish collective goals, the selection of key competencies needs to some extent to be informed by an understanding of shared values. The competency framework is thus anchored in such values at a general level. All OECD societies agree on the importance of democratic values and achieving sustainable development. These values imply both that individuals should be able to achieve their potential and that they should respect others and contribute to producing an equitable society. This complementarity of individual and collective goals needs to be reflected in a framework of competencies that acknowledges both individuals’ autonomous development and their interaction with others.” At another point they say: “Thus basic principles of human rights, democratic value systems and postulated objectives of sustainable development (i.e. integrating environmental protection, economic well-being and social equity) can serve as a normative anchoring point for the discourse on key competencies, their selection, and development in an international context.“ (DeSeCo / OECD 2002, § 26) If one considers that the OECD sets these general educational purposes as the basis for future studies in the educational area and for lifelong learning one is well advised to follow questions and 23 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. problems of sustainable development if looking for a connection between natural scientific matters at school and extracurricular research institutes. Here also the results of Form-it offer some good advice. For example the projects “Climate Change Explorer” from Great Britain and “Future Scapes” from Austria which primarily deal with global change offer all criteria for the focusing on subjects of sustainability. We should arrange the connection between schools and research institutes in such a way that subjects of sustainability have a priority. Not only because most likely a theme is taken up that interests children and young people personally, but also because the United Nations have proclaimed a world decade of education for sustainable development from 2005 till 2014. The years to come we should also use with this global initiative to support and strengthen our concern. International Conference International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Aspects of this presentation Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 International Conference The Function Vienna, 12of to 14 of March 2008 th th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Research Education Cooperations International The Function of Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 in Sustainable Educational Systems Research Education Cooperations The Function of in Sustainable Educational Systems Research Cooperations Prof.Education Dr. Gerhard de Haan th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 1 The future of natural sciences the context of InternationalinConference Aspects of this presentation Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 the European educational system 1 The future of natural sciences in of theRECs context of 2 About the importance and goals Aspects of this presentation the Europeandevelopment educational as system 3 Sustainable a normative basis 2 About the importance and goals 1 for TheRECs future of natural sciences in of theRECs context of Europeandevelopment educational as system 3 the Sustainable a normative basis RECs 2 for About the importance and goals of RECs 3 Sustainable development as a normative basis for RECs th th Freie Universität Berlin – InstitutSystems Futur in Sustainable Educational Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan Freie Universität Berlin – Institut Futur Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan Freie Universität Berlin – Institut Futur th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 1 The future of natural sciences in in the context of Form-it ‘Take part research‘ International Conference the European educational system Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 1 The future of natural sciences in in the context of Form-it ‘Take part research‘ International Conference the European educational system Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 1 The future of natural sciences in the context of Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 1 The future of natural sciences in the context of Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ th th th From news … thegood European educational system International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • 93% of the pupils of the OECD-countries think 1 The future of natural sciences in the context of From news … that natural sciences are important thegood European educational system 93% say of the pupils of the OECD-countries think • 92% that natural sciences and technology that natural sciences are important improve our living conditions in general From good news … • 92% that natural sciences and technology 93% say of the pupils of the OECD-countries think improve oursciences living conditions in general that natural are important th th …tothe bad news educational European system International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • only 57% think that natural sciences are 1 The future of natural sciences in the context of …to bad news important for themselves the European educational system 57% can thinkimagine that natural sciences arethat has • only 37% to work in a field important for themselves to do with natural sciences …to bad news • only 21% to study sciences 37% work innatural a field that has 57% can thinkimagine that natural sciences are to do with for natural sciences important themselves 21% can imagine to work studyinnatural • only 37% a fieldsciences that has to do with natural sciences • only 21% can imagine to study natural sciences th th • 92% say that natural sciences and technology improve our living conditions in general th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 1 The future of natural sciences in in the context of Form-it ‘Take part research‘ International Conference the European educational system Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 1 The future of natural sciences in the context of th Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 2 th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ More bad news, especially from Germany: the European educational system International Conference Vienna,merely 12 to 14 of March 2008 an • In the natural sciences the pupils achieve average competence increase of 21 points 9th toof 1 The future of natural sciences in thefrom context More bad news, especially from Germany: 10th grade the European educational system In the(!)natural sciences the pupils merely achieve an •• 56% of all pupils achieved no significant competence average competence of 21 points from 9th to increase in one schoolincrease year More bad news, especially from Germany: 10th grade •• More than 10% of the pupils in the 10th school year In the(!)natural sciences the pupils merely achieve an had • 56% of all pupils achieved significant competence less scientific knowledge thanno one year before average competence of 21 points from 9th to increase in one schoolincrease year • 10th Moregrade engineers retire from the professional life than • finish More than 10% of the pupils in the 10th school year had universities • less 56% scientific (!) of all pupils achieved significant competence knowledge thanno one year before increase in one school yearthe professional life than • More engineers retire from • finish More than 10% of the pupils in the 10th school year had universities less scientific knowledge than one year before • More engineers retire from the professional life than finish universities th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International The importance and goalsConference of RECs Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Two types of RECs International 2 The importance and goalsConference of RECs Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 a) The aim is to motivate pupils to decide for a Two types ofor RECs technical and occupation 2 scientific The importance goals of RECs and/or a) The aim is to motivate pupils to decide for a scientific or technical occupation b) to look for a relation to scientific education at Two types of RECs and/or schools a) The aim is to motivate pupils to decide for a b) to look forora technical relation tooccupation scientific education at scientific schools and/or b) to look for a relation to scientific education at schools th th th 1 1 1 24 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 2 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 The importance and goals of RECs 2 Questions, problems and aims • Do the REC-initiatives pay off in the long term? • Time spent by pupils in the research facilities is too short • RECs can’t and shouldn’t solve the problems going along with scientific education at school • Science education at school has to be changed • Research facilities should increasingly search for a connection to the school specific curricula • RECs should develop a personal interest in natural sciences Strategy • RECs need a solid organizational and financial base • Expansion is only possible if the state provides material and personal resources • Cooperation between schools and research facilities should be a standard • The aims and the character of the cooperation must be left to the cooperation partners Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 2 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference The importance and goals RECs Vienna, 12 to 14 of of March 2008 th 2 th Questions, problems and aims 3 Sustainable development and RECs • Do the REC-initiatives pay off in the long term? • Time spent by pupils in the research facilities is too short Great general interest in natural sciences vs. small • RECs can’t and shouldn’t solve the problems going personal interest along withtake scientific education schoolinterests and • We have into account the at general • Science education at school has to be changed fears of young people •• Research facilities should increasingly search for a in Young people like to get involved in areas of equity connection to the school specific curricula the world and in environmental protection • RECs should develop a personal interest in natural • But there is a high-grade pessimism regarding the sciences development of the environment • We have to bring together pessimism and interest International Conference The importance and goals RECs Vienna, 12 to 14 of of March 2008 th th Strategy 3 Sustainable development and RECs • RECs need a solid organizational and financial base • Expansion is only possible if the state provides material My suggestion and personal resources • Refer to the problems of a non-sustainable and • the Cooperation between and research facilities perspectives ofschools a sustainable development should be a standard (SD) • The aims and the character of the cooperation must be • The of the educational strategy of the left toguidelines the cooperation partners OECD: SD is a common value Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 2 The importance and goals of RECs Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of of March 2008 The importance and goals RECs th 2 th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference th Vienna, 12 to 14 of of March 2008 The importance and goals RECs th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference 3 Sustainable development RECs Vienna, 12 to 14and of March 2008 Strategy 3 Sustainable development RECs Questions, problems and aims Vienna, 12 to 14and of March 2008 • Do the REC-initiatives pay off in the long term? Great general natural sciences vs. RECs small • Time spent by interest pupils development ininthe research facilities is too short 3 Sustainable and interest • personal RECs can’t and shouldn’t solve the problems going along with scientific education at school • “Thus We have take into account general interests and basic principles ofthehuman rights, fears of young people • democratic Science education atsystems school has to be changed value and postulated • objectives Research facilities should increasingly search for a in Young people to get involved in areas of equity oflike sustainable development (i.e. connection toenvironmental the school specific curricula economic the world and in environmental protection integrating protection, •• well-being RECs should develop a personal interest in natural social equity) can serve as But there is aand high-grade pessimism regarding thea sciences developmentanchoring of the environment normative point for the discourse on competencies, theirpessimism selection, and • key We have to bring together and interest th th th • RECs need a solid organizational and financial base My suggestion 3 Sustainable development and RECs • Expansion is only possible if the state provides material and personal • Refer to theresources problems of a non-sustainable and •• the We should between arrange the connection between Cooperation and research facilities perspectives ofschools a sustainable development schools research institutes in such a way should beand a standard (SD) subjects of character sustainability a priority • that The aims and the of the have cooperation must be • The guidelines of the educational strategy of the left to the cooperation • The United Nationspartners have proclaimed a world OECD: SD is a common value decade of education for sustainable development (2005 – 2014). We should use this global initiative to support and strengthen our concern. development in an international context.“ (DeSeCo / OECD 2002, § 26) Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 3 3 • •• • • • 3 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Sustainable RECs Thank you fordevelopment your time andand patience Sustainable development and Great general interest in natural sciences vs. RECs small 3 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 to 14and of March 2008 Sustainable development RECs th th 3 Sustainable development and RECs My suggestion personal interest and “Thus basic human We have take principles into accountof the generalrights, interests and thanks to Jana Huck and Robert Lorenz democratic fears of youngvalue peoplesystems and postulated objectives of sustainable development (i.e. in Young people like to get involved in areas of equity integrating the world andenvironmental in environmentalprotection, protection economic well-being social equity) can serve as But there is aand high-grade pessimism regarding thea normative point for the discourse on developmentanchoring of the environment key competencies, their selection, and We have to bring together pessimism and interest • Refer to the problems of a non-sustainable and • We should arrange the connection between the perspectives of a sustainable development schools and research institutes in such a way (SD) that subjects of sustainability have a priority • The guidelines of the educational strategy of the • The United Nations have proclaimed a world OECD: SD is a common value decade of education for sustainable development (2005 – 2014). We should use this global initiative to support and strengthen our concern. development in an international context.“ (DeSeCo / OECD 2002, § 26) Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12 th to 14th of March 2008 Sustainable development and RECs • “Thus basic principles of human rights, democratic value systems and postulated objectives of sustainable development (i.e. integrating environmental protection, economic well-being and social equity) can serve as a normative anchoring point for the discourse on 2 3 25 Sustainable development and RECs • We should arrange the connection between schools and research institutes in such a way that subjects of sustainability have a priority • The United Nations have proclaimed a world decade of education for sustainable 2 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3.3. Workshops The overall frame for the four workshops held within the conference was the intention to link experiences and visions for Research Education Cooperation. Choice and relevance of quality criteria depend on the form, the partners and the specific objectives of collaboration projects. The heterogeneity of national school systems and curricula is on one hand a precious source for a productive development of different modernisation concepts and strategies of. On the other had this diversity is quite a challenge for comparing potentials and restraints of the different approaches. In order to find answers to the question how to improve the interface between school and university - and how to bridge the gap between research and education - research will have to study in depth the preconditions and impacts of Research Education Cooperation. The participants discussed these main issues of the conference in four Workshops: Workshop 1 “Good practices” What are good practices of Research Education Cooperation (REC)?” Workshop 2 “Implementation” How to realise good cooperation projects?” Workshop 3 “Education” Could a REC be an element of modern science education?” Workshop 4 „Curriculum” How to use a single REC project to move the system?” 3.3.1. Wo r k s h o p 1 : W h a t a r e g o o d p r a c t i c e s of R e s e a r c h E duc a ti on Co o p e r a t i o n ? reported by Michela Mayer, University of Rome 3 SSIS Lazio, Italy Workshop1 has as a main aim the discussion on what we mean for a ’good and effective cooperation’. The main questions to the participants were: What exactly could »good« mean? What exactly could »effective« mean? The participants – about 30, coming from various European and not European countries and from different disciplines and positions- where all dedicated research educations persons, deeply involved into their own projects in Research Education Cooperation. The point of departure of the working group was the ‘draft catalogue of Good Practices’, published by the Form-it Consortium and distributed during the Conference, and the presentation (link to the power point: WS1present) offered by Michela Mayer, with the help of Günther Pfaffenwimmer and Robert Lorenz, on the quality criteria explicitly and implicitly guiding the choice of the Good Practices presented in the Catalogue. The presentation highlighted the previous work done by the Consortium in order to define and identify the quality characteristics of the REC Good Practices, and the way the catalogue was organised in order to give to the public the information needed to appreciate quality. The main quality features identified by the Consortium and proposed in the workshops were: • Ownership and participation’ • Attention to the ‘ethical and social aspects of science’, • Educational methodologies where authentic life problems and open ended tasks are used • Development of critical thinking in a creative and collaborative learning environment. • Time offered to students for the development of independent thought, • Opportunity for students to make choices between different points of view, learning materials or activities. • The ‘mutual gain hypothesis’: what have teachers and researchers learned from the REC and if it has brought about any changes in local curriculum. 26 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. • If there were new hypotheses for future REC activities. • If Science Education Research was consciously accompanying the REC activities. After the general presentation, two of the ‘Good practices’ described in the catalogue have been presented to the participants by their proponents: • Dr. Toru OKANO and Dr. Eric ALBONE presented the UK-JAPAN young scientists Good Practice • Prof. Wolfgang MACKENS presented the Daniel Düsentrieb Prize The 3 presentations raised questions and issues for the debate: • What kind of ‘quality’ we are looking for? • High quality research could be directly measured? • Do we look for long time effects? How may we foresee the complex effects of education and society? • What we mean for ‘quality criteria’? The risk is to seek for short term effects, the kind of thing that can be easily used ‘politically’. The discussion was organised dividing the group in 5 smaller groups, where each one had the possibility to present his/her own experience and to propose his/her own quality features, characteristics of a ‘good practice’. The groupwork was very fruitful, and at the end each group was able to present and ‘argument ’ their own negotiated quality features while sticking them on the paper walls, where different titles – following the quality criteria proposed by the Consortium – have been prepared. The discussion, and the difficulty in organising the working groups criteria following the proposed scheme, had as a result a reorganisation of the criteria themselves according a different scheme. Quality for the group strongly depends from the point of view we assume for evaluating and judging, this means that we can speak of REC quality from the point of view of: the image of Science and Technology in Society, looking for ‘authentic science’ not only in research but also in professional applications, enabling creativity and not only providing entertainment, showing uncertainties in science and giving the possibility to say ‘I don’t know’, asking for minds (and not only hands) on the experiments, giving opportunity for different solutions (open ended problems), offering opportunities for ‘frustration’, ….. the scientists involved, offering a possibility to communicate their findings, aims and beliefs to society through pupils and teachers, asking them to reflect on their own assumptions and learn from schools / public, challenging their communication abilities, …. pupil interest and ownership, fascinating them, linking head and heart, asking to be active, proposing open ended questions, asking for social cooperation and understanding, asking for evidence based autonomous thinking, for products (material or immaterial), giving feelings of competence and ownership, … the teachers involved, showing the value of science and science learning, recognizing the crucial role of science teachers, showing that RECs are challenging but not frustrating, involving them in team works and offering new points of view on science education, providing enough time for co-evolution (teachers/pupils/researchers), offering possibilities for professional development, school and society recognition, asking for teachers own research (educational action research),… the school and the image of science learning and teaching, asking for a bottom-up approach to scientific issues and for looking for questions and not only for solutions, showing the complexity of science and of science research, that science teaching is based on ‘authentic’ problems (real life, real research, real pupils´ concerns) that can be implemented into the school curriculum, making the invisible visible (offers new eyes to look at the world), asking for interdisciplinarity and team work , providing role models, …. On the basis of the quality features collected a draft group report was proposed to the debate, deeply discussed and amended, and finally approved (link to Form-it_WS1reportdef). 27 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. The following questions were collected and proposed for further debate: • What is the meaning of ‘authentic science’ at different age levels? • What is the level of understanding of basic principles we can reach (or we want to reach in a REC)? Is it ‘real science’ or a Trojan horse for teaching ‘school science’? • How could RECs transfer the acquired knowledge to other RECs? What could be transferred and what is ‘unique’? • What instruments do we have for evaluating the effects of RECs? • How to build a long-term benefit into the life of the school? A common reached agreement was that in RECs, ad for every deep educational innovation and research questions, there is no possibility for shortcuts, and that RECs need time and support for their evolution. 28 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Input statements What are Good Practices of Research Education Cooperation REC? Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy, Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Ministry of Education, Austria, Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin AIMS of the WORKSHOP What are Good Practices of Research Education Cooperation REC? What are Good Practices of Research Education Cooperation REC? What are Good Practices of Workshop 1 Research Education Cooperation REC? • • • • • • • • • AIMS of the WORKSHOP To present the Form-it catalogue of GP To compare theof experiences of the participants AIMS the WORKSHOP To the Form-it catalogue of GP andpresent their ideas for ‘good quality’ RECs the experiences of thequality participants To compare propose and discuss common To theeffective Form-it catalogue of GPREC andpresent their for ‘good quality’ RECs criteria forideas an and successful compare the experiences of thequality participants initiative To propose and discuss common andcollect their for ‘good quality’ RECs REC criteria forideas an effective and successful To ideas and recommendations for future initiative RECs guidelines ad quality assessment. To propose and discuss common quality criteria for ideas an effective and successful REC To collect and recommendations for future initiative RECs guidelines ad quality assessment. • To collect ideas and recommendations for future RECs guidelines ad quality assessment. Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Ministry of Education, Workshop 1 Austria Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Ministry of Education, Workshop Austria 1 Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Ministry of Education, Austria Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Survey on Research and Education Cooperation Survey on Research and Education • The results of the survey highlighted the Cooperation diversity of REC projects: all areas of science Survey on Research andhighlighted Education and technology are represented, in many • The results of the survey the cases Cooperation through or areas interdisciplinary diversityaofmultidisciplinary REC projects: all of science approach, various subjects but also and technology are represented, in many cases • The resultsinvolving of the survey highlighted the issues that are not per se all part of theofcurriculum. through aofmultidisciplinary or areas interdisciplinary diversity REC projects: science approach, involving various subjects but also and technology are represented, in many cases • Based on this survey, partners have been able issues that arethey not per se part of only the curriculum. through awhat multidisciplinary ornot interdisciplinary to define consider ‘successful’ approach, involving various subjects but also but alsoon‘good quality’ projects. • Based this survey, partners have been able issues that arethey not per se part of only the curriculum. to define what consider not ‘successful’ but alsoon‘good quality’ partners projects. have been able • Based this survey, to define what they consider not only ‘successful’ but also ‘good quality’ projects. Framework for a successful REC in S&T A Catalogue of Good Practice Examples Framework for a successful REC in S&T •A A collection of 26 Research Examples and Education Catalogue of European Good Practice Cooperation projects (RECs) which emerged from the taking accountPractice the framework the quality • survey, A collection of into 26 Research andand Education A Catalogue of European Good Examples areas discussed above. Cooperation projects (RECs) which emerged from the taking into accountout the framework and theand quality The selection carried country by country, •• survey, A collection ofwas 26 European Research and Education areas discussed above. discussed and confronted in the consortium, into Cooperation projects (RECs) which emergedtaking from the the specific contexts • account The selection was carried out country by country, and survey, taking into account the framework and the quality and confronted consortium, taking into • discussed The format used try to put in the evidence the main quality areas discussed above. account the contexts butspecific also possible weakness of each GP • features, The selection wasthe carried out country by country, and • discussed The formatand used try to put in the evidence the main quality confronted consortium, taking into features, butspecific also thecontexts possible weakness of each GP account the Framework for a successful REC in S&T • The format used try to put in evidence the main quality features, but also the possible weakness of each GP 1 1 1 29 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 26 GP, each one presented with: 26 GP, each one presented with: ! general aims and arguments for inclusion a table offering a brief overview of relevant information, GP, onefor presented general 26 aims and each arguments inclusion with: contexts and conditions, a table offering a brief overview of relevant information, activities and and content, general aims arguments for inclusion contexts and conditions, main methodological features,ofbased on the quality criteria a table offering a brief overview relevant information, activities and content, defined contexts and conditions, main methodological features, based on the quality criteria impact on curriculum, activities and content, defined mutual benefits: win win features, main methodological impact on curriculum,features, based on the quality criteria evaluation and feedback defined mutual benefits: win win features, limits impactand on possibilities, curriculum, evaluation and feedback keywords and possible mutual benefits: win winreferences features, limits and possibilities, evaluation and feedback keywords and possible references limits and possibilities, ! keywords and possible references ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 2 2 30 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. What quality, and in what REC phases? • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • ‘Ownership and participation’ What quality, and in what REC phases? Attention to the ‘ethical and social aspects of science’, Educational methodologies where authentic life problems and open ended tasks are used ‘Ownership and participation’ What quality, and in what REC phases? Develop thinking in a creative and collaborative learning Attentioncritical to the ‘ethical and social aspects of science’, • • How we organise the workshop environment. Educational methodologies where authentic life problems and open Time to students (and teachers) for the development of independent endedoffered tasks and are used ‘Ownership participation’ thought, Develop thinking and in a creative and collaborative learning Attentioncritical to the ‘ethical social aspects of science’, Opportunity for students to make choices between different points of environment. Educational methodologies where authentic life problems and open view, learning materials or activities. Time to students (and teachers) for the development of independent endedoffered tasks are used ‘mutual gain hypothesis’: What have teachers and researchers learned thought, Develop thinking in a creative andchanges collaborative from the critical REC; has it brought about any in locallearning curriculum; Opportunity environment.for students to make choices between different points of Diversity in partners, competences, approaches… view, activities. Time learning offered tomaterials studentsor(and teachers) for the development of independent What Science Education Research is teachers consciously the REC ‘mutual gain hypothesis’: What have andaccompanying researchers learned thought, activities? from the REC;for has it brought about choices any changes in local curriculum; Opportunity students to make between different points of Diversity in partners, competences, view, learning materials or activities. approaches… What Science Education Research is teachers consciously the REC ‘mutual gain hypothesis’: What have andaccompanying researchers learned activities? from the REC; has it brought about any changes in local curriculum; Diversity in partners, competences, approaches… What Science Education Research is consciously accompanying the REC activities? Conceptions of quality we organise the workshop •How IMPUT • • • • • • • ! Dr. Eric ALBONE and Dr. Toru OKANO weWolfgang organise the workshop ! Prof. MACKENS •How IMPUT ! Dr. Eric ALBONE • Small groups (4 toand 5) Dr. Toru OKANO • IMPUT MACKENS ! Prof. shortWolfgang presentation of REC experiences/discussion of GP catalogue ! the Dr. Eric ALBONE • Small groups (4 toand 5) Dr. Toru OKANO ! definition of good quality features Prof. MACKENS ! shortWolfgang presentation of REC experiences/discussion of ! to on the(4existing thewrite GP catalogue • Small groups to 5) flipchart/ or to new ones to be added of good quality features ! definition short presentation of REC experiences/discussion of • Plenary of flipchart/ the results thewrite GP discussion catalogue ! to on the existing or to new ones to be ! added definition of good quality features ! to write discussion on the existing or to new ones to be • Plenary of flipchart/ the results added quality Quality and Conceptions quantity are not inof contrast .. but quality cannot be reduced to numbers (Aristotele) Conceptions of quality Pirsig and the Quality(The and Zen quantity are art notofin…) contrast .. ! Static Quality, means good performances defined but quality cannot be reduced to numbersin(Aristotele) standards (what we are able to do..) Quality(The and Zen quantity are art notofin…) contrast .. Pirsig and the ! Dynamic Quality, means the attempt to do something not ! done Static Quality, means good performances defined but quality cannot be no reduced to numbers before, where standards are fixedin(Aristotele) standards (what wethe areart able to Pirsig (The Zen and ofbasis …)do..) ! RECs needs both: a ‘stable’ is needed to sustain the ! Dynamic Quality, means theperformances attempt to doinsomething ! dynamic Static Quality, means good defined not of innovation done before, where are fixed standards (what we no arestandards able to do..) ! RECs needs both: a ‘stable’ basis is needed to sustainnot the ! Dynamic Quality, means the attempt to do something dynamic of innovation done before, where no standards are fixed ! RECs needs both: a ‘stable’ basis is needed to sustain the dynamic of innovation • Plenary discussion of the results Quality Criteria as bridges Values Quality Criteria as bridges Conceptions Quality Values Principles Conceptions Values Principles Conceptions Principles Criteriacriteria as bridges criteria descriptors criteria descriptors descriptors reality reality reality 3 3 3 31 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. UK Japan Young Scientists Dr Eric Albone, Clifton Scientific Trust Bristol and Dr Toru Okano, The Rikkyo School England Dr Toru Okano ( summarised ways in which the UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops (most recently Kyoto 2007) developed by Clifton Scientific Trust with partners in both countries address key educational concerns in Japan (and also in Britain) particularly the growing disaffection of young people for school science. Dr Eric Albone ( outlined the workshop structure; Senior High School students from both countries live and work together for a week in small UK-Japanese teams with scientists on open-ended projects in cutting edge science and its application. Their thinking is valued and their school knowledge is put to use. At the end of the week, the teams give public presentations of their achievements. In the process, students experience science as a cultural bridge as well as a real life challenge. Preliminary evaluation indicates that the impact of the experience of working between cultures is profound and long lasting, and is valued by students of both sexes. Involvement of teachers and longer term impact on the schools and the scientists were also discussed. UK-Japan Young Scientists Japanese Education in Context UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists Japanese Education in Context ! Top Priority Japanese Education in Context UK-JAPAN YOUNG UK-JAPAN YOUNG SCIENTISTS UK-JAPAN YOUNG Dr EricSCIENTISTS Albone SCIENTISTS ! ! Clifton Scientific Trust, Bristol, UK Dr Eric Albone Clifton Scientific Trust, Bristol, UK Dr Eric Albone Toru Okano ! Dr Toru Okano The Rikkyo School in England Dr Toru Okano ! ! Clifton Scientific Trust, Bristol, UK The Rikkyo School in England The Rikkyo School in England catchPriority up with Western Achievement Top in Science and Technology Top Priority catch up with Western Achievement in Science andWestern Technology catch up with Achievement The Means in Science and Technology focus teaching on the most efficient and The Means effective transfer of knowledge; independent The Means thought not valued focus teaching on the most efficient and effective transfer knowledge; independent focus teaching onofthe most efficient and thought valued effectivenot transfer of knowledge; independent thought not valued UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists Current Issues in Japan UK-Japan Young Scientists in Japan Current Issues Current Issues in ofJapan ! Students’ growing dislike science at Current Issues in Japan Current Issues in Japan Current Issuesasinmemorizing Japan ! Science experienced UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists facts Science experienced as memorizing facts Science experienced as Lack of investigations in memorizing the syllabus facts ! Lack of investigations the syllabus laboratories in in schools ! Lack of investigations in the syllabus ! Lack of laboratories in schools Large class sizes ! Lack of laboratories in schools ! Large class sizes ! Large class sizes secondary level Students’ growing dislike of science at secondary level teaching Students’ growing dislike ofstyle science Teachers’didactic andat secondary level avoidance of dialogue with students ! Teachers’didactic teaching style and of dialogue with ! avoidance Teachers’didactic teaching style and Science teaching driven by students avoidance ofpressure dialogue with students examination ! Science teaching driven by examination pressure ! Science teaching driven by examination pressure ! ! ! ! UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists Current Issues UK-Japan Young Scientists in Japan UK-Japan Young Scientists in Japan Current Issues ! Lack of Partnership Current Issues in Japan Current Issues in Japan Current Issues in Japan Current IssuesPerformance in Japan ! Declining Japanese ! UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists " between educationalists and schools Lack of Partnership measured internationally Declining Japanese Performance OECD PISA internationally ! measured Declining Japanese Performance ! " between scientists and schools ! Lack of Partnership " between educationalists and schools " between universities and schools educationalists and schools " between scientists and schools measured internationally OECD PISA Declining Birth Rate leading to OECD PISA pool rapidly decreasing student ! Declining Birth Rate leading to rapidly decreasing student poolto ! Declining Birth Rate leading rapidly decreasing student pool ! " betweenIrrelevance scientists and universities and schools ! Practical ofschools most ! ! " between universities andinschools educational research Japan Practical Irrelevance of most educational research Japan Practical Irrelevance of in most educational research in Japan 32 1 1 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. UK-Japan Young Scientists Response to the Challenge UK-Japan Young Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientists Response to the Challenge ! Japanese Universities and Research Institutes are Response to the Challenge developing partnerships with schools ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Japanese Universities and Research Institutes are " Open Laboratory Open Campus Institutes are Japanese and Research developingUniversities partnerships with schools developing partnerships schools " Open Laboratory Open Campus Japanese Government iswith fostering future scientists " " Open Laboratory Open Campus Super Science High School Programme (SSH) Japanese Government is fostering future scientists " ScienceGovernment Partnership Programme (SPP) scientists Japanese is fostering future " Super Science High School Programme (SSH) " Super Science High School Programme (SSH) " Science Partnership Programme (SPP) Why the UK-Japan Young Scientist Partnership " Science Partnership Programme (SPP) Programme is of value to both countries Why the UK-Japan Young Scientist Partnership Why the UK-Japan Young Scientist Partnership Programme is of value to both countries Programme is of value to both countries UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops A Profound Learning Experience UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops A Profound Learning Experience ! experienced as a Real AScience Profound Learning Experience Life Challenge ! Science experienced as a Real ! Science experienced as a Real Life Challenge " where answers are not known Life Challenge ScienceYoung as a Cultural Bridge UK-Japan Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops " " " " " " " " Science as a Cultural Bridge Science astogether a Cultural Bridge working British and ! By students to ! Japanese By working togethercome British ! By working together understand and valueBritish each and Japanese students come to and Japanese students come to other’s culture and form understand andand value each understand andand value lasting friendship… other’s culture andeach form other’s culture andlanguage and formof …thefriendship… common lasting lasting friendship… science …the common language of …the common language of science science where school answers are not known knowledge is put to use where answers are not known where school knowledge is put to use questioning is valued where school knowledge is put to use where questioning is valued they are challenged to be where questioning is valued creative and think for themselves where they are challenged to be where they are challenged to be creative and think for themselves creative and think for themselves UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Science Projects UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops ! ExamplesProjects of Science Projects Science Science Projects " Surrey University, 2006 ! Examples of Science Projects • Sleep Research ! Examples of Science • Nanotechnology " Surrey University, 2006Projects Monitoring the Earth by Satellite • Sleep Research " Surrey University, 2006 EffectsResearch of Global Warming Nanotechnology • Sleep Water resource in developing countries Monitoring the Earth by Satellite • Nanotechnology Effects of Global Warming • Monitoring the Earth by Satellite " Kyoto University of Education, 2007 Water resource developing countries • Effects of GlobalinWarming • Stirling Engine construction and performance • Water resource in developing countries • Immunology " Kyoto University of Education, 2007 plasma physicsconstruction • Stirling Engine and performance " Kyoto University of Education, 2007 microfauna of streams Immunology • Stirling Engine construction and performance • chemistry of carbon transport in natural waters plasma physics Immunology microfauna of streams • plasma physics • chemistry transport in natural waters microfaunaofofcarbon streams • chemistry of carbon transport in natural waters 2 2 2 33 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops What Happens UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops What Happens What Happens ! Post-16 school students ! Post-16 school " from Britain andstudents Japan ! Post-16 school students " from Britain Japanfor a week live and workand together " from Britain and Japan " live and UK-Japanese work together teams for a week in small " live and work together for a week " in small UK-Japanese with scientists on openteams ended projects " in small UK-Japanese teams " with scientists on open finally, the teams giveended publicprojects " with scientists on open ended projects of their " presentations finally, the teams give public " finally, the teams give public achievements presentations of their presentations achievements of their achievements UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Teachers UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Teachers Teachers Teachers accompany the students to ! Teachers thepart students to " observe accompany but do not take in projects ! Teachers accompany the students to " but do not take part in projects " observe provide pastoral support " observe but do not take part in projects " pastoral support " provide share their own experiences with " provide pastoral support teachers from other country " share their ownthe experiences with " share their own experiences with (Teachers’ Workshop) teachers from the other country teachers from the other country Workshop) " (Teachers’ take the experience back to their (Teachers’ Workshop) schools " take the experience back to their " take the experience back to their schools schools ! 3 3 3 34 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops The Scientists Outcomes ! working with Clifton ScientificTrust, the scientists taking part ! develop projects related to their own work specifically for the Workshop " develop their own skills in relating their work in appropriate ways to challenge and motivate young people " Outcomes are measured by " the quality of the team presentations " detailed evaluation completed by all participants… changed perceptions of science and of life " open ended student responses " continued impact reported by the schools following the Workshop UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops The Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops OutcomesStudent Views ! working with Clifton ScientificTrust, Outcomes UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops ! ! ! Outcomes- a Teacher’s view ! the scientists taking part at the beginning of the week, " develop projects related to theirbut own communication was a problem, work specifically for the Workshop now it has been overcome and everything is exciting.. " develop their own skills in relating their work in appropriate ways challenge it has made me realise howtomuch differences we all have, yet we all have and motivate young people so much in common and can enjoy our differences instead of having conflicts ! [it] was awe inspiring… it has changed me and my outlook on life and science. I cannot thank you enough Outcomes are measured by " the quality of the team presentations It was amazing to watch the teams " detailedfrom evaluation completed by all transform two groups of students participants… changed from Japan and UK into oneperceptions group of of science andyoung of lifepeople wrestling bright, intelligent with a problem. The benefits of this are " open ended student responses obvious. There is no better way for my students to learn that scienceby is the an " continued impact reported international activitythe underpinned schools following Workshopby UK teacher 2007 Workshop collaboration. UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops The Scientists UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Outcomes- Student Views UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Outcomes- a Teacher’s view Outcomes Kyoto 2004 UK-Japan ! Outcomes are measured by Young Scientist " the quality of theWorkshop team presentations ! It was amazing to watch the teams working with Clifton ScientificTrust, the scientists taking Where now? ! at the beginning of the part week, ! communication was a problem, " develop projects related to theirbut own transform two groups of students " detailedfrom evaluation completed by all from Japan and UK into oneperceptions group of participants… changed bright, intelligent of science andyoung of lifepeople wrestling with a problem. The benefits of this are " open ended student responses obvious. There is no better way for my students to learn that science is an " continued impact reported by the international activity underpinned schools following the Workshopby UK teacher 2007 Workshop collaboration. it is has beensetting overcome and free ! now This about work specifically for thestudents Workshop ! ! ! everything is exciting.. to learn from realskills life in challenge " develop theiraown relating their itand has made me realise how to learn from each other… work in appropriate ways tomuch challenge differences we all have, yet we all have and motivate young people science provides the cultural so much in common and can bridge. enjoy our differences instead of having conflicts We are now looking for ways in which [it] awecan inspiring… it has changed thiswas model be extended. me and my outlook on life and science. I cannot thank you enough Hosted at Ritsumeikan University Biwako Kusatsu Campus, Kyoto UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops OutcomesViews UK-Japan Young Student Scientist Workshops Outcomesa Teacher’s view Kyoto 2004 UK-Japan Where now?of the week, at the beginning Young Scientist Workshop ! ! communication was a problem, but ! now Thisit is about students has beensetting overcome and free everything is exciting.. to learn from a real life challenge learnme from each other… itand hasto made realise how much differences we all the have, yet we all have science provides cultural bridge. so much in common and can enjoy our differences instead of having conflicts ! We are now looking for ways in which ! ! thiswas model be extended. [it] awecan inspiring… it has changed me and my outlook on life and science. I cannot thank you enough It was amazing to watch the teams transform from two groups of students from Japan and UK into one group of bright, intelligent young people wrestling with a problem. The benefits of this are obvious. There is no better way for my students to learn that science is an international activity underpinned by UK teacher 2007 Workshop collaboration. 4 Hosted at Ritsumeikan University Biwako Kusatsu Campus, Kyoto 35 UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops Where now? Kyoto 2004 UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshop 4 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Quality Evaluation of RECs – Necessary? Dispensable? Counterproductive? What for? Wolfgang Mackens, Hamburg University of Technology Recently, RECs received questionnaires that asked for structures as well as for qualities. Is politics looking for rules to rule RECs? Is autonomy – one of the key features of RECS – in danger? RECs have become – and they should remain – autonomous educational research-laboratories for the development of new school education. “Diversity” is another characteristic of RECs, which would be lost by lumping them together. Eventually, RECs want to improve research. High quality research can only be measured by its final Mackens, Prof. oftime, Applied Mathematics, impact after quite time. Hence, RECs have to beWolfgang given enough too. Qualitysome Evaluation of RECs Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International InstitutW.Mackens of Numerical Simulation, HamburgConference University of . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Technology, responsible for Wolfgang Mackens, of Applied Mathematics, Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality EvaluationProf. of RECs International InstitutW.Mackens of Numerical Simulation, HamburgConference University of . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Technology, responsible for Wolfgang Mackens, Prof. of Applied Mathematics, Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International InstitutW.Mackens of Numerical Simulation, HamburgConference University of . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Technology, responsible for International Conference . . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of‘Take RECs – Form-it part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens . Necessary? Dispensable? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs – Counterproductive? Necessary? What for? Dispensable? Counterproductive? Quality Evaluation of RECs – Wolfgang Mackens What for? Dispensable? Necessary? Counterproductive? Wolfgang Mackens What for? th th th th th th th th Wolfgang Mackens Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs Network of 36 cooperating schools International Conference W.Mackens . W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 School-Lab Courses for Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation NetworkofofRECs 36 cooperating schools Initiative NaT Ltd International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 W.Mackens . Necessary? Dispensable? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs – Counterproductive? Necessary? What for? Dispensable? Counterproductive? Quality Evaluation of RECs – Wolfgang Mackens Institute of Numerical Simulation What for? Necessary? Dispensable? Hamburg University of Technology Counterproductive? Wolfgang Mackens Germany Institute of Numerical Simulation What for? th th th Hamburg University of Technology Wolfgang Mackens Germany Institute of Numerical Simulation Hamburg University of Technology Germany, Jugend baut university courses NextLevel Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference W.Mackens . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Robotics (Co) Organizing School-Lab Courses for the gifted Create (education) fairs Network of 36qualified cooperating schools Information Robotics fresh(wo)men (Co) Organizing events NORTEC, School-Lab Einstieg Create Courses for the gifted for (education) fairs Open House at TUHH... Information qualified TUHH Robotics fresh(wo)men events (Co)NextLevel Organizing NORTEC, Einstieg Create for More Competitions (education) fairs Open House at TUHH... Information qualified TUHH Highschool-students take fresh(wo), eventsJugend baut NextLevel university courses NORTEC, Einstieg for More Competitions Initiative NaT Ltd Open House at TUHH... Highschool-students take TUHH Highschool-students take university courses . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Quality Evaluation of‘Take RECs – Form-it part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs the gifted International Conference th . More Competitions, Jugend baut Initiative NaT Ltd Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference 12 to 14 of March 2008 It comes intoVienna, vogue „Quality of RECs“. Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ but th to evaluate the Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conference Quality. of high International quality Vienna, 12 toresearch 14 of March 2008 can not be measured directly. Quality of high quality research can not be measured directly. Due to Goedel a logical system can only Quality of high quality research be understood by a more complex system.. can not be measured directly. International Conference th . Quality Evaluation of RECs . It comes intoVienna, vogue 12 to 14 of March 2008 to evaluate the „Quality of RECs“. but W.Mackens . W.Mackens th What is „quality of a REC“? It comes into vogue to evaluate the „Quality of RECs“. might WhatItsisdefinition „quality ofinvolve a REC“? but the quality of it‘s components? Itsisdefinition might What „quality ofinvolve a REC“? How do you measure the quality of th th Due to Goedel a logical system can only be understood by a more complex system.. the quality of it‘s components? Research ? Education? Cooperation? Its definition might involve How do you measure the quality of the quality of it‘s components? Research ? Education? Cooperation? Due to Goedel a logical system can only be understood by a more complex system.. How do you measure the quality of Research ? Education? Cooperation? 1 1 36 1 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens . to 14measured of March 2008 High quality researchVienna, can12be Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs only by its impact. International Conference W.Mackens . to 14measured of March 2008 High quality researchVienna, can12be only by its impact. This might be observable not before High quality research can be measured hundreds – or at least „some“ - years only by its impact. This its might be observable before after results have been not published. hundreds – or at least „some“ - years This its might be observable before after haveresearch: been not published. Example ofresults high-quality hundreds – or at least „some“ - years after itsofresults have beenNewton; published. Example high-quality research: m a=F (Isaac 1687) th th . W.Mackens th . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Conjecture: th . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Education has to be measured by impact, too .. and Conjecture: impact of high quality education needs a little time, as well Education has to be measured by impact, too .. and Conjecture: impact of high quality education needs a little time, as well Education has to be measured by impact, too .. and impact of high quality education needs a little time, as well Example of m high-quality research: a = F (Isaac Newton; 1687) m a = F (Isaac Newton; 1687) Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ PROBLEM 1: W.Mackens . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Politicians want results hic at nunc. Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 International Conference th Quite some RECs want to improve research Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ via improvement of education International Conference W.Mackens . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 (by confrontation with research) Quite some RECs want to improve research Quality Evaluation of RECs th . Quality Evaluation of RECs th PROBLEM 1: W.Mackens . Actions taken by politicians fruit Vienna,have 12 to 14toofyield March 2008 Politicians want results hic at nunc. early within the actual legislative period PROBLEM 1: to taken support desiredhave reelection Actions bytheir politicians to yield fruit Politicians want results hic at nunc. early within the actual legislative period Politicians have to initiate actions continuously support desiredhave reelection politicians to yield fruit in Actions orderto totaken be in by thetheir newspapers every week with early within the actual period Good, good, goodlegislative evaluations Politicians have to initiate actions continuously to support their desired reelection inThe order to be inchopping the newspapers every at week with resulting and changing school Good, good, good evaluations have initiate continuously isPoliticians certainly one oftothe very actions main reasons for the inThe order to be in the newspapers every at week with many educational shortcomings. resulting chopping and changing school th International Conference th via improvement of education (by confrontation research) Quite some RECs want with to improve research via improvement of education (by confrontation with research) Positive effects of RECs might be seen only after rather a long time. Positive effects of RECs might be seen only after rather a long time. th Good, evaluations is certainly onegood, of the good very main reasons for the many educational shortcomings. The resulting chopping and changing at school Positive effects of RECs might be seen only after rather a long time. is certainly one of the very main reasons for the many educational shortcomings. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . . . W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ W.Mackens Problem 2: Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ . Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ EvenW.Mackens if there is capacity International to set up aConference hic-et-nuncProblem 2: . Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 quality-detection-process for RECs, I am Even if there to setinupgeneral. a hic-et-nuncconvinced thatisitcapacity is not useful, Problem 2: quality-detection-process for RECs, I am In our School_Lab we use to ask visitors whether Even if there to setinupgeneral. a hic-et-nuncconvinced thatisitcapacity is not useful, the visit pleased them, whether they I found quality-detection-process for RECs, am some In our School_Lab we use to ask visitors whether enthusiasm for itscience now.... convinced that is not useful, in general. the visit pleased them, whether they found some In ourthat‘s School_Lab we use to ask visitors enthusiasm fornot,what science now.... But we want towhether know. the visit pleased them, whether they found some enthusiasm science now.... But that‘sfornot,what we want to know. Conference Message International toVienna, politics: 12 to 14 of March 2008 th . Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Quality Evaluation of RECs Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference th th Give us more time. Message to politics: & Give us more time. to more politics: time! Give Message schools & Give us more time. To find out, what‘s good. Give schools & more time! To find out, what‘s Give schools more good. time! To find out, what‘s good. th But that‘s not,what we want to know. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 2 REC REC DD contest-2003 NWPs Nobel prize winners 2048 Our situation is similar to that of the US immigration authorities. 2 There you have to fill in questionnaires which ask 2 o whether you want to kill the American president, o whether you are a member of some dangerous gang like Al Quaida or the like. REC but... 37 o o whether you are a member of some dangerous whether want to kill the American president, gang likeyou Al Quaida oor the whether like. you are a member of some dangerous gang like Al Quaida REC Nobel prize winners 2048 Form – it “Take Part Nobel in Research” prize winners 2048 REC or the like. but... but... Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ . th W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs I further suggest that W.Mackens . . I suggest W.Mackens to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference and Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12 The Al-Quaida-man knows the answer The Al-Quaida-man but won‘t tell, knows the answer but won‘t tell, and W.Mackens Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 to define general quality criteria to INot suggest judge and assess a REC from outside Not to define general quality criteria to judge and assess a REC from outside but the young people would like to tell thebut young theypeople do would like to tell not yet know. but they do not yet know. To look for properties, attributes and but features of RECs which are felt to be To lookinfor properties, useful setting up andattributes running and RECs features ofhelp RECs felt to be that might to which createare NPWs useful in setting up and running RECs that might help to create NPWs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ . Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Diversity of RECS will not be given up I further suggest that • RECs will not be streamlined. • Diversity of RECS will not be given up • RECs will not be subject to a set of rules being • RECs not bethe streamlined. definedwill outside RECs •but RECs will not be subject to a set of rules being that instead defined outside the RECs • School-curricula-designers adopt qualities that are but that useful instead found in RECS, and are allowed to do so. •• School-curricula-designers qualities that are. diversity of RECs finds adopt its way into schools found useful in RECS, and are allowed to do so. Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 RECs are and should stay RECs are and should stay Research-laboratories for the development Research-laboratories for the of new school education. development of new school education. • diversity of RECs finds its way into schools. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Success? Success? Competition is in its eighth year W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ . Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 3 1. Year 3 W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ . W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Overlooking the years we find some suggestions: Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs 2003 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference 1. Year Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference Daniel-Düsentrieb Competition is in its eighth year Daniel-Düsentrieb Quality Evaluation of RECs . . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 2003 Overlooking the years we find asome suggestions: 1. Teachers and pupils like building PRODUCT. 2. The task must be open ended an hard enough. 1. Teachers and pupils like building a PRODUCT. 3. Too many industrial partners will tie up resources 2. The task must be open ended an hard enough. 4. Partnerships between industry and schools need 3. Too many industrial partners will tie up resources continuous moderation. 2004 2006 2007 2006 2007 2004 4. Partnerships between industry and schools need continuous moderation. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 The 2008- group of 33 supporters 38 W.Mackens . Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Network of cooperating schools International Conference . Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 School-Lab Courses for the gifted Network of cooperating schools Exhibiting at School-Lab Create Robotics Courses for the gifted 2. The task must be open ended an hard enough. 2004 3. Too many industrial partners will tie up resources 2007 2006 4. Partnerships between industry and schools need continuous moderation. Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Quality Evaluation of RECs International Conference W.Mackens Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Network of cooperating schools School-Lab The 2008- group of 33 supporters Exhibiting at (education) fairs NORTEC, Einstieg NextLevel Highschool-students take university courses Courses for the gifted Robotics Create qualified freshmen for TUHH Information events Open House at TUHH... More Competitions, Jugend baut Initiative NaT Ltd Quality Evaluation of RECs W.Mackens . Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 4 Thank you for your attention 39 5 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. What are Good Practices of Research Education Cooperation REC? WS 1 Results Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy, Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Ministry of Education, Austria, Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report International Conference Workshop 1 Report International Conference Workshop 1 Report Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Conference Report General assumptions International Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 What are Good Practices of Research Education Cooperation REC? What are Good Practices of Workshop 1 Report Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy Research Education Cooperation REC? •General Diversityassumptions is a richness, also in the educational environment: RECs diversity needs to be maintained •• REC quality related toalso contexts, society and school Diversity is aisrichness, in the educational needs environment: RECs diversity needs to be maintained Goodquality cooperation andto mutual benefits areand the school basis of •• REC is related contexts, society good RECs needs Networks at regional, international level seem •• Good cooperation andnational, mutual benefits are the basis of to be good good RECscontexts for improving the quality of RECs Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Min.of Education, Austria Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Workshop 1 Report Michela Mayer, SSIS, Università di Roma Tre, Italy Referents: Gunther Pfaffenwimmer, Min.of Education, Austria Dr. Eric Albone Robert Lorenz, Freie Universitat of Berlin Dr. Toru Okano Prof. Wolfgang Mackens Referents: Dr. Eric Albone Dr. Toru Okano Prof. Wolfgang Mackens • Networks at regional, national, international level seem to be good contexts for improving the quality of RECs Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Workshop 1 Report International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops International Conference Report A Profound Learning Experience Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Dr. Albone Dr. Okano UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops • Science experienced A Profound Learning Experience Dr. Albone Dr. Okano th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 How do you measure the quality of International Conference Report Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Research ? Education? Cooperation? How do you measure the quality of High quality research Research ? Education? Cooperation? as a Real Life Challenge – where answers are not known as a • Science experienced Real Life Challenge – where school knowledge is put to use and high quality education Highbe quality research cannot measured directly Due high to Goedelquality a logical system can only and education be understood by a more complex system cannot be measured directly . – where answers areisnot known questioning valued they areknowledge challengedis to beto use – where school put creative and think for themselves – where questioning is valued – In International RECs science provides a cultural bridge – where they are challenged to be creative and think for themselves – In International RECs science provides a cultural bridge Due to Goedel a logical system can only Important positive of system RECs are be understood by a effects more complex . time seen only after a long Important positive effects of RECs are Prof. Mackens seen only after a long time Prof. Mackens Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report International Conference Prof. Mackens Workshop 1 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Workshop 1 Report REC Conference International Report DD contest-2003 REC Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Report International REC Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 1 Prof. Mackens Workshop 1 RECs Report Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 DD contest-2003 REC DD contest-2003 REC Prof. Mackens REC REC but... Nobel prize winners 2048 Nobel prize winners 2048 Vienna, 12th to 14 th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ are and should stay International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Educational research-laboratories RECs are and should stay for the development and should stay Educational research-laboratories ofRECs neware school education for the development Educational of new research-laboratories school education for the development Prof. Mackens of new school education REC prize winners 2048 Nobel REC Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference but... Prof. Mackens but... Prof. Mackens 1 1 40 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Workshop 1 Report Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 th ‘Take part but research‘ Workshop 1 •REC ‘Authentic science’ not point onlyForm-it inof research also in quality from the view ofin the image of International Conference Report applications (medicine, professional robotics, 12 to 14 of March telecom..) 2008 Science and Technology inVienna, Society • Enables creativity but not only providing entertainment •REC ‘Authentic not point only inof research also in qualityscience’ from the view ofbut the image of • Shows uncertainties of science and gives the telecom..) possibility professional applications (medicine, robotics, Science in Society to say ‘I and don’tTechnology know’ • Enables creativity but not only providing entertainment • Asks ‘Authentic science’ research in for minds (andnot notonly onlyinhands) on but the also experiments • Shows uncertainties of science and gives the possibility professional applications (medicine, robotics, • to Gives for different solutions (opentelecom..) ended say opportunity ‘I don’t know’ • Enables creativity butdebate not only providing entertainment problems) and foster • Asks for minds (and not only hands) on the experiments • Shows uncertainties science and gives the possibility Offers the opportunityoffor ‘frustration’ • to Gives for different solutions (open ended say opportunity ‘I don’t know’ problems) and foster debate • Asks for minds (and not only hands) on the experiments • Offers the opportunity for ‘frustration’ • Gives opportunity for different solutions (open ended problems) and foster debate • Offers the opportunity for ‘frustration’ th Workshop 1 Report th •• • • • • • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take in research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from the point of part view of the International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 pupil Report interest and ownership Form-it ‘Take in research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from of part view of the • Is fascinating …. the point International Conference Report Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 and ownership •pupil Asksinterest to be active Links head and quality from the point of view of the •REC Is fascinating ….heart •pupil Asksinterest for social cooperation and understanding and ownership to be active •• •• • •• • • • • th th th th th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take in research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from the point of part view of the International Conference Report Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 teachers Form-it ‘Take inlearning research‘ •REC Shows the value of science and science Workshop 1 quality from the point of part view of the Conference Report the crucial roleInternational •teachers Recognizes ofVienna, science 12 to 14teachers of March 2008 • Is challenging but not frustrating •REC Shows the value of science and science learning quality from the point of view of the • Involves team works and offers new points of view on • science Recognizes the crucial role of science teachers teachers education th th th th • • • • •• • • • • • Is challenging buttime not frustrating Provides enough for co-evolution Shows the value of science and science learning Involves team works and offers new points of view on (teachers/pupils/researchers) Recognizes the crucial role of science teachers science education Offers possibilities for professional development, Is challenging but not frustrating Provides enough for co-evolution school and societytime recognition Involves team works and offers new points of view on (teachers/pupils/researchers) Asks for education teacher´s own research (action research) science Offers possibilities for professional development, Provides enough for co-evolution school and societytime recognition • (teachers/pupils/researchers) Asks for teacher´s own research (action research) • Offers possibilities for professional development, school and society recognition • Asks for teacher´s own research (action research) Is fascinating open ended Links head and Is ….heart Asks for products (material or immaterial) social cooperation and understanding Asks to be active Asks for evidence based autonomous thinking Is open ended Links head and heart Gives feelings of competence and ownership products (material or immaterial) Asks for social cooperation and understanding Asks forended evidence based autonomous thinking Is open Givesfor feelings of competence and ownership Asks products (material or immaterial) Asks for evidence based autonomous thinking Gives feelings of competence and ownership Workshop 1 Report th pupilsscientists and teachers Asks to reflect on their own Offers a possibility to communicate their assumptions from schoolsthrough / public Is inspiring findings, aimsand andlearn beliefs to society Is a challenge for communication pupils and teachers Asks scientists to their reflect on their own abilities assumptions Is inspiring and learn from schools / public Is a challenge communication Asks scientistsfor to their reflect on their own abilities assumptions and learn from schools / public Is a challenge for their communication abilities Workshop 1 Report International Conference th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take in research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from the point of part view of International Conference Report Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 scientists involved Form-it ‘Take in research‘ Workshop 1 quality from the point of part view of •REC Offers a possibility to communicate their International Conference Report 12 to 14 of March 2008 scientists involved findings, aims and beliefsVienna, to society through pupils and teachers quality from the point of view of •REC Offers a possibility to communicate their •scientists Is inspiring involved findings, aims and beliefs to society through Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from the point of view of the image of International Conference Report 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science and Technology inVienna, Society th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 1 Report International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part research‘ Workshop 1 REC quality from the point of view ofinthe school International Conference Report and the image of science learning teaching Vienna, 12 toand 14 of March 2008 Workshop 1 Questions Report to be Form-it ‘Take part research‘ •REC Asksquality for a bottom-up Workshop 1 approach from the point of view ofinthe school • LooksReport questions and not onlyInternational for solutions Conference and theforimage of science learning teaching Vienna, 12 toand 14 of March 2008 ‘Take in research‘ • WhatWorkshop is the meaning science’ atpart different age levels? 1 of ‘authenticForm-it International Conference toofbe researched •Questions WhatReport is the level understanding of basicthprinciples we can reach to 14th of March 2008 (or we want to reach in a REC)? Is Vienna, it ‘real12science’ or a Trojan horse teaching ‘school science’? • for What is the meaning of ‘authentic science’ at different age levels? How could the acquired knowledge to other RECs? Questions tooftransfer be researched •• What is theRECs level understanding of basic principles we can reach What transferred and what ‘unique’? (or wecould want be to reach in a REC)? Is it is‘real science’ or a Trojan horse • for What instruments doscience’? we have for evaluating the effects of RECs? teaching ‘school • What is the meaning of ‘authentic science’ at different age levels? to build a long-term benefit into theknowledge life of the school? •• How transfer the acquired to other RECs? Whatcould is theRECs level of understanding of basic principles we can reach What transferred and what ‘unique’? (or wecould want be to reach in a REC)? Is it is‘real science’ or a Trojan horse • for What instruments doscience’? we have for evaluating the effects of RECs? teaching ‘school to build a long-term into theknowledge life of the school? • How could RECs transferbenefit the acquired to other RECs? What could be transferred and what is ‘unique’? • What instruments do we have for evaluating the effects of RECs? • How to build a long-term benefit into the life of the school? th th th th • Shows the complexity of science and of science research •REC Asks for aonbottom-up Is based ‘authentic’ problems realof research, quality from approach the point(real of life, view the school real pupils´ concerns) • Looks questions and not only for solutions and theforimage ofvisible science learning and teaching • Makes (offers and newofeyes to look at the world) Shows the invisible complexity of science science research • Asks interdisciplinarity for a Is based onbottom-up ‘authentic’approach problems (real life, real research, real pupils´ concerns) • Uses team work Looks for questions and not only for solutions Makes therole invisible visible (offers and newofeyes to look at the world) • Provides models Shows complexity of science science research • Asks forimplemented interdisciplinarity Can be the school Is based on ‘authentic’into problems (realcurriculum life, real research, real pupils´ concerns) • Uses team work Makes therole invisible visible (offers new eyes to look at the world) • Provides models • Asks forimplemented interdisciplinarity Can be into the school curriculum • Uses team work • Provides role models • Can be implemented into the school curriculum Workshop 1 Report Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference researched Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 2 Message to policy makers: Give RECs more time and support to find out what‘s good there are no short-term solutions 2 2 41 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3.3.2. Wo r k s h o p 2 : H o w t o r e a l i s e g o o d c o o p e r a t i o n p r o j e c t s ? reported by Atje Drexler and Louise Baker, Robert Bosch Stiftung Introduction Workshop 2 posed the question, “what are the deciding factors in making a REC successful and sustainable”? Before trying to answer this question the workshop participants heard good practice examples from two speakers: Yves Quéré, physicist and co-founder of “La main à la pâte”, a programme concerning the renovation of science education in French primary schools, with a large number of international interactions; and Heinz Lingen, Head Teacher of a secondary school in Jülich, near Aachen in Germany, which is very much focussed on the development of cooperation models for schools, science and economy and who has been able to turn a successful REC into a sustainable addition to the school. In both examples the involvement of regional and national institutions was essential in ensuring that the activities were transformed from projects with a limited timeframe to long term activities with considerable educational impact. The motivation and engagement of the teachers involved was also clearly highlighted. Approach The workshop was divided into two groups. Group A concentrated on the criteria needed for setting up and establishing a successful REC, whilst Group B discussed the stabilisation and dissemination of a REC. In their individual groups, participants where asked to name upto three criteria, which they personally considered to be essential for that particular theme. The two groups then discussed these criteria before clustering them together in order find common themes as well as structuring the results. At the end of the workshop the two groups came back together and presented their results to each other. The results were discussed intensely so that a combined summary could be compiled. Results The following conclusions were drawn up as a direct result of the workshop discussions: When setting up a REC, the importance of researching or exploring, which RECs are already available in and around the institution’s area was emphasised. This research is imperative when setting up a new project in order to ensure that a similar project is not already being carried out within the region. Searching and finding suitable, competent partners was also considered to be key when starting up a REC and the importance of good personal relationships with all partners was not to be underestimated. Determining the benefits and motivation of all partners involved in a REC could be a way of establishing whether a potential partner was suitable or not. This could be done on either an individual basis or on a wider scale, depending on the project. The group believed that it is essential that all partners are clear and honest to each other about why they are involved in the REC and what they aim to get out of it in order to avoid discovering any hidden agendas at a later stage, as well as ensuring that there is a shared vision for all involved. A formal agreement should be drawn up between project partners so that responsibilities, tasks, project structure, resource input and availability are clearly defined and agreed upon. Partners should also agree on the project culture, respecting the different mindsets of the schools and research institutions. Securing the acceptance of the initiative at an institutional level, for example from the Head Teachers of the schools involved was a further criterion to be met when setting up a REC. It was agreed that in order to be successful, a REC requires not only organisational development from both sides, but also personal development of those involved. Consequently, those involved may have to accept a different role within the project to the one that they practice in their professional, daily lives and must be open to new ideas and agendas. The structural differences in each institution should also be acknowledged and respected. The creation of a network, especially between teachers, as well as for recruiting others to help with the setting up and running of the REC was also a further factor for success. Enlisting helpers and alliances ensures that project responsibility is not left to just one person, but delegated to a number of individuals. No only does this have organisation benefits, but it also ensures continuity. It was also decided that there should be a Liaison Officer for each partner institution in order to ease communication between project partners. 42 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. When deciding on how a REC could be transferred from a short term project into a long term activity the group was adamant that the REC needed to become part of the institution’s mission, once again underpinning the importance of institutional commitment as well as devoted leadership. The dissemination of the benefits of the REC to all levels, in order to establish institutional ownership, was underlined. The group agreed that for a REC to be developed in the long term there needed to be a stable and reliable framework in place so that activities could be planned and implemented successfully, even if personnel changes occur. This factor was then extended to include a framework policy and the group was convinced that reliable education policies and funding schemes were essential for a REC’s sustainability. The usefulness of feedback loops so that the REC can be modified and optimised throughout the project was highlighted. Evaluation should be part of the project and implemented throughout as opposed to just being carried out at the end of the project. In order to ensure that the REC had a long term future the next generation of children, students, teacher and researchers should be involved as early as possible, as it is they who will continue to develop the project at later stage. Finally, financial resources need to be secured and so it was recommended that local and regional stakeholders should become involved. Input statements The French "Le main à la pate" program as an example for a nationwide REC Yves Quéré, Académie des Sciences, France Synergetic Effects and Impediments in the Colaboration between Secondary and Tertiary Educational Sectors – from a High School Perspective Heinz Lingen, Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Jülich Precisely defined objectives ... Synergetic Effects and Impediments in the Colaboration between Secondary and Synergetic Effects andSectors Impediments Tertiary Educational – from in a the Colaboration between Secondary and High School Perspective Tertiary Educational Sectors – from a High School Perspective offer a didactic framework and help address target groups, Precisely defined objectives ... are a aprerequisite of cost effectiveness for alltarget parties offer didactic framework and help address involved, groups, provide protectionof against unauthorized are a prerequisite cost effectiveness forcurricula, all parties involved, prevent unfocused aims and improve communication amongprotection institutions and their representatives, provide against unauthorized curricula, help to avoid curricular redundancies and ineffective prevent unfocused aims and improve communication "educational tourism". among institutions and their representatives, help to avoid curricular redundancies and ineffective Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: "educational tourism". Heinz Lingen, Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Jülich Heinz German Lingen, Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Jülich Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 German Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 A consensual choice of appropriate measures ... A consensual choice of appropriate presupposes a knowledge of specific measures ... methods, Allocation of responsibilities on the basis of respective resources and competencies Allocation of responsibilities on the basis of A differentiated of respective resources and respectiveanalysis resources and competencies their allocation enhance synergetic effects and help a straining of resources. A avoid differentiated analysis of respective resources and their allocation enhance synergetic effects and help Without clear–cut arrangements regarding resources avoid a straining of resources. and competencies synergetic effects are bound to be inefficient and to fail expectations. Without clear–cut arrangements regarding resources and competencies synergetic effects are bound to be inefficient and to fail expectations. ensures that the competencies of of the involved presupposes knowledge of specificsynergies, methods, institutionsaachieve the intended ensures the competencies of ofand the increases involved providesthat target group orientation institutions and achieve the intended motivation focussed learningsynergies, in the student body thus guaranteeing optimal learning provides target group orientation andoutcome. increases motivation and focussed learning in the student body thus guaranteeing optimal learning outcome. Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Orientation towards students' prior knowledge yields positive results ... Orientation towards students' prior in case of educators and scientists engaging in knowledge yields positive results ... colaborative planning, if are encouraged to prepare subjectinlists and instudents case of educators and scientists engaging questionaires prior to workshops, colaborative planning, if resources areencouraged provided that bridge the gap between students are to prepare subject lists and prior knowlegde, curricular standards and the questionaires prior to workshops, respectiveare state of scientific research. if resources provided that bridge the gap between 43 Three prerequisites that ensure long-term learning efficiency ... Three prerequisites that ensure long-term 1. With respect learning to high school education: efficiency ... A science-based culture that provides ample 1. opportunity With respectfor to scientists, high school education: students and teachers to interact must be a primary concern. ample A science-based culture that provides opportunity for scientists, studentsshould and teachers to The various forms of collaboration meet with interact must be a primary concern. due appreciation. their allocation enhance synergetic effects and help avoid a straining of resources. Without clear–cut arrangements regarding resources and competencies synergetic effects are bound to be inefficient and to fail expectations. ensures that the competencies of of the involved institutions achieve the intended synergies, provides target group orientation and increases motivation and focussed learning in the student body thus guaranteeing optimal learning outcome. Form – it “Take Part in Research” Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Orientation towards students' prior knowledge yields positive results ... Three prerequisites that ensure long-term learning efficiency ... Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. in case of educators and scientists engaging in colaborative planning, if students are encouraged to prepare subject lists and questionaires prior to workshops, if resources are provided that bridge the gap between prior knowlegde, curricular standards and the respective state of scientific research. 1. With respect to high school education: A science-based culture that provides ample opportunity for scientists, students and teachers to interact must be a primary concern. The various forms of collaboration should meet with due appreciation. Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Three prerequisites that ensure long-term learning efficiency ... long-term Three prerequisites that ensure Three prerequisites that ensure long-term learning efficiency ... long-term Three prerequisites that ensure 3. With respect learning to the involved government efficiency ... departments: 3. With respect to the involved government Colloboration between tertiary / secondary education departments: and scientific research centres should be given a high Colloboration between tertiary / secondary education priority. and scientific research centres should be given a high Collaboration between tertiary / secondary education priority. and scientific research centres require adequate Collaboration between tertiary / secondary education funding. and scientific research centres require adequate Innovative funding. forms of collaboration involving Youth Education Centres should be encouraged. Innovative forms of collaboration involving Youth EducationScience Centres should be Bosch encouraged. Foundation / Robert Foundation: efficiency ... centres: 2. With respect learning to universities and research Workshops musttobeuniversities oriented towards the cognitive and 2. With respect and research centres: didactic dynamics at the secondary level Workshops must be oriented towards the cognitive and Quality standards concerning collaborative didactic dynamics at the secondary level workshops involving the tertiary and secondary levels will have Quality standards concerning collaborative workshops to be defined involving the tertiary and secondary levels will have "Flashes in the pan" should be avoided and those to be defined involved should come down on the side of long-term "Flashes in the pan" should be avoided and those collaborative strategies. involved should come down on the side of long-term Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: collaborative strategies. Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Science Foundation / Robert Bosch Foundation: Science in Education, Berlin 7.6. – 8.6.2004 Special thanks go to the following institutions and corporations for their financial and practical support in advancing Special thanks between go to theuniversity following/institutions and corporations collaboration scientific research and high for their financial and practical support in advancing school communities collaboration between university / scientific research and high school communities Organisations that collaborate with Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Jülich Organisations that collaborate with Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Jülich 44 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3.3.3. Wo r k s h o p 3 : C o u l d a n R E C b e a n e l e m e n t o f m o d e r n s c i e n c e ed uc a ti on? reported by Dirk Hillebrandt1, Regula Kyburz-Graber2, Christine Gerloff-Gasser2, Katharina KohseHöinghaus3, and Edith Oberkofler4 1IPN Leibniz-Institute for the Education of Science, Kiel, Germany of Zurich, Institute for Teacher Education, Switzerland 3University of Bielefeld; teutolab Chemistry (REC at the University of Bielefeld), Germany 4HBLA Ursprung; Tick Patrol (REC at HBLA Ursprung), Austria 2University Can a REC be an element of modern science education? This was the leading question for the authors and the participants of Workshop 3. Everyone knew that there would be no definite answer to this. But the workshop provided the opportunity to come up with an appropriate diagnosis of the current European situation, practical suggestions about current and future needs, and necessary developments: Teachers, teacher trainers, scientists, and educational researchers from eight European countries with different professional background met for the purpose of trying to give at least a provisional answer to this difficult but urging question. We found the short answer to be: RECs in their various forms of appearance are a necessary element of modern science education. For various reasons, they provide an adequate learning environment for dealing with science. However, and as always in our business (of science education), there is a “but” to this … so the long answer is more complex. But we all agreed on one aspect: the beauty of RECs lies in their diversity. Looking for change on all system levels while keeping this diversity alive is our main motivation. The longer, more detailed, but nevertheless still fragmentary and incomplete answer after the workshop therefore reads: Science education needs resources particularly with regard to time, demanding a great amount of flexibility, and has to aim at the understanding of basic concepts in context. It is based on the openness and the preparedness of all actors to changes. Future science education accounting for and incorporating RECs leads to the re-thinking of learning environments, e.g. the classroom setting, materials used, tasks to develop, and experiments to be conducted. The development and formation of sustainable networks in order to promote professional (teacher) development is one major task for the future, especially among teachers, teacher education institutions, and science. Cooperation, interaction, and systemic support during pre-service and inservice training as well as in further education of teachers are essential for a successful change. During the workshop quite a lot of different aspects and details to be considered have been mentioned. This short report cannot possibly give every detail on, but the following lists reflect the main topics of our lively discussions. Visions of modern Science Education In order to change science education the following fields are important: On the level of society and culture, one of the main challenges is to give science (and science education) a face. One purpose is to help the public to understand science. This comprises the language used to describe important scientific topics as well as showing the necessary links between science, research and every day life. Science is an ongoing (often interdisciplinary) process, which is changing along the course but nevertheless deals with real problems important to all members of a society. In order to make people understand this complex nature of science the scientists therefore themselves have to understand the needs of the public. The goal is to create a culture of science in which all participants respect each other and understand the respective needs. RECs are able to bridge the existing gap because they are bringing science to everyday life in order to improve understanding. Showing the relevance of science to everyday life is a central effect of the work of RECs. The key effect of RECs is that they offer a whole bunch of different approaches to learning science. This goes from introducing scientific results with the help of simple experiments up to enquiry-based learning approaches which are quite similar to the “real” scientific enterprise. The potential for possible innovation to science education is – apart from the aforementioned diversity – a second key feature of 45 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. RECs, which is to be preserved while integrating these approaches to formal schooling. Loosing this focus could mean loosing the potential of bringing about change. Changing the learning environment by changing the approaches to acquire knowledge is one way by which RECs can change future education of science. The other important way is to change the way science is taught and teachers are trained. Keeping in mind that teachers are able to multiply the positive effects of RECs, this is a rather powerful instrument in order to bring about change. It is our opinion that RECs should play a major and central role in future education and training of science teachers. This includes amongst others the design of flexible work time budgets, systemic support to be able to take advantage of RECs, the implementation and support of networks among teachers themselves and among teachers and scientists (science coaches, tandems), as well as money (grants). In the beginning, the installation of win-win-networks for all contributors and actors in this field is important. The movement of RECs all over Europe (and in parts being shown at the conference and during our workshop) was a starting point. The inclusion of other important actors in the field of science education will follow. In addition to scientists, teachers, and pupils, administrators and politicians will eventually join in to change the system in a fruitful way. Can a REC be an element of modern science Can a REC be aneducation? element of modern science education? Can a REC be an element of modern Moderator: Regula Kyburz-Graber (Zurich) science education? Workshop 3 „Education“ Workshop 3 „Education“ Introduction Workshop 3 „Education“ Introduction Moderator: Assistance: Regula Kyburz-Graber (Zurich) Christine Gerloff-Gasser (Zurich); Dirk Assistance: Moderator: Hillebrandt (Kiel) Christine Gerloff-Gasser (Zurich); Dirk Regula Kyburz-Graber (Zurich) Guest Speaker: Hillebrandt (Kiel) Assistance: Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus (Bielefeld) Guest Speaker: Christine Gerloff-Gasser (Zurich); Dirk Rapporteur: Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus (Bielefeld) Hillebrandt (Kiel) E. Oberkofler (HBLA Ursprung, Austria) Rapporteur: Guest Speaker: E. Oberkofler (HBLA Ursprung, Austria) Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus (Bielefeld) Introduction Rapporteur: E. Oberkofler (HBLA Ursprung, Austria) Can a REC be an element of modern science Can a REC be aneducation? element of modern science education? • Modern science Can a REC be education? an element of modern • RECs as science an elementeducation? of science education • Modern science education? /their potential Outline Outline • First session (Th, 10:30-12:30) Outline – Visions of modern science education • First session (Th, 10:30-12:30) • Second Session (Th, 14:30-16:45) – Visions of modern science education •• RECs as an element of science education Conditions? /their potential • Modern science education? • Expectations, recommendations, needs, Conditions? • RECs as an element .... of science education research questions, aspirations /their potential • Expectations, recommendations, needs, research questions, .... aspirations • Conditions? • Expectations, recommendations, needs, research questions, .... aspirations – Input K. Kohse-Höinghaus – Discussion; Identifying the outcome – modern science education – Visions Input K. of Kohse-Höinghaus Third session (Fri, 11:00-12:00) – Discussion; Identifying the outcome Second Session (Th, 14:30-16:45) – Identifying the outcome – Input K. Kohse-Höinghaus Third session (Fri, 11:00-12:00) – Summarizing results – Discussion; Identifying – Identifying the outcomethe outcome – Summarizing results Third session (Fri, 11:00-12:00) • First session (Th,(Th, 10:30-12:30) Second Session 14:30-16:45) • • • • – Identifying the outcome – Summarizing results Areas of Concern: Education Areas of Concern: Education • Baseline: Status quo science education? • Interaction: Top-down educational systems Areas of Status Concern: • Baseline: quo scienceEducation education? (e.g. schools) and bottom-up educational Areas of Concern: Education Areas of Concern: Education • Successful instructional Areas of Concern: Education arrangements • Successful instructional • •• • •• •arrangements Amount of necessary guidance • ••Successful instructional Danger:of Busy getting guidance nowhere! Amount necessary arrangements „Learning Science - Learning •• Danger: Busy getting nowhere!about • Amount necessary guidance Scienceof - Doing science!“: All within • „Learning Science - Learning about the same learning experience? • Danger: getting nowhere! Science -Busy Doing science!“: All within • „Learning Science experience? - Learning about the same learning ••• ••• •• Science - Doing science!“: All within the same learning experience? • 46 Interaction: Top-down initiatives (e.g. RECs) educational systems (e.g. andquo bottom-up Baseline: Status scienceoreducational education? REC:schools) longer lasting impact temporary and initiatives (e.g. RECs) educational systems passing fashion? Interaction: Top-down REC: longer lasting impact or temporary and (e.g. schools) and bottom-up educational REC: alternative or replacement or passing fashion? initiatives (e.g. RECs) accompanying measure or ... REC: alternative or replacement or REC: lasting impact or temporary and Wayslonger and forms of successful collaboration accompanying measure or ... passing fashion? and cooperation (e.g. pragmatic agreements) Ways and REC: or replacement or Waysalternative andforms formsof ofsuccessful integrationcollaboration and cooperationmeasure (e.g. pragmatic accompanying or ... agreements) Ways and and forms forms of of successful integration collaboration Ways and cooperation (e.g. pragmatic agreements) Ways and forms of integration 1 1 1 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Background Background Can a REC be an element of modern science education? Source: Science Education Now: A Renewed Pedagogy for the future of Europe; „Rocard-Paper“ Can a REC be an element of modern science education? • • • • • • • RECs as an element of changing science • RECs aseducation an element of changing • science Conditions? education Ways of exploiting REC‘s potentials • Conditions? to bring necessary • Ways ofabout exploiting REC‘schanges potentials • toExpectations, bring about recommendations necessary changes.... and aspirations • Expectations, recommendations .... and aspirations Source: Science Education Now: A Renewed Pedagogy for the future of Europe; „Rocard-Paper“ Observation 1 – A major threat to the future of Europe: science education is far – worsening. A major threat to the future of Europe: science education is far – worsening. The origins of this situation can be found, among other causes, from attracting1 crowds and in many countries the trend is Observation from attracting3 crowds and in many countries the trend is Observation in the way science is taught. (‘chalk and talk’) Observation 3 –Observation The origins of4this situation can be found, among other causes, the on-going way science is taught. (‘chalk actively and talk’) – inMany initiatives in Europe contribute to the renewal of science education. Nevertheless, they are often Observation 4 – small-scale andinitiatives do not actively take actively advantage of European Many on-going in Europe contribute to the support dissemination and integration. real renewal measures of sciencefor education. Nevertheless, they are...often impact are simply exploited. small-scale and donot notbeing actively take advantage of European support measures for dissemination and integration. ... real impact are simply not being exploited. Areas of Concern: General Areas of Concern: General • Funding • Funding Support (e.g. non monetary support) (e.g. non monetary • Support • support) Staff • Staff .... • .... Input statements Chemistry? - yes, please! Informal Science Education in the teutolab in Bielefeld University Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, University Bielefeld, Germany 2 2 47 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3.3.4. Wo r k s h o p 4 : H o w t o u s e a s i n g l e R E C p r o j e c t t o m o v e t h e sys te m? reported by John Meadows, London Southbank University, United Kingdom The working session of Workshop 4 circulated about following main issues: • Research centres and university researchers should open up to schools • School autonomy needs to be supported • Curriculum development should be linked to school development • Schools need flexible spaces to support a flexible curriculum • Scientific thinking can exist at many levels – even very young children can be said to be thinking scientifically • Change in science education can be top down and bottom up • Science curriculum can be seen as a culture • RECs need to deal with complexity, not try to simplify it. • Young researchers and scientific workers should be encouraged to link with RECs, particularly when dealing with children’s own questions. Input statements Policy Issues John Meadows, London Southbank University, United Kingdom Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Workshop 4 Policy Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference issues Workshop 4 Policy Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Can single4projects Workshop Policy influence issues national policy? •• Prepare Develop ascience literacy in of all pupils pupils to go on to small proportion further science studies • Prepare a small proportion of pupils to go on to further science studies Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Workshop 4 th Policy Options in Primary schools Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 th • Be healthy Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 48 ECM Workshop detail 4 th 5 outcomes of children’s English Policy – Everyservices Child Matters 2004 th • Or Policy Options in Primary schools • Link science to literacy and numeracy by including science topics as contexts • Or • Or • Link science to literacy and numeracy by including • science Replacing science as a marginal weekly lesson by topics as contexts longer periods of time, like a whole day or a science • week Or Replacing science as a marginal weekly lesson by •• Or longer periods of time, like a whole day or a science • week Develop a set of open ended investigations of relevance to learners • Or • Develop a set of open ended investigations of relevance to learners • Learning large chunks of science knowledge? • Learning large chunks of science • Developing curriculum materials? knowledge? • Teacher Professional Development • Developing curriculum materials? • Teacher Professional Development Conference English Policy – EveryInternational Child Matters 2004 Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Policy Options in Primary schools Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Policy Options in Primary schools International Conference Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Either/or/and • Aims of science education •• Either/or/and Develop science literacy in all pupils Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference issues • Aims of science education Workshop 4 Policy issues • Do national policies encourage innovative projects? • Can single projects influence national policy? Hownational can single RECs help to change policy? • Do policies encourage innovative projects? • How can single RECs help to change policy? Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 ECM detail • • • Be healthy Physically healthy, Mentally and emotionally healthy, Sexually healthy, Healthy lifestyles, Choose not to take illegal drugs, Parents, carers and families promote healthy choices Stay safe Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation, Safe from accidental and Mentally death, Safe bullying healthy, and discrimination, Be healthy Physicallyinjury healthy, andfrom emotionally Sexually • Or • Replacing science as a marginal weekly lesson by longer periods of time, like a whole day or a science week • Or • Develop a set of open ended investigations of relevance to learners • Developing curriculum materials? • Teacher Professional Development Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 ECM detail English Policy – Every Child Matters 2004 • 5 outcomes of children’s services • Be healthy • Stay safe • Enjoy and achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve economic well-being How does science fit with these? Workshop 4 4 More Workshop ECM detail • • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Be healthy Physically healthy, Mentally and emotionally healthy, Sexually healthy, Healthy lifestyles, Choose not to take illegal drugs, Parents, carers and families promote healthy choices Stay safe Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation, Safe from accidental injury and death, Safe from bullying and discrimination, Safe from crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school, Have security, stability and are cared for, Parents, carers and families provide safe homes and stability Enjoy and achieve Ready for school, Attend and enjoy school, Achieve stretching national educational standards at primary school, Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation, Achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school, Parents, carers and families support learning Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Policy options in secondary schools International Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Make a positive contribution Engage in decision-making and support the community and environment, Engage Form-it in law-abiding and in positive behaviour in ‘Take part research‘ Workshop 4 and out of school, Develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and Conference discriminate, Develop self-confidenceInternational and successfully deal with significant life Vienna,behaviour, 12th to 14th ofParents, March 2008 changes and challenges, Develop enterprising carers and families promote positive behaviour Make a positive contribution Engage in decision-making and support the Achieve economic well-being Engage in further education, employment community and environment, Engage in law-abiding and positive behaviourorin training leaving Develop school, Ready forrelationships employment,and Live in decent homes and out on of school, positive choose not to bully and sustainable communities, Access to transport and material Live in life discriminate, Develop self-confidence and successfully dealgoods, with significant households from low Develop income, Parents, carers and families are supported changes andfree challenges, enterprising behaviour, Parents, carers andto be economically families promote active positive behaviour Make a positive contribution Engage in decision-making and support the Achieve economic well-being Engage in further education, employment community and environment, Engage in law-abiding and positive behaviourorin training leaving Develop school, Ready forrelationships employment,and Live in decent homes and out on of school, positive choose not to bully and sustainable communities, Access to transport and material Live in life discriminate, Develop self-confidence and successfully dealgoods, with significant households from low Develop income, Parents, carers and families are supported changes andfree challenges, enterprising behaviour, Parents, carers andto be economically families promote active positive behaviour Achieve economic well-being Engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school, Ready for employment, Live in decent homes and sustainable communities, Access to transport and material goods, Live in households free from low income, Parents, carers and families are supported to be economically active • Assessment and science - Passing Form-it ‘Take part in exams research‘ and Workshop 4 Policy options in secondary schools International Conference curriculum or syllabus? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 •• Variety in exam Assessment andsystems science affecting - Passingschool exams and curriculum decisions Policy options in secondary schools curriculum or syllabus? •• Teaching for the tests or teaching for the pupils in exam systems • Variety Assessment and science affecting - Passingschool exams and learning and interest? curriculum decisions curriculum or syllabus? •• Updating the the curriculum England inthe 2008 – Teaching tests or in teaching • Variety intofor exam systems affecting for school pupils freedom innovate! learning and interest? curriculum decisions •• Updating curriculum Englandforinthe 2008 – Teaching the for the tests or in teaching pupils freedom to innovate! learning and interest? More ECM detail • • th More ECM detail • • • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference th 1 • Updating the curriculum in England in 2008 – freedom to innovate! Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Freedom to Innovate Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Examples of innovationForm-it are ‘Take nowpart appearing in research‘ on Workshop 4 Freedom to Innovate Conference the new curriculum webInternational pages, for example in Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Design/Technology • Examples of innovation are now appearing on ’ to Innovate the new curriculum web pages, for example in technology/#page4_p Design/Technology •• Examples innovation aresubject now appearing onin And in Artsofand Media see page links ’ new curriculum web pages, for example in technology/#page4_p Design/Technology •’ in Arts and Media see subject page links in technology/#page4_p • And in Arts and Media see subject page links in Workshop 4 • Links with industry, to help think about Form-itstudents ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 More policy secondary schools Conference future jobs? options inInternational Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 •• Links with universities, to help students make Links with industry, to help students think about transitions higher education? More policy in secondary schools future jobs?tooptions •• Links with international to agencies, to helpmake with universities, students • Links Links with industry, helphelp students think about students think aboutto sustainability? transitions to higher education? future jobs? •• Specialist school status,agencies, to gain extra financial Links with international to help • support? Links with universities, to help students make students think about sustainability? transitions to higher education? Specialist status,agencies, to gain extra financial •• Links with school international to help support? students think about sustainability? th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Specialist schools - Science colleges International Conference Gender issues Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Address the needs of future citizens in a Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Specialist schools - Science scientific world as well as thosecolleges of future International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 scientists… •• Address needs of future citizens in a Develop the … involvement in subject associations, Specialist schools - Science scientific world as well as thosecolleges of future industry … scientists… •• Work with scientific and related industries needs of future citizens in a … • Address Develop the … involvement in subject associations, • scientific An example: world as well as those of future industry … scientists… • ols/pdf/engweb04a.pdf Work with scientific and related industries … • Develop … involvement in subject associations, • An example: industry … • ols/pdf/engweb04a.pdf Work with scientific and related industries … • An example: ols/pdf/engweb04a.pdf th th • Specialist school status, to gain extra financial support? Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ More policy options inInternational secondary schools Conference International Conference th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference • Girl friendly science? Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 issuesthat motivates International Conference •Gender Or just science all learners? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • Environmental or biological sciences for girls? • Girl friendly science? • Women issues teachers? Gender • Or just science that motivates all learners? • The project “Schnuppertage im Labor” (Visit a lab CH) • facilitates Environmental or biological sciences for agirls? the personal contact between scientist and a • Girl friendly science? • non-scientist. Women teachers? authentic contact and insight appeals • Or just scienceThis that motivates all learners? girls and women, not exclusively. • especially The projectto“Schnuppertage imbut Labor” (Visit a lab CH) • facilitates Environmental or biological sciences for agirls? the personal contact between scientist and a • non-scientist. Women teachers? This authentic contact and insight appeals girls and women, not exclusively. • especially The projectto“Schnuppertage imbut Labor” (Visit a lab CH) facilitates the personal contact between a scientist and a non-scientist. This authentic contact and insight appeals especially to girls and women, but not exclusively. th th th 2 49 2 2 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Global/ethnic issues Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ • Studying the4 history of scientific discoveries may Workshop Global/ethnic issues International Conference to include understanding Muslim contributions Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 clocks, cosmetics and chemistry. • Studying the history of scientific discoveries may •Global/ethnic Greek physicsissues include understanding Muslim contributions to • clocks, Egyptian engineering cosmetics and chemistry. •• Studying the history of scientific discoveries may Chinese medicine • Greek physics include understanding Muslim contributions to •• Mayan Astronomy Egyptian engineering clocks, cosmetics and chemistry. •• Benin metallurgy Chinese medicine •• (PSR Greek 99 2007) physics •• Mayan Astronomy Egyptian engineering •• Benin metallurgy Chinese medicine • (PSR 99 2007) • (PSR 99 2007) Form-it in research‘ • Studying rocks pools may be‘Take of part limited interest 4 LocalWorkshop Contexts and relevance learners International to Conference to pupils in cities or countryside Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 •• Investigating thepools chemistry of of cosmetics may Studying rocks may be limited interest Local Contexts andthan relevance motivate girls more boys to learners to pupils in cities or countryside Is it better to make science of motivating formay all ••• Investigating thepools chemistry cosmetics Studying rocks may be of limited interest pupils, rather than adapting it for girls or boys? motivate girls more boys to pupils in cities or than countryside Is it better to make science of motivating formay all •• Investigating the chemistry cosmetics pupils, rather it for girls or boys? motivate girls than moreadapting than boys th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Science International Education Conference In ourWorkshop RECs,4 do the researchers… International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • identify the scientific questions and the just carry Form-it ‘Take partpupils in research‘ Workshop Inout our RECs,4 do the researchers… International Conference pre-determined experiments in order to learn Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 scientific skills? •• identify the questions the pupils carry explain the scientific scientific ideas and and concepts to thejust pupils, Inout our RECs, do the researchers… pre-determined order to learn instead of asking theexperiments pupils to dointhe explanations? scientific skills? stress the evidence, instead showing ••• identify thescientific scientific questions theofpupils justpupils carry explain scientific ideas and and concepts to the how andthe why scientific evidence is important in pupils, helping out pre-determined order to learn instead of asking theexperiments pupils toown dointhe explanations? them to find answers to their questions? scientific skills? • stress the scientific evidence, instead of showing pupils • how explain scientific ideas and concepts to the andthe why scientific evidence is important in pupils, helping instead asking the pupils do the explanations? them to of find answers to theirtoown questions? • stress the scientific evidence, instead of showing pupils how and why scientific evidence is important in helping them to find answers to their own questions? ‘Take part in research‘ PISA framework, includesForm-it competences of pupils Workshop 4 International Science International Education Conference to : Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 • identify scientific questions, PISA framework, includes competences of pupils International Science Education to : explain phenomena scientifically • identify scientific questions, PISA framework, includes competences of pupils th th • to : use scientific evidence. explain phenomena scientifically identify scientific questions, • use scientific evidence. explain phenomena scientifically • use scientific evidence. Workshop 4 th • Is it better to make science motivating for all pupils, rather than adapting it for girls or boys? • Mayan Astronomy • Benin metallurgy Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Local Contexts and relevance learners International to Conference International Conference th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ SomeWorkshop examples from good RECs 4 International Conference 1. Pupils identify scientific Vienna, questions 12 to 14 of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 2. explain phenomena scientifically Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ examples from good RECs •Some Future.scapes – pupils’ perceptions Workshop 4 - Austria International Conference opinions of environmental 1. and Pupils identify scientific Vienna, questions 12 and to 14 ofsocial March 2008 Form-it ‘Take–part in research‘ 2. scientifically • Aexplain Tale of phenomena two students Workshop 4 Valleys (Austria) th th International Conference th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 International Conference present the project to the public Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 ••2. Crossing the Alps – Switzerland students scientifically Aexplain Tale of phenomena two Valleys (Austria) – –students present of the exhibition to the public present part the project to the public Molecularthe Biology – – Germany – gifted students ••• Crossing students A Tale of two Alps ValleysSwitzerland (Austria) – –students present part their of results in a biology conference present the exhibition to the public present the project to the public Molecularthe Biology – Switzerland Germany – gifted students •• Crossing Alps – – students present part their of results in a biology conference present the exhibition to the public • Molecular Biology – Germany – gifted students present their results in a biology conference th th problems Some examples- Austria from good RECs • Future.scapes – pupils’ perceptions •1. UK-Japan young scientists groups of 6 pupils and opinions of environmental and social Pupils identify scientific– questions identify a project problems • Future.scapes - Austria – pupils’ perceptions • UK-Japan young scientists – groups of 6 pupils and opinions of environmental and social identify a project problems • UK-Japan young scientists – groups of 6 pupils identify a project Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 English national policy is beginning to encourage … 3. use scientific evidence • Research and Ethics – Italy - children observe and interpret the behaviour of monkeys • UK-Japan young scientists – groups of 6 pupils use science competencies to research a project. • Open-ended inquiry-based learning • Personalised learning and choice for learners • Assessment for Learning, not just for credits in exams • Teachers and pupils to link with science researchers in Industry and Universities 50 3 3 3 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Research Education Cooperation as Learning Systems – A Short Illustration of an Austrian Adventure Franz Radits, Austrian Educational Competence Center Biology – University of Vienna, Austria Research Education Cooperation as Research Education Cooperation as Learning Systems – Systems – Research Education Cooperation as A ShortLearning Illustration of an Austrian A ShortLearning Illustration of an Austrian Systems – Adventure Adventure A Short Illustration of an Austrian Adventure • • • • • • •• • • Franz Radits Franz Radits Austrian Educational Competence Center Austrian Educational Competence Biology – University of ViennaCenter Franz Radits Biology – University of Vienna Austrian Educational Competence Center Biology – University of Vienna Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits content content content rec & system – a mythologic reflection rec & system – a mythologic reflection cases & and case study research rec & system – a mythologic reflection cases & and case study research discussion: changing the roles - learning cases & and case study research discussion: changing the roles learning about the science & education -system about the science & education discussion: changing the roles -system learning résumé: chances for implementation about thechances science for & education system résumé: implementation résumé: chances for implementation Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits rec & system rec & system rec & system 1 rec & system 1 rec & system 1 rec & system How to use a single REC project to move the system? How to use a single REC project to move the system? Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Radits to move the system? How to use a single RECFranz project rec & system rec & system rec & system Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits heracles taurus cretienis heracles taurus cretienis heracles taurus cretienis cases & case cases & case study research study research cases & case study research heracles cleaning the stable of augias heracles cleaning the stable of augias heracles cleaning the stable of augias Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits 1 1 1 51 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. • 2 cases & case study Case Studies – 2 casesresearch & case study Case Studies – interfaces between research interfaces between Science and Education Gerhard Strohmeier / Hansand Guggenberger: Überschreitungen in Science Education Landschaft, Sprache und lokalem Wissen – Flurnamen im Lesachtal • Gerhard Strohmeier / Hans Guggenberger: Überschreitungen in • Georg Pfligersdorffer: Die lokalem Entwicklung einer Multimedia-CD-ROM zum Landschaft, Sprache und Wissen – Flurnamen im Lesachtal Thema „Supermarkt-Biologie“ • Georg Pfligersdorffer: Die Entwicklung einer Multimedia-CD-ROM zum • Franz / Kurt Allabauer / Christine Eberl / Claudia Mewald: ThemaRadits „Supermarkt-Biologie“ Landschaft im Kopf • Franz Radits / Kurt Allabauer / Christine Eberl / Claudia Mewald: • Manfred Durchhalter Landschaft im Kopf / Martin Scheuch: Biodiversität in der Schule – Vegetationsökologen als Aktionsforscher in einem Gymnasium • Manfred Durchhalter / Martin Scheuch: Biodiversität in der Schule – • Vegetationsökologen Martin Scheuch / Günther Pass: Expedition als Aktionsforscher in Kulturlandschaft einem Gymnasium Ingeborg Schwarzl: Klimaforschung mit Schulen •• Martin Scheuch / Günther Pass: Expedition Kulturlandschaft Doris Elster: Vom Umgang der Lehrkräfte mit neu erworbenem Wissen •• Ingeborg Schwarzl: Klimaforschung mit Schulen •• Friedrich Palencsar / Isoldeder Kreis: Das Kaufverhalten von Jugendlichen Doris Elster: Vom Umgang Lehrkräfte mit neu erworbenem Wissen • Friedrich Palencsar / Isolde Kreis: Das Kaufverhalten von Jugendlichen 80 classes; 7 seminars TE (pre- & postservice) Workshop »Curriculum« 80 März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 classes; 7 seminars TE (pre- & postservice) Franz Radits 2 cases & case study Case Studies – research interfaces between Science and Education Case 1 Case 1 Daten collection& analysis Daten collection& analysis Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits Interdisziplinary Research on Toponymy Case 1 Case 1 Reporting… Reporting… HS Lesachtal Uni Wien (Sprachwissenschaft, Ökologie) Uni Klagenfurt (Soziologie) TU Wien (Architektur) classes; 7 seminars TE (pre- & postservice) Interviewing local experts80 about field names … Workshop »Curriculum« HS Lesachtal Uni Wien (Sprachwissenschaft, Ökologie) HS Lesachtal Uni Wien Klagenfurt (Soziologie) Uni (Sprachwissenschaft, Ökologie) TU Wien (Architektur) Uni Klagenfurt (Soziologie) Franz Radits TU Wien (Architektur) Case 1 • Gerhard Strohmeier / Hans Guggenberger: Überschreitungen in Landschaft, Sprache und lokalem Wissen – Flurnamen im Lesachtal • Georg Pfligersdorffer: Die Entwicklung einer Multimedia-CD-ROM zum Thema „Supermarkt-Biologie“ • Franz Radits / Kurt Allabauer / Christine Eberl / Claudia Mewald: Landschaft im Kopf • Manfred Durchhalter / Martin Scheuch: Biodiversität in der Schule – Vegetationsökologen als Aktionsforscher in einem Gymnasium • Martin Scheuch / Günther Pass: Expedition Kulturlandschaft • Ingeborg Schwarzl: Klimaforschung mit Schulen • Doris Elster: Vom Umgang der Lehrkräfte mit neu erworbenem Wissen • Friedrich Palencsar / Isolde Kreis: Das Kaufverhalten von Jugendlichen Interviewing März 2008local experts about field names … Interdisziplinary Research on Toponymy Interdisziplinary Research on Toponymy Case 1 Case 1 Analysing data Analysing data Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits Case 1 Case 1 Traces of students‘ Traces of students‘ research in the scientific Datenincollection& research the scientific analysis Case 1 paper Case 1 paper Traces of students‘ Reporting… research in the Traces students‘ research in the scientificofpaper Case 1 scientific paper Case 1 Interviewing local experts about field names … Analysing data Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Franz Radits Model of co-operation Case 1 Franz Radits Patterns of „communication“ Traces of students‘ • One research field – two research in the scientific types of questions Case 1 paper • Scientists and students act separated • Ownership: two reports • Moderation of the teacher • Teachers as metascientists • Scientists negegotiated research questions with teachers • Teachers involved / informed / students • Students as local experts – investigating in their home village • Scientists and Students met first during the presentation of results in the village center… (Bencze / Elshof 2004) Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits 2 Emigration of ecologists into teacher education Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits 2 2 Case 2 Case 2 • Ecologists created a TE seminar… • Goal: transfer of knowledge • TE-Students should investigate and learn in the research field of the ecologist (development of landscape and land use) together with teachers and their students Case 1 Traces of students‘ research in the • Private relationship beween some scientific paper Case 1 reseachers and teachers 52 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits • Scientists and students • act Ownership: two reports separated • Moderation Ownership: of twothe reports • teacher Moderation of the • teacher Teachers as meta• scientists Teachers as meta- • Scientists negegotiated research • Teachers / informed / students questions involved with teachers •• Teachers Students as local experts – investigating involved / informed / students in their home village • Students as local experts – investigating • Scientists andvillage Students met first during in their home the ofPart results in in the village Form – presentation it “Take Research” • Scientists and Students met first during center… the presentation of results in the village Workshop »Curriculum« Franz Radits center… März 2008 (Bencze / Elshof 2004) scientists Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits (Bencze / Elshof 2004) Workshop »Curriculum« Radits Bridging the Gap betweenFranz Research and Education Coop. März 2008 Case 2 Case 2 Emigration of Case ecologists 2 into teacher • •• •• Case 2 Emigration ofeducation ecologists into teacher Ecologists created a TE seminar… education Goal: transfer of knowledge Ecologists created a TE seminar… TE-Students investigate and learn in the Goal: transfershould of knowledge research field of the ecologist (development of • TE-Students should investigate and learn in the landscape and land use) together with teachers research field of the ecologist (development of and their students landscape and land use) together with teachers and their students Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Vanishing teachers – teaching Vanishing teachers –… teaching meteorologist meteorologist Case … 3 Case 2 • • • • • • Vanishing ecologists Case 2 Vanishing ecologists from the … No transfer of knowledge science projectofinto TE or school … No transfer knowledge from the science project into TE or school …Teachers reconstructed scientific issues offered by ecolologists into …Teachers reconstructed scientific traditional curriculum content matter issues offered by ecolologists into traditional curriculum content matter Action research: TE started systematic reflection ! Data based Action research: TE started restructuredreflection course … systematic ! Data based restructured course … Case 3 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Back stage of science Back stage of science Discussion: Learning from Heracles or Discussion: Learning fromsystem Heracles or REC as a learning REC as a learning system Case 3 Case 3 If pupils, researchers and teachers go through more or lessand complete research If pupils,aresearchers teachers go process ainmore co-operation with researchers through or less complete researchthis causes …. process in co-operation with researchers this 1. Conflicts: causes ….Research questions, Time Accuracy, Accepting open questions & gaps Conflicts: Research questions, Time Accuracy, Chances: Researchers, knowledge Accepting open questions & gaps and science become objects of research and/or reflection. “A 2. Chances: Researchers, knowledge and science general for the necessity and “A become understanding objects of research and/or reflection. functioning of science evolved“, says the general understanding for the necessity and meteorologist. functioning of science evolved“, says the 3. meteorologist. Vanishing teacher as “administrater”… 1. 2. changing the roles: heracles and omphale Workshop »Curriculum« Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 März 2008 3. Vanishing teacher as “administrater”… Résumé Meaningful Learning about science Meaningful Learning Where is the teacher? Following Kattmann, Duit, Gropengießer, Komorek 1997 Following Kattmann, Duit, Gropengießer, Komorek 1997 epistemological competences epistemological ces t Nature of eten abou comp Learing Science re of Learing about Natu Science Learners Learners Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Résumé Cooperation as an adventure: Education and (e.g.: Universities) Cooperation asScience an adventure: are strong and cultures… Education Science (e.g.: Universities) are strong cultures… Workshop »Curriculum« Franz Radits ! kriterias for successful rec Franz Radits ! evaluation kriterias for successful rec values Franz Radits evaluation values Collaborative research prevents from Collaborative research prevents from incapacitation incapacitation Résumé März 2008 action & communication knowledge about science Where is the teacher? Experts – Scientific research Experts – Scientific research Workshop »Curriculum« Franz Radits Résumé Implementation Résumé into Curriculum: Scientific Literacy Implementation into Curriculum: Scientific knowledge Literacy action & communication Résumé Educational Reconstruction Educational Reconstruction Franz Radits changing the roles: heracles and omphale 53 We produce through education a majority We through not education ruledproduce by knowledge, served abymajority it – an ruled by knowledge, not servedproletariat by it – an intellectual, moral and spiritual intellectual, moral and spiritualcompetencies proletariat characterised by instrumental rather than autonomous power. characterised by instrumental competencies than autonomous power. (L.rather Stenhouse, 1978) (L. Stenhouse, 1978) Résumé Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits Résumé 3 3 about science Where is the teacher? Following Kattmann, Duit, Gropengießer, Komorek 1997 epistemological competences Form – it “Take Part in Research” Experts – Scientific research re of Learing about Natu Science Learners ! kriterias for successful rec Workshop Radits Bridging the»Curriculum« Gap between Franz Research and Education Coop. März 2008 Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits evaluation values Collaborative research prevents from incapacitation Résumé We produce through education a majority ruled by knowledge, not served by it – an intellectual, moral and spiritual proletariat characterised by instrumental competencies rather than autonomous power. (L. Stenhouse, 1978) Cooperation as an adventure: Education and Science (e.g.: Universities) are strong cultures… Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Résumé Franz Radits Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits State of research about REC: Dear Sir from ministry of science & Edu: 2 We don‘t have proper research results about too ambitious REC!Don‘t We areset just exploring a new field of research! Cutting funding could cause the lost deadlines 4 of important data… Thank you Deadline is deadline ! for yor attantion! Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P Workshop »Curriculum« März 2008 Franz Radits 5 54 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Can a single REC help to change policy? Alenka Mozer, Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana, Slovenia Two Slovenian RECs were presented that had positive influence on the recent national science curricula changes: the most important was the project »Lifetime education of natural science teachers« and the other was »Didactic renewal of gymnasia curriculum«. Although both of the RECs were addressed to teachers only and no students were involved, they had an important impact on chemistry, biology and physics curricula changes. Recent Slovenian PISA 2006 results showed very good students' achievements especially in science literacy (12th place) and were probably strongly influenced by the systematic teacher in-service training in the last 4-6 years, including those two RECs. No matter what are the policy options in secondary schools, there is always place for students activities in the classroom. Good Slovenian practice examples were given how teaching for the students interest and learning can bring also great results at test and at final external assessment (as Workshop 4 Workshop 4 less relevant side "product"). International Conference International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop Gimnazija Vic Vic4 Ljubljana International Conference International Conference CAN A SINGLE REC HELP TO Vienna,CHANGE 12 to 14 of March POLICY? 2008 th Workshop 4 th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 • Grammar school Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Gimnazija Vic Vic4 Ljubljana Workshop pre-university level Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference CAN A SINGLE REC HELP TO Vienna,CHANGE 12 to 14 of March POLICY? 2008 th th CAN A SINGLE REC HELP TO CHANGE POLICY? Alenka Mozer Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana Slovenia Alenka Mozer • 99% transition 800 students • 50 teachers (age 15 – 19) • 100% success • 99% transition final exams • 50atteachers establised in 1939 establised in 1939 establised in 1939 Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana Slovenia Alenka Mozer Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana Slovenia Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference • 100% success • 99% transition at final exams • 100% success at final exams Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4in your school Policy options system, the role International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 of teachers Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Policy options system, the role Workshop 4in your school International Conference • Traditional rigid prescribed curriculum vs. more open Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 of teachers and flexible one Policy options in your school system, the role Traditionalfor rigid curriculum vs. more open • Teaching theprescribed students interest ofand teachers flexible one th th • • • • • • • • • Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Policy options in Slovenian secondary schools Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 th Policy options in Slovenian secondary schools Conference Updating gymnasium andInternational science curricula in Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Slovenia in 2008 gymnasium andapproach science curricula in Policy options in Slovenian secondary •Updating shift from traditional rigid towardsschools more Slovenia 2008 one open and in flexible •Updating shift from traditional rigid towards more gymnasium and science curricula in and towards teaching for approach the students learning open and in flexible Slovenia 2008 one interest shift towards teaching forsubjects, the students learning and fromtopics, traditional rigid approach towards more • optional optional science days, interest open andweeks flexible one camps) science (research • optional topics, optionalforsubjects, science days,and shift towards teaching the students learning science interest weeks (research camps) • optional topics, optional subjects, science days, science weeks (research camps) th School curriculum vs. national (the same?): optional Teaching for thesubjects, studentsscience interest Traditional rigid prescribed curriculum more open topics, optional days,vs. science and flexible one vs. national (the same?): optional weeks School curriculum topics, optional subjects, science days, science Teaching for the students interestchanges? Can teachers influence curricula weeks School vs. national (thewant same?): How to curriculum involve teachers that don‘t any optional change? Can teachers topics, optionalinfluence subjects,curricula sciencechanges? days, science weeks How to involve teachers that don‘t want any change? Can teachers influence curricula changes? How to involve teachers that don‘t want any change? Workshop 4 • Grammar school • 800 students pre-university level (age 15 – 19) • Grammar school • 800 students • 50 pre-university teachers level (age 15 – 19) Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Gimnazija Vic Vic Ljubljana Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Science Education - PISA International International Conference Policy options in Slovenian secondary schools International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ • PISA 2006 results show very good Slovenian Workshop 4 Science International Education - PISA International Conference students' achievements in science (12th Vienna, 12 performance to 14 of March 2008 place), significant improvement from 2003 TIMMS results • PISA 2006 results show very good Slovenian International Science Education - PISA students' achievements in science performance (12th • also good in mathematics performance (18th place) place), significant improvement 2003 TIMMS results • PISA 2006 results showfrom very good Slovenian •students' Speculation: have these results atperformance least partly been achievements in science (12th • also good in mathematics performance (18th place) influenced by systematic teacher in-service place), significant improvement from 2003 TIMMS results training in the last 6 yearshave due to curricular on different • Speculation: these resultschanges at least partly been th place) • also good in systematic mathematics performance (18training levels and areas of schoolteacher system (subjects, methods, influenced by in-service in materials, texbooks, teacher training ….) the last 6 yearshave due to curricular on different • Speculation: these resultschanges at least partly been levels and areas of schoolteacher systemin-service (subjects, methods, influenced by systematic training in materials, texbooks, teacher training ….) the last 6 years due to curricular changes on different levels and areas of school system (subjects, methods, Form-it ‘Take part research‘ •Policy curriculum guides: list of subject contents butinalso aims, Workshop 4 options in Slovenian secondary schools International objectives, specific materials & activities, possible Conference experiences & forms of Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 evaluation? • curriculum guides: list of subject contents but also aims, Policy options in Slovenian secondary • objectives, linking science to literacy andpossible numeracy by schools including specific materials & activities, experiences & forms of evaluation? science topics as contexts •• curriculum guides: list of subject contents but also aims, links with linking science to literacy and numeracy by including objectives, specific materials & activities, possible experiences & forms of – industry, to help students think about future jobs science topics as contexts evaluation? th – links with universities, help studentsby make •• linking links with science to literacyto and numeracy including – transitions industry, to help students think about future jobs science topics as contexts level, not system level make yet – problem: links withschool universities, to help students • links with – transitions industry, to help students think about future jobs level, not system level make yet – problem: links withschool universities, to help students transitions problem: school level, not system level yet th materials, texbooks, teacher training ….) 55 1 1 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Changing role of teachers/teaching (PISA) Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th Changing role of teachers/teaching (PISA) Do science teachers meet PISA requirements? Do teachers stimulate/facilitate students to: Do science teachers meet PISA requirements? • ask open scientific questions Do teachers stimulate/facilitate students to: • explain phenomena scientifically • ask open scientific questions • present scientific evidence (not opinion) • explain phenomena scientifically • present scientific evidence (not opinion) Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Changing role of Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference teachers/teaching (PISA) Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference natural science teachers Lifelong education of PISA Do science teachers meet requirements? Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th Do teachers stimulate/facilitate students to: Context: there was a previous projectscience addressedteachers to chemistry Lifelong education of natural •teachers ask open scientific only (primary,questions secondary and tertiary level) •Context: explainthere phenomena scientifically was a previous project addressed to chemistry The aims only of that(primary, project: secondary and tertiary level) •teachers present scientific evidence (not opinion) •The to identify difficult/abstract topics in the existing aims ofthe thatmost project: chemistry curricula through all three levels of education • to identify the most difficult/abstract topics in the existing •chemistry to develop a set ofthrough effective approaches and didactic curricula allteaching three levels of education strategies for several topics in the chemistry curricula of primary and secondary schools. • to develop a set of effective teaching approaches and didactic strategies for several topics in the chemistry curricula of primary and secondary schools. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference th Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ th th International Conference Context: there was a previous projectscience addressed to chemistry Lifelong education of natural teachers Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 teachers only (primary, secondary and tertiary level) th th PARTNERS INVOLVED: Lifelong education of natural science teachers The aims ofofChemistry that project: • Faculty and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana (coordination, • management), Faculty of Mathematic and Physics, Department of Physics, •• • Faculty of of Science Mathematic Physics, Department Faculty andand Technology: Department of of Physics, Chemical education and Biotehnical Faculty: Department of Biology, Informatics, PARTNERS INVOLVED: • identify Biotehnicalthe Faculty: Department of Biology, • to most difficult/abstract topics of in the existing Faculty of of Chemistry Chemical Technology, University (coordination, •• Faculty Education, and departments sciences, biology,Ljubljana chemistry, physics (all management), chemistry curricula through for allearly three levels of education primary schools) Faculty of Education, early sciences, biology, chemistry, physics (all • to aEducation set ofdepartments effective teaching approaches and didactic •• develop The National Institute of for Republic Slovenia, primary schools) • 59 primary, lower and upper secondary schools and gymnasiums strategies several topics in the chemistry of primary • Faculty offor Science and Technology: Department of Chemicalcurricula education and Informatics, and secondary schools. Again, a fullEducation co-operation researchers from universities • The National Institute of of Republic Slovenia, • 59 lowersciences, and upper secondary schools and gymnasiums forprimary, applied educational researchers and teachers was established. Again, a full co-operation of researchers from universities for applied sciences, educational researchers and teachers was established. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 PROCESSES education of natural •Lifelong schools were mainly involved science teachers –PARTNERS in identifying interdisciplinary/abstract/difficult topics to be INVOLVED: • discussed Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana (coordination, • management), of Mathematic Physics, Department Physics, –• inFaculty evaluation of and education modelsoffor the teachers of natural • Biotehnical Faculty: Department of Biology, science. • Faculty of Education, departments for early sciences, biology, chemistry, physics (all primary schools) coordination andand management was done by Faculty of • Faculty of Science Technology: Department of Chemical education and Informatics, Chemistry and Chemical FKKT, prof. dr. Natasa • The National Education Institute Technology of Republic Slovenia, • 59 primary, lower and upper secondary schools and gymnasiums Bukovec Again, a full co-operation of researchers from universities for applied sciences, educational researchers and teachers was established. Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference RESULTS Model of Lifelong Education for Teachers • researchers and expert teachers as bearers of in-service teacher training, sharing responsibility for the scientific Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Examples of RECs Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 science curricula changes the last 6 years Form-itin ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Lifelong education of natural science teachers Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 »Lifelong education of natural science teachers« Outcomes education of the previous Lifelong ofproject: natural science teachers »Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum« • full collaboration among all partners involved was established International Conference which influenced Slovenian th th th th Outcomes of the previous project: • bothteaching/learning of the RECs were addressed to teachers only • several materials were produced (published •infull collaboration among all partners involved was established students directly involved) a(no leaflet, also onwere the Internet) •• several teaching/learning materials produced (published unexpected outcomes at faculties ofwere applied sciences • an important impact on chemistry, biology and in a leaflet, also on the Internet) physics curricula changes • awareness of difficult/abstract chemical topics (cognitive levels • unexpected outcomes faculties of applied was evoked sciences of students and pupils areatdifferent) •• awareness chemical topics (cognitive levels recognition of of difficult/abstract importance of effective teaching approaches of students and pupils are different) was evoked • recognition of importance of effective teaching approaches Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Lifelong education of natural science teachers Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th International Conference Outcomes of the previous project: Lifelong education of natural Vienna, 12science to 14 of March teachers 2008 th th • full collaboration among all partners involved was established Lifelong education of natural science teachers THE AIM: • several teaching/learning materials were produced (published • to develop models for lifelong education of natural in a leaflet, on the(early Internet) sciencealso teachers science, biology, chemistry, THE AIM: in primary, secondary schools, gymnasiums). physics • unexpected outcomes at faculties of appliedofsciences • to develop models for lifelong education natural science teachers (early science, biology, chemistry, • • physics natural science teachers (in primary, secondary schoolslevels awareness of difficult/abstract chemical topics (cognitive in primary, secondary schools, gymnasiums). and gymnasiums) should be continuously improving their of students and pupils are different) was evoked teaching strategies and didactic approaches • • natural science teachers (in primary, secondary schools recognition of importance of effective teaching approaches and gymnasiums) should be continuously improving their • teaching by this they should be building up their didactical strategies andalso didactic approaches and proffesional competencies • by this they should be also building up their didactical and proffesional competencies Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Lifelong education of natural science teachers International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14allofpartners, March 2008 covering • a steering committee (representatives from all science subjects and all levels of education) was formed to share the responsibilityofofnatural planning and coordinating Lifelong education science teachers scientific lectures and pedagogical support. th th • THE the identified difficult topics were presented by university AIM: (theoretical background), • teachers to develop models for lifelong education of natural science teachers (early science, biology, chemistry, • “how to do in the classroom” by primary and physics in itprimary, secondaryworkshops schools, gymnasiums). secondary school teachers - effective didactical strategies how to enable students to obtain better • understanding natural science teachers (in primary, secondary schools and gymnasiums) should be continuously improving their teaching strategies and didactic approaches • interdisciplinary approaches 2 2 • by this they should be also building up their didactical and proffesional competencies Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Lifelong education of natural science teachers Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Lifelong education of natural science teachers International Conference th »Didactic updating ofofgymnasium curriculum« » Lifelong education natural science teachers« • both of the RECs were addressed to teachers only »Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum« (no students were directly involved) • both of the RECs were addressed to teachers only • an important impact on chemistry, biology and (no students were directly involved) physics curricula changes • an important impact on chemistry, biology and physics curricula changes Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 International Conference Lifelong education of natural science teachers Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Examples of RECs which influenced Slovenian Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 science curricula changes in the last 6 years Examples of RECs which influenced Slovenian curricula changes the last 6 years »science Lifelong education of natural in science teachers« Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 56 Lifelong education of natural science teachers OUTPUT • “pilot” models for lifelong education of science teachers were developed through the project 2 – in evaluation of education models for the teachers of natural discussed science. – in evaluation of education models for the teachers of natural • coordination and management was done by Faculty of science. Chemistry and Chemical Technology FKKT, prof. dr. Natasa • coordination and management was done by Faculty of Bukovec Chemistry and Chemical Technology FKKT, prof. dr. Natasa Bukovec • the identified difficult topics were presented by university • teachers “how to do it in the classroom” workshops by primary and (theoretical background), secondary school teachers - effective didactical students to obtainbybetter • strategies “how to dohow it in to theenable classroom” workshops primary and understanding secondary school teachers - effective didactical strategies how to enable students to obtain better • understanding interdisciplinary approaches Form – it “Take Part in Research” • interdisciplinary approaches Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Workshop 4 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Lifelong education of natural science teachers Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th th Lifelong OUTPUT education of natural science teachers Model of Lifelong Education for Teachers RESULTS • researchers and expert teachers as bearers of in-service Model of Lifelong for Teachers teacher training, Education sharing responsibility for the scientific content, all tools developed and educational methodologies • researchers and expert teachers as bearers of in-service used teacher training, sharing responsibility for the scientific content, all tools developed and educational methodologies • developing innovative approaches of teaching difficult and used abstract science concepts developing innovative approaches of teaching • incorporating new scientific achievements into difficult curriculaand abstract science concepts • innovative approaches priority: real life situations, • interdisciplinary incorporating new scientific achievements into curricula approaches, hands-on approaches, and of ICT • usage innovative approaches priority: real life situations, interdisciplinary approaches, hands-on approaches, and usage of ICT Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Lifelong education of natural teachers Vienna, 12 science to 14 of March 2008 th RESULTS education of natural science teachers Lifelong Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference • “pilot” models for lifelong education of science teachers OUTPUT were developed through the project “pilot” models for lifelong education ofmaterials science were teachers •• several innovative teaching/learning were developed through the project produced, • several innovative teaching/learning materials were – a leaflet/monography was published, website produced, – a leaflet/monography was published, website • a list of possible bearers of in-service teacher training was formed (networking) • a list of possible bearers of in-service teacher training was formed (networking) Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Lifelong education of natural teachers Vienna, 12 science to 14 of March 2008 International Conference Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Lifelong education FEEDBACK, OUTCOMEof natural science teachers Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum th th th PARTNERS INVOLVED: • National Institute of Education: school development PARTNERS INVOLVED: advisors, school subject advisors, … Nationalnetwork: Instituteschool of Education: school teachers development • School management, advisors, school subject advisors, … •INPUT: School network: school management, teachers all school subject areas were involved • “pilot” models were evaluated (questionnaires) FEEDBACK, OUTCOME • improved models were presented at Ministry of • “pilot” models evaluated (questionnaires) Education andwere Sports • improved models were presented at Ministry of – to be financially supported Education and Sports – included into yearly catalogue of in-service teacher – to be financially supported training – other included into yearly of in-service teacher – possibilities forcatalogue project outcomes training implementation – teacher study groups… – other possibilities for project outcomes implementation – teacher study groups… Workshop 4 Workshop 4 (not science subjects only) INPUT: all school subject areas were involved (not science subjects only) Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference AIMS: Didactic th th •AIMS: developing different teaching methods and approaches within existing gymnasium curriculum, subject curricula • developing different teaching methods and approaches within • teaching - shift from curriculum, content knowledge to process knowledge existing gymnasium subject curricula •• teaching to create -authentical learningknowledge situations, to to process achieve knowledge enduring shift from content understanding, lifelong learning • to create authentical learning situations, to achieve enduring • crosscurricular were pointed out understanding, links lifelong learning •• crosscurricular different taxonomic approach linkslevels were pointed outin teaching and assessing • different taxonomic levels approach in teaching and assessing Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE TRADITION OF RECs Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic Workshop 4 GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE GOALS Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic th th • to increase students interest in different areas of science and GOALS technology and to improve their knowledge through practical •experience to increase students interest in different areas of science and technology and to improve their knowledge through practical • students are bearers of in-class activities, as well as out of experience classroom activities • students are bearers of in-class activities, as well as out of • the courses are focused on active teaching methods, classroom activities interdisciplinary approaches, hands-on activities • the courses are focused on active teaching methods, • students projects are fully incorporated in school and/or subject interdisciplinary approaches, hands-on activities curriculum • students projects are fully incorporated in school and/or subject curriculum Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic RESPONSIBILITIES: th th Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 th including: authentic problems, interdisciplinary and crosscurricular approaches International Conference th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ PROCESSES Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum • good practice examples – analysis and comparison PROCESSES • self evaluation (reflection), action research, external • evaluation good practice examplesquestionnaires, – analysis andfinal comparison (interviews, reports) • self evaluation (reflection), research, external targert approach in teacheraction proffesional development evaluation expert (interviews, questionnaires, final reports) (beginner, teacher…) •RESULTS/OUTCOMES targert approach in teacher proffesional development (beginner, expert teacher…) • Team approach – all teachers from the school were involved RESULTS/OUTCOMES • Good examples materials produced, Team practice approach – all teachers fromwere the school were including: involved authentic problems, interdisciplinary and crosscurricular approaches • Good practice examples materials were produced, updating of gymnasium curriculum Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference International Conference Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Didactic updating of gymnasium curriculum Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 th th th • science days, research camps (science week) TRADITION OF RECs • open ended investigations of relevance to students: • science days, research camps (science week) students are (individually/in teams) involved in science • open ended of of relevance students: projects underinvestigations the mentorship teacherstoand researchers students atare (individually/in teams) involved in instutions science for different research institutions, industry and /experts projects under the mentorship of teachers and researchers popularization of science at different research institutions, industry and instutions forin /experts • students’ contributions and presentations are assessed popularization of science class according to criteria defined at the beginning of the • students’ contributions project/research work and presentations are assessed in class according to criteria defined at the beginning of the project/research work 57 Workshop 4 Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE OUTCOMES Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic th th • efficient individualisation and differentiation of lessons 3 3 • open ended investigations of relevance to students: students are (individually/in teams) involved in science projects under the mentorship of teachers and researchers /experts at different research institutions, industry and instutions for experience • students are bearers of in-class activities, as well as out of classroom activities popularization of science • the courses are focused on active teaching methods, interdisciplinary approaches, hands-on activities • students’ contributions and presentations are assessed in class according to criteria defined at the beginning of the project/research work Form – it “Take Part in Research” • students projects are fully incorporated in school and/or subject curriculum Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Workshop 4 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic OUTCOMES RESPONSIBILITIES: • a team of science teachers is planning activities, deciding on the teaching and learning style • efficient individualisation and differentiation of lessons • teaching for students interest and learning brings also better knowledge (enduring understanding, higher taxonomical levels) • students are involved in identifying interesting topics to be carried out as project/research work • good results at tests and final assessment (as less relevant “side product") – example – chemistry results • researchers/experts from different institutions are involved according to students’ fields of interests and according to topics in science curricula. • every year more students choose science subjects for their final exam – matura (from cca 70 in year 2000 to 180 in year 2007). Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Workshop 4 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE International Conference OUTCOMES Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE th th th th Workshop 4 • First contacts among researchers, teachers and students were established OUTCOMES on personal connections mostly, by years a network is building up Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic First contacts amongofresearchers, teachers and students were established ••OUTCOMES Popularization science and introducing young people technology has aofpositive • Popularization scienceimpact and introducing young people to the research in science and • onimportant choosingfield theirofstudies in this field (Gimnazija Vic • Popularization ofpositive scienceimpact and introducing young people technology has a students cca 50% above Slovenian average in science to the important field of research in science and and studies) • on techology choosing studies in this field (Gimnazija Vic technology has a their positive impact cca 50% above average in science •students on career building in thisSlovenian field. • on techology choosing their studies in this field (Gimnazija Vic and studies) students cca 50% above Slovenian average in science •and on techology career building in this field. studies) on personal connections mostly, by years a network is building up Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, to ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Using simple experiments ourForm-it first year students analyzed International Conference Chemistry Course - examples colourings in fruit juices and candies oftoseveral producers. Vienna, 12 14 of March 2008 th th 4,51 4,49 colourings in and additives in lollypops on selected fruit juices and candies and of several producers. Using simple first year students analyzed organic chemical compounds in tulips. The third yearexperiments students didour more complex researches: on colourings in fruit juices and candies of several producers. colourings and additives in lollypops and on selected The thirdchemical year students did more complex researches: on organic compounds in tulips. colourings and additives in lollypops and on selected organic chemical compounds in tulips. 4,51 4,49 4,51 4,49 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 3,94 4 5 3,5 3,47 4,43 4,5 povpre!na ocena 3 3,94 4 5 2,5 3,5 4,5 3,47 4,43 th The third yearexperiments students didour more researches: on Using simple firstcomplex year students analyzed Chemistry Course - examples 5 4,43 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 4,5 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Chemistry Course - examples International Conference Workshoppass 4 • Chemistry 100% students final–exam (matura) International Conference Course results at final exams 12 to 14 of March 2008 • more students choose chemistryVienna, as their optional matura subject Course results at final exams • Chemistry 100% students pass final–exam (matura) • average gradeschoose are improving more students chemistry as their • and 100% final exam (matura) arestudents always optional matura pass subject more students choose chemistry as their above •• significantly average grades arethe improving optional matura subject national average and are always • significantly average grades are improving above the and are always national average Maturaabove results significantly the national average 20032007 th th Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Workshop 4 Chemistry Course – results at final exams International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ 14th th th • problem of longterm activities • on career building in this field. 12th th •Science cooperations with research institutions and DIFFICULTIES/PROBLEMS Courses at Gimnazija Vicinstitutions for popularization of science are usually based on informal agreements, onwith enthusiasm individuals only •DIFFICULTIES/PROBLEMS cooperations research of institutions and institutions for popularization of science are usually based on informal cooperations with research institutions and institutions •agreements, system level: moral support?, low/if any continuous on enthusiasm of individuals only for popularization financial support of science are usually based on informal onmoral enthusiasm of individuals only •agreements, system level: support?, low/if any continuous • problemsupport of longterm activities financial • system level: moral support?, low/if any continuous •financial problemsupport of longterm activities is building on connections mostly, by years a network to personal the important field of research in science and up • First contacts among researchers, teachers and students were established Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic International Conference GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 DIFFICULTIES/PROBLEMS Science Courses at Gimnazija Vic GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE 2 3,94 2,5 3,5 3,47 1 2 3 povpre!na ocena Matura results 2003- 2007 Matura results 2003- 2007 povpre!na ocena 3 4 1,5 0,5 1,5 2,5 0 2003 2004 2005 1 2 leto 0,5 1,5 0 1 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 leto 0,5 0 leto Workshop 4 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Chemistry Course - examples International Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Chemistry Course - examples International Conference Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Workshop 4 Vienna, 12th to 14th of March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Second year students properties of the matter at Chemistry Coursepresented - examples Vienna, 12 to 14 of March 2008 Some of the most motivated third year students designed a International Conference Chemistry Course - examples Vienna, 12 Inorganic to 14 of March 2008 multimedia presentation “General and Chemistry Chemistry Course - electronic examples taken at year dentist and from microscope. Second students presented properties of the matter at Course Others wereyear interested in designed bio diesela Some ofExperiments”. the most motivated third students Chemistry Course - examples th th th macro and submicro level: human teeth and fillings pictures th and other alternative fuels, in respiration processChemistry as an multimedia presentation “General and Inorganic Some the most motivated year students example of chemical equilibrium … CourseofExperiments”. Othersthird were interested in designed bio diesela multimedia presentation “General and Inorganic Chemistry and other alternative fuels, in respiration process as an Course Experiments”. Others were example of chemical equilibrium … interested in bio diesel and other alternative fuels, in respiration process as an example of chemical equilibrium … macro and submicro level: human teeth and fillings pictures Second students presented properties of the matter at taken at year dentist and from electronic microscope. macro and submicro level: human teeth and fillings pictures taken at dentist and from electronic microscope. 58 5 5 5 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 4. Main conclusions and Recommendations reported by María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre, USC. A catalogue of good practices Taken all together the posters, the key note speeches, and the cases summarized in the catalogue and presented in the workshops, offer an impressive wealth of good practices. To cite just one example, the project “Les mains à la pâte” presented by Yves Quéré shows how to involve whole classrooms in inquiry. The challenge that we face is how to disseminate these practices and increase their number and quality. Braiding the strands, bridging the gaps In my opinion, there are more than one gap that we need to bridge, because there are at least three strands that we need to braid: 1) D-research, disciplinary research in science. 2) SE-research, research in science education. 3) School science. The gap between 1 & 3, D-research and school science, has been addressed in the conference. But there is also the gap between SE-research and schools, and between both strands of research. In the last 25 years science education research has been exploring how to get pupils interested in science, aware of the tentative nature of science, how to enculturate them in the practices of science, how to get them ready to take ownership of their own learning (Driver et al, 1996). What has been learned is summarized in the constructivist perspective that views students as builders or producers of their own knowledge (Jiménez-Aleixandre & Pereiro, 2002). I perceive this strand as being largely absent from the conference. Taking a metaphor from women’s language and experience, I propose to braid these three strands together. Outcomes from the workshops From the many questions formulated in the workshops, I would select some issues that are worth to explore: WS1) What do we mean by quality? In other words, How can we tell when a REC is a good REC? It was suggested that REC is just one component of the complex processes related to supporting inquiry in classrooms. WS2) How to implement good cooperation projects? It was emphasized that there is no master recipe for success. One important notion is to make cooperation part of the institutions’ goals. And because we need extension, a conclusion may be: “Don’t let enthusiasm overrun careful planning”. WS3) How to make REC an element of science education? It was suggested that science education needs time and flexibility, and has to concentrate on the understanding of basic concepts. This calls for a rethinking of the learning environments. WS4) How to use REC projects to move the system, particularly the curriculum? Three key issues emerged: students’ ownership; curriculum openness (expressed at the nano / micro and macro levels); and the embedment or contextualization of practices and content. The next steps: some recommendations for integrating Form-it inputs I see several common issues emerging from the four workshops, and also from the cases presented: 1) Authentic science: by this we mean to give students the opportunity of exploring real life problems (e.g., Are ticks carrying diseases?). But also to get involved in scientific practices, including the discursive practices of science, as the evaluation of evidence (Jiménez-Aleixandre, 2008). 2) Students as protagonists of their won learning, finding answers to their own questions. 59 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 3) Curriculum: Who is afraid of curriculum? We need to transform school curriculum, but I think that we cannot ignore it. 4) Teachers: We need to make teachers part of the picture. I noticed that there were many pictures, photographs of students, but too few of teachers. We need to seduce teachers into inquiry and good practices. About the next step, how to integrate Form-it inputs, I see four main challenges ahead of us: A) Double goals: to involve all students from a science classroom in inquiry as part of their regular science courses. This is much harder than engaging a few interested students in voluntary work, but it has to be our target. B) Build on teachers’ good practices in order to transform science teaching, rather than coming into the classroom from “outside”. We need to help teachers to gain confidence and ownership. C) Motivation and competencies: Motivation is important, but we need also the development of competencies as doing inquiry, using evidence to back their claims. D) Recruiting science teachers: Many EU countries have more problems recruiting science teachers than science researchers: we have to learn from Finland, to improve the social image of teachers. Conclusion of the Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Bridging the GapSInternational throughConference reflection Conclusion of the Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Conclusion Bridging the GapS of the Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ through reflection International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 -A wealth of initiatives about cooperation between and reflection schools: a Bridging the D-research GapS through catalogue of good practices -More thanofone Gap about cooperation -A wealth initiatives -Outcomes and new questions from between D-research and schools: a Workshops catalogue of good practices -The the challenge of -Morenext thansteps: one Gap integrating input into from -Outcomes Form-it and new questions transforming Workshops science curriculum & science teaching practices -The next steps: the challenge of integrating Form-it input into transforming science curriculum & science teaching practices Mariathe Pilar Jimenez-Aleixandre Bridging GapS through reflection University of Santiago de Compostela Maria Pilar Jimenez-Aleixandre University of Santiago de Compostela 1/10 1/10 Conclusion of the Conference 2/10 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusionof good practices A catalogue International Conference of the Conference Conclusion of the Conference MoreConclusion than one Gap of the Conference MoreConclusion than one Gap of the Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 -Together, the posters, the cases in good the catalogue, Asummarized catalogue of practicesthe key note speechs and the cases presented in the workshops offerposters, an impressive wealth of -Together, the the cases good practices summarized in the catalogue, the key note -Just oneand example: Yvespresented Quere, Les mains a speechs the cases in the la pate; howoffer to involve whole classrooms workshops an impressive wealth of in inquiry good practices -The howYves to disseminate -Just challenge: one example: Quere, Lesthese mains a practices & increase their number & quality la pate; how to involve whole classrooms in inquiry -The challenge: how to disseminate these practices & increase their number & quality More than one Gap Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 D-R SE-R School Science D-R SE-R School Science 3/10 4/10 3/10 4/10 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion Outcomes & new questions fromConference Workshops International of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Science Education research has been exploring the Gap last 25 years how to get More thaninone pupils interested in science / enculturated into the practices science /has aware of the Science Educationofresearch been tentative of science /ready exploringnature in the last 25 years how to to take get ownership of their own learning (Driver, pupils interested in science / enculturated Lederman, Crawford) into the practices of science / aware of the What hasnature been learned: constructivism, tentative of science /ready to take pupils buildoftheir ownership theirown ownknowledge learning (Driver, Lederman, Crawford) What has been learned: constructivism, pupils build their own knowledge 2/10 Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 -1. What do we mean by quality? How can we tell if a REC is aquestions good REC? REC as Outcomes & new from Workshops ONE component of process -2. Nobymaster recipe -1. Implementation: What do we mean quality? Howfor can success. part REC of theas we tell if aMake REC cooperation is a good REC? institutions´ mission (goals?). Don’t let ONE component of process enthusiasm overrun No careful planning -2. Implementation: master recipe for success. Make cooperation part of the institutions´ mission (goals?). Don’t let enthusiasm overrun careful planning 5/10 5/10 60 6/10 6/10 workshops offer an impressive wealth of good practices -Just one example: Yves Quere, Les mains a la pate; how to involve whole classrooms in inquiry -The challenge: how to disseminate these practices & increase their number & quality School Science Form – it “Take Part in Research” 3/10 4/10 Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Conclusion of the Conference Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 More than one Gap Outcomes & new questions from Workshops Science Education research has been exploring in the last 25 years how to get pupils interested in science / enculturated into the practices of science / aware of the tentative nature of science /ready to take ownership of their own learning (Driver, Lederman, Crawford) What has been learned: constructivism, pupils build their own knowledge -1. What do we mean by quality? How can we tell if a REC is a good REC? REC as ONE component of process -2. Implementation: No master recipe for success. Make cooperation part of the institutions´ mission (goals?). Don’t let enthusiasm overrun careful planning 5/10 Conclusion of the Conference 6/10 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion International Conference of the Conference Outcomes & new questions from Workshops th March 2008 Vienna, 12th-14 The -3. Education: Science Education needs time Outcomes new from on Workshops & flexibility & and hasquestions to concentrate the understanding of basic concepts. Rethinking -3. Education: Science Education needs time the learning environment & and three has tokey concentrate on the -4.flexibility Curriculum, issues: students’ understanding of basicopenness concepts.(nano Rethinking ownership; curriculum / the learning environment micro / macro levels); embeddment / -4. Curriculum, three key issues: students’ contextualization ownership; curriculum openness (nano / micro / macro levels); embeddment / contextualization Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion International Conference of the step: Conference next integrating Form-it input Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Common issues: The next step: integrating Form-itthe input -Authentic science: giving students opportunity to explore real life problems (e.g. Common issues: are ticks carrying diseases? -Authentic science: givingofstudents -Students protagonists their ownthe learning: opportunity to explore problems (e.g. to find answers to theirreal ownlife questions are ticks carrying -Curriculum: Who diseases? is afraid of curriculum? -Students protagonists of their own learning: -Teachers: we have to make teachers part of to answers to their own questions thefind picture -Curriculum: Who is afraid of curriculum? -Teachers: we have to make teachers part of the picture 7/10 7/10 Conclusion of the Conference The 8/10 8/10 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion of the Conference International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion International Conference of the step: Conference next integrating Form-it input Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 The challenges: The next goals: step: integrating 1)Double involving allForm-it studentsinput from a science classroom in inquiry as part of their The challenges: regular science courses 1)Double goals: involving all students from a This is much harder than engaging a few science part of their students,classroom but it has in to inquiry be our as target regular science courses 2) Building on Teachers’ ideas of good This is much harder than engaging a few practices to transform science teaching. students, but it has be confidence our target & Helping teachers to to gain 2) Building on Teachers’ ideas of good ownership practices to transform science teaching. Helping teachers to gain confidence & ownership 1 The Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ International Conference Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 Form-it ‘Take part in research‘ Conclusion International Conference of the step: Conference next integrating Form-it input Vienna, 12th-14th March 2008 The challenges: The next step: integratingbut Form-it input 3) Motivation is important, we need also the development of competencies as doing inquiry, The challenges: or using evidence to back their claims 3) Motivation is important, also the (argumentation, discursivebut partwe of need science) development of competencies as problems doing inquiry, 4) Many EU countries have more or using evidence to back their claims recruiting science teachers than researchers: (argumentation, discursive science) learn from Finland, improvepart the of image of 4) Many Teachers. EU countries have more problems Science recruiting science teachers than researchers: learn from Finland, improve the image of Science Teachers. 9/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 61 2 2 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 5. Appendices 5.1.Abstracts of Posters presented at the Exhibition 1 A partnership between School and Physics Research The “Progetto Lauree Scientifiche “ at Roma Tre University Aldo Altamore1, Enrico Bernieri 2, Marco Litterio 3 and Orietta Proietti 4 (1) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84,00146 Roma, (2) Sezione Roma Tre, INFN Via della Vasca Navale 84,00146 Roma, (3) Liceo Scientifico Statale “A. Labriola, Via Capo Sperone 50 - 00122 Roma and SSIS Lazio, (4) Liceo Scientifico Statale “F. Enriques”, Via Paolini, 196, 00122, Roma, In the last years, the decrease of the students enrolments in the university courses addressed to the "hard sciences", i.e. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, has revealed the need of a close collaboration between schools, universities and research institutions. For this reason, the Italian Education Ministry and the Sciences Faculties Deans Conference have promoted the National Project "Lauree Scientifiche” which has the aim to improve the scientific vocations. In this context, starting from year 2005, the Department of Physics of Roma Tre University developed a substantial experience of collaboration between university teachers, schoolteachers, researchers of scientific institutes and pedagogues. This collaboration has the aim not only to improve the interest of young people for Physics but also to develop new educational approaches in which the laboratory activities and the engagement of students carry a key role. Our work concerns the study of conceptual nodes and strategies that can support a meaningful learning of Physics and the planning of "learning contexts" addressed both to formal and non-formal education. The main targets of our activities are the following: • to find new ways to teach and communicate Physics, also based on daily experience • to plan and experiment educational and communication modalities based on physics laboratory • to test the educational use of modern technological devices • to plan and experiment new didactic approaches addressed to students understanding of the role of models in physics and natural sciences • to study transversal links between the teaching of Physics and the teaching of Mathematics, Chemistry , Biology and Astrophysics • to promote the general idea that the school is a place where educational research must be performed In our project are involved four Scientific Lycea and one Technological Lyceum, which strongly interacted between them and with the University. We have obtained the e following main results: • a network permanently linking schools and university and devoted to educational research was created • our activities really improved the interest of students for Physics and Sciences • interactions and exchanges between students of different school were promoted • no traditional ways of professional upgrading of teachers were experimented For these reasons we believe that our approaches can be classified as good practices in the framework of the Research Education Cooperation. 1 In alphabetical order regarding the first author 62 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Reflective Coeducation in MSI 1-lessons Ilse Bartosch Institute of Instructional and School Development /IFF – University of Klagenfurt Some of the projects supported by the Fonds for Instructional and School Development – this fonds is based on the project IMST (Innovations in Mathematics, Science and Technology Teaching) – focused on motivating female students to choose a carrier in the field of mathematics/science/technology. The qualitative contents analysis shows typical features of “Undoing Gender” in MNI lessons. The analyzed documents deal with three issues: Blended Learning - implementing computers in the classroom, maths and science in context and single-sex lessons in the 8th grade. Self-depending and cooperative working is an essential aspect along with a broad variety of methods. The projects also focused on the ability of communicating science. As content knowledge was considered equally important as being able to communicate this knowledge, girls were promoted in a field where they see themselves competent due to gender stereotypes. This enables the girls to deal successfully with the scientific contents, whereas boys are provided with new experiences. Single-sex classroom activities and concepts are referred to in all of the projects. IT knowledge is acquired in various contexts in school and job carriers. Technology is considered to be a serving tool rather than a field of science. The analyzed projects set science in contexts which are interesting for students or cause direct concern. The science lessons do not deal with isolated phenomena, materials, objects or processes, but with the relation that science creates with everyday life and social situations. Focusing on these aspects enables the students to reflect their own relation to nature and technology and motivates them to change and enhance it. Meeting “real” scientists is an important requirement in order to break down stereotypes. By observing and encountering people working in the field of scientific research students start to get a more realistic idea of research. Getting to know scientists makes these people and their working conditions visible as well as their personal side. Great attention is paid to female students encountering role models which provide the possibility of identification. In the reports a lot of evidence is found that these classroom activities enhances the experience of competence and therefore helps students to build up a positive self concept related to the subject. In the projects that were realized in the last grades of secondary school (students aged 18), there is some evidence that female students consider choosing study and job careers in the field of science and technology. It is clearly shown that preconditions due to the system play a vital role. The vast majority of schools involved in the projects display their engagement in gender mainstreaming and gender sensitivity on their homepage. Nevertheless it is also revealed that due to the school system which schedules nearly irreversible carrier decisions at the age of 14 a certain asymmetry regarding the choices of study and job fields is predetermined. Choosing educational carriers connoted as masculine interferes with the female gender identity and is hardly ventured in the phase of early adolescence (8th grade). 1 MSI stands for maths, science and information technology 63 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Sparkling Science, School & Garden (SSS&G) Evidence based developments of healthy open and green learnscapes 1 Cervinka Renate2, Karlegger Annelies2, Weitzl Ulrike3 and Ilse Öhlinger3 (2) Medical University of Vienna, Center for Public Health, Institute of Environmental Health (3) BG & BRG Wien 3 Boerhaavegasse (HIB) Mail to: Background: Because of urban stressors healthy and restorative spaces in cities gain importance. Open and green spaces at school serve as learnscapes, for exercise and recreation. Activities in the garden bring fun and give joy to all users. The school garden under research has been designed and developed since 2002. About 400 persons participated in the development of the school garden up to now. The school called “HIB”, is exceptionally innovative and got several awards in different categories. More than 1000 pupils from 38 nations and about 150 employees are on-site. Objectives: It is the main objective to initiate further evidence based development of the school garden. Thereby all groups of users will be included into the scientific process. In doing so, an extended form of a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE+) of the garden and relevant spaces will be achieved. Basic research on human-environmental interaction shall be imbedded into applied research in order to use synergistic effects. Additionally, innovative forms of communication and co-operation between researchers, pupils, school staff and the public will be implemented and tested. To have fun and joy while doing research are also important targets. Methods: State of health and environmental quality will be assessed with techniques from the natural sciences and medicine. Basic research will focus on psycho-social issues (connectedness to nature, body image, personal resources). A strictly participatory and gender-specific approach is intended. The users express their needs and investigate the research questions with the help of the scientists. The project involves a wide range of disciplines including social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, languages, sports and art. Scientists come from Public Health, Environmental Education, Landscape Planning and Innovative Publishing. Results: Findings will extend basic knowledge about human-environmental interactions. Stepwise evidence based improvements of the garden will be implemented. Makeing young people part of a healthpromoting development of an exciting playing and learning environment can stimulate their engagement in positive personal and environmental developments and can serve as a basis for further steps toward a scientific career. Within the project young people (1) are encouraged to create ideas for analysing, planning and designing their environment according to their needs, (2) get used to a variety of scientific research methods, (3) display their findings in traditional as well as innovative forms of scientific communication (4) transform findings from science into art, (5) improve intellectual and physical capacity. 1 Excerpt from a project proposal submitted for the First Call of the Austrian Research Programme „Sparkling Science“. 64 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Knowledge transfer and educational practice: How teachers handle new information about Austrian Landscape Research (KLF) Elster Doris Austrian Educational Competence Centre Biology, University Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien , Austrian Landscape Research (KLF) is an interdisciplinary research programme which wants to contribute to the solution of social problems (see Therefore, written and oral accounts of the Austrian Landscape Research should be made available for the public. This raises the problem of finding ways to make knowledge about landscape research of use for educational practice. A possible solution is to delegate this task to teacher in-service courses because high quality teacher development seems to be involved in the dissemination of new research results (Elster, 2005). This study reports results of the qualitative evaluation in the KLF- dissemination project. The key players of the project are on the one hand researchers of the University of Vienna and of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Vienna and on the other hand 21 teachers of nine different Viennese schools (gymnasium) who took part in an in-service curriculum of interdisciplinary teaching at the Pedagogical Institute Vienna. According to the paradigm of didactical re-construction (Kattmann, 2000) the teachers planned school projects and units in interdisciplinary teams and in discourse with the KLF – researchers. The teachers wrote reflective papers about the planning process and about their classroom experiences. The papers and the processes were evaluated with methods of collaborative action research (Posch & Rauch, 2000). The focus of the study is on the reflection the question of how teachers handle new information from research and how they transmit new knowledge, mostly available in a form not appropriate for their learners. Moreover, this study discusses the fact that given sufficient time and autonomy in teacher development courses the teachers plan lessons or longer teaching sequences that demonstrate their professionalism. This study also discusses how teachers select topics, it describes their motives, and how they plan and implement tuition (with a domain focus on agriculture and nutrition). References: Elster, D. (2005). Vom Umgang der Lehrkräfte mit neu erworbenem Wissen. Unterrichtsplanung und Wissenstransfer in der Lehrerfortbildung. In: Radits Franz, Kattmann Ulrich, Rauch Franz (Hrsg) Gemeinsam Lernen - Gemeinsam Forschen. Wissen, Bildung und Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Innsbruck-Wien-München: StudienVerlag. S. 307-330. Kattmann, U. (2000) Lernmotivation und Interesse im Biologieunterricht. In: Bayrhuber, H./ Unterbruner, U. (Hrsg.): Lehren und Lernen im Biologieunterricht. Innsbruck, Wien, München: StudienVerlag, S. 13-32. Posch, P./Rauch, F. (2000) Zur Vernetzung von Lehrer/innenbildung, Schule und Umwelt: Vergleichende Analyse der Fallstudien. In: Posch, P./Rauch, F./Kreis I. (Hrsg.): Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit. Studien zur Vernetzung von Lehrerbildung, Schule und Umwelt. Innsbruck. Wien, München: StudienVerlag. S. 252-280. Project group: Teacher trainers: Doris Elster, Elisabeth Langer, Karl Jost KLF-Researchers: Thomas Lindenthal, Thomas Maurer, Franz Radits Teachers: Christa Leopold, Irene Solly, Ulrike Köberl, Christine Rötzer, Christoph Kastinger, Ines Stiedel, Edith Hoffmann, Judith Huemer, Anita Herla, Verena Schreier, Erika Bartl, Bele Pausch, Brigitte Gruber, Rosemarie Robenau, Ernst Plaimauer, Sabine Vlach, Mike Jenner, Karin Nemeth, Brigitte Husa, Ingrid Häusler, Tanja Tajmel. 65 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. „IKARUS“ – Pupils and Pre-Service Teachers Work with Scientists to Discover the Physics of Flying Frantz-Pittner Andrea, Grabner Siliva, Kern Thomas and Bachmann Gerhild Schulbiologiezentrum "NaturErlebnisPark" The Science-Education-Centre of Graz/Austria developed a specific type of learning environment, the so-called “learning laboratory”. This instructional model which is based on constructivist learning theories can be used as well for the training for pre-service-teachers as for the teaching of pupils. The learners work together with scientists of the technical university and the technical college and do a lot of hands-on activities. Afterwards every single learner can pose own scientific questions and answer them by using techniques of science. The evaluation of this project was done by the pedagogical institute of the University of Graz. The results of this study show a positive impact on the motivation of learners. 66 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. VIENNA OPEN LAB - THE ROLE OF HANDS-ON LABORATORIES IN BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND SCIENCE EDUCATION Garber Karin dialog<>gentechnik (Vienna Open Lab), Vienna, Austria The kind of science education pupils get at school has an important share in the discourse about applications, chances, risks and ethical aspects of genetic research. In current science curricula there is a strong emphasis on putting theoretical knowledge in a meaningful context. Additionally the demand on the integration of practical experiments into regular biology classes is getting stronger. Since appropriate equipment and required expertise is missing, teachers are sometimes overtaxed in fulfilling this task. DNA hands-on laboratories provide support. During the last ten years of its existence, the independent Austrian society dialog<>gentechnik took different approaches to foster the dialogue between science and the public. Beside its main function as a competent information office on life sciences, dialog<>gentechnik organized numerous projects, some of them specifically intended for schools, i.e. teachers and students. The establishment of the Vienna Open Lab – an initiative of dialog<>gentechnik and the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology – is an example for a successful strategy to improve the relationship between science and the public. Located at the Campus Vienna Biocenter – a Life Science cluster of research institutes and small biotechnology companies – the Vienna Open Lab benefits from its surrounding. Young scientist are recruited as tutors, senior scientist can be enlisted as speakers and new experiments can be developed together with research groups, thus linking the experiments to actual scientific problems. The Vienna Open Lab offers hands-on laboratory experiments for the public. Pupils are able to manipulate equipment and materials in an environment suitable for them to construct their knowledge of molecular phenomena and scientific concepts. A total number of 4.800 enthusiastic visitors participated in Vienna Open Lab courses so far. Above all high-school classes are attracted by our courses. The proportion of visitors falling into this category comprises more than 60 percent. In contrast to the United States, where genetic hands-on laboratories have a long tradition, no such institutions existed in Austria so far. After the first two years of operation the Vienna Open Lab has become established as an interface between research and school. Thus the concept will be extended to Styria where the “Offenes Labor Graz” is currently under construction. 67 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. NAT-WORKING GLÄSERNES LABOR / TRANSPARENT LAB (GEFÖRDERT DURCH DIE ROBERT BOSCH STIFTUNG) Geyer Tobias Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden What is NaT-Working? NaT-Working is the name of a support program by the Robert Bosch Foundation. Already for many years it supports projects that bring together secondary-school students, teachers and scientists. It supports activities that encourage the curiosity towards science and technology. Practical training, workshops, and sommer schools are part of it. What is NaT-Working Gläsernes Labor? NaT-Working Gläsernes Labor (Transparent Lab) is a project of the German Hygiene Museum (Deutsches Hygiene-Museum), which joins partners from the research and education in the area of Dresden. In numerous events, workshops and meetings, secondary-school students and scientists have an opportunity to discuss, to carry out experiments and to get to know each other. The project continues till 2008. What is being done? • Evening lectures, seminars for specially interested secondary-school students, courses on fluorescence microscopy in the Transparent Lab at the German Hygiene Museum • Summer courses on biological systematics (Botanics/Zoology) of the Zoological Museum and the Institute of Botanics • Supervision of extended research projects and BeLL (special learning achievements) for secondary-school students • Talks by the local scientists in participant schools • Development of the online learning environment for biotechnology designed by the Institute of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering • Advanced teacher training, particularly at the Saxon education association for environmental protection and professions in the chemistry sector • Workshops on microbiology and cell culture technology at 2 professional schools in Dresden • Courses and seminars at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Who is participating? Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics) TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft (Materials Science) TU Dresden, Institut für Lebensmittel- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering) TU Dresden, Institut für Botanik (Botanics) Museum für Tierkunde Dresden (Zoology) BSZ für Agrarwirtschaft Dresden-Altroßthal (Agricultural Economy) BSZ für Gastgewerbe Dresden (Hotel and Restaurant Industry) BSZ für Technik Pirna (Technology) BSZ für Wirtschaft Dresden (Economics) Glückauf-Gymnasium Dippoldiswalde Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium Dresden Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Dresden Martin-Andersen-Nexö-Gymnasium Dresden Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe mbH (Saxon education association for environmental protection and professions in the chemistry sector) Landesverband Sächsischer Jugendbildungswerke e.V. (Saxon national association for youth education) Fachhochschule Mittweida (University of Applied Sciences) Berufliches Schulzentrum Dippoldiswalde (Professional school) 68 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. »Pannonia Research Award« for young researchers in education The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland awards a Prize for Applied Research – a Good-Practice Example for Research and Education Cooperation Ingrid Schwab-Matkovits, Mag.a; Franz Guttmann, Mag. University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Campus 1, A-7000 Eisenstadt By initiating the »Pannonia Research Award« for young researchers in education the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland has created a Good-Practice Example showing that “Research and Education Cooperation (REC)” can have lasting effects on early inspiration in research and (scientific) publications. This is a possibility for “young researchers” – students still in training – to hand in and publish scientific articles, which are academically reviewed. Furthermore an award is given to the best papers in each category. In addition, the “Researchers Night” at an Award Dinner is an ideal chance to network with renowned researchers and business partners from Europe with focus on Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). We perceive the »Pannonia Research Award« for young researchers in education to be: • a possibility to communicate to young people in education that their first steps in terms of research are interesting for, and appreciated by, the Scientific Community • a strategic project encouraging the didactical integration of research in education • an instrument/means of encouragement for young researchers • Brief description of the »Pannonia Research Award« for young researchers in education The Pannonia Research Awards are designed to encourage research and publishing activities in the academic areas offered by the programmes of study of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. With the creation of these awards, persons who have achieved excellent standards in the research and development areas prioritised by the study programmes, should be supported and gain recognition for their endeavours. The Pannonia Research Awards are targeted towards both experienced and junior researchers whose work fulfils either the category of “research excellence” or of “applied academic theory transfer”. Entries for the Pannonia Research Awards are welcomed from lecturers (full and part-time), researchers and junior researchers (graduates, students) from the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, in addition to their contracted partners from central and eastern European universities or higher education institutions. Selection of the applications received is made by an academic jury using a double blind system. Originality, academic quality and applicability are taken into consideration. Of particular importance is to motivate and initiate junior researchers (also people who are still in education) to publish. All papers that are awarded are published in the „Pannonia Research Report – ausgezeichnete angewandte Forschungsergebnisse des Awards der Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland”. The presentation of the works submitted, along with the notification of the prize-winners, take place under the auspices of a “Researchers Night”. In addition to the individual prize money, all the prizewinners have the opportunity to present their research to the wider public. Further, they will be invited to participate in a “Pannonia Research Award Dinner” – a possibility for discussion, exchange and networking with renowned personalities from the fields of research, business and politics with focus on Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). Thus junior researchers - also people that are still in education – get the chance for exchange with renowned researchers in a relaxed and appreciative atmosphere. Further information: • • „ Pannonia Research Report – ausgezeichnete angewandte Forschungsergebnisse des Awards der Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland”. (ISBN 978-385253-394-0) 69 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. The DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen Attracting young people to science and engineering Hausamann Dieter, Schüttler Tobias, Haigermoser David, and Kästner Britta DLR - German Aerospace Center, Wessling, Germany The DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen is an extracurricular science lab, its main objective being to attract secondary school students to science and technology. It has been developed and operated since 2003 by the German Aerospace Center DLR, Germany's national research centre for aeronautics and space as well as Germany's space agency. For this purpose, each of the eight DLR institutes at the Oberpfaffenhofen research site has designed experiments which are, on one hand, based on its respective core research areas and which, on the other hand, are suitable for secondary school students (age 14 to 20). In total, the School_Lab offers 12 experiments in the research areas of • earth observation sensor technologies • operation of space-borne and airborne missions • analysis of earth observation data • environmental research • meteorology • communication and navigation • robotics and mechatronics The scientific concept behind each of the experiments includes the involvement of scientific and technical experts, a combination of specialist know-how and high-tech equipment (hardware and software), continuous updating and permanent development of the experiments, and close relation to state-of-the-art research. The didactic concept for each experiment is based on small experimental groups (four students and one supervising student), emphasising autonomous and haptical work, in a time frame of two hours per experiment. This approach is a straightforward application of the concept of IBSE (inquiry-based science education, as proposed by the European Commission ), allowing the level of complexity to be adjusted to each individual group, with the results depending on the students’ ages and capabilities. In its regular operation the experiments are open to secondary level school classes with up to 30 students. The visiting classes usually stay for one day, allowing each student to perform two different experiments. To date, more than 5,500 students have visited the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen. The second important activity of the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen is teacher education. Physics and natural science teachers learn about the science lab’s concept by overview lectures, by science lessons about the ongoing research at the institutes, and by actively performing the School_Lab’s experiments. Additionally, teachers are provided with written material about the science and didactics of the experiments. This facilitates to incorporate the experiments into standard curricula and the school education process and, thereby, helps to achieve a sustainable effect of the School_Lab experiments. Nearly 1.000 teachers have already been educated, the respective groups coming from individual secondary schools, or in the frame of teacher education seminars organised by regional school authorities. The highest multiplication effect is achieved by educating seminar teachers (i.e. teachers educating offspring teachers) which has, up to date, been initiated three times by the Bavarian Teacher Education Academy. Altogether, the concept of the DLR_School_Lab is an excellent paradigm for a Research and Education Cooperation, the corresponding concept is worthwhile being adopted by other similar research organisations in Europe. 70 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. BIT – Biology by Team is the first Austrian biology contest for Upper Secondary Schools Holub Peter Centre of Science Teaching at the Pedagogical University Carinthia – Viktor – Frankl – University Students at upper secondary schools, who are especially interested in biology, can deepen their knowledge and broaden their competence in experimental biology within the frame work of this contest. Each year, a team of teachers choose modules of key themes on which students work in the form of a voluntary exercise. The evaluation focuses in particular on the practical work, and, since the school year 2004/05, also on teamwork. In April or May, a two-day closing competition takes place, in which groups of six students, each from one of the six participating schools, are given various problems to solve. There is no concurrence between the schools, as the groups are mixed. A jury (persons from the science and corporate communities) evaluate the results and how they are presented. The concept was developed by a team of teachers in cooperation with the AHS - Department of the Pedagogical Institute in Carinthia. The first contest in the school year 2002/03 took place under the motto: Hell is loose in the Ground Under Us. Other themes included Beautiful But Dangerous, wwwworld wide water 1 and 2 and expedition forest. The closing ceremony of the school year 2006/07 took place on May 31st and June 1st, 2007 at the BG/BRG Villach St. Martin in Carinthia. The theme for the year 2007/08 is “Relationship Boxes”. It deals with all different kinds of relations between animals and plants. Currently, the following schools are participating: • BG/BRG Mössingerstraße Klagenfurt • BG/BRG St. Martinerstraße Villach • BORG Wolfsberg • BRG Viktring • Stiftsgymnasium St. Paul • Österreichisches Gymnasium Prag BIT was submitted for the German Innovations prize for Sustainable Education and placed among the 13 „best of“all nominated projects. This sort of team competition appears to be rare. This is why colleagues from Austria and other countries are again and again surprised to find such a program in the southernmost province of Austria. The base premise is also innovative. To replicate this effort in other regions requires teachers who are prepared to work in teams and school officials who can offer similar financial and organizational conditions. With these prerequisites the base concept of „Biology By Team“ can be replicated for other science and instructional fields and could provide an important contribution for the improvement of the subject and also team competence of our youth. Contact: Mag. Peter Holub Centre of Science Teaching at the Pedagogical University Carinthia – Viktor – Frankl – University, Kaufmanngasse 8, A 9010 Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA, Tel.: +43(0)664 3672219, Email:, Website: 71 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Introducing the Competence Centre of Neuroscience - CCN Ilg Uwe J. Hertie-Institut for Clinical Brain Research, Cognitive Neurology , University of Tübingen Integrative neuroscience addresses not only how individual neurons operate, but how multiple neurons orchestrate with their neighbors to generate the impressive wide spectrum of brain functions which allow humans and animals to operate successfully in their natural environments. The disclosure of these mechanisms is the mission of the newly founded Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neurosciene (CIN) in Tübingen. Another important goal of the CIN is the enforcement of research oriented training by the Graduate Training Centre for Neuroscience. This training centre will be supplemented by a Competence Centre for Neuroscience - CCN that provides unique training opportunities for high school students and their teachers in order to provide insights into exiting new developments in integrative neuroscience. By doing so, we aim to promote public understanding of neuroscience and encourage talented young high school students to consider careers in this vibrating field. Classes of students from high schools will be invited to visit the CCN for one day. Approximately 10 different experiments and exhibitions covering various fields of integrative neuroscience will be set-up and can be explored. They include neuroanatomy, electric properties of biological membranes, sensory systems, motor systems and computational neuroscience. It is important to note that the topics of these experiments are substantially influenced by the research topics addressed in the CIN. High school students perform these experiments under the supervision of young research associates, usually doctoral students from the fields. Background information on the experiments will be provided through the CCN-website. Small groups of students perform a single, previously selected experiment and, at the end of the day, report their obtained results to their class mates. This seminar will complete the exciting visit of the CCN. In addition to the above outlined experiments, frequent seminars designed for teachers and grade 12 students intend to inform about the research activities within the CIN. This vocational education will inform high school teachers with state-of-the-art research activities not only in the CIN but in neuroscience in general. The CCN activities aim to satisfy four major objectives. First, the interest of talented young high school students in neuroscience might be sparked quite early in their education. Talented students are essential to further promote research in neuroscience. Second, the CCN will satisfy the increasing demand for practical courses in biology as envisioned by modern high school concepts. Third, the designed experiments are thought to facilitate the realization of the high school syllabus in biology touching on neuroscience. Fourth, the CNN might help to counteract the resentment of the young generation against basic research, high tech approaches and the use of animals in basic research. The Competence Centre of Neuroscience – CCN is funded by the Robert-Bosch-Foundation. 72 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Earth System Research in Berlin and Brandenburg - A Network Connecting Schools With Science Institutes Kirchner Ingo, Tschendel Martin Freie Universität Berlin Beginning in summer 2006 the project, as called in the title, is going into its active phase. As a research education cooperation with the focus on Earth Science (funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation in the NaT-Working programme), the aim is to transfer scientific research results to Berlin and Brandenburg high schools. All project activities are related to three scientific topics: climate change, working with earth system data and earth system modelling. The interrelation of different scientific areas will be the play ground for the high school students. Our project supports three fields of activity: First the transfer of newest research results to the classes, second the design and development of comprehensive education modules and third the organisation of common activities. Regarding to the first field of activity, we already organised two workshops to open the possibility to present expert knowledge by scientists for teachers. We are going to realize our next workshop in April this year with the focus on geographical information systems. In addition to the information transfer from science towards schools during these workshops, the participants develop the education modules together, which is our second field of activity. In each module a specific subject or activity is picked up and scientific material will be prepared usable on the high school level. In order to connect the three scientific topics, we try to develop modules, which can not only be used in a single course, e.g. geography, mathematics, computer sciences, physics, chemistry or biology, but applicable for activities combining different disciplines. Giving an example, one module is dealing with a "Climate Game". This board-game sensitizes the students to problems of the climate change and makes them aware of the relations between economic development interests, environmental protection needs and scientific findings provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Another module offers portable analyser kits for meteorological and environmental measurements. This module also establishes a network of automated meteorological stations in schools and our research institute. The collected data will be provided on the internet for the schools. Our third field of activity is the implementation of the module results, obtained by intensive preparatory work in the workshops and education modules. Giving an illustration, our partner schools organise "Climate Game" competition days or they use the analyser kits for field trips, e.g. as in September 2007 during the Berlin Marathon. In the three project years with funding we will publish all our activities and results on our projects web page. This should support our members to interact between the different fields of activities. But it should also reach not directly involved people to become interested in our work. For the future, it is our objective to equip the project with a certain autonomy. Even after the end of the sponsorship, there should be teachers, students and researchers, who will continue to run the meteorological stations and to keep the "Climate Games" and analyser kits in good condition. 73 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Education for Sustainable Development Exemplary curriculum units developed in a school of lower secondary level (grade 7-9) in Switzerland Kocher Urs Alta Scuola Pedagogica – Locarno, Switzerland At the beginning of the UN decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) a project, aiming to integrate and embed the Education for Sustainable Development in the syllabus and everyday teaching on lower secondary level (grade 7-9), was started in Switzerland. The development, reflection, and evaluation of exemplary curriculum units on this subject takes place in a participatory double loop process: first, pilot schools in the French-, German-, and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland integrate the Education for Sustainable Development in their school development, considering their particular school situation. These schools document their experiences and reflect upon them in case studies (action research approach). Second, students from eight teacher-training colleges across the country develop and evaluate further curriculum units during their practical periods. Thus, the Education for Sustainable Development will be included in their personal teaching repertory, in their practical schools as well as in teacher-training. The final product of this project will be a curriculum-concept for the Education for Sustainable Development grade 7-9, a collection of useful background material, a broad set of authentic, creative curriculum units and case studies on how to address Education for Sustainable Development at lower secondary level. From the Swiss project of the Education for Sustainable Development, an example has been taken out and showed on a poster. This, aims to illustrate a sequence of curriculum units on the specific topic named “Mobilità sostenibile – una scelta possible?” (sustainable mobility – is it feasible?). This project on the traffic was developed in the Scuola media in Morbio Inferiore in order to sensitize, deepen and work up with the students (grade 9) on this typical and actual problem of the school surroundings as well as of the whole region. The large curriculum units contain one game on mobility, an extensive inquiry in a shopping centre, four didactical unities, three excursions and several single lessons of Geography, History and Natural Sciences. 74 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Schools and the Technische Universität München (TUM) Kratzer Andreas Zentralinstitut für Lehrerbildung and Lehrerfortbildung, Technische Universität München, Lothstrasse 17, 80335 München This report can not cover all the activities at TUM. It will only give a few examples and it tries to deal with some important questions. Since several years TUM (Technische Universität München) is working on programmes to improve school education in science and technology. Already in 1998, TUM started to participate in Global Hands-on Universe (HOU), an international effort to bring research projects in astrophysics to teachers and high-school students. HOU came into being in 1992 as part of the famous “Supernovae Cosmology Project” (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). TUM promoted the introduction of HOU in Germany. Recently, an international group of high-school students succeeded in discovering an asteroid using images of a telescope in Illinois, USA. They were introduced in the field at Deutsches Museum in Munich where we had a HOU workshop for one week in August 2007. Participants came from Austria, Canada, China, South Africa and Bavaria. The internet was used for the asteroid search later on. Within the TUM ScienceLabs project high-school students gain access to laboratories of the Garching research centre. Real research is done each year in so-called “Facharbeiten” which are small research projects of high-school students. One of the more recent examples is a student who studied the process of mummification of a body displayed at the museum of archaeology in Munich (Archäologische Staatssammlung). Many scientists were involved as well in order to find the origin of the body which is not known in detail. Each year, TUM organizes a conference in March or April where high-school students present their projects. Students have to talk in front of an audience of more than 100 people. Many of them are students of a lower grade who will hopefully become interested in research through the examples on stage. Projects between research institutes and school dependent strongly on the persons involved. In order to achieve long-term success it is important to improve the cooperation between universities, research institutes and schools. Recently, TUM started to have contracts with selected schools (“Referenzschulen”) which puts cooperation on a solid basis. In addition, it was possible to found the first cluster of schools (“TUM Schulcluster Berchtesgadener Land”) in November 2007. Schools fixed by contract their cooperation including their efforts to improve science education. In this special case we approach another problem of partnerships between schools and research institutes. In many cases schools are simply to far away. The cluster guarantees that the efforts of the university reach many students and we can develop new concepts for partnerships and science education. We are already planning summer and winter schools for gifted students which include examinations at the university. A local research centre for school students will probably be founded in the near future in Berchtesgaden. We are also planning to increase the number of clusters in Bavaria. 75 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Form-it Take Part in Research Meissner Markus , Prauhart Nadia Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut Form-it - Take Part in Research! supports networking experts who work with and on new didactic concepts for science teaching. The overall objective of Form-it is to promote the interest of young people in science and to qualify them for a critical and analytical way of thinking and learning. Form-it provides a platform for supporting reform and modernisation of science education in European member states. Through comparing and analysing national activities and programmes a common knowledge based on innovative didactic approaches to teaching of science is continuously upgraded. This should motivate schools and research institutions to establish new research based models of science education. To achieve this overall objective, the following sub-objectives have been set: • Increasing the efficiency of science education strategies by identifying and promoting the success factors of Research and Education Cooperation Projects (RECs). • Supporting the collaboration between institutions running RECs by setting up a European network of experts in science education and education research. • Supporting the development of joint EU research projects by identifying research questions on REC as a new model of science education. • Building up a sustainable network of institutions that will keep up cooperation and mutual exchange beyond the duration of the project. • Increasing the engagement of policy-makers and decision makers in educational concerns by promoting policy recommendations and guidelines for RECs. The essential questions that Form-it deals with are: • Which general conditions are necessary to provide high quality cooperation? • How is collaboration organised, which partnership models exist? • Why are many projects successful - but others not? Form-it brings together European institutions, researchers, promoters and initiatives in REC-projects with the aim of empowering all involved actors. Three main activities are carried out: Analysing selected RECs: A Catalogue of Good Practice Examples of REC of the eight participating EU-countries will be developed. The preliminary GP-list will be discussed on the International Conference »Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education« from 12th to 14th of March 2008. The analysis generates important benchmarks that are the basis for improving these kinds of programmes and to promote the interest of young people in science. Networking in expert working groups, at workshops and at the International Conference. In order to exchange national experiences in science education, to develop a common strategy for REC in Europe and to build up strong partnerships for future cooperation and research in this area. Increasing public awareness for excellence in science education: Detailed knowledge on innovative REC-activities in Europe will be disseminated to encourage modern science education. The Form-it consortium carried out a survey on the situation of REC in their countries and found 159 REC examples in Austria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom. They show the multifaceted possibilities and difficulties within Science Education, Research and Science Cooperation and innovative didactic concepts. The »Report on Research and Education Cooperation in Europe« was the basis for the development of the Catalogue of Good Practice Examples. Practical guidelines and a proposal of quality criteria for initiating, realising and embedding of REC are developed throughout the project Form-it. A joint policy paper will be addressed to national and European decision makers within the educational system to support the realisation of RECs. 76 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. BioValley-College Network (BCN): Trinational Network to Intensify the Teaching of Natural Science at Gymnasia Level. Kilian Ingo1, Walter Bernadette2, Glardon Sacha3, Hermann Janine4 (1)Kant-Gymnasium Weil am Rhein DE, (2)Lycée Jean Marmoz St. Louis FR, (3)Gymnasium Bäumlihof Basel CH, (4)Sekretariat BCN Basel CH The Bio Valley College Network (BCN) was created in Autumn 2003, namely to improve the crosslinkage of the Gymnasiums / Cantonal Schools located in the regions South Baden, Alsace and Basle on the one hand, and with research and the economy in the field of Life Sciences in the BioValley (Regio Basiliensis) on the other. Therefore, BCN is an example of Public Private Partnership. Core Objectives of the BCN: 1. Furtherance of engaged and gifted young persons in the field of Life Sciences through the definition and implementation of a «Curriculum Plus» 2. Support for teaching staff imparting the knowledge of Life Sciences (Symposia, School Laboratories) 3. Intensification and enrichment of the teaching of natural science at gymnasia level 4. Minimization of the loss of competence incurred on the critical career-interfaces Structures and Events: • School laboratories in CH, DE and FR • Scholar Congress and Scholar Olympiad • BioValley College Day with the bestowal of the College Award • Practical training places at institutes of technology and in industry • Symposium for teachers, common projects with teachers from CH, DE, FR and the USA (MiniGrant Projects, as well as the Biotech Symposium, have resulted in an intensive exchange of ideas between the BCN and High Schools in the region of Boston, and were co-ordinated by the Museum of Sciences, MOS Boston) Future Projects: • Development of a Corporate Identity, creation of a new logo • Adaptation and professionalization of the home page • Expansion of the co-operation with other institutions in the region (Universities, Specialist Colleges, MOS Boston, Life Science Learning Center Zurich, Industry) etc. • Setting-up of constructive interactions with institutions beyond the BioValley region • Development of standards, setting of benchmarks • Intensification and professionalization of the public relations work (visibility in the media, publications by members of the BCN in technical journals) Partners of the BCN: • Education Departments of the Cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land (CH) • Regierungspräsidium Freiburg im Breisgau, Department Schools & Education (DE) • Académie de Strasbourg, Pole Pédagogique (FR) • Interpharma, association of research-based Swiss pharmaceutical companies, Basel (CH) There is a very firm opinion in the BioValley that the competitiveness and prosperity of the region on the Rhine Bend depend greatly on an excellent education and further training in the core disciplines of life sciences and biomedicine. 77 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. “Hands-on” Minds-on” Teaching Science at the XLAB Neher Eva-Maria XLAB- Experimental Laboratory for Young People, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 8, 37077 Goettingen, Germany XLAB is an educational institution, which wants to bridge the gap between high school and university. XLAB organizes experimental courses in Biology, Chemistry, computer science and Physics for classes and individual students from European countries and from all over the world. The students do intensive experimental work with state-of-the-art-equipment. Theoretical teaching by experienced scientists runs parallel with the experiments. In nearly all industrialized countries the number of students enrolling in natural science studies at universities has been decreasing dramatically for more than 15 years. On the other hand science and technology provide the key to the problems and challenges that our societies are facing today. Much effort has to be invested to encourage young people to pursue scientific careers. Young people have to get enthusiastic about the great research adventure of today. Students should get to know how to do research: what it means to work in a laboratory, what it means to solve a theoretical problem, and for what purpose a computer is really needed. This means students should get to know the reality! The economical situation of high schools does normally not allow to install highly sophisticated experiments: the equipment is much too expensive and teachers are not trained in supervising experiments on a more or less scientific level. However central laboratories can serve regional schools and may also be accessible nationwide and - as is the case for XLAB – worldwide. Aims of XLAB Concurrent with the Bologna Process XLAB is following the general aims of the EU in promoting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area and promoting the mobility of the students and encouraging them to take up university studies abroad. Teaching at the XLAB XLAB tries to provide an atmosphere of real research laboratories with authentic tools and machines and most important our lecturers are experienced scientists. XLAB offers a variety of practical experiments in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. The experiments are designed and supervised by scientists. Scientists and science schoolteachers work together in a very tight collaboration; the performance of the experimental courses is supported by qualified technical assistance. Students work in the laboratories for the entire day. They concentrate on one subject; that means there is no interruption by other lessons as it is the case at school. This provides an intensive learning at a level, which can be compared with university teaching. Target groups are: 1. School classes and 1st year University Students coming from Germany, other European countries and even Asia. Classes and Students stay for one to five days up to three weeks. 2. International students participating in the XLAB Science Camp for nearly four weeks during the summer holidays. The number of students representing one nationality is limited to 2-4 only. The number of participants per camp is limited to 30 students. XLAB started in August 2000 and in 2008 we already count approximately 61.000 thousand students x days. 78 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. MATHEON Kramer Jürg Humboldt-Universität Summery of the Application Area The basic motivation for the scientists of MATHEON to engage themselves in educational activities is the need for more qualified young people in the MINT fields (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), in particular in mathematics. To archieve this goal, the basic for a positive attitude towards mathematics has to be built already in school. Furthermore, the unbalanced transitions from school to university, and later on to the working life, have to be smoothened out by integrating these phases more strongly into each other, specifically in mathematical education. As a consequence, the mathematical education for teachers and engineers must become more practiceand problem solving-oriented. The scientists of the Application Area with the support of the members of MATHEON provide various activities in this direction. Based on their application-oriented research and their teaching experience, they develop concepts for teaching in a more application- and problem-driven way. At the same time, through the close cooperations with schools, in particular the four mathematically profiled schools of the Berlin Network, prototypical examples for a smooth transition from school to university have been set up. This, in turn, leads to a fruitful cooperation between teachers, teacher students, and teacher educators at the universities. In addition, the scientists of MATHEON with the support of the teachers of the Network Schools provide crucial contributions to help bridging between mathematicians and the public at large by their extremely successful outreach activities. 79 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. PARLAVIS - Participatory Landscape Visualisation Participatory development of an instrument for demonstration of landscape development scenarios Elmer Sonya, Steiner Regina FORUM Umweltbildung (Interdisciplinary team of researchers: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences: Prof. Dr. Otto Eckmüller and Dr. Sonja Vospernik (both Institute Waldwachstumsforschung), Dr. Gerhard Weiss (Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik), Dr. Tatjana Koukal (Institut für Fernerkundung und Vermessungswesen) and University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna: Dr. Susanne Reimoser (Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology), Team of teachers: Ing. Andreas Sulzer (Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Fachschule Alt-Grottenhof), DI Martin Kugler (HBLA für Forstwirtschaft, Bruck an der Mur), Ing. Herbert Grulich (Office of the government of Lower Austria - LW. Koordinationsstelle für Bildung und Forschung - "LAKO"; Fachschule Edelhof), DI Herbert Spicar (Forstliche Ausbildungsstätte Ort/Gmunden), Interface management: Mag. Sonja Elmer, Mag. Regina Steiner (both FORUM Umweltbildung) und Dr. Gerhard Weiss) An interdisciplinary team of researchers together with four teachers of different agricultural and forestry schools and training centres design an educational tool for the three-dimensional demonstration of scenarios of landscape development. Goal of this simulation-model predeveloped by the researchers and concretised together with the teachers for its use in schools is to show the problems of sustainable usage of a natural resource, to enable people to understand humanenvironmental systems and to clarify the possibilities of shaping situations by stakeholders. The area of Rax-Schneeberg is serving as an example where PARLAVIS seeks to investigate which possibilities a presentation style like this is offering for ESD. On the other hand methods of inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation shall be explored in the framework of the project and supporting and inhibiting conditions shall be identified concerning this cooperative way of generating knowledge. The project is made up of four stages: stage I (development) contained the technical construction of the tool by the technicians in the team of researchers. In the course of this stage the teachers introduced their wishes and needs for the application in school. Their propositions have been implemented as far as possible by the team of technicians. Subsequently the teachers will test the tool by conducting school projects using the tool, make records of the process of these tests and evaluate the lessons using action research methods (stage II: test stage – just in progress). The results of the test stage will be discussed among all participants of the project (stage III: evaluation of the tool) to draw conclusions for further development and adaptation of the tool. The teachers will then get a (slightly) improved version of the tool at the end of the project. The final (= fourth) stage of the project is dedicated to the common reflection and evaluation of the entire cooperation process between researchers and teachers. This evaluation will include the participation of all involved persons (teachers, pupils and researchers) through a mixture of self-evaluation and external evaluation by the interface management team. The intermediate evaluation following stage I provided first results concerning the understanding of the different roles by the project partners (and the modification of this comprehension), the motivation of the involved project partners, the progression of the learning process and the challenges for the project partners and for the interface management. 80 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. From the computer to nature – biodiversity education with simulation models Ulbrich Karin and Settele Josef Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research –UFZ, Dept. Community Ecology, Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4, 06120 Halle Biodiversity is dramatically decreasing as a result of habitat loss, invasion of alien species, overexploitation of resources, pollution, and climate change. However, little of current knowledge is involved in school lessons. Opinion polls show that the majority of 15 to 18 year old pupils want to know more about extinction risks of animal and plant species. The educational software SINAS deals with the results of the EU research projects ALARM and MacMan. Our approach includes (1) the demonstration of complex biodiversity issues at the example of indicator species, (2) interactive usage of simulation models, (3) explanations of how the models have been developed, and (4) the motivation to practical conservation measures. The indicator species were derived from studies within the EU project ALARM and MACMAN which concluded that both pollinators and amphibians are highly endangered by extinction. The diversity of bees and of the plants they pollinate has declined significantly over the last decades. The existing studies demonstrate the loss of pollination services for some major crops and imply a more general risk for pollination services in the future, in both agricultural and natural ecosystems. The impact of changing environment on pollinator populations was exemplified at the Red Mason Bee Osmia rufa and the Maculinea butterflies. Amphibian species are represented by the Common toad Bufo bufo and the Tree frog Hyla arborea. Simulation models demonstrate the response of individuals and populations to environmental changes. The user can interactively select “disturbance” or “protection” scenarios and test their impact on the population (total size, number of females, males, and offspring). The extinction risk is displayed in terms of mean population life time. Simulations show population development within a reproductive season on a daily time scale and on a time scale of many successive years. Practical measures for conservation management are described in a separate chapter of the SINAS software and include special offers of public visitor centres in four German states. Project results show that close collaboration of researchers with partners from schools and the public allow finding new and effective ways in biodiversity education. 81 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. SUPPORT Partnership and Participation for a Sustainable Tomorrow Ulbrich Karin Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research –UFZ, Dept. Community Ecology, Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4, 06120 Halle The Comenius network “Partnership and Participation for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, SUPPORT, has been established in order to address the need to enhance the quality of educational practices and material in line with the challenges of sustainable development (SD). The overall objective is to promote education for sustainable development (ESD) in European schools. The SUPPORT network consists of 31 partner institutions in 14 European Union and EFTA countries, plus 9 other participants from 7 countries. The project will bring concepts and issues of SD into the education system by linking schools, research institutions and communities in a web-based network. Learning opportunities will be provided that stimulate and empower individuals to acquire relevant experiences, knowledge, skills, values and understanding and to reflect critically on their role in creating a sustainable tomorrow. In so doing the project will contribute to lifelong learning for an active and responsible citizenry. SUPPORT will generate and spread knowledge about how ESD can be effectively supported through cooperation with actors outside the school using ICT. The project is expected to enhance the status of schools through greater involvement in the local community and participation in democratic processes. Interaction and cooperation among key stakeholders and best practice exchange will be facilitated by thematic conferences, workshops, a Comenius mobility seminar, Comenius school partnership contact seminars, Arion visits, and a web-based campaign on schools’ ecological footprints. The activities will be managed and coordinated through annual advisory group and partner meetings. 82 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. phænovum Pupils Research Center Schülerforschungszentrum Lörrach - Life Science Wiederkehr Thomas phænovum Lörrach, Justus-von-Liebig-Schule Waldshut-Tiengen, email: Our Pupils Research Center offers unique possibilities for research activities in the area of Life Sciences and physics. The abstract and the poster is focused on the Life Science field. Situated in the trinational region near Basel within the Biovalley region, high school students train their own first-hand lab experiences in an university-like environment. Our team of teachers aid the pupils in defining Life Science projects, designing experiments, contacting experts from universities, participating and presenting results at symposia or contests. Participants of the curriculum have to do an internship at selected companies that individually establish partnerships with the students. In our region there is an ever growing demand of very well educated, specialized and trained employees in the industries of Life Science. On the other hand a high percentage of university studies or vocational trainings are not completed. We aim to bridge this obvious hurdle between school and higher education in the Life Sciences by encouraging the pursuing of real experiments that train addon-capabilities like self-responsibility, self-organization and frustration tolerance. The pupils who are interested in Life Science are led in their research activities by an experienced former researcher. 83 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 5.2. Presentations of Cooperations out of the Catalogue of Good Practice Examples1 The following Good practice examples were exhibited within the poster session. Detailled information to these Research Education Cooperations can be found in the report Good Practice Catalogue ( or AUSTRIA Children are Doing Research - A project on Archaeology prepared by Cech Brigitte, Independent researcher Report was available (Bericht, Wissenschaftskommunikationspreis des österreichischen Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Archäologieprojekt „Kinder forschen“) Tick Patrol - A tiny foe, an underestimated enemy, a school project for your health! prepared and presented by Steiner Konrad and students of the HBLA Ursprung, Elixhausen/Salzburg Urban scapes - future scapes presenting future.scapes – Global Change from children´s perspective prepared by Tötzer Tanja et. al, ARC, systems research GERMANY Ada Lovelace - Mentoring for Women into Science and Technology presenting Ada-Lovelace-Project Mentor network for women in techniques and science prepared by Ebach Judith, University of Applied Science Koblenz Daniel-Duesentrieb-Contest prepared by Mackens Wolfgang, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg ITALY Material Science: an interdisciplinary laboratory course prepared by Binetti Simona, University of Milano - Bicocca How can young people participate in the scientific debate presenting Ethics and Polemics. Learning to participate in the scientific debate prepared by L'Astorina Alba, Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente (IREA) To observe, to understand, to respect presenting Research and Ethics. To observe, to understand, to respect prepared by Tranchida Flaminia, Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology of the Italian National Research Council LITHUANIA Don't buy their lives prepared by Lazarevičiené Violetta, Project CITES Water is the main source of life prepared by Silanskiene Loretta, Kaunas University of Technology SLOVENIA National Education Institute Slovenia presenting Touching the Research Institute prepared by Bačnik Andreja, National Education Institute Slovenia 1 Listed along countries and then in alphabetical order regarding the contact person 84 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. SWITZERLAND Genetic Research Days presenting Genetic Research Days. Project “Visit a lab” prepared by Bodenmüller Kurt, Foundation Gen Suisse Penser avec les mains – Thinking with the hands prepared by Hulo Sophie, Université de Genève The Life Science Learning Center presenting Life Science Zurich – Learning Center prepared by Jann Peter, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich Explore-it prepared by Providoli René, Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis PHVS THE NETHERLANDS JETNET - Jongeren en Technologie Network Netherlands prepared by Boots Beatrice, Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Jet-Net Bètapartners prepared by de Beurs, Cor, University of Amsterdam UNITED KINGDOM UK-Japan Young Scientists prepared by Albone Eric and Okano Toru, Clifton Scientific Trust In addition following initiatives were exhibited via posters: A bunch of spring flowers prepared by Ogrin Tomaz, Insitut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia) NLT Nature, Life & Technology prepared by Krüger Jenneke, Landelijk Ontwikkelpunt NLT (The Netherlands) 5.3. Bibliography Driver, R., Leach, J., Millar, R. & Scott, P. (1996). Young people's images of science.. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. Jiménez Aleixandre M.P (2008). Designing argumentation learning environments. In S. Erduran & M. P. Jiménez-Aleixandre (Eds.), Argumentation in science education: perspectives from classroombased research (pp. 89-113). Dordrecht: Springer, Jiménez Aleixandre M.P & Pereiro Muñoz, C. (2002) Knowledge producers or knowledge consumers? Argumentation and decision making about environmental management. International Journal of Science Education, 24: 1171-1190. 85 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 5.4. List of participants Australia Hofer Hans Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol Mackenzie Cam Queensland Government, Department for Education, Training and the Arts Holub Peter Centre of Science education at the Pedagogical University Carinthia - Viktor Frankl - University Winter Anthony Jelen Ingrid HTL Dornbirn Austria Bachmann Gerhild University of Graz Jungwirth-Weinberger Herbert BHBLW 19 Bakonyi Tamas University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Kainz Peter Chemie-Ingenieurschule Graz Bartosch Ilse Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt Karlegger Annelies Institut für Umwelthygiene Medizinische Universität Wien Cech Brigitte Keller Erika Vienna University - Austrian Educational Competence Center Biology Cervinka Renate Institut für Umwelthygiene Medizinische Universität Wien Kern Thomas Schulbiologiezentrum Graz Czerny Wolfgang Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC Kirchdorfer Lisa HBLA Ursprung Eberharter Lukas HBLA Ursprung Kunnert-Wernhart Veronika Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Ebert Veronika HBLVA für chemische Industrie and IMSTFonds and IUS University Klagenfurt Lackner Christian Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests Natural Hazards and Landscape Ebner Rupert Langer Ewald Hoehere Technische Lehranstalt Villach Elster Doris Vienna University - Austrian Educational Competence Center Biology Loibl Marie Celine Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research Frantz-Pittner Andrea Schulbiologiezentrum Graz Meissner Markus Austrian Institute of Ecology Garber Karin Vienna Open Lab Nittinger Franziska Austrian Science Fund FWF Grabner Silvia Schulbiologiezentrum Graz Oberhauser Irmgard HTL Dornbirn Gröschl Martina Austrian Academy of Sciences Oberkofler Edith HBLA Ursprung Guttmann Franz Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland Ges.m.b.H. Patzak Beatrix Path.-Anat. Bundesmuseum Hein Bettina WasserKluster Lunz Pfaffenwimmer Günther Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture Heiss Gerhard Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC Pieslinger Herwig HBLFA Raumberg 86 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Pietsch Alice Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark Denmark Christensen Dorthe Det Biovidenskabelige fakultet for Føvevarevidenskab, naturressourcer og Prauhart Nadia Austrian Institute of Ecology Radits Franz University of Vienna France Schauer Annemarie GRG III Quéré Yves Académie de Science de France Schwab-Matkovits Ingrid Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland Ges.m.b.H. Walter Bernadette Academie de Strasbourg & Biovalley College Network Schwanzer Hanna HTL Spengergasse Simonne-Dombovari Eszter Department of Geoinformation and Cartography - TU Vienna Germany Smoliner Christian Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research Bökehof-Reckelkamm Annette Robert-Bosch-Stiftung Baker Louise Robert Bosch Stiftung de Haan Gerhard FU Berlin Steinbach-Buchinger Hermine Drexler Atje Robert Bosch Stiftung Steindl Claudia Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC Steiner Regina Forum Umweltbildung Ebach Judith University of Applied Science Koblenz AdaLovelace-Project Steiner Konrad HBLA Ursprung Elsholz Markus turmdersinne gGmbH Stelzer Irmgard Universität Wien, AECC Biologie Geyer Tobias Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden Tötzer Tanja Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC Hausamann Dieter DLR - German Aerospace Center Wagner Kurt KulturKontakt Hillebrandt Dirk Leibniz-Institute for Science Education - IPN Weigelhofer Gabriele WasserKluster Lunz GmbH Huck Jana FU Berlin Wirtitsch Manfred Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture Ilg Uwe Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research Kirchner Ingo Institut fuer Meteorologie Zuercher Reinhard Pädagogische Hochschule Wien Kohse-Höinghaus Katharina University of Bielefeld Czech Republic Kratzer Andreas TU München Lukesova Jana Palacky University Olomouc Lingen Heinz Gymnasium Haus Overbach Pokorna Gabriela Palacky University Olomouc Lorenz Robert FU Berlin Mackens Wolfgang Hamburg University of Technology 87 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Martin Ulrike Pecorone Giovanna S.S.I.S. Lazio Mathar Reiner Ensi – environment and school initiatives Schacherl Stefano Itis Armellini - Rome - Italy Neher Eva-Maria XLAB - Experimental Laboratory for Young People Torracca Eugenio University of Rome Valente Adriana National Research Council-institute of research on population and social policies Panknin Karin K.Panknin SOLUTIONS GmbH Post Angelika Matheon Lithuania Raab Dagmar Universität Bayreuth Anceviciene Lena Kaunas University of Technology Scheller Ulrich BBB Management GmbH Campus Berlin-Buch Raila Saulius Kaunas University of Technology Steckemetz Bernd Hochschule Bremen, Institut für AerospaceTechnologie Norway Telgmann Gisela Robert-Bosch-Stiftung Benedict Faye Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ulbrich Karin Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental research UFZ Poland Zehren Walter Universität des Saarlandes Linard-Szuta Laetitia Solvay Pharma Polska Hungary Romania Czippan Katalin Hungarian Society of Environmental Education Cernat Petronela-Adriana University of Bucharest Varga Attila Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development Slovenia Italy Artac Sonja Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana Altamore Aldo Roma Tre University Bacnik Andreja National Education Institute Slovenia Berlinguer Luigi Ministry of Public Education Mohorcic Gregor The National Education Institute Binetti Simona Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca Mozer Alenka Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana Ogrin Tomaz Jozef Stefan Institute Caravita Silvia Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR Poberznik Anita National Education Institute Slovenia Guattari Georgio S.S.I.S. Lazio Stres Spela Jozef Stefan Institute L'Astorina Alba IREA - CNR Mayer Michela University of Rome 3 SSIS Lazio 88 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Spain United Kingdom Espinet Mariona Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Albone Eric Clifton Scientific Trust Jimenez-Aleixandre Maria Pilar University of Santiago de Compostela Meadows John London South Bank University Education Dept Mintz Joseph London South Bank University Education Dept Switzerland Okano Toru Rikkyo School in England Providoli René explore-it Pietikainen Soile London South Bank University Education Dept Bodenmüller Kurt Foundation Gen Suisse Gerloff-Gasser Christine University of Zurich - Institute of Secundary and Vocational School Pedagogy Hermann Janine Interpharma Jann Peter University of Zurich - Institute of Secundary and Vocational School Pedagogy Kocher Urs Alta Scuola Pedagogica Kyburz-Graber Regula University of Zurich - Institute of Secundary and Vocational School Pedagogy Stalder Laura SGCI Chemie Pharma Schweiz The Netherlands Ankone Henri National Institute for Curriculum Development Caris Iris Utrecht University de Kleijn Emiel National Institute for Curriculum Development Timmemans Piet Radboud University. Teacher training institute 89 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 5.5. List of Referents, Moderators and Workshop leaders ALBONE, Eric (Referent Workshop 1) is Director of Clifton Scientific Trust, a charity dedicated to developing innovative strategies for engaging young people of all ages and backgrounds in experiences of real life science and its application, giving school knowledge meaning and motivation and building skills for life through science. His current work includes the award-winning UK-Japan Young Scientist Partnerships, and in his home city of Bristol in developing effective working partnerships between primary schools and medical students. Dr. Albone holds a first degree and doctorate in chemistry from Oxford and has divided his career between academic research and school teaching. He is also much involved in Britain in “science in society” initiatives nationally and locally. ANKONÉ, Henri (key note, Leader Workshop 4), is the contact person for the “Geography olympiade” in the National Institute for Curriculum Development in the Netherlands. He accompanied the development of the multimedial teaching tool. BAKER, Louise (Moderator Workshop 2) joined the Robert Bosch Stiftung in December 2007. As Programme Officer in the area of Science and Research she coordinates the funding Programme "NaT-Working", which aims to network schools, universities and research institutes by funding projects and initiatives aimed at getting more young people excited about science and technology. After successfully completing her degree in German at the University of Liverpool, UK and a Masters in European Studies at the University of Aachen, Germany, Louise went on to work for the Europe Programme at the British Council in Brussels and "Culture 2000" at the European Commission, DG Education and Culture. BAKONYI, Tamas (Referent Plenary) is senior lecturer at the Institute of Virology, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest. Since 2001 he has close and continuous research cooperation with Prof. Norbert Nowotny's group at the Clinical Virology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. He obtained PhD degree on the molecular investigations of bee viruses. His main scientific interest is the molecular diagnostics of animal and human viruses; in particular the detection and characterization of previously unknown or less intensively investigated agents. Dr. Bakonyi is the co-author of 38 scientific articles in the field of virology and epidemiology. DE HAAN, Gerhard (Key note) is the director of “Institut Futur”, the Center for Educational Future Science at the Freie Universität Berlin. His research activities are: development of future scenarios – education for sustainable development - analysis of the effects of a knowledge based society exploring the transfer of knowledge and innovations - research on future and uncertainty. Several of the institute’s research projects are being funded by the EU, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation). Among others, he is the chairman of the German National Committee of the UN-Decade for Education on Sustainable Development, Member of the Council of the Europäische Akademie GmbH and Member of the Committee on Sciences of the German section of the UNESCO-Commission. DREXLER, Atje (Leader Workshop 2) is deputy head of the Science department at the Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart, Germany. She supervises the Foundation’s funding programs for cooperative projects between research and educational institutions such as “NaT-Working: students, teachers and scientists network in science and engineering” and “Denkwerk: students, teachers and scholars network in the humanities.” In addition, she is responsible for the research funding of the Foundation’s medical institutes. NaT-Working is the largest funding program for research-education cooperation projects in Germany. Since 2000 more than 130 initiatives have been funded. Atje Drexler joined the Foundation in 2001, after completing her studies in Slavic literature, Economics and English, and a three-year employment in industry. 90 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. EBERHARTER, Lukas (Referent Plenary), student at Höhere land- und forstwirtschaftliche Schule Ursprung, projects: "Orchid Tissue Cultures" "pharmacogenetics - students test their own genes" , "Tick Patrol A tiny foe, an underestimated enemy, a school project for your health!", "Stevia: Illegal vs. Healthy? Students bare their teeth at caries"; "bee important - students pit themselves against bee virus diseases" HILLEBRANDT, Dirk (Leader Workshop 3), Psychologist, since 2004 he has been working in research regarding the effects of leaning science in out-of-school contexts, he is especially interested in the merits of hands-on experiments for learning natural sciences. For him, inquiry-based learning within an open-ended experimental approach is seen as a part of a modern teaching and learning strategy which relies on those effects of solving complex problems which promotes and supports learning. JIMENEZ ALEIXANDRE, Maria Pilar (General Rapporteur) is science education Professor in the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Previously she was biology high school teacher for 12 years. Her ongoing research program revolves around the development of argumentation and critical thinking in the science classroom, through authentic problems and socio-scientific issues. She has authored about 45 books or book chapters on argumentation, environmental education and biology education, being the last Argumentation in Science Education. Perspectives from Classroom based research, Springer 2007 (co- edited by Sibel Erduran & M.P. Jiménez-Aleixandre). She has also published as many papers in refereed journals, among the last “Contextualizing practices across epistemic levels in the Chemistry laboratory” Science Education, 2006. KIRCHDORFER, Lisa (Referent Plenary), student at Höhere land- und forstwirtschaftliche Schule Ursprung, projects: "Orchid Tissue Cultures" "pharmacogenetics - students test their own genes" , "Tick Patrol A tiny foe, an underestimated enemy, a school project for your health!", "Stevia: Illegal vs. Healthy? Students bare their teeth at caries". KOHSE-HÖINGHAUS, Katharina (Referent WS 3), Full professor for Physical Chemistry at Bielefeld University, main area of research: investigation of complex reaction systems. Founder of teutolabCHEMIE - das Mitmach- und Experimentierlabor für SchülerInnen an der Universität Bielefeld; Furthermore she focuses on working out recommendations for promoting the collaboration and cooperation between schools and Universities, especially in the area of natural sciences; this work is based on the teutolab model. Award of the Public Understanding of Sciences and Humanities Program of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft for the chemical education project teutolabChemie and teutolab-NETZWERK; Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany awarded by Federal President Horst Köhler, for her major contribution to the Program "Bildung für alle" [„Education for all“], especially for the design, implementation, and successful establishment of teutolab-CHEMIE. KYBURZ-GRABER, Regula (Key note, Moderator Workshop 3): Biologist and biology high school teacher by training, since 1998 she is professor for Secondary School Pedagogy (teacher education) at University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her main research areas are environmental education (approaches in natural and social science), science education, interdisciplinary teaching, new teaching and learning methods, project-based teaching and learning, self-directed learning, reflective teaching, and school development. In 2007, she received the Award of the North American Association for Environmental Education for „Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Education Research“. Since 2007, she is director of the Institute of Secondary and Vocational School Pedagogy (teacher education) at University of Zurich. 91 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. LINGEN, Heinz (Referent WS 2) is teacher for physics, pedagogics and psychology and heads the Gymnasium Haus Overbach in Jülich/Aachen since 1989 (focus points: natural sciences, music and assistance to gifted students). The school has contacts to Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, France, Switzerland and the USA. He focuses on development of cooperation models for schools, science and economy. Furthermore he promotes school development and teacher training (focus points: job orientation, assistance to gifted students, school and science, school and economy, team building and quality management). LOIBL, Céline (Referent Plenary, Moderator Workshop 4) is leader of the Austrian Research Programme Sparkling Science which has been implemented by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research in December 2007 ( The programme finances exclusively research projects that involve pupils directly in the research process as well as school projects that are realised in cooperation with researchers. The duration of the programme will be 10 years with a yearly budget of 3 Mio €. Projects from all disciplinary fields are funded; all school types and age-classes are involved. Before taking over the responsibility for the programme, Céline Loibl carried out international research projects on inter- and transdisciplinary, on research evaluation and on harmonisation of research and education policies. MACKENS, Wolfgang (Referent Workshop 1), PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Muenster in 1976 after having studied mathematics, computer science and physics at the Universities of Hamburg and Muenster. Assistantship at Ruhr-University Bochum until 1979. From 1979-88 lecturer at RWTH Aachen. Habilitation (Scientific Computing) at Aachen in 1988. From 1989-96 Professor of Mathematics at Hamburg University. then Professor of Mathematics at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Numerical Simulation. Spokesman of TUHH in school affairs; responsible in VDI (Association of German Engineers, (Hamburg Section) for contact to School Authorities. Initiator and promoter of several activities to increase pupils interests in Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Engineering. MAYER, Michela (Leader Workshop 1) is an international expert in Science Education, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Evaluation research. With a Ph.D. in Scientific Education and a degree in Physics, Michela, formerly responsible for research at the Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the Educational System (INVALSI), is a Lecturer in the Teachers Postgraduate School, SSIS Lazio, at the University of Rome3. She is responsible for the Science Area in the Italian participation to the PISA OECD programme and she was a member of the PISA Science Expert Group. As expert in action research and in evaluation she contributed to national and international projects for the definition of Quality Criteria for ESD, and actually she is a member of the Italian UNESCO commission fro ESD, and of the UNECE expert group for the development of ESD indicators. MEADOWS, John (Key note, Referent Workshop 4) works in the Education Department at London South Bank University, where he is responsible for the science on primary and Early Years courses. He has researched and published in science and ICT education and also teaches Masters in Education for Sustainability and doctoral level students. MOZER, Alenka (Referent Workshop 4) is a chemistry teacher at Gimnazija Vic Ljubljana and a member of the National Committee for Chemistry Assessment in Slovenia. Students at Gimnazija Vic bear in-class activities in science courses. Due to the collaboration with research institutions, laboratories and faculties students are taught by school teachers and by scientists/experts. From 1994 – 98 Ms. Mozer was a school inspector at the Ministry of Education and Sport. In cooperation with experts from the National Education Institute she is continuously involved in giving workshops within the in-service training programme for chemistry teachers. 92 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. OBERKOFLER, Edith (Referent Plenary), PhD in Molecular Biology, 1998-2006 research assistant at the University of Salzburg, Department of Cellular Biology. Since 1998 lectures and laboratory exercises in microbiology and molecular biology. Research fields: gene regulation mechanisms during yeast life cycle; yeast as model system in aging. Since 2000 external advisor at the HBLA Ursprung, Elixhausen for biotechnology projects. Since 2006 teacher at the HBLA Ursprung for chemistry, environmental technology laboratory and gene- and biotechnology. OKANO, Toru (Referent Workshop 1) holds a first degree in chemistry from Rikkyo University, Tokyo and a doctorate in education from King’s College London, and now teaches chemistry at the Rikkyo School in England. His particular interest is in comparing methods and achievements in science education in Britain and Japan and in developing exchange projects between the two countries, initially in 1991 with the Japan Society for Science Education, and since 1994 with Clifton Scientific Trust’s UK-Japan Young Scientist programme in which school students from both countries (with teachers) live and work together with professional scientists and give team presentations of their achievements, experiencing science both as a real life challenge and as a cultural bridge.; most recently Kyoto 2007; Univ. Surrey 2006. PFAFFENWIMMER, Günther (Moderator Workshop 1) is responsible for Environmental Education programme development in the Subdepartment for Environmental Education in the Austrian Federal Ministry Education, the Arts and Culture. Since 2004 he is the President of ENSI-Network (European Network of Consultants for Social Inclusion) and acts as the official Austrian Contact Partner of the GLOBE-Programme (Program for Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment). Furthermore he represents the official Austrian Contact Partner of the OECD/CERI-Network (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development & Center for Educational Research and Innovation). QUÉRÉ, Yves (Referent Workshop 2) is a solid state physicist who has been working mainly on crystal defects in solids, irradiation effects in materials and particle/solid interactions. He is a member of the French Académie des Sciences and of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Being the foreign Secretary of the Académie, he was elected co-Chair (2000-2006) of the InterAcademy Panel (IAP), the Assembly of the Science Academies worldwide. He has been the President of the Department of Physics and the Chair of the Senate of Professors at the Ecole polytechnique (Paris). Since 1996, he is deeply involved, together with Nobel laureate Georges Charpak and Astrophysicist Pierre Léna, in La main à la pâte, a programme of renovation of science education in French primary schools, with a large number of international interactions. RADITS, Franz (Referent Workshop 4), 1977–1992 Biology Teacher (Sec1&2), 1984 Research Scholarship at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft). 1987 Award of Science and Culture (Theodor Körner Stiftungsfonds). Since 1992 Professor at College of Education in Baden (Austria). 1992 Research at Nihon- University, Tokyo, Japan. Since 1998 Lecturer and Researcher at University of Vienna, Dep. of Evolutionary Biology (Science Education). Since 2003 associate of the IMST Fond (University of Klagenfurt). Research fields: Science teacher education and action research; Science learning in research and education partnerships; science learning as education for sustainable development: RADITS, F., Rauch, F. & Kattmann, U. (2005) Gemeinsam Lernen – Gemeinsam Forschen. Wissen, Bildung und Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Innsbruck, Wien, München, Bozen: Studien-Verlag.Austrian Educational Competence Centre Biology, University of Vienna. 93 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. STEINBACH-BUCHINGER, Hermine (Moderator), as moderator she guides conferences and other large group interventions such as public participation processes embedding all attendants in the communication processes. As representative project manager she is involved into the local agenda 21 processes in two Viennese districts. Focussing on adult education she is member of the Austrian AGB (Ausbildungsinstitut für Gruppe und Bildung) and of the international Anti Defamation League (ADL). Furthermore she is lecturer at the University Klagenfurt and at the Universitiy of Applied Sciences for Applied Knowledge Management. She studied pedagogic and holds a Master degree in Supervision, Coaching and organisational development. As consultant she is specialised in the fields education, non governmental organisations and public administration. STEINER, Konrad (Referent Plenary) HBLA Ursprung, Austria Biology, Mathematics, Informatics Teacher at Höhere land- und forstwirtschaftliche Schule Ursprung; manager of severeal interdisciplinary school projects such as "Tick Patrol". WIRTITSCH, Manfred (Key note), Since 2001 head of Department of Citizenship Education, Environmental Education and Consumer Education in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture. After his study of History and Mass Communication he started in the Austrian States Archive. Between 1988 and 2000 he worked in the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Department for Social Sciences (Deputy Head since 1996), focussing on contemporary history, cultural studies, and comprehensive security. 94 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. 5.6. Conference programme International Conference Wednesday 12th 12th - 14th of March 2008 Vienna From 13:00 Registration 16:30 – 17:00 Opening Welcome address Johannes Hahn, Federal Minister of Science and Research, Austria 17:00 – 17:30 Setting of the conference Form-it - Take Part in Research! Marie Céline Loibl, Form-it Coordinator, Austria 17:30 – 17:50 Key note »Science Education in Europe« Maria Pilar Jimenez Aleixandre, General rapporteur, Spain 17:50 – 18:00 Introduction of Workshops Workshop 1 »Good practices« Michela Mayer, Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Scuola di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario del Lazio 3, Italy Workshop 2 »Implementation« Atje Drexler, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany Workshop 3 »Education« Dirk Hillebrandt, Leibniz Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel, Germany Bridging the Gap between Research and Science Education Workshop 4 »Curriculum« Henri Ankoné, National Institute for Curriculum Development, The Netherlands Cooperation makes Europe competitive in Science 18:00 – 19:30 Good practice examples of Research and Education Cooperation Poster Session Programme © HBLA Ursprung Interactive exhibition 19:30 Dinner Orangerie, Europahaus Moderation: Hermine Steinbach-Buchinger Thursday 13th Friday 14th 9:00 – 10:00 Key note »Images of Research and Education Cooperations in Europe« Regula Kyburz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland 9:00 – 10:30 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 – 12:30 Workshops in parallel session Workshop 1 »Good practices« Workshop 2 »Implementation« Workshop 3 »Education« Workshop 4 »Curriculum« Key notes »Positions and Perspectives of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture« Manfred Wirtitsch, Federal Ministery of Education, the Arts and Culture, Austria »Input on national programmes« Henri Ankoné, National Institute for Curriculum Development, The Netherlands John Meadows, London Southbank University, United Kingdom »The function of Research Education Cooperation in sustainable educational systems« Gerhard de Haan, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Orangerie, Europahaus 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 14:00 – 14:30 Research and Education Cooperation on stage Tick Patrol Edith Oberkofler, HBLA Ursprung, Austria Konrad Steiner, HBLA Ursprung, Austria Tamas Bakonyi, Veterinary University of Vienna, Austria - Hungary Lisa Kirchdorfer, HBLA Ursprung, Austria Lukas Eberharter, HBLA Ursprung, Austria 11:00 – 12:00 Workshops in parallel session Workshop 1 »Good practices« Workshop 2 »Implementation« Workshop 3 »Education« Workshop 4 »Curriculum« 12:00 – 12:45 14:30– 16:45 Workshops in parallel session Workshop 1 »Good practices« Workshop 2 »Implementation« Workshop 3 »Education« Workshop 4 »Curriculum« Outcome of Workshops, questions and outlook Workshop-leaders Marie Céline Loibl, Form-it Coordinator, Austria Discussion 12:45 – 13:15 Conclusion of the conference Maria Pilar Jimenez Aleixandre, General rapporteur, Spain 16:45 – 17:45 First impressions of Workshop sessions 13:15 – 13:30 Closing session Marie Céline Loibl, Form-it coordinator, Austria 18:30 Beethoven walk and Dinner (optional) Departure to Nußdorf/Vienna 13:30 Bus transfer to the hotels 14:30 Lunch Orangerie, Europahaus Departure 22:30 95 Form – it “Take Part in Research” Bridging the Gap between Research and Education Coop. Impressum Workshop 1 »Good practices« What are good practices of Research Education Cooperation? The Form-it project consortium: Workshop-Lead: Michela Mayer, Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Scuola di Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut (Coordinator) Kauno Technologijos Universitetas Universität Zürich - Institut für Gymnasial- und Berufspädagogik Institut "Jožef Stefan" National Institute for Curriculum Development Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Scuola di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario del Lazio London Southbank University Freie Universität Berlin - Arbeitsbereich Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zukunftsforschung-Institut Futur Robert Bosch Stiftung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel Input: Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario del Lazio 3, Italy Toru Okano, Rikkyo School, United Kingdom – Japan Eric Albone, Clifton Scientific Trust, United Kingdom Wolfgang Mackens, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Germany Moderation: Günther Pfaffenwimmer, Federal Ministery of Education and the Arts, Austria Workshop 2 »Implementation« How to realise good cooperation projects? Workshop-Lead: Atje Drexler, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany Input: Heinz Lingen, Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Germany Moderation: Yves Quéré, Académie des Sciences, France Louise Baker, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany Workshop 3 »Education« Could a REC be an element of modern science education? Workshop-Lead: Dirk Hillebrandt, Leibniz Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel, Germany Form-it »Take Part in Research!« Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, University Bielefeld, Germany Regula Kyburz-Graber, University of Zurich, Switzerland Cooperation between research institutions and education organisations is considered to be an innovative didactic model for develo- Workshop 4 »Curriculum« ping the basic skills young people nowadays need for effective, life long learning and for building scientific excellence. Within Form-it - Take part in Research! networking experts who work with and on such How to use a single REC project to move the system? Workshop-Lead: Henri Ankoné, National Institute for Curriculum Development, The Netherlands Input: Alenka Mozer, Gymnasium Vic, Slovenia Moderation: John Meadows, London Southbank University, United Kingdom Franz Radits, Austrian Educational Competence Centre Biology, University of Vienna Marie Céline Loibl, Form-it Coordinator, Austria Contact Input: Moderation: Austrian Institute of Ecology Nadia Prauhart Seidengasse 13 A-1070 Vienna new didactic concepts will point out good practice examples, develop practical guidelines and assemble a joint policy paper. The project Form-it »Take Part in Research« is supported by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006). The sole responsibility for the content of this programme lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 96 4