Bus Timetable 109
Bus Timetable 109
Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 Map C Stand Departure Information Route No. Location Stand 36 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn Midland Stn St Georges Tce (from Perth) near William St Trinity Arcade after Pier St near Victoria Av St Georges Tce (to Perth) near Victoria Av before Barrack St near William St Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn St Georges Tce (from Perth) near William St Trinity Arcade after Pier St near Victoria Av St Georges Tce (to Perth) near Victoria Av before Barrack St near William St Kalamunda Bus Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn St Georges Tce (from Perth) before William St opp Howard St after Cathedral Av after Irwin St St Georges Tce (to Perth) after Victoria Av before Barrack St before William St Kalamunda Bus Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn St Georges Tce (from Perth) before William St opp Howard St after Cathedral Av after Irwin St St Georges Tce (to Perth) after Victoria Av before Barrack St before William St Kalamunda Bus Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn St Georges Tce (from Perth) before William St opp Howard St after Cathedral Av after Irwin St St Georges Tce (to Perth) after Victoria Av before Barrack St before William St D6 B 5 HAZELMERE 0 Scale 1km K m itt en oo 40 Rd Macao Rd 3 Rd 2 W ZONE Kalamunda Rd / Stirling Cr MAIDA VALE 5 29 29 Newburn Rd ZONE da un am al See Map A 295 296 299 9 GOOSEBERRY HILL 296 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Gooseberry Maida Vale Rd Rd lw ay i 2 29 95 9 295 PIESSE BROOK Ra Kalamunda Dist Community Hosp Canning Rd 296 Kalamunda Bus Station Kalamunda Central Rd FORRESTFIELD a d Hawtin Rd HIGH WYCOMBE Rd 296 K al am un Hill Bus Station Timed Stop Hospital Secondary School, University, TAFE Shopping Centre Parks LESMURDIE Banksia Rd Hovea Cr Rd Godfrey St 296 ing nn 295 299 Legend KALAMUNDA C Kalamunda a Snr High Sch Kalamunda Bus Depot 295 299 G r ove R d Lawnbrook Rd Cephalotus Rd WALLISTON 299 Effective: 31/01/2016 109 C B-C C A-C-D N N N-O-P D7 B C B-C C A-C-D N N N-O-P 3 D6 B A-F A-F F B-E-F O-P P N-O-P 4 D6 B Bus Timetable Routes 36 Perth – Midland Stn via Great Eastern Highway 40 Perth - Domestic Airport Terminals 3 & 4 via Great Eastern Highway 295 Perth - Walliston This bus does not stop at all bus stops along its route. Please refer to the map for details. 296 Perth - Kalamunda via Gooseberry Hill Rd 299 Perth - Walliston via Kalamunda Rd Suburbs Belmont Maida Vale A-F A-F F B-E-F Burswood Midland East Perth Perth Gooseberry Hill Redcliffe Guildford Rivervale N N N-O-P 3 D6 B High Wycombe South Guildford Kalamunda Walliston A-F A-F F B-E-F N N N-O-P Lesmurdie Legend Serviced by accessible buses SOUTH GUILDFORD n ter Hw y B y pass Eas t ea r G Kalam un 295 296 da 299 See Map C VICTORIA PARK Victoria Park Transfer Station Asquith St Burswood Rd Craig St 0 Scale 1km Perth PERTH McIver Royal Perth Hospital Claisebrook Ade la 1.5km Trinity EAST College PERTH ew ay Scale St Georges Tce Ca us PERTH AIRPORT 0 Rd See Map A William St ide Ea ste rn Gr ea t 36 295 296 299 Hw y ASHFIELD 36 40 295 296 Mill St Elizabeth Quay 299 Bus Station Tce MIDLAND Helena St Midland y Gate n Hw aster EDEN HILL Guildford E 36 Midland t Grammar Sch Station ea Woodbridge Gr East Corridors Guildford Midland Coll Guildford Hospital East St James St Success Johnson HAZELMERE Hill St R iv e r WOODBRIDGE Governor Stirling Snr High Sch n 2 NE ZO GUILDFORD Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 Map A Sw a Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 Map B a Gre BURSWOOD t Bolton Av Burswood Cornwall St Victoria Park LATHLAIN Secondary School, University, TAFE Shopping Centre Parks Register your vehicle today. 40 Domestic Airport PERTH AIRPORT 295 296 299 G OV ERNME N T OF TE S SOUTH GUILDFORD WE See Map C transperth.wa.gov.au A Hospital Fauntleroy Av See Map B Dunreath Dr 36 LI Train-line ASHFIELD Coolgardie Av 36 295 296 299 THE Timed Stop Nominated Stop (295 only) REDCLIFFE Brearley Av Ross Dr Snook Rd d Got an iPhone® or Android™ device? Download our free app now to help you plan your journey. Train Station ZONE 1 ZONE 2 stern Ea at ypass Gr e y B Hw Bus Station Lyall St und aR Train and Bus Transfer Visit an InfoCentre at: • Elizabeth Quay Bus Station • Perth Underground Station • Perth Station • Roe St Bus Station Visit us online transperth.wa.gov.au BELMONT Train Transfer BAYSWATER lam Legend y Hw Hearing or speech impaired? Call via NRS on 133 677 Hardey Rd ASCOT 36 40 295 296 299 Riv er Call us InfoLine on 13 62 13 (TIS 13 14 50) RIVERVALE E as ter n Belmont Av Bayswater Ka Transperth Information an Sw Toorak Rd Acton Av RN AUST RA Public Transport Authority Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 5:35 5:58 6:22 6:23 6:33 6:37 6:47 6:54 7:03 7:11 7:11 7:24 7:35 7:41 8:07 8:37 - 5:13 5:42 6:17 6:47 7:03 7:16 7:36 7:46 8:25 8:58 - 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 5:48 6:36 6:50 7:07 7:23 7:53 - 5:55 6:14 6:38 6:43 6:49 6:57 7:03 7:14 7:19 7:27 7:30 7:41 7:50 8:00 8:22 8:53 - 5:32 6:06 6:35 7:06 7:37 8:12 8:45 9:15 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 5:36 5:51 6:06 6:16 6:27 6:37 6:47 6:57 7:02 7:07 7:12 7:17 7:22 7:27 7:33 7:38 7:43 7:48 7:52 7:57 8:01 8:06 8:10 8:15 8:20 8:24 8:29 8:38 8:48 8:58 9:07 9:17 9:27 9:37 5:51 6:07 6:22 6:33 6:45 6:55 7:05 7:16 7:21 7:27 7:32 7:38 7:43 7:49 7:55 8:01 8:06 8:11 8:15 8:20 8:24 8:29 8:34 8:38 8:43 8:47 8:52 9:01 9:11 9:21 9:29 9:38 9:48 9:58 Monday to Friday am 36 40 36 296 40 299 36 40 299 296 295 36 296 295 40 36 296 295 36 295 296 40 295 36 299 36 296 40 299 36 40 299 36 40 5:50 6:14 6:25 6:39 6:55 7:03 7:16 8:28 - 6:07 6:31 6:42 6:56 7:12 7:20 7:33 7:42 8:14 8:46 - 5:44 6:32 6:46 7:03 7:19 7:50 - 5:23 5:38 5:53 6:03 6:12 6:22 6:31 6:41 6:46 6:51 6:57 7:01 7:05 7:11 7:14 7:19 7:24 7:29 7:32 7:37 7:40 7:45 7:50 7:53 7:59 8:03 8:09 8:19 8:30 8:41 8:51 9:01 9:11 9:21 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 6:55 7:00 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:20 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:39 7:43 7:47 7:51 7:56 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 9:17 10:18 11:19 12:18 1:18 2:18 - 9:24 9:54 10:24 10:55 11:25 11:54 12:24 12:54 1:24 1:54 2:24 2:53 9:46 10:16 10:46 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 1:15 1:45 2:15 2:44 - 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 9:47 9:57 10:07 10:17 10:27 10:37 10:47 10:57 11:07 11:17 11:27 11:37 11:47 11:57 12:07 12:17 12:27 12:37 12:47 12:57 1:07 1:17 1:27 1:37 1:47 1:57 2:08 2:18 2:28 2:38 2:48 2:58 3:08 3:18 10:08 10:17 10:27 10:37 10:47 10:57 11:07 11:17 11:27 11:37 11:47 11:57 12:07 12:17 12:27 12:37 12:47 12:57 1:07 1:17 1:27 1:37 1:47 1:57 2:07 2:17 2:28 2:38 2:48 2:58 3:08 3:19 3:29 3:39 Monday to Friday (continued) am 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 pm 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 9:30 10:33 11:33 12:33 1:33 2:31 9:05 9:38 10:06 10:41 11:08 11:41 12:06 12:41 1:07 1:41 2:07 2:39 9:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:27 - 9:47 10:49 11:48 12:48 1:48 2:47 9:14 10:15 11:16 12:15 1:15 2:15 - 9:32 9:42 9:52 10:02 10:12 10:22 10:32 10:42 10:52 11:02 11:12 11:22 11:32 11:42 11:52 12:02 12:12 12:22 12:32 12:42 12:52 1:02 1:12 1:22 1:32 1:42 1:52 2:02 2:12 2:22 2:32 2:41 2:51 3:01 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 3:33 4:31 5:32 7:50 3:33 3:36 3:39 4:02 4:37 5:07 5:38 6:30 7:55 3:14 3:47 4:01 4:28 4:58 5:29 5:50 6:21 6:41 7:12 7:39 - 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 3:28 3:38 3:48 3:58 4:06 4:07 4:14 4:24 4:29 4:34 4:44 4:54 5:04 5:14 5:24 5:34 5:44 5:54 6:04 6:13 6:23 6:32 6:42 6:51 7:01 7:11 7:21 7:31 7:43 7:57 8:12 3:49 3:59 4:09 4:20 4:28 4:29 4:36 4:46 4:51 4:56 5:07 5:17 5:28 5:39 5:49 5:58 6:07 6:16 6:25 6:33 6:42 6:50 7:00 7:09 7:18 7:27 7:37 7:47 7:59 8:13 8:28 Monday to Friday (continued) pm 36 40 36 36 299 D 299 C 299 S 296 A 299 H 40 36 40 299 B 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 40 36 36 40 299 40 36 36 40 36 40 296 - 3:11 3:14 3:17 3:17 3:21 3:47 4:19 4:54 5:20 6:18 7:40 3:13 3:48 4:11 4:41 5:11 5:55 7:19 - 3:31 D 3:25 3:28 3:31 3:55 5:01 6:24 - 3:28 4:28 5:29 7:47 3:11 3:21 3:30 3:40 3:45 3:48 3:55 4:04 4:09 4:14 4:25 4:35 4:45 4:55 5:05 5:15 5:26 5:36 5:46 5:57 6:08 6:18 6:28 6:38 6:48 6:59 7:09 7:19 7:31 7:46 8:01 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 3:57 3:58 4:05 4:15 4:20 4:25 4:35 4:45 4:55 5:05 5:15 5:25 5:35 5:45 5:55 6:05 6:15 6:25 6:35 6:45 6:55 7:05 7:15 7:25 7:37 7:52 8:07 ContinuedON onNEXT next page. CONTINUED PAGE Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 8:55 10:55 - 8:10 8:40 9:10 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 8:27 8:42 8:57 9:12 9:27 9:42 9:57 10:27 10:57 11:12 11:27 11:57 12:27 8:43 8:58 9:13 9:28 9:43 9:58 10:13 10:42 11:11 11:26 11:40 12:10 12:40 Monday to Friday (continued) pm 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 40 40 299 40 40 am 40 8:38 - 8:44 10:45 - 8:20 9:20 - 8:50 10:50 - - - 8:16 8:31 8:46 9:01 9:16 9:31 9:46 10:16 10:46 11:01 11:16 11:46 12:16 8:22 8:37 8:52 9:07 9:22 9:37 9:52 10:22 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:52 12:22 Legend * Refer to back panel for Station stand information. 296 A Operates on school days only and departs from Kalamunda Senior High School at 3.15pm, then terminates in Wittenoom Rd near Kalamunda Rd at 3.43pm. This trip is serviced by non-accessible buses. 299 B Deviates via Kalamunda Rd then left into Gt Eastern Hwy. 299 C Operates on school days only. Departs from Kalamunda Senior High School at 3.12pm and terminates in Gt Eastern Hwy, near the Bypass. 299 D Operates on school days only. Departs from Kalamunda Senior High School at 3.09pm and terminates in Kalamunda Rd near Newburn Rd at time shown. 299 H Operates on school holidays only and departs from Kalamunda Bus Station. 299 S Operates on school days only and departs from Kalamunda Senior High School at 3.15pm. Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 7:11 11:06 - 6:15 7:18 8:13 9:17 10:12 11:14 12:11 1:16 2:13 6:57 7:57 8:56 9:55 10:57 11:55 12:57 1:55 - 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 6:26 8:24 10:23 12:23 2:24 6:32 7:31 8:30 9:30 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:29 6:17 6:47 7:17 7:47 8:16 8:46 9:16 9:46 10:16 10:46 11:16 11:46 12:16 12:46 1:16 1:46 2:16 - 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 6:36 6:51 7:06 7:21 7:36 7:51 8:06 8:21 8:36 8:52 9:07 9:22 9:37 9:52 10:07 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:07 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 1:08 1:25 1:38 1:53 2:08 2:23 2:37 2:52 6:51 7:07 7:22 7:37 7:53 8:08 8:23 8:38 8:53 9:09 9:25 9:40 9:55 10:10 10:26 10:41 10:56 11:12 11:27 11:43 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 1:13 1:27 1:43 1:56 2:11 2:26 2:41 2:55 3:10 Saturday am 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 pm 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 7:25 9:24 11:23 1:23 - 6:23 8:21 10:20 12:20 2:21 6:23 6:38 6:53 7:08 7:23 7:38 7:53 8:08 8:22 8:37 8:52 9:07 9:22 9:37 9:52 10:07 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:08 11:22 11:37 11:52 12:07 12:22 12:37 12:52 1:09 1:22 1:37 1:52 2:07 2:22 2:37 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:16 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:17 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 3:15 4:13 5:17 6:18 7:16 8:30 10:42 - 2:57 3:55 4:57 5:57 6:58 7:58 8:58 - 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 4:24 7:27 - 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:32 7:32 8:42 10:53 - 2:46 3:16 3:46 4:16 4:46 5:16 5:47 6:17 6:48 7:18 7:48 8:23 9:23 10:23 11:23 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 3:07 3:24 3:37 3:52 4:07 4:22 4:37 4:52 5:07 5:24 5:37 5:52 6:07 6:22 6:36 6:51 7:06 7:21 7:36 7:51 8:06 8:21 8:41 9:01 9:20 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 3:25 3:42 3:55 4:10 4:25 4:40 4:55 5:10 5:25 5:42 5:55 6:10 6:24 6:39 6:53 7:08 7:23 7:38 7:53 8:07 8:22 8:37 8:57 9:17 9:36 9:56 10:26 10:56 11:25 11:55 Saturday (continued) pm 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 36 40 36 40 299 40 3:08 6:11 8:23 - Legend * Refer to back panel for Station stand information. 3:23 5:24 6:26 8:37 10:48 - 4:21 7:24 - 2:52 3:09 3:22 3:37 3:52 4:07 4:22 4:37 4:52 5:09 5:22 5:37 5:53 6:08 6:23 6:39 6:54 7:09 7:24 7:39 7:54 8:09 8:29 8:49 9:09 9:29 9:59 10:29 10:59 11:29 3:00 3:17 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:17 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:35 8:55 9:15 9:35 10:05 10:35 11:05 11:35 Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - To Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 13849 * 14622 Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Kalamunda Bus Stn Midland Stn 14025 14109 Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 14125 14034 15570 Newburn Rd / Edney Rd Hillview Village Perth Airport T3 and T4 8:13 10:11 12:11 2:14 4:14 - 8:19 9:19 10:18 11:17 12:17 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 6:21 - 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:59 10:58 11:58 12:58 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:02 7:02 8:02 9:02 10:02 14489 14499 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Coolgardie Av / Belmont Av 10070 * Victoria Park Transfer Stn Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn 7:20 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 1:00 1:20 1:40 2:00 2:20 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00 4:20 4:40 5:00 5:20 5:40 6:00 6:20 6:40 7:00 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 7:36 8:36 8:56 9:17 9:37 9:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:18 11:38 11:58 12:18 12:38 12:58 1:18 1:38 1:58 2:18 2:38 2:57 3:17 3:37 3:57 4:17 4:37 4:57 5:17 5:37 5:57 6:17 6:37 6:56 7:16 7:36 8:36 9:36 10:36 Sunday and Public Holidays am 40 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 pm 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 296 36 40 299 36 40 299 36 40 40 40 40 8:57 12:57 - 8:02 9:04 9:59 11:03 11:59 1:04 2:02 3:06 4:03 5:07 6:09 - 8:36 10:33 12:32 2:34 4:34 6:37 - 9:12 11:10 1:12 3:12 5:13 6:15 - 8:10 10:08 12:08 2:11 4:11 - 7:06 8:06 8:26 8:46 9:06 9:26 9:46 10:05 10:25 10:44 11:04 11:24 11:44 12:04 12:24 12:44 1:04 1:26 1:46 2:06 2:26 2:46 3:06 3:26 3:46 4:06 4:26 4:46 5:06 5:26 5:47 6:08 6:28 6:48 7:08 8:08 9:08 10:08 7:13 8:13 8:33 8:53 9:13 9:33 9:53 10:13 10:33 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52 1:12 1:33 1:53 2:13 2:33 2:53 3:13 3:33 3:53 4:13 4:33 4:53 5:13 5:33 5:53 6:14 6:34 6:54 7:14 8:14 9:14 10:14 Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 6:30 7:03 7:35 7:52 8:29 9:12 9:38 10:07 10:39 11:09 11:38 12:10 7:46 7:53 8:08 8:12 9:04 9:32 9:58 10:28 10:59 11:29 12:00 - 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 6:57 7:32 8:16 8:55 9:32 9:58 10:58 11:59 - 8:04 8:13 8:16 8:26 8:28 9:20 9:52 10:10 10:48 11:11 11:50 12:12 - 10:22 11:24 12:25 - Monday to Friday am 40 36 40 36 40 299 H 299 E 296 S 40 36 299 H 299 S 40 36 299 A 40 36 296 40 36 299 40 36 C 296 40 36 299 40 36 C 296 40 36 299 40 5:55 6:10 6:25 6:40 6:55 7:05 7:05 7:10 7:20 7:25 7:25 7:45 8:00 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 6:07 6:22 6:39 6:54 7:10 7:20 7:21 7:26 7:36 7:42 7:42 8:03 8:18 8:38 8:48 8:57 9:06 9:16 9:26 9:35 9:45 9:55 10:05 10:16 10:26 10:36 10:46 10:56 11:06 11:16 11:26 11:36 11:47 6:15 6:31 6:48 7:03 7:19 7:29 7:30 7:35 7:45 7:51 7:51 8:12 8:27 8:47 8:57 9:06 9:15 9:24 9:34 9:43 9:53 10:03 10:13 10:24 10:34 10:44 10:54 11:04 11:14 11:24 11:34 11:44 11:55 6:23 6:39 6:56 7:12 7:28 7:38 7:40 7:45 7:55 8:00 8:00 8:21 8:36 8:55 9:05 9:14 9:23 9:31 9:41 9:50 10:00 10:11 10:20 10:31 10:41 10:51 11:01 11:12 11:21 11:31 11:42 11:52 12:03 7:48 9:37 10:33 11:34 - 7:53 8:01 8:15 8:20 9:10 10:03 11:04 12:05 - 7:54 9:40 10:36 11:37 - Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 12:41 1:11 1:41 2:11 2:41 3:12 3:45 4:16 4:47 5:18 - 12:32 1:01 1:31 2:02 2:31 3:02 3:34 3:56 4:27 4:38 4:51 5:02 5:11 5:24 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 1:00 2:01 3:03 4:18 5:09 5:19 - 12:52 1:13 1:52 2:15 2:53 3:17 3:59 4:16 4:42 5:04 5:07 5:28 5:25 5:49 1:26 2:29 3:31 4:56 5:23 5:40 - Monday to Friday (continued) am 36 C 296 pm 40 36 299 40 36 C 296 40 36 299 40 36 C 296 40 36 299 40 36 C 296 40 299 A 36 40 299 296 40 295 36 296 36 295 40 296 11:40 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:05 4:10 4:15 4:20 4:25 4:30 4:35 11:57 12:07 12:18 12:27 12:37 12:47 12:57 1:07 1:17 1:27 1:37 1:47 1:57 2:07 2:17 2:27 2:37 2:47 2:57 3:07 3:17 3:27 3:38 3:48 3:58 4:08 4:18 4:23 4:28 4:33 4:38 4:43 4:49 4:54 12:05 12:15 12:26 12:35 12:45 12:55 1:05 1:15 1:25 1:35 1:45 1:55 2:05 2:15 2:25 2:36 2:46 2:56 3:06 3:16 3:27 3:37 3:48 3:58 4:08 4:18 4:28 4:33 4:38 4:43 4:48 4:53 4:59 5:04 12:14 12:23 12:34 12:43 12:53 1:03 1:14 1:23 1:33 1:43 1:53 2:03 2:14 2:23 2:33 2:44 2:54 3:04 3:16 3:25 3:37 3:47 3:58 4:08 4:18 4:28 4:38 4:42 4:48 4:53 4:58 5:02 5:09 5:14 12:37 1:36 2:37 3:40 4:44 5:08 5:30 1:06 2:08 3:09 4:03 4:34 4:59 5:18 - 12:40 1:39 2:40 3:44 4:49 5:13 5:34 Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 5:48 6:15 6:37 7:09 7:36 8:05 8:34 9:03 9:33 10:03 - 5:33 5:44 5:53 6:02 6:10 6:19 6:27 6:46 6:59 7:50 8:48 9:48 - 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 5:40 5:50 6:08 6:16 6:30 6:58 7:31 8:28 9:26 10:25 5:48 6:08 6:08 6:26 6:24 6:41 6:39 7:08 7:11 8:02 9:04 10:00 - 6:03 6:22 6:37 6:52 7:24 8:15 9:16 10:12 - Monday to Friday (continued) pm 36 295 36 296 40 295 36 296 36 295 40 296 36 299 36 C 40 36 C 296 36 299 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 B 40 36 40 299 40 36 4:40 4:45 4:50 4:55 5:00 5:05 5:10 5:15 5:20 5:25 5:30 5:35 5:40 5:45 5:50 5:55 6:00 6:05 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 4:59 5:04 5:09 5:14 5:20 5:25 5:30 5:35 5:41 5:46 5:50 5:54 5:58 6:03 6:08 6:13 6:18 6:23 6:27 6:37 6:47 7:00 7:15 7:29 7:44 7:59 8:14 8:28 8:43 8:58 9:13 9:28 9:43 9:57 5:09 5:14 5:20 5:25 5:31 5:35 5:41 5:45 5:51 5:55 6:00 6:03 6:07 6:12 6:17 6:22 6:27 6:31 6:35 6:45 6:55 7:08 7:22 7:36 7:51 8:06 8:21 8:35 8:50 9:05 9:20 9:35 9:50 10:04 5:19 5:23 5:30 5:34 5:40 5:43 5:50 5:53 5:59 6:02 6:08 6:11 6:14 6:19 6:25 6:30 6:35 6:38 6:42 6:52 7:02 7:15 7:29 7:43 7:58 8:12 8:27 8:41 8:56 9:11 9:26 9:41 9:56 10:10 5:50 6:08 6:24 6:51 8:53 - 5:40 6:00 6:16 6:32 7:04 7:55 9:53 - 5:54 6:12 6:28 6:55 8:56 - Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 295, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 10:32 11:02 11:31 12:00 11:45 - 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 12:01 - 12:12 - Monday to Friday (continued) pm 40 40 40 296 B 40 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:15 11:30 10:12 10:42 11:12 11:26 11:41 10:19 10:49 11:19 11:33 11:48 10:25 10:55 11:24 11:38 11:53 11:50 - - 11:53 - - Legend * 36 C 296 B 296 S Refer to back panel for Station stand information. Terminates in Gt Eastern Hwy near Coolgardie Av. Extends to Godfrey St near Raymond Rd. Operates on school days only and departs from Wittenoom Rd near Kalamunda Rd at 7.41am, then deviates via Kalamunda Senior High School. This trip is serviced by non-accessible buses. 299 A Terminates in Kalamunda Bus Station. 299 E Operates on school days only and deviates via Gt Eastern Hwy, then right into Kalamunda Rd. 299 H Operates on school holidays only and terminates in Kalamunda Bus Station. 299 S Operates school days only. Deviates via Great Eastern Hwy, then right into Kalamunda Rd. Extends to terminate at Kalamunda Senior High School at 8:34am Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 7:12 7:27 7:43 7:58 8:14 8:29 8:44 8:59 9:14 9:29 9:44 9:59 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 7:31 8:03 8:34 9:04 9:35 10:05 - 7:48 8:51 9:51 - 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 8:28 9:29 10:29 8:04 9:11 10:03 - Saturday am 40 299 A 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 7:20 7:35 7:51 8:06 8:22 8:37 8:52 9:07 9:22 9:37 9:52 10:07 7:25 7:41 7:57 8:12 8:28 8:43 8:58 9:13 9:28 9:43 9:58 10:13 8:56 - 7:53 9:57 - 8:59 - 10:15 - Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 10:35 11:06 11:37 12:07 12:37 1:07 1:38 2:08 2:38 3:09 3:39 4:09 4:39 5:09 5:39 6:08 6:37 - 10:52 11:53 12:53 1:54 2:54 3:55 4:55 5:54 6:52 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 11:31 12:31 1:32 2:32 3:33 4:33 5:33 6:33 - 11:14 12:13 1:17 2:08 3:17 4:09 5:19 6:07 7:14 2:21 4:22 6:18 - Saturday (continued) am 40 296 40 36 40 299 A 40 36 pm 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 40 36 40 299 40 36 40 296 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 10:14 10:29 10:44 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:46 3:01 3:16 3:31 3:46 4:01 4:16 4:31 4:46 5:01 5:16 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:29 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 1:09 1:24 1:39 1:54 2:09 2:24 2:39 2:55 3:10 3:25 3:40 3:55 4:10 4:25 4:40 4:55 5:10 5:25 5:39 5:54 6:09 6:23 6:37 10:28 10:44 10:59 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:16 1:31 1:46 2:01 2:16 2:31 2:46 3:02 3:17 3:32 3:47 4:02 4:17 4:32 4:47 5:02 5:17 5:32 5:46 6:01 6:16 6:30 6:44 10:58 12:59 3:00 5:01 6:57 12:00 2:01 4:02 6:00 - 11:01 1:03 3:04 5:05 7:00 Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 7:05 7:35 8:15 9:14 10:13 11:12 12:09 7:56 8:54 9:54 11:40 - 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 7:29 8:41 9:41 10:50 - 8:08 9:09 10:06 11:55 - 8:19 9:20 10:17 12:05 - Saturday (continued) pm 40 36 40 299 40 36 296 B 40 36 299 40 36 40 296 B 40 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:20 7:40 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 6:44 6:59 7:14 7:34 7:54 8:13 8:33 8:53 9:13 9:33 9:53 10:23 10:52 11:21 11:51 6:52 7:07 7:22 7:42 8:02 8:21 8:41 9:01 9:21 9:41 10:00 10:30 10:59 11:28 11:58 Legend * Refer to back panel for Station stand information. 296 B Extends to Godfrey St near Raymond Rd. 299 A Terminates in Kalamunda Bus Station. 6:58 7:13 7:28 7:48 8:08 8:27 8:47 9:07 9:27 9:47 10:06 10:36 11:05 11:33 12:03 8:59 11:45 - 8:01 9:59 - 9:02 11:48 - Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 8:13 8:43 9:13 9:54 10:56 11:56 12:56 1:56 2:57 3:57 4:58 5:57 6:57 - 9:34 10:37 11:37 12:37 1:37 2:38 3:38 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:35 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd 10:23 12:26 2:25 4:26 6:26 - 9:50 11:00 11:50 1:00 1:53 3:00 3:50 5:01 5:55 7:00 7:46 12:02 4:02 7:56 Sunday and Public Holidays am 40 40 40 299 A 40 36 296 40 36 C 299 40 36 pm 296 40 36 C 299 A 40 36 296 40 36 C 299 40 36 296 40 36 C 299 A 40 36 296 40 36 C 299 7:40 8:10 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 1:00 1:20 1:40 2:00 2:20 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00 4:20 4:40 5:00 5:20 5:40 6:00 6:20 6:40 7:00 7:52 8:22 8:52 9:12 9:33 9:53 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14 11:34 11:54 12:14 12:34 12:54 1:14 1:34 1:54 2:14 2:34 2:54 3:14 3:34 3:54 4:14 4:34 4:54 5:14 5:34 5:54 6:14 6:34 6:54 7:13 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:20 9:41 10:01 10:22 10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42 1:02 1:22 1:42 2:02 2:23 2:43 3:03 3:23 3:43 4:03 4:23 4:43 5:03 5:23 5:43 6:03 6:23 6:43 7:02 7:21 8:06 8:36 9:06 9:26 9:47 10:07 10:29 10:49 11:10 11:29 11:49 12:09 12:29 12:49 1:10 1:29 1:49 2:09 2:30 2:50 3:11 3:30 3:50 4:10 4:30 4:51 5:12 5:30 5:50 6:10 6:30 6:50 7:10 7:27 10:43 12:43 2:44 4:44 6:43 - 9:39 11:43 1:42 3:44 5:44 7:40 10:46 12:46 2:47 4:48 6:47 - Continued on next page. Route 36, 40, 296, 299 - From Perth Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. * 10142 Elizabeth Quay Bus Stn Victoria Park Transfer Stn 14458 14467 Gt Eastern Hwy Gt Eastern Hwy / Belmont Av / Coolgardie Av 15570 14047 Perth Airport T3 and T4 Hillview Village 14140 14054 14108 Newburn Rd / Kalamunda Rd / Hawtin Rd / Edney Rd Priory Rd Kalamunda Rd 23819 * 13850 Midland Stn Kalamunda Bus Stn Godfrey St / Raymond Rd Sunday and Public Holidays (continued) pm 40 36 40 40 40 7:20 7:40 8:20 9:20 10:40 7:33 7:52 8:32 9:32 10:52 7:41 8:00 8:40 9:39 10:59 Legend * Refer to back panel for Station stand information. 36 C Terminates in Gt Eastern Hwy near Coolgardie Av. 299 A Terminates in Kalamunda Bus Station. 7:47 8:06 8:46 9:45 11:05 7:54 8:53 9:52 11:12 - - - - 8:21 - - -
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