march 2014 - FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
march 2014 - FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
MARCH 2014 Promoting conservation, sportsmanship and education in respect to walleye fishing. ANGLER’S NIGHT “Overlooked Opportunities for Walleyes” JEREMY SMITH, LINDNER MEDIA Jeremy Smith, will be the guest speaker at the FM Walleyes, Anglers Night Out to be held Thursday, March 20th at the Doublewood Inn, Fargo, ND. Smith’s appearance is compliments of KFGO. Jeremy has been fishing since he was old enough to hold a rod and reel. From an early age his passion for fishing has never stopped growing. Throughout the summers of his college years, Jeremy was a fishing guide in northern Minnesota, specializing in musky fishing. Upon graduating from college he bypassed using his education to become an educator and dove head first into the fishing business. Since then Jeremy has worked in almost every element of the business at Lindner Media: magazine sales, television sales, magazine writing and editing, television editing and producing, tournament organization, still photography, videography and on camera talent to name a few of the hats he has worn. The event will take place Thursday, March 20th at the Doublewood Inn, Fargo, ND. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. WALLEYE LINES 2 MARCH 2014 President’s Comments... Spring fever is running rampant. While we cant make summer arrive any faster, we can be prepared for when it gets here. Go through your rods, reels and tackle to make sure all is good. Its also a good time to snap a couple digital pictures of your “Tools of the Trade”, just incase the unthinkable happens(Theft) and you need to make an insurance claim of some type in the future. Like the Boy Scout motto says “Be NPAA#665 President Prepared” FM Walleyes Unlimited Matt Roxberg Jon Gossett Randy Houkom Scott Braun Curtis & Tanner Larson Phil Jensen Duane Hell Brandon Lee Peter Matthaei Tony Harris Scotty Brewer Precision Printing Matt & Kim Neufeld of Minnesota, Inc. FFull ull Color Color Printing Printing Newsletters N l Posters Banners Laser L Checks Ch Ch k Summer: 715-395-3754 Invoices Winter: 480-980-8533 Color Copies Email: P.O. Box 276, Boulder Junction, WI 54512 218-847-3101 Have a safe and fun fishing season from Sahr’s Sudden Service 601 N. 4th St. Fargo, ND 58102 293-1918 and Red River Boarding Kennels 789-7510 Ron & Kathy Sahr, Owners Engineers Land Surveyors Environmental Scienti 3100 13th Ave S Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 451-7528 sts Kovash Marine Woodland Resort Pat Kovash 1012 Woodland Drive 417 Avenue North Devils Lake, ND 58301 Moorhead, MN 56560 701-662-5996 218-233-3300 ZZZZRRGODQGUHVRUWFRP¬ Barnesville | Bismarck | Fargo | Maple Grove | Minot | Thief River Falls Sabin Rod and Gun Memberships: $30.00 Includes: Contacts: Bill Carr 218-790-7452 Randy Mcevers 701-566-4823 Chad Byrum 218-789-7822. John Dickelman Cell: 701-261-9216 1506 Main Avenue Office: 218-284-7778 Moorhead, MN 56560 Fax: 218-284-7780 John Dickelman 150 Main Avenue Moorhead, 5% discount availableMN for 56560 all eligible FM Walleyes218-284-7778 Unlimited members WALLEYE LINES 3 MARCH 2014 HERE ARE SOME CLUB MEMBER’S PHOTOS FROM 2013’S FM WALLEYE’S CLUB TRIPS Dan Timmersman & Aaron Sorenson 2014 CLUB OUTINGS April 26th-27th June 21st-22nd Missouri River Bismarck, ND Big Pine Lake Perham, MN May 24 th (1-Day 7am-4pm) Traverse County Park Access Lake Traverse Browns Valley, MN th July 19 -20 th August 16th-17th Grahams Island State Park Campground # (701) 766-4015 Devils Lake Devils Lake, ND Leech Lake Walker, MN If you have any questions Call Steve Meyer (701) 371-7507 or Steve Hall (701) 261-4379 WALLEYE LINES 4 MARCH 2014 ASK THE PROS with Corey Heiser and Troy Morris To submit your questions for Corey & Troy go to the FM Walleyes Unlimited Facebook page or email them to MARCH QUESTIONS: 1. There are several tip-ups for ice fishing, what are some features you should look for when purchasing them? Troy Morris: Choose a tip up you can see at a distance. I prefer to have orange flags instead of yellow ones because the yellow will fad into white at a distance. I also prefer tip ups that are round and cover the hole to prevent it from exposure to the wind thus not freezing over as quickly. Another tip would be to purchase Dacron or Braided line for the reels in the 30 to 40 pound range so you can see it on the ice or snow when pulling the line up, as well it doesn’t tangle as easily when laying it on the ice. At the end of the Dacron line I will typically put anywhere from a 1 to 3 foot leader of 8 to 10 pound mono off the main line with a swivel. Corey Heiser: I use two different types of tip ups, both the round ones and the rectanglur shaped ones. The round ones are nice because they stack in a pail, have a compartment to keep a lead depth finder and bobber markers, plus use the suns rays to keep the hole from freezing up. Some drawbacks of the round ones need a bigger hole in the ice, so they won’t fall through. Also, you can’t see how much line the fish has taken until you pull the tip up off of the hole. The rectangular shaped tip ups are less expensive, will easily span even large holes and you will be able to see how much line the fish has run before pulling the tip up off of the hole. The rectangular tip ups will allow the ice to refreeze easily and there is no storage pocket built on them. 2. What type of tackle and bait do you prefer on the end of your tip-ups? Troy Morris: I typically like to fish for northern while using tip-ups. I will always use a rig that attaches to the front and back of the bait with treble hooks and in place of the mono leader I will put a steel leader. A story for you that is quite true and funny! My cousin invited me to a pond he has caught several northern on before he took me. I went to the bait store to purchase the best herring money could buy and smelt, they were jumbo frozen herring. We get on the ice and drill the holes, my cousin proceeds to get breakfast brats and hot dogs out that are freezer burnt? I told him I was not hungry nor was I going to eat those. He stated he was using them for bait and I proceeded to break down into a crying laughter. I then pulled my $40 of bait out and began baiting my rigs with the finest northern catching bait. Then proceeded to pull the first northern onto the ice while asking him how he was doing while still in a crying laughter. He then put the next 7 northern on the ice, which dried up my laughing tears, and at the end he did catch 18 to my 4. Moral of story: You can catch fish on something different than the normal, just got to think outside the box and give it a try. Corey Heiser: Tip ups are an awesome way to spread out your spread of presentations on the ice, so I’ll usually use a large minnow or smelt for pike. There are quite a few different ways to present smelt for pike fishing. I will use either a treble hook pushed straight up through the middle of the bait, or a quick strike rig. A quick strike rig uses two smaller treble hooks hooked on the top of the smelt or larger live minnow. For walleyes, I like to use a simple split shot and plain hook or a Northland Forage minnow. My favorite color is the super glow perch. WALLEYE LINES 5 MARCH 2014 2014 FM WALLEYES UNLIMITED ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES 6:45 pm Thursday, February 20th, 2014 @ Doublewood Inn, Fargo ND Meeting was called to order @ 6.45 pm by President, Scotty Brewer. Absent Board Member: Tom Saunders General Members Present: 110 general members present ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The election of officers was conducted by Chad Maloy. Officer positions up for election included President, Vice-President & Treasurer. The nominating committee representative, Brenton Hell, submitted Scott Brewer as the nominee for President, Kyle Agre for Vice President, Rick Mohan for Treasure.. Nominations for all three positions were opened from the floor. There were no nominations from the floor. Election of President, Vice President, and Treasurer by voice call resulted in the unanimous election of Scott Brewer as President, Kyle Agre as Vice President and Rick Mohan as treasurer. ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS : The election of two Board of Directors positions was conducted by Chad Maloy.. Two Board of Directors positions are up for election to fill the expired terms currently held by Ron Sahr and Bill Carr.. The nominating committee representative, Brenton Hell, submitted Aaron Sorenson and JW Schroeder for the two open Board of Director positions. Nominations for Board of Directors were opened from the floor. There were no nominations from the floor. Election of two Board of Directors positions by voice call resulted in the unanimous election of Aaron Sorenson and JW Schroeder for Board of Directors. President Brewer thanked Ron Sarh and Bill Carr for all their service to FM Walleyes over the years and hope they continue helping with club functions. Ron Sahr then addressed the members with his comments about serving the club. Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM WALLEYE LINES 6 MARCH 2014 SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. has a strong history and long reaching reputation as a leader in the sport of angling. This is due, in large part, to the mission under which the club was founded and has been operating under during it’s entire existence; “To promote education, sportsmanship and conservation with respect to walleye fishing”. There are two main pillars which hold up this long standing mission and have built a strong foundation for the future of the club; volunteers and sponsors. Volunteers are key to any non-profit organization such as FM Walleyes Unlimited. We would all be astounded if we could calculate the number of volunteer hours that are put into the planning, organizing, preparing and conducting of all of the events that this club is affiliated with. From the monthly meetings where volunteers plan all of the details including speakers, meeting rooms, raffles and promotion to the Classic Cup Tournament series where volunteers make these well known and respected events happen from start to finish; volunteers are the life blood of FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.. Without their dedication and generosity, the club would be non-existent. Give some consideration to donating even and hour or two a year to help out at a club function. With a club that is 435 family members strong, if each family donated 2 hours a year we could share the experience of the great outdoors with even more people. The officers and board of directors of the club, also volunteers, are considering developing a volunteer coordinator position on the board to help with the recruitment and coordination of volunteers to assist with club events. If you are contacted by this person in the future, consider following their example and volunteering a little of your time. In the big picture, you will receive much in return than the time that it costs you to help out! Our club sponsors are the second pillar of foundation for the club. These club sponsors, organizations that have a strong belief in supporting the mission of FM Walleyes Unlimited, donate thousands of dollars each year in cash and merchandise to support the club’s events and fund raising efforts. Many of these organizations have roots in the fishing industry, others have personal connections to the club, still others just want to support an organization that promotes the sport of fishing to everyone, young and old in a way that is positive and fun for all who are involved. When shopping for a boat, servicing your existing boat, buying fishing tackle or other outdoor gear consider making your purchase from a FM Walleyes Unlimited club sponsor. Take a moment to look over the ads in this newsletter highlighting our sponsor’s products. If you are shopping for insurance, repairs to your automobile, ordering a sign to for your business or any other product or service, consider patronizing those who support our organization. Just as importantly, let them know that you are doing business with them because they are a club sponsor. They appreciate the feedback and it further supports the relationship that is in place. Tell them ‘Thank you’ and that you appreciate their support of FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. When we support each other in this way, there is no limit to what we can do together to “promote education, sportsmanship and conservation with respect to walleye fishing”! WALLEYE LINES 7 MARCH 2014 2013 & 2014 WINTER ICE FISHING PHOTOS FROM CLUB MEMBERS Member Brenton Hell with a 29 inch Lake Winnipeg Greenback Member Tyler Schmautz with a 29 inch Lake Winnipeg Greenback Member Jamie Bakken with a Lake Winnipeg greenback Member Arlen Simon with a Lake Winnipeg greenback Tyler Schmautz with a pike from the Jamestown Reservoir WALLEYE LINES 8 MARCH 2014 FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 4th, 2013 Double Wood Inn, Fargo ND Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Scott Brewer Board Members Present: Scott Brewer, Kyle Agre, Brenton Hell, Spencer Deutz, Bill Carr, Tom Saunders, Ron Sahr, Gary Sauvageau, Scot Johnson Board Members absent: Rick Mohan, Tyler Wiser Guests: Brian Dahlin, Steve Hall Approval of November Board Meeting minutes by Board of Directors. 1-28-14 Treasure’s Report: By Scott B Checking account Balance $19727.56 Motion to approve: Brenton H 2nd: Gary S Membership Update: 435 Paid Members. Calendar: It was discussed that a 1 page calendar could be put in the newsletter as a quick reference to keep handy for the upcoming events. Scot Johnson is going to work on this with next publication of the newsletter. February 20th General Meeting Speaker Eric Olson March 20th General Meeting Speaker- Jeremy Smith April General Meeting Speaker-Jason Haflen May- MN DNR OLD BUSINESS Budgets: Scott B reviewed the Budget categories and definitions and there will be a special budget board meeting for each category in the next months. Sponsor Update: Kyle A is currently working with the Classic Cup Sponsors and also working with Moorhead Marine and Warrior Boats for possible sponsorship. Also a request for Vexilar was sent out Raffle Update: The Boat Raffle is on and we are planning for an October give away date. Watch for more details in the next few months. Youth Education Update: Spencer D is currently working with Courts Plus to host an event in their gymnasium. Also he is working on a Boat safety course to be possibly held in April. FM Walleyes Website: Brian D is currently updating and is looking for information to post. LWIFE: (Lake Winnipeg Ice Fishing Excursion) Kyle A and Scott B are currently working on rooms and organizing an agenda for the excursion. Kyle A advised to watch for information on a mass email as time draws near. Nomination Committee: Scott B has two nominees for the replacement of Bill and Ron whose term will expire. They will be announced at the February general meeting. Requests: None Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Gary S 2nd: Brenton H 2014 CLUB TOURNAMENTS May 30th-31st June 13th-14th July 12th September 20th-21st Pelican Lake Ottertail Lake Summer Classic AYA Cormorant Fall Classic WALLEYE LINES 9 MARCH 2014 NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ANGLERS ASSOCIATION Pro Membership Application/Renewal NPAA Administrative Offices Pro Members - $100 Annual Dues Renewals due by December 31st each year Pro Membership includes set of 6” Member Number Decals. Additional decal options below ! West Milton, OH 45383 Post Office Box 117 Phone: (937)698-4188 Fax: (937)698-6153 E-mail: NPAA Pro Member #_________ Name:____________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________________________________ Home Phone:______________________________________________ Work Phone:_______________________________________________ Cell Phone:________________________________________________ *E-mail:__________________________________________________ *(E-mail address is mandatory to receive updates and news!!!!) Charter Captain/Guide____ Tournament Angler____ Promotional_____ Fish Species: Bass ____Musky ____Walleye ____Salmon____ Salt____ Member Status: Renewal _____ Past Member ____ New____ Referring Member name or number:_______________________________ Number of days spent promoting “the sport” each year : ____________ Annual Member Dues- $100.00 (Pro Member dues include one set of 6” Member Number Decals) Additional Decal Options-Set of 6” Member Numbers ____ @ $16.00 Set of 10” Member Numbers ____ @ $25.00 Set of Name Decals ____ @ $35.00 Annual Conference Fee-Member Program Code_________ Donation to the Future Angler Foundation-- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Total $_________ Fee’s paid with a check saves the NPAA 3%! Visa MasterCard An e-mail address is required to assure you will receive member updates, media releases, and “Members Only Programs”. Important note: Please make sure that the following addresses are accepted by your email administrator. “It’s all about the sport!” Pat Neu #77 For Office Use Only Check #________ Card No. _________—_________—________—________ Exp. Date: __________ 3 Digit Code on back of card: _________ I hereby apply for membership in the National Professional Anglers Association, Inc. The undersigned agrees to comply with the bylaws and code of ethics of the National Professional Anglers Association, presently in effect and as may be modified by action of the Membership and the Board of Directors. All Membership applications and renewals are subject to approval by the NPAA Board of Directors. Signature:________________________________________________ The NPAA communicates exclusively via e-mail with our members ! Date: _________ WALLEYE LINES 10 MARCH 2014 REMINDER: MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL STARTS THIS MONTH! By Brenton Hell As we close our March 2013– February 2014 plan year we look back on what a successful year it has been. Whether you attended one of our monthly meetings, participated in a club outing/ tournament, or volunteered at one of our youth events, you as a club member helped make our year one of the best on record. The past year included a boat raffle, the addition of a new tournament to the Classic Cup series, and some great guest speakers featuring Al and Ron Lindner. Youth education events included FM Walleye University, Cully’s Kids, and kids’ fishing seminars. We are looking forward to another exciting year for the club and to your membership renewal. Memberships can be renewed at one of our meetings, outings, events, contacting a board member, or by completing the form included in the newsletter or on our website and mailing it in. 2014 OFFICER AND BOARD MEMBER ELECTION FROM OUR ANNUAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 20TH, 2014 During the February Annual Meeting, elections were held for the expired terms of a few officers and board members. Officer positions up for election were President-Scott Brewer, Vice President-Kyle Agre, and Treasure-Rick Mohan. All three guys reran for their positions and were reelected to respective 2 year terms. Congratulations. Board members Ron Sahr’s and Bill Carr’s positions up for grabs with Aaron Sorenson and J.W. Schroeder being voted in for 3 year terms. Congrats to Aaron and J.W. and thank you both for offering your assistance and time. Special thanks to Ron and Bill for the countless hours they have spent in service of FM Walleyes and the programs they have created and ran, their influence is seen though out the club and the community. Lets all hope these two don’t go too far away. – Scotty Membership Application and Renewal F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. – An area sportsman’s club, dedicated to the preservation and improvement of Application for Membership: R $25.00 R Jr. Member (under 18) - FREE R New R Renew Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City _______________________ State ________ Zip ____________ Phone: Home (______) ______ - __________________ Work (______) ______ - _______ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________ Membership requirements: Persons desiring membership must be those who can act in a sportsmanlike manner and will be a credit to the organization. Receipt of this application, yearly dues and approval of the Board of Directors are required for membership. Mail application to: F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc., PO Box 1017, Moorhead, MN 56560. Signature of Applicant: x PAID Amount_________________ Date __________ Init ___________ WALLEYE LINES 11 MARCH 2014 Rich Cossette Vision Bank INDUSTRIES (701) 277-1749 • 800-246-1749 • Fax (701) 277-1867 email: 1230 40th Street NW • Fargo, ND 58102 Custom Boat Covers, Custom Covers For Anything Guaranteed turn around Guaranteed quality Easy to work with 3000 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 364-2020 Every Battery For Every Need 4430 17th Avenue South Fargo, ND MERCURY • YAMAHA • JOHNSON • EVINRUDE • MERCRUISER Sales, Service & Used Parts KOVASH MARINE 1417 1st Ave. N. • Moorhead, MN 56560 PAT KOVASH Owner/Operator 701-293-8000 218-233-3300 fax: 218-233-3399 &@SDÐ"HSXÐ!@MJÐHRÐOQNTCÐSNÐ RTOONQSÐ%,Ð6@KKDXD 4MKHLHSDC Place Ad Here Contact Kyle Agre for info. ÐNEÆBDRÐSNÐRDQUDÐXNTÐlÐF@SDBHSXA@MJBNL 0HPEHU)',& MON.-FRI. 8:30-6:00 SAT. 8:30-3:00 2115 SE Main St Moorhead, MN 218-287-9100 1020 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 Studio: 701.237.3767 ~ The Only Quality Bait Shop in Town ~ LEECHES Live Bait By the Dozen or Lb. 218.844.BAIT (2248) NIGHT CRAWLERS By the Dozen or Flat 1210 Washington Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 500 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND 58102 John Store “The Bait Man” Glenda Store 701.237.5948 701.293.2400 800.423.3344 1020 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 Sales Service Storage 5608 Hwy 75, Moorhead, MN 56560 218.233.4489 5 Locations to serve you better Tim Sweeney at Lake Ida: 218-532-2628 DL Toll Free: 800-774-2628 DL Marina: 218-847-7291 7ZRPLOHV:HVWRI 'HWURLW/DNHVRQ+Z\ 'HWURLW/DNHV0DULQD /DNH,GD 9HUJDV01 :DONHU01 Your exclusive Lund Fiberglass dealer for the region! F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. P.O. BOX 1017 MOORHEAD, MN 56560 OFFICERS OFFICERS Feb. 2014) Scott Brewer, President (exp: Feb., 2014) 218) (218)233-0494 233-0494 Kyle Agre, Vice President (exp: Feb., 2014) Kyle Vice President (exp: Feb. 2014) (701)Agre, 526-0262 (701) 526-0262 Richard Mohan, Treas. (exp: Feb., 2014) (701) 840-7792 Richard Mohan, Treasurer (exp: Feb. 2014) (701) 840-7792 Tom Saunders, Rec. Sec. (exp: Feb., 2015) (701) 271-6845 Tom Saunders, Rec. Sec. (exp: Feb. 2015) (701) 271-6845 Scot Johnson, Corr. Sec. (exp: Feb., 2015) (701) 238-0967 Scot Johnson, Corr. Sec. (exp: Feb. 2015) (7001) 238-0967 PRSRT PRSRTSTD STD USPOSTAGE POSTAGE US PAID PAID DETROIT LAKES, MN FARGO, 56501ND PERMIT 1101 PERMIT NO. 707 BOARD BOARDOF OFDIRECTORS DIRECTORS JW Carr Schroeder (exp:2014) Feb. 2017) Bill (exp: Feb., (218) 790-7452 Aaron Sorenson (exp: Feb. 2017) Ron Sahr (exp: Feb., 2014) (701) 293-1918 Brenton Hell (exp: Feb. 2015) (701) 360-1177 Brenton Hell (exp: Feb., 2015) bhell@discoverybenefi (701) 360-1177 Tyler Wiser (exp: Feb. 2015) (218)Wiser 329-1116 Tyler (exp: Feb., 2015) (218) 329-1116 Gary Sauvageau (exp: Feb. 2016) Gary (701)Sauvageau 235-5804 (exp: Feb., 2016) (701) 235-5804 Spencer Deutz (exp: Feb. 2016) Spencer Deutz (exp: Feb., 2016) (701)361-2521 361-2521 (701) Articles for the 2014 APRIL Issue of the Walleye Lines will be accepted through the 19th of MARCH Any photos, articles that you have written or printed articles that you have obtained permission to have reprinted will be accepted. For more information please contact Scot Johnson, Editor of the Walleye Lines at: